Speaking Test Preparation Pack for CAE

April 15, 2017 | Author: zuzu_deeia | Category: N/A
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Introduction This SpeakingTestPreparationPackfor CAEhas been specially created to help you prepare your students for the Speaking test of the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)from Cambridge ESOL.Written by experiencedSpeakingtest examiners,it consistsof: . a book containing comprehensiveTeacher'sNotes and a set of six Student\Morksheets which provide detailed practice for all parts of the CAESpeakingtest . one set of candidate visuals in colour to allow you and your students to practise with realistic visual stimulus . a DVD showing real students taking a Speakingtest to give your students a clear idea of what to expect on the day. The Student Worksheetscan be photocopied to use in class,or printed from the files on the DVD if you prefer. Worksheets 1-4 cover the four parts of the Speaking test in detail and contain a variety of exercisesand discussiontasks using the video on the DVD.The Introductory Worksheet is designedto give students an overview of the whole Speakingtest and the Supplementary\Morksheetcovershow the Speakingtest is assessed. The Teacher'sNotes for each worksheet explain in detail how to conduct each activity and provide answersto and commentary on the various exercises.There are also 'TeachingTips'for each of the four main worksheets,giving you extra ideas for use in class,and 'Helpful Hints for Students' with useful advice for you to pass on. The DVD contains video of one complete CAESpeakingtest for you to use with the worksheets and electronic versions of the StudentWorksheetsand candidate visuals. We hope you enjoy using the SpeakingTestPreparationPackfor CAEand wish your students every successwhen they take the test. CambridgeESOL




test CAESpeaking Notes Teacher's


Aims of the DVD and worksheets o a a

a a

to raise students' awarenessof the format of the CAESpeakingtest to focus students' attention on techniques that will improve their performance to provide opportunities for students to practise the languageused in the different parts of the test to update teacherson the current test format for the CAESpeakingtest to provide activities and teaching tips for teachersto use with examination classes.

Please note: The DVD and worksheets are not intended as a forum for discussinggrades.Although in certain questions we are asking students to look at the candidates'performance,it is with a view to improving the students' own performance and not for them to gradethe candidateson the DVD. The CAESpeakingtest on the DVD has been produced for teaching purposesonly and is not a live exam. There are, therefore, no grades available.

r How to use the DVD and worksheets The Student Worksheetsare at the back of this book in the section beginning on page 23.The tasks in the worksheets are to be used at your discretion to createmaximum benefit for your students.The guidelinesbelow are suggestionsonly. You can use the worksheets to: o introduce the CAESpeakingtest at the beginning of your course . review or revise key points near the exam date . focus on different parts of the test at different times according to your syllabus. Please note: The material is not designedto be used as complete lessonsof any fixed length. Make sure that your students are aware when the answers to the tasks cannot be found on the DVD. Some of your students may find these actiüties challenging.If necessaryadapt or simplify the tasks and give assistancewhere needed.


Student's IntroductoryWorksheet r Task one: general information about the GAEspeaking test Ask the students to fill in the missing information on the worksheet. Tell them they can find some of the information they need on the CandidateSupport site at r¡n¡nr¡.candidates.cambridgeEsol.org/cs/Help_with_exams/General_English/GAE and in the Informationfor candidatesbooklet which thev can download. Answers 1. 2. 3. 4.

Length: ---15-minutes Normal format: 2-candidates and _2_examiners Number of parts: _4-The Speakingtest is worth _2O-% of the whole CAEexam (all papers).

r Tásk 1\rro:what happens in the CAE Speaking test Ask the students to complete the table on the worksheet with the correct information from the box below. a o a

teads a discussion exchanges viewsandopinions questions asksindividual direct

a a a

expresses opinionsthroughcomparing givespersonalinformation initiatesdiscussion

Ansruers Ports


Whattheinterlocutor Whato candidate does QOeS

3 minutes asks individualdirect questions

gives personal information

7. Interuiew

2. lndividual long turn


Generalinteractional and sociaIlanguage: . givingpersonalinformationabout everydaycircumstances o expressing opinions . talkingaboutinterestsand experiences

4 minutes askseachcandidate expresses Organising an extendedpieceof to talkabouttwo opinions through discourse: visuals forL minute comparing o comparing o expressing opinions . speculating 4 minutes askscandidatesto tatktogetherusing visuaIprompts

exchanges ideas andopinions, maKes suggestions, agrees, disagrees, and initiates discussion

Sustaining an interaction: . exchanging ideas o invitingandrespondingto opinions . agreeing and/ordisagreeing . suggesting . specutating ¡ evaluatingthroughnegotiation,etc. o reaching a decision

4 minutes leadsa discussion

exchangesviews and opinions


3. Collaborative tosk

4. Discussionon topics related to Part 3

Possiblerange of language used

s p E e r ¡ u c r E s r p R E p A R A T t opNA c K F o R c A E


expressi ng and j ustiñ7in g opinions agreeing and/ordisagreeing

r Task Three: about the GAESpeaking test Ask the students to read the statements and write'Tfue' or'False' next to each one.

Ansuers 1. You can choose to take the test in a pair or a group of three. - FALSE.However, if there is an odd number of candidates at the centre, the last test of the session will be a group of three. 2. The assessorasks you questions during the test. - FALSE.The interlocutor asks the quesüons. 3. Only the assessorawards marks. - FALSE.The assessorgives detailed marks on grammar, vocabulary discourse management, pronunciaüon and interactive communication but üe interlocutor also gives a global mark. 4. You are given your marks at the end of the test. - FALSE.Examiners are not allowed to give any indication of a candidate's performance at the end of the test, and candidates should be discouraged from asking. 5. You might not know your partner. - TRUE.At open and devolved centres candidates may be paired at random. 6. You are not tested on your general knowledge. - TRUE.This is a test of language, not of general knowledge. 7. In Part 1, you ask your partner questions. - FALSE.You are asked direct questions by the interlocutor. 8. In Part 2, if your partner runs out of things to say you can help. - FALSE.Part 2 is üe time when candidates can speak alone and uninterrupted. However, the listening candidate is asked a question at the end of their partner's long turn. 9. The questions are written at the top of the page in Parts 2 and 3. - TRUE.The questions are written at the top of the page r¡rith the visuals in the Candidate Booklet to help candidates remember and focus on the task. 10. You interact with your partner in both Parts 3 and 4. - TRUE.It is important in Part 3 that candidates interact with each other, and in Part 4 the interlocutor may address a quesüon to both candidates for them to discuss. It is also possible in Part 4 for a candidate to add something to what their partner has said. Tell the students to check their answers with a partner. Then play the DVD and tell them to check if they were right.


CAESpeakingtest Notes Teacher's

This worksheet is based on Part 1 of the CAESpeakingtest.

r Task One 1. Tell the students to read the questions on the worksheet. Suggestthat they work with a partner and ask and answer the questions in turn. . Where are you from? o How long have you been studying English? . What do you enjoy most about learning English? . What are your interests and leisure activities? . what's your happiest memory of school? . If you had an opportunity to learn something new, what would you choose? . Would you consider living abroadpermanentiy? . Are you someonewho likes to plan for the future or do you prefer to let things happen? . What part of the day do you enjoy most? . What do you iike to do at weekends? Answers will depend on the students themselves and what they say. a@l ,G>

I vroro

2. Play Part 1 on the DVD.Ask the students to discuss how their answers were different from I


Answers wilt depend on the students themselves and what they say.Encouragestudents to think about how well they answeredthe questions,and how they feel about the way the candidateson the DVD answeredthe questions.

r Tbsk T\ro ,@l G-¡

I vrpÉo

Play Part l- on the DVD again.Ask the students to answer the questions on the worksheet. | I

Ansu.¡ers 1. How many questions are given to both candidates?Which ones?-The first and last. ('Where are you from?','What do you like to do at weekends?') 2. How does the interiocutor indicate who should answer a question?- She uses their names. 3. which candidate speaksthe most? -They are given an equal number of questions,but Marie extends her answerswell. 4. How does Marie extend her answers?- By giving reasons.She often answersthe question clearly,but then gives the reason with'because' and provides more detail. 5. What does Marie say about sport and leisure?- She comparesher feeling about it now with the past. 6. How could Chloe have improved her answersto the questions about learning and school?She could have given reasonsfor what she wanted to study. 7. Who answersthe last question about weekendsbest, Marie or Chioe?Why? - Chloe gives more detail, and Marie more or less repeatsthe same things. If Marie had added a different comment, it would have given her more opportunity to show the examiners what she can do.




Thsk Three

1,. Tell the students to think of two questions to ask their partner in each of the topic areas.

' sports . leisureinterests . work and study

a a a

family travel and holidays entertainment

a a a

experiences daily life future plans

2. Tell the students to practise in pairs or small groups, taking turns to ask and answer questions. Encouragethem to extend their answers in an interesting way, and to use a range of grammar and interesting vocabulary. Remind them that this part requires personal answers,and personal information and ideas.

1. In classgivestudents regular opportunities to practise tatkingaboutthemselves andwhattheythink aboutdifferent things. Youcandothisatthestartorendof a lesson, bygivingstudents a topicfromthe newsto discussbrieflv. Havea boxof cardswithtopicswrittenon them,anddo a quick'warmer' activityregularty at the startof a lesson.Aska studentto pickout a topiccard,dividestudentsinto smallgroupsand givethem to discuss thetopic.Askonestudentin thegroupto monitorthediscussion 5 minutes andlanguage usedandsuggest otherwaysof making suggestions or expressing opinions. 3. Askstudents to prepare a shortpérsonaI statement abouttheirlives.(Youcouldusequestions fromthe CAEHandbook statements and ask for teachersPart1 to hetpthem).Studentscouldthenexchange questions eachothermoredetailed aboutthem. 4. Encourage studentsto usea varietyof tenseswhenever theyhavea discussion in class,andto usea possible. rangeofvocabulary wherever Youcoutdaskstudentsto paraphrase whattheyhavesaid,and usethe Useof Englishkeywordtransformations to encourage studentsto expressthemselves in a varietyof ways.

rt fromsaying'hello',don'ttatkto the assessor. Theassessor will just listento youandtakesno part questionsby givingsome extrainformation, try to answerthe intertocutor's clarification or Don'tjust giveone-word answers. Thisdoesnot givea verygoodimpression andyouwantto showthe assessor whatyoucando rightfromthe start! Atwayslistento yourpartner's answers because the intertocutor mayaskyouboththesamequestion.lt's a goodideato disagree and havesomething differentto sayor to agreeandto addto whatyourpartner hassaid. Remember to speakclearly andloudlyenough sothatbothexaminers canhearyou. you go Takea deepbreathandrelaxbefore ¡ntothe examroom.Thiswill hetpyouto feelmoreconfident.



test CAESpeaking

ESOL Examinations

Notes Teacher's

This worksheet is based on Part 2 of the CAESpeakingtest. Use the candidate visuals provided with this book or, before the lesson print out the Part 2 photographs (preferably in colour) from the DVD and make sure you have enough copies to give one set to each pair of students.

r Task One: focus on Marie lry-l lffi


1. Playthe beginning of Part 2 on the DVD and stop it after the interlocutor has given Marie her task. Tell the students to listen carefully to the interiocutor's instructions to Marie and write the missing information in the box on the worksheet.

Answer lnterlocutor: Marie,it's yourturn first.Hereareyourpictures.Theyshowpeopletnvelting by tnin. I'd likeyou to comparetwo ofthe picturesand saywhat aspectoftrain travelthey show,and how the peoplemight be feeling.

2 . Ask the students what question they think the interlocutor will ask Chloe after Marie has spoken.Tell them to write it in the box on the worksheet. 5.

Ask the students to work with a partner and take it in turns to do Marie's task.Tell them to discussthe questions on the worksheet. . Did you speak for a minute? . Did you compare two pictures in an organisedway and answer the secondpart of the task? Ask the students to watch Marie doing the task on the DVD but stop the recording after Marie's long turn and Chloe'sresponsequestion.Ask the students to compare their performanceswith Marie's. Ansu.¡ers . Does Marie answer the task, or just describethe pictures?- Shejust describesthe pictures, and doesn't organiseher answer very well. . How could she have done better? - She should have used the task to focus her answer more. Ask the students if they were right about Chloe'squestion. lnterlocutor: Chtoe,which picturedo you think best showsthe advantagesoftravelling by train?


Thsk l\po: focus on Chloe

1..Play the next part of Part 2 on the DVD.Tell the students to listen carefully to the interlocutor's instructions to Chloe and write the missing information in the box on the worksheet. Stop the DVD after the interlocutor has given Chloe her task. Answer lnterlocutor: Now,Chloe,hereareyour pictures.Theyshowpeopletalkinghce to hce. I'd tikeyou to comparetwo of the picturesand saywhy thesepeoplemight be talkingto each other and how they might be feeling.



2. Ask the students what question they think the interlocutor will ask Marie after Chloe has spoken. Tell them to write it in the box on the worksheet. 3. Ask the students to work with a partner and take it in tums to do Chloe's task. Tell them to discuss the questions on the worksheet. . Did you speak for a minute? . Did you compare two pictures in an organised way, and answer the second part of the task? 4. Ask the students to watch Chloe doing the task on the DVD.Ask them to compare their aDW-l periormanceswith hers. rffi r

Ansu;ers . Does Chloe addressthe task? -Yes. . Does Chloe use a range of structures, particularly tenses?- No - she tends to use the present tenses all the time. Ask the students if they were right about Marie's question. Interlocutor: Marie,which of these peopledo you think know eachother the best?

r ThskThree 1. Play the whole of Part 2 again, and tell the students to complete the table on the worksheet.


lé-l I vrpE0


l{nswers Marie


thepictures. Shedescribes

ldentifies thepictures shewantsto them. talkabout,thencompares

Whatdoesshe do next?

Shecontinuesto describethe Dictures.

Sheaddresses the task.

Doesshe use a rangeoftenses?

No - it's mostlythe presenttense.

No,she usesthe presenttense.

sheislust Notreally, because andnot describing thepictures thespeculative addressing element ofthetask.

It is adequatefor the task.

Doesshe use a rangeof vocabulory?

Doesshe addressthe task?



Doesshe give on oppropriate responseto her listening candidatequestion?

Yes- shegivesher opinionand then supportsit with reasons.

Yes- it is a goodlengthand quite well organised.

Question Whatdoesshe do first?

2. Ask the students to discuss the question on the worksheet. . Who gives a better performance in this task, Marie or Chloe.Why? Answer Chloe,becauseshe is more organisedin her answer,and addressesthe task. Marie just describes the pictures and doesn't address the task. However, neither of them really demonstrates a good range of structures.


r Useful phrases Below are some useful phrases which may be helpful for students when comparing the photos, but students should take care not to overuse them.


Bothofthese... Neitherofthese... Oneof these. . ., whilethe other.. . Thisone. . ., buton the otherhandthatone. Thispicture. . . whereasthe other. . .


It seems to methat.. . lfs hardto say,butI think.. . It tookslikea . .. I'dsay.. . It must/might/coutd/can't be. . , It must/might/could havebeen. I don'tthink it. . ., because. ..


Personalty speaking,. . . Speaking personall¡... P e r s o n a l Il y. .,. I'veneverthoughtaboutit, but I suppose. . . I don't reallytike. . . , but if I hadto choose. . It'sverydifficultto say,but I think . . . It seemsto methat. . .

. set asidetimein classto practisePart2 sothatyourstudentscangetusedto speculating aboutvisuals andcangiveeachotherhelpandsupportwhile theypractise. 2. In class,studentscouldpractisethe activityin pairs,timingeachotherto seehowit feelsto talkfor a minuteon theirown.Remind themto speculate aboutthJpictures usingthe prompts writtenon the paper,andnotiustto describe them. 3. Pointoutto students howimportant it is: r to organise theirthoughts clearly sothattheymakethemostof theirtime o to try andcomplete thetaskthe examiner asksthemto do (whichis writtenon the paperwiththe visuals) o notto worryaboutthe timingin the examination butjustto keeptatkinguntitthe examiner says 'Thankyou'. 4. Youcouldalsodo activities in which: ' students bringin their pictures andtry to tinkthemthematically by makingsuggestions and .own speculating aboutpossible connections . students aregivena topicwhichtheyhaveto talkaboutfora minute. 5. Givestudentsstrateg¡es forstartingand endi ngtheirtalk.

l i

the intertocutor for ctarification if youareunsureaboutwhatto do. speaking immediately; don'twastetimethinkingaboutwhatyouaregoingto say. Concentrate-on thetask;don'tjust describe the pictures.Remember thatthetaskis writtenon the paper for youto referto. Don'tpanicif youdon'tknowthewordfor something - paraphrase it andmoveon. Don'tinterruptwhileyourpartneris talking. Evenifyou haveno opinionaboutthetask,inventone. Tryto keeptalkingfor as longasyoucan.Don'tstopbeforeyourminuteis over! Remember not to worryif the intertocutor stopsyou.To makethe test fair,eachcandidateis giventhe sameamountof talkingtime.


l l :

l T2




test CAESpeaking

ESOL Examinations

Notes Teacher's



This worksheet is based on Part 3 of the CAESpeakingtest. Use the candidatevisuals provided with this book or, before the ]esson,print out the Part 3 pictures (preferablyin colour) from the DVD and make sure you have enough copies to give one set to each pair of students.

r Tásk One 1. Play the beginning of Part 3 on the DVD.Tell the students to listen carefully to the ,atyr)-l l*:>l I vu o I rnterlocutor'sinstructions and write the missing information in the box on the worksheet.

Answers lnterlocutor: Nowl'd likeyou to talk about somethingtogether for about 3 minutes. Herearesomepicturesshowingdifferentwaysin whichcomputersaffectour lives. First,talk to eachotherabouthow thesepicturesshowthe roleof computersnowadays. Thendecidewhich picturebest reflectsthe differencecomputershavemadeto our lives.

2 . Tell the students to work with a partner and do the task. Remind them to spend 3 minutes discussingall the pictures. 5.

Ask the students to discussthe questions on the worksheet with a partner.When they have finished, answer any general questions they have about the task. . Did you have time to discussali the pictures? . Did you have something to say about all the pictures? . Did you find any pictures easy or difficult to talk about? . Did you reach a decision too eariy and leave yourselveswith nothing else to talk about? Now play all of Part 3 on the DVD.Ask the students to compare their performanceswith Marie's and Chloe's.

r Tásk IWo PIayPart 3 on the DVD again.Ask the students to answer the questions on the worksheet


lG>l vrgEo


Answers 1. Who starts the discussion?How does she do this? - Marie. She taiks about the first picture. 2. Who respondsthe most? - Equal.They don't ask each other questionsbut they pick up on what the other one has said, and both initiate discussion. 3. How do Marie and Chloe interact with each other? - They make suggestionsor statements and then add detail.They could ask one another more what they think. 4. Do they seem interested in what their partner is saying?-Yes. They pick up on what each other says,but they could iook at each other more. 5. Do they look at the interlocutor? Is this a good thing? -Yes, they do look at the interlocutor, but this is not a good thing as they should be talking to each other. It is better if candidates talk to each other and ignore the interlocutor in this part of the test. 6. Does the interiocutor ask them questions during the task? - No. 7. Who speaksthe most during Part 3? - They speak equaliy,but they don't actually interact with each other very much. 8. Do they take turns, or does one person dominate the discussion?- They take turns to initiate discussion,but they don't actually ask one another questions or invite one another to speak. 9. Do they speak about all the pictures?-Yes. 10. Do they reach a decision?Does this matter? -Yes, they do but it doesn't matter if candidatesdon't do this. The discussionis more imDortant than the decision. S P E A K I N GT E S T P R E P A R A T I O NP A C K F O R C A E



Thsk Three

1,. Play Part 3 on the DVD again, Ask the students to complete the table on the worksheeL Tell them to note down some examples of the language Marie and Chloe use.


2. Ask the students to discuss the questions on üe worksheet with a partner. Answers ¡ How much do Marie and Chloe interact with each other? - Not enougtr - they just say what they want to say,and don't invite one another to speak.They are obviously listening to one another, though, becaus'ethey pick up on what their partner says, . What do you think they could do to interact with each other more? - Ask one another what they think.



r Useful phrases Below are some useful phrases which may be helpfuI for students when doing this task, but students should take care not to overuse them. Sowehaveto... for. . . Thereareseveralpossibilities Let¡stalkabout. . . first,shattwe? Let'sseewhatthegoodpointsare¡shatlwe? needto . . . witt/woutd I thinkthey/we Wbhaveto choose. . . . ." Wehaveto decidewhich


Whatdoyouthinkabout. . . ? It seems to methat.. . It h i n k. . Whatdoyouthink? FromwhatI know.,. Inmyopinion ... AsfarasI'mconcerned ... .. Personally speaking. CoutdI iustaddthat.. . ? lf I mightcomein here. . . Don'tyou think... ? lfveheard... I ' ms u r e . . That'sa goodpoint. I couldn'thaveputit bettermyself. I couldn'tagreemore. I'msureyou'reright. I hadn'tthoughtofthat. Whata goodidea! Exactty! I seewhatyoumean,butdon'tyouthink. . . ? Yes,butisn'tit truethat. . . ? I'msurethafswrong. I don'tthinkI wouldgoalongwiththat. . . Youhavea pointthere,butI think. . . I thinkthatmightbea bitdifficultif . . . I'msonybutI can'tagrec. That'sa goodpointbut. . .


.,-,-ll.,:: t:.1


So,if we summarise,.. So,what shall we decide? So,whatdo you think? I thinkwe agree. So,what sha[[we say? Right,so youthink. . . and I think. . . Canwe agree.. .? Don'twe agree. . .? So, shall we agreeto disagree? ls that how you see it? So if I've understoodconectly,we've decidedon . . . so far.


for: vocabulary the studentswill needto betaughtthe language . Aswettasgeneral r iustifyingopinionsandgMngreasons o turn-taking for ideas . rankingandprioritising . negotiating . makingsuggestions andinitiating discussion . evaluating o selecting . exchanging ideasandopinions in class,eitherin pairs,smallgroupsor as a whole 2. Studentsshouldtakepartin regulardiscussions class.Theyshouldfocuson the phrases theyuseforthe functionsidentifiedin 1). programmes of radiophone-lns asexamples of th€functions 3. UseradioandW discussion andpodcasts identifiedin 1). 4. Classsuggestions Choosea topic or write a staternent on the board.Ask studentsto list five advantages and five Thengetthem to discussthesein disadvantages or five pointsfor and five againstthe statement. groupsandtryto rankthemin importance. 5. Individualsuggestions Encourage studentsto improvetheir knowtedgeof generalissuesby readingEnglish-language programmes newspapers and magazines, watchingEnglishlanguage on W, listeningto the radioor podcasts downloading of anytopicthat interests them.Thiswiltgivethemideasforthingsto say,and hetpthemto formtheirownopinionsaboutthings. Remind students that: o thereis no rightor wronganswerto thistask . examiners for studentsto actually arelisteningto the qualityof language usedandit is not necessary reacha decision ¡ studentsmust have somethingto say - althoughcandidatesare not being assessedon their knowledge of the world,if theydon'tactuatlyexpressanyideasor opinions,it wittbe difficultfor the examiners to givea fairappraisal of theirlanguage ability.

for clarification ifyouareunsureaboutwhatto do, but remember thatyourpartnercanalsohelpyou immediately; don'twastetimethinkingaboutwhatyouaregoingto say. that thetaskis writtenon the paperforyouto referto. - paraphrase Don'tpanicifyoudon'tknowthewordfor something it, or askyourpartneriftheyknowthe word. Sayasmuch¡rsyoucanabouteachvisualin relationto thetaskbeforeyoumoveon to the nextone.Tryto usea varietyof language ifyou can. lfyou haveno opinionaboutoneofthevisuals,askyourpartneror speculate aboutthe picturein relation to thetask. Remember to worktogetherwith yourpartner.Youusedifferenttypesof language whenyou speakby yourselfandwhenyouspeakwith anotherperson,so workingtogetherwithyourpartnerwill allowyouto usea greaterrangeof language. - don'tjust respondto whatyourpartnersays. Tryto takeit in turnsto initiatediscussion Youarenot beingassessedon whatyousay,but the wayyousayit. Thisis a languageexam,not a test of generalknowledge.



test CAESpeaking Teacher's Notes

This worksheet is based on Part 4 of the CAESpeaking test.

r llask One 1. Direct the students to the five questions on the worksheet. Ask them to work with a partner and discuss each question in turn. . Some people say that computers are helping to create a generation without social skills. What's your opinion? ¡ What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping by cornputer? . How far do you agree that the computer is the greatest invention of modem times? o A lot of personal information about all of us is now kept on cornputers. Do you find this worrying? . In future, what role do you think there will be for people who are not interested in technology? This will depend on how students deal wiü the questions. Encouragethem to extend their answers as much as possible.


2. Play Part 4 on the DVD and ask students to compare their answers with Marie's and Chloe's.

l:l I



r Tbsk T\¡ro

lffil lGl

I vrpEo


Play Part 4 again and ask the students to answer the questions on the worksheet. Invite general comments about Marie's and Chloe's performance. Answers 1. Does the interlocutor ask each candidate the same questions? - Not exactly. She doesn't repeat the question but asks the secondcandidate e.g.'Do you agree?'and'How about you?'. 2. Does the interlocutor ask candidates to answer questions individually, o¡ discuss them together? - Both. She addressesüe first two questions to the candidates individually, but asks the other candidate to add something. She addressesQuestion 3 to bsth candidates. 3. Do the candidates only speak when asked by the interlocutor? - No. They contribute ideas when they want to, and agree and disagree wiü each other. 4. How does üe interlocutor encourage discussion between the candidates? - By using hand gestures. 5. How do candidates extend their answers?- By giving reasons and details about their ideas. 6. How does the interlocutor finish the test? -'Thank vou. That's the end of the test.'


Tbsk Three

L . What is the difference between the direct questions candidates arb asked in Part 1 and those in Part4? Ask the students to complete üe sentences on üeir worksheet wiü the information from the box. personal information

both candidates

an indiüdual candidate


Answers a) Part 1 questions ask for personal infornratión but Part 4 questions ask for opinions. b) Part 1 questions are addressed to an individual candidate but Part 4 questions can be addressed to both candidates.


2 . Ask the students to decide, using the information above,which of the questions in the box are from Part 1 and which are from Part 4.

Ansu;ers Quesflor¡s



Somepeoplesaythe problemwith the worldtodayis that peopleontycareaboutthemselves. What'syouropinion?


Whatdo you enjoylearning?


Why? or nationaloEanisations? Doyouthinkit's betterto g¡vemoneyto localorganisations

Patt 4




Whatkindsof problemscanhavinga lot of moneysometimescause?



Whatkindsof holidayappealto you most?


Doyouthinkyouwouldliketo workin thetravelindustry?


doyouthinkmoneyisfora happytife? Howimportant


you'veeverhad? experience What'sthemostexciting


Whatcanwe all do as individualsto protectthe environment?


3. Tell students to think about the kind oflanguage they need to use for questions in each part. They have to decide which phrases in the box below would be most useful for Part 1, and which for Part 4. Answers

Language futurt 1


I'd tike.. . That'sdefinitelysomethingI'd liketo do . . . Ithastobe... Thafs somethingI'vealwayswantedto do.

In my opinion. . . WhatI think aboutthat is . . . I'd neverthoughtaboutthat before,but . I'd haveto agreewith that idea . . .

r Usefulphrases Below are some useful phrases which may be helpful for students when doing this part of the test, but students should take care not to overuse them. I'm not sure. . . Probably.. . Perhaps.. . o4inron, a tentative Offering M a y b e. . It'sverydifficult. . ., but I think. . . It's not somethingI feelverystronglyabout,but. .

.. I'dliketo addsomething. There's elseI'dliketo say.. something I couldn'thaveputit bettermyself.

GfferinAa strotO opnion .:li-

.: i

Actuatly, I feetquitestrongly that. . l'mquitécertain that.. . I knowfora fuctthat. . . don'tthinkit is rightthat. . . I reatly CoutdI just add that. . . ? Exactty!




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of to extendthe discussion part4 is a continuatión witl be askedquestions of Part3, andcandidates prepared to: be should Part Candidates in 3. discussed they thetopic r givetheiropinionon questions put bytheinterlocutor . extendtheirresponses andfurtherdetails bygivingreasons theirideas . agreeor disagree andjustifi¡ing withtheirpartner,givingreasons . addto or extendtheirpartner'sresponse appropriately . aska questionto confinnor seekinformation o interactwiththeirpartnerandnotdominate the conversation. givetheirstudentsasmuchpractice parts3 and4 bothinvolvediscussion. lt is importantthatteachers as possible.Theyshouldtell theirstudentsnot to be afraidof giving in takingpart in a díscussion andpolitety''' butremindthemthattheyshoutddo thissensitively or disagreeing, interrupting opinions, studentsto developtheirownopinionsby bringingin articlesofinterestfromthe newsand Encourage aboutit' gettingotherstudentsto askthemquestions topicsareexamples: in class.Thefottowing As manytopicsas possibleshoutdbe covered r iobsandwork r education andstudies o issuesaroundthe environment o holidaysandleisure r climateandweather . pastandpresent . transportandtravel

whereappropriate. to whatyourpartnersays,andofferadditionalideasor information if discussion your partner makes an interesting it thatyou don'talwayshaveto agreewith havea differentopinion.

but mayalsoaskyouto to you individually, mayaddresssomequestions be awarethatthe interlocutor your to express discussa questionwith yourpartner.In this case,turnto yourpartnerand be prepared ownopinionandaskthemwhattheythink.



CAESpeaking test Teacher's Notes


How we assess speaking for GAE Candidatesare assessedon their own individual performance and not in relation to each other, according to the following five analytical criteria: grammatical resource,vocabulary resource,discoursemanagement,pronunciation and interactive communication. These criteria are interpreted at CAElevel.Assessmentis based on performance in the whole test, and is not related to performance in particular parts of the test. Both examiners assessthe candidates.Theassessorapplies detailed analytical scales,and the interlocutor applies a global achievementscale,which is based on the analytical scale.

r Analytical scales Grammatical resource This refers to the accurate and appropriate use of a range of both simple and complex forms. Performance is viewed in terms of the overall effectiveness of the language used in spoken interaction. Vocabulary resource This refers to the candidate's ability to use a range of vocabulary to meet task requirements. At CAElevel, the tasks require candidates to speculate and exchange views on unfamiliar topics. Performance is viewed in terms of the overall effectiveness of the language used in spoken interaction.

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Discoursemanagement This refers to the candidate's ability to link utterances together to form coherent speech, without undue hesitation.The utterances should be relevant to the tasks, and should be arranged logically to develop the themes or arguments required by the tasks. Pronunciation This refers to the candidate's ability to produce comprehensible utterances to fulfil the task requirements.This includes stress and intonation as well as individual sounds.Examinersput themselvesin the position of a non-ESOLspecialistand assessthe overall impact of the pronunciation and the degree ofeffort required to understand the candidate. Inter activ e communication This refers to the candidate's ability to take an active part in the development of the discourse. This requires an ability to participate in the range of interactive situations in the test and to develop discussions on a range of topics by initiating and responding appropriately. This also refers to the deployment of strategies to maintain interaction at an appropriate level throughout the test so that the tasks can be fulfilled.

r Global achievement scale This refers to the candidate's overall performance in dealing with the tasks in the four separateparts of the CAESpeakingtest.The global mark is an independent impression mark which reflects the assessment of the candidate's performance from the interlocutor's perspective.



r GAEtypical minimum adequate per#orrnance The candidate develops the interaction rvith contributions which are mostly coherent and extended when dealing with the CAE.leveltasks. Grammar is rnostly accurate and vocabulary appropriate. Utterances are understood with very little strain on the listener. Pleasenote: Candidates cannot pass or fail any individual paper. The candidate's grade for the examination is based on their total score from all five papers.

r Assessment task Answers Usea nngeof structures. Trynotto makebasicmistakes. Tryto useinteresting wordgnotjustthesameonesallthetime. Tryto be precisein thewordsyouuse. yourideastogetherclearly. Tryto eonnect Trytodevelopyourideaslogicalty andfluently. Dontworrytoo muchifyouhavean accent,buttryto useconectwordstressand intonation.

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Th¡nkaboutyouf listener- how canyou hetpthemto unclerstand whatyou arc saying?

Participate in atlpartsofthetestactively. Rememberto askquestions aswellasrespond.



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