Special Product lesson plan

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Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 8 I. Objectives: At the end of the learning activities, the students should be able to: 1. identify identify polynomial polynomialss which are special special products: products: trinomials trinomials that are product product of two binomials, binomials, trinomials that are product of squares of a binomial, and products of sum and difference of two terms; 2. find special special products products of certain certain polynomial polynomials: s: product product of two binomials binomials,, product of the sum sum and difference of two terms, and a square of a binomial. II. Subject Matter: A. Topic: Topic: !pecia !peciall "roduc "roduct# t# $. %alue %alue &ocu &ocus: s: 'elpfu 'elpfulne lness ss (. )aterials: )aterials: *(+ *(+ "roector "roector,, *aptop, )anila )anila paper, paper, pentel pentel pen +. -eferences: -eferences: rade / )ath )ath )odule )odule 1, pp. 0  2/; $+ Teaching uide III. Developmental Activit: A. Prelimi Preliminar nar Activit Activit: : 1. "re3 "re3as asse sess ssme ment nt 2. Activity Activity 1: "ass "ass the $ottle# $ottle# 4-eview 4-eview on *aws *aws on 56ponent 56ponent and )ulti )ultiplicat plication ion of "olynomials7 !. Less Lesson on Pro Prope per: r: ". Motivation: Activity 2: "icture Analysis

8uestions: 1. 9hat have you you observe observe in the the followi following ng picture pictures s 2. (an you you see different different patterns patterns in in the given pictures pictures . 9hy do you thin< thin< od3 od3 the creator creator includes includes patter patterns ns around around us =. 9hat do you thin< thin< our environm environment ent loodea >deass are are not not computations so clea clear, r, with with are very 132 132 erro errorrs in accur accurat ate, e, and and computations, conc concep epts ts are are and some well conc concep eptts are are manifested. not manifested. 2 problems are 1 prob probllem is not not so real real or not true or true to life. real.

C >deas >deas are very very clear, computations are very accu accura rate te,, and conc concep eptts are are very well manifested. "rob "roble lems ms are are very very real real and and originated from from true true3t 3to3 o3 life e6perience.  Jo erasures 9ith 132 and very neat. eras erasur ures es and and neat. >nteresting, (olo (olorrful ful but but colo colorf rful ul,, and and not so creative. creative.

"repared by: /34OS %. GALA Teacher >>

9ith 3C eras erasur ures es and and not so neat.  Jot colorful and not so creative.

2 1 >dea >deass are are not not  Jo attempt to clear, with do the activity. more than 2 errors in computations.

"rob "roble lems ms not real.

are are  Jo attempt to do the activity

9ith more than C erasures erasures and not neat. 9ithout 9ithout color color application and no creativity.

 Jo attempt to do the activity  Jo attempt to do the activity

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