SPI Installation and AdministrationCourse Guide

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SPI Installation and AdministrationCourse...


SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Administration


January 2010


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Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3 SmartPlant Instrumentation: ......................................................................................................................... 5 Installation and Administration Training ...................................................................................................... 5 General purpose of this course .................................................................................................................. 5 SPI System Installation Overview ............................................................................................................ 5 SPI Database Entities (per instance) ......................................................................................................... 5 Administrative Schema (IN_DBAMN) ................................................................................................ 5 Domain Schema (DOMAIN_NAME) .................................................................................................. 5 Domain View (DOMAIN_NAME_VIEW) .......................................................................................... 6 INTOOLS_LOGIN Schema (INTOOLS_LOGIN) .............................................................................. 6 SPIlogin Schema ................................................................................................................................... 6 SPIsuper Schema .................................................................................................................................. 6 Operating Owner “mode specific” Views ............................................................................................. 6 Installation and Configuration on Oracle .................................................................................................. 7 Database Engine Installation................................................................................................................. 7 Oracle Listener Verification / Creation ................................................................................................. 8 Database Instance Creation ................................................................................................................... 8 Database Alias Creation ...................................................................................................................... 12 Installation and Configuration on MS-SQL ............................................................................................ 12 Database Engine Installation............................................................................................................... 12 MS-SQL Server Configuration ........................................................................................................... 14 Intergraph Software Installation.............................................................................................................. 15 SPLM Installation ............................................................................................................................... 15 SPLM Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 16 SPI Installation .................................................................................................................................... 17 Database Preparation – DBSetup utility ................................................................................................. 19 Domain Initialization .............................................................................................................................. 22 Initialize from a Watcom Source ........................................................................................................ 23 Logs and Initialization Failures........................................................................................................... 25 SPI Backups ............................................................................................................................................ 25 Back Up a Domain .............................................................................................................................. 26 SPI Domain Upgrades............................................................................................................................. 27 General Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 27 Admin Schema Upgrade ..................................................................................................................... 28 Domain Schema Upgrade ................................................................................................................... 28 System Administrator Topics.................................................................................................................. 29 Domain Definition .............................................................................................................................. 29 Department and User Management..................................................................................................... 30 Security Options.................................................................................................................................. 31 Database Maintenance options............................................................................................................ 31 Domain Administrator Topics ................................................................................................................ 32 PAU Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Naming Conventions .......................................................................................................................... 33 Groups and Access Rights .................................................................................................................. 35 Access Rights ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Add-Ins ............................................................................................................................................... 39 Database Maintenance options............................................................................................................ 40 Additional Activities ........................................................................................................................... 41

Internal Setup Utility............................................................................................................................... 44 Database Type Test and Query ........................................................................................................... 44 Versions .............................................................................................................................................. 46 Create ODBC Profiles......................................................................................................................... 47 Basic Data Structure – Relationship Fundamentals ................................................................................ 47 Tables and Relationships .................................................................................................................... 47 Database features – controlling the relationships................................................................................ 48 As-Built Data Structure – a little deeper ................................................................................................. 48 Basic As-Built workflow .................................................................................................................... 48 High level cautions – A few things to be aware of ............................................................................. 49 Table level Basics – Claim and Merge ............................................................................................... 49 Example database query output .......................................................................................................... 50 Deployment Options ............................................................................................................................... 51 Local stand alone ................................................................................................................................ 51 Traditional Client Server..................................................................................................................... 52 Thin-Client/Citrix ............................................................................................................................... 53 DB Checker / CheckDB Utility .............................................................................................................. 54 What is it? ........................................................................................................................................... 54 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 54

SmartPlant Instrumentation: Installation and Administration Training General purpose of this course The Installation and Administration Training course provides instruction on database installation and setup, as well as a guide to the sections of the Administration module enabling customers to setup configure, and start using the SmartPlant Instrumentation software in a production environment.

SPI System Installation Overview See PowerPoint presentation on basic structure, supported versions of software and installation options. Version information should be verified on the Intergraph PPM CRM website in the compatibility matrix / database. For version 2009, Oracle 10g and MS-SQL 2005 are the platforms of choice.

SPI Database Entities (per instance) Administrative Schema (IN_DBAMN) The Administrative Schema (or Admin Schema) contains data common across all domains in a particular database (instance). User login names, owner specific information as well as data the software uses to access the specific domains are contained in its tables. The default name for this schema is IN_DBAMN on Oracle and SPI_DBAMN on MS-SQL; however it can be changed if desired during the running of the DBSetup process. It is possible to encrypt this password using features in the Administration module. For an MS_SQL Server installation, additional users SPIsuper and SPI_login are created.

Domain Schema (DOMAIN_NAME) The Domain Schema contains domain, or as you would think ‘job’ specific data. This includes information on Loops, Components, and Specifications etc being worked in this domain. The Domain username and password are defined during the Initialization process which we will look at

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later in this course. The passwords for these schemas, where stored in the SPI database, can be encrypted by the system administrator using features in the Administration module.

Domain View (DOMAIN_NAME_VIEW) The Domain View is created during Initialization and as the name implies is a view to the tables in the domain schema. By default, this is created with view only access and is intended for user reporting. By default, the name is the same as the Domain name, appended with ‘_VIEW’.

INTOOLS_LOGIN Schema (INTOOLS_LOGIN) This Schema is only created on Oracle based installations. Stores encrypted Admin schema password information. The passwords for these schemas, where stored in the SPI database, can be encrypted by the system administrator using features in the Administration module.

SPIlogin Schema This database user is only created on MS-SQL based installations. It is used to store Admin schema password information when encryption is used.

SPIsuper Schema This database user is only created on MS-SQL based installations. It is used for Initialization, backup, deletion of domains and Admin module functions. These functions used to require knowledge of the ‘SA’ database password before the addition of this user to the software.

Operating Owner “mode specific” Views The views listed below only exist in a domain set to ‘Operating Owner’ or ‘As-built’ mode. By default, the passwords for these schemas are the same as their name.

As-Built View Convention for this view name is DOMAIN NAME_A_1. This view is used to show As-built information in the software environment.

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Engineering Project View Convention for this view name is DOMAIN NAME_E_PROJECT ID NUMBER. This view is used to show Engineering Project specific information in the software environment. That is, items created or modified during project execution.

Combined View Convention for this view name is DOMAIN NAME_C_PROJECT ID NUMBER. This view is used to show Engineering Project AND As-built information in the software environment. Used for browser views that can display information for both domain states simultaneously.

Installation and Configuration on Oracle Database Engine Installation For the purposes of class and in the interest of saving time, the Oracle setup has already been run on the machines in our room. This is similar to what you would find in an enterprise environment where the IT gang had already installed your database software on the server, or where you would be utilizing and existing database server to host your SPI environment. Specific installation instructions can be found in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, page 26. Keep in mind the following minimum requirements for an Oracle server running ONLY SPI. If you have additional applications hitting the database, or other uses for the server machine your requirements may be greater. □

2.4 GHz Pentium Server Machine


Oracle Engine – 2 GB

Oracle Instance – 500 MB

SmartPlant Instrumentation database and data files ~200 MB initially

Grows to ~ 700 MB with 5000 loops with wiring

DVD-ROM or Network

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Also, make sure to have the correct operating system and prerequisite software:

1. Operating Systems (server) a. Windows 2003 Server R2 32 bit Standard Edition b. Windows 2003 Server R2 32 and 64 bit Enterprise Edition 2. Software Prerequisites (server) a. Adobe Reader 8.0 or compatible version b. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 or later c. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (for 32 bit OS) NOTE: See Installation Guide for instructions on a 64 bit OS d. SPLM 2010 (only if SPI software installed on physical server itself)

Oracle Listener Verification / Creation Verify that an Oracle Listener is present on your server machine. Follow the instructions below. If one does not exist, follow the steps located at SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, page 27.

1. On the Start menu, click All Programs > Oracle – OraDb10g_home1 > Configuration and Migration Tools > Net Configuration Assistant. 2. In the Oracle New Configuration Assistant Wizard, click Next. Select Reconfigure and click Next. 3. You should see a listener name in the dropdown box. The Default name is LISTENER. If you see a name in the box, you can cancel your way out of the Net Configuration Assistant. No changes are required.

Database Instance Creation Create your Oracle Instance that will be used to store your SPI database. Follow the steps below, paraphrased from the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, page 28.

1. On the Start menu, click All Programs > Oracle – OraDb10g_home1 > Configuration and Migration Tools > Database Configuration Assistant.

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2. On the Welcome page, click Next. 3. In the Database Configuration Assistant Wizard, click Next twice to get to Step 2 of 12: Database Templates. 4. Select Custom Database and click Next. 5. On the page Step 3 of 12: Database Identification, do the following: a. In the Global Database Name box, define the database name, for example, SPI10gdb. b. In the SID box, accept or modify the instance name that the software enters automatically as you type the database name. The database name and the instance name do not have to be the same. 6. On the page Step 4 of 12: Management Options, clear configure the Database with Enterprise Manager, and then, click Next. 7. On the page Step 5 of 12: Database Credentials, in the Password and Confirm Password boxes, type the password, for example, Oracle. 8. Click Next until you reach the page Step 7 of 12: Database File Locations, and then do the following: a. Select Use Common Location for All Database Files. b. Specify the path and folder, for example, D:\oracle\. c. Click Next. 9. On the page Step 8 of 12: Recovery Configuration, clear Specify Flash Recovery Data and click Next. 10. On the page Step 9 of 12: Database Content, do the following: a. On the Database Components tab, clear all the check boxes.

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b. Click Standard Database Components, and then, on the Standard Database Components dialog box, clear all the check boxes and click Next.

c. If prompted you to disable local database management, click Yes. d. On the Custom Scripts tab, click No scripts to run. e. Click Next. 11. On the page Step 10 of 12: Initialization Parameters, on the Memory tab, do the following: a. Select Custom. b. Beside Shared Memory Management, select Automatic. c. In the SGA Size box, enter 160 M Bytes. d. In the PGA Size box, enter 60 M Bytes.

e. Click the Character Sets tab and do the following:

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Under Database Character Set, select Use Unicode (AL32UTF8).

g. Under National Character Set, select AL16UTF16 (the default) h. Accept the settings on the other tabs and click Next.

12. On the Database Storage page, change the data file size of the TEMP and USERS tablespaces to 100 MB if you intend to create a SmartPlant Electrical or SmartPlant P&ID database in the current Oracle database. Change as needed and select OK.

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13. Click Next. 14. On the page Step 12 of 12: Creation Options, click Finish. 15. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK. 16. Restart the server machine once the process is complete.

Database Alias Creation The Oracle Database Alias is created automatically on our server machine as part of the Instance creation process. Since our Server and Client are in fact the same machine, this step is done. However, on Client machines connecting back to our Oracle server, the Oracle Client software will need to be installed, configured and the Alias created to point back to the server we just created. Details on this process can be found in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, page 31. If you desire, you can use the Oracle Net Manager or Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to verify the Alias information on your machine.

Installation and Configuration on MS-SQL Database Engine Installation Since a majority of the MS-SQL related setup is part of the installation process, we will actually install the software in this case. Keep in mind the following minimum requirements for an MS-SQL server running ONLY SPI. If you have additional applications hitting the database, or other uses for the server machine your requirements may be greater. ƒ

2 GHz server machine




MS-SQL Engine – 1.1 GB


SmartPlant Instrumentation database and data files approximately 700 MB*


DVD-ROM or Network

Also, make sure to have the correct operating system and prerequisite software: 1. Operating Systems (server) a. Windows 2003 Server R2 32 bit Standard Edition

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b. Windows 2003 Server R2 32 and 64 bit Enterprise Edition 2. Software Prerequisites (server) a. Adobe Reader 8.0 or compatible version b. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 or later c. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (for 32 bit OS) NOTE: See Installation Guide for instructions on a 64 bit OS d. SPLM 2010 (only if SPI software installed on physical server itself)

Follow the steps below, paraphrased from the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, page 46.

1. Start SQL Server 2005 Setup. 2. On the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup wizard, Select Server components, Books Online and development tools. 3. Accept the terms of the License Agreement. 4. Install any Prerequisite software indicated. When complete, Click Next. 5. On the System Configuration Check page, read any messages and take corrective action. If all green, click Next. 6. Enter your registration information. 7. Select following on the Components to Install page: a. SQL Server Database Services. b. Hit the Advanced button. i.

Right Click on the Client Components heading.

ii. Select ‘Install entire feature on local computer’. Be sure to make the correct selection. iii. Hit Next. c. Click Next again 8. Choose and enter a name if desired, or pick Default instance and Click Next (for class, please use the Default instance). 9. On the Service Account page, do the following: a. Select Use the built-in System account and then select Local system. b. Under Start services at the end of setup, ensure SQL Server is selected and click Next. 10. On the Authentication Mode page, do the following: a. Select Mixed Mode.

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b. Define the System Administrator password as you desire and click Next. 11. On the Collation Settings page, ensure that Collation designator and sort order is selected, and from the list, select the appropriate designator corresponding to the national environment defined for the operating system on the client machines. For example, if the client environment is Russian, select Cyrillic_General as the collation designator. 12. Ensure that the Case sensitive check box is CLEARED. 13. Click Next and complete the remaining steps. 14. After clicking Finish, restart the server machine.

MS-SQL Server Configuration This procedure explains how to configure the server to avoid running out of memory.

By default, the server is configured to use unlimited memory. As a quick alternative to this procedure, you can stop and then restart the server. To implement this procedure, you must have DBA permissions.

1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Management Studio. 2. On the Connect to Server dialog box, enter the requested information.

3. Beside Server type, select Database Engine.

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4. Beside Server name, select the name of your server or instance. 5. Beside Authentication, select SQL Server Authentication. a. Type a login name. b. Type a strong password of a least 6 characters; this is a password that must include upperand lower-case characters, numeric and non-alphanumeric characters. 6. Click Connect. 7. In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window, under the Object Explorer, select the server (top-level node), right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click Properties. 8. Select the Memory page and do the following: a. Select Use AWE to allocate memory. b. Under Maximum server memory (in MB), set a suitable value. 9. Select the Database Settings page and change the value of Default index fill factor to 80.

Intergraph Software Installation Communication with the server is accomplished via the specific database client software, which is required to be installed on each machine prior to installing the SPI software. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the client on each workstation.

SPLM Installation It is best to install the SmartPlant License Management software prior to your SPI installation. The installer will not allow you to complete your SPI install without having to step into the SPLM routing anyway, so it is best to get this on the machine and configured prior to beginning with SPI.

SPLM utilizes a client/server configuration to control the number of seats in use. We will cover the installation on a client machine and setup and testing its connection to an existing SPLM server. We will not specifically cover the installation or validation of SPLM keys as part of this course.

The excerpts below are from the SmartPlant License Manager Installation and User’s Guide, starting on page 16.

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1. Insert the SmartPlant Instrumentation product media. If the installation does not start automatically, or if installing via a network connection, double-click the Setup.exe file in the main folder. 2. Select SmartPlant License Manager Installation. 3. Click Next on the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for SmartPlant License Manager page. 4. Enter your name and company name in the User Name and Company Name fields on the Customer Information page. Click Next. 5. On the Software License Agreement page, select your country from the list and click Display to view the license agreement. 6. Carefully read the license agreement. Close the PDF document, and click Yes on the License Agreement page to accept the terms. 7. Select either License Client or License Machine. 8. On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to install SmartPlant License Manager in the default location. If you want to install the software in another location, click Change and select the new location. NOTE: It is recommended that you install SmartPlant License Manager using a path that contains no spaces. For example, c:\win32app\Ingr (the default path). 9. Click Install on the Ready to Install the Program page. A status bar displays the progress of the installation on the Status Setup page. 10. Click Finish on the InstallShield Wizard Complete page to complete installation of SmartPlant License Manager.

SPLM Configuration The excerpts below are from the SmartPlant License Manager Installation and User’s Guide, starting on page 57.

1. Use the following procedure to select a license machine for a client. You can also add more than one license machine at a time if more than one is available. 2. Click Configure and Test on the SmartPlant License Manager dialog box. The Configure and Test Options dialog box appears. 3. On the Configuration and Testing dialog box, click Select License Machine For Client.

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4. Type the computer name(s) of your license machine in the Machine name field. The license machine name can be a maximum length of 29 characters and can contain no spaces. 5. Click OK. If you want to add another license machine name, repeat step 2.

SPI Installation This documentation covers the installation of the core SPI software as would be done on any client machine. Additional software, such as the SmartPlant Report Generator is also available in the setup utility and can be installed at any time.

The excerpts below are from the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, starting on page 35.

1. Insert the SmartPlant Instrumentation product media. If the installation does not start automatically, or if installing via a network connection, double-click the Setup.exe file in the main folder. 2. Click SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation. 3. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation page, click Next. 4. On the Customer Information page, type your name, company name, and serial number, and click Next. Your serial number can be located on your software invoice, on the disk packaging, or some companies place the numbers in a text file in the installation directory. If you can’t locate your serial number, contact Intergraph Support for assistance. 5. NOTE: If you are planning to work with IDEAL, you must install SmartPlant Instrumentation in server mode, which requires a special serial number. 6. On the Registration Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

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7. On the License Agreement page, click Display to read the software license agreement in a .pdf file, and then after closing the file, click Yes. 8. On the Database Platform page, select your database platform and click Next. 9. On the Setup Type page, do one of the following: a. Click (Full) to install all the SmartPlant Instrumentation components. b. Click (Custom) to select and install specific SmartPlant Instrumentation components. 10. On the Destination Folder page, specify the SPI base folder location and click Next. 11. For a custom installation, on the Select Features page, select the desired SmartPlant Instrumentation components, and then click Next. 12. On the Server Information page, do the following: a. In the Server box, type the communication alias name for your Oracle instance or the server name of your MS-SQL server b. In the Database box, type the Oracle or MS-SQL database name. c. Click Next. 13. On the Select Program Folder page, select the program folder where you want Setup to install the program icons, and click Next. On MS-SQL, you may be prompted for the database username and password. For class, please use the default values. 14. On the Start Copying Files page, view the settings of the current Setup session, and then click Next to start copying the files to your hard disk. 15. On the Setup Status page, view the progress of the file transfer. 16. When the file transfer is complete, on the Important Notes page, read the text carefully as it contains important information for the current version, and then click Next. 17. On the Readme dialog box, click Yes if you want to view the Readme file. 18. On the Setup Complete page, click Yes if you want to restart your computer (before you can use the program you must restart your computer). 19. Click Finish to complete the setup and installation.

NOTE: After installing SmartPlant Instrumentation on a SQL Server platform, open the Intools.ini file and under the [Database] section, ensure that the Lock parameter has one of the following values: □ □

Lock=RU (for a normal configuration) Lock=RC (for an integrated environment)

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Database Preparation – DBSetup utility The DBSetup utility is used to create the Administrative database schema, user logins and data files needed for SPI to operate. For full details on the steps below, see the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User’s Guide, starting on pages 6 and 14. These sections also contains details on how to use the utility to create an SQL script that can be run and procedures for accomplishing this process outside the SPI software. 1. On your Windows Start menu, navigate to the Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation program icons and click DB Setup Utility. 2. For Oracle a. On the Oracle Server Connection dialog box, from the Oracle version list, select the version of your Oracle server.

b. Under DBMS identifier in the INtools.ini file, accept or change the displayed compatible DBMS parameter for the Oracle server version that you selected from the Oracle version list. c. In the Oracle database name box, do one of the following: i.

Accept displayed database name.

ii. Change the displayed value if it does not match the value you defined for the DB_NAME parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file. d. In the Server name box, accept or modify the displayed Oracle server connection string. 3. For MS_SQL

a. On the Microsoft SQL Server Connection dialog box, under Server name, do one of the following:

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i. Accept the server name (or the instance name if the instance is not the default instance) that the software retrieves from the Intools.ini file, created during SmartPlant Instrumentation installation. ii. Type the required name of the target database server machine or another named instance to which you want to connect for the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup. 4. In the System Administrator logon password box, give the appropriate System (Oracle) or SA (MS-SQL) password. 5. Click Connect to connect to your database server and open the Target Database Parameters dialog box, where you can set parameters for the target SmartPlant Instrumentation database and start the database setup session. Paths should be physical paths and drive names on the server. Do not use UNC or network paths.

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a. For Oracle

b. For MS-SQL

c. Note the drive and path change for our labs in class. You have to create the directory.

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6. Under Admin schema, accept the default Admin schema logon name and password or modify the name or password as needed. 7. In the Admin data and Admin Index sections, accept the default settings or modify them as needed. a. If you want to create more than four SmartPlant Instrumentation domains, for the Admin data tablespace, specify a size larger than 25 MB, and for the Admin index tablespace, specify a size larger than 10 MB. b. If you change the default tablespace definitions when, for better performance, it is highly recommended that you locate the data tablespaces and index tablespaces on different physical disks. You can also locate the system file, database tables and the index data on different physical drives to speed up your work in the Database. 8. In the Admin Index section, accept the default settings or modify them as needed. If you want to create more than four SmartPlant Instrumentation domains, for the Admin index tablespace, you need to specify a size larger than 10 MB. 9. Click Run and make sure the database setup process is completed successfully. 10. For Oracle, after completing the database setup, contact the Oracle Database Administrator, who must specify the super user logon password. To specify this password, from the SQL Plus utility, in the Oracle server database, connect to the sys super user as sysdba and then run the following command:

Grant execute on DBMS_PIPE to public;

Domain Initialization In SmartPlant Instrumentation, the working environment for your instrumentation activities is known as a domain. The domain type can be either Engineering Company or Owner Operator. The System Administrator is responsible for initializing (creating) domains. After initializing a domain, it is possible to define users, access rights, naming conventions, and so forth. When initializing a domain, the software creates the Domain schema, which contains all the database objects that allow you to work with SmartPlant Instrumentation. You can initialize a domain only after completing the SmartPlant Instrumentation database setup.

For this class, we will perform the steps to create a new Domain based on a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (Watcom) Source file as you would to restore a backup, install a seed file, or initialize a

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file from a customer or engineering company. Other initialization types are available, such as creating a blank domain or even running this feature from the command line. Details on these steps and additional information can be found in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User’s Guide, starting on page 29.

Remember, items in the source project history (CHANGES_LOG) table and user defined database views do NOT transfer with a Watcom backup/initialization process and must be moved or recreated manually on the target database server.

Initialize from a Watcom Source 1. Start the Administration module to open the Logon Information dialog box with DBA displayed in the User name box. This user name is the default user name that enables you to log on to the Admin schema. 2. In the Password box, type DBA, which is the default password you use to log on to the Admin schema. 3. Click OK to open the System Administration window. 4. On the menu, click File > Initialize. 5. On the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain box, type the domain name, which must be unique in the current database, start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space.

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6. In the Domain schema name box, type the logon name of the domain schema, which must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. The software needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. 7. In the Domain schema password box, type the logon password of the Domain schema, which must start with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore ( _ ) to indicate a space. 8. The schema password must be different from the domain name. We recommend that you write down the schema password and keep it in a safe place. When initializing a domain, the software changes all the password characters to upper case. This means that if the Domain schema name is MY_DOMAIN, you cannot use my_domain as the password string. 9. In the View-Only Domain schema password box, accept the default password of the View-Only Domain schema or change it as appropriate, provided that the setting starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters without spaces. You can use an underscore (_) to indicate a space. 10. Under Domain type, to determine the type of the domain that you want to initialize, select one of the following options: a. Owner operator — Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain with As-Built functionality. The database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for As-Built and separate schemas for projects. b. Engineering company — Allows you to initialize the domain as a domain contracted to design and build plants based on process information. The domain type can be changed to Owner operator if required, and the owner can perform the necessary maintenance and modernization. 11. Click Source and define the information needed to indicate the database you intend to copy.

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12. Click OK TWICE to start the initialization process. 13. After completing the initialization process, make sure that you rebuild the catalog tables.

Logs and Initialization Failures Two log files are possible with initializations. By default, the InitLog.txt file will be created in the SPI installation directory. This file is appended to each time a domain is setup from that specific workstation.

In addition, adding the line ‘TRACE=1’ to the [DATABASE] section of the intools.ini file will enable the DOMAIN_NUMBER.log which is significantly larger, but contains very specific details about the process. This is good to use if you have a failure on the first attempt and are trying to troubleshoot.

Sometimes an initialization will fail in the middle. This can cause the data files to be created, but not be usable. In the event this occurs, utilize the Delete Invalid Domain feature available in the Administration Module under the DBA menu. The software may give a dialog at the end of this process with a list of database files that will require manual deletion.

Page 49 of the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User’s Guide provides specific information for troubleshooting and correcting common initialization problems.

SPI Backups SPI backups fall into two basic categories, those done within SPI (Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere or Watcom) backups and Database backups. Due to differences in techniques, corporate standards and platform specifics dealing with database backups, these will not be done as part of the course. Specific details for pre and post backup tasks using MS-SQL or Oracle can be found in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User’s Guide, starting on page 19 as well as in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide, page 7. Be sure to review these as in some cases if the pre backup steps are not performed, the resulting recovery can not be completely done if moving database servers. Command Line backups are also available and special procedures are needed to backup in a Thin Client (i.e. Citrix) environment. Please refer to the documentation for specifics.

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Back Up a Domain 1. Create a backup of the c_ver.pbd, intools.ini and Intools_Backup.db files located in the SPI installation directory. 2. With the System Administration window open, on the menu, click File > Backup. 3. On the Backup Repository dialog box, click Browse to select the INtools_Backup.db database file, and display it in the Target database name and path box.

4. Click Connect to connect to the backup repository and to the current database. 5. On the Back Up Domain dialog box, from the Domain list, select the domain which you want to back up.

a. Select Save last created ID for merging renamed items to save the ID of the last item that was created in the domain. You can select this option if you later intend to merge items in the Merger Utility.

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b. If required, select Copy users to target domain to copy the user definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. Note that the software can only copy those users who are assigned to groups. c. If required, select Copy departments to target domain to copy the department definitions from the source domain to the target Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database file. 6. Click OK to start the backup process and monitor the progress on the Backup Information dialog box. 7. On completion of the backup process, the software records errors that might occur during the domain backup in the InitLog.txt file, located in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. The name of the backed up domain is INtools_Backup. The Domain schema name and password are also INtools_Backup. You cannot change these settings. 8. Click Close after the backup is completed.

If you intend to work in the backed up domain in the INtools_Backup.db database or its copy, you must obtain a full version of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine (dbeng10.exe) and also rebuild stored procedures and triggers for the backed up domain. This file is available with a full version of InfoMaker 11 from Sybase or with a copy of SmartPlant Instrumentation Standalone.

SPI Domain Upgrades The purpose of the upgrade procedure is to adapt the data model of the existing database to the requirements of Version 2009. SmartPlant Instrumentation database upgrade is performed in two stages. First, you need to upgrade the Admin schema, and then open the Administration module and upgrade individually each domain that exists in the database. These specifics are for an upgrade to v2009, but the basics apply even for a Service Pack installation and upgrade. Be sure to refer to the Special Instructions and Installation and Upgrade Guides for details.

General Prerequisites Be sure to do the following prior to your upgrade

1. Make domain backups 2. Perform a database check (Checkdb / DBChecker) 3. Verify enough free disk space on client machines and database server drives

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4. Backup any customized symbols or template files stored locally

Admin Schema Upgrade The software automatically prompts you to upgrade the Admin schema when you try to log on to SmartPlant Instrumentation after installing a new version.

1. Start the Administration module from the Logon Information dialog box, enter your System Administrator name and password and click OK. 2. When prompted to upgrade the Admin schema, click Yes. 3. On the Database Upgrade dialog box, accept the default Log.txt file or click Browse to specify another .txt file to be used as a log file. 4. The log file contains the upgrade process information of your current or previous upgrade session. 5. You should enter a log file name to view the audit trail of the upgrade and any errors that may occur. 6. If the upgrade stops for any reason (for example, insufficient memory), you can resume the upgrade process from where it stopped. If you obtain an error which cannot be corrected, contact Intergraph Support. 7. Click OK to start upgrading the Admin schema.

Domain Schema Upgrade 1. After the upgrade process is completed successfully, log on to the Administration module as System Administrator and on the toolbar select the Domain Definition button. 2. In the Domain Definition window, select a domain from the list and on the toolbar, click the Upgrade button. 3. On the reopened Database Upgrade dialog box, accept the default Log.txt file or click Browse to specify another text file to be used as the log file. 4. Click OK to start upgrading the selected domain. 5. Repeat this procedure to upgrade the Domain schema of another domain until you upgrade all the domains in the current database.

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6. Familiarize yourself with special instructions listed in Special Instructions file, which resides in the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder, and implement the instructions for the features you consider relevant. 7. In addition to the log file that you specified, the software creates the Errorlog.txt file. If the upgrade process completed without any errors, the Errorlog.txt file is empty. 8. Upgrade of an owner operator domain can take significant time (several hours). We recommend that you let the software complete the process although, at the end of the upgrade process, the hourglass cursor does not appear to respond to the progress. 9. After upgrading to Version 2009, open SmartPlant Instrumentation and implement the postupgrade tasks listed in the Installation and Upgrade Guide on page 114. Some of these include Titleblock updates, Upgrading information relating to Calibration Results, performing a DBCheck, rebuilding default views, updating Process Data and moving Power Distribution boards.

System Administrator Topics This section provides a cursory discussion of items under the System Administrator function of SPI that have not been previously mentioned. All page references are to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration User’s Guide unless otherwise noted.

Domain Definition

The Domain Definition form

is where many of the highest level functions of an

individual domain are defined. A brief listing of tips is included below. Specifics can be found starting on page 68.

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It is recommended that the Domain Administrator be a ‘common’ login, or the password be known by more than one person in the event of unavailability. A System Administrator can always assign a new Domain Admin in an emergency situation.

The Audit Trail feature records specific database changes in the CHANGES_LOG table for history tracking purposes.

Item Registry is only required for use with the DCS Interfaces or the SP_Enterprise environment.

Cable Type Dependency will not allow a cable to be created without a Cable Type and its associated definitions being defined. All Cables in the domain must be copied from the Reference Explorer.

Department and User Management

Department and user creation

details can be found on pages 57 and 58.

A user can not be created without a Department with which to be associated. System Administrator level access is granted on this screen.

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Users will be prompted to change the assigned password at their first login.

Security Options Settings such as password uniqueness and minimum lengths are defined here. Windows authentication mode is enabled on this screen.

Database Maintenance options Sizing With the appropriate access levels, you can add data files and check the status of how full they are from within these functions.

Security These options contain features for enabling different encryption levels to protect your SPI data. Please see page 78 for details. In version 2009, it is now possible to encrypt not only the Admin schema and user login passwords, but also those for the Domain as well.

Rebuild SP&T Utility used to cause all the database Stored Procedures and Triggers installed BY DEFAULT in SPI to be recompiled. This can be of great use when errors are received or odd things are occurring in the database. These features are utilized in maintaining database integrity and creating complementary objects. Typically you will only run this command when directed by a procedure or by the support organization. See page 89.

Rebuild Default Views in Domains Used to recreate / refresh all of the database views utilized by the software. Typically use of this command is only needed after an upgrade or similar ‘high level’ activity. See page 86.

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Active Database Connections Provides a detailed listing of the users and machines created to the SPI database to assist the administrator in tracking down people who are logged in that should not be, or hung processes. It is not possible via the interface to disconnect users from SPI.

Performance options This section contains tools to help with the creation and update of database indexes that can speed up your database considerably. See pages 93 and 94.

Domain Administrator Topics PAU Structure See page 109 for details. The Plant-Area-Unit structure or Plant Hierarchy as it is now called is used to subdivide the different groups of loops, instruments and their associated data in a logical manner. The delivered default setup is Plant-Area-Unit, but you are neither limited to these names, or to this many levels. However, if you are utilizing SP_Enterprise or are planning on any data transfer from other Intergraph products via file mode transfer, the structures must match and other limitations apply. Refer to the documentation relating to the specific feature for details. Make a new Plant for training Create a new structure to get used to the features. Start the Plant Hierarchy Explorer by clicking on


Icon. For each level, select the level above, right click and select new to complete

the definitions.

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Naming Conventions Details starting on page 167. These conventions are defined to automate and enforce naming for a variety of objects within your domain. A different set of conventions can be configured for each Unit (Lowest hierarchy level) should you so desire, with the ability to easily duplicate your definitions if they do not change often. At a minimum, you need to define a convention for Instruments (Conventional) and Loops. Others are optional. It should be noted that the system has some defaults embedded, and even if nothing is showing in the Naming Convention screen, if they are not touched, names will be assigned for things like Process Data, Spec and Calc drawings, Device Panels and Device Cables and certain other items.

Use caution when setting up naming conventions because once tags are created, it can be very difficult to change. In many cases, it is required to create a new unit with the correct convention, export all the information from the first unit, then alter and import the info into the ‘new’ unit.

Experiment with Naming Conventions If desired, play with the Naming Convention options in the test unit we created earlier. We made this unit because the Crude Unit 1 in the copy of the demo project had tags…we would only be able to make very limited changes in that unit.

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1. Choose the Naming Convention icon on the toolbar 2. Use the Browse button on the top right to pick the Unit (lowest hierarchy level) you want to adjust. In our case, out test unit in our new plant. 3. Use the dropdown box to select the type of item for which you are defining a convention. Start with Instrument (Conventional) 4. Choosing either the ISA Standard or Loop Standard buttons will pre-load conventions that approximate these items. You may then modify (with in limits) 5. Or you can choose to build yours, from scratch. The Sample field will show you a diagram of what you have defined in the main definition box. Below are a few examples:

ISA Standard Instrument (Conventional) - Modifications made to add separators.

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ISA Standard Loop - Modifications made to match the DEMO domain by zeroing out the loop function and add separators

Groups and Access Rights SPI Utilizes a User Group configuration similar to a Windows Environment when it comes to application access levels within the system. Users (created in the Admin module) are assigned to one or more groups (or individually) which are then allowed access to specific sets of Access Rights settings for both the As-Built and if assigned, individual Engineering Project sections of the software.

It is possible to assign a Windows user group as an SPI group as well and use the Windows Logon feature to bypass the SPI login dialog. This is enabled in under the System Administrator, Activities Menu.

When working in an Operating Owner mode domain, use the Assign Groups to Projects feature on the Activities menu to allow a group to have access to an Engineering Project or Projects.

Create Groups and Assign Users 1. Enter the Administration module as a System Administrator. Ensure you have the following users created:

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a. Odin (Manager) b. Thor (Power User and System Administrator) c. Tyr (Normal user) d. Loki (Problem user) 2. Exit System Administrator and enter you domain as a Domain Administrator. 3. From the Activities Menu, select Group. 4. Create the following Groups – do not bother copying rights from another group as we are going to customize them. a. Administrator (should already exist) b. Users c. View Only (Managers and Problem Users) 5. From the Activities Menu, pick Assign Users to groups 6. Using the Group pick list to select your groups, drag your users from the User list to assign. a. DBA and Thor under Administrators b. Tyr under Users c. Odin and Loki under View only

Access Rights Access Rights for SPI can be thought of like windows folder permissions. You are allowing an individual or group a certain level of ability to affect things under a specific category. Four levels exist: Full, Modify, View Only and Access Denied. These are mostly self explanatory. The difference between Full and Modify is that only Full can delete an item from the system.

The Access Rights screen can be found under the Domain Icon while logged into the Administration Module as a Domain Administrator. Each Group is shown down the left hand pane, with three levels (Domain, Plant and Unit) with Items under each. Tools are included to help locate a specific type of item e.g. Loop Module Access), the ability to copy access rights from another group, and global settings on the bottom toolbar.

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Establishing Access Rights 1. Enter the Administration module as a Domain Administrator

2. Select the Domain Definition screen from the File menu or by clicking

3. Enter the Access Rights form by selecting

from the bottom toolbar or from the

Options menu. 4. Expand each sub-level of the ADMINISTRATORS group. For the Domain, Plant and Unit(s) we will be working in, all should be set to FULL except for the SP Electrical Interface under the Plant Level. 5. Expand the Users Group, Domain Level and set the Access Rights as shown below:

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6. Next, Expand the Plant Level under Users and select the Test Plant for Class. Set according to the image below:

7. Next, expand the Unit Level, choose the Test Unit we created and verify everything is set at Full, or adjust to your liking. 8. For setting the View Only group, we will use the Global Access Rights command. Select the

command from the Options menu or pick the

icon from the bottom toolbar.

9. On the Global Access Rights form, Use the settings shown in the graphic to set everything for the View Only group to View Only. Be careful of your choices here!

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10. Check the settings in the View Only group to ensure you made the changes you expected, save the changes and exit the Access Rights Screen. Go into SPI as various users and check out your level of access to different parts of the software.

Add-Ins The Add-Ins menu contains a number of features that can be used to enhance SPI. These include: 1. Installation of a delivered set hook up library definitions. 2. Importing System Interface information for use with the SPI Import Module These include links for FirstVue, Performance and Masoneilan data retrieval as well as the older PDS and SmartPlant P&ID file mode import links. 3. Import capabilities for additionally purchased Browser Views. 4. Import of the older DCS Vendor Library Data (not the newer DeltaV, ABB and Honeywell information delivered via XML files). 5. Import DDP Library Data for use with the separately licensed Dimensional Data for Piping Module. 6. Import and Export macros from one domain to another. 7. Import of Specification Forms from another SPI domain.

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Database Maintenance options Locking These options allow the administrator to control the connections to the SPI database. Caution should be used with any of these options because any changes in progress at the time will be lost. This includes Merge and Claim functions, Imports, etc. 1. Clear Locking in Selected Sessions – Allows the Domain Admin to remove all locks placed on records by a specific user. Oracle only 2. End Blocked Sessions – Disconnects all users from the database and ends their sessions (including your own). 3. Clear Locking in all Sessions - Disconnects all users from the database and ends their sessions (except for your own).

Tuning Update Statistics is available under this heading to allow updates to usage data. Information used to optimize future searches when Indexes are rebuilt on the parent database.

Data Maintenance Options here are enable Trimming or Loading Audit Trail data (if it is in use under the System Administrator settings). In addition, the Admin can Clear Session Records, which is required after Blocking or Locking are cleared.

User Defined Database Views System Administrators can create customized Database Views utilizing tools in their specific platform. These views can be used in Specifications and in Customized Browser views for easier access to SPI data. These views need to be identified under this section in order to make them available for the software. NOTE: If the database is migrated, or transferred to another database server the view definitions must be transferred on the database side. This just points to the view within SPI. Typically the DBA will ‘export’ the view and transfer the .sql file along with the domain to the new location.

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Additional Activities Wire End Naming Conventions This feature enables the use of customized naming conventions on Enhanced SmartLoop output drawings. Once the admin defines the convention, the user assigns the convention to be used as part of the cable properties. The label / macro can then be access for placement in the ESL drawing. Basic steps in setting this up are: □

Enable the use of the wire end naming conventions

Define the naming convention(s)

Assign the naming convention you wish under the properties of a cable

Assign the macro for the wire end 1 or wire end 2 to the wire in a generated ESL drawing

A typical example of using this feature is having a wire label providing ‘from/to’ information such as commonly used in the field. Follow the steps below to set this up.

1. Enter the Administration module as a Domain Administrator. 2. From the Activities Menu, select Wire End Naming Conventions. 3. Near the bottom of the new dialog box, check the Enable using wire end naming conventions box. 4. Select the New button on the middle right. 5. Define a naming convention such as that shown below. Note that once a convention is assigned to a cable, it can not be revised unless it is removed first…

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6. Hit OK on multiple forms to get back to, and then close, the Admin Module. 7. Enter SPI and go into the DEMO domain and select a cable and adjust its properties to apply your naming convention.

8. In the Explorer window, drill down to the properties of one of the wires on your cable and look at the wire tag now available to place on your SmartLoop output documents.

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9. Below is an example ESL output drawing after the macros have been applied for the demo cable

Custom Fields The Custom Fields menu option allows the administrator to designate a name to a user definable field that will then be utilized when displaying data within the SPI interface and reports. The data structure of the software is such that fields should not be added to the tables created by the product. In order to accommodate different user needs, a large number of customizable fields have been added at various levels. Custom fields are available for example, on Components, Drawings, Process Data, Specifications, Panels, Cables, even at the various Hierarchy levels. See page 211 for details.

Custom Tables These are similar to Custom Fields, except for tables as the name implies. The SPI data structure doesn’t allow for table addition either, so this functionality is provided for those requiring such means of data entry. It should be noted that the admin function enables the tables and they are populated with data from within SPI proper. Only the NAME field is visible within the interface when utilizing them as a pick list. Page 215 provides a setup workflow.

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Preferences Management This feature is used to allow the Domain Administrator to default and on a case-by-case basis, restrict user access to various User Preferences within SPI. In an Operating Owner environment, the preference control is on a Project-by-Project level. Details can be found on Page 194.

Facilities also exist to export and import preferences from one database to another and to copy them from project to project in the domain.

Report Management Detailed descriptions available on page 198. The main uses are for applying customized title blocks to reports and the revision archive settings (if any). Note that if one of the file save methods is chosen, that the output files will not be visible outside of SPI. They are strictly for use with the comparison options within the software. This is also where you can set the revision management style for certain reports (for instance wiring reports) to either by item or by document…meaning all drawing names and revisions are tied to the strip, or each type of strip drawing is its own file with independent revision scheme.

Internal Setup Utility The Internal Setup Utility is provided with the SPI software to enable administrators and knowledgeable users the access and ability to query the SPI database for reporting and troubleshooting purposes. The three main uses of the application will be discussed. For further information, along with details on other features, please refer to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide. Any page numbers provided in this section pertain to this document.

Database Type Test and Query Allows you to connect to your database and run properly formatted SQL statements to report and modify content. Note that this will only work if schemas are not encrypted. Below are the basic connections steps and a sample SQL statement. 1. Start the Internal Setup Utility 2. Choose File, Database Type Test and Query from the menu

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3. Hit the first Icon (Use .INI) – This will read the SPI intools.ini file and populate the Admin schema connection information 4. If you are not trying to run a query against the admin schema, replace the Schema logon name and Schema logon password with those for your target location. Otherwise proceed to step 5 5. Hit the second Icon (Connect) this will connect you to the database assuming the data is entered correctly. For class, use the logon and password provided by your instructor. A good connection will show the text ‘Result code 0” in the results field as in the example below

6. Enter you SQL query and hit the third icon (Execute) to run the statement. For Example Select CMPNT_NAME, CMPNT_MFR_NAME From COMPONENT, COMPONENT_MFR Where COMPONENT.CMPNT_MFR_ID=COMPONENT_MFR.CMPNT_MFR_ID Order by CMPNT_NAME 7. Things to note: a. Semi-colons are not need in this utility b. Multiple statements can be run at one time, but only the run results of the last statement will show in the results window or in the case of a select, show the results of the query c. Occasionally when moving back and forth to the utility, the Database Type radio button can reset to its default of ODBC driver. If you are not using ODBC and when you attempt to connect or run a query, you get a file selection box requesting you supply the ODBC profile,

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exit the screen, reset the Database Type to the correct value (or hit the Use .INI button again) and reconnect to your server.

Versions The Versions utility can be used if errors are received trying to enter an SPI domain. This is some of the information used to trigger warnings about Admin and Domain upgrades. The main idea is to keep machines with different versions of software installed from connecting to, and possibly corrupting, databases that do not match.

1. Basic workflow a. Start utility with File, Versions from the menu b. Select the Template Database in the Read From box, so that all three are checked c. Choose the Read Button d. If the error is Domain version related, pick the Domain from the drop down box

2. The following is normal a. The Template Database should not show a Version number b. The Admin and Domain update numbers should be different vertically, but the same horizontally 3. What it means a. User database – The version numbers for the database to which you are connected

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b. Template database – The version number of the template database on the machine from which you are working. Upgrade information as well as rebuilt stored procedures and triggers are taken from this file c. Version file – The numbers contained in a version control file on your machine. This is a way of controlling the program file information. This file is named C_Ver.pbd and can be modified with a text editor if needed. 4. The most common cause of errors in this area are from shifting from different DBMS types for a specific installation. Your instructor or the Support organization can walk you through the correct process for these shifts if needed. 5. The Copy feature can be used (with caution) to copy database numbers over to your C_Ver.pbd file if update is needed.

Create ODBC Profiles This tool is used to launch a wizard that will allow connection to a Sybase SQL Anywhere (Watcom) SPI database. See Page 57 for details.

Basic Data Structure – Relationship Fundamentals SPI is what is known as a Relational database, meaning that entities exist in relationship with each other. This makes revising and updating data easier for the end user. This is what causes all the P&ID drawing numbers to update on all of your tags when you change it once. The relationship means you don’t need to change the sheet number on each tag, line, loop and specification drawing on which it appears. Details can be found starting on page 36 of the SmartPlant Instrumentation Configuration and Maintenance Guide and your RDBMS software documents.

Tables and Relationships 1. Components and supporting tables 2. Process data tables and relationships 3. Plant Hierarchy (aka PAU structure) 4. Wiring tables a. Panel-Strip-Term b. Panel-Rack-Slot-Wiring Equipment

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c. Panel-Rack-Slot-Wiring Equipment-strip-terminal d. Cable-Set-Wire e. Wire-Terminal

Database features – controlling the relationships 1. Primary keys – Has to exist in Table ‘A’ 2. Foreign keys – Item referenced in Table ‘B’ has to exist in Table ‘A’ 3. Stored Procedures and Triggers a. Code in the database that is automatically executed when specified conditions are met (Think of them as stored code and an ‘If-Then’ statement) b. Examples i.

If a new entry is made in the COMPONENT table, create a new row with the same ID in the PD_GENERAL table

ii. Prevent deletion of a row in the LOOP table if it is referenced by an entry in the COMPONENT table

As-Built Data Structure – a little deeper The interactions of various entities in an SPI As-Built environment are extremely complex and we can only scratch the surface in this class. We will attempt to give a basic overview of workflow in this environment and an idea of what happens on the database level. For a fuller idea of what is involved, we recommend our separate class in this subject.

Each Engineering Project can have independent control over □

User Group assignments

Access Rights

Defaulted and Enabled User Preferences

Basic As-Built workflow 1. Enable the Operating Owner mode as a System Administrator 2. Create the Engineering Project(s), Assign an Project Administrator and Scope them by choosing the unit(s) to be involved

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3. Claim the entities to be worked on in the Engineering Project(s) from the As-Built 4. Perform the Project related work, while maintaining the As-Built configuration. 5. Upon completion of the Project, Merge the project data back to the As-Built database and if desired, delete the Engineering Project

High level cautions – A few things to be aware of □

It is absolutely vital to ensure a good backup prior to any claim or merge operation

Claims and Merges should be done without any users in the database

IMPORTANT: Items can be claimed to more than one engineering project, but it is the Administrators responsibility to monitor and maintain the configuration upon merging the data. Each project merge will overwrite the existing data, so they need to maintained in sync

The claimed and As-built items remain linked through the life of this particular claim. If you delete something in the project, it will delete the original item when merged. You will also not be able to recreate that item in the project. The proper workflow in the event of an unintended deletion would be to release the claim on the item and then claim it again to the same project, or to restore a backup.

Flags and other values in the database relating to the As-Built/Engineering Project relationship should NOT be edited by the user without direction from Intergraph. Doing so can cause irreparable damage to your data.

As a best practice, you should aim to claim entities in such a way as to minimize or avoid the creation of dummy items.

Additional recommended workflows can be obtained by request, or by attending the TINT1007 (As-Built) class

Table level Basics – Claim and Merge In addition to the database views created during the Engineering Project creation process (discussed earlier when talking about the various entities created by the software) specific table entries are used in the Operating Owner environment. A high level overview is provided below

1. ENGINEERING_PROJECT table a. This is the table in which new Engineering Projects are created b. Source of the ENG_PROJ_ID and ENG_REF_ID values utilized throughout

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Doc. No: DINT2-TP-100023A Rev. 0

SPI Installation and Administration


2. What happens in the entity table (example: COMPONENT) when a claim occurs a. The source tag row is duplicated, giving two lines with the same information and two distinct primary key (CMPNT_ID) values b. The ENG_PROJ_ID is inserted into the entity table ENG_PROJ_ID field for the SOURCE or As-Built item (Tag). A negative value indicates a ‘Dummy’ item used only for complete reference in the database (such as a panel when only the terminal is claimed. c. The ENG_PROJ_ID is inserted into the entity table ENG_REF_ID field for the CLAIMED or Engineering Project item (Tag) 3. When an claim occurs such as in 2 above, an entry is also made in the SCOPE_ITEM_RELATION table using the ENG_PROJ_ID and both of the specific item primary keys (CMPNT_ID values) along with a TABLE_ID (in our case, identifying that these come from the COMPONENT table. This is used to maintain the relationship between the two items. 4. Items created in the Engineering Project will appear only in the entity table (COMPONENT) until they are set for a Merge, at which point they will appear in the SCOPE_ITEM_RELATION table to be transferred to the As-Built 5. In the Merge process, the above steps are reversed, with the CLAIMED item information overwriting that of the previously As-Built SOURCE row 6. In the Merge/Release process, the above steps are reversed, but the CLAIMED item information is NOT used to overwrite the As-Built and the row is simply deleted

Example database query output - Prior to any Claims COMPONENT Table CMPNT_ID







As-Built Tag



- Claimed to Engineering Project with ID 4444 COMPONENT Table CMPNT_ID







As-Built Tag





Project Tag



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Deployment Options Local stand alone

SPI Software SPLM Software and license No external connections required

A configuration you may not encounter very often in an Enterprise environment outside a test platform or laptop for read-only field reference. With an installation of the SPI-Stand Alone software (a separate purchase), SmartPlant License Manager and any supporting software physically on the workstation, it is its’ own little world. All work will be done and saved in a Sybase SQL Anywhere (i.e. Watcom) database on the machine. Typically this database will be an SPI backup from a main source, such as the project on your server, or delivered from an engineering company. It should be noted that no other database software need be installed on the workstation.

In order to avoid licensing difficulties, the stand alone machine should have a fix TCP/IP address, or be running the Microsoft Loopback Adapter with a designated IP prior to generating the machineID and obtaining the SPLM license. These steps are not required if a connection to the license server can be maintained.

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SPI Installation and Administration


Traditional Client Server

The ‘standard’ SPI install as documented in the Installation Guide. Each workstation using the product has the SPI software, add-ons such as SmartPlant Report Generator and the database client side product installed locally. In addition, the SmartPlant License Manager software has to be installed prior to SmartPlant Instrumentation.

All workstations communicate back to one or more servers. Typically it is two, a database server and a license server. The license server is typically separate because it requires a fixed TCP/IP address in order to prevent accidental license invalidation. The database server will house one or more SPI domains for use in your organization.

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Details on Citrix / Terminal Server type installations can be found in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide, starting on page 77. The basic workflow and some cautions are listed below:

1. Install and configure SPI and required or desired applications on a Citrix Presentation Server a. Follow specific instructions for installation on your specific database platform b. Before even performing anything Citrix related, ensure that SPI functions and connects to your database 2. Publish the Instrumentation program(s) for which you want access per Citrix guidelines 3. Configure the Citrix Presentation Server for Instrumentation a. Create a common ‘user’ drive path with roaming profiles enabled b. Ensure a copy of the intools.ini file is here

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Doc. No: DINT2-TP-100023A Rev. 0

SPI Installation and Administration


c. Many create scripts to copy a master .ini file copy to a new user folder d. Make sure this drive is added to the system path e. Perform the two required registry changes 4. Create individual Intools.ini files for each users 5. Create the MKIntools.cmd file a. Calls rootdrv.cmd to map user home folder b. copies the intools.ini file to the user directory if not already present 6. For users who want to work with SmartPlant integration, IDEAL, the SmartPlant Electrical Interface or DCS Vendor Interfaces, and additional Registry modification is needed. 7. If using Citrix in Seamless mode, perform the additional Registry modification on page 81 of the SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide.

DB Checker / CheckDB Utility Expanded information on this tool can be found in the DB Checker Users Guide delivered with your SPI software.

What is it? DBChecker, sometimes referred to as CheckDB, is a utility used to verify the integrity of your SPI database.

Recommendations When to use □

When directed by SPI Support for testing and troubleshooting

Prior to and after a major upgrade

After initializing a new domain from a source outside your company

After major data copies

Prior to, and after use of the Import or Merger utilities

After Merging a large Engineering Project back to the As-Built database

Recommended periodic maintenance, frequency dependant upon activity level and history

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How to use 1. Start the utility from the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder by double-clicking checkdb.exe. 2. In the DBChecker Utility window, click Connect to connect to the Admin schema of your SmartPlant Instrumentation database. 3. Select a target domain. 4. Under Check tables and related items, select Tables, and then select a desired combination of the check boxes. 5. If you want to check reference data, you must select the Initial records check box. Initial records are rows in which all fields of primary keys are zeros. When checking reference data, the software checks existence of required rows in pertinent tables. 6. Click Run to start the database check. 7. Upon completion of the database check, the software creates the files COMPLOG.TXT and RECREATE.TXT. If database problems are found, the software opens the Check Results dialog box, where you can analyze the problems and fix suggestions, and select all or specific problems which you want to fix on the fly or at a later stage. If you choose to repair the database yourself, it is recommended that you run the DBChecker Utility once more to verify that all the problems have been fixed.

Cautions □

It is recommended that only trained users with advanced knowledge of SmartPlant Instrumentation and administration options should use the utility. If such knowledge is lacking, it is recommended to use Intergraph Support assistance when using the utility for the first time.

It is highly recommended that you NOT accept or run fixes with which you are not familiar. Until you gain a good grasp of what typical statements are safe (or unsafe) to run on your specific database, you should seek help from Intergraph Support. We always have the latest information on fix statements that may be problematic based on recent experience

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Initial issue, v2009

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