SP3D - Drawings and Reports Reference DataGuide.pdf

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Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Version 2009.1

August 2010

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Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set ......................................................................................................... 9 Documentation Comments ................................................................................................................... 12 What's New in Drawings and Reports Reference Data - SP3D ............................................................ 13 Delivered Reference Data in Drawings and Reports.............................................................................. 15 The Management Console, Folders, and Components........................................................................... 17 3D Model Data...................................................................................................................................... 20 Exporting 3D Model Graphics to MicroStation.................................................................................... 22 Generic Module Folder ......................................................................................................................... 22 Composed Drawings ............................................................................................................................. 23 Drawings by Query Manager ................................................................................................................ 25 Orthographic Drawings by Query......................................................................................................... 27 Piping Isometric Drawings by Query ................................................................................................... 28 Spreadsheet Reports.............................................................................................................................. 30 Search Folders....................................................................................................................................... 31 Volume Drawings ................................................................................................................................. 32 Tools Menu................................................................................................................................................. 35 Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) ........................................................................................ 35 Define View Style Dialog Box....................................................................................................... 37 View Style Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 38 Key Plan Style Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 104 Define Layout Style Command .......................................................................................................... 107 Define Layout Style Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 108 Layout Style Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 109 Define a Layout Style ................................................................................................................... 109 Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) ................................................................................. 110 Select Template Dialog Box......................................................................................................... 111 Import a Border File and Create a Drawing Area ........................................................................ 111 Edit Layout Template Command ........................................................................................................ 113 Select Layout Template Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 114 Select Border Family Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 114 Edit a Layout Template ................................................................................................................ 115 Create Border and Layout Templates ........................................................................................... 116 Orthographic Drawings Reference Data ............................................................................................... 119 Orthographic Drawing Packages ........................................................................................................ 120 Electrical Packages ....................................................................................................................... 121 Equipment Packages .................................................................................................................... 149

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Contents HVAC Packages ........................................................................................................................... 160 Instrument Packages ..................................................................................................................... 171 Isometrics (by Query) Packages ................................................................................................... 182 Orthographic (by Query) Packages .............................................................................................. 183 Piping Packages............................................................................................................................ 186 Structural Framing Packages ........................................................................................................ 197 Orthographic Drawing by Query Components ................................................................................... 206 Dimension Templates XML Overview ............................................................................................... 207 Orthographic and Key Plan View Styles ............................................................................................ 214 Key Plan View Styles ................................................................................................................... 520 Drawing Rules for View Styles .................................................................................................... 521 View Label Rules in Drawings .................................................................................................... 522 Layout Style Rules in Orthographic Drawings ................................................................................... 523 Section View Orientation Rules in Orthographic Drawings............................................................... 526 Bulkload Files ..................................................................................................................................... 531 Drawing Volume Properties Sheet ............................................................................................... 531 Bulkload Drawings Scales to Codelists........................................................................................ 532 Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes Workbook ........................................................................... 534 Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data .......................................................................................... 537 Customizable Piping Isometric Deliverables ............................................................................... 537 Piping Isometric Drawing by Query Packages ................................................................................... 539 Bulkload Files ..................................................................................................................................... 541 PipeMfgRules Sheet ..................................................................................................................... 541 PipeMfgMapSymbol Sheet .......................................................................................................... 542 PipeMfgSpoolRule Sheet ............................................................................................................. 542 Modify Default Isometric Paths ................................................................................................... 543 Reports Reference Data .......................................................................................................................... 545 Report Sheet........................................................................................................................................ 546 R-Hierarchy Sheet............................................................................................................................... 547 Add A Report Template ...................................................................................................................... 547 Create a filter-based report that uses the DrawingMAP table ............................................................ 548 Label Rules............................................................................................................................................... 549 Label Editor ........................................................................................................................................ 551 Select Rule Dialog Box (Label Editor - Unit of Measure) ........................................................... 555 Create a Label............................................................................................................................... 555 Modify Label Symbol File ........................................................................................................... 556 Modify Label XML File ............................................................................................................... 557 Create a New Label Rule ............................................................................................................. 557 Compound Labels ............................................................................................................................... 558 Create a Compound Label Using Label Rules ............................................................................. 558 Create a Compound Label with a Combined Symbol .................................................................. 560 Create a Compound Label Using the Content Module ................................................................ 563 Label Rules XML ............................................................................................................................... 565 North-East Coordinate Labels ...................................................................................................... 585


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Contents Label Templates XML ........................................................................................................................ 587 Label Templates XML Overview................................................................................................. 587 Clipped Labels.............................................................................................................................. 598 Coordinate and Control Point Labels ........................................................................................... 600 Coordinate Labels ........................................................................................................................ 606 Generic Name Labels ................................................................................................................... 609 Grid Labels ................................................................................................................................... 615 Longest Segment Labels .............................................................................................................. 621 Miscellaneous Labels ................................................................................................................... 622 Name Labels (DrawingAbsolute) ................................................................................................. 630 Name Labels (DwgLinearAbsPos) ............................................................................................... 633 Name Labels (Name-Elevation-Width)........................................................................................ 635 Reference Labels .......................................................................................................................... 636 Section Size Labels ...................................................................................................................... 637 View Label Rules in Drawings ........................................................................................................... 638 DetailSimpleReference................................................................................................................. 638 Hanger and Support Piping Properties ......................................................................................... 639 PartOccTestCOMLabelFormat .................................................................................................... 639 PartOccTestCOMLabelFormat .................................................................................................... 639 SectionSimpleReference1 ............................................................................................................ 640 SectionSimpleReference2 ............................................................................................................ 640 Dimension Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 641 Dimension Rules XML ....................................................................................................................... 641 SP3D Dwgs Dimension Templates XML ........................................................................................... 654 Dimension Templates XML Overview ........................................................................................ 654 Generic Horizontal Dimensions ................................................................................................... 662 Generic Vertical Dimensions ....................................................................................................... 664 Hangers and Supports Dimensions............................................................................................... 665 Horizontal and Vertical Cable Trays ............................................................................................ 668 Horizontal Structure Dimensions ................................................................................................. 669 Miscellaneous Dimensions ........................................................................................................... 672 Structure Margin Dimensions ...................................................................................................... 676 Vertical Routable Dimensions...................................................................................................... 677 Vertical Structure Dimensions ..................................................................................................... 679 Custom Graphic Modules ....................................................................................................................... 687 Using Custom Graphic Modules and Subfilters in Drawings ............................................................. 688 Create a View Style with Resymbolized Normal Pipes ............................................................... 688 Create a View Style with Single Line Pipes................................................................................. 692 CappedNormalPipe ............................................................................................................................. 697 DesignEquipmentPartSeparator .......................................................................................................... 697 ElbowtoArc ......................................................................................................................................... 699 ElbowtoSingleArc ............................................................................................................................... 700 EnumerateEquipmentGraphicChildren ............................................................................................... 700 EnumerateHgrSupGraphicChildren .................................................................................................... 702 EquipmentNozzleSeparator ................................................................................................................ 703

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Contents Exclude ............................................................................................................................................... 705 Exclude with Not Drawn Rule ............................................................................................................ 706 GetActual3DGeometry ....................................................................................................................... 708 GridlinesDrawingWrapperEntity ........................................................................................................ 709 MakeDrawable .................................................................................................................................... 709 MakeDrawableSimple ........................................................................................................................ 710 PipeTurnFeattoArc.............................................................................................................................. 711 PlaneGeometryDrawingWrapperEntity .............................................................................................. 711 PortsSeparator ..................................................................................................................................... 712 ReplaceSlopedPipeOnHgr .................................................................................................................. 713 ReplaceWPoint ................................................................................................................................... 714 SlopedPipeWArcSymbol .................................................................................................................... 716 StructOpenToX ................................................................................................................................... 716 TrimPipeSurface ................................................................................................................................. 718 VolumeWireFrame ............................................................................................................................. 719 WeldToLine ........................................................................................................................................ 720 Annotation Modules ................................................................................................................................ 721 Point Generators ................................................................................................................................. 722 DefaultLabelPointGenerator ........................................................................................................ 723 DrawingMatchlinePG................................................................................................................... 723 DrawingPGByNote ...................................................................................................................... 724 DrawingPGControlPoint .............................................................................................................. 725 DrawingPGCPThenNone ............................................................................................................. 725 DrawingPGCuttingPlane .............................................................................................................. 726 DrawingPGKeyPlanControlPoint ................................................................................................ 727 DrawingPGLinear ........................................................................................................................ 728 DrawingPGLocalCS ..................................................................................................................... 729 DrawingPGObjectCorners ........................................................................................................... 730 DrawingPGPipeSegments ............................................................................................................ 730 DrawingPGStructHoriz ................................................................................................................ 730 DrawingPGStructVert .................................................................................................................. 731 DrawingPointGenerator ............................................................................................................... 732 PenPlatePointGenerator ............................................................................................................... 732 Geometric Analyzers .......................................................................................................................... 733 DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer ................................................................................................. 733 DrawingGAByOppositePoints ..................................................................................................... 734 DrawingGAEndOfSegment.......................................................................................................... 734 DrawingGALabelInline ................................................................................................................ 735 DrawingGALongestSegment ....................................................................................................... 736 DrawingGAMarginOnly .............................................................................................................. 738 SP3D DrawingGAPipeSegments LabelAM ................................................................................. 739 DrawingGeometricAnalyzer ........................................................................................................ 740 DummyGeomAnalyzer ................................................................................................................ 742 Content Modules ................................................................................................................................. 742 DrawingCuttingPlanesContent ..................................................................................................... 743 DrawingDimContAngNoReplace ................................................................................................ 744 DrawingDimContentAngular ....................................................................................................... 744


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Contents DrawingDimContentLinearH ....................................................................................................... 744 DrawingDimContentLinearV ....................................................................................................... 745 DrawingDimContentRadial .......................................................................................................... 745 DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace ............................................................................................... 745 DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace ............................................................................................... 746 DrawingDimContRadNoReplace ................................................................................................. 746 DrawingFlowDirectionContent .................................................................................................... 746 DrawingLabelHelper .................................................................................................................... 747 DrawingMatchlineContent ........................................................................................................... 749 DrawingNArrowContent .............................................................................................................. 749 DrawingNoContent ...................................................................................................................... 750 DrawingOrientToY0Content ........................................................................................................ 750 DrawingPipeSegsDimContent...................................................................................................... 751 DrawingPipeSegsDimContNoReplace ......................................................................................... 751 DrawingReferenceLabelContent .................................................................................................. 751 DrawingWeldSymbols ................................................................................................................. 752 StructuralWidgetLabelContent..................................................................................................... 753 Control Generators.............................................................................................................................. 753 DefaultLabelControlGenerator..................................................................................................... 753 DrawingDimGenerator ................................................................................................................. 754 DrawingPipeSegmentsCG ............................................................................................................ 754 Positioning Modules ........................................................................................................................... 754 posModulesSet ............................................................................................................................. 755 DrawingAbsolute ......................................................................................................................... 756 DrawingCenterThenAbove .......................................................................................................... 757 DrawingCenterThenAboveCL ..................................................................................................... 757 DrawingCenterThenRotate........................................................................................................... 758 DrawingCoordLblPosMod ........................................................................................................... 759 DrawingDimAbsolutePos............................................................................................................. 759 DrawingDimHorizBottomCS ....................................................................................................... 760 DrawingDimHorizTopCS ............................................................................................................ 760 DrawingDimMarginPos ............................................................................................................... 760 DrawingDimPipeSegPos .............................................................................................................. 760 DrawingDimVertLeftCS .............................................................................................................. 761 DrawingDimVertRightCS ............................................................................................................ 761 DrawingGridLblHoriz .................................................................................................................. 761 DrawingGridLblMarginOnly ....................................................................................................... 762 DrawingGridLblMgnAbsPos ....................................................................................................... 762 DrawingGridLblVert .................................................................................................................... 764 DrawingMatchlinePositioning...................................................................................................... 764 DrawingQuadFour ........................................................................................................................ 764 DrawingQuadOne......................................................................................................................... 765 DrawingQuadThree ...................................................................................................................... 765 DrawingQuadTwo ........................................................................................................................ 766 DrawingVectorAbsolute............................................................................................................... 766 DwgClippedPositioning ............................................................................................................... 768 DwgLblEndOfSegmentPos .......................................................................................................... 768 DwgLinearAbsPos ....................................................................................................................... 769

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Contents DwgLinearPositioning ................................................................................................................. 769 Leader Modules .................................................................................................................................. 769 DrawingCoordLeaderControl....................................................................................................... 770 DrawingLinearLeader .................................................................................................................. 770 DwgLeaderControl ....................................................................................................................... 771 DwgMarginLeaderControl ........................................................................................................... 771 Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 775


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Preface This document is a reference data guide for the SmartPlant 3D Drawings and Reports task. The purpose of this document is to describe the reference data delivered with the software for this task. Reference data includes both catalog data and specification data. Catalog data includes the parts that you place in the model, such as piping components and equipment. Specification data includes the rules that govern how those parts are placed and connected. For more information, refer to the Drawings and Reports task user documentation:  Orthographic Drawings User's Guide  Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide  Reports User's Guide

SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set SmartPlant 3D documentation is available as Adobe PDF files. The content is the same as online Help. To access these PDF documents, click Help > Printable Guides in the software. The documentation set is divided into four categories:  Administrative guides contain information about installing, configuring, customizing, and troubleshooting SmartPlant 3D.  User's guides provide command reference and how-to information for working in each SmartPlant 3D task.  Reference data guides define the reference data workbooks. Not all tasks have reference data.  ISOGEN guides

Administrative Guides SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide - Provides instructions on installing and configuring the software. Project Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the databases, creating permission groups, backing up and restoring project data, assigning access permissions to the model, defining and managing locations for Global Workshare, and version migration. SmartPlant 3D Global Workshare Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the software and the databases to work in a workshare environment. SmartPlant 3D Interference Checking Guide - Provides information on installing, configuring, and using the interference detection service. SmartPlant 3D Integration Reference Guide - Provides information about installing, configuring, and using SmartPlant 3D in an integrated environment. SmartPlant 3D Interpreting Human Piping Specifications - Provides information about how to interpret human piping specifications so that you can create the corresponding piping specification in the software. SmartPlant 3D Point Cloud Reference - Provides information for referencing point cloud files provided by point cloud vendors in SmartPlant 3D.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Preface SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide - Provides information on how to resolve errors that you may encounter in the software by documenting troubleshooting tips, error messages, and to do list messages. SmartPlant 3D Plant Design System (PDS) Guide - Provides all information needed to use PDS with SmartPlant 3D. Topics include referencing active PDS projects in SmartPlant 3D, exporting PDS data and importing that data into SmartPlant 3D, and converting PDS reference data to SmartPlant 3D reference data. SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D Programmer's Guide - Provides information about custom commands, naming rules, and symbol programming.

User's Guides Catalog User's Guide - Provides information about viewing, editing, and creating reference data and select lists (codelists). Common User's Guide - Provides information about defining workspaces, manipulating views, and running reports. Electrical User's Guide - Provides information about routing electrical cable, cableway, cable tray, and conduit. Equipment and Furnishings User's Guide - Provides information about placing equipment. Grids User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating coordinate systems, elevation grid planes, vertical grid planes, radial cylinders, radial planes, grid arcs, and grid lines. Hangers and Supports User's Guide - Provides instructions on placing piping, duct, and cableway supports in the model. HVAC User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing HVAC duct. Orthographic Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing orthographic drawings. Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing piping isometric drawings. Piping User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing pipe and placing valves, taps, and pipe joints. Reports User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing spreadsheet reports. Space Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing space objects such as areas, zones, interference volumes, and drawing volumes in the model. Structural Analysis User's Guide - Provides instructions for defining loads, load cases, load combinations, and the importing and exporting of analytical data. Structure User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing structural members such as: beams, columns, slabs, openings, stairs, ladders, equipment foundations, and handrails. Systems and Specifications User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating systems and selecting which specifications are available for each system type.

Reference Data Guides SmartPlant 3D 2D Symbols User's Guide - Provides command reference information and procedural instructions for creating 2D symbols used to represent collars, clips, profiles, brackets, and other items.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Preface SmartPlant 3D 2D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about the two-dimensional symbols used in all tasks. Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about reports reference data. Electrical Reference Data Guide - Provides information about electrical cable, cableway, cable tray, and conduit reference data. Electrical 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the cable tray and conduit 3D symbols that are available. Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide - Provides information about equipment reference data. Equipment 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the equipment, equipment component, design shapes, and design aides 3D symbols that are available. Hangers and Supports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hangers and supports reference data. Hangers and Supports 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the hanger and support 3D symbols that are available. HVAC Reference Data Guide - Provides information about HVAC reference data. HVAC 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the HVAC 3D symbols that are available. SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide - Provides instructions about the Bulkload utility, codelists, and the reference data common to several disciplines. Piping Reference Data Guide - Provides information about piping reference data including piping specifications, piping specification rules, piping parts, and piping symbols. Piping 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the piping 3D symbols that are available. Space Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about space management reference data. Structure Reference Data Guide - Provides information about structural reference data. Structure 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the stair, ladder, footings, and equipment foundation 3D symbols that are available.

ISOGEN Guides Symbol Keys Reference Guide - Provides information about the symbol keys for isometric drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide



Documentation Comments We welcome comments or suggestions about this documentation. You can send us an email at: [email protected].


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

What's New in Drawings and Reports Reference Data - SP3D The following changes have been made to the Drawings and Reports reference data. Version 2009.1  A new leader annotation module is available that places an offset between the leader and the drawing matchline. For more information, see DwgMarginLeaderControl (on page 771). (P3 CP:169005)  Added a workflow description for assigning drawing objects to specific layers in the drawing view. For more information, see Assign Drawing Objects to Specific Layers (on page 77). (P2 CP:167664)  Added descriptions of the annotation modules. For more information, see Annotation Modules (on page 721). (P2 CP:159948) Descriptions of the custom graphic rule modules have been updated and relevant workflows have been added. For more information, see Custom Graphic Rule Modules (see "Custom Graphic Modules" on page 687). (P3 CP:158741)  Added descriptions of the delivered Orthographic Drawings Packages and Components. For more information, see Orthographic Drawing Packages (on page 120). (P2 CP:159955)  Added descriptions of the delivered dimension rules and templates. For more information, see Dimension Rules (on page 641). (P2 CP:159944) Version 2009  Descriptions of the new fireproofing label have been added. For more information, see Beams in Elevation View Styles (on page 253), Beams in Plan View Styles (on page 227), Braces in Structural Elevation View Styles (on page 492), and Braces in Structural Plan View Styles (on page 510). (P3 CP:156898)  Added descriptions of the delivered Orthographic View Styles. For more information, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). (P2 CP:126931)  Descriptions for creating custom labels have been added. For more information, see Creating Labels. (P3 CP:148254).  Descriptions of the delivered View Rules have been added. For more information, see View Label Rules in Drawings (on page 522). P3 CP:152346)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


What's New in Drawings and Reports Reference Data - SP3D


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Delivered Reference Data in Drawings and Reports Drawings reference data are delivered in the Catalog database and displayed within the hierarchy in the Catalog task. User-generated drawings are stored in the Model database.

Drawing Documents Drawing documents, sheets and views are not included in the Catalog database. Generated drawings are maintained within the Model database. You can use drawing objects to create filters for use in view styles and in creating search folders:

Templates Report and Label templates reside in the Catalog and are included in the hierarchy in the Catalog task:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Delivered Reference Data in Drawings and Reports The Catalog templates also reside in the Symbols share. You can copy a Catalog Label from the Symbols share \Labels\Types of Labels folder to the \Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates folder to use them as Drawing Labels in a drawing view style. For more information, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. Report and Label occurrences reside in the Model database. When you are creating or applying filters, the Report Templates node is included in the Object Type hierarchy:

Drawing Volumes Drawing volumes are included as space definitions in the Catalog task hierarchy within the Space folder:

Drawing volume occurrences are available in the model for creating filters for drawings:

For additional information on drawing volumes, see Drawing Volume Properties Sheet (on page 531) and the Space Management User's Guide.

See Also The Management Console, Folders, and Components (on page 17)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


The Management Console, Folders, and Components When working in the Drawings and Reports task, you manage your work with the Management Console, the panel on the left side of the application window. The Management Console is where you add folders, components, and packages to manage your drawing and report documents.

You add components to the Management Console by right-clicking the top level or an existing folder and selecting New on the shortcut menu. This displays the Add Component dialog box for you to add folders, components, and packages to the console. For more information on the New command, see any of the Drawings and Reports user's guides:  Orthographic Drawings User's Guide  Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide  Reports User's Guide You can also manage documents, components, and packages in the 3D modeling tasks using the Tools > Drawings Console command. For more information, see the Common User's Guide.

Delivered Components and Folders When you first enter the Drawings and Reports task, the Management Console is empty except for the top-most level, the Model. You add Folders to the Model, then begin adding components and packages to the folders you create. For example, you could add a folder and call it Equipment, then add the Imperial_Equipment Drawing package to the folder to create Equipment drawings. The delivered components are shown on the General tab of the Add Component dialog box. They include:

Delivered Component 3D Model Data

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Description Creates a 3D Model Data component in the Console. Right-click the component and select Setup on the shortcut menu to specify a filter that identifies the 17

The Management Console, Folders, and Components objects you want collected by the 3D Model Data component. You can use the 3D Model Data component to output SmartPlant Review files or CAD (SAT) files. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. MicroStation 3D DGN

Creates a MicroStation 3D DGN component in the Console. Right- click the component and select Setup from the shortcut menu to define the MicroStation seed file and style to use in generating the component documents. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.


Creates an empty folder in the Console.

Drawings By Query Manager

Creates a Drawings by Query Manager in the Console. The Drawings by Query Manager is used in conjunction with other components, such as the Orthographic Drawing by Query and Piping Isometric Drawing by Query components, to complete the query for objects in the model. The Drawings by Query Manager provides the filter that specifies the "where" side of the query. It tells the query "where" to look for the objects specified by the component "what" filter. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings Users Guide and the Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.

Generic Module Folder

Creates a Generic Module Folder in the Console. The Generic Module Folder component provides a way for you to run your custom VB modules to create custom drawings. You set up the Generic Module Folder component to use your custom VB module. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.

Composed Drawing

Creates a Composed Drawing component in the Console. Composed drawings are orthographic drawings created in a 3D task such as Common. The composed drawing component manages the composed drawings you create. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.

Orthographic Drawing by Query


Creates an Orthographic Drawings by Query component in the Console. The Orthographic Drawing by Query component allows you to create drawings for many objects in the model all in the same manner. This component does not require

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

The Management Console, Folders, and Components physical volumes in the model. The software uses a filter-based query to collect the objects and document them automatically. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. Piping Isometric Drawing by Query

Creates a Piping Isometric Drawings by Query component in the Console. You create isometric drawing by associating a Piping Isometric Drawing by Query component to a Query Manager. The Piping Isometric Drawing by Query component specifies the "what" portion of the query, while the Query Manager specifies the "where". More information is available in the Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.

Spreadsheet Reports

Creates a Spreadsheet Report component in the Console. More information is available in the Reports User's Guide.

Search Folder

Creates a Search Folder in the Console. Search Folders allow you to search for documents based on common properties such as out-of- date status, approval, or documents that have been published to a certain contract in integrated environment. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.

Creates a Volume Drawings component in the Console. The Volume Drawing component uses a template to create drawings. You can place a view on the template and associate the view with a view style to control the output. To define the contents of the view, you create a drawing volume in the model. More information is available in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. For more information on the delivered components, see:  3D Model Data (on page 20)  Exporting 3D Model Graphics to MicroStation (on page 22)  Generic Module Folder (on page 22)  Composed Drawings (on page 23)  Drawings by Query Manager (on page 25)  Orthographic Drawings by Query (on page 27)  Piping Isometric Drawings by Query (on page 28)  Spreadsheet Reports (on page 30)  Search Folders (on page 31)  Volume Drawings (on page 32) Volume Drawings

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


The Management Console, Folders, and Components

Delivered Packages Delivered packages contain components that have already been defined or setup to create particular types of drawings, usually per discipline such as Electrical or Structural. For more information on the delivered packages, see:  Orthographic Drawing Packages (on page 120)  Orthographic Drawing by Query Components (on page 206)  Piping Isometric Drawing by Query Packages (on page 539)

See Also Delivered Reference Data in Drawings and Reports (on page 15) Orthographic Drawings Reference Data (on page 119) Reports Reference Data (on page 545)

3D Model Data You can create a 3D Model Data component and base it on a specific filter. The filter defines the contents of the component documents when they are created. You can use the 3D Model Data component to output SmartPlant Review files or CAD (SAT) files. For more information on setting up the 3D Model Data component, see Setup a 3D Model Data component.

Output as Neutral CAD (SAT) Graphics File You can setup the 3D Model Data component to output your model objects to a neutral CAD (.sat) file format. Right-click the 3D Model Data component and select Setup to set the filter and output file path.

Output as SmartPlant Review File If you are using the 3D Model Data component to output as SmartPlant Review files, there are three files the software generates depending on how you set up the 3D Model Data component. If you are working in an integrated environment (registered with the SmartPlant Registration Wizard), the software creates all three files: ZVF, VUE, and XML. If you are not working in an integrated environment, the software only creates the VUE and XML files. You can set the output on the 3D Model Data component to save the SmartPlant Review (SPR) file to disk, database, or both. If your model has been registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, the software also creates a ZVF file during the update process. The SmartPlant Review VUE file is never published. Likewise, the ZVF file is never copied to the disk; it must be saved to the database for publishing to SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide, available from Help > Printable Guides. The basic workflow for creating a 3D Model Data component is:  Define your workspace logically, based on divisions such as Unit or Area, instead of choosing a filter based on the entire model.  Create a 3D Model Data component and set it up with a filter and output file information.  Create the 3D Model Data document (one document per 3D Model Data component). SPR shows the objects from the VUE file using global coordinates. If you plan to save the 3D Model Data component documents to a VUE file using the Save as SmartPlant Review File command, right-click the component and select Properties to check the Style tab Coordinate System property setting. You want to make sure the Plant Monument 20

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The Management Console, Folders, and Components Coordinate Offset is passed correctly to SPR when creating the VUE file. The offset value allows you to see the original coordinates relative to the new SPR coordinate system.  Revise the documents if publishing to SmartPlant Foundation.  Set properties Surface Styles and Aspects properties as needed on the 3D Model Data documents. For more information, see Set surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents.  Update the documents using Update Now or Batch > Update on the 3D Model Data component shortcut menu.  Save the documents to a predefined location for viewing in SmartPlant Review or publish the documents to the registered SmartPlant Foundation plant. For a more comprehensive list of tasks associated with the 3D Model Data Components, see 3D Model Data Component Common Tasks.

Recommendations for Exporting to SmartPlant Review 

The number of objects generated by a 3D Model Data component and exported successfully to a SmartPlant Review file depends largely on the type of objects and your hardware resources. We recommend that you limit each 3D Model Data component filter to approximately 50,000 objects.  Monitor the error logs regularly for resource issues, even if the specified filter worked initially. Users could add more objects to the model meeting the filter criteria.  SmartPlant Review (SPR) version (or higher) allows you to open multiple VUE files simultaneously. Refer to your SmartPlant Review documentation for more information. When you open VUE and XML files in SPR for the first time, SPR builds a database containing the tag information for the files. This process may take a significant amount of time.  SmartPlant Review (SPR) version (or higher) supports turning SmartPlant 3D aspects on and off. All aspects are turned on by default in SPR. The SPRSchema.txt file can be customized to add any user-defined aspects. The 3D View Control used for viewing the published graphics in SmartPlant Markup does not currently support turning aspects on and off.

Project Supervisor Setup Your project supervisor should set up appropriate filters that define the objects to include in the component documents when they are created. You must install the SmartPlant Schema Component and the SmartPlant Client to use this component. For more information, see the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide available from Help > Printable Guides.

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The Management Console, Folders, and Components

Exporting 3D Model Graphics to MicroStation You can export 3D model graphics directly to MicroStation. The actual export is not a drawing file. It is an actual 3D file translated into MicroStation graphic types. While the workflow is similar to that of regular volume drawings, there are some differences. You create a MicroStation component with the same Add Component command. Once the component is created, right-click and select Setup from the shortcut menu. The Setup command allows you to define the MicroStation seed file and style to use in generating the component documents. The view style you specify for the component determines which model object graphics are included in the component documents. The view style also specifies the layers on which the graphics are placed when imported in MicroStation. The seed file selected determines the MicroStation symbology used within the document. Layers are referred to as Levels in MicroStation. Levels are defined by integers 0-63 and must be entered in the Layers property in the view style properties dialog box.

Generic Module Folder The Generic Module Folder component provides a way for you to run your custom VB modules to create custom drawings. You set up the Generic Module Folder component to use your custom VB module. For example, you might create a VB module to create MicroStation 3D drawings, AutoCAD 3D drawings, or Electrical Isometric drawings. The Generic Module Folder is simply a container for your VB modules. You create the component just like other components, but when you perform Setup on the component, you specify a custom VB module. The software builds the list of available VB modules from the Symbols share, specifically from \Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\DwgTypeModules. You must store your VB module in this location to have access to it when setting up the component.

Custom VB Module The behavior of the component depends entirely on how the VB module is developed. Everything is controlled by the VB module. When you right click the component, the VB module determines which menu items are available. If the module has a command that creates documents, you see the Create Documents command. If, for whatever reason, the module does not need documents, the document-related commands do not appear on the shortcut menu. Other commands the VB module might include are Rename, Delete, Refresh, and Print. For more information on general commands available, see Shortcut Menus. If the module supports publishing, the right-click menu includes the Publish command. This command is available only if your model has been registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard. For more information, see Publishing Documents. For information on the interfaces used to create a custom VB drawing module, see the Programmer's Guide. Contact your administrator or Intergraph Support if you need the Programmer's Guide. You can find support information on our web site http://support.intergraph.com (http://support.intergraph.com/).


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

The Management Console, Folders, and Components

Composed Drawings Composed drawings are orthographic drawings created in a 3D task, such as Common, through the Drawing Console. The composed drawing component manages the composed drawings you create. Composed drawings are flexible, allowing you to have views that are managed by a drawing region and associate the views to volumes and other views. In 3D modeling tasks such as Common, you can use the Tools > Drawing Console command to create a composed drawing component and the drawings associated with it. In the Drawings and Reports task, you can create the composed drawing component, but you must use the 3D modeling tasks to associate the drawing to objects in the model. 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, use the Tools > Define Layout Style command to create layout styles you need for your composed drawing regions, then use the layout styles when you create your layout templates with the Tools > Edit Layout Template command. 2. Create a folder for the drawing component either in the Management Console, or go to a 3D task and use Tools > Drawing Console to create the component. 3. In the 3D modeling task, use the Drawing Console to create new composed drawings. Right-click the component and select New Drawing. For more information, see New Drawing. You can also use Edit on the shortcut menu to view or modify existing composed drawings. You can select Tools > Snapshot View to add snapshots of the model to composed drawings. For additional information, see the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides. 4. When the composed drawing is open in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor, you can add views, associate views to volumes or other views, remove view associations, add dependent report views, and modify the layout of the drawing sheet. For more information, see Create a new composed drawing. For information on the Drawings Compose Toolbar, see "Working with 3D Task Drawings" in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help. After saving the drawing in SmartSketch Drawing Editor, return to the Drawing Console to do additional editing, update the drawing, and revise and publish the drawing. After the composed drawing is created, it is just like any other drawing document and can be managed in the Drawings and Reports task. For information on the 2D commands available for editing, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help. If the drawing document you are looking at in the Detail View has a yellow icon (for example: ), the drawing document is a version 6.1 legacy Snapshot drawing. You should use the Tools > Convert Legacy Snapshots command to convert this document to a Composed Drawing for use in the current version of the software. If you do not convert the legacy snapshot drawing, you cannot perform edit operations on the drawing, including update, revise, and publish. For more information, see Convert Legacy Snapshots.

Drawing Regions and Drawing Views A region is a container that manages drawing views. The layout style associated with the region dictates the order and placement of the managed drawing views. Drawing views are associated with objects, volumes, or other drawing views. You place regions and views on a composed

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


The Management Console, Folders, and Components drawing when it is open in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. For more information on placing regions and views, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.

Regions and drawing views behave as follows:  You can create a drawing view outside a region, but this makes the drawing view an "unmanaged view", meaning the properties of the region do not impact the drawing view. However, if a view is inside a region or touching a region, the region manages the drawing view and, when you update the drawing, the software associates the drawing view with the region and updates it based on the applied region layout style.  If a region refuses to accept a drawing view (for example: the region is defined for three views, and you are attempting to add a fourth view), the drawing view is added as an unmanaged view, just outside and to the upper left of the region. If another region occupies this space in the drawing area, the unmanaged view is placed as close to the original region as possible.  If a drawing view "straddles" two or more regions, the region that contains more of the drawing view manages it. If the drawing view equally straddles two or more regions, the software uses the first drawing view point to measure distance and determine which region manages the drawing view.  If a region contained a drawing view and the drawing view properties make it ineligible for the region, the software removes the drawing view from the region automatically and places is in the upper left of the drawing area, outside of other regions.

Layout Templates and Layout Styles Composed drawings use layout templates and layout styles to assist you in creating reusable drawings. The software combines layout templates with drawing borders to create composed drawings. Layouts also use regions as containers to manage drawing views. You also define a layout style associated with the region. The layout style dictates the order and placement of the managed drawing views. For more information on defining layout styles, see Define Layout Style


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The Management Console, Folders, and Components Command (on page 107). For additional information on editing layout templates, see Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113).

Drawing Borders When you create a composed drawing in a 3D task, you specify a border template to use with the drawing. After the drawing is created, you can switch the border associated with the drawing using the Switch Border command on the shortcut menu of the drawing. For more information, see Switch Border.

Drawings by Query Manager The Drawings by Query Manager component works in conjunction with the Orthographic Drawing by Query and Piping Isometric Drawing by Query components. The Drawings by Query Manager provides the filter that specifies the "where" side of the query. It tells the query "where" to look for the objects specified by the component "what" filter. After you have set up the Drawings by Query Manager, you are ready to start creating drawings with either an Orthographic Drawing by Query and Piping Isometric by Query components. The Drawings by Query Manager uses the normal filter to specify "where" to look for the objects included in the drawing. You do not use an asking filter with the Drawings by Query Manager. The Drawings by Query Manager component is available by running the New command from the shortcut menu of a folder in the Console hierarchy. It is best to store the Drawings by Query Manager in the same location as the other components with which it works.

Drawings by Query Manager Shortcut Menu Right click on the Drawings by Query Manager component to display the shortcut menu. Run Query - Runs the query specified by the Drawings by Query Manager setup definition. If you have not run the Drawings by Query Manager Setup command, this command is unavailable. Copy - Copies the Drawings by Query Manager component. After you paste the copy to a different location in the Console hierarchy, you can run Setup again as needed for the new Drawings by Query Manager. Delete - Deletes the Drawings by Query Manager component. It does not delete any of the associated Drawings by Query components or documents. Rename - Renames the component. It does not affect any of the associated Drawings by Query components or documents. Save Package - Allows you to save the Drawings by Query Manager and its definition as a package to be reused in other folder locations in the hierarchy. Setup - Specifies the Filter and Package to query for the Drawings by Query components. Properties - Displays the Properties dialog box for the component.

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Orthographic Drawings by Query You can generate orthographic (volume) drawings using a filter-based query. The Orthographic Drawing by Query component allows you to create drawings for many objects in the model all in the same manner. This component does not require physical volumes in the model. The software uses a filter-based query to collect the objects and document them automatically. For example, Hanger drawings use parts that can be queried from the database. There are many of them, and in most cases, they are documented the same way. Using the Orthographic Drawing by Query component means you do not have to place hundreds of drawing volumes to document each type of part or assembly. The basic workflow for creating Orthographic Drawings by Query is as follows:  Create an Orthographic Drawing by Query component that specifies what you want to document  Create a Query Manager that says where to look for the data  Run the filter-based query  Create the drawings  Update the drawings  Publish the drawings to a viewable graphic file; no physical data is published

Administrator Setup Your administrator sets up appropriate templates to use with the Orthographic Drawings by Query component. The administrator is also responsible for creating filters that define "what" and filters that specify "where" in the model to look for the objects. The template and the "what" filter information within the component are saved as a package.

Drawings by Query Manager The Drawings by Query Manager uses the normal filter to specify "where" to look for the objects included in the drawing. You do not use an asking filter with the Drawings by Query Manager. For more information on the filters necessary for setting up a Drawings by Query component, see Drawings by Query Filters.

Navigator Rules The navigator rules for Orthographic Drawings by Query tell the software how to traverse elements to be included in the range for the drawing view objects. The navigation rule can also optionally return separate object collections, whose range is included in the 3D object range. If no navigation rule is specified for a drawing view, the drawing object collection includes everything in the 3D object range. The delivered rules are:  HngSupSimpleNavigator.dll - Specific to Hanger and Support objects. Returns the HangersSupport objects, support components, supporting objects, supported objects, and the design children (recursively). It also returns the control points on the HangerSupport objects and support components.  HngSupRangeNavigator.dll - Same as HngSupSimpleNavigator.dll with design children collection to extent of the HangerSupport range. Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


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DrawingSpoolNavigator.dll - Specific to Spools. Returns the Spool, its connected parts, and their features.  HngSupNoSupportingRange.dll - Same as HngSupRangeNavigator.dll, but without supporting objects.  SystemRangeNavigator.dll - Specific to Equipment objects. Returns the Equipment objects, as specified by the "what" filter. It also returns design hierarchy children of the Equipment, including any Route objects that are children of the Equipment (Runs, Parts, and Features). When you edit the template associated to an Orthographic Drawing by Query component, such as the HgrSup3View package, you can set the navigation rule assigned to each drawing view. Right-click the component or package and select Edit Template to open the drawing template in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. Select and right- click a drawing view to display the Drawing View Properties and set the navigator rule. For more information, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.

Piping Isometric Drawings by Query Isometric drawings communicate several important types of information to a pipe fabrication workshop. This information includes pipe cut lengths, bend angles, and welds. You create isometric drawing by associating a Piping Isometric Drawing by Query component to a Query Manager. The Piping Isometric Drawing by Query component specifies the "what" portion of the query, while the Query Manager specifies the "where". The basic workflow for creating Piping Isometric Drawings by Query is as follows:  Create a Piping Isometric Drawing by Query component that specifies what you want to document  Create a Drawings by Query Manager that specifies where to look for the data  Run the filter-based query  Create the drawings  Update the drawings, if necessary  Publish the drawings to a viewable graphic file; no physical data is published Each Piping Isometric Drawing by Query component has an associated isometric style. The delivered styles are Iso_Pipeline, Iso_Piperun, Iso_PenSpool, Iso_Spool, Iso_WBS, and Iso_Stress. You can open the Isometric Style Options Browser from any of the isometric drawing styles by right-clicking the drawing style in the Console and selecting Edit Options on the shortcut menu. The browser allows you to set options for isometric drawing format and content. After creating the Piping Isometric Drawings, you can open them for viewing, editing, printing, and publishing (if your model has been registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard). To troubleshoot the drawings, you can use the View Data command to access part and reports information and log files.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

The Management Console, Folders, and Components The software uses a third-party engine made by Alias, ISOGEN, to generate isometric drawings from the three- dimensional model. The following illustration shows the process of creating the drawings.

The application creates a piping component file (PCF), which is used along with the isometric style information to create an intermediate data file (IDF). The ISOGEN engine then reads the IDF and creates the isometric drawings.

Administrator Setup Your administrator should setup appropriate isometric styles to use with the Piping Isometric Drawings by Query component. The administrator is also responsible for creating filters that define "what" and filters that specify "where" in the model to look for the objects. The template and the "what" filter information within the component are saved as a package.

Drawings by Query Manager The Drawings by Query Manager uses the filter to specify "where" to look for the objects included in the drawing. For more information on the filters necessary for setting up a Drawings by Query component, see Drawings by Query Filters.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


The Management Console, Folders, and Components

Spreadsheet Reports The Spreadsheet Report component allows you to define report templates and create report deliverables. The software features a tabbed editor called the Report Template Editor that allows you to create and modify report templates. Most of the delivered reports use a combination of filters and SQL. The Report Template Editor includes an interface for entering database query syntax and testing the results of a query as part of the report. The editor also features an Excel component in which you can drag and drop attributes onto a worksheet. The default format of all reports is Microsoft Excel format. After you make changes to a template, you can test the template by using the Update Document(s) or Update Now command. For more information on updating documents, see Updating Documents. There are several types of spreadsheet reports delivered with the software. They are defined and described in the Reports.xls workbook. For more information on the workbook, see the Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide.  

 


Microsoft Excel 2000 SP3 is the minimum supported version for the Drawings and Reports task. Later versions are also supported. With SmartPlant 3D, Excel 2007 is also supported. Excel 2007 has a new file format and extension (.xlsx). However, the delivered report templates still use the old .xls extension. If you create a report template with the .xlsx extension, only machines with Excel 2007 will be able to handle (edit, update, or open) the report. If you attempt to open a .xlsx file with an older version of Excel, an error message appears stating that the file is not compatible with the version of Excel. For users of Office XP, in Microsoft Excel under Tools > Macro > Security > Trusted Publishers tab, check the Trust Access to Visual Basic Project option. For users of Office 2007, click the Microsoft Office button to access Excel Option. Go to the Trust Center category and select the Trust Center Settings button. Select the Macro Settings category and check Trust access to the VBA project object model. For more information about Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2007, and service packs, refer to the Microsoft web site (http://www.microsoft.com/) (http://www.microsoft.com/).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

The Management Console, Folders, and Components

Search Folders Search Folder allows you to search for documents based on common properties such as out-of-date status, approval, or documents that have been published to a certain contract in integrated environment. You can create a Search Folder component in any folder in the Console. After running the query defined for a Search Folder, you can perform such tasks as Update or Publish as if you were working from the actual owning component location for the documents. The documents found by the Search Folder query are listed in the Detail View as if they existed under the Search Folder component. You are able to interact with the Search Folder documents just as if you were dealing with the "real" components that own the documents. Search folders can also be used for reports. The Search Folder Component is available by running the New command from the shortcut menu of a folder in the Console hierarchy. Generally, you can create a Search Folder component under any component in the Console that allows you to run New command.

Search Folder Shortcut Menu Right click on the Search Folder component to display the Search Folder shortcut menu. Run Query - Runs the query specified by the Search Folder setup definition. If you have not run the Search Folder Setup command, this command is not available. Setup - Specifies the query to run for the Search Folder. Selecting Setup for the Search Folder does not perform the individual setups for any of the drawing by query documents found in the Search Folder query and shown in the detail view. Copy - Copies the Search Folder. It does not copy the associated documents shown in the detail view area. The Search Folder setup information is saved with the copy. After you paste the copy to a different location in the Console hierarchy, you can run Setup again as needed for the new Search Folder. Delete - Deletes the Search Folder. It does not delete any of the documents found in the associated detail view. Rename - Renames the Search Folder. It does not affect any of the documents found in the associated detail view. Properties - Displays the Configuration Properties for the document. To change properties on the document, go the "owner" location of the document. The Search Folder does not participate in any propagation of properties to its documents. Save Package - Allows you to save the Search Folder and its definition as a package to be reused in other folder location in the hierarchy. 

After the search folder is placed in the console, it will follow the same localized naming convention as a normal folder. For example: "New Search Folder", "New Search Folder (2)", and so forth. Unlike normal folders, you cannot create components beneath a Search Folder. This includes Paste; however, you can Copy the Search Folder and paste it somewhere else in the hierarchy.

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The Search Folder does not participate in any commands executed from a higher node (for example, Update, Refresh, and Publish). This prevents multiple actions being run on the same documents.

Volume Drawings The Volume Drawing component uses a template to create drawings. You can place a view on the template and associate the view with a view style to control the output. To define the contents of the view, you create a drawing volume in the model. Before you create these types of drawings, an administrator should create or edit drawing view styles and templates for use with the drawings. For example, you can place title block labels and reports on the templates to reflect your project or company standards. After you have your view styles and templates in place, you are ready to start creating drawings. The volume drawings require that the changes occur within the drawing template. The software allows you to place several views on a template each with independent scale. In the Space Management task, you can place a volume, which is associated to a single or multiple views. The volume you create in Space Management is associated with all the views you create within a volume drawing template. Therefore, in a multiple view volume drawing, you can have multiple views of the same volume, and each view specifies the style, scale, and orientation for the volume associated with the view. If the volume you create is too big for a particular view at its scale, the volume is clipped. For example, if you place two views in a drawing template with the following property settings:  DrawingView1 - Size 6" x 6", Scale 1" = 1', and Orientation = Plan  DrawingView2 - Size 6" x 6", Scale 1" = 1', and Orientation = North. You use the Place Volume By 2-Points command in the Space Management task from coordinates (0,0,0) to (6,6,6). In this case, the volume is exactly the right size based on scale and orientation. The generated drawing contains the complete contents of the volume. However, if your volume was placed from (0,0,0) to (8,6,6), the volume is too big for the drawing view on the template. The maximum volume size the view can accommodate is no more than 6 inches on each side. The software centers the volume in the drawing view, effectively giving you the information from (1,0,0) to Define Workspace or Tools > Select by Filter commands in any 3D task. One way to organize the drawing filters is by discipline, such as Piping, Equipment, or Structure. The following example shows Equipment filters. You can also define filters within the View Style Properties dialog box by selecting More in the Filter dropdown.

Defining View Styles for Drawing Views For orthographic drawings, you can create and edit view styles using the Tools > Define View Style command. For piping isometric drawings, you can modify drawing output using the Isometric Style Options Browser dialog box. The software comes with default view styles for a number of drawing types. These view styles can be used as delivered or copied and modified to suit your needs. You can change the order of the rows on the View Style Properties dialog box by selecting a row and then clicking the up and down arrows on the left side of the dialog box. The software applies the graphic rules in a top- down manner. If an object finds its match in several filters, the last graphic rule applied (the bottom-most style) overrides any preceding graphic rules. Label rules and dimension rules accumulate.

Defining Styles for Key Plans The Tools > Define View Style command also allows you to create and maintain styles for key plans you place within a drawing. The key plan style uses an existing drawing view style to define the appearance of the key plan. You can create three different types of key plan styles: One Volume with Model View, Natural Volumes Only, and Normalized Volumes Only. Within regard to the graphic rules specified as part of the view style properties, the software honors only the last aspect applied.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

Define View Style Dialog Box Defines and edits view styles for drawings and MicroStation 3D DGN documents. You can open this dialog box by clicking Tools > Define View Style. When you create view styles, the software stores them as files in the Symbols share of the model.

View Style Type - Specifies a type of view style. The selected view style filters the hierarchy with the available styles found in the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Drawings\Catalog\Rules folder. The following view styles types are delivered:  Key Plan - For more information, see Key Plan View Styles (on page 520).  Orthographic - Orthographic and isometric view styles. For more information, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). New Style - Adds a new view style to the selected folder. Delete - Deletes the selected style from the hierarchy and removes it from the folder. Rename - Renames the selected view style. Properties - Displays the properties for the selected View Style Type for editing:  For Key Plan properties, see Key Plan Style Dialog Box (on page 104).  For Orthographic properties, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38). Close - Dismisses the dialog box.

See Also Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35)

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Tools Menu

View Style Properties Dialog Box Defines view styles for orthographic drawings and MicroStation 3D DGN documents. You can open this dialog box by clicking New or Properties on the Select View Style dialog box. The software stores the view styles and rules as files in the Symbols share. If you are editing the properties of an existing view style, the current properties are shown. If this is a new view style, all the fields are empty.

View Style Name - Specifies the name of the view style. The view style name can have up to 128 characters. If you are creating a new view style, you need to type a new name. We do not support special characters in the view style name (such as, $, #, =, /, or \). Description - Describes the view style.

View Style Settings Lists graphic preparation rules and resolution settings for intersections between objects. This section also lists tests and actions for the view style. Each row in the grid must contain a filter. If all the tests are true in a row, then the software executes the actions in that row. Filter Behavior - Specifies the content behavior for the objects returned by the selected filters when a drawing view is created. The options are:  Filters determine which objects are processed (Volume) - Specifies that all objects inside the volume run through the view style, regardless of workspace and show/hide settings. The items that match a filter in the view style are shown in the drawing with the appropriate rules applied. Items that do not match a filter are not included in the drawing.  Filters provide overrides to set of objects (Snapshot) - Indicates that a list of objects (that is, a combination of the workspace and the show/hide settings at the time you created the snapshot drawing volume) run through the view style. The items that match a filter in the view style are shown in the drawing with the appropriate rules applied. Items that do not match a filter are included in the drawing with a basic Visible Hidden Line (VHL) style applied. Graphic Preparation Rules - Specifies or defines a graphic preparation rule. One rule may contain several modules (.dll files). The module can replace the three-dimensional graphics shown in the model workspace with other three-dimensional graphics for the drawing. For more


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Tools Menu information, see Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48). For more information on the graphic rule files delivered with the product, see Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687). Intersection Edges - Creates lines where surfaces intersect each other. At High Resolution, more detail is shown in the drawing by creating lines between all intersecting surfaces. At Low Resolution, less detail is shown by omitting the bspline properties. For example, changing from Off to High Resolution would produce the following effect for your graphics:

Using High Resolution increases the drawing generation time. Preserve Z Order - Maintains the three-dimensional order of resymbolized graphics. This setting overrides the top-down ordering in the view style for the graphic rules. For example, pipe gaps display according to their layering in the 3D model. A cleaner-looking drawing results if this option is selected.

Filter Name - Specifies a filter in the current model. You can choose existing filters or define new filters by selecting More in the dropdown. You can use CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste filters from one cell to another. Asking or parameterized filters are only supported when they are asking for a WBS Project. Primary Orientation - Orientation of the primary linear axis of an object with respect to the drawing view. The primary linear axis is along the x-axis of the local coordinate system. Secondary Orientation - Orientation of the secondary linear axis of an object with respect to the drawing view. The secondary linear axis is along the y-axis of the local coordinate system. Primary Orientation and Secondary Orientation use the same options: Not shown Normal 1

Normal, toward you


Normal, away from you

Not shown Sloped

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Sloped, toward you


Sloped, away from you


Tools Menu See below

Sloped, projects horizontal

See below

Sloped, projects vertical

Not shown Parallel See below

Parallel, vertical


Parallel, pointing up


Parallel, pointing down


Parallel, horizontal


Parallel, pointing right


Parallel, pointing left

Parallel, sloped 10 The Sloped, projects horizontal and Sloped, projects vertical options provide special orientations for situations where the drawing needs to distinguish between a sloped pipe that projects orthogonally on the sheet and those that project non-orthogonally on the sheet. You may, for example, prefer orthogonally-projected pipe be dimensioned in the drawing with the pipes that are parallel and orthogonal to the sheet. The following graphic shows examples of a 3D model with pipe for both cases:



This pipe is sloped in the 3D space of the model, but projects using the Sloped, projects horizontal primary orientation. The view style specifies that the dimensions for the pipe are handled the same as the actual parallel, horizontal, and vertical pipe in the view.


This pipe is sloped in the 3D space of the model, but uses the Sloped primary orientation and does not project horizontally or vertically. The view style distinguishes between this pipe and pipe 1.


These pipes are parallel and horizontal or vertical to the view, and use the Parallel, horizontal and Parallel, vertical primary orientations.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu For dimensioning purposes in the drawing view, the Parallel, horizontal and Sloped, projects horizontal pipes are part of the same dimensioning chain. The Sloped pipe is not included in the dimensioning.

You can resymbolize the model graphics based on special orientation cases. For example, you might want to represent piping items that are parallel to the sheet plane as single lines while representing the items coming straight out of the sheet as special symbols. Clipping - Lists the various clipping options. For example, you might want to put a cap on a pipe that is clipped to the right of the sheet. Use the Clipped option when testing for objects that are clipped by one of the sides (Top, Bottom, Right, or Left) of the volume. Dimensioning pipe that is clipped by the volume can take advantage of this option setting. Use the Not Clipped option to test for objects that are not clipped at all. The Clipped and Not Clipped options ignore front and back clipping. The following picture illustrates the various clipping options - Left, Right, Front, Back, Top, and Bottom.

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Tools Menu Graphic Rule - Determines how objects passing the tests will display. Objects can be displayed as Vector Hidden Line (VHL) or resymbolized. If you click More, you can define a new graphic rule. For more information on graphic rules, see Graphic Rules (on page 83). Label Rule - Determines the labeling to be applied to objects that pass the tests. Click More in the field to select a label rule. For more information, see Label Rules (on page 98). For information on using bubble labels in your drawings, see Use Bubble Labels in Drawings (on page 75). Dimension Rule - Controls the placement of dimensions on objects that pass the tests. Click More in the field to select a dimension rule. For more information, see Dimensions.

View Frame This section provides additional view frame properties you can set within the view style. View Rule - Identifies the view frame rule to use for detail and section views within the drawing. Click More in the dropdown to select a view rule, modify an existing rule, or create a new rule. For more information, see View Rules (on page 101).

Matchline Label - Provides a selectable list of delivered matchline labels. Click More in the field to select a matchline rule. For more information, see Matchline Rules (on page 103). North Arrow Label - Provides a selectable list of delivered north arrow labels. Click More in the field to select a north arrow label. For more information, see North Arrow Rules (on page 104). Clear All - Removes all data in the grid, but not the name or description of the view style. 

 

You can change the order of the rows on the View Style Properties dialog box by selecting a row and then clicking the up and down arrows at the left side of the dialog box. If an object finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins. To delete a row from the table, select the row and press DELETE on the keyboard. If any text string is longer than the width of its box on the grid, a ToolTip provides the entire string.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35)


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Tools Menu

S e le c t Gra p h ic P re p a ra tio n Ru le Dia lo g Bo x Lists the available custom graphic rules. You can open this dialog box by clicking More in the Graphic Preparation Rules box on the View Style Properties dialog box. Views - Switches the view from List to Details. When you choose the List mode, descriptions of each rule do not appear. Rule Name - Lists the names of the graphic rules. Description - Lists the descriptions of the graphic rules. New - Creates a new graphic rule of the selected type. Rename - Renames the selected graphic rule. Delete - Deletes the selected graphic rule. Properties - Displays the properties for the selected graphic rule for editing. When you create a new custom rule or edit the properties for an existing rule, the Custom Graphic Rule dialog box displays. For more information, see Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43).

See Also Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48) View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38)

Cu s to m Gra p h ic Ru le Dia lo g Bo x Sets options for a custom graphic preparation rule.

Rule Name - Specifies the name of the custom graphic rule. Description - Describes the rule. Filter Name - Specifies a filter. The filter sets the criteria to meet for the custom rule to be applied. Custom Module - Specifies the module (a .dll file) that contains the changes you want to incorporate to objects meeting the criteria determined by the filter.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu For more information on using custom graphic rules, see Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687).

See Also Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48) View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Select Graphic Preparation Rule Dialog Box (on page 43)

S e le c t Dim e n s io n Ru le Dia lo g Bo x Lists the available dimension rules. You can open this dialog box by clicking More in the Dimension Rule box on the View Style Properties dialog box. Views - Switches the view from List to Details. When you choose the List mode, descriptions of each rule do not appear. Rule Name - Lists the names of the rules. For more information, see Use Dimension Rules. Description - Lists the descriptions of the rules. New - Creates a new rule. This button is not currently available. Rename - Renames the selected rule. This button is not currently available. Delete - Deletes the selected rule. Properties - Allows you to edit the properties for the selected rule. This button is not currently available.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38)

S e le c t La b e l Ru le Dia lo g Bo x Lists the available label rules. You can open this dialog box by clicking More in the Label Rule field on the View Style Properties dialog box. You can also open this dialog box from the Matchline Label or North Arrow Label lists. Views - Switches the view from List to Details. When you choose the List mode, descriptions of each rule do not appear. Rule Name - Lists the names of the rules. Description - Lists the descriptions of the rules. New - Creates a new rule. This button is not currently available. Rename - Renames the selected rule. This button is not currently available. Delete - Deletes the selected rule. Properties - Allows you to edit the properties for the selected rule. This button is not currently available.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Label Rules (on page 98)


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Tools Menu

Cre a te a n Orth o g ra p h ic Dra win g Vie w S tyle The following procedure steps you through creating an orthographic drawing view style with the Tools > Define View Style command. To create a key plan view style, see Create a Key Plan View Style (on page 46). 1. Select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. For more information, see Define View Style Dialog Box (on page 37). 2. In the View Style Type box, select the Orthographic view style type. 3. Click New Style to create a new orthographic view style. Click Rename the name of the new style.

to change

4. Select the new orthographic view style and click Properties to open the View Style Properties dialog box. For more information, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38). 5. In the View Style Name box, type the style name. 6. In the Description box, type an optional description of the style. 7. You can specify how the style rules are applied with regard to the objects found by the filter by selecting a Filter Behavior. 8. Under Graphic Preparation Rule, select or define a rule, if necessary. The rule can contain multiple modules (.dll files). Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48) 9. Specify the resolution in the Intersection Edges box. 10. Select the Preserve Z Order option if necessary. This option maintains the threedimensional order of the resymbolized graphics. 11. In the Filter Name column, select More in the dropdown list to choose an existing filter or to create a new filter. 12. Select additional tests, if necessary, in the Primary Orientation, Secondary Orientation, and Clipping columns. 13. In the Graphic Rule column, select an existing graphic rule or create a new graphic rule by clicking More. Graphic rules control the line style and formatting of the output. 14. In the Label Rule column, select a labeling rule. 15. In the Dimension Rule column, select a dimension rule. 16. Select a matchline label, if applicable. 17. Select a north arrow label, if applicable.   

Test your view style by creating drawings. You can edit the view style with the Tools > Define View Style command. The rules and associated files are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog folder. You can change the order of the rows on the View Style Properties dialog box by selecting a row and then clicking the up and down arrows at the left side of the dialog box. If an object finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins.

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Tools Menu 

To delete a row in the view style properties table, select it and press DELETE on the keyboard.

See Also Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35)

Cre a te a Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle The following procedure steps you through creating a key plan view style with the Tools > Define View Style command. To create an orthographic drawing view style, see Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45). 1. Select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. For more information, see Define View Style Dialog Box (on page 37). 2. In the View Style Type box, select the Key Plan style type. 3. Click New Style to create a new key plan view style. Click Rename name of the new style.

to change the

4. Select the new style and click Properties to open the Key Plan Style dialog box. For more information, see Key Plan Style Dialog Box (on page 104). 5. Specify a name and description for the new key plan view style. 6. Select a Key Plan Type. The list of available properties updates. 7. Select More for the Key Plan View Style property to display the Select View Style dialog box. 8. Select the View Style Type. 9. Click New to display the View Style Properties dialog box. 10. In the View Style Name box, type the style name. 11. In the Description box, type a description of the style. 12. In the Filter Name column, select More in the dropdown list to choose an existing filter or to create a new filter. To apply a style to the volume of the current drawing in the key plan, use the term KEY PLAN FOCUS ELEMENT in the Filter column of the key plan view style and then assign a graphic rule. You must use uppercase letters for the term. 13. In the Graphic Rule column, select an existing graphic rule or create a new graphic rule by clicking More. 14. In the Label Rule column, select a labeling rule, if applicable. 15. In the Dimension Rule column, select a dimension rule, if applicable. 16. Select a north arrow label, if applicable.     


A single drawing view can have multiple key plans. To delete a key plan style, select it and click Delete. Test your view style by creating drawings. You can edit the view style with the Tools > Define View Style command. The rules and associated files are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog folder. You can change the order of the rows on the View Style Properties dialog box by selecting a row and then clicking the up and down arrows at the left side of the dialog box. If an object Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins. To delete a row in the view style properties table, select it and press DELETE on the keyboard.

See Also Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35)

Cre a te Lin e S tyle s to Us e in Dra win g Vie w S tyle s The following steps show you how to create new line styles in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor and implement them in drawing view styles. The lines styles used by drawing view styles are stored in the Styles.sha file on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\templates\ folder. If you are going to add line styles to this file, you need write permission to the file because it is shared. If you do not have write permission to the file, you will not be able to save changes you make to the file. Contact your system administrator if you require write access to the file.

Create a New Line Style For more information on commands available in SmartSketch Drawing Editor, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help. 1. Open the Styles.sha file in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. Go to the \Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\Common2D\Shape2D\Bin folder and double-click Shape2DServer.exe. Use File > Open, navigate to the location of the Styles.sha file, and open it. 2. In SmartSketch Drawing Editor, select Format > Style. The Style dialog box appears. 3. Change the Style type to Line, then click New to create a new line style. 4. On the New Line Style dialog box, name the new line style. For example, create a new line style called AAA_Normal Dark Red. 5. In the Based on field, select a line style on which to base the new line style. For this example, the base style is None, which applies the style settings Color=Black, Weight=0.35 mm, Type=Dash Dot to the new line style. 6. Go to the General tab. Change the Color setting to Dk Red. Set the Width and Type properties as needed. 7. Click OK to save the changes. The new line style appears in the Styles list on the Styles dialog box. Click Close to exit the dialog box. 8. Select File > Save to save the Styles.sha file with the new line style. Exit SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

Implement a New Line Style in a Drawing View Style For more information creating view styles, see Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35). 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. 2. Select an existing view style and click Properties . This example uses the orthographic Civil Plan view style. The dialog displayed depends on the type of view style selected. If you

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select an orthographic view style, the View Style Properties dialog box appears. If you are changing a key plan view style, the Key Plan Style dialog box appears. With any view style type, you want to modify the Graphic Rule definition to use the new line style. Select More in the Graphic Rule dropdown to display the Select Graphic Rule dialog box. Select an existing graphic rule from the list and click Properties to display the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box. You can select the Visible Line Style property, for example, and select your new line style from the dropdown in the Value field. Click OK to modify the existing graphic rule, or you can change the name in the Rule name field to save the changes to a new graphic rule name. If you change the name, a confirmation dialog appears so you can verify the graphic rule action. Use the modified or new graphic rule in the view style definition and click OK to close the dialog boxes. You can save the changes to the existing view style or change the name of the view style. A confirmation dialog box appears so you can verify the view style action. Use the modified or new view style to create drawings and verify the appearance of the new line style.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Key Plan Style Dialog Box (on page 104) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35)

Cre a te o r Ed it a Gra p h ic P re p a ra tio n Ru le Graphic preparation rules allow you to customize the graphics included in your view style. You can use a graphic preparation rule to implement functionality that does not generally support interface that the Drawings environment requires. For example, the MakeDrawable custom module forces objects that cannot normally appear in a drawing, such as piping runs objects, to be drawable. 1. Click Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. 2. In the View Style Type box, select a drawing view type. 3. To create a new style, click New Style to create a new view style in the current folder. If you want to create a new folder for the view style, click New Folder first, then create the new style in the new folder. You can use Rename

to change the name of the new folder or style.

4. Select a new or existing drawing view style and click Properties to open the View Style Properties dialog box. For more information, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38).


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Tools Menu 5. In the Graphic Preparation Rule box, select More. The Select Custom Rule dialog box displays.

6. Click New to create a new graphic rule, or select an existing rule and click Properties to edit the properties. The Custom Graphic Rule dialog box displays.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

In the Rule Name box, type a name. In the Description box, type a description. In the Filter Name column, select a filter, such as Equipment. In the Custom Module column, select a .dll file. Click OK on the Custom Graphic Rule dialog box. On the Select Custom Rule dialog box, select the new or modified rule, and click OK to return to the View Style Properties dialog box. You can continue specifying parts of the view style on this dialog box.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Apply Grid Labels to Elevation and Section Views (on page 50)

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Tools Menu

Ap p ly Grid La b e ls to Ele va tio n a n d S e c tio n Vie ws The following procedure describes how to apply grid labels to elevation and section views on drawings. Custom rules are required along with filters for Grid Plane objects. The example workflow uses the GridLinesDrawingWrapperEntity.dll custom rule to resymbolize the grid plane as a set of lines. The lines draw at all perpendicular plane locations and extend along the elevation plane from (lowest Z-1)m to (highest Z+1)m of the coordinate system to which the grid plane belongs. For example, if the coordinate system has X=0,10,20, Y=0,5,10 and EL=0,10, then for the grid plane at X=0, there will be three lines:  Y=0 from Z-1 to Z+11  Y=5 from Z-1 to Z+11  Y=10 from Z-1 to Z+11 Check for the Required Filters If the catalog you are using does not have filters for Grid Plane Elevation and Sections, you need to create them. You need one for "Elevations" looking North/South and another for "Sections" looking East/West. Check the Catalog for the filters. If you are using the delivered default filters in version 6.1 or later, these two filters are delivered under Catalog Filters > SP3D Object Filters > Grid Systems.

Create the Required Filters If the Grid Plane Elevation and Sections filters do not exist, you can create them. For more information on creating filters, see the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides. 1. In the Common task, use File > Define Workspace to create two new filters. On the Define Workspace dialog box, select Create new filter in the Filter dropdown. The New Filter Properties dialog box displays.


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Tools Menu 2. Go to the Object Type tab and select Grid Systems. Expand Grid Systems and select Grid Plane.

3. Go to the Properties tab to further restrict the filter. For example, select Grid Planes and restrict to Axis = X for the Elevation filter and Axis = Y for the Sections filter. Select More in the Property dropdown. The Select Properties dialog box displays so you can specify the property definition for the Grid Plane object. Click OK to return to the Properties tab to set the value for the selected property. Refer to the graphic below for more information.

4. Click OK to save the new filter definitions.

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Tools Menu

Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style After checking to make sure you have the required filters or creating new filters, you need to create a view style that uses the filters to create the grid labels on your drawings. Go to the Drawings and Reports task to perform the steps below. 1. Select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box displays. For more information, see Define View Style Dialog Box (on page 37). 2. In the View Style Type box, select a drawing view style type. 3. Click New Style to create a new view style in the current folder. If you want to create a new folder for the view style, click New Folder first, then create the new style in the new folder. For example, you could create a view style called Elevation Grid Bubbles. You can use Rename

to change the name of the new folder or style.

4. Select the new style and click Properties to open the View Style Properties dialog box. For more information, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38). 5. In the Graphic Preparation Rule box, select More. The Select Custom Rule dialog box displays. 6. Click New to create a new graphic rule. The Custom Graphic Rule dialog box displays. 7. Select the Grid Plane Elevation filter by selecting More in the Filter Name dropdown. 8. Apply the GridLinesDrawingWrapperEntity.dll custom rule to resymbolize the vertical grid planes as lines. 9. Click OK on the Custom Graphic Rule dialog box. 10. On the Select Custom Rule dialog box, select the new rule, and click OK to return to the View Style Properties dialog box. 11. Specify a graphic rule to apply color or style to the graphics in the drawing. We recommend the "invisible" style to prevent the lines for Grid Planes from appearing. The software labels them even when invisible. 12. Apply a label rule that returns the name as its value. We recommend copying one of the delivered Grid labels and its supporting files in the \Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates folder and the \Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\LabelRules folder. Rename the new label and substitute one of the delivered name label .rqe files for the new labels query.


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Tools Menu 13. After defining the drawing view style, click OK to save the settings. The view style is now ready to use with drawings.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu The example workflow above uses columns and beams to give the results of the view style application and meaning. The row referencing Grid Plane Elevations is the only required row. In a drawing using the new view style, the Grid Planes are blue based on the settings from the view style:

Some modeling situations have intersections that cause unwanted Grid Planes to appear and be labeled. You may need to edit the drawing document and delete unwanted labels. Be sure to save changes to make to the drawing document so that subsequent updates are remembered. Use the procedure above to create separate view styles for Elevation and Section views. You can then create Elevation and Section view drawing type packages using the appropriate view styles. For more information, see Save Package Command.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48)


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Tools Menu

Ap p ly a Vis ib le Fill S tyle to a Dra win g The following procedure describes how to apply the Visible Fill Style VHL graphic rule option to drawings. It uses the following model as an example:

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Tools Menu Without using the Visible Fill Style VHL graphic rule option, the drawings of this model would appear as follows:

Create a View Style Using a Visible Fill Style Using the model shown previously, you want your drawings to display the top floor slab as a metal grating without changing the appearance of the bottom floor slab. You can use the Visible Fill Style on the VHL graphic rule for the view style to achieve this output. 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. 2. Select Orthographic View Styles as the View Style Type, then click New Style . Give the new style a name and click Properties to display the View Style Properties dialog box. In order for a fill style to work properly in a drawing, Intersection Edges must be set to Low Resolution or High Resolution. The default setting for an Orthographic View Style is Low Resolution. For more information on Intersection Edges, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38). 56

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Tools Menu 3. On the View Style Properties dialog box, create a filter for the view style. In the Filter Name dropdown, select Create New Filter. The Filter Properties dialog appears. First, you go to the Object Type tab and the structure slab objects only:

Then go to the Properties tab and specify the property definition to select only the slabs that are higher than 2 feet in elevation.

4. On the View Style Properties dialog box, click More in the Graphic Rule dropdown to display the Select Graphic Rule dialog box. Select Visible/Hidden Edges (VHL) as the Graphic View Type, then click New to create a new graphic rule.

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Tools Menu 5. On the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, give your new graphic rule a name and description. Set the Visible Fill Style with one of the dropdown options. For example, you would select Grate as the fill style for the top-most slab definition.

For more information, see Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87). 6. Click OK on all the view style dialog boxes to save the changes to the new graphic rule and the view style. You can now use this view style to create fill style drawings.


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See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48)

Ap p ly a Clip p e d S o lid Fill S tyle to a Dra win g The following procedure describes how to apply the Clipped Solid Fill Style VHL graphic rule option to drawings. It uses the following model as an example:

The wall in the model shown is clipped by a drawing volume:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu The following graphic shows the result of the clipping. The intersection of the drawing volume and the wall are outlined in red. This is the area in the drawing which needs to be filled. Although the wall appears to be a hollow sheet body, it is a solid. Therefore, the red outlines represent planar surfaces capping the intersected wall.

Create a View Style Using a Clipped Solid Fill Style The steps below show how you can use the Clipped Solid Fill Style on the VHL graphic rule for the view style to achieve output showing Walls with a Blue Hatch fill style. 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. 2. Select Orthographic View Styles as the View Style Type, then click New Style . Give the new style a name and click Properties to display the View Style Properties dialog box. In order for a fill style to work properly in a drawing, Intersection Edges must be set to Low Resolution or High Resolution. The default setting for an Orthographic View Style is Low Resolution. For more information on Intersection Edges, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38). 3. On the View Style Properties dialog box, specify a filter for wall objects.

4. On the View Style Properties dialog box, click More in the Graphic Rule dropdown to display the Select Graphic Rule dialog box. Select Visible/Hidden Edges (VHL) as the Graphic View Type, then click New to create a new graphic rule.


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Tools Menu 5. On the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, give your new graphic rule a name and description. Set the Visible Fill Style with one of the dropdown options. For example, you would select Hatch as the fill style for the wall definition. You could also specify Normal Blue as the Visible Line Style value to outline the walls in blue.

For more information, see Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87). 6. Click OK on all the view style dialog boxes to save the changes to the new graphic rule and the view style. You can now use this view style to create fill style drawings.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48)

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Tools Menu

Ap p ly Tra n s p a re n c y to a n Orth o g ra p h ic Vie w S tyle The following procedure describes how to apply the Make Transparent VHL graphic rule option to orthographic drawings. It shows how you can use the Make Transparent option to make pipe objects under a slab visible through the slab object graphics. Without using the Make Transparent VHL graphic rule option, a drawing of this type appears as follows:

Create a View Style Using a Make Transparent Option You want your drawings to display the slab without changing the appearance of the pipes below the slab. You can use the Make Transparent option on the VHL graphic rule for the view style to achieve this output. 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. 2. Select Orthographic View Styles as the View Style Type, then click New Style . Give the new style a name and click Properties to display the View Style Properties dialog box. For more information, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38). 3. On the View Style Properties dialog box, create a filter for the view style. In the Filter Name dropdown, select a filter that looks for the slab objects, then create a new graphic rule that sets the Make Transparent option for the slabs to For all objects in view.


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Tools Menu For more information, see Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87). 4. Your filter setting to collect your pipeline objects should use a standard graphic rule.

5. Click OK on all the view style dialog boxes to save the changes to the new graphic rule and the view style. You can now use this view style to create fill style drawings.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48) Apply Symbology to Graphic Object Aspects (on page 66)

Ap p ly In vis ib le Op tio n to a n Orth o g ra p h ic Vie w S tyle The following procedure describes how to apply the Invisible VHL graphic rule option to orthographic drawing objects. It shows how you can use the Invisible option to label plan grid lines that do not appear in the drawing.

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Tools Menu Without using the Invisible VHL graphic rule option, a drawing of this type appears as follows:

Create a View Style Using the Invisible Option You can use the Invisible option on the VHL graphic rule for the view style to leave out the graphic representation of the grid lines, while still labeling the grid lines. 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. 2. Select Orthographic as the View Style Type, then click New Style . Give the new style a name and click Properties to display the View Style Properties dialog box. For more information, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38). 3. On the View Style Properties dialog box, create a filter for the view style. In the Filter Name dropdown, select two filters that look for grid lines. 4. In the Primary Orientation dropdown, select Parallel, vertical for the first grid line row, and Parallel, horizontal for the second grid line row.


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Tools Menu 5. Create a new graphic rule that sets the Visible Line Style and Hidden Line Style options to Invisible for both grid line rows.

6. In the Label Rule dropdown, select a grid line rule for each grid line row. For example, select Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name and Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name. Assign the X Name graphic rule to the Parallel, vertical grid line row and the Y Name graphic rule to the Parallel, horizontal grid line row.

For more information, see Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87). 7. Add rows to the view style to document other objects in the model.

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Tools Menu 8. Click OK on all the view style dialog boxes to save the changes to the new graphic rule and the view style. You can now use this view style to create a drawing that does not include a graphic representation of grid lines, but labels them.

Ap p ly S ym b o lo g y to Gra p h ic Ob je c t As p e c ts You can apply the Aspect VHL graphic rule option to drawings. For example, you could have pipes in your model that include an Insulation aspect style. You want your drawings to include the Insulation aspect as part of the drawing, also setting transparency so both the pipes and the insulation can be seen as unique in the drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu Use Tools > Define View Style to create a view style that applies a graphic rule setting the aspect and transparency. As shown in the following example Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, the Insulation aspect is selected and the Make Transparent property is set to For other aspects of same object. This allows a different symbology to be applied to each aspect of the graphic object if necessary.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87) Apply Transparency to an Orthographic View Style (on page 62)

Ad d Flo w Arro ws to Orth o g ra p h ic Dra win g s The following procedure describes how to add flow arrows to orthographic drawings as part of the view style definition. You can also add flows arrows after the drawing document is created. For more information, see Place a Manual Flow Arrow on Orthographic Drawings. 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears. 2. Select Orthographic View Styles as the View Style Type, then click New Style . Give the new style a name and click Properties to display the View Style Properties dialog box. 3. On the View Style Properties dialog box, create a filter for the view style. In the Filter Name dropdown, select the Object Types\Piping\Piping Parts\Pipes filter.

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Tools Menu 4. Click More in the Graphic Rule dropdown to display the Select Graphic Rule dialog box. Select the graphic rule Piping Plan_Piping, or any graphic rule that has a Show Centerline property of Yes. Click OK to close this dialog box. 5. In the Label Rule dropdown, click More to display the Select Label Rule dialog box. Select a label rule that adds a flow arrow to the object. Click OK to save the label rule definition to the view style. For example, you could add the flow arrow label rule Piping Plan_FlowArrow_Longest Segment to add the flow arrow to the longest segment of a pipeline collected by the filter. For more information, see Select Label Rule Dialog Box (on page 44). 6. Click OK on all the view style dialog boxes to save the changes to the new graphic rule and the view style. You can now use this view style to create drawings with flow arrows placed on the specified objects.

Pipes that have no flow direction defined will not have flow arrows applied in the drawing. You can place NO FLOW arrows manually when you edit the drawing document.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38)

P la c e a Ma n u a l No rth Arro w o n a Dra win g North arrows are typically included in drawing views when the option is selected in the view style. The following workflow allows you to place a north arrow on a drawing independent of other views. For example, you can place a master north arrow in the company border area, or another generic location in the drawing to adhere to company standards.

Create a New North Arrow XML Template In the Symbols share of your database, locate the delivered north arrow templates. The default location for these is [Product Reference Data Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\NorthArrows. 1. In the NorthArrows folder, copy and paste the NorthArrow.xml file. 2. Rename the copied XML file to NorthArrowManual.xml. 68

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Tools Menu 3. Edit the NorthArrowManual.xml file and remove the following text from the posModules section: 8 8 6 6 2 2 0 0

4. Edit the DrawingAbsolute positioning module as follows: 4 0 0

5. Save the NorthArrowManual.xml file, and exit.

Create a New North Arrow XML Rule In the Symbols share of your database, locate the delivered north arrow rules. The default location for these is [Product Reference Data Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\NorthArrowRules. 1. In the NorthArrowRules folder, copy and paste the NorthArrow.xml file. 2. Rename the copied XML file to NorthArrowManual.xml. 3. Edit the NorthArrowManual.xml file, and replace the NorthArrow name with your new north arrow label name. NorthArrows\NorthArrowManual

4. Save the NorthArrowManual.xml file and exit.

Create a New North Arrow View Style 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. 2. In the Define View Style dialog box, select Orthographic in the View Style Type dropdown menu, and click New Style. Name the new style NorthArrow. 3. Double-click the NorthArrow view style to edit the view style properties. 4. Select NorthArrowManual in the North Arrow Rule dropdown menu.

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Create a New Graphic Preparation Rule 1. In the Graphic Preparation Rules dropdown of the View Style Properties dialog box, select More. 2. In the Select Graphic Preparation Rule dialog box, click New. 3. Enter NorthArrow in the Rule Name field. 4. Select More in the Filter Name dropdown and navigate to the Catalog Filters > Default Filters > SP3D Object Filters > Object Types > Space > Space Entities > Drawing Volumes filter. 5. Click OK. 6. In the Custom Module dropdown, select ReplaceWPoint.dll. 7. Click OK in the Custom Graphic Rule dialog box to save the new graphic preparation rule. 8. Select NorthArrow in the Select Graphic Preparation Rule dialog box and click OK. 9. Click OK on the View Style Properties dialog box to save your new view style. Below is an example of what your finished NorthArrow view style should look like:

Place a North Arrow View in the Drawing 1. Open an existing drawing, or create a new drawing, in the Drawings Console. 2. Place a new view in the drawing that uses your new NorthArrow view style. For more information on placing views in drawings, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor User's Guide. 3. Select Fit to Scale in the Scale Family dropdown menu. 4. Select the Look Direction for the north arrow. 5. On the Format tab of the Drawing View Properties dialog box, clear the Show Border option. 6. Click OK. 7. Associate the view to a volume in the model and update the drawing.


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Tools Menu The north arrow appears in the middle of the view you placed and indicates the north direction.

See Also Understanding the View Style Rules (see "View Style Rules" on page 82)

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Us e th e Ma ke Clip p e d S o lid Mo n o lith ic Op tio n The following procedure describes how to apply the Make Clipped Solid Monolithic VHL graphic rule option to drawings. It uses the following model of a wall and slab as an example:

You could place a drawing volume that clips the east side of the wall and slab in the example model:


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Tools Menu You have a drawing view style that defines the graphic rule for Structure objects. The graphic rule applies a Normal Blue for visible edges, a LightGray non-transparent fill style for clipped surfaces. By default, the Make Clipped Solid Monolithic option is set to No. For more information on creating view styles, see Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45).

The resulting drawing resembles the following graphic. You can see the line between the wall and the slab because they are separate objects. For more information on creating view styles, see Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45).

Edit a View Style to Use the Make Clipped Solid Monolithic Volume Option 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Define View Style. The Define View Style dialog box appears.

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Tools Menu 2. Select your Structure orthographic view style and click Properties to edit the style properties. 3. Modify the graphic rule applied to Structure objects and set Make Clipped Solid Monolithic to Yes. For more information on the VHL properties, see Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87).

4. Click OK on all the view style dialog boxes to save the changes to the new graphic rule and the view style. 5. Update the drawings that use the updated view style to incorporate the changes to the drawing style. The wall and slab appear as one monolithic body. The line between the wall and slab is no longer displayed.


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Tools Menu You should always use a non-transparent clipped solid fill style when creating drawings that use this graphic rule functionality. When the drawing is open in SmartSketch Drawing Editor and you drag the "clipped surface" aside, you will notice that the original wall and slab graphics are still there under it. The non-transparent style allows the masking to work properly in the drawing.

See Also Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87)

Us e Bu b b le La b e ls in Dra win g s You can use bubble labels to identify objects in a drawing view by the Item Numbers shown in a report view. The drawing view style must identify a bubble label for the objects you wanted labeled with the Item Numbers. The filter in the following view style example looks for Structure objects and applies the HngSup Side_Reference_Circle_CA_L bubble label:

The drawing document must have a drawing view that is associated to a report view. The bubble label looks for the Item Number field in the report to label the objects in the associated drawing view. For example, you can use the delivered HgrSup3View package to create drawings that use a bubble label to identify the part of a support object. The Item Numbers for each support part are listed in the report shown on the drawing.

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Tools Menu The bubble labels applied to the drawing view are generated from the Item Number values in the report.

You can also place bubble labels manually using the Manual Place Label command when a drawing is open in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. You must still have a drawing view associated to a report before using the bubble label. For more information on placing manual labels, see Place a Manual Label on a Drawing. Label XML definition is discussed further in the SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D Programmer's Guide under Label Templates and Rules (XML) > XML Tag Reference. When creating new bubble labels, see XML tag definitions to find the value of the DrawingReferenceLabelContent attribute. Contact your administrator or Intergraph Support if you require the Programmer's Guide. You can find support information on our web site http://support.intergraph.com (http://support.intergraph.com/).

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Label Rules (on page 98) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35)


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As s ig n Dra win g Ob je c ts to S p e c ific La ye rs Layers provide a way to control the display of elements on a drawing sheet in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. There are three different places in drawings that affect the layer settings. The label templates folder, dimension templates folder, and the graphic rule interface inside the software. By default, all objects in a drawing reside in the default view layer.  To alter which layer the labels appear, see Modify the Label Template Layer (on page 78).  To alter which layer the dimensions appear, see Modify the Dimension Template Layer (on page 77).  To alter which layer the graphical objects appear, you must modify the Layer field in the Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87), Graphic Rule - Line Dialog Box (on page 90), or Graphic Rule - Symbol Dialog Box (on page 95). The settings listed above determine which objects from certain templates appear in non-default layers in the drawing view. As a drawings administrator, you may want to pre-define layers in the delivered view template for ease of use and export. For more information and an example workflow, see Pre-Define Layers in Delivered View Template in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.

Mo d ify th e Dim e n s io n Te m p la te La ye r In this example, Equipment, Piping, Structural Framing templates are used to demonstrate the functionality of associating dimension templates to view layers. 1. Open Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal.xml. This file is located on the Symbols share at [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal.xml 2. Add the following text to the XML file directly above the tag:

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Select File > Save. Open Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal.xml. Repeat step 2, but replace the words Equipment Dim with Piping Dim. Select File > Save. Open Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizontal.xml. Repeat step 2, but replace the word Equipment Dim with Structure Dim. Select File > Save. This workflow must be repeated for every dimension template that you want included in a pre-defined layer.

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Mo d ify th e La b e l Te m p la te La ye r In this example, Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name.xml, Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName.xml, and Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size.xml will be used to demonstrate the functionality of associating label templates to view layers. 1. Open Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name.xml. This file is located on the Symbols share at [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name.xml 2. Add the following text to the XML file directly above the tag:

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Select File > Save. Open Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName.xml. Repeat step 2, but replace the word Equipment with Piping. Select File > Save. Open Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size.xml. Repeat step 2, but replace the word Equipment with Structure. Select File > Save. This workflow must be repeated for every label template that you want included in a pre-defined layer.

S ym b o ls in Orth o g ra p h ic Dra win g s You can use symbols as part of the view style for your orthographic drawings. The symbols can appear as part of the drawing view, replacing graphic objects to simplify drawing output. You can also place symbols on a drawing as a label in paper space. Using Tools > Define View Style, you define symbols through the properties on the view style. When defined as part of a graphic rule in the view style, the symbol takes the place of an object included in the drawing view. Depending on how you created the symbol, the symbol may scale to match the drawing view contents. For more information, see Graphic Rule - Symbol Dialog Box (on page 95). If you are using a label to place a symbol in the paper space of the drawing, the symbol will not scale. For more information, see Label Rules (on page 98). You create symbols in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. For more information, see Create a Custom Symbol for Drawings (on page 79).

See Also Create a Custom Symbol for Drawings (on page 79)


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Cre a te a Cu s to m S ym b o l fo r Dra win g s The software provides sample symbols to use in your drawings. Some of these symbols resize based on the size of the object they are replacing. You can create your own symbols or modify copies of existing ones to suit your needs. It is not necessary to have administrator privileges on the computer on which you perform this procedure. However, it is necessary to have write permissions at least to the Symbols share on the server computer. 1. Open SmartSketch Drawing Editor by browsing to the [Product Directory]\Common2D\Shape2D\Bin folder and double-clicking shape2dserver.exe. 2. Draw your symbol using the various commands and tools in the software. 3. Use the Select Tool

to draw a fence around the symbol graphics.

4. Click Create Symbol . If the Create Symbol icon is not visible, click Tools > Customize, and drag the Create Symbol icon (from the Catalogs category) into the application window. 5. Click to define the origin of the new symbol. 6. On the Save As Symbol dialog box, browse to the \Drawings\Catalog\Symbols folder under the Symbols share, name the symbol, and save it. 7. Exit SmartSketch Drawing Editor without saving the document. You can incorporate your custom symbol into a graphic rule for a view style for use in any orthographic drawings. For more information, see Graphic Rule - Symbol Dialog Box (on page 95).

See Also View Style Rules (on page 82) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45) Symbols in Orthographic Drawings (on page 78)

Cre a te a Cu s to m Cu ttin g P la n e S ym b o l The following procedure steps you through the workflow for creating a new cutting plane symbol and editing the properties of its behavior. The software provides sample symbols to use in your drawings. It is not necessary to have administrator privileges on the computer on which you perform this procedure. However, it is necessary to have at least write permissions to the Symbols share on the server computer. For more information on using SmartSketch Drawing Editor, see Working with SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

Working in the Labels Folder In the Symbols share of your database, locate the cutting plane reference symbols. The default location for these files is [ReferenceDataProduct Directory]Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\Views. There are fourteen files delivered in this folder that make up the complete cutting plane symbol: two RFM files, two RQE files, two RTP files, four SYM files, and four XML documents.

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Copy Existing Cutting Plane Arrow Symbols 1. Select the four Scantling_SectionArrow1 and Scantling_SectionArrow2 files (.xml and .sym), and copy them within the same folder. 2. Rename each set of files. For example, rename the Scantling_SectionArrow1 files to Type3_Arrow1 and rename the Scantling_SectionArrow2 files to Type3_Arrow2. 3. Each individual file needs to be modified using the new naming convention. Before proceeding, consider downloading a 3rd party XML document editor to make it easier to read and modify the .xml files. 4. Open the .sym Arrow files and make any necessary adjustments to the arrow symbols with the SmartSketch Drawing Editor. For more information on using SmartSketch Drawing Editor, see Working with SmartSketch Drawing Editor. 5. Save the files and exit SmartSketch Drawing Editor. 6. Open the first .xml file (either with Notepad or a 3rd party XML editor) and change any occurrences of Scantling_SectionArrow1 to Type3_Arrow1. Be sure to preserve any file name extensions. 7. Repeat the above step for the second arrow .xml file. For example, in the Scantling_SectionArrow2 file, make sure that all occurrences of Scantling_SectionArrow2 are changed to Type3_Arrow2. 8. Save the files and exit the XML editor.

Copy Existing Cutting Plane Reference Files 1. Select the ten Scantling_SectionReference1 and Scantling_SectionReference2 files and copy them within the same folder. 2. Rename each set of files. For example, rename the Scantling_SectionReference1 files to Type3_Reference1 and rename the Scantling_SectionReference2 files to Type3_Reference2. 3. Each individual file needs to be modified using the new naming convention. XML Files 1. Open the first XML file (either with Notepad or a 3rd party XML editor) and change any occurrences of Scantling_SectionReference1 to Type3_Reference1. 2. In the second XML file, change any occurrences of Scantling_SectionReference2 to Type3_Reference2. 3. Save the files and exit. RTP Files 1. Open the first RTP file (either with Notepad or a 3rd party XML editor) and change any occurrences of Scantling_SectionReference1 to Type3_Reference1. 2. In the second RTP file, rename Scantling_SectionReference2 to Type3_Reference2. 3. Save the files and exit. RQE Files 1. Open the first RQE file (either with Notepad or a 3rd party XML editor) and change any occurrences of Scantling_SectionReference1 to Type3_Reference1. 2. In the second RQE file, rename Scantling_SectionReference2 to Type3_Reference2.


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Tools Menu Save the files and exit. RFM Files 1. Open the first RFM file (either with Notepad or a 3rd party XML editor) and change any occurrences of Scantling_SectionReference1 to Type3_Reference1. 2. In the second RFM file, change any occurrences of Scantling_SectionReference2 to Type3_Reference2. 3. Save the files and exit. SYM Files 1. Open the first Reference SYM file in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. 2. Right-click on the text-box in the symbol and select Properties. 3. On the User tab, enter a new Value property. For example, replace Scantling_SectionReference1 with Type3_Reference1. 4. Click OK. If you want to alter the origin of the symbol, follow these steps. 1. On the Symbol Authoring Tools ribbon, select Symbol Origin. 2. Locate the center of the label (or the place you would like the origin to be), and place the origin.

3. Save the file and exit. 4. Repeat the above steps for the second XML file.

Working in the Rules Folder The file that contains all of the rules for a cutting plane symbol is in the Symbols share of your database; the default location for these files is [ReferenceDataProduct Directory]Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\ViewRules. A new XML file must be created in order to use your new cutting plane symbols. 1. Select a delivered View Rule. For example, select SteelOrderSectionandDetailViewRule.xml. 2. Right-click on the view rule, and select Copy. Paste the file in the same folder as the delivered view rule. 3. Rename the new file with an appropriate name; for example, Type3. 4. Open the new view rule file with Notepad (or a 3rd party XML editor). 5. As in the previous steps when working in the Labels folder, you need to replace the names of existing label files with the names you gave the new label files. For example, change Scantling_SectionReference1 to Type3_Reference1, and so forth. 6. After renaming all of the appropriate files, save the file and exit.

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Use the Custom Cutting Plane Symbol After creating the new symbol, you need to specify the new rule within a particular view style. For more information, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) and View Rules (on page 101).

See Also Create a Custom Symbol for Drawings (on page 79) Create Line Styles to Use in Drawing View Styles (on page 47)

Vie w S tyle Ru le s View styles consist of tests and actions. One of the tests must be a filter, and the actions are rules that control the drawing results. Each rule is an XML file, which is used as an input to the view style XML file. The rule XML files are located on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules folder.

Graphic Rules Graphic rules control the representation of the model graphics on drawings. For example, you can represent pipe runs as single lines while representing equipment as control point symbols. You can also resymbolize structural members as single lines with detailed widgets placed along the lines. To specify the resymbolization, you create a custom symbol and incorporate the symbol into a graphic rule for a view style. For more information, see Graphic Rules (on page 83).

Label Rules Label rules control automatic label placement on drawings. For more information, see Label Rules (on page 98). Before creating a new label rule, you must first create the label query using the Define Label command in the Catalog task.

Dimension Rules Dimension rules control the placement of dimensions while dimension styles control the appearance, including the units, of dimensions on orthographic drawings. You can specify the granularity, offsets, style, text size, and object types for the dimensions. For more information on working with dimensions, see Dimensions.

View Rules The view rules use properties to define how objects are associated to a drawing view. For more information, see View Rules (on page 101).

Matchline Rules The matchline rule uses labels to specify the drawing extents and the names of adjoining drawings. For more information, see Matchline Rules (on page 103).


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North Arrow Rules The north arrow rule uses a label to specify the direction toward north on drawings. For more information, see North Arrow Rules (on page 104). The drawing dimension and label rules are discussed further in the SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D Programmer's Guide under Extending the Capabilities of the Software. Contact your administrator or Intergraph Support if you need the Programmer's Guide. You can find support information on our web site http://support.intergraph.com (http://support.intergraph.com/).

See Also Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)

Gra p h ic Ru le s Graphic rules control the representation of the model graphics on drawings. Each filter in the view style can have its own graphic rule. For example, you can represent pipe runs as single lines while representing equipment as control point symbols. You can also resymbolize structural members as single lines with detailed widgets placed along the lines. You specify graphic rules when you edit an existing view style or create a new view style with the Tools > Define View Style command. In the Graphic Rule dropdown on the View Style Properties dialog box, select More to display the Select Graphic Rule dialog box. Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) You have several types of rules available. The following graphic shows examples for each type.

If an object is filtered in more than one row of the view style, the graphic rule in the bottom-most row applies to the object.

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For more information on the delivered graphic rules, see Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687).

See Also View Style Rules (on page 82)

S e le c t Gra p h ic Ru le Dia lo g Bo x Lists the available graphic rules. You can open this dialog box by clicking More in the Graphic Rule box on the View Style Properties dialog box.

Graphic Rule Type - Specifies a type of graphic rule. The rule types available include:


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Visible/Hidden Lines (VHL) - Creates a "wireframe" representation of objects, where just the outline of the object is drawn.

Replace Objects with Line - Replaces objects, such as pipes, with lines.

Replace Objects with Line and Widget - Replaces objects, such as structural members, with a line plus widget combination.

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Replace Objects with Symbol - Replaces objects with symbols.

Views - Switches the view from List to Details. When you choose List mode, descriptions of each rule to not appear. Rule Name - Lists the names of the graphic rules. Description - Lists the descriptions of the graphic rules. New - Creates a new graphic rule of the selected type. Rename - Renames the selected graphic rule. Delete - Deletes the selected graphic rule. Properties - Displays the properties for the selected graphic rule for editing. When creating a new graphic rule or editing the properties of an existing graphic rule, see the following for more information: Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box (on page 87) Graphic Rule - Line Dialog Box (on page 90) Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box (on page 92) Graphic Rule - Symbol Dialog Box (on page 95)

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rules (on page 83)


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Graphic Rule - VHL Dialog Box Sets options for a specific Visible/Hidden Lines (VHL) graphic rule. The VHL graphic rules create a "wireframe" representation of objects, where just the outline of the object is drawn.

Rule Name - Specifies the name of the graphic rule. The rule name can be up to 128 characters long. Description - Describes the rule. Aspect - Provides a dropdown list of available aspects so they can be resymbolized independently. For example, you may have pipes that use an insulation aspect, and you want both the pipe and its insulation symbolized uniquely on the drawing. You can use this property on the VHL graphics to resymbolize both the pipe and its insulation. For more information, see Apply Symbology to Graphic Object Aspects (on page 66). Show aspect - Specifies that you want to show the aspect symbology for the selected objects within the drawing. Only the aspects for which this checkbox is checked are shown in the generated drawings. Graphic Module - Specifies a module (.dll file) that allows you to customize the graphics included in your graphic rule. For more information, see Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687). For orthographic drawings, this module affects only those items that meet the criteria of the filter on the selected row of the table in the View Style Properties dialog box. To apply a module to all items in the view style, choose a Graphic Preparation Rule on the View Style Properties dialog box. Visible Line Style - Specifies the line style for visible edges of objects. Hidden Line Style - Specifies the line style for edges of an object hidden by the surface of other objects. The line style is shown as dashed red in the example below.

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Tools Menu Hidden By Self Line Style - Specifies the line style for edges of an object that are hidden by the surface of the same object. The line style is shown as dashed red in the example below.

Occluded Line Style - Specifies a line style for edges of an object that are aligned with and completely hidden by edges of the same or another object. For example, you may use this style when you have two objects that are aligned but at different elevations. Occluded lines are drawn, but are frequently not visible because the visible line style dominates. The line style is shown as dashed red behind the solid black visible line in the example below.

Occluded lines are drawn, but are frequently not visible because the visible line style dominates. Layer - Indicates the drawing layer (or level, if saving to a MicroStation file) on which the graphic is placed. For example, you would type LinesAndSymbols in the value field to place your VHL graphics on the LinesAndSymbols layer of your drawing. If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically. For graphic rules used in the conversion to MicroStation files, the software only recognizes whole numbers between 1 and 63, inclusive, in the Layer field. Other values are ignored and the object is placed on level 1 in the DGN file. Visible Fill Style - Specifies the fill style for visible surfaces of objects within the clipped area of the view. Every face of every instance of the objects matching the applied filter in the view style will have the selected fill style. For an example workflow showing how fill styles can be applied, see Apply a Visible Fill Style to a Drawing (on page 55). In the following graphic, everything that is a slab (everything except the two barrels and the wall piece) has a Hexagon fill style applied.


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Tools Menu Clipped Solid Fill Style - Specifies the fill style for clipped faces of objects that match the applied filter in the view style. For more information, see Apply a Clipped Solid Fill Style to a Drawing (on page 59). For example, the following graphic shows where a clipped wall surface is filled with a Honeycomb fill style, while the underlying slab surfaces (also clipped) are not filled.

Make Clipped Solid Monolithic - Specifies, when set to Yes, that all solid objects assigned with this graphic rule are based on the view style tests they passed (Filter, Orientation, Clipping) and all of the objects in each group are merged into a transient object. The software finds the intersection body or contour of the transient object with the drawing volume. Only the intersection contour is drawn and filled on the top of the constructing objects, masking out their common internal edges. For more information, see Use the Make Clipped Solid Monolithic Option (on page 72). Aspect (Multi-Select) - Specifies the envelope around the objects for VHL processing. Examples are maintenance or insulation envelopes. You can select multiple aspects by holding the CTRL or SHIFT keys. This setting is currently not supported. Show Centerline - Specifies whether the centerline appears in addition to the 3D graphics. If you reset this property to No, the Centerline Visible Line Style and Centerline Hidden Line Style boxes display . Centerline Visible Line Style - Specifies the line style for a visible centerline. Centerline Hidden Line Style - Specifies the line style for a hidden centerline. Clipping - Indicates whether or not the graphics are clipped within the drawing. For example, in plan views, certain objects such as stairs or ladders are best represented unclipped by the drawing volume. You would specify a filter row in the view style for stairs or ladders and set this option to unclipped to achieve the desired graphic representation. Make Transparent - Specifies how transparency is applied to an aspect:

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No - The aspect will not be transparent.

For all objects in view - Full transparency. The aspect of the object is transparent for all other objects and all aspects of the same object (that is, it does not hide other objects or aspects of the same object).

For other aspects of same objects - Relative transparency between objects. The aspect of the object is transparent only for other aspects of the same object (that is, the given aspect does not hide other aspects for the same object, but hides other objects).

In orthographic view styles, the Make Transparent option is especially useful when you need to show objects beneath another object. For an example workflow, see Apply Transparency to an Orthographic View Style (on page 62). 

 

All of the line styles in the pull down lists are found in the Styles.sha file, located in the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Templates folder. You can add new line styles to this file. Drawing view styles work in a top-to-bottom priority order. If an object finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins. You can create new line styles to use with the properties on this dialog box. For more information, see Create Line Styles to Use in Drawing View Styles (on page 47).

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93) Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94)

Graphic Rule - Line Dialog Box


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu Sets options for a single line graphic rule. The single line graphic rules replace linear objects, such as pipes and structural members, in the graphic view with single lines. If possible, the centerline of the object is used. The graphic below shows pipes replaced with a blue line.

Rule Name - Specifies the name of the graphic rule. The rule name can be up to 128 characters long. Description - Describes the rule. Graphic Module - Specifies a module (.dll file) that allows you to customize the graphics included in your graphic rule. For more information, see Custom Graphic Rule Modules (see "Custom Graphic Modules" on page 687). For orthographic drawings, this module affects only those items that meet the criteria of the filter on the selected row of the table in the View Style Properties dialog box. To apply a module to all items in the view style, choose a Graphic Preparation Rule on the View Style Properties dialog box. Visible Line Style - Specifies the line style for visible edges of objects. Hidden Line Style - Specifies the line style for edges of an object hidden by the surface of other objects. The line style is shown as dashed red in the example below.

Occluded Line Style - Specifies a line style for edges of an object that are aligned with and completely hidden by edges of the same or another object. For example, you may use this style when you have two objects that are aligned but at different elevations. Occluded lines are drawn, but are frequently not visible because the visible line style dominates. The line style is shown as dashed red behind the solid black visible line in the example below.

Occluded lines are drawn, but are frequently not visible because the visible line style dominates.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu Layer - Indicates the drawing layer (or level, if saving to a MicroStation file) on which the graphic is placed. For example, you would type LinesAndSymbols in the value field to place your line graphics on the LinesAndSymbols layer of your drawing. If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically. For graphic rules used in the conversion to MicroStation files, the software only recognizes whole numbers between 1 and 63, inclusive, in the Layer field. Other values are ignored and the object is placed on level 1 in the DGN file.  

Drawing view styles work in a top-to-bottom priority order. If an object finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins. All of the line styles in the pull down lists are found in the Styles.sha file, located in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Templates folder. You can add new styles to this file.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93) Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94)

Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box Sets options for a line with widget graphic rule. The line with widget graphic rules replace objects, such as pipes, in the graphic view with a line plus widget combination. A widget is a symbol placed at a user-defined spacing along the line. The graphic below shows a line plus widget combination of a black line with a red rectangle widget.

Rule Name - Specifies the name of the graphic rule. The rule name can be up to 128 characters long. Description - Describes the rule. To set the line and fill style properties, go to the Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93). To set the widget properties, go to the Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94).


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93) Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94)

Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) Sets line and fill style properties for a line with widget combination graphic rule. To set the widget properties, go to the Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94). Graphic Module - Specifies a module (.dll file) that allows you to customize the graphics included in your graphic rule. This module affects only those items that meet the criteria of the filter on the selected row of the table in the View Style Properties dialog box. To apply a module to all items in the view style, choose a Graphic Preparation Rule on the View Style Properties dialog box. Visible Line Style - Specifies the line style for visible edges of objects. Hidden Line Style - Specifies the line style for edges of an object hidden by the surface of other objects. The line style is shown as dashed red in the example below.

Occluded Line Style - Specifies a line style for edges of an object that are aligned with and completely hidden by edges of the same or another object. For example, you may use this style when you have two objects that are aligned but at different elevations. Occluded lines are drawn, but are frequently not visible because the visible line style dominates. The line style is shown as dashed red behind the solid black visible line in the example below.

Occluded lines are drawn, but are frequently not visible because the visible line style dominates. Layer - Indicates the drawing layer (or level, if saving to a MicroStation file) on which the graphic is placed. For example, you would type LinesAndSymbols in the value field to place your symbol graphics on the LinesAndSymbols layer of your drawing. If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically. For graphic rules used in the conversion to MicroStation files, the software only recognizes whole numbers between 1 and 63, inclusive, in the Layer field. Other values are ignored and the object is placed on level 1 in the DGN file. 

Drawing view styles work in a top-to-bottom priority order. If an object finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins.

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Tools Menu 

All of the line styles in the pull down lists are found in the Styles.sha file, located in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Templates folder. You can add new line styles to this file.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box (on page 92) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93) Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94)

Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) Sets options for widgets (symbols) on a line for the line plus widget combination graphic rule. To set the line and fill style properties, go to the Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93). Widget Graphics - Specifies whether an aspect or symbol should be used as part of the graphic rule.

Aspect Properties Aspect (Multi-Select) - Specifies one or more envelopes to display around objects. You can select multiple aspects by holding the CTRL or SHIFT keys. Aspect Length (%) - Sets the length of the aspect as a percentage of the line on which it is placed. Aspect Height (%) - Sets the height of the aspect as a percentage of the height of the object. Widget Position (% along object) - Sets the positioning of the widget as a percentage of total length from the start of the line. Visible Line Style - Specifies the line style for visible edges of the aspect. Hidden By Self Line Style - Specifies the line style for edges of an aspect that are hidden by itself. Layer - Indicates the drawing layer (or level, if saving to a MicroStation file) on which the graphic is placed. For example, you would type LinesAndSymbols in the value field to place your symbol graphics on the LinesAndSymbols layer of your drawing. If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically. For graphic rules used in the conversion to MicroStation files, the software only recognizes whole numbers between 1 and 63, inclusive, in the Layer field. Other values are ignored and the object is placed on level 1 in the DGN file. Show Centerline - Specifies whether the centerline appears in addition to the 3D graphics. If you reset this property to No, the Centerline Visible Line Style and Centerline Hidden Line Style boxes display . Centerline Visible Line Style - Specifies the line style for a visible centerline. Centerline Hidden Line Style - Specifies the line style for a hidden centerline.

Symbol Properties Symbol - Specifies a symbol file. You can click More to open the Choose Symbol dialog box. Symbols are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Symbols folder. For more information, see Choose Symbol Dialog Box (on page 97).


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu Widget Position (% along object) - Sets the positioning of the widget as a percentage of the total length from the start of the line. Layer - Indicates the drawing layer (or level, if saving to a MicroStation file) on which the graphic is placed. For example, you would type LinesAndSymbols in the value field to place your symbol graphics on the LinesAndSymbols layer of your drawing. If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically. For graphic rules used in the conversion to MicroStation files, the software only recognizes whole numbers between 1 and 63, inclusive, in the Layer field. Other values are ignored and the object is placed on level 1 in the DGN file. Show Centerline - Specifies whether the centerline appears in addition to the 3D graphics. If you reset this property to No, the Centerline Visible Line Style boxes display . Centerline Visible Line Style - Specifies the line style for a visible centerline. Centerline Hidden Line Style - Specifies the line style for a hidden centerline. 

All of the line styles in the pull down lists are found in the Styles.sha file, located in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Templates folder. You can add new line styles to this file. Drawing view styles work in a top-to-bottom priority order. If an object finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box (on page 92) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93) Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94)

Graphic Rule - Symbol Dialog Box Specifies a symbol for a graphic rule. The symbol graphic rule replaces objects in the graphic view with a symbol. The graphic below shows an object replaced by a symbol


The symbol files are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Symbols folder. Rule Name - Names of the graphic rule. The rule name can be up to 128 characters long. Description - Describes the rule.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu Graphic Module - Specifies a module (.dll file) that allows you to customize the graphics included in your graphic rule. This module affects only those items that meet the criteria of the filter on the selected row of the table in the View Style Properties dialog box. To apply a module to all items in the view style, choose a Graphic Preparation Rule on the View Style Properties dialog box. Symbol - Specifies a symbol for objects that are visible. You can click More to open the Choose Symbol dialog box. For more information, see Choose Symbol Dialog Box (on page 97). When selecting a symbol to replace an object, you can set the symbol as scalable. To achieve this, open the symbol in SmartSketch Drawing Editor and define the variable in the symbol and map the name of a label to the symbol so that the symbol received the scale variable from the 3D model. For example, the symbol FrontClipPipe1.sym specifies the OPD variable, which calls the label OPD.rtp from the Symbols share in the \Symbols\Reports\Templates\DrawingsReports\SymbolParameters) folder.

When the software replaces the objects with the FrontClipPipe1 symbol, it evaluates the OPD label for the object being replaced, then takes the value returned and uses it to scale the 2D symbol in the drawing view.

Hidden Object Symbol - Specifies a symbol for objects that are hidden. Layer - Indicates the drawing layer (or level, if saving to a MicroStation file) on which the graphic is placed. For example, you would type LinesAndSymbols in the value field to place your symbol graphics on the LinesAndSymbols layer of your drawing. If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu For graphic rules used in the conversion to MicroStation files, the software only recognizes whole numbers between 1 and 63, inclusive, in the Layer field. Other values are ignored and the object is placed on level 1 in the DGN file. Orientation - Sets the orientation behavior for the symbol. Set the value to Fixed Orientation Upwards to always have the symbol orientation in the upward direction on the drawing. Set the value to Orients as Replaced Object Did to set the symbol orientation to match the replaced graphic object orientation. Drawing view styles work in a top-to-bottom priority order. If an object finds its match in several different filters, the last graphic rule applied (bottom most row) wins.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box (on page 92) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93) Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94)

Choose Symbol Dialog Box Specifies a symbol for the replace with symbol and replace with line and widget graphic rule types. You can open this dialog box in two ways:  Select More in the Symbol or Hidden Object Symbol fields on the Graphic Rules - Symbols dialog box. For more information, see Graphic Rule - Symbol Dialog Box (on page 95).  Select More in the Symbol field on the Widget tab of the Line with Widget dialog box. For more information, see Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu Symbol - Shows a hierarchical list of available symbols from the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Symbols folder. Select a symbol from the list and click OK to return to the previous dialog box.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box (on page 92) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Select Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 84) Graphics Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 93) Widget Tab (Graphic Rule - Line with Widget Dialog Box) (on page 94)

La b e l Ru le s Label rules control the appearance of annotation labels as well as their automatic placement on drawings. For example, you can create label rules that place labels with or without borders and leader lines. You can even specify that the labels find "clear space" on the drawing, as shown in the graphic.

You can use these rules for many purposes. The delivered sample rules include several types of rules, such as control point labels, grid line labels, name labels, name and part labels, and piping labels. The label rules are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\LabelRules folder. The rules have corresponding templates and symbols under \Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates. For more information on the delivered label rules, see Label Rules (on page 549). If you choose to relocate or reorganize the labels folder structure, you need to edit each associated Label Rule XML file. The label rules are located in the Symbols share in the 98

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Tools Menu \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\LabelRules folder. After each tag of the XML file, enter the correct relative path and name for the template files, as in the example below. Delivered path

Modified path

Select Label Rule Dialog Box (on page 44)

Layering Labels You can define the layer on which your annotation labels appear in the drawing by editing the label rule template XML file. After the section of the XML file, add a definition using the tag, like the one shown in the example below, that defines the layer on which you want the annotations placed:

If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically.

Prioritizing Labels In "Clearspace Labels", you can use the XML setting for Priority to dictate which label(s) in the drawing have a higher chance of being placed at their preferred positions, as specified by the Positioning module within the label XML template. When you create a drawing that uses a view style with two or more "Clearspace Labels" defined, you can have multiple labels with different Priority settings, and the level of Priority can impact which label is more likely to receive its preferred position. For example, Label 1 and Label 2 have different Priority settings defined in their respective XML templates. However, Label 1 takes its preferred position in the drawing over Label 2 because the Priority is higher for Label 1. The lower numeric value for the Priority means Label 1 is more likely to receive its preferred position. Label 1

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu Label 2

Labels that have the same Priority setting in their XML templates will not collide in the drawing if there is sufficient clearspace, but neither label receives preferential treatment for placement.

See Also View Style Rules (on page 82) Use Bubble Labels in Drawings (on page 75)

Dim e n s io n Ru le s In general, dimension rules control the placement of dimensions while dimension styles control the appearance, including the units, of dimensions in orthographic drawings. However, dimension styles and dimension rules interact in complex ways. There are two methods you can use to get dimensions to appear in drawings. Automatic dimensioning and manual dimensioning place dimensions in native format drawings. For automatic dimensioning, the view style controls whether or not dimensions are placed. For manual dimensioning, you edit an existing drawing and place dimensions manually. The Save As command saves drawings from the database to files and presents additional considerations about dimensions. The files created by the Save As command can be native format or a foreign format such as MicroStation or AutoCAD. With the Save As command, the software attempts to replicate dimensions as they are shown within a drawing. Assigning dimension units is different for each method. For more information, see: Automatic Dimensioning Manual Dimensioning Save As MicroStation or AutoCAD Format Isometric drawings use the isometric options settings within their style to determine the dimension appearance, placement, and units.

See Also Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Understanding the View Style Rules (see "View Style Rules" on page 82) Isometric Drawing Styles Working with SmartPlant 3D Drawings


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

Vie w Ru le s View rules specify how view frames appear in the drawing document. You can use delivered view rules or create and modify your own rules that enable you to incorporate custom symbols and labels into your drawings. The view rules are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\ViewRules folder. For more information, you can open the rule XML file to view the comments in the code. Select View Rule Dialog Box (on page 101) For more information on including detail and section views in your drawings, see Place a Section or Detail View.

See Also View Style Rules (on page 82) Create a Custom Cutting Plane Symbol (on page 79)

S e le c t Vie w Ru le Dia lo g Bo x Lists the available view rules. You can open this dialog box by clicking More in the View Rule field on the View Style Properties dialog box. Views - Switches the view from List to Details. When you choose the List mode, descriptions of each rule do not appear. Rule Name - Lists the names of the rules. Description - Lists the descriptions of the rules. New - Opens the View Frame Rule dialog box so you can create a new view rule. For more information, see View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102). Rename - Renames the selected rule. Delete - Deletes the selected rule. Properties - Opens the View Frame Rule dialog box so you can edit the properties for the selected view rule.

See Also View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) View Rules (on page 101)

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Tools Menu

Vie w Fra m e Ru le Dia lo g Bo x Sets options for a view rule.

Rule Name - Specifies the name of the view frame rule. Description - Describes the rule. Property - Identifies the properties available for the view frame rule definition. Value - Specifies the value for the selected property


Available Values

View Caption Label Section Reference 1 Section Arrow 1 Section Reference 2 Section Arrow 2 Detail Reference

DetailSimpleReference SectionBubbleArrow SectionSimpleArrow SectionSimpleReference1 SectionSimpleReference2 ViewTypeDirectionAndScale

Section Cutting Plane Style Detail Envelope Style

Select from a list of line styles available for the cutting plane or detail envelope frame.

Section Cutting Plane Layer Detail Envelope Layer

Specify the layer on which the cutting plane or detail envelope frame resides.

See Also Create or Edit a Graphic Preparation Rule (on page 48) View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38) Select Graphic Preparation Rule Dialog Box (on page 43)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

Ma tc h lin e Ru le s Matchline rules are used to label adjoining volumes on drawings. The matchline rules (the standard rule delivered and any new rules you create) are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\MatchlineRules folder. The rules have corresponding templates and symbols under \Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\Matchline. For more information, you can open the rule and template XML files to view the comments in the code. Use the following steps to add matchline labels to a specific layer: 1. In the directory [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\Matchline, open the Matchline_None_A.xml file. 2. Insert the following new lines of code just above the line in the Matchline_None_A.xml file. MATCHLINE_LABELS MATCHLINE_LABELS can be any name you want, including an existing layer. If the layer name that you choose does not already exist, then it will be created.

Working with Volumes that Share a Common Surface If you require matchline labels for drawings that share common surfaces like the graphic below, all of the drawings should be part of the same component.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu For example, in the following Management Console, the drawings produced by the three separate components in the MatchlinesSeparate folder will not have matchline labels applied. The three drawings created by the single MatchlinesTogether component will have matchline labels placed on them.

See Also View Style Rules (on page 82)

No rth Arro w Ru le s North arrow rules place a label that points toward Global North on drawings. The north arrow rules are saved in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\NorthArrowRules folder. The rules have corresponding templates and symbols under \Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\NorthArrows. For more information, you can open the rule and template XML files to view the comments in the code. Select Label Rule Dialog Box (on page 44)

See Also View Style Rules (on page 82)

Key Plan Style Dialog Box Sets options for a key plan view style. You access this dialog box when you select a key plan style, then click Properties on the Define View Style dialog box. Name - Specifies the name of the key plan styles. Description - Describes the key plan style. Key Plan Type - Specifies a type for the key plan. There are several types of key plan styles you can create. They are described below. The properties displayed depend on the key plan type you select.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu 

Normalized Volumes Only - This key plan type specifies that the key plan be arranged in a normalized manner, meaning that each volume has exactly the same amount of space in the key plan. The graphic below represents the layout of the Normalized Volumes Only key plan type. The Default key plan that is delivered with the software is an example of this type of key plan.

Natural Volumes Only - The Natural Volumes Only type specifies that the key plan displays the volumes by natural size. This means that the key plan layout is based on the size of each volume, which may be irregular if the volumes are of different sizes. The graphic below shows the layout of a Natural Volumes Only key plan type.

One Volume with Plant View - This key plan type shows the full plant view with a "you are here" representation for the associated volume. The graphic below is a sample of the One Volume with Plant View key plan type.

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Tools Menu

One Volume with Plant View Properties 

 

Coordinate System - Provides a dropdown list of all coordinate systems in the model. It also includes the value Use the Coordinate System of Related View. Selecting this value will cause the key plan to use the same coordinate system as the associated drawing view. Range Filter - Specifies the range to display beyond the associated volume. The range filter determines the range and what objects can be displayed in the key plan view. For example, if you want to have equipment and grids shown in the key plan view, both must be included within the range filter and not only in the filters that are used in the volume view style associated with the key plan view style. Click More to display the Select Filter dialog box. Orientation - Provides a list of orientations available for the key plan type. View Style - Specifies the style used to display the key plan graphics. Click More to display the Select Key Plan View Style dialog box and select the view style. You specify the type of view style, such as Orthographic. The selected view style type filters the hierarchy with the available styles found in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules folder.

Natural Volumes Only Properties 

Coordinate System - Provides a dropdown list of all coordinate systems in the model. It also includes the value Use the Coordinate System of Related View. Selecting this value will cause the key plan to use the same coordinate system as the associated drawing view. Search Range in X direction - Determines the horizontal extents the software uses to locate another drawing volume with the same parent as the current drawing. The larger the value, the larger the extents. Search Range in Y direction - Determines the vertical extents the software uses to locate another drawing volume with the same parent as the current drawing. The larger the value, the larger the extents. View Style - Specifies the style used to display the key plan graphics. Click More to display the Select Key Plan View Style dialog box and select the view style. You specify the type of view style, such as Orthographic. The selected view style type filters the hierarchy with the available styles found in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules folder.

Normalized Volumes Only Properties 


Coordinate System - Provides a dropdown list of all coordinate systems in the model. It also includes the value Use Coordinate System of Related View. Selecting this value will cause the key plan to use the same coordinate system as the associated drawing view. Search Range in X direction - Determines the horizontal extents the software uses to locate another drawing volume with the same parent as the current drawing. The larger the value, the larger the extents. Search Range in Y direction - Determines the vertical extents the software uses to locate another drawing volume with the same parent as the current drawing. The larger the value, the larger the extents. Alignment in X direction - Specifies a tolerance for the software to use when determining whether to align the vertical sides of volumes within the key plan. The larger the tolerance, the more likely the vertical sides will align. Alignment in Y direction - Specifies a tolerance for the software to use when determining whether to align the horizontal sides of volumes within the key plan. The larger the tolerance, the more likely the horizontal sides will align.

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Tools Menu 

 

Normalized in X direction - Specifies a tolerance for the software to use when determining whether to represent volumes within the key plan with the same width as the volume of the current drawing. The larger the tolerance, the more likely the volumes will be resized. Normalized in Y direction - Specifies a tolerance for the software to use when determining whether to represent volumes within the key plan with the same height as the volume of the current drawing. The larger the tolerance, the more likely the volumes will be resized. View Style - Specifies the style used to display the key plan graphics. Click More to display the Select Key Plan View Style dialog box and select the view style. You specify the type of view style, such as Orthographic. The selected view style type filters the hierarchy with the available styles found in the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules folder. To apply a style to the volume of the current drawing in the key plan, use the term KEY PLAN FOCUS ELEMENT in the Filter column of the key plan view style and then assign a graphic rule. You must use uppercase letters for the term. Normalized key plan types do not support the use of graphic modules in their key plan view styles. One Volume With Plant View key plan types do support the use of graphic modules in their key plan view styles. For example, you can use the VolumeWireFrame.dll graphic module to prevent the volume of the current drawing from obscuring objects within it.

See Also Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Create a Key Plan View Style (on page 46) Define View Style Dialog Box (on page 37)

Define Layout Style Command Defines layout styles that control the position of the drawing views associated with a drawing region. The Tools > Define Layout Style command allows you select to an existing layout style and modify its properties or you can create a new layout style. Define Layout Style Dialog Box The layout styles you create are available when you use the Tools > Edit Layout Template command to create and edit regions within a layout template. For more information on layout templates, see Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu You can have multiple regions on a layout template, and each region can use a different layout style. After you have created your layout template with its regions and layout styles, you can go to a 3D task and use the layout template to create composed drawings. For more information on creating drawings in a 3D task, see the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides.

See Also Composed Drawings (on page 23) Define a Layout Style (on page 109)

Define Layout Style Dialog Box Defines layout styles for use with drawing regions, sheets, and documents within layout templates. This dialog box appears when you select Tools > Define Layout Style. You can select an existing layout style to modify or create a new layout style. New Folder - Adds a new layout style folder to the hierarchy. New - Displays the Layout Style dialog box so you can create a new layout style. For more information, see Layout Style Dialog Box (on page 109). Delete - Deletes the selected layout style from the hierarchy. Rename - Allows you to rename the selected layout style. Properties - Displays the Layout Style dialog box so you can view and edit an existing style. Select an existing style in the hierarchy before clicking this button. You can also double-click an existing style to display the properties. For more information, see Layout Style Dialog Box (on page 109). Select Layout Style to Edit - Shows a hierarchy of existing layout styles. The hierarchy is divided up according to the type of layout style: Document Assignment Rules, Region Layout Rules, and Sheet Assignment Rules. If you are creating a new layout style, make sure you place it in the correct folder in the hierarchy. 108

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Layout Style Dialog Box Defines layout style properties. This dialog box appears when you select New or Properties on the Define Layout Style dialog box. Style name - Displays name of the existing style or you can type a new name for a new layout style. Description - Provides a description of the layout style. Layout Processor - Specifies a layout processor DLL to define how the drawing region behaves and how many views it accepts. Each style is a variation of the layout processor, depending on the properties set.  DefaultLayoutProcessor.dll - This processor allows you to choose a predefined arrangement of views to be aligned and managed inside a region. Some of the delivered examples are 4 views arranged in a checkerboard fashion, 4 tall views aligned vertically, and 4 wide views aligned horizontally. Other delivered examples increase the number of views, using similar arrangements. If you define the region to have a layout style for 4 views but you attempt to place 6 views within the region, the software moves the extra drawing views to an unmanaged area of the drawing sheet, outside the region. When you select a processor, the properties table updates so you can specify the properties for the layout style.

Define a Layout Style 1. Select Tools > Define Layout Style. The Define Layout Style dialog box appears. 2. You can select an existing layout style and click Properties to edit the properties on the Layout Style dialog box. You can also change the name of the existing style to create a new layout style based on the old one.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu You could also select a folder on the Define Layout Style dialog box and click New to create a new layout style. The new style is created in the selected folder. 3. On the Define Layout Style dialog box, you can also select an existing layout style and use the buttons at the top of the dialog box to Rename or Delete the style. 4. To create a new folder in the hierarchy, click New Folder . After you create your layout styles, use Edit Template on the shortcut menu of a Drawing by Ruleset component to specify the layout styles used for the component drawings and place regions using the layout styles. For more information, see Edit a Drawings by Rule Template.

See Also Layout Style Dialog Box (on page 109)

Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) Opens a drawing border template in SmartSketch Drawing Editor for customization. You can place drawing property labels and manual graphics. Graphic objects used in the templates must be embedded, not linked, using the Insert > Object command in SmartSketch Drawing Editor when editing the drawing or the drawing template. Select Template Dialog Box (on page 111) When you place drawing property labels, the software automatically makes the DwgTemplate layer active. The labels need to be on this layer so that they are preserved when you update the drawing. You should not place manual markups on the DwgTemplate layer.

If you use other native SmartSketch Drawing Editor commands (such as Place Line or Place Dimension) to add manual markups to the template, put them on any layer in the template in order to preserve the changes when you update drawings. For more information on layers, see Working with Layers.

 

You can create new border templates. For more information, see Create Border and Layout Templates (on page 116). The drawing area is the area on a border template in which you place views. Each border template has a drawing area. When you create new composed drawings, a layout template and a border template merge together to form the new drawing. A single view layout arrangement works with multiple border sizes. For more information on using layouts with borders, see Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113).

Importing Border Files from Other Software You can use border file you created in MicroStation (DGN) or AutoCAD (DWG) for use as border templates in 3D drawings. You can import the DGN or DWG file to SHA and place a drawing area within the border in order do use if for Composed Drawings. For more information, see Import a Border File and Create a Drawing Area (on page 111).


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

See Also Volume Drawings (on page 32) Orthographic Drawings by Query (on page 27) Piping Isometric Drawings by Query (on page 28)

Select Template Dialog Box Specifies a template. This dialog box appears when you click the Edit Border Template command. It also appears the first time you edit a template for a volume component. The templates listed in this dialog box are located on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Templates folder. You can select a template on this dialog box and then click OK, or you can just double-click a template. The application delivers a set of Imperial and Metric border templates. The names of the templates indicate their size. All of the delivered Imperial and Metric border templates already contain border labels. Some of the border templates also contain a label to display notes. The naming convention indicates which templates contain this label.

See Also Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) (on page 110) Volume Drawings (on page 32)

Import a Border File and Create a Drawing Area This procedure shows you how to import a file (MicroStation DGN or AutoCAD DWG) so you can edit it in the Drawings and Reports task.. For more information, see Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) (on page 110). The drawing area is the area on a border template in which you place views. Each border template has a drawing area. When you create new composed drawings, a layout template and a border template merge together to form the new drawing. A single view layout arrangement works with multiple border sizes. For more information on using layouts with borders, see Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113) and Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) (on page 110). 1. Open your DGN or DWG file in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. You can double-click Shape2DServer.exe in the \Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\Common2D\Shape2D\Bin folder to run SmartSketch Drawing Editor. Use File > Open to open the DGN or DWG border file. 2. Save the file as an SHA file to the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Templates folder and exit SmartSketch Drawing Editor. 3. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Edit Border Template. The Select Template dialog box appears.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu 4. Select the imported SHA file from the hierarchy on the dialog box and click OK.

5. The imported border file opens in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. Place a drawing area using the Place Drawing Area command in the toolbar area. Click and drag to place the drawing area. For more information, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.

The Place Drawing Area command creates a rectangle object and sets the properties as needed for the drawing area. You can only place one drawing area per border template. If you open a border template that already has a drawing area specified and try to place a drawing area using this command, an error message displays. 6. Edit the template as needed, saving your changes in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. After you edit your border templates, you can use a 3D task to create new composed drawings that use this border. For information on creating composed drawings, see the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides.

See Also Composed Drawings (on page 23) Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) (on page 110) 112

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

Edit Layout Template Command Edits existing layout templates for use with composed drawings. The Tools > Edit Layout Template command allows you to select an existing layout template, then assign it to a border family - a set of border templates that can be used with the layout template. After you specify a border family, the layout template opens in SmartSketch Drawing Editor for modification. Select Layout Template Dialog Box (on page 114) Select Border Family Dialog Box (on page 114) The layout templates are available when you create composed drawings in a 3D task using the Tools > Drawings Console command. For more information, see the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides. While the layout template is open in SmartSketch Drawing Editor, you can place drawing regions, place views, place reports, edit the border family, and preview the layout against the border templates. For more information on the commands available, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.

  

You can create new layout templates. For more information, see Create Border and Layout Templates (on page 116). The selected templates and layout styles for the Edit Layout Template command cannot be read-only. To edit the template and style permissions, contact your administrator. The drawing area is the area on a border template in which you place views. Each border template has a drawing area. When you create new composed drawings, a layout template and a border template merge together to form the new drawing. A single view layout arrangement works with multiple border sizes. For more information on using layouts with borders, see Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) (on page 110).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu

See Also Composed Drawings (on page 23) Edit a Layout Template (on page 115) Select Border Family Dialog Box (on page 114) Select Layout Template Dialog Box (on page 114)

Select Layout Template Dialog Box Specifies the layout template you want to edit. This dialog box appears when you select Tools > Edit Layout Template. You select an existing layout style to modify from the hierarchy shown on the dialog box. When you click OK, the template opens in SmartSketch Drawing Editor and the Select Border Family appears so you can specify the border templates you want associated with this layout template. For more information, see Select Border Family Dialog Box (on page 114). After you select the border family and click OK, you can modify the layout as needed for your drawings. You can place regions, place views, place reports, change the border family, and preview the layout against the border templates. For more information on the commands available, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.  

You can create new layout templates. For more information, see Create Border and Layout Templates (on page 116). The grayed out buttons on this dialog box are not supported in this version of the software.

See Also Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113) Edit a Layout Template (on page 115)

Select Border Family Dialog Box Specifies the border templates to associate with the current layout template. This dialog box displays when you click OK on the Select Layout Template dialog box. You can multi-select borders by holding down the CTRL key while selecting borders from the hierarchy.

See Also Select Layout Template Dialog Box (on page 114) Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113) Edit a Layout Template (on page 115)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu

Edit a Layout Template 1. Select Tools > Edit Layout Template. The Select Layout Template dialog box appears. 2. Select an existing layout template and click OK. The template opens in SmartSketch Drawing Editor and the Select Border Family dialog box appears. The selected templates and layout styles for the Edit Layout Template command cannot be read-only. To edit the template and style permissions, contact your administrator. 3. Select the borders you want associated with the open layout template and click OK. 4. A heavy black border indicates the layout area of the template. You can select the layout area and position it as needed within the template. 5. Use the commands available in SmartSketch Drawing Editor to place regions, place views, place reports, edit the border family, and preview the layout against the selected border templates. For more information, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help. After you create your layout templates, go to a 3D task and create new composed drawings using the layout template. For information on creating composed drawings, see the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides.

Deleting a Region from a Layout Template Regions are used to manage the positioning of views within layout template. For more information on placing regions, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help. Additional information is available in Composed Drawings (on page 23). 1. To delete a region from a layout template, you should use PickQuick to select the outer boundary of the region.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu 2. After selecting the region outer boundary, select Edit > Delete to remove the region definition. You can also press the Delete key on the keyboard. Any views placed within the region remain on the layout template as unmanaged views.

See Also Composed Drawings (on page 23) Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113) Select Layout Template Dialog Box (on page 114) Select Border Family Dialog Box (on page 114)

Create Border and Layout Templates This procedure shows you how to create a new border or layout template so you can edit it in the Drawings and Reports task. You can edit existing templates using commands on the Tools menu. For more information, see Edit Border Template Command (Tools Menu) (on page 110) and Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113). 1. Go to the Symbols share and locate the \Drawings\Catalog\Templates\Imperial (or Metric) folder. 2. Find an existing template .sha file. For example, you could use the existing border template B_Wide.sha. 3. Right-click the .sha file and select Copy. 4. Right-click in the same folder and select Paste to paste a copy of the original .sha file. 5. Right-click the new copied file and select Rename to change the name of the file. For example, change it from Copy of B_Wide.sha to NewBWide.sha. 6. In the Drawings and Reports task, select Tools > Edit Border Template if the new template is a border template. Use Tools > Edit Layout Template if you create a new layout template.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Tools Menu 7. Edit the new template as needed, saving your changes in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. After you edit your border and layout templates, go to a 3D task and create new composed drawings. For information on creating composed drawings, see the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides. When creating a border template, the border graphics should be created in the Working Sheets view. If the border template is created in the Background Sheets view, the border will not be visible when a drawing is created. The Switch Border command will also not work correctly if the drawing border was created in the Background Sheets view. For more information on these views, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help.

See Also Composed Drawings (on page 23) Edit Layout Template Command (on page 113) Select Layout Template Dialog Box (on page 114) Select Border Family Dialog Box (on page 114)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Tools Menu


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data You can customize your orthographic drawings by understanding and modifying the delivered drawings reference data. You can use reference input data for multiple drawing types, or you could configure different input for each type of drawing. The customizable reference data includes:  View styles (orthographic and key plan) and view style rules  Packages  Labels, symbols, and dimensions There are other customizable elements which are common to all drawings and they are:  Lines styles  Naming rules  Layout styles Some special Microsoft Excel workbooks are delivered to aid in bulkloading new reference data into the product.

Drawings.xls The Drawings.xls defines drawing volumes, which are used in the creation of all drawings. In the Catalog task, you can view a hierarchy of folders containing the drawing volumes.

The hierarchy is derived from the Drawings.xls workbook that contains the reference data for drawing volumes. This workbook is located at [Product Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles. The Drawings sheet is unique to Drawings.xls. You use the Drawings sheet to modify the Drawings reference data. For more information on modifying sheets, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command.

Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes.xls Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes.xls defines an example format for adding drawing custom attributes, such as custom drawing properties to be used in creating drawing borders. For more information, see Drawings- ExtendCustomAttributes Workbook (see "Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes Workbook" on page 534).

See Also Drawing Volume Properties Sheet (on page 531) Layout Style Rules in Orthographic Drawings (on page 523) Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes Workbook (on page 534) Orthographic Drawing by Query Components (on page 206) Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Orthographic and Key Plan View Styles (on page 214) Drawing Rules for View Styles (on page 521)


Orthographic Drawing Packages Packages contain definition information for one or more components, plus template and style definitions. You can create new packages or modify existing packages. Drawing documents are not saved as part of the package. When you save a package, using the Save Package command in the Drawings and Reports task, you specify where it is saved. You can save the package on a single drawing, an entire folder, or even the entire root. You can also create your own tab when you save your packages. The tab appears in the Add Component dialog box of the New command. Packages are saved on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder. A sub-folder exists for each type of delivered package. When you use the New command to add a package to the Management Console, each tab of the Add Component dialog box represents a sub-folder showing the available packages for each drawing type. For example, you find electrical packages on the Electrical tab. Delivered orthographic drawings packages are also located on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder. For more information on adding drawing components to the Management Console, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.

See Also Orthographic Drawings Reference Data (on page 119)

Topics Electrical Packages ........................................................................ 121 Equipment Packages ...................................................................... 149 HVAC Packages ............................................................................ 160 Instrument Packages ...................................................................... 171 Isometrics (by Query) Packages .................................................... 182 Orthographic (by Query) Packages ............................................... 183 Piping Packages ............................................................................. 186 Structural Framing Packages ......................................................... 197



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Electrical Packages Topics Imperial_Electrical CableTray Drawings Package ........................ 121 Imperial_Electrical CableTray Elevation Package ........................ 122 Imperial_Electrical CableTray Isometric Package ........................ 123 Imperial_Electrical CableTray Layout Plan Package .................... 124 Imperial_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan Package............ 125 Imperial_Electrical CableTray Plan Package ................................ 126 Imperial_Electrical CableTray Section Package ........................... 127 Imperial_Electrical Equipment Drawings Package ....................... 128 Imperial_Electrical Equipment Elevation Package ....................... 128 Imperial_Electrical Equipment Isometric Package........................ 129 Imperial_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan Package ........... 130 Imperial_Electrical Equipment Section Package........................... 132 Imperial_Electrical Instrument Plan Package ................................ 133 Imperial_Electrical Lighting Plan Package ................................... 134 Metric_Electrical Above Ground Plan Package ............................ 135 Metric_Electrical CableTray Drawings Package........................... 136 Metric_Electrical CableTray Elevation Package ........................... 136 Metric_Electrical CableTray Isometric Package ........................... 137 Metric_Electrical CableTray Layout Plan Package ....................... 138 Metric_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan Package .............. 139 Metric_Electrical CableTray Plan Package ................................... 140 Metric_Electrical CableTray Section Package .............................. 141 Metric_Electrical Equipment Drawings Package .......................... 142 Metric_Electrical Equipment Elevation Package .......................... 142 Metric_Electrical Equipment Isometric Package .......................... 143 Metric_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan Package .............. 144 Metric_Electrical Equipment Plan Package .................................. 145 Metric_Electrical Equipment Section Package.............................. 146 Metric_Electrical Instrument Plan Package................................... 147 Metric_Electrical Lighting Plan Package ...................................... 148

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Imperial_Electrical CableTray Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Electrical CableTray Elevation, Electrical CableTray Isometric, Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan, Electrical CableTray Plan, and Electrical CableTray Section Volume Drawing components. Electrical CableTray Elevation (see "Imperial_Electrical CableTray Elevation Package" on page 122) Electrical CableTray Isometric (see "Imperial_Electrical CableTray Isometric Package" on page 123) Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan (see "Imperial_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan Package" on page 125)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Electrical CableTray Plan (see "Imperial_Electrical CableTray Plan Package" on page 126) Electrical CableTray Section (see "Imperial_Electrical CableTray Section Package" on page 127) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical CableTray Elevation Description: The Imperial Electrical CableTray Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical CableTray Elevation\Electrical CableTray Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Elevation (see "Electrical CableTray Elevation View Style" on page 244) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical CableTray Isometric Description: The Imperial Electrical CableTray Isometric packages creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical CableTray Isometric\Electrical CableTray Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Isometric (see "Electrical CableTray Isometric View Style" on page 255) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y La yo u t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical CableTray Layout Plan Description: The Imperial Electrical CableTray Layout Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Layout Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: A1 Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical CableTray Layout Plan\Electrical CableTray Layout Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Layout Plan (see "Electrical CableTray Layout Plan View Style" on page 262) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 3/8" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical CableTray Key Plan (see "Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style" on page 261) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan Description: The Imperial Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan\Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan (see "Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 268) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical CableTray Plan Description: The Imperial Electrical CableTray Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical CableTray Plan\Electrical CableTray Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Plan (see "Electrical CableTray Plan View Style" on page 271) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical CableTray Key Plan (see "Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style" on page 261) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical CableTray Section Description: The Imperial Electrical CableTray Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical CableTray Section\Electrical CableTray Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Section (see "Electrical CableTray Section View Style" on page 284) Orientation:Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Imperial_Electrical Equipment Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Electrical Equipment Elevation, Electrical Equipment Isometric, Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan, Electrical Equipment Plan, and Electrical Equipment Section Volume Drawing components. Electrical Equipment Elevation (see "Imperial_Electrical Equipment Elevation Package" on page 128) Electrical Equipment Isometric (see "Imperial_Electrical Equipment Isometric Package" on page 129) Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan (see "Imperial_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan Package" on page 130) Electrical Equipment Plan (on page 131) Electrical Equipment Section (see "Imperial_Electrical Equipment Section Package" on page 132) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical Equipment Elevation Description: The Imperial Electrical Equipment Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical Equipment Elevation\Electrical Equipment Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Elevation (see "Electrical Equipment Elevation View Style" on page 287) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical Equipment Isometric Description: The Imperial Electrical Equipment Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical Equipment Isometric\Electrical Equipment Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Isometric (see "Electrical Equipment Isometric View Style" on page 291) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan Description: The Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan\Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan (see "Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 294) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Name: Imperial_Electrical Equipment Plan Description: The Imperial Electrical Equipment Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical Equipment Plan\Electrical Equipment Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbolsshare in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Plan (see "Electrical Equipment Plan View Style" on page 295) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical Equipment Key Plan (see "Electrical Equipment Key Plan View Style" on page 293) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical Equipment Section Description: The Imperial Electrical Equipment Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical Equipment Section\Electrical Equipment Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Section (see "Electrical Equipment Section View Style" on page 300) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l In s tru m e n t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical Instrument Plan Description: The Imperial Electrical Instrument Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Instrument Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical Instrument Plan\Electrical Instrument Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Instrument Plan (see "Electrical Instrument Plan View Style" on page 302) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 3/8" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Instrument Key Plan (see "Instrument Key Plan View Style" on page 397) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_Ele c tric a l Lig h tin g P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Electrical Lighting Plan Description: The Imperial Electrical Lighting Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Lighting Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Electrical Lighting Plan\Electrical Lighting Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Lighting Plan (see "Electrical Lighting Plan View Style" on page 311) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 3/8" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical CableTray Key Plan (see "Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style" on page 261) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ab o ve Gro u n d P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Above Ground Plan Description: The Metric Electrical Above Ground Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Above Ground Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: A1 Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Above Ground Plan\Electrical Above Ground Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Above Ground Plan_M (see "Electrical Above Ground Plan View Style" on page 238) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1:50 mm Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical CableTray Key Plan_M (see "Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style" on page 261) Orientation: Defined by View Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Metric_Electrical CableTray Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Electrical CableTray Elevation, Electrical CableTray Isometric, Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan, Electrical CableTray Plan, and Electrical CableTray Section Volume Drawing components. Electrical CableTray Elevation (see "Metric_Electrical CableTray Elevation Package" on page 136) Electrical CableTray Isometric (see "Metric_Electrical CableTray Isometric Package" on page 137) Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan (see "Metric_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan Package" on page 139) Electrical CableTray Plan (see "Metric_Electrical CableTray Plan Package" on page 140) Electrical CableTray Section (see "Metric_Electrical CableTray Section Package" on page 141) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical CableTray Elevation Description: The Imperial Electrical CableTray Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical CableTray Elevation\Electrical CableTray Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Elevation_M (see "Electrical CableTray Elevation View Style" on page 244) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical CableTray Isometric Description: The Metric Electrical CableTray Isometric packages creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical CableTray Isometric\Electrical CableTray Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Isometric_M (see "Electrical CableTray Isometric View Style" on page 255) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y La yo u t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical CableTray Layout Plan Description: The Metric Electrical CableTray Layout Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Layout Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: A1 Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical CableTray Layout Plan\Electrical CableTray Layout Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_M (see "Electrical CableTray Layout Plan View Style" on page 262) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 3/8" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical CableTray Key Plan_M (see "Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style" on page 261) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan Description: The Metric Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan\Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_M (see "Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 268) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical CableTray Plan Description: The Metric Electrical CableTray Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical CableTray Plan\Electrical CableTray Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Plan_M (see "Electrical CableTray Plan View Style" on page 271) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical CableTray Key Plan_M (see "Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style" on page 261) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical CableTray Section Description: The Metric Electrical CableTray Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical CableTray Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical CableTray Section\Electrical CableTray Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbolsshare in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical CableTray Section_M (see "Electrical CableTray Section View Style" on page 284) Orientation:Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Metric_Electrical Equipment Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Electrical Equipment Elevation, Electrical Equipment Isometric, Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan, Electrical Equipment Plan, and Electrical Equipment Section Volume Drawing components. Electrical Equipment Elevation (see "Metric_Electrical Equipment Elevation Package" on page 142) Electrical Equipment Isometric (see "Metric_Electrical Equipment Isometric Package" on page 143) Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan (see "Metric_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan Package" on page 144) Electrical Equipment Plan (see "Metric_Electrical Equipment Plan Package" on page 145) Electrical Equipment Section (see "Metric_Electrical Equipment Section Package" on page 146) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Equipment Elevation Description: The Metric Electrical Equipment Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Equipment Elevation\Electrical Equipment Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Elevation_M (see "Electrical Equipment Elevation View Style" on page 287) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Equipment Isometric Description: The Metric Electrical Equipment Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Equipment Isometric\Electrical Equipment Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Isometric_M (see "Electrical Equipment Isometric View Style" on page 291) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan Description: The Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan\Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_M (see "Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 294) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Equipment Plan Description: The Metric Electrical Equipment Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Equipment Plan\Electrical Equipment Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Plan_M (see "Electrical Equipment Plan View Style" on page 295) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical Equipment Key Plan_M (see "Electrical Equipment Key Plan View Style" on page 293) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Equipment Section Description: The Metric Electrical Equipment Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Equipment Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Equipment Section\Electrical Equipment Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Equipment Section_M (see "Electrical Equipment Section View Style" on page 300) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l In s tru m e n t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Instrument Plan Description: The Metric Electrical Instrument Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Instrument Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Instrument Plan\Electrical Instrument Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Instrument Plan_M (see "Electrical Instrument Plan View Style" on page 302) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 3/8" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Instrument Key Plan_M (see "Instrument Key Plan View Style" on page 397) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Ele c tric a l Lig h tin g P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Electrical Lighting Plan Description: The Metric Electrical Lighting Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Electrical Lighting Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Electrical Lighting Plan\Electrical Lighting Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Electrical Lighting Plan_M (see "Electrical Lighting Plan View Style" on page 311) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 3/8" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Electrical CableTray Key Plan_M (see "Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style" on page 261) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example


Equipment Packages Topics Imperial_Equipment Drawings Package ....................................... 149 Imperial_Equipment Elevation Package........................................ 150 Imperial_Equipment Isometric Package ........................................ 151 Imperial_Equipment Overall Key Plan Package ........................... 152 Imperial_Equipment Plan Package ................................................ 153 Imperial_Equipment Section Package ........................................... 154 Metric_Equipment Drawings Package .......................................... 155 Metric_Equipment Elevation Package .......................................... 155 Metric_Equipment Isometric Package ........................................... 156 Metric_Equipment Overall Key Plan Package .............................. 157 Metric_Equipment Plan Package................................................... 158 Metric_Equipment Section Package .............................................. 159

Im p e ria l_Eq u ip m e n t Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Imperial_Equipment Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Equipment Elevation, Equipment Isometric, Equipment Overall Key Plan, Equipment Plan, and Equipment Section Volume Drawing components. Equipment Elevation (see "Imperial_Equipment Elevation Package" on page 150) Equipment Isometric (see "Imperial_Equipment Isometric Package" on page 151) Equipment Overall Key Plan (see "Imperial_Equipment Overall Key Plan Package" on page 152) Equipment Plan (see "Imperial_Equipment Plan Package" on page 153) Equipment Section (see "Imperial_Equipment Section Package" on page 154)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Im p e ria l_Eq u ip m e n t Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Equipment Elevation Description: The Imperial Equipment Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Equipment Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Equipment Elevation\Equipment Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Elevation (see "Equipment Elevation View Style" on page 317) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Eq u ip m e n t Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Equipment Isometric Description: The Imperial Equipment Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Equipment Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Equipment Isometric\Equipment Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Isometric (see "Equipment Isometric View Style" on page 328) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Eq u ip m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Equipment Overall Key Plan Description: The Imperial Equipment Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Equipment Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Equipment Overall Key Plan\Equipment Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Overall Key Plan (see "Equipment Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 334) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Eq u ip m e n t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Equipment Plan Description: The Imperial Equipment Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Equipment Plan view style and also places a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Equipment Plan\Equipment Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbolsshare in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Plan (see "Equipment Plan View Style" on page 337) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Equipment Key Plan (see "Equipment Key Plan View Style" on page 333) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_Eq u ip m e n t S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Equipment Section Description: The Imperial Equipment Section package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Equipment Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Equipment Section Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Equipment Section\Equipment Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Section (see "Equipment Section View Style" on page 349) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Me tric _Eq u ip m e n t Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Metric_Equipment Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Equipment Elevation, Equipment Isometric, Equipment Overall Key Plan, Equipment Plan, and Equipment Section Volume Drawing components. Equipment Elevation (see "Metric_Equipment Elevation Package" on page 155) Equipment Isometric (see "Metric_Equipment Isometric Package" on page 156) Equipment Overall Key Plan (see "Metric_Equipment Overall Key Plan Package" on page 157) Equipment Plan (see "Metric_Equipment Plan Package" on page 158) Equipment Section (see "Metric_Equipment Section Package" on page 159) Package files are stored on the Symbolsshare in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Me tric _Eq u ip m e n t Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Equipment Elevation Description: The Metric Equipment Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Equipment Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Equipment Elevation\Equipment Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Elevation_M (see "Equipment Elevation View Style" on page 317) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Eq u ip m e n t Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Equipment Isometric Description: The Metric Equipment Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Equipment Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Equipment Isometric\Equipment Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Isometric_M (see "Equipment Isometric View Style" on page 328) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Eq u ip m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Equipment Overall Key Plan Description: The Metric Equipment Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Equipment Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Equipment Overall Key Plan\Equipment Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Overall Key Plan_M (see "Equipment Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 334) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Eq u ip m e n t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Equipment Plan Description: The Metric Equipment Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Equipment Plan view style and also places a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Equipment Plan\Equipment Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Plan_M (see "Equipment Plan View Style" on page 337) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Equipment Key Plan (see "Equipment Key Plan View Style" on page 333) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _Eq u ip m e n t S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Equipment Section Description: The Metric Equipment Section package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Equipment Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Equipment Section Template Location: Packages\Metric_Equipment Section\Equipment Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Equipment Section_M (see "Equipment Section View Style" on page 349) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example


HVAC Packages Topics Imperial_HVAC Drawings Package.............................................. 161 Imperial_HVAC Elevation Package .............................................. 161 Imperial_HVAC Isometric Package .............................................. 162 Imperial_HVAC Overall Key Plan Package ................................. 163 Imperial_HVAC Plan Package ...................................................... 164 Imperial_HVAC Section Package ................................................. 165 Metric_HVAC Drawings Package ................................................ 166 Metric_HVAC Elevation Package................................................. 166 Metric_HVAC Isometric Package ................................................. 167 Metric_HVAC Overall Key Plan Package .................................... 168 Metric_HVAC Plan Package ......................................................... 169 Metric_HVAC Section Package .................................................... 170


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_HVAC Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Imperial_HVAC Drawings package creates a folder that contains the HVAC Elevation, HVAC Isometric, HVAC Overall Key Plan, HVAC Plan, and HVAC Section Volume Drawing components. HVAC Elevation (see "Imperial_HVAC Elevation Package" on page 161) HVAC Isometric (see "Imperial_HVAC Isometric Package" on page 162) HVAC Overall Key Plan (see "Imperial_HVAC Overall Key Plan Package" on page 163) HVAC Plan (see "Imperial_HVAC Plan Package" on page 164) HVAC Section (see "Imperial_HVAC Section Package" on page 165) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Im p e ria l_HVAC Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_HVAC Elevation Description: The Imperial HVAC Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_HVAC Elevation\HVAC Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbolsshare in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Elevation (see "HVAC Elevation View Style" on page 356) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_HVAC Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_HVAC Isometric Description: The Imperial HVAC Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_HVAC Isometric\HVAC Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Isometric (see "HVAC Isometric View Style" on page 357) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_HVAC Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_HVAC Overall Key Plan Description: The Imperial HVAC Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_HVAC Overall Key Plan\HVAC Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Overall Key Plan (see "HVAC Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 359) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_HVAC P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_HVAC Plan Description: The Imperial HVAC Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_HVAC Plan\HVAC Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbolsshare in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Plan (see "HVAC Plan View Style" on page 365) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: HVAC Key Plan (see "HVAC Key Plan View Style" on page 358) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_HVAC S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_HVAC Section Description: The Imperial_HVAC Section package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_HVAC Section\HVAC Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Section Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _HVAC Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Metric_HVAC Drawings package creates a folder that contains the HVAC Elevation, HVAC Isometric, HVAC Overall Key Plan, HVAC Plan, and HVAC Section Volume Drawing components. HVAC Elevation (see "Metric_HVAC Elevation Package" on page 166) HVAC Isometric (see "Metric_HVAC Isometric Package" on page 167) HVAC Overall Key Plan (see "Metric_HVAC Overall Key Plan Package" on page 168) HVAC Plan (see "Metric_HVAC Plan Package" on page 169) HVAC Section (see "Metric_HVAC Section Package" on page 170) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Me tric _HVAC Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_HVAC Elevation Description: The Metric HVAC Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_HVAC Elevation\HVAC Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Elevation_M (see "HVAC Elevation View Style" on page 356) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Me tric _HVAC Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Metric_HVAC Isometric Description: The Metric HVAC Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_HVAC Isometric\HVAC Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Isometric_M (see "HVAC Isometric View Style" on page 357) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _HVAC Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_HVAC Overall Key Plan Description: The Metric HVAC Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_HVAC Overall Key Plan\HVAC Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Overall Key Plan_M (see "HVAC Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 359) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _HVAC P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_HVAC Plan Description: The Metric HVAC Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_HVAC Plan\HVAC Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Plan_M (see "HVAC Plan View Style" on page 365) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: HVAC Key Plan (see "HVAC Key Plan View Style" on page 358) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _HVAC S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_HVAC Section Description: The Metric_HVAC Section package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the HVAC Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_HVAC Section\HVAC Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: HVAC Section_M Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example


Instrument Packages Topics Imperial_Instrument Drawings Package........................................ 172 Imperial_Instrument Elevation Package ........................................ 172 Imperial_Instrument Isometric Package ........................................ 173 Imperial_Instrument Overall Key Plan Package ........................... 174 Imperial_Instrument Plan Package ................................................ 175 Imperial_Instrument Section Package ........................................... 176 Metric_Instrument Drawings Package .......................................... 177 Metric_Instrument Elevation Package ........................................... 177 Metric_Instrument Isometric Package ........................................... 178 Metric_Instrument Overall Key Plan Package .............................. 179 Metric_Instrument Plan Package ................................................... 180 Metric_Instrument Section Package .............................................. 181

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_In s tru m e n t Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Imperial_Instrument Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Instrument Elevation, Instrument Isometric, Instrument Overall Key Plan, Instrument Plan, Instrument Section Volume Drawing components. Instrument Elevation (see "Imperial_Instrument Elevation Package" on page 172) Instrument Isometric (see "Imperial_Instrument Isometric Package" on page 173) Instrument Overall Key Plan (see "Imperial_Instrument Overall Key Plan Package" on page 174) Instrument Plan (see "Imperial_Instrument Plan Package" on page 175) Instrument Section (see "Imperial_Instrument Section Package" on page 176) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Im p e ria l_In s tru m e n t Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Instrument Elevation Description: The Imperial Instrument Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Instrument Elevation\Instrument Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Elevation (see "Instrument Elevation View Style" on page 374) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_In s tru m e n t Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Instrument Isometric Description: The Imperial Instrument Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Instrument Isometric\Instrument Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Isometric (see "Instrument Isometric View Style" on page 391) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_In s tru m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Instrument Overall Key Plan Description: The Imperial Instrument Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Instrument Overall Key Plan\Instrument Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Overall Key Plan (see "Instrument Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 398) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_In s tru m e n t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Instrument Plan Description: The Imperial Instrument Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Instrument Plan\Instrument Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Plan (see "Instrument Plan View Style" on page 402) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Instrument Key Plan (see "Instrument Key Plan View Style" on page 397) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_In s tru m e n t S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Instrument Section Description: The Imperial Instrument Section package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Instrument Section\Instrument Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Section (see "Instrument Section View Style" on page 419) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _In s tru m e n t Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Metric_Instrument Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Instrument Elevation, Instrument Isometric, Instrument Overall Key Plan, Instrument Plan, Instrument Section Volume Drawing components. Instrument Elevation (see "Metric_Instrument Elevation Package" on page 177) Instrument Isometric (see "Metric_Instrument Isometric Package" on page 178) Instrument Overall Key Plan (see "Metric_Instrument Overall Key Plan Package" on page 179) Instrument Plan (see "Metric_Instrument Plan Package" on page 180) Instrument Section (see "Metric_Instrument Section Package" on page 181) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Me tric _In s tru m e n t Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Instrument Elevation Description: The Metric Instrument Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Instrument Elevation\Instrument Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Elevation_M (see "Instrument Elevation View Style" on page 374) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Me tric _In s tru m e n t Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Instrument Isometric Description: The Metric Instrument Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Instrument Isometric\Instrument Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Isometric_M (see "Instrument Isometric View Style" on page 391) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _In s tru m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Instrument Overall Key Plan Description: The Metric Instrument Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Instrument Overall Key Plan\Instrument Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Overall Key Plan_M (see "Instrument Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 398) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _In s tru m e n t P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Instrument Plan Description: The Metric Instrument Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Instrument Plan\Instrument Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Plan_M (see "Instrument Plan View Style" on page 402) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Instrument Key Plan_M (see "Instrument Key Plan View Style" on page 397) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _In s tru m e n t S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Instrument Section Description: The Metric Instrument Section package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Instrument Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Instrument Section\Instrument Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Instrument Section_M (see "Instrument Section View Style" on page 419) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example


Isometrics (by Query) Packages Topics Iso PenSpool Package .................................................................... 182 Iso Pipeline Package ...................................................................... 182 Iso Pipeline Manager Package ....................................................... 183 Iso Spool Package .......................................................................... 183 Iso Spool Manager Package .......................................................... 183 Iso Stress Package ......................................................................... 183

Is o P e n S p o o l P a c ka g e The Iso PenSpool drawing package creates a Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query component that is pre-configured to use the Piping Penetration Spools filter and the Iso_Penspool style. For more information on using Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query components, see the SmartPlant 3D Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.

Is o P ip e lin e P a c ka g e The Iso Pipeline drawing package creates a Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query component that is pre-configured to use the Pipelines filter and the Iso_Pipeline style. For more information on using Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query components, see the SmartPlant 3D Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Is o P ip e lin e Ma n a g e r P a c ka g e The Iso Pipeline Manager drawing package creates a Drawings by Query Manager component that is pre-configured to use the Iso_Pipeline style. For more information on using Piping Isometric Drawings by Query components, see the SmartPlant 3D Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.

Is o S p o o l P a c ka g e The Iso Spool drawing package creates a Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query component that is pre-configured to use the Piping Spools filter and the Iso_Spool style. For more information on using Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query components, see the SmartPlant 3D Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.

Is o S p o o l Ma n a g e r P a c ka g e The Iso Spool Manager drawing package creates a Drawing by Query Manager component that is pre-configured to use the Iso_Spool style. For more information on using Piping Isometric Drawings by Query components, see the SmartPlant 3D Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.

Is o S tre s s P a c ka g e The Iso Stress drawing package creates a Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query component that is pre-configured to use the Pipelines filter and the Iso_Stress style. For more information on using Piping Isometrics Drawings by Query components, see the SmartPlant 3D Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.


Orthographic (by Query) Packages Topics HngSup3View Package ................................................................. 183 Pipe Support Drawings Package.................................................... 185

Hn g S u p 3Vie w P a c ka g e Name: HngSup3View Description: The HngSup3View package creates an Orthographic Drawings by Query component that includes three views that use different looking directions. The package also includes a location key plan view and a CAD Details view. Sheet Size: C Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\HngSup3View\HngSup3View\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Elevation (Left) View Style: HngSup - End (see "HngSup - End View Style" on page 352) Use object coordinate system: Yes Orientation: Looking North Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: HngSupRangeNavigator.dll Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Elevation (Center) View Style: HngSup - Side (see "HngSup - Side View Style" on page 355) Use object coordinate system: Yes Orientation: Looking East Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: HngSupRangeNavigator.dll Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Isometric Looking Northeast View View Style: HngSup - ISO (see "HngSup - ISO View Style" on page 354) Use object coordinate system: No Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: HngSupNoSupportingRangeNav.dll Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

CAD Details View Style: HngSup - Cad Details (see "HngSup - Cad Details View Style" on page 352) Use object coordinate system: No Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: HngSupSimpleNavigator.dll Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View Style: HngSup - Key Plan (see "HngSup - Key Plan View Style" on page 354) Use object coordinate system: No Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: HngSupSimpleNavigator.dll Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

P ip e S u p p o rt Dra win g s P a c ka g e Name: Pipe Support Drawings Description: The Pipe Support Drawings package creates an Orthographic Drawings by Query component that includes three views that use different looking directions. Sheet Size: C Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Top portion Template Location: Packages\PIPE SUPPORT DRAWINGS\Pipe Support Drawings\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Elevation Looking South View View Style: Pipe Supports - Structure (see "Pipe Supports - Structure View Style" on page 424) Use object coordinate system: Yes Orientation: Looking South Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: None Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Elevation Looking East View View Style: Pipe Supports - Piping (see "Pipe Supports - Piping View Style" on page 423) Use object coordinate system: Yes Orientation: Looking East Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: None Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Isometric Looking Northeast View View Style: Pipe Supports - Components (see "Pipe Supports - Components View Style" on page 423) Use object coordinate system: Yes Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Navigation Rule: None Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Piping Packages Topics Imperial_Piping Drawings Package .............................................. 187 Imperial_Piping Elevation Package............................................... 187 Imperial_Piping Isometric Package ............................................... 188 Imperial_Piping Overall Key Plan Package .................................. 189 Imperial_Piping Plan Package ....................................................... 190 Imperial_Piping Section Package .................................................. 191 Metric_Piping Drawings Package ................................................. 192 Metric_Piping Elevation Package.................................................. 192 Metric_Piping Isometric Package .................................................. 193 Metric_Piping Overall Key Plan Package ..................................... 194 Metric_Piping Plan Package .......................................................... 195 Metric_Piping Section Package ..................................................... 196


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_P ip in g Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Imperial_Piping Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Piping Elevation, Piping Isometric, Piping Overall Key Plan, Piping Plan, and Piping Section Volume Drawing components. Piping Elevation (see "Imperial_Piping Elevation Package" on page 187) Piping Isometric (see "Imperial_Piping Isometric Package" on page 188) Piping Overall Key Plan (see "Imperial_Piping Overall Key Plan Package" on page 189) Piping Plan (see "Imperial_Piping Plan Package" on page 190) Piping Section (see "Imperial_Piping Section Package" on page 191) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Im p e ria l_P ip in g Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Piping Elevation Description: The Imperial Piping Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Piping Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Piping Elevation\Piping Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Elevation (see "Piping Elevation View Style" on page 425) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_P ip in g Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Piping Isometric Description: The Imperial Piping Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Piping Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Piping Isometric\Piping Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Isometric (see "Piping Isometric View Style" on page 448) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_P ip in g Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Piping Overall Key Plan Description: The Imperial Piping Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Piping Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Piping Overall Key Plan\Piping Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Overall Key Plan (see "Piping Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 457) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_P ip in g P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Piping Plan Description: The Imperial_Piping Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Piping Plan view style and includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Piping Plan\Piping Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Plan (see "Piping Plan View Style" on page 460) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Piping Key Plan (see "Piping Key Plan View Style" on page 456) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Im p e ria l_P ip in g S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Piping Section Description: The Imperial Piping Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Piping Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Piping Section\Piping Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Section (see "Piping Section View Style" on page 481) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _P ip in g Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Metric_Piping Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Piping Elevation, Piping Isometric, Piping Overall Key Plan, Piping Plan, and Piping Section Volume Drawing components. Piping Elevation (see "Metric_Piping Elevation Package" on page 192) Piping Isometric (see "Metric_Piping Isometric Package" on page 193) Piping Overall Key Plan (see "Metric_Piping Overall Key Plan Package" on page 194) Piping Plan (see "Metric_Piping Plan Package" on page 195) Piping Section (see "Metric_Piping Section Package" on page 196) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Me tric _P ip in g Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Piping Elevation Description: The Metric Piping Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Piping Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Piping Elevation\Piping Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Elevation_M (see "Piping Elevation View Style" on page 425) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Me tric _P ip in g Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Piping Isometric Description: The Metric Piping Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Piping Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Piping Isometric\Piping Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Isometric_M (see "Piping Isometric View Style" on page 448) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _P ip in g Ove ra ll Ke y P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Piping Overall Key Plan Description: The Metric Piping Overall Key Plan package creates a Volume Drawing that uses the Piping Overall Key Plan view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Piping Overall Key Plan\Piping Overall Key Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Overall Key Plan_M (see "Piping Overall Key Plan View Style" on page 457) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _P ip in g P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Piping Plan Description: The Metric_Piping Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Piping Plan view style and includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Piping Plan\Piping Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Plan_M (see "Piping Plan View Style" on page 460) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Piping Key Plan (see "Piping Key Plan View Style" on page 456) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _P ip in g S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Piping Section Description: The Metric Piping Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Piping Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Piping Section\Piping Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Piping Section_M (see "Piping Section View Style" on page 481) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example


Structural Framing Packages Topics Imperial_Structural Drawings Package ......................................... 197 Imperial_Structural Framing Elevation Package ........................... 198 Imperial_Structural Framing Isometric Package ........................... 199 Imperial_Structural Framing Plan Package ................................... 200 Imperial_Structural Framing Section Package .............................. 201 Metric_Structural Drawings Package ............................................ 202 Metric_Structural Framing Elevation Package .............................. 202 Metric_Structural Framing Isometric Package .............................. 203 Metric_Structural Framing Plan Package ...................................... 204 Metric_Structural Framing Section Package ................................. 205

Im p e ria l_S tru c tu ra l Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Imperial_Structural Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Structural Framing Elevation, Structural Framing Isometric, Structural Framing Plan, and Structural Framing Section Volume Drawing components. Structural Framing Elevation (see "Imperial_Structural Framing Elevation Package" on page 198) Structural Framing Isometric (see "Imperial_Structural Framing Isometric Package" on page 199) Structural Framing Plan (see "Imperial_Structural Framing Plan Package" on page 200) Structural Framing Section (see "Imperial_Structural Framing Section Package" on page 201)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Im p e ria l_S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Structural Framing Elevation Description: The Imperial Structural Framing Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Structural Framing Elevation\Structural Framing Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Elevation (see "Structural Framing Elevation View Style" on page 484) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Structural Framing Isometric Description: The Imperial Structural Framing Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Structural Framing Isometric\Structural Framing Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Isometric (see "Structural Framing Isometric View Style" on page 500) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g P la n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Structural Framing Plan Description: The Imperial Structural Framing Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Structural Framing Plan\Structural Framing Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Plan (see "Structural Framing Plan View Styles" on page 503) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Structural Key Plan (see "Structural Framing Key Plan View Style" on page 502) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Im p e ria l_S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Imperial_Structural Framing Section Description: The Imperial Structure Framing Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Imperial_Structural Framing Section\Structural Framing Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Section (see "Structural Framing Section View Style" on page 516) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Template Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Me tric _S tru c tu ra l Dra win g s P a c ka g e The Metric_Structural Drawings package creates a folder that contains the Structural Framing Elevation, Structural Framing Isometric, Structural Framing Plan, and Structural Framing Section Volume Drawing components. Structural Framing Elevation (see "Metric_Structural Framing Elevation Package" on page 202) Structural Framing Isometric (see "Metric_Structural Framing Isometric Package" on page 203) Structural Framing Plan (see "Metric_Structural Framing Plan Package" on page 204) Structural Framing Section (see "Metric_Structural Framing Section Package" on page 205) Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Me tric _S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Ele va tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Structural Framing Elevation Description: The Metric Structural Framing Elevation package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Elevation view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Structural Framing Elevation\Structural Framing Elevation\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Elevation (see "Structural Framing Elevation View Style" on page 484) Orientation: Looking North Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Is o m e tric P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Structural Framing Isometric Description: The Metric Structural Framing Isometric package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Isometric view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Structural Framing Isometric\Structural Framing Isometric\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Isometric (see "Structural Framing Isometric View Style" on page 500) Orientation: Looking Northeast (ISO) Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g P la n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Structural Framing Plan Description: The Metric Structural Framing Plan package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Plan view style and also includes a key plan drawing in the right-hand side of the sheet. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Structural Framing Plan\Structural Framing Plan\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Plan (see "Structural Framing Plan View Styles" on page 503) Orientation: Looking Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Key Plan View View Style: Structural Key Plan (see "Structural Framing Key Plan View Style" on page 502) Orientation: Defined by Key Plan Style Scale: No Scale Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Me tric _S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g S e c tio n P a c ka g e Name: Metric_Structural Framing Section Description: The Metric Structure Framing Section package creates a Volume Drawing component that uses the Structural Framing Section view style. Sheet Size: D Wide Number of Sheets: 1 Notes Area Location: Upper right-hand corner Template Location: Packages\Metric_Structural Framing Section\Structural Framing Section\template.sha Package files are stored on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder.

Main Drawing View View Style: Structural Framing Section (see "Structural Framing Section View Style" on page 516) Orientation: Looking East Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Convert report output to text boxes (no Excel): No

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Template Example

Orthographic Drawing by Query Components Orthographic Drawing by Query components contain setup information plus template and style definitions. You can create new components to generate orthographic (volume) drawings using a filter-based query. Drawing by Query documents are not saved as part of the drawing component. When you save a component as a package in the Drawings and Reports task, you specify the folder where the package is saved. You can save the package on a single drawing or on an entire Management Console folder. Packages are saved on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder. Delivered components are also located on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder. When you add a new component to the Management Console in the Drawings and Reports task, the Orthographic (by Query) tab of the Add Component dialog box shows the available orthographic Drawings by Query components. You can also create your own tab when you save your components. There are two delivered orthographic drawing by query components that appear on the Orthographic (by Query) tab: HngSup3View (see "HngSup3View Package" on page 183) Pipe Support Drawings (see "Pipe Support Drawings Package" on page 185) For more information on adding drawing components to the Management Console, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.

See Also Orthographic Drawings Reference Data (on page 119)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Templates XML Overview Dimension Settings When using a template that applies dimensions to the drawings, you can customize the behavior and appearance of the dimensions with the dimensionSettings section.  The maxDimOffset value determines the maximum linear paper space distance between consecutive witness lines in linear distance dimensions. 0.2

The maxWitnessLength value determines the maximum paper space length of witness lines in linear distance dimensions. 0.2

The overall option places an additional dimension over each dimension chain cluster identified by the rule. A value of -1 will place an overall dimension, while 0 will not. -1

The overallOffset option determines the offset for the overall dimension from the dimension chain. 0.005

The granularity option determines how many attempts are made to place a dimension in clear space. The setting options are 0 for Coarse, 1 for Medium, and 2 for Fine. 0

The perimeterOffset option determines the offset that margin dimensions should be offset from the matchline. The DrawingGAMarginOnly module must be used for the geometric analyzer. For more information on the DrawingGAMarginOnly module, see DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738). 0.055

The priority option allows you to place a priority on particular rules in order to resolve conflicts among multiple rules. The lower the value, the higher the priority. For example, 1 is a higher priority than 3. Also, the label and dimension priorities are considered globally, which means you can give preference to dimensions over labels, and so on. 1

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data 

The horiz option determines whether horizontal dimensions are placed. A value of -1 will place horizontal dimensions, while 0 will not. -1

The vert option determines whether vertical dimensions are placed. A value of -1 will place vertical dimensions, while 0 will not. -1


If the value for keepTopOrBottomDup is 0, then only the top-most point of an aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning. If the value is set to 1, then only the bottom-most point of an aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data 

Similarly, if the value for keepLeftOrRightDup is set to 0, then only the left-most point in a horizontally aligned set of points is considered in dimensioning. If the value is set to 1, then only the right-most point in horizontally aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning. 1 1

The align option determines whether similar linear distance dimension chains should attempt alignment with each other if their projection angles match. A value of -1 will align the dimensions, while 0 will not. The value must be 0 for absolute positioned dimensions. 0

The preserveTextOrientation value determines whether or not text is aligned or moved out from the dimension line. The text obeys the text orientation setting in the dimension style settings of the label template XML file if the preserveTextOrientation value is set to -1. The text orientation value in the label template XML is Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel, or Perpendicular. If the preserveTextOrientation value is set to 0, the dimension text is either rotated appropriately to match the dimension line, or it is moved out from the line if there is not enough clear space. -1

The range value determines whether a separate transparent view volume is placed on the outer region of the SmartFrame, similar to a picture frame. A range is placed if the value is set to -1. If the range value is set to 0, a range is not placed. -1

The rangeOffset value is only valid when the range value is set to -1, otherwise it is ignored. When the range value is on, the rangeOffset value determines the size of the range from each side of the SmartFrame. A rangeOffset value of 0.03 places a view volume that extends from the edge of the SmartFrame sides into the rest of the SmartFrame by 3 centimeters. The space measured by the rangeOffset value is measured in paper space, not model space.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data 0.03

The internalDimension value determines whether or not dimensions are placed inside the internal dimension range (see graphic above). If the internalDimension value is set to -1, all dimensions that are inside of the internal dimension range are placed within the internal dimension range, and not outside the view. When using the internalDimension parameter, you can specify any positioning module to use with the dimensions. -1

The externalDimension value determines whether or not dimensions are placed inside the external dimension range (see graphic above). If the externalDimension value is set to -1, all dimensions that are inside of the external dimension range are placed within the external dimension range area, and not outside the view. When using the externalDimension parameter, you must use the DrawingDimMarginPos positioning module. -1

The minimumDimension value determines a minimum dimension distance. If a dimension is less than the specified distance, it is not placed in the drawing. If a dimension is less than the specified distance, and is part of a dimension chain, it is absorbed into the larger dimension. The surrounding dimension that absorbs the smaller dimension is determined by the direction of the dimension. For vertical dimensions, the small dimension is absorbed by the larger dimension below it. For horizontal dimensions, the small dimension is absorbed by the larger dimension to the left. 0.3


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Below is an example of a minimumDimension value of 0:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Below is an example of a minimumDimension value of 0.3:

The trimWitness value determines whether or not a dimension witness line extends into the drawing view to the dimensioned object or stops at the drawing view. If the trimWitness value is set to -1,the dimension witness lines are trimmed. If the value is set to 0, the dimension witness lines continue into the drawing view to the dimensioned objects. The range, rangeOffset, internalDimension and externalDimension values must be activated (-1) or defined in order for the trimWitness function to work. -1


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Below is an example of a trimWitness value of 0:

Below is an example of a trimWitness value of -1:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Orthographic and Key Plan View Styles View styles define how objects are resymbolized within drawing and keyplan views in drawing documents. In orthographic drawings, like composed drawings or orthographic drawing by query, you can define both orthographic view styles and key plan view styles. You use Tools > Define View Style in the Drawings and Reports task to manage and create view styles. For more information, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. When you create a new orthographic or keyplan view style, it is saved to the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\KeyPlan and \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\Orthographic folders. The styles delivered with the product are specific to each type of drawing. For example, you would use the Electrical Equipment Plan view style to create Electrical Equipment drawings. If you open the XML definition file for the view style, you will see the specifications for the output of the Electrical Equipment for the drawing documents you will create. Similarly, if you use the Electrical Equipment Key Plan view style, you are setting the output style for an Electrical Equipment key plan within your drawing document.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Orthographic Drawings Reference Data (on page 119)

SECTION Drawing view styles determine what objects are included in drawings and how they appear in the drawing. Graphic representation, labels, and dimensions are all basic determining factors in each view style. Below is a list of disciplinary drawing view styles delivered with the product. The delivered XML Rule files are located in the Symbols share [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules folder.  The View Style XML files are located in the Orthographic folder.  The Graphic Rule XML files are located in the GraphicRules folder.  The Label Rule XML files are located in the LabelRules folder.  The Dimension Rule XML files are located in the DimensionRules folder.

See Also Orthographic and Key Plan View Styles (on page 214)

Topics Civil View Styles ........................................................................... 215 Electrical View Styles ................................................................... 238 Equipment View Styles ................................................................. 316 HngSup View Styles...................................................................... 352 HVAC View Styles ....................................................................... 356 Instrument View Styles ................................................................. 374 Pipe Supports View Styles ............................................................ 422 Piping View Styles ........................................................................ 425 Structural Framing View Styles .................................................... 484


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Civil Vie w S tyle s Topics Civil Isometric View Style ............................................................ 215 Civil Key Plan View Style............................................................. 225 Civil Overall Key Plan View Style................................................ 226 Civil Plan View Style .................................................................... 230

Civil Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: Civil Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on Civil objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Columns (on page 217)

Civil Civil Isometric_Columns.xml Isometric_Equipment _Name.xml

Control Point Structure (on page 220)

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure.xml

Pier and Slab Footing (on page 218)

Civil Civil Isometric_Foundation.x Isometric_Equipment ml _Name.xml

Footing Pier (on page 218)

Civil Civil Isometric_Foundation.x Isometric_Equipment ml _Name.xml

Beams (on page 219)

Civil Isometric_Beams.xml

Hose Rack (on page 219)

Civil Isometric_Reference.x ml

Trench (on page 222)

Civil Isometric_Reference.x ml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Grid Line Elevation 0 (on page 221)

Civil Isometric_Grid Line.xml

Block Foundation (on page 221)

Civil Isometric_Foundation.x ml



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a column in an isometric drawing.

Label Rule Each column is labeled with the name from the model. The label is placed on the center of the column.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a pier and slab footing in an isometric vew.

Label Rule Each pier and slab footing is labeled with a name label that reports the object name from the model.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a footing pier in an isometric view.

Label Rule Each footing pier is labeled in the center with a name label that reports the name of the object in the model.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in an isometric view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a hose rack in an isometric view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a control point with a coordinate label in a plan drawing.

Label Rule Control points are resymbolized and are labeled with a North-East coordinate label, which indicates the position of the control point in the model.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule The elevation grid lines are included in the view. The grid lines are represented as lines drawn with the Double Chain line style.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of block foundations in isometric views.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a trench in an isometric view.

View Styles produce different results based on the filters and rules that are included. The filters that are used, and the order they are used in, determine the output of the drawing view. Below is an example of how a drawing view is created from the view style. In this example, the Piping Plan view style illustrates the drawing creation process.

The last graphic rule in the view style takes precedence. The delivered view styles match the logical order found in the Select Filter object hierarchy. From first to last, the view style rows follow the same hierarchy. For example, Piping Parts precedes Pipes in the object filter hierarchy. Therefore, the view style includes the Piping Parts filters before the Pipes filters because of the object hierarchy. If a child filter is placed above a parent filter, the child filter is overwritten in the drawing. The filters must follow the same logical order as the object filter hierarchy. The following graphic compares the object hierarchy in the Select Filter dialog box to the Filters in the View Style Properties dialog box.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

When inserting filters in the view style, be sure they match the order of the objects in the Select Filter dialog box. For example, be sure to place Pipes filters under any existing Piping Parts filters.

Examples The following example is the default Piping Plan view style. The highlighted piping segment has a 2 inch diameter.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following example is a modified Piping Plan view style. A row has been inserted beneath the original Piping filters to resymbolize all pipes equal to or less than 2 inches as a single line.

The following example shows the order of the Piping filters in the modified view style. The filter that resymbolizes all pipes that are less than or equal to 2 inches is last because it is further down in the hierarchy.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Civil Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Civil Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Grid Systems

Civil Key Plan_Reference.xml

Key Plan Focus

Civil Key Plan_Focus.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Civil Key Plan_Focus_Name.xml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Civil Ove ra ll Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Civil Overall Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for key plan views that focuses on volumes and equipment and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Beams (on page 227)

Civil Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)

Civil Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Civil Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 228)

Civil Overall Key Plan_Equipment.xml

Civil Plan Volumes (on page 229)

Civil Overall Key Plan_Volumes.xml

Slabs (on page 229)

Civil Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Control Point Structure (on page 230)

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Civil Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name .xml

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North-Eas t Coordinate.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of braces in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in a plan drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping plan volumes in a drawing.

Label Rule All drawing key plan volumes are labeled with their 3D model name. By default, the label is placed in the upper left corner of the volume in the drawing. Refer to the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of slabs in a drawing. The slab boundaries are drawn with a gray line. Openings in the slab are also represented with a gray line.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a control point with a coordinate label in a plan drawing.

Label Rule Control points are resymbolized and are labeled with a North-East coordinate label, which indicates the position in the model.

Civil P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Civil Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on Civil objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 234)

Civil Plan_Columns.xml

Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal.xml


Civil Plan_Columns.xml

Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor _Vertical.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Columns

Civil Plan_Columns.xml

Civil Plan_Columns_Horizo ntal.xml


Civil Plan_Columns.xml

Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical .xml

Control Point Structure (on page 230)

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure.xml

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M.xml

Footing Pier (on page 236)

Civil Plan_Foundation.xml

Civil Plan_Equipment_Nam e.xml

Footing Pier

Civil Plan_Foundation.xml

Hose Rack (on page 232)

Civil Plan_Reference.xml

Trench (on page 233)

Civil Plan_Reference.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Civil Plan_Grid Line.xml

Civil Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Civil Plan_Grid Line.xml

Civil Plan_Grid Line_Y.xml

Block Foundation (on page 234)

Civil Plan_Foundation.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Civil Plan_Columns_Horizo ntal.xml Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical .xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a hose rack in a plan drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a trench in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an equipment foundation in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Dimension Rule Dimensions all vertical and horizontal columns. Columns are dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If a column is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned. Also, if the column is inline with another column that is already dimensioned, it is not dimensioned. In the example below, notice how the top left column is not dimensioned because the bottom left column is dimensioned. Also, the middle columns are not dimensioned because they line up with the outer columns.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The left portion of this drawing has been cropped due to size constraints.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a footing pier in a plan drawing.

Label Rule Labeled with the name of the footing pier in the model. The label is placed on the center of the footing pier.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Vertical and horizontal dimensions are placed on the footing pier. The footing pier is only dimensioned with nearby columns. The point of dimensioning is the center of the footing pier.

 

This image has been cropped due to size constraints. Only the horizontal dimension is displayed in the example above.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ele c tric a l Vie w S tyle s Topics Electrical Above Ground Plan View Style .................................... 238 Electrical CableTray Elevation View Style ................................... 244 Electrical CableTray Isometric View Style ................................... 255 Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style ................................... 261 Electrical CableTray Layout Plan View Style ............................... 262 Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan View Style ...................... 268 Electrical CableTray Plan View Style ........................................... 271 Electrical CableTray Section View Style ...................................... 284 Electrical Equipment Elevation View Style .................................. 287 Electrical Equipment Isometric View Style .................................. 291 Electrical Equipment Key Plan View Style ................................... 293 Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan View Style ...................... 294 Electrical Equipment Plan View Style .......................................... 295 Electrical Equipment Section View Style...................................... 300 Electrical Instrument Plan View Style........................................... 302 Electrical Lighting Plan View Style .............................................. 311 Electrical Raceway Plan View Style ............................................. 313

Ele c tric a l Ab o ve Gro u n d P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Above Ground Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on electrical objects and also includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 234)

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal.xml


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical.xml


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Horizont al.xml


Electrical Above Ground

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Vertical.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Plan_Reference.xml Beams (on page 227)

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Reference.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 265)

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Dimension Rule xml

Cableway (on page 241)


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Name.xml

Cable Trays (on page 242)

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical.xml

Cable Trays


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical.xml

Grid Line (on Parallel, page 233) vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Process Equipment (on page 265)

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Equipment_Nam e.xml


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, horizontal


Front (on page 242)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Normal CableTray.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cableways in a plan drawing.

Label Rule Each cableway is labeled with the appropriate name from the model. For an example, see the above graphic.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in a plan view.

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed on vertical cable trays, while vertical dimensions are placed on horizontal cable trays. These dimensions are chained with nearby column dimensions. HVAC and Cable Tray objects that are clipped by a volume are labeled differently than similar objects that appear inside the volume. Depending on the direction of the HVAC or Cable Tray objects and the Look Direction of the view, the objects are either labeled on the outside of the view with a leader, or it is resymbolized. Clipped ducts and cable trays that run perpendicular to the look direction are resymbolized.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Ele va tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical CableTray Elevation Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on electrical cabletray objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Reference. xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Anc hor_Horizontal.xml


Electrical CableTray Elevation_Reference. xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Hori zontal.xml

Electrical Equipment (on page 249)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Electrical Equipment.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 249)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. xml

Cableway Parts

Electrical CableTray Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. Elevation_LineNumbe xml r_Longest Segment.xml

Cableway Parts



Clipped (on page 242)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Equipment _Name.xml

Electrical CableTray Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. Elevation_LineNumbe xml r_Clipped.xml

Cable Trays Parallel (on page 250)

Electrical CableTray Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. Elevation_Cable xml Trays_Name-Elevatio n-Width.xml

Cable Trays Parallel, horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_V ertical.xml

Cable Trays Parallel, vertical

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_H orizontal.xml

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Horizontal.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cableways. xml

Grid Plane Elevation (on page 251)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Plane.xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Reference. xml

Handrails (on page 251)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Reference. xml

Stairs (on page 253)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Ladders.xm l

Process Equipment (on page 255)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Process Equipment.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule Electrical CableTray Elevation_Vertical.xml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Equipment _Name.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed between each column. The dimensions are grouped with the equipment dimensions that are in the same quadrant.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of electrical equipment in an elevation view.

Label Rule Each object is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. See the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cableway parts in an elevation view.

Label Rule Each cableway part is labeled with the corresponding name from the model.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in an elevation view.

Label Rule Each cable tray is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. See the graphic above for an example.

Dimension Rule Horizontal cable trays are dimensioned with vertical dimensions, while vertical cable trays are dimensioned with horizontal dimensions.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a grid plane in a drawing.

Label Rule The y-axis of the grid plane is labeled with the name of the grid in the model. For example, see the above graphic.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a handrail in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in an elevation drawing.

Label Rule All elevation grid lines are labeled with the grid name and elevation distance. See the above graphic for an example.

Dimension Rule All elevation grid lines are dimensioned with other dimensioned objects in the drawing. The elevation grid line dimensions are anchored and must be dimensioned with other objects, such as pipes and columns.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in an elevation drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in an elevation drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in an elevation drawing.

 


Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in an elevation view.

Label Rule Each equipment object is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. If there is not enough white space inside of the equipment, the label is placed in nearby white space with a jogged leader. See the above graphic for an example.

Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical CableTray Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on electrical cabletray objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Cableway Parts (on page 257)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cableway.x ml

Cable Trays (on page 257)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cableway.x ml

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Trays_Name-Elevatio n-Width.xml

Cable Tray Supports (on page 258)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Tray Supports.xml

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Tray Supports_Name.xml

Columns (on page 217)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Reference.x ml

Beams (on page 219)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Reference.x ml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Braces (on page 258)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Reference.x ml

Vertical Brace (on page 258)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Reference.x ml

Equipment Foundation (on page 260)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Reference.x ml

Footings (on page 261)

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Footing.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cableways in an isometric view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in an isometric view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Each cable tray is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. For an example, see the above graphic.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a cable tray support in an isometric view.

Label Rule Each cable tray support is labeled with the corresponding name from the model.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of braces in an isometric view.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a column in an isometric drawing.

Label Rule Each column is labeled with the name from the model. The label is placed on the center of the column.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in an isometric view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment foundations in an isometric drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of footings in an isometric drawing.

Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical CableTray Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Grid Systems

Electrical CableTray Key Plan_Reference.xml

Key Plan Focus Element

Electrical CableTray Key Plan_Focus.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Electrical CableTray Key Plan_Focus_Name.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y La yo u t P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical CableTray Layout Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for layout plan views that focuses on electrical cabletray objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edge: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A North Arrow: NorthArrow  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Columns (on page 228)

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Reference.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Reference.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 265)

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Cable Trays Parallel (on page 267)

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Cable Trays_Name.xml

Parallel, vertical

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_X Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)



Dimension Rule

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal


Process Equipment (on page 265) Cable Trays Normal

Front (on page 242)

Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Y Name.xml

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Equipment_Nam e.xml

Dimension Rule

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Normal CableTray.xml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cableway parts in a plan view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label from the above graphic is magnified to show the details of the equipment label.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in a plan view.

Label Rule Each cable tray is labeled with the corresponding name from the model.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y Ove ra ll Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for key plan views that focuses on volumes and equipment and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  


For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Beams (on page 227)


Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)


Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 228)

Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Equipment.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan Volumes (on page 229)

Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Volumes.xml

Slabs (on page 229)

Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Dimension Rule

Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of braces in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping plan volumes in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule All drawing key plan volumes are labeled with their 3D model name. By default, the label is placed in the upper left corner of the volume in the drawing. Refer to the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of slabs in a drawing. The slab boundaries are drawn with a gray line. Openings in the slab are also represented with a gray line.

Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical CableTray Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on electrical cabletray objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 234)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor _Vertical.xml


Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal.xml


Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Vertical .xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule


Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 280)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Cableway Parts

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Lon gest Segment.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Clip ped.xml Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation -Width.xml

Cableway Parts



Clipped (on page 242)

Dimension Rule Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Horizo ntal.xml

Cable Trays (on page 281)


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical.xml

Cable Trays


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical.xml

Cable Tray Supports (on page 283)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Supports.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name.xml

Conduit (on page 284)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Conduit.xml

Control Station (on page 278)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Control Station.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Control Station_Name.xml

Panel (on page 278)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Panel.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Panel_Name.xml

Junction Box (on page 278)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Junction Box.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Junction Box_Name.xml

Switchgear (on page 278)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Switchgear.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Switchgear_Nam e.xml

Motor (on page 277)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Motor.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Motor_Name-Ele vation.xml

Small Motors (on page 277)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Small Motors.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Small

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Motor_Name-Elevation .xml Bus (on page 278)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Bus.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Bus_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Process Equipment (on page 265)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Equipment_Nam e.xml


Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan_Road_Name.xml

Transformer Component

Electrical CableTray Plan_Transformer Component.xml


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cabling.xml

Foundation Pedestal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Trench (on page 233)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


View Styles produce different results based on the filters and rules that are included. The filters that are used, and the order they are used in, determine the output of the drawing view. Below is an example of how a drawing view is created from the view style. In this example, the Piping Plan view style illustrates the drawing creation process.

The last graphic rule in the view style takes precedence. The delivered view styles match the logical order found in the Select Filter object hierarchy. From first to last, the view style rows follow the same hierarchy. For example, Piping Parts precedes Pipes in the object filter hierarchy. Therefore, the view style includes the Piping Parts filters before the Pipes filters because of the object hierarchy. 274

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data If a child filter is placed above a parent filter, the child filter is overwritten in the drawing. The filters must follow the same logical order as the object filter hierarchy. The following graphic compares the object hierarchy in the Select Filter dialog box to the Filters in the View Style Properties dialog box.

When inserting filters in the view style, be sure they match the order of the objects in the Select Filter dialog box. For example, be sure to place Pipes filters under any existing Piping Parts filters.

Examples The following example is the default Piping Plan view style. The highlighted piping segment has a 2 inch diameter.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following example is a modified Piping Plan view style. A row has been inserted beneath the original Piping filters to resymbolize all pipes equal to or less than 2 inches as a single line.

The following example shows the order of the Piping filters in the modified view style. The filter that resymbolizes all pipes that are less than or equal to 2 inches is last because it is further down in the hierarchy.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a motor in a plan view.

Label Rule Each motor object is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. For an example, see the above graphic.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a trench in a plan drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of electrical equipment in plan views.

Label Rule Electrical equipment is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. See the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in a drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label from the above graphic is magnified to show the details of the equipment label.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cableway parts in a plan drawing.

Label Rule Each cableway part is labeled with the corresponding name from the model.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in plan drawings.

Label Rule Each cable tray is labeled with the corresponding name and elevation value from the model. See the above graphic for an example.

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed on vertical cable trays, while vertical dimensions are placed on horizontal cable trays. The cable trays are dimensioned to nearby columns. See the above graphic for an example.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Dimension Rule Dimensions all vertical and horizontal columns. Columns are dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If a column is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned. Also, if the column is inline with another column that is already dimensioned, it is not dimensioned. In the example below, notice how the top left column is not dimensioned because the bottom left column is dimensioned. Also, the middle columns are not dimensioned because they line up with the outer columns.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The left portion of this drawing has been cropped due to size constraints.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a cable tray support in a plan view.

Label Rule Each cable tray support is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. For an example, see the above graphic.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of conduits in a plan view.

Ele c tric a l Ca b le Tra y S e c tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical CableTray Section Description: Drawing layout designed for section views that focuses on electrical cabletray objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Electrical CableTray Section_Reference.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Anch or_Horizontal.xml


Electrical CableTray Section_Reference.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Horiz ontal.xml

Electrical Equipment (on page 249)

Electrical CableTray Section_Electrical Equipment.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 249)

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x ml

Cableway Parts

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_ Longest Segment.xml

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x

Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_

Cableway Parts



Clipped (on page 242)

Electrical CableTray Section_Equipment_ Name.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule



Cable Trays Parallel (on page 250)

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_Cable Trays_Name-Elevatio n-Width.xml

Cable Trays Parallel, horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vert ical.xml

Cable Trays Parallel, vertical

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Hori zontal.xml

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical CableTray Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_Vertical.xml

Grid Plane Section (on page 251)

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Plane.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Electrical CableTray Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line.xml Section_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Electrical CableTray Section_Reference.x ml

Handrails (on page 251)

Electrical CableTray Section_Reference.x ml

Stairs (on page 253)

Electrical CableTray Section_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Electrical CableTray Section_Ladders.xml

Process Equipment (on page 255)

Electrical CableTray Section_Process Equipment.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Plane_Name.xml Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

Electrical CableTray Section_Equipment_ Name.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Ele va tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Equipment Elevation Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on electrical equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Columns (on page 247)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Graphic Rule Electrical Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anc hor_Horizontal.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Electrical Equipment (on page 249)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Electrical Equipment.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 249)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. xml

Cableway Parts

Electrical Equipment Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. Elevation_LineNumbe xml r_Longest Segment.xml

Cableway Parts



Clipped (on page 242)

Dimension Rule Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Hori zontal.xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Equipment _Name.xml

Electrical Equipment Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. Elevation_LineNumbe xml r_Clipped.xml

Cable Trays Parallel (on page 250)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. xml

Cable Trays Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_V ertical.xml

Cable Trays Parallel, vertical

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_H orizontal.xml

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_H orizontal.xml

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Cableways. xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_V ertical.xml

Grid Plane Elevation (on page 251)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane.xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Handrails (on page 251)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Stairs (on page 253)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Ladders.xm l

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Electrical Equipment (on page 290)

Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Electrical Equipment.xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Equipment _Name.xml

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_H orizontal.xml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of electrical equipment in an elevation view.

Label Rule Each electrical equipment object is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. See the above graphic for an example.

Dimension Rule Horizontal and vertical dimensions are placed on all electrical equipment objects. The dimensions are grouped with the cable tray dimensions. See the above graphic for an example.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Equipment Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on electrical equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Cableway Parts (on page 257)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Cableway.x ml

Electrical Equipment Isometric_LineNumbe r_LongestSegment.x ml

Cable Trays (on page 257)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Cableway.x ml

Cable Tray Supports (on page 258)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Cable Tray Supports.xml

Columns (on page 217)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Reference.x ml

Beams (on page 219)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Reference.x ml

Braces (on page 258)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Reference.x ml

Vertical Brace (on page 258)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Reference.x ml

Equipment Foundation (on page 260)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Reference.x ml

Footings (on page 261)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Footing.xml

Electrical Equipment (on page 292)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Process Equipment.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Equipment _Name.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of electrical equipment in an isometric view.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule All electrical equipment objects are labeled with the corresponding name from the model.

Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Equipment Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Grid Systems

Electrical Equipment Key Plan_Reference.xml

Key Plan Focus Element

Electrical Equipment Key Plan_Focus.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Electrical Equipment Key Plan_Focus_Name.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for key plan views that focuses on volumes and equipment and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  


For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Beams (on page 227)


Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)


Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 228)

Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Equipment.xml

Electrical CableTray Plan Volumes (on page 229)

Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volumes.xml

Dimension Rule

Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Slabs (on page 229)

Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml


Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Equipment Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on electrical equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 234)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor _Vertical.xml


Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule _Horizontal.xml


Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical .xml


Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizo ntal.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 280)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Cableway Parts

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Lon gest Segment.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Clip ped.xml

Cableway Parts


Clipped (on page 242)

Cable Trays (on page 281)


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical.xml

Cable Trays


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical.xml

Cable Tray Supports (on page 283)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Tray Supports.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name.xml

Conduit (on page 284)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Conduit.xml

Control Station (on page 278)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Control Station.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Control Station_Name.xml

Panel (on page 278)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Panel.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Panel_Name.xml

Junction Box (on page 278)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Junction Box.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Junction Box_Name.xml

Switchgear (on page 278)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Switchgear.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Switchgear_Nam e.xml

Motor (on page 278)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor_Name-Ele vation.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Small Motors (on page 278)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motors.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation .xml

Bus (on page 278)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Bus.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Bus_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Electrical Equipment (on page 299)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Electrical Component.xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Equipment_Nam e.xml

Electrical Equipment

Electrical Equipment Plan_Electrical Component.xml


Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Transformer Component

Electrical Equipment Plan_Transformer Component.xml


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cabling.xml

Foundation Pedestal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Trench (on page 233)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns Horizontal.xml Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical .xml

Electrical Equipment Plan_Road_Name.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of electrical equipment in a plan view.

Label Rule Each electrical equipment object is labeled with the appropriate name from the model. If there is not enough white space for the label on the equipment object, the label is placed in nearby white space with a jogged leader.

Dimension Rule Horizontal and vertical dimensions are placed on each electrical equipment object. The dimensions are grouped in with the column dimensions. For an example, see the graphic above.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ele c tric a l Eq u ip m e n t S e c tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Equipment Section Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on electrical equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Electrical Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Anch or_Horizontal.xml


Electrical Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Horiz ontal.xml

Electrical Equipment (on page 249)

Electrical Equipment Section_Electrical Equipment.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 249)

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Cableway Parts

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_ Longest Segment.xml

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_ Clipped.xml

Cableway Parts



Clipped (on page 242)

Electrical Equipment Section_Equipment_ Name.xml

Cable Trays Parallel (on page 250)

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Cable Trays Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vert ical.xml

Cable Trays Parallel, vertical

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Hori zontal.xml

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Hori zontal.xml

Cable Trays Normal

Electrical Equipment Section_Cableways.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vert ical.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Grid Plane Elevation (on page 251)

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Plane.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Electrical Equipment Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line.xml Section_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Electrical Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Handrails (on page 251)

Electrical Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Stairs (on page 253)

Electrical Equipment Section_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Electrical Equipment Section_Ladders.xml

Electrical Equipment (on page 290)

Electrical Equipment Section_Electrical Equipment.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Electrical Equipment Section_Equipment_ Name.xml

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Hori zontal.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Ele c tric a l In s tru m e n t P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Instrument Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on electrical instruments and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  


For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Columns (on page 228)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical Instrument Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical Instrument Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical Instrument Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Parts (on page 307)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Piping.xml

Pipes (on page 308)


Front (on page 309)

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Electrical Instrument Plan_Normal Pipe.xml

Pipe Supports (on page 309)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Instruments (on page 305)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Instruments.xml

Electrical Instrument Plan_Instrument_Na me.xml

Equipment Except Junction Box (on page 278)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Equipment.xml

Electrical Instrument Plan_Equipment_Na me.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Electrical Instrument Plan_Cableways.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 265) Cable Trays (on page 306)

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Instrument Plan_Cableways.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Instrument Plan_Cableways.xml Electrical Instrument Plan_Conduit.xml

Conduit Parts (on page 309) Conduits (on page 284)

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Instrument Plan_Conduit_SingleL ine.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Instrument Plan_Conduit_SingleL ine.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Reference.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Stair.xml

Ladders (on page 310)

Electrical Instrument Plan_Ladder.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter Junction Box (on page 278)



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box.xml

Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name.xml

Dimension Rule



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping instruments in a plan view.

Label Rule Piping instruments are labeled with the corresponding name from the model. A relative elevation label is also placed on each piping instrument. See the above graphic for an example.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in a plan view.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping parts in a plan view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Pipes that are clipped by a volume are labeled differently than other pipes and pipe parts that appear inside the volume. Clipped pipes that are directly parallel to the look direction are resymbolized.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of pipe supports in a plan view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of conduit parts in a plan view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in a drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in a drawing.

 


Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ele c tric a l Lig h tin g P la n Vie w Style Name: Electrical Lighting Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on lighting and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Structure (on page 312)

Electrical Lighting Plan_Reference.xml

Process Equipment (on page 265)

Electrical Lighting Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Lighting Plan_Equipment_Nam e.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Lighting Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Lighting Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Lighting Fixtures

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Symbol_Nu mber.xml

Ceiling Light (on page 313)

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Ceiling.xml

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name.xml

Fluorescent Light (on page 313)

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Fluorescen t.xml

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name.xml

Stancion Light (on page 313)

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Stancion.x ml

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name.xml

Wall Light (on page 313)

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Wall.xml

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of structure in a plan view.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of lights in a plan drawing.

Label Rule Lights are labeled with the corresponding name from the model. A coordinate label is also placed on the light object. For an example, see the above graphic.

Ele c tric a l Ra c e wa y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Electrical Raceway Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on electrical objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Cable Trays (on page 316)

Electrical Raceway Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays.xml Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevatio n-Width.xml

Cable Tray Supports (on page 283)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Supports.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name.xml

Control Station (on page 278)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Control Station.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Control Station_Name.xml

Panel (on page 278)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Panel.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Panel_Name.x ml

Junction Box (on page 278)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Junction Box.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Junction Box_Name.xml

Switchgear (on page 278)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Switchgear.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Switchgear_Na me.xml

Motor (on page

Electrical Raceway

Electrical Raceway

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule





Plan_Motor_Name-El evation.xml

Small Motors (on page 278)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Small Motors.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevatio n.xml

Bus (on page 278)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Bus.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Bus_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Process Equipment (on page 265)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Equipment_Na me.xml


Electrical Raceway Plan_Reference.xml

Electrical Raceway Plan_Road_Name.xm l

Transformer Component

Electrical Raceway Plan_Transformer Component.xml


Electrical Raceway Plan_Cabling.xml

Conduit (on page 284)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Conduit.xml

Members (on page 312)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Reference.xml

Foundation Pedestal

Electrical Raceway Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical Raceway Plan_Reference.xml


Electrical Raceway Plan_Reference.xml

Trench (on page 233)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Reference.xml

Cable Tray Components

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Components.xml

Dimension Rule

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in a plan view.

Label Rule Each cable tray is labeled with the corresponding name from the model and the elevation of the tray. For an example, see the above graphic.


Eq u ip m e n t Vie w S tyle s Topics Equipment Elevation View Style .................................................. 317 Equipment Isometric View Style ................................................... 328 Equipment Key Plan View Style ................................................... 333 Equipment Overall Key Plan View Style ...................................... 334 Equipment Plan View Style ........................................................... 337 Equipment Section View Style ...................................................... 349


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Eq u ip m e n t Ele va tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Equipment Elevation Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Equipment (on page 322)

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate.xml


Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_ Name.xml

Grid Plan Elevation (on page 251)

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Equipment Elevation_Grid Plan_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 319)

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Handrails (on page 251)

Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Stairs (on page 253)

Equipment Elevation_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Equipment Elevation_Ladders.xm l

Footings (on page 326)

Equipment Elevation_Reference. xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anc hor_Horizontal.xml Equipment Elevation_Eqiupment_H orizontal.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a grid plane in a drawing.

Label Rule The y-axis of the grid plane is labeled with the name of the grid in the model. For example, see the above graphic.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule All elevation grid lines are labeled with the grid name and elevation distance. See the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in an elevation drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed between each column. The dimensions are grouped with the equipment dimensions that are in the same quadrant.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in an elevation drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled with a name label and a north-east coordinate label. The name label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. The coordinate label is placed on the object origin, unless there is insufficient space, in which case it will find the necessary white space. See the above graphic for an example of the labels.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed on each equipment object. The point of dimensioning is the object origin. Nearby columns are also dimensioned with the equipment objects.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in an elevation drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a handrail in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in an elevation drawing.

 


Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in an elevation drawing.

 

Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a footing in an elevation drawing.

View Styles produce different results based on the filters and rules that are included. The filters that are used, and the order they are used in, determine the output of the drawing view. Below is an example of how a drawing view is created from the view style. In this example, the Piping Plan view style illustrates the drawing creation process.

The last graphic rule in the view style takes precedence. The delivered view styles match the logical order found in the Select Filter object hierarchy. From first to last, the view style rows follow the same hierarchy. For example, Piping Parts precedes Pipes in the object filter hierarchy. Therefore, the view style includes the Piping Parts filters before the Pipes filters because of the object hierarchy. If a child filter is placed above a parent filter, the child filter is overwritten in the drawing. The filters must follow the same logical order as the object filter hierarchy. The following graphic compares the object hierarchy in the Select Filter dialog box to the Filters in the View Style Properties dialog box.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data 

When inserting filters in the view style, be sure they match the order of the objects in the Select Filter dialog box. For example, be sure to place Pipes filters under any existing Piping Parts filters.

Examples The following example is the default Piping Plan view style. The highlighted piping segment has a 2 inch diameter.

The following example is a modified Piping Plan view style. A row has been inserted beneath the original Piping filters to resymbolize all pipes equal to or less than 2 inches as a single line.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following example shows the order of the Piping filters in the modified view style. The filter that resymbolizes all pipes that are less than or equal to 2 inches is last because it is further down in the hierarchy.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)

Eq u ip m e n t Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: Equipment Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on Equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Equipment (on page 330)

Equipment Isometric_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Isometric_Equipment _Name.xml

Members (on page 332)

Equipment Isometric_Reference. xml



Dimension Rule

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Foundations (on page 260)

Isometric_Reference. xml

Footings (on page 261)

Equipment Isometric_Reference. xml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment foundations in an isometric drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in an isometric drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label is placed inside the object without a leader.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of footings in an isometric drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of members in an isometric drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Eq u ip m e n t Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Equipment Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Grid Systems

Equipment Key Plan_Reference.xml

Key Plan Focus Element

Equipment Key Plan_Focus.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Equipment Key Plan_Volume_Name.x ml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Eq u ip m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Equipment Overall Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for key plan views that focuses on volumes and equipment and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  


For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Beams (on page 227)


Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)


Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 228)

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment Plan Volumes (on page 229)

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volumes.xml

Slabs (on page 229)

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name. xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping plan volumes in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule All drawing key plan volumes are labeled with their 3D model name. By default, the label is placed in the upper left corner of the volume in the drawing. Refer to the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of slabs in a drawing. The slab boundaries are drawn with a gray line. Openings in the slab are also represented with a gray line.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of braces in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Eq u ip m e n t P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Equipment Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on Equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 234)

Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Ho rizontal.xml


Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Ve rtical.xml


Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal. xml


Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical.xm l

Equipment (on page 344)

Equipment Plan_Process Equpment.xml

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North-Eas t Coordinate.xml


Equipment Plan_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Plan_Equipment_Na me.xml


Equipment Plan_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Horizontal.xml


Equipment Plan_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Vertical.xml

Control Point Mechanical Equipment (on page 343)

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment.xml

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North-Eas t Coordinate.xml

Control Point Structure (on page 343)

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure.xml

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Footings (on page 345)

Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Ladders (on page 310)

Equipment Plan_Ladders.xml

Hose Rack (on page 232)

Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Lighting Fixtures (on page 348)

Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Trench (on page 233)

Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Panels and Cabinets (on

Equipment Plan_Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

page 348)

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

Equipment Plan_Grid Line.xml

Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

Equipment Plan_Grid Line.xml

Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Equipment Plan_Stairs.xml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Detailed View

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Dimension Rule Dimensions all vertical and horizontal columns. Columns are dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If a column is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned. Also, if the column is inline with another column that is already dimensioned, it is not dimensioned. In the example below, notice how the top left column is not dimensioned because the bottom left column is dimensioned. Also, the middle columns are not dimensioned because they line up with the outer columns.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The left portion of this drawing has been cropped due to size constraints.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a control point in a drawing.

Label Rule Each control point is resymbolized and labeled with its name from the model.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in a drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled with a name label and a north-east coordinate label. The name label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. The coordinate label is placed on the object origin, unless there is insufficient space, in which case it will find the necessary white space. See the above graphic for an example of the labels.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Vertical and horizontal dimensions are placed on the equipment components. The point of dimensioning is the object origin.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of footings in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a hose rack in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in a drawing.

 

Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a lighting fixture in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of Panels and Cabinets in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in a drawing.

 


Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a trench in a plan drawing.

Eq u ip m e n t S e c tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Equipment Section Description: Drawing layout designed for section views that focuses on Equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filters



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Equipment (on page 322)

Equipment Section_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Equipment Section_Process Section_Equipment_H Equipment_North-Easy orizontal.xml Coordinate.xml


Equipment Section_Process Equipment.xml

Equipment Section_Equipment_N ame.xml

Grid Plane Section (on page 251)

Equipment Section_Grid Line.xml

Equipment Section_Grid Plan_Name.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Equipment Section_Columns_Anc hor_Horizontal.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filters




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Grid Line (on page 319)

Equipment Section_Grid Line.xml

Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Handrails (on page 251)

Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Stairs (on page 253)

Equipment Section_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Equipment Section_Ladders.xml

Footings (on page 326)

Equipment Section_Reference.x ml

Dimension Rule

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Hn g S u p Vie w S tyle s Topics HngSup - Cad Details View Style ................................................. 352 HngSup - End View Style ............................................................. 352 HngSup - ISO View Style ............................................................. 354 HngSup - Key Plan View Style ..................................................... 354 HngSup - Side View Style ............................................................. 355

Hn g S u p - Ca d De ta ils Vie w S tyle Name: HngSup - Cad Details Description: Drawing layout designed to contain CAD details of support assemblies. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Control Point CAD Detail

Graphic Rule

Label Rule

HngSup - CAD Detail

HngSup Cad Details_Cad Detail

Dimension Rule

Hn g S u p - En d Vie w S tyle Name: HngSup - End Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on hangers and supports and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: High Resolution View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter Structure




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

HngSup End_Structure Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter

Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Control Point Structure

HngSup End_Control Point Structure.xml

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml


HngSup End_Piping Reference.xml

Piping Parts

HngSup End_Piping Reference.xml

Support Components

HngSup End_Components Blue.xml





Conduit Parts

Dimension Rule

HngSup End_Diamond_M_L.xm l

HngSup End_Pipe End.xml HngSup End_Piping Reference.xml

HngSup End_Diamond_M_L.xm l

Conduit Parts


HngSup End_Conduit End.xml

HVAC Parts


HngSup End_SQ HVAC End.xml

HngSup End_Diamond_M_L.xm l

Cableway Parts


HngSup End_CableTray End.xml

HngSup End_Diamond_M_L.xm l

Support Assembly

HngSup End_Support Assembly.xml

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Horizontal.xml

Support Assembly

HngSup End_Support Assembly.xml

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Vertical.xml

Support Assembly

HngSup End_Support Assembly.xml

HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordin ate.xml (see "HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordin ate Label" on page 625)

Control Point Elevation Callout

HngSup End_Transparent.xml

HngSup End_Elevation_Label.x ml

Weld Component

HngSup End_Weld Red.xml

HngSup End_Weld.xml

Control point Ad Hoc Note

HngSup End_Transparent.xml

HngSup End_AdHoc_Label.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Hn g S u p - IS O Vie w Style Name: HngSup - ISO Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on hangers and supports and also includes other objects important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: High Resolution View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Support Components

HngSup ISO_Components Blue.xml

HngSup ISO_Reference_Circle_ CA_L.xml

Fabrication Note

HngSup ISO_Components Blue.xml

HngSup ISO_Note.xml

Standard Component

HngSup ISO_Components Blue.xml


HngSup ISO_Structure.xml

Dimension Rule

Hn g S u p - Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: HngSup - Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to contain hanger key plan location of hanger support assemblies. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter Support Assembly




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

HngSup - Key Plan

HngSup KeyPlan_M (see "HngSup - Key

Dimension Rule

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Plan Label" on page 627)

Hn g S u p - S id e Vie w S tyle Name: HngSup - Side Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on hangers and supports and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: High Resolution View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule


HngSup Side_Structure.xml

HngSup Side_Reference_Circle _CA_L.xml

Control Point Structure

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure.xml

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml


HngSup Side_Piping Reference.xml

Support Components

HngSup Side_Components Blue.xml

Support Assembly

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly.xml

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Horizontal.xml

Support Assembly

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly.xml

HgrSup SIde_Support Assembly Vertical.xml

Weld Component

HngSup Side_Weld Red.xml

HngSup Side_Weld.xml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

HVAC Vie w S tyle s Topics HVAC Elevation View Style ......................................................... 356 HVAC Isometric View Style ......................................................... 357 HVAC Key Plan View Style ......................................................... 358 HVAC Overall Key Plan View Style ............................................ 359 HVAC Plan View Style ................................................................. 365

HVAC Ele va tio n Vie w S tyle Name: HVAC Elevation Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on HVAC objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule


HVAC Elevation_Reference.x ml

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Hori zontal.xml


HVAC Elevation_Reference.x ml

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anc hor_Horizontal.xml

HVAC Parts

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Parts

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Elevation_LineNumbe r_Longest Segment.xml

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Elevation_LineNumbe r_Clipped.xml HVAC Elevation_Linear Duct Cross Section Size.xml

HVAC Parts






HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml


Parallel, horizontal

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertica l.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Parallel, vertical


HVAC Components

Graphic Rule

Label Rule

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

Dimension Rule HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizo ntal.xml

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Components

Parallel, horizontal

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizo ntal.xml

HVAC Components

Parallel, vertical

HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertica l.xml



HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizo ntal.xml



HVAC Elevation_HVAC.xml

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertica l.xml

Duct Supports

HVAC Elevation_Duct Supports.xml

HVAC Elevation_Pipe Support_Name.xml

Grid Plane Elevation

HVAC Elevation_Grid Plane.xml

HVAC Elevation_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line.xml

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_TOS.xml


HVAC Elevation_Reference.x ml


HVAC Elevation_Reference.x ml


HVAC Elevation_Stairs.xml


HVAC Elevation_Ladders.xml

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

HVAC Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: HVAC Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on HVAC objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None 

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data 

For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

HVAC Parts

HVAC Isometric_HVAC Parts.xml


HVAC Isometric_Ducts.xml

HVAC Isometric_Linear Duct Cross Section Size.xml


HVAC Isometric_Ducts.xml

HVAC Isometric_Run_Name.x ml

Duct Supports

HVAC Isometric_Duct HVAC Isometric_Pipe Supports.xml Support_Name.xml


HVAC Isometric_Reference. xml


HVAC Isometric_Footings.x ml


HVAC Isometric_Ladder.xml


HVAC Isometric_Reference. xml


HVAC Isometric_Stairs.xml

Dimension Rule

HVAC Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: HVAC Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter Grid Systems




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

HVAC Key Plan_Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Key Plan Focus Element

HVAC Key Plan Focus.xml

HVAC Key Plan_Focus_Name.xml


HVAC Ove ra ll Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: HVAC Overall Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for a key plan view that focuses on volumes and equipment and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Beams (on page 227)


HVAC Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)


HVAC Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 234)

HVAC Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Slabs (on page 229)

HVAC Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 228)

HVAC Overall Key Plan_Equipment.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rule

Dimension Rule


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data HVAC Plan Volumes (on page 229)

HVAC Overall Key Plan_Volumes.xml

HVAC Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name.x ml



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping plan volumes in a drawing.

Label Rule All drawing key plan volumes are labeled with their 3D model name. By default, the label is placed in the upper left corner of the volume in the drawing. Refer to the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of braces in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of slabs in a drawing. The slab boundaries are drawn with a gray line. Openings in the slab are also represented with a gray line.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in a plan drawing.

View Styles produce different results based on the filters and rules that are included. The filters that are used, and the order they are used in, determine the output of the drawing view. Below is an example of how a drawing view is created from the view style. In this example, the Piping Plan view style illustrates the drawing creation process.

The last graphic rule in the view style takes precedence. The delivered view styles match the logical order found in the Select Filter object hierarchy. From first to last, the view style rows follow the same hierarchy. For example, Piping Parts precedes Pipes in the object filter hierarchy. Therefore, the view style includes the Piping Parts filters before the Pipes filters because of the object hierarchy. If a child filter is placed above a parent filter, the child filter is overwritten in the drawing. The filters must follow the same logical order as the object filter hierarchy.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following graphic compares the object hierarchy in the Select Filter dialog box to the Filters in the View Style Properties dialog box.

When inserting filters in the view style, be sure they match the order of the objects in the Select Filter dialog box. For example, be sure to place Pipes filters under any existing Piping Parts filters.

Examples The following example is the default Piping Plan view style. The highlighted piping segment has a 2 inch diameter.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following example is a modified Piping Plan view style. A row has been inserted beneath the original Piping filters to resymbolize all pipes equal to or less than 2 inches as a single line.

The following example shows the order of the Piping filters in the modified view style. The filter that resymbolizes all pipes that are less than or equal to 2 inches is last because it is further down in the hierarchy.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

HVAC P la n Vie w S tyle Name: HVAC Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on HVAC objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 234)

HVAC Plan_Reference.x ml

HVAC Plan_Columns_Horizo ntal.xml


HVAC Plan_Reference.x ml

HVAC Plan_Columns_Vertical .xml


HVAC Plan_Reference.x ml

HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal.xml


HVAC Plan_Reference.x ml

HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor _Vertical.xml

HVAC Parts (on page 370)

HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Parts

HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_ Longest Segment.xml

HVAC Plan_Normal Duct.xml

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_ Clipped.xml HVAC Plan_Linear Duct Cross Section Size.xml

HVAC Parts


Clipped (on page 242)

Ducts (on page 367)


HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml


Parallel, vertical

HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal. xml


Parallel, horizontal

HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical.x ml

HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Components (on page 369) HVAC Components

Parallel, vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal.


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule xml

HVAC Components

Parallel, horizontal

HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical.x ml

Ducts (on page 369)


HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal. xml



HVAC Plan_HVAC.xml

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical.x ml

Duct Supports

HVAC Plan_Duct Supports.xml

HVAC Plan_Pipe Support_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

HVAC Plan_Grid Line.xml

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

HVAC Plan_Grid Line.xml

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Beams (on page 227)

HVAC Plan_Reference.x ml

Stairs (on page 310)

HVAC Plan_Reference.x ml

Handrails (on page 370)

HVAC Plan_Reference.x ml

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Dimension Rule Dimensions all vertical and horizontal columns. Columns are dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If a column is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned. Also, if the column is inline with another column that is already dimensioned, it is not dimensioned.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data In the example below, notice how the top left column is not dimensioned because the bottom left column is dimensioned. Also, the middle columns are not dimensioned because they line up with the outer columns. The left portion of this drawing has been cropped due to size constraints.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Duct with a parallel orientation in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Each duct is labeled with the cross section size from the model.

Dimension Rule Horizontal and vertical ducts with Parallel orientations (horizontal and vertical) are dimensioned to each other. The dimensions are placed in white space on each side of the drawing. Horizontal ducts are dimensioned vertically, and vertical ducts are dimensioned horizontally. When the drawing updates, the duct dimensions also dimension to nearby columns, since the columns are anchored.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of Ducts with a Normal orientation in a drawing.

Dimension Rule Ducts that are Normal orientation are dimensioned with the parallel ducts and anchored columns.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of HVAC Components in a drawing.

Dimension Rule The HVAC Components use the same dimension rules as the ducts.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of HVAC parts in a drawing.

Label Rule The longest segment of each HVAC run is labeled. If a HVAC part is clipped, it is labeled with a leader. None of the HVAC components are labeled. For example, surface mounted and in-line components are not labeled.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of handrails in a plan drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in a drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids

HVAC and Cable Tray objects that are clipped by a volume are labeled differently than similar objects that appear inside the volume. Depending on the direction of the HVAC or Cable Tray objects and the Look Direction of the view, the objects are either labeled on the outside of the view with a leader, or it is resymbolized. Clipped ducts and cable trays that run perpendicular to the look direction are resymbolized.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data




Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

In s tru m e n t Vie w S tyle s Topics Instrument Elevation View Style ................................................... 374 Instrument Isometric View Style ................................................... 391 Instrument Key Plan View Style ................................................... 397 Instrument Overall Key Plan View Style ...................................... 398 Instrument Plan View Style ........................................................... 402 Instrument Section View Style ...................................................... 419

In s tru m e n t Ele va tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Instrument Elevation Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Instrument Elevation_Reference .xml

Instrument Elevation_Columns_Ho rizontal.xml


Instrument Elevation_Reference .xml

Instrument Elevation_Columns_An chor_Horizontal.xml

Piping Instruments (on page 381)

Instrument Elevation_Instrumen ts.xml

Piping Instruments

Instrument Elevation_Instrumen ts.xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Vertical.xml

Piping Instruments

Instrument Elevation_Instrumen ts.xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml

Piping Instruments

Instrument Elevation_Instrumen ts.xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xml

Piping Parts (on page 383)

Instrument Elevation_Piping.xml

Pipe Supports (on page 380)

Instrument Elevation_Pipe

Instrument Elevation_Piping Instruments_Name.x ml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Horizontal.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Supports.xml Equipment (on page 385)

Instrument Instrument Elevation_Equipmen Elevation_Equipment t.xml _Name.xml

Grid Plane Elevation (on page 251)

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Instrument Elevation_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Instrument Elevation_Reference .xml

Stairs (on page 253)

Instrument Elevation_Stair.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Instrument Elevation_Ladder.x ml

Handrails (on page 251)

Instrument Elevation_Reference .xml

Pipes (on page 418)


Front (on page 309)

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

Instrument Elevation_Normal Pipe.xml

Cable Trays (on Normal page 377)

Instrument Elevation_CableTray .xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays


Instrument Elevation_CableTray .xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, vertical

Instrument Elevation_CableTray .xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xml

Cable Trays

Parallel, horizontal

Instrument Elevation_CableTray .xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml

Conduits (on page 379)


Instrument Elevation_Normal Conduit.xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xml



Instrument Elevation_Normal Conduit.xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml


Parallel, vertical

Instrument Elevation_Conduit_S ingleLine.xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Conduit_S ingleLine.xml

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml

Front (on page 390)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in an elevation view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal cable trays are dimensioned with vertical dimensions, while vertical cable trays are dimensioned with horizontal dimensions. Cable trays are only dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If a cable tray is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a conduit in an elevation view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal conduits are dimensioned with vertical dimensioned, while vertical conduits are dimensioned with horizontal dimensions. Conduits are only dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If a conduit is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of pipe supports in an elevation view.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping instruments in an elevation view.

Label Rule Every piping instrument is labeled with the corresponding name from the model. If there is not enough white space for the label, it is placed offset from the piping instrument with a jogged leader. For an example of the label rule, see the above graphic.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal and vertical dimensions are placed on all piping instruments. Piping instruments are also dimensioned as anchors, which means they are dimensioned to other nearby objects. If a piping instrument is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned to that group of objects.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping parts in an elevation view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed between each column. The dimensions are grouped with the equipment dimensions that are in the same quadrant.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an equipment piece in an elevation drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Dimensions all columns, pipes, and grid lines. Equipment parts are only dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If an equipment part is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a grid plane in a drawing.

Label Rule The y-axis of the grid plane is labeled with the name of the grid in the model. For example, see the above graphic.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a handrail in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in an elevation drawing.

Label Rule All elevation grid lines are labeled with the grid name and elevation distance. See the above graphic for an example.

Dimension Rule All elevation grid lines are dimensioned with other dimensioned objects in the drawing. The elevation grid line dimensions are anchored and must be dimensioned with other objects, such as pipes and columns.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in an elevation drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in an elevation drawing.

 

Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule Conduits that are clipped by a volume are labeled differently than other conduits that appear inside the volume. Clipped conduit features that are directly parallel to the look direction are resymbolized.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in an elevation drawing.

 


Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

In s tru m e n t Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: Instrument Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on Instruments and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Equipment (on page 330)

Instrument Isometric_Equipment. xml

Instrument Isometric_Equipment _Name.xml

Piping Parts (on page 395)

Instrument Isometric_Piping.xml

Piping Instruments (on page 394)

Instrument Isometric_Piping.xml

Pipe Supports (on page 396)

Instrument Isometric_Piping.xml

Structure (on page 393)

Instrument Isometric_Reference. xml

Cableway (on page 396)

Instrument Isometric_Reference. xml

Dimension Rule

Instrument Isometric_Piping Instruments_Name.x ml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in an isometric drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label is placed inside the object without a leader.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of structure in an isometric view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping instruments in an isometric view.

Label Rule Each piping instrument is labeled with the corresponding name from the model.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping parts in an isometric view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cableway in an isometric view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of pipe supports in an isometric view.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

In s tru m e n t Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Instrument Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Grid Systems

Instrument Key Plan_Reference.xml

Key Plan Focus Element

Instrument Key Plan Focus.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Instrument Key Plan_Focus_Name.x ml


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

In s tru m e n t Ove ra ll Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Instruments Overall Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for key plan views that focuses on volumes and equipment and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  


For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Beams (on page 227)


Instrument Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)


Instrument Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Instrument Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Slabs (on page 229)

Instrument Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 228)

Instrument Overall Key Plan_Equipment.xml

Instrument Plan Volumes (on page 229)

Instrument Overall Key Plan_Volumes.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Instrument Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name.x ml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of braces in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of slabs in a drawing. The slab boundaries are drawn with a gray line. Openings in the slab are also represented with a gray line.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in a plan drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping plan volumes in a drawing.

Label Rule All drawing key plan volumes are labeled with their 3D model name. By default, the label is placed in the upper left corner of the volume in the drawing. Refer to the above graphic for an example.

In s tru m e n t P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Instrument Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on Instruments and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 234)

Instrument Plan_Reference.xml

Instrument Plan_Columns_Horizont al.xml


Instrument Plan_Reference.xml

Instrument Plan_Columns_Vertical. xml


Instrument Plan_Reference.xml

Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule


Instrument Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Parts (on page 307)

Instrument Plan_Piping.xml

Pipes (on page 418)


Front (on page 309)

Label Rule

Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical.xml

Instrument Plan_Normal Pipe.xml

Pipe Supports (on page 309)

Instrument Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Instruments (on page 418)

Instrument Plan_Instruments.xml

Piping Instruments

Instrument Plan_Instruments.xml

Equipment (on page 265)

Instrument Plan_Equipment.xml

Instrument Plan_Equipment_Na me.xml

Instrument Plan_Piping Instruments_Name.x ml

Parallel, horizontal

Instrument Plan_Grid Line.xml

Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, vertical

Instrument Plan_Grid Line.xml

Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Cableway Parts (on page 265)

Instrument Plan_Cableways.xml

Cable Trays (on Parallel, page 414) vertical

Instrument Plan_Cableways.xml

Cable Trays

Instrument Plan_Cableways.xml

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horiz ontal.xml Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertic al.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, horizontal

Dimension Rule

Instrument Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevatio n-Width.xml

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horiz ontal.xml Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertic al.xml

Instrument Plan_Conduit.xml

Conduit Parts (on page 309) Conduits (on page 417)

Parallel, vertical

Instrument Plan_Conduit_SingleLi ne.xml

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horiz ontal.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Instrument Plan_Conduit_SingleLi ne.xml

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertic al.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Instrument Plan_Reference.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Instrument Plan_Stair.xml

Ladders (on page 310)

Instrument Plan_Ladder.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Dimension Rule Dimensions all vertical and horizontal columns. Columns are dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If a column is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant,


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data it is not dimensioned. Also, if the column is inline with another column that is already dimensioned, it is not dimensioned. In the example below, notice how the top left column is not dimensioned because the bottom left column is dimensioned. Also, the middle columns are not dimensioned because they line up with the outer columns. The left portion of this drawing has been cropped due to size constraints.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in a drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in a drawing.

 


Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label from the above graphic is magnified to show the details of the equipment label.

Pipes that are clipped by a volume are labeled differently than other pipes and pipe parts that appear inside the volume. Depending on the direction of the pipe and the Look Direction of the view, a pipe is either labeled on the outside of the view with a leader, or it is resymbolized. Clipped pipes that run perpendicular to the look direction are labeled with a jogged leader outside of the drawing volume. Clipped pipes that are directly parallel to the look direction are resymbolized.



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Example of clipping labels fanning out to find white space:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


View Styles produce different results based on the filters and rules that are included. The filters that are used, and the order they are used in, determine the output of the drawing view. Below is an example of how a drawing view is created from the view style. In this example, the Piping Plan view style illustrates the drawing creation process.

The last graphic rule in the view style takes precedence. The delivered view styles match the logical order found in the Select Filter object hierarchy. From first to last, the view style rows follow the same hierarchy. For example, Piping Parts precedes Pipes in the object filter hierarchy. Therefore, the view style includes the Piping Parts filters before the Pipes filters because of the object hierarchy. If a child filter is placed above a parent filter, the child filter is overwritten in the drawing. The filters must follow the same logical order as the object filter hierarchy. The following graphic compares the object hierarchy in the Select Filter dialog box to the Filters in the View Style Properties dialog box.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

When inserting filters in the view style, be sure they match the order of the objects in the Select Filter dialog box. For example, be sure to place Pipes filters under any existing Piping Parts filters.

Examples The following example is the default Piping Plan view style. The highlighted piping segment has a 2 inch diameter.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following example is a modified Piping Plan view style. A row has been inserted beneath the original Piping filters to resymbolize all pipes equal to or less than 2 inches as a single line.

The following example shows the order of the Piping filters in the modified view style. The filter that resymbolizes all pipes that are less than or equal to 2 inches is last because it is further down in the hierarchy.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cable trays in a plan view.

Label Rule Each cable tray is labeled with the corresponding name and elevation value from the model. See the above graphic for an example.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed on vertical cable trays, while vertical dimensions are placed on horizontal cable trays. The cable trays are dimensioned to nearby columns. See the above graphic for an example. Pipes that are clipped by a volume are labeled differently than other pipes and pipe parts that appear inside the volume. Clipped pipes that are directly parallel to the look direction are resymbolized.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of cableway parts in a plan view.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of conduit parts in a plan view.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of conduits in a plan view. Conduit straight features are resymbolized as a solid line.

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed on vertical conduit features, while vertical dimensions are placed on horizontal conduit features. Conduits are dimensioned with piping instruments, cable trays, and columns.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of pipe supports in a plan view.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule Pipes with a Normal orientation are included in the view and are resymbolized.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping instruments in a plan view.

Label Rule Each piping instrument is labeled with the corresponding name from the model.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Vertical and horizontal dimensions are placed on piping instruments. Piping instruments are also dimensioned with columns, cable trays, and conduits.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping parts in a plan view.

In s tru m e n t S e c tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Instrument Section Description: Drawing layout designed for section views that focuses on equipment objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Columns (on page 247)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Graphic Rule Instrument Section_Reference.x

Label Rule

Dimension Rule Instrument Section_Columns_Ho


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule




Instrument Section_Reference.x ml

Instrument Section_Columns_An chor_Horizontal.xml

Piping Instruments (on page 381)

Instrument Instrument Instrument Section_Instruments.x Section_Piping Section_Instruments_ ml Instruments_Name.xml Horizontal.xml

Piping Instruments

Instrument Section_Instruments.x ml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Vertical.xml

Piping Instruments

Instrument Section_Instruments.x ml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml

Piping Instruments

Instrument Section_Instruments.x ml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xm l

Piping Parts (on page 383)

Instrument Section_Instruments.x ml

Pipe Supports (on page 380)

Instrument Section_Instruments.x ml

Equipment (on page 385)

Instrument Instrument Section_Instruments.x Section_Equipment_N ml ame.xml

Grid Plane Section (on page 251)

Instrument Instrument Section_Grid Line.xml Section_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Instrument Instrument Section_Grid Line.xml Section_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Instrument Section_Reference.x ml

Stairs (on page 253)

Instrument Section_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Instrument Section_Ladder.xml

Handrails (on page 251)

Instrument Section_Reference.x ml

Pipes (on page 418)




Front (on page 309)

Instrument Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical. xml

Instrument Section_Normal Pipe.xml

Cable Trays (on Normal page 377)

Instrument Section_CableTray.x ml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xm l

Cable Trays

Instrument Section_CableTray.x

Instrument Section_Instruments_


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule



Cable Trays

Parallel, vertical

Instrument Section_CableTray.x ml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xm l

Cable Trays

Parallel, horizontal

Instrument Section_CableTray.x ml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml

Conduits (on page 379)


Instrument Section_Normal Conduit.xml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xm l



Instrument Section_Normal Conduit.xml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml


Parallel, vertical

Instrument Section_Conduit_Sing leLine.xml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Horizontal.xm l


Parallel, horizontal

Instrument Section_Conduit_Sing leLine.xml

Instrument Section_Instruments_ Anchor_Vertical.xml

Front (on page 390)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



P ip e S u p p o rts Vie w S tyle s Topics Pipe Supports - Components View Style....................................... 423 Pipe Supports - Piping View Style ................................................ 423 Pipe Supports - Structure View Style ............................................ 424


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

P ip e S u p p o rts - Co m p o n e n ts Vie w S tyle Name: Pipe Supports - Components Description: Drawing layout that focuses on support components. Intersection Edges: High Resolution View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Support Components

Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Pipe Supports Components_Comp onents.xml

Pipe Supports Components_Referen ce_Circle_CA_L.xml

Dimension Rule

P ip e S u p p o rts - P ip in g Vie w S tyle Name: Pipe Supports - Piping Description: Drawing layout that focuses on piping supports and other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule


Pipe Supports Piping_Structure Reference.xml

Control Point Structure

Pipe Supports Piping_Control Point Structure.xml

Pipe Supports Piping_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml

Piping Parts

Pipe Supports Piping_Piping.xml

Pipe Supports Piping_Reference_Circ le_CA_L.xml


Pipe Supports Piping_Piping.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Supports

Pipe Supports Piping_Components.x ml

P ip e S u p p o rts - S tru c tu re Vie w S tyle Name: Pipe Supports - Structure Description: Drawing layout that focuses on piping supports and other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule


Pipe Supports Structure_Structure.x ml

Pipe Supports Structure_Reference_ Circle_CA_L.xml

Control Point Structure

Pipe Supports Structure_Control Point Structure.xml

Pipe Supports Structure_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml


Pipe Supports Structure_Piping Reference.xml


Pipe Supports Structure_Component s.xml

Dimension Rule



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

P ip in g Vie w S tyle s Topics Piping Elevation View Style.......................................................... 425 Piping Fire Protection Plan View Style ......................................... 443 Piping Isometric View Style .......................................................... 448 Piping Key Plan View Style .......................................................... 456 Piping Overall Key Plan View Style ............................................. 457 Piping Plan View Style .................................................................. 460 Piping Plan_M View Style ............................................................ 475 Piping Safety Shower Plan View Style ......................................... 479 Piping Section View Style ............................................................. 481

P ip in g Ele va tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Elevation Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on Piping objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Piping Elevation_Reference. xml

Piping Elevation_Columns_Hori zontal.xml


Piping Elevation_Reference. xml

Piping Elevation_Columns_Anc hor_Horizontal.xml

Equipment (on page 385)

Piping Piping Elevation_Equipment. Elevation_Equipment_N xml ame.xml


Piping Elevation_Equipment. xml

Piping Elevation_Equipment_A nchor_Horizontal.xml


Piping Elevation_Equipment. xml

Piping Elevation_Equipment_A nchor_Vertical.xml

Piping Parts (on page 439)

Piping Elevation_Piping.xml

Piping Parts

Piping Elevation_Piping.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_ Longest Segment.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Piping Parts



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Clipped (on page 408)

Piping Elevation_Piping.xml

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_ Clipped.xml

Dimension Rule

Pipes (on page 436)

Parallel, vertical

Piping Elevation_Piping.xml

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizo ntal.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Piping Elevation_Piping.xml

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertica l.xml



Piping Elevation_Piping.xml

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizo ntal.xml



Piping Elevation_Piping.xml

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertica lxml



Front (on page 408)

Piping Elevation_Normal Pipe.xml

Grid Plane Elevation (on page 251)

Piping Elevation_Grid Plane.xml

Piping Elevation_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Piping Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Grid Line

Piping Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Piping Elevation_Reference. xml

Handrails (on page 251)

Piping Elevation_Reference. xml

Ladders (on page 254)

Piping Elevation_Ladders.xm l

Stairs (on page 253)

Piping Elevation_Stairs.xml

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in an elevation drawing.

 


Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal dimensions are placed between each column. The dimensions are grouped with the equipment dimensions that are in the same quadrant.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an equipment piece in an elevation drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Dimensions all columns, pipes, and grid lines. Equipment parts are only dimensioned as anchors, which means they are only dimensioned when they are in close proximity to a group of dimensioned objects. If an equipment part is not close enough to a group of dimensioned objects in a particular quadrant, it is not dimensioned.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in an elevation drawing.

Label Rule All elevation grid lines are labeled with the grid name and elevation distance. See the above graphic for an example.

Dimension Rule All elevation grid lines are dimensioned with other dimensioned objects in the drawing. The elevation grid line dimensions are anchored and must be dimensioned with other objects, such as pipes and columns.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a grid plane in a drawing.

Label Rule The y-axis of the grid plane is labeled with the name of the grid in the model. For example, see the above graphic.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in an elevation drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a handrail in an elevation drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in an elevation drawing.

 

Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of pipes in an elevation drawing. Elbows and surface-mounted components are not included in the delivered Pipes filter.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal and vertical pipes are dimensioned to each other, as well as the piping parts and other objects in the drawing. The dimensions are placed in white space on each side of the drawing. Horizontal pipes are dimensioned vertically, and vertical pipes are dimensioned horizontally. For example, see the above graphic.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping parts in an elevation drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule The longest segment of each pipe run is labeled. If a pipe is clipped, it is labeled with a leader. None of the piping components (except for the pipes) are labeled. For example, surface mounted components and elbows are not labeled.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in an elevation drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

View Styles produce different results based on the filters and rules that are included. The filters that are used, and the order they are used in, determine the output of the drawing view. Below is an example of how a drawing view is created from the view style. In this example, the Piping Plan view style illustrates the drawing creation process.

The last graphic rule in the view style takes precedence. The delivered view styles match the logical order found in the Select Filter object hierarchy. From first to last, the view style rows follow the same hierarchy. For example, Piping Parts precedes


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Pipes in the object filter hierarchy. Therefore, the view style includes the Piping Parts filters before the Pipes filters because of the object hierarchy. If a child filter is placed above a parent filter, the child filter is overwritten in the drawing. The filters must follow the same logical order as the object filter hierarchy. The following graphic compares the object hierarchy in the Select Filter dialog box to the Filters in the View Style Properties dialog box.

When inserting filters in the view style, be sure they match the order of the objects in the Select Filter dialog box. For example, be sure to place Pipes filters under any existing Piping Parts filters.

Examples The following example is the default Piping Plan view style. The highlighted piping segment has a 2 inch diameter.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following example is a modified Piping Plan view style. A row has been inserted beneath the original Piping filters to resymbolize all pipes equal to or less than 2 inches as a single line.

The following example shows the order of the Piping filters in the modified view style. The filter that resymbolizes all pipes that are less than or equal to 2 inches is last because it is further down in the hierarchy.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

P ip in g Fire P ro te c tio n P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Fire Protection Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on Piping objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. This view style focuses on objects important to fire safety and includes no dimensions. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter

Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Equipment (on page 265)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Equipment.xml

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Equipment_Name. xml

Ladders (on page 310)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml

Control Point Structure (on page 343)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml

Piping (on page 308)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Piping.xml

Trench (on page 233)

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml


Piping Fire Protection Plan_Reference.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)



Parallel, vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line.xml

Dimension Rule

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_X


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Name.xml Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line.xml

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of braces in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a trench in a plan drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a control point in a drawing.

Label Rule Each control point is resymbolized and labeled with its name from the model.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label from the above graphic is magnified to show the details of the equipment label.

P ip in g Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on Piping objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Equipment (on page 330)

Piping Isometric_Equipment.xml

Piping Isometric_Equipment_Nam e.xml

Piping Parts (on page 454)

Piping Isometric_Piping.xml

Piping Parts

Piping Isometric_Piping.xml

Dimension Rule

Piping Isometric_LineNumber_Lo

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

ngest Segment.xml Members (on page 332)

Piping Isometric_Members.xml

Equipment Foundations (on page 260)

Piping Isometric_Foundations.xml

Footings (on page 261)

Piping Isometric_Foundations.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment foundations in an isometric drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in an isometric drawing.

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label is placed inside the object without a leader.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of members in an isometric drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping parts in an isometric drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule The longest segment of each pipe run is labeled. If a pipe is clipped, it is labeled with a leader. None of the piping components (except for the pipes) are labeled. For example, surface mounted components and elbows are not labeled.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of footings in an isometric drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

P ip in g Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Grid Systems

Piping Key Plan_Reference.xml

Key Plan Focus Element

Piping Key Plan Focus.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Piping Key Plan_Focus_Name.xml



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

P ip in g Ove ra ll Ke y P la n Vie w Style Name: Piping Overall Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for a key plan view that focuses on volumes and equipment and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Beams (on page 227)


Piping Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)


Piping Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Piping Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 228)

Piping Overall Key Plan_Equipment.xml

Piping Plan Volumes (on page 229)

Piping Overall Key Plan_Volumes.xml

Slabs (on page 229)

Piping Overall Key Plan_Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Piping Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in a plan drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping plan volumes in a drawing.

Label Rule All drawing key plan volumes are labeled with their 3D model name. By default, the label is placed in the upper left corner of the volume in the drawing. Refer to the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of slabs in a drawing. The slab boundaries are drawn with a gray line. Openings in the slab are also represented with a gray line.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

P ip in g P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on Piping objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 463)

Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Ho rizontal.xml


Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Ve rtical.xml


Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical.xm l


Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal. xml

Equipment (on page 465)

Piping Plan_Equipment.xml


Piping Plan_Equipment.xml

Piping Plan Equipment Name.xml Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_ Horizontal.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule


Piping Plan_Equipment.xml

Piping Parts (on page 472)

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Parts

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_LineNumber_ Longest Segment.xml

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_LineNumber_ Clipped.xml

Piping Parts

Clipped (on page 408)

Dimension Rule Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_ Vertical.xml

Pipes (on page 469)

Parallel, vertical

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical.xml



Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal.xml



Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical.xml



Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, horizontal

Piping Plan_Grid Line.xml

Piping Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, vertical

Piping Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Piping Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Front (on page 408)

Piping Plan_Normal Pipe.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Piping Plan_Beams.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Piping Plan_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 310)

Piping Plan_Ladders.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a beam in a drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Vertical and horizontal dimensions are placed between each beam.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an Equipment component in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Every piece of equipment is labeled. The label is placed in the center of the equipment, unless there is an object already in the center, or if there is not sufficient white space for the label. If the label cannot be placed on the center of the object, it is placed with a jogged leader. In the example below, the label from the above graphic is magnified to show the details of the equipment label.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Vertical and horizontal dimensions are placed on the equipment components. The equipment is also dimensioned to nearby columns in the volume.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in a drawing.

 

Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of pipes in a drawing. Elbows and surface-mounted components are not included in the delivered Pipes filter.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Left portion of the sample drawing:


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Right portion of the sample drawing:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Horizontal and vertical pipes are dimensioned to each other, as well as the piping parts and other objects in the drawing. The dimensions are placed in white space on each side of the drawing. Horizontal pipes are dimensioned vertically, and vertical pipes are dimensioned horizontally. For example, see the above graphics.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping parts in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule The longest segment of each pipe run is labeled. If a pipe is clipped, it is labeled with a leader. None of the piping components (except for the pipes) are labeled. For example, surface mounted components and elbows are not labeled.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in a drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Pipes that are clipped by a volume are labeled differently than other pipes and pipe parts that appear inside the volume. Depending on the direction of the pipe and the Look Direction of the view, a pipe is either labeled on the outside of the view with a leader, or it is resymbolized. Clipped pipes that run perpendicular to the look direction are labeled with a jogged leader outside of the drawing volume. Clipped pipes that are directly parallel to the look direction are resymbolized.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Example of clipping labels fanning out to find white space:


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


P ip in g P la n _M Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on Piping objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 463)

Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Ho rizontal.xml


Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Ve rtical.xml


Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical.xm l

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule


Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Equipment (on page 465)

Piping Plan_Equipment.xml


Piping Plan_Equipment.xml

Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_ Horizontal.xml


Piping Plan_Equipment.xml

Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_ Vertical.xml

Piping Parts (on page 472)

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Parts

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_LineNumber_ Longest Segment.xml

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_LineNumber_ Clipped.xml

Piping Parts



Clipped (on page 408)

Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal. xml Piping Plan Equipment Name.xml

Pipes (on page 469)

Parallel, vertical

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical.xml



Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal.xml



Piping Plan_Piping.xml

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical.xml



Front (on page 408)

Piping Plan_Normal Pipe.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Grid Line (on page 233) Grid Line


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Parallel, horizontal

Piping Plan_Grid Line.xml

Piping Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Parallel, vertical

Piping Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Piping Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Piping Plan_Beams.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Piping Plan_Stairs.xml

Ladders (on page 310)

Piping Plan_Ladders.xml

All Reference Objects

Piping Plan_Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

P ip in g S a fe ty S h o we r P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Safety Shower Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on safety showers and other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: Matchline_None_A.xml North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Ladders (on page 310)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml

Beams (on page 227)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml

Braces (on page 228)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml

Columns (on page 228)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml

Control Point Structure (on page 343)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure.xml

Piping Safety Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate.xml

Equipment (on page 265)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Equipment.xml

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Equipment_Name. xml

Trench (on page 233)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml


Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml

Piping (on page 481)

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Reference.xml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line.xml

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line

Parallel, horizontal

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line.xml

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rule


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of piping in a drawing.

P ip in g S e c tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Piping Section Description: Drawing layout that is designed for section views that focuses on Piping objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter


Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 247)

Piping Section_Columns.xml

Piping Section_Columns_Horiz ontal.xml


Piping Section_Columns.xml

Piping Section_Columns_Anch or_Horizontal.xml

Equipment (on page 385)

Piping Piping Section_Equipment.xm Section_Equipment_ l Name.xml


Piping Section_Equipment.xm l

Piping Section_Equipment_Anc hor_Horizontal.xml


Piping Section_Equipment.xm l

Piping Section_Equipment_Anc hor_Vertical.xml

Piping Parts (on page 439)

Piping Section_Piping.xml

Piping Parts

Piping Section_Piping.xml

Piping Section_LineNumber _Longest Segment.xml

Piping Section_Piping.xml

Piping Section_LineNumber _Clipped.xml

Piping Parts



Clipped (on page 408)

Pipes (on page 436)

Parallel, vertical

Piping Section_Piping.xml

Piping Section_Pipes_Horizont al.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Piping Section_Piping.xml

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical. xml



Piping Section_Piping.xml

Piping Section_Pipes_Horizont al.xml



Piping Section_Piping.xml

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical. xml



Front (on page 408)

Piping Section_Normal Pipe.xml

Grid Plane Section (on page 251)

Piping Section_Grid Plane.xml

Piping Section_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 252)

Piping Section_Grid Line.xml

Piping Section_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Grid Line

Piping Section_Grid Line.xml

Beams (on page 253)

Piping Section_Reference.xml

Handrails (on page 251)

Piping Section_Reference.xml

Piping Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical.x ml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Filter



Graphic Rule

Ladders (on page 254)

Piping Section_Ladders.xml

Stairs (on page 253)

Piping Section_Stairs.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Vie w S tyle s Topics Structural Framing Elevation View Style ...................................... 484 Structural Framing Isometric View Style ...................................... 500 Structural Framing Key Plan View Style ...................................... 502 Structural Framing Plan View Styles ............................................ 503 Structural Framing Section View Style ......................................... 516

S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Ele va tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Structural Framing Elevation Description: Drawing layout designed for elevation views that focuses on Structural Framing objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Columns (on page 487)

Structural Framing Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_L Elevation_Columns_Se ine-Widget.xml ction Size.xml


Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_L ine-Widget.xml

Dimension Rule

Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Ho rizontal.xml

Beams (on page 491)

Parallel, horizontal

Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Lin e-Widget.xml

Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Sect ion Size.xml

Braces (on page 492)


Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Lin e-Widget.xml

Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Sect ion Size.xml

Grid Plane Elevation (on page 251)

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Plane.xml

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Plan_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 319)

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line.xml

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Footings (on page 495)

Structural Framing Elevation_Footings

Ladders (on page 496)

Structural Framing Structural Framing Elevation_Ladders.xm Elevation_Ladder_Nam l e.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Stairs (on page 497)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Structural Framing Elevation_Stairs

Structural Framing Elevation_Stair_Name. xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule Columns are resymbolized as single lines with widgets. The widget rule draws a portion of the graphic column to show the shape, direction, and thickness. 30% of the column's length is drawn, while 100% of the column's height is drawn. The remaining 70% of the column's length is displayed as a single line. The graphic portion of the column is drawn according to the cardinal point and in relation to the single line representation of the column. The solid line is always centered, and the graphic portion aligns accordingly. Also, the graphic representation begins at the origin of the column, not the center of the column. For example, if a column was modeled from the ground up, the graphic representation in the model would begin at the bottom of the single line representation. Hidden lines are drawn with the Dashed style in order to display the orientation of the column.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data For an example of the graphic rule, see the example below.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Detailed view of the graphic representation of the column. In this example, the column web is perpendicular to the looking direction, while the column flanges are parallel. The lines are drawn to denote the thickness, shape, and orientation of the column.

The graphic was cropped and does not represent the entire solid line style represented in the original drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Detail view of hidden line style. In the following example, the column web is parallel to the looking direction and is hidden by the column flanges. The column web is drawn with a dashed line style to indicate that it is hidden behind the column flange.

The graphic was cropped and does not represent the entire solid line style represented in the original drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Each column is labeled with the section size value from the model. The label is placed in the center of the column offset from the line.

Dimension Rule Horizontal columns are dimensioned individually and as a group. Each column is dimensioned to the column next to it, and the chain of dimensions are dimensioned. For an example of column dimensions, see the example below.

The graphic was cropped and does not represent the entire solid line style represented in the original drawing.

Graphic Rule Beams are resymbolized as single lines with widgets. The widget rule draws a portion of the graphic beam to show the shape, direction, and thickness. 30% of the beam length is drawn, 100% of the beam height is drawn, and the graphic representation is placed in the center of the solid line representation. The remaining 70% of the beam length is resymbolized as a single line. The graphic portion of the beam is drawn according to the cardinal point and in relation to the single line representation of the beam. The solid line is always centered, and the graphic portion aligns accordingly. Hidden lines are drawn with the Dashed line style in order to display the orientation of the beam. Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Detailed view of the graphic representation of the beam. In this example, the beam web is perpendicular to the looking direction, while the beam flanges are parallel. The lines are drawn to denote the thickness, shape, and orientation of the beam.

Detailed view of hidden line style. In the following example, the beam web is parallel to the looking direction and is hidden by the beam flanges. The beam web is drawn with a dashed line style to indicate that is is hidden behind the beam flange.

The graphic was cropped and does not represent the entire solid line style represented in the original drawing.

Label Rule Each beam is labeled with the section size from the corresponding model object. The label is centered and offset from the solid line. See the above graphic for an example of the label rule. If a beam is fireproofed, a fireproofing spec name follows the section size in the label. If more than one fireproofing spec has been placed on the beam, the subsequent fireproofing specs are listed after the first.

Graphic Rule Braces are represented as a single line with a widget. The widget rule draws a portion of the graphic brace to show the shape, direction, and thickness of the brace in the model. 30% of the brace length is drawn, 100% of the brace height is drawn, and the graphic representation is placed in the center of the solid line representation. The remaining 70% of the brace length is resymbolized as a single line. The graphic portion of the brace is drawn according to the cardinal point and in relation to the single line representation of the brace. The solid line is always centered, and the graphic portion aligns accordingly.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Hidden lines are drawn with the Dashed line style in order to display the orientation of the brace.

Label Rule Each brace is labeled with the section size from the corresponding model object. The label is centered and offset from the solid line. See the above graphic for an example of the label rule.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data If a brace has been fireproofed, the fireproofing spec name follows the section size in the label. If more than one fireproofing spec has been placed on the brace, the subsequent fireproofing specs are listed after the first.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a grid plane in a drawing.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule The y-axis of the grid plane is labeled with the name of the grid in the model. For example, see the above graphic.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in an elevation drawing.

Label Rule All elevation grid lines are labeled with the grid name and elevation distance. See the above graphic for an example.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a footing in a drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in an elevation view.

 

Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Label Rule Stairs are labeled with the name from the model. For an example, see the above graphic.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in an elevation drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

Label Rule Stairs are labeled with the name from the model. For an example, see the above graphic. View Styles produce different results based on the filters and rules that are included. The filters that are used, and the order they are used in, determine the output of the drawing view. Below is an example of how a drawing view is created from the view style. In this example, the Piping Plan view style illustrates the drawing creation process.

The last graphic rule in the view style takes precedence. The delivered view styles match the logical order found in the Select Filter object hierarchy. From first to last, the view style rows follow the same hierarchy. For example, Piping Parts precedes Pipes in the object filter hierarchy. Therefore, the view style includes the Piping Parts filters before the Pipes filters because of the object hierarchy. If a child filter is placed above a parent filter, the child filter is overwritten in the drawing. The filters must follow the same logical order as the object filter hierarchy.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following graphic compares the object hierarchy in the Select Filter dialog box to the Filters in the View Style Properties dialog box.

When inserting filters in the view style, be sure they match the order of the objects in the Select Filter dialog box. For example, be sure to place Pipes filters under any existing Piping Parts filters.

Examples The following example is the default Piping Plan view style. The highlighted piping segment has a 2 inch diameter.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data The following example is a modified Piping Plan view style. A row has been inserted beneath the original Piping filters to resymbolize all pipes equal to or less than 2 inches as a single line.

The following example shows the order of the Piping filters in the modified view style. The filter that resymbolizes all pipes that are less than or equal to 2 inches is last because it is further down in the hierarchy.

See Also Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214) Create an Orthographic Drawing View Style (on page 45)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Is o m e tric Vie w S tyle Name: Structural Framing Isometric Description: Drawing layout designed for isometric views that focuses on Structural Framing objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). Filter Structure




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Structural Framing Isometric_Reference.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g Ke y P la n Vie w S tyle Name: Structural Framing Key Plan Description: Drawing layout designed to place a Key Plan view of all grid systems in the model and identifies the particular volume displayed in the drawing. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: None  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Grid Systems

Structural Framing Key Plan_Reference.xml

Key Plan Focus Element

Structural Framing Key Plan_Focus.xml

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Structural Framing Key Plan_Focus_Name.xml



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g P la n Vie w Style s Name: Structural Framing Plan Description: Drawing layout designed for plan views that focuses on Structural Framing objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter



Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Dimension Rule

Columns (on page 506)

Structural Framing Plan_Columns.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal.xml


Structural Framing Plan_Columns.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor _Vertical.xml


Structural Framing Plan_Columns.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizo ntal.xml


Structural Framing Plan_Columns.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Vertical .xml

Beams (on page 509)


Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Line.xml


Parallel, vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Line.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Horizont al.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Line.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Vertical.x ml

Braces (on page 510)


Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Line-Wid get.xml


Parallel, vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Line-Wid get.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Horizont al.xml


Parallel, horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Line-Wid get.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Vertical.x ml

Grid Line (on page 233)

Parallel, vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line_X Name.xml

Grid Line


Structural Framing

Structural Framing

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size.xml


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data horizontal


Plan_Grid Line.xml

Openings (on page 513)

Structural Framing Plan_Openings.xml

Control Points (on page 230)

Structural Framing Plan_Control Point Structure.xml

Equipment Foundation (on page 234)

Structural Framing Plan_Foundation.xml

Footings (on page 514)

Structural Framing Plan_Foundation.xml

Ladders (on page 310)

Structural Framing Plan_Ladders.xml

Stairs (on page 310)

Structural Framing Plan_Stairs.xml

Equipment (on page 514)

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment.xml


Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment.xml

Plan_Grid Line_Y Name.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate.xml

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal.xml Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anch or_Vertical.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a Column in a drawing.

Dimension Rule Vertical and horizontal dimensions are placed on all columns. The columns are used as anchors to other dimension objects, but they are also dimensioned independently. The anchored dimensions are included in the chains that include braces, beams, and equipment object dimensions. For an example of column dimensions anchored with other dimensions, see the example below.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data There are two types of independent dimensions for the columns. First, the columns are dimensioned to the surrounding columns, giving you a distance between each adjacent column. Second, the overall distance between the chain of column dimensions is dimensioned. For an example of the two independent dimension types, see the example below.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule Beams are represented graphically with a solid line.

Label Rule Each beam is labeled with the section size of the beam from the model. The label is placed parallel to the center of the line and is also offset from the line.

If the beam is fireproofed, the fireproofing spec is listed after the section size. If more than one fireproofing spec has been placed on the beam, the subsequent fireproofing specs are listed after the first.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Dimension Rule Dimensions each horizontal and vertical beam parallel to the looking direction. The dimensions are grouped into chains in each quadrant of the drawing view.

Graphic Rule Braces are represented as a single line with a widget. The widget rule draws a portion of the graphic brace to show the shape, direction, and thickness of the brace in the model. 30% of the brace length is drawn, 100% of the brace height is drawn, and the graphic representation is placed in the center of the solid line representation. The remaining 70% of the brace length is resymbolized as a single line. The graphic portion of the brace is drawn according to the cardinal point and in relation to the single line representation of the brace. The solid line is always centered, and the graphic portion aligns accordingly.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Hidden lines are drawn with the Dashed line style in order to display the orientation of the brace.

Label Rule Each brace is labeled with the section size from the corresponding model object. If a brace has been fireproofed, a fireproofing spec name follows the section size in the label. If more than one fireproofing spec has been placed on the brace, the subsequent fireproofing specs are listed after the first.

Dimension Rule Braces are dimensioned horizontally and vertically. The dimensions are chained to the surrounding column, grid line, and beam dimensions.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of grid lines in a drawing.

Label Rule Each grid line is labeled. Horizontal grid lines are labeled vertically, while vertical grid lines are labeled horizontally. The label reports the name of the grids in the model. X-axis grids Y-axis grids


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an opening in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a control point with a coordinate label in a plan drawing.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Label Rule Control points are resymbolized and are labeled with a North-East coordinate label, which indicates the position in the model.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a footing in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of equipment in a plan drawing.

Label Rule Equipment control points (typically the origin) are resymbolized and are labeled with a coordinate North-East label.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of an equipment foundation in a plan drawing.

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of a ladder in a drawing.

 

Ladders that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire ladder object is included in the drawing. Ladders that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the ladder.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Graphic Rule This is an example of the graphic representation of stairs in a drawing.

 

Stairs that are partially included in a volume are not clipped. The entire stair object is included in the drawing. Stairs that appear in the looking direction are included in the drawing, even if the volume does not include the stairs.

S tru c tu ra l Fra m in g S e c tio n Vie w S tyle Name: Structural Framing Section Description: Drawing layout designed for section views that focuses on Structural Framing objects and includes other objects that are important to the discipline. Intersection Edges: Off View Rule: None Matchline: None North Arrow: NorthArrow.xml  

For a list of where the delivered XML Rule files are located, see Orthographic Drawings View Styles (on page 214). For more information on the order of the view style filters, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222). Filter




Graphic Rule

Label Rule

Columns (on page 487)

Structural Framing Structural Framing Section_Columns_Lin Section_Columns_Se e-Widget.xml ction Size.xml


Structural Framing Section_Columns_Lin e-Widget.xml

Dimension Rule

Structural Framing Section_Columns_Ho rizontal.xml

Beams (on page 491)

Parallel, horizontal

Structural Framing Structural Framing Section_Beams_Line- Section_Beams_Secti Widget.xml on Size.xml

Braces (on page 492)


Structural Framing Structural Framing Section_Beams_Line- Section_Braces_Secti Widget.xml on Size.xml

Grid Plane Section (on page 251)

Structural Framing Section_Grid Plane.xml

Structural Framing Section_Grid Plane_Name.xml

Grid Line (on page 319)

Structural Framing Structural Framing Section_Grid Line.xml Section_Grid Line_TOS.xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Footings (on page 495)

Structural Framing Section_Footings.xml

Ladders (on page 496)

Structural Framing Section_Ladders.xml

Structural Framing Section_Ladder_Nam e.xml

Stairs (on page 497)

Structural Framing Section_Stairs.xml

Structural Framing Section_Stair_Name. xml

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Key Plan View Styles Key plan view styles are used to place key plan views on orthographic drawings. These drawings show nearby and adjacent volumes in relation to the main view in the drawing, which is also known as the focus element. The key plan view style XML files are delivered in the Symbols share [Reference Data Product Directory]Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\KeyPlan folder. There are several requirements for key plan drawings to function properly. For a list of these requirements, see Key Plan Drawing Requirements.

Civil Key Plan Refers to the orthographic Civil Key Plan view style. For more information, see Civil Key Plan View Style (on page 225).

Default The default key plan view style displays the focus element with a thick line style, and displays the surrounding adjacent elements with a normal view style. The focus element is labeled with the volume name from the model. See the following graphic for an example.

Electrical Cable Tray Key Plan Refers to the orthographic Electrical Cable Tray Key Plan view style. For more information, see Electrical CableTray Key Plan View Style (on page 261).

Electrical Equipment Key Plan Refers to the orthographic Electrical Equipment Key Plan view style. For more information, see Electrical Equipment Key Plan View Style (on page 293).

HVAC Key Plan Refers to the orthographic HVAC Key Plan view style. For more information, see HVAC Key Plan View Style (on page 358).


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Instrument Key Plan Refers to the orthographic Instrument Key Plan view style. For more information, see Instrument Key Plan View Style (on page 397).

Piping Isometric Key Refers to the orthographic Piping Isometric Key view style. For more information, see Piping Isometric Key View Style.

Piping Key Plan Refers to the orthographic Piping Key Plan view style. For more information, see Piping Key Plan View Style (on page 456).

Structural Key Plan Refers to the orthographic Structural Framing Key Plan view style. For more information, see Structural Framing Key Plan View Style (on page 502).

See Also Orthographic and Key Plan View Styles (on page 214)

Drawing Rules for View Styles Drawing rules are another way you can define the output for your drawings. You define the rules used by your orthographic view style when you use Tools > Define View Style in the Drawing and Reports task. The software includes rules for specifying graphic resymbolization, labeling, and dimensioning. All of these are part of the view style definition. For more information, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. When you define a view style, you filter or test for different types of objects within the model. For each filter, you can define rules that further specify how the objects are resymbolized, labeled, or dimensioned. The delivered rules are located in the Symbols share in the [Product Reference Data Directory]\Drawings\Catalog\Rules folder: DimensionRules - Sets the style of dimensioning used within a drawing document. GraphicRules - Specifies the graphic output for the drawing objects. Objects can be displayed as Vector Hidden Line (VHL) or resymbolized. LabelRules - Determines the labeling to be applied to objects. MatchlineRules - Labels adjoining volumes on drawings. NorthArrowRules - Places a label that points toward Global North on drawings. ViewRules - Specifies how detail and section view frames will appear in the drawing document.

See Also Orthographic and Key Plan View Styles (on page 214) Orthographic Drawings Reference Data (on page 119)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

View Label Rules in Drawings View label rules control the appearance of view labels, their placement on views, and the appearance and types of annotations within the views. You assign view labels as part of the drawing view style with the Tools > Define View Style command in the Drawings and Reports task. View label rules are delivered in the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\ViewRules folder. The view labels also use:  Templates delivered in the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\Views folder.  View naming rules.  Section mark rules. The following view label rules are delivered with the software:

Type1 Displays the view direction, and view scale. For example: Looking North SCALE: Fit To Scale The Type1 view rule uses the SectionBubbleArrow for all cutting plane section mark arrows.

Type2 Displays the view direction, and view scale. For example: Looking North SCALE: Fit To Scale The Type2 view rule uses the Type2_Arrow for all cutting plane section mark arrows.

For more information on creating your own cutting plane section marks, see Create a Custom Cutting Plane Symbol (on page 79). See Also


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Layout Style Rules in Orthographic Drawings Layout style rules define how the number of views per region in an orthographic drawing document. You use the Tools > Define Layout Template command in the Drawings and Reports task to create new layout styles. You also specify layout styles when you place regions using the Place Region command in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. For more information on using these commands, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide and the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help respectively. The software populates the views within a region from bottom-to-top and left-to-right across the region.

Layout Styles


Eight View

Five View A

Five View B

Four View A

Four View B

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Four View C

Four View D

Seven View A

Seven View B

Single View

Six View A

Six View B


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Six View C

Six View D

Ten View

Three View A

Three View B

Two View A

Two View B

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data Layout styles use a processor DLL that defines how the rule behaves within the software. For orthographic drawings, the delivered DefaultLayoutProcessor.dll is the only processor used. This processor allows you to choose a predefined arrangement of views to be aligned and managed inside a region. Some of the delivered examples are 4 views arranged in a checkerboard fashion, 4 tall views aligned vertically, and 4 wide views aligned horizontally. other delivered examples increase the number of views, using similar arrangements. If you define the region to have a layout style for 4 views but you attempt to place 6 views within the region, the software moves the extra drawing views to an unmanaged area of the drawing sheet, outside the region.

See Also Orthographic Drawings Reference Data (on page 119)

Section View Orientation Rules in Orthographic Drawings SmartPlant 3D Section View Orientation Behavior The software automatically determines the "up" direction for section views. In most cases, the up direction is "up," or +Z. In cases where using +Z is impossible (for example, if the section view direction is Looking Plan or Looking Up.), the software orients the view to the North direction. The following examples outline common section view orientations: Looking Plan


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data P1 Cutting Plane

P2 Cutting Plane

P3 Cutting Plane

Looking East

Looking South

Looking South, East

Up direction is up.

Up direction is up.

Up direction is up.

Looking North

E1 Cutting Plane

E2 Cutting Plane

E3 Cutting Plane

Looking South

Looking Plan

Looking South, Plan

Up direction is up.

Up direction is North.

Up direction is up.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Looking East


E4 Cutting Plane

E5 Cutting Plane

E6 Cutting Plane

Looking South

Looking Plan

Looking South, Plan

Up direction is up.

Up direction is North.

Up direction is up.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

See Also Orthographic Drawings Reference Data (on page 119)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Bulkload Files Bulkload files are used to add reference data to the catalog. The reference data includes codelist values, rule progIDs, symbol file locations, and default values for rule and symbol parameters. The relationships between different types of reference data are also established. Each bulkload file is delivered with default values that can be customized. For more information about bulkloading, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide.

In This Section Drawing Volume Properties Sheet ................................................ 531 Bulkload Drawings Scales to Codelists ......................................... 532 Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes Workbook............................. 534

Drawing Volume Properties Sheet The Drawing Volume Properties sheet in the Drawings.xls workbook defines the part class information for drawing volumes. You can place drawing volumes in the Space Management task for use in the creation of volume drawings. Drawing volumes are also automatically placed when creating snapshot views for composed drawings. For more information about drawing volume placement, refer to the Space Management User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. The left-most column (column A) of the sheet specifies the bulkload action taken with regard to the row. For example, an A in the column indicates the drawing volume part class is being added; the letter D specifies the class is deleted; the letter M indicates the class is modified. A ! symbol specifies that the row is ignored during bulkloading. PartNumber - Specifies the part number. All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog. PartDescription - Describes the part. SymbolDefinition - Specifies a symbol definition. If the symbol definition for a part is the same as the definition for the part class, type NULL or leave blank. MirrorBehaviorOption - Indicates whether mirroring functionality is activated.  

For more information on modifying the Drawings.xml workbook, refer to the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. All files must be located in the correct Symbols share for bulkloading to be successful.

See Also Add A Drawing Volume Part Class (on page 532)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Ad d A Dra win g Vo lu m e P a rt Cla s s 1. 2. 3. 4.

Open the Drawings.xls workbook. Select the Drawing Volume Properties sheet. Select a row after the Start keyword but before the End keyword, and click Insert > Rows. In column A, type A to indicate a new drawing volume part class will be added during the next bulkload. The left-most column (column A) of the sheet specifies the bulkload action taken with regard to the row. For example, an A in the column indicates the drawing volume part class is being added; the letter D specifies the class is deleted; the letter M indicates the class is modified. A ! symbol specifies that the row is ignored during bulkloading. 5. In the PartNumber column, type a part number for the drawing volume part class. 6. Define the remaining properties for the new drawing volume part class. 7. Save the Drawings.xls workbook.   

For more information on modifying the Drawings.xml workbook, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. All files must be located in the correct Symbols share for bulkloading to be successful. If you add new part classes after creating the Reports databases, you must re-create the Reports databases in order to report on the new part classes.

See Also Drawing Volume Properties Sheet (on page 531)

Bulkload Drawings Scales to Codelists Bulkload files are used to add reference data to the catalog. The reference data includes codelist values, rule progIDs, symbol file locations, and default values for rule and symbol parameters. The relationships between different types of reference data are also established. Each bulkload file is delivered with default values that can be customized. For more information about bulkloading, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide.  

You should back up all Excel workbooks before modifying them and bulk loading. All of the workbooks are delivered with read-only properties. Do this procedure on a workstation computer with the Bulkload component and SmartPlant 3D Server Connectivity component installed. Log on with a user name that has database ownership privileges. For more information about necessary components, see the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. You should close all Excel workbooks before starting the bulkload. Do not open Excel during the bulkload process.

Modify the Drawing Scales Workbook The CustomScaleCodelist.xls workbook provides an example format for adding drawing custom attributes, such as custom scales used in the codelists.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data This workbook is delivered in the product \Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\CatalogData\BulkLoad\SampleDataFiles folder. For information on creating custom drawing properties for use in drawings, see "Place a Custom Drawing Property Label on a Template" in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. The following example shows the DrawingUserSelectedScales worksheet. The values in red are delivered in the software, while the blue values are custom values that are useful for Drawings and Reports users. To add values, enter A in the first column. To modify values in the codelist, enter M in the first column. To delete the values from the codelist completely, enter D in the first column. When adding a new scale value, a Codelist Number value is required. The new scale will be added to the end of the codelist regardless of the Codelist Number value.

After modifying the Excel file, save your changes and exit Excel.

Bulkload the Custom Scales into Drawings and Reports For more information on bulkloading reference data, see Loading Reference Data into the Catalog in the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data

Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes Workbook The Drawings-ExtendCustomAttributes.xls workbook provides an example format for adding drawing custom attributes, such as custom drawing properties to be used in creating drawing borders. This workbook is delivered in the product \Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\CatalogData\BulkLoad\AdditionalDataFiles folder. For information on creating custom drawing properties for use in drawings, see Place a Custom Drawing Property Label on a Template in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. The following example shows the CustomInterfaces sheet set up to use the IJDwgCustom interface with a single property, CustomAttributeName.

The left-most column (column A) of the sheet specifies the bulkload action taken with regard to the row. For example, an A in the column indicates the drawing volume part class is being added; the letter D specifies the class is deleted; the letter M indicates the class is modified. A ! symbol specifies that the row is ignored during bulkloading.

CustomInterfaces Sheet This sheet defines the custom attribute. InterfaceName - Specifies the name of the custom interface you are using to implement the custom attributes against the DwgPropertyObject class. For more information, see the SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D Programmer's Guide. CategoryName - Not used at this time. AttributeName - Identifies the programmatic name of the attribute. AttributeUserName - Identifies the user name for the attribute. 

The AttributeUserName must be unique for each user name entry. For example, Title1 cannot be used because it is a delivered AttributeUserName value. For a list of delivered AttributeUserNames, see Title Area Tab and Signature Area Tab.  For any Integrated SmartPlant 3D Enterprise Application, the delivered AttributeUserName values cannot be edited. Type - Specifies the type of attribute. For example, char for character. UnitsType - Specifies the unit type for the attribute. PrimaryUnits - Identifies the primary unit for the attribute CodeList - Specifies the name of the table that contains the codelisted values for this attribute. If the cell is empty, the codelist is Null and ignored by the software. OnPropertyPage - Specifies whether this attribute is displayed by the attribute control. Value is True if the attribute is displayed on a control, and False if not. codelisttablenamespace - Identifies the table name space for the codelist if needed. ReadOnly - Specifies whether the attribute can be modified by the attribute control. Value is True if the attribute can be modified, and False if not. 534

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Orthographic Drawings Reference Data SymbolParameter - Identifies the symbol parameter used for the attribute if needed.

CustomClassInterfaceList Sheet This sheet maps the custom attribute interface to the appropriate class.

ClassName - Identifies the class name for the attribute interface. InterfaceName - Specifies the interface name mapped to the class name. The InterfaceName should match with the specified name on the CustomInterfaces sheet.  

For more information on reference data workbooks, refer to the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. All files must be located in the correct Symbols share for bulkloading to be successful.

See Also Add A Drawing Volume Part Class (on page 532)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Orthographic Drawings Reference Data


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data In the Drawings and Reports task, reference data defines various extraction settings for each isometric drawing style. One important setting is the output location for isometric drawings extracted. Before you can extract any drawings, you must specify the output location in this workbook and bulk load. For more information, see Modify Default Isometric Paths (on page 543). The reference data also allows you to specify the locations for the style option database files, backing sheets, and Intergraph option files. The BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls workbook contains the reference data for isometric drawings within the Drawings and Reports task. The sheets that are unique to BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls are described below. For more information on common sheets, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command.

PipeMfgRules Sheet This sheet lists isometric drawing extraction styles and drawing output locations. This sheet contains information about the databases and XML files that store the isometric drawing options. For more information, see PipeMfgRules Sheet (on page 541).

PipeMfgMapSymbol Sheet In previous versions, this sheet mapped the symbol key information between ISOGEN and SmartPlant 3D. You map the symbol keys using the Isometric Style Options Browser in the software. For more information, see PipeMfgMapSymbol Sheet (on page 542).

PipeMfgSpoolRule Sheet You set these options when you run the spooling commands in the Piping task. For more information, see PipeMfgSpoolRule Sheet (on page 542).

Customizable Piping Isometric Deliverables You can customize your piping isometric drawings by understanding and modifying the delivered packages, components, and Isometric styles. For more information on setting up piping isometric drawings, see the Piping Isometric Drawing User's Guide.

Isometric Drawing Styles Isometric drawing styles control several aspects of the isometric drawing output, including the output location and the type of object used for drawing creation. Each drawing style is also associated with a set of options and a backing sheet. To customize the isometric drawing styles for your company, you can copy and then modify the delivered isometric drawing styles.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data The delivered isometric drawing styles are Iso_Pipeline, Iso_Piperun, Iso_Spool, Iso_PenSpool, Iso_WBS, and Iso_Stress. Each delivered style has an associated XML file and IGR file. The XML file contains the isometric options, and the IGR file is the backing sheet for the isometric drawing. They are delivered on the Symbols share in the \PmfgIsoStyleData folder.  Iso_Pipeline - Creates a final isometric drawing used to construct the plant. This style creates one drawing per pipeline system. This drawing style is an example of a potential configuration for a fabrication isometric. It includes a material list.  Iso_Piperun - Creates a draft of an isometric drawing for checking against project guidelines. This style creates one drawing per pipe run. This drawing style is an example of a drawing configuration used for checking pipeline designs prior to extracting the fabrication isometric.  Iso_Spool - Creates an isometric drawing used in the fabrication shop to manufacture the pipe. This style uses piping spools. You can create spools using the Generate Spools command in the Piping task. Like the final isometric style, it includes a material list.  Iso_PenSpool - Creates an isometric drawing that documents penetration spools that consist of a penetration plate and several piping spools. This style creates one drawing per penetration spools. You can create penetration spools using the Create Penetration Spools command in the Piping task.  Iso_WBS - Creates an isometric drawing that documents a collection of parts that are assigned to one Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) item of the type Group Iso Drawing. This style creates one drawing per WBS item.  Iso_Stress - Creates a Piping Component File (PCF) that can be output to the CAESAR II pipe stress analysis software. No drawing is created. To save the PCF file, use the Save As command. For more information, see Create a piping component file (PCF). You can create other isometric drawing styles, such as a Bid style for construction contractors to bid on a project.

Packages The delivered Piping Isometric Drawing packages are located on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder. You can use these packages to "jump start" your piping isometric drawing configurations. For more information, see Piping Isometric Drawing by Query Packages (on page 539).

Labels, Symbols, and Dimensions Labels, symbols, and dimensions are used within the Isometric Style and defined as part of the Edit Options command on the Piping Isometric Drawing component shortcut menu.

See Also Piping Isometric Drawing by Query Packages (on page 539)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data

Piping Isometric Drawing by Query Packages Packages contain definition information for one or more components, plus template and style definitions. You can create new packages or modify existing packages. Drawing documents are not saved as part of the package. When you save a package, using the Save Package command in the Drawings and Reports task, you specify where it is saved. You can save the package on a single drawing, an entire folder, or even the entire root. You can also create your own tab when you save your packages. The tab appears in the Add Component dialog box of the New command. Packages are saved on the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder. A sub-folder exists for each type of delivered package. When you use the New command to add a package to the Management Console, each tab of the Add Component dialog box represents a sub-folder showing the available packages for each drawing type. For example, you find piping isometric packages on the Isometrics (by Query) tab. Delivered Piping Isometric Drawing by Query packages are also located on the Symbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Packages folder. . There are several delivered piping isometric drawing by query packages that appear on the Isometrics (by Query) tab: Iso PenSpool (see "Iso PenSpool Package" on page 182) Iso Pipeline (see "Iso Pipeline Package" on page 182) Iso Pipeline Manager (see "Iso Pipeline Manager Package" on page 183) Iso Spool (see "Iso Spool Package" on page 183) Iso Spool Manager (see "Iso Spool Manager Package" on page 183) Iso Stress (see "Iso Stress Package" on page 183) For more information on adding drawing packages or on customizing isometric styles used with drawing packages, see the Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide.

See Also Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data (on page 537)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Bulkload Files Bulkload files are used to add reference data to the catalog. The reference data includes codelist values, rule progIDs, symbol file locations, and default values for rule and symbol parameters. The relationships between different types of reference data are also established. Each bulkload file is delivered with default values that can be customized. For more information about bulkloading, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide.

In This Section PipeMfgRules Sheet ...................................................................... 541 PipeMfgMapSymbol Sheet............................................................ 542 PipeMfgSpoolRule Sheet .............................................................. 542 Modify Default Isometric Paths .................................................... 543

PipeMfgRules Sheet The PipeMfgRules sheet in the BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls workbook shows the isometric drawing styles defined for the project. It also defines the paths for the isometric drawing output and other files associated with isometric drawing extraction. IsoNames - Specifies the different isometric drawing styles. The delivered styles are Iso_Pipeline, Iso_Piperun, Iso_Spool, Iso_PenSpool, Iso_WBS, and Iso_Stress. RuleType - Specifies the type of drawing extraction rule applied within the style. RuleProgID - Displays a unique identifier for the drawing extraction rule. Each rule is associated with an isometric drawing style. For example, the Iso_Pipeline style is associated with the PMfgIsoExtractionRule.PipeLineIso rule progID. The ProgID is analogous to the Line ID Definition in PDS. Description - Displays a text description of the rule action. OutputIsoDrawingLocation - Specifies the UNC path to the isometric drawing output location for each style. If your workflow includes concurrent users, you must create sharing permissions on the output location folders.  

The output location is optional. You do not have to specify a location in this box. If you specify a location and bulk load, the software stores the drawings at this location. If you do not specify a location, the software temporarily stores the drawings in the C:\Temp folder while the task is active and deletes the files when you exit the task. You can point more than one drawing style to the same Access database if you want. IsoBackingSheet - Specifies the UNC path to the location for the backing sheet documents. IngrOption - Specifies the UNC path to the location for the XML files that control the Intergraph options.

See Also Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data (on page 537) PipeMfgMapSymbol Sheet (on page 542) Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data

PipeMfgMapSymbol Sheet The PipeMfgMapSymbol sheet in the BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls workbook shows the symbol mapping between the application and ISOGEN, which is the third-party software used to create isometric drawings. The columns are described as follows: MapType - Identifies the map type referenced from the Map Type codelist. For more information, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide available from Help > Printable Guides. CodeList - Specifies the End Prep Code associated with the Part Class Name. PartClassName - Identifies the SmartPlant 3D Part Class Name. SKEY - Identifies the ISOGEN symbol key. PCFComponentID - Specifies the Piping Component File (PCF) identification text for the piping component. This ID must be a valid ISOGEN Component Type Identifier as described in the ISOGEN documentation, which is accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command.

See Also Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data (on page 537) PipeMfgRules Sheet (on page 541)

PipeMfgSpoolRule Sheet The PipeMfgSpoolRule sheet in the BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls workbook specifies how the software breaks pipes into spools. When you make changes to this sheet, you need to bulkload the workbook into the Catalog. You can also use the spooling commands in the Piping task to specify these rules, but the changes are not saved to the Catalog or the session file. Name - Specifies the naming rule for spools. BreakatUnion - Specifies that the software breaks the spools at unions. IncludeStubIn - Specifies that a spool can include the stub-in pipe and all the parts of this stub-in branch until the first spool breaking component is encountered. IncludeWeldedParts - Includes welded objects, such as pipe hanger or support parts, in the same spool as the components to which they are welded. InSituON - Not used at this time. Updation - Specifies whether or not existing spools are deleted. The Updation option should always be set to "on". It prevents the loss of existing spools during re-spooling operations. You should only override this option using the interactive options provided with the commands available in the Piping task. MaxLength - Provides the maximum length of a spool for oversizing calculation purposes. You should enter ft (feet) for the units. If you specify units other than feet, the software uses meters as the units. MaxWidth - Provides the maximum width of a spool for oversizing calculations purposes. You should enter ft (feet) for the units. If you specify units other than feet, the software uses meters as the units. MaxHeight - Provides the maximum height of a spool for oversizing calculation purposes. You should enter ft (feet) for the units. If you specify units other than feet, the software uses meters as the units.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data SequencingType - Not used at this time. SpoolingBasis - Controls the user interface displayed when spooling operations run. If set to Pipeline, the software user interface is set to pipeline spooling within the system hierarchy. If set to Block, the software user interface is set to block spooling within the assembly hierarchy. The SpoolingBasis option should be set at the beginning of a project and not changed for the duration of the project. IgnoreBoundaries - When set to False, the software will not cross the boundary of the pipeline or block. When set to True, the software will cross the boundary of the pipeline or block for spool generation until an intrinsic spool break is found. This feature is intended for use when pooling by block. SpoolBreakByControlPoint - Specifies if spools should break at control points. You can place control points using the Insert Control Point command in the Piping task. You must set the control point Subtype to Spool Break in order to use the control point with this option. For information on setting isometric break controls points for drawings, see Set Isometric Break Control Points for Drawings in the Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides. Select Ignore Control Points to ignore the control points during spooling. Select Break at Control Points to break spools at the normal intrinsic line breaks and at control points. Select Break Only at Control Points to break spools only at control points.

See Also Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data (on page 537)

Modify Default Isometric Paths Output is saved in the Symbols folder on the server by default. You can specify an output location in the BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls file on the PipeMfgRules sheet if you want to save isometric drawings to a different location. 1. Log on to the application administrator computer using an account that has database ownership privileges. 2. In Windows Explorer, create folders in which you want to store isometric drawings.  


2. 3. 4.

Create a folder on the server named PipingMfgDrawings. Within the PipingMfgDrawings folder, create five folders for the different isometric drawing types. Name the folders Iso_Pipeline, Iso_Piperun, Iso_Spool, Iso_PenSpool, Iso_WBS, and Iso_Stress. In Windows Explorer, create sharing permissions on the root folder. In this example, PipingMfgDrawings should be shared. To share a folder, select the folder in Windows Explorer. Then click File > Sharing and select Shared As. Back up your Excel workbooks before you begin to modify them. Open the default Excel workbook for Piping Manufacturing: [Product Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\BulkLoadIsoKeys.xls. Click the PipeMfgRules sheet to make it active.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data 5. In the OutputIsoDrawingLocation column, edit the paths to show the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) locations for the isometric drawing types on the server. For example, if the node name of the server is smith and you want to store the Iso_Pipeline isometric drawings in the Iso_Pipeline folder that you created earlier, type \\smith\PipingMfgDrawings\Iso_Pipeline in the row for the Iso_Pipeline isometric type. Repeat this step for the other isometric drawing styles. 6. In the IsoBackingSheet and IngrOption columns, edit the paths to show the UNC locations of these files on the server. The server setup installs these files by default at [Reference Data Product Directory]\Symbols\PmfgIsoStyleData. Repeat this procedure for the other rows and columns. 7. In the Head column under Start, mark the beginning of each modified row with M. 8. Click File > Save to store the modifications. 9. Run the Bulkload utility in the Add/Modify/Delete mode to modify the reference data. For more information about bulkloading, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command.  

If you want to modify the isometric paths again, you must edit the workbook and bulk load. The left-most column (column A) of the sheet specifies the bulkload action taken with regard to the row. For example, an A in the column indicates the drawing volume part class is being added; the letter D specifies the class is deleted; the letter M indicates the class is modified. A ! symbol specifies that the row is ignored during bulkloading.

See Also Piping Isometric Drawings Reference Data (on page 537)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Reports Reference Data The reports reference data includes a list of the templates associated with reporting in the software. These templates include label templates, query templates, query parameters templates, formatting templates, and reports templates. In the Catalog task, you can view a hierarchy of folders containing the report and label templates and components.

The hierarchy is derived from the Reports.xls workbook that contains the report reference data. The Reports\Components category includes the baseline, display, formatting, and query templates. The Reports\Templates category groups the report templates by discipline. The Labels category contains the templates for catalog labels, isometric drawing labels, Icarus cost-estimation labels, and ToolTip labels. For more information on drawing labels, see Label Rules (on page 549).

The report and label templates are available in the \CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog folders on the application server.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Reports Reference Data For information about setting up the reporting databases, refer to the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command. For more information about running reports while in a 3D task, see the Common User's Guide also available from the Help > Printable Guides command. The Reports.xls workbook contains the reference data for reports and labels. This workbook is located at [Product Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles. The following sheets are used to modify the Reports and Label reference data:  Reports sheet - Defines the locations of the report and label templates. For more information, see Report Sheet (on page 546).  R-Hierachy sheet - Maps parent and child relationships between folders in the Catalog Reports hierarchy. For more information, see R-Hierarchy Sheet (on page 547). For more information on modifying sheets, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command.   

The Catalog Reports hierarchy also controls the display of the Catalog Reports tab on the Tools > Run Report command in the Common task. If you add new part classes after creating the Reports databases, you must re-create the Reports databases in order to report on the new part classes. For more information on using and defining reports, see the Reports User's Guide.

See Also Report Sheet (on page 546) R-Hierarchy Sheet (on page 547) The Management Console, Folders, and Components (on page 17)

Report Sheet The Report sheet in the Reports.xls workbook defines the locations for the report and label templates. The upper portion of this sheet lists the valid report and label templates and descriptions. This portion is commented out with ! characters at the beginning of each row, so the Bulkload utility does not read this information. The left-most column (column A) of the sheet specifies the bulkload action taken with regard to the row. For example, an A in the column indicates the report or label template is being added; the letter D specifies the template is deleted; the letter M indicates the template is modified. A ! symbol specifies that the row is ignored during bulkloading. Name (Column B) - Specifies the report or label template name. This name appears in the XML for the template. This name must match the name specified on the R-Hierarchy sheet. Type (Column C) - Specifies the type of template. The types include label templates, query templates, query parameters templates, report templates, and formatting templates. Description (Column D) - Provides some descriptive text about the template. Filename (Column E) - Shows the path to the template. The Name column (Column B) includes the hierarchy folders shown in the Catalog task. You add new report or label templates based on where you want them to be stored within the hierarchy. To


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Reports Reference Data help make the hierarchy easier to read, the Report section of the sheet has a yellow background, while the Label Template section has a green background.  

For more information on modifying the Reports.xml workbook, refer to the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. All files must be located in the correct Symbols share for bulkloading to be successful.

R-Hierarchy Sheet The R-Hierarchy sheet maps parent and child relationships between folders and files in the Catalog Reports and Catalog Labels hierarchies. The folder names are object names, not names that appear on the user interface. These names must be unique in the Catalog. Also, the names must match between the Report sheet and the R-Hierarchy sheet. A parent folder can have any number of children. However, a child folder can only have one parent. A familiar example is the hierarchy of folders in Windows Explorer. The left-most column (column A) of the sheet specifies the bulkload action taken with regard to the row. For example, an A in the column indicates the report template is being added; the letter D specifies the template is deleted; the letter M indicates the report template is modified. A ! symbol specifies that the row is ignored during bulkloading. You should copy the Reports.xls spreadsheet to another name before bulkloading. Once bulkloading occurs, the values in Column A will reset. RelationSource - Specifies the parent object names. For report templates, the background is yellow. For label templates, the background is green. RelationDestination - Specifies the child object names. The R-Hierarchy sheet specifies relationships between all parent and children folders, except part classes and the classification folders right above the part classes in the hierarchy. These folders are related on the R-ClassNodeDescribes sheet. For more information, refer to the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command.

See Also Add A Report Template (on page 547)

Add A Report Template You can use this procedure to add label templates also. 1. Open the Reports.xls workbook. 2. Select the Report sheet. 3. Select a row after the Start keyword and within the appropriate hierarchy division, and click Insert > Rows. 4. In column A, type A to indicate a new report template will be added during the next bulkload. The left-most column (column A) of the sheet specifies the bulkload action taken with regard to the row. For example, an A in the column indicates the report or label template is being added; the letter D specifies the template is deleted; the letter M indicates the template is modified. A ! symbol specifies that the row is ignored during bulkloading. Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Reports Reference Data 5. In the Name column (Column B), type a name for the new report template. Make sure the name is unique. 6. In the Type column (Column C), specifies the type of template. The types include label templates, query templates, query parameters templates, report templates, and formatting templates. 7. Include a description for the report or label in the Description column (Column D). 8. Specify the report or label filename and location in the Filename column (Column E). 9. Select the R-Hierarchy sheet. 10. Specify a parent name and child name. The RelationSource name must match the name specified on the Report sheet. 11. Save the Reports.xls workbook. 12. Bulk load the updated Report.xls spreadsheet.  

All files must be located in the correct Symbols share for bulkloading to be successful. If you add new part classes after creating the Reports databases, you must re-create the Reports databases in order to report on the new part classes.

See Also Report Sheet (on page 546)

Create a filter-based report that uses the DrawingMAP table It is often required to report the name of a drawing that contains equipment in an equipment location report. The following example query returns the names of all equipment and the drawings they are contained in. This query may be used in a SQL report. select j4.Itemname 'Equipment',j3.Itemname 'Drawing' from XDrawingMAP X1 join XSheetHasViews x2 on X1.oidorigin = x2.oidorigin join JDDwgSheet j2 on j2.oid = x2.oiddestination join JNamedItem j3 on j3.oid = j2.oid join JNamedItem j4 on j4.oid = X1.oiddestination where j4.OID in (select oid from JSmartEquipment) order by Equipment, Drawing

Normally, tables in the databases have corresponding views that begin with "J," which means the expected view name for DRAWINGDrawingMAP would be JDrawingMAP. However, the correct view name is XDrawingMAP.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Label rules control the appearance of annotation labels as well as their automatic placement on drawings. For example, you can create label rules that place labels with or without borders and leader lines. You can even specify that the labels find "clear space" on the drawing, as shown in the graphic.

You assign label rules as part of the drawing view style with the Tools > Define View Style command in the Drawings and Reports task. You can use these rules for many purposes. The delivered sample rules include several types of rules, such as control point labels, grid line labels, name labels, name and part labels, and piping labels. For more information, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. Label rules are saved in theSymbols share in the \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\LabelRules folder. The rules have corresponding templates and symbols under \Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates. Most labels are managed by and bulkloaded from the Reports.xls file. This workbook contains the reference data for labels. For additional information, see Reports Reference Data (on page 545). For more information, see "Label Rules in Marine Structure Drawings" in the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. If you choose to relocate or reorganize the labels folder structure, you need to edit each associated Label Rule XML file. The label rules are located in the Symbols share in the

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules \Drawings\Catalog\Rules\LabelRules folder. After each tag of the XML file, enter the correct relative path and name for the template files, as in the example below. Delivered path

Modified path

Layering Labels You can define the layer on which your annotation labels appear in the drawing by editing the label rule template XML file. After the section of the XML file, add a definition using the tag, like the one shown in the example below, that defines the layer on which you want the annotations placed:

If the layer does not already exist in the template you are using to create drawings, the software creates the layer automatically.

Prioritizing Labels In "Clearspace Labels", you can use the XML setting for Priority to dictate which label(s) in the drawing have a higher chance of being placed at their preferred positions, as specified by the Positioning module with in the label XML template. When you create a drawing that uses a view style with two or more "Clearspace Labels" defined, you can have multiple labels with different Priority settings, and the level of Priority can impact which label is more likely to receive its preferred position. For example, Label 1 and Label 2 have different Priority settings defined in their respective XML templates. However, Label 1 takes its preferred position in the drawing over Label 2 because the Priority is higher for Label 1. The lower numeric value for the Priority means Label 1 is more likely to receive its preferred position. Label 1

Label 2


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules Labels that have the same Priority setting in their XML templates will not collide in the drawing if there is sufficient clearspace, but neither label receives preferential treatment for placement.

See Also View Style Rules (on page 82) Use Bubble Labels in Drawings (on page 75)

Label Editor Edits or creates a label. This dialog box is accessible from Tools > Define Label in the Catalog task dialog box; it displays when you click New COM Label , New SQL Label , or Properties on the horizontal toolbar. 

In the Common task, the Label Editor displays when you select a Tooltip on the OptionsToolTips tab and then click Edit Label. You can edit the formatting for the selected label and the changes are saved to the session file. Edits made to the label are not saved to the Catalog. For more information, see the Common User's Guide, available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.  In the Drawings and Reports task, the Label Editor displays when you select New Format in the Name list on the Labels tab of the Item Properties dialog box when using Design Layout to format a report. You can create a new label format to use within your report. For more information, see the Drawings and Reports documentation, available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Name - Displays a default name for the label. You can type a name, or click More to select an existing label definition. In the Common task, this box is not available. Description - Displays a text description of the label.

Properties Displays properties associated with the label. The options available are different depending on the type of label, either COM or SQL Query. If you are working with a COM Label, you can add or delete property rows as needed: Add - Opens the Select Properties dialog box, in which you can select an object type and corresponding property. For more information about this dialog box, see the section about managing sessions in the Common User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Remove - Discards a selected property in the Properties grid. Edit Label - Opens the Select Properties Dialog Box to apply object properties to the label definition. Property Name - Specifies the name of the property. Alias Name - Specifies an alias for the property. You can type user-defined text in this box. If you are working with an SQL Query Label, the definition provides the following capabilities:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules    

Show Results - Adds a results pane to the Properties section. The results update when you execute the query. Execute Query - Runs the query as specified. If the Results pane is shown, the results display. Properties - Displays the Select Properties dialog box. Name - Specifies a name for the query.

Layout Provides a text field for entering text and fields to be used in the label. The options available are described as follows: Rich Text Format - Displays the Font dialog box so you can specify font, font style, font size, and font special effects to be used in the label. Block Definition - Displays the Block dialog box so that you can define condition criteria. Field Formatting - Displays the Field Formatting dialog box so you can define specific formatting for a selected field. This button is disabled unless a field is selected in the Layout text box. Unit Formatting - Displays the Select Rule dialog box for specifying a Unit of Measure formatting rule. This button is disabled unless a unit of measure field is selected in the Layout text box. Position Definition - Displays the Position Definition dialog box for defining the displays of the positional information in the label. This button is disabled unless a positional field is selected in the Layout text box. Orientation Definition - Not available in this version. For more information on these commands, see the SmartPlant 3D Catalog User's Guide.

Format Field Dialog Box (Label Editor) Defines the format for the selected field. The Format Field dialog displays when you select a field in the Layout text box on the Label Editor and click Format Field . The dialog box is similar to the Microsoft Excel Format Cell command. Category - Specifies the type of the formatting to assign to the field. The category controls the definition controls displays on the dialog box. Sample - Shows a sample of the selected format.

Select Rule Dialog Box (Label Editor - Unit of Measure) Lists the available unit of measure rules. You can open this dialog box when you select a single field in the Layout text box on the Label Editor box and click Format Unit . Rule Name - Lists the names of available unit of measure rules. Description - Lists the descriptions of the rules. New - Displays the Unit of Measure dialog box for creating a new unit of measure rule. Delete - Deletes the selected rule. Rename - Renames the selected rule.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules Properties - Displays the Unit of Measure dialog box to review or edit the selected rule.

Unit of Measure Dialog Box (Label Editor) Specifies properties for a new unit of measure rule. This dialog box displays when you click New on the Select Rule dialog box. The properties displayed are inherited from the context in which the unit of measure label is created (that is, Session, Report, or Drawing). Rule Name - Specifies a name for the unit of measure rule. Description - Describes the unit of measure rule. Inherit from Session, Reports, Drawing - Indicates that the parameter should use the same units used in the session, the report, or the drawing. This option is checked by default, which makes the Properties read-only.

Properties Unit - Displays the type of unit, such as distance. Primary - Specifies the primary unit of measure, such as yards in yards, feet, inches. Secondary - Specifies the secondary unit of measure, such as feet in yards, feet, inches. Tertiary - Specifies the tertiary unit of measure, such as inches in yards, feet, inches. Displayed Unit - Turns the display of the units on and off. Precision Type - Specifies Decimal, Fractional, or Scientific. Your selection in this box determines the availability of the remaining boxes on this dialog box. Decimal Precision - Specifies the number of places after the decimal point. This value can be 0 or greater. Leading Zero - Places a zero before the decimal point, if applicable. Trailing Zeros - Places zeros after the last significant digit, if applicable. Fractional Precision - Specifies a fraction for the precision. The highest value that you can specify is 1/2. This box is available only if you select Fractional in the Precision Type box. Reduce Fraction - Reduces the fraction. For example, displays 3/4 instead of 6/8. This box is available only if you select Fractional in the Precision Type box.

Block Definition Dialog Box (Label Editor) Displays several options that allow you to apply condition criteria to new or existing labels. A conditional label only appears if the conditions are met based on the values specified in the Block Definition dialog box.

Selected block text Displays the selected block of text from the Layout section of the Label Editor command. For more information, see Label Editor (on page 551).

Block type Repeat the fields in the block for each occurence - Allows you to repeat certain fields in the block as many times as they occur in the label. Text in this box cannot be edited. For example,

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules most label blocks are separated by a return in the label, but the repeat option places all of the conditional blocks on the same line in the label.

Conditions Match all - All conditions must match. Match any - Any conditions can match. True - Condition must be true. False - Condition must be false. Delete - Removes the selected row from the list of conditions. Property - Specifies the properties available from the Layout field in the Label Editor. Operator - Specifies the operator value. Possible values are: =, >, >=, Define View Style command in the Drawings and Reports task. You can use these rules for many purposes. The delivered sample rules include several types of rules, such as material and grade labels, profile cross-section labels, and part name labels. For more information, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide. Label rules are delivered in the Symbols share in the [Product Reference Data Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\LabelRules folder. Each label rule uses one or more label templates. For more information, see Label Templates XML (on page 587). The following label rules are delivered:

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)



Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)



Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Isometric_Equipment_Name

Civil Isometric_Equipment_Name

Civil Isometric_Process Equipment_Symbol

Civil Isometric_Process Equipment_Symbol

Civil Key Plan_Focus_Name

Civil Key Plan_Focus_Name

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Overall Key Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol

Civil Overall Key Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol

Civil Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Civil Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

Civil Plan_Equipment_Name

Civil Plan_Equipment_Name

Civil Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Civil Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Civil Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Civil Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Civil Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol

Civil Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol


CtrlPtCoordSym_None_A_NL, CtrlPtECoord_None_CA_L, CtrlPtNCoord_None_CA_L


CtrlPtOnlyCoordSym_None_A_NL, CtrlPtOnlyECoord_None_CA_L, CtrlPtOnlyNCoord_None_CA_L



Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Equipment_Name

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Equipment_Name

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_TOS Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_TOS Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical CableTray Key Plan_Focus_Name

Electrical CableTray Key Plan_Focus_Name

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Line_X Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Name Line_X Name Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Line_Y Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Name Line_Y Name


Electrical CableTray Length

Electrical CableTray Length

Electrical CableTray Length_M

Electrical CableTray Length_M

Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Bus_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Bus_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Components_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Components_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cableways_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cableways_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Control Station_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Control Station_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical CableTray Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical CableTray Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical CableTray Plan_Panel_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Panel_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Run_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Run_Name

Electrical CableTray Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation_M

Electrical CableTray Section_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Section_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical CableTray Section_Equipment_Name Electrical CableTray Section_Equipment_Name Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Name

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Name

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Equipment_Name

Electrical Equipment Isometric_Equipment_Name

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical Equipment Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical Equipment Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical Equipment Key Plan_Focus_Name

Electrical Equipment Key Plan_Focus_Name

Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Bus_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Bus_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Control Station_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Control Station_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Junction Box_Name Electrical Equipment Plan_Junction Box_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Panel_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Panel_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Road_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Road_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation_M

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical Equipment Plan_Switchgear_Name

Electrical Equipment Plan_Switchgear_Name

Electrical Equipment Section_Equipment_Name Electrical Equipment Section_Equipment_Name Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Clipped

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Electrical Instrument Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Instrument_Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Instrument_Name

Electrical Instrument Plan_Instrument_Name_M Electrical Instrument Plan_Instrument_Name_M Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name_M

Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name_M

Electrical Lighting Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name_M

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name_M

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Symbol_Number

Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Symbol_Number

Electrical Raceway Plan_Bus_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Bus_Name

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Components_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Components_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cableways_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cableways_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Control Station_Name Electrical Raceway Plan_Control Station_Name Electrical Raceway Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Equipment_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Junction Box_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Junction Box_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Raceway Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Raceway Plan_Panel_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Panel_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Road_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Road_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Run_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Run_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Raceway Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation

Electrical Raceway Plan_Switchgear_Name

Electrical Raceway Plan_Switchgear_Name



Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Elevation

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Elevation_Symbol, Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Elevation

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Elevation_M Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Elevation_Symbol_M, Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Elevation_M


Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Name

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Name

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name_M

Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name_M

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_Symbol, Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_East Coordinate, Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_Symbol_M, Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M, Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

Equipment Isometric_Equipment_Name

Equipment Isometric_Equipment_Name

Equipment Key Plan_Volume_Name

Equipment Key Plan_Volume_Name

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North-East Coordinate

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_Symbol, Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_East Coordinate, Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North Coordinate

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_Symbol_M, Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_East Coordinate_M, Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North Coordinate_M

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_Symbol, Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_East Coordinate, Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North Coordinate

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_Symbol_M, Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M, Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Equipment Plan_Control

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml) Point Structure_East Coordinate, Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name

Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name

Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Equipment Plan_Pipe Support_Name

Equipment Plan_Pipe Support_Name

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol, Coordinate Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate, Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Equipment Plan_Process Coordinate_M Equipment_Symbol_M, Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M, Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M


Equipment Plan_Support Assembly_Name

Equipment Plan_Support Assembly_Name

Equipment Section_Equipment_Elevation

Equipment Section_Equipment_Elevation_Symbol, Equipment Section_Equipment Elevation

Equipment Section_Equipment_Elevation_M

Equipment Section_Equipment_Elevation_Symbol_M, Equipment Section_Equipment Elevation_M

Equipment Section_Equipment_Name

Equipment Section_Equipment_Name

Equipment Section_Equipment_Name_M

Equipment Section_Equipment_Name_M

Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS

Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS

Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name

Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name

Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name_M

Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name_M

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_Symbol, Equipment Section_Process Equipment_East Coordinate,

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml) Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_Symbol_M, Equipment Section_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M, Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M



















HngSup Cad Details_Cad Detail

HngSup Cad Details_Cad Detail

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_Symbol, HngSup End_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, HngSup_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, HngSup End_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, HngSup_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

HngSup End_Diamond_M_L

HngSup End_Diamond_M_L

HngSup End_Elevation_Label

HngSup End_Elevation_Label

HngSup End_Elevation_Label_M

HngSup End_Elevation_Label_M

HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate

HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate

HngSup ISO_Note

HngSup ISO_Note

HngSup ISO_Reference_Circle_CA_L

HngSup ISO_Reference_Circle_CA_L

HngSup KeyPlan

HngSup KeyPlan

HngSup KeyPlan_M

HngSup KeyPlan_M

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_Symbol, HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

HngSup Side_Reference_Circle_CA_L

HngSup Side_Reference_Circle_CA_L





HVAC Diffuser

HVAC Diffuser

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

HVAC Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

HVAC Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

HVAC Elevation_Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Elevation_Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Elevation_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M

HVAC Elevation_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Vertical Segment

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Vertical Segment

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Vertical Segment_M

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Vertical Segment_M

HVAC Elevation_Pipe Support_Name

HVAC Elevation_Pipe Support_Name

HVAC Isometric_Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Isometric_Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Isometric_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M

HVAC Isometric_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

HVAC Isometric_Pipe Support_Name

HVAC Isometric_Pipe Support_Name

HVAC Isometric_Run_Name

HVAC Isometric_Run_Name

HVAC Key Plan_Focus_Name

HVAC Key Plan_Focus_Name

HVAC Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M

HVAC Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M

HVAC Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

HVAC Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

HVAC Plan_Equipment_Name

HVAC Plan_Equipment_Name

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_X Name

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_X Name

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_X

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_X

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

HVAC Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

HVAC Plan_HVAC Straight_Height-Width

HVAC Plan_HVAC Straight_Height-Width

HVAC Plan_Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Plan_Linear Duct Cross Section Size

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Vertical Segment

HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Vertical Segment

HVAC Plan_Pipe Support_Name

HVAC Plan_Pipe Support_Name

HVAC Section_Grid Line_TOS

HVAC Section_Grid Line_TOS

HVAC Section_Grid Plane_Name

HVAC Section_Grid Plane_Name

HVAC Section_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M

HVAC Section_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M

HVAC Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M

HVAC Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M

HVAC Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

HVAC Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

HVAC Section_LineNumber_Vertical Segment_M

HVAC Section_LineNumber_Vertical Segment_M

Instrument Elevation_Equipment_Name

Instrument Elevation_Equipment_Name

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Instrument Elevation_Piping Instruments_Name Instrument Elevation_Piping Instruments_Name Instrument Isometric_Equipment_Name

Instrument Isometric_Equipment_Name

Instrument Isometric_Piping Instruments_Name Instrument Isometric_Piping Instruments_Name

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Instrument Key Plan_Focus_Name

Instrument Key Plan_Focus_Name

Instrument Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Instrument Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Instrument Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Instrument Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Instrument Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Instrument Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Instrument Plan_Equipment_Name

Instrument Plan_Equipment_Name

Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name

Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name

Instrument Plan_Pipe Supports_Name

Instrument Plan_Pipe Supports_Name

Instrument Plan_Piping Instruments_Name

Instrument Plan_Piping Instruments_Name

Instrument Section_Equipment_Name

Instrument Section_Equipment_Name

Instrument Section_Grid Line_TOS

Instrument Section_Grid Line_TOS

Instrument Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Instrument Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Instrument Section_Grid Plane_Name

Instrument Section_Grid Plane_Name

Instrument Section_Piping Instruments_Name

Instrument Section_Piping Instruments_Name





























Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)















Pipe Supports Components_Reference_Circle_CA_L

Pipe Supports Components_Reference_Circle_CA_L

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Pipe Supports - Piping Control Point Structure - East Coordinate, Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, Pipe Supports - Piping Control Point Structure - East Coordinate_M, Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

Pipe Supports - Piping_Reference_Circle_CA_L Pipe Supports Piping_Reference_Circle_CA_L Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Pipe Supports Structure_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, Pipe Supports Structure_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, Pipe Supports Structure_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

Pipe Supports Structure_Reference_Circle_CA_L

Pipe Supports Structure_Reference_Circle_CA_L

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml) Coordinate

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M





Piping Elevation_Equipment_Name

Piping Elevation_Equipment_Name

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Piping Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

Piping Elevation_Grid Plane_Name

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_X Name Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_X Name Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_Y Name Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Piping Isometric Detail_Equipment_Name

Piping Isometric Detail_Equipment_Name

Piping Isometric Key_Focus_Name

Piping Isometric Key_Focus_Name

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Piping Isometric_Equipment_Name

Piping Isometric_Equipment_Name

Piping Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Piping Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Piping Key Plan_Focus_Name

Piping Key Plan_Focus_Name

Piping Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Piping Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name

Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Coordinate Piping Plan_Control Point Strcuture_East Coordinate, Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Piping Plan_Control Point Coordinate_M Structure_Symbol_M, Piping Plan_Control Point Strcuture_East Coordinate_M, Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M Piping Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Plan_FlowArrow_By Part

Piping Plan_FlowArrow_By Part

Piping Plan_FlowArrow_Longest Segment

Piping Plan_FlowArrow_Longest Segment

Piping Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Piping Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Piping Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Piping Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M Piping Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M Piping Plan_Pipe Support_Name

Piping Plan_Pipe Support_Name

Piping Plan_Pipes_BOP Elev

Piping Plan_Pipes_BOP Elev

Piping Plan_Pipes_BOP Elev_M

Piping Plan_Pipes_BOP Elev_M

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName_Longest Segment

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName_Longest Segment

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName_M

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName_M

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North-East

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol,

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)


Piping Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate, Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol_M, Piping Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M, Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Piping Section_Equipment_Name

Piping Section_Equipment_Name

Piping Section_Grid Line_TOS

Piping Section_Grid Line_TOS

Piping Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Piping Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Piping Section_Grid Plane_Name

Piping Section_Grid Plane_Name

Piping Section_LineNumber_Clipped

Piping Section_LineNumber_Clipped

Piping Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Piping Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M

Piping Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment

Piping Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Piping Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol, Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate, Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M, Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M, Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

Piping Utility Station Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Utility Station Plan_Equipment_Name

Piping Utility Station Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Piping Utility Station Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Piping Utility Station Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Piping Utility Station Plan_Grid Line_Y Name











Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Section Size

Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Section Size

Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Section Size

Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Section Size

Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Section Structural Framing Size Elevation_Columns_Section Size Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Plane_Name Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Plane_Name Structural Framing Elevation_Ladder_Name

Structural Framing Elevation_Ladder_Name

Structural Framing Elevation_Stair_Name

Structural Framing Elevation_Stair_Name

Structural Framing Key Plan_Focus_Name

Structural Framing Key Plan_Focus_Name

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Index

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Index

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Relative Elevation

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Relative Elevation

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Relative Elevation_M

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Relative Elevation_M

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size_Relative Elevation

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size_Relative Elevation

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size_Relative Elevation_M

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size_Relative Elevation_M

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Section Size Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Section Size Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Structural Framing Plan_Grid Plane_X Name

Structural Framing Plan_Grid Plane_X Name

Structural Framing Plan_Opening_Name

Structural Framing Plan_Opening_Name

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol, Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate, Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol_M, Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M, Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

Structural Framing Section_Beams_Section Size Structural Framing Section_Beams_Section Size Structural Framing Section_Braces_Section Size Structural Framing Section_Braces_Section Size


Structural Framing Section_Columns_Section Size

Structural Framing Section_Columns_Section Size

Structural Framing Section_Grid Line_TOS

Structural Framing Section_Grid Line_TOS

Structural Framing Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Structural Framing Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Structural Framing Section_Grid Plane_Name

Structural Framing Section_Grid Plane_Name

Structural Framing Section_Ladder_Name

Structural Framing Section_Ladder_Name

Structural Framing Section_Stair_Name

Structural Framing Section_Stair_Name

Structural Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Structural Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name

Structural Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Structural Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Rule (.xml)

Label Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Structural Key Plan_Focus_Name

Structural Key Plan_Focus_Name







See Also Label Rules (on page 549) North-East Coordinate Labels (on page 585)

North-East Coordinate Labels Description: The North-East Coordinate labels are compound labels that incorporate a symbol, north coordinate, and east coordinate. For more information on how these labels work and how to create your own label, see Create a Compound Label Using Label Rules (on page 558). Each North-East Coordinate label uses the corresponding Symbol, East Coordinate, and North Coordinate label template file from the \Catalog\Labels\Templates folder. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\LabelRules\[Label Template Name].xml Example of XML AddLabel Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_Symbol AddLabel Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate AddLabel Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Example:

Label Rule Name Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North-East Coordinate Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M 586

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North-East Coordinate_M Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North-East Coordinate_M

Label Templates XML Label Templates XML Overview Quadrants and Granularity When a label is placed automatically, the software looks for the best place to position the label. In order to rationalize this process, the software breaks a view into four quadrants. If the software looks through quadrant one and is unable to find enough clear space for the label, it will move to quadrant two, and so on. If the software is unable to find enough clear space based on your specifications, it will place the label at an absolute position, which is also specified by you. In many cases, this absolute position could be the object origin or control point. These settings are configured in the delivered label template XML files. The amount of granularity also determines which quadrant a label is placed in. There are three granularity settings that allow you to change the proximity of one label to another when being

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules placed in a drawing view. A granularity setting of Coarse (shown in black in the example below) will reach out at full text box height increments. Medium (shown in red in the example below) setting will reach out in increments one half of the text box height. A Fine (shown in green in the example below) setting will reach out in increments of one third of the text box height. Based on these settings, you can change the number of labels that will fit inside a quadrant. A Coarse granularity setting will allow the labels to spread out and be more legible, while a Fine setting will fit more labels in a quadrant, but will be more difficult to read. The granularity settings can be found in the label template XML files. 1

In the label XML templates, a granularity setting of 0 is Course, 1 is Medium, and 2 is Fine.

Positioning Settings The starting position of a label or the label leader (also referred to as the terminator) can be modified in the Label Templates. In the case of connectPoint, you can determine where the leader will connect to the object being labeled. DefaultLabelPointGenerator must be used in the related template in order to use the connectPoint setting. The connectPoint option can be found in the section of the template. When the Control Point setting (9) is used, the software will place the point on the object origin unless there is a specified control point on the object.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules In the case of positioningPoint, you can specify where the label will be placed on the object. DefaultLabelPointGenerator must also be used in the related template in order to use the positioningPoint setting. The positioningPoint option can be found in the section of the template. When the Control Point setting (9) is entered, the software will place the point on the object origin unless there is a specified control point on the object. Below are examples of the XML template and the positioning values. 4 4



Top Left


Top Middle


Top Right


Middle Left


Middle Middle


Middle Right


Bottom Left


Bottom Middle


Bottom Right


Control Point


Inside/Outside Shape and Leader Jogs Leaders will automatically position inside or outside of the equipment object being labeled. For example, if you select the object origin and place the label outside of the object, the leader will simply point toward the origin from outside the object without crossing the object boundaries. If you place the same label within the object boundaries, the leader will point directly to the object origin.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Below is an example of the label being placed on the outside of an object. Note that the leader stops at the object boundary and points to the origin.

When the label is moved closer to the terminator, the leader adjusts.

The leaderSettings section of the templates allow you to change the behavior of the label leaders. The leaderModule tag allows you to choose a leader module, for example, DwgLeaderControl. The style tag allows you to choose a style for the leaders. In many cases, the Normal style is used. The breakline setting determines if a jog will be placed in the leader. The value for a leader jog is -1, while 0 will omit the jog. The jogSegmentOffset setting allows you to control the offset from the jog segment to the label. The jogLength setting also lets you control the length of the jog segment. The leaderOffset setting allows you to control the offset from the matchline to the jog segment. The default value for the leaderOffset setting is 0.035 m and must be used with the DwgMarginLeaderControl leader module. Below is an example of the XML template for the leaderSettings.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules DwgLeaderControl Normal -1 0.005 0.005 0.035

Label Settings You can customize the automatic behavior of the labels in the labelSettings section of the templates.  The labelOffset setting determines the reach from the terminator to the closest text box corner. This value is represented in meters. 0.04

The granularity option determines how many attempts are made to place a label in clear space. The setting options are 0 for Coarse, 1 for Medium, and 2 for Fine. 0

The priority option allows you to place a priority on labels in order to resolve conflicts among multiple labels searching for white space. The lower the value, the higher the priority. For example, 1 is a higher priority than 3. 1

The subPriority option allows you to place a second priority on labels in order to resolve more specific conflicts among multiple labels searching for white space. As with the priority option described above, the lower the number, the higher the priority. For example, 1 is a higher priority than 3. A value of 0 indicates that the subPriority option is off. 2

The perimeterOffset option determines the offset that margin labels should be offset from the view border. The DrawingGAMarginOnly module must be used for the geometric analyzer. For more information on the DrawingGAMarginOnly module, see DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738). 0.055

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

 

The maxFactor setting determines the maximum scale factor for the text size. This value is measured in meters. The minFactor setting determines the minimum scale factor for the text size. This value is measured in meters. 1 1

The minOffset and maxOffset settings determine the minimum and maximum (respectively) offset factor for being placed in clear space. These settings are similar to the labelOffset setting. 0 0.005

The whiteObjs setting allows you to ignore the white space settings and place a certain type of label in a drawing. The value used in the whiteObj element is the name of the 2D layer in the drawing. For example, to allow labels to be drawn on top of the objects included in the Beam layer, the whiteObj value is Beam. Beam Equipment The whiteObj element must nest inside of the whiteObjs parent element in the XML hierarchy.

Dimension Settings When using a template that applies dimensions to the drawings, you can customize the behavior and appearance of the dimensions with the dimensionSettings section.  The maxDimOffset value determines the maximum linear paper space distance between consecutive witness lines in linear distance dimensions. 0.2

The maxWitnessLength value determines the maximum paper space length of witness lines in linear distance dimensions. 0.2


The overall option places an additional dimension over each dimension chain cluster identified by the rule. A value of -1 will place an overall dimension, while 0 will not.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules -1

The overallOffset option determines the offset for the overall dimension from the dimension chain. 0.005

The granularity option determines how many attempts are made to place a dimension in clear space. The setting options are 0 for Coarse, 1 for Medium, and 2 for Fine. 0

The perimeterOffset option determines the offset that margin dimensions should be offset from the matchline. The DrawingGAMarginOnly module must be used for the geometric analyzer. For more information on the DrawingGAMarginOnly module, see DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738). 0.055

The priority option allows you to place a priority on particular rules in order to resolve conflicts among multiple rules. The lower the value, the higher the priority. For example, 1 is a higher priority than 3. Also, the label and dimension priorities are considered globally, which means you can give preference to dimensions over labels, and so on. 1

The horiz option determines whether horizontal dimensions are placed. A value of -1 will place horizontal dimensions, while 0 will not.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules -1

The vert option determines whether vertical dimensions are placed. A value of -1 will place vertical dimensions, while 0 will not. -1


If the value for keepTopOrBottomDup is 0, then only the top-most point of an aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning. If the value is set to 1, then only the bottom-most point of an aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning. Similarly, if the value for keepLeftOrRightDup is set to 0, then only the left-most point in a horizontally aligned set of points is considered in dimensioning. If the value is set to 1, then only the right-most point in horizontally aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules 1 1

The align option determines whether similar linear distance dimension chains should attempt alignment with each other if their projection angles match. A value of -1 will align the dimensions, while 0 will not. The value must be 0 for absolute positioned dimensions. 0

Geometric Analyzer Settings You can customize the automatic behavior of the geometric analyzer in the geometricAnalyzerSettings section of the template.  The placeLines setting determines whether or not a line is placed between labels. This setting is useful for creating label chains to signify a common elevation. A value of -1 means lines are placed between labels, whereas a value of 0 means that lines are not placed between labels. -1

The cpLabelType setting determines the orientation of a label. A value of 0 indicates the label is a static control point coordinate label. A value of 1 means that the label is horizontal text, while a value of 2 indicates the label is vertical text. 1

The ignoreViewDirection setting determines whether or not the view direction is considered when updating a drawing. This setting is useful when placing an elevation coordinate label on a plan view. A value of -1 means the view direction is ignored. A value of 0 means that the view direction is considered during update. The default setting for this tag is 0. -1

Symbol Settings The label symbols can be modified in SmartSketch Drawing Editor. For more information on the specific attributes available for modification, see the SmartSketch Drawing Editor User's Guide.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules The following attributes can be changed from the Symbols tab in the Properties Dialog Box of SmartSketch Drawing Editor.  Text shape  Text background  Symbol handles  Extra graphics  Text formatting  Type of property  Value for the symbol  Attributes

Generic Shape Tracing The software automatically hides the leader when it intersects the boundaries of an object. In the example below, the dotted segment of the leader would be hidden because it is placed over the equipment object boundaries.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Generic Text Shape Leader Shift The leader will automatically switch sides when being repositioned. By default, the leader origin is in the middle of the label. When being repositioned, the leader will find the shortest distance from the label to the object.

If a label with a jogged leader is placed, the jog will position on the left or right side depending on which side is closest to the point being labeled.

If an unsymmetrical text shape label is placed with a jogged leader, the direction of the label will change with the jog position.

Label Rules Label rules control automatic label placement on drawings. For more information, see Label Rules (on page 98). You can customize these label rules by editing the XML and/or SYM files. For more

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules information on customizing label rules, see Create a Compound Label Using Label Rules (on page 558). You can also create new label rules. Before creating a new label rule, you must first create the label query using the Define Label command in the Catalog task.

See Also Label Rules (on page 98) View Style Rules (on page 82)

Clipped Labels Description: Labels are positioned at the end of a pipe segment when clipped by a volume Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGPipeSegments (on page 730) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAEndOfSegment (on page 734) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DwgClippedPositioning (on page 768), DwgLblEndOfSegmentPos (on page 768), DrawingMarginOnly Example

For more information on clipped pipes in view styles, see Clipping in Drawing View Styles (on page 408).


Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped


Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M


Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Clipped


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M


Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Clipped


Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M


Electrical Cableway Plan_LineNumber_Clipped


Electrical Cableway Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M


Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped


Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M


Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Clipped


Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M


Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Clipped


Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M


HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped


HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M


HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Clipped


HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M


Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped

NPD, NPDUnitType, Fluid Type, Sequence Number, Spec Name

Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Clipped_M

NPD, NPDUnitType, Fluid Type, Sequence Number, Spec Name

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Clipped

NPD, NPDUnitType, Fluid Type, Sequence Number, Spec Name

Piping Plan_LineNumber_Clipped_M

NPD, NPDUnitType, Fluid Type, Sequence Number, Spec Name

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName

Name, PrimarySize, PriSizeNPDUnits, Insulation Purpose, PipeSpec, FluidCode

Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName_M

Name, PrimarySize, PriSizeNPDUnits, Insulation Purpose, PipeSpec, FluidCode

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Piping Section_LineNumber_Clipped

NPD, NPDUnitType, Fluid Type, Sequence Number, Spec Name

Piping Section_LineNumber_Clipped_M

NPD, NPDUnitType, Fluid Type, Sequence Number, Spec Name

Coordinate and Control Point Labels Description: Places the appropriate control point symbol Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Example

For more information on these labels, see Control Points in Plan View Styles (on page 230).

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Civil Isometric_Process Equipment_Symbol


Civil Isometric_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Civil Overall Key Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol


Civil Overall Key Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Civil Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol


Civil Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_Symbol


Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_Symbol


Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_Symbol_M None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_Symbol


Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol


Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Equipment Section_Process Equipment_Symbol


Equipment Section_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


HngSup End_Control Point Structure_Symbol


HngSup End_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_Symbol


HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Piping Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol


Piping Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol


Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_Symbol_M


Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol


Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_Symbol_M


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Description: Labels contain coordinate values and/or control point name from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGALabelInline Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper Positioning Module: DrawingCoordLblPosMod, DrawingAbsolute Example

For more information, see Control Points in Plan View Styles (on page 230). The returned properties X, Y, and Z refer to the coordinates of the control point, while the returned properties X1, Y1, and Z1 refer to the coordinates of the origin.

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Coordinate Labels Description: Label contains coordinate information of object from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGALabelInline (on page 735) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingCoordLblPosMod (on page 759), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Leader Module: DrawingCoordLeaderControl (on page 770) Example

The returned properties X, Y, and Z refer to the coordinates of the control point, while the returned properties X1, Y1, and Z1 refer to the coordinates of the origin.

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Isometric_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Overall Key Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Civil Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Elevation_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Mechanical Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Equipment Section_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup End_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

HngSup Side_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Piping_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z


Pipe Supports - Structure_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Pipe Supports_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Fire Protection Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Piping Utility Station Plan_Control Point Structure_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_East Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Structural Framing Plan_Process Equipment_North Coordinate_M

X1, Y1, Z1, X, Y, Z

Generic Name Labels Description: Labels contain object name from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingQuadOne (on page 765), DrawingQuadTwo (on page 766), DrawingQuadThree (on page 765), DrawingQuadFour (on page 764), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Example

For more information on name labels used in view styles, see Equipment in Equipment View Styles (on page 344).


Label Template Name

Returned Properties



Civil Isometric_Equipment_Name


Civil Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Name


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical CableTray Elevation_Equipment_Name


Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Tray Supports_Name


Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Cable Trays_Name


Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical CableTray Length


Electrical CableTray Length_M


Electrical CableTray Plan_Bus_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Components_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cableways_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Control Station_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Junction Box_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation


Electrical CableTray Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation_M


Electrical CableTray Plan_Panel_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Road_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Run_Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation


Electrical CableTray Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation_M


Electrical CableTray Plan_Switchgear_Name


Electrical CableTray Section_Equipment_Name


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Name


Electrical Equipment Isometric_Equipment_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Bus_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Control Station_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Junction Box_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation


Electrical Equipment Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation_M


Electrical Equipment Plan_Panel_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Road_Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation


Electrical Equipment Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation_M


Electrical Equipment Plan_Switchgear_Name


Electrical Equipment Section_Equipment_Name


Electrical Instrument Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical Instrument Plan_Instrument_Name


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical Instrument Plan_Instrument_Name_M


Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name


Electrical Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name_M


Electrical Lighting Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name


Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Name_M


Electrical Raceway Plan_Bus_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Components_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Tray Supports_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Cableways_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Control Station_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Equipment_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Junction Box_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Motor_Name-Elevation


Electrical Raceway Plan_Panel_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Road_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Run_Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Small Motor_Name-Elevation


Electrical Raceway Plan_Switchgear_Name


Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Name


Equipment Isometric_Equipment_Name


Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name


Equipment Plan_Pipe Support_Name


Equipment Plan_Support Assembly_Name


Equipment Section_Equipment_Name


Equipment Section_Equipment_Name_M


HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate (see "HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate Label" on page 625)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

HngSup ISO_Note






HVAC Elevation_Linear Duct Cross Section Size


HVAC Elevation_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M


HVAC Elevation_Pipe Support_Name


HVAC Isometric_Linear Duct Cross Section Size


HVAC Isometric_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M


HVAC Isometric_Pipe Support_Name


HVAC Isometric_Run_Name


HVAC Linear Duct Cross Section Size


HVAC Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M


HVAC Plan_Equipment_Name


HVAC Plan_HVAC Straight_Height-Width


HVAC Plan_HVAC Straight_Height-Width_M


HVAC Plan_Linear Duct Cross Section Size


HVAC Plan_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M


HVAC Plan_Pipe Support_Name


HVAC Plan_Run_Name


HVAC Section_Linear Duct Cross Section Size


HVAC Section_Linear Duct Cross Section Size_M


HVAC Section_Pipe Support_Name


Instrument Elevation_Equipment_Name


Instrument Elevation_Piping Instruments_Name


Instrument Isometric_Equipment_Name


Instrument Isometric_Piping Instruments_Name


Instrument Key Plan_Focus_Name


Instrument Plan_Equipment_Name


Instrument Plan_Junction Box_Name


Instrument Plan_Pipe Supports_Name


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Instrument Plan_Piping Instruments_Name


Instrument Section_Equipment_Name


Instrument Section_Piping Instruments_Name






























Piping Elevation_Equipment_Name


Piping Fire Protection Plan_Equipment_Name


Piping Isometric Detail_Equipment_Name


Piping Isometric Key_Focus_Name


Piping Isometric_Equipment_Name


Piping Plan_Equipment_Name


Piping Plan_Pipe Support_Name


Piping Plan_Pipes_BOP Elev


Piping Plan_Pipes_BOP Elev_M


Piping Safety Shower Plan_Equipment_Name


Piping Section_Equipment_Name


Piping Utility Station Plan_Equipment_Name


Structural Framing Elevation_Ladder_Name


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Structural Framing Elevation_Stair_Name


Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Index-Clearspace


Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Index


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Section Size


Structural Framing Plan_Opening_Name


Structural Framing Section_Ladder_Name


Structural Framing Section_Stair_Name


Grid Labels Description: Labels contain grid names from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingGridLblMarginOnly (on page 762), DrawingGridLblMgnAbsPos (on page 762) Example X-axis grids Y-axis grids

For more information on grid labels in view styles, see Grid Lines in Plan View Styles (on page 233).

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Civil Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Civil Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Electrical CableTray Layout Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Electrical CableTray Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Electrical Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Electrical Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Electrical Lighting Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Electrical Raceway Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Equipment Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Equipment Plan_Grid Line_Y Name








Also uses the DrawingGridLblVert positioning module. GridLineY_Circle_CS_JL


Also use the DrawingGridLblHoriz positioning module.


HVAC Plan_Grid Line_X Name


HVAC Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Piping Fire Protection Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Piping Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Piping Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Piping Safety Shower Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Piping Utility Station Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Piping Utility Station Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Structural Framing Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Structural Instrument Plan_Grid Line_X Name


Structural Instrument Plan_Grid Line_Y Name


Description: Labels contain top of steel measurements or grid plane names from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute TOS Example

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Grid Plane Example


Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Plane_Name


Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Plane_Name


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name


Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name


Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name


Equipment Elevation_Grid Plane_Name_M


Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Equipment Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name


Equipment Section_Grid Plane_Name_M



PositionX, PositionY, Axis








PositionX, PositionY, Axis

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

HVAC Elevation_Grid Plane_Name


HVAC Section_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

HVAC Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

HVAC Section_Grid Plane_Name


Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Instrument Elevation_Grid Plane_Name


Instrument Section_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Instrument Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Instrument Section_Grid Plane_Name


Piping Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Piping Elevation_Grid Plane_Name


Piping Section_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Piping Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Piping Section_Grid Plane_Name


Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Plane_Name


Structural Framing Plan_Grid Plane_X Name


Structural Framing Plan_Grid Plane_Y Name


Structural Framing Section_Grid Line_TOS

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Structural Framing Section_Grid Line_TOS_M

Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Structural Framing Section_Grid Plane_Name



Name, X, Y, Elevation, Type

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Longest Segment Labels Description: Longest segment of object within a view is labeled Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGPipeSegments (on page 730) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGALongestSegment (on page 736) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingCenterThenAbove (on page 757) Example

For more information on the longest segment rule in view styles, see Piping Parts in Drawing View Styles (on page 472).

Label Template Name

Returned Properties





Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Electrical CableTray Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M Name Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Electrical CableTray Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Electrical CableTray Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Electrical Equipment Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Electrical Equipment Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Electrical Equipment Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M Name Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Electrical Equipment Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Electrical Equipment Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment


HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment


HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Piping Elevation_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Piping Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Piping Isometric_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Piping Plan_FlowArrow_Longest Segment


Piping Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Piping Plan_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M


Piping Plan_Piping Parts_RunName_Longest Segment


Piping Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment


Piping Section_LineNumber_Longest Segment_M




Miscellaneous Labels Topics CtrlPtCoordSym_None_A_NL ..................................................... 623 CtrlPtECoord_None_CA_L........................................................... 623 CtrlPtNCoord_None_CA_L .......................................................... 623 CtrlPtOnlyCoordSym_None_A_NL.............................................. 623 CtrlPtOnlyECoord_None_CA_L................................................... 624 CtrlPtOnlyNCoord_None_CA_L .................................................. 625 HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate Label ..................................... 625 HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate_KPLabel Label ..................... 626 HngSup - Key Plan Label .............................................................. 627 Name_None_AV_NL .................................................................... 628 Name_None_CPM_JL................................................................... 629 Name_None_M_JL ....................................................................... 629 System-FluidCode-Seq-Insul_None_CPM_JL.............................. 629


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

CtrlP tCo o rd S ym _No n e _A_NL Description: Label contains coordinate information of object from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute (on page 756)

CtrlP tECo o rd _No n e _CA_L Description: Label contains coordinate information of object from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGALabelInline (on page 735) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingCoordLblPosMod (on page 759), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Leader Module: DrawingCoordLeaderControl (on page 770)

CtrlP tNCo o rd _No n e _CA_L Description: Label contains coordinate information of object from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGALabelInline (on page 735) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingCoordLblPosMod (on page 759), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Leader Module: DrawingCoordLeaderControl (on page 770)

CtrlP tOn lyCo o rd S ym _No n e _A_NL Description: Label contains coordinate information of object from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGCPThenNone (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute (on page 756)

CtrlP tOn lyECo o rd _No n e _CA_L Description: Label contains coordinate information of object from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGCPThenNone (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGALabelInline (on page 735) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingCoordLblPosMod (on page 759), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Leader Module: DrawingCoordLeaderControl (on page 770)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

CtrlP tOn lyNCo o rd _No n e _CA_L Description: Label contains coordinate information of object from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGCPThenNone (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGALabelInline (on page 735) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingCoordLblPosMod (on page 759), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Leader Module: DrawingCoordLeaderControl (on page 770)

Hn g S u p En d _Ke yP la n _Co o rd in a te La b e l Description: Labels the origin or control point of a hanger assembly with coordinate information from the model and is used by the HngSup3View (see "HngSup3View Package" on page 183) drawing by query package. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGKeyPlanControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingQuadOne (on page 765), DrawingQuadTwo (on page 766), DrawingQuadThree (on page 765), DrawingQuadFour (on page 764), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756)  

This label is found in the HngSup - End View Style (on page 352). This label can be replaced by the HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate_KPLabel label rule in order to display a "KP" label instead of the key point coordinate location. For more information, see HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate_KPLabel Label (on page 626).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules


See Also Compound Labels (on page 558)

Hn g S u p En d _Ke yP la n _Co o rd in a te _KP La b e l La b e l Description: Labels the origin or control point of a hanger assembly with a key point symbol. This label is delivered, but is not used by any view styles. It can replace the HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate Label (on page 625) in order to display a KP symbol instead of the key point coordinate location. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGKeyPlanControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingQuadOne (on page 765), DrawingQuadTwo (on page 766), DrawingQuadThree (on page 765), DrawingQuadFour (on page 764), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) This label can be used in the HngSup - End View Style (on page 352) to replace the delivered HngSup End_KeyPlan_Coordinate label.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules


Hn g S u p - Ke y P la n La b e l Description: Label contains key point coordinate location information. This label consists of 5 labels that return the Y offset, X offset, Y grid plane, X grid plane, and elevation. A symbol is also used to label the key point location. If no coordinate system is defined, or the hanger assembly key point is more than one meter outside of the first or last x/y grid plane or elevation plane in the specified coordinate system, the software defaults to the global coordinate system and the grid label bubbles are left blank.  Key Point location - Indicates the location of the hanger key point with a symbol. The key point location symbol is placed relative to where the coordinate system is in model space. In the example below, the key point is located in the upper right-hand portion of the grid system.  Y Offset - Distance between key point and nearest Y grid plane or global origin on the y-axis.  Y Grid Plane - Name of the nearest Y grid plane. If no coordinate system is specified in the drawing sheet properties, the software defaults to the global coordinate system and the bubble is left blank.  X Offset - Distance between key point and nearest X grid plane or global origin on the x-axis.  X Grid Plane - Name of the nearest X grid plane. If no coordinate system is specified in the drawing sheet properties, the software defaults to the global coordinate system and the bubble is left blank.  Elevation Value - Distance between key point and coordinate system origin or global origin on the z-axis. If no coordinate system is specified in the drawing sheet properties, the software defaults to the global coordinate system origin. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingHangerLabelContent Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) This label is found in the HngSup - Key Plan (see "HngSup - Key Plan View Style" on page 354) view style.


The example below is using the global coordinate system, which means the grid label bubbles are blank.

Na m e _No n e _AV_NL Description: Places a name label at an absolute position relative to a vector from the center of the view and aligned to the object Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingVectorAbsolute (on page 766)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Na m e _No n e _CP M_J L Description: Places name label on object and checks whether or not the object is clipped. If the object is clipped, the label is placed in the margin. Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DwgClippedPositioning (on page 768), DwgLinearPositioning (on page 769), DrawingMarginOnly Leader Module: DwgLeaderControl (on page 771)

Na m e _No n e _M_J L Description: Places name label on object and checks whether or not the object is clipped. If the object is clipped, the label is placed in the margin. Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DwgClippedPositioning (on page 768), DrawingMarginOnly Leader Module: DwgLeaderControl (on page 771)

S ys te m -Flu id Co d e -S e q -In s u l_No n e _CP M_J L Description: Places name label on object and checks whether or not the object is clipped. If the object is clipped, the label is placed in the margin. Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGPipeSegments Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAEndOfSegment Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper Positioning Module: DwgClippedPositioning, DwgLblEndOfSegmentPos, DrawingMarginOnly Leader Module: DwgLeaderControl

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Name Labels (DrawingAbsolute) Description: Labels contain object name from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Example

For more information on volume names in view styles, see Civil Key Plan View Style (on page 225).


Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Civil Key Plan_Focus_Name


Civil Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name




Electrical CableTray Key Plan_Focus_Name


Electrical CableTray Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name


Electrical Equipment Key Plan_Focus_Name


Electrical Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name


Electrical Lighting Plan_Light_Symbol_Number


Equipment Key Plan_Volume_Name


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Equipment Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name


HVAC Diffuser


HVAC Key Plan_Focus_Name


HVAC Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name


Instrument Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name












Piping Key Plan_Focus_Name


Piping Overall Key Plan_Volume_Name


SP3DCoordinate_BottomLeft_CA_JL (on page 631)


SP3DCoordinate_TopRight_CA_JL (on page 632)


Structural Framing Key Plan_Focus_Name


Structural Key Plan_Focus_Name


S P 3DCo o rd in a te _Bo tto m Le ft_CA_J L Description: Labels bottom-left of a structure member with bottom of steel measurement. This label must be used in elevation views. Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute (on page 756)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules Example

When used with the SP3DCoordinate_BottomLeft_CA_JL lablel, the member is labeled with both TOS and BOS values.

S P 3DCo o rd in a te _To p Rig h t_CA_J L Description: Labels top-right of a structure member with top of steel measurement. This label must be used in elevation views. Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Examples

When used with the SP3DCoordinate_BottomLeft_CA_JL lablel, the member is labeled with both TOS and BOS values.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Name Labels (DwgLinearAbsPos) Description: Labels contain object name from the model. The section size labels contain the object name and section size from the model. Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DwgLinearAbsPos (on page 769) Examples

Vertical Segment

For more information on these labels, see HVAC Parts in HVAC View Styles (on page 370).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Section Size

For more information on these labels, see Structural Framing Plan View Styles (on page 503).

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

HVAC Elevation_LineNumber_Vertical Segment_M


HVAC Plan_LineNumber_Vertical Segment_M


HVAC Section_LineNumber_Vertical Segment_M





Name, Section Size

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Index-Aligned

Name, Section Size

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size_Relative Elevation

Name, Section Size

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size_Relative Elevation_M Name, Section Size Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Section Size1


Name, Section Size

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Name Labels (Name-Elevation-Width) Description: Labels contain object name from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DrawingQuadOne (on page 765), DrawingQuadTwo (on page 766), DrawingQuadThree (on page 765), DrawingQuadFour (on page 764), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756) Example

For more information on name labels used in view styles, see Cable Trays in Elevation View Styles (on page 250).

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width Name, SysName, Shape Width Electrical CableTray Elevation_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width Name, SysName, Shape

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties Width

Electrical CableTray Isometric_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Electrical CableTray Section_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Electrical CableTray Section_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Instrument Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Instrument Plan_Cable Trays_Name-Elevation-Width_M

Name, SysName, Shape Width

Reference Labels Description: Labels the object with the item number from the embedded report Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingReferenceLabelContent (on page 751) Positioning Module: DrawingQuadOne (on page 765), DrawingQuadTwo (on page 766), DrawingQuadThree (on page 765), DrawingQuadFour (on page 764), DrawingAbsolute (on page 756)


Label Template Name

Returned Properties

HngSup ISO_Reference_Circle_CA_L


HngSup Side_Reference_Circle_CA_L


Pipe Supports - Components_Reference_Circle_CA_L


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules Pipe Supports - Piping_Reference_Circle_CA_L


Pipe Supports - Structure_Reference_Circle_CA_L




Description: Labels the object with the item number from the embedded report Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DefaultLabelPointGenerator (on page 723) Geometric Analyzer: DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer (on page 733) Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingReferenceLabelContent (on page 751) Positioning Module: DrawingGridLblMarginOnly (on page 762), DrawingGridLblMgnAbsPos (on page 762)

Label Template Name

Returned Properties





Section Size Labels Description: Labels contain section size of structure from the model Type: COM XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGLinear (on page 728) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAByOppositePoints Annotation Control Generator: DefaultLabelControlGenerator (on page 753) Content Module: DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747) Positioning Module: DwgLinearAbsPos (on page 769) Example

For more information on section size labels, see Structural Framing Elevation View Style (on page 484).

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

Label Template Name

Returned Properties

Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Section Size


Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Section Size


Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Section Size


Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size


Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Relative Elevation


Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Section Size_Relative Elevation_M SectionName Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Section Size


Structural Framing Section_Beams_Section Size


Structural Framing Section_Braces_Section Size


Structural Framing Section_Columns_Section Size


View Label Rules in Drawings View label rules control the appearance of view labels, their placement on views, and the appearance and types of annotations within the views. You assign view labels as part of the drawing view style with the Tools > Define View Style command in the Drawings and Reports task. View label rules are delivered in the Symbols share in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\ViewRules folder.

DetailSimpleReference Name: DetailSimpleReference Description: Example of Format used for labels on instanciated objects Type: COM Is Recursive: No Conditional Formatting: No Design Time Prog ID: Run Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelsFormat.FormatLabel Returned Properties: Reference SQL Query:


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Label Rules

Hanger and Support Piping Properties Name: Hanger and Support Piping Properties Description: Properties from the supported pipe run Type: COM Is Recursive: No Conditional Formatting: No Design Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelFormatDesigner.RTFLabel Run Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelsFormat.FormatLabel Returned Properties: NPD NPDUnitType IsInsulated Thickness MaterialGrade Pressure Temperature SQL Query:

PartOccTestCOMLabelFormat Name: PartOccTestCOMLabelFormat Description: Example of Format used for labels on instanciated objects Type: COM Is Recursive: No Conditional Formatting: No Design Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelFormatDesigner.RTFLabel Run Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelsFormat.FormatLabel Returned Properties: PartNumber Name SQL Query:

PartOccTestCOMLabelFormat Name: PartOccTestCOMLabelFormat Description: Example of Format used for labels on instanciated objects Type: COM Is Recursive: No Conditional Formatting: No Design Time Prog ID: Run Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelsFormat.FormatLabel Returned Properties: Name SQL Query:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Label Rules

SectionSimpleReference1 Name: SectionSimpleReference1 Description: Example of Format used for labels on instanciated objects Type: COM Is Recursive: No Conditional Formatting: No Design Time Prog ID: Run Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelsFormat.FormatLabel Returned Properties: Reference1 SQL Query:

SectionSimpleReference2 Name: SectionSimpleReference2 Description: Example of Format used for labels on instanciated objects Type: COM Is Recursive: No Conditional Formatting: No Design Time Prog ID: Run Time Prog ID: SP3DLabelsFormat.FormatLabel Returned Properties: Reference2 SQL Query:


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules In general, dimension rules control the placement of dimensions while dimension styles control the appearance, including the units, of dimensions in orthographic drawings. However, dimension styles and dimension rules interact in complex ways. There are two methods you can use to get dimensions to appear in drawings. Automatic dimensioning and manual dimensioning place dimensions in native format drawings. For automatic dimensioning, the view style controls whether or not dimensions are placed. For manual dimensioning, you edit an existing drawing and place dimensions manually. The Save As command saves drawings from the database to files and presents additional considerations about dimensions. The files created by the Save As command can be native format or a foreign format such as MicroStation or AutoCAD. With the Save As command, the software attempts to replicate dimensions as they are shown within a drawing. Assigning dimension units is different for each method. For more information, see: Automatic Dimensioning Manual Dimensioning Save As MicroStation or AutoCAD Format Isometric drawings use the isometric options settings within their style to determine the dimension appearance, placement, and units.

See Also Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Understanding the View Style Rules (see "View Style Rules" on page 82) Isometric Drawing Styles Working with SmartPlant 3D Drawings

Dimension Rules XML Dimension rules control the appearance and behavior of dimensions as well as their placement on drawings. You assign dimension rules as part of the drawing view style with the Tools > Define View Style command in the Drawings and Reports task. You can use these rules for many purposes. Dimension rules are delivered in the Symbols share in the [Product Reference Data Directory]\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Rules\DimensionRules folder. Each dimension rule uses one or more dimension templates. For more information, see Dimension Templates XML (see "SP3D Dwgs Dimension Templates XML" on page 654) The following dimension rules are delivered:

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)



Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules


Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Civil Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Civil Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Civil Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Civil Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical

Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical

Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Vertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Vertical_M Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Vertical_M Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M


Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vertical_M

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Beams_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Beams_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal

Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Horizontal Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Horizontal Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Vertical

Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Vertical

Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Horizontal_M

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Horizontal_M

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Vertical

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Vertical

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Vertical_M

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Vertical_M

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Horizontal

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Horizontal

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Horizontal_M

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Horizontal_M

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Vertical_M

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Vertical_M

Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Section_Equipment_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Equipment_Horizontal

Equipment Section_Equipment_Horizontal_M Equipment Section_Equipment_Horizontal_M Equipment Section_Equipment_Vertical

Equipment Section_Equipment_Vertical

Equipment Section_Equipment_Vertical_M

Equipment Section_Equipment_Vertical_M

Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Horizontal Style2

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Horizontal Style2

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Vertical Style2 HgrSup End_Support Assembly Vertical Style2 Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules


Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Vertical

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Vertical

HgrSup End_Support Component Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Component Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Component Vertical

HgrSup End_Support Component Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Horizontal Style2

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Horizontal Style2

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Vertical Style2

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Vertical Style2

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Component Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Component Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Component Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Component Vertical

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Anchor_Vertical

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Anchor_Vertical

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizontal_M

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizontal_M

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical_M

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical_M

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Columns_Horizontal

HVAC Plan_Columns_Horizontal

HVAC Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

HVAC Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

HVAC Plan_Columns_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Columns_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

HVAC Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal_M

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal_M

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical_M

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical_M

HVAC Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

HVAC Section_Columns_Horizontal

HVAC Section_Columns_Horizontal

HVAC Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

HVAC Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

HVAC Section_Ducts_Horizontal

HVAC Section_Ducts_Horizontal

HVAC Section_Ducts_Horizontal_M

HVAC Section_Ducts_Horizontal_M

HVAC Section_Ducts_Vertical

HVAC Section_Ducts_Vertical

HVAC Section_Ducts_Vertical_M

HVAC Section_Ducts_Vertical_M

HVAC Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

HVAC Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M Instrument Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal_M

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal_M

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Vertical_M Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Vertical_M Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Instrument Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Instrument Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Instrument Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Instrument Plan_Columns_Vertical

Instrument Plan_Columns_Vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Instrument Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Instrument Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horizontal_M

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horizontal_M

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertical

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertical

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertical_M

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertical_M

Instrument Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Columns_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Columns_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Instrument Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Instrument Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Section_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Section_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical

Instrument Section_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrument Section_Instruments_Horizontal_M Instrument Section_Instruments_Horizontal_M


Instrument Section_Instruments_Vertical

Instrument Section_Instruments_Vertical

Instrument Section_Instruments_Vertical_M

Instrument Section_Instruments_Vertical_M

Instrumentation Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Instrumentation Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Vertical

Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Vertical

Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Vertical

Instrumentation Plan_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrumentation Plan_Instruments_Horizontal

Instrumentation Plan_Instruments_Vertical

Instrumentation Plan_Instruments_Vertical















Piping Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Piping Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Piping Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Piping Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Piping Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Piping Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical Piping Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizontal

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizontal

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizontal_M

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizontal_M

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertical

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertical

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertical_M

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertical_M

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical

Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical_M

Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal_M

Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal_M

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical_M

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical_M

Piping Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Piping Section_Columns_Horizontal

Piping Section_Columns_Horizontal

Piping Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Piping Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Piping Section_Pipes_Horizontal

Piping Section_Pipes_Horizontal

Piping Section_Pipes_Horizontal_M

Piping Section_Pipes_Horizontal_M

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical_M

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical_M

Structural Elevation_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Elevation_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Elevation_Braces_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Braces_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Braces_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Braces_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical

Structural Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical

Structural Elevation_GridLine_Vertical

Structural Elevation_GridLine_Vertical

Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Anchor_Vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Structural Structural Framing_Elevation_Braces_Anchor_Horizonta Framing_Elevation_Braces_Anchor_Horizonta l l Structural Framing_Elevation_Braces_Horizontal

Structural Framing_Elevation_Braces_Horizontal

Structural Framing_Elevation_Braces_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing_Elevation_Braces_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing_Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizo ntal

Structural Framing_Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizo ntal

Structural Framing_Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Framing_Elevation_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Framing_Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing_Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Horizontal_M Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Horizontal_M Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Horizontal_M Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Horizontal_M Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Dimension Rule (.xml)

Dimension Templates used in Rule (.xml)

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Vertical_M Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Vertical_M Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical_M

Structural Framing Section_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Framing Section_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Framing Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Framing Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Section_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Section_Columns_Horizontal

Structural Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

Structural Section_Columns_Horizontal_M

SP3D Dwgs Dimension Templates XML Dimension Templates XML Overview Dimension Settings When using a template that applies dimensions to the drawings, you can customize the behavior and appearance of the dimensions with the dimensionSettings section.  The maxDimOffset value determines the maximum linear paper space distance between consecutive witness lines in linear distance dimensions. 0.2

The maxWitnessLength value determines the maximum paper space length of witness lines in linear distance dimensions. 0.2


The overall option places an additional dimension over each dimension chain cluster identified by the rule. A value of -1 will place an overall dimension, while 0 will not.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules -1

The overallOffset option determines the offset for the overall dimension from the dimension chain. 0.005

The granularity option determines how many attempts are made to place a dimension in clear space. The setting options are 0 for Coarse, 1 for Medium, and 2 for Fine. 0

The perimeterOffset option determines the offset that margin dimensions should be offset from the matchline. The DrawingGAMarginOnly module must be used for the geometric analyzer. For more information on the DrawingGAMarginOnly module, see DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738). 0.055

The priority option allows you to place a priority on particular rules in order to resolve conflicts among multiple rules. The lower the value, the higher the priority. For example, 1 is a higher priority than 3. Also, the label and dimension priorities are considered globally, which means you can give preference to dimensions over labels, and so on. 1

The horiz option determines whether horizontal dimensions are placed. A value of -1 will place horizontal dimensions, while 0 will not.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules -1

The vert option determines whether vertical dimensions are placed. A value of -1 will place vertical dimensions, while 0 will not. -1


If the value for keepTopOrBottomDup is 0, then only the top-most point of an aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning. If the value is set to 1, then only the bottom-most point of an aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning. Similarly, if the value for keepLeftOrRightDup is set to 0, then only the left-most point in a horizontally aligned set of points is considered in dimensioning. If the value is set to 1, then only the right-most point in horizontally aligned set of points is considered for dimensioning.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules 1 1

The align option determines whether similar linear distance dimension chains should attempt alignment with each other if their projection angles match. A value of -1 will align the dimensions, while 0 will not. The value must be 0 for absolute positioned dimensions. 0

The preserveTextOrientation value determines whether or not text is aligned or moved out from the dimension line. The text obeys the text orientation setting in the dimension style settings of the label template XML file if the preserveTextOrientation value is set to -1. The text orientation value in the label template XML is Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel, or Perpendicular. If the preserveTextOrientation value is set to 0, the dimension text is either rotated appropriately to match the dimension line, or it is moved out from the line if there is not enough clear space. -1

The range value determines whether a separate transparent view volume is placed on the outer region of the SmartFrame, similar to a picture frame. A range is placed if the value is set to -1. If the range value is set to 0, a range is not placed. -1

The rangeOffset value is only valid when the range value is set to -1, otherwise it is ignored. When the range value is on, the rangeOffset value determines the size of the range from each side of the SmartFrame. A rangeOffset value of 0.03 places a view volume that extends from the edge of the SmartFrame sides into the rest of the SmartFrame by 3 centimeters. The space measured by the rangeOffset value is measured in paper space, not model space.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules 0.03

The internalDimension value determines whether or not dimensions are placed inside the internal dimension range (see graphic above). If the internalDimension value is set to -1, all dimensions that are inside of the internal dimension range are placed within the internal dimension range, and not outside the view. When using the internalDimension parameter, you can specify any positioning module to use with the dimensions. -1

The externalDimension value determines whether or not dimensions are placed inside the external dimension range (see graphic above). If the externalDimension value is set to -1, all dimensions that are inside of the external dimension range are placed within the external dimension range area, and not outside the view. When using the externalDimension parameter, you must use the DrawingDimMarginPos positioning module. -1

The minimumDimension value determines a minimum dimension distance. If a dimension is less than the specified distance, it is not placed in the drawing. If a dimension is less than the specified distance, and is part of a dimension chain, it is absorbed into the larger dimension. The surrounding dimension that absorbs the smaller dimension is determined by the direction of the dimension. For vertical dimensions, the small dimension is absorbed by the larger dimension below it. For horizontal dimensions, the small dimension is absorbed by the larger dimension to the left. 0.3


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Below is an example of a minimumDimension value of 0:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules Below is an example of a minimumDimension value of 0.3:

The trimWitness value determines whether or not a dimension witness line extends into the drawing view to the dimensioned object or stops at the drawing view. If the trimWitness value is set to -1,the dimension witness lines are trimmed. If the value is set to 0, the dimension witness lines continue into the drawing view to the dimensioned objects. The range, rangeOffset, internalDimension and externalDimension values must be activated (-1) or defined in order for the trimWitness function to work. -1


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Below is an example of a trimWitness value of 0:

Below is an example of a trimWitness value of -1:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Generic Horizontal Dimensions Description: Horizontal dimensions that use the default annotation modules. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DummyGeomAnalyzer (on page 742) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace (on page 745) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)


Dimension Template Name

Dimension Style

Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical Raceway Plan_Columns_Vertical


Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical


Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Vertical


Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Vertical_M


Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Anchor_Horizontal


HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Anchor_Vertical


HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules HVAC Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


HVAC Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Instrument Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrument Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrument Section_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrumentation Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrumentation Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Instrumentation Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical


Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal


Instrumentation Elevation_Instruments_Vertical


Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Instrumentation Plan_Columns_Vertical


Instrumentation Plan_Instruments_Horizontal


Instrumentation Plan_Instruments_Vertical


Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


Structural Elevation_Braces_Anchor_Horizontal


Structural Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Anchor_Horizontal


Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Horizontal


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Generic Vertical Dimensions Description: Vertical dimensions that use the default annotation modules. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DummyGeomAnalyzer (on page 742) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace (on page 746) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)


Dimension Template Name

Dimension Style

Civil Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Vertical


Electrical CableTray Plan_Beams_Vertical_M


Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical Raceway Plan_Beams_Anchor_Vertical


Electrical Raceway Plan_Beams_Vertical


Equipment Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical


HVAC Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical


Instrument Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Instrument Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical


Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical


Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical


Structural Elevation_Beams_Anchor_Vertical


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Structural Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Structural Framing Elevation_Beams_Anchor_Vertical


Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical


Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_Vertical


Hangers and Supports Dimensions Horizontal and Vertical Style2 Hangers and Supports Dimensions Description: Margin dimensions that are used with the Style2 view style. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGByNote (on page 724) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingCoordDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingCoordDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingCoordDimContLinVNoReplace Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760) Dimension Style: ISO

Dimension Template Name

Dimension Anchor

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Horizontal Style2

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Assembly Vertical Style2

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Horizontal Style2 HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Vertical Style2

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

Horizontal and Vertical Key Point Hangers and Supports Dimensions Description: Margin dimensions that are placed on the latest Key Plan Callout control point subtype. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGKeyPlanControlPoint (on page 727) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingCoordDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingCoordDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingCoordDimContLinVNoReplace Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760) Dimension Style: ISO

Dimension Template Name HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

Horizontal and Vertical Hangers and Supports Component Dimensions Description: Margin dimensions that use the object range and anchor to the matchlines. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGObjectCorners (on page 730) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingCoordDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingCoordDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingCoordDimContLinVNoReplace Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760) Dimension Style: ISO


Dimension Template Name

Dimension Anchor

HgrSup End_Support Component Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal

HgrSup End_Support Component Vertical

HgrSup End_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Component Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Horizontal

HgrSup Side_Support Component Vertical

HgrSup Side_Support Assembly KeyPoint_Vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Horizontal Hangers and Supports Assembly Dimensions Description: Horizontal margin dimensions that use vertical assembly points. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGByNote (on page 724) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace (on page 745) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760) Dimension Style: ANSI

Dimension Template Name HgrSup End_Support Assembly Horizontal HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Horizontal

Vertical Hangers and Supports Assembly Dimensions Description: Vertical margin dimensions that use horizontal assembly points. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGByNote (on page 724) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer (on page 740) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace (on page 746) Positioning Module: DrawingDimAbsolutePos (on page 759) Dimension Style: ANSI

Dimension Template Name HgrSup End_Support Assembly Vertical HgrSup Side_Support Assembly Vertical

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Horizontal and Vertical Cable Trays Horizontal Cable Trays Description: Vertical dimensions that use horizontal cable trays. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructVert (on page 731) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer (on page 740) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContentLinearH (on page 744) Vertical Content Module: DrawingContentLinearV (see "DrawingDimContentLinearV" on page 745) Positioning Modules: DrawingDimHorizBottomCS (on page 760), DrawingDimHorizTopCS (on page 760), DrawingDimAbsolutePos (on page 759)

Dimension Template Name

Dimension Style

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M


Vertical Cable Trays Description: Horizontal dimensions that use vertical cable trays. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructHoriz (on page 730) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer (on page 740) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContentLinearH (on page 744) Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContentLinearV (on page 745) Positioning Modules: DrawingDimHorizTopCS (on page 760), DrawingDimHorizBottomCS (on page 760), DrawingDimAbsolutePos (on page 759), DrawingDimVertRightCS (on page 761), DrawingDimVertLeftCS (on page 761)


Dimension Template Name

Dimension Style

Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical


Electrical CableTray Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical


Electrical Equipment Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M


Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical


Horizontal Structure Dimensions Horizontal Structure Dimensions Description: Vertical dimensions that use horizontal structure objects. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructHoriz (on page 730) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace (on page 746) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)

Dimension Template Name

Dimension Dimension Anchor Style

Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical


Civil Plan_Columns_Vertical_M


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Vertical


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Vertical_M ISO Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Vertical


Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Vertical_M


Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Vertical


Electrical Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Vertical


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Vertical_M


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical


Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical_M


Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vertical


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical


Dimension Rules Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Vertical_M ISO


Electrical Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical


Equipment Plan_Columns_Vertical_M


Equipment Section_Equipment_Vertical


Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Equipment Section_Equipment_Anc hor_Vertical

Equipment Section_Equipment_Vertical_M


Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Equipment Section_Equipment_Anc hor_Vertical

HVAC Plan_Columns_Vertical


HVAC Plan_COlumns_Vertical_M


HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical


HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical, HVAC Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Vertical

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Vertical_M


HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical, HVAC Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Vertical

Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Vertical


Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Vertical_M


Instrument Plan_Columns_Vertical


Instrument Plan_Columns_Vertical_M


Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertical


Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Vertical_M


Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical

Instrument Section_Instruments_Vertical


Instrument Section_Instruments_Vertical_M


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical


Piping Plan_Columns_Vertical_M


Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical


Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical, Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Vertical

Piping Plan_Pipes_Vertical_M


Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical, Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Vertical

Structural Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical


Structural Framing Elevation_Grid LIne_Vertical


Structural Framing Elevation_Grid Line_Vertical_M ISO Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Vertical


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Vertical_M


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Vertical, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Vertical

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Vertical


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Vertical_M


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor _Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Vertical


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Vertical_M


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules

Vertical Grid Line Dimensions Description: Vertical dimensions that use vertical grid lines. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructHoriz (on page 730) Geometric Analyzer: DummyGeomAnalyzer (on page 742) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace (on page 746) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760) Dimension Style: ANSI

Dimension Template Name Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical Electrical Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical Electrical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical Equipment Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical Equipment Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical Piping Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical Piping Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical

Miscellaneous Dimensions All dimension template files are in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml folder.

Electrical Above Ground Cable Tray Dimensions Point Generator: DrawingPointGenerator (on page 732) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer (on page 740) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace (on page 745) Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace (on page 746) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules

Dimension Template Name

Dimensio Dimension Anchor n Style

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_H orizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal_M


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_H orizontal

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_V ertical

Electrical Above Ground Plan_Cable Trays_Vertical_M


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Anchor_V ertical

Miscellaneous Dimensions For more information on the annotation modules used by the following dimension rules, see Annotation Modules (on page 721). Name: ALR_CA_PenetrationPlate Point Generator: PenPlatePointGenerator Geometric Analyzer: DummyGeomAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingQuadOne, DrawingQuadTwo, DrawingQuadThree, DrawingQuadFour, DrawingAbsolute Name: Electrical Raceway Plan_Cable Trays_Horizontal.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructVert Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContentLinearH Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContentLinearV Dimension Anchor: All Columns Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimHorizTopCS, DrawingDimHorizBottomCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimVertRightCS, DrawingDimVertLeftCS Name: Electrical Raceway Plan_Column_Horizontal-Vertical.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContentLinearH Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContentLinearV Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimHorizTopCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimVertLeftCS Name: Linear_A_HV.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimAbsolutePos Name: Linear_CA_A_PipeSegs.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGPipeSegments Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAPipeSegments Annotation Control Generator: DrawingPipeSegmentsCG Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimPipeSegPos Name: Linear_CA_HV.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimHorizTopCS, DrawingDimHorizBottomCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimVertRightCS, DrawingDimVertLeftCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos Name: Linear_CA_HV_TowardClosestMargin.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimHorizBottomCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimVertRightCS, DrawingDimVertLeftCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimHorizTopCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Name: Linear_CA_H_VLE.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructVert Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Dimension Anchor: All Columns Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimHorizTopCS, DrawingDimHorizBottomCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimVertRightCS, DrawingDimVertLeftCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos Name: Linear_CA_V_HLE.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructHoriz Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGeometricAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Dimension Anchor: All Columns Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimHorizTopCS, DrawingDimHorizBottomCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos, DrawingDimVertRightCS, DrawingDimVertLeftCS, DrawingDimAbsolutePos Name: Linear_M_HV.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos, DrawingDimMarginPos Name: Matchline_Anchor_Horizontal.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGObjectCorners Geometric Analyzer: DummyGeomAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos Name: Matchline_Anchor_Vertical.xml Point Generator: DrawingPGObjectCorners Geometric Analyzer: DummyGeomAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules Dimension Style: ANSI Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos

Structure Margin Dimensions Vertical Structure Margin Dimensions Description: Horizontal margin dimensions that use vertical structure objects. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace (on page 746) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)

Dimension Template Name

Dimensio Dimension Anchor n Style

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical


Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical_M


Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Horizontal Structure Margin Dimensions Description: Vertical margin dimensions that use horizontal structure objects. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGControlPoint (on page 725) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace (on page 745) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)


Dimension Template Name

Dimension Dimension Anchor Style

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Horizontal


Equipment Elevation_Columns_An chor_Horizontal

Equipment Elevation_Equipment_Horizontal_M


Equipment Elevation_Columns_An chor_Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Horizontal


Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Equipment Plan_Process Equipment_Horizontal_M ISO

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Horizontal

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal


Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Horizontal_M ISO

Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical


Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Vertical_M


Equipment Plan_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Vertical Routable Dimensions Description: Vertical dimensions that use horizontal route objects. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGRoutableObjHoriz Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Vertical Content Module: DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace (on page 746) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)

Dimension Template Name

Dimensio Dimension Anchor n Style

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vertical


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vert ical, Matchline_Anchor_Vertic al


Dimension Rules


Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vertical_M


Electrical CableTray Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Vert ical, Matchline_Anchor_Vertic al

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertical


Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertic al, Matchline_Anchor_Vertic al

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertical_M ISO

Electrical CableTray Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Vertic al, Matchline_Anchor_Vertic al

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical


HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical, Matchline_Anchor_Vertic al

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical_M


HVAC Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Vertical, Matchline_Anchor_Vertic al

HVAC Section_Ducts_Vertical


HVAC Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, HVAC Section_Ducts_Vertical, Matchline_Anchor_Vertic al

HVAC Section_Ducts_Vertical_M


Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Instrument Section_Instruments_Anchor_Vertical


Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertical


Piping Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anc hor_Vertical

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Vertical_M


Piping Elevation_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anc hor_Vertical

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical


Piping Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Piping Section_Equipment_Anch or_Vertical

Piping Section_Pipes_Vertical_M


Piping Section_Grid Line_Anchor_Vertical, Piping Section_Equipment_Anch or_Vertical

Vertical Structure Dimensions Description: Horizontal dimensions that use vertical structure objects. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructVert (on page 731) Geometric Analyzer: DrawingGAMarginOnly (on page 738) Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator (on page 754) Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace (on page 745) Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos (on page 760)

Dimension Template Name

Dimensio Dimension Anchor n Style

Civil Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Civil Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical Above Ground Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules


Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M


Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M


Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Horizontal_M


Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


Electrical Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal


Electrical Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal

Electrical Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal ANSI

Electrical Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Electrical Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Elevation_CableTray_Horizontal_M


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M


Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_CableTray_Horizontal_M


Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal

Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal


Electrical Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Equipment Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M


Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Equipment Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal ANSI Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal


Equipment Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


Equipment Section_Equipment_Horizontal


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal, Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor _Horizontal 681

Dimension Rules


Equipment Section_Equipment_Horizontal_M


Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal, Equipment Section_Equipment_Anchor _Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


HVAC Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M


HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizontal


HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, HVAC Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

HVAC Elevation_Ducts_Horizontal_M


HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, HVAC Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

HVAC Plan_Columns_Horizontal


HVAC Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal


HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, HVAC Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

HVAC Plan_Ducts_Horizontal_M


HVAC Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, HVAC Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

HVAC Section_Columns_Horizontal


HVAC Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


HVAC Section_Ducts_Horizontal


HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, HVAC Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

HVAC Section_Ducts_Horizontal_M


HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, HVAC Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Instrument Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Instrument Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M


Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal


Instrument Elevation_Instruments_Horizontal_M


Instrument Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Instrument Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horizontal


Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal

Instrument Plan_Instruments_Horizontal_M


Instrument Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal

Instrument Section_Columns_Horizontal


Instrument Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


Instrument Section_Instruments_Horizontal


Instrument Section_Instruments_Horizontal_M


Piping Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Piping Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M


Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizontal


Piping Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

Piping Elevation_Pipes_Horizontal_M


Piping Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, Piping Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Piping Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M


Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal


Dimension Rules


Piping Plan_Pipes_Horizontal_M


Piping Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, Piping Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

Piping Section_Columns_Horizontal


Piping Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


Piping Section_Pipes_Horizontal


Piping Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal, Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor _Horizontal

Piping Section_Pipes_Horizontal_M


Piping Section_Columns_Anchor_ Horizontal, Piping Section_Equipment_Anchor _Horizontal

Structural Elevation_Braces_Horizontal


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

Structural Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Structural Elevation_Columns_Horizontal_M


Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Horizontal


Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, Structural Framing Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

Structural Framing Elevation_Braces_Horizontal_M


Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Anchor _Horizontal, Structural Framing Elevation_Equipment_Anch or_Horizontal

Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Structural Framing Elevation_Columns_Horizontal


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Dimension Rules Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Horizontal


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Beams_Horizontal_M


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Horizontal


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Braces_Horizontal_M


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Anchor_Hor izontal, Structural Framing Plan_Equipment_Anchor_H orizontal

Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizontal


Structural Framing Plan_Columns_Horizontal_M ISO Structural Framing Section_Columns_Horizontal


Structural Framing Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


Structural Section_Columns_Horizontal


Structural Section_Columns_Horizontal_M


Description: Horizontal dimensions that use vertical structure objects. XML Location: [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Dimensions\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml Point Generator: DrawingPGStructVert Geometric Analyzer: DummyGeomAnalyzer Annotation Control Generator: DrawingDimGenerator Horizontal Content Module: DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Positioning Module: DrawingDimMarginPos Dimension Style: ANSI

Dimension Template Name Electrical CableTray Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Dimension Rules Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Electrical CableTray Plan_Columns_Anchor_Vertical Electrical CableTray Section_CableTray_Anchor_Horizontal Electrical CableTray Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Electrical Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Electrical Elevation_Columns_Horizontal Equipment Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal HVAC Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal HVAC Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Piping Elevation_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal Piping Section_Columns_Anchor_Horizontal


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules Graphic rule modules determine how objects passing the view style tests display. Objects can be displayed as Vector Hidden Line (VHL) or resymbolized. You specify graphic rules as part of the view style definition. For more information, see View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38).

See Also Using Custom Graphic Modules and Subfilters in Drawings (on page 688) Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83)

In This Section Using Custom Graphic Modules and Subfilters in Drawings ....... 688 CappedNormalPipe........................................................................ 697 DesignEquipmentPartSeparator..................................................... 697 ElbowtoArc.................................................................................... 699 ElbowtoSingleArc ......................................................................... 700 EnumerateEquipmentGraphicChildren ......................................... 700 EnumerateHgrSupGraphicChildren............................................... 702 EquipmentNozzleSeparator ........................................................... 703 Exclude .......................................................................................... 705 Exclude with Not Drawn Rule....................................................... 706 GetActual3DGeometry .................................................................. 708 GridlinesDrawingWrapperEntity................................................... 709 MakeDrawable .............................................................................. 709 MakeDrawableSimple ................................................................... 710 PipeTurnFeattoArc ........................................................................ 711 PlaneGeometryDrawingWrapperEntity......................................... 711 PortsSeparator................................................................................ 712 ReplaceSlopedPipeOnHgr ............................................................. 713 ReplaceWPoint .............................................................................. 714 SlopedPipeWArcSymbol ............................................................... 716 StructOpenToX.............................................................................. 716 TrimPipeSurface ............................................................................ 718 VolumeWireFrame ........................................................................ 719 WeldToLine ................................................................................... 720

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules

Using Custom Graphic Modules and Subfilters in Drawings Custom Graphic Rule Modules Custom Graphic Rules determine how objects passing through the view style tests display. These modules can be applied at an overall level, or to specific view style rows. You can apply a custom graphic rule to an entire view style by editing the Graphic Preparation Rules. For more information, see Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43). You can apply a custom graphic rule to a particular view style row by editing the graphic rule for that row. For more information on editing graphic rules, see Graphic Rules (on page 83). For more information on adding custom graphic rules to view styles, see Create a View Style with Single Line Pipes (on page 692) and Create a View Style with Resymbolized Normal Pipes (on page 688).

Subfilters Subfilters are included with a few of the delivered custom graphic rule modules. The subfilters allow you to customize the graphic representation of objects at a granular level. You can apply a subfilter by first specifying a normal filter in the Define View Style dialog box. After specifying a filter, you use the following syntax to define a subfilter: ::. Subfilters are not compatible with all custom graphic rule modules.

See Also Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687) Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83)

Create a View Style with Resymbolized Normal Pipes Several of the delivered drawing view styles resymbolize pipes that are oriented normal to the view. When creating custom view styles, you can also apply the resymbolization graphic rule to these normal pipes.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules The following model and volume is used as an example in this workflow to produce a drawing that resymbolizes pipes that are oriented normal to the view.

Create a New View Style 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, click Tools > Define View Style. 2. In the Define View Style dialog box, click New Style . 3. Enter a name for the new view style. In this example, the view style name is Piping Normal Resymbolize. 4. Edit the view style by either double-clicking it or click Properties . 5. In the Filter Behavior box, select Filters determine which objects are process (Volume). 6. In the Intersection Edges box, select Off. In this example, only piping parts are included in the view style. There is no limit to the number of filters you can add to a view style, but the ordering of the filters is important. For more information on the order of filters in a view style, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222).

Configure the View Style Filters and Graphic Rules 1. In the first row, select the Piping\Piping Parts filter and apply the Piping Plan_Piping graphic rule. 2. In the second row, select the Piping\Piping Features\Piping Straight filter and select Normal for the Primary Orientation. 3. In the Graphic Rule box, click More. Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules a. In the Select Graphic Rule dialog box, select Replace Object(s) with Symbol in the Graphic Rule Type box. b. Click New. The Graphic Rule - Symbol dialog box appears. c. Enter a name for the new graphic rule in the Rule Name box. In this example, the graphic rule is named Piping Plan_Normal Pipe Front. d. Select FrontClipPipe1.sym for the Symbol. e. In the Orientation dropdown box, select Orients as Replaced Object Did, and click OK. f. Select the new graphic rule in the Select Graphic Rule dialog box, and click OK. 4. In the third row, select the Piping\Piping Parts\Piping Components filter and enter ::Ports after the filter name. 5. Select the graphic rule created in step 3 from the Graphic Rule box. If it is not displayed in the dropdown box, select More and navigate to the graphic rule in the Select Graphic Rule dialog box. Refer to the graphic below for an example of the finished Tests and Actions for the view style.

Create a New Graphic Preparation Rule 1. 2. 3. 4.

In the Graphic Preparation Rules box, select More. In the Select Graphic Preparation Rule dialog box, click New. Enter text in the Rule Name box. In this example, Piping Normal is used. In the first row, select the Piping\Piping Parts\Piping Components filter in the Filter Name box. 5. In the Custom Module box, select PortsSeparator.dll. 6. In the second row, select More in the Filter Name box.

7. 8. 9. 10.


a. In the Select Filter dialog box, click New SQL Filter . b. Enter text in the Name box of the New SQL Filter Properties dialog box. In this example, Piping Ports is used. c. On the General tab, enter select oid from JDPipePort in the Text of SQL query box. d. Click OK. e. Select the Piping Ports filter from the Filters section, and click OK. In the Custom Module dropdown, select MakeDrawable.dll. In the third row, select the Piping\Piping Features\Piping Straight filter in the Filter Name box. In the Custom Module dropdown, select MakeDrawable.dll, and click OK. Select the Piping Normal rule in the Select Graphic Preparation Rule dialog box, and click OK.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules 11. Click OK on the View Style Properties dialog box.

Below is a graphic of the finished view style.

After creating and updating a drawing that uses the Piping Normal Resymbolize view style, the drawing output is similar to the graphic below.

See Also Using Custom Graphic Modules and Subfilters in Drawings (on page 688) Understanding the View Style Rules (see "View Style Rules" on page 82) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules

Create a View Style with Single Line Pipes Using graphic rules to resymbolize objects in a drawing saves paper space and improves readability of drawings. In the case of piping, you can resymbolize piping parts into single lines, discs, and arcs. The following model is used as an example in this workflow to produce a drawing that resymbolizes pipes of a certain size into single lines.

To create a view style that resymbolizes pipes of a particular diameter into single lines, follow the four procedures provided below.

Create a New View Style 1. In the Drawings and Reports task, click Tools > Define View Style. 2. In the Define View Style dialog box, click New Style . 3. Enter a name for the new view style. In this example, the view style name is Single Line Piping. 4. Edit the Single Line Piping view style by either double-clicking it or clicking the Properties . 5. In the Filter Behavior box, select the Filters determine which objects are processed (Volume). 6. In the Intersection Edges box, select Off. 7. Check Preserve Z Order.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules In this example, only equipment objects and piping parts are included in the view style. There is no limit to the number of filters you can add to a view style, but the order of the filters is important. For more information on the order of filters in a view style, see Drawing View Style Creation Process (on page 222).

Configure the View Style Filters and Graphic Rules 1. In the first row, select the Piping\Piping Parts filter and apply the Piping Plan_Piping graphic rule. 2. In the second row, select the Piping\Piping Parts equal to or less than 50mm NPD filter and click More in the graphic rule. a. In the Select Graphic Rule dialog box, select Replace Object(s) with Line in the Graphic Rule Type box, and click New. b. In the Graphic Rule - Line dialog box, enter a name for the new rule in the Rule Name box. In this example, the graphic rule is named Piping Plan_Small Pipe_SingleLine. c. Select a Visible Line Style for the graphic rule. In this example, the Visible Line Style is Mask Blue. d. Click OK. e. Select the new graphic rule in the Select Graphic Rule dialog box and click OK. 3. In the third row, select the Piping\Piping Parts equal to or less than 50mm NPD filter and select Sloped for the Primary Orientation. This view style row changes the color of pipes that are sloped to indicate pipe slope in plan views. a. In the Graphic Rule dropdown, select More. b. In the Select Graphic Rule dialog box, select Piping Plan_Piping and click Properties. c. In the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, enter a new name for the graphic rule. In this example, the new graphic rule is named Piping Plan_Piping Red. d. Select Simple physical in the Aspect box and check Show aspect. e. In the Graphic Module box, select SlopedPipeWArcSymbol.dll. f. Select Normal Red for the Visible Line Style. g. Make sure the Hidden, Hidden By Self, and Occluded Line Styles are Not Drawn. h. Click OK. i. Select the Piping Plan_Piping Red graphic rule in the Select Graphic Rule dialog box, and click OK. 4. In the fourth row, select the Piping\Piping Parts filter and enter ::Discs after the filter name. The Discs subfilter selects the discs used to resymbolize the ports on piping elbows. a. Select More in the Graphic Rule box. b. In the Select Graphic Rule box, select the Piping Plan_Piping Red filter that you created earlier. c. In the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, enter a new name for the filter in the Name box. In this example, Piping Plan_Piping Discs is used. d. Select Normal Green for the Visible Line Style and click OK.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules e. Select the Piping Plan_Piping Discs graphic rule in the Select Graphic Rule dialog box, and click OK. 5. In the fifth row, select the Piping\Piping Parts filter and enter ::Arc after the filter name. The Arc subfilter selects the arc used to resymbolize the bend in a piping elbow. a. Select More in the Graphic Rule box. b. In the Select Graphic Rule box, select the Piping Plan_Piping Red filter that you created earlier. c. In the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, enter a new name for the filter in the Name box. In this example, Piping Plan_Piping Arc is used. d. Select Normal Blue for the Visible Line Style, and click OK. e. Select the Piping Plan_Piping Discs graphic rule in the Select Graphic Rule dialog box and click OK. Refer to the graphic below for an example of the finished Tests and Actions for the view style.

Create a New Graphic Preparation Rule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

In the Graphic Preparation Rules box, select More. In the Select Graphic Preparation Rule dialog box, click New. Enter a new name in the Rule Name box. In this example, Single Line Piping is used. Select the Piping\Piping Parts filter in the Filter Name box. In the Custom Module box, select ElbowToArc.dll. Click OK. Select the Single Line Piping rule in the Select Graphic Preparation Rule dialog box and click OK. 8. Click OK on the View Style Properties dialog box. When finished, the graphic preparation rule should like the following example:


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules Below is a graphic of the finished view style.

Create a Drawing Using the Single Line Piping View Style 1. Create a Composed drawing of a volume that contains piping that is less than or equal to 50mm NPD. Be sure to use the Single Line Piping view style for the drawing view. 2. Update the drawing view. Only pipes, pipe bends, and pipe elbows that are equal to or less than 50mm are resymbolized. Piping components, reducers, etc. are not resymbolized. The following examples show single line piping drawings that includes the Plan, Elevation, and Isometric view directions. Plan

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules Elevation


Elbows are resymbolized into a pair of discs connected by an arc. In plan views, a pipe with a normal orientation is represented as a flat disc (a circle) with the top pipe extending into the middle of the disc. See the example below.

See Also Using Custom Graphic Modules and Subfilters in Drawings (on page 688) View Style Rules (on page 82) Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) (on page 35) Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

CappedNormalPipe The custom graphic rule CappedNormalPipe.dll replaces the straight pipes positioned "normal to the view" with a cylindrical cap in the center of the length of the pipe. You would use this graphic rule if the open (unclipped) ends of the pipe should be replaced with a symbol.

Piping Elevation View Style

Piping Elevation View Style with CappedNormalPipe Custom Graphic Rule

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

DesignEquipmentPartSeparator The custom graphic rule DesignEquipmentPartSeparator.dll separates design equipment into body (first shape placed), shapes, nozzles, and parts (child components). You can use this graphic rule to label and symbolize nozzles on design equipment. To use this graphic rule, define a view style that uses Design Equipment as the filter and, in the Graphic Preparation Rules, apply the DesignEquipmentPartsSeparator.dll. After this is done, you could add a row to the view style to filter specifically for Pipe Nozzles.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules The graphic below shows the difference between the default view style and one using the graphic rule:

For a graphic rule that performs the same operation for general equipment, use EquipmentNozzleSeparator (on page 703) .

Subfilters To change the graphic representation of shapes, nozzles, or parts when the DesignEquipmentPartSeparator custom graphic rule is applied, you can apply subfilters to the individual parts. Shapes - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the shapes of process equipment. Use this syntax: ::Shapes. Nozzles - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the nozzles on process equipment. Use this syntax: ::Nozzles. Parts - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the parts on process equipment. Use this syntax: ::Parts.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

ElbowtoArc The custom graphic rule ElbowtoArc.dll replaces 3D elbows with arcs for the body and discs for the two ports. You use this graphic rule when piping elbows should be represented as a single line, but the ends of the piping need to be shown. To use this graphic rule, define a view style that uses Piping Components as the filter and, in the Graphic Preparation Rules, apply the ElbowtoArc.dll.

Subfilters To change the graphic representation of the arcs and discs when the ElbowtoArc custom graphic rule is applied, you can apply subfilters to the arc and discs. Arc - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the arcs in a drawing. Use this syntax: ::Arc. Discs - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the discs in a drawing. Use this syntax: ::Discs. The graphic below shows how the graphic rule impacts the drawing:

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules

ElbowtoSingleArc The custom graphic rule ElbowtoSingleArc.dll replaces 3D elbows with arcs. You use this graphic rule when piping elbows should be represented as a single line. To use this graphic rule, define a view style that uses Piping Components as the filter and, in the Graphic Preparation Rules, apply the ElbowtoSingleArc.dll. The graphic below shows how the graphic rule impacts the drawing:

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

EnumerateEquipmentGraphicChildren The custom graphic rule EnumerateEquipmentGraphicChildren.dll includes all of the children of the Equipment System in the drawing. This graphic rule applies to Equipment objects. To use this graphic rule, you create a view style and apply a Graphic Preparation Rule against Equipment objects. On the View Style Properties dialog box, select More in the Graphic Preparation Rule dropdown to display the Select Custom Rule dialog box. Click New to create a new EnumerateEquipmentGraphicChildren rule.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules Then, in the Tests section of the View Style Properties dialog box, apply filter rows for the objects required in the drawing. For example, you could filter for Pipe Nozzles, Foundation Ports, and Shapes, with an additional Piping filter to include piping attached to the nozzles:

The drawing output would resemble the following graphic:

The graphics output by the view style in the drawing depend on the filters you specify and the graphic rules applied.

Subfilters To change the graphic representation of individual objects that make up a piece of equipment when the EnumerateEquipmentGraphicChildren custom graphic rule is applied, you can apply subfilters to the individual parts. ForeignChildren - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to foreign children in equipment. Use this syntax: ::ForeignChildren. Equipment - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment. Use this syntax: ::Equipment. Shapes - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to shapes. Use this syntax: ::Shapes. FoundationPorts - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment foundation ports. Use this syntax: ::FoundationPorts. PipeNozzles - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment pipe nozzles. Use this syntax: ::PipeNozzles. ConduitNozzles - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment conduit nozzles. Use this syntax: ::ConduitNozzles. HvacNozzles - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment HVAC nozzles. Use this syntax: ::HvacNozzles.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules CableNozzles - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment cable nozzles. Use this syntax: ::CableNozzles. CableTrayNozzles - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment cabletray nozzles. Use this syntax: ::CableTrayNozzles.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

EnumerateHgrSupGraphicChildren The custom graphic rule EnumerateHgrSupGraphicChildren.dll includes all of the children of the Supports System in the drawing. This graphic rule applies to Support objects. To use this graphic rule, you create a view style and apply a Graphic Preparation Rule against Support objects. On the View Style Properties dialog box, select More in the Graphic Preparation Rule dropdown to display the Select Custom Rule dialog box. Click New to create a new EnumerateHgrSupGraphicChildren rule.

Then, in the Tests section of the View Style Properties dialog box, apply filter rows for the objects required in the drawing. For example, you could filter for Pipe Supports, with an additional Piping filter to include piping attached to the supports:


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules The drawing output would resemble the following graphic:

The graphics output by the view style in the drawing depend on the filters you specify and the graphic rules applied.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

EquipmentNozzleSeparator The custom graphic rule EquipmentNozzleSeparator.dll separates equipment into body (first shape placed), shapes, nozzles, and parts (child components). You can use this graphic rule to label and symbolize nozzles on equipment. To use this graphic rule, define a view style that uses Equipment as the filter and, in the Graphic Preparation Rules, apply the EquipmentNozzleSeparator.dll. After this is done, you could add a row to the view style to filter specifically for Pipe Nozzles.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules The graphic below shows the difference between the default view style and one using the graphic rule:

For a graphic rule that performs the same operation for design equipment, use DesignEquipmentPartSeparator (on page 697).

Subfilters To change the graphic representation of the body or nozzles of equipment when the EquipmentNozzleSeparator custom graphic rule is applied, you can apply subfilters to the individual parts. Body - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the body of equipment. Use this syntax: ::Body. Nozzles - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to equipment nozzles. Use this syntax: ::Nozzles.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

Exclude The custom graphic rule Exclude.dll excludes objects to which it is applied from view style processing. The example below shows how you can use the Exclude.dll in a view style. The example uses the following volume of data:

In the example view style definition, the Piping Components are excluded from the drawing by creating a Graphic Preparation Rule that calls Exclude.dll.

The view style filters for Piping in general.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules The output of this drawing excludes the elbows and in-line piping components:

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

Exclude with Not Drawn Rule The custom graphic rule Exclude.dll excludes objects to which it is applied from view style processing. If you create a graphic rule to make certain components not drawn, they could hide other objects in the drawing view. The following example shows how you can use the Exclude.dll in combination with the Not Drawn graphic wrapper in a view style. The example uses the following volume of data:


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules In the View Style Properties dialog box below, Piping is selected as the filter, but another filter specifies Not Drawn for Piping Components.

The Not Drawn graphic rule is a rule that states nothing that applies to this rule is drawn using this view style. On the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, you would set all the values accordingly.

The output of this drawing appears as follows:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules However, you can use the Exclude.dll custom graphic rule to exclude the Piping Component objects. On the Custom Graphic Rule dialog box, you could create a custom graphic preparation rule called Exclude components.

When using the Exclude.dll to customize the view style, the output appears as follows:

Notice that the elbows turning away from the view are drawn using the Exclude.dll and not drawn by the Not Drawn graphic rule because they were hidden.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

GetActual3DGeometry The custom graphic rule GetActual3DGeometry.dll returns the actual geometry of an object; that is, it refers to the original model object for all geometry. For example, use this graphic rule to disable the default representation of certain objects, such as welds. By default, welds are represented as a single line. The GetAcutal3DGeometry custom graphic rule graphically represents the welds as they appear in the model.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

GridlinesDrawingWrapperEntity The custom graphic rule GridlinesDrawingWrapperEntity.dll draws "vertical gridlines" at the intersection of X planes and Y planes (on the X-Z and Y-Z axes). This graphic rule applies to grid planes in the model. You can use this graphic rule in elevation and isometric views when drawings need to show vertical lines at grid intersections. For an example workflow using this graphic rule, see Apply Grid Labels to Elevation and Section Views (on page 50).

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

MakeDrawable The custom graphic rule MakeDrawable.dll makes objects that are not displayable in 3D (and therefore not drawable in 2D) drawable. This graphic rule applies to all graphical objects. Use this graphic rule when you need to label or display objects such as features, runs, systems, or pipe support assemblies. To use this graphic rule, define a view style that filters for objects that are to be made drawable and, in the Graphic Preparation Rules, apply the MakeDrawable.dll. In the following example, the view style filters for Piping Runs and Support Assemblies:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules The drawing below shows how the view style impacts the drawing:

The MakeDrawable.dll custom graphic rule tells the software to go through the entire business object tree, setting all graphics to drawable. You may decide to use the MakeDrawableSimple.dll to save time when working with compound graphics. With the MakeDrawableSimple.dll, the software only sets the top level business object to drawable. For more information, see MakeDrawableSimple (on page 710).

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

MakeDrawableSimple The custom graphic rule MakeDrawableSimple.dll provides a way to label an entire assembly instead of the individual assembly components. You can use this graphic rule in the place of the MakeDrawable.dll to simplify the labeling in a drawing. For example, you could use MakeDrawableSimple when the entire support assembly in the drawing needs to be labeled. Without applying the graphic rule, only the individual components can be labeled. With the MakeDrawableSimple.dll, the software only sets the top level business object to drawable. The MakeDrawable.dll custom graphic rule tells the software to go through the entire business object tree, setting all graphics to drawable. Using the MakeDrawableSimple.dll can save time when working with compound graphics.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

PipeTurnFeattoArc The custom graphic rule PipeTurnFeattoArc.dll makes the piping turn features drawable and replaces them with a single arc. You can use this graphic rule when pipe bends should be shown as single lines in a drawing. To use this graphic rule, define a view style that filters for Piping Turn Features and apply the PipeTurnFeattoArc.dll. The graphic below shows how the graphic rule impacts the drawing graphics:

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

PlaneGeometryDrawingWrapperEntity The custom graphic rule PlaneGeometryDrawingWrapperEntity.dll draws plane geometry onto a drawing; that is, it generates a finite plane and passes it on to the drawing generator. For example, use this graphic rule to create a plan or elevation grid plane on a drawing in order to label it.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules

PortsSeparator The custom graphic rule PortsSeparator.dll separates piping component ports from the components and makes the ports drawable. This graphic rule applies to piping components in the model. You can use this graphic rule when the open end of an elbow should be replaced by a symbol in a drawing. To use this graphic rule, create a view style that filters for piping components and apply, as a Graphic Preparation Rule, the PortsSeparator.dll. To apply a symbol graphic to the ports, create another row in the view style grid to filter for Ports and apply the appropriate symbol graphic rule.

Subfilters To change the graphic representation of piping parts and ports, when the PortsSeparator custom graphic rule is applied, you can apply subfilters to the individual parts. Part - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the piping parts. Use this syntax: ::Part. Ports - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the piping ports. Use this syntax: ::Ports.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

ReplaceSlopedPipeOnHgr The custom graphic rule ReplaceSlopedPipeOnHgr.dll looks at pipes being collected by the view style and checks to see if they are connected to the hanger being drawn. If the pipe is connected to the hanger, and if the pipe tangent at the connection point is within 45 degrees of the viewing angle, the pipe is replaced with a point (the connection point), and appears in the drawing as normal to the view. All other objects collected by the view style are ignored by the graphic rule. This graphic rule only applies to drawing created using a Drawings by Query component. To use this graphic rule, you should apply a Custom Preparation Rule to the view style that collects pipes and applies the ReplaceSlopedPipeOnHgr.dll. For example, in the following graphic, the HgrSup - Side view style is shown. It is currently using the graphic preparation rule Copy of Pipe Supports.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules You can modify the graphic preparation rule by selecting More in the Graphic Preparation Rule dropdown. The Select Custom Rule dialog box appears. Select the graphic rule to be modified, then click Properties. On the Custom Graphic Rule dialog box, specify a filter to collect the objects to be modified (for example, Pipelines) and select the ReplaceSlopedPipeOnHgr.dll from the Custom Module dropdown field.

When you create a hanger drawing using this view style, any sloped pipe connected to the drawn hanger is replaced in the drawing by a point symbol (the connection point).

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687) View Style Properties Dialog Box (on page 38)

ReplaceWPoint The custom graphic rule ReplaceWPoint.dll replaces the 3D geometry of the specified object with a tiny sphere at the center of the object's range. You can apply this graphic rule to any graphical object. For example, you could use this graphic rule when you need to label an object but do not want the object to participate in the VHL and potentially hide other objects behind it. To use this graphic rule, create a view style that filters for the objects to be replaced with the point symbol and apply, as a Graphic Preparation Rule, the ReplaceWPoint.dll.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

Piping Plan

Piping Plan with ReplaceWPoint Graphic Preparation Rule

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

SlopedPipeWArcSymbol The custom graphic rule SlopedPipeWArcSymbol.dll replaces a straight pipe with its centerline and a series of arcs representing the slope. You can apply this graphic rule to sloped straight pipe. You would use this graphic rule when sloped pipe should be represented on a plan drawing.

Looking North

Looking Plan Normal Looking Plan with SlopedPipeWArcSymbol Custom Graphic Rule See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

StructOpenToX The custom graphic rule StructOpenToX.dll resymbolizes the depressions (non-through openings) in a structure object with an X filler. This DLL works for all rectangular and most L-shaped depressions. You can use the delivered Openings filter when creating the Graphic Preparation Rule that uses the StructOpenToX.dll.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules When the drawings are created, the openings are resymbolized with the X filler.

Example Showing Use of a Subfilter You can also use the StructOpenToX.dll to apply a subfilter for an opening/depression symbol. This example creates a plan view drawing that applies a different line style (Red) to the opening/depression symbols. The model shown is used:

When creating the view style, select only the opening/depression symbols using a subfilter: ::Symbol. Specify a graphic rule that uses a red line style.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules You should apply the StructOpeningToX.dll custom graphic rule to the Openings objects in the model.

When the plan drawing is updated with the view style, the depression symbols are shown in red:

Subfilters To change the graphic representation of opening contours and depression symbols when the StructOpenToX custom graphic rule is applied, you can apply subfilters to the individual parts. Contour - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the contour of an opening. Use this syntax: ::Contour. Symbol - Use this subfilter to apply a graphic rule (line style, color, etc.) to the depression symbol of an opening. Use this syntax: ::Symbol.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

TrimPipeSurface The custom graphic rule TrimPipeSurface.dll draws both the pipe and its centerline in the drawing. This graphic rule applies to pipes. To use this graphic rule, create a view style that filters for pipes and apply, as a Graphic Preparation Rule, the TrimPipeSurface.dll. Do not use this rule with orthographic drawings or when exporting to DGN files.This approach only works in a 2D environment where the slicing plane is oriented parallel with the view plane.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Custom Graphic Modules

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

VolumeWireFrame The custom graphic rule VolumeWireFrame.dll replaces an object with its wireframe representation for VHL. You can apply this graphic rule to any graphical object. You could use this graphic rule when you need to show outlines of certain objects and want to keep the objects' surface from hiding other objects. To use this graphic rule, create a view style that filters for the objects for which you want the wireframe representation and apply, as a Graphic Preparation Rule, the VolumeWireFrame.dll. The graphic below shows how the wireframe representation works in the drawing:

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Custom Graphic Modules

WeldToLine The custom graphic rule WeldToLine.dll replaces welds with centerline representations. You can use this custom graphic rule to reduce the time required to process a drawing.

See Also Custom Graphic Rule Dialog Box (on page 43) View Frame Rule Dialog Box (on page 102) Graphic Rules (on page 83) Custom Graphic Modules (on page 687)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules Annotation modules are used within label rules to analyze, place, and position text labels, symbol labels, and dimensions. They are called by label templates or reports. Annotation modules can be listed in any order in a label template, but the software processes the modules in the following order:

1. Gathering Data: Point Generators 

A point generator gathers data from the geometry (either the 2D geometry drawn in a view, or the associated 3D geometry in the model), and places points on the geometry.  No annotations are created. For more information, see Point Generators (on page 722).

2. Analyzing Data: Geometric Analyzers 

A geometric analyzer evaluates the points placed by the point generator. Points can be grouped or deleted as needed.  No annotations are created. For more information, see Geometric Analyzers (on page 733).

3. Deciding What Annotations to Place: Content Modules and Control Generators   

A content module creates a label or dimension. A control generator creates a text box for a label. Labels are positioned at 0,0 of the view. Dimensions are positioned without regard to clear space with other dimensions and labels.  Annotations are ready for placement on the drawing view but are not in the correct positions. For more information, see Content Modules (on page 742), Control Generators (on page 753), and Leader Modules (on page 769).

4. Deciding Where to Place the Annotations: Positioning Modules 

A positioning module determines the position of a label or dimension and places it on the drawing view.  Clear space around the annotations is considered in placement.  Annotations are ready for placement on the drawing view, and are now in the correct positions. For more information, see Positioning Modules (on page 754).

5. Placing the Annotations: Content Modules and Leader Modules  

A dimension content module runs again to place dimensions on the drawing view. A leader module creates a leader for a label (when needed) and places labels on the drawing view.

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Annotation Modules  Annotations are now on the drawing view. For more information, see Content Modules (on page 742) and Leader Modules (on page 769).

In This Section Point Generators ............................................................................ 722 Geometric Analyzers ..................................................................... 733 Content Modules ........................................................................... 742 Control Generators ........................................................................ 753 Positioning Modules ...................................................................... 754 Leader Modules ............................................................................. 769

Point Generators Point generator modules are used in Drawings label templates to place a point (or points) on objects that need labels or dimensions. The point can be generated on the object origin, control point, or other absolute positions. Point generators also place points for dimensions to use.

See Also Annotation Modules (on page 721)

Topics DefaultLabelPointGenerator .......................................................... 723 DrawingMatchlinePG .................................................................... 723 DrawingPGByNote........................................................................ 724 DrawingPGControlPoint ............................................................... 725 DrawingPGCPThenNone .............................................................. 725 DrawingPGCuttingPlane ............................................................... 726 DrawingPGKeyPlanControlPoint .................................................. 727 DrawingPGLinear.......................................................................... 728 DrawingPGLocalCS ...................................................................... 729 DrawingPGObjectCorners ............................................................. 730 DrawingPGPipeSegments ............................................................. 730 DrawingPGStructHoriz ................................................................. 730 DrawingPGStructVert ................................................................... 731 DrawingPointGenerator ................................................................. 732 PenPlatePointGenerator ................................................................. 732


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules

DefaultLabelPointGenerator Generates a point in the middle of the 2D range of an object. Used for name labels on Equipment and other non-linear objects.

Usage in Label Template XML DefaultLabelPointGenerator

Customization None


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingMatchlinePG Generates at least 4 points at the edge of a view in order to place a Matchline label. More points are generated if there are multiple edges that border other drawings. The points are not placed according to where the edge matches, but are placed in equal distance offsets for each side if multiple edges match.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingMatchlinePG

Customization None

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules

Examples Matchline bordering another drawing:

Matchline bordering the edge of a view:

The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPGByNote Generates a point using the position of a dimensioned note. Currently only applies to dimensions. Allows a dimension to be placed from one point of an object to another point on the same object.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGByNote

Customization None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules

DrawingPGControlPoint Places a label on an object's Control Point, or the object's origin if there is no Control Point. For equipment, the origin of the object will be labeled. In some cases, this module can also be used to place dimensions on equipment.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGControlPoint

Customization None


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPGCPThenNone Places a label on an object's Control Point. If a Control Point does not exist, no label is placed.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGCPThenNone

Customization None

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPGCuttingPlane Generates the points used to place a cutting plane. The template used should have startPoint and endPoint set to 0 or -1 (where -1 is true).

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGCuttingPlanes -1 0

Customization Yes


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPGKeyPlanControlPoint Generates a point at the location of the latest Key Plan Callout control point subtype. Only control points placed as Support as parent or Support component as parent are considered. If there are no control points with the Key Plan Callout subtype, a point is generated at the support origin.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGKeyPlanControlPoint

Customization None

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPGLinear Generates a label at both ends of a pipe segment, structure member, or grid line.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGLinear

Customization None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPGLocalCS Places a label on an object's coordinate system origin.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGLocalCS

Customization None


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules

DrawingPGObjectCorners Places points at the four corners of an object's range in order to anchor matchlines to other dimensioned objects.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGObjectCorners

Customization None

DrawingPGPipeSegments This module has been replaced by the DrawingPGLinear module. For more information, see DrawingPGLinear (on page 728).

DrawingPGStructHoriz Places a point at the center of structure components. Uses these points to place a horizontal dimension between two (or more) structure components.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGStructHoriz

Customization None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPGStructVert Places a point at the center of structure components. Uses these points to place a vertical dimension between two (or more) structure components.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPGStructVert

Customization None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingPointGenerator Places a dimension at the center of the 3D range of an object.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingPointGenerator

Customization None

PenPlatePointGenerator Custom point generator used by ISO process to dimension a penetration plate. This label module also performs the functions of a geometric analyzer and must be used with DummyGeomAnalyzer. For more information, see DummyGeomAnalyzer (on page 742).

Usage in Label Template XML PenPlatePointGenerator

Customization None


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules

Geometric Analyzers Geometric Analyzer modules are used in Drawings label templates to analyze points generated by a point generator module. The geometric analyzer then deletes unneeded points and/or groups points together according to the specific algorithm it uses. For more information on point generators, see Point Generators (on page 722).

See Also Annotation Modules (on page 721)

Topics DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer................................................... 733 DrawingGAByOppositePoints ...................................................... 734 DrawingGAEndOfSegment ........................................................... 734 DrawingGALabelInline ................................................................. 735 DrawingGALongestSegment......................................................... 736 DrawingGAMarginOnly ................................................................ 738 SP3D DrawingGAPipeSegments LabelAM .................................. 739 DrawingGeometricAnalyzer .......................................................... 740 DummyGeomAnalyzer .................................................................. 742

DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer Used to place a label on the origin or control point of an object. This module does not perform any grouping. Currently used by most non-linear labels.

Usage in Label Template XML DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer

Customization None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingGAByOppositePoints Groups points that are generated by a linear point generator together based on the original object that produced them.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

DrawingGAEndOfSegment Used by linear objects in order to separate segment ends so that each vertical or horizontal segment and both clipped sides will be labeled.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingGAEndOfSegment

Customization None


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules

DrawingGALabelInline Places a coordinate label between objects in a view. The coordinate line is placed on the origin or control point given by the point generator. This module also places the line between the objects. A placeLines value of 0 does not place a coordinate line, while a value of -1 does place a coordinate line. For more information on other settings available for this module, see Label Templates XML Overview (on page 587).

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingGALabelInline -1 0 0 2

Customization placeLines, keepTopOrBottomDup, keepLeftOrRightDup, cpLabelType

Examples Drawing View:

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules Detailed view of the above drawing:

The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingGALongestSegment Places a label on the longest segment of a linear object.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingGALongestSegment

Customization Yes


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules

Example The longest segment of pipe is labeled.

The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

Ed it a La b e l Ru le to Allo w No n -Orth o g o n a l La b e l Dire c tio n s This workflow describes the process for enabling the ability to place a label on a non-orthogonal pipe in a drawing. Some delivered label rules, including piping, HVAC, cableways, and conduits, are designed for vertical or horizontal parts, but the allowNonOrthogonalDirections tag allows you to place labels on routable objects that are not vertical or horizontal. The label rule must be using the DrawingGALongestSegment geometric analyzer module in order for the allowNonOrthogonalDirections tag to work. To place a label on a non-orthogonal pipe, you must edit the label XML file. The default location for these files is [Reference Data Product Directory]\CatalogData\Symbols\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates. 1. Open the appropriate XML file you want to modify. 2. Locate the tag.

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Annotation Modules 3. Insert the following line between the and tags: -1

4. Save the file and exit.  

It is recommended that you make a copy of the label XML file before editing the original file. You can place labels on non-orthogonal objects while using a view style that includes the DrawingGALongestSegment geometric analyzer module.

DrawingGAMarginOnly Chains a group of dimensions into the appropriate margins based on where the dimensions are placed.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingGAMarginOnly

Customization Yes

Example The dimensions will find clear space when a line segment is too small for the dimension to fit inline. First, the dimension will be rotated 90 degrees in order to provide more clear space. If there is still not enough space, the dimension will be jogged to clear space.

The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.


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Annotation Modules

SP3D DrawingGAPipeSegments LabelAM Groups dimensions for pipe segments of any angle into chained families. The dimensions are placed within the drawing view.

Usage in Label Template XML DrawingGAPipeSegments

Customization Yes


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules

The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

DrawingGeometricAnalyzer Groups dimensions together within a view based on proximity.

Usage in Label Templates XML DrawingGeometricAnalyzer

Customization Yes


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules


The annotation output is created by a content module, not this module. The example shows how this module affects the output.

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules

DummyGeomAnalyzer Dummy module used for dimension anchoring and penetration plate dimensions. All geometric analyzing tasks are performed by the point generator being used with the dummy module. This module must be used with the PenPlatePointGenerator (on page 732).

Usage in Label Template XML DummyGeomAnalyzer

Customization None

Content Modules Content modules are used in Drawings label templates to generate labels or dimensions based on criteria of the 3D objects represented in the drawing views. These modules generally run a report of a label in order to pass the results on to another module. The content modules are highly customizable because they are essentially report labels. Content modules for dimensions also place dimensions on the drawing view.

See Also Annotation Modules (on page 721)


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules

Topics DrawingCuttingPlanesContent ...................................................... 743 DrawingDimContAngNoReplace .................................................. 744 DrawingDimContentAngular ........................................................ 744 DrawingDimContentLinearH ........................................................ 744 DrawingDimContentLinearV ........................................................ 745 DrawingDimContentRadial ........................................................... 745 DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace ................................................ 745 DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace ................................................ 746 DrawingDimContRadNoReplace .................................................. 746 DrawingFlowDirectionContent ..................................................... 746 DrawingLabelHelper ..................................................................... 747 DrawingMatchlineContent ............................................................ 749 DrawingNArrowContent ............................................................... 749 DrawingNoContent........................................................................ 750 DrawingOrientToY0Content ......................................................... 750 DrawingPipeSegsDimContent ....................................................... 751 DrawingPipeSegsDimContNoReplace .......................................... 751 DrawingReferenceLabelContent ................................................... 751 DrawingWeldSymbols................................................................... 752 StructuralWidgetLabelContent ...................................................... 753

DrawingCuttingPlanesContent Outputs cutting plane information based on the view direction of the section view. Inherits functionality from DrawingLabelHelper (on page 747).

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules

DrawingDimContAngNoReplace Places an angular dimension. Dimension is based on paper-space in the SmartFrame. This module is only used by the penetration plate dimensioning in Piping Isometric Drawings.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

DrawingDimContentAngular Places an angular dimension. Dimension is based on 3D model angle instead of what is generated in the SmartFrame.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

DrawingDimContentLinearH Places a horizontal dimension and replaces the value of the dimension with the distance between two dimensioning points in the 3D model.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None


Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide

Annotation Modules

DrawingDimContentLinearV Places a vertical dimension and replaces the value of the dimension with the distance between two dimensioning points in the 3D model.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

DrawingDimContentRadial Places a radial dimension using the actual 3D model radius. This module is only used by the penetration plate dimensioning function in Piping Isometric Drawings.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace Places a horizontal dimension that is based on paper-space in the SmartFrame.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules

DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace Places a horizontal dimension that is based on paper-space in the SmartFrame.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

DrawingDimContRadNoReplace Places a radial dimension using the 2D paper-space model radius in the SmartFrame.

Usage in Label Template XML

Customization None

DrawingFlowDirectionContent Places flow arrows on pipe runs and orients them based on the flow arrow setting.

Usage in Label Template XML Piping Plan_FlowArrow_By Part_Flow_arrow1.sym Piping Plan_FlowArrow_By Part_Flow_arrow-bi.sym Piping Plan_FlowArrow_By Part_No-Flow_Arrow1.sym

The symbol file must be located in the same directory as the label template XML.


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Annotation Modules

Customization unidirectionalSymbol, bidirectionalSymbol, noFlowSymbol


DrawingLabelHelper Outputs data in a textbox that is taken from a specified report label.

Usage in Label Template XML Equipment Plan_Equipment_Name.rtp

The ID attributeName must match the name in the Value field of the Text Box Properties dialog box for the Label Template SYM file you are modifying. For more information on modifying Label Templates, see Create a Compound Label with a Combined Symbol (on page 560). The report template must be located in the same directory as the label template XML.

Customization attributeName

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide


Annotation Modules

Examples Sample Output:

This image has been modified in order to demonstrate the label. Text Box Properties dialog box:


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Annotation Modules

DrawingMatchlineContent Generates Matchline content. This content module is dependent on the DrawingMatchlinePG point generator. For more information, see DrawingMatchlinePG (on page 723).

Usage in Label Template XML Matchline\MatchlineNorth.rtp Matchline\MatchlineWest.rtp Matchline\MatchlineSouth.rtp Matchline\MatchlineEast.rtp -1

The ID attributeName must match the name in the Value field of the Text Box Properties dialog box for the Label Template SYM file you are modifying. For more information on modifying Label Templates, see Create a Compound Label with a Combined Symbol (on page 560). The report template must be located in the same directory as the label template XML.

Customization attributeName, useView

DrawingNArrowContent Determines direction of true North for the North Arrow symbol.

Usage in Label Template XML
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