SP3D Drawings Training Exercises

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SmartPlant 3D Drawings Training Exercises

Version 6.0

September 2005


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Table of Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................1 Drawings Task Configuration ..........................................................................................2 Setting up for batch process................................................................................................ 2 Setting up the Error Log ..................................................................................................... 2 Enable Excel to run Embedded Reports ............................................................................. 2

Setting up Space Folders in WE .......................................................................................3 Volume Drawings Workflow ............................................................................................4 A. Creating and Adding Surface Style Rules...................................................................... 4 B. Adding Piping Plan Drawing ......................................................................................... 6 C. Placing the Drawing Volumes........................................................................................ 6 D. Updating the documents................................................................................................. 9

Composed Drawing Workflow .......................................................................................10 A. Creating the Component and Drawing......................................................................... 10 B. Placing the Views......................................................................................................... 11 C. Associating the Volumes to Views .............................................................................. 13 D. Updating the Drawing.................................................................................................. 14

Snapshot Drawings Workflow ........................................................................................15 A. Creating a Default View Style ..................................................................................... 15 B. Creating a Compose Drawing Type ............................................................................. 16 C. Snapshot the views ....................................................................................................... 18 D. Composing the drawing ............................................................................................... 20 E. Updating the documents ............................................................................................... 20

Drawings by Query Workflow........................................................................................21 A. Using a Predefined Package (User Workflow) ............................................................ 21 B. Creating a DBQM Package (Admin Workflow).......................................................... 23

Microstation 3D DGN Workflow ...................................................................................27 3D Model Data (SmartPlant Review) Workflow ..........................................................29 Setting Drawing Properties.............................................................................................30 Search Folders..................................................................................................................32 Drawings Editor (SmartSketch) Basics .........................................................................36 Creating Graphics with Drawing Editor .......................................................................45 The Select Tool, Find Command and Modification Tools ...........................................55 iii

Text and Annotations ......................................................................................................67 Dimension Tools ...............................................................................................................75 Drawing Editor Symbols .................................................................................................79 Placing manual annotation..............................................................................................92 A. Manual labeling .....................................................................................................92 B. Dimensioning .........................................................................................................92 C. User Text................................................................................................................93 Editing Border Templates...............................................................................................95 Creating New Template..............................................................................................95 Using a DWG/DGN template to seed a drawing template .........................................96 Adding Drawing Property Labels ...............................................................................97 Basic View Styles..............................................................................................................98 Creating a volume view style............................................................................................ 98 Creating a snapshot view style........................................................................................ 100

Creating a key plan view style..................................................................................103 Creating a volume drawing package............................................................................106 A. Creating the package............................................................................................106 B. Testing the package..............................................................................................108 Defining Line Styles .......................................................................................................110 Graphic Rules.................................................................................................................112 VHL Rule........................................................................................................................ 112 Replace with Line Rule................................................................................................... 113 Replace with Line and Widget........................................................................................ 113 Replace object with symbol ............................................................................................ 114

Defining Drawing Labels...............................................................................................116 Label Template .........................................................................................................116 Label Symbol File.....................................................................................................118 Label XML File ........................................................................................................119 Creating Label Rule..................................................................................................120 Custom Graphic Rules ..................................................................................................121 CappedNormalPipe.dll.................................................................................................... 121 DesignEquipmentPartSeparator.dll................................................................................. 121 ElbowtoArc.dll................................................................................................................ 122 ElbowtoSingleArc.dll...................................................................................................... 123 EquipmentNozzleSeparator.dll ....................................................................................... 124 GridlinesDrawingWrapperEntity.dll............................................................................... 124


MakeDrawable.dll........................................................................................................... 124 PipeTurnFeattoArc.dll .................................................................................................... 126 PortsSeparator.dll............................................................................................................ 126 ReplaceWPoint.dll .......................................................................................................... 127 SlopedPipeWArcSymbol.dll........................................................................................... 127 VolumeWireFrame.dll .................................................................................................... 127

Advanced View Styles....................................................................................................129 Deconstructing the piping plan view style................................................................129 Analysis of drawings for view style creation ...........................................................129




Drawings Task Configuration Setting up for batch process Enabling the Microsoft Message Queueing Service

Setting up the Error Log Edit Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intergraph\Applications\Environ ments\Drawings\ErrorLog and set the Level value to 300

Enable Excel to run Embedded Reports If Excel 2000, make sure SP3 is loaded If Excel XP or Excel 2003, check the box under Tools – Macro – Security – Trusted Publishers – Trusted Publishers for Trust access to Visual Basic Project


Setting up Space Folders in WE 1. In SP3D, on the menu bar, select Task > Space Management. 2. While in Space Management, on the far right side of the screen you will find the Workspace Explorer console. On the Workspace Explorer console, select the “Space” tab. 3. On the vertical tool bar on the left side of the screen, select the “Create Space Folder” button

, which is the second button from the top.

4. When this option is activated, you should see the following on the active ribbon bar:

5. In the text box labeled “Name”, type in “GA Drawings” and select the Finish button. This will place the space folder “GA Drawings” as a child folder to the parent folder “SP3DTrain”. Notice when you select finish, this places this folder under the “SP3DTrain” folder in the Workspace Explorer on the Space tab. 6. With this command still active, on the ribbon bar, change the Parent folder to “GA Drawings” by dropping down the select list and choosing “More”. This will show you all the folders in the hierarchy on the “Space” tab of Workspace Explorer. 7. With “GA Drawings” selected as the Parent folder, in the “Name” Text box, type “U01 and U02” and select the Finish button. Notice now that the folder “U01 and U02” has been placed under the folder “GA Drawings”. 8. Likewise, create two more folders under “U01 and U02”. Name the first one “Drawing Volumes” and the second “Snapshot”. 9. Once you have created the folders needed, you can either right click in the modeling workspace or select the “Select” tool on the vertical tool bar the command.


to exit

Volume Drawings Workflow A. Creating and Adding Surface Style Rules Creating surface style rules enables you to change the look and feel of the objects the rules are applied to. Currently there is no rule applied to Drawing volumes, therefore the volume will display as solid gray. To create a new surface style rule to be applied to Drawing volumes, do the following steps. 1. If you are not already in the Space Management Task, in SP3D, on the menu bar, select Task > Space Management. 2. While in Space Management, select Format > Surface Style Rules from the menu bar. The following dialog will appear:

3. Since we have no surface style rule for Volumes, we will need to create one. To do so, select the “New” button located in the center of this dialog box. You will now see the following dialog box:


4. In the “Name rule” text box, type in “Named Spaces”. 5. For the “Filter”, drop down the select list and choose “More”. This will open the “Select Filter” dialog where you will select: Catalog Filters > Default Filters > SP3D Object Filters > Object Types > Space. Select the “Space Entites” Filter (do not select the Space Entities Folder) and click OK. 6. Next you will apply the style applied to these volumes. Drop down the “Style applied” select list and select the “Translucent Yellow” style. Click OK to complete the creation of this Surface style rule. 7. Notice now the new Style you created named “Named Spaces” in the Style rule Library on the left side of the Surface Style Rules dialog. 8. To apply this newly created style, select the style from the left side of the dialog and click the “Add ->” button to move this style into the Workspace side of this dialog and click OK.


B. Adding Piping Plan Drawing 1. Define workspace to “U01 & U02” from Training Filters. 2. Switch to Drawings and Reports task 3. Right mouse on the “SP3DTrain” Plant and select New… 4. In the Add Component Dialog, from the General tab, select “Folder” and click OK. 5. Right click on the newly created folder and select “Rename” and rename it to “GA Drawings” 6. Right mouse on the “GA Drawings” folder and select New… 7. In the Add Component Dialog, from the “Piping” tab, select “Imperial_Piping Plan”, and click OK.

C. Placing the Drawing Volumes a. Place Drawing Volume by View 1. Switch to the Space Management task. 2. Open two graphics views and orient them looking plan and looking north. 3. Start pin-point. 4. Start the Place “Drawing Volume by View” command

5. In the ribbon bar, select “Piping Plan” for the Drawing Type. Drop down the select list for the Space Folder property and select the “Drawing Volumes” folder from the Workspace Explorer hierarchy and Click OK.

6. In the pin-point toolbar, enter coordinates: E: 72’, N -2’, El –3’ 7. Click in the graphic view once. 8. Enter Elevation El 31’ 9. Click to place the volume.


10. Place a second volume by entering pinpoint coordinates E: 72’, N 32’ 6”. El –3’ 11. Click in graphic view. 12. Enter Elevation EL 31’ 13. Click to place the second volume adjacent to the first one. 14. Switch to the space tab of the workspace explorer to see that the two drawing volumes are created under the hierarchy of the drawing folders.

b. Place Volume by Selection 1. Start the Place Drawing Volume by Selection command

2. In the ribbon bar, drop down the select list for Drawing Type and select “More”. Navigate to the “Piping Plan” component and select OK. Likewise, for the Space Folder property, drop down the select list for the Space Folder property and select the “Drawing Volumes” folder from the Workspace Explorer hierarchy and Click OK.

3. Using the mouse pointer, select the objects shown in the figure below. Notice as you click objects, the volume expands to include those objects.

4. After you have created the area for the volume, click Finish.


5. Switch to the space tab of the workspace explorer to see that the three drawing volumes are created under the hierarchy of the drawing folders.

c. Place Volume by Two Points 1. In Space Management, start the Place Drawing Volume by Two Points command.

i. 2. In the ribbon bar, drop down the select list for Drawing Type and select “More”. Navigate to the “Piping Plan” component and select OK. Likewise, for the Space Folder property, drop down the select list for the Space Folder property and select the “Drawing Volumes” folder from the Workspace Explorer hierarchy and Click OK.

3. Using pinpoint, for your first point enter E 50’, N 9’, EL 2’ 4. Click in the workspace to place your first point. 5. To place your second point, using pinpoint, enter E 72’, N 26’ EL 30’ and click in the workspace to place the second point, which will create the volume. 6. Switch to the space tab of the workspace explorer to see that the four drawing volumes are created under the hierarchy of the drawing folders.

d. Place Volume by Four Points 1. In Space Management, start the Place Drawing Volume by Four Points command.

2. 3. In the ribbon bar, drop down the select list for Drawing Type and select “More”. Navigate to the “Piping Plan” component and select OK. Likewise, for the Space Folder property, drop down the select list for the Space Folder property and select the “Drawing Volumes” folder from the Workspace Explorer hierarchy and Click OK.


4. Using pinpoint, for your first point enter E 72’, N 58’, EL 0’. This point will define your starting point. 5. Click in the workspace to place your first point 6. For your second point, enter E 72’, N 2’, EL 0’. This point will define your X-AXIS, based on the starting point to this point. 7. Click in the workspace to place your second point. 8. To place your third point, unlock the coordinates by clicking on the lock buttons beside the coordinate values and enter E 112’, N 2’, EL 0’. This point will define your Y-AXIS, based on the second point you placed to this point. 9. Click in the workspace to place your third point. 10. To place your fourth point, unlock the Elevation coordinate by clicking on the lock button

beside the coordinate value and enter EL 30.5’

11. Click in the workspace to place your fourth point. Notice when you click in the workspace, your volume is created. 12. Switch to the space tab of the workspace explorer to see that the five drawing volumes are created under the hierarchy of the drawing folders.

D. Updating the documents 1. Switch to the Drawings and Reports task. 2. Expand the tree to GA Drawings and right mouse click on Piping Plan. 3. Select Create Drawings. 4. Five drawings are created, select the first one, right mouse click and select “Update Now”. This takes a couple of minutes. 5. Open drawing to view it. 6. Continue by updating the remaining drawings and viewing them.


Composed Drawing Workflow Composed Drawings can be created using a combination of commands available in the 3D tasks, the Drawings and Reports task and the 2D Drawing Editor. They can created in the 3D Tasks, manage them in the Drawings and Reports task, and modify the templates and the drawing layout in the 2D Drawing Editor. Composed Drawings can be created using Drawing volumes, Space Volumes and Snapshot volumes. In the lab below, the drawing volumes created in the previous lab will be used to create a Composed Drawing.

A. Creating the Component and Drawing 1. If you are not already in the Space Management task, change to this task by selecting Tasks > Space Management from the menu bar of your current SP3D environment. 2. In the Space Management task, select Tools > New Drawing. The following dialog will display:

3. For the “Location” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. In the “Select Drawing Component” dialog select the “GA Drawings” folder and click OK. This will place a new component under the GA Drawings hierarchy in Drawings and Reports called “New Composed Drawings”.



For the “Name” property, type in “Composed Drawings Lab”. This will be the name of the physical drawing created in the component created in step 3 above.

5. For the “Layout Template” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. In the “Select Template”, select the Empty.sha template and click OK. 6. For the “Border Template” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. In the “Select Template” dialog, double click the “Imperial” folder. Select the D_Wide_NoteArea.sha template and click OK. 7. Click OK on the “Drawing Sheet General Properties” dialog, which will open the Shape2D drawing editor behind SP3D. Bring the Shape2D drawing editor up as the active application.

B. Placing the Views 1. In Shape2d, fit the view horizontal toolbar.

and select the “Place View” command

from the

2. With this command active, place the view in the drawing frame using a two point method. At the B1 position of the drawing frame, click once to place your first point. Drag the mouse to position F4 and left mouse click to place your second point. 3. After the view is placed the “Drawing View Properties” dialog will display. On the view tab of this dialog, drop down the “Style” select list and choose “More”. This will open the “Select View Style” dialog. In the Orthographic folder, select the “Structure Framing Plan” view style and click OK.


4. Notice, after the view style is selected, more options appear for the definition of this view. It will look as follows:

5. For the “Name” property, type in “View1”. 6. For the “Scale Family” property, drop down the select list and choose “Metric Units”. 7. For the “User Selected Scale” property, select “1:50mm” 8. Scroll down in this dialog and locate the property “Look Direction”. This field should be set to “Looking Plan”. If it is not, do so by dropping down the select list in the “Value” column and set this property to “Looking Plan”. 9. Click OK on the “Drawing View Properties” to save and close this dialog. Once this dialog is closed the drawing template will save the changes automatically made to the template up to this point. 10. Similar to step 8 and 9, place another view, where the first point of the view is placed at B5 and the second point at F8. 11. Again, set the View style to “Structure Framing Plan”. 12. “Name” this view “View2”, set the “Scale Family” to “Fit to Scale”, and make sure the “Look Direction” is “Looking Plan” and click OK on the “Drawing View Properties” dialog. Again, the changes will be save to the template.


C. Associating the Volumes to Views 1. After placing the views, the volumes will need to be associated to them. Holding down the “Ctrl” key, select all the views on your template, by left mouse clicking on the border of the views, and select the “Associate Objects to View” command located on the horizontal toolbar. 2. With this command active, go back to SP3D, which is open behind the Shape2D drawing editor and notice the ribbon bar in SP3D. The ribbon bar should look as follows:

For View1, select the volume placed in a previous lab as shown below:

3. Once you have selected the volume for the first view, notice the name in the “Select view” drop down list change to the next view name from the border.


4. For View2, select the volume placed in a previous lab as shown below:

5. You have now associated both views from the template to volume objects in order to get the contents from the volume in these views, using the Plan Looking orientation. Go back to the Shape2D drawing editor and close the application.

D. Updating the Drawing 1. Change to the Drawings and Reports task by selecting Tasks > Drawings and Reports from the menu bar of your current SP3D environment. 2. Navigate to the new component created in the “GA Drawings” folder in the Management Console and select it. The new component will be named “New Composed Drawings”. 3. Notice the drawing created named “Composed Drawing Lab”. Right mouse click on the drawing and select “Update Now”.

4. When the drawing is Up-To-Date, double click the drawing to view the results.


Snapshot Drawings Workflow A. Creating a Default View Style 1. If you are not already in the Drawings and Reports task, do so by selecting Task > Drawings and Reports from the menu bar. 2. In Drawings and Reports, select Tools > Define View Style. The following dialog will appear:

3. In the “View Style Type:” drop down list, select the Orthographic option. 4. To create a new style for snapshot drawings, select the “New Style” button. This will create a new style in the list of orthographic view styles. Rename this style to “Default1”.


5. To view the properties of this style, either double click the new style created or select the properties button , while the style is highlighted. The following View Style Properties dialog will appear:

6. For the “Filter Behavior” drop down list, select “Filters provide overrides to set of objects (Snapshot)”. Click OK to accept changes and close this dialog.

B. Creating a Compose Drawing Type Snapshot drawings are placed on a drawing component called Composed Drawings. This component can be created in one of two ways.

a. Creating Drawing component in Drawings and Reports 1. Right mouse on the GA Drawings folder under the Plant and select New… 2. In the Add Component Dialog, from the General tab, select “Composed Drawings” 3. Rename the newly created drawing type to “Snapshot Composed Drawings”

b. Creating Drawing component in Modeling Task 1. Go into the Common Task by selecting Task > Common from the menu bar. 2. In the Common Task, select Tools > New Drawing from the menu bar. The following Dialog will appear:


3. For the Property “Location”, drop the list down in the “Value” column and select “More”. This will display the hierarchy created in the Drawings and Reports task. Navigate to and select the GA Drawings folder and click OK. 4. For the property “Name” type in “Snapshot”. This field will define the name of the drawing in the Drawings and Reports task. 5. For the property “Layout Template”, drop the list down in the “Value” column and select “More”. Currently, there is only one pre-defined template “Empy.sha”. Choose this template and click OK. 6. For the property “Border Template”, drop the list down in the “Value” column and select “More”. On the “Select Template” dialog, double click the Imperial folder, which will extend the list, select the D_Wide_Note Area.sha as the border template and click OK. This will create a new component in Drawings and Reports, under GA Drawings, named “New Composed Drawings”. 7. Click OK on the Drawing Sheet General Properties dialog. This will open the Shape2D drawing editor application, containing the template chosen in the previous step, allowing you to place views. Since we have no Snapshot views to place on the template, we must create these views in SP3D. Leaving the Shape2D application open behind SP3D, procede to the next lab.


C. Snapshot the views 1. While in the Common task, redefine the workspace to be Plant Filters > Training Filters > U01. 2. Set the 3D view orientation to plan and fit the graphic view. 3. Clip the view to all elements using clip by object command. To do this, using the mouse, click and hold the left mouse button in the modeling space, and fence in all objects from U01 as follows:

When you release the mouse, all objects will highlight in a magenta color scheme. With these objects selected, activate the “Clip By Object” command , located on the horizontal toolbar. This is done to restrict the Snapshot view to only the objects to be drawn and eliminate extra whitespace. To get out of the “Clip By Object” command, right click twice in the modeling space.

4. Select Tools > Snapshot View. Once this command is active, you will be presented with the following ribbon bar:


5. For the “Drawing type” field, drop down the select list and choose “More”. This will open the Hierarchy in Drawings and Reports. Navigate to GA Drawings and select “New Composed Drawings”. Click OK. 6. For the “View name” field, type in “Iso”. 7. By typing in the View name, the next field, “Naming rule”, will default to “User Defined”. 8. For the “View Style” field, drop down the select list and choose “More”. This will open the dialog “Select View Style”. Select the “Default1” view style, created in a previous lab and click OK. 9. For the “Space Folder” field, drop down the select list and choose “More”. The “Select Space Folder” dialog will open. Navigate to GA Drawings and select U01 and U02 > Snapshot and click OK. NOTE: This defines where, on the Workspace Explorer Space tab, this view will be stored for future use. 10. Once these fields have been populated, click the “Finish” button on the far left of the ribbon bar. 11. Set the 3D view orientation to North and fit the graphic view (or make the North view the active view) 12. Snapshot another view named “North”.


D. Composing the drawing 1. Set the Shape2D drawing editor application as the active window on the desktop. 2. In Shape2D, select the “Place Snapshot View” button located on the horizontal toolbar. This will activate a new ribbon bar as follows:

3. For the “View Name” field, drop down the select list and notice that only the two view that were created in the previous lab are displayed. Select the view named “Plan” for this field. 4. For the “View Style” field, the style defined while placing the view is remembered and will be the style used. In this case, we are using the Default1 view style created in a previous lab. 5. For the “View Scale” field, the “Fit to Scale” option is defaulted, which is what will be used in this example. To view the available scale families, simply drop down the select list. 6. Once these fields are populated, place the view in the drawing frame using a two point method. At the A1 position of the drawing frame, click once to place your first point. Drag the mouse to position G4 and left mouse click to place your second point. 7. Similarly place the North view on the same drawing where point one is at A5 and point two is at G8. 8. Once these views are placed, the document will automatically save. Close the Shape2D drawing editor application.

E. Updating the documents 1. Go into the Drawings and Reports task by selecting Tasks > Drawings and Reports. 2. Expand the GA Drawings folder and click on the New Composed Drawings component in the Management Console. Notice, under this component, the drawing “Snapshot” created in a previous lab. 3. Right click on the drawing “Snapshot”, and select “Update Now”. 4. After about 1-2 minutes the drawing is updated. Right click on the drawing “Snapshot” and select Edit to view the output of the drawing.


Drawings by Query Workflow A. Using a Predefined Package (User Workflow) 1. Right-click on GA Drawings and select New… 2. In the “Add Component” dialog, on the General tab, select Drawings by Query Manager and click OK

3. Right click on the Drawings By Query Manager component that was just added to the Management Console and select “Rename”. Rename this component to “Pipe Support Drawings” 4. Right click on Pipe Support Drawings component and select Setup… 5. For the “Filter” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. In the “Select Filter” dialog select the U01 filter from Plant Filters > Training Filters > U01. 6. For the “Package” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. In the “Select Package” dialog, select “Pipe Support Drawings” and click OK. Steps 5 and 6 are illustrated below:


7. On the “Setup” dialog, click OK to save and exit the setup. 8. Right-click on the “Pipe Support Drawings” component and select “Run Query”. Wait till the tree is automatically created. 9. Right-click on the lower Pipe Support Drawings node and Create Drawings

10. Right click on the drawing PS-01 created in the Detailed View and select “Update Now”


B. Creating a DBQM Package (Admin Workflow) 1. In Drawings and Reports Task, right-click on GA Drawings and select New… 2. In the “Add Component” dialog, on the General tab, select “Orthographic Drawings By Query” and click OK. 3. Right click on the “Orthographic Drawings” component created in step 2 above and select “Rename”. Rename this component to “Drawing Volumes by Query”. 4. Right click on the “Drawing Volumes by Query” component and select “Setup”.

5. For the property “Filter”, drop down the select list and select “More”. In the “Select Filter” dialog, navigate to Catalog Filters > Default Filters > SP3D Object Filters > Object Types > Space > Space Entities: and select the Drawing Volumes (do not select the Drawing Volumes folder) and click OK.

6. Click OK on the “Select Filter” setup dialog to save and exit the setup.


7. To setup the drawing template, right click on the “Drawing Volumes by Query” component and select “Edit Template”. This will open the Shape2D drawing editor.

8. On the horizontal toolbar, select the “Place Drawing View” command . 9. To place the view using two points, left mouse click at position B2 in the drawing frame and drag the mouse pointer to position G7 and left mouse click again. This will place the view and open the Drawing View Properties illustrated below:

10. For the “Name” property, type in “Volume”. 11. For the “Description” property, type in “Volume”. This field is not required to contain data. 12. For the “Style” property, drop down the select list and select “More”. In the “Select View Style” dialog, choose the Structural Framing Plan view style and click OK. 13. For the “Orientation” property, the defaulted value that is supplied is the “Looking Plan” orientation. For this exercise, leave this value as the Orientation.


14. For the “Scale” property, the defaulted value that is supplied is the “No Scale” scale. For this exercise, leave this value as the Scale. This dialog should look as follows:

15. Click OK to save and exit the Drawing View Properties dialog. 16. Exit out of Shape2D drawing editor and when prompted to save, choose “Yes”. 17. Now that the query is setup and the template has been created, the package needs to be saved. To save this component as a package, right click on the “Drawing Volumes by Query” component and select “Save package”.

The following Save Package dialog will appear:


18. For the “Package Name:” property, type in “Volumes by query”. 19. For the “Package Description” property, type in “Drawing Volumes”. 20. For the “Tab Name” property, drop down the select list and choose “Orthographic (by Query)”. Click OK to save the package. 21. Redo Section A (Using a Predefined Package) using the package defined in this lab (Volumes by query)


Microstation 3D DGN Workflow 1. Right-click on GA Drawings and select New.. 2. From the Add component dialog, select Microstation 3D DGN from the General tab 3. Right-click on New 3D DGN Drawings and click Setup… 4. Verify that the style is set to 3D DGN

5. Switch to the Space Management task 6. Start the Place Drawing Volume by Selection command

7. On the ribbon bar, pick ‘New 3D DGN Drawings’ in the Drawing Type field and click OK.


8. Select the slab, one of the top beams and one of the pumps as shown

9. Click Finish to create the volume 10. Switch to Drawings and Reports task, create drawing and update. Wait while MicroStation is opened and closed. 11. Double-click the drawing to open and view the output 3D DGN file.


3D Model Data (SmartPlant Review) Workflow 1. Right-click on GA Drawings, select New… and add a New 3D Model Data component from the General tab 2. Right-click on 3D Model Data and Setup… 3. Pick the U01 filter and designate a location on your disk to save the xml and vue files that will be output in order to import into SPR. Name the files U01.xml and U01.vue.

4. Create Drawing, a drawing named ‘3D Model Data-1-0001’ is created. 5. Right mouse click on this drawing and select “Update Now” 6. Double-click the U01.vue file to open and review it in SmartPlant Review.


Setting Drawing Properties Exercise: 1. Select the Plant parent level in the hierarchy, right click, and select “Properties”. Add values for the following attributes;

2. OK the form to save the Plant level attributes. 3. Right click on the “GA Drawings” folder, select “Properties” and review the attributes. Note that the Plant level attribute values have been applied to the GA Drawings folder. 4. Edit the Title 2 text for GA Drawings properties to read ‘GA Drawings Level Data’ 5. OK the form and exit. 6. Reselect the Plant root level, right click, and select “Properties”. Change the Title 1 attribute string to read “Plant Level Data”. OK and exit the form. 7. Select the GA Drawings folder, right click, select “Properties”. Note that the Plant Level attribute for Title 1 has automatically changed to “Plant Level Data” in Drawings GA as changed above.


8. Similar attribute behavior is seen for all plant folders, snap-ins, and items (drawings, reports, or isos).


Search Folders The “Search Folder” component allows you to search for documents based on common properties such as out-of-date status, approval, or documents that have been published to a certain contract in integrated environments. You can create a Search Folder component in any folder in the Management Console. After running the query defined for a Search Folder, you can perform such tasks as Update or Publish as if you were working from the actual owning component location for the documents. In this lab, we will create a Search Folder that will return all drawings that are out-of-date. 1. While in the Drawings and Reports Task, Right-Click on the root component “SP3D Train”, then in the drop-down list Select “New”.

2. From the “Add Component” dialog, on the General Tab, Select “Search Folder”, and Click OK. 3. This will add a component called “New Search Folder” into the Drawings and Reports hierarchy. Right-Click on “New Search Folder” and Select “Setup”.

4. In the Setup dialog, for the “Filter” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. This will bring up the Select Filter dialog. Click on the “Plant Filters” folder and select the “New Filter (Simple or Asking)” button on the horizontal toolbar. 5. On the “New Filter Properties” dialog, type in “Search Filter for Out-of-Date Volumes” for the “Name” property.


6. Click on the “Properties” tab in the filter definition dialog. 7. For the “Property” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. This will open the “Select Properties” dialog. 8. For the “Object type used as the basis for the property identification” property, drop down the select list and choose “More”. This will open the “Select Object type” dialog. Select the “Drawing Sheets” folder as follows and click OK:

9. With the “Relationship” property set to “Direct Property of Object Type” and the “Display properties in this category” set to “Standard”, scroll to the bottom of the list at the bottom of this dialog and select the “UpToDate”


property, as follows, and click OK:

10. For the “Operator” property, drop down the select list and choose “=”. 11. For the “Value” property, drop down the select list and choose “Border Out Of Date”. The selection should look as follows:

12. Click OK to save and exit the filter definition.


13. On the “Select Filter” dialog, select the filter that was just created and click OK, which will save and close out this dialog. 14. On the Setup dialog, set the “Start From:” property to “SP3DTrain”. Click OK to save and exit this dialog. 15. In the Management Console, right click on the “New Search Folder” and select “Run Query”.

16. This will return the drawings that meet the criteria in the filter definition.


Drawings Editor (SmartSketch) Basics Where to find Drawings Editor inside SmartPlant 3D By default, SmartPlant 3D does not have an icon to initiate the Drawing Editor application. A shortcut must be created to access the Drawing Editor application. To create a shortcut to the Drawing Editor go to the following directory: C:\ProgramFiles\SmartPlant\3D\Common2D\Shape2D\Bin\Shape2Dserver.ex e and put the shortcut in Start Menu>Programs>Intergraph SmartPlant 3D or

on the desktop.

Setting up Properties for a Document Properties on the File menu allows you to view, edit, and store properties for a document. Document properties can include the title, the author, and keywords that identify important information. These properties also can include document statistics, such as document size and the date that a document was created and last modified. Some properties, such as the date the document was last modified, are updated automatically. To set the properties, you can click the Properties command on the File menu.

Note: You can also right click on a blank area of the drawing to access Properties from the shortcut menu.


Units Tab The units of measure settings for a document are stored as a property. If the units of measure are changed, all subsequent measurements entered and displayed are affected. Units of measure can be set in either Imperial or Metric units for values such as length, area, or angle. The units of measure can be changed at any time and the document still retains complete accuracy of the objects already placed on the drawing.

Length Readout Sets the unit of measure and precision readout for the length values in a document. Angle Readout Sets the unit of measure and precision readout for the angle values in a document. Area Readout Sets the unit of measure and precision readout for the area values in a document.


Precision The precision readout sets the number of significant figures to display. It sets the accuracy of the unit readout value. The precision setting does not alter the numbers that you type into the fields, only the display of the numbers in the field. Values ending in 5 are rounded up. For example, if the precision readout is .123 and you draw a line that is 2.1056 inches long, then the line value length is rounded. The length value appears as 2.106 inches long. If you are using mm as your drawing sheet units, you can have the values display in the fields as 3.5 mm or 3.50 mm. Note: When you set the units of measure for a document, the settings do not affect the dimensional values for the document. You can set units for the dimensional values with the Dimension Properties dialog box. You can access this dialog box by selecting a dimension and then clicking the Properties command on the shortcut menu. You can also set the dimension units by editing a dimension style with the Dimension command on the Format menu.

Working Sheets Working sheets are similar to pages in a notebook. Sketches or drawings can be placed on different drawing sheets in the document. For example, one idea can be drawn for a design on one drawing sheet and another idea on another drawing sheet. Both drawings are saved as part of the same document. Working Sheet Setup Each working sheet has its own setup. Working sheet characteristics, such as the size and scale of the sheet, can be modified with the Sheet Setup command from the File menu. After setting the options on the Sheet Setup dialog box and then selecting the Save Defaults button, all new sheets will have the same characteristics. Access the sheet setup dialog box by selecting sheet setup from one of the following: • •

From the File menu, select Sheet Setup. Position the mouse pointer over a selected sheet, click the right mouse button, and select Sheet Setup from the shortcut menu, or just double left click on the sheet tab.


When the scale is specified using the Sheet Setup command from the File menu, everything on the sheet is scaled except dimensions and annotations. For example, if the scale is one inch to ten inches (1:10) and a line 30 inches long is placed, the line is three inches long in proportion to the sheet and three inches long when printed. However, a dimension measures the length of the line as 30 inches. Dimension and annotation sizes in the sheets are independent of the view scale. For example, the height of dimension text will be printed at the specified size regardless of their screen appearance. Graphics elements on the attached background sheet are always displayed at a 1:1 scale. They are not affected by the scale factor for the working Sheet Setup command.

Size and Scale Tab Defines the details for the drawing sheet size, scale, and print setup information. Sheet Size Sets the size of the drawing sheet. Same as Print setup Sets the drawing sheet size using the current print setup definition. For example, if the printer is set up as 8 1/2 X 11, the drawing sheet size is set up as 8 1/2 X 11. Standard Defines the drawing sheet size from a list of standard ANSI and ISO paper sizes. Custom Defines the drawing sheet size according to the entered x and y values.


Drawing Scale Sets options for the scale of the drawing sheet. Scale (1:1) Sets the drawing scale to a 1:1 ratio. This means that the representation of the object on the drawing sheet is the same size as the real-world object being described. Select scale Sets the drawing scale to a standard ratio. The specified ratio defines the size of the drawing in relation to the size of the real-world object. For a 2:1 ratio, the 2 represents the size of the drawing and the 1 represents the size of the real-world object. Custom Defines a custom scale ratio. The first value defines the distance on the drawing sheet and the second value defines what the distance is equal to in the real world.

Paper Units Sets the paper units for the drawing sheet. Units Controls the display of numeric values in dialog boxes that define the size of non-scaled objects. Some examples of non-scaled object values are text height and line width. This setting has no affect on dimension units. Only value boxes use this option. For example, if working in feet and inches, the user can specify to read and enter values for text height in fractional inches. (1/8" instead of 0.00'-0.125") Precision Sets the number of significant digits to display, or the accuracy of the unit read-out value. The precision setting does not alter the numbers that can be typed into the fields, only the display of the numbers in the fields. For example, if you set this control to .001 and you draw a line that is 2.1056 inches, then the line length value is rounded. The length value appears as 2.106 inches. If you set this control to 0.01 and you type a line length value of 3.5 mm, the length value appears as 3.50 mm.



Layers can help group elements so they can be manipulated more easily on a drawing sheet. Layers also make it easier to keep track of different types of elements. Each drawing sheet in a document can contain many layers. This is similar to each sheet having many transparencies. When drawing an element, it is assigned to the active layer. To see which layer is active, or to change the active layer, use the Layers command from the Tools menu. Displaying Layers To view elements on specific layers, layers can be turned on or off with the Layers command from the Tools menu or by clicking the Layers icon on the Main toolbar. When turning layers off, the elements assigned to those layers on the drawing sheet cannot be seen. For example, you can assign lines to one layer and closed elements to another layer. If you turn off the layer for the closed elements, you see only lines on the drawing sheet.


Layer Ribbon Bar The Layer ribbon bar is used to display the active layer, create new layers, change the active layer for drawing or for elements, and display the layer status.

Active Layer Displays the active layer on the drawing sheet. The active layer can be changed by selecting from a list of all the layers on the active sheet. To create a new layer, type the name of the new layer in the Layer box and press Enter Change Layer Accesses the Change Layer dialog box so that the layer of element(s) can be changed. This option is available only when elements on the drawing sheet have been selected. Layer Display Accesses the Layer Display dialog box. This dialog box has a layer list that can be used to display or hide layers on the drawing sheet. Relationships are maintained between elements that are assigned to different layers on a drawing sheet. For example, suppose a line and a circle are tangent and they are assigned to different layers. If the line's layer is displayed and the circle's layer is hidden, you can still see the tangent relationship handle on the line. If the line's layer is hidden as well, the tangent relationship handle is hidden.

Grid Display in Drawing Editor Placing Elements with a Grid: An Overview The grid and its grid lines allow elements in the document to be placed by aligning them with the grid lines or nearest intersection of the grid lines. The grid can be used to line up elements at regular intervals in a document. The options to set up the grid can be found by going to the Tools>Options dialog box, and selecting the View tab.


Grid Display Displays a grid so that elements can be placed with precision. The grid lines are visual aids but are not considered part of the document and do not print. Grid Snap Aligns elements with the grid while it is active. The grid can be used as an invisible set of lines in the document that helps to align elements. When Grid Snap is set, but the display is off, elements always align with the nearest intersection of the grid lines whether they are visible or not. Note: • Grid snap does not work while you identify elements that are aligned along grid lines. To override this, press the Alt key while identifying these elements. •

Relationship and alignment indicators override the grid snap. You can suppress the indicators by pressing Alt.

Grid Style Changes the format of the grid lines to either static or dynamic. Zooming in or out, the software dynamically generates the grid lines for a dynamic grid. Set dynamic grid lines to appear at fine, medium, or coarse levels using the Grid Density setting (see below). The grid lines appear at common major measurement increments. A dynamic grid displays index lines that intersect with the darker, solid grid lines. A static grid displays solid grid lines that do not move as you zoom in or out. The grid maintains a constant minimum spacing. Grid Index


Determines the number of index grid lines, also known as minor grid lines, to be equally spaced between the major grid lines. This option is available only if you select Static in the Grid Style list box. Grid Spacing Sets the spacing of the major grid lines. This option is available only if Static is selected in the Grid Style list box. The selected options on the Units tab of the Properties dialog box determine the units that can be entered, such as inches or centimeters. Grid Density Changes the number of dashes in the index lines, or minor grid lines, between intersections with the grid lines. This option is available only if Dynamic is selected in the Grid Style list box.

Turn On or Off Grid Display and Grid Snap

Grid Display and Grid Snap can also be turned on and off from the right-click shortcut menu or by going to the View pull-down menu.


Creating Graphics with Drawing Editor The Draw Toolbar Many drawing commands are located on the Draw toolbar. On the toolbar, some command buttons may display fly-outs when you click and hold the command button on them. These buttons have a small black arrow in the lower right corner. Fly-outs present a grouping of commands functionally related to the original command displayed.

Fly-out Menu

Line Draws one line or a series of connected lines. The Line Fly-out menu contains two additional tools that may be used to draw linear elements: Line/Arc Continuous and Place Double Line. Tangent Arc Draws an arc tangent or perpendicular to one or two elements. The Arc Fly-out menu contains two additional arc drawing tools: Arc by Edge and Arc by Center Point. Curve Draws a smooth, open or closed curve.


Circle by Center Point Draws a circle using a center point and radius. The Circle / Ellipse Fly-out menu contains several additional commands: Circle by 3 Points, Tangent Circle Command, Ellipse by Center Point and Ellipse by 3 Points. Rectangle Draws a rectangle using three points. The first two points define the width and rotation angle of the rectangle, and the third point defines the height. The first two points define the width and rotation angle of the rectangle, and the third point defines the height. Point Places a point in the drawing.

Using the Line command: 1. From the Draw toolbar, select the

Line tool.

2. Place a point on the drawing sheet to define the start of the line. (1) 3. Click where the line is to end. (2) This defines the line’s length. 4. Do one of the following: •

To end the line, press the right mouse button or press the key.

To draw a series of connected lines, click where each line segment is to end and then click the right mouse button.

Values can be typed in the Length or Angle fields on the ribbon bar. A combination of graphic and ribbon bar input can be used.

To draw an arc tangent to an element 1. From the Draw toolbar, select the

Tangent Arc tool.

2. Select a point on the element that the new arc is to be tangent to. This can be a point on a line, an arc, or any curved element.


3. Pass the mouse cursor through one of the intent zones displayed at the position just selected. If the command dynamics show an arc perpendicular to the existing element, move the mouse cursor back to the intent zones and exit through a different quadrant. The quadrant selected also determines the side of the element where the arc appears. 4. When the command dynamics show the arc you want, press the left mouse button.

Note: The mouse cursor can be dragged to draw an arc. Instead of clicking to define the radius and sweep of the arc, values can be typed in the Radius and Sweep boxes on the ribbon bar. A combination of graphic and ribbon bar input can be used. Drawing Editor indicators and PinPoint can also be used with this command.

How PinPoint Works PinPoint provides coordinate input to drawing commands. The x and y coordinates are relative to a target point that can be positioned anywhere in the application window. The location of the target point can be changed at any time by selecting the Reposition Target button on the ribbon bar and then clicking a new position in the application window.


PinPoint To start PinPoint, click the PinPoint command from the Tools menu or select the PinPoint command from the Main toolbar.

Main Toolbar

PinPoint Ribbon Bar

Display On/Off Displays or hides the PinPoint help lines and distance values. F9 is a shortcut toggle. Reposition Target Attaches the target point to the cursor so that it can be repositioned. Used to select where the target point is to be. F12 can be used as an alternate method to move the target. Relative Tracking If activated the PinPoint target will move to the last point clicked while using the drawing tools.


Define PinPoint Origin Allows the user to locate the origin in X,Y coordinate points for the document using the Define PinPoint Origin ribbon bar. The Save PinPoint Origin button on the ribbon must then be pressed in order to save this defined origin position within the document.

Reposition Target to Origin Moves the PinPoint target to the X,Y position that was saved using the Save PinPoint Origin on the Define PinPoint Origin ribbon bar. Angle Specifies the angle of the PinPoint X-axis relative to its default horizontal orientation. Positive values rotate the horizontal line counterclockwise. Negative values rotate the horizontal line clockwise. Step Specifies the PinPoint step value. The step value is an incremental distance along the PinPoint coordinate axes. When the distance between the target position and the current cursor location is an increment of the step value, the related coordinate value and help line become bold. This can be useful to maintain consistent spacing between elements. X Locks the horizontal distance between the target point and the current cursor location to the value specified. F10 is a shortcut toggle for this lock setting. Y Locks the vertical distance between the target point and the current cursor location to the value specified. F11 is a toggle to lock/unlock this setting. When moving the cursor, PinPoint dynamically displays the horizontal and vertical distance between the current cursor location and the target point. Help lines show the PinPoint X and Y axes and the PinPoint orientation.

Locking and Freeing Values The X coordinate and/or Y coordinate can be locked using the X and Y boxes on the ribbon bar. When one coordinate value is locked, the other coordinate value can be positioned by selecting a location in the application window or setting both values using the ribbon bar boxes. If you want to free the dynamics for a locked value, clear the value box by double-clicking in the box and pressing the Backspace or Delete key.


PinPoint Orientation In its default orientation, the PinPoint X-axis is horizontal. To re-orient it to any angle, set the angle on the PinPoint ribbon bar. The figure shows the PinPoint angle set to 20 degrees.

PinPoint Reposition Do one of the following: •

On the PinPoint ribbon bar, click the Reposition Target button. The target point is attached to the cursor. Select where the target point is to be.

Press the F12 key on the keyboard. The target point moves to the current cursor location.

Draw with PinPoint 1. From the Main toolbar, select PinPoint . 2. Click where the target point is to be. (1) Or use Esc to set it to 0,0 on the sheet.

3. Select any drawing command. When moving the cursor, PinPoint displays the coordinates of the current cursor location in relation to the target point (2), (3). To provide precision input to the current command, press when the coordinate display indicates that the cursor is in the correct position or type coordinate values in the X and Y ribbon bar boxes.

Notes: • When the cursor reaches a distance from the target point that is a multiple of the Step value set on the ribbon bar, the related coordinate value and help line become bold. •

If the exact x and y distances are known from the target point that is to be used as the command input, type the values in the X and Y ribbon bar boxes.


A known x or y value can be typed into the X or Y ribbon bar box to lock one axis position, then graphically define the coordinate for the other axis.

The target point can be moved at any time. Select the Reposition Target button on the ribbon bar, and then click where the target point is to be.

The PinPoint x-axis can be re-oriented. Type a positive value in the PinPoint Angle box on the ribbon bar to rotate the axis counterclockwise, or a negative value to rotate the axis clockwise.

Move an Element with PinPoint and the Select Tool PinPoint can be used with the Select Tool to move an element a precise distance in x and y relative to a known position in the drawing. 1. From the Draw toolbar, click the Select Tool


2. From the Main toolbar, select PinPoint . 3. Select where the PinPoint target point is to be. (1)

4. Position the Select Tool cursor over the element to be moved. (2) Drawing Editor indicators can be used to locate keypoints on the element. 5. When Drawing Editor indicates the keypoint to be used as the handle point for the move operation, begin dragging the element. PinPoint displays the distance between the target point and the reference point as you drag. (3)

6. Release the mouse button when the element is in the desired location. (4) 7. Click away from the element that was moved to deselect the element.


SmartSketch Settings (Drawing with Relationships) SmartSketch Settings are dynamic drawing aids that help create technically sophisticated drawings quickly and easily. These settings can be used with any drawing command. When drawing, Drawing Editor tracks the movement of the mouse cursor and shows a temporary, dynamic display of the element being drawn. This temporary display shows what the new element will look like when clicking at the current position. Drawing Editor gives information about the element being drawn by displaying relationships between the temporary dynamic element and the following: • • •

Other elements in the drawing Horizontal and vertical orientations The origin of the element you are drawing

When Drawing Editor recognizes a relationship, it displays a relationship indicator at the mouse cursor. As the mouse cursor is moved, Drawing Editor will update the indicator to show new relationships. If a relationship indicator is displayed at the cursor when clicking to draw the element, the software can apply that relationship to the element (if Maintain Relationships is active). For example, if the Horizontal relationship indicator is displayed when you click to place the second end point of a line, then the line will be exactly horizontal. To suspend SmartSketch Settings 1. Hold down the key on the keyboard. Drawing Editor does not recognize any relationships while holding down this key. 2. Release the key to reactivate SmartSketch Settings.


Relationship Indicators

Intersection Displays when you are at the intersection of two elements. End point Displays when you are at the end point of an element. Midpoint Displays when you are at the midpoint of an element. Center point Displays when you are at the center of a circle or an arc. Point on element Displays when you are at any point on an element. Horizontal or Vertical If the Horizontal relationship indicator displays when drawing a line, when clicking to place the second end point of the line, the line will be exactly horizontal. If the Vertical relationship indicator displays when drawing a line, when pressing to place the second end point of the line, it will be exactly vertical. Parallel Displays when a parallel relationship exists between two elements. Perpendicular Displays when a perpendicular relationship is recognized. Tangent Displays when a point of tangency is passed through.


Drawing with the SmartSketch Settings example:

How Relationships Work An element that has no maintained relationships applied to it can be moved and changed in various ways. For example, when there are no maintained relationships between two lines (A), each line can be moved and changed without affecting the other. If applying a perpendicular relationship between the two lines (B) and moving one line, the other line moves with it.

When applying a relationship between elements, the relationship is maintained when modifying either element. For example: •

If a line and an arc share a tangent relationship, they remain tangent when either element is modified.

If a line and an arc share a connect relationship, they remain connected when either element is modified.


The Select Tool, Find Command and Modification Tools Select Tool The Select Tool can be used to select a single element, a group of elements, or all elements that lie within a specified area. When an individual element is selected, the element changes to the selection color and the element’s handles are displayed. Handles are solid squares at significant geometry positions on a selected element, such as end points and center points. Handles allow you to directly modify an element by dragging a handle to change the element's shape. Although more than one element can be selected at a time, only one element can display handles. When you select multiple elements or grouped elements, they change to the selection color.

Select Tool Ribbon Bar The ribbon bar contains settings that allow the user to determine if the elements selected must be completely enclosed by the fence (the inside setting), or if the overlap feature is activated then the fence need only touch a portion of an element for it to be selected. Many manipulation commands, like delete, move, copy, and rotate, act upon all elements in the selection set.

Inside (Default) Only elements that lie entirely inside the fence are selected. Overlapping Elements that lie inside and elements that overlap any portion of the fence are selected. Top Down (Default) Specifies that groups of elements are located as opposed to individual elements in a group. Bottom Up Specifies that individual elements in a group are located as opposed to the whole group.


Polygon Fence Locate The Polygon Fence Locate tool creates a select set by drawing a rectangular or polygonal fence around objects based on points that you define. Polygon Fence Locate Ribbon Bar The ribbon bar contains settings that allow the user to select a rectangular fence shape or user-defined polygon fence shape.

Rectangle Creates a select area, or fence, by drawing a rectangle around points that you define. When you drag the mouse to define a rectangular fence, a dashed rectangular outline dynamically appears as you drag. When you reach the desired size, release the mouse button to create the fence. The dashed fence outline disappears and the elements are selected. Polygon Creates a select area, or fence, by drawing a polygon around points that you define. Following the first point, click the remaining points to define the polygon. Points are placed when you release the mouse button. Right-click to end the polygon. The dotted outline disappears and the elements are selected. Inside Specifies that elements inside the fence are selected. Overlapping Specifies that elements overlapped by the fence are selected, as well as elements inside the fence. Top Down Specifies that groups of elements are located as opposed to individual elements in a group. Bottom Up Specifies that individual elements in a group are located as opposed to the whole group.

Locate Filter Opens the Define Filter Locate dialog box where you can specify a filter for the selection of specific drawing elements. Filters allow you to select specific types of drawing elements, or all drawing elements.


PickQuick PickQuick aids the selection of individual elements when there are several clustered very tightly together. If the cursor is placed where multiple elements overlap, three ellipses will appear at the lower right of the cursor. When the left button is pressed, a numbered toolbar appears. As the cursor slides over a number, the corresponding element highlights. Picking that number selects the corresponding element. In Drawing Editor, elements may be pre-selected for manipulation, which sometimes makes manipulation easier. The manipulation of several elements at the same time is also made easier by pre-selection. To select an element with PickQuick 1. Position the cursor over the elements to be selected from and pause the cursor there. 2. When the cursor changes to an ellipsis (three dots), click. The software displays the Selection toolbar near the cursor, with a button for each selectable element.

3. Move the cursor over the PickQuick buttons without clicking to highlight the corresponding elements. 4. Click on the desired number to select the corresponding element.


Searches for objects within a Drawing Editor document based upon user-defined criteria. The Find command can be used to locate geometric elements and symbols that have a specific format or a specific set of defined attributes.


First, define the search criteria in the Find dialog box, and then execute the search. Items that match the defined criteria appear selected on the Drawing sheet. Find a Drawing Editor Object 1. Click Edit > Find or press Ctrl + F keys to execute the Find command. 2. In the Find dialog box, use the options on the various tabs to define the search criteria. 3. Click Find Now to execute the search.

Notes: •

Objects that match the specified search criteria appear as selected on the Drawing Editor Drawing sheet. These objects are added to the select set.

Tools > Customize can be used to place the Find button

on a toolbar.

Type Tab

Type Specifies the type of Drawing Editor element, object, or attribute to be located. It is possible to define the parameters of the search to encompass a wide-range of items, including geometric elements, Drawing Editor symbols, or a variety of attributes.


Find Now Executes the search based on the criteria specified. When found, the matching object appears highlighted on the active Drawing sheet. Clear Clears out the results of the last search conducted. All items that appeared selected in the Drawing Editor drawing are deselected. Reset Returns the options on each of the Find dialog box tabs to their default settings.

Symbology Tab

Symbology Sets options for performing a search based on color, line weight, and line type. Color Specifies the drawing color used in the search criteria. Width Defines the line width used in the search criteria. Type Specifies the drawing line type used in the search criteria.


Style Tab

Style Defines search criteria based on style attributes. Linear Specifies the linestyle used in the search criteria. Fill Specifies the type of fill used in the search criteria. Dimension Specifies the type of dimension used in the search criteria. Text Specifies the type of text used in the search criteria.


Layer Tab

Specifies which layers of the Drawing Editor document to conduct the search on. Two options are available by default - All layers or the Default layer; however, if additional layers have been created in the Drawing Editor document, they are also displayed. Note: For more information concerning layers, see Lesson 8.

Text Tab

Sets search criteria based upon text-based options.


Text boxes and labels Specifies the text string used in the search criteria. Attribute names Specifies the attribute name used in the search criteria. Attribute values Specifies the attribute value used in the search criteria. Match case Limits the search criteria to include only the text with the same capitalization as the Text boxes and labels text. Bold Limits the search criteria to include only text that is bold. Italics Limits the search criteria to include only text that is italicized. Underline Limits the search criteria to include only text that is underlined. Font name Limits the search criteria to include only text that matches the font name specified. Font size Limits the search criteria to include only text that matches the font size specified. Note: For more information concerning text, see Lesson 9.


General Tab

Refines the search criteria to include a specific symbol name. Symbol name Specifies the name of the symbol to be located when the search executes.

Offset Draws an offset copy of an element or a set of contiguous elements. This command copies elements while maintaining characteristics such as the angle of lines and the center point of arcs and circles. Offset copies the original element at a specified distance. Offsetting outside the perimeter of the original element creates a larger element. Offsetting inside the perimeter of the original element creates a smaller element.

Offset Ribbon Bar

Select Chain If on, this option will offset a chain of all continuous elements. 63

If it is not active, Offset copies only the selected element, (this is the default setting). Step Distance Sets the distance from the base element to the offset copy. Cumulative Offset Displays or sets the total distance of the current offset graphic element from the original graphic element. Offset Example: 1. Select the Offset tool and make sure that the Select Chain option is on. 2. Set the step increment for the offset from the ribbon bar. 3. Select the item to be offset and move the mouse in the direction for the offset. 4. Accept the offset distance with the left mouse button.

If the Select Chain option is turned off you will get the following result:

Align 1. This tool will align two or more objects in a select set. 2. If the Change toolbar is not active, activate it by selecting the Change button from the Main toolbar. 3. From the Change toolbar, select the Align tool. On the drawing sheet, select two or more objects that you want to align.



4. On the Align ribbon, click the button that corresponds to the alignment type you want.

After Notes: • When using horizontal alignment, make sure the selected objects are not to the top or bottom of one another. If two shapes are vertically near one another, one of the objects may be placed behind another object. •

When using vertical alignment, make sure the selected objects are not to the right or left of one another. If two shapes are horizontally near one another, one of the objects may be placed behind another object.

Alignment features only line up objects; they do not distribute an equal amount of space between aligned objects.

Items that are glued to other objects cannot be aligned, including labels and symbols.

Align Ribbon Bar Options

Align Left Aligns the left side of objects in a select set. Align Right Aligns the right side of objects in a select set.


Align about Vertical Aligns the objects in a select set along their vertical centers. Align about Horizontal Aligns the objects in a select set along their horizontal centers. Align Top Aligns the tops of objects in a select set. Align Bottom Aligns the bottoms of objects in a select set.


Text and Annotations Text Box Commands The Text Box command is used to place a text box in a document. A text box can be a single line of text, multiple lines of text, text boxes with a defined width, or text within a border.

Text Box Ribbon Bar The Text Box ribbon bar is used to format a text box.



Font Size

Style Lists and applies the available styles. Font Lists and applies the available fonts.

Font Size Applies a text size in the actual paper size (i.e. not scaled). Text Color Sets the color for the font. Bold Makes the text bold. Italic Italicizes the text. Underline Underlines the text.


Paragraph Alignment Positions the paragraph to the left, center, or right of the text box in edit mode. The paragraph alignment can also be modified after placement by selecting it and changing the setting on the ribbon bar. Border Permits three options for displaying borders around the text boxes. These options allow you to display no border, display a border, or display a border with a shadow.

Text Ribbon Bar (Extended) More Displays more options on the Text Extended ribbon bar.

Text Box Height

Text Box Width

Text Box Angle

Height Sets the height of the text box. Width Sets the width of the text box. Notes on width: • If you select text in the text box, Height and Width are not available because the text is driving the dimension. • If you select a text box and Height is not available, the text is driving Height with the Auto Save option. The same is true for Width. •

If you place a text box with a single point, both Height and Width are not available. If you drag a text box, Width is not available.

• Angle Sets the angle of the text box. Horizontal Text Orientation Specifies that the text is oriented horizontally in the document. Vertical Text Orientation Specifies that the text is oriented vertically in the document.


Left To Right Specifies that the characters in a text box be displayed from left to right, as you would see in an English paragraph. Right To Left Specifies that the characters in a text box are displayed from right to left, as you would see in an Arabic or Japanese paragraph.

Text Box Handles The text box handles are used to manipulate the origin or the size of the text box while maintaining the relationship between the origin and justification.

Handles on text boxes appear as an X square, a hollow square, or a solid square. •

An X handle indicates the origin of the text box. The origin is defined by the horizontal and vertical justification settings. Dragging an X handle moves the text box

The hollow handles are used to move the text box. The origin point moves with the textbox.

The solid handles are used to resize the text box. The origin point remains in its current location while the text box is resized.


Text Labels Text labels are associated with an element or object. If you move the element or object, the text label moves with it. You can create text labels in a document by double-clicking an element or object while using the Select Tool. A text label appears near the element so that you can type text. The default position of the label is top center on all elements, except for closed elements, such as a circle or rectangle. The default position on closed elements is the center of the element. Once you have completed entering the text that you want, the label orients itself along linear elements. To create a text label 1. Choose the Select Tool

from the Draw toolbar.

2. Double-click an element or object. (1)

A small, blinking pointer (2) appears near the element or object. For a closed element, the pointer appears in the center of that element. 3. Set desired text settings such as font and font size in the Text Box ribbon bar. 4. Type the text in the label. (3) 5. Click outside the label to complete it. (4) The text label rotates to align with the element or object to which it is associated. Note: The text label is associated to the element or object. If the element or object is moved, the label moves with it. If it is deleted, the label will also be erased.


To reposition only the text label 1. Choose the Select Tool 2. Select the text label. (1)

from the Draw toolbar.

3. Click the lock handle (2) to unlock it. (3)

4. Drag the text label to new location. (4-5-6) The text label is still associated to the element or object. If the element or object is moved to a new location, the text label moves with it maintaining its new relative position. Balloon Command This tool, found on the Dimension toolbar, places a balloon containing text. You can use balloons to refer to an element or a point in free space. You can set options for controlling the size and shape of the balloon, text presentation, and leader display. The balloon font, font style, and font size are controlled from the Text tab of the Format Dimension dialog box. Individual balloon settings can be set by accessing right-click> Properties. The balloon terminator settings are controlled with the Terminator and Symbol tab of the Format Dimension dialog box.

Balloon Ribbon Bar The Balloon ribbon bar is used to adjust the shape of the balloon and the text within the balloon.

Dimension Style


Dimension Style Lists and applies the available styles. Leader Sets or hides the display of a leader line from the balloon. Break Line Places a horizontal break line into the leader. Height Specifies the height of the balloon. The actual height of the balloon is the value you enter multiplied by the dimension text height. Text Specifies the text note you want shown inside the balloon. Shape Specifies which balloon shape you want from the list of available shapes.

To place a balloon 1. Click the Dimension toolbar displays. 2. Select the Balloon

command on the Main toolbar. The Dimension command from the Dimension toolbar.

3. Set desired balloon settings in the Balloon ribbon bar. 4. In the Balloon Text box, type the text you want to appear in the balloon. 5. To place a balloon with a leader, click where you want to place the terminator end of the leader. The terminator end can be on an element or a point in free space. The default terminator used when an element is selected is an arrow.


6. Click where you want to place the balloon end of the leader.

The default free space terminator is a dot.

Leader Command The Leader command adds a leader to an annotation or to another leader. You can place either end of the leader first: the annotation end or the terminator end. The Leader ribbon bar is used to set the dimension style and toggle the break line on and off. You can attach the annotation end of a leader to one of the following: • • • • • •

Text box Balloon Another leader on a dimension or annotation You can place the terminator end of a leader in one of the following ways: Attach it to an element Place it in free space

To add a leader 1. Click the Dimension command on the Main toolbar, causing the Dimension toolbar to display. command from the Dimension toolbar. 2. Select the Leader 3. Click a text box, callout, or another leader to place the annotation end of the leader.

4. Click any element to place the terminator end of the leader, or click in free space. 73

Leader Ribbon Bar

Dimension Style

Dimension Style Lists and applies the available styles. Break Line Displays a horizontal break line at the notation end of a leader. Automatic Shape Connection Behavior Specifies automatic, shape-changing connection point behavior for the notation (end) reference. If the option is selected, the notation end of the leader uses information from the notation object in combination with the current leader position to determine the attachment point and break line direction. If the option is not selected, the notation end of the leader attaches to the point on the notation object that was selected when the leader was created, and the break line direction will not automatically break away from the notation object. Break Line Along If the option is selected, the break line displays at an angle along the notation object according to information provided by the object. For example, if a text box is at an angle, the break line displays parallel to the text box at the same angle. If the option is not selected, the break line remains in a horizontal position regardless of the angle of the notation object. Notation Object Attachment Lock Locks the notation end of the leader to the notation object so that any drag/modify operations on the leader will not detach it from the object. Graphic Object Attachment Lock Locks the graphic end of the leader to the graphic object so that any drag/modify operations on the leader will not detach it from the object.


Dimension Tools Driving and Driven Dimensions Driving Dimension A dimension that exercises control over the size or location of the element it is associated with. Modifying the dimension changes the drawing objects. Driven Dimension Dimensions that are not driving dimensions are called driven dimensions. The value of a driven dimension is controlled by the element it refers to. If the element changes, the dimensional value updates. Change a Driven Dimension to a Driving Dimension 1. On the Tools menu, set the Maintain Relationships command so it is checked. 2. Select the driven dimension you want to change. 3. On the ribbon bar, click the Driving/Driven button. The color of the dimension changes to indicate a driving dimension.

Notes: • To place a driving dimension, you must set Maintain Relationships on the Tools menu, select an element, and then click a dimension command on the Dimension toolbar; the dimension that you place by default should be a driving dimension. • To change a driving dimension to a driven dimension, select a driving dimension and click the Driving/Driven button. Or this method can toggle it the other way – Driving to Driven if there is a need to allow the elements to control the dimension. • To set the colors for driving and driven dimensions, select the dimension and click Properties on the shortcut menu. Then set the options you want on the Properties dialog box.


Placing Dimensions To dimension elements, choose one of the dimension commands from the Dimension toolbar, and then select the elements or keypoint to be dimensioned. As dimensions are being placed, the software shows a temporary, dynamic display of the dimension. This temporary display shows what the new dimension will look like if the current mouse cursor position is selected. The dimension orientation changes depending on where the mouse cursor is moved. SmartDimension Places a dimension for the following: • • • •

Length and angle of a line Radius and diameter of a circle Length, angle, radius, and diameter of an arc Radius of an ellipse or curve

Distance Between The Distance Between command places a linear dimension that measures the distance between elements or key points. You can place linear dimensions in stacked or chained dimension groups. To dimension between two points 1. From the Dimension toolbar, select Distance Between.

2. Select an element or keypoint to identify the origin element (A). 3. Choose an element or keypoint to measure to (B). 4. Move the mouse cursor where the dimension is to be placed. The dimension dynamically follows the movement of the mouse cursor. 5. Click to place the dimension (C) 6. Right click to finish the command


Angle Between Places a dimension that measures the angle between elements or key points. You can place angular dimensions in stacked or chained dimension groups. To dimension the angle between two lines 1. From the Dimension toolbar, select Angle Between.

2. Select an element or keypoint to identify the origin element (A). 3. Choose an element or keypoint to measure to (B). 4. Move the mouse cursor where the dimension is to be placed. The dimension dynamically follows the movement of the mouse cursor. 5. Click to place the dimension. 6. Right click to complete the command.

Coordinate Dimension Places a dimension that measures the distance from a common origin to one or more key points or elements. The coordinate dimensions that refer to the common origin are members of a coordinate dimension group. You can place coordinate dimensions in any order and on either side of the origin with respect to the dimension axis. You can also add additional coordinate dimensions to existing coordinate dimension groups, (a group of dimensions that measure locations from a common origin).


1. From the Dimension toolbar, select Coordinate Dimension.

2. Select an element or keypoint to identify the origin element (A). 3. Select the additional elements or keypoints (B, C, D). 4. Right click the mouse to complete the command.


Drawing Editor Symbols Symbols Overview A frequently used drawing object can be stored in one document and placed in other documents at a scale, position, and orientation that you define. Graphic data used in this way is called a symbol. Symbols increase drawing productivity because they allow you to access existing graphic data quickly and easily. With a symbol, you can place graphic information repeatedly without re-creating it. Symbols save you time by eliminating the need to re-create information, as well as help you maintain accurate graphic data throughout a project. Symbols are contained in documents with a .sym extension.

Creating Symbols A symbol is a document with a .sym extension. You can create a symbol by selecting the desired geometry and clicking the Create Symbol button on the Draw toolbar. Default Behaviors The default behaviors for symbols that you create are: • • • •

90° rotation angles. You can press the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to rotate symbol 90° while placing. One drag point at the origin point defined when symbol is created. Scale, mirror, and rotate handles display when symbol has been selected. Will not automatically align or lock to other objects.

To create a symbol 1. Using the Select Tool made from.

, pick the elements that the symbol is to be

2. On the Draw toolbar, click the Create Symbol button. 3. Click a point on the drawing sheet to define the origin of the symbol.


4. In the Save As dialog box, select the directory where you want to save the symbol. 5. Type the name that you want for the symbol. The software saves the document with a .sym extension. Click the OK button.

Placing Symbols Symbol Options Before placing a symbol, you can set an option to link or embed the symbol when you drag and drop it onto the drawing sheet. You can do this by clicking the Options command on the Tools menu and then setting the option you want on the Symbols tab. To place a symbol 1. Select a symbol from the Symbol Explorer. 2. Using the left mouse button, drag the symbol from the Symbol Explorer window into the active document.

Notes: • When you click a symbol in the Symbol Explorer to drag it into a document, the pointer attaches to the origin of the symbol. The origin was defined when the symbol was originally created. •

Dimensions within a symbol do not display when it is dropped into a document.

To place multiple copies of a symbol 1. Select the desired symbol with the mouse by clicking it with the left mouse button a single time in the Symbol Explorer. 80

2. Move the cursor to the desired position in the drawing and click to place the symbol. 3. The symbol will remain active until the right mouse button is selected or another symbol is chosen from the Symbol Explorer. To place multiple copies using the Stamp method 1. Select a symbol with the right mouse button, and while holding it down, drag the symbol into the document. 2. Release the right mouse button in the desired location of the first symbol. 3. On the displayed shortcut menu, click Stamp Here.

4. Click another point in the document (with the left button) to place a copy of the symbol. You can click as many points as you want to place multiple copies of the same symbol. 5. Click the right mouse button when you are finished placing the symbol. Note: If you decide that you do not want to place several copies of a symbol, you can click Place Here on the shortcut menu. This places only one instance of the symbol.

Symbol Placement Behavior Drag Points A drag point is the point to which the mouse cursor attaches to a symbol for dragging and dropping. A symbol can have multiple drag points, which can be toggled using the up and down arrow keys as the symbol is being dragged into the drawing.


Rotation When you drag a symbol or align it to an element, you can press the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard. This rotates the symbol in 90° increments by default. Some symbols are designed to rotate at different increments. A symbol defined with a rotation of 0° will not rotate using the arrow keys.

Alignment Some symbols are created with a special alignment behavior. This behavior allows the symbol to automatically rotate and align itself parallel to another graphical object during drag and drop placement or when the symbol is repositioned after placement.

Creating a simple parametric symbol for a Pipe End Draw the Graphics: 1. Start Drawing Editor. 2. Make sure that Tools – Maintain Relationships is turned on.


3. Select Tools – SmartSketch Settings and make sure that Mid Point is checked.

4. Select the line command and place a vertical line on the sheet.

5. Reset (right mouse click) and place a horizontal line on the sheet.

6. Display the relationship toolbar by clicking on the Main toolbar Relationship button.

7. Select the Connect relationship command.


8. Move your mouse over the horizontal line until you see the midpoint glyph displayed and click the left mouse button.

9. Move your mouse over the vertical line until you see the midpoint glyph display and click the left mouse button.

10. The horizontal line should move so that its midpoint is coincident with the vertical lines midpoint.

11. Select the Equal relationship command.

12. Click on the vertical line and then the horizontal line. 13. The vertical line and the horizontal line should become the same length.

14. Turn off the Relationship toolbar by clicking the red X in the titlebar of the toolbar.


15. Select the circle command on the Draw toolbar and move over the intersection of the two lines. Click the left mouse button when the midpoint glyph is displayed to begin the circle.

16. Move the mouse some distance and click again to place the circle.

17. Select the Fill command on the Draw toolbar.

18. On the ribbon bar for the Fill command, select a Solid style and select black as the color.


19. Click in the upper right and lower left quadrants of the circle to fill them.

Add the Dimensions: 20. Select Tools – Layers to display the Layers ribbon bar.

21. Type in Dimensions to create a layer for the dimensions.

22. Display the Dimension toolbar by clicking the Dimension button on the Main toolbar.

23. Select the SmartDimension command.

24. Dimension the diameter of the circle and the horizontal line. Both dimensions should be black (driving dimensions).

25. Select Tools – Variables to display the Variable Table. There should be two entries, one for the diameter of the circle and one for the length of the lines.


26. In the Formula field for the dimension for the length of the lines, enter ‘1.5*V128’ (note – Replace V128 with the actual name of the circle dimension displayed in your Variable Table) and close the dialog. The two lines should resize with respect to the circle.

27. Select the dimension for the circle diameter and change its value in the dimension ribbonbar to verify that the formula is being correctly applied.

Create the Symbol: 28. Select all of the objects using Edit – Select All or by using the Select Tool. 29. Click the Create Symbol command on the Draw toolbar.


30. Click at the center point of the circle (the intersection of the two lines) to set the symbol origin.

31. Enter a name and select the location in the File – SaveAs dialog.

Set the symbol parameters and behaviors:


32. Open the symbol by selecting File – Open and browse to the symbol file you just created. 33. Select Tools – Add-Ins to display the Add-In Manager dialog and turn on the Symbol Authoring Tools add-in.

34. On the Symbol Authoring toolbar, select Symbol Properties.

35. On the General tab, turn off Scale handles and Mirror handles.

36. Click on the Parameters tab. 37. Make sure that the dimension for the Circle is selected and in the parameter name field enter OPD. Click Apply and OK. 89

38. On the Layers ribbon bar (if not displayed, use tools – Layers to display it), select the Default layer in the combo box; then click the Display layers button.

39. Turn off the display of the dimensions layer and click OK.

40. Save and Close the symbol file. Place and Test the symbol: 41. Display the Symbol Explorer by clicking on the Symbol Explorer button on the Main toolbar.


42. Use the Symbol Explorer to locate and drag in your symbol. 43. In the Attribute Viewer, set the value of OPD to 3 in and verify that the symbol resizes. Change the value and verify that the symbol resizes again.


Placing manual annotation A. Manual labeling 13. Select the DrawingNumber1 from the Snapshot drawing type, right click and select Edit. 14. Zoom into the pumps in the plan view 15. Select the place a label command

16. Select one of the pumps 17. From the pick list of labels, pick the Name_Rect_CA_JL label as shown

18. Make sure the ‘As Drawn’ checkbox in the ribbon bar is checked.

19. A label appears on your cursor, click in the sheet to place it where desired. 20. Now select the other pump and label it. 21. Right-click to exit the labeling command

B. Dimensioning 1. Click the Dimension button in the main toolbar to open the dimensioning toolbar.


2. Dock the dimensioning toolbar to the top of the screen and select the Distance between command

3. Select two gridlines in the plan view by clicking them in succession as shown. A dimension appears on your cursor.

4. Click to place the dimension where desired.

C. User Text 1. Select Tools – Layers 2. In the layer toolbar, key in UserText and press Enter. This will create a new layer named UserText and make it active

3. Using the text command on the vertical toolbar, enter some text, e.g. the name of the view and place it under the view.


4. Save and exit the drawing.

All of the manually placed text or graphic annotation on layers whose name starts with the letters ‘User’ is saved. All labels and dimensions are saved through updates.


Editing Border Templates Creating New Template 1. Open the Drawings Editor 2. Select File => Properties => Units Tab. Set the file attributes as noted and select OK.

3. Select File => Sheet Setup => Size and Scale tab. Set the file attributes as noted and select OK.


4. Select File => Save as and save the file in the (\\[Symbol Share]\Drawings\Catalog\templates) as “New_A1_1.sha” and select “Save”. 5. Save the file again, but this time as “New_A1_2.sha”.

Using a DWG/DGN template to seed a drawing template 1. First determine the size of the template file you want to create. 2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to [Installation Dir]\Common2D\Shape2D\Template 3. Select Normal.sha and view File Properties and uncheck the Read Only attribute. 4. Open Normal.sha in Drawing editor and set its size to the desired size of your template. Save and close drawing editor. 5. Open Drawing Editor using desktop shortcut. 6. File – Open to open the DGN or DWG file, the file contents are automatically converted to SHA format. Scaling issues are avoided due to steps 1 through 4. 7. Tools – Layers and create a layer called ‘DwgTemplate’ 8. Select all border graphics from all auto-created layers in the file and move them to the DwgTemplate layer using the Change Layer button on the


Layers toolbar.

9. Save the file in the [Symbol Share]\Drawings\Catalog\Templates directory with the desired name.

Adding Drawing Property Labels 1. Enter the Drawings and Reports Task. 2. Select Tools => Edit Border Template. 3. Select “New_A1_2.sha” and OK the form. 4. Select the Place Drawing Property Label command

5. In the Label Set pull down, pick Title Area 6. In the Field pull down, pick CompanyName

7. Click close to the bottom right corner of the sheet to place the label 8. Similarly pick the ApprovedBy field from the SignatureArea label set and place it as well. 9. Save the template and exit Drawings Editor.


Basic View Styles Creating a volume view style 1. Select Tools => Define View Style. You will be presented with the following dialog containing all the delivered view styles for Key Plan view styles, Volume view styles and Snapshot view styles. Currently all view styles for Volume and Snapshot drawings are contained within the Orthographic view styles.

2. For the “View Style Type:” property, drop the select list down and select Orthographic.


3. Select the “New Style” button from the top left of this form and rename the style to “Iso Snapshot View Style” by select the new style that was created with the default name and using the “Rename”


4. Double click on the new style created and the following “View Style Properties” dialog will appear:

1. Since this is a Volume view style, you will need to change the “Filter Behavior” property to “Filters determine which objects are processed (Volume)”.

5. In the first row of the grid, under Tests, under the Filter Name column, select More…

6. Select the catalog filter under Catalog Filters\Default Filters\SP3D Object Filters\Object Types\Piping and select the filter named Piping Parts (not the folder with the same name). 7. Under the Actions, under the Graphic Rule column, select More… 8. Select New. 9. In the Graphic rule – VHL dialog, set Rule Name: to Normal and Visible Line Style to Normal Red. Set description Visible:Normal Red.


10. Click OK to define the new VHL rule. 11. Select Normal and click OK to apply the rule in the style. 12. Under Matchline Label, select Matchline_None_A 13. Click OK to define the view style.

Creating a snapshot view style 2. Select Tools => Define View Style. You will be presented with the following dialog containing all the delivered view styles for Key Plan view styles, Volume view styles and Snapshot view styles. Currently all view styles for Volume and Snapshot drawings are contained within the Orthographic view styles.


3. For the “View Style Type:” property, drop the select list down and select Orthographic. 4. Select the “New Style” button from the top left of this form and rename the style to “Iso Snapshot View Style” by select the new style that was created with the default name and using the “Rename”


5. Double click on the new style created and the following “View Style Properties” dialog will appear:


6. Since this is a Snapshot view style, you will need to change the “Filter Behavior” property to “Filter provides overrides to set of objects (Snapshot)”. 7. Select the Filter Name => More… field. Select the catalog filter: Catalog Filters\Default Filters\SP3D Object Filters\Object Types\Equipment and Furnishings and select the filter named Equipment. 8. Select the Graphic Rule => More… field. The Select Rule form appears. 9. Select the “Visible/Hidden Edges (VHL)” option from the pulldown list. And then Select “New”. The Graphic Rule VHL form appears. 10. Key-in “Normal Blue” for the Rule name and Visible:Normal Blue for the Description. 11. Select the “Visible Line Style” pulldown and select “Normal Blue”. OK the form.


12. Select the newly created graphic rule on the Select Rule form and OK the form. 13. Similarly select Name_None_A_JL for the label rule. 14. OK the form. 15. You have now created a basic View Style for Snapshot Drawings.

Creating a key plan view style 1. Select Tools – Define Key Plan View Style 2. Select New… and name the view style ‘Plant view’


3. Select All Objects as the range filter

4. For the View Style, select More… 5. Switch to Volume View Styles and create a New View Style 6. Name it ‘Key Plan Plant View’


7. Select the filter for the first row to be ‘Grid Line’

8. Select Normal Gray for the graphic rule 9. In the second row, enter ‘KEY_PLAN_FOCUS_ELEMENT’ in the filter column 10. Select Blue as a graphic rule


Creating a volume drawing package A. Creating the package 1. Right-click on the plant and create a folder called Packages 2. Right-click on Packages and add a New Volume Drawings component 3. Rename New Volume Drawing to Piping1 4. Right-click on Piping1 and Edit Template

5. Select Imperial\D Wide Note Area and click OK.

6. Maximize and fit the view in the Drawing Editor 7. Select the line at the top of the border till a quick pick is shown, using it select the symbol. Watch the attribute viewer on the right side of the Drawing Editor, it will show information when the symbol is selected.


8. Right-click on the symbol and select Single View

9. In the Attribute Viewer, set the Margin Offset to 3” and watch the view resize itself. 10. Use the Place Drawing view command to draw the 2D view coincident with the view shown.

11. Fill in the Drawing View Properties as shown


12. Switch to the Format tab and uncheck the Show Border box

13. Now you may select the symbol (using quick pick) and delete it using the delete key. Its only function was to let you quickly place a correctly sized view. 14. Close the drawing editor and say Yes when prompted to save. 15. Right-click on Piping1 and Save Package… 16. Fill in values as below

17. Now right-click the Piping1 package and delete it.

B. Testing the package 1. Right-click on GA Drawings and select New…


2. Notice that there is a new tab called Training in the Add Component dialog

3. Select Piping1 and click OK. 4. Switch to Space Management task and clear view clipping 5. Start the place drawing volume by View command, make sure the ribbon bar shows the Piping1 drawing type selected.

6. Place the view where desired using pinpoint if necessary. 7. Switch to Drawings and Reports task 8. Create and update drawing. Observe that only piping parts that are inside the volume you placed are shown.


Defining Line Styles 1. Open the file Styles.sha in the [Symbol Share]\Drawings\Catalog\Templates folder 2. Format – Style and pick the Line option and click New 3. Name the style Normal Dk Blue

4. Change the color to Dk Blue


5. Close and Save and Exit the Styles.sha file.


Graphic Rules VHL Rule VHL Rules simply replace the vector hidden line graphics with a line style chosen from the list of lines in Styles.sha Define a VHL graphics rule for the Dk Blue line style created above 1. Switch to the Drawings and Reports task 2. Define View Style and choose the Snapshot View Style Equipment1 3. In the Graphic Rule pulldown, select More… 4. Click New to create a new graphics rule 5. In the Visible Line Style pulldown, select Normal Dk Blue

6. Click OK to save the new VHL rule. 7. Select Normal Dk Blue and click OK to apply it to the view style. 8. Click OK to save the view style. 1. Click OK to save the Rule.


Replace with Line Rule This rule merely replaces the representation of the VHL graphics (linear segments) with a line. 1. In the Graphic Rule field in the view style, select More… 2. In the Graphic Rule type select Replace object with Line

3. Create a new Replace with Line Rule named RedLine 4. In the Visible Line Style field, select Normal Red 5. In the Hidden Line Style field select Dashed Red

6. Save the Rule

Replace with Line and Widget This rule replaces the object with a line as above. Then it places a widget along the line to represent the cross section of the object. This widget can be either a VHL of the cross section or a externally created symbol. 1. In the Graphic Rule type select Replace Objects(s) with Line and Widget 2. Create a new Rule named BeamsWidget 3. On the graphics tab, select visible line style to be Normal


4. On the widget tab, select values as below

5. Click OK to save the rule.

Replace object with symbol We will create a symbol to use for the replace object with symbol rule first. 1. Open the Drawings Editor 2. Draw the graphic displayed below (do not include the dimensions). Use a line thickness of 1.0 mm and place it on the Default layer. It is not necessary to have Maintain Relationships set.

3. Select the Select Tool command on the Draw toolbar and drag a fence around the graphics. 4. Select the Create Symbol command. 5. Left-click at the midpoint on the horizontal line to place the symbol origin. The Save As Symbol box appears. 6. Browse to the Symbols share on the server and save the symbol to the [Symbol Share]\Drawings\Catalog\Symbols folder. Name the symbol “W18x35_X_Section”. 7. Exit Shape2DServer without saving the document. 8. Create a new Graphics rule of the type ‘Replace object with symbol’


9. Name the rule Column 10. Select the symbol “W18x35_X_Section”. 11. Select OK on the Choose Symbol box. We can now use this rule in a view style to select all columns and replace then with this symbol.


Defining Drawing Labels Label Template 1. Switch to the Catalog task 2. Tools – Define Label 3. Select the Labels folder and create a new folder named ‘Drawing Labels’

4. Select the Drawing Labels folder and pick ‘New COM Label’

5. Name the Label MemberType by typing in the name in the Name field 6. Add a property ‘Type’ to the label from the Member Part Prismatic



7. Select the Type property and insert it to the layout

8. Similarly insert the Name property 9. Click OK to save the label. 10. Using Windows Explorer, browse to [Symbols Share]\Labels\Drawing Labels\MemberType and copy all the files. 11. Browse to [Symbols Share]\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates and paste the files.

Label Symbol File 1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the [Symbols Share]\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates folder. 2. Copy the SectionSize_None_APO-NL.sym and SectionSize_None_APO-NL.xml files and paste them in the same directory 3. Rename them to MemberType.sym and MemberType.xml 4. Double-click MemberType.sym to open it 5. Double-click the word SectionSize till it highlights in yellow background and then type word MemberType. (This is for your


information only, software does not care what text you put here.) 6. Right-click the word MemberType and select Properties 7. You can change the Border and fill attributes as desired, e.g. choose Border color as Dk Blue and Fill color as Yellow.

8. In the User tab, change Value to MemberType

9. Click OK and then save the symbol and exit.

Label XML File 1. Open the MemberType.xml using NotePad, CookTop or other text editor. 2. Scroll down to line 84 SectionSize.rtp

3. Change SectionSize to MemberType and SectionSize.rtp to MemberType.rtp 4. Edit one of the drawings that contains a Structural Member. 5. Start the manually place label command 119

6. Select a structural member. 7. Select MemberType from the list of labels 8. Click to place These are the settings that can be set for a label in the XML file: Name of the label Name of the label template file and attribute set on the label sym text box Positioning rules for the label A APO AV CA CP CM M

Absolute X and Y location relative to an object. Absolute X and Y location, parallel, and offset relative to an object. Absolute X and Y location relative to a vector from the center of the view, and aligned to the object. Positioned in Clear space by quadrant priority, or positioned in an Absolute X and Y location relative to an object if no clear space is found. Positioned in Clear space and aligned Linear to the coordinate system. in the Margin if no clear space is found. Positioned outside the view in the Margin.

Leader placement rule L JL NL

Leader with no jog Jogged Leader No Leader

Creating Label Rule 1. Copy \Catalog\Rules\LabelRules\SectionSize_None_APO_NL.xml. 2. Paste and rename it as MemberType.xml 3. Open the file and change SectionSize_None_APO_NL to MemberType. Now the new label is available as a rule


Custom Graphic Rules These rules are used to change the 3D geometry that is passed into the VHL routines.

CappedNormalPipe.dll Applies to: Straight pipe, normal to the view What it does: Replaces the pipes normal to the view with a cylindrical cap in the center of the length of the pipe When to use: If open (unclipped) ends of pipe are to be replaced with a symbol

DesignEquipmentPartSeparator.dll Applies to: Equipment What it does: Separates equipment into body (first shape placed), shapes, nozzles and parts (child components). When to use: To label and symbolize nozzles of equipment How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that uses Equipment as the filter and apply the DesignEquipmentPartSeparator.dll to it. Once this is done, you may put a row for Pipe Nozzles in the view style.


ElbowtoArc.dll Applies to: Piping Elbows What it does: Replaces 3D elbow with an arc for the body and two discs for the two ports When to use: When piping elbows are to be represented as single line but the ends of piping are to be shown.


How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that select piping components and apply the ElbowtoArc.dll to it.

ElbowtoSingleArc.dll Applies to: Piping Elbows What it does: Replaces 3D elbow with an arc When to use: When piping elbows are to be represented as single line How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that select piping components and apply the ElbowtoSingleArc.dll to it.


EquipmentNozzleSeparator.dll Same as DesignEquipmentPartSeparator, but for standard equipment.

GridlinesDrawingWrapperEntity.dll Applies to: Grid Planes What it does: Draws ‘vertical gridlines’ at the intersection of X planes and Y planes (on the X-Z and Y-Z axes) When to use: In elevation and isometric views when drawings need to show vertical lines at grid intersections How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that uses GridPlanes as the filter and apply the Gridlines DrawingWrapperEntity.dll to it. Once this is done, you may put a row for Grid Planes in the view style. The graphic rule for the grid planes also needs to include a reference to the GridlinesDrawingWrapperEntity.dll.

MakeDrawable.dll Applies to: All graphical objects


What it does: Makes objects that are usually not displayable in 3D (hence not drawable in 2D), drawable. When to use: Whenever you need to label or display objects such as features, runs, systems, pipe support assemblies on a drawing. How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that select the objects that are to be made drawable and apply MakeDrawable.dll to them


PipeTurnFeattoArc.dll Applies to: Piping turn features What it does: Makes the piping turn feature drawable and replaces it with a single arc When to use: When pipe bends are to be shown as single line. How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that select piping turn features and apply the PipeTurnFeattoArc.dll to it.

PortsSeparator.dll Applies to: Piping components What it does: Separates the ports of the piping components from the component and makes them drawable When to use: When the open end of an elbow is to be replaced by a symbol How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that select piping components and apply PortsSeparator.dll to them. Then in the view styles, use the PsuedoFilter ‘Ports’ as FilterName::Ports and replace with symbol graphic rule.


ReplaceWPoint.dll Applies to: All graphical objects What it does: Replaces the 3D geometry of the object with a tiny sphere at the center of the range When to use: When you need to label an object but do not wish for it to participate in VHL and potentially hide other objects behind it. How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that select the objects that are to be replaced with a point and apply ReplaceWPoint.dll to them

SlopedPipeWArcSymbol.dll Applies to: Sloped straight pipe What it does: Replaces straight pipe with its centerline and a series of arcs representing the slope When to use: When sloped pipe is to be represented on a plan drawing

VolumeWireFrame.dll Applies to: All graphic objects What it does: Replaces an object with its wireframe representation for VHL When to use: When you need to show outlines of certain objects and want to keep the objects’ surfaces from hiding other objects How to use: In Graphic Preparation Rules, define a rule that selects the objects and apply VolumeWireFrame.dll to them.


For additional information on all Drawing Wrappers, refer to the DrawingsandReportsUsersGuide.pdf. An illustrated description of each drawing wrapper can be found in Appendix E.


Advanced View Styles The basic view style consists of several rows each with a filter and a graphic rule. This determines what goes on a drawing and how it looks. Adding labels to the view style can be considered an intermediate operation. The advanced operations consist of additional orientation and clipping tests, custom graphic rules and dimensioning rules.

Deconstructing the piping plan view style The instructor will lead you through opening a Piping Plan drawing created with the delivered Piping Plan view style and identifying what elements on the drawing are created by which rows in the view style.

Analysis of drawings for view style creation The following table describes the set of steps required to create a view style to match a drawing standard. Analysis Read paper drawing to identify items included

SP3D Activity Map objects seen on drawing to SP3D object types and match up each kind with a specific filter Find out graphical representation Decide which graphic rule is in drawing (single line/double to be used for each of the line, line style, weight, color etc objects identified above. and all the conditions that Objects may have to be prompt that line style to be subclassified based on size, used). orientation w.r.t paper, clipping conditions etc. It may be required to use custom graphic wrappers to change the 3D representation of objects to suit the drawing requirements. Find out label annotation Decide what object is required for each and the rules to labeled with what data and place the annotation (data where the data is in the data reported by the label, position of model. A report label that the label w.r.t the object, leader traverses the relationships lines - their styles etc). will need to be written if required.


UI Filter UI. May have to rely on SQL filters for certain kinds of elements. Graphic rule UI. UI exists for creating new line styles.

UI exists for writing the report label and the look and feel of the label in the sym file.

Decide which point on the object needs to be labeled (end, center, control point, origin etc).

There is no UI yet for the positioning and leader portions.

Decide which positioning modules are appropriate for each label (absolute, parallel, clearspace, margin)

Find out dimensioning required for each item type. Dimensioning includes dimension attributes such as units, arrow style etc as well as its position w.r.t object. Since dimensions are always between two things (either parts of the same object or distinct objects), find out how each dimension was placed and what it represents. Dimensions are best of thought of as chains composed of various object types, with some anchoring types (e.g. columns, grids or decks) and other target object types (e.g. equipment, piping etc).

Decide which leader modules are to be used. Decide the type of dimension (only linear currently supported except for penetration plates) Decide what point of the object the dimension witness lines need to reach. Decide which positioning modules are appropriate (absolute, clear space, margin) Decide the direction of the dimension (horizontal, vertical) Define anchoring elements filters and target element filters.


No UI.

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