Case Digests (2nd Batch)
2.6 Claims Against the Estate (Rule 86, Rules of Court) 1. Santos v. Manarang (Gian) FACTS: FACTS: Don Lucas died ea!ing a "i "#c stated his desi$e that his de%ts %e $eigious& 'aid %& his "ie e*ecuto$s in the o$+ at the ,+e ag$eed u'on "# his c$edito$s- A+ong the de%ts +en,oned in the "i "as one in a!o$ o Santos- .he "i "as du& '$o%ated a co++i/ee "as a''ointed to hea$ dete$+ine the cai+s against the estate- 0ence the co++i/ee su%+i/ed its $e'o$t to the cou$t.he$eae$ Santos '$esented a 'e,,on to the cou$t as3ing that the co++i/ee %e $e4ui$ed to $econ!ene 'ass u'on his cai+s against the estate "#c "e$e $ecogni5ed in the "i- 0is 'e,,on "as denied %& the cou$t on Pagethe | 1g$ound that the sa+e ('e,,on) "as %a$$ed %& the statute o noncai+s- Santos contended that his aiu$e to '$esent his cai+ to the co++i/ee "#in the statute o noncai+s "as due to his %eie that it "as unnecessa$& to do so %ecause o the act that Don Lucas (testato$) in his "i e*'$ess& $ecogni5ed the de%ts di$ected that the& shoud %e 'aid-
HELD: .he HELD: .he cai+ o Santos is barred %& barred %& the statute o noncai+s- Santos shoud ha!e '$esented his cai+ to the co++i/ee du$ing the 6 +onth 'e$iod '$esc$i%ed %& a"RATIO “Debts may accrue and be paid in whole or in part between the me the will is made and the death of the testator. To allow a debt menoned in the will in the amount expressed therein on the ground that such was the desire of the testator, when, in fact, the debt had been wholly or partly paid, would be not only unust to the residuary heirs, but a re!econ upon the good sense of the testator himself. The direcon in the will for the executor to pay all ust debts does not mean that he shall pay them without probate. There is nothing in the will to indicate that the testator intended that his estate should be administer administered ed in any other than the regular regular way under the statute, statute, which re"uires re"uires #all demands against the estates of the deceased persons,# #all such demands as may be exhibited,# etc. The statute pro$ides the $ery means for ascertaining whether the claims against the estate or ust debts. %ut it is said that the plain&'s (antos) claims should be considered as partaing of the nature of a legacy and disposed of accordingly. *f this be perfect then the plain& (antos) would recei$e nothing unl a+er all debts had been paid and the heirs by force of law had recei$ed their shares. rom any point of $iew the ine$itable result is that there must be a hearing someme hearing someme before some tribunal to determine the correctness of the debts recogni-ed in the wills of deceased persons. This hearing, in the rst instance, cannot be had before the court because because the law does not authori-e it. uch debtors debtors must present present their claims claims to the commi/ee0 commi/ee0 otherwise otherwise their claims will be fore$er barred.1 2. Tan Sen Guan v. Go Sui San (2hai) FACTS: TAN SEN GUAN !"ain#$% !"ain#$% is the ad+inist$a ad+inist$ato$ to$ o the intestate intestate estate o Tan eng Sue and and G& SU' SAN Antonio de(endant ) is the ad+inist$ato$ in the testa+enta$& '$oceeding o$ the se/e+ent o the estate o Antonio Tam!o"o.
Acco$ding to the %oo3s 3e't %& the deendant ad+inist$ato$ ad+inist$ato$ Antonio .a+'oco o"ed .an .an Peng Sue the su+ o P27892-69 "ith the inte$est at the $ate o : 6#19 'e$ cent 'e$ &ea$ "#c a+ounted to P;92$o+ this Pain, +o!ed o$ a ne" t$iaOn ?a$ch 2$o+ this Pain, +o!ed o$ a ne" t$iaOn ?a$ch 2austo Ba$$edo the hei$s adudicated e*t$audicia& unto the+se!es the said c$edit- Hhich "as ho"e!e$ canceed %& the a'anese I+'e$ia A$+& in August 1: (?cDonough an A+e$ican conside$ed ene+& ci,5en hence his '$o'e$,es "e$e a''$o'$iated to the in!ade$) and the hei$ "as 'aid Ph'29 and signed a ce$,cate $e4ues,ng the Registe$ o Deeds to cance the +o$tgage o these '$o'e$,es?cDonough died on ?a$ch 7 1:7 and an intestate '$oceeding "as ins,tuted- A no,ce to c$edito$s $e4ui$ing the+ to e thei$ cai+ "ith the ce$3 o cou$t "ithin 6 +onths $o+ the date o its $st 'u%ica,on (August 2;) un, >e%$ua$& 2; 1:6On Oct- 22 1:I
Case Digests (2nd Batch)
denied the 'e,,on'ssue: Hhethe$ 'ssue: Hhethe$ o$ not the cai+ o PNB against the estate o the deceased Pascua ianue!a is a$ead& %a$$edHe"d: I o$ the issuance o e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on o the intestate estate o ia$in since no '$oceedings o$ se/e+ent has %een ins,tuted %& the "ido" o$ an& hei$s- On Se'te+%e$ 1:67 e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on "e$e issued to the "ido" ?$s- Pu$icacion De ia$in as the ad+inist$at$i*On ?a$ch 1:66 PNB ed in C>I its cai+s against the i ntestate ntestate estate o the deceased in the a+ount a"a$ded in the udg+ent- .he ad+inist$at$i* ed he$ ans"e$ aeging that PNBs cai+ has '$esc$i%ed "hich i+its to 19 &ea$s "ithin "hich an ac,on to $e!i!e a udg+ent +a& %e ed (A$,ce 11 o CC)On Se'te+%e$ Se'te+%e$ 1:6< the son o the deceased togethe$ "ith Pu$icacion i3e"ise ed an o''osi,on that the cai+ o PNB has %een %a$$ed %& the statute o i+ita,ons that the +one& udg+ent $eied u'on coud ha!e %een eno$ced %& an inde'endent ci!i ac,on o$ $e!i!a o udg+ent unde$ sec,on 6 $ue ;: o ROCPNB counte$ed and ad+i/ed that +o$e than 19 &ea$s ha!e a$ead& ea'sed $o+ the ,+e udg+ent %eca+e na@ ho"e!e$ ho"e!e$ the '$esc$i',!e 'e$iod "as inte$$u'ted %& the 'a$,a 'a&+ent +ade %& the udg+ent de%to$ de%to$ the ast o "hich "as on ?a$ch 1:76- PNB aso cai+s that the$e "as an ac3no"edg+ent o the de%t hence $esu,ng to inte$$u',on- PNB cited !a$ious instances "he$ein the deceased du$ing his ie,+e and ae$ the decision %eca+e na +ade $e'$esenta,ons to it o$ g$ace to 'a& the udg+ent c$edit- .he ad+inist$at$i* he$se i3e"ise +ade $e'$esenta,ons to the PNBC>I $ende$ed a decision against PNB "he$e its cai+s ha!e a$ead& '$esc$i%ed o$ aiu$e to e a +o,on o$ e*ecu,on "ithin 7 &ea$s $o+ date o udg+ent no$ ed an ac,on to $e!i!e udg+ent "ithin 19 &ea$s $o+ date o udg+ent- 0ence this a''ea to CA ISS=E 1- Hhethe$ Hhethe$ PNBs PNBs cai+ consis,n consis,ng g o +one& udg+ent udg+ent against against the the deceased deceased "hich %eca+e %eca+e na on August 11 1:77 coud s, %e ed in the i ntestate ntestate estate o the deceased ae$ 19 &ea$s o$ the $e!i!a o the udg+ent has a$ead& a'sed 2- Has the the ca cai+ i+ ed ed on ,+e ,+e 0ELD Mes- =nde$ Sec,on 6 Rue ;: o the Rues o Cou$t a udg+ent +a& %e e*ecuted on +o,on "ithin !e (7) &ea$s $o+ the date o its ent$& o$ $o+ the date it %eco+es na and e*ecuto$&- Ae$ the a'se o such ,+e and %eo$e it is %a$$ed %& the statute o i+ita,ons a udg+ent +a& %e eno$ced %& ac,on- PNB +aintains that the a''ica%e 'e$iod o '$esc$i',on is not the 19K&ea$ 'e$iod o$ ing an ac,on to $e!i!e a udg+ent %ut the 'e$iod o '$esc$i',on o$ the ing o c$edito$Js cai+ against the udg+ent de%to$Js estate unde$ Sec,on 2 Rue 86 o the Rues o Cou$t.he $eco$ds sho" that on u& 1; 1:67 the a''eant Ban3 ed a 'e,,on o$ the issuance o e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on in the se/e+ent o the intestate estate estate o Po$$io ia$in and on Se'te+%e$ 2 1:67 the e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on "as issued in a!o$ o the "ido" o Po$$io- I the +one& udg+ent o%tained %& PNB against Po$$io ia$in %eca+e na and e*ecuto$& on August 11 1:77 it has u' to August 11 1:67 to e an ac,on to $e!i!e the udg+ent- 0o"e!e$ a''eant Ban3 did not actua& e an ac,on to $e!i!e the +one& udg+ent %ut a cai+ against the estate estate o the deceased on ?a$ch : 1:66Mes- Hhen PNB ed a 'e,,on o$ the issuance o e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on sta,ng the$ein that it "as one o the c$edito$s o the estate o the deceased it can %e conside$ed that the Ban3 has +ade 3no"n its cai+ against it and since the ao$esaid 'e,,on "as ed "ithin the 19K&ea$ '$esc$i',!e 'e$iod o$ the $e!i!a o the +one& udg+ent in 4ues,on a''eant Ban3 +a& %e dee+ed to ha!e ed its cai+ on ,+e- In eect the
Case Digests (2nd Batch)
ing o the 'e,,on o$ the issuance o e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on is the $st conc$ete ste' to ta3e so that the c$edito$s o the estate o the deceased +a& %e 3no"n and $ecogni5ed- Once a c$edito$ has ed a 'e,,on o$ the issuance o e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on the cou$t sha issue e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on to a 4uaied 'e$sonI++ediate& ae$ the g$an,ng o the e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on the cou$t sha issue no,ce $e4ui$ing a 'e$sons ha!ing +one& cai+s against the decedent to e the+ "ith the ce$3 o cou$t- In the no,ce the cou$t sha state the ,+e o$ the ing o the cai+s against the estate "hich sha not %e +o$e than t"e!e (12) no$ ess than si* (6) +onths ae$ the date o $st 'u%ica,on o the no,ce --- I++ediate& ae$ the no,ce is issued to c$edito$s the ad+inist$ato$ sha cause the no,ce to %e 'u%ished o$ th$ee (;) consecu,!e "ee3s successi!e& Pagein| the 7 ne"s'a'e$ o gene$a ci$cua,on in the '$o!ince and to %e 'osted o$ the sa+e 'e$iod in ou$ 'u%ic 'aces in the '$o!ince and in t"o 'u%ic 'aces in +unici'ait& "he$e the decedent ast $esidedIn the case %eo$e us the$e is no sho"ing that the o"e$ cou$t has issued a no,ce $e4ui$ing a 'e$sons ha!ing an& cai+ against the decedent to e the+ "ith the ce$3 o cou$t- But e!en %eo$e the o"e$ cou$t coud issue such no,ce to a c$edito$s o the estate a''eant Ban3 ed on ?a$ch : 1:66 its o$+a cai+ against the estate o the decedent- At $st it "oud a''ea$ that the ing o the cai+ on ?a$ch : 1:66 "as a$ead& out o ,+e %ecause it "as ed +o$e than se!en +onths ae$ the tenK&ea$ '$esc$i',!e 'e$iod o$ $e!i!ing the +one& udg+ent has '$esc$i%ed- 0o"e!e$ conside$ing that the a''eant Ban3 has a$ead& ed a 'e,,on o$ the issuance o e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on in the se/e+ent o the intestate estate o the decedent on u& 1; 1:67 "hich is "ithin the 19K&ea$ 'e$iod the ing o the o$+a cai+ on ?a$ch : 1:66 can %e +ade to $et$oact to the date "hen the 'e,,on o$ e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on "as ed "ith the o"e$ cou$t %ecause that "as actua& the ,+e the a''eant %an3 had +ade 3no"n to the cou$t that it has a cai+ against the estate o the deceased- And thus ha!ing +ade 3no"n on ,+e its cai+ against the estate o the deceased %& +eans o its 'e,,on o$ the issuance o e/e$s o ad+inist$a,on in the se/e+ent o the intestate estate o Po$$io ia$in this the cou$t has gi!en a''eant Ban3 sucient cause o ac,on to asse$t i ts cai+ against the estate o the deceased>. Aguas et a". . Fernande? (4lex) Fa+ts:
So+e,+e in ?a$ch 1:69 s's- >ei* Gua$dino and ?a$ia Aguas ed an ac,on o$ $eco!e$& o da+ages %eo$e the C>I o Sa+a$ against 0e$+ogenes Le+os a!e$$ing that the a/e$ had se$!ed the+ %& $egiste$ed +ai "ith a co'& o a 'e,,on o$ a "$it o 'ossession on& to disco!e$ in cou$t that no such 'e,,on had %een ed0o"e!e$ the deendant (Le+os) died %eo$e ans"e$ing the co+'aint against hi+ a +onth ae$ the said co+'aint "as ed.he 'ain,s a+ended thei$ co+'aint and incuded the hei$s o the deceased and thei$ cai+s o$ da+ages %e cha$gea%e against the estate o the deceasedPain,s a$gue "ith conside$a%e cogenc& that cont$as,ng the co$$eated '$o!isions o the Rues o Cou$t those conce$ning cai+s that a$e %a$$ed i not ed in the estate se/e+ent '$oceedings (Rue 8I .a*es assessed against the estate o a deceased 'e$son need not %e su%+i/ed to the co++i/ee on cai+s in the o$dina$& cou$se o ad+inist$a,on- In the e*e$cise o its cont$o o!e$ the ad+inist$ato$ the cou$t +a& di$ect the 'a&+ent o such ta*es u'on +o,on sho"ing that the ta*es ha!e %een assessed against the estateU***UCai+s o$ ta*es +a& %e coected e!en ae$ the dist$i%u,on o the decedents estate a+ong his hei$s "ho sha %e ia%e the$eo$e in '$o'o$,on o thei$ sha$e in the inhe$itance- Reason o$ i%e$ait& Lie%ood .heo$& (&un oV) T Pineda !- C>I Su'$a Sec- ;17 o NIRC states that 'a&+ent o inco+e ta* sha %e a ien in a!o$ o the go!e$n+ent $o+ the ,+e the assess+ent "as +ade un, u& 'aid- B& !i$tue o such ien this Cou$t hed that the '$o'e$t& o the estate a$ead& in the hands o an hei$ o$ t$anse$ee +a& %e su%ect to the 'a&+ent o the ta* due the estateT Beo$e the inhe$itance has 'assed to the hei$s the un'aid ta*es due the decedent +a& %e coected e!en "ithout its ha!ing %een '$esented unde$ Sec- 2 o Rue 86- =n, the '$o'e$t& o the estate o the decedent has !ested in the hei$s the decedent $e'$esented %& his estate con,nues as i he "e$e s, ai!e su%ect to the 'a&+ent o such ta*es as "oud %e coec,%e $o+ the estate e!en ae$ his death.hus the inco+e ta*es sought to %e coected "e$e due $o+ the estate o$ the &ea$s 1:6K1:8 oo"ing his death in ?a& 1:7T E!en i the cai+s o$ ta*es ha!e to %e ed "ithin the ,+e '$esc$i%ed %& Sec- 2 Rue 86 the cai+ in 4ues,on +a& %e ed e!en ae$ the e*'i$a,on o the ,+e o$igina& *ed the$ein- P ed an a''ica,on ae$ the e*'i$a,on o the ,+e '$e!ious& i+ited %ut %eo$e an o$de$ o the dist$i%u,on is ente$ed "hich the cou$t shoud ha!e g$antedT H0ERE>ORE the o$de$ a''eaed $o+ is REERSED. Gota0+o v. C,an Seng (ebb) Fa+ts Antonio .an'oco died in the &ea$ 1:29 and e a "i di!iding his estate o o!e$ P;99999 o a+ong ou$ sons oneKha o "hich he %e4ueathed to .an i+ 0ong the cai+ant "ho+ he desc$i%ed in his "i as his egi,+ate son and the othe$ ha he e in e4ua sha$es to his th$ee ado'ted sons .an i+co .an i+%io and .an i+ Choo and a''ointed Go Siu San a $esident o ?ania as e*ecuto$ o his "i "hich '$o!ided that no %ond shoud %e $e4ui$edo ."o Chinese na+ed .an i+ La& and .e Sue one o .a$ac and the othe$ o ?ania "e$e a''ointed and 4uaied as co++issione$s and ate$ the& 'u%ished the usua no,ce to c$edito$s to '$esent thei$ cai+s "ithin si* +onths at the oce o A/o$ne& ?- G- Go&ena o ?aniao .he co++issione$s '$esented thei$ $e'o$t to the cou$t in "hich a+ong othe$s the& $e'o$ted the ao"ance o the cai+ he$e in 4ues,on- At the ,+e a o the hei$s incuding .an i+ 0ong "e$e +ino$s and had i!ed in China since the death o Antonio .an'oco as aso had the "ido" o the deceasedo Hhen such $e'o$t has %een ed the e*ecuto$ ed a +o,on as3ing o$ the a''oint+ent o an a/o$ne& o his o"n choice as curador ad ite+ o$ the +ino$ hei$s "hich a+ong othe$ things that the hei$s "ho a$e inte$ested in the estate o the a%o!e en,ted ac,on a$e a +ino$s to "it .an i+co age
[email protected] i+ 0ong age 12@ .an i+%io age 11@ and .an i+ Choo age @ and that a the a%o!e hei$s a$e no" in China and the da& o thei$ $etu$n to the Isands is un3no"n to the ad+inist$ato$ o the estate "hich cou$t igno$ed %ut a''ointed ?$- Canias "ho conside$ed such a''oint+ent as on& o$+ait& such that he did not +a3e an& in!es,ga,ons the$eo and hence the $e'o$t "as a''$o!ed
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Case Digests (2nd Batch)
In Se'te+%e$ 1:22 the& a$$i!ed i n ?ania and e+'o&ed counse to $e'$esent and '$otect thei$ inte$est and it "as then that Chan Seng ea$ned o$ the $st ,+e o the ao"ance o the cai+ in a!o$ o .an i+ 0ong- ='on he$ +o,on on No!e+%e$ 2ei'e Canias "ho s, hed the 'osi,on o cu$ado$ ad ite+ o a the +ino$ hei$s incuding the cai+ant "ho +ade a "$i/en $e'o$t to the cou$t.he $e'o$t concuded "ith a $eco++enda,on o$ the $e+o!a o the e*ecuto$ o$ g$oss +isconduct and $aud and the annu+ent o the cai+ o .an i+ 0ong- Ae$ the $e'o$t "as ed a hea$ing "as had and tes,+on& "as ta3en and udge 0a$!e& $e+o!ed Go Siu San as e*ecuto$ and in his o$de$ o $e+o!a a+ong othe$ things said that co++issione$s .e Sue and that he had not $ecei!ed an& cai+@ .hat the cai+s "hich a''ea$s in the $e'o$t "e$e ta3en $o+ the %oo3s o the %usiness o the deceased Antonio .an'oco@ ne!e$theess the cai+ o .an Peng Sue does not a''ea$ in the $e'o$t o these co++issione$s on cai+s athough it a''ea$s in the %oo3s and "as ae$"a$ds acce'ted %& the co++issione$s ast a''ointedAe$ such '$oceedings nothing "as u$the$ done un, No!e+%e$ 1 1:2; "hen the '$esent ad+inist$ato$ a''ied to the cou$t o$ autho$it& a+ong othe$ things to 'a& the cai+ in 4ues,on to "hich the a''eee a''ea$ed and o%ected- .he cou$t denied the a''ica,on o the '$esent gua$dian to the cai+ant to $e4ui$e the ad+inist$ato$ to 'a& the cai+ in 4ues,on u'on the g$ound that it "as !oid and c,,ous $o+ "hich .an i+ 0ong a''eas contending that the o"e$ cou$t e$$ed in hea$ing and sustaining the o%ec,ons to the ao"ance o the cai+ and in den&ing the +o,on o the ad+inist$ato$ o$ autho$it& to 'a& the cai+ aeging that the $e'o$t o the co++i/ee ao"ing the cai+ "as +ade and ed on une 2: 1:21 and contends that it %eca+e auto+a,ca& na on u& 1 1:21@ .hat the o''onent shoud ha!e +ade he$ o''osi,on "ithin the ,+e s'ecied in the Code and that he$ aiu$e to ta3e the statuto$& a''ea is a %a$ to a deenses ci,ng and $e&ing u'on the case o De os Santos !s- Re&es-
'ssue: Hhethe$ o$ not the cai+ "as ,+e& ed and '$esented and that such ing %eca+e naHe"d: NO- .he cou$t ound as a act that in the De os Santos !s- Re&es case su'$a the$e "as a su%stan,a co+'iance "ith a o the statuto$& $e4ui$e+ents and the decision in that case "as %ased u'on that act- But the$e is a +a$3ed dis,nc,on %et"een the acts the$e and those in the instant caseo 0e$e a o the 'a$,es in inte$est "e$e +ino$s- .he e!idence is concusi!e that at the ,+e the aeged cai+ "as ao"ed .an i+ 0ong "as on& t"e!e &ea$s o age and that a o the othe$ 'a$,es "e$e +ino$s- .he$e is no cai+ o$ '$etense that .an i+ 0ong had a gua$dian o$ that an&one had the ega autho$it& to a''ea$ o$ and '$esent his cai+ o$ to $e'$esent hi+ o$ that his cai+ "as e!e$ '$esented- .he$e is no cai+ o$ '$etense that an& o the 'a$,es in inte$est had an& 3no"edge o the act that the cai+ "as '$esented and ao"ed %eo$e the& ca+e to ?ania $o+ China in Se'te+%e$ 1:22- As a +a/e$ o act the$e is no e!idence that the cai+ in 4ues,on in an& +anne$ sha'e o$ o$+ "as e!e$ '$esented to the co++issione$s %& an&oneo
>o$ aught that a''ea$s in the $eco$d the cai+ "as ao"ed %& the co++issione$s on thei$ o"n +o,on and o thei$ o"n !oi,on- It aso a''ea$s that the ent$ies "hich "e$e +ade in the %oo3s o the deceased "e$e +ade %& his %oo33ee'e$ and the$e is nothing to sho" that the& "e$e +ade %& the autho$it& o the deceased- It is !e$& signicant that the "i o the deceased "as +ade so+e,+e ae$ the ent$ies "e$e +ade and that no $ee$ence "hate!e$ is +ade in the "i to the cai+ in 4ues,on- A udg+ent is the a"Js ast "o$d in a udicia cont$o!e$s&- It +a& the$eo$e %e dened as the na conside$a,on and dete$+ina,on o a cou$t o co+'etent u$isdic,on u'on the +a/e$ ssu%+i/ed to it in an ac,on o$ '$oceeding- A +o$e '$ecise deni,on is that a udg+ent is the concusion o the a" u'on the +a/e$s contained in the $eco$d o$ the a''ica,on o the a" to the 'eadings and to the acts as ound %& the cou$t o$ ad+i/ed %& the 'a$,es o$ dee+ed to e*ist u'on thei$ deaut in a cou$se o udicia '$oceedings- It shoud %e noted that on& is a udg+ent "hich is '$onounced %et"een the 'a$,es to an ac,on u'on the +a/e$s su%+i/ed to the cou$t o$ decision- - --In the instant case the$e "as not cai+ +ade ed o$ '$esented %& an&one- Lega& s'ea3ing the ao"ance o the cai+ "oud %e i3e $ende$ing a udg+ent "ithout the ing o a co+'aint o$ e!en the +a3ing o$ '$esent+ent o a cai+- ='on the acts sho"n to egai5e the ao"ance o the cai+ "ith a o the o$+ai,es and $e4uisites o a na udg+ent "oud %e a t$a!est& u'on us,ce- It a''ea$s $o+ the $eco$d %eo$e us that the co++issione$s did not ha!e an& u$isdic,on to
Case Digests (2nd Batch)
ao" the cai+@ that as to the cai+ in 4ues,on thei$ '$oceedings "e$e nu and !oid a% ini,o and hence the& "e$e not $es udicata and in addi,on to that it cea$& a''ea$s that the ao"ance o the cai+ "as a $aud u'on the a''eee- A$+ed*. ;aredes v. Mo3a (Gian) 67T 454*84%89 1B. 'gna+io et a". v. ;a0!anga 9us Co. (2hai) FACTS: In a suit to coect P1973 u'on a cont$actua o%iga,on ed %& Pa+'anga Bus (PA?B=SCO) against 2 deendants aen,n >e$nando and Enca$nacion Echico !da- De >e$nando Enca$nacion died at the ,+e PagePA?B=SCO |8 a$ead& '$esented its case- Intestate '$oceedings "e$e ed- No,ce to the estateJs c$edito$s "as gi!en o$ the+ to e thei$ cai+s "ithin si* (6) +onthsOn Pa+%uscoJs +o,on the cou$t in the ci!i case o$de$ed ose Nicoas then ad+inist$ato$ to su%s,tute o$ the deceased Enca$nacion Echico da- de >e$nando as one o the deendants- ose Nicoas as such ad+inist$ato$ ed an a+ended ans"e$ "ith counte$cai+ against Pa+%uscoAe$ t$ia on the +e$its the C>I o ?ania $ende$ed udg+ent in a!o$ o the 'ain, and against the deendants o$de$ing the a/e$ to 'a& the o$+e$ the su+ o P:;3- Counte$cai+ dis+issed- CA A>>IR?EDBoth deendants a''eaed %& cerorari to this Cou$t- aen,n >e$nandoJs a''ea "as dis+issed o$ ha!ing %een ed out o ,+e- .he a''ea o the estate o Enca$nacion Echico da- de >e$nando $aising issues o act i3e"ise dis+issed.he udg+ent in the ci!i case ha!ing $eached nait& Pa+%usco +o!ed in the intestate '$oceedings that the hei$s and#o$ the '$esent oint ad+inist$at$ices Na#vidad E. 'gna+io and Leonor E. A"0a?an %e o$de$ed to 'a& :;>.>>, the share of the deceased in the udgment debt .he ad+inist$at$ices o''osed- G$ound Pa+%uscoJs cai+ is ,+eK%a$$ed;&9ATE C&UT: ao"s said a+ount o P6799-99 to %e 'aid %& the hei$s and#o$ the oint ad+inist$at$ices@ %ut no 'a&+ent the$eo sha %e +ade un, ae$ the ad+inist$at$ices sha ha!e ino$+ed the Cou$t in "$i,ng as to the e*istence o othe$ unse/ed +one& cai+s against the estate and o the sucienc& o the assets a!aia%e o$ 'a&+ent o a the de%ts'SSUE: Has Pa+%uscoJs cai+ '$o'e$& ad+i/ed %& the '$o%ate cou$t HELD: o$ such o%ec,on does not go into the cou$tJs u$isdic,on o!e$ the su%ect +a/e$
It +a/e$s not that Pa+%uscoJs said cai+ "as ed "ith the '$o%ate cou$t "ithout the si*K+onth
Rue ; SEC- 21?here claim does not sur$i$e- W Hhen the ac,on is o$ $eco!e$& o +one& de%t o$ inte$est the$eon and the deendant dies %eo$e na udg+ent in the Cou$t o >i$st Instance it sha %e dis+issed to %e '$osecuted in the +anne$ es'ecia& '$o!ided in these $ues-
Case Digests (2nd Batch)
'e$iod $o+ ?a$ch 27 1:77 set o$th in the no,ce to c$edito$s- >o$ Sec,on 2 Rue 86 'e$+its acce'tance o such %eated cai+s- Sa&s Sec,on 2 18
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SEC- 2- Time within which claims shall be l ed - W In the no,ce '$o!ided in the '$eceding sec,on the cou$t sha state the ,+e o$ the ing o cai+s against the estate "hich sha not %e +o$e than t"e!e (12) no$ ess than si* (6) +onths ae$ the date o the $st 'u%ica,on o the no,ce- 0o"e!e$ at an& ,+e %eo$e an o$de$ o dist$i%u,on is ente$ed on a''ica,on o a c$edito$ "ho has aied to e his cai+ "ithin the ,+e '$e!ious& i+ited the cou$t +a& o$ cause sho"n and on such te$+s as a$e e4uita%e ao" such cai+ to %e ed "ithin a tune not e*ceeding one (1) +onth-
0e$e the cai+ "as ed in the '$o%ate cou$t on >e%$ua$& 27 1:7: "hie the deendants in the ci!i case "e$e s, 'e$ec,ng thei$ a''ea the$ein- .he $eco$d does not sho" that the ad+inist$ato$ o%ected the$eto u'on the g$ound that it "as ed out o ,+e- .he 'endenc& o that case "e a$e 'e$suaded to sa& is a good e*cuse o$ ta$diness in the ing o the cai+- 1: And the o$de$ o na dist$i%u,on is s, to %e gi!en11. 9a+,ra+, Motor v. 'n+aranga" (3ie) FACTS: Deendant e*ecuted in a!ou$ o o Bach$ach a '$o+isso$& note and e*ecuted a $ea estate +o$tgage on a 'a$ce o and- Inca$inga deauted in the 'a&+ent o the +onth& insta+ents@ '$o+',ng 'ain, to ins,tute an ac,on o$ the coec,on o the a+ount due on the noteR.C $ued in a!ou$ o Bach$ach and issued a "$it o e*ecu,on- .he she$i e!ied on the '$o'e$,es o the deendants incuding the +o$tgaged '$o'e$t& in a!ou$ o 'ain,- O$ienta Co++e$cia inte$'osed a thi$dK 'a$t& cai+ aeging that a '$e!ious "$it o e*ecu,on "as issued on its a!ou$ o!e$ the sa+e '$o'e$t& and it a$ead& ac4ui$ed the sa+e at a 'u%ic auc,on.he$eo$e the udg+ent in a!ou$ o Bach$ach $e+ained unsa,sed- Pain, ins,tuted an ac,on to o$ecose the +o$tgage "hich the R.C dis+issed'SSUE: HON Pain, is %a$$ed $o+ o$ecosing the $ea estate +o$tgage ae$ it has eected to sue and o%tain a 'e$sona udg+ent against the deendant on the '$o+isso$& noteHELD: Mes- ?ost o ou$ $ues on ci!i '$ocedu$e a$e taed $o+ that o Caio$nia and in that u$isdic,on the $ue has a"a&s %een@ that a 'a$t& "ho sues and o%tains a 'e$sona udg+ent against a deendant u'on a note "ai!es the$e%& his $ight to o$ecose the +o$tgage secu$ing itSec,on ou$ &ea$s ate$ Pa$sons sent a e/e$ to the she$i $e4ues,ng hi+ to o$ecose the +o$tgages extra@udicially 'u$suant to the te$+s o the +o$tgage deeds- Ac,ng on the $e4uest the she$i schedued the 'u%ic auc,on sae o the encu+%e$ed '$o'e$,es- .h$ee da&s '$io$ to the schedued date o the sae Pa$sons togethe$ "ith Xui$ino So$iano and the "ido" I$ene Xuiao $e4uested o$ the 'ost'one+ent o the auc,on sae to a ate$
Case Digests (2nd Batch)
date- .he $e4uest "as g$anted- .he$eae$ the 'u%ic sae "as hed as scheduedOne &ea$ ae$ the 'u%ic sae Xui$ino So$iano in his ca'acit& as the ad+inist$ato$ o the intestate estate o Ca$o So$iano odged a co+'aint o$ annu+ent o a o$ecosu$e sae $eco!e$& o the +o$tgaged '$o'e$,es su%ect o said sae and da+ages in the C>I- Xui$ino So$iano a$gues that the o$ecosu$e sae "as !oid as Pa$sons ha!ing '$e!ious& eected to 'u$sue its cai+ in the intestate '$oceedings coud not in a" %e 'e$+i/ed to instead 'u$sue the $e+ed& o e*t$aKudicia o$ecosu$e-
Page |.he 19C>I dis+issed the co+'aint'ssue: Hhethe$ o$ not unde$ Sec,on < o Rue 86 o the Rues o Cou$t the ing o the YCon,ngent Cai+Z %& Pa$sons in the intestate '$oceeding cons,tuted a %a$ to the e*t$aKudicia o$ecosu$e sae the$eae$ hadHe"d: N&. .he$e is no dou%t that Pa$sons eected the second $e+ed& unde$ Sec,on < o Rue 86 o the Rues o Cou$t- But eec,on %& the c$edito$ o an& o the th$ee (;) o',ons is not u$isdic,ona and as ong as no 'osi,!e o$"a$d ste' has %een ta3en %& hi+ in the 'u$suance o the o',on seected he is not '$ecuded $o+ d$o''ing the o',on a$ead& chosen and $eso$,ng to an& o the t"o othe$ o',ons a!aia%e to hi+Sec,on < o Rue 86 does no +o$e than '$o!ide the +o$tgageKc$edito$ in the inte$est o s'eed& o$de$& and ine*'ensi!e se/e+ent o the estate o a decedent a choice o one o th$ee cou$ses o ac,on o$ the sa,sac,on o its oan 'o$Qoio- An en,$e& dis,nct and inde'endent act to %e 'e$o$+ed in cono$+it& "ith '$ocedu$es aid do"n %& the Legisatu$e o$ %& the Su'$e+e Cou$t is s, necessa$& to eectuate and achie!e the $e+ed& eected- .hus in this case the +e$e act that Pa$sons o$+a& ino$+ed the intestate cou$t that it "as eec,ng to o$ecose udicia& its +o$tgages did not auto+a,ca& o'e$ate as autho$it& o$ the cou$t to +otu '$o'$io 'ut into +o,on the +achine$& necessa$& o$ the udicia o$ecosu$e o the said secu$i,es- It "as indis'ensa%e o$ Pa$sons to e an inde'endent co+'aint o$ that s'ecic 'u$'ose- Pa$sons did no +o$e than signi& its eec,on o an o',on18. De Los e3es v. CF' (4l$in) /ACTS0 Benito Deos Re&es and "ie ed a 'e,,on o$ the "$it o ce$,o$a$i in this cou$t o$ the 'u$'ose o 4uashing an o$de$ o C>I o Batangas g$an,ng an a/ach+ent o '$o'e$t& %eonging to the 'ain,s (Chua Pua 0e$+anos)ISS1E0 Hhethe$ in a '$oceeding to o$ecose a +o$tgage u'on and the cou$t ente$taining such '$oceeding can issue an a/ach+ent against othe$ '$o'e$t& o the deendants than such as is incuded in the +o$tgage u'on a sho"ing %& ada!it that the +o$tgage '$o'e$t& is insucient to 'a& the +o$tgage de%t and that the deendants a$e a/e+',ng to aienate thei$ un+o$tgaged '$o'e$t& to othe$ 'e$sons "ith intent to de$aud the 'ain,E30 AC.S Lo$eto San uan died ea!ing a "i "he$e Osca$ Casa "as na+ed as one o the de!isees the$einA/&- A4uino ed a 'e,,on o$ the '$o%ate o the "i- Hhie the 'e,,on "as 'ending Osca$ died intestate- .he $+ o A/&- A4uino ente$ed thei$ a''ea$ance as counse o >ede$ico Casa $- "ho cai+ed to %e one o the hei$s o the de!isee and thei$ $e'$esenta,!e- .he '$o%ate cou$t denied the $+s ent$& o a''ea$ance since >ede$ico "as not the e*ecuto$ o$ ad+inist$ato$ o the estate o the de!isee the$eo$e cannot %e su%s,tuted o$ the deceased as his $e'$esenta,!e- .he cou$t issued an o$de$ di$ec,ng A/&- A4uino to secu$e the a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o$ e*ecuto$ o the estate o Osca$ in o$de$ that the a''ointee %e su%s,tuted in ieu o the said deceased- ='on ing an YA''oint+ent o Ad+inist$ato$Z the Casas unani+ous& designated >ede$icoP ed a Y?o,on to Deca$e A''oint+ent o Ad+inist$ato$ as Inade4uate o$ InsucientZ sta,ng that it shoud %e the hei$s "ho shoud '$esent an ad+inist$ato$ o$ Osca$s estate- A/&- A4uino in!o3es Sec- 16 Rue ; o the ROC that the hei$s o Osca$ +a& %e su%s,tuted o$ the deceased "ithout need
Case Digests (2nd Batch)
o$ a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o$ e*ecuto$ o the estateR.C denied Ps +o,on and hed that the$es no need o$ the a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o$ e*ecuto$ as su%s,tute o$ the deceased de!isee-
ISS=E HON the$e is a need o$ the a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o the estate o Osca$ Casa
0ELD NO the$e is no need o$ the a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ it is enough that he %e su%s,tuted %& his hei$s| 12 .he second 'a$ag$a'h o the Sec- 16 Rue ; is 'ain and e*'icit the hei$s +a& %e ao"ed to %e su%s,tuted o$ the deceased "ithout $e4ui$ing the a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o$ e*ecuto$0o"e!e$ i "ithin the s'ecied 'e$iod a ega $e'$esenta,!e ais to a''ea$ the cou$t +a& o$de$ the o''osing counse "ithin a s'ecied 'e$iod to '$ocess the a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o$ e*ecuto$ "ho sha i++ediate& a''ea$ o$ the e state o the deceased?hen no administrator has been appointed, as in this case, there is all the more reason to recogni-e the heirs as the proper representa$es of the deceased. ince the Aules do not specically prohibit them from represenng the deceased, and since no administrator had as yet been appointed at the me of the instuon of the 2omplaint, we see nothing wrong with the fact that it was the heirs of Bohn D. Coung, r. who represented his estate in the case led before the 92 (Gochan !- Moung).he hei$s o the estate o Osca$ Casa do not need to $st secu$e the a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o his estate %ecause $o+ the !e$& +o+ent o his death the& ste''ed into his shoes and ac4ui$ed his $ights as de!isee#egatee o the deceased Lo$eto San uan- .hus a '$io$ a''oint+ent o an ad+inist$ato$ o$ e*ecuto$ o the estate o Osca$ Casa is not necessa$& o$ his hei$s to ac4ui$e ega ca'acit& to %e su%s,tuted as $e'$esenta,!es o the estate- Said hei$s +a& designate one o$ so+e o the+ as thei$ $e'$esenta,!e %eo$e the t$ia cou$tH0ERE>ORE the Pe,,on is DENIEDNote0 irst issue ass ?76 the peon for cerorari led by the peoner in the 24 was me@barred. 2 says Ces, it is. The peon or cerorari led by peoner with the 24 on 6o$ember , >>; was led beyond the @day period therefor. :eoner recei$ed, on 3arch EF, >>;, the ebruary , >>; 7rder of the court denying his moon for reconsideraon of the December , >>H 7rder. :eoner had days from 3arch EF, >>; or unl 3ay E, >>; within which to le his peon for cerorari. Iowe$er, peoner led his peon for cerorari with the 24 only on 6o$ember , >>;. The @day period should not be reconed from peoner's receipt on Bune EE, >>; of the denial of his 3ay , >>; second moon for reconsideraon. The @day period shall be reconed from the trial court's denial of his rst moon for reconsideraon, otherwise indenite delays will ensue. 1>. S!s. Suria v. Heirs o( To0o"in (ebb) Fa+ts: o B$igido ?- .o+oin "as the o"ne$ o 22829 s4+ ot in Agusan de Su$- .he ot is $egiste$ed unde$ his na+eOn u& 1; 1::8 .o+oin sod the ot to Ca$os Su$ia 'e,,one$ o$ P228299-99 as sho"n o %& a Deed o A%soute Sae o a Pa$ce o Land- Conse4uent& the od ,te "as canceed and in ieu the$eo a ne" ,te "as issued in 'e,,one$s na+eo Ae$ the sae Ca$os Su$ia and his "ie uanita aso a 'e,,one$ had the ot su%di!ided into se!e$a 'a$ces- .hus .C. No- .K12112 in the na+e o 'e,,one$ Ca$os Su$ia "as canceed and in ieu the$eo .C. Nos- .K12:: 12:79 12:71 and 12:72 "e$e a issued in the na+es o 'e,,one$sOn Se'te+%e$ 22 2999 .o+oin ed a Co+'aint o$ Annu+ent o the Deed o A%soute o Sae o a Pa$ce o Land and Cancea,on o .C. No- .K12112 "ith P$a&e$ o$ a H$it o P$ei+ina$& Inunc,on against 'e,,one$s- .he co+'aint aeges a+ong othe$s that Tomolin, then seriousl* ill, +as in-eigle' %* !e&&oners into signing the "ontra"t of sale an' that the* 'i' not !a* him the amount of 228,244.44 an' the su%se5uent su%'i-ision of the lot is tainte' +ith %a' faith o On the ne*t da& .o+oin died- 0e "as su$!i!ed %& his nieces na+e& Da+iana .o+oin Pe$e5 Ca$idad .o+oin So$ia Luc$esia .o+oin Deca$o and Loita .o+oin Es'inao On Octo%e$ 28 2991 "ounsel o$ .o+oin ed "ith the t$ia cou$t a No,ce o Su%s,tu,on o a Pa$t& 'u$suant to Sec,on 16 Rue ; o the 1::< Rues o Ci!i P$ocedu$e as a+endedo .he t$ia cou$t ao"ed the su%s,tu,on o the hei$s o .o+oin.he su%s,tu,on is o''osed %& the 'e,,one$s "hich su%se4uent& denied %& the cou$t o$ o ac3 o +e$itOn Dece+%e$ I denied the 'e,,on o Ig+idio and Ped$o- On a''ea to the SC the& a$e contes,ng the u$isdic,on o the C>I to o$de$ the sae o the t"o (2) 'a$ces o and since the 'e,,on ed %& Ignacio did not co+'& "ith Sec,on I ne!e$ ac4ui$ed u$isdic,on to o$de$ the sae o the 'a$ces o and %ecause o nonKco+'iance "ith the +andate o Sec,on i$st Instance ac4ui$es no u$isdic,on to o$de$ such sae i that a!e$+ent does not a''ea$ in the 'e,,on@ that such an o$de$ is !oid and that a sae o $ea estate %& !i$tue o such an o$de$ is nu and !oid- .he o$de$s o the o"e$ cou$t $e set aside and the sae o the t"o 'a$ces o and +ade %& !i$tue o said o$de$s is deca$ed nu and !oid-