Speaking TOEFL

March 23, 2017 | Author: Eman Sameh Abdelhay Ahmed | Category: N/A
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TOEFL iBT Speaking Tips and Help (Reborn!) How to Successfully Prepare for the Six Speaking Tasks on the TOEFL iBT? Since ESL students have to speak in many different kinds of academic situations, speaking has become a high priority at many English-speaking universities. As such, the TOEFL makes the speaking 1/4 of your total TOEFL iBT score. So, what speaking skills do you need and how do you make sure you have them when taking the TOEFL iBT. “What Do I Need to Do During the Speaking Section of the TOEFL iBT?” (Speaking competencies that Educational Testing Service is looking for.)

For the two independent speaking tasks: 1. My instructor understands me when I ask a question in English. 2. When I speak English, others can understand me. 3. I can talk in English for a few minutes about a topic with which I am familiar. 4. I can speak for about one minute in response to a question. 5. I can give prepared presentations in English. 6. I can state and support my opinion when speaking English. 7. I can participate in conversations or discussions in English.

For the four integrated speaking tasks: 1. While listening to authentic conversations or lectures, I am an active listener by taking notes of the main ideas and critical supporting points. 2. While reading academic reading passages, I am an active reader by taking notes of the main ideas and critical supporting points. 3. Then, using my notes, I can coherently and accurately speak for about one minute as to how the two sources of information are related. Or if I listen to only a lecture, I can coherently and accurately speak for about one minute about its main idea and critical supporting points. 4. When speaking, I am highly intelligible by avoiding awkward pauses and major difficulties in pronunciation, intonation, and word stress. Additionally, I have good control of basic and complex grammatical structures, have appropriate word choice, and make only minor errors which do not obscure meaning.


Can I Prepare for the Speaking Section of the TOEFL iBT?”

The independent and integrated speaking competencies required for the TOEFL iBT are formidable challenges, but the following suggestions, if implemented through a regular course of study over an extended period of time, will help you to achieve the speaking confidence needed for a strong score. To perform well on the independent speaking tasks, you should consider the following: 1. Create a list of familiar topics and practice speaking about them: “Describe your favorite vacation destination and “Describe an important person who has influenced you” are representative of familiar Independent Speaking topics for the iBT 2. You could also practice by stating an opinion or a preference and then by presenting reasons clearly and in detail. “Which do you think is better: living on campus in dorms or off campus in apartments?” is representative of an opinion-preference Independent Speaking topic for the iBT. 3. Making a recommendation and explaining why it is the best way to proceed is another type of speaking task that you should practice. “What is the best method of travel when going on a vacation? Explain why?” represents this type of Independent Speaking topic for the iBT. 4. Practice giving 1 minute responses to these types of speaking tasks. Lastly, to perform well on the integrated speaking tasks, you should consider the following: 1. Find a college textbook that includes discussion questions at the end of the chapter. Read the chapter, take notes, and practice orally answering the discussion questions. 2. Read short 100-200 word articles. You can find such articles on the Internet, in the library, or in your TOEFL textbook. After reading the article, make a brief outline which includes its major points Then use the outline to orally summarize the information, after which you can add detail to the outline and orally summarize again. 3. Using the Internet, the library, or your TOEFL textbook + CD Rom, find listening and reading materials on similar topics. The material can provide similar or opposing points of view. After taking notes on the listening and the reading materials, you should do the following: Orally summarize the information. Make sure that you paraphrase the information using different words and grammatical structures. Orally synthesize by combining information from the listening and reading materials and by explaining how they relate. 4. Increase your knowledge of vocabulary and idiomatic language. Learn to use them in your speech. 5. Learn grammatical structures, particularly basic and complex sentences, so well that you are comfortable using them in your speech. 6. Learn to solve pronunciation problems, paying particular attention to word stress, intonation patterns, and pauses. 7. When practicing for the TOEFL iBT, take about 15 seconds to prepare a response before beginning to speak.

Write down some key words and phrases, but do not write down exactly what you want to say. If you read your response, raters will give you a lower score. 8. Use signal words and phrases to create a coherent flow of information: to introduce new information, to connect ideas, and to emphasize important points. 9. Make regular recordings of your iBT speaking tasks and make sure your pronunciation and fluency are clear and easy to understand. If possible, have ESL/EFL instructors evaluate your speech using the appropriate TOEFL iBT Speaking rubrics.

Subject-Verb Agreement and TOEFL iBT Speaking Your grammar will be evaluated on both TOEFL iBT speaking and writing sections. Therefore, you need to create grammatical sentence structures. One area of grammar about which you should be concerned is subject-verb agreement. Having correct subject-verb agreement is important to TOEFL iBT speaking and writing since it demonstrates to TOEFL iBT human raters that you have control of your sentence structures. The fewer times you have trouble with subject-verb agreement, the greater the possibility you have of scoring higher on TOEFL iBT speaking and writing sections. You must be thinking to yourself, “Yeah, Yeah, been there done that. I am an advanced learner and do not have trouble with subject-verb agreement.” Still, remember that the TOEFL iBT speaking and writing sections are taken under pressure with little time for you to think. Furthermore, in the case of TOEFL iBT speaking, you have no time to edit your speech before you answer the six speaking tasks. Even with the independent and integrated writing tasks, you have 30 and 20 minutes during which you must compose well-organized, developed, and grammatically correct writing. Here are some basic rules surrounding subject-verb agreement: Rule: The verb agrees with the subject, not the object of the sentence. Incorrect: Each of the girls are going to the movies. Revised: Each of the girls is going to the movies. Rule: There are a few isolated cases where the verb agrees with the object. This occurs after expressions of quantity (i.e., all, most, some, half, and part.) Incorrect: All of the book are interesting to me. Revised: All of the book is interesting to me. Incorrect: Some of the students is sick today. Revised: Some of the students are sick today. Rule: After question words, comparisons, negative expressions, place expressions, and conditions without "if," the verb agrees with the subject, which may come after the verb. Incorrect: On the table is the ungraded final exams. Revised: On the table are the ungraded final exams. Rule: Verbs are singular after certain kinds of words:

All of the these words or expressions are singular. Consequently, they require singular verbs. anybody everybody nobody somebody anyone everyone no one someone anything everything nothing something each + noun every + noun

As you practice TOEFL iBT speaking tasks, you need to regularly record your voice so that you can monitor your subject-verb agreement and other grammatical trouble spots. Likewise, you will need to practice writing 30 and 20 minute TOEFL iBT independent and integrated writing tasks. You should also keep in mind that you’re potential for making grammatical mistakes such as incorrect subjectverb agreement increases as the speaking and writing assignments become more complex. Therefore, you are more likely to make more grammatical errors on TOEFL iBT speaking tasks 4 (reading, listening, and speaking–academic) and 6 (listening and speaking–academic) since they are the most challenging. Therefore, you should monitor your grammar more closely with these speaking tasks. Finally, since the integrated writing task is more complex than the independent writing task, you are more likely to make more grammatical errors, and, therefore, you should monitor your grammar more carefully as you practice the TOEFL iBT integrated writing tasks. The Speaking section in TOEFL iBT comes right after the 10-minute break. It measures the test taker's ability to communicate in English orally. The six tasks in the Speaking section are divided into two types - independent speaking tasks (2 tasks) and integrated speaking tasks (4 tasks). Students must prove they are able to speak effectively under the following requirements: • Deliver adequate oral responses to the questions. • Participate actively in academic discussions. • Participate in everyday conversations. • State a clear opinion about the discussed subjects. • Summarize and orally reproduce the information read in textbooks or heard in the classroom. • Communicate with university officials in libraries, sport centers, housing offices, bookstores, etc.

General Speaking Strategies Build your vocabulary systematically. Develop a wordlist with new words and devote time to learn those words and include them in your speaking and writing practice systematically. Speak, Speak, Speak. Whatever else you do, without speaking you will never make it. So, start speaking to build fluency. Do not fear to make mistakes, try to avoid them the next time you speak. It would be better if you speak with a native English speaker. However, non-native speakers are also an option. Even speaking to your reflection in the mirror is better than not speaking. Thinking aloud is a good strategy. Give voice to your thoughts and reproduce your thoughts in loud English speech. Try to think in English and thus avoid translating from your language into English. Practice commonly used phrases in English, so that you may use them with the same confidence as you use your language. Then add to those phrases in order to create complete sentences.

Develop fluency. Put a headset, start a listening material and repeat all you hear after the speaker. Repeat aloud. Another good method to develop fluency - read aloud. Use idioms appropriately. Use of idioms in English is a sign of fluency. However, if you don't use them appropriately, you will get the opposite effect. Master appropriate and correct use of English grammar. Systematically improve your pronunciation. You should pay attention to the words' stresses, intonation patterns and pauses. You should sound as naturally as possible. Practice organizing your speech. In TOEFL iBT you are given short time to think what to say to answer the question. You should use the time to think of a layout to follow during your speech. Write down the main points you would follow when speaking. Support the main points with some details (write down just words or short phrases that will help you to remember what to say). You will have 15 seconds to make this layout. Record your practice speaking and listen it again to find where you did well and where you did not do well. Listen to your past records and compare them with the new ones. Do you see any progress? It is of huge importance to receive independent and accurate feedback at different stages of your TOEFL iBT preparation. Find experienced teachers in TOEFL iBT that may assess your speaking, provide you with constructive feedback which will help you overcome your weaknesses and focus on your strengths. To assure best accuracy, take some of i-Courses speaking components which are scored by professional TOEFL iBT Teachers. For the independent task you will have to speak about familiar topics. Make a list with familiar topics and practice speaking on each of them. First start with a description of your city, country, place, event, etc. After, it is important to state your personal opinion/preference and support it with sound reasoning, examples and details. For the integrated speaking task you will have to combine information from different sources in order to answer the question. Therefore, it is of importance when you read texts or listen to lectures and conversations in your preparation, to orally summarize in short what you have read or heard. You may also state (orally) an opinion about the passages you have read or listened to. Suggest a solution if there is a problem described in the reading or listening.

At the exam strategies There is a very good chance that some of the other test takers would already have started their speaking before you and the noise they make while speaking may disturb you. The only good strategy in this case is to disregard the noise. There is some time to listen to instructions. During this time concentrate entirely on what you hear and pay no attention to what is going on around you. Use the preparation time effectively to draw the outline and details of your response. Time management is a very important component. It is neither good to finish long before the time is over nor is it good to be unable to complete your response within the time. Try to answer the question as completely as possible within the given speaking time. Relax when speaking! Try to sound confident. Remember that even native English speakers make mistakes, repeat sentences, and correct them.

Use appropriate signal and linking words to switch between ideas, to add information, etc. That helps the listener to follow your thoughts. Practice you speaking skills with i-Courses Speaking Components. You will benefit from the professional scoring that gives you feedback about all the weak points in your speech and ways to overcome those weakness

40 New Practice Topics for iBT TOEFL Speaking Part 1 Here is a list of 40 new topics that you might find useful if you are preparing for Part 1 of the iBT TOEFL Speaking section. These are all Independent topics of the "open choice" / personal experience or opinion type. 1. Who is your best friend? Describe this person and say why he/she is your best friend. 2. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go. 3. What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is your happiest memory. 4. What is your most important possession? Describe it and say why it is so important. 5. Talk about a person in your life who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational. 6. Where do most like to go to eat out? Describe this place and say why you like it most. 7. Talk about an important national holiday in your home country. Describe it and explain why it is important. 8. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe it and say why it is your favorite. 9. Who do you feel close to in your family (or extended family)? Describe this person and say why you feel close to him/her. 10. Where is a good place to have fun in your city or town? Describe this place and explain why it is fun. 11. Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Describe it and say why it was embarrassing. 12. What was your favorite subject at school? Describe it and explain why this subject was your favorite one. 13. Who is an important person in your country? Describe this person and explain why he/she is important. 14. Talk about an interesting tourist attraction you have been to. Describe it and say why it was interesting.

15. Talk about a time when you experienced success. Describe the experience and say why it was a success for you. 16. What is your favorite style of clothing? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite. 17. Name a person whom you truly admire. Describe the person and say why you admire him/her. 18. Think of a place that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. Describe it and explain why it is relaxing and peaceful for you. 19. Talk about a difficulty you have overcome in your life. Describe the experience and say why it was difficult to overcome. 20. What is your most useful study aid? Describe it and explain why it is useful in helping you to study. 21. Talk about a teacher who had a positive influence on you. Describe this person and explain why he/she was so influential to you. 22. Where is your favorite place to study? Describe this place and say why it is a good place for you to study. 23. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and say why it was a positive one. 24. What is your favorite kind of food? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite. 25. Name a famous or influential figure who has inspired you. Describe this person and say why he/she has been inspirational to you. 26. Which place has fond memories for you? Describe this place and explain why it is memorable to you. 27. When have you been happily surprised by something? Describe the experience and say why the surprise was a happy one for you. 28. Describe a resource that helped you to do something better than before. Describe it and explain why it was helpful to you. 29. Describe a person from your country’s history. Why do you think this person was important? 30. Where would you like to go to spend a vacation? Describe this place and say why you would like to holiday there. 31. Talk about something you and your family enjoy doing together. Describe it and explain why you all enjoy it. 32. What is your favorite recreational activity? Describe it and say why you enjoy doing it. 33. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Describe the person and say why you think he/she is intelligent.

34. Where would you most like to live? Describe this place and explain why you would like to live there. 35. What is your favorite season of the year? Describe the season and explain why you like it so much. 36. What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it. 37. Which person are you most likely to go to with a personal problem? Describe this person and say why you would go to him/her in particular. 38. Name a place in your country you would recommend others to visit. Describe this place and explain why you would recommend it. 39. Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relive. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it. 40. What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation.       

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The situation for what you have asked someone for help. Who helped you? How? Which jobs are important those which give you satisfaction or give you more money? Why and give example. Discussion about the student-teacher assistance program for 4th year students. Animals learn more from observation than training by getting reward and punishment. Example of octopus. Student problem for performing a concert in a singing group. His friend is not in the town on the day of performance that is also participant. Marketing about the product by making them with attravtive and interesting packaging. People more concern about the alternate method totally different than very common to get more attention of public. Essay: Something about the prescribed firing and it's effect on forest firing in contrast view. Do you agree or disagree? Its imporatant to know about the events happennig in the world, even though it is unlikely to affect you daily life.

Among telephone, vehicle, computer, which one do you think most useful in your life? 2. Do you agree or disagree the statement "We learn important things in classroom?" Writing 1. Reading about outweighed benefits of online mediacompared to printed newspaper.

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Lecture cast doubt on above content. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Twenty years from now, people will have more time for leisure. tell about a book you have read parentral control in tv and internet .. your opinion What do you do to relax? Attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. Do you agree or disagree The most challenging experience in your life? important event in your childhood Do you agree or disagree "we can learn about a new city by visiting it's historical place & landmark"

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essay- class mates / parents have more influvence on a child's success in education. your opinion. What kind of movies do you like? (action, comedy etc) Physical activity should be required in school? (agree/disagree?) Where is the best place to meet and have fun with your friends? Eating out and eating at home, which do you prefer? What is the most memorable challenge you faced and how did you over come that challenge? Do you prefer classes that is useful in school or useful for your career? What is the characteristics of a good parents. Which do you prefer, work on your assignments alone, or in groups. Tell me about an interesting career or a job you want.

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Do you prefer long vacation or short vacation? Are games necessary in schools? What subject/class that you took in high school paid you back? Describe a social/political event that people celebrate your country ? Government should spend money towards arts and art classes. Do you agree/disagree?

What is your favorite place in your city? You have extra amount of money. Would you save it or spend it?

an important accomplishment in your life? why was it important how did u achieve it ? What was the result 

Students should attend full time course or part time ? which one do u agree with and why ? 

aerobic exercises, how they are helpful.

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What is the Characteristics of a good friend? Do you prefer to spend your free time on indoor activities or outdoor activities?

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What was your most exciting childhood event? Is it important to visit any city's historic sites to know abt the city? What is the most popular activity or sports in your country? What do you prefer, getting information from the internet or from published materials?

Who had the most influence in your life?

Do you prefer to be a leader of a group or be part of a group?

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If you had to live in a deserted island, things you would bring with you. If you have chance to learn one new thing, what will you learn? What is the most challanging thing that you have faced in your life? some go to college for improve knowledge. other will go for job oppertunites in their future life. what is your opinion? #1. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? #2. In your opion, who might be a good model for the youth today? an special opportunity in your life 2- agree or disagree that students should not have cells phones in class. what do you do to relax?

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. attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. do you agree or disagree? tell a person you admire? what are the qualities of that person you admire 2. do you agree or dis agree " all students should provide opportunities for college & university studies". 3. Essay - Today is it realistic people to expect that they will be employed lifelong in a same company. what do you miss most when away from home? b) online and on campus study, what is better? c) studying abroad is good or bad? d) all human inventions are good for mankind? #1 What are you good at? (sports, studying etc.) #2 Do you plan everything for your free time or don't plan anything. I think it was what do you prefer. Writing 1 Reading: Cost to preserve old houses. Building not up to code Prevent development Cost too much (government spends money on the old house, or have to give tax break) Code can be updated #2 Development can be from out side developer not what the community wants. #3 Old buildings bring in tourist and help local economy Writing #2#1 What are you good at? (sports, studying etc.) #2 Do you plan everything for your free time or don't plan anything. I think it was what do you prefer.

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Writing 1 Reading: Cost to preserve old houses. #1 Building not up to code #2 Prevent development #3 Cost too much (government spends money on the old house, or have to give tax break) #1 Code can be updated #2 Development can be from out side developer not what the community wants. #3 Old buildings bring in tourist and help local economy Group work and getting the same grade in high school or college, do you agree or disagree something about food, not exactly but a main idea: What food will you offer your guests which came to your home? Do you prefer to get information from books or the Internet? Why? If some one coming from other country, which kind of meal would your serve? why? Do you prefer to get information from book or from the internet? why? essay: Observing or studying animals a lot can teach about human nature? do u agree or disagree? "If some one from foreign country visiting your hometown and you need to serve a meal, what kind of preparations you will do?"

If you think the question was " which kind of meal would your serve to foreign visitor?" Your favourite pet

Your dressing style

What do you do in your free time? (Your most favourite hobby)

How do you learn English?

Which sport do you like best?

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Which dish do you like best? Your most favourite/important subject You future plan Your best scholastic achievement What kind of music do you like best? What do you expect in your parents? If you had a wish, what would you wish? If you can change one thing in your university, what would you change? Your best friend The person you like best Your unforgettable day What is unforgettable in your school life? Your idea of a happy life

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A type of book you enjoy reading 20. The fruit you like to eat most hope u find them helpfull. the most efficient transportation system in your country Is music education necessary ? talk about a gift u received is our lives easier than our grandparents, discuss with examples

Originally collected by someone in the forum. Thank you for your hardwork.

1. Tell about a book you have read 2. Parentral control in tv and internet .. your opinion 3. What do you do to relax? 4. Attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. Do you agree or disagree 5. The most challenging experience in your life? 6. Important event in your childhood 7. Do you agree or disagree "we can learn about a new city by visiting it's historical place & landmark" 8. State one responsibilty that was given to you and how it was important to you" 9. Do you agree or disagree. Students should not be allowed cell phones in school" 10. A special opportunity in your life 11. Agree or disagree with the use of cells phone in the schools. 12. What is the characteristics of a leader? 13. Is it a good idea to always speak the truth? 14. Is it a good idea to take a challenging course even if you can not get the top grade? 15. If some one from other country coming to your country, you have to serve a meal. What kind of food and arrangements will you do for him? 16. Some like to get information from books, others will use computers to gather information through the internet. Which one do you prefer and why? use reasons and examples. 17. Describe about a park or any public area u would like to visit and why? 18. University in big cities is better or university in small town. Why? 19. Job satisfaction or job money...which is better and why? 20. Class mates / parents have more influence on a child's success in education. Your opinion. 21. Observing or studying animal’s activity will help us to study human nature. Do you agree or disagree? 22. If you can get any job, what would it be? 23. When people get unexpected money, some buy practical things, others spend it on vacation. What do you prefer? 24. Some stay up late and wake up late, others go to bed early and get up early. What do you prefer? 25. Best way for students to relax after hard work 26. A memorable celebration or social event, why? 27. Keeping in touch by letters and email or by phone, which do you prefer (?) 28. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?"

29. Talk about a work of art (poem, song, etc) that left a lasting impression on you. Explain why? 30. Some people think that once they start a new book, they should finish it, others don’t feel that way. What is your opinion? 31. What object is important for us? why(Tell them what is important and give yourself as an example, if they are asking about an object , i would come up with , my cellular, or laptop, and take it from there). 32. Which is the most preferred mode of transport in your country and why? 33. Does learning to play a music instrument help students in their development (something of that sort can’t recollect exactly)? 34. What is your favorite time of the year, what happens and why? 35. Agree/disagree Best way to live for everybody is to relax and live an unhurried life. 36. Some people think internet provides valuable information. Other think it provides too much information. Explain whether u agree or not with examples as to why. 37. Describe a place where you like to spend time with a friend 38. Do you prefer eating at home or at a restaurant? 39. What do you like to read during your free time, magazine, novel, science fiction, etc. explain why 40. What quality or feature of a restaurant u need when U choose a restaurant 41. There are old building and new buildings in a city. According to thy experience, which one U prefer to keep. explain: 42. Do you prefer to take essay exams or multiple choice exams? 43. What are the most important characteristics of a good friend? 44. If you won a million dollars, would you save most of it or spend most of it? 45. What do you dislike most about studying English? 46. Would you prefer to go to a big party or a small gathering with friends 47. Your preferred holidays in thy culture. 48. What do you do to relax? 49. Attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. Do you agree or disagree? 50. The most challenging experience in your life? 51. important event in your childhood Answers

There are two parts in TOEFL Speaking Section, one is independent and another is integrated. I can give you topics for independent part only because in integrated part there is no topic at all. You just need to read a passage and listen to a lecture or conversation and then respond to what you read and here. So, here are some topics for your TOEFL speaking independent part: Where do you want to be on your holiday? Describe your favorite subject. Describe your favorite sports. Describe your best teacher. Describe your best friend. What do you think about women who word? What type of life do you want to live?

How important are extra-curricular activities? Is it good to make decisions quick? What do you think will your role be in development of nation? How can you contribute the world? Who is the person you admire most? Which is your happiest moment in life? How important is it for students to get access to latest technologies? Should teens be provided full access to internet? What do you think about winter season? Which is the place you want to be in? Whose role is important � father�s or mother�s? Is home a first school for a child? These are some of the sample topic for TOEFL test. Similar type of question is asked during your TOEFL test. For such questions, you have 15 seconds to prepare or make notes and 45 seconds to speak. The student who speaks accurately and fluently for exactly 45 seconds will get the highest score. Hope these topic will help you. Where do you want to be on your holiday?

Sample TOEFL Independent Speaking Topics Talk about something you and your family enjoy doing together. Describe it and explain why you all enjoy it. Who is an important person in your country? Describe this person and explain why he/she is important. What is your favorite style of clothing? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite. Describe a resource that helped you to do something better than before. Describe it and explain why it was helpful to you. What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation. What was your favorite subject at school? Describe it and explain why this subject was your favorite one. Talk about a person in your life who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Describe the person and say why you think he/she is intelligent. Who do you feel close to in your family (or extended family)? Describe this person and say why you feel close to him/her. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go. Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Describe it and say why it was embarrassing.

Think of a place that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. Describe it and explain why it is relaxing and peaceful for you. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and say why it was a positive one. Talk about an interesting tourist attraction you have been to. Describe it and say why it was interesting. Talk about an important national holiday in your home country. Describe it and explain why it is important. Describe a person from your country�s history. Why do you think this person was important? Talk about a time when you experienced success. Describe the experience and say why it was a success for you. Who is your best friend? Describe this person and say why he/she is your best friend. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe it and say why it is your favorite. Which person are you most likely to go to with a personal problem? Describe this person and say why you would go to him/her in particular. Name a person whom you truly admire. Describe the person and say why you admire him/her. Where is a good place to have fun in your city or town? Describe this place and explain why it is fun. Talk about a difficulty you have overcome in your life. Describe the experience and say why it was difficult to overcome. Which place has fond memories for you? Describe this place and explain why it is memorable to you. Where is your favorite place to study? Describe this place and say why it is a good place for you to study. Where would you most like to live? Describe this place and explain why you would like to live there. Where do most like to go to eat out? Describe this place and say why you like it most. What is your most useful study aid? Describe it and explain why it is useful in helping you to study. What is your favorite recreational activity? Describe it and say why you enjoy doing it. Name a place in your country you would recommend others to visit. Describe this place and explain why you would recommend it. What is your favorite kind of food? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite. Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relive. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it. What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is your happiest memory.

When have you been happily surprised by something? Describe the experience and say why the surprise was a happy one for you. What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it. Talk about a teacher who had a positive influence on you. Describe this person and explain why he/she was so influential to you. Where would you like to go to spend a vacation? Describe this place and say why you would like to holiday there. What is your most important possession? Describe it and say why it is so important. What is your favorite season of the year? Describe the season and explain why you like it so much. Name a famous or influential figure who has inspired you. Describe this person and say why he/she has been inspirational to you.

Sample Speaking Topics for TOEFL Speaking Question 1 People Who would you like to go on a trip abroad with? Describe this person and say why he/she would be a good travel companion for you. Which person are you most likely to go to with a personal problem? Describe this person and say why you would go to him/her in particular. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Describe the person and say why you think he/she is intelligent. Describe a person from your country�s history. Why do you think this person was important? Name a famous or influential figure who has inspired you. Describe this person and say why he/she has been inspirational to you. Name a person whom you truly admire. Describe the person and say why you admire him/her. Describe your favorite teacher and explain why he or she inspired you. Include details and examples Talk about a teacher who had a positive influence on you. Describe this person and explain why he/she was so influential to you. Who has been your favorite teacher so far in your life? Use reasons and details to support your answer. Talk about a person who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational. Who is an important person in your country? Describe this person and explain why he/she is important.

Family Who do you feel close to in your family (or extended family)? Describe this person and say why you feel close to him/her. Talk about something you and your family enjoy doing together. Describe it and explain why you all enjoy it.

You and Your Experiences What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is your happiest memory. Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relive. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it. When have you been happily surprised by something? Describe the experience and say why the surprise was a happy one for you. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and say why it was a positive one. Talk about a situation which enabled you to realize you had a certain strength or weakness that you didn�t know about before and how you dealt with this new finding. What do you think your life will look like after retirement? Use reasons and details to support your response Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Describe it and say why it was embarrassing. Talk about a difficulty you have overcome in your life. Describe the experience and say why it was difficult to overcome. What was your favorite subject at school? Describe it and explain why this subject was your favorite one. Talk about a time when you experienced success. Describe the experience and say why it was a success for you.

School, Education Describe a class you have taken in school and explain why the class was important to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation

Things, Possessions What is your most important possession? Describe it and say why it is so important. What is your favorite style of clothing? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite.

What's a resource that helped you to do something better than before. Describe it and explain why it was helpful to you.

Places What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go. Where would you like to go to spend a vacation? Describe this place and say why you would like to holiday there. Which place has fond memories for you? Describe this place and explain why it is memorable to you. Think of a place that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. Describe it and explain why it is relaxing and peaceful for you. Where is a good place to have fun in your city or town? Describe this place and explain why it is fun. Where would you most like to live? Describe this place and explain why you would like to live there. Name a place in your country you would recommend others to visit. Describe this place and explain why you would recommend it. Talk about an interesting tourist attraction you have been to. Describe it and say why it was interesting.

Hobbies What is your favorite freetime activity? Use reasons and details to support your answer. What is your favorite recreational activity? Describe it and say why you enjoy doing it.

TV, Movies, Entertainment What is your favorite movie or movie genre? Use reasons and details to support your answer. Describe a movie or book that has had a positive influence on you. Please include specific details and examples in your response. Describe a particular TV show that you think is excellent. Include specific details and examples in your answer. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe it and say why it is your favorite.

Reading, Books, Study, News What is your favorite book? Use reasons and details to support your answer. What is your most useful study aid? Describe it and explain why it is useful in helping you to study.

Where is your favorite place to study? Describe this place and say why it is a good place for you to study.

Travel Who would you like to go on a trip abroad with? Describe this person and say why he/she would be a good travel companion for you. If you could visit any place in the world for just 24 hours, where would you choose to go? Use reasons and details to support your answer.

Transport What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation.

Music What is your favorite style of music? Use reasons and details to support your answer

Food, Restaurants Where do most like to go to eat out? Describe this place and say why you like it most. What is your favorite kind of food? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite.

Weather What is your favorite season of the year? Describe the season and explain why you like it so much.

Country, Culture, Festivals Talk about an important national holiday in your home country. Describe it and explain why it is important. Talk about your country�s national anthem or flag. Where is it used and where can it be found today? Include details and examples to support your response. What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it.

TOEFL IBT Speaking/Listening Skills Development As you see in question 6, listening is so important. If you don't understand the lecture, how can you give right response! To improve your listening/speaking skills, try everyday to listen to native English speakers.Listening to the radio or the computer is better than watching television because when you watch television you can look at the speakers’ lips.You will not see the speakers during the administration of the TOEFL.

Below is a list of academic lecture and English learning Websites that you will find helpful       


http://tesl-ej.org/ej17/m3.html (ten sites inside) www.eslhome.com/esl/listen www.stanford.edu/~efs/tesol03listening www.public.iastate.edu/~hschmidt/listeninglinks.htm www.cdlponline.org www.esl.about.com/cs/listening www.esl-lab.com

Additionally, there is a web site that you can find friends for chatting in English. You can try ;) http://www.englishbaby.com

TOEFL IBT Speaking Question 6 (Tips&Examples) Hello all again :) I want to share tips for TOEFL IBT Question 6. You will hear a passage from a lecture of

approximately 230-

280 words that explains a term or concept and gives one or two examples. You will summarize the lecture using examples that demonstrate an understanding of the topic. Don't forget this; this is an ACADEMIC TOPIC. It means, there can be lots of terms that you don't know.

20 seconds preparation time; 60 seconds to speak.

Outline(Approved) --The professor is talking about the phenomenon of ............... which is different from............ -- According to the professor,....................... . He gives an example of ......................... --The professor goes to talk about................. --To sum up,................ As you see, there are not too much outlines for this question. Because, you will hear only a lecture and not read anything. You will just summarize this.

TOEFL IBT Speaking Question 5 (Tips&Examples) When I have looked my other posts, I saw that I didn't give any information about time,words and etc, the technical details. From now on, I will :) It's also as important as the structure and topic. Let's start ;)

In question 5, you should have good listening skills because you will not read any passage. You will hear a passage of approximately 180–220 words. It will be a conversation about a student-related problem and two possible solutions. You will need to understand the problem and give your opinion as to the better solution.

Important :

20 seconds preparation time, 60 seconds to speak.

The question : The student describes two solutions to her problem. Describe the problem and then tell which of the two solutions you would prefer and why.

By the way, I will use only "man/he/him" in sentences. "man/woman or he/she or him/her" doesn't seem so nice :)

Outline 1: The man's problem is that...............(problem)................. His friend presents 2 suggestions; one of that is .......(1.suggestion).......... and the other one .........(2.suggestion)................. . If I were him, I would.....(your choice)............... . ......(Write your reasons, not only the choice's owner's reasons)..................

Outline 2 (Approved): According to the conversation, the man's problem is that ....(problem)......... Students discuss 2 solutions. His friend gives him 2 solutions. First, .......(1.solution)........ Second,....(2.solution)...... If I were the man, I would choose the second solution. 1st solution isn't good because even though....(positive response of solution 1).........., as the man said......(negative response)....... 2nd one is better because even though ......(negative response of solution 2)..........., as the man said......(positive reason).......... That's why I choose 2 nd solution.


usable phrases in your conversation.

     

The problem is how She is considering two options One option is The other option is I would prefer may be the better option

    

has two alternatives is the better alternative On the one hand On the other hand In my opinion

TOEFL IBT Speaking Question 4 (Tips&Examples)

In question 4 is more complex than the first three. However, not too much :) By the way,

(: happy new year :)

You will read a passage(approximately 75–100 words),

listen to part of a 150–220 word lecture and then you will be expected to summarize part of the information.

The topics for this question include academic lectures from: • Life science • Social science • Physical science • Humanitie.

It's so important that please take notes while you read and listen!

While you are answering question 4,   

state the general topic of the metarials set explain whether the listening supports or refuses the principles presented in reading; introduce main points and supporting details from the listening passage and relate each of them back to the main points in the reading passage.

When you take notes, give them a letter to complete the template successfully.

Reading: Title(topic) :T Definition : D

Listening: E : keywords which you hear clear.

30 seconds preparation time; 60 seconds to speak

Outline 1


The general topic is here ......T........which the passage defines as ......D...... The professor supports/dissagres that theory in the reading passage by pointing out some good examples to illustrate this. First,.......E1....... . This supports the theory of ..... in the reading. Second, .....E2......... This also supports the theory of ...... in the reading. On the other hand,........E3(can be no positive example)......... . This is a positive example for ..... in the reading.

Outline 2: The general topic is here ....T.... Talk about reading ..............D......... (Always say the lecture's mentions) The lecture talks about ......... and gives an example of ....E1..... . It is a good example of the principle .... in the reading passage. The lecture also gives another example of .....E2... . It's a good example of how the principle of the reading passage doesn't apply.

Outline 3: The article is about ........T...... which the passage defines as .......D.... The professor provides an example of ............... to illustrate this. He/She states that ..........E........ . And so, this example clearly illustrate this.

TOEFL IBT Speaking Question 3 (Tips&Examples) In TOEFL IBT Speaking section, first and second questions are simpler than the others. Now, we'll talk about the third question. In question 3, you may read a short passage(between 75 and 100 words) on the screen, and then you will listen to two people discussing that topic and expressing an opinion(approximately 150–180 words). These questions are generally: • University rules and policies • University plans • Campus facilities • Quality of life on campus

You will then be asked a question about what you have read and heard. This is NOT

an opinion task, you are being asked to summarize the information. As I mention above, while working on this section, you will always think and heard about campus and university. I mean, if you graduate from university long time ago, this section will help you to remind your university years, the beautiful years of life ;) Anyway, here is the outlines or templates. What I am saying:

do not be afraid of TOEFL.

30 seconds preparation time; 60 seconds to speak In the 30 seconds of preparation time, you can write down the points—using your reading and listening notes—to help you get ready to respond.

Outline 1(Approved): According to the notice, the university college is going to.....(event: you will read it on screen)... It provides....(mention about the event)... The man in the conversation is not keen on this decision at all because of many reasons. The first problem he mentioned that........(1st reason : you will listen this)......... The second one is.........(2nd reason : and also this you will listen)............. So that's why he's not agree with this decision at all.

Outline 2: The reading states that......... The man's opinion that ..(agree/not agree or good/bad)..... He provides two reasons. First, ................ Second,................. That why the man's opinion is that this is a great/bad idea.

Outline 3:(May be positive) In the listening passage, the man/woman agrees with ....... He/She gives two reasons for this. The first reason that ........................... . He supports this idea by saying that .......... example.

In addition, he states that ..........(2nd reason)...... According to the student, it is feasible to say that........

Outline 4: On the one hand, in the reading, there is a ..... about ....... In fact,the university college is going to .............. .The main reasons are .................. On the other hand, student agree with this policy. His reasons are: first, ..........(detail + example)................ second,..............(detail + example)......... For these reasons, ..............

TOEFL IBT Speaking Question 2 (Tips&Examples) You will hear a single question that asks you to make and defend a choice between two different behaviors.Your answer will express your opinion, and you will be expected to provide the reasons behind your opinions. The question is personal in nature. Here is the kind of question you will be asked: "Some high schools require all students to wear a uniform to school. Other schools allow students to wear whatever they want.Which policy do you think is better and why?" As you see below, there are several types of outline. You can make a combination of these sentences. It's totally up 2 u ;) However, don't forget that in speaking section, if your outline is good, i mean the sentences which you only fill the blanks, you can get easily higher score. Believe me! Also I didn't believe this until I saw the score. I have just done this and got high score ;)

Do not be afraid of TOEFL. Please, you can also repeat this; I am not afraid of TOEFL:) I am repeating;

15 seconds preparation time; 45 seconds to speak Outline 1; I definetely ---> prefer X rather thane Y ---->agree that X rather than Y

First, ... (your first reason about the choice) Second, ..... (your second reason about the choice) So, that's why I prefer / I agree that ........

Outline 2(Approved); Personally speaking, I'm more inclined to study alone...... As far as, I am concerned, I prefer ..... rather than ..... I strongly believe that ...... is more important than ...... First of all, the reasons why I choose it is that ...... Second, another reason I favor it is that....... To sum up, because of there two reasons, I go for 1st/2nd option

TOEFL IBT Speaking Question 1 (Tips) It's more simple than other speaking questions in TOEFL IBT, may be the simplest. In question 1, you will be asked to speak about a place, object, person or event and sometimes about our favorites. Do not be afraid of TOEFL. Just this ;) Outline,

Stating the point : Talk about what they want (My favorite fruit is ....) *Description of context : describe it. (it is so healthy, its color....) *Main reason of your idea and example about each of them : Just listing with true *

intonation. You can start like this; I guess the main reason.... Negative sample: A holiday experience I didn't enjoy was a guided bus tour around Europe. I was in may mid 20's at the time and I went with my girlfriend on a Eurotrip bus tour around most of western Europe. The main thing that made this trip unenjoyable was the other people on the tour. For example,... They were noisy at night and not really interested in the places and cultures we were seeing. Besides that, I didnt enjoy .... Another Example: Personally, I would have to say that ----->My favorite thing is ... ----->If I got the opportunity to ... First of all, ....... . For example,...... Second,....... For example,.... So, that's why .... (restate your idea like saying this; my favorite thing ....)

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