Speaking Skills
Short Description
The words of English Language are classified as Parts of Speech and Speech and are named according to their functions. This means that ever word! depending on its use! falls into one of the following categories.
Interjection Noun
Adjective Conjunction
THE NOUN: a noun is a name of a person, anima, pace or t!in"# E$ampe:
THE VE%&: a verb ma' be said to be a (doin" )ord* or an action )ord# E$ampe:
pass! is
THE A+ECTIVE: an adjective describes a noun# E$ampe:
THE A+VE%&: an adverb "enera' modifies a verb# E$ampe:
THE P%ONOUN: a pronoun is a )ord t!at ta-es t!e pace of a noun# E$ampe:
THE P%EPO.ITION: a preposition s!o)s t!e reation bet)een one t!in" and anot!er# E$ampe:
THE CONUNCTION: a conjunction is a )ord used to join )ords and causes# E$ampe:
THE E/C0A1ATION2INTE%ECTION: an e$camation or interjection e$presses sudden emotion# E$ampe:
Good luc' A(wana)
PA"TS #$ SPEE%& * N#+NS A Noun is a name of an't!in"# It is t!e name of a t!in", a person, an anima, a bird, pace, idea, subject, feein", etc# To find a Noun in a sentence, )e as- t!e 3uestion, 4!at5 Or 4!o5 &efore or after t!e Verb in t!e sentence# E$ampes: %ats eat fish 4!at eat fis!5 6%ats 7 Noun8 Cats eat )!at5 6$ish 7 Noun8 Ahmad sa) a mouse# 4!o sa) a mouse5 6Ahmad 7 Noun8 A!mad sa) )!at5 6a mouse 7 Noun8 Ot!er e$ampes of nouns are9 penci, ti"er, sparro), 0ondon, freedom, !ospita, "oodness, Peter, etc
KIN,S #$ N#+NS T!ere are four 68 -inds of Nouns, name':
;%ommon Nouns ;Proper Nouns ;A-stract Nouns ;%ollective Nouns
; A common noun is a name "iven in common to ever' person or t!in" of t!e same cass or -ind# E$ampes: river, )oman, ban-, countr', ocean, sc!oo, s!op, to)n, etc ; A proper noun is t!e specia name of a particuar person, pace, etc# A proper noun a)a's be"ins )it! Capita 0etter# E$ampes: 1aa'sia, A!mad, .erdan", E+U 1a etc# ; An a-stract noun is t!e name of somet!in" t!at )e can on' t!in- of or fee but cannot see# E$ampes: an"er, t!irst, freedom, peasure, !un"er, stren"t!, )isdom, etc ; A collective noun is t!e name of a number of persons or t!in"s ta-en or t!ou"!t of as one# E$ampes: a "roup of nurses, a "an" of robbers, a bunc! of -e's, a team of doctors, a ist of patients, a set of toos, etc
N+/E" #$ N#+NS ;Countabe Nouns ;Uncountabe Nouns %ounta-le Nouns are nouns t!at can be counted# 4e usua' use t!e e$pression be is not ao)ed to ta-e an' medications 6unless! since8 it ma' affect t!e bab'# J# ou )i -no) )!et!er 'ou are pre"nant 6-ut! unless8 'ou ta-e a pre"nanc' test# L# T!e bab' cried a ni"!t 6although! -ecause8 !e )as i# M# ou must compete 'our assi"nment 6either! neither 8 b' toda' 6nor! or 8 tomorro) t!e atest# # 1an' patients disi-e +r# urina 6-ecause! so8 s!e is !au"!t' 6and! -ut8 rude# ?D# .!e searc!ed t!rou"! a t!e papers in t!e dra)er 6-ut! and8 t!e report )as not t!ere#
E$ercise ?# .onia cried )!en s!e )as dia"nosed cancer# 6-! with! into8 @# T!e ambuance )as travein" fu speed to rus! t!e burns victim to t!e !ospita# 6at! on! within8 # T!e sur"eon is "oin" to operate 1r# %aven# 6at! on! a-ove8 # I norma' !ave brea-fast bed )!en I=m sic-# 6in! on! up8 # T!e patient re3uested some privac'# 6on! for! with8 J# T!ere is some bood !is stoo# 6on! in! within8 L# Can 'ou pease ro 'our seeves5 6on! up! in8 M# Ho) far is t!e medica )ard !ere5 6into! from! -etween8 # Have 'ou recovered 'our fu5 6from! of! with8 ?D#Pease ta-e "ood care 'our !eat!# 6a-out! of! for 8
ver-# Her teacher graded t!e test#
noun# ,ogs and cats sometimes are friends#
ver-# .!e read t!e )!oe -oo'#
noun# 4e went to t!e -each#
ver-# .!e read t!e )!oe -oo'#
noun# P!i rode !is -i'e to t!e par-#
ver-# ,olphins swim )it! ease#
noun# Pease as' 'our father #
ver-# 1' cat just had a itter of -ittens#
ver-# .!e wrote a letter to !er "randmot!er#
ver-# T!e soccer pa'er 'ic'ed t!e ba into t!e goal#
ver-# &is favorite internet "ame is 1at! /ase-all#
adver-# T!e fis! 3uic'l swam a)a' from t!e fis!ermanQs nets#
noun# 1ies 3uic'l clim-ed to t!e ver' top of t!e tree to rescue t!e 'itten# preposition# 1' cousin paints -eautiful pictures with )atercoors#
preposition# T!e fis! 3uic'l swam a)a' from t!e fis!ermanQs nets#
noun# &e suddenl 2umped off t!e couch and !it !is !ead on t!e hard )a# ver-# Peter studied !ard and received a perfect score#
adver-# .!e happil announced t!e ca'e )as for me# noun# 1' favorite food is pepperoni pi((a#
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