Spectrum TRD1 Tests U4 1

January 10, 2018 | Author: PatriciaJiménezBernal | Category: Languages
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test students of secondary English...


Unit 4 test 6 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets in their comparative form. (10 marks)

Listening 1

 Listen to the interview. Where are they? (2 marks) Canada / the USA


 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? (8 marks) 1 The Mojave Desert is in Death Valley. ___ 2 It isn’t warm all year round in Death Valley. ___ 3 The average temperature from November to February is 47 degrees Celsius. ___ 4 People don’t live in Death Valley. ___

Vocabulary 3 Tick () if the two words are opposites. Cross () if they have a different meaning. (10 marks) 1 2 3 4 5

boring / exciting ___ exciting / dangerous ___ expensive / cheap ___ difficult / safe ____ noisy / quiet _____

4 Complete the sentences. (10 marks) 1 2 3 4 5

The weather today is wet and c_ _u_ _. It’s always warm and d_ _ in summer. In winter, it’s cold and i_ _ here. In autumn, it’s windy and s_ _r_ _. It’s hot and s_ _n_ today.

1 New York is ___________ (big) than Barcelona. 2 Cats are ___________ (safe) than lions as pets. 3 These trainers are ___________ (expensive) than those ones. 4 The sun is ___________ (hot) than the moon. 5 I think Monday is ___________ (bad) than Friday. 7 Find the mistakes and circle them. (10 marks) 1 2 3 4 5

Everest is the most high mountain in the world. I think English is the easyest subject. For me, August is the goodest month. Beijing is the popular city in China for tourists. The Blue Whale is the larger animal in the world.

Practical English 8 Write the words in the correct order. (15 marks) Emma

Assistant Emma Assistant Emma Assistant

Grammar 5 Complete the sentences with the words. (10 marks) better higher more dangerous noisier smaller 1 Mount Kilimanjaro is _____________ than K2. 2 I’m _____________ than my sister at Maths. 3 I think Mount Vesuvius is _____________ than Mauna Loa. 4 Switzerland is _____________ than Germany. 5 I think Luke is _____________ than Carla. He shouts a lot!



Hello. I want to visit Edinburgh. (1) way / the / What’s / there? / best / to get _______________________________ (2) by train. / The / is / best way _______________________________ When is the next train? (3) in / It’s / minutes. / ten _______________________________ (4) much / ticket? / How / a / is _______________________________ (5) £25. / a return is / A single / is £20 / and _______________________________ Thank you.

Unit 4 test Writing

Reading 9 Read the text. How big is Australia? (3 marks) _________________________________________

An Australian Adventure! Come and see our amazing country! 1 Sydney Sydney is a large and beautiful city where you can: • Swim with dolphins in Port Stephens. • Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art. • Try out the many restaurants along Woolloomooloo Wharf. Fun fact Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It’s 7,686,850 square kilometres. 2 Australia’s Red Centre • Explore central Australia and experience what it’s like in the hottest and driest part of the country. • Go to Alice Springs and take a trip to the kangaroo sanctuary. • Walk around the enormous Uluru rock. Fun fact There are camels in Australia! You can take an exciting camel ride across the desert. 10 Read the text again. Where can you go to see and do these things? Write Sydney (S) or Central Australia (C). (12 marks) 1 2 3 4 5 6

eat a meal by the water ___ travel in an unusual way ___ see some interesting drawings and paintings ___ be far from the sea ___ go somewhere very hot ___ see an animal in the water ___


11 Choose one of the topics from the first box. Compare three people or things in your chosen topic. Write complete sentences using the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in the second box and your own ideas. Use the prompts to help you. Write about 50 words. (10 marks) actors books cities computer games films mobile phones beautiful boring cold exciting funny hot interesting large modern old popular scary small Paragraph 1 Introduction of three items The (cities / actors / films, etc.) are … They are … Paragraph 2 Comparison of three items The three (cities / actors / films, etc.) are … X is the (oldest / coldest, etc.) X is the most (modern / exciting, etc.) The weather in X is … in the winter and … Paragraph 3 Opinion My favourite (city / actor / film, etc.) is … because …

Unit 4 test _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________




__________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________

Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20_ Grammar _____ / 30 Practical English _____ / 15_______Reading _____ / 15 Writing _____ / 10 _____TOTAL __________ / 100


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