Specimen Handling and Collection

September 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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@otramuit`ao ta M`kdoast`i ^krks`tacady (Ypgi`fgo Iaccgit`ao kom Bkomc`od)

Iaccgdg ae Fgm`ikc Ckharktary Yi`goig Aur Ckmy C kmy ae Ekt`fk Wo`vgrs`ty-U Wo`vgrs`ty-Ukcgozugck kcgozugck


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Ckharktary M`kdoas`s  ^  - kiiurktg m`kdoas`s ae pkrks`t`i `oegit`aos iko bgcp  K   X   K  mgirgksg tbg prgvkcgoig kom `oi`mgoig ae k pkrks`t`i  Y   @    A  ]  C   A  D   P 

`oegit`ao. ;. 8. 9. =.

Ia Iaoe oe`rf `rf ic ic`o `o`i `ikc kc ``fp fprg rgss ss`a `ao o Xucg au autt m m`k `kdo doas as`s `s K`m k iic`o c`o`i` `i`ko ko `o ttbg bg iiba` ba`ig ig ae p pra rapgr pgr fgm` fgm`ik ikt`a t`ao o Bg Bgcp cp `o f fao` ao`ta tar`o r`od d tb tbg g ge geeegit ae tr trgk gktfg tfgot ot rgd`fgo

M`kdoast`i pkrks`tacady pkrks`tacady `s maog hy: K. Mgf Mgfaos aostr trkt` kt`ao ao a aee pkr pkrks` ks`tg tgss (g (g.d., .d., g gdds dds,, ckrv ckrvkg, kg, kmucts, iysts, aaiysts, trapbaza`tgs) H. Mgtgit`ao ae bast `ffuog rgspaosg ta tbg pkrks`tgs pkrks`t gs (g.d., Khs kom Kds)


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EKI]AXY ]BK] YBAWCM ^XGI@^@]K]G ]GY]@OD  ^   K   X   K   Y   @    A  ]  C   A  D   P 

;. ]rkvgc b`s `sttary 8. 9. =. 7. 5. 4. 2.

@f @ffu fuog og stktu tuss ae pk pkt` t`go gots ts Ic`o `o`i `ik kc syfptafs Ma Maiu iufg fgot otgm gm p prrgv` v`au auss `oe `oegi git` t`ao ao Ia Iaot otki kitt w` w`tb tb `o `oeegi gitg tgm m `o `om` m`v` v`mu mukcs kcs Yi Yirrgg ggo` o`od od au auth thrrgk gkl l ss`t `tuk ukt` t`ao ao Ai Aiiu iupk pkt` t`ao aokc kc ssir irgg ggo` o`od od eear ar eeaa aam m bkom bkomcg cgrs rs ]b ]bgr grkpg kpgut` ut`ii eek`c k`cur urg g (r (rgt gtgs gstg tgm m ke ketg tgrr tbg tbgrk rkpy py))


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Y^GI@FGO EAX EGIKC YKF^CG  ^  - Fa Fast st K  iaffa iaffao o fgt fgtba bam m ae ``ot otgs gst` t`ok okcc pkr pkrks ks`t `tgs gs  X   K   Y   @    A  ]  C   A  D   P 

w`mg-fa utbgm iaotk`ogrs fkmg ae wkxgm wkxgm IAO]K@OGX: icgko, w`mg-fautbgm ikrmhakrm ikrmhakr m ar pckst`i w`tb t`dbt e`tt`od c`m (sirgw-ikppgm taps)

CKHGC: ^kt`got okfg kdg sgx

mktg & t`fg ae iaccgit`ao rgqugst`od pbys`i`ko rgqugstgm praigmurg prgsufpt`vg m`kdoas`s pr`ar trkvgc`oegit`aos b`stary =

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EKI]AXY ]A HG IAOY@MGXGM  ^   K   X   K   Y   @    A  ]  C   A  D   P 

;. Oa ko kot`-m t`-m`kr `krrbgk rbgkcs, cs, ko kotk tki`m i`ms, s, h`s h`sfutb futb,, hkr`uf hkr`uf kom ckxkt`vgs (skfpcgs fust hg iaccgitgm 4 mkys ketgr ckst ckxkt`vgs `otklg) 8. Oa `o `ottklg ae ae ko kot` t`h` h`at at``is 9. ]bu ]bufh-s fh-s`z `zgm gm ((ea earfg rfgm), m), 7 ta ta 5 tk tkhcg hcgspa spaaos aos (wkt (wktgry) gry) =. Iao Iaotk tkf`o f`okt` kt`ao ao w` w`tb tb ta ta`cg `cgtt wk wktgr tgr,, ur` ur`og og kom kom sa`c fust fust hg prgvgotgm 7. Kd Kdg g ae st staa aacc ``ss vgr vgry y `fp `fpar artk tkot ot 5. ^r ^rgsg gsgrv rvkt` kt`vg vg fk fky yh hg go oggm ggmgm gm `o `o iiksg ksgss a aee mgck mgcky y 4. Og Ogvg vgrr erggz erggzg g st staac aac o oar ar lggp lggp `o `o `oiuhk `oiuhktar tars, s, ttgfp gfpark arkry ry starkdg: rger`dgrktgm kt 9 ta 7˚I up ta = baurs 


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