,,, !"ere is no difference bet)een bet)een t"e %ld Sipura SPA-3000 and t"e ne) *in+sys SPA-3000 apart from t"e case. All firm)are and internals are t"e same. Settin# up t"e "ard)are
Step #: *onnect the power cable to your SPA-!!! Step $: *onnect the networ' cable from your SPA-!!! to your +,*P enable" mo"em/router Step : *onnect an analogue phone to the Phone port in the SPA-!!!. Step %: urn the power on Step (: Pic' up the phone an" "ial 0000 1 2ou shoul" hear a voice saying Sipura *onfiguration 3enu4 Step 5: +ial ##!6 1 Write "own the 7P a""ress that is returne"4 Step 8: *onnect your PS& line to the 9ine port of the SPA-!!!.
At this stage you can choose whether to upgra"e the firmware. he latest version of the SPA-!!! firmware at the time of writing this "ocument is .#.#!. o upgra"e the firmware see Appendi /.
Section $ onfi#urin# t"e SPA-3000 2ia t"e eb Interface ;nce you have the 7P a""ress of your SPA-!!! you can access the web interface by opening a web browser an" typing the following in the A""ress : http:// $.#5?.#.#!
2ou shoul" now see the Sipura SPA-!!! Phone A"apter *onfiguration screen. &ow you will nee" to log into the unit as A"ministrator an" change the view to a"vance". See images below.
*lic' on A"min 9ogin
*lic' on a"vance"
(ote: 2ou can also go "irectly to the a"min/a"vance" section by typing
Section 3 $ 4e#ional Settin#s
*lic' on the @egional tab.
he following changes are optional however they will ma'e your SPA-!!! soun" more Australian. n"er the *all Progress ones an" +istinctive @ing Patterns hea"ings change: +ial tone: Eusy one: @eor"er one: @ing Eac' one: 3W7 +ial one: @ing# *a"ence:
he following changes are reFuire" un"er the 3iscellaneous hea"ing :
- Earring a number place this at the en" of the number to bar it
- Provi"es a "ial tone
- 9imiting choices eg N$%O means either $ or % N$-(O means $% an" ( N$%-5?O means $%(5?
Bample /ial Plans /ial Plan 1: 1!!!S!K:Bgw!L4 /escription: he above "ial plan is e=tremely simple yet e=tremely important. When you "ial !!! 1Mmergency number4 your call will go out through ateway ! 1K:Bgw!4 which is your normal PS& line imme"iately 1S!4 after you have "iale" the r" !.
/ial Plan :
/escription: he above "ial plan contains two in"ivi"ual plans buil"ing on from +ial Plan #. 2ou will notice that a H separates the # st "ial plan from the $ n" .he $n" "ial plan is use" to route #?!! numbers through the your PS& line. 7t wor's the same way as the # st "ial plan in that when you "ial a #?!! number followe" by 5 other "igits 1!->4 it will be "irecte" through your PS& line. /ial Plan 3: 1K0#:!#$%(58?>L4 /escription: his plan "emonstrates replacement. 7f you "ial a 0 followe" by a # then the number !#$%(58?> woul" be "iale".
/ial Plan 6: 1K!:5#LN$->O========S!4 /escription: his plan "emonstrates replacement an" limiting choices. When you "ial an ! followe" by a $%(58? or > an" then nine of any other "igit 1!->4 it will prepen" 5# an" remove the !. So if you rang !$ #$%(58?> the actual number that woul" be calle" woul" be 5# $ #$%(58?>.
/ial Plan 7:
/escription: his plan "emonstrates number barring. 7f you enter a #>!! followe" by 5 more "igits 1!->4 you call will not be place".
/ial Plan C:
/escription: his plan "emonstrates replacement an" repetition. When you enter a 6> followe" by any number of "igits1a timeout is use" to "etermine the en"4 it will go out through the PS& line 1ateway !4. Puttin# it all to#et"er
/escription: his plan combines elements from all the above "ial plans. 7t routes all !!! #?!! #!! calls out via the PS& line. 7ts bars #>!! numbers. 7t allows an Australian lan" line to be calle" an" it also allows you to select the PS& line by "ialing a 6>.
Appendi E - 5actory 4eset o perform a factory reset on your SPA-!!! remove the Mthernet cable an" the PS& line cable leaving just the power an" the phone connecte". +ial 0000 on the phone. 2ou shoul" hear a Sipura message as'ing you to enter your selection. . hen "ial 88?6. A4(I(G: his will restore your unit bac' to factory "efaults all your information will
be lost.
Appendi - Sa2in# your onfi#uration et"od 1 $ Pro#ramUtility
here is a utility that has been written to save/restore SPA-!!! configurations. he file is calle" &ewSipuratil an" can be "ownloa"e" from the following site: http://www."ualarrow.com
et"od - anually
o save your configuration log into your SPA-!!! web interface as a"min. *hange the view to a"vance". Select the File – Save As option from your web brower an" save the configuration page to your P*Qs har" "rive. hats it &ow to restore settings that you have previously save" you nee" to e"it the configuration page that you save" to your P*Qs har" "rive. o "o this fin" the page on your har" "rive right clic' on it an" Open With – Notepad . &ow "o a search for the following line of co"e. K$
# R Mnable ! R +isable
Will reFuire passwor" if set After you hear ;ption Successful hang-up. nit will reboot automatically.
3anual @eboot
ser that you wish to program followe" by the number you wish to store in the spee" "ial. After a secon" or so you shoul" hear two short beeps. his tells you that the number has been store" successfully.
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