Space Hulk 3rd Edition Mission Book (OCR)

March 24, 2017 | Author: Simon Rooke | Category: N/A
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CONTENTS Introduction . Disaster at Secoris

Mission VIII - Escape Route .

.. .2

M ission IX - Regroup

.. . .3

. . . .2 4 .. . . .... . . . . .26

The Sin of Damnation .


M ission X - Defend

Board ing the Space Hulk .


Mission XI - Unknown Lifeforms

M ission Briefing . Mission I - Suicide Mission

Mission XII - Pitfall .

.. .9 . . ... .10

The Imperium of Man .

Mission II - Exterminate

. . .12

The Space Marines

Miss ion III - Rescue

... 14

The Blood Angels

Mission IV - Cleanse & Burn Mission V - Decoy . . .... .... ... . Mission VI - Alarm Call .

.. ... 16 .. .18

..... . . .20

. .... . . .. . .28

... .30 . . .32

. 34 .. .36 . ... .38

Blood Angels 1st Company

.. . .39

Terminator Armour & Weapons

... .40

Heroes of the 1st Company ... ........ . .. .42

Mission VII - The Artefact ....... ... .... . . .22

The Tyranids . .... .. . . . . .

. .. .46

INTRODUCTION Throughout the galaxy, the Imperium wages war against the many deadly enem ies of humanity. However, none of these enemies are as feared as the dreaded Genestealers. These horrifying, six-limbed monstrosities travel across the galaxy in derelict space hulks in search of new planets to conquer. Only t he mighty Space Marines stand between the Genestealers and the destruction of Mankind. Armed with an array of powerful weapons and protected by massive Term inator armour, small squads of Space Marines board space hulks to confront the Genestealers head on.


Of the many battles that have taken place against the Genestealers that infest the ga laxy, none was qu ite as desperate as the action that took place on board the space hulk ' codenamed Sin of Damnation . Th is book tells t he story of that battle, and includes twelve different missions based on t he campaig n.

The Missions that follow describe the pivotal moments of the Blood Angels' ensuing campa ign against the Genestealers. As well as describing what happened on board the Sin of Damnation, the missions provide all of t he game information you need to refight th ese key battles using the rules found in the Space Hulk Rulebook .

The M ission Book is split into three main sections: The Campa ign Background , The Missions, and The Imperium of Man. The Campaign Background describes the history of the Sin of Damnation ca mpa ign, starting with the Blood Angel s' f irst disastrous encou nter with the Genestealers in the Secoris system . It takes t he st ory up to the point that the Blood Angels board the Sin of Damnation, intent on destroying the Genestealers that lurked within and in so doin g redeeming the honour of their Chapter. This is where you come in - the ultimate fate of the Space Marines is in your hands from this po int on .

Last but far f rom least, the f inal section of t his book describes the background for the Space Hulk game. Space Hulk is set almost 40,000 years in our future. In the dark universe of the 41 st Millennium, vast and terrible forces threaten the very existence of humanity and alien races ravage ent ire solar systems. Sh ielded only by the potent psychic power of the immortal Emperor, the Imperium of Man is besieged by its enem ies and our most potent weapon against these terrible foes are the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes. The Mission Book describes these dark and compelling t imes, and includes detailed background information on the Blood Angels and t he alien Genestealers.


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