Dear Sir, We are pleased to submit herewith the terms of engagement of our rm for handling your case re !roperty Dispute"#$tra%udicial Settlement of #state& ACCEPTANCE FEE: Ae!tan ane e Fee "s F"#ty F"#ty T$o%sa T$o%san n Pesos Pesos 'P ()*))) ()*))).)) .))++ 'ur Ae!t payable based on the following schedule
a( ! 20,000&0 20,000&00 0 upon signi signing ng of contra contract) ct) b( ! 20,00 20,000&0 0&00 0 upon upon ling ling of petiti petition on and"o and"orr e$ecu e$ecutio tion n of the the e$tra e$tra** %udicial settlement settlement ) c( +ess !10,000 !10,000 discount discount long time time friend of -tty -tty&& -.uino( -.uino( 'ur rm will not charge any s%ess #ee& P,OFESSIONAL FEES:
/he a!!earane #ee #or o%r lawyers shall be as follows : T$ree T$o%san Pesos 'P *))).))+ !er a!!earane* which shall include
a& earings before the courts, administratie and .uasi*%udicial bodies which include mediation, pre*trial conferences before the prosecutors o3ce $ear"n an on#erenes e/en !ost!one() b& eetings attended for the benet of the client with preious notice to and approal of the client() c& eetings and conferences with our lawyers as may be called by the client) SCOPE OF 0O,1: l"m"te te to initiatory 5t is understood that this -greement is l"m" (negot otia iati tion on for for the the sale sale of the the dispu dispute ted d prop proper erty ty and/ and/or or proc procee eedi ding ngs s (neg
No. 18-B Rimando Road, Honeymoon-Holyghost, Honeymoon-Holyghost, Baguio City, City, Tel. No. (074) 4-7080
execution of the deed of extrajudicial settlement or deed of absolute sale). Should another case be re.uired or any related issue or interlocutory order be eleated or referred to another tribunal, agency or court, the same shall be sub%ect of another agreement& /he settlement of estate ta$es before the 57 and annotation of the certicate of sale should there your father agree to sell the property( and transfer of the /8/ to your name is outside the scope of the underta9ing of counsel&
'rdinary sundry e$penses such as 5l"n #ees* re!ro%t"on e6!ense* ert"5at"ons* notar"7at"on* ma"l"n an ot$er e6!enses "n%rre in underta9ing wor9 for you, as well as other out*of*poc9et e$penses" representation you may authori:e us to incur shall be for your account and deposited with us in adance& 5n this regard, we shall re.uire a e!os"t o# Ten T$o%san Pesos 'P8)*))).))+ to coer for incidental e$penses sub%ect to li.uidation& Should the foregoing merit your approal, 9indly a3$ your signature below to signify your conformity to the aboe stated terms or retainer and this shall sere as the record of our engagement& -greed
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