Special Problems in Marital Relationship
Short Description
it includes law and organizations...
SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN MARITAL MARIT AL REL RELA ATIONS TIONSHIPS HIPS t n e m e # n a r r a n i - e " i l ! s i h s n o i t a l e r l a t i r a m - n o N • % t i l e d $ n i l a t i r a M • e ' n e l o i " ' i t s e m o & •
Non-Marital Relationshis ! Li"e-In Arran#ement
(Non-marital and remarital relationshis relationshis ha"e )e'ome in'reasin#l% am)i#*o*s+ (Pro'ess (Pr o'ess is $lled ,ith *n'ertaint% and ris+ (Norms re#ardin# re#ardin# mate sele'tion are 'han#in#+ (More emhasis on the expressive self . less emhasis on instit*tional re#*lation+ (Se/*al relationshis are re#*lated )% iInstit*tions s*'h as 0amil%1 reli#ion1 and ed*'ation. So'ial norms1 stat*ses and roles1 and so'ial san'tions. and di2erin# e/e'tations1 ri#hts1 and ri"ile#es )% #ender1 a#e1 marital stat*s1 and se/*al
or LI3ING TOGETHER CONTRACTS It de$nes the ri#hts and o)li#ations that ea'h art% o,es ea'h other+ 4nmarried 'o*les 'an 'reate 'ontra'ts )et,een themsel"es that also de$ne the ri#hts and o)li#ations that ea'h artner o,es the other+ aa COMMON-LAW MARRIAGE1 LI3E-IN RELATIONSHIP or COHABITATION Comared to married ersons1 'oha)itors5 Ha"e more li)eral #ender roles. Are more liel% to ee $nan'es searate. Less liel% to o,n homes. –
sometimes 'alled de 0a'to marria#e1 in0ormal marria#e or marria#e )% ha)it and1 'oha)itation or re*t re*te e a 0orm o0 interersonal stat*s ,hi'h is le#all% re'o#ni8ed in some 9*risdi'tions as a marria#e Mone% is ;one o0< the root;s< o0 all inds o0 rela relationshi tionshi ro)lems+
4nder the Famil% Code o0 the Philiines1 roert% matters )et,een the h*s)and and ,i0e are set 0orth in relati"e detail1 e.g. e.g.11 the 0orms and re=*isites o0 a marria#e settlement or ante-n*tial a#reement1 donations )% reason o0 marria#e1 the >de0a*lt? roert% re#ime o0 a)sol*te 'omm*nit% o0 roert%1 s*ort 0or the so*se and the 'hildren1 and the e2e'ts o0 le#al searation and ann*lment o0 marria#e on the so*ses@ roerties+
When a man and a ,oman ,ho are 'aa'itated to marr% ea'h other1 li"e e/'l*si"el% ,ith ea'h other as h*s)and and ,i0e ,itho*t the )ene$t o0 marria#e or *nder a "oid marria#e1 their ,a#es and salaries shall )e o,ned )% them in e=*al shares and the roert% a'=*ired )% )oth o0 o0 them thro*#h their ,or or ind*str% shall )e #o"erned )% the r*les on 'o-o,nershi+ Neither art% 'an restri't or disose )% a'ts inter vivos o0 vivos o0 his or her share in the roert% a'=*ired d*rin# 'oha)itation and o,ned in 'ommon1 ,itho*t the 'onsent o0 the other1 *ntil a0ter the termination o0 their 'oha)itation+
In 'ases o0 'oha)itation not 0allin# ARTICLE AR TICLE D *nder the re'edin# Arti'le1 onl% the roerties a'=*ired )% )oth o0 the arties thro*#h their a't*al 9oint 'ontri)*tion o0 mone%1 roert%1 or ind*str% shall )e o,ned )% them in 'ommon in roortion to their rese'ti"e 'ontri)*tions+ In the a)sen'e o0 roo00 to the 'ontrar%1 their 'ontri)*tions and roo 'orresondin# shares are res*med to )e e=*al+ The same r*le and res res*mtion *mtion shall al% to 9oint deosits o0 mone% and e"iden'es o0 'redit+ I0 one o0 the arties is "alidl% married to another1 his or her share in the 'o-o,nershi shall a''r*e to the a)sol*te 'omm*nit% or 'on9*#al artnershi e/istin# e/istin # in s*'h "alid marria#e marria#e++ I0 the art% ,ho a'ted in )ad 0aith is not "alidl% married to another1 his or her shall )e 0or0eited in the manner ro"ided in the last ara#rah o0 the re'edin# Arti'le+ The 0ore#oin# 0ore#oin# r*les on 0or0eit*re 0or0eit*re shall lie,ise lie,ise
Marital In$delit%
INFI&ELIT the a'tion or state o0 )ein# *n0aith0*l to a so*se or other se/*al artner+
CONC4BINAGE Con'*)ina#e is 'ommitted )% an% >h*s)and? ,ho shall ee a mistress in the 'on9*#al d,ellin#1 or1 shall ha"e se/*al inter'o*rse1 *nder s'andalo*s 'ir'*mstan'es1 ,ith a ,oman ,ho is not his ,i0e1 or shall 'oha)it ,ith her in an% other la'e
A&4LTER Ad*lter% means the 'arnal relation )et,een a >married ,oman? and a man ,ho is not her h*s)and1 the latter no,in# her to )e married1 e"en i0 the marria#e )e s*)se=*entl% de'lared "oid+
ad*lter% or 'on'*)ina#e Onl% the o2ended so*se 'an le#all% $le the 'omlaint 0or ad*lter% or 'on'*)ina#e+
Who m*st )e rose'*ted The o2ended art% 'annot instit*te the 'riminal 'har#e ,itho*t in'l*din# )oth #*ilt% arties 6the o2endin# so*se and the aramo*r71 i0 )oth are ali"e+
BIGAM Bi#am% is )asi'all% the a't o0 marr%in# a#ain ,hile the $rst marria#e is still s*)sistin#+
in a Prose'*tion o0 Bi#am% + The o2ender has )een ) een le#all% married+ + The marria#e has not )een le#all% dissol"ed or1 in 'ase his or her so*se is a)sent1 the a)sent so*se 'o*ld not %et )e res*med dead a''ordin# to the Ci"il Code+ + He!she 'ontra'ts a se'ond or s*)se=*ent marria marria#e+ #e+ + The se'ond or s*)se=*ent marria#e has all the essential re=*isites re=*isites 0or "alidit%+
&i2eren'e o0 Bi#am% 0rom Ad*lter%!Con'*)ina#e In ad*lter%!'on'*)ina#e1 the la, re=*ires re=*ires that )oth '*lrits1 i0 )oth are ali"e1 sho*ld he rose'*ted or in'l*ded in the in0ormation+ In )i#am%1 the se'ond so*se 'o*ld )e 'har#ed onl% i0 she!he had no,led#e o0 the re"io*s *ndissol"ed marria#e o0 the a''*sed+ Bi#am% is a *)li' o2ense and a 'rime a#ainst stat*s1 ,hile ad*lter% and 'on'*)ina#e are ri"ate o2enses and are 'rimes 'rime s a#ainst a#ainst 'hastit% 'hastit%++ In ad*lter%!'on'*)ina#e1 ardon )% the o2ended art% ,ill )ar the rose'*tion o0 the
Arti'le o0 the Ci"il Code Gi"es the o2ended art% a 'a*se o0 a'tion 0or a third art%@s meddlin# ,ith1 or dist*r)in# a ersonJs ri"ate li0e or 0amil% relations.. relations This 'a*se o0 a'tion is 'ommonl% 'alled >Alienation o0 A2e'tion+K It sees 'omensation 0or a third art%@s mali'io*s a't o0 estran#in# a erson 0rom his!her la,0*ll% ,edded so*se or 0amil%+
Other Criminal Cases an A##rie"ed So*se Can File 6Criminal Comlaints7
For mali'io*s 'omments or osts on the Internet that tend to dishonor or ridi'*le the o2ended so*se1 a 'riminal 'omlaint 0or li)el ma% )e $led
Alarms and S'andal For disr*ti"e mistresses m istresses or lo"ers ,ho 'reate *)li' dist*r)an'es o*tside the so*sesJ home or near the erson o0 the so*ses or their 0amil%1 a oli'e o'er ma% )e 'alled to arrest arr est the o2endin# aramo*r a ramo*r on the
Gra"e Threats
I0 a aramo*r sho*ld threaten the so*ses or their 0amil%
Char#e o0 Tresassin#
Can )e $led i0 the o2ender has entered the 0amil% home *nin"ited+
3iolation o0 the Animal Wel0are A't 6RA DD7 I0 the tresassin# aramo*r harmed an% animal in the 0amil% home1 an additional 'riminal 'har#e ma% )e $led a#ainst her!him 0or "iolation o0
Attemted M*rder ! Attemted Homi'ide Homi' ide I0 a homi'idal aramo*r atta's an%one in the 0amil% ,ith a ,eaon1 he!she ma% )e 'har#ed ,ith either o0 these+
Most Commonl%-O''*rin# S'enarios in Filiino E/tramarital A2air and What to Char#e!File
Slander 6Oral &e0amation7
I01 d*rin# a 'on0rontation1 ' on0rontation1 the mistress or lo"er seas harshl% to the a##rie"ed so*se in a manner that Slander )% &eedthe latter shames or ridi'*les I0 there is sittin# at the inno'ent so*se1 or slain#1 or sho"in#
Serio*s1 Less Serio*s1Sli#ht Ph%si'al In9*ries I0 harder h%si'al )lo,s are in"ol"ed1
the o2endin# aramo*r ma% )e 'har#ed ,ith either serio*s1 less serio*s1 or sli#ht h%si'al in9*ries1 deendin# on the in9*ries s*stained
4n9*st 3e/ation 4n9*st I0 the mistress or lo"er 'reates onl% minor dist*r)an'es that merel% 'a*se anno%an'e1 s*'h as 'allin# or te/tin# the inno'ent so*se1 or harmlessl% stalin# 0rom a distan'e Prostit*tion I0 a mistress re'ei"es an allo,an'e or 0an'% #i0ts 0rom a 'heatin# h*s)and1 or i0 she is ho*sed1 'lothed1 and 0ed )% him1 the a##rie"ed ,i0e ma% ,ant to test
&omesti' 3iolen'e
Most ,omen "ie, domesti' "iolen'e as a 0amil% ro)lem 6*saan# ma#-asa,a7 and 'hoose to ee =*iet a)o*t it+ The same attit*de r romt omt their nei#h)ors1 oli'e o'ers and the 'o*rts to dismiss ,i0e-)eatin# as a >ri"ate a2air? e"en an a''eta)le ,a% o0 dis'ilinin# one@s one@ s art artner ner++
FI •
The %ear ,as reorted to ha"e had the most 'ases o0 3AW in histor%+ A''ordin# to the in0ormation #athered #ather ed )% the PNP1 the #eneral 'ate#or% o0 the "iolation o0 RA is the most rominent t%e o0 3AW 63iolen'e A#ainst Women7
REPORTE& CASES ON 3IOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 6So*r'e5 PNP - Women and Children Prote'tion Center 6WCPC7
In'est*o*s rae
Attemted rae
A'ts o0 las'i"io*sness
Ph%si'al in9*ries
A)d*'tion ! idnain#
Se/*al harassment
4n9*st "e/ation
T%es T %es o0 3iolen'e 3iolen'e
T%es o0 3iolen'e T%es 3iolen'e Ph%si'al a)*se 'on'entrates on Ph%*n,anted si'al P s%'hoorlo#i'a the 'onta't "iolation o0 the l)od% ! o0 the 0emale+ The 0ollo,in# are the emotional t%es o0 h%si'al a)*se5 a)*se
Ph%si'al A)*se An% *n,anted h%si'al 'onta't 'a*sed )% another erson res*ltin# in harm1 in9*r%1 and!or dis'om0ort 6e+#+1 slain#1 i'in#1 restrainin#1 hittin#1 and 'hoin#7 •
Se/*al A)*se An% 0or'ed and *n,anted se/*al a'ti"ities 6e+#+1 rae1 0or'in# her to ha"e se/ ,ith others1 treatin# her as a se/ o)9e't1 re0*sin# to allo, or 0or'in# her to *se 'ontra'etion1 et'+7+
Ph%siolo#i'al ! Emotional A)*se
3er)al The The *se o0A)*se ne#ati"e 'omments that are o2ensi"e1 em)arrassin#1 or threatenin# t hreatenin# 6e+#+1 name 'allin#1 0alse a''*sations1 l%in#1 sa%in# one thin# and meanin# another1 et'+7+ •
So'ial A)*se An% )eha"ior res*ltin# in the isolation and alienation o0 a ,oman 0rom 0riends or 0amil% or an% a'tions that s*##est she is in0erior d*e to her #ender or her di2erent so'io-e'onomi' )a'#ro*nd 6e+#+1 'ontrollin# ,hat she does1 ,hom she sees and tals to1 treatin# her lie a
Ima't o0 3AW
In terms o0 its Indi"id*als h%si'al e2e'ts1 "iolen'e Ima't on •
a#ainst ,omen has )een ) een lined lined to man% serio*s health 'onse=*en'es s*'h as h%si'al in9*ries1 disa)ilit%1 'hroni' health ro)lems1 se/*al and rerod*'ti"e health ro)lems1 and in e/treme 'ases death+ Aside 0rom h%si'al e2e'ts1 "i'tims o0 "iolen'e also e/erien'e s%'holo#i'al health ro)lems+ •
Famil% Ima't Children e/osed to intimate artner Children art ner "iolen'e in the home are more liel% to5 -Be a)*sed themsel"es -Not re'ei"e health'are -Ha"e )eha"ioral1 emotional1 and s'hoolin# ro)lems As adoles'ents1 the% are more liel% liel% to5 -4se al'ohol and dr*#s in harm0*l ,a%s -Smoe -Ha"e *nsa0e se/
Le#islation and La,s
no,n as The Anti-3iolen'e a#ainst Women and their Children A't o0 + Re'o#ni8in# Kthe need to rote't the 0amil% and its mem)ers arti'*larl% ,omen and 'hildren 0rom "iolen'e and threats to their ersonal sa0et% and se'*rit%K •
Qno,n as the Ma#na Carta o0 Women1 Karms the role o0 ,omen in national )*ildin# and ens*res the s*)stanti"e e=*alit% o0 ,omen and menK in so'iet%+
R+A+ D
no,n as The Indi#eno*s Peoles Ri#hts A't o0 hi#hli#hts the stateJs re'o#nition and romotion o0 all the ri#hts o0 Indi#eno*s C*lt*ral Comm*nities!Indi#eno*s Peoles 6ICCs!IPs7
Other Philiine La,s The Se'ial Prote'tion Prote 'tion o0 The Anti-Se/*al Anti-Se/*al
Harassment A't o0 6R+A+ 6R +A+ D7 D 7 The Anti-Rae Anti-Rae La, o0 6R+A+ D7 The Anti-T Anti-Tra'in# in Persons A't o0 6R+A+ D7 The Rae Rae 3i'tim 3i'tim Assistan'e and Prote'tion A't o0 D 6R+A+ D7 The Women Women in &e"eloment and Nation B*ildin# A't 6R+A+ 7 The Anti-Child Porno#rah% A't o0 6R+A+ 6R +A+ 7 7 •
Children A#ainst Child Children A)*se1 E/loitation and &is'rimination A't 6R+A+ 7 The Famil% Famil% Co*rts A't A't o0 6R+A+ D7 The Re"ised Re"ised Penal Penal Code 6R+A++ D7 6R+A The Resonsi)le Resonsi)le Parenthood and a nd Rerod*'ti"e Health A't o0 6R+A+ 7 The &omesti' Wor Worers ers A't 6or Batas Qasam)aha%7 6R+A+ 7 The Solo Parents ParentsJJ Wel0are Wel0are •
Go"@t1 NGOs and Other Or#ani8ations Philiine Commission on Women
Formerl% no,n as the National Commission on the Role o0 Filiino Women 6NCRFW71 the Philiine Commission on Women 6PCW7 ser"es as the "oi'e 0or Filiino ,omen+ •
GABRIELA Women@s Part%
General Assem)l% Bindin# Women 0or Re0orms1 Inte#rit%1 E=*alit%1 Leadershi1 and A'tion is a le0tist Philiine or#ani8ationse'i$'all% or#ani8ationse'i$'all% a art% list that ad"o'ates iss*es related to that o0 ,omen and 'hildren+ Sto the A)*se and 3iolen'e a#ainst O*r Women is a lo'al non-#o"ernment or#ani8ation that ro"ides s%'ho-so'ial s*ort and re0errals to 0emale s*r"i"ors o0 domesti' and intimate-r intimate-relationshi elationshi "iolen'e 6and
SA3E O*r Women
Bathal*man Crisis Centre aFo*ndation non-ro$t or#ani8ation esta)lished in to hel
0emale s*r"i"ors o0 "iolen'e+
Women@s Crisis General Assem)l% Bindin#Centre Women 0or Re0orms1 Inte#rit%1 E=*alit%1 Leadershi1 and A'tion is a le0tist Philiine or#ani8ationse'i$'all% or#ani8ationse'i$'all% a art% list that ad"o'ates iss*es related to that o0 ,omen and 'hildren+ SA3Ea O*r Women ro"ides s*orti"e and armin# en"ironment in ,hi'h ,omen ,ho ha"e s*r"i"ed "iolen'e 'an intera't ,ith other s*r"i"ors thro*#h #ro* 'o*nsellin#1 ed*'ation ro#rams1 re'reation a'ti"ities1 or sills trainin#+ Banta% Bata
a ,el0are or#ani8ation and 0o*ndation 0o*nded )% ABSCBN in + The main o)9e'ti"e o0 Banta% Bata is to
eas%1 tr% somethin# more 'hallen#in# lie Jude H. de Los Angeles | BSN-III )ein# FAITHF4L?
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