
November 19, 2017 | Author: phani22 | Category: Aphrodite, Greek Mythology, Map, Astronomy, Science
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By Veronica Tkachenko, Russia SA Editor: Virendra Battu, India

V Veronica

Tkachenko — is a known

astrologer, the Member of Russian Journalist Union, a participant in International Congresses, the author of many articles and four books. She holds a Diploma from the Academy of Astrology and works in European tradition. Veronica Tkachenko is the founder of Fashion Astrology and has international priority in this area. Her successful fashion forecasts have helped many designers and Fashion houses. For consultations contact at [email protected] or visit website:

enus in our notions is usually associated with concept of eternal youth, love and beauty. When we speak about the person, whether it be the man or the woman in whose character Venusian qualities are selected, we describe her (him) as sensitive to beauty, delicate in relations, harmonious in displays of the feelings. Venus presents invisibly in our life, decorating daily dealings by display of sympathy, and by presenting us huge feeling of love in rare cases. What would happen with us, if there was no love in this world? The majority of masterpieces of a world heritage, scientific researches and technical inventions would not be born without this inspiration. Creation of fine suits which represent us a new ideal of womanly beauty does not turn out without intervention of this celestial goddess too. We shall try to understand the mechanisms of influence of this planet on terrestrial processes and also in modern fashion influence. We also shall start with the most ancient representations about Venus.

Venus planet can be found practically in every advanced mythology of various epochs and nationalities, mainly because of Venus affinity to Sun. This planet always attracts an attention as the interesting natural phenomenon. In an antiquity very much frequently heroes of myths became not planets themselves, but Gods to which planet qualities attributed. Quite different is the case of Venus. This planet on a level with Moon and Sun were idolized, as heavenly bodies. The goddess Venus usually appears at us in a shape of the fine woman which simultaneously is the daughter and beloved, in love and loved. Her image is rather changeable in mythological representations of different peoples. It is a combination of the representations which had arisen from time immemorial about fertility with younger representations about human mutual relations and concept of love. The history of Venus archetype reflects an evolution of human feelings. The Natural image of love coincides with an image of ancestor-mother at the initial stage, still not personified and spontaneous. These representations are reflected with an image of the goddess of the fertility appearing before us in an environment of protogenic waters or the god of the sky, connected with ancient demiurge. Venus finds concrete functions of the cultural world only at later stages of development of human feelings the goddess, and her new image emphasizes beauty and internal harmony. So, the name of the Iranian Venus goddess Ardvistsra-Anakhita1 reflects this image and is translated as «a mighty source of the world waters». Venus accepts an image of the goddess of love and acts in an image of the beautiful maiden grieving for a warrior much later in Avestian traditions. One of ancient Greek myths that narrate about story, how Chronos had castrated the god of the sky Uranus, is of interest for us. Drops of his blood have fallen in sea foam, and Aphrodite2 («Foambirthed») had arisen from them. Thus, Aphrodite Urania is described as the last and perfect creation of the god of the sky, which has incorporated all her power and creative potential. A similar image, we find in Etruscial traditions, is Turan («Winner»), powerful sovereign of all alive. One of names of the goddess of Venus: «Foambirthed» is a national etymology of a name of Aphrodite, which mention precisely is not determined. Probably, it occurs from the same root, as one of names of great Indian goddess Devi Parvati («Mountain») — from Indo-European root «perunt», that means «Thunderer». As we see, connection of the goddess of beauty with the god of Sky — Uranus is traced here.


uch various mythological representations of Venus are connected to her heavenly arrangement. First ancients considered that the decline and rising are accompanied with two different stars. We meet such image in the Mongolian

1 Aredvi Sura Anahita.

According to Hesiod's Theogony, she was born when Cronus cut off Uranus' genitals and threw them into the sea, and from the sea foam (aphros) arose Aphrodite. Thus Aphrodite is of an older generation than Zeus. 2

mythology where the evening star is considered lunar and appears in an image of the woman, and morning (solar) and is allocated with attributes of the man. In Russian three names for Venus existed: Денница («Shining» from a word «day», i.e. «light»), and also Утренница («Morningy») and Вечерница («Eveningy»). In the Greek mythology Venus had three names too: Eosphor («Morningy»), Gesper («Eveningy») and Phosphorus («Luminous»). In Latin: Lucifier («Bearing light», that is accompanying a night celestial body) and Vesper («Evening»). Later Pifagor has opened, that all these names or faces of Venus belong to the same planet. Such, the many-sided planet has received precise place in mythology and in a heavenly arrangement. In astrology the name Lucifier and Gesper are used for a designation of position till or after Sun in horoscope. Depending on the arrangement, Venus is responsible for sphere of feelings. Seen in the morning, it gives propensity to a presentiment, but evening Venus allocates with ability to deeper judgment of emotions after the occurred event. The morning and evening star in perception of the person was identified with the fine phenomenon of a dawn, and the iridescent beauty of a dawn was in accordance with an image of the goddess of love. Red color of a dawn in this case bears the positive feminine coloring which has been not connected to display of aggression or violence. Rather frequently in ancient representations the red rose is connected to a dawn. On the same logic Russian word «красный» (red) comes from a word «прекрасный» (beautiful). A symbol of love and a dawn Venus becomes a symbol of heavenly pleasure of paradise and association of just souls in Christianity, she is familiar of seven names of Allah in Moslem, and she symbolizes tripartite true of the law, knowledge and a correct way in the Buddhism. A name of Venus, except for love, covers also value of true (about the same root — verus), it sounds as «Вера» in Russian, and as «Надежда» (wens) in gothic, incorporating a popular triad «Вера — Hадежда — Любовь» in Russian tradition of femininity. We meet a mention of the goddess of love Inanne in Sumerian representations which carried beautiful clothes and had a special talent to entice the opposite sex. Dawn Ushas becomes one more embodiment of an image of this planet in the Indian mythology. She is described as the fine girl decorated as the dancer who shows itself to the entire Universe and embodies love of the entire world. Speaking about Venus, it is necessary to mention, that a traditional symbol of her beauty and love is the rose. This nice flower became a character in set of legends and stories. According to legend, Brahma, having seen a rose, has preferred her before all colors and even the symbol — a lotus. Ancient Romans considered, that the rose has taken place from tears of Venus and there was red on imprudence Cupid, spilled on her a glass

fault. In this case, the rose consisting of large number of petals, directly associates with a star, reflecting natural beauty of the existing world. The regal, divine flower, smelling sweet aroma, tenderness of petals — all these comparisons are connected to Venus and her symbolism. But they concern not only a rose. Look at plant kingdom, which is habitual for us: flowers of apple-tree, cherries, bird cherries, mountain ashes, wild strawberry, spiraea. One common sign identifying them — their flower consists of five petals and sepals. Nevertheless, in more compound flowers the number of petals usually forms 5, 10 or multiple to this number of petals. How does the structure of Rosaceae family flowers and features of her heavenly prototype — Venus planet correspond among themselves? For clues to this arrangement, it is necessary to look after a heavenly trajectory of this planet. Heavenly movement of Venus can be named the most uniform in comparison with other planets of solar system as the planet has the most insignificant deviation of orbit. The fact, that Venus changes the movement from direct to retro practically in the same period of time and in the same mark of the Zodiac, is the most interesting. Everyone can be convinced — it is only necessary to look through ephemerides for some years in succession and to carry out simple calculations. Venus synodic period comes to 584 days. 5 consecutive motion cycles of Venus are stacked in the 8-years period: 584 x 5 = 2920; 2920 : 365 = 8. Top and bottom connections of Venus with Sun usually occur successively each four years in the same mark of the Zodiac. But this periodicity is not maintained at all observed times. We shall receive the most obvious confirmation of this fact, if we’ll write out dates from ephemerides Venus and Sun connections and we’ll list the table with five columns (Table 1). The first number concerns a date, the second by a month, the third — the year of this event.









































Table 1. Venus and Sun connections in one Zodiac sign (1985-2020). Change of phases of movement in a Venus cycle does not completely coincide with terrestrial year — one revolution of the Earth about the axis. Thus, a departure of several days accumulates during ten years. In result we receive five years’ cycle of heavenly Venus movement. We can explain this process on the diagram which represents this movement on a plane ecliptic star space. In this case the first line of figures in the submitted table will be represented as the star socket. Pay attention to those given figures. The simple initial rose of Venus is represented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The diagram of Venus syderic movement for 8 years.

It is a heavenly way of Venus in geocentric coordinates, covered during 8 years. Then this picture repeatedly repeats almost identically. Lines which connect the Earth and Venus in heliocentric coordinates are represented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The diagram of Venus total heliocentric movement.

Such heavenly roses3 are worthy studying not only in a rate of astronomy and astrology. They should be placed in any textbook in mathematics and with an exhaustive explanation. Unity of all universal laws becomes understandable on an example of formation of this heavenly trajectory, and the beauty of this movement does not leave indifferent even the most inveterate skeptic. This time-table of Venus movement we have named «Space Dance of Venus». The goddess of beauty Venus creates the roses both in the sky, and on the earth. We shall lead an analogy between heavenly Venus movement (5 cycles of Venus movement synodic period) and terrestrial forms. They are in accordance with 5 petals of a flower of Rosaceae family. The number five symbolizes blossoming forth of five feelings of the person (sight, hearing, touch, sense of aromas, taste). It is one more confirmation of heavenly and terrestrial harmony. As our supervision shows, number 5 concerns to space dance of Venus. Moving on a firmament in retrograde movement, Venus marks segments which divide the Zodiac into 5 equal parts on a Zodiac circle. We shall consider more in detail a nature of this five years’ cyclic aspect which determines this rhythm. We will need to disassemble concept of harmonics for this purpose. The theory of harmonics was developed by John Eddi (this method was submitted in his book «Harmonics in astrology»). Each map of harmonics can represent completely new cut for studying a subject. It can be compared to such situation when the big number of geographical maps is made to study district localities: political, outline, land tenure, climatic etc. If all this information to present on one map, there will be a web from lines, curve, contours before us. But if this information to be presented on separate maps, it appears for us in an isolated state, and we can draw conclusions of the whole on the basis of an individual picture. All traditional astrological aspects are based on a combination of two and three. It happens usually enough for the traditional description of mutual relation of astrological forces. When relation of any space objects is formed with a nature of five years’ cycle, this interaction has rather artificial character. This relation reflects the unusual sides of existence of the person or the phenomenon. Unnatural principle of five years’ cycle can be illustrated by an example of pieces of music. The theory of music is based on the concept of harmonics initially. In any music rhythms which are most naturally perceived by a human ear are used either two-clock (tick-tack), or three-clock (tick-tack-tack) rhythms. Both rhythms are precisely connected to duality (dynamism and a pressure of rhythm of the march) and trinity (ease and pleasure of rhythm of the waltz) principles. Music based on a five-clock rhythm (tick-tack-tack-tack-tack) is much less often. Most 3 Apparently the heliocentric trajectory of Venus follows more or less a Spiro graph projection

likely, such rhythm would be recognized by the person as unnatural, because it needs some time for its comprehension. There is music where it is necessary not only to listen, but also to understand, to count in the mind. The composer, who writes the music, is free in a choice of musical means for reproduction of the ideas. He can choose only two and three-clock rhythms and never choose a five-clock rhythm. But such freedom doesn’t present in planet movement. We only need to calculate laws which underlie this movement. Let’s return to decoding value of number 5 in heavenly movement of Venus. What the chart of the fifth harmonic represents? In any case, we divide a circle into the certain number of equal segments and we consider each segment as all circle. At chart development of the fifth harmonic a circle (360 degrees) shares on five segments. The first segment: from 0 degree of Aries up to 12 degrees of Gemini, The second: from 12 degrees Gemini up to 24 degrees Leo, The third: from 24 degrees of Leo up to 6 degrees of Scorpio, The fourth: from 6 degrees of Scorpio up to 18 degrees of Capricorn and The fifth: from 18 degrees of Capricorn again up to 0 degrees of Aries. Each of segments has angular extent of 72 degrees. By consideration of a chart of the fifth harmonic we interpret each segment as if it would contain all Zodiac circle (360 degrees). In this case we multiply angular distances inside segments on five. A planet in 0 degrees of Aries once again remains in 0 degrees of Aries, but a planet in 1 degree of Aries now appears in 5 degrees of Aries, and a planet in 2 degrees of Aries now will be in 10 degrees of Aries. It concerns to all other segments. Thus, the chart of the fifth harmonic is the chart showing how the planets reflecting essence of object or the phenomenon, resound with a nature of fivefold: that in astrology has name of creativity, freedom or innovation principles. The aspect of fivefold shows special novelty which simply did not exist earlier. Similar representation about number five we receive from numerology. Number 5 is a space process at which the matter gets new quality. Thus, fivefold it is connected to idea of construction, structuring, morphogenesis, form creation, chaos transformation into order, formal connection of that things which are considered disconnected. In result we receive a subject or the phenomenon of essentially new quality. Five is an output on a new level. After such enough long preface we will try to show, how from numerology, astronomies and astrology can be passed to calculation of quite terrestrial process — new

fashion formation. We will consider rhythms of space dance of Venus on an example of its movement from 1989 to 1997 (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The circuit of retro Venus movement and its connection with Uranus (1989-1997). This picture has form of a five-pointed star, and its beams are separate points of a Zodiac support of Venus in this movement. Points of change of a rhythm in space dance of Venus gradually move, but the rhythm during centuries remains unchanged. The angular distance between separate beams of a star makes 72 degrees. It’s the 1/5 part of a circle. Thus, the chart of Venus movement changes is a chart of the fifth harmonic which shows: how our attitude to the world beauty develops, how an evolution of our feelings and desires passes. Venus teaches us to use the blessings of the world: colors, perfumes, sensations, beauty and love, establishes new laws of harmony and new representations on beauty. Venus brings thin nuances in the general shape of a fashionable suit and responsible for the aesthetic party of clothes. The retro movement cycle of Venus also shows separate stages of change of public tastes and attitudes to such qualities of women character, which allow to put the woman on a pedestal. From the above it becomes clear that Venus doesn’t render considerable influence on shape of a fashion as a whole. It brings tiny nuances in the general shape of a fashionable suit and is responsible for the esthetic party of clothes. Clothing style in many respects defined at the expense of additions, namely this part is in conducting Venus. Here registration of a neck line, constructive lines, a collar style, furnish by laces, ruches and flounces, cervical kerchiefs, shawls and palantines, belts, costume accessories and jewelry are concerned. Such influence could and remain at all not noticed if we haven’t remembered an image of Venus — Aphrodites, daughters of the heavenly manager of Uranus. It appears, the Ancient Greek myth is based on quite real heavenly phenomenon.

Let’s try to track the moments of connection of retrograde Venus with Uranus throughout the long period (IX-XX centuries) connection of Uranus and Venus at the moment of turn from direct to retro movement in one Zodiac sign (Fig. 3). From the XXthe century beginning such phenomenon took place in 1918 in Aquarius, then in 1937 in Taurus, in 1956 in Cancer, in 1967 in Virgo, in 1978 in Scorpio and, last time in the XX-th century, — in 1997, again in Aquarius. How such heavenly phenomenon is reflected in our life? When Venus begins movement in retrograde direction, forgotten approaches in creation of beautiful things and relations reappear for a while. But this tendency exists during short term. As it is known, flowers most strongly smell sweet before a thunder-storm. And while Venus in retrograde movement incorporates to Uranus, the sentence to all become obsolete and impractical is pronounced. The daughter of the Thunderer-Uranus can’t leave us indifferent, therefore appearance of clothes should make unusual impression, cause new scale of sensations. It is possible to track these changes, to look out fashion magazines and to study character of changing accessories: hats, handbags, gloves, furnish of suits, breed of linen and especially such ornaments, as flowers (the most «venusian» accessory). Noted periods are easy for comparing with separate stages which have been specified by the author as the moments of cardinal changes in a fashion. More in detail you can learn about it in Veronica Tkachenko’s article «When do cardinal changes in a fashion occur?» at magazine. Exact coincidence of these periods took place in 1997 which has been named by the beginning of an Aquarius epoch in a fashion. During this period the real linen boom, splash in a harmless direction in a fashion which has caused wide application of natural materials, linen lacy jersey, unprofitable ornaments for hair, a fashion on shawls, a poncho, various pashminas was observed. In present time it is not expected that a recurrence of this process may present itself: from the beginning of the XX-th century such interval lasted from 11 till 20 years. In planet movement ephemerides we receive more exact dates. The following moment of cardinal change of a fashion in accessories can be expected at connection of retrograde Venus with transit Uranus in Aries in 2013. So, we can draw the following conclusion in Fashion Astrology. Venus influences ready-to-wear clothes ornament. Transits of Venus should be considered only in aspects to the higher planets. They have no independent value. Connection of retrograde Venus with Uranus marks a birth of a new fashion in accessories.

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