1- General Thisprocedure appliesto fielderectionworkof 1047m3spherical tanks TK-3710NBICIDat ILAMGASTREATINGPLANT. All fielderectionshallbe performedstrictlyin accordancewiththe drawings approvedby the owner.
2- Foundation Beforeerectionworkof tanks,Foundation shallbe checkedby thetankbuilder in accordance withfieldin specificmanual.lf thereweresomeobstracles on tankerection, suchfoundation shouldbe repairedby foundation constructor.
3- Erection 3.1-Theerectionsequence shallbe as follows: - Lowerpartof columnson thefoundations. - Equatorplateswithuppercolumns. - Intermediate equatorplates. - Bottomcrownplates. - Top crownplates. 3.2-Prior to the erectionof column,the levelof foundation shallbe adjusted to the specifiedlevelwithshimplate.The clearancebetweenfoundation andcolumnbaseshallbe concreted beforethe hvdrostatic test. 3.3-Erection of lowercolumns. Duringerectionof lowercolumn,levelandplumpness shallbe checked. (note:The referencepointshallbe markedbeforeerection,this pointshallbe determined fromtop of column.(FlG. 1) 3.4-Allowable tolerance of plumpness andlevelof eachcolumnsis as following: Plumpness: H/500mm(Plus/Minus) Level : 3 mm(Plus/Minus)
3.5-Erection of equatorplatewithuppercolumn. - Priorto the equatorplateerection,erectiontoolsmustbe installed.And thenstagingshallbe installed on the equatorplates. typicallayoutis shownin FIG.2,butshape,number& locationof erectiontools may be changedif necessary. - Two plateswith uppercolumn(MarkedA) shallbe erected. - The intermediateplatewithoutuppercolumn(MarkedB) shallbe erected. - Followthe sameprocedurefor the remainingequalorplates. - Aftererectionof the eouatorolatesinsidediameter"D"shallbe checked. the out of roundness shallnotexceed1%of the nominaldiametershown in drawing(FlG.3). 3.6-Erectionof bottomandtop crownplates. - Eachbottomandtop crownsconsistof sevenplates. - the adjacentplates(markedC) shallbe assembled plates. priorto 3 remaining - the plates(markedD) shallbe assembled priorto erectionof centerplate.
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