Spectrum TRD1 Tests U5 3(1)

February 28, 2018 | Author: jjmalher | Category: Pop Culture, Leisure, Jazz Music, Entertainment (General)
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Un nit 5 te est Listening

Grammar G r

1  Listen to the interview w. Where is Mike sleeping on h his trip? (2 marks) m

6 Look at the table. Writte questions using the present co ontinuous. T Then write short s answe ers. (10 marks))

___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ __ 2  Listen aga ain. Complette the sentences. (8 8 marks) 1 Mike is w_ __________ across the USA. U 2 Mike likes d_________ __ pictures. 3 Mike carrie es a backpacck, a compas ss, a map an nd s________ ___. 4 Mike’s b__ _________ iss called Mike e’s Adventure e Across Am merica.

Teresa (1) Robbie (2) Liz and Sue (3) Claire (4) You and Jen (5) Jo and Sam


Voc cabulary y


3 Complete C the e sentences s with the ve erbs. There are two verbs s you do no ot need. (5 marks) m carrrying climbss dives flying jum mping practtises sailing g 1 Kelly ____ _______ the violin for two o hours everyy day. 2 Joel likes _ __________ _ his boat. 3 Jessica ha ates _______ ____ in an ae eroplane. 4 Simon ___ ________ the e tree in his garden. 5 Rebecca likes _______ ____ into the e sea. 4 Read R the deffinitions and d write the words. w (5 5 marks) 1 You use th his and a ma ap to navigate e. _________ __ 2 You use th his to protectt your skin ag gainst the su un. _________ __ 3 You use th his if you havve an acciden nt and are hurt. _____ _______ 4 You use th his to see in the t dark. ___ ________ 5 A lot of people can sleep in this. __ _________ 5 Complete C the e sentences s. (5 marks) 1 I play the d d_________ __; it’s biggerr than my sister’s guitar. 2 Lady Gaga a, Rihanna and a Ed Sheeran are p________ ___ singers. 3 An e_____ ______ is an n instrument that t isn’t in a an orchestra. 4 I don’t like string instruments. I play y the d________ ___ instead. 5 Kanye We est is a h____ _______ musician.


3 4 5

pracctise the pian no studdy talk on the phone writee an email watcch TV eat ffish and chip ps

     

Is Teres sa practisingg the piano? Yes, sh he is. ______ ______________________ __________ _____ ______ _________________ ______ ______________________ __________ _____ ______ _________________ ______ ______________________ __________ _____ ______ _________________ ______ ______________________ __________ _____ ______ _________________ ______ ______________________ __________ _____ ______ _________________

7 Write senttences using g the promp pts and the verbs. Use e the presen nt continuou us or presen nt simple forrm. There is one verb yo ou do not ne eed. (5 marks) fly eatt play sail swim m watch 1 I / comp puter games right now. ( ) ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 2 We / us sually / dinneer at 7.00 p.m m. () ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 3 Today they t / in a veery small plan ne. () ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 4 Harry / at the sportss centre rightt now. () ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 5 Simon and a Mary / soometimes / around a the Caribbe ean in their bboat. () ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____

Un nit 5 te est 8 Complete C the e sentences s with the co orrect form o of th he verb in brackets. (10 0 marks) 1 I often ___ ________ (pllay) compute er games afte er school, but I ________ ___ (not play y) computer games now w. 2 Hannah __ _________ (eat) ( chocola ate now, but she _____ ______ (not eat) e chocolatte every dayy. 3 My parentss _________ __ (not go) to o the supermarkket often, butt they ______ _____ (go) today. 4 Harry usua ally _______ ____ (visit) hiis grandpare ents at the we eekend, but this t weekend d he ______ _____ (visit) his aunt. 5 We _____ w ______ (not fly) f regularly, but right now we ______ _____ (fly) in n a helicopter!

Pra actical En nglish 9 Complete C the e dialogue. (15 ( marks) Grace G Rob R

Grace G Rob R Grace G

H Hello. It’s Grace. Can I (1 1) s________ _ tto Jessica? S Sorry, Jessicca isn’t here at the ((2) m______ ___. She’s att Joe’s house e. C Can I take a (3) m______ ___? Y Yes, please. Can you ask ((4) h_______ __ to call me e back? O Of (5) c____ _____. T Thanks. Bye.

Reading R 11 1 Read the texts. t Who aare Ella Fitzgerald and Miles Daviies? (3 markks)

__________ ______________________ ________________ An artist David Gilbert is 15 andd he lives in New N York. Da avid loves bask ketball but hee also enjoys s art. David makes very y unusual arrt. He makes paintings wiith basketballs s! He likes crreating pictures of people e. He always paints with the ccolour blue because b it’s the t colour of his favourite tteam – The New N York Kn nicks. At the mom ment, he’s woorking on a school s projecct – it’s a picturre of his favoourite basketball player – Carmelo Anthony. A Davvid also likes drawing picttures of players during baskeetball games s. A musician Tia is from London. Sh e is 14 and her h hobby is singing. At the weeken d she sings in a choir. Sh he also plays the piano. T ia’s favourite e kind of mussic is jazz. Her fa avourite mussicians are Ella Fitzgerald d and Miles Davies. Tia’s lovee of jazz com mes from herr mum – Fra ancesca. Fraancesca is a jazz j singer. Tia T is practising for f a school cconcert tonig ght. She is singing herr favourite Ellla Fitzgerald d song – ‘Cryy Me A River’. Tia loves jazzz music beca ause it’s fun to t listen to.

Cum mulative e Review w 10 Complete C the e text. (10 marks) m Arun A is from D Delhi in India a. He’s sixtee en years old and he lives w with (1) ____ _____ parentts. He (2 2) ________ _ in a shop th hat makes sh hoes. He doesn’t have a lot of free time, t but he loves (3 3) ________ _, especially in i the library where there e are a lot of bo ooks and it issn’t (4) _____ ____. Arun her children write w for a we eekly and some oth or the children of Delhi. Arun’s friend newspaper fo Baz B draws the e cartoon pa age. It’s 9.00 p.m. and Aru un is s working on a story abou ut the stormy y weather. Ba az is s (5) _______ __ a picture. The newspa aper is very popular with tthe children of o Delhi.


12 2 Read the texts t again. Answer the e questions.. (12 marks) 1 What co olour does D David use? Why? W ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 2 What prroject is he ddoing now? ______ ______________________ __________ _____ 3 What do oes David doo when he’s at basketballl matches? ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 4 What do oes Tia do aat weekends? ? ______ ______________________ __________ _____ 5 Who is Francesca aand what doe es she do? ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 6 What is s happening ttonight at Tia a’s school? ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____

Un nit 5 te est Wriiting 13 Im magine a pe erfect mome ent in time. Describe D wh ho yo ou are with and what yo ou are doing g. Use the prompts to h help you. Wrrite about 10 00 words. Remember R to o use such as, a like and for example e. (1 10 marks) Paragraph P 1 Where you are and who you’re witth Describe D the place and the people: sa ay where you u are, who you’re with. Paragraph P 2 Describing the situatio on Describe D wha at you are do oing, what you’re wearing g and what the weather’s likke. Paragraph P 3 Opinion Describe D whyy this momen nt is your perfect momentt. ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ __ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____ ___________ _ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _______________________________ __________ _____

L Listening ___ ___ / 10 Vocabula ary _____ / 15 Grammar ____ ___ / 25 P Practical English _____ / 15 Cumulativve Review _____ _ / 10 Reading R ______ / 15 W Writing _____ _ / 10 TOT TAL ___________ / 100


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