SPECON Reference Manual

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PDMS SPECON Reference Manual  Version 11.6SP1

pdms1161/SPECON Reference Manual issue 280605



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Revision History Date



 August 2004


Section 3.6.5 – info added added re height units.

June 2005


Updates and corrections at this release.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1

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Revision History

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VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Contents 1 

Introducing SPECON........... SPECON........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ........... 1-1 

1.1  1.1  1.2   1.2 1.3   1.3 1.4   1.4

What SPECON is Used For ..................................................... ........................ ......................................................... ...................................1-1 .......1-1   Who This This Manual is Meant For ..................................................... ......................... ........................................................ ..............................1-1 ..1-1   How This Manual is Set Out ......................................................... ............................ ......................................................... ..............................1-2 ..1-2   Conventions Used in the Text.....................................................................................1-2  Text.....................................................................................1-2 

Catalogues and Specifications................. Specifications............................. ......................... ......................... ......................... ............... 2-1 

2.1  The Catalogue DB ........................................................ 2.1  ............................ ........................................................ .............................................. ..................2-1 2-1   2.2   The Content and Format of a Specification ...................................................... 2.2 .......................... ......................................2-3 ..........2-3   2.3   How Component Selection Works ..................................................... 2.3 ......................... ..................................................... .........................2-6 2-6  

How To Use SPEC SPECON.................... ON................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ................ .... 3-1 

3.1   Creating a Specification..............................................................................................3-1  3.1 Specification..............................................................................................3-1  3.2   Accessing an Existing Specification.............................................. 3.2  Specification.................. ......................................................... ..............................3-2 .3-2   3.3   Entering Tabular Data.................................................................................................3-3 3.3 Data.................................................................................................3-3   3.3.1   The General Principles ........................................................ 3.3.1 ........................... ...................................................... .........................3-3 3-3   3.3.2   Special Characters in SPEC Data.................................................................3-4  3.3.2 Data.................................................................3-4  3.3.3   Headings.......................................................................................................3-5   3.3.3 3.3.4   Defaults.........................................................................................................3-6   3.3.4 3.3.5   Selector Answers ....................................................... 3.3.5 .......................... ......................................................... ...................................3-7 .......3-7   3.3.6   Subtype Selectors: A Special Case .................................................... 3.3.6 ........................ ......................................3-7 ..........3-7   3.3.7   Including User-defined Attributes in Specifications.......................................3-7  3.3.7 Specifications.......................................3-7  3.3.8   Including Comments in Specifications ...................................................... 3.3.8 ......................... .................................3-8 ....3-8   3.4   Editing an Existing Specification ........................................................ 3.4 ........................... ...................................................... .........................3-8 3-8   3.4.1    Adding a New SPCOM............................................... 3.4.1 SPCOM................... ......................................................... ...................................3-8 ......3-8   3.4.2   Deleting or Removing a SPEC or SPCOM 3.4.2 SPCOM ................................................... ............................ .......................3-8 3-8   3.5   Copying a Specification ...................................................... 3.5 ......................... ......................................................... ......................................3-10 ..........3-10   3.6   Outputting a Specification.........................................................................................3-10  3.6 Specification.........................................................................................3-10  3.6.1   Defining the Destination..............................................................................3-10  3.6.1 Destination..............................................................................3-10  3.6.2   Outputting Complete Specifications............................................................3-10 3.6.2 Specifications............................................................3-10   3.6.3   Controlling the Output Format.....................................................................3-11  3.6.3 Format.....................................................................3-11  3.6.4   Outputting Parts of Specifications...............................................................3-11  3.6.4 Specifications...............................................................3-11  3.6.5   How Bores Are Output ......................................................... 3.6.5 ............................ .................................................... .......................3-12 3-12   3.7   Using Macros For SPECON Inputs...........................................................................3-12 3.7 Inputs...........................................................................3-12  

Details of Typical Specifications... Specifications................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ............ 4-1 

4.1   Selectors and Pointers for Piping Components ...................................................... 4.1 ......................... .................................4-1 ....4-1   4.1.1    Applicability ..................................................... 4.1.1 ......................... ......................................................... .............................................. .................4-1 4-1   4.1.2   Selectors ......................................................... 4.1.2 ............................. ........................................................ .............................................. ..................4-1 4-1   4.1.3   P-Point Zero: A Special Case ........................................................ 4.1.3 ............................ ........................................... ...............4-3 4-3   4.1.4   Reference Pointers and Settings ........................................................ 4.1.4 ............................ ......................................4-3 ..........4-3   4.1.5   Examples From Piping Component Specifications .......................................4-6 4.1.5 ........................... ............4-6  

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1

Contents-i i



4.2   Selectors and Pointers for Structural Components .................................................... 4.2 ........................ ............................ 4-7  4-7  4.2.1    Applicability.............................. 4.2.1  Applicability.......................................................... ........................................................ ......................................... ............. 4-7  4-7  4.2.2   Selectors........................ 4.2.2 Selectors.................................................... ........................................................ ................................................... ....................... 4-7  4-7  4.2.3   Reference Pointers and Settings............................ 4.2.3 Settings ........................................................ .................................... ........ 4-10  4-10  4.2.4   Exampl 4.2.4 Examples es From Structural Structural Component Component Specificati Specifications ons ............... ....................... ................ ........ 4-11  4-11  4.3   Selectors and Pointers for Insulation....... 4.3 Insulation................................... ........................................................ ..................................... ......... 4-12  4-12  4.3.1   Pipewor 4.3.1 Pipework k Insulation Insulation ............... ....................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ................ ............... ............... ............... ......... 4-12  4-12  4.3.2   Structural Insulation........................... 4.3.2 Insulation ....................................................... ......................................................... ............................. 4-13  4-13 

Command Syntax Diagrams........................................................................A-1 

 A.1  Introduction.................................................................................................................A-1    A.1   A.2   Conventions .......................................................  A.2 .......................... ......................................................... ........................................................ ............................ A-1  A-1   A.3   Command Arguments.................................................................................................A-3  A.3 Arguments.................................................................................................A-3    A.4   The Syntax Diagrams.................................................................................................A-3   A.4 Diagrams.................................................................................................A-3   A.5 Other PDMS Command Syntax ..................................................... ........................ ......................................................... .............................. ..A-9 A-9  

Errorr Mess Erro Messages ages ........... ...................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................B-1 ..........B-1 

Nominal Pipe Size Tables...........................................................................C-1 


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Introducin Introducing g SPECON


What SPECON is Used For

SPECON, the PDMS Specification Constructor Constructor module, is used to create or modify the Specification (SPEC) elements in Catalogue Databases. These Specifications govern the choice of components from the catalogue. They must have been set up, together with the rest of the Catalogue DB, before design work takes place. In principle, therefore, SPECON will be one of the first modules to be used when a new PDMS project is initiated, although in practice it is likely that a company-wide library of Catalogues and Specifications will be created independently of any individual design project and accessed by subsequent users to ensure overall standardisation standardisation and quality control. SPECON enables you to input new Specifications, to modify existing Specifications, and to output Specifications to your terminal or to a file (to be printed or input again at a later date).  A facility is provided provided so that you can make make changes to a Specification Specification without losing losing compatibility compatibili ty between existing design data and earlier versions of that Specification. This is achieved by maintaining valid references to obsolescent components in the Specification while preventing their selection in new designs.


Who This Manual is Meant For

In most companies the responsibility for creating Catalogues and Specifications is restricted to a team of Standards Engineers within the Production Engineering Department or its equivalent. You might, therefore, be a member of such a team setting up or updating a Specification. Alternatively, you might be a pipework or structural designer who needs to use a Specification to select a suitable component and who wishes to understand the principles underlying the selection process.  You are assumed to be familiar familiar with the general general principles of using using PDMS, although some of the most relevant points are repeated in this manual as a reminder.  You might already have have used the Catalogue Catalogue Constructor module module PARAGON to se sett up other parts of a Catalogue DB, but this manual does not assume that you are familiar with the details of that module.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Introducing SPECON


How This Manual is Set Out  



Chapter 2 describes the structure and use of the Catalogue DB. This explains where the Specifications created by SPECON fit into the overall component selection process. Chapter 3 explains how to use the various SPECON commands commands for creating, modifying or interrogating Specifications. Chapter 4 expands the information given in Chapter 3 by detailing all the options which you are likely to use when setting up Specifications for the most relevant classes of design components (Pipework, Structures and Insulation).

   Appendix A formalises formalises the full comm command and syntax applicable applicable to each user option. It is the definitive reference section for clarifying any command queries which arise.

   Appendix B explains explains the significance of any any error messages which m might ight be output during the use of SPECON.

   Appendix C contains contains the tables of pipe nominal nominal bore sizes held held within PDMS.



The manual concludes with an Index.

Conventions Used in the Text

The following conventions are used throughout this manual to highlight certain features of the text:  


Common words which have special meanings in PDMS have initial capital letters where it is thought that this will clarify their meaning; for example, Element, Team etc. In particular, the word Specification has a capital letter when it refers to a PDMS SPEC element. Command words are shown as a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, using a different typeface from that used for normal text; for example, SPECification. SPECification. The uppercase part of the word (SPEC in the preceding example) is the minimum permissible permissible abbreviation. Where a command word is first introduced, or where its use is defined, it will usually be shown in bold type, thus SPECification


Command arguments are shown in lowercase italic type; for example, argument.


Examples of interactive input and output sequences are shown in a special typeface, thus

Example of Input/Output Sequence Typeface


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1


Introducing SPECON


Character strings which begin with a slash character / are either names of elements in the databases or the names of files in the operating system directories. For example, /ELEMENT or /filename.


Character strings enclosed between angled brackets are the names of

individual Syntax Diagrams, as listed in Appendix A. For example, .

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Introducing SPECON


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Catalogues and Specificatio Specifications ns

This chapter gives an overview of the structure of a typical Catalogue DB, which contains information about standard piping and structural components available in a PDMS project, and explains how the Specifications are used within this hierarchy. For more detailed explanations of the setting up of a Catalogue DB, see the PARAGON Reference Manual. NOTE: Words of four or five uppercase characters in this chapter represent PDMS elements (for example, CATA, BLTAB, SPREF). PDMS stores these as four character names only; the fifth character is given here to make the abbreviations easier to understand. For example, SPREF (rather than SPRE) is used for Specification Reference

The elements referred to throughout this manual by the names COMP, FITT, DTEXT and MTEXT are stored in the PDMS database hierarchy as SCOM, SFIT, SDTE and and SMTE elements, elements, respectively. The simplified names, which omit the ‘S’ prefix, are used here because they are easier to interpret as you read the manual.


The Catalogue DB

The information held in a Catalogue DB is split into several functional groups which together completely define every aspect of the components listed within that catalogue. These functional groups, which are the highest level elements in the Catalogue DB below WORLD, are shown in Figure 2-1.









Figure 2-1 

The top-level structure of a Catalogue DB

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Catalogues and Specifications

The functions of the individual types of element are as follows: CATA

Component Catalogue elements hold the physical descriptions of both piping and structural components (Geomsets, Pointsets etc.), plus any text used to describe the components in schedules, on isometrics etc. It is

primarily the elements below CATA which will be accessed via the Specifications. SPWLD

Specification World elements hold the detailed Specifications which enable you to select suitable components from the CATAs for a given purpose. It is the elements below SPWLD which are manipulated by SPECON and which are, therefore, of most relevance in this manual.


Connection Compatibility (COCO) Tables hold lists of all compatible types of connection.


Bolt Tables contain details of all bolts needed to connect flanged components together in any legal combinations. The BLTAB members will be referenced from the Specifications for appropriate types of component.


Dimensional Unit elements define the default units of measurement for geometric information.


Group Worlds hold definitions of any groups of elements which may have been created. See the DESIGN Reference Manual for further details.

That part of the hierarchy below a Catalogue element element which is relevant when considering Specifications is shown in Figure 2-2. (The options CATE, STCAT and TEXT have been omitted; see the PARAGON Reference Manual for a fuller explanation.)







Figure 2-2 








Part of the structure of a CATA element

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1


Catalogues and Specifications

The functions of the individual types of element are as follows: SECT Piping Section and Structural Section elements are administrative administrative STSECT  subdivisions of the owning owning CATA element. COMP

Component elements hold the definitions of piping components. These definitions comprise pointers to GMSET (Geomset) and PTSET (Pointset) elements, plus lists of parameters which specify the exact type, size and geometry of each component (that is, the component’s Attributes, including its GTYPE).

PROF  Profile, Joint and Fitting elements hold the definitions of corresponding JOIN  structural components. These definitions comprise pointers to GMSET, FITT  GMSSET, PTSET and PTSSET elements, plus lists of specific attributes, in a similar way to COMP elements. DTEXT

Detailing Text elements hold text which may be used to describe components in schedules and on isometrics. (They also hold the SKEYs which define the symbols used to represent components in isometric drawings; see the VANTAGE PDMS ISODRAFT Reference Manual.)


Material Text elements hold text which may be used to describe the materials of construction of the components.


The Content and Format of a Specification

The component Specifications, which define the availability availability of components for particular types of use, are held in the SPWLD (Specification World) Elements of the Catalogue DB. These elements, which are at the same hierarchic level as the CATA elements, can own the simple hierarchy of elements shown in Figure 2-3.


Specification World





  

(one level for each specification `decision')


Figure 2-3 

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1

Specification Component


The structure of a SPWLD element



Catalogues and Specifications

 A SPEC is equivalent equivalent to an engineering engineering specification for a given class of piping or structural component. It may contain all components of a given material, for example carbon steel, or all components for a given class of use, for example all piping components with a particular pressure rating. Such a SPEC comprises tabulated data of the type illustrated in Figure 2-4, where each headed ‘question’ column represents a SELEC and each horizontal row represents an SPCOM. It is possible to allocate a default value to most SELEC options, to be used if that particular attribute is not defined during the selection process. The default setting is shown in the tabulated SPEC immediately immediately below the corresponding column heading (the SELEC element) for that attribute. NOTE: Default values are not allowed for NAME or TYPE, TYPE, or for reference pointers such as CATREF and DETAIL.

It is also possible to define overall specification pointers and settings which apply to the whole SPEC, not just to individual SPCOMs. These are shown at the top of the SPEC listing, before the Heading, as shown by the entries MATREF, FLUREF, RATING and LINETYPE in Figure 2-4. The meanings of the various parts of the Specification, and lists of valid attributes (corresponding to the column headings) which apply to particular types of component specification, are detailed in Chapter 4.


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1


Catalogues and Specifications







RATING 0.000









20.0 20.0 20.0






=0 =0 =0

/SB20 /SB20 /SB20

VALV 25.0 VALV 25.0 VALV 25.0






=0 =0 =0

/SB25 /SB25 /SB25

*/25GA */25CH */25GL ...




PBOR0 25.0 25.0 25.0 32.0 32.0 32.0











=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0

=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0


25.0 25.0 20.0 32.0 32.0 25.0





HEADING NAME TYPE DEFAULTS */25T */25TV */25T1 */32T */32TV */32T1 ...



Figure 2-4 







=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0

=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0


=0 =0 =0 =0 =0

/SB20 /SB20 /SB25 /SB25 /SB32

Part of a typical Specification for piping components 

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Catalogues and Specifications


How Component Selection Works

This section explains how the tabulated Specification (SPEC) data is used to choose an appropriate piping component from the complete catalogue. Similar principles apply to structural components and equipment nozzles, although for these you may also use the catalogue without a Specification. The SELEC elements are generated automatically from the tabular SPECON input for a given SPEC and hold all information about those attributes of a component which determine its availability availability for a given purpose. For any given set of design criteria, the route through the SELECtors follows a ‘question and answer’ sequence to determine which SPCOM is suitable. Each question relates to a specific item in the specification and each answer leads to the next relevant question in a logical progression. Any given combination of answers should correspond to one, and only one, SPCOM. The types of information considered at the SELEC decision points for PDMS piping components might include:  

Generic type; for example, BEND, TEE, VALV etc.

  Bore(s)    Angle(s) between multiple multiple inlets/outlets inlets/outlets and so on.

In addition to these specifying attributes, each SPCOM contains a pointer to a COMP, which meets all the listed specifications, in a CATA element. It is this pointer, known as the Catalogue Reference (CATREF), which forms the key to correct component selection when new pipework is being designed. Each SPCOM also contains pointers to detailing text (DETAIL points to DTEXT), material text (MATXT points to MTEXT), bolting requirements (BLTREF points to BLTAB), and component properties (CMPREF points to CMPT in a Properties DB; see the PROPCON Reference Manual). There are two essential links which ensure that an appropriate component is selected during the design of new pipework or a new structure, namely: •


Design Component to Specification Specification to Catalogue Component

Thus, when a new pipe component is to be selected for inclusion in a Design DB, the following sequence is applied:  

The design component is allocated a Specification Reference (SPREF) which is selected from the required SPEC. You usually define the Pipe Specification (PSPEC) (PSPEC) as soon as you create a new pipe, and this is then applied to all components which the Pipe owns unless you override it.


The SPREF points to an SPCOM (in the Catalogue DB).


The SPCOM points to a suitable catalogue component (COMP) via the CATREF pointer.


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1


Catalogues and Specifications

(The SPCOM also points to a DTEXT via the DETAIL pointer, an MTEXT via the MATXT pointer, a BLTAB element via the BLTREF pointer, and a CMPT element in a Properties DB via the CMPREF pointer, as appropriate.) This is illustrated below.



via SELECs













Figure 2-5  The links between Design Data, Specifications and Catalogue EXAMPLE:

 As an illustration illustration of the principles of the selection selection process, consider the fol following lowing question and answer sequence which might apply when choosing a valve from the /RF300 Specification represented in Figure 2-4: SELEC_1 TYPE?   Answer  VALV, which leads leads to the next next question question ... SELEC_2 PBOR0?   Answer  25.0, which which leads leads to a choice of three three STYPs SELEC_3 STYP?   Answer GA, which in this example offers only one choice for SHOP SELEC_4 SHOP?   Answer  TRUE

The resulting combination of SELEC answers, namely a 25mm bore Gate Valve with its SHOP attribute set to TRUE, is represented in the SPEC by one, and only one, SPCOM, namely */25GA. This points to the component in the Catalogue which completely matches the specification, via the CATREF /VGAFF. The corresponding descriptive DTEXT is pointed to by the DETAIL /DGA.V.SW, and so on. Note that the CATREF is unique within this SPEC, whereas the same DETAIL applies to other components such as */20GA.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Catalogues and Specifications


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1





SPECON is used for all aspects of Specification creation, modification and interrogation. This chapter explains how to carry out the following tasks: Create a new SPEC (Section 3.1)  3.1) 


   Access an existing SPEC SPEC (Section 3.2)  3.2) 


Input data (SELECs and SPCOMs) to a SPEC (Section 3.3)  3.3) 


Edit an existing SPEC (Section 3.4)  3.4) 


Copy an existing SPEC as the basis for a new SPEC (Section 3.5)  3.5) 


Output the contents of a SPEC to a selected device (Section 3.6) 3.6)  


Use macro input techniques to simplify SPECON usage (Section 3.7)  3.7) 


Creating a Specification To create a new SPEC, use one of the commands NEW SPECification specname NEW specname

where specname is the PDMS name which will be used to refer to the complete Specification. NOTE: The short form of the command is all that is necessary, since a SPEC is the only element type which you can create at this level in SPECON (the lower level elements SELEC and SPCOM are created indirectly

when the tabular data is entered; see Section 3.3). For example, either of the following commands: NEW SPEC /RF300 NEW /RF300

would create a new SPEC called /RF300. To associate a descriptive text with the SPEC name, use the syntax TEXT text For example, the SPEC created in the preceding example might be given an associated text by entering the command TEXT ’300 psi Piping Specification’

(Note the delimiting apostrophes enclosing enclosing the text string, which must not exceed 50 characters.)

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




This text, which is stored in a TEXT element in the hierarchy, will be shown after the SPEC name when the Specification is output; see Section 3.6. Two system attributes on the PDMS SPECIFICATION element are used when the product VANTAGE Project Resource Management (VPRM) is the source of PDMS Specifications. When a specification is imported to PDMS the attributes FISSUE and FINPUTBY hold the VPRM information.

  FISSUE holds VPRM issue number

  FINPUTBY holds information indicating that the source was VPRM and includes the date of issue

The system attribute FSTATUS also holds the VPRM status of the specification, usually working or approved. For example: Finputby |VPRM at 26-NOV-2003 12:04|






Accessing an Existing Specification

 Access a SPEC by using using any of the followi following ng commands: OLD SPECification specname OLD specname SPECification specname specname where specname is the name of an existing SPEC. For example, enter any of the following commands: OLD SPEC /RF300 OLD /RF300 SPEC /RF300 /RF300

to access the SPEC created in Section 3.1. Clearly, the simplest method is to enter just the name of the SPEC required.  You may interrogate interrogate the SPWLD hierarchy hierarchy by using the command command,, or change to a different SPEC element within it by using any of the standard DB navigational commands such as FIRST, NEXT, etc., in the usual way.


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Entering Tabular Data

3.3.1 The General Principles  You must have created or accessed accessed a SPEC (as described described in Sections 3.1 and and 3.2, respectively) before you can enter tabular data. Each Specification may contain any number of separate tables. For example, that part of the SPEC named /RF300 listed in Figure 2-4 contains four tables (one for each of the component types VALV, TEE, ELBO and FLAN), although the complete SPEC would probably contain many more.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




 A table comprises comprises three distinct type typess of data:    A Heading (or Question Question Line)



   Answer Lines The heading must be at the top of the table; the defaults, if specified, must immediately follow the heading; and the answer lines (one for each SPCOM) form the remainder. This sequence is illustrated in Figure 2-4.

3.3.2 Special Characters in SPEC Data In addition to conventional alphanumeric PDMS names and attribute values, the following special characters may be used in the SPEC data entries: *

The star or asterisk character is used throughout PDMS as an abbreviation which you can set to the name of an owning element when naming a member element in a DB hierarchy. In most modules you must define this character by using the command, butcurrent it is set automatically by SPECON so that it always refers to the name of the SPEC. For example, in the SPEC named /RF300 shown in Figure 2-4, the component listed as */20GA has the full PDMS name /RF300/20GA / RF300/20GA..


The plus character means ditto; it enables you to repeat the setting above it in the table with the minimum of keystrokes.

-  The minus or dash character, which may be used only in the default line of a table, means ‘not applicable’ or ‘unspecified’. If a default line is present, this character must appear under TYPE and NAME, and under any SELEC questions for which default answers are not set. It must not appear under CATREF, DETAIL, MATXT etc., for which defaults are never allowed. =

The equals character, when used in the default line of a table, means that the answer will default to the first selector in list order after all other questions have been answered.

 As an example, consider consider the following part of a table (which incorporates incorporates all four of the characters * -  + and = ): HEADING TYPE NAME BLTREF DEFAULTS FLAN */FG /SBOL/20F FLAN */FX ...






= S












This includes two SPCOMs which differ only in the Selector STYP (Subtype) and which have pointers, for the purpose of this example, to different Material Texts. When this


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



SPEC is used to select a component without specifying the required STYP, the = default option will select the first SPCOM (*/FG) in the list order, which points to the MTEXT identified as /ASA-20F. NOTE:  The equals signs within the body of the table, in the form =0, simply show that

those pointers have not been set. They have no relevance to the equals sign in a default line. Since PDMS does not allow any SPREF to exist more than once, items in a SPEC which are identical but which need to be distinguished from each other may be allocated suffixes. ISODRAFT can be made to ignore such a suffix by recognising the delimiting character which separates the suffix from the rest of the SPREF. For example, if the delimiting character is defined as a colon (:), which is the default, ISODRAFT will identify two components with the SPREFs /TEE.FS:AA and /TEE.FS:AB as having the same item code /TEE.FS. See the ISODRAFT Reference Manual for further details, including the way in which you may specify which character is to be recognised as the delimiter.

3.3.3 Headings The heading line, which defines the column headings for the rest of the table, contains four distinct sorts of information:  

TYPE is the generic type (GTYPE) of the component represented by an SPCOM.


NAME is the unique identifier for each SPCOM.


Selector Questions define the SELEC choices which will be used to choose an appropriate SPCOM for a given design purpose (e.g. STYPE, ANGLE etc.).


Reference Pointers link each SPCOM to the corresponding definitions in the other parts of the Catalogue (e.g. CATREF points to a COMP, DETAIL points to a DTEXT, and so on).

(For full details of the available options for Selector Questions and Reference Pointers, see Section 4.1 for piping components, Section 4.2 for structural components, or Section 4.3 for insulation.) To define a heading, use the command syntax Heading TYpe NAme questions pointers noting that the command is entered on two lines (i.e. you must press RETURN after the command HEADING, as well as after the last entry in the second heading line). IMPORTANT NOTE: When new data is entered into a Specification, the input sequence is TYPE NAME ... etc.; when an existing Specification is modified (see Section 3.4), or when its contents are output (see Section 3.6), the

corresponding sequence is NAME TYPE ... etc.

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Examples of possible commands for defining headings are as follows: For generic type TUBE HEADING TYPE NAME PBOR0 SCHE SHOP CATREF DETAIL MATXT CMPREF BLTREF




and so on. See Chapter 4 for explanations of the SELEC questions used in these headings. The maximum number of entries in a heading line (that is, the maximum number of columns in the table) is 20. NOTE: The number of columns in an existing Specification Specification cannot be changed, so it is important that you choose the headings carefully when you create a new Specification.

3.3.4 Defaults To define the default settings for the SELEC answers, use the command syntax Defaults default_settings which, as with the HEADING command, occupies two input lines. Each SELEC question column must be set to either a definite answer ( value, word, etc.) or to a - or = character (as defined in Section 3.3.2). The TYPE and NAME columns must have - (null) defaults and the Reference Pointer columns must have no default entries at all. For example, heading and default lines for a table of VALV Specifications Specifications might be entered as follows: HEADING TYPE NAME PBOR0 CMPREF BLTREF DEFAULTS -









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 Any VALV selected selected without specifying specifying the STYPE (for example, example, by using the command command NEW VALV SEL in a design module) will have the word GATE assigned as the answer to the SELEC question for its STYPE.

3.3.5 Selector Answers To complete the main area of the table, enter the TYPE and NAME, followed by an appropriate answer (value, word etc.) under each column heading, for each SPCOM line in turn. The spacing between the answers is not critical, although interpretation of the SPEC table may be easier if you align the headings and answers in vertical columns, as illustrated in Figure 2-4. Note, however, that the tabulation used when data in input to a SPEC is not retained when that SPEC is subsequently output. Remember that you can use the * and + characters, defined in Section 3.3.2, to save repetitive typing when entering the SPEC data from a keyboard. NOTE: You must take care not to use any of the dimensional units (MM, M, IN, FT, FE etc.) in answers which are expected to be words. This applies particularly to the STYPE Selector (see Section 3.3.6). If, for example, a Specification included the

adjacent headings PBOR0 STYPE and you entered the answers 25 for the bore and FT for the STYPE, SPECON would interpret this as a bore of 25 feet and would try to assign the next answer or reference pointer to the STYPE.

3.3.6 Subtype Selectors: A Special Case Subtype (STYP or equivalent) selector answers can be tabulated in either of two formats: as a PDMS word (up to four letters), or as a text string (of any length) enclosed between apostrophes. If you use the latter format, you must precede the text string with the word TEXT to avoid possible confusion with user-defined dimensioning units. For example, the STYP for a gate valve (generic type VALV) could be listed either as GATE or as the equivalent form TEXT ’GATE’. If these are to be truly equivalent, you must use uppercase characters foraGATE in thettext answer. Alternatively, Alternativel the text ’High version could be extended to give to more explicit explici description; for example, example,y,TEXT Pressure Gate’.

3.3.7 Including User-defined Attributes in Specifications To include the settings of user-defined attributes in a Specification, for subsequent use by ISODRAFT, use the command syntax EXTRA  :uda_name attribute_setting For example: EXTRA :colour ’green’ EXTRA :diagonal 226.87

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(where :colour is a uda of type text)  (where :diagonal is a uda of type real)




User-defined attribute settings settings included in this way (one per line) will be correctly output and re-input when you list list the SPEC using using macros. Note: User-defined User-defined attributes to be used in this way must have been defined in LEXICON with SPCOMs as valid components.

3.3.8 Including Comments in Specifications To include a comment in a Specification, typically to clarify details of its content for future users, use the command syntax COMMENT text  All text between between apostrophes following following the COMMENT command will be ignored when the SPEC is interpreted, but will be correctly output and re-input when you list the SPEC using macros.


Editing an Existing Specification

3.4.1 Adding a New SPCOM To add one or more new SPCOM lines to an existing SPEC, use the same syntax as that described in Section 3.3 for setting up a new SPEC; that is, enter the command lines Heading TYpe NAme questions pointers Defaults (optional) default_settings (optional) selector_answers pointer_settings The heading line ‘TYPE NAME questions pointers’ must be the same as the corresponding line in the existing SPEC. SPCOMs entered in this way will be merged into the table for the relevant component type when the SPEC is output.

3.4.2 Deleting or Removing a SPEC or SPCOM The terminology used here is significant:

  If a SPEC or SPCOM is deleted, all aspects of it are eliminated from the Catalogue DB. If an existing design includes a component with an SPREF which points to the deleted data, any future access to the Design DB, say to produce a drawing, will result in an error since no matching SPCOM will be found.

  If a SPEC or SPCOM is removed, the data held within it is transferred to a special archive Specification named /*LIMBOSPEC. The data still exists, so that references to it are still valid, but it no longer forms part of the original named SPEC. This

facility is useful:


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a. when a component is withdrawn from use for new designs but its continued use in existing designs is permitted b. when use of a component is to be suspended temporarily while modifications modifications are made. NOTE:  If you are using more than one Catalogue DB, there is one archive Specification for each DB. This avoids inadvertent transfer of data between DBs due to removal and subsequent restoration of SPECs or SPCOMs. Such multiple archive Specifications are named /*LIMBOSPEC, /*LIMBOSPEC_1, /*LIMBOSPEC_1, /*LIMBOSPEC_2 etc. Only the single form /*LIMBOSPEC will be referred to in the remainder of this manual.

To delete individual SPCOM lines from a SPEC, use the command syntax DELETE spcom1 spcom2 ... where spcom1, spcom2 etc. identify the relevant SPCOMs. For example, /RF300 DELETE */20GA */25GA

will access the SPEC /RF300 / RF300 and delete the SPCOMs /RF300/20GA and /RF300/25GA. To delete a complete Specification, use the command syntax

DELETE SPECification specname where specname is the name of the SPEC. For example, /RF300 DELETE SPEC /RF300

will access and then delete the entire SPEC named /RF300. To delete all SPCOMs from a SPEC without deleting the SPEC itself, enter the command DELETE ALL NOTE:  The DELETE command should be used with care. No checks are made against any design data before the SPCOMs are deleted and any references to such SPCOMs in a Design DB will become invalid. If in doubt, use the REMOVE command.

To remove individual SPCOM lines from a SPEC, use the command syntax REMove spcom1 spcom2 ... where spcom1, spcom2 etc. identify the relevant SPCOMs. The effect of this command is to remove all answers from the named SPCOM lines, except for the pointers CATREF and DETAIL, and to transfer those SPCOMs to the archive Specification /*LIMBOSPEC. If a Specification Reference (SPREF) in a Design DB points to an SPCOM which cannot be found in the currently named SPEC, it will automatically automatical ly look for that SPCOM in /*LIMBOSPEC. To remove the entire contents of a SPEC, enter the command REMove ALL

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To reinstate a removed SPCOM, ensure that you are pointing to the correct current SPEC and then use the syntax for modifying an SPCOM, as defined in Section 3.4.2, but incorporate the name of the SPCOM to be reinstated. The SPCOM will automatically automatical ly be moved back from /*LIMBOSPEC into the original SPEC.


Copying a Specification

It is sometimes necessary to have two SPECs which are very similar, perhaps differing only in the CATREF and DETAIL pointers of their member SPCOMs. To enable you to create these easily, SPECON allows you to make a copy of an existing SPEC which you can then rename and edit as required. To do so, use the command syntax COPY specname REName name1 name2 where specname identifies the complete SPEC which is to be copied and name1 and name2 define the old and new name parts, respectively, for the individual SPCOM lines throughout the SPEC. In most cases name1 will be the same as specname. For example, to create a new Specification /SPEC2 derived from an existing and similar Specification /SPEC1, enter the commands NEW SPEC /SPEC2 COPY /SPEC1 RENAME /SPEC1 /SPEC2

/SPEC2 will contain exactly the same headings, default settings and SPCOM lines as /SPEC1 except that all SPCOMs which were named /SPEC1/... in the latter will have been renamed /SPEC2/... in the former.  You can now change any individual individual answers (attribute (attribute settings or pointers) pointers) in /SPEC2 by using the editing commands described in Section 3.4.



Outputting a Specification

Defining the Destination

 You can output the content of of a SPEC to your terminal terminal or to a file (perhaps (perhaps for subsequent printing). The device to which SPECON is to send the output may be defined by using the standard device-selection commands described in the PDMS Monitor Reference Manual. The default is TERMINAL.


Outputting Complete Specifications

To output one or more complete SPECs, use the command syntax OUTput specname1 specname2 ...


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For example, to send the content of Specification /RF300 to a file named /RF300.SPEC in your current OS directory, enter the commands FILE /RF300.SPEC OUTPUT /RF300

The data will be output to the selected device in a similar tabular format to that in which it was entered into the SPEC, although the precise tabulation settings will have been modified to suit the linewidth of the destination device (but see also Section 3.6.3). SPEC data output in this way has the same NAME TYPE ... sequence as that which applies when existing data is being accessed for editing; not the TYPE NAME ... sequence in which it was entered. To output a SPEC with the heading sequence TYPE NAME ... (to be used, for example, as input at a later time; see Section 3.7), use the extended command syntax OUTput NEW specname1 specname2 (The default version of the OUTPUT command is equivalent to OUTPUT OLD, but there is no advantage in using the longer form.)


Controlling the Output Format

By default, the tabulated layout of data derived the output macro is the same as that in the original SPEC. You can compact the output macro file by replacing multiple spaces by a single space. This saves disk space, but can make the tables more difficult to read. To do so, use the command COMPact To restore the tabulated format with aligned columns, use the command ALIGned


Outputting Parts of Specifications

To generate output which is restricted to one or more specified types of component, include the generic types of the required components by using one of the syntax formats OUTput gtype1 gtype2 ... specname1 specname2 ... OUTput OLD gtype1 gtype2 ... specname1 specname2 ... OUTput NEW gtype1 gtype2 ... specname1 specname2 ... where gtype1, gtype2 etc. are the component types to be included and specname1, specname2 etc. are the Specifications from which the data is to be extracted. For example, to create a file containing just the valve and flange data from the Specification /RF300, in a format suitable for use as input to a different Specification, you might use the commands FILE /SPECDATA OUTPUT NEW VALV FLAN /RF300

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How Bores Are Output

 Although all pipe bores are stored in the PDMS databases in mm, mm, they may be input and output in either metric or imperial units. The program converts from one set of units to the other by applying the factor 25.4 mm/inch. PDMS holds tables of standard nominal bore pipe sizes and, unless specified otherwise, compares each actual bore against the values in the appropriate (metric or imperial) table. If the actual bore falls within a predefined tolerance of one of the nominal bores, it is assumed that the standard sized pipe is suitable and so that nominal bore is output.  You may specify whether whether component bores within within the Specification data data are to be output as actual or nominal sizes by using the command syntax BOREs ACTual BOREs NOMinal The default is BORES NOMINAL. Note: RADI and HEIG questions use the current Distance unit.  Appendix C contains contains the tables used by PDMS PDMS to define metric a and nd imperial pipe sizes. sizes.


Using Macros For SPECON Inputs

While it is possible to create or modify SPECs and SPCOMs interactively, it is usually more efficient to use macros for this purpose. The tabular format of the SPECON input is easily achieved using any normal text editor and the data file thus created can be checked for errors before it is read into the Catalogue DB. If any syntax errors are found when the macro file is run in SPECON, the file may be edited to correct the mistakes and rerun with the minimum amount of effort. The format of the macro input file is exactly the same as that produced by the OUTPUT described inThis Section 3.6.2; that is, TYPE must precede in the NEW command heading and SPCOM lines. means that Specifications which haveNAME been sent to a file may be edited independently of PDMS, using any available text editor in your computer system, and then reloaded via SPECON. This is often the most effective way of carrying out major revisions of existing SPECs. Any part of an SPCOM line may be changed in this way other than the NAME or TYPE; if these were changed SPECON would not be able to locate the SPCOM to overwrite it. Remember, when creating SPECON input macros from the keyboard, that the symbols * (automatically (automatical ly set to the Specification Name) and + (equivalent to ditto) can be used to save repetitive typing (see Section 3.3.2). To update an existing macro to use text strings instead of PDMS words for STYPE selector answers (see Section 3.3.6), edit the macro so that each four-character word representing an STYP (or equivalent) is replaced by the keyword TEXT followed by the replacement text enclosed between apostrophes. For example, you would replace GATE


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by TEXT ’GATE’. Note that the text text must be in uppercase characters characters if it is to be be interpreted in the same way as the equivalent PDMS word.

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Details of Typical Specifications Specifications

This chapter explains, with examples, typical data entries which might be used in Specifications for the main types of design components (piping components, structural components and insulation).



Selectors and Pointers for Piping Components


The headings in this section may apply to components from the following list of GTYPEs: ATTAchment NOZZle Bend Bolt CAP CLOsure COUpling CROSs DUCting Elbow FBLind FILter FLAnge FLG FTUbe GASket HELement INSTrument LJSE


(For Insulation, see Section 4.3.1) 4.3.1) 

4.1.2 Selectors There are very few constraints on the SELEC questions, and the order in which you list them, when defining SPECs for piping components. The following headings should meet most of your requirements:

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Details of Typical Specifications

Pbore integer  Specifies the bore of p-point integer. For multiway components (such as a Tee), more than one PBORE SELEC may be specified (PBORE1, PBORE2 etc.). PConn integer  Specifies the connection type of p-point integer. NOTE:  See Section 4.1.3 for important information about the use of the special cases PBORE0 and PCONN0 which may be applied to the preceding SELECs.

SType  SType  Defines the Specific Type of the component; it is effectively a subdivision of a GTYPE. For example, a component of GTYPE VALV may have an STYPE GATE, GLOB, CHEC etc. ANGle  ANGle  Defines the required angle of an ELBO or BEND, when DDANGL has been used in the component pointset (PTSET). The answer to this SELEC question in an SPCOM may be a single value (e.g. 90.0) or a range of values (e.g. 45.0,90.0). RADius   RADius Defines the required radius of an ELBO or BEND, when DDRADI has been used in the component pointset (PTSET). May be a single value or a range. TEMperature  TEMperature  Defines the operating temperature. PRessure  PRessure  Defines the operating pressure. RATing  RATing  Defines the pressure rating. SHOP  SHOP  Defines whether the component is intended for shop fabrication (SPCOM answer TRUE or SHOP) or on-site assembly (SPCOM answer FALSE or SITE). In addition to the standard SELEC headings, you may use any word (up to four letters), with or without a numeric qualifier, to define your own questions. For example, if you wished to include a range of colour-coded reducers in your Catalogue (perhaps having a base colour and a marker colour to indicate suitability suitability for particular types of use), you might include the questions COL1 and COL2 as SELEC headings in the Specification for TYPE REDU. The SPCOMs containing the answers to these questions will be considered by the selection process if the appropriate option is specified in your design module command; for example SELECT NEW REDU ... WITH COL1 RED WITH COL2 BLUE

If COL1 and/or COL2 are omitted, the default colours (answers) will be used.


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Details of Typical Specifications

4.1.3 P-Point Zero: A Special Case Normally, when the bore or connection type of a p-point is used as a SELEC question, the answer provided will apply to a specific p-point number. For example, PBORE1 will be the component’s arrive bore, PBORE2 itsapply. in-lineInleave on.use the However, under some circumstances this will needbe not suchbore, casesand youso may Selectors PBORE0 and/or PCONN0 PCONN0 to represent either the arrive or leave p-point of the component. For example, assume that you wish to select a flange. Normally P1 would represent parrive and P2 would represent p-leave, so that the Selector PBORE1 could be matched against the p-leave bore of the preceding component to select a suitable flange. If, however, the flange is reversed (‘flipped’), P2 becomes the p-arrive and so a Specification based on the Selector PBORE1 will not allocate a correct match. If the SELEC is defined as PBORE0, all p-points of the new component will be tested, in numeric order, against the p-leave of the preceding component. Thus, in the case of our flipped flange, if a P1 match cannot be found then P2 will be tested as a second choice. If either P1 or P2 matches the answer given for PBORE0, then a flange will be selected. The same principle applies to the connector type PCONN0.  You will find the P-point P-point Zero convention very useful whe when n compiling Specifications. Specifications. Figure 2-4, for example, illustrates the use of PBORE0 (abbreviated to PBOR0) for four component types.

4.1.4 Reference Pointers and Settings The following reference pointers and settings are applicable to the specification of piping components (see the examples in Section 0 Individual Specification Component Pointers  Pointers  These which table. are attributes SPCOMpointer elements, are set individually each line in pointers, a Specification Only theof CATREF is obligatory; the other for pointers may be omitted from the heading when the Specification is created or they may be left as unset (=0) in individual SPCOM lines. CATREF - Catalogue Reference: Points to one particular component in the Catalogue DB which meets all the SELEC requirements specified for an individual SPCOM. A CATREF heading is obligatory for every SPEC table since it is the essential link between the design specification and the choice of a component from the Catalogue. It is important that the component pointed to by the CATREF already exists when the SPCOM is defined, otherwise you will receive the error message ‘Undefined Name’ and the CATREF in the Specification will be shown as =0 (i.e. unset). DETAIL - Detail Text: Points to a DTEXT element in the Catalogue DB. This holds any general text which

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Details of Typical Specifications

is used to describe the corresponding component in schedules, on isometric drawings, etc. (see the PARAGON Reference Manual). MATXT - Material Text: Points to an MTEXT element in the Catalogue DB. This holds the text which is used to describe the materials of construction of the corresponding component in schedules, on isometric drawings, etc. (see the PARAGON and ISODRAFT Reference Manuals). BLTREF - Bolt Reference: Points to a BLTAB element in the Catalogue DB. This contains details of the bolts needed to connect the corresponding component into a pipeline (see the ISODRAFT Reference Manual). This heading is, of course, applicable only to components which require bolts (flanges etc.). CMPREF - Component Reference: Points to a CMPT element in the Properties DB (see the PROPCON Reference Manual).

Overall Specification Pointers  These pointers, which are attributes of SPEC elements, are set for an entire Specification. Their settings are shown at the beginning of the Specification, immediately immediatel y after the name, and always appear, even if they remain unset. MATREF - Material Reference: Points to a SOLID element in the Properties DB. This holds information about the properties of the materials of construction of the piping components (see the  PROPCON Reference Manual). FLUREF - Fluid Reference: Points to a FLUID element in the Properties DB. This holds information about the properties of the liquids or gases for use with which the piping components are suitable (see the PROPCON Reference Manual).

Overall Specification Settings  Settings  These are not pointers to other elements but are local to the Specification itself. Their settings are shown at the beginning of the Specification, Specification, immediately after the MATREF and FLUREF pointers, and always appear, having default settings if you have not specified otherwise. These attribute settings are used only by ISODRAFT and are relevant only when fixed length piping is being used. You are referred to the section entitled ‘Fixed Length Piping’ in the ISODRAFT Reference Manual for fuller details. RATING - Pipeline Pressure Rating: RATING May be set to the maximum pressure at which the components covered by the Specification are intended for service. ISODRAFT can then use this setting to


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Details of Typical Specifications

determine those points in a composite pipeline at which the pressure rating changes. The default setting is zero. LINETYPE - Fixed Length Piping Line Type: LINETYPE May be set to either of the identifiers FP FX

Fixed Pipe Fixed Length

ISODRAFT uses this setting to decide whether or not to append the length of a component to its item code in a material list. The length is appended if linetype is set to FP, but is assumed to be incorporated into the standard code if linetype is set to FX. The default setting is NUL (i.e. variable length piping between components is assumed).

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Details of Typical Specifications

4.1.5 Examples From Piping Component Specifications To keep the examples brief, very few lines (SPCOMs) are shown for each GTYPE. NEW SPECIFICATION /RF300 MATREF =0 FLUREF =0 RATING 0.000 LINETYPE NUL HEADING TYPE NAME TUBE */20TU TUBE */25TU ...

PBOR0 20.0 25.0



PBOR0 20.0 25.0















20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 25.0

100.0 100.0 60.0 60.0 125.0

= 90.0 180.0 90.0 180.0 90.0




PBOR0 20.0 25.0











=0 =0

=0 =0




CMPREF =0 =0



=0 =0

=0 =0


=0 =0 =0 =0 =0

BLTREF =0 =0






25.0 25.0 32.0 32.0





20.0 20.0 25.0 25.0


=0 =0 =0 =0 =0

=0 =0 =0 =0

=0 =0 =0 =0

and so on. (See Figure 2-4 for some other examples.)


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Details of Typical Specifications


Selectors and Pointers for Structural Components

4.2.1 Applicability The headings within this section may apply to components from the following list of GTYPEs: BASE BEAM BRACe COLUmn FITTing GANTry GIRDer JOINt JOISt KNEE PILE PROFile PURLin RIDGe ROD SCTN SDRAil SPLIce STANchion STIFfener STRUt TIE

4.2.2 Selectors The following SELEC questions are those which you are likely to use when defining SPECs for structural components: SType  SType  Defines the Specific Type of the component; particularly applicable to the general generic types PROF, JOIN and FITT. Examples of STYPE answers which might be applied to structural components to cover European, American and British standards include:

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Details of Typical Specifications




Channel section or American standard C–shapes (tapered flanges) Circular hollow section Castellated rolled steel joists Castellated universal beams Castellated universal columns Castellated Z–beams Imperial equal angles Metric equal angles European columns (wide flanges) European beams (wide flanges) European beams (very wide flanges) Bearing piles (wide flanges) European beams (parallel faced flanges) European standard beams (tapered flanges) Long stalk tee–bars American I–shapes (wide flanges) Rectangular hollow section Rolled steel joists American standard I–shapes (tapered flanges) Tee bars Tees cut from universal beams Tees cut from universal columns European small channels Universal beams Universal bearing piles Universal columns Imperial unequal angles Metric unequal angles European standard channels Plate girders


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Details of Typical Specifications

DEPth  DEPth  The depth (height) of a structural section; e.g. 100 mm. WIDth  WIDth  The width of a structural section; e.g. 100 mm. WEIGht  WEIGht  The weight per unit length; e.g. 100 kg/m. DIMEnsion integer: DIMEnsion   Any dimension. The qualifying qualifying integer is optional; suggested conventions are: DIME1 DIME2

Depth or long leg Width or short leg

CTYPE integer  CTYPE   A connection type. The qualifying qualifying integer is optional; suggested conventions are: CTYPE1 CTYPE2 CTYPE3 CTYPE4

Start connection End connection  Attached connection connection Owning connection

with the possible answers RIVET, BOLT, WELD, GLUE etc. CTYStart  CTYStart  Start connection (equivalent to CTYPE1). CTYEnd  CTYEnd  End connection (equivalent to CTYPE2). CTYAttached  CTYAttached   Attached connection (equivalent (equivalent to CTYPE3). CTYOwning   CTYOwning Owning connection (equivalent to CTYPE4). INERtia integer  INERtia  Moment of inertia about a specified axis; e.g. 280 cm $. (It is usually convenient to use cm rather than mm here to avoid having to list large values.) The qualifying integer is optional; suggested conventions are:

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Details of Typical Specifications


Inertia about x-x Inertia about y-y Inertia about u-u Inertia about v-v

THICkness integer  THICkness  Plate thickness within a section; e.g. 10 mm. The qualifying integer is optional; suggested conventions are: THIC1 THIC2

Web thickness Flange thickness

FIXty  FIXty  Joint fixity; e.g. FIXED, PINNED, PLASTIC, HINGED, RIGID etc. GRADe  GRADe  Material grade for fire-resistant insulation; e.g. 43. (See Section 4.3.2.) 4.3.2.) FIREsistance  FIREsistance  Degree of fire resistance for insulation; e.g. 2 hr. (See Section 4.3.2.) 4.3.2.) ITHIckness  ITHIckness  Insulation thickness; e.g. 50 mm. (See Section 4.3.2.) AREA  AREA   Area of a section; e.g. 100 100 cm².  As for piping component specifications, you may may also use any word, with with or without a numeric qualifier, to define your own questions. See Section 4.1.2.  4.1.2. 

4.2.3 Reference Pointers and Settings The pointers and attribute settings which you may specify for structural component specifications are the same as those defined in Section 4.1.4 for piping components, although the relative importance of the references will differ (for example, FLUREF, RATING and LINETYPE are unlikely to be relevant). As for piping components, only the CATREF pointer is obligatory.


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Details of Typical Specifications

4.2.4 Examples From Structural Component Specifications The following excerpt from a Specification for structural steelwork components illustrates some of the features defined in the preceding sections: NOTE:  The Reference Pointers DETAIL, MATXT, MATXT, CMPREF and BLTREF have been omitted to save space. Although these are available to give consistency with Piping Specifications, Specifications, you are unlikely to use these for structural components (BLTREF, in particular, would have no meaning for a structural component). No defaults have been set in this example. NEW SPECIFICATION /BS4.PT1 MATREF =0 FLUREF =0 RATING 0.000 LINETYPE NUL TEXT ’Middlesbrough Mills’ HEADING TYPE NAME BEAM */UB1 + */UB2 + */UB3 ... HEADING TYPE NAME BRAC */UEA1 + */UEA2 + */UEA3 ...



GRADE 43 50 43

GRADE 43 50 43


WIDTH 465 465 310

DEPTH 200 200 125

DEPTH 153 153 125

WEIGHT INERTIA 82 32435 82 32435 48 9504

WIDTH 150 150 75

CATREF /457X152X82UB /457X152X82UB /305X127X48UB

WEIGHT INERTIA 47 2376 47 2376 18 354

CATREF /200X150X18L /200X150X18L /200X150X18L /200X150X18L /125X75X12L

WIDTH 102.0 102.0

DEPTH 432.0 381.0

WEIGHT INER1 INER2 CATREF 65.5 21399.0 628.6 /432X102X65KG.C /432X102X65KG .C 55.1 14894.0 579.8 /381X102X55KG.C /381X102X55KG.C











HEADING TYPE NAME STYP DEPT WIDT WEIG INER1 INER2 CATREF PROF */BS.CUB1 CUB 1371.0 419.0 388.0 1661103.0 42443.0 /1371X419X388KG.CUB + */BS.CUB2 CUB 1371.0 419.0 343.0 1449837.0 36223.0 /1371X419X343KG.CUB ...

and so on.

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Details of Typical Specifications


Selectors and Pointers for Insulation

The information given in this section applies specifically to the generic type INSulation.

4.3.1 Pipework Insulation  You do not select and store Insulation Insulation in the same same way that you select piping piping components from other modules. The Insulation Specification is interrogated automatically automatical ly by modules such as DESIGN each time insulation details are required. When setting up an Insulation Specification you must follow a strict format if this automatic selection is to work properly. For any specific insulation material, material, the correct insulation thickness for a given pipework application is usually derived from two Selector questions: TEMPerature: TEMPerature: The working temperature; usually specified as a temperature range (e.g. 101,200) PBOR0 PBOR0: The: nominal diameter of the component; usually specified as a range of bore sizes (e.g 1, 2½ using inch bores or 25,70 using metric bores) These might be related to the available thicknesses in the following way: Temperature Range

Bore Range

Insulation Thickness


101 - 200

1 - 2 /2


101 - 200 201 - 400 201 - 400

3 - 8 1 1 - 2 /2 3 - 8

1 /2 2 3


1 - 8


- 100


where the bores and insulation thickness are defined in inches. It is assumed in this example that the minimum insulation thickness thickness which can be handled conveniently is 1 inch and so this has been applied to all pipe sizes in the low temperature range (0 to 100 degrees). This data would result in an Insulation Specification of the following form: NEW SPEC /INSPEC HEADING TYPE NAME TEMP INSU */IN1 0,100 INSU */IN2 101,200 INSU */IN3 101,200 INSU */IN4 201,400 INSU */IN5 201,400

PBOR0 1,8 1,2.5 3,8 1,2.5 3,8

CATREF /IC1 /IC1 /IC1.5 /IC2 /IC3


NOTE:  Because of possible ambi ambiguity guity due to the overlapping ranges of PBOR0, the order in which the SELEC headings are tabulated is important important.. For the successful selection of Insulation the TEMP question must be

tabulated before the PBOR0 question.


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1


Details of Typical Specifications

4.3.2 Structural Insulation Insulation for Sections, Joints and Fittings may be selected from an Insulation Specification by using the selection criteria Grade, Fire Resistance and Insulation Thickness derived from the current component. An extract from a typical Insulation Specification for use in structural design might be as follows: NEW SPECIFICATION /BS4.PT1.INSUL HEADING TYPE NAME GRADE FIRE ITHI DEFAULTS 43 INSU */IN1 43 1,2 20 + */IN2 40 1,2 40 + */IN3 43 2,4 20 + */IN4 50 2,4 40 + */IN5 43 4,10 20 + */IN6 50 4,10 40

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/IN25 /IN50 /IN50 /IN75 /IN75 /IN100



Details of Typical Specifications


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Command Syntax Diagrams



This appendix contains the legal command and interrogation syntax diagrams relevant to the PDMS SPECON module. These diagrams formalise the precise command sequences which may be used and are intended to supplement the explanations given in the appropriate sections of this manual.



The following conventions apply to the syntax diagrams in this appendix:

   All diagrams diagrams have abbreviated abbreviated names. Such names are composed of lowercase letters enclosed in angled brackets, e.g. . These short names, which are used for cross–referencing purposes in the text and within other syntax diagrams, are supplemented by fuller descriptions where they are not selfexplanatory.

  Commands to be input from the terminal are shown in a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. In general, these commands can be abbreviated; the capital letters indicate the minimum permissible abbreviation. (NOTE: This convention does not mean that the second part of the command must be typed in lowercase letters; commands may be entered in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.)

For example, the command REMove

may be input in any of the following forms: REM REMO REMOV REMOVE

Commands shown wholly in uppercase letters cannot be abbreviated.

  Names written in lowercase italics are command arguments (see Section A.3).

  Syntax diagrams are generally read from top left to bottom right.

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Command Syntax Diagrams

  Points marked with a plus sign (+) are option junctions which allow you to input any one of the commands to the right of the junction. Thus

>--+-- ABC ----. | | |-- PQR ----| | | |-- --| | | ‘-----------+-->

means you may type in ABC or PQR or any command allowed by the syntax given in diagram or just press RETURN to get the default option.

  Points marked with an asterisk (*) are loop back junctions. Command options following these may be repeated as required. Thus

.-------*-- option1 --| | | |-- option2 --| | | ‘-- option3 --+-->

permits any combination of option1 and/or option2 and/or option3 to be used (where the options may define commands, other syntax diagrams, or command arguments). This may form an exception to the rule of reading from top left to bottom right. The simplified format .-----*-- name --+-->

means that you may type in a list of PDMS names, separated by at least one space.


VANTAGE PDMS PDMS SPECON Re Reference ference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Command Syntax Diagrams

Command Arguments

These are inputs which are necessary to qualify command words. They are distinguished by appearing in italics. Name name refno integer value word text sign equals comma nl

Definition PDMS element name PDMS reference number a positive integer signed number alphabetic word alphanumeric string plus or minus character equals character comma character new line

Table A-1


Example /ABCDE =23/1403 0, 3 3.142, -23.66, -34 NULL, VALV (4 chars. max.) ’Enclose Between Apostrophes’ + (for ditto); - (in default lines) = (in default lines) 20, 40 (for range of values) Press the RETURN key

Examples of basic command arguments

The Syntax Diagrams

The diagrams are listed approximately in the order in which they are described in this manual.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Command Syntax Diagrams

A.4.1 .-------------------------------*--- NEW ---+--- SPECification ---. | | | | | | ‘---------------------+--- name  ----------------| | | |---OLD ---+--- SPECification SPECificatio n ---. | | | | | | ‘-----------‘---------------------+ ---------+ | | | | |--- SPECification --------------+--- -----------------| | | |--- ---> | | | |--- REMove ---. .------- Defaults -- -- -- ---*--- ---| | | |--- sign -----| | | |--- word  -----|  -----| | | |--- equals ---’ | ‘--->

A.4.5 >--+--- noun ---. | | s gn |-- ----+--- name -----. | | ‘--- ---+--- noun -----| | | |--- sign  -----| .-----------------------------------------. | |/ | ‘--------------*--- word   ----------------------------------| | | |--- TEXT --- text  -------------------------| | | |--- EXTRA --- :uda_name --- uda_setting  ---|  ---| | | |--- COMMENT --- text  ----------------------| | | |--- ---+--- comma --- ----. | | | | | | ‘-------------------------+--| | | |--- sign  ----------------------------------| | | |--- ----------------------------------’ | ‘--->

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Command Syntax Diagrams

A.4.6 >---+--- name---. | | ‘--- refno---+--->

A.4.7 >--- COPY --- ---+--- REName --- name --- name ---. | | ‘--------------------------------+--->

A.4.8 >---+--- value ----------. | | ‘--- ---+--- EXponential --- value ---. | | ‘-----------------------------+--- MM -------. | | |--- Metres ---| | | |--- INches ---| | | |--- FT -------| | | |--- FEet -----| | | |--- text -----| | | ‘--------------+--->


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Command Syntax Diagrams

A.5 Other PDMS Command Syntax Common commands which may be legally used from within SPECON, but which are not directly related to this module, include the following: Function(s)

Syntax Diagram Name

 Actions setting (i.e. ACTIONS command) Element identification and database navigation Device control Date and time (real & elapsed)

and its subsidiary syntax and

Querying specific options:  Actions Heading banner Buffers Input/output device Input/output counters

Project details

Defining the current (default) units of measurement

 Attribute type references Module selection Giving system commands

Defining logical expressions etc.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Command Syntax Diagrams


VANTAGE PDMS PDMS SPECON Re Reference ference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Error Messages

The following is a list of those error messages specific to SPECON. All such error messages have a message number beginning with 17. Any other messages that may be output are not described here as they are not specific to SPECON. NOTE:  Since some other modules access the Specifications Specifications directly during their normal functioning (for example, to select insulation data) you may receive SPECON error messages while working in those modules.


Cannot access ID The element specified does not appear to exist in this DB. Check that you have entered the identifier correctly.




Check that you have entered the identifier for the SPEC correctly. Cannot create SPCOM or SELEC  You can only add a new SPCOM SPCOM line or SELEC question question after you have created a new SPEC or have accessed an existing SPEC (see Sections 3.13.3).


Cannot create SPECIFICATION  You can only create a new SPEC SPEC as a member member of a Specification World World (SPWLD) element in a CATALOGUE DB. Check your current position in the hierarchy. (See Sections 2.1 and 2.2.) An accompanying message should give a fuller explanation.


CATREF already used in heading  You have specified two CATREF pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.


Answers select previously defined spcom The combination of answers listed for this SPCOM line leads to an SPCOM which has already been defined. The second SPCOM line will, therefore, never be reached during the selection process.


DB unsuitable for SPEC  You can only create a new SPEC SPEC as a member member of a Specification World World (SPWLD) element in a CATALOGUE DB (see Sections 2.1 and 2.2).


DITTO IN FIRST LINE The ditto symbol (+) means ‘repeat the corresponding entry in the  preceding line’ and is therefore only valid in the second or subsequent lines of the table.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Error Messages


No SPECIFICATION defined  You must have created created a new SPEC or accessed accessed an existing SPEC before you can add to, modify, or output any tabulated Specificati Specification on data (see Chapter 3).


ID name/refno does not correspond to column heading  An element identifier identifier in an SPCOM line line must correspond to a relevant relevant Reference Pointer in the heading line. It cannot be given as an answer under a SELEC question in the heading (see Section 2.3).


ID is not a SPEC The identifier given in an OUTPUT command must refer to an accessible SPEC (see Section 3.6). Check that you have entered the identifier correctly.


Too many headings for output  You cannot output more than than 20 headings in a table. table.


More answers than questions - extra answers ignored  You have more entries in in an SPCOM answer line tthan han you have corresponding entries in the heading line. Check for unintentional spaces.


More defaults than questions - extra defaults ignored  You have more entries in in the defaults line tha than n you have corresponding entries in the heading line.


More than 20 HEADINGS The maximum number of entries permitted in a heading line is 20.


DETAIL already used in heading  You have specified two DETAIL pointers in a heading line. The line will be ignored.


Name already defined. Name/refno will remain unnamed. The NAME specified for this SPCOM has already been used and so this second SPCOM line will have only its PDMS refno as its identifier. Redefine this line with a new NAME if required.


No. of QUESTIONS and ANSWERS do not match up If the answers in a given SPCOM line do not correspond in a relevant way with the SELEC questions in the heading then that SPCOM will be ignored. (See the Note in Section 3.3.5 for one possible cause of this problem.)


Reserve name /*LIMBOSPEC has been used - object with this name has been unnamed The Specification /*LIMBOSPEC is reserved for holding REMOVEd SPCOMs (see Section 3.4.3). You cannot use it for any other purpose.


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Error Messages

SPCOM does not exist Check that you have entered the SPCOM identifier correctly when modifying an existing Specification.


SPEC not have exist entered the SPEC identifier correctly. Check does that you


This command only allowed in SPEC  You can only use a DELETE or REMOVE command after you have accessed an appropriate SPEC (see Sections 3.2 and 3.4.3), otherwise SPECON does not know which Specification you are telling it to modify.


TYPE required as first answer When adding a new SPCOM you must enter its TYPE (a PDMS noun) before its NAME. You may only use the reverse order when referring to an existing SPCOM (see Section 3.3).


Unable to create TEXT element  You can only specify one string string of descriptive text text for each SPEC.


Unable to put CATREF  You are unable to set this this Reference Pointer to the the element specified. Possibly you have specified it incorrectly.


Undefined name Check that you have entered the required identifier correctly.


SPEC or an offspring is locked. The SPEC is protected against modificatio modification. n. Use the UNLOCK command before trying to use any of the SPECON editing facilities. facilities.


SPEC is not empty When using the COPY command, the SPEC into which the copy is transferred (name1 in Section 3.5) must be empty. You cannot concatenate SPECs with the COPY command.


ID must be SPCOM The REMOVE command can only be used to remove SPCOMs. You cannot remove an entire SPEC, although you may use the REMOVE ALL option to empty it of its contents (see Section 3.4.3).


No databases to work from  You have not specified a suitable suitable MDB before before trying to enter SPECON. SPECON.


No SPEC database The specified MDB does not contain an appropriate CATALOGUE DB in which SPECON can create SPECs.

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Error Messages


TEXT longer than 50 characters The text associated with a SPEC cannot exceed 50 characters in length (see Section 3.1).


Unable put CMPREF  You areto unable to set this this Reference Pointer to the the element specified. Possibly you have specified it incorrectly.


Unable to put DETAIL  You are unable to set this this Reference Pointer to the the element specified. Possibly you have specified it incorrectly.


Unable to put MATXT  You are unable to set this this Reference Pointer to the the element specified. Possibly you have specified it incorrectly.


Unable to put BLTREF  You are unable to set this this Reference Pointer to the the element specified. Possibly you have specified it incorrectly.


You may not delete /*LIMBOSPEC The SPEC named /*LIMBOSPEC, used to hold removed SPCOMs, is created automatically automatica lly by PDMS and cannot be deleted, otherwise future REMOVE commands would not work (see Section 3.4.3).


You cannot REMOVE SPEC - use REMOVE ALL The REMOVE command applies only to the contents of a SPEC. Use REMOVE

 ALL to empty the SPEC of all contents or DELETE SPEC specname to eliminate the complete SPEC. (See Section 3.4.3.) (17:47)

You cannot REMOVE items from /*LIMBOSPEC The REMOVE command can only transfer SPCOMs to /*LIMBOSPEC. Only by re-entering an SPCOM under its existing name can it be transferred back from /*LIMBOSPEC into a user–defined SPEC. (See Section 3.4.3.)


MATXT already used in heading  You have specified two MATXT pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.


CMPREF already used in heading  You have specified two CMPREF pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.


BLTREF already used in heading  You have specified two BLTREF pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.



SPCON NAME name already exists  You must use a unique name name for each SPCON. The new SPCON will be

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1



Error Messages

rejected. (17:52)


word  is  is

not valid as a GTYPE See Sections 4.1.1 and 4.2.1f or or examples of valid GTYPEs.

TMPR already used in heading  You have specified two TMPR pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.


Unable to put TMPR  You are unable to set this this Reference Pointer to the the element specified. Possibly you have specified it incorrectly.

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Error Messages


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Nominal Pipe Size Tables 

 As explained in Section Section 3.6.4, PDMS holds tables tables of nominal pipe pipe sizes which it uses in in preference to actual sizes if an actual and a nominal size fall within a predefined tolerance band. These tables comprise the following diameters: Metric Units (mm)

Imperial Units Metric Units (inches) (mm)

Imperial Units (inches)

6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 32.0

0.125 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.750 1.00 1.25

900.0 950.0 1000.0 1050.0 1100.0 1150.0 1200.0

36.0 38.0 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 48.0

40.0 50.0 65.0 80.0 0.0 100.0 125.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 550.0 600.0 650.0 700.0 750.0 800.0 850.0

1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0

1250.0 1300.0 1350.0 1400.0 1450.0 1500.0 1600.0 1650.0 1750.0 1800.0 1850.0 1900.0 1950.0 2000.0 2050.0 2100.0 2200.0 2400.0 2600.0 2800.0 3000.0 3200.0 3400.0 3600.0 3800.0 4000.0

50.0 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 64.0 66.0 68.0 72.0 74.0 76.0 78.0 80.0 82.0 84.0 88.0 96.0 104.0 152.0 120.0 128.0 136.0 136.0 1 136.0

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Nominal Pipe Size Tables


VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




Index NOTES:

  The index does not normally repeat entries which occur in the Contents List   The principal reference in a multiple entry is shown in bold type (excluding occasions where a second entry refers to a syntax diagram only)   References are to page numbers, not section numbers

• •

 Actual bore sizes sizes - see BORES command  ALIGNED command 3-10  ANGLE 4-2, A-5 A-5  Answers 3-6  AREA 4-10, 4-10, A-5 Bolt Reference (BLTREF) 2-6, 4-4, A-5  2-2,A-4 Bolt Table (BLTAB) 2-6, 4-5 BORES command 3-11,

CATALOGUE DB 1-1, 2-1 Catalogue Reference (CATREF) 2-6, 4-4, A-5 CCTAB element 2-2 COMMENT command 3-7, A-6 COMP - see Piping Component COMPACT command 3-10 Component Catalogue (CATA) 2-2 Component Properties (CMPREF, CMPT) 2-6, 4-4, A-5 Connection Compatibili Compatibility ty (COCO) Tables Tables 2-2 COPY command 3-9, A-6 CTYATTACHED 4-9, A-5 CTYPE 4-9, A-5 CTYEND 4-9, A-5 CTYOWNING 4-9, A-5 CTYSTART 4-9, A-5 Defaults 2-4, 3-3, 3-5, A-6 DELETE command 3-8, A-4 Delimiting character 3-4 DEPTH 4-9, A-5 Detailing Text (DETAIL, DTEXT) 2-3, 2-6, 4-4, A-5 DIMENSION 4-9, A-5

EXTRA command 3-6, A-6 FIRESISTANCE  4-10, 4-13, A-5 Fitting (FITT) 2-3, 4-7 Fixed length piping 4-5

VANTAGE PDMS SPECON Reference Manual Version 11.6SP1




FIXTY 4-10, A-5 Fluid Reference (FLUREF) 4-4, A-4 Generic type (GTYPE) 2-3, 3-4, 4-1, 4-7 Geomset (GMSET) 2-3 GRADE 4-10, 4-13, A-5 Group World (GPWLD) 2-2 Headings 3-3, 3-4, A-5 INERTIA 4-9, A-5 Insulation 4-10, 4-12 ITHICKNESS 4-10, 4-13, A-5 Joint (JOIN) 2-2, 4-7 LIMBOSPEC 3-7, 3-8 LINETYPE 4-5, A-4 Macro input 3-11 Material Reference (MATREF) 4-4, A-4 Material Text (MATXT, MTEXT) 2-3, 2-6, 4-4, A-5 Name (of SPCOM) 3-4, A-5 NEW command 3-1, A-4 Nominal bore sizes - see BORES command

OLD command 3-2, A-4 OUTPUT command 3-9, A-4 PBORE 4-2, 4-3, 4-12, A-5 PCONN 4-2, 4-3, A-5 Piping Component (COMP) 2-3 Piping Section (SECT) 2-2 Pointset (PTSET) 2-3 PRESSURE 4-2, A-5 Profile (PROF) 2-3, 4-7 RADIUS 4-2, A-5 RATING 4-2, 4-5, A-4, A-5 REMOVE command 3-8, A-4 RENAME command 3-9, A-6 SECT - see Piping Piping Section Selector (SELEC) 2-4, 2-6, 3-4, 3-6, 4-2, 4-8 SHOP 4-2, A-5 SPECIFICATION command 3-2, A-4 Specification Component (SPCOM) 2-4, 2-6, 3-6, 3-7 Specification Specificatio n (SPEC) 2-4, 3-1 Specification World (SPWLD) 2-2, 2-4 Structural Section (STSECT) 2-2 STYPE 4-2, 4-8, A-5 Suffix (to SPREF) 3-4


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Version 11.6SP1




TEMPERATURE 4-2, 4-12, A-5 TEXT command 3-1, A-4 Text answers 3-6 THICKNESS 4-10, A-5 TYPE (of SPCOM) 3-4, A-5 UNITS element 2-2 User–defined attributes 3-6 WEIGHT 4-9, A-5 WIDTH 4-9, A-5 * (star) character 3-3 + character 3-3 - character 3-3 = character 3-3 /*LIMBOSPEC - see LIMBOSPEC



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