SP3d Guidlines for Reference Data Guide

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I & C ENGINEERING DEPT. SP3D Guidelines for Reference Data


October 2010 Instrumentation and Control Department Descon Integrated Projects (Pvt.) Limited.

SP3d Guidelines for Reference Data








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Table of Contents 1. General 4 1.1 Scope 4 2. Overview Of Reference Data......................................................................................................5 2.1 Fork Flow Of Creating Reference Data....................................................................................5 2.2 Reference Data Types...............................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Graphical Data.......................................................................................................................6 2.2.2 Non-graphical Data................................................................................................................7 2.3 How the Catalog Database Fits In.............................................................................................8 2.3.1 Reports Database & Schema..................................................................................................9 2.3.2 Site Database & Schema........................................................................................................9 2.3.3 Catalog database & Schema...................................................................................................9 2.3.4 Model database .....................................................................................................................9 2.4 Using the Excel Migration Tool................................................................................................9 2.4.1 Excel Migration Dialog Box................................................................................................10 2.4.2 Migrate Excel Workbooks to the Current Version...............................................................12 3. Using Excel Workbooks to Configure Reference Data.............................................................13 3.1 Delivered Excel Workbooks...................................................................................................13 3.2 Naming Rules Reference Data................................................................................................14 3.2.1 Name Limitations in Reference Data...................................................................................14 3.3 Minimum Reference Data.......................................................................................................14 3.4 Common Sheets in the Workbooks.........................................................................................16 3.4.1 Revision History Sheet........................................................................................................16 3.4.2 Legend Sheet.......................................................................................................................16 3.4.3 Index Sheet..........................................................................................................................16 3.4.4 GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) Sheet.........................................................................16 3.4.5 CatalogRoot Sheet...............................................................................................................17 3.4.6 ClassNodeType Sheet..........................................................................................................17 3.4.7 R-ClassNodeDescribes Sheet...............................................................................................17 3.4.8 R-Hierarchy Sheet...............................................................................................................17 3.4.9 Custom Interfaces Sheet......................................................................................................17 3.4.10 Part Class Sheet.................................................................................................................17 3.5 Adding and Modifying Custom Interfaces..............................................................................18 3.5.1 Add User Attributes to a Class.............................................................................................19 3.6 Add Part Classes to New Classification Folders.....................................................................20 3.7 Add Part Classes to Existing Classification Folders...............................................................22 4. Using the Bulkload Utility........................................................................................................25 4.1 Bulkload Dialog Box..............................................................................................................26 4.1.1 Excel files............................................................................................................................26 4.1.2 Excel codelist files...............................................................................................................26 4.1.3 Bulkload mode.....................................................................................................................27 Bulkload to a New Catalog...............................................................................................27 Append to an Existing Catalog.........................................................................................28 Add, Modify or Delete Records in Existing Catalog.........................................................28 Delete and Replace Records in Existing Catalog..............................................................30 4.1.4 Create flavors.......................................................................................................................30 4.1.5 Database Type.....................................................................................................................31 4.1.6 Database name.....................................................................................................................32 4.1.7 schema Information.............................................................................................................32 Catalog schema server......................................................................................................33 Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 2 of 38

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Doc. No.: XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXXX-XXX-XX-X Catalog schema database..................................................................................................33 Template files to be used to create schema.......................................................................33 4.1.8 Log file................................................................................................................................33 4.1.9 Symbol and custom program file location...........................................................................34 4.1.10 Load 34 4.2 Bulk Load Database with Data...............................................................................................35

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GENERAL This is a guideline which describes how to use the SP3D Reference Data for Catalog Task in SP3D Project. You must have reference data to use the software to design process plants. Reference data can be Graphical or Non-graphical in nature. SP3D Reference data includes:


Overview of SP3D Reference data.

Different Types of Reference data used for Catalog Task.

A workflow that keeps the data in the Excel workbooks synchronized with the changes you make in the Catalog task.

Addition of new part classes into Classification folders.

Using Bulkload utility to bulkload data into catalog database.

SCOPE This document is limited to instrument discipline scope of work related to the SP3D reference databases that contain graphic and property information about the types of objects that you can place in your model.

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OVERVIEW OF REFERENCE DATA The software delivers the reference data in Microsoft Excel workbooks. In this flexible format, you can edit the reference data, as well as add your own. For example, Excel allows you to copy entire sheets of data and then modify some parameters. Another way to add or edit the reference data is to use the commands in the Catalog task in the software. Catalog data includes the parts that you place in the model, such as cable tray components and equipment. Specification data includes the rules that govern how those parts are placed and connected. The catalog information is also user-customizable in terms of its data structure. You can organize the delivered reference data into groups in the way that makes sense for your company or project. For example, you can group the objects by type. These groups are often referred to as classes. You can translate and migrate previous reference data to use with the current software. The software provides tools to assist in the translation and migration processes. To add a large amount of reference data to the catalog, use the Bulkload utility to transfer Excel workbook data into the Catalog database. Each workbook is organized in a particular way in order to specify the objects, their properties, and the relationship of the objects to the rest of the hierarchy.


FORK FLOW OF CREATING REFERENCE DATA The overall workflow of creating reference data for the software can be summarized as: A.

You can create graphical data in Symbol 2D, Solid Edge, or Visual Basic.


Excel workbooks contain tabular data.


You use the Bulkload utility.


Populate the Catalog database in Bulkload utility.

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Figure 2.1



Using the software, you place items in the Model database.

REFERENCE DATA TYPES Reference data can be graphical or non-graphical in nature. Graphical data includes Visual Basic .dll files, Solid Edge .par and .asm files, and Symbol 2D .sym files. Non-graphical data includes Microsoft Excel workbooks. For example, reference data includes graphical symbols that you can place in the model, such as equipment or piping components. Reference data also includes non-graphical, tabular data, such as catalog data and specification data.


GRAPHICAL DATA The software supports multiple ways of representing a graphical symbol.

VISUAL BASIC® (VB) SYMBOLS Routing components are typically represented using a VB definition of the symbol. VB provides an easy-to-use language to parametrically define the graphical representation of the symbol and its connecting points. Many VB symbols are delivered with the software.

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SOLID EDGE® SYMBOLS "One-off" equipment design can be done using Solid Edge, which provides several graphical primitives to build the geometry of the equipment definition. The geometry can be parametrically defined but requires Solid Edge to be loaded on every client workstation that will be used to place the equipment in the model. Or, you must make sure that every possible size has been generated and cached in the catalog.

SMART PLANT® 2D SYMBOLS Cross-section symbols for structural applications can be defined in the SmartPlant 2D Symbols application. Using the Variable Table, you can parametrically define and constrain the geometry of the symbols.


NON-GRAPHICAL DATA This type of data includes specifications, rules, and other tabular information.

CLASSES A part class is a group of related parts. For example, a part class can be an Inline Centrifugal Fan. The parts could be models that run 1/3, 1/6, or 1/8 horsepower.

PARTS Each part is a separate, selectable object in the Catalog.

SPECIFICATIONS Specifications are the collection of standards for the types of objects placed in a model. You can customize specifications based on what makes sense for your company

RULES Rules determine how the specifications are applied. You can customize rules as per requirement of company.

TABLES The reference data tables in the Catalog contain non-graphical property data. For example, the codelists in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook are stored in tables in the Catalog database.

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HOW THE CATALOG DATABASE FITS IN The software can use up to seven databases: (A) - Reports database (B) - Site database (C) - Model database (D) - Catalog database (E) - Site Schema database (F) - Catalog Schema database (G) - Reports Schema database

(A) Reports Database




Site Database

Model Database

Catalog Database



Site Schema Database

Catalog Schema Database

(G) Reports Schema Database

Figure 2.2

A Plant is all three databases used together: Catalog database, Catalog Schema, and Model database To view the hierarchy and contents of the Catalog, start the Catalog task. To view the Site database, start the Project Management task. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 8 of 38

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REPORTS DATABASE & SCHEMA The Reports database and schema interact with the other databases to generate tabular reports from the model data.


SITE DATABASE & SCHEMA The Site database and schema are containers for the other databases. The Site database stores work-breakdown and user access for the model. A site database can have multiple plant and catalog databases. Typically, there is one site database set for each customer location.


CATALOG DATABASE & SCHEMA The Catalog database contains reference data, which includes part dimensions and industry standards. Using the Bulkload utility, you can create a starting Catalog database and schema from a data file delivered with the software. You can use your own custom Excel workbooks and custom symbols to create a new Catalog database specifically for your project. After creating the Catalog database, you can modify the delivered reference data. Two methods exist to modify the reference data: edit the workbooks in Excel and bulk load the data, or use the commands in the Catalog task to edit the data (Bulkload is not necessary in that case).


MODEL DATABASE The Model database contains all instances of parts in the physical model of the plant. The Catalog and Model databases share the same schema.


USING THE EXCEL MIGRATION TOOL The Excel Migration tool allows you to update your reference data Excel workbooks to fit with the current version of the software. To move to the current version, you must use the delta files located in [Product Directory] \ CatalogData \ BulkLoad \ AdditionalDataFiles \.

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EXCEL MIGRATION DIALOG BOX This dialogue box allows you to set options for converting Excel workbook reference data to the current version of the software.

V5 FORMAT FILE It specifies the Version 5.0 Excel workbook. This workbook is the file that you want to migrate to the current version. You can migrate only one workbook at a time.

LOG FILE It specifies the log file that records the progress of the migration process. The default name of the log file is the name of the Excel workbook in the V5 Format File box, appended with V6 and a .log extension. Specifying a log file is mandatory. If you do not specify one, a message on the status bar of the dialog box asks you to specify the log file.

Figure 2.3

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CONVERTED FILE It specifies the Version 6.0 Excel workbook. The default name is the Excel workbook name in the V5 Format File box, appended with V6. If this file already exists before the migration begins, the utility asks if you want to overwrite it.

CATALOG SERVER NAME It specifies the Catalog database server.

CATALOG DATABASE It specifies the Catalog database.

DATABASE SERVER NAME It specifies the Catalog Schema database server.

SCHEMA DATABASE It specifies the Catalog Schema database. The Catalog database and schema information is used to migrate the GUIDs sheets.

CONVERT TO V6 FORMAT It starts the migration process. NOTE: When you prepare workbooks for migration, you must format cells with the Text option if the information in the cell contains a leading zero (for example, a part number). You can set the Text option in the Category list on the Format Cells dialog box. If you use a cell formatted with the General option, data will be lost during the migration. •

You must manually migrate some data, such as codelists and naming rules. • Sheets that are new in the current version will not have data on them after the migration tool runs. You must enter the relevant data and then bulk load. • The Excel Migration tool does not account for any changes made in the code for a symbol, such as the addition of a new attribute to the symbol. The reference data for Structure and Hangers and Supports is not migrated.

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In Windows Explorer, navigate to the software installation folder.


Under [Project Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\Bin, double-click


and a dialogue box will be appeared.

3. In the V5 Format File box, browse to select the Excel workbook that you want to migrate. You can migrate only one workbook at a time. 4. In the Log File box, browse to specify the log file that provides the results of the migration process. The default name of the log file is the name of the Excel workbook in the V5 Format Files box, appended with V6 and a .log extension. 5. In the Converted File box, browse to specify the migrated Excel workbook. The default name is the Excel workbook name in the V5 Format File box, appended with V6. 6. In the Catalog information area, specify the Catalog database server and Catalog database name. 7.

Click Convert to V6 Format.

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USING EXCEL WORKBOOKS TO CONFIGURE REFERENCE DATA SP3D allows you modifying Excel workbooks and then bulking loading your changes into the Catalog database. You must bulk load the Excel data in order to use the modified reference data in the software; it is not sufficient to change only the Excel workbooks. Use the Bulkload Utility for any additions, modifications, and deletions into the Catalog database. The Catalog task was read-only, except for the capability to modify permission group and status on the Properties dialog for certain reference data. Note: Bulkload Utility is located in [Product Directory\CatalogData\BulkLoad\Bin or C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\CatalogData\BulkLoad\Bin


DELIVERED EXCEL WORKBOOKS To edit the Excel data, you must understand the content and format of the workbooks. Many of the delivered workbooks contain data unique to a given function or discipline. For example, there are separate Excel workbooks for Cabling, Structure, and so forth. There are also common workbooks that contain data for more than one discipline. The delivered Excel workbooks are located at: [Product Directory] \ CatalogData \ BulkLoad \ DataFiles. File Name



Defines Outfitting cross sections, and units of measurement. Defines all codelists in the software. Defines information for isometric drawings. Defines cable tray classes and parts. Defines cable classes and parts. Defines nozzles for conduit, cable, and cable tray. Defines conduit classes and parts. Defines volumes used in the generation of orthographic spatial drawings. Defines equipment classes and parts. Defines equipment component classes and parts. Defines naming rule programs. Defines hangers and supports.

AllCodeLists.xls BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls CableTray.xls Cabling.xls Standard Nozzle Data.xls Conduit.xls Drawings.xls Equipment.xls EquipmentComponent.xls GenericNamingRules.xls HS_Anvil.xls,

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HS_Anvil_Codelist.xls, HS_Assembly.xls, HS_Assembly_Codelist.xls, HS_HgrAisc.xls, HS_LRParts.xls, HS_System.xls, HS_Utility.xls, HS_Utility_Codelist.xls ModuleTypes.xls



Defines part classes for the Copy to Catalog and Paste from Catalog commands.

NAMING RULES REFERENCE DATA Each task in the software that creates new parts in the model automatically generates a name for the parts using defined rules. The reference data, GenericNamingRules.xls workbook, for naming rules consists of a list of part classes and associated naming rules. A Visual Basic program does the naming.


NAME LIMITATIONS IN REFERENCE DATA You must consider naming limitations when creating and modifying data used by the software. Naming limitations include restrictions on the length and content of names, such as database table, view, and column names. These restrictions also affect reference data names. The following table shows the name length limitations in the reference data.



Maximum Length for SQL Server

Maximum Length for Oracle

Codelist name Codelist long or short description.

128 characters 255 characters

30 characters 255 characters

Property name Interface name Part class name (sheet name)

23 characters 23 characters 121 characters

23 characters 23 characters 23 characters

MINIMUM REFERENCE DATA When you create a new catalog, you must bulk load a minimum amount of reference data in order for the software to function properly. You must bulk load the workbook(s) for the disciplines that you want to work with and any other workbooks with related data such as codelists, naming rules, and so forth.

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When using the Bulkload utility to create a new catalog, you must use the AppRepos.dat template file to create the Catalog Schema. This file is located in [Product Directory]\DatabaseTemplates on the administrator computer. Discipline

Required Workbooks in Catalog


AllCodelists.xls Cabling.xls GenericNamingRules.xls AllCodelists.xls AllCommon.xls CableTray.xls GenericNamingRules.xls AllCodelists.xls AllCommon.xls CableWay.xls GenericNamingRules.xls AllCodelists.xls Conduit.xls GenericNamingRules.xls AllCodelists.xls Drawings.xls for volume drawings BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls for isometric drawings or spooling Reports.xls for report templates AllCodelists.xls AllCommon.xls Equipment.xls EquipmentComponent.xls GenericNamingRules.xls InsulationData.xls Shapes.xls for designed equipment AllCodelists.xls GenericNamingRules.xls AllCodelists.xls GenericNamingRules.xls HS_Anvil.xls, HS_Anvil_Codelist.xls, HS_Assembly.xls, HS_Assembly_Codelist.xls HS_HgrAisc.xls HS_Lisega.xls, HS_Lisega_Codelist.xls HS_LRParts.xls HS_System.xls HS_Utility.xls, HS_Utility_Codelist.xls AllCodelists.xls GenericNamingRules.xls Shapes.xls for volumes SpaceMgmt.xls

Cable Tray


Conduit Drawings and Reports

Equipment and Furnishings

Grids Hangers and Supports

Space Management

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COMMON SHEETS IN THE WORKBOOKS The following sheets appear in most of the Excel workbooks, which are located in the [Product Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles. • • • • • • • • • •


Revision History* Sheet Legend* Sheet Index* Sheet GUIDs Sheet CatalogRoot Sheet ClassNodeType Sheet R-ClassNodeDescribes Sheet R-Hierarchy Sheet Custom Interfaces Sheet Part Class Sheet

REVISION HISTORY SHEET This sheet contains comments that describe modifications to the workbook, the person who made the modifications, and the date modified. Updates to this sheet are not mandatory, but they are recommended for internal tracking purposes. This sheet is not processed by the Bulkload utility. The text on this sheet is purely for the benefit of change tracking, notes, and revision records.


LEGEND SHEET This sheet provides information about common conventions in the workbook. It lists the keywords and the associated meanings. This sheet is not processed by the Bulkload utility.


INDEX SHEET This sheet provides a list of all the classes in the workbook and links to each sheet. This sheet is not processed by the Bulkload utility.


GUIDS (GLOBALLY UNIQUE IDENTIFIERS) SHEET This sheet contains identification numbers for the part classes.

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CATALOGROOT SHEET This sheet defines the name of the root folder for the data in a workbook. The catalog root is the highest allowable level in the hierarchy for a discipline.


CLASSNODETYPE SHEET This sheet allows you to create classification folders in the Catalog hierarchy. A classification folder is similar to a folder in Windows Explorer, except a classification folder can only contain other folders, not individual items. The ObjectName column contains the folder object name, which represents the internal name for the node in the software. The Name column contains the identifier name that appears in the Catalog task user interface. The ClassNodeType sheet does not specify the hierarchy of the classification folders.


R-CLASSNODEDESCRIBES SHEET This sheet defines the parent-child relationships between the classification folders and the part classes. This sheet uses the object names of the classification folders and the names of the part classes. The RelationSource column contains the parents (classification folders), and the RelationDestination column contains the children (part classes).


R-HIERARCHY SHEET This sheet defines the parent-child relationships among the folders in the Catalog hierarchy that are above the classification folders. This sheet uses the object names of the folders.


CUSTOM INTERFACES SHEET This sheet defines user attributes that are in the reference data. This sheet describes the names of attributes, such as length and weight, and contains information about the units of measurement. The Custom Interfaces sheet also defines links between reference data parameters and parametric symbol arguments.


PART CLASS SHEET Many of the reference data workbooks contain part class sheets. Each part class sheet consists of the class definition and the parts definition. The class definition is marked

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with the keyword Definition, and the parts definition is marked with the keywords Head/Start/End. To add a part class to the Catalog hierarchy, you must edit the Excel workbook for your task. Save a backup copy, before you modify a workbook. That way, you can always bulk load the previous data. You also must add a specific part class sheet to the workbook. You can copy an existing part class sheet and modify it as necessary.


ADDING AND MODIFYING CUSTOM INTERFACES The addition and modification of custom interfaces, categories, and attributes in catalog should be planned. To bulk load interfaces and attributes, you must have write or full control on at least one of the catalog permission groups, which are defined in Project Management. The following paragraphs describe the restrictions on additions, modifications, and deletions of the custom interfaces.

INTERFACES You can create a new interface on the Custom Interfaces sheet and then add it to the catalog using the Bulkload utility You can delete an existing interface by typing the letter D in the first column of the interface row. You should not modify the name of an interface, but you can change the category to which it was assigned.

CATEGORIES Categories are listed in the Property Categories codelist. If you want to use a new category name on an interface, you must add the new category name in the codelist and then bulk load. You can modify category names by editing the codelist. Categories are plant-wide and catalog-dependent. If multiple models make use of the same catalog, then the two models' interfaces and attributes are categorized identically.

ATTRIBUTES You cannot modify or delete existing attributes after bulk loading them. However, you can add attributes to existing interfaces by typing A in the first column of the rows to add. If you try to delete or modify existing attributes, the Bulkload utility will include warnings in the log file.

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ADD USER ATTRIBUTES TO A CLASS 1. Open the Systems.xls file, which is delivered in the [Product Directory]\CatalogData\\BulkLoad\SampleDataFiles folder. This file provides a sample that you can follow during this procedure. 2. Create a new workbook. 3. Click Insert > Worksheet, and add two sheets: CustomInterfaces and CustomClassInterfaceList. 4. On the CustomInterfaces sheet, type a name in the InterfaceName column as shown in Fig 3.1. • •

This interface will contain the attributes that you want to add. Begin the interface name with "IJUA".

Figure 3.1

5. In the Category column, type a category, if necessary. • •

If you do not type a category name (leave the column blank), the custom attributes will appear in the Standard category in the software. To add a new category, you must add the category name to a codelist. For example, in the delivered AllCodeLists.xls, you would add the category name to the PropertyCategories sheet and then bulk load. The short description text and the text on the CustomInterfaces sheet must match.

6. Complete the remaining columns as necessary. 7. Now CustomClassInterfaceList sheet, this sheet lists any additional virtual interfaces that will be implemented by non virtual classes. During the bulkload process, these interfaces are mapped to the specified classes. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 19 of 38

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8. On the CustomClassInterfaceList sheet, type a name in the ClassName column. 9. In the InterfaceName column, type the same name you specified for the new interface on the CustomInterfaces sheet. 10. Save and exit the workbook. 11. Bulkload the workbook in the Append mode, to ensure the schema update and regeneration of the views in the database. If you are using any codelists, remember to add the codelist files on the Bulkload dialog box.


ADD PART CLASSES TO NEW CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS When you add a part class to a new classification folder, you must edit the ClassNodeType, R-Hierarchy, and RClassNodeDescribes sheets. Clear all the existing data on these sheets and fill it as per requirement. In this example we shall add a Part class (Cable Tray Cross) to a new classification folder Cable Tray Objects under the Cableway as shown in Fig 3.2.

Figure 3.2

1. On the ClassNodeType sheet, insert a row before the End keyword and enter a name for the classification folder in the ObjectName column. Type CableTrayObjects in the ObjectName column as shown in Fig 3.3. The object name of the classification folder is important because you will use it again in this procedure.

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Also on the ClassNodeType sheet, enter the user interface name for the classification folder in the Name column. This name appears in the Catalog task user interface. Type Cable Tray Objects as shown in Fig 3.3.

Figure 3.3

2. On the R-Hierarchy sheet, relate the folder object names in the hierarchy. The default hierarchy contains CatalogRoot in the RelationSource column and RefDataCablewayRoot in the RelationDestination column. Type RefDataCablewayRoot in the RelationSource column and CableTrayObjects in the RelationDestination column as shown in Fig 3.4.

Figure 3.4

Note: All folders must be related in the hierarchy on the R-Hierarchy sheet, except the classification folder and the part class (these folders are related on the RClassNodeDescribes sheet). 3. On the R-ClassNodeDescribes sheet, relate the part class to the classification folder above the part class in the hierarchy. In the RelationSource column, type CableTrayObjects. This name matches the object name of the classification folder that you entered on the ClassNodeType sheet.

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In the RelationDestination column, type the name of the part class, CTCross. This name must be same as name of Part Class Sheet as shown in Fig 3.5.

Figure 3.5

4. Now go to Part Class Sheet. In our example, CTCross sheet given in CableTray.xls is copied because we want to add Cable Tray Cross Part Class into Cable Tray Objects classification node.

Figure 3.6

In this sheet we have class definitions as Part ClassType, SymbolDefinition, UserClassName,OccClassName and Symbollcon which are encircled as red in Fig 3.6. Parts are described in parts definition with blue font on this sheet and can be added by marking A in the start of every row as shown above in Fig 3.6. There is no need of any correction on this sheet. 5. Mark all of the rows that you added on the ClassNodeType, R-Hierarchy, and R-ClassNodeDescribes sheets with the letter A. 6. Bulk load the workbook in the Add/Modify/Delete mode.



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When you add a part class to an existing classification folder, you just need to edit the RClassNodeDescribes sheet. 1. Open a reference data workbook in Microsoft Excel. We shall follow the same example which we used in last topic.

Figure 3.7

2. On the R-ClassNodeDescribes sheet, relate the part class to the classification folder above the part class in the hierarchy as shown in Fig 3.8.

Figure 3.8

3. In the RelationSource column, type CableTrayObjects. This name matches the object name of the Cable Tray Objects classification folder on the ClassNodeType sheet. In the RelationDestination column, type the name of the part class, Straight.

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This name must match with the part class sheet name as indicated through double arrow in fig 3.8. 4. Mark the row that you added with the letter A. 5. Now go to Part Class Sheet. In our example, Straight sheet given in CableTray.xls is copied because we want to add Cable Tray Straight Part Class into Cable Tray Objects classification node.

Figure 3.9

In this sheet we have class definitions as Part ClassType, SymbolDefinition, UserClassName,OccClassName and Symbollcon which are described at the top in Fig 3.9. Parts are described in parts definition with blue font on this sheet as shown above in Fig 3.9. There is no need of any correction on this sheet. 6. Bulk load the workbook in the Add/Modify/Delete mode. Note: Detail of bulkloading is explained In Chpater No. 4.

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USING THE BULKLOAD UTILITY In order to use reference data in the software, you can transfer data in the Excel workbooks to the Catalog database using the Bulkload utility. Bulkload Utility is located in [Product Directory\CatalogData\BulkLoad\Bin

Figure 4.1

Bulkloading is a process that imports data from the Excel workbooks into the Catalog database. Because there is no way to export data from the Catalog database back into Excel, these workbooks are the "master" copy of your reference data and should be backed up appropriately before you make modifications and begin the loading process. The time taken by the bulk loading process varies. More time is required when a schema change (such as adding a codelist value, a new interface, or a part class) is made. Schema changes trigger the re-creation of the views in the database. The loading process has several modes available.

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BULKLOAD DIALOG BOX This utility sets options for adding reference data from Excel workbooks to the Catalog database.


EXCEL FILES It displays one or more Excel workbooks for loading into the Catalog database. These workbooks contain the reference data. The software bulk loads the files in the order they are listed in the Excel files box.

Figure 4.2

Add It lists additional Excel workbooks in the Excel files box. Delete Removes currently selected Excel workbooks from the Excel files box.


EXCEL CODELIST FILES It lists the codelist Excel workbooks. Click the browse button to access the Open dialog box, which allows you to select one or more Excel codelist workbooks for loading into the Catalog Schema database. To remove a codelist workbook, you must click Reset to clear all boxes on the Bulkload dialog box.

Figure 4.3

You must select a codelist workbook when one of the following criteria is met: • You have updated the codelist information and want to bulk load the modified data into the live database. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 26 of 38

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You are creating a new catalog with the Bulkload to a new catalog option.

For all other instances, the Excel codelist files box can remain empty.


BULKLOAD MODE It allows you to select the type of bulkload. There are different modes available in Bulkload Utility to load data as shown in Fig 4.4.

Figure 4.4

Bulkload to a New Catalog You should use the New mode when you are creating a new Catalog database.

Figure 4.5

The New mode is different from the Append and the Add/Modify/Delete modes in that a live database set (Catalog and Catalog Schema) is not already available on the server. In the New mode, you choose the database type and enter a name for the catalog that you want to create. You also select a template file to create the Catalog Schema. When you run the Bulkload utility in the New mode, the utility creates interfaces. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 27 of 38

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Append to an Existing Catalog You can use the Append mode when you want to add data from many new workbooks or worksheets to the Catalog database. When you use this mode, the software scans the data and adds only the new classes and parts to the database. The software does not observe any Add/Modify/Delete flags in this mode.

Figure 4.6

The Append mode is normally used for large updates to the catalog.

Add, Modify or Delete Records in Existing Catalog The Add/Modify/Delete mode is best used when you are modifying the database on a smaller scale or when you are modifying preexisting classes. In this mode, the Bulkload utility scans the workbook(s) for flags at the beginning of each row. The table below defines the flags and the actions associated with them. Flag Operation Notes Add The Bulkload utility adds the object to the database and removes A the letter A from the row upon successful addition. The Bulkload utility modifies the object in the database and M Modify removes the letter M from the row upon successful modification. Delete The Bulkload utility deletes the object, but does NOT remove the D letter D. You must verify that the object was deleted using the log file. If the Bulkload utility sees an M at the beginning of a row, the software modifies that entry in the Catalog database with the changes in that row. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 28 of 38

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The Bulkload utility removes the A and M designations from the workbook(s) during the loading process. However, the rows marked with D are still marked with D. You can open the workbook(s) with rows marked D and comment out those rows manually after the bulkload. Type the ! symbol at the beginning of each row that you want to comment out. If you do not remove or comment out the deleted rows, you will receive errors the next time that you bulk load, because the Bulkload utility will attempt to delete objects that no longer exist in the catalog.

Figure 4.7

You should be aware of the rules that affect deleting part classes and parts. You can delete a part class by typing a D at the beginning of the Definition row on the part class sheet. When you delete a part class, you can reuse the part class name in the same database set. If you delete parts (line items within a class, not the class itself), you can also reuse the names of the parts. To modify a part name, you can use a combination of deleting and adding operations. Copy a part row, insert the row in the Head/Start/End section, and change the name. Then mark the original row with D and the inserted row with A. The row marked with D must come before the row marked with A going from top to bottom on the sheet. The reason is that the bulkload operations occur sequentially from top to bottom on a sheet.

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Delete and Replace Records in Existing Catalog The Delete and Replace mode is useful when you would like to replace all the data in the Catalog database with the data currently in Excel workbooks. New part classes are appended to the Catalog.

Figure 4.8

This option has some limitations. You can change the definition of a part class, but you cannot change the part class type. Also, this option is not supported for sheets common to all the workbooks, including the ClassNodeType and R-Hierarchy sheets. If you are re-creating part classes or parts, you must include the RClassNodeDescribes sheets in the workbooks in order to establish relationships among the hierarchical nodes in the reference data.


CREATE FLAVORS The Create flavors option computes and stores in the catalog the specific geometry for each different size of a part class. Flavors apply to Solid Edge parts only. When we mark Create Flavor box as check then we receive a pop up as shown in Fig 4.9. You can use the Create flavors option with any of the bulkloading modes. For example, the reference data might include two parts with different symbol input parameters. Both parts refer to the same Solid Edge assembly set. At the time of bulkloading, if you select the Create flavors option, then the Bulkload utility creates a one-to-one relationship symbol using the symbol parameters for each part and stores this symbol in the Catalog database. If you do not select the Create flavors option, then at placement time in the model, the workstation placing the symbol performs Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 30 of 38

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the parameterized changes to the symbol, based on the reference data, before the placement.

Figure 4.9

You can add flavors for Solid Edge parts that are already in the catalog. Mark the rows for the parts with M and bulk load in the Add/Modify/Delete mode with the Create flavors option selected.


DATABASE TYPE Select the type of database, either ORACLE or MSSQL. This box is enabled only if you are creating a new database set.

Figure 4.10

The following box is labeled Database server name if you chose MSSQL. It is labeled Oracle Service if you chose ORACLE Database server name Select the server that stores the Catalog database.

Figure 4.11

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Oracle Service Select the name of the Oracle net service for the Catalog database connection.

Figure 4.12


DATABASE NAME Select the name of the Catalog database into which you want to load reference data. If you are using the Bulkload to a new catalog mode, select and type a name in the Database name box. If you select a site or model database in this box, the utility displays a notification message.

Figure 4.13



The following two boxes shown in Fig 4.14 appear only for the Append and Add/Modify/Delete modes.

Figure 4.14

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Catalog schema server It displays the name of the server that stores the Catalog Schema database. This server is the same as the name in the Database server name box.

Catalog schema database For pre-existing catalog sets, select the name of the Catalog Schema database. • If the necessary schema database does not appear in the Schema database name list, click . This situation occurs if you created a schema database after opening the Bulkload dialog box.

Template files to be used to create schema If you are using the Bulkload to a new catalog mode, the Catalog schema server and Catalog schema database boxes do not appear. Instead, complete the box labeled Template file to be used to create schema

Figure 4.15

It specifies the template file for the Catalog Schema. • For MSSQL, use the AppRepos.dat file to create the Catalog Schema. This file is located in [Product Directory]\DatabaseTemplates on the server computer. • For ORACLE, use the AppRepos.dmp file to create the Catalog Schema. This file is located in [Product Directory]\DatabaseTemplates on the server computer.


LOG FILE Click the browse button to specify a location and name for the log file, which records the bulkloading status, including any error messages. The log file name must follow operating system constraints and cannot contain any special characters. However, you can use the backslash when specifying a UNC path to a log file.

Figure 4.16 Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 33 of 38

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• •


You must use the file extension .log for the log file. You must have write privileges to the folder to which you are saving the log file.

Figure 4.17


SYMBOL AND CUSTOM PROGRAM FILE LOCATION It displays the location for symbols in Solid Edge or Visual Basic format. In the Append and Add/Modify/Delete modes, the Bulkload utility automatically populates this box with the current symbol location. For these modes, you should not modify the location unless you are sure that you want to change the symbol path for the catalog. In the New mode, you can click the browse button to specify the location. You can also change the location in the Project Management task on the Properties dialog box. This location is stored in the Catalog database and is accessed by the other tasks at runtime in order to read and compute the symbol files. To allow all workstations to access the symbols, specify a UNC path (for example, \\MyServer\Symbols) to a shared folder on a remote computer, such as the server. At a minimum, users need read access to this share. They need change access in order to modify the symbols. You can also specify a path (such as D:\Symbols) on the local computer, but this action does not allow other workstations to access the symbols.


LOAD It starts the bulkload. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 34 of 38

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BULK LOAD DATABASE WITH DATA 1. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Database Tools > Bulkload Reference Data. 2. In the Excel files box, specify the Excel workbooks to load by clicking Add. You can select more than one workbook to bulk load. Hold CTRL and click each workbook in the Open dialog box. • The default location for reference data workbooks is [Product Directory] \ CatalogData \ BulkLoad \ DataFiles. 3. In the Excel codelist files box, click the browse button to specify the codelist workbooks. You must specify a workbook in this box if you are creating a new catalog, adding a new codelist, or modifying an existing codelist. In all other cases, you are not required to populate this box. 4. Under Bulkload mode, select a mode for the bulkloading process.



Bulk load to a new catalog Append to existing catalog

Creates a new Catalog database. Adds new classes only to an existing database. Reads flags in Excel workbook to add, modify, or delete data. Deletes all records in the Catalog database and replaces with data in Excel workbooks. New part classes are appended to the Catalog.

Add, modify, or delete records in existing catalog Delete and replace

5. If you want to store geometry for each unique part defined by the Solid Edge model, select Create flavors.Do not select Create flavors when you are creating symbols.If you are loading Solid Edge flavors, you must have Solid Edge installed on the bulkload computer. 6. Under Catalog information, select either MSSQL or ORACLE in the Database Type box. This box is enabled only if you are creating a new database set. • If you selected MSSQL, select the name of a server in the Database server name box. This location is where the Catalog database and schema are stored (or will be stored, if you are creating a new database set). • If you selected ORACLE, select the name of the Oracle net service for the Catalog database connection in the Oracle Service box. The service must exist before you choose it in this box. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 35 of 38

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7. In the Database name box, select the name of the Catalog database that you want to update with new reference data. • To create a new database, select , and you can type a name for the new database. 8. If you are modifying an existing catalog, select the Catalog Schema database name in the Schema database name box. The Schema server name box is read-only. 9. If you are creating a new catalog, click the browse button beside the Template file to be used to create schema box to specify the template file for the Catalog Schema. • For MSSQL, use the AppRepos.dat file to create the Catalog Schema. This file is located in [Product Directory]\DatabaseTemplates on the server computer. • For ORACLE, use the AppRepos.dmp file to create the Catalog Schema. This file is located in [Product Directory]\DatabaseTemplates on the server computer. 10. In the Log file box, click the browse button to specify the name and location of the log file. • The default location for the log file is [Product Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles, but you can change this location. • You must have write privileges to the folder in which you are saving the log file. •

You must use the file extension .log for the log file.

11. If you are bulk loading to a new catalog, click the browse button under Symbol and custom program file location and select a shared symbol folder on the server. • This box is populated automatically if you are using the Append, Add/Modify/Delete, or Delete and Replace modes. You should not modify the location unless you are sure that you want to change the symbol path for the catalog. • To allow all workstations to access the symbols, specify a UNC path to a shared folder on a remote computer, such as the server. The server setup installs the contents of the Symbols folder under [Product Directory]\CatalogData, so if the computer name is smith, you can type \\smith\Symbols. At a minimum, users need read access to this share. They need change access in order to modify the symbols. Copyright 2009 by DIPL ALL Rights Reserved 36 of 38

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12. Click Load. You can see messages in the status bar of the Bulkload utility while it is running.

Figure 4.18

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• If you interrupt the bulkloading process, you may see a “Switch To/Retry” message. Click “Switch To” to return to the bulkloading process. 13. Open the log file to check for any errors or warnings in the bulkloading process. You can quickly scan the Error Analysis section at the end of the log file to check for errors.

Figure 4.19

14. Click Close. Note: You can modify the Excel workbooks and bulk load again to correct errors.The default location for reference data workbooks is [Product Directory] \ CatalogData \ BulkLoad \ DataFiles.

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