ARTICULATION The act of moving two articulators toward each other for the obstruction of the outgoing air is called ‘articulation’. The two articulators may be moved in such a way that they are touching or almost touching each other at a certain point which is called 9!"int $!*a#e& "8 arti#u*ati"n:. Besides on the basis of point of articulation, speech sounds are also classied based on the ways in which the out-going air is obstructed (;anner "8 arti#u*ati"n.
central mecanism that responsible to the production of speech.
!espiration "s the process of modiying the air from the lungs for use in greating in spea#ing. !espiration depends on the nasal, oral and pharyngeal cavities for air inta#e, which involve $ %. Pulmonary sytem
2. chest wall 3. major and minor thoracic muscle groups 4. Abdominal muscle &honation "s the modication of the airstream from the lungs by the movement of the structures in the laryngeal area (an airway to the lungs !esonation "s the modiction of the airstream from the lungs by the si'e, shape and movement of the structure of nasal area, oral area, and pharyngeal areas (part of throat that connects inner nose to the throat
POINT $PLACE& O, ARTICULATION There are eleven possible places are used in speech. owever, only around eight which are used in !nglish. %. Bilabial . !etro)e* +. abio-dental . &alatal . /ental %0. 1vular 2. 3lveolar %%. &haryngeal 4. &alato-alveolar (alveo-palatal
POINT $PLACE& O, ARTICULATION -. Bi*abia*$ both lips are involved in articulation, as in [p], [b], [m], [w] – pin", beat, mil", wal" /. Labi"
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