SpaGoBI and MAPS

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SPAGOBI & GIS Location Analytics with SpagoBI

Community Edition Stephen Ogutu


To all the fathers. I salute you.

SpagoBI & GIS. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen Ogutu. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address: Stephen Ogutu, P.O.Box 8031-00200 Nairobi Kenya.

Trademarks: All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The author is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be createdor extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

First Edition: May 2015

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................1 QGIS ...............................................................................................................5 GEOSERVER ................................................................................................11 SPAGOBI ......................................................................................................18 THE ATTRIBUTE TABLE.............................................................................26 TEMPLATE .................................................................................................41 CROSS NAVIGATION...................................................................................47


The Author. Stephen Ogutu is a technologist and educator from Kenya. He has worked with various companies including Essar Telecom, IST, ICDC, Airtel then Zain , Neptune software PLC and others in different capacities.He currently lives in Nairobi Kenya and consults on





Intelligence and database related technologies. He can be reached on [email protected]



Kung Fu means supreme skill from hard work. Preparation, endless repetition, until your mind is weary, and your bones ache, until you're too tired to sweat, too wasted to breathe. That is the way, the only way one acquires kung fu.

Hundred Eyes


- Marco Polo (2014) Season 1

n this book, we will learn how to integrate SpagoBI business intelligence software and a geographic information system (GIS).

Business Intelligence systems are used to provide useful information from the millions of transactions done by businesses daily while GIS systems are used to analyze all types of geographical data. The marriage of these two systems provides a powerful platform that provides a visual analysis of the data that can be appreciated by even non technical users. This is not a book on GIS but rather a book on integration of GIS and Business Intelligence. However, the reader do not need to have any background training on GIS or SpagoBI because we will be introducing these concepts gradually and even readers new to these technologies will be able to pick up. Introduction to GIS So what is GIS? We can say that it is any system that stores and analyses geographical data. Several software do exist in the market that fills this role. Such software include both desktop and browser based variants such as Bing Maps,

ArcServer, Google Earth, Arcmap and QGIS. We will be using the free QGIS for this tutorial. When dealing with GIS, we normally store two types of data: 1. Attribute data – This is textual data that describes features in the map for example population information about countries. It basically says what a feature is. 2. Spatial data – This describes where the feature is to be found and is made up of coordinates and other information about map features. Further, spatial data can either be vector based or raster based. Vector based data uses paths to render the image while raster uses pixels. In this book, we will see how to represent several features in a map as vector consisting of points, lines, and areas. We will also use raster data. Do not worry about this versbose description, it will become clearer once we begin the practical exercise.

Scenario one The SpagoBI training website has several students from different countries all over the world. The owner wants to map the students in a map of the world so that he can easily see which countries has the most users to his website. This will allow him to customize the courses to better suit his audience. How can we use SpagoBI to achieve this?

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Diagram 1

Diagram 1 shows a sample location intelligence document that meets this need. We will create a document similar to this in SpagoBI. If you look at diagram one keenly, you will notice several things: 1. Colored cycles are used to represent countries that has students in The size of the cycle denotes the number of students. A bigger cycle will represent more students in a country as opposed to a smaller cyle. Later on in the course, we will also see how to use thematic points with different colour coding to denote this.


2. The map has attribute data that gives more information about a country if a cycle is clicked. For example, when we click on the cyce on Kenya, it tells us that the ISO code for Kenya is KE, it gives us the population, longitude and latitude e.t.c. We will learn how to add our own attribute data, how to modify existing attribute data and how to reat attribute data from a relational database to make it dynamic. 3. Lastly, we note that this map came from existing sources like google map or any other source with up todate maps. We will use maps from but you can follow along with maps from your own sources.

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To help us provide a solution to what have been described in scenario one, get started with SpagoBI and GIS, we will first need to download and setup a GIS software that we will need to manipulate and view the maps that we will then be analysed together with additional data, by SpagoBI. So what is QGIS? Wikipedia gives a very good summary of what this software is. Here is what they say about it. QGIS (previously known as "Quantum GIS") is a cross-platform free and open-source desktop geographic information system (GIS) application that provides data viewing, editing, and analysis capabilities

Similar to other software GIS systems QGIS allows users to create maps with many layers using different map projections. Maps can be assembled in different formats and for different uses. QGIS allows maps to be composed of raster or vector layers. Typical for this kind of software the vector data is stored as either point, line, or polygon-feature. Different kinds of raster images are supported and the software can perform georeferencing of images. ( Now if you check our requirements for scenario one above, you see that the first thing we need is a world map. It is in the countries in this map that we will put cycles to denote a country where a student resides, the bigger the cycle, the more


studennts we have in that country. Since we are not in the business of creating maps, we will need to download the world map from somewhere. Again as we do not want to pay for this map, we can get one from a reputed public source. Then once we have the map, we can use QGIS to modify its attributes. Follow these steps. 1. Download QGIS Desktop 2.8.2 from 2. Install the QGIS software in your machine. It will come with several other software that we will not be using e.g GRASS GIS 6.4.3, MSYS and QGIS Browser 2.8.2 and SAGA GIS (2.1.2). We are only interested in QGIS Desktop 2.8.2. 3. From your desktop or start menu, click on QGIS Desktop 2.8.2. icon. It has the icon similar to the one below.

4. This will open the QGIS desktop.

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5. Now what we need is a map that we can manipulate in the QGIS software. Since in SpagoBI we need to show location of all students that have enrolled at from all over the world, we will need to download a world map. You can get one from here

The file comes in a format called a shape file which is a data format for GIS systems. The zip file when extracted will contain several files: a. A file with the extension .shp which has the geometry data. b. A file with the extension .shx which is the index for the .shp file. This allows you to go backwards and forward on the .shp file faster,


much like indexes do in a book or a relational database. c. A file with the extension .dbf which stores attributes for each shape. This file is in the dBase format. d. A file with the extension .prj which has the coordinate system and projection information in the Well-known text (WKT) format. 6. Extract the map to the location E:\BI\TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3. You will notice that the map comes as several files as discussed above. a. TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.dbf b. TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.prj c. TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp d. TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shx 7. Now in QGIS, go to Layer Menu. Select Add Layer and click on Add Vector Layer as shown below.

8. Browse and select the TM_WORLD_BORDERS0.3.shp file then click on open.

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9. It will load the map. Now let us look at the attributes of this map. Under Layers, right click on TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3 and select “Open Attribute Table”




This will allow you to view the attributes of the shapes. Do you remember, from our discussion in step 5, in which file these attributes are stored?

In future, we will be using QGIS to change some of these attributes, modify column names, delete attributes, change color of maps, make them transparent e.t.c but for now, that will suffice for the introduction to QGIS.

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Once we have modified the attributes of the map we had downloaded in QGIS, we will need a way of publishing or distributing it to SpagoBI. We do this using another software called GeoServer. This server allows you to share your map with a large audience who will just need a URL to be able to access it. So now let us go to and download the latest version of GeoServer in my case version 2.7.1. Extract the file to the location C:\BI\geoserver-2.7.0bin\geoserver-2.7.0 or any free location in your computer. Geoserver by default uses the port 8080 so you might want to change it to something else since SpagoBi also uses this as the default port. So open the file C:\BI\geoserver-2.7.0bin\geoserver-2.7.0\etc\jetty.xml and change the port to 8090

Then use the batch file on C:\BI\geoserver-2.7.0bin\geoserver-2.7.0\bin\startup.bat to startup the Geoserver.



Open a web browser and navigate to the URL http://localhost:8090/geoserver/web which is the Geoserver URL. Login with username admin and password geoserver. The first thing we need to create is a workspace. A workspace is used to organize the items you will be creating in Geoserver. So to create a workspace, click on Workspaces (Arrow 1) then select Add new workspace (arrow 2)

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For name, enter learnspagobi and for the URI use and make it the default workspace then click on submit.



Next, we need to create a store. The store will be used to connect to a source of data which can either be vector or raster. In our case, we will create a store which will connect to the shapefile which we modified using QGIS previously. Remember, you can also have the data store come from a database for dynamic maps which we will look at later. Click on stores (arrow 1)and select add new store (arrow 2).

Select the first option, which is “Directory of spatial files (shapefiles)”

For workspace, use the workspace we created previously. For Data Source Name , use WORLDMAP. Put any description For support and projects [email protected] WEB:

you like. Then under Connection Parameters, browse for the directory where we have the file TM_WORLD_BORDERS0.3.shp and select it then click on save.

On the next screen click on publish.

Under Declared SRS (arrow 1) , enter EPSG:4326 and for SRS handling (arrow 2), use “Reproject native to declared” then under “Lat/Lon Bounding Box” click on “Compute from native bounds” (arrow 3) then save.



This will automatically create for you a layer called TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3. This is the layer that we will call from SpagoBI. So let us check that it is working. Click on layer preview then search for your workspace you just created. Then click on OpenLayers KM.

If you have done all the steps correctly, you can see that the map will be rendered. If you click on any area of the map, it will show you details about it. If you check the image below, you can see that we selected China. You can also zoom in and out of the map. We will stop there for now, load some data into SpagoBI and see how to analyze it.

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We have now learnt how to modify our map data using QGIS and how to publish this map in the Geoserver ready for use by any map consuming application like SpagoBI. Like we had stated before, we will use the following scenario to help us make a sample map. The scenario: The SpagoBI training website has several students from different countries all over the world. The owner wants to map the students in a map of the world so that he can easily see which countries has the most users to his website. This will allow him to customize the courses to better suit his audience. How can we use SpagoBI to achieve this? From the scenario above, you can see that we need several things. 1. We need a world map. We have already loaded one in Geoserver and is ready to be used by SpagoBI. 2. We need the student data that contains which country they come from so that we can link it to the map data. To achive number two above, that is load the student data, we will need to login to SpagoBI and create a dataset called “SpagoBI Students” with the contents of the file Users.csv which came with this book if you purchased it. Proceed as follows:

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1. Login to SpagoBI as user biadmin password biadmin. Navigate to resources -> Data Set.

2. Create a new dataset called DS_SPAGOBI_STUDENTS.



3. Click on the type tab. For the DataSet Type: select File. Select Choose File tab and select “ Users.csv” file that came with this book then click on upload file. For Delimiter Character, select comma. For quote character, select “.

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4. Preview your data and if all is fine, save the dataset.

5. Create a new Location Intelligence document with the label “Learn SpagoBI” and name and description “Learn SpagoBI Students”. For Type, select “Location Intelligence”. For Engine, select GIS Engine. Select the dataset you had created previously “DS_SPAGOBI_STUDENTS”. For the template, use Learn-Spagobi.json which came with this book. We will explain line by line the contents of the template later. Save your document.



6. Execute the document you just created. You will get the following output.

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7. Instead of highlighting the various countries where our students come from using different shades of colors, we can also use points with different cycle sizes where the bigger the cycle, the more students are in that coutry. In your document, instead of mapzone, select map point as shown below.

8. This will change the way you view your map.

From the map above, you can see that the countries



with bigger cycles have more students. Since our map is crowded, click on the plus icon to maximize it.

This will make your map bigger. You can then click and drag any area of your map. So let us see if we have any students in South America.

If you click on any cycle, it will give you more information about that country. For example, if we click on Brazil, it will give us information about Brazil.

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So the question is, where do the information like population, longitude and latitude come from? It is not in the dataset we created so where do SpagoBI get it? It gets it from the attribute table. Incase you do not want to display some of this data, you can simply delete it using QGIS, or even add more information to be displayed if someone clicks on a country. We can also read this data from a mysql database to make it dynamic. We will discuss how this is done in subsequent chapters.



The Attribute Table When we select a geographic area in the map we created in the previous chapter, it gave us some information about that particular county like population, latitude, longitude e.t.c. This information is stored in an attribute table. For the shapefile we used, physically, the information is stored in dBase, a type of database. So how do we view this information and how do we modify it if we need to? We can use the QGIS software to do this. Start your QGIS and open the TM_WORLD_BORDERS0.3.shp shapefile as we had done previously and open the attribute table.

Let us look at the information for Brazil from the attribute table highlighted below in red.

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5 4

Compare this information to what we were getting in SpagoBI.

You can see that the data is similar which means that both the data in QGIS and the one in SpagoBI came from the attribute



table. From SpagoBI, check the population of Kenya. We want to see how to modify this. So check the value before modification.

We can see that Kenya’s population is 35 million. Let us change it to 42 million using the editing feature.

Then enter the value 42,000,000 in the POP2005 field.

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Save your attribute table. Now reload your SpagoBI document and check if the population information have changed for Kenya. You will find that it is still reading the old values. This is because SpagoBI is not reading the information directly from the shapefile but form the Geoserver. So if you want the changes to be visible in SpagoBI, you will need to reload the shapefile in the geoserver. Follow these steps. 1. Navigate to http://localhost:8090/geoserver and login with username admin and password geoserver. 2. Navigate to stores and select the WORLDMAP store we created previously.

3. Then under Directory of shapefiles *, select the shapefile you just modified.

4. Reload SpagoBI (Note that you may need to restart Tomcat) and check if population information for Kenya is updated.



You can see that the population information is now updated to 42,000,000. What if you wanted to modify the column information in the attribute table? You might even want to delete the column entirely. All these can be done using QGIS. Let us say we want to delete the SUBREGION and modify POP2005 to be POP2015.

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To make the changes above, proceed as follows. 1. Start the QGIS desktop. 2. We will need to download the Table manager plugin to help us modify columns. Click on Plugins then select Manage and Install Plugins…

3. Search for Table manager then install it.



4. Now, on the left bottom of QGIS, click on the double arrows and click on Table Manager icon.

5. Select POP2005 and select Rename.

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6. Change it to POP2015.

7. Select subregion and then select delete.



8. Confirm deletion.

9. Save your new shapefile as World2.

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10. We will need to create a new store and layer in Geoserver with the new modified shapefile. Add a new shapefile store to the learnspagobi workspace as we had done previously. 11. For the shapefile, select the new one we just modified i.e World2.

12. Then Save.



13. Next, click on Publish.

14. Under Declared SRS, enter EPSG:4326 and then select Reproject native to declared under SRS handling. Next click on Compute from native bounds.

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15. Click on Save. Click on Layer Preview then search for the layer World2. To preview your layer, click on OpenLayers.

16. Click on any area in the map. From the Geoserver preview, confirm that the attribute column POP2005 was changed to POP2015. Also confirm that the



SUBREGION column was deleted.

17. Now we need to modify the entry for layer name in our json file that is used by SpagoBI as the template. In the files that came with this book, under the templates folder, open the file LearnSpagobiNoNavigationWorld2.json in a text editor. 18. You will note that the file references the layer World2. Load this new json file as your new template in SpagoBI.

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19. Save and execute the document. You will notice that SUBREGION field have been deleted and POP2005 is now changed to POP2015.



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We now have some understanding of how to use SpagoBI with GIS but we have not yet discussed the template we used for this exercise. We will do so in this chapter. Here is the template we used in the previous chapters discussed line by line. You can get the full file in the folder template in the CD that came with this book. The file is called LearnSpagobiNoNavigationWorld2.json.

The first line is just an opening bracket for the json file. The second line mapName: "Students", is the name of the map panel. You can give any string here. We have called ours Students. Remember this is not a map that exists in SpagoBI, it is just a name of a panel.

Line 3, analysisType: "choropleth", means the thematistion method used. It can be: 1. Proportional-Symbols shows point geometry. Here is an example where Proportional-Symbols is used i.e analysisType: "proportionalSymbols".



2. Choropleth shows polygonal geometry. Here is the same map with Choropleth i.e analysisType: "choropleth".

Line 7 or indicators: [["No of Students", "STUDENTS"]], is a numeric value that we can analyze. These can be several e.g

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if our map was showing analysis of disease outbreak, then if we clicked on Malaria for example, it would only show malaria on our map and if we clicked on Ebola, it would show Ebola. In our case, we only have one indicator, i.e the number of students registered at

But what if we wanted to display in addition to the number of students registered for a course, the number of courses registered for? Then we would need to modify the dataset to add a column for the number of registered courses. Fortunately, we have already done this so modify your dataset to use the file Users2.csv under the Dataset folder that came with this book. Your dataset should now look like this.



Then you would need to modify your template to include the new field as an indicator. indicators: [["No of Students", "STUDENTS"] ,["Courses Registered", "REGISTERED"]],

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You can then select which indicator to display.

The next lines 8 and 9 shows how you link the data in your dataset and the data in the attribute table. In your dataset, you have a column called FIPS and this is what line 8 shows under businessId. We need to link this to another column in the attribute table called FIPS and this is what line 9 shows under geoId. Remember the field names need not be the same.

You can see below how we have linked the FIPS field in the attribute table with the FIPS field in the dataset. You can see that they have similar data that is 2 character country code.



Next we need to tell SpagoBI what is the source of the map so we do so in line 15 by giving it the URL of the Geoserver. Line 14 gives the name of the layer and line 13 is just a description. You can put anything here.

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Cross Navigation


A boat capsizes when it is just about to reach the shore. – A Luo proverb.


n this chapter, we will see how to navigate from our map document to a child document such that when a user clicks on any area of the map, it will open a detailed document with more information about the selected area. This can be used, for example, to display sales reports for various regions in details. It can also be used to provide more information than can be provided in an attribute table. Here is an image that explains what we want to achieve.



The data we will use for the child report can be downloaded from Alternatively, you can use the CountryInfo.csv file under the data folder in the CD that came with this book. Follow these steps to create a child report. 1. Start the SpagoBI Studio and create a new project of

type SpagoBI.

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2. For the project name, use LearnSpagoBI



3. Create a new connection to your SpagoBI server.

4. Enter the Server name, Url, User, Password and check the Active button. Click on Test button to ensure it can actually connect to the SpagoBI server. We will use this connection to upload the documents we create in the SpagoBI studio to the SpagoBI server. Then click on Finish.

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5. Change your perspective to Report Design. Click on

Window -> Open Perspective-> Other…

6. Then click on Report Design.



7. With your project selected, create a new file of type

report. This will be the child report such that when we click on country in the map, it will open this child report which will show more details about the country we have selected.

8. For the name, use CountryReport.rptdesign and click on Finish. 9. Click on the Data Explorer tab and create a new Data Source.

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10. Select flat file Data Source and for the Data Source

name, use Country



11. Navigate to the Data folder that came with this book.

12. Test your connection and click on Finish.

13. Now create a new dataset.

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14. For the name, use DS_COUNTRY and click Next.

15. Select all fields and move them to the right then click

on Finish.



16. Preview your results to make sure everything is OK.

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17. Create a new Report Parameter by clicking on Report

Parameters. This is the parameter that will be filled with values from the map when someone clicks on a country. It will help us filter the country that have been selected.



18. Give the Parameter the name country then click on

OK. Now edit your dataset and create a filter.

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19. Under filters, select new.

20. For the filter condition, use ISO31661Alpha2 and

select Equal To.



21. Select build expression.

22. Then double click on the report parameter we just

created and click on OK.

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23. Now drag your dataset to your report and format it as

you desire.

24. After creating the formatting you need, save the file.



Now deploy the file to SpagoBI automatically using the server connection you created previously or you can do it manually as follows. 1. Login to SpagoBI as user biadmin and create a new BIRT document with the following properties.

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2. We will need to create a new Analytical driver that we

will need to map to the filter we created previously so that if one clicks on a county, it will pass the country code as a string to the report. Click on the icon below.



3. Then select string manual input.

4. For the title, enter FIPS. The URL should have same

name as the parameter name in the report so enter country also. Select Required.

5. Save your document and try executing it to test if it is

working. For FIPS, enter KE then execute.

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6. You should get the following output. Test with your

own country code.

7. Remember we do not want to be manually entering

this parameter value. What we need is that when a user clicks on any country in the map, it should pass the code of the country to our child report.



8. To enable us do this, we will need to modify the json

template we used with our map to handle cross navigation. You can get the template under the template folder in the CD that came with this book. It is called Learn-SpagobiNavigation_1.json. The additional lines that have been added are as below.

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Line 35 tells us that the mode we want to use is cross navigation. Here you can either use cross or detail. COUNTRYDETAIL is the label of the child report we want to open. This is the BIRT report we created previously. Line 38 tells us that we will be passing a value to the parameter named country in the child report. The value we will be passing is in the attribute table column FIPS. 9. Reload your map to use the template LearnSpagobiNavigation_1.json and try to click on any country. It will open the report with the country you have selected as shown.

Resources 1. 2.




LearnSpagobiNavigation_1.json, 69

Arcmap, 2 ArcServer, 2

Bing Maps, 1

LearnSpagobiNoNavigationWorld2.js on, 38

CountryInfo.csv, 48

Plugins, 31

EPSG:4326, 15


Geoserver, 12

shapefiles, 14

GIS, 1

So what is QGIS?, 5

Google Earth, 2

SpagoBI, 17


Spatial data, 2


store, 14

Kenya, 28

Table Manager, 32

Layer, 37


Attribute data, 2



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