SpacePlanning BarangayHall
October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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What is “Space Planning”?
Space planning is a fundamental element of the interior design process. It starts with an in-depth analysis analysis of of how the space is to be used. The designer then then draws up a plan that defines the zones of zones of the space and the activities that will take place in place in those zones. The space plan will also define the circulation patterns that patterns that show how people will move through the space. space. The plan is is finished by adding details details of all the furniture, equipment and hardware hard ware placement.
The space planning process begins when a person, or a group of people, decides to put a building, or a portion of a building, to a new and practical use, running the gamut from small residential or work spaces to vast, comple business and institutional facilities. !cept in the simplest space, such as a small apartment or office, making efficient and functionally satisfying use of space is a comple task that is far beyond the capabilities of most building users" this is when and why the space planning specialist, interior designer, or architect, is called in to solve the problem Space planners are presented with their task in a great variety of ways. #ost users or clients are ineperienced in working with planning professionals and present their space planning problems without significantly prepared data. It is not uncommon for a business owner or manager to come to an interior designer and say, sa y, in effect, $%ur staff has grown by &' percent over the past few years, and we are still growing at a very fast rate. %ur space is terribly overcrowded" what should we do() In cases of this kind, the designer desi gner must begin with the basic tasks of charting organizational structure" identifying personnel, their tasks, and necessary equipment" analyzing the operational process" and gaining an understanding of the human and cultural qualities of the organization. In effect, the planning professional must take full responsibility for organizing, analyzing, anal yzing, and interpreting the problem at hand.
The Synthesis Gap *mong professionals professionals working in the field, a generally accepted process or sequence of tasks occurs from the point at which the planner begins to work on a pro+ect to the point at which pro+ect analysis is complete and the physical planning process begins. espite many variations in technique or terminology that planners may apply, the basic process of creating a design program consists of the following steps, presented here in an etremely abbreviated form
Interview a. ! !ecu ecuti tive ve level level orga organiz nizat atio iona nall b. c.
overview/ #ana #a nage geri rial al leve levell depa depart rtmen menta tall function/ %per %p erat atio iona nall leve levell pro proces cess s and and
equipment detail/ Observe eisting or similar facilities/ Observe eisting a. *s *ssi sist sted ed ob obse serv rvat atio ion n b. 1no 1nobtr btrus usive ive ob obser serva vatio tion n c. Inv Inven ento tory ry of ei eisti sting ng furn furnitu iture re and and equipment when it is to be reused/ Establi Est ablish sh arc archit hitect ectural ural para paramet meters ers a. *cq *cqui uire re com compl plet ete e base base pla plan n data data including mechanical and electrical services/ b. 2o 2ompi mpile le co cont nte etu tual al da data ta architectural, historical, social/ c. 3e 3ese sear arch ch code code con const stra rain ints ts Organize collected data the first-phase program/ a. 5la 5lace ce dat data a in in sequ sequent ential ial for format mat mos mostt useful for planning b. Sum Summar marize ize con confir firmed med qua quanti ntitati tative ve factors square footage, 667! count, equipment sizes, etc./ c. 3e 3ecor cord d first first thou though ghts ts on conc concep eptua tuall planning approach ese e sear arch ch th the e unk unkno nown wns s a. 8a 8ath ther er det detai aile led d infor informa matio tion n on process and equipment b. 8a 8ath ther er case case stu study dy info informa rmati tion on on on similar facilities
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phase program "na naly lyze ze th the e da data ta a. isc iscove overr plan plannin ning g affi affinit nities ies wo worki rking ng interrelationships, public9private zoning, special acoustic needs, etc./ b. i isco scover ver sch sched edul ulin ing g affin affinit itie ies s maimize use of space/ c. Ide Identif ntify y pla planni nning ng or arc archit hitect ectura urall relationships site, structural, mechanical, and electrical conditions/ Interpret and diagram the data the data the complete program/ a. e efin fine e the fun functi ction onal al pro probl blem ems s in planning terms b. !s !stab tabli lish sh a ba basi sic c conce concept ptua uall approach in terms of human9social and image9esthetic ob+ectives/ c. 5r 5rep epar are e relat relatio ions nshi hip p or ad+a ad+ace cency ncy diagrams for client and designer
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