Space Mafia - A Galaxy Command Sourcebook

April 23, 2017 | Author: John Strickler | Category: N/A
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John Strickler (order #3700643)



Space Mafia!

A Galaxy Command Sourcebook Written by Chris A. Field Cover Art by Sphere Productions Interior Art Courtesy Anthony Cournoyer, Shaman’s Stock Art, Action RPG Counters, Black Hand Stock, Cogwork Creations, Louis Porter Jr. Image Portfolio, Sphere Productions Some artwork taken from Sci-Fi Clip Art Collections 1 and 3, copyright © Phillip Reed and Christopher Shy. Used with permission. To learn more visit Planetary Artwork © 2009 Wydraz, aka Anthony Affrunti

Space Images courtesy Copyright 2010, Otherverse Games WWW.OTHERVERSEGAMES.BLOGSPOT.COM Requires the Use of the D20 Modern Core Rulebook and D20 Future Sourcebook Published by Wizards of the Coast

John Strickler (order #3700643)


The war between Galaxy Command and the relentless forces of the WARSTAR Empire may be the universe’s biggest conflict, but its far from the only one. And as Galaxy Command’s famous Galactic Marshals and other heroes are occupied by the conflict, forms of crime long thought eradicated flourish. An entire shadow economy, one based around murder-for-hire, weapons smuggling, trade in xeno-slaves and exotic chems, blockade running and high piracy, has emerged from the shadows.


Even a star-spanning organization like Galaxy Command can’t be everywhere, and with an entire universe available as boltholes, clever galactic racketeers can stay a few light-years ahead of the law. Unafraid of the Command’s psycho-rehabilitation programs and hardened to life on some forgotten prison asteroid, the galaxy’s worst criminals run rampant. The toughest, most daring and most violent criminals swear the Omerta Oath of the Space Mafia, and draw their power from the Black Sun of Crime! Law of the Galaxy Galaxy Command’s Galactic Marshals, Adorable Avengers and other heroes act as traveling law-bringers, solving crises beyond the capabilities of planetary law enforcement agencies. The year 3476 is a time of peace, and for the vast majority of the Milky Way’s trillions of citizens, a time of plenty and prosperity. Old crimes and the old hopelessness of the pre-starflight era have all but vanished on Command worlds, though many of the smaller and less prosperous ‘fringer’ worlds have their own problems. Outlaw worlds, which have utterly

John Strickler (order #3700643)

rejected Galaxy Command’s aid and assimilation, can range from libertarian paradises with their own kind of honor to violent hell-pits where only the strong survive, and gangers thrive. Behind WARSTAR’s iron curtain of space, criminals may be freedom fighters, or they can be greedy opportunists looking to make a credit off others misery. The galaxy’s criminals are well organized, though not as monolithic as most Galaxy Command operatives would have you believe. The criminal community is organized into a loosely aligned federation. The major galactic crime families, respected independents and pirate gangs have a seat


at this Council of Crime. The Council of Crime meets under the dark light of the Black Sun of Crime, a dying grey-dwarf star deep within the Prison Zone.


Once or twice a year, the Black Sun’s radioactive corona dims, as some system deep within the electronic star fails for the umpteenth time. The Council of Crime meets there, on the barren world New Montanya, which is bathed in lethal radiation 8-10 months of every Galactic Standard year. Those unable to attend the conclaves in person appear as flickering blue holo-wave ghosts. Each council meeting is a chance to air grievances and settle territorial disputes, set prices for the next quarter and decide new strategies to be used in the constant struggle against Galaxy Command cops. The Black Sun of Crime The Black Sun of Crime is an artificial AI-operated sun created millions of years ago, and exiled to the Prison Zone for its atrocities. Originally intended to warm the outer planets of a Proximite colony system, the Black Sun instead bathed the worlds in lethal radiation storms, killing millions and demanding the worship of its creators. Only heroic intervention was able to deactivate the Black Sun of Crime long enough to arrange its permanent exile to the Prison Zone. Over the next few million years, the Black Sun of Crime languished in obscurity, its systems failing one by one until it is the stellar wreck known today. The Space Mafia and most of the senior members of the Council of Crime have learned how to extract energy from the dying star. This energy gives Council members and Silencer enforcers vast psychic power. Upon their induction into the Space Mafia, a young soldier swears an oath of loyalty to the Black Sun of Crime, promising to uphold the Mafia’s honor and follow the Code of Omerta.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Impossibly ancient and frail, the Black Sun of Crime no longer dreams of being a living stellar god. Today, it’s only ambition is to hire the best startechs it can afford, buying whatever replacements and upgrades it can find to stave off its eventual demise. The sentient sun is the aging ‘don’ of the Space Mafia, a respected and almost feared figurehead, but forced to leave the day to day operations of the Space Mafia to its capos. Even in its weakened and decrepit state, the Black Sun can expect to endure for another hundred thousand years, or more. As one of the galaxy’s most ancient superintelligences, the Black Sun has little nice to say about the universe’s other immortals: to the Black Sun, the Adam Intelligence is just a little punk, and the majestic Quith are just a bunch of damn bugs.


The Code of Omerta The Space Mafia has its own code of honor and conduct, one dating back to Earth’s prespaceflight era. Though criminals, the men, women and things of the Space Mafia aren’t animals, and have their own strange laws. Loyalty and silence are the organization’s foremost virtues. Ratting out a fellow made-sentient to the Command is punishable by death, and any friendly contact with a Galaxy Command agent is frowned upon. The Space Mafia upholds traditions thousands of years old, renitence and xenophobia foremost among them. Most Space Mafia families are insular and paranoid, protected from Command incursion by their asteroid-palace’s security screens. Many Space Mafiosos distrust everything about Galaxy Command, rejecting every aspect of the culture, even the most benign parts of Command life out of hand. Space Mafia children will never set foot in a Command Academy, and are instead educated by Mafia tutors and slave-AI. Knowing nothing else, these Mafia-born kids eventually follow their fathers into the family business, and on their 21st birthdays, take the Oath of Crime. Once a sentient takes the Oath of Crime he, she or it is ‘made’ and is considered a full member of the Space Mafia, with all the privileges that entails. Made-sentients are allowed access to Mafia safehouses and pleasure-dens across the galaxy, allowed to become Silencers or Shipbreakers, and given the respect that is their due. On Mafia-run worlds, disrespecting a made-sentient is a death sentence for the offender, and even the ‘unmade’sons and daughters of senior Capos must defer to made-sentients. Characters can only take the Oath of Crime during a Council of Crime conclave, and must directly address their oath to the Black Sun of Crime. In a strange way, towards the end of its impossibly long existence, the Black Sun finally has the worship it demanded during its infancy.

Starting Occupation: Space Mafioso You grew up hard and strong on a Mafiaowned planet or habitat. Instead of a conventional education, you learned how to fight, to crack a safe, to shakedown a merchant freighter at a specialized Crime Academy. When you were old enough to take your oath, childhood was over and you followed your father and older brothers into the family business, and your loyalty to your crew is unquestioned. Prerequisite: Age 21+ Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff, Demolitions, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (business, streetwise), Move Silently, Sleight of Hand Preselected Feat: Oathbound (Space Mafia). All made-sentients must declare their loyalty to the organization’s immortal capo, the Black Sun of Crime. Bonus Feat: Select either Black Marketer, Brawl, Combat Reflexes, Confident, Exotic Melee Weapons Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency or Toughness Wealth Bonus Increase: +2 Reputation Bonus Increase: +1


Starting Occupation: Psych-Reformed Criminal Galaxy Command does not execute conventional criminals, and their prison planets are small, humane places run by efficient AI wardens, exclusively for the most hardened criminals. Instead of punishment, the Adam Intelligence’s government focuses on rehabilitating young offenders through psyhic reconditioning and job training. Minor criminals often serve a sentence of psycho-rehab from home, rather than a term of imprisionment, while others young offenders might be inducted to a Command Academy, where they learn a Command approved profession while completing the rehab program. Once released from a psycho-reform program, former criminals often find work aboard Galaxy Command’s ships and stations, and many

John Strickler (order #3700643)



find their old criminal skills and contacts make them useful adventurers and police themselves, now that they’re on the right side of the law. A few manage to overcome their mental reprogramming, returning to a life of crime with a new knowledge of their adversary’s culture and tactics. Prerequisite: Age 16+ Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff, Craft (electronics, mechanical) Disable Device, Disguise, Drive, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (streetwise, technology), Move Silently, Pilot, Repair Bonus Feat: Select one of the following feats: Brawl, Deceptive, Confident, Educated, Lightning Reflexes, Low Profile, Oathbound (Galaxy Command), Planetary Adaptation, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Vehicle Expert Wealth Bonus Increase: +1 Special: The psycho-reconditioning is as humane as 35th century psi-science can make it, but it leaves some psychological scars. Characters from this starting occupation can never receive the Iron Will feat. In Mafia-controlled space, crime is a respected way to make a living, and knowing how to shim a lock or pick a pocket is a viable study path for young sentients. The Blue Collar, Criminal, Gladiator, and Heir occupations are extremely common. Heirs are the privileged children of Space Mafia capos and under bosses, who are better educated than their Space Mafioso counterparts, and are expected to branch out into legitimate business and galactic politics, to better serve their family’s interest. Gladiators and Blue Collar characters are usually slaves forced to labor for Mafia overlords. Many lower-class citizens of Mafiaworlds dream of becoming soldiers to improve their lot in life, and many of the most desperate become Gladiators in hopes of changing their lives with the prize money.

The Silencer Advanced Class Silencers are the Space Mafia’s most elite enforcers. They are trusted underbosses and prospective capos allowed to lead teams of junior Space Mafiosos and hired thugs. Silencers are responsible for ensuring ‘client’ worlds pay their protection fees on time, and don’t rat to the Command. When somebody finally gets up the courage to talk to the Galactic Marshals, a Silencer is dispatched to eliminate the witness, the Marshals involved, and even the entire hemisphere if necessary. Bloodthirsty in the extreme, Silencers are coldly professional, and are equipped with some of the most frightening weapons the Mafia has to offer. Requirements: To qualify to become a Silencer, a character must fulfill the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +5 Skills: Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Streetwise) +4 Feats: Oathbound (Space Mafia) Starting Occupation: Space Mafioso Class Information The following information pertains to the Silencer advanced class. Hit Die The Silencer gains d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies. Silencers are tough and battle ready, but they lack the discipline of true soldiers. Action Points The Silencer gains a number of action points equal to + one-half of his character level, rounded down every time he attains a new level in this class. Class Skills The Silencer’s class skills are as follows. Bluff (CHA), Climb (STR), Demolitions (INT), Escape Artist (DEX), Gamble (CHA), Intimidate (CHA), Knowledge (streetwise, tactics,

John Strickler (order #3700643)


Bonus Feats: At 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th level, the Silencer receives a bonus fear, which must be chosen from the following list. Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Armor Proficiency (any), Black Marketer, Boarding Expert, Brawl, Canny Smuggler, Combat Martial Arts, Drive By Attack, Exotic Firearms Proficiency, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Low Profile, Starship Operations, Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Unlikely Escape, Weapon Focus, Windfall, Zero-G Commando, Zero-G Training


Bold feats are described in the Galaxy Command campaign setting. Frightful Presence (EX): A first level Silencer receives Frightful Presence as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequistes. If the character already has this feat, the save DC to resist the Silencer’s frightful presence is increased by +4. Legbreaker (EX): Silencers prefer victims that can’t run away. Anytime the Silencer successfully confirms a critical hit with a melee attack, in addition to the normal effect of the hit, the victim’s base land speed is reduced by 5 ft for 24 hours. The effects of this ability stack with themselves and other effects that slow the target. Expert Intimidator (EX): At 3rd level, a Silencer really learns how to throw his weight around and get what he wants. When the Silencer uses Intimidate to change a target’s attitude, the target remain intimidate for at least a number of days equal to your Silencer Class level, and remains intimidated even when out of your presence.

technology) (INT), Move Silently (DEX), Pilot (DEX), Read/Speak Language, Spot (WIS) Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + INT Modifier

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Code of Silence (SU): Starting at 5th level, the Silencer gains specialized psychic talents to help him enforce the harsh code of Omerta. The Silencer can invoke this mind-affecting ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his CHA modifier, as a standard action. By locking gazes with any creature within 30 ft who can clearly see and hear the Silencer, the



C lass Level

Base Attack Bonus

FO RT Save

REF Save



Defense Bonus






Frightful Presence, Legbreaker







Bonus Feat







Expert Intimidator







Bonus Feat







C ode of Silence







Bonus Feat







Silenced Hostages







Bonus Feat







Relentless Pursuit







Track and K ill


character may attempt to impose psychic silence on the target. If the target fails a WILL Save (DC 10 + the Silencer’s class level + his CHA modifier), the target becomes unable to speak, write or otherwise communicate about a specific topic, chosen by the Silencer. If the target attempts to communicate information about this forbidden target, he or she suffers 3d6 points of psychic-based subdual damage. This Code of Silence remains in effect for a number of days equal to the Silencer’s class level plus his CHA modifier. Action Enhancement: By spending an action point after successfully affecting the target with this ability, the Silencer can transform the psychic damage inflicted into lethal damage. Silenced Hostages (SU): At 7th level, the Silencer’s psychic talents become even more cruel. Now, when he affects a target with his Code of Silence talent, the Silencer may name or otherwise

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Reputation Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

clearly identify one additional character, who is allied with the initial target. This additional target also suffers damage if the target violates the Code of Silence, regardless of distance, so long as both initial and secondary targets are on the same plane of existence. Relentless Pursuit (SU): Silenced victims can’t run, can’t’ hide from a 9th level Silencer. The Silencer gains an infallible psychic insight into the current location of any creature he has ever successfully used his Code of Silence class ability on. The Silencer knows the current location, the location’s name, and the distance and direction to any Silenced target, current or past. It requires a full round action to get a lock on a specific target. Targets on another plane of existence, or traveling through hyperspace at the time of the lock-on attempt can’t be tracked. Track and Kill (SU): At 10th level, the Silencer gains major combat benefits against any creature it


has ever successfully used the Code of Silence class ability on. The Silencer automatically confirms critical hits made against these targets, and the critical threat range of any weapons used against Silenced targets is increased by one. The Silencer receives a +2 competence bonus on Bluff, Sense Motive, Intimidate and

The Techno Samurai Advanced Class The old Yakuza clans bred into the Space Mafia centuries before, bringing their own traditions and sense of honor to the Council of Crime. Techno Samurai are the sword and fist of the Space Mafia, killing with specially designed blades, and acting as guards for both senior Capos and veteran Silencers.


You call yourself samurai; you live by a code of strength and honor, of stoic murder and obedience to those above you in the Space Mafia. Your code demands substance: you must be willing to die for the gang, to take a 9,000 year sentence to the Wraith Zone with a smirk and never speak a word of who gave you your orders. It also demands style: you must be a consummate lover, a gangster in thousand dollar silk, able to swing a katana with enough skill to put the swordplay in Old Terran legends to shame. You’re a genetically engineered Neo-Yakuza gangster, wearing your dueling scars and rainbow of tattoos as both armor and uniform. You’re a Techno Samurai, the last bastion of honor and strength left in this sadly fallen Galaxy and let your enemies piss themselves at your approach. The fastest path into the Techno Samurai Advanced Class is through the Dedicated Hero basic class, though other paths are possible At least on Dreadnaught Level is required to become a Techno Samurai. Requirements: To qualify to become a Techno Samurai, a character must fulfill the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +3 Skills: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks; Knowledge (popular culture) 4 ranks; Knowledge (streetwise) 4 ranks; Speak Language: Old Terran (Japanese) Feats: Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency (katana), Oathbound (Space Mafia)

John Strickler (order #3700643)



Dreadnaught Class Feature: Fearless. Techno Samuari must be without fear, and young swordwarriors turn to genetic engineering to remove their flight instincts completely. Special: The prospective Techno Samurai must swear allegiance to the Neo Yakuza and the Space Mafia and its ruling Council of Crime. Most Samurai must undertake a mission, murdering an enemy of the Yakuza with Hit Dice or levels equal 1.5 x to the character’s own and bringing back photos when the deed is done. The prospective Samurai must make the killing blow, but may be aided by allies and other gangsters. Class Information The following information pertains to the Techno Samurai advanced class.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Hit Die The Techno Samurai gains d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies. Techno Samurai train every bit as hard as their Edoperiod ancestors, but they are slightly weakened by the drugs, sex, and good booze of today’s Mafia pleasure domes. Action Points The Techno Samurai gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half of his character level, rounded down every time he attains a new level in this class. Class Skills The Techno Samurai’s class skills are as follows. Balance (DEX), Climb (STR), Diplomacy (CHA), Disguise (CHA), Drive (DEX), Escape


Artist (DEX), Forgery (INT), Gamble (CHA), Gather Information (CHA), Hide (DEX), Intimidate (CHA), Jump (STR), Knowledge (history, popular culture, streetwise, tactics) (INT), Listen (WIS), Move Silently (DEX), Read/Write Language, Speak Language, Spot (WIS), Tumble (DEX) Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + INT Modifier Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the Techno Samurai may choose a bonus feat, which must be selected from the following list. Acupuncture, Agile Riposte, Acrobatic, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Atemi Gunman, Atemi Mastery, Atemi Strike, Blind Fight, Body Hardening Defense, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes, Confident, Deceptive, Dodge, Double Tap, Far Shot, Frightful Presence, Heroic Surge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, One Inch Punch, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Samurai Resolve, Stranglehold, Snakefinger Jab, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (katana), Windfall

Italicized Feats originally presented in another Otherverse Games product 35th Century Bushido (EX): The Techno Samurai has adapted the ancient teachings of bushido to the modern world, and blended them with the equally ancient traditions of the yakuza. The Samurai’s code emphasizes honor, personal responsibility and trustworthiness within the gang, and resolute silence when dealing with outsiders. A Samurai may brag of his exploits, but will never testify to his crimes in court. Each day, the Samurai receives a pool of bonus points equal to the number of enemies (with CR/levels equal to his own) he has personally slain on the gang’s orders. The maximum bonus pool is 20 + the Techno Samurai’s class level. The Samurai may spend any amount of bonus points, up to his current class level, to improve the result of any of the following checks: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and all WILL saves.

C lass Level

Base Attack Bonus

FO RT Save

REF Save



Defense Bonus






35th C entury Bushido, C rime Blade, Effortless Sword







Atone in Hatred







Bonus Feat







Blade of the O ni or N eo Samurai







Resolve or Sword Meditation







Bonus Feat







Undefended Sword







Recitation of Honor







Bonus Feat







Unseen Blade


John Strickler (order #3700643)


Reputation Bonus +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4


The Samurai may spend bonus points after rolling the check, but before the results of the check are revealed.


Upon their first level in this class, Techno Samurai are issued a High Frequency Sword styled after a traditional katana. The Techno Samurai can use all features which require the use of a katana with this specialized High Frequency sword as well. Traditionally, Techno Samurai carry their HF Katana into battle, and reserve their traditional samurai’s katana for ceremonial use. Effortless Sword (EX): Techno Samurai are expected to train with the katana until their hands tremble with exertion and their muscles scream with torment. To do anything less dishonors not only them, but the gang and the obyan they serve. Each day, the Samurai receives a pool of bonus damage points equal to his CHA modifier plus his Samurai class level (minimum two points). When attacking with a katana, the Samurai can add any number of bonus damage points to any successful attack roll. The Samurai decides to add the bonus damage after the attack roll is resolved; allowing the Samurai to slice through an adversary with seemingly no effort. The bonus damage is added in, not multiplied on a critical hit. Crime Blade (SU): The Techno Samurai can manifest a crimson version of the standard Galaxy Command cosmic blade. The Techno Samuari may select Blade of the Cosmos and any feats in the Cosmic Blade feat tree even without meeting the allegiance requirements. These feats are considered Bonus Feats for the Techno Samurai. The Techno Samurai can use any class ability which requires a katana with a Cosmic Blade instead. Atone in Hatred (EX): When the Samurai fails, when his dishonor becomes great, he atones in the traditional way: he severs one of his fingers and presents the bloody offering to his lord as a token of shame. If the Samurai is ever defeated in battle,

John Strickler (order #3700643)

surrenders to, or is humiliated by any one he or she considers a worthy enemy (always someone of equivalent CR/level), he must perform a bloody ceremony of atonement. The ceremony takes at least 30 minutes to perform, and requires the removal of one of the Samurai’s finger joints. Each time the ceremony is performed, the Samurai permanently sacrifices 1 rank in any skill involving manual dexterity. Once completed, the ceremony refocuses the Samurai’s mind and stokes the fires of hate in their breast. The Samurai receives a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against the enemy named in the ceremony from that point on. The ceremony can only be preformed once in reference to any specific enemy. Blade of the Oni (EX): Techno Samurai fight as fearsomely as any dog-faced demon, and with their swords, send the enemies of the gang screaming towards Hell. The Samurai receives a +4 bonus on all Sunder and Disarm attempts he makes when wielding a katana. Neo Samurai (EX): The Techno Samurai is bound by tradition, but not blinded by it; he wields 35th century weapons as adroitly as he wields his blade. The Samurai may choose any specific ranged weapon he is proficient in the operation of. Any Techno Samurai class abilities that would apply when he wields a katana also apply when he wields his chosen ranged weapon. Resolve (EX): The Techno Samurai’s soul is as strong and unbreakable as a Samurai’s lacquered armor, and allows him to push his body on past the point of failure. Once per day, the Samurai can delay the damage dealt by a single attack or effect for a number of rounds equal to his Samurai class level. Sword Meditation (EX): The Samurai has made his sword the center of his being, meditating on the perfection of the steel and the union of muscle and blade. The Samurai receives a +2 insight bonus on all WILL saves and Initiative checks made when he holds his unsheathed blade in his hand.


Undefended Sword (EX): The Samurai can focus his mind, clearing it of all distractions, and slice cleanly through even the most powerful opponent’s defenses. Once per day, prior to making an attack roll against a specific target, the Samurai can declare that he is using this class ability. When he does so, all attacks made against a specific foe during that round ignore natural armor and equipment bonuses to Defense. When using this ability against a foe with any form of Damage Reduction, the Samurai ignores a number of points of DR equal to one plus his WIS modifier (minimum two points). Recitation of Honor (EX): By reciting his name, the name of his obyan and the fearsome deeds of his gang, the Techno Samurai can strike terror into cowardly hearts. As a standard action, the Samurai can declare his allegiance and brag about his prowess as a killer. Any sentient creature within 30 ft who hears the recitation must succeed at a WILL Save (DC 15 + the Samurai’s CHA modifier) or become shaken for 2d4 rounds. Any creature with 5 HD/levels or

The Family Business The Space Mafia’s primary concern is making money, and the criminal cult has no concern about how it makes a credit. The Mafia doesn’t care how the citizens on its world live, so long as they pay up on time. The Space Mafia’s major business is smuggling- brining proscribed chemicals, weapons and technologies to client worlds, usually right under Galaxy Command’s nose. Prostitution, gambling and the galactic slave trade are also big business. The Space Mafia also shakes down planetary business owners and major shipping companies, forcing them to pay protection or face a squad of Shipbreaker thugs.


Capricorn Station: This ultra-plush orbiting habitat is located a few parsecs from the major shipping lanes running between Earth and Alpha Centuari, right in the heart of the galaxy. One of the Space Mafia’s most legitimate ventures, Capricorn Station is a mecca for gamblers and tourists across the cosmos. One of the most expensive hotels in known space, nearly twenty square miles of station

fewer becomes frightened instead. John Strickler (order #3700643)



habitat is given over to luxury casinos, where millioncredit bets are the norm, and more than one scruffy nerf herder has walked away with the pinkslip to a former buddy’s smuggler-ship. The rest of the station is given over to restaurants, bars, theaters, luxury accommodations, zero-g spas and sports arenas, and other high-credit luxuries. Capricorn Station isn’t officially on Galaxy Command’s list of forbidden establishments, but Command officers frown on young adventurers spending too much time there. A weekend leave to Capricorn Station is usually overlooked as a rite of passage, though, provided everyone makes it back to their Command Academy in time. Gambling on the Future Characters with a few ranks in Gamble might want to try their luck at some of the 35th Centuries most popular games. High stakes games can be found at Capricorn Station and the best Mafia pleasure-domes, but lower stakes pots can be found any where bored spacers congregates, even Galaxy Command barracks. Frak Frak is a card game similar to Poker, and is played with triangular cards. Each card has a unique point value for each of its three sides. Deciding how to hold your hand of four cards to maximize points is the game’s hardest to learn stragety, though bluffing and drawing are major aspects of the game as well. Other similar games include Sprock, a three card variant, and Nass, played with two decks. Variant Rules: Players with 4 or more ranks in Bluff receive a +1 synergy bonus on Gamble checks made when playing Frak.

Variant Rules: Characters with a DEX score of 15+ receive a +1 synergy bonus on Gamble checks made when playing Holo Chess. Orbital Roulette This high-tech roulette variant is designed to be played even in zero-g and is popular in older and poorer space habitats, where artificial gravity is kind of erratic. The playing board is decorated with a space theme, and the board is divided into Command (Blue) and WARSTAR (Red) spaces, and instead of numbers, slots depict planets and moons. An unhackable randomizer circuit in the roulette wheel uses random magnetic surges to pull the ferrous ball into the winning slot. Variant Rules: The randomizer chip can’t be hacked, but it can certainly be sabotaged. A cheater with a penny-sized hand magnet can attempt to influence the ball’s drop with a successful Sleight of Hand check, opposed by the dealer’s Spot check. Success grants the gambler a +1d6 circumstance bonus on his or her next Gamble check at this game. Failure gets the gambler tossed out an airlock… Shooter This holographic strategy game is popular with spacers. Players are dealt holographic cards depicting a mix of famous and fictional military units, Planetary Champions and infamous WARSTAR generals. The object of the game is to assemble the best hand, taking into account all the thousands of variant rules and special abilities of the cards, and Shooter plays like a mix of Texas Hold ‘Em and a modern CCG. Variant Rules: Use INT as the Key Ability for Gamble when playing Shooter.

Holo Chess One rule. Always let the big furry guy win. This game plays like a traditional game of Terran chess, but the playing pieces are named for various galactic monsters. When pieces clash, while their relative value usually determines who is captured, a skillful player can sway the holographic contest with some deft button mashing.

John Strickler (order #3700643)



Freebooter’s Asteroid: This well defended raider hideout is basically an enormous starship carved from an asteroid that dwarfs the Martian object Ceres. Equipped with its own propulsion systems, the Freebooter’s Asteroid prowls the border between Galaxy Command space and the frontier. Criminals, terrorists and space pirates of every breed are welcome here, and the Freebooter’s Asteroid is usually the only port of call where space’s most wanted can rest, repair and resupply. However, the Asteroid’s owners, the Nova-Swarm Cartel, one of the larger Space Mafia families, knows it has a monopoly on starship repair and resupply, so prices (for everything, right down to oxygen rations!) are at least twice as high as they are anywhere else in the galaxy. Slaves often end up doing time here, especially if they have even basic mechanical skills, while the sleazy “Romance Alley” always needs bar girls and xeno-prostitutes.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Many Demok adventurers have escaped from the Asteroid, and have damn good reason to never want to go back. Several families of Proximite technicians, especially those exiled from their arkships for experimenting with antisocial or forbidden technology, have set up shop on the Freebooter’s Asteroid. These curt little techno-paths can rebuild or modify anything, from starship warp drivess to combat mecha to just putting a new scope on your blaster. The waiting list for a Proximite techie stretches into years, but a substantial bribe (usually 3-4 times what the repair would cost elsewhere) can move a client to the front of the line. Knox-17: Security? Andromeda VII doesn’t have this good of security. This enormous space vault is located somewhere deep in the Prison Zone, and like the Freebooter’s Asteroid, is capable of spaceflight and even warp-travel. Anything coming within a parsec of Knox-17 is blasted into space dust, and for good reason. The space vault is the size of a small moon and holds centuries worth


of ill-gotten wealth. Gold coins, pressed latinum strips, even Thomite and enough good Spice to turn every eye in the Western Spiral Arm bright blue all fill the planetary vault’s coffers in numbers big enough to tempt even saints to crime.


Finding the vault is almost impossible, as the planetoid is protected behind dense, multi-layered stealth screens. It’s rumored that the Space Mafia has reverse engineered Argonite Wraith Zone technology, allowing the planetoid to zip away to an other dimensional sanctuary in an instant if it is ever truly threatened. Only the Black Sun knows where the vault is in at any given time, thanks to a real time ansible link between the stellar AI and the vault. Its control over the Mafia’s wealth is the Black Sun’s true power. The Lightspeed Pipeline: An illegal shipping trade ensures that the Mafia remains well supplied. Space Truckers in over their head in gambling debts, down on their luck or just deperate for some quick credits ply the ‘Lightspeed Pipeline’, ferrying cargo and passengers anywhere they’re not wanted. The Lightspeed Pipeline transports drugs, proscribed technologies, weapons and people from place to place without ever seeing a Command tax station or inspection crew… if everything goes right. The Pipeline can smuggle people into or out of a closed world- useful for getting criminals or spies off planet in a hurry, or helping illegal refugees settle on a new planet. The Pipeline is naturally a pure-profit operation, and its only concern is the bottom line, but occasionally, the Pipeline can serve Galaxy Command’s altruistic interests. Galaxy Command isn’t averse to using the Pipeline to smuggle weapons, literature and military aids to planets behind WARSTAR’s Iron Curtain of Space, nor are civilian organizations dedicated to freeing oppressed planets. The Pipeline’s agents are fairly trustworthyfor spacer scum. The Pipeline Runner code of honor means that dumping a load in anything but the most extreme circumstances, or selling out a passenger or client are death sentences. Silencer assassins are usually dispatched to terminally punish cowardly or

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treacherous Pipeline Runners, making the Pipeline a more reliable cargo-carrier than the Galactic Post Office! Neo-Italy: This once pristine farming world has been taken over by Space Mafia thugs and turned into a sanctuary for the Mafia’s senior capos. Locals are bullied by the Space Mafia thugs at every turn, and are kept techno-starved. Local technology resembles 1950s earth, except for the Capo’s estates, which have the nastiest security features 35th Century technology can provide. The planet’s peasant population toils to feed and clothe the Space Mafia, and can only wait for a hero to appear and finally free them… Go for it! New Montanya: This blasted world resembles scalding Mercury, but has even less to recommend it as a tourist destination. At least Mercury has some nice beaches for UV-rad immune aliens. The heavily fortified world is home to the Crime Council, and meets under the light of the ancient Black Sun of Crime. The surrounding system is studded with space-mines, fleets of mercenary starships and dangerous kill-bots, all ready to respond to an invasion with lethal results. The Galactic Kill-Brawl Championships are held on New Montanya every third Council meeting. The deadliest gladiators and kill-bots from a 212 worlds or factions converge on the blasted world. Each crew is escorted by a squad of Black Sun Elites, and is kept under heavy security. The Championships last nearly one month, as brackets of fighters are winnowed down to a final four gladiators, who must face each other on a specially designed, lethal field designed by the Black Sun itself. The contest’s single survivor wins a prize purse of nearly ½ billion credits! Surviving competitors (if there are any) are usually find positions as Space Mafia thugs…whether or not they want them. Especially valiant slain competitors are resuscitated by Space Mafia cyber-surgeons, transformed into tech-laced monstrosities, and unleashed on the universe.



Rigel II Theta: Another world in the populous and multiply colonized Rigel system is known as the “Dirt Market”. This rainy, humid world has been converted into low rent open-air market where anything is for sale. Need slaves, combat drugs, a new kill-bot or just a fusion initiator for a ’07 Starbomber? You can probably find it among the tin-roofed stalls and merchant tents of the Dirt Market. Don’t expect any real order, decent customer service or safety though. Anyone who doesn’t come armed rarely leaves the planet, and either they or their component organs end up on the auction block themselves. Doin’ Time in the Zoritum Mines Galaxy Command maintains a few prisons for those too dangerous for conventional psychoreform programs, or for those (like CrimeWire Cultists) who simply can’t be reformed. The Prison Zone is reserved for the worst of the worst, for stardevouring ameobeas, pirate gods, and other epic level threats, while ordinary, humanoid criminals are sent to one of the Command’s other penal institutions. In some cases, Galaxy Command is reluctant to send a particularly dangerous threat to the Prison Zone and is forced to devise other incarceration, because they know once within the Zone the creature will likely be recruited directly into WARSTAR

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and become an even bigger threat. The following galactic prisons are described in their order of sadism, with the worst coming towards the end of the section. Don’t drop the space-soap. Penal Colony X-1, X-2 and X-3 Penal Colony X-1 through X-3 are located at the outer edges of the Earth, Andromeda and Centuari systems, relatively close to the major settlement zones. These colonies are usually located on one of the outer worlds of the system: the Jupiter moon, Ganymede in the case of Penal Colony X-1. These large and spartan facilities are supervised by android jailers, and actual human staffers are rare and usually limited to psi-capable counselors and rehabilitation specialist. X-series Penal Colonies are reserved for relatively non-violent offenders, and kept close to human-controlled space to allow for relatively easy visitation. Those serving their time at an X-series pen are usually first time offenders, or habitual criminals undergoing psycho-rehab. Given the relatively low security nature of an X-series pen, a hardcore criminal incarcerated in one might have an easy time breaking free. Hacking the guard-bots, taking a psi-


staffer hostage or commandeering one of the visitor’s shuttles are all challenges, but not impossible ones.


The Command’s military prisoners, especially those in the brig for shorter sentences or for minor infractions are usually sent to a cell at an X-series. Space Mafia capos can usually bribe or connive their way into a cell at an X-series pen, if they can’t avoid imprisonment entirely. Finally, prisoners requiring specialized medical care, as well as those serving out the last year or two of a longer sentence usually do their time at an X-series penal colony.

probationary status. If a prisoner (even one with a four millennia sentence) does well, he or she can return to the fleet in as little as three years.

The Black Brig

Red Max

The Black Brig has been retrofitted from an orbital starship drydock orbiting Neptune. This aging, juryrigged institution is home to Galaxy Command’s military prisoners. Discipline is harsh, boot camp all over again (only worse), and all military prisoners are expected to complete psychorehab with exemplary scores. Galaxy Command’s meanest drill instructors all rotate through the Black Brig for a tour of duty.

Ventura is a desert world balanced precariously in a triple solar system. The three competing stellar gravities and high radiation make navigation virtually impossible. Ventura is famous for two things: Red Max, one of the hardest maximum security prisons in the galaxy, and the Venturan Thermo-Med Center, a xeno-medical center specializing in the treatment of aliens who need an intensely hot or irradiated environment to survive.

The Black Brig’s goal is to return military troublemakers to the fleet in a minimum amount of time. Galaxy Command’s military sentences are unbelievably long, with sentences of more than 2,000+ years being all too common. However, the Brig’s staff can commute or shorten these sentences as a reward for good behavior, completion of drills and training, or performing missions while on

Red Max is often used to incarcerate energy casters and psychics, because its specially designed cells can withstand, or even absorb exotic energy discharges. The Red Max facility is strangely beautiful, compared to the stark grey ulitarian designs of other penal facilities. The entire structure is composed of crimson and violet crystal and is semitranslucent from the outside. Guards patrol the outer

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perimeter and are constantly on watch for escape attempts or smuggled weapons. The gigantic prison covers several square miles, and glistens brightly in the sun. At “Highest Noon” when all three of the system’s suns align, the facility is a blazing beacons. Guards and prisoners alike are dependant on specially tinted goggles to preserve their eyesight.

RAGE-666’s bowels. Many prisoners have slipped away from their mining gangs in search of this fabled escape route, and maybe, just maybe some of the disappearances mean that the prisoner found the stargate… instead of ending up in some creature’s stomach. Argonite Wraith Zones


Correctional Mining Facility RAGE-666 The Galaxy Command’s prison mine, RAGE-666 was unfortunately named by an untested AI with a penchant for the dramatic, who had watched way too many cheesy sci-fi movies. Also unfortunately, the facility lives up to its intentionally ominous name. Especially dangerous humanoids are incarcerated here, watched over by a full time staff of Galactic Marshals, a battalion worth of combat drones and a fierce unit of specially trained Urlok riot-troops. Only male humanoids incapable of undergoing psycho-rehab are incarcerated at RAGE-666. Each of the miners are serving an average 250 year hard labor sentence, and most have ties to WARSTAR or are high level killers working for the Space Mafia. Prisoners rarely escape the facility, but disappear with alarming regularity. The mines are a dangerous place, and the equipment is substandard, at best. Monstrous xeno-predators swarm the deeper tunnels, killing at will and dragging off unlucky convicts to serve as incubators for their eggs (which are inserted in some very, very uncomfortable places). RAGE-666 is located deep within the Algol System, which accounts for the fearsome predators on-site. There is evidence of prior colonization by some alien race that used the distant, darkling world as a prison thousands of years before Galaxy Command’s formation. Some of the deepest tunnels extend down into ancient alien complexes, some of which contain as-yet-uncatalogued threats. Occasionally, one of these tunnels leads to an armory, which a canny prisoner can use to mount an escape attempt. There is a persistent but unproven rumor of an ancient and still functioning star-gate deep within

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The Argonite civilization does not imprison its criminals in this reality. Instead, it uses a specialized dimensional gate system to deposit its prisoners on the Astral Plane. With the destruction of Argos, many portals to the Wraith Zone were lost forever, potentially trapping thousands of Argonite convicts in the endless white nothingness of the Astral Plane. The government of New Argos does not believe in rehabilitation of criminals, simply warehousing them in another reality until their long sentences are up. Since time does not pass on the Astral Plane, Argonite convicts can have centuries measured in millennia, even longer. Argonite judges usually decide their sentences based upon the lifespans of the victims, and often keep a convict in the Wraith Zone until his victim (and an extra generation or two) has died of old age, to prevent retaliation. Once in the Wraith Zone prisoners have only minimal contact with their jailers, since they have no real physical needs on the Astral Plane. Sensory deprivation, boredom and a rare few Astral predators are the inmates’ only concern, but these threats claim a majority of prisoners before their long sentences are up. Those who survive to their release date receive a specially tailored nutrient pill through the same gateway that deposited them on the Astral Plane. This pill’s purpose is to make up for the years (or centuries) of missed meals, so the prisoner simply doesn’t die of starvation upon their return to normal space-time. Prisoners can only be released from the same space-gate that brought them to the Astral Plane, meaning that millions of prisoners are stuck in the Astral Plane for eternity.



A few Wraith Zoners have found ways out of their misty imprisonment over the years, usually exploiting short-lived wormholes created by atomic explosions, but now, an entire army of disgruntled and possibly insane convicts stands poised to rampage across the galaxy…. if they can just figure out an escape method….. WARSTAR Prisons WARSTAR is a criminal regime and usually prefers to execute threats rather than imprison them. Whole worlds have been turned into charnel houses, and Galaxy Command’s military has sent several missions deep into the Prison Zone to liberate planets transformed into apocalyptic concentration camps. WARSTAR only keeps prisoners alive if they have something it wants: a set of harvestable organs, a strong back for slave-mining or information. WARSTAR’s hostages and prisoners of war are shuttled to inhospitable and highly defended hellworlds deep within the Prison Zone. These prisons are guarded by legions of Omegan war-bots, who can’t be bribed or pleaded with. The most notorious is EVEN-WORSE-THAN-RAGE-666, a hellish prison located deep within a red giant system. The prison is run by an AI of the same unimaginative make and model as RAGE-666, and desperately wants to achieve the fearsome reputation of its predecessor. The AI Warden finds out everything it can about other prisons and tries to incorporate these fact into building the cruelest and most sadistic prison in the Galaxy. The Blackstar Tyrant fully approves of the Warden AI’s hobby, even if the results are sometimes more comedic than threatening, especially when the computer adopts a “Southern” accent and recites lines from old Terran crime movies… which it does incessantly.

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WARSTAR gladiators are often convicts, forced to fight for survival. The best gladiators aren’t given their freedom after a final climactic bout: instead, they’re press ganged into service with the Empire’s military. Those too stupid or savage for traditional military service are warped, body and mind, into fearsome beasts used as shock troops. Cult of the Crime-Wire Some criminals hate and fear the idea of being psycho-rehabed into becoming good citizens far more than they fear conventional incarceration. The Cult of the Crime-Wire is a cybernetic terrorist cult which offers career criminals a way to keep their minds their own. Funded by Space Mafia dollars, the cult leaders have invented a cybernetic brainimplant that keeps Galaxy Command psions out of a criminal’s thoughts, one which they sell for high dollars. Crime-Wire implants are a growing scourge within the Command, a new illegal technology that the Galactic Marshals can’t intercept fast enough. The devices are used by Space Mafia criminals, small time free-booters and WARSTAR agents alike, and even the Command’s under classes are becoming device users. The Cult of the Crime-Wire has had great success marketing the illegal bioimplant to fringers concerned about Galaxy Command’s rising and unchecked power. Possession of Crime-Wire implants is highly illegal, but that doesn’t stop would-be revolutionaries on a dozen worlds from owning them. The Cult of the Crime Wire began on spacepirate cutters, a cobbled together religion based on half remembered Space Mafia doctrines, WARSTAR propaganda and selfish rationalization. The Cult is popular among career criminals, because it justifies theft and murder as the privileges of the strong and cunning. Anyone brave enough to be a criminal deserves their victories. The Cult views Galaxy Command as a bunch of self righteous thugs, that the only difference between them and the Mafia is that the Mafia doesn’t care if you believe its Code of Omerta or not, as long as you pay up. Cult members are taught that the Command’s idealistic


The Legion of Serial Killers The Legion of Serial Killers is the driving force behind the Cult of the Crime Wire. A selection of thugs, misanthropes and stone-cold sociopaths from twelve dozen worlds, the LoSK is one of the most feared (and most reclusive) organizations in the galaxy. The LoSK is headquartered on the dead world, Styx, located deep within the prison zone. This world was once a prosperous inhabited moon in the system the Black Sun of Crime was eventually banished to. The long-extinct Stygian natives wiped themselves out in a genocidal war so barbaric the eco-system never recovered, even uncounted millions of years later. To the monsters of LoSK, walking through the ruins is a rare pleasure, because the ruins represent an entire species and culture lost to death.


LoSK members are nihilists, cruel sadists and blood-thirsty thrillseekers. Only the organization’s stringent by-laws prevent the members from turning their blades and nerve-blasters on one another. Instead, LoSK members compete amongst themselves to build the most impressive roster of kills. One of the Council of Crime’s regular duties is to assign the monsters of the LoSK new targets.

and merciful nature are weaknesses to be exploited, and its’ their divine duty as Cultists of Crime, to take full advantage of those weaknesses. The Cult of the Crime-Wire’s favorite targets are reformed criminals now serving within Galaxy Command. Cultists will attack former criminals in preference to other targets. Reformed criminals are sometimes kidnapped, forcibly implanted with a Crime-Wire and forced into service on a pirate vessel. The Cult of the Crime-Wire views these pressgangings as liberation, regardless of what the unfortunate former crook thinks of the matter.

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On one hand, the Council knows that unleashing the Serial Killers against a target sends a powerful message, and is occasionally even successful, as hordes of crazed killers can eventually wear down even the most determined defense. On the other hand, the Space Mafia is careful never to attract too much attention by allowing the Serial Killers too much leeway. The gory, high profile violence of a Serial Killer is seen as a poor substitute for the subtle violence of a Silencer or Techno Samurai. The Council of Crime knows the Serial Killers will rampage and murder in any case, and try their best to steer the mad-sentients towards annoyances, and use the cult as a distraction… while saner agents conduct the Space Mafia’s real business.



Even though the Space Mafia is reluctant to become too dependant on the Serial Killers, the mere threat of their involvement can often shut up a stubborn witness or convince a reluctant space trucker to part with his cargo. Left to their own devices, the LoSK would murder entire worlds, using everything from forbidden bio-nukes to their bare hands and filed-down teeth and a lot of time and malice. WARSTAR often hires Serial Killer mercs as assassins and shocktroops. The Blackmoon Tyrant enjoys their madness, and appreciates their ‘high art’- a well put together massacre brutal enough to shock the entire galaxy. Crime-Wire Implant (PL 7) This implant is surgically installed in a cyborg’s brain and protrudes through skull just a few centimeters as a visible pattern of metallic wires and circuit components. A cyborg can easily conceal the device under long hair. Benefit: Creatures with this implant cannot undergo Galaxy Command psycho-rehab. They receive a +4 equipment bonus on any WILL save made to resist alignment or allegiance change. Drain: 0.5 Type: Internal Hardness/Hit Points: 0/5 Base Purchase DC: 18 Restriction: Illegal (+4)

New Species The new races have all ended up involved in the Command Penal system in one way or another. Orpaks are born criminals, canny, cruel and treacherous. Gravoks are a former slave race, often used as brute labor by the Space Mafia and freed by Galaxy Command. Seductive Demoks still struggle in bondage, and often turn to crime for survival. Monasists are a race whose forefathers were the worst criminals Old Earth had to offer, whose descendants have evolved past violence. Reptids are mercenary cannibals, and doing time is a natural state of being for these monsters. Sethzinians, well, those idiots just like violence. And Argonites… they’re the universe’s most merciless jailers.

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The Argonites (PL 8) Medium Humanoid (Psionic) The destruction of their homeworld has hardened the Argonite species. Once a peaceful and scientific race, the Argonites in exile have become pragmatic to the point of cruelty. The species has always placed the letter of the law above emotion, valuing logic and legalism far above individual feeling. The Argonite’s fearsome Wraith Zone is the ultimate symbol of the race and its almost mechanical detachment… the invention of a prison crueler and more remote than anything a WARSTAR tyrant could ever conceive. Today’s Argonites survive on orbital stations orbiting their homeworld’s star, and harvest valuable minerals from the ruin of their birth-world. Their devotion to law and obedience has only been strengthened due to the rigors of station life. Everything is regimented and rationed aboard an Argonite station, from food and consumable gases to degree of affection. Argonites rarely show emotion, and the stoic species can accept the judgment of its government even when the Science Council’s judgments are monstrous. Argonites who embrace emotion, or reject the wise ruling of the Science Council are criminals, and on New Argos, there is only one way to deal with criminals…. Appearance: Argonites are tall, slender humanoids with slick, plasticine blue skins. They stand a little taller and weigh a bit less than humans, because before its destruction, Argos’ gravity was only 0.6 Earth standard. Their elongated skulls hint at the race’s cold intellect, as do their silvery, strangely reflective eyes. Upon reaching the age of majority at 190 Terran solar years, Argonites have a Wraith Crystal implanted in the back of their hand. All surviving Argonites are expected to serve the cause of cosmic justice, and prevent tragedies like the death of their home world. These strange crystalline implants serve as a portal to the Wraith Zone, a way to exile criminals beyond reality.


Size: Argonites are medium humanoids, and as such receive no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Their base land speed is 30 ft Argonites have the Psionic Subtype and may select freely from Psionic Precursors and Psionic Feats, described fully in Psi-Watch.


Ability Score Modifiers: -2 STR, +2 INT, +2 WIS. Argonites are physically frail, thanks to the low gravity conditions they exist in, but are quick witted and pragmatic. Stupidity is a crime on New Argos, one which can be punished by Wraith Zone exile, so Argonites make it a point to be keenly intelligent. Racial Feats: All Argonites are trained to accept their station in life from an early age, and are trained in a useful life-skill from infancy. Argonites receive one of the following as a racial bonus feat, which determines their caste: Educated, Gearhead, or Medical Expert.

Reproduction: Argonite reproduction, like everything else about the species is tightly regulated by the Science Council. The species has no conception of romance. Marriages are initiated or dissolved for the good of the species as a whole, and children are raised communally. Argonites have no interest in sex for pleasure, and no concept of love. The average Argonite adult will mate with several different mates over the course of his or her fertile period, in hopes of breeding genetically superior and diverse offspring. Unauthorized breeding or romances are both crimes that carry a long sentence in the Wraith Zone.

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Wraith Crystal (SU): This unique bioimplant is hardwired into the Argonite’s neurology and ceases to function when the alien dies. As a full round action, similar to a coup de gras, the Argonite can displace an unconscious, dying or helpless defender of Size Large or smaller into the Wraith Zone. Doing so requires the targeted creature to succeed at a WILL Save (DC 12 + the Argonite’s INT modifier) or be banished to the Astral Plane. The Argonite can use this ability at will. An Argonite may also release any creature it has personally banished to the Wraith Zone. Doing so is a full round action, and the creature returns to ordinary space/time in the nearest open square to the Argonite. What condition (mentally and physically) the creature is upon re-emergence is at the gamemaster’s discretion. Some creatures may reemerge from the Zone in the same wounded condition they went in, others may emerge at full


strength physically (though who knows what condition mentally) and others may have devolved into a fearsome Argonite Wraith Zoner, hungry for vengeance….


Restricted Starting Occupation: Argonites tolerate no dissent or deviation from societal norms. An Argonite’s starting occupation is based upon the racial feat he or she selected. An Argonite who has chosen Educated can only be a Student or White Collar. Those choosing Gearhead can only select Technician as their starting occupation, while those who have chosen medical expert can only be Doctors or Emergency Services. Favored Classes: Smart Hero, Dedicated Hero Demoks (PL 6) Medium Monstrous Humanoid Demoks are probably the most seductive species in the galaxy, and that’s where their troubles began. Demoks are in great demand as prostitutes, and where willing Demoks can’t be found to work the Space Mafia’s pleasure domes, slavers are more than willing to satisfy the demand for these attractive xeno-forms. The Demok’s home world deep in the LeVay Nebula hasn’t been truly free in three millennia. Their home system has been carved up by a consortium of competing business interests and lowrent imperialists. The Space Mafia, unaligned slavers, WARSTAR garrisons, even the occasional Galaxy Command humanitarian team have all staked out their own claims and run their own little fiefdoms. In disgust, the majority of Demoks have utterly abandoned their world, trying to survive a galaxy that just wants to exploit them. Some make a living manipulating their exploiters- it’s easy for a psi-capable prostitute to turn blackmailer, after all. Others have become angry, intent on finally freeing their world from all external influence, and scour the space-ways in search of the fire power needed to do the job. Some Demoks are able to call themselves truly free but the vast majority are slaves of one extent or another. A few have settled on the utopian Pacifica, where they fit in with the lusty

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natives, but many Demoks wonder if they’re trading obvious bondage for a gilded cage by settling among that world’s hedonists. Appearance: Demoks resemble extremely attractive humanoid females, as a single gendered species, there are no males of their kind. Their bodies are evolved to attract the widest possible array of humanoid mates, and beauty is genetically encoded into the xeno-species. Demoks have enormous bat like wings protruding from their shoulder blades. At full extension, these leathery wings have a span that rivals even the biggest Tal-Anon, and the Demoks boast similar in-air maneuverability. A small, spadetipped tail gives them a little bit extra stability when in flight. Demoks have curling ram-like calcium horns in place of hair. Their horns grow constantly, and most young Demoks spend at least an hour a day filing down their horns. Demok matrons stop filing their horns when their childbearing years are done, and some of the eldest boast impressive crowns. Many xeno-anthropologists believe that early contact with Demok slaves aboard alien starships and pre-spaceflight humanity gave rise to legends of succubi, angels and other supernatural beings. The fact that many Demoks have given names taken from ancient Terran cultures gives credence to this theory. Reproduction: Demoks are an all female species. They are born pregnant, with a near-clone of their mother, and give birth to a single infant during their late teens or early twenties. Demoks raise their young communally. After giving birth to a clone off spring, Demoks can mate and bear viable young with any male of any humanoid species The offspring is always a full blooded Demok girl, though she may bear some cosmetic traces of her father’s genome. Demoks enjoy sex for pleasure, but probably not the extent that galactic rumor would have you believe.


Size: Demoks are medium monstrous humanoids, as such they have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. As monstrous humanoids, Demoks are immune to effects which specifically target humanoids, such as Charm Person.


Demoks have a base land speed of 30 ft. Their bat-like wings give them a Flight Speed of 30 ft (average). They can only fly when unarmored or lightly armored, and when carrying a light load or less. Assuming the Demok is conscious and capable of flapping her wings, she never takes damage from a fall, regardless of distance, even if she can’t truly fly. Ability Score Modifiers: -2 STR, +4 CHA. Demoks are frail but stunning- their sex linked traits are selected for attraction, not upper body strength or cardiovascular endurance. Their body has evolved (perhaps artificially) along lines that most humanoid males find attractive. Enhanced Senses: Demoks possess the scent special quality. A Demok who learns the Track feat may track by scent alone.

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Demoks can communicate among themselves silently through scent cues alone. Demoks must be within 100 ft of one another to communicate through scent cues, past that distance, messages become muddy and indistinct. These scent messages can convey information just as complex as spoken language, and the Demok native tongue is purely scent based. NonDemok cannot ‘speak’ this language without some kind of technological assistance, though other


creatures with the scent quality can learn to understand the language.


Attractive Pheromones (EX): The Demok’s body naturally secretes a pleasant, sexually appealing chemical. She receives a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Gather Information checks made against anyone who would normally be sexually attracted to her. This bonus is increased to +6 if the Demok make skin to skin contact with the subject; this additional bonus lasts for 2 hours after the exposure ends. This effect is useless against anyone wearing a gas mask or CBR gear, or any creature magically protected from toxic gases, as well as most forms of mechanical and Silicon Based life. Favored Classes: Charismatic Hero, Personality, Swindler The Gravocs (PL 6) Large Humanoid The Gravocs are a bulky race of genetically engineered laborers, originally created as a slave species. The Gravoc genome has passed through so many hands and batches of the super-strong clones have been grown on so many worlds, it’s all but impossible to determine who really invented the bulky humanoids. By longstanding Galaxy Command law, Gravocs within its territory are free sentients. However, the clone species finds the past difficult to shake. WARSTAR and the Space Mafia alike still breed Gravocs into slavery in incredible numbers. Free Gravocs within Command Space often have to contend with old prejudices and stereotyping as dimwitted, machine-like thugs. Their frustration often forces Gravocs into a life of crime, and those born within Mafia Space or the WARSTAR Empire know nothing other than brutality and service. Free

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Gravocs within the Command often become infantry troops- they’ve got no taste for space combat, and most are too big to fit into the cockpit anyway. They excel in their chosen role, demonstrating the strength and endurance their species was bred for.

Appearance: Gravocs are humanoids adapted to survive on high-G planets and have incredible strength and endurance. Even the smallest stand over seven feet tall and weigh as much as a hoverbike. Gravocs of both genders are completely hairless and densely muscled. Gravoc skin is usually


pale, though on many worlds the creatures are designed with pale blue or dingy grey skin. Gravocs of both genders are completely hairless, for better hygine in water-rationed environments, such as starships and low-tech space habitats. Reproduction: Though Gravocs can enjoy sex for pleasure, they are sterile and created only in laboratories. Gravocs in Command Space are allowed to adopt humanoid children to begin their families. Size: Gravocs are Large humanoids. As large creatures they suffer a -1 size penalty on attack rolls and their Defense score, a -4 size penalty on Hide checks, but receive a +4 size bonus on grapple checks. A Gravoc’s base land speed is 30 ft, and this land speed cannot be reduced by encumbrance or by wearing heavy armor. Ability Score Modifiers: +6 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT, -2 WIS. Gravocs are designed for strength, durability and hard labor. Their intelligence and will power is intentionally reduced to make them more controllable. Racial Feats: Gravocs receive Endurance as a racial bonus feat, thanks to their enormous, efficient lungs and circulatory systems. Racial Skills: Gravocs are taught from an early age how to repair and modify starship components, because they are needed as high-G mechanics, despite their relative dullness. Training makes up for lack of raw brain power, and Gravocs receive a +2 racial bonus on Repair checks. Enhanced Senses: Gravocs receive lowlight vision. High G Adaptation (EX): Gravocs are designed for service in intense gravity wells. They suffer no penalties to skills, attack rolls, carrying capacity or land speed reduction when in a High G environment.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Simple Pleasures (EX): Gravocs are hardwired to find satisfaction and take pleasure in doing their assigned work. A Gravoc who rolls a natural 20 on any STR based skill check or any Craft, Profession or Repair check, or who takes 20 and succeeds on a check, receives a +1 morale bonus to their WILL Save for 24 hours.


Favored Classes: Strong Hero, Tough Hero, Bodyguard, Helix Warrior The Monasists (PL 5) Medium Humanoid The Monasists are an evolved human subrace hailing from the barren world of Point Promise. The Point’s first colonists were exiled Terran soldiers and terrorists, hawkish warmongers exiled from Earth during the mid 2800s, as the culture attempted a clean break with its warlike past. Unlike many other prison colonies, the men and women of Point Promise evolved past the attitudes and crimes that lead to their imprisonment, and today Point Promise is a peaceful and prosperous member of Galaxy Command. The Monasists have earned a reputation as some of the Milky Way’s best martial artists- a highly trained Monasist warrior is one of the few humanoids who can go toe-to-toe with a Trius black belt (Free20: Threeway, 2009 Otherverse Games). The men and women of Point Promise practice martial arts as a tribute to their warlike past, but themselves are one of the most non-aggressive species in the galaxy. For Monasists, martial arts is a way of passing down important cultural lessons, remaining fit and able to defend themselves from outside threats, and an important way of learning control of both body and soul. Appearance: Monasists resemble humans of indeterminate racial origin. Their homeworld is demographically mixed, as the original colonists hailed from every country and tribe 29th Century Earth had to offer. All Monasists are lean and fit, and are capable of acts of amazing physical control. By the time she is eight or nine, a Monasist child has


been studing the martial arts for more than five years, and is the equal of a veteran human black belt.


Reproduction: Monasists reproduce identically to their human cousins, and this fit and confident subspecies is interfertile with humans born on other worlds. Size: Monasists are Medium humanoids, and as such receive no special bonus or penalty due to their size. A Monasist’s base land speed is 40 ft, due to generations of selective breeding and incredible physical training. Ability Score Modifiers: +2 DEX. Monasists are incredibly fit, and their physical prowess expresses itself through a dancer’s lean, graceful physique. Racial Feats: All Monasists are taught the basics of unarmed self defense, especially judo and akido, from infancy. All adult Monasists receive Defensive Martial Arts as a racial bonus feat. Enhanced Senses: Monasist eyes aren’t any keener than human eyes, but the rigorous mental training the aliens receive provides them with lowlight vision. Superior Training (EX): Monasists are masters of most known forms of galactic martial arts. They receive a +1 competence bonus to melee attack rolls and their Defense score when engaged in melee combat with any character with either the Defensive Martial Arts or Combat Martial Arts feature. Their familiarity with various martial arts styles allows the Monasists to exploit weaknesses built into traditional fighting styles. Favored Classes: Fast Hero, Martial Artist, Field Officer, Xenophile

John Strickler (order #3700643)


Embracing chaos and evil seemingly for its own sake, the Orpaks were responsible for hundreds of atrocities, each of which released more and more life-giving pollution. Each fusion plant or recyc-center they destroyed, more of their own twisted species were created. Eventually, the Syrions drove off their bastard cousins, but the planet was almost uninhabitable when all was said and done. The Syrion population migrated off their world, and the Orpaks scattered to the stars, their enraged cousin-species hot on their heels.

The Opraks (PL 6) Small Humanoid (Psionic) The stunted and ugly Opraks have earned a reputation as galactic scavengers, a dark reflection of the Syrion species. Like the Syrions, the little thugs hail from the long-abandoned Sirius III, but unlike their cousin species, the Opraks didn’t live willingly. Several millennia ago, a subspecies of Syrions were born in the polluted depths of the worst ancient cities. Lacking the usual psionic gifts and twisted by pollution, the Orpaks became an unwanted undercaste.

John Strickler (order #3700643)


Today, the war between Syrion and Orpak has dwindled to brutal back-alley brawls. The two species despise each other, and the thuggish, simpleminded Orpak are one of the very few species absolutely unwelcome in Galaxy Command space. The species are more welcome in WARSTAR territory, because the Blackstar Tyrant likes nothing better than exploiting the little gremlin’s penchant for sabotage. Appearance: Orpaks stand just under four feet tall, and are wiry, dangerously muscled thugs. The creatures have elongated ape-like arms and comically stubby legs. Their skins are an ugly sewage green or mottled brownish-orange. They look like devils or goblins right of old Earth myth, complete with thick calcium horns rising from their apelike skulls. Orpaks are lewd creatures, and take great pleasure in displaying their long, prehensile tongues. They’re among the most profane creatures in the galaxy, and spend most of their time thinking up new ways to offend and horrify other humanoids. Orpaks


stink, and like their obscenities, they take great pride in their foul, rotting cabbage stink.


Reproduction: Orpaks breed fast, like rapid, mangy rabbits, and are cross fertile with almost every humanoid species. Pregnancies always result in Orpak births, a little of little bruised-devil bastards, regardless of the mother’s species. The foul little things only understand the concept of ‘consent’ when its backed up with firepower. Size: Orpaks are Small humanoids. As such, they receive a +1 size bonus to their Defense score, a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but a -4 size penalty on grapple checks. Orpaks are fast little bastards, and have a 30 ft base land speed.

Lesser Swarm-mind (SU): The little monsters are pack hunters and bullies, who only attack when they outnumber an adversary four to one, and six to one is way better. The creatures from a rudimentary hivemind when near members of their own species. If two or more Orpaks are within 60 ft of one another, all Orpaks receive a +2 morale bonus on WILL saves, and cannot be considered flanked unless all Orpaks within range are. Favored Classes: Tough Hero, Fast Hero, Engineer, Spacemonkey The Reptids (PL 6) Medium Humanoid

Reptids mercenaries have worked for every two bit dictator, Mafia capo and space pirate crew Orpaks have the Psionic Subtype and may in the known galaxy. These reptilian bullies value select freely from Psionic Precursors and Psionic strength above all else, ut money is a damn close Feats, described fully in Psi-Watch. second. Reptid culture is warrior based, with the higher caste red Reptids spending their lives in brutal Ability Score Modifiers: +2 DEX, +4 CON, -2 military training, while green scaled Reptids work to INT, -2 CHA. Fast and agile as a sewer rat, the maintain the culture. Red Reptids consider themlittle mutants are all but impossible to kill. The selves the highest form of life in the cosmos, and monsters are dimwitted and simple-minded in the while they view Green Reptids as second class extreme, and take pleasure in repulsing other citizens, they consider all other sentient lifeforms little species. better than livestock. Reptid theology teaches that Racial Skills: Orpaks may be total idiots, but they the only way for other lifeforms to reach heaven is in the belly of a Red Reptid, giving their cannibalistic, have a knack for breaking things. The more expensive and high tech the better…. Orpaks receive a +2 crocodile-like hunger a nasty theological spin. racial bonus on Disable Device and Demolitions Reptids work closely with WARSTAR and checks. the Space Mafia, and ambitious young males are always willing to prove themselves on the battlefield. Enhanced Senses: Orpaks posses darkvision They are not loyal troops, though. The Red Reptids with a 60 ft range. will turn on and devour any commanding officer who shows weakness, and make no secret of this facet of Pollution Immunity (EX): Orpaks can their culture. Their enlistment contracts with survive and thrive in the most polluted hell-pits, and WARSTAR even specify that their preference for seem to enjoy black skies and oily water. Orpaks cannibalism and fratricide. Since such unchecked, are immune to radiation and receive a +4 racial bloody amibition keeps senior officers on their toes, bonus on FORT saves made to resist mutation or the Blackstar Tyrant allows, even encourages Red inhalation toxins. The Mutation Point value of any Reptids to rid the fleet of weak, merciful and incommutations they gain is always reduced by one petent officers. (minimum 0 MP), allowing them to select more mutations with slightly fewer drawbacks.

John Strickler (order #3700643)


Appearance: Reptids stand about seven foot tall and are a wall of dense muscle sheathed in rough, diamond shaped scales. The hulking creatures are crocodile like, with low sloping brow ridges, and mouths filled with multiple rows of serrated teeth.


The creatures have no obvious secondary sexual characteristics, and make no real division of gender roles, which makes it hard for most humanoids to even guess as to a Reptid’s gender. Reptid skulls are decorated by short, blunt spines, like their tines of some crude crown. The monsters are segregated into two sub-species, which is passed along the father’s line in the case of hybrids. Red Reptids are more aggressive, and are the dominant force in Reptid culture. Green Reptids are a little smaller, and are forced into technical support roles, and serve as slaves, while their Red brethren win glory in combat. Only Red Reptids are allowed to own property, with Greens being treated only a little bit better than livestock…. Which they tend to become when times are lean.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Reproduction: Reptids are egg laying near-reptiles. Clutches of 8-12 eggs hatch after about four months of incubation, but only one or two of the strongest Reptid newborns survive their first weeks of life. The rest become snack food. Yummy. Size: Reptids are medium humanoids. As such, they receive no special bonus or penalty due to their size. A Reptid’s base land speed is 30 ft.



Ability Score Modifiers: Red Reptids receive +2 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT. Green Reptids receive +2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 CHA. The species is divided along scale color, with the slightly smaller Greens being more intelligent and a little bit quicker than their larger and more violent Red brethren. Enhanced Senses: All Reptids receive lowlight vision and possess the Scent special quality. Reptids with the Track feat can learn to track by scent alone. Racial Skills: Reptids are taught their dark theology from the moment they burst from their eggs, and are utterly convinced they are the smartest, most fit creatures in creation. Reptids receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (theology & philosophy) and Intimidate checks. The also receive a +2 bonus on Profession (chef) checks; the species may be cannibals, but they’re damn fine chefs. You gotta give ‘em that.

Sethzinians (PL 7) Medium Humanoid Sethzis is one of those worlds nobody in their right mind ever visits. A sandpit with no planetary industry to speak of, government that consists of a bunch of local warlords and strongmen playing with fusion bombs. Post-apocalyptic describes the world nicely, and to the native humanoids, it’s a paradise. Sethzis is a place where the strong survive, the strong thrive, the strong party hard, and everyone else either submissively pours beers or stays the frak outta the way. Sethzis has made a name for itself as a rest and refuel stop for the pirate crews brave enough to step on planet. It’s a free port, one of the best places in the galaxy to get lost, but it’s also a damn good place to get your throat slit.

The native Sethzinian species are a motley assortment of rowdy sociopaths and thrill seekers. Space piracy is the race’s chief export. Pillage and plunder are planetary sports. Every young Sethzinian Natural Weapons (EX): Reptids have a dreams of one day owning his or her own pirate nasty bite attack, which they are always considered cruiser, prowling the spaceways and raining nuclear armed and proficient in when using. Their bite inflicts death on every scumbag in his home village that ever 1d6+STR modifier points of slashing damage, and bullied or tormented him. This hypothetical threatens a critical hit on a natural 19-20 (x2). Sethzinian’s one fear is that one of his neighbors, who hates him as much as he hates them, will Genetic Slayer (EX): Reptid warriors exist achieve nuclear capability first and than…. KAonly to kill. The cannibalistic impulses barely conBOOOM! Sethzinians aren’t known for keeping tained in the rest of the species are on full display in their feuds subtle. the Reptid. The monster feels a surge of power and vigor each time it kills. Each time the Reptid reduces Appearance: Sethzinians are tall and muscular a living creature of the Humanoid, Monstrous humanoids who closely resemble Terrans, but are Humanoid, Animal, Giant or Dragon type to 0 HP much more massive. Their bones and musculature or fewer, it recovers 2 HP. If at full health, it retains are much denser than human tissue, giving them these hit points as temporary HP for one round. great strength and a giant’s mass. Most stand just under seven feet tall. A Sethzinian’s skin is a dingy, Favored Classes: A Reptid’s coloration detercorpse-like grey and hard as Kevlar, and most of mines its favored class and social role. the humanoids decorate their bodies with artistic acid etched scars and deep crimson tattoos. Red Reptids: Strong Hero, Soldier, Bodyguard, Helix Warrior The aliens dress in whatever motley armor Green Reptids: Smart Hero, Fast Hero, they’ve managed to scrounge up. They prefer heavy Techie, Spacemonkey leathers to the poly-cloth unisex jumpsuits favored by the rest of the galaxy, and have a flair for the theatrical. Chrome spikes, screaming skull belt

John Strickler (order #3700643)



buckles, chains and handlebar mustaches on the men are all common affectations. Offering ‘mustache rides’ to pretty xeno-babes is probably the only friendly gesture that Sethzinian males are known for.

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 STR, +2 DEX, -2 INT. Sethzinians are able to fight like a Martian wildcat and are good with a blaster, but they’re dumber than a bag of hammers.

Reproduction: Sex is good. Beer is good. Drunken beer-stinkin’ sex is best. The Sethzinians are only fertile with their own species, but in their romances, as in everything else, too much is never enough. Sethzinians only give birth to single off spring.

Enhanced Senses: Sethzinians possess low light vision.

Size: Sethzinians are Medium humanoids, and as such, they receive no special bonus or penalty due to their size. A Sethzinian’s base land speed is 30 ft.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Racial Feats: Sethzinians aren’t great fighters. They’re undisciplined and chaotic and way too arrogant. All Sethzinians receive Power Attack as a racial bonus feat, but the aliens must always use Power Attack for at least -1 to hit and +1 to melee damage.


Natural Armor (EX): A Sethzinian’s dense tissues provide the humanoid with a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense.


Hard Drinker (EX): Sethzinains have cast iron stomachs and incredible tolerance for even the most rotgut alien booze. The aliens receive a +4 racial bonus on FORT Saves made to resist ingested toxins. Bully’s Confidence (EX): Sethzinian culture praises foolhardy confidence and brute force. Anytime the Sethzinian uses the Power Attack feat, he receives a morale bonus to WILL Saves equal to the melee damage bonus provided. Favored Classes: Strong Hero, Martial Artist, Dreadnaught The Space Hawg

adjacent to the vehicle. In this bubble, the pilot and passengers are protected from the effects of both normal and hyperspace. This allows the Sethzinian pilot to cruise the stars unencumbered by bulky life support gear and still look appropriately badass. The Space Hawg doesn’t mount any weapons, but does come standard with a Stealth Screen (PL 6) and a Tractor Beam, even though it is only a Huge craft. Attack: Personal Hand Weapons only Attack of Opportunity: None Standard PL 7 Design Specs: Engines: Twin Ion Engines, Thrusters Armor: Polymeric Defense Systems: Damage Control System (1d10) Sensors: Class III Sensor Array Communications: Laser Transceiver, Radio Transceiver Weapons: None Standard Grappling Systems: tractor beam emitters (+8 grapple)

Seemingly ludicrous but amazing in a dogfight, the Space Hawg is a unique Sethzinian invention, the iconic vehicle of their race. Hordes of Sethzinian raiders descending on an unprepared world on their Space Hawg ultralights is a fearsome and unforType: Ultralight gettable and terrifying sight. The Space Hawg is a single person, ultra-light starship that resembles an enormous, heavybodied Old Terran motorcycle. Handcrafted with obvious love and a depraved creativity, each Space Hawg is unique, and boasts gothic decorations like huge fusion rods resembling exhaust tubes, skullthemed handlebar arrays, and naked spacer girl art on the polished fuel tank. Like everything else about the Sethzinian race, the Space Hawg embraces campy sleaze.

Subtype: Fighter

Tactical Speed 2,000 ft. (4 sq.)

Defense: 19

Autopilot Defense: 16

Length: 15 ft Width: 5 ft

Hardness: 20 Hit Dice: 6d20 (65 hp) Initiative Modifier: + 6 Cargo Capacity: 500 lbs Grapple Modifier: +4

The Space Hawg extends a forcefield containing a livable Earth normal atmosphere to all squares

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Size: Huge

Base Purchase DC: 40

Flat- footed Defense: 13 Crew: 1 (ace +12) Passenger Capacity: 1 Pilot’s Class Bonus: +7 Pilot’s Dex Modifier: +6 Gunner’s Attack Bonus: N A Restriction: Illegal (+4)


The Best Weapons Are Illegal


The Space Mafia makes its biggest credits dealing black market arms. Stealing Galaxy Command tech and reselling it to the highest bidder is a great racket, but most of the Space Mafia’s repeat customers think that Galaxy Command is just too damn NICE to make good guns. These guys want the really scary, bizarre, “rip your eyeballs out and feed ‘em to you” kinda guns that the Command tries to eradicate wherever they are invented. Some of the best (worst) illegal guns in the galaxy are described below. Atom Cracker Heavy Rifle This massive device is only used by the strongest, genetically engineered troops. The device resembles an old combustion more than a modern energy weapon, with four piston-like devices, two on either size of the barrel, which pump in and out as the weapon power cycles. Special: This armor is designed to unleash the atomic energy stored within heavily armored targets. The weapon’s target suffers damage equal to its Natural Armor or Equipment bonus to defense on a successful hit. This weapon is usually only deployed to take down mecha, constructs, armored vehicles and other such technological adversaries.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Deckard-74 Ion Pistol This heavy, long barreled pistol was designed by android-hunters long before the Great Robot Liberation. Though an older model, and much heavier than modern weapons, it still does its job well. Special: This weapon does double damage to Constructs, Full Conversion and Light Reconstruction Cyborgs, as well as any character with more than five cybernetic implants of any type.



Orpak Mutagen Gun This deadly weapon is banned in all Galaxy Command jurisdictions, but is a favorite terror tool for Orpak criminals, who delight in ‘ruining’ alien victims by transforming them into their own loathsome image. This bulky weapon resembles a large shotgun. A drum of vile glowing fluid encased in a durable alloy magazine sits just forward of the trigger and provides the weapon with ammunition. Special: A target struck by the Mutagen Gun is slimed with mutagentic chemicals. In addition to damage, the victim must succeed at a DC 18 FORT Save or begin mutating into an Orpak. The creature loses previous all racial traits and gains Orpak racial traits. This effect is permanent unless treated with Anti-gen Related Gear: The antidote for this mutagen is commonly available. A vial of Anti-gen agents has a Base Purchase DC of 14 , treats one subject afflicted by the Mutagen Gun, has negligible weight and is a Licensed (+1) chemical The Orpak invented this technology, but other races often use it to transform victims into slaves of whatever species they need, or feel they control. Variant mutagen guns transform victims into other humanoid species. These modified weapons can only transform a target into one specific species, chosen when the gun is made. These weapons have Base Purchase DC of, if they transform the target into a +0 ECL species. If the gun will transform the target into a species with an ECL adjustment, add that adjustment to the Base Purchase Price. Orpak Pollution Pistol This bulky pistol is fueled by a liquid-filled ammo clip which plugs into the weapon just under the barrel. This weapon is basically a Mutagen Gun miniaturized for use as a machine pistol. Special: This weapon inflicts a minor amount of acid damage, and the concentrated pollutants and mutagens fired by the acid beam inflict painful, dehibilitating genetic damage on the target. Fortunately, the target eventually recovers from the mutagenic effects of this weapon.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Anytime a victim is struck by this weapon, he or she gains a number of Mutation Drawbacks, chosen randomly from Table 12-2: Drawbacks in the D20 Future core rulebook equal to the hit point value of the damage inflicted. These mutations fade 1d4 days after the injury, returning the creature to normal. Orpak Skinbuster The Skinbuster is a nasty, nasty weapon. The weapon uses lasers specifically targeted to the resonanting frequency of human adipose tissue. It vaporizes fat and skin tissue, literally ripping the flesh away from a victim’s body at the same time the plasma cannon burns tissue into superheated charcoal. Yes, it hurts as much as it sounds. Special: A target struck by the Skinbuster suffers 2d6 points of CHA damage (FORT DC 14 for half damage). The target is considered shaken by the pain of these massive sores until all CHA damage inflicted by the weapon is completely healed. Constructs, inorganic creatures and beings with the Silicon Based feat, as well as characters fully enclosed in any airtight structure or armor when struck are immune to the secondary effects of this weapon. Proximite Geriatri-Pistol The Geriatri-Pistol is a handheld blaster weapon, which resembles a bunch of plastic bulbs arranged in a roughly gun-like shape. The weapon is decorated with short, blunt chrome fins and a glowing targeting recticle. Special: A target struck by a Geriatri-Pistol suffers no hit point damage. Instead, if the target fails a DC 18 FORT Save, he moves to the beginning of the next age category, immediately suffering the physical ability score penalties associated with aging. A target moved past Venerable dies of old age. This weapon cannot affect anyone who is not in the Adult age category or older, firing it at an Infant, Child or Young Adult has no effect.


Radion Rifle This sleek black plastic rifle is used for sniper duty and assassination. It is highly accurante and has amazing range. The radioactive microreactor that powers the weapon gives it effectively unlimited fire power.

Sethzinian Melee Weapons The Sethzinians prefer to feel their enemy’s blood on their hand and have little patience for ranged combat. These savage space rednecks have invented some of the weirdest, deadliest and most terrifying melee weapons in the cosmos. Other xeno-cultures have invented some impressive hand weapons, but for sheer odd ingenuity, nobody beats a Sethzinian armorer.

Special: A target struck by the Radion Rifle’s beam is considered to have been exposed to a Highly Irradiated area for one round. If the weapon is destroyed, its onboard reactor detonates inflicting 6d6 points of fire damage to a 10 ft radius area. The blast crater is a severely irritated area for 1 hour after the detonation.

Butcher Queen-4000 The Butcher Queen-4K is a heavy plastseel butcher knife capable of altering its balance to provide maximum cutting force on the fly. The weapon is governed by a cheerful, chirpy AI in the hilt, which rhapsodizes about the cut of meat it is currently cleaving off a target, even in the heat of combat. This blade is popular among Sethzinians, Reptids and Serial Killers, which means that every sane sentient in the galaxy is terrified of it.

Atom Cracker Heavy Rifle (PL 7)

Deckard- 74 O rpak Mutagen Ion Pistol Gun (PL 6) (PL 6)

O rpak O rpak Pollution Skinbuster Pistol (PL 6) (PL 6)

Proximite Radion Geriatri- Pistol Rifle (PL (PL 7) 7)


2d10 ballistic

2d4 electrical

2d6 acid

1d4+1 acid

2d4 fire


3d6 force






19- 20/x2

N one

19- 20/x2

Range Increment

50 ft

20 ft

30 ft

15 ft

50 ft

10 ft

250 ft


Single & Semi Auto

Full Auto







12 Cell

12 Cell

12 Cell

8 Cell

8 Cell

8 Cell










22.5 lbs

5 lbs

8 lbs

4 lbs

4.5 lbs

1.5 lbs

12.5 lbs

Purchase DC








Restriction Rating

Military (+3)

Military (+3)

Illegal (+4)

Illegal (+4)

Illegal (+4) Illegal (+4)

John Strickler (order #3700643)



Military (+3)



Special: The Butcher Queen-4000’s critical threat range increases by +1 for each successful hit it lands during an encounter, to a maximum threat range of 15-20. Once the wielder successfully confirms a critical with the weapon, it returns to its default critical threat range. The onboard AI is happy to offer cooking tips and has a Profession (butcher) skill modifier of +8. The onboard AI speaks Galactic Common, Reptid, Sethzinian and a few other ominous languages. Chain Axe Sethzinian killers who can’t afford a true Psycho-Kutter love this weapon. This short-shafted, single edged battle axe includes a thick diamondtipped chainsaw blade on the cutting edge. Powered by a high velocity motor, the Chain Axe can easily cut right through starship armor. Sethzinians like their Chain Axes loud, and the noisier and more intimidating the engine roar, the better. Special: The chain axe ignores up to 5 points of Hardness or non-magical Damage Reduction when used. Powered Vorpal The Powered Vorpal is a specially designed chain weapon, which offers a 10 ft reach, and which can also target adjacent opponents. This heavy chain extends nearly 25 ft when fully extended, and its titanium/duralloy construction makes it extremely heavy. A scythe like blade on one end is crowned by micro-jet thrusters, which accelerate the blade to nearly supersonic speeds as the wielder whips the chain around. Micro fusion-reactors are studded throughout the length of the chain. Upon a roll of natural 20 (followed by a successful roll to confirm the critical hit), the Powered Vorpal severs the opponent’s head (if it has one) from its body. Some creatures, such as many aberrations and all oozes, have no heads. Others, such as golems and undead creatures other than vampires, are not affected by the loss of their heads. Most other creatures, however, die when their heads are cut off.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Psycho-Kutter This massive double bladed war-axe has a shaft nearly six foot long, and weighs almost as much as the thug swinging it. A micro-nuclear power pack is built into the weapon’s textured steel shaft. Many scientists don’t believe the Sethzinians actually invented this amazing weapon, since it is much higher technology than anything else they have managed to invent. Most believe the original designs for this weapon were recovered from a crashed or captured starship, and are possibly of Argonite designs. Nevertheless, this fearsome weapon is often seen in the hands of Sethzinian bounty hunters and especially among Sethzinian members of the Legion of Serial Killers. Special: In addition to using the PsychoKutter as a standard melee weapon, the welder can also use it to cut through universal forces, disrupting the laws of physics in the immediate range. The Psycho-Kutter has enough power to disrupt the laws of physics up to 8 times in a 24 hour period before its micro-nuclear power cells need to recharge. As a full round action, the Psyco-Kutter’s wielder can cut through a physical force, resulting in the following effects: · Cut through Light, creating darkness in a 30 ft radius. Not even darkvision can see through this darkness, which lasts for 1 minute. · Cut through Gravity, creating a low gravity environment in a 60 ft radius. This effect lasts for 1 minute. · Cut through Time, which slows all creatures within a 60 ft radius for 1d4 rounds, with the exception of the character wielding the Psycho-Kutter. · Cut through Hyperspace, which prevents a specific starship which is within 2 space scale squares(1000 ft) and visible to the Psycho-Kutter’s wielder from entering


hyperspace for 1 minute. This ability can only be activated in hard vacuum.

Grunt CV-5 Aerosol

· Cut through Dimensions, which has a 25% chance of releasing a random prisoner from the Argonite Wraith Zone. If a prisoner is released, there is a further 25% chance that it is an Argonite Wraith Zoner, not a living creature. In either case, the initial attitude of the freed prisoner is helpful towards the person who freed it. Thermo Blade A Thermo-Blade work knife is also an advanced and highly destructive hand weapon. The Thero-Blade projects a thin sheet of stellar-temperature plasma contained within a multi-layered magnetic containment field designed to resemble a knife blade. The weapon’s power supply, field projector and the super cooling systems that allow it to be wielded safely are stored within the cylindrical, grip-textured hilt The Thermo-Blade is equipped with a dead-man’s switch, and will not ignite if constant pressure is not maintained on the hilt, preventing accidental ignition or injury. This weapon is extremely common among spacers of all kinds, often tucked into a boot as a back up weapon or multi-tool.

Grunt CV-5 is a strength enhancing gas invented by Sethzinian berserkers centuries ago. Every nation on Sethzis fields huge armies of Gruntenhanced killers. The chemical is a potent mix of aerosol steroids, synthetic opiates, painkillers, testosterone and slow acting mutagens. The deadly gas is equally popular among the chaos-worshipping Cult of the Crime-Wire, especially among the Serial Killers, whose only concern is racking up an impressive body count, not long term health. To ensure a continual feed of oxygen/Grunt mix, users wear specially designed, full face helmets at virtually all times, removing these breather helmets only to eat or bathe. Potentially lethal withdrawal symptoms set in within hours of removal from a Grunt-impregnated atmosphere, forcing chronic Grunt-users to great lengths to maintain a constant supply of this toxic, highly illegal drug. A user must be exposed to an oxygen/Grunt mixture for at least 24 hours before showing any changes. After a day on the mix, the user’s body changes dramatically, usually adding up to a hundred pounds of muscle and gristle within a week of beginning therapy. Restriction

Melee Weapons



Range Increment



Purchase DC

Butcher Q ueen4000 (PL 7)

1d6 slashing


5 ft


2 lbs


Illegal (+4)

Chain Axe (PL 5)

1d12 slashing




6 lbs


Military (+3)

Powered Vorpal (PL 7)

2d6 slashing

20/x2 Vorpal



19 lbs


Military (+3)

Psycho- K utter (PL 2d8 slashing 8+)




22 lbs


Illegal (+4)

Thermo Blade (PL 6)

19- 20/x2



1 lb


Restricted (+2)

John Strickler (order #3700643)

2d6 fire



A Grunt user suffers a –3 penalty on all CHA based skill checks except for Intimidate. If the Grunt user engages in meleecombat with anyone he or she would find sexually attractive, the user must succeed at a DC 15 WILL Save to retreat from combat, strike to wound, or break off from attacking a downed or incapacitated foe.


While breathing the Grunt mixture, the user receives a +4 enhancement bonus to STR and a +2 enhancement bonus to CON. The user’s lifting and carrying limits are double those of a non-drug enhanced character of their size. While breathing the Grunt mixture, the user gains the benefit of the Endurance feat. However, Grunt increases aggression and causes serious psychological problems, including sadism, violent thoughts and extreme paranoia. The Grunt user is always considered to be Power Attacking to the maximum extent possible, with the user’s rage increasing his damage output but lowering precision.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Once a character begins a Grunt regimen, he or she must breathe a constant stream of Gruntlaced atmosphere. The user can only survive in a pure-oxygen atmosphere for a number of hours equal to his (un-enhanced) CON modifier. After this time, the Grunt user must succeed at a DC 14 FORT Save each hour or suffer 1d3 points of CON damage. This damage will continue until the user dies- effectively through a slow form of suffocation- or finds a new Grunt supply. It requires a DC 40 Treat Injury check to ‘wean’ a Grunt user off the drug. During this time, the treating physician gradually steps down the user’s dosage of Grunt. This treatment requires at least a week- the Grunt user is nauseated and effectively helpless during this period. A recovered Grunt user can never safely use the drug again; upon breathing the chemical he or she must succeed at a DC 18 FORT Save or suffer 1d4 points of temporary CON damage; the DC increases by +1 per each minute of exposure.


Grunt Delivery Breather

No Gas Grenades

This durable, full-face helmet is designed to deliver a regulated mixture of Grunt and oxygen. Grunt helmets are designed to be worn for days at a time in relative comfort, and are styled for intimidation and combat effectiveness. The Grunt helmet includes an integrated micro-oxygen cell and atmosphere scrubber in the face plate; a Grunt vial is plugged into a service port at the rear of the helmet and mixes internally.

No Gas is a psychoactive greenish mist developed by Cult of the Crimewire scientists. It’s stated purpose is to teach ‘the galactic sheep the joy of crime’ but is used more commonly as a distraction to cover their get away.

A basic delivery breather holds an independent 2-hour oxygen supply, which is mixed with a Grunt vial (sold separately). In most situations, the Grunt user can simply draw upon external atmosphere. Grunt breathers include an integrated, professional quality walkie-talkie. A Type II grunt delivery breather includes an integrated set of nightvision goggles, providing the wearer with darkvision. These helmets are often modified to include additional devices; cellular phones, targeting assist lasers and HUDs are the most common additions.


No Gas grenades function identically to a tear gas grenade, but instead of spraying irritating chemicals, the No Gas fills a 10 ft area and makes those within more hostile to law enforcement agents. NPCs affected by No Gas have a starting attitude of unfriendly to all Galaxy Command agents for 1 hour after exposure, and Galaxy Command agents cannot flash their badge to receive a circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks made to improve their attitude during this time. A No Gas grenade is a small black and green sphere the size of a fat marble, it has negligible weight. It has a Purchase DC of 17 and is an Illegal (+4) item. Bat Bomb

Grunt Vial

Bat Bombs are genetically engineered living weapons. Highly volatile chemicals are naturally When mixed with oxygen, a single Grunt vial secreted by the tiny mammals, which mix explosively provides enough mixture to sustain a user for 24 when the creature catches the scent of its prey. Bat hours. Each vial is roughly the size of a “D” battery, Bombs are carried in a mini-stasis tank, about the and is designed to snap into a service port on the size of a soda can. Opening the can (a full round back or side of a Grunt delivery breather. Changing action) frees and awakens the little firebomb. The a canister is a standard action, which provokes Bat Bomb is programmed with a specific target in mind by exposure to the target’s DNA or scent on attacks of opportunity. an article of clothing. The Bat Bomb can Purchase Restriction Device Size Weight also be directed to fly DC Rating towards any visible Grunt Illegal target within 100 ft Delivery Small 6.5 lbs 20 (+4) and detonate. Breather Grunt Delivery Breather, Type II


6.5 lbs


Illegal (+4)

Grunt Vial


0.25 lbs


Illegal (+4)

John Strickler (order #3700643)

If a Bat Bomb does not find its target within five minutes of awakening from biostasis it detonates


explosively at whatever its current location happens to be.


Bat Bombs have statistics identical to an ordinary bat, but also posses the Scent special quality and the Track feat, which allows them to track prey by scent. When a Bat Bomb detonates, it inflicts 4d6 points of fire damage to a 10 ft radius (DC 15 REF half). Bat Bombs are illegal in the Command, but are occasionally used by the Command’s worst prisons to track and eliminate escapees, in defiance of Command law. Species Traits Blindsight (Ex): Bats can “see” by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 30 feet. Ultrasonic noise forces the bat to rely on its weak vision, which has a maximum range of 5 feet. Skill Bonuses: Bats receive a +4 species bonus on Listen and Spot checks. These bonuses are lost if the bat’s blindsight is negated. Bat: CR 1/10; Diminutive animal; HD 1/ 4 d8; hp 1; Mas 10; Init +2; Spd 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good); Defense 16, touch 16, flatfooted 14 (+4 size, +2 Dex); BAB +0; Grap –17; Atk none; Full Atk none; FS 1 ft. by 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ blindsight 30 ft.; AL none; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14; Cha 4. Skills: Listen +9, Move Silently +6, Spot +9. Feats: None. Advancement: None.

Bat Bombs have a Base Purchase DC of 18, and are Illegal (+4) items.

John Strickler (order #3700643)


Monsters Uncaged Some of the worst monsters in the known galaxy can’t be contained in ordinary prisons. As the Argonites have learned to their dismay, even the most secure prison can be breached, and some criminals are clever enough, or savage enough never to be caught. A new assortment of monsters for your Galaxy Command campaign is presented below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Argonite Wraith Zoner (CR 8) Black Sun Elite (CR 4) COP-Bot 35X (CR 6) MURDER-Bot 2727 (CR 12) Orpakan Spinegrinder (CR 5) Shipbreaker (CR 10) Spacehulk Raider (CR 6)

Argonite Wraith Zoner (CR 8) Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft Aura Chilling Aura 10 ft (1d6 Cold damage, no save) Languages Argonite AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 15 (+3 DEX, +5 Deflection) hp 8d12 (52 hp) Immune Undead Immunities, Physical Damage (Incorporeal) Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +7 Speed Flight 40 ft (perfect) Melee +7 melee touch (1d6 slam plus energy drain) Melee Space 5 ft x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +4; Grapple: n/a Atk Options +7 melee touch (1d6 slam plus energy With the destruction of the planet Argos, drain) or most portals to the Wraith Zone were lost forever, +7 ranged touch (2d6 (3d6 in shadow) fire trapping thousands of criminal souls on the time lost damage, 60 ft max range, Black Laser Vision) void of the Astral Plane. Trapped in a prison from which there is no escape, these dangerous alien Abilities STR - DEX 17 CON - INT 12 WIS 15 criminals eventually succumbed to madness, evolving CHA 18 into some new form of existence. Feats Point Blank Shot, Combat Reflexes Skills Hide +20, Move Silently +22, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (technology) +6

John Strickler (order #3700643)



Only the strongest willed Wraith Zoners are able to manifest fully in our reality, and only then as a ghostly visitor. They resemble an Argonite, but are translucent, like a hologram. As the Argnoites typically exiled their criminals in the nude, so as not to waste even the most minor resources, their nude bodies are wreathed in shadows. Parts of their flesh seem to distort, shot with static or distorted like a low rez hologram. Argonites move jerkily, as if creatures in real-space are only seeing half of every movement. A Wraith Zoner’s eyes are horrible, blank pinpricks in their maddened faces. Energy Drain (SU): Deprived of normal sources of cellular energy, a Wraith Zoner who escapes dimensional confinement feeds on the life energy of living creatures to survive. A creature damaged by the Wraith Zoner’s slam gains one negative level, and the character must succeed at a DC 16 FORT Save 24 hours later to regain the lost level. Unlike traditional forms of energy drain, a Wraith Zoner’s energy drain can affect Constructs, such as Manifold and Star Droid player characters, not to mention most forms of combat robot. Each level drained allows the Wraith Zoner to instantly recover 1d6 HP. Techno Drain (SU): A Medium or smaller non-sentient mechanical device touched by the Wraith Zoner must succeed at a DC 16 FORT save or have its fuel supply or batteries consumed. Mechanical devices with regenerating or unlimited power supplies are shut down for 1d4 minutes after being touched by a Wraith Zoner. The creatures typically use this ability to drain lasers and other energy weapons to prevent their prey from fighting back. Black Laser Vision (SU): A Wraith Zoner can fire a beam of black lightning from its eyes. As a ranged touch attack, the Wraith Zoner can target any creature within 60 ft, inflicting 2d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. If the Wraith Zoner is an area of poor or worse illumination when firing the laser, the damage inflicted is 3d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Black Sun Elite (CR 4) Medium Humanoid Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, lowlight vision, Blindsense 60 ft Languages Galactic Common, Reptid, one other of choice AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+3 DEX, +8 equipment) hp 5d8+10(33 hp) Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 Speed 40 ft Melee + 6 melee (1d6+3 bludgeoning + stun 1d4 rounds, DC 14 FORT negates) Melee Space 5 ft x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +3; Grapple +6 Atk Options + 6 melee (1d6+3 bludgeoning + stun 1d4 rounds, DC 14 FORT negates) Or +6 ranged Radion Rifle (3d6 force + heavy irridation/1 round, 250 ft range increment, 1920) Or Close Barrage (4d6 fire, 30 ft radius, REF DC 16 half) Abilities STR 16 DEX 17 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 13 SQ Black Mercy Feats Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot Skills Hide +8, Knowledge (business) +2, Knowledge (tactics) +3, Intimidate +6, Move Silently +8 Possessions Nightvision Goggles, Tactical Armor, Radion Rifle, 2-3 energy pistols of choice Black Sun Elites are mafia super-soldiers bred specifically for combat and trained since infancy to protect the Council of Crime. These elite soldiers have had all human emotion beaten out of them and replaced with cold professionalism. Instantly recognizable in their sleek brown and ebony armor, Elites are equipped with the best weapons blood-money can buy. Elites are always drawn from humanoid stock, and are cloned from the genetic material of the Space Mafia’s most notorious capos. Off duty, they are allowed the run


Sensor Cowl (EX): An advanced sensor system is built into their uniform, providing the Elite with Blindsense in a 60 ft radius. He does not have to make Spot or Listen checks to notice concealed adversaries within this radius.


The Sensor Cowl also visually indicates how much damage a creature in his field of vision has sustained, and the creature’s remaining HP total. The Elite will always concentrate firepower on wounded adversaries, trying to finish them off.

of any Mafia pleasure dome in the cosmos, but are always ready for action at a moment’s notice. The Black Sun Elite presented here is the weakest version of the class, suitable for a junior fire-team member, fresh from the clone banks. Older and more experienced Elites usually chose Strong Hero, Fast Hero, Gunslinger, Soldier, Helix Warrior and Silencer levels, and many of the oldest can boast shockingly high total character levels.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Black Mercy (EX): Black Sun Elite commandoes are trained to finish off wounded foes, since a wounded man with a gun can kill you just as easily as a healthy man can. The Elite receives a +2 competence bonus on ranged attack and ranged weapon damage rolls made against a creature at less than half its maximum HP total. Stun Knuckles (EX): A system wired into the Elite’s gauntlets inflicts a taser-like electrical charge on a successful punch. In addition to damage, any creature struck by the Elite must succeed at a DC 14 FORT save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Close Barrage (EX): Using the laser pistols built into his Combat Gauntlets, the Elite can unleash an omni-directional barrage against all enemy creatures within a 30 ft radius that inflicts 4d6 points of fire damage (REF DC 16 half).



Galaxy Command COP-Bot 35X (CR 6) Large Construct Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft Languages Understands Galactic Common AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19(-1 size, +10 natural) hp 6d10 +20 (53 hp); DR 5/Immune Construct Immunities, Electricity Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3 Speed 50 ft Melee +10 melee (2d4+6 bludgeoning, stomp) Melee Space 10 ft x 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft Base Atk +4; Grapple +14 Atk Options +10 melee (2d4+6 bludgeoning, stomp) Or Glue Gun +4 ranged touch (10 ft reduction in landspeed)

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Or two Pain Laser +4 ranged (1d6 fire plus nausea (DC 12 + damage inflicted) negates 100 ft max range) Abilities STR 22 DEX 10 CON - INT - WIS 14 CHA 1 SQ Construct Immunites COP-Bots are large, nonhumanoid walking tanks used as prison guards and crowd control devices by Galaxy Command. They are a common sight on X-Series Penal Colonies and at the Black Brig, where they patrol the grounds and interact directly with prisoners. The main body of the droid is the size of a small hovercar, and it walks on a nimble pair of chicken-like artificial legs. A pair of spindly robotic arms protrude from its thorax. A trio of cameras set into its upper torso plating give the droid a friendly appearance, which


its designers consider an advantage for keeping prison populations calm. Glue Gun (EX): A COP-bot’s primary weapon is its adhesive polymer sprayer. By striking a Large or smaller target with a ranged touch attack, the sticky polymer reduces its base land speed by 10 ft. The effect is cumulative with itself and other reductions to base land speed. A creature reduced to 0 ft land speed is immobile and helpless. Once struck, a target remains slowed for 1 minute, or until the chemicals are washed away with industrial solvent.

Pain Laser (EX): The laser sytems built into the COP-bots optics are designed to inflict painful but relatively non-fatal burns, which can easily be treated in a prison infirmary. A creature struck by the lasers must succeed at a WILL Save (DC 12 + damage inflicted) or become nauseated for 1d4 rounds.


The COP-bot can fire two pain lasers simultaneously, at either the same target or two targets which cannot be more than 30 ft apart. Doing so is an attack action for the robot. Space Mafia MURDER-Bot 2727 (CR 12) Huge Construct Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft Aura Automatic Kill-Cluster Bombs (4 independently targeted bombs, automatic hit 1d6 fire, 60 ft max range, released as a free action) Languages understands Galactic Common AC 25, touch 7, flat-footed 25(-2 size, -1 DEX, +18 equipment) hp 10d10+ 40 (95 hp); DR 10/Immune Construct Immunities Resist Fire 20, Cold 10 Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +7 Speed 50 ft Melee +17 melee (2d6+10 bludgeoning, stomp) Melee Space 5 ft x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +7; Grapple 25 Atk Options +17 melee (2d6+10 bludgeoning, stomp) Or +7 ranged touch (4d6 fire, 500 ft max range, Fusion Torch) Or +7 ranged (6d6 ballistic, 19-20/ x2, 100 ft range increment, Gauss Rifle) Abilities STR 30 DEX 8 CON INT -WIS 18 CHA 1 SQ Construct Traits, Self Destruct

John Strickler (order #3700643)



The MURDER-Bot 2727 is an old military model which has been part of the Space Mafia for centuries, and has seen service on dozens of worlds. This metal and plas-steel behemoth is larger than a two story building, and strong enough to crush a tank underfoot. The MURDER-Bot is painted in a simple, drab gunmetal grey accented with crimson warning hi-lights. Mostly humanoid, the gigantic mecha can clamber over rubble with ease. It’s impressive fusion cannon, mini-missile launchers and sheer physical presence make it a match for more modern Omegan models. In fact, the Space Mafia has often used the mecha to defend their worlds from Omegan incursion. Automatic Kill-Cluster Bombs (EX): The launcher on the MURDER-Bot’s left shoulder constantly fires off miniature munitions. Each round, the MURDER-Bot can launch up to four cluster bombs as a free action, which automatically strike any target within 60 ft who does not have total cover. Each bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage. The MURDER-Bot can choose to target a single adversary with all four bombs, or up to four different opponents within range. Fusion Torch (EX): The nuclear flame thrower built into the MURDER-Bot’s right shoulder fires a superheated ball of nuclear plasma with uncanny accuracy. Attacking with this weapon is a ranged touch attack with a 500 ft maximum range and inflicts 4d6 points of damage on a successful hit. Self Destruct (EX): When reduced to 0 HP, the MURDER-Bot self destructs, inflicting 10d10 points of damage, half slashing, half fire, to everything within a 20 ft radius (REF DC 18 half). The blast radius is considered severely irradiated for 1 round.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Orpakan Spinegrinder (CR 5) Large Construct Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft Aura Heavily Irritated Area 5 ft radius around the construct Languages Orpak AC, touch , flat-footed (-1 size, +4 DEX, +6 equipment) hp 6d10+10 (43hp); DR 5/Immune Construct Immunities Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 Speed 30 ft Melee +6 melee (1d8+2 bludgeoning warhammer) Melee Space 10 ft x 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +4; Grapple + Atk Options +6 melee (1d8+2 bludgeoning warhammer) Or two +6 melee (1d6+2 slashing, claws) plus grapple Or +10 ranged (2d4 force, 50 ft range increment, basic laser pistol) Abilities STR 14 DEX 18 CON - INT 3 WIS 14 CHA 2 SQ Construct Traits, Grind! Spinegrinders are crude cybernetic juggernauts constructed only by the dimwitted and brutal Orpak species. Taking the brain and spinal column of one of their own and basically stapling it to a junk-built robot body, the Orpaks have constructed their own version of a kill-bot. These twitching, spasming bronze and steel robots belch pollution into the atmosphere from their dirty power plant, which was likely salvaged from a crashed starship. Whirring blades cover the Spinegrinder, and the ugly robot carries a massive war hammer that it wields with a disturbing, distinctly non-robotic relish. A Spinegrinder can speak, and even reason to a very basic, animalistic extent, but its vocabulary is limited to a set of preprogrammed insults and taunts.


Improved Grapple: If a Spinegrinder hits with both its claw attacks, it may attempt a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. The Spinegrinder must drop its weapons to do so.


Grind! (EX): Grappled creatures automatically suffer 3d6 points of slashing damage per round they remain grappled. Guess how the Spinegrinder got its name. Spacehulk Raider (CR 6) Large Monstrous Humanoid Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft Aura Chain Lash 5 ft (2d6 slashing, DC 12 REF negates) Languages Galactic Common and one other AC 17, touch 9, flatfooted 17 (-1 size, +8 equipment) hp 8d8+36 (84 hp); DR 5/Immune Suffocation, Hard Vacuum, Radiation Resist Fire 10 Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +3 Speed 40 ft Flight 40 ft (clumsy) or Flight 70 ft (average) in zero gravity Melee +14 melee (1d8+8 bludgeoning, slam) Melee Space 10 ft x 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +6; Grapple +18 Atk Options +14 melee slam(1d8+8 bludgeoning) Or Skinbuster Blast +6 ranged (2d8 fire + 2d6 CHA Damage, FORT DC 18 half) Abilities STR 26 DEX 11 CON 23 INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 7

John Strickler (order #3700643)

Feats Zero G-Training, Zero-G Commando, Power Attack Skills Intimidate +12, Knowledge (tactics) +2 Possessions Orpak Skinbuster Spacehulk Raiders are chemically and cybernetically altered humanoids, so radically upgraded they are no longer truly members of their birth races. Space pirate crews across the cosmos use these crazed brutes as shock troops. They excel in boarding actions, and make excellent disposable infantry… just make sure if you’ve got one of these SOBs on your crew to give him first pick of the pillaged loot, otherwise you’ve got a mutiny on your hands.



Spacehulk Raiders vary wildly in appearance. Feathers, fur, scales, humanoid skin in a rainbow of blood splattered colors. Most are humanoid, all are tough as starship hulls, and every single one of ‘em is armed with the nastiest gun in known space.These guys are the worst scum in the galaxy, so no matter what they look like, put ‘em down hard. Skinbuster Cannon (EX): The implanted weapons built into a Spacehulk include a supercharged version of an Orpak Skinbuster. This weapon has a higher save DC, and the target must succeed at a second FORT Save each day of the recovery process. If this save is failed, the CHA damage becomes CHA drain instead. Chain Lash (EX): The Spacehulk is covered in tangled webs of docking chains, pneumatic tubing and electrical cable. These cables lash out like whips, making it dangerous to come close to the bulky monster.

John Strickler (order #3700643)


Shipbreaker (CR 10) Small Monstrous Humanoid Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft , Sensors equal to a PL 6 Light Starship Languages Galactic Common


AC 25, touch 11, flatfooted 23 (+1 size, + 2 DEX, +14 equipment) hp 12d8+48(102 hp); DR 10/Immune Suffocation, Radiation, Hard Vacuum Resist Fire 10 Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +4 Speed 30 ft Flight 500 ft (average) in space, Flight 40 ft (clumsy) in atmosphere Melee +14 melee (1d8+5 bludgeoning, slam) Melee Space 5 ft x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +9; Grapple +10 or +20 vs starships Atk Options two +14 melee slam(1d8+5 bludgeoning) plus grapple and Cyber Repair Two +11 ranged (gauss rifles 3d6 ballistic, 500 ft range increment, crit 18-20/x2) Abilities STR 21 DEX 14 CON 18 INT 11 WIS 14 CHA 9 SQ Improved Grapple, Cyber Repair Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Fly-By Attack Skills Demolitions +8, Disable Device +8, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (technology) +2

John Strickler (order #3700643)

These short and stocky techno-mutants are a threat completely out of proportion to their small size. These muscular little brawlers stand barely 4 ft tall but are at least twice that wide. Their dense crimson metallic skins are designed to withstand hard vacuum and shrug off missiles and micrometorites. Multiple layers of armor are implanted directly into the cybernetic soldiers. Magnetic grapples and monofilament knives built into the cyborg’s knuckles are designed so the creature can do just what its name implies… break starships.



Space pirates release dozens of these dimwitted brutes when a rich starship passes near by. Integrated thrusters allow the Shipbreakers to quickly close to engagement distance, and chest mounted gauss rifles built directly into the cyborg can blow the wings off starfighters with contemptuous ease. Improved Grapple (EX): When the Shipbreaker successfully strikes a starship with a melee slam, it may immediately attempt to begin a grapple as a free action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Shipbreaker (EX): The Shipbreaker is designed to capture enemy starships intact, rip through the hull and kill everyone inside. When attacking with his melee slam, the Starbuster can ignore half a starship or space-station hull’s Hardness.

John Strickler (order #3700643)

The Shipbreaker receives a +10 competence bonus on Grapple checks when engaging a spacecraft of any size. While grappled by a Shipbreaker, an ultralight starfighter drops out of its wing and cannot grant or receive wing benefits. Cyber Repair (EX): Shipbreakers are designed for easy field repair. Their systems can absorb technology from a captive starship to repair itself when damaged. Each round the Shipbreaker maintains a grapple on a captive starship or station, the ship suffers 5 points of damage, and the Shipbreaker recovers 1d4 HP. This self repair system cannot bring the Shipbreaker beyond maximum HP total, excess healing is simply wasted.



Psi-Watch Campaign Setting, Otherverse Games, 2007 Urban Operatives, Louis Porter Jr. Designs, 2007 Mil-Tech ’09, Otherverse Games, 2009 Space Mafia, Otherverse Games, 2010. Written by Chris A. Field

John Strickler (order #3700643)


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