Speech Celebrating Independence Day of Indonesia

July 21, 2018 | Author: Bernada Tetanoe | Category: Nationalism, Indonesia, Political Theories, Globalization, Politics
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Good morning and best wishes for u! The honorable Mr. Susanto Nugraha as Principal of SMA N 33 Bandar ampung The honorable Mr. Mrs. Teachers and Staff   And m belo"ed belo"ed friend et us pra and praise Gratitude to Allah S#T who has gi"en his merc and grace to all of us$ so that we can gather in this room in a health state. %o not forget praise and greetings we con"e to our great prophet Muhammad SA# who alwas pra for his people to the goodness and sal"ation. Than& ou for the opportunit that has been gi"en to me to deli"er a speech with the theme the role of oung people in filling the independence of 'ndonesia. adies and Gentlemen$ Toda we are celebrating our countr(s independence da. %id ou &now that )* ears ago people before us fought b sacrificing their li"es and propert to repel in"aders from our  land. The fought "er bra"el in ta&ing awa and maintaining the independence of our countr from the colonialist(s arms and and in the the midd middle le of rain rain of bull bullet ets s that that can can shoo shoott them them antime. All









independence of our nation. Than&s to them so that we all can feel the freedom until toda.

adies and Gentlemen$ The independence that we can fell at this time does not mean that we ha"e finished the struggle. 'nstead at this point we ha"e to fight to defend the independence of 'ndonesia. #e as 'ndonesian people$ especiall the oung generation has a "er important role for the progress and peace of our countr because the oung generation is spearheading of our nation(s struggle toda. +owe"er$ in realit$ the oung generation now mostl being indi"idualism$ being hedonism$ and has low nationalism spirit. Surel this is a huge problem for our nation$ what will happen to our nation$ if the oung generation is alread lost "alues of noble character and spirit to li"e and wor& together and help each other. adies and Gentlemen$ The spirit of nationalism in the oung generation is "er important. The spirit of nationalism can establish awareness and loalt to the nation and the countr regardless of their  ethnicit$ race and religion. B ha"ing the spirit of nationalism we can establish harmon among the people. That is wh we must not remain silent with what happened to the oung generation of toda. Therefore$ the spirit of nationalism should we in,ect into the souls of our oung generation. B raising the encouragement to them and gi"ing them moti"ation to oung. This is becoming important because the

oung generation is the ne-t generation who will be cantile"er  of 'ndonesian nation. adies and Gentlemen$ B the nationalism spirit$ we as the oung generation can continue the heroes struggle who ha"e ser"ed us well. 'f the had fought with weapons$ we struggled with boo&s and stationer to fight for 'ndonesian nation. #e must alwas be acti"e and alwas optimistic to pro"ide the best for our  belo"ed homeland. That is all we can achie"e b learning$ ha"ing achie"ement$ scenting 'ndonesian name in the world and filling the independence of 'ndonesia as the best as ou can do with high spirit of nationalism and patriotism. adies and Gentlemen$ #e must belie"e that we as a oung generate will be successors are able to gi"e change for this belo"ed nation. Good luc&$ wor& hard to be a better oung generation for the future of our nation and our own future. adies and Gentlemen$ ' thin& what ' sa is enough. 'f there are mista&es in this short speech$ ' apologi/e. The last ' sa than& ou for our  attention. ong li"e m 'ndonesia!

young generation : generasi muda

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

The honorable, speech adjudicators, The honorable, the committee of speech contest, And all participants, good morning!

First of all, let’s express our great thanks to the Almighty od Allah WT, "ho has gi#en us opportunity, so that "e can join in this $nglish speech contest% Also sala"at and salam for our great prophet in all o#er the "orld, that is prophet &uhammad AW "ho has guided us from the "rong "ay to the right "ay, from the darkness to the lightness, and from the bad character to the good one as "e are standing hold today% 'adies and entleman, on this occasion allo" me to deli#er my speech entitled, (oung eneration : The Agen of )hange Well, 'adies and entleman% (oung eneration is the ones "ho ha#e responsibility to de#elop the nation, so that their nation "ill ha#e high prestigious among the nations in the "orld% They are the future generation "ho can produced fresh brilliant idea to bring the nation better% The future of the nation belongs to their younger generation%  *o" + "ill ask a uestion, ho" is the current condition of +ndonesian (ounger eneration no"adays- As "e all kno", most of (oung eneration like for some reason to do useless thing than the good one% +t’s like ho" teenagers spent their time of talking on the phone for t"o or e#en four hours "ith their friends explaining some useless, like ./ei ha#e you check your timeline- +’#e just upload such a #ery funny photograph0, or something like that% Then, "e can see ho" teenagers sit in front of their computer to play #ideo game for some hours, and there are more acti#ities that "ill "aste their time% This is definitely not the capture of

(oung eneration "ho is needed by our nation right no"% 1ur nation need a change, and it’s clear that (oung eneration is the one "ho can do this% 2esides, no"adays (oung eneration faces difficult challenges in running their lifein order to not against norms, custom and religion% Today’s youth prepare to be ser#ed "ith 3s 4sex, song and sport5% As "e kno", there are many (oung eneration faces social problems such as ju#enile delinuency, drug abuse, street children and etc% Therefore, it’s necessary to  pro#ide (oung eneration "ith simultaneous programs and acti#ities that in#ol#e all aspects like family, societies, school, and youth organi6ation%

'adies and entleman! A great generations are they "ho act "ith their heart, not "ith their egoism% To create a great nation, need a po"erfull (oung eneration% To get them, the (outh should ha#e the follo"ing : 7%

$ducational 2ackground%

A great generation must be educated man% Without education, it’s #ery impossible for them to lead the nation better% $ducation is the key to ad#ance this nation% 2eing superior generation of intelligent, creati#e and morals through education,is one correct ans"er for us to build this nation% A country "ould be great if supported by the youth "ho are a"are that education is important for them% Through education, (oung eneration learn ho" to be  patriotism and nationalism in #arious acti#ities, not only academic but also other acti#ities% o that, they "ill participate acti#ely in the de#elopment of nation% The point that "e must  belie#e that (oung eneration is important factor in shaping the nation% 8%

ood character%

reat (oung eneration must ha#e good character% As "e kno", no"adays "e find difficulties in getting real model of good character% We can see on the media that the leaders of our go#ernment are often fighting each other and do bullying, e#en in the house of reprecentati#e, our reprecentati#e do the same thing% /ere, (oung eneration must think o#er, if they imitate such character, ho" the future of the nation "ill be%


2eside education and good character, other fator also play important role in shaping the

nation’s next generation "hich ha#e good uality in sense of faith and piety to od Almighty% As high as any kno"ledge obtained "ithout obeying religious order, "ill be surely nothing% 9asulullah AW said .use the fi#e things before the other fi#e things comes% (our young  before your old, your health before your sickness, your richness before your poorness, your life before your death and your spare time before your busyness0% 9asulullah AW guides the (oung eneration to keep their health, keep their po"er up, and keep theis morals% This specially gi#es a meaningfull message for (oung enerration because they definitely need it% o that, (oung eneration must surely belie#e that od is the one "ho can help them in anything they do, including their mission in shaping this nation%

'adies and entleman! From the explanation abo#e "e can conclude that (oung eneration is the ones "ho can sa#e the nation% They’re the one "ho can grant this nation’s dreams% o just start it no", as people says .don’t "ait until tomorro" "hat you can do today0% 1ur nation need the change, so do the change no"% tart it from a little change, then together "e can change this "orld% 2ecause they are (oung eneration, they truly the Agen of change! Well ladies and gentleman, + think that’s all "hat + can tell you on this occasion% Thank you #ery much for your kind attention, and + am sorry for my mistakes% Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

)$'$29AT+* +*$;$*$*)$ A( 1F +*1*$+A Assalamualaikum "r "b% With all due respect to the honorable judges representing, to all of the teachers here attending, and to all of the audiences, ladies and gentlemen, good morning e#eryone! First of all, let us thank Allah WT "hich because of /is blessings, "e all can gather here on this e#ent% hala"at and prayer "e "ill say to our greatest prophet, &uhammad AW, his family, his friends, and all of his follo"ers% Amien!

+n this chance + "ould like to tell you my speech about the +ndonesian
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