Speak out intermediate

April 9, 2017 | Author: Edita Niauriene | Category: N/A
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GRAMMAR/FUNCTION VOCABULARY  welcome page 7 Video podcast | Wat’s your name? present simple: be greetings; nc t mt yu



s tre ss ed sy l ab les

re ad a ge ne ra l k now le dg e quiz about world facts

stressed syllables

read an article about travelling ligt




UNIT 1 1.1

countries and nationalities objects

page 8 1.2


Trav ght page 10

this/that , these/those; possessives

Ca i hav a cff?

making requests

/ðs/, /ðt/, /ðiz/and tourist places

page 12 1.4

Fawty Twrs

/ðəυz/ sentence stress and polite intonation

read touris t lea flets

otel services; prases for booking in at a otel

page 14

lIfesTyle page 17 Video podcast | Wat’s your daily routine? present simple: I/you/we/they  activities strong and weak forms of    J us!

listen to sort conversations sowing different ways to introduce people

introduce people; do a quiz

improve your use of capital letters

identify objects

lis ten to conversa tions in va rious touris t pla ces ; learn to listen for key words; listen to prices and numbers Fawlty Towers: watc an extract from a sitcom about a otel

give information for numbers, prices, etc; make simple requests

listen to a conversation between two friends coosing te rigt online group for tem

talk about activities; talk about a group/team

listen to people describing teir jobs; listen and identify a variety of jobs

talk about routines; describe oter people’s routines

learn to get a speaker to slow down and grade teir   language

learn to sow you don’t understand; ask questions at a tourist information centre

a rr iv al a nd c e ck i n a t a  ot el

c om pl ete a  ote l re gi st ra ti on f or m; write an email to book a otel room

UNIT 2 2.1

do you

page 18 2.2

Hgh fyrs

present simple: he/she/it 

daily routines; jobs

Present simple verb endings:

te time

/s/, /z/and /z/ polite intonation

page 20 2.3

What tm ds t start?

asking for information

read an article about social online groups

learn ow to use linkers: and , but and or 

page 22 2.4

Chat Gr

ouseold routines; prases to describe life at ome

page 24

people  Just gd frds

UNIT 3 3.1

page 28 3.2

Bg happy fams

frequency adverbs: sometimes, usually , always, often, hardly ever and never ; modifiers quite, not very , really and very  have/has got 


stressed syllables

read a quiz about wat type of friend you are

family poto

contracted forms of  have/has got 

read an article about unusual families

Ar yu fr tght?

making arrangements

time expressions

positive and negative intonation

page 32 3.4

A Cbrat i Crt

page 34 UNIT 4 places 4.1

Sma spac, bg sty

page 37

Video podcast |


Ca i hp yu?

rooms/furniture; prepositions (1)

/ðeəzə/ and / ðeərə/

places in towns; prepositions (2)

strong and weak forms of  can read an article about a and can’t  special kind of village

talk about life at ome: likes and dis lik es

writ e an internet posting to a penpal describ ing yourself 


tings to buy; sops

polite intonation

Favurt Pacs

prases to describe places

talk about your family

food page 47 Video podcast | Wat’s your favourite dis? countable and uncountable nouns; f oo d/ dr in k MyFrdg.cm

improve your use of apostrope ’ s ; write about your family

m ake ar ra ng eme nts to mee t f ri en ds

Francesco’s Mediterranean Voyage: watc an extract from a documentary about a special occasion

talk about a special occasion

write an invitation

describe your ome

improve your use of commas; write an email about your ome

talk about tings you can do in towns; describe a favourite place in your town/city ave a conversation in a sop

learn to say no politely in a sop; listen to various sopping conversations read a web posting about a favourite place

page 44

d es cr ibe pe rs on al ity ; do a quiz and find out wat kind of friend you are

listen to a conversation between two people talking about a special flat

page 42 4.4

l is te n t o p eo pl e de sc ri bi ng t ei r f ri en ds

l ea rn to s ow in ter es t w en yo u l is te n read an invitation

can for possibility

page 40 4.3

special occasion activities; prases to describe special occasions Were do you live?

there is/are

page 38

A egsh vag

Holiday: Fasten Your Seatbelt: watc an extract from a reality programme about a difficult job

Video podcast | Wat do you like doing wit friends/family?

page 27

page 30 3.3

read a web posting about pen pals

50 Places To See Before You Die: watc an extract from a documentary about some amazing places

d es cr ib e y ou r f av ou ri te pl ac e o f al l

w ri te a bl og a bo ut yo ur f av ou ri te pl ac e

UNIT 5 5.1

page 48 5.2

41 cws page 50


Ar yu rady t rdr?

nouns wit a/an, some, any  how much/many ; quantifiers


ordering in a restaurant

restaurant words

lis ten to peopl etal ka bou tf ood

ta lk a bo ut yo ur ea ti ng a nd dr in ki ng  ab its

read an article about ow muc an average person gets troug in a lifetime fast speec: linking

l ea rn to u se p ar ag ra p s a nd w ri te a s or t report

talk about diets and lifestyle

understand fast speec; listen to a man ordering in a fast food restaurant

order a meal in a restaurant

page 52 5.4

A Chf i Ga

ingredients; prases for writing a recipe

page 54

The pasT page 57 was/were Favurt thgs

UNIT 6 6.1

Tm tws

past simple

d at es a nd ti me p ra s es

s tr on g a nd we ak fo rm s o f   was and were

common verbs (1)

past simple regular verbs wit

weekend activities

/t/, /d/and /d/ learn to sow interest

page 60 6.3

Hw was yur wkd?

Rick Stein’s Seafood Odyssey: watc an extract from a cookery programme about a famous cef 

describe a special dis

write a recipe

Video podcast | Did you go out last nigt?

page 58 6.2

read a recipe

making conversation

listen to peple describ ing famous people’s favourite tings

talk about people’s favourite tin gs; describe your favourite cildood tings ta lk about your life/past events

read an article about ‘time twins’ learn to keep a conversation going; listen to someone describing teir weekend

link sentences wit because and so and write your life story

describe a perfect/terrible weekend

page 62 6.4

prases for interviewing

Cars Acsta

read an essay about a special person

page 64



PhOTO BANK page 152

The Culture Show: watc an extract from a documentary about a famous dancer 


interview a special pers on

write a prof ile essa y about a s pecial person





GRAMMAR/FUNCTION VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION holIdays page 67 Video podcast | how was your last oliday? comparatives travel stressed syllables Trav partrs





UNIT 7 7.1

listen to people discuss ow tey like to travel

talk about ow you like to travel; compare places and olidays p la n a nd ta lk ab ou t a lo ng jo ur ne y

page 68 7.2

Th gst bus rd


places (1)

strong and weak forms of t he

giving directions

places (2)

sentence stress for correcting

page 70 7.3

Ca yu t m th way?

read an article about a long journey understand directions; learn to ceck and correct directions

l ea rn to c ec k a nd co rr ec t i nf or ma ti on ; write about a oliday

give directions in te street

page 72 7.4

Bus Ars

prases to describe a town/city

read a travel article

page 74

Now page 77 Video podcast | Wat was te last film you saw? present continuous verbs + prepositions i th pctur

Holiday 10 Best: watc an extract from a travel sow about Buenos Aires

de sc ri be a tow n/ ci ty yo u k no w

w ri te a s or t a rti cl e a bo ut a to wn /c ity

UNIT 8 8.1

page 78 8.2

lkg gd page 80


What d yu rcmmd?

present simple and present continuous



types of film

weak forms of prepositions and articles

read blogs about wat people are doing now

talk about taking potos; talk about wat people are doing discuss wat you know about various film stars; describe people’s appearance ask and answer a questionnaire about films; ask for and give recommendations

listen to a radio programme about ideas of beauty word linking

learn to link words to speak faster

write a blog entry about wat you are doing

page 82 8.4

Fstva Hghghts

festival activities; pases to describe an event

page 84

TraNsporT page 87 articles:a/an, the, n o a rt ic le Trav  sty

UNIT 9 9.1

t ra ns po rt c ol lo ca ti on s

s tr on g a nd w ea k f or ms o f   a and the

can/can’t , have to/don’t have to

adjectives (1)



strong and weak forms of   read an article about can, can’t , have to and don’t  Paris Citybikes have to intonation to sow being appy or unappy

page 88 9.2

Ctybks page 90


Srry i’m at! page 92



prases to describe and complain about problems

page 94

The fUTUre page 97 be going to; lf’s a ttry page 98




going to and would 

would like to will, might , won’t 

read a news story about a lottery win

prases wit get 

contracted form of  will

read an extract from a survival instruction book 

lt’s d smthg

making suggestions

adjectives (2)

stressed syllables

read an article about tings to do wit friends

page 102 10.4

Wd Wathr

prases to describe weater 

page 104

healTh page 107 should/shouldn’t  My had hurts

UNIT 11 11.1

t e b od y;  ea lt 

c on so na nt c lu st er s

nvr ft bttr Hp!

c om mo n v er bs ( 2)

read a quiz a bout o wf it you are

offering to elp


read an article about a social experiment

page 112 11.4

Th optca

prases to describe a problem and to give advice

page 114

experIeNces page 117 present perfect Ufrgttab

UNIT 12 12.1

r ea d a n a rt ic le a bo ut c ol d cures around te world

a dv er bs of m an ner

page 110 11.3

talk about types of transport talk about ways to travel around towns/cities

listen to a man talk about is proble ms getting to work

apologise for being late; tell a long story de al wi t pr obl ems w en fl yi ng

Airport: watc an extract from a documentary about a day at heatrow airport l is te n to a r ad io i nt er v ie w wi t l ot te ry w in ne rs

Afrad f thg

m ak e p re di ct io ns a bo ut s it ua ti on s learn to respond to suggestions; listen to people discussing wic activities tey want to do Wild Weather: watc an extract from a documentary about te wettest place in Europe

make some suggestions and invite your f riends to  join you

listen to a radio programme about cold s andflu

talk about wat to do wen you don’t feel well and give advice; discuss cures for te common cold

talk about weater and ow it makes you feel

listen to different scenarios of people needing elp and tanking someone The Two Ronnies: watc an extract from a sitcom about an unusual sopping experience

H, i’v gt a prbm

outdoor activities

present perfect and past simple

prepositions (3)


teleponing expressions

Shark Thrapy page 124


write a message board notice about your  country

do a quiz about your fitness; talk about ealty weekends give advice and offer elp; tank someone

learn to use adverbs in stories and ow to make stories more interesting

ask for elp in a pa rmacy

write some advice for a ealt mes sage board

listen to people talking about teir experiences

talk about unusual experiences

listen to different scenarios on te pone

describe movement from one place to anoter; talk about past experiences describe difficult situations/problems; say telepone numbers; pone someone about a problem

read an article about a dangerous job sentence stress

page 122 12.4

i mp ro ve y ou r u se o f l in ke rs : too, also and as well and write a sort story

Video podcast | Wat’s te most exciting ting you’ve done?

page 120 12.3

learn to use linkers and write a story w ri te an ema il abo ut an ex pe ri en ce at an airport/on a plane

t al k ab ou t yo ur f u tu re p la n s/ wi s es

page 118 12.2

write a review of an event

Video podcast | Do you ave a ealty lifestyle?

page 108 11.2

describe an event

listen to a guide giving a tour around a transport museum

read an email

page 100 10.3

Inside Out: watc an extract from a documentary about an Englis music festival

Video podcast | Wat are your plans for te f uture?

UNIT 10 10.1

read a festival review

Video podcast | how do you get to work?

prases to describe an experience


Shark Therapy: watc an extract from a documentary about sarks

PhOTO BANK page 152


describe an exciting/frigtening experience


learn to use postcard prases and write a postcard

write a story about an exciting/frigtening experience




GRAMMAR/FUNCTION VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION holIdays page 67 Video podcast | how was your last oliday? comparatives travel stressed syllables Trav partrs





UNIT 7 7.1

listen to people discuss ow tey like to travel

talk about ow you like to travel; compare places and olidays p la n a nd ta lk ab ou t a lo ng jo ur ne y

page 68 7.2

Th gst bus rd


places (1)

strong and weak forms of t he

giving directions

places (2)

sentence stress for correcting

page 70 7.3

Ca yu t m th way?

read an article about a long journey understand directions; learn to ceck and correct directions

l ea rn to c ec k a nd co rr ec t i nf or ma ti on ; write about a oliday

give directions in te street

page 72 7.4

Bus Ars

prases to describe a town/city

read a travel article

page 74

Now page 77 present continuous i th pctur

UNIT 8 8.1

verbs + prepositions

page 78 8.2

lkg gd page 80


What d yu rcmmd?

Holiday 10 Best: watc an extract from a travel sow about Buenos Aires

de sc ri be a tow n/ ci ty yo u k no w

w ri te a s or t a rti cl e a bo ut a to wn /c ity

Video podcast | Wat was te last film you saw?

present simple and present continuous



types of film

weak forms of prepositions and articles

read blogs about wat people are doing now

talk about taking potos; talk about wat people are doing discuss wat you know about various film stars; describe people’s appearance ask and answer a questionnaire about films; ask for and give recommendations

listen to a radio programme about ideas of beauty word linking

learn to link words to speak faster

write a blog entry about wat you are doing

page 82 8.4

Fstva Hghghts

festival activities; pases to describe an event

page 84

read a festival review

TraNsporT page 87 Video podcast | how do you get to work? articles:a/an, the, n o a rt ic le t ra ns po rt c ol lo ca ti on s s tr on g a nd w ea k f or ms o f   a Trav  sty

Inside Out: watc an extract from a documentary about an Englis music festival

describe an event

write a review of an event

UNIT 9 9.1 9.2


can/can’t , have to/don’t have to

adjectives (1)



page 90 9.3

Srry i’m at! page 92




The fUTUre page 97 be going to; lf’s a ttry Survv!

read an email


going to and would 

would like to will, might , won’t 

read a news story about a lottery win

prases wit get 

contracted form of  will

read an extract from a survival instruction book 

making suggestions

adjectives (2)

stressed syllables

read an article about tings to do wit friends

page 100 10.3

lt’s d smthg page 102


Wd Wathr

prases to describe weater 

page 104

healTh page 107 should/shouldn’t  My had hurts

UNIT 11 11.1

nvr ft bttr

t e b od y;  ea lt 

c on so na nt c lu st er s


c om mo n v er bs ( 2)

read a quiz a bout o wf it you are

offering to elp


read an article about a social experiment

page 112 11.4

Th optca

prases to describe a problem and to give advice

page 114

experIeNces page 117 present perfect Ufrgttab

UNIT 12 12.1

r ea d a n a rt ic le a bo ut c ol d cures around te world

a dv er bs of m an ner

page 110 11.3

talk about ways to travel around towns/cities

listen to a man talk about is proble ms getting to work

apologise for being late; tell a long story de al wi t pr obl ems w en fl yi ng

Airport: watc an extract from a documentary about a day at heatrow airport l is te n to a r ad io i nt er v ie w wi t l ot te ry w in ne rs

m ak e p re di ct io ns a bo ut s it ua ti on s learn to respond to suggestions; listen to people discussing wic activities tey want to do Wild Weather: watc an extract from a documentary about te wettest place in Europe

make some suggestions and invite your f riends to  join you

listen to a radio programme about cold s andflu

talk about wat to do wen you don’t feel well and give advice; discuss cures for te common cold

talk about weater and ow it makes you feel

Afrad f thg H, i’v gt a prbm

listen to different scenarios of people needing elp and tanking someone The Two Ronnies: watc an extract from a sitcom about an unusual sopping experience

outdoor activities

present perfect and past simple

prepositions (3)


teleponing expressions

Shark Thrapy page 124


write a message board notice about your  country

do a quiz about your fitness; talk about ealty weekends give advice and offer elp; tank someone

learn to use adverbs in stories and ow to make stories more interesting

ask for elp in a pa rmacy

write some advice for a ealt mes sage board

listen to people talking about teir experiences

talk about unusual experiences

listen to different scenarios on te pone

describe movement from one place to anoter; talk about past experiences describe difficult situations/problems; say telepone numbers; pone someone about a problem

read an article about a dangerous job sentence stress

page 122 12.4

i mp ro ve y ou r u se o f l in ke rs : too, also and as well and write a sort story

Video podcast | Wat’s te most exciting ting you’ve done?

page 120 12.3

w ri te an ema il abo ut an ex pe ri en ce at an airport/on a plane

t al k ab ou t yo ur f u tu re p la n s/ wi s es

page 118 12.2

learn to use linkers and write a story

Video podcast | Do you ave a ealty lifestyle?

page 108 11.2

talk about types of transport

Video podcast | Wat are your plans for te f uture?


page 98

strong and weak forms of   read an article about can, can’t , have to and don’t  Paris Citybikes have to intonation to sow being appy or unappy

prases to describe and complain about problems

page 94 10.1

listen to a guide giving a tour around a transport museum

and the

page 88

prases to describe an experience


Shark Therapy: watc an extract from a documentary about sarks

PhOTO BANK page 152


describe an exciting/frigtening experience


learn to use postcard prases and write a postcard

write a story about an exciting/frigtening experience

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