SP-2155 - Building Services Specifications

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Building Services Specifcaons (SP-2155) Document ID


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Issue Date


Civil & Structura Structurall Engineering E ngineering

UEB- Civil & Structural Corporate Funconal Head

 July 2013



Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

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The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.


Petroleum Development Oman LLC


Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

Documen entt Authorisatio tion

Authorised For Issue


Revision Histo torry

The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Version No.



Scope / Remarks

SP SP-2 -215 155 5 - Ver ersi sion on 1.0 1.0

Ju July ly -201 -2013 3


Revi Revise se SP-1 SP-128 285 5 ((Re Rev v. 2. 2.0) 0) to th the e ffol ollo lowi wing ng:: -

SP-1 SP-128 285 5 ((Re Rev v. 3 3.0 .0)) ffor or HVAC HVAC This SP (SP-2155) for Building Services Specifications

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SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

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SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

ii iiii Rela Relate ted d Busi Busine ness ss P Pro roces cesse ses s Code

Business Process (EPBM 4.0)


Project En Engineering C Co ode o off Pr Practice

iv Rel Relate ated d Corp Corporat orate e Manageme Management nt Frame Frame Work (C (CMF) MF) Do Docum cuments ents The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control Documentation Register  CMF . 

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SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13



Docum Document ent Authorisa Authorisation. tion..... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ........... ..........3 ...3


Revision Revision Hist History.. ory...... ........ ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ............ ............3 .....3


Relat Related ed Business Business Proc Processes. esses...... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... .............. ................. ........... 5


Related Related Corporate Corporate Managemen Managementt Frame Wor Work k (CMF) Doc Document uments.... s......... .......... ......... ......... ............ ..............5 .......5


.......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ......................................... ........................... 9 Introduction............ 1.1

.......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ................................ ........................... ......... 9 Purpose............


User Gu Guidelines.............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .............. 9

1.3 1.3

Chan Change gess tto o th thee S Spe peci cifi fica cati tion on............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ...................................... ......................... 9

1.4 1. 4

........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................................... ..................... 10 Sp Spec ecif ific icaati tion on Ind Index ex.............

General Requirements.............. ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .............................. ................ 11 A1

Introduction.............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ............................................ ............................... 12


.......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................................... ..................... 12 Purpose............


Applicable St Standards, S Sp pecifications an and C Co odes.............................................12


Compliance with Standards............ .......................... ............................ ........................... .................................. ..................... 13


.......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................ ........... 13 Product / Asset Warranty.............


Quality Assurance and Control.....................................................................14


Scope............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................................ ........................... 15


General.............. ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .................................. .................... 15


Units of Measurement.................................................................................15


Painting & Colour Coding............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ...................... ........15 15


Valve Equipment Labels..............................................................................16


Test Points & Instruments............................................................................16


Commissioning & Handover........................................................................17  


Leakage Testing of Pipe Works.............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .............. 18

Page 7


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13


Test Report & Documentation Format...........................................................18


Spares, As-Built & Manual............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ .....................19 .......19

A3 A3.1

............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ................................ .................. 22 Appendices.............. Appendix A: Standard Test Reports Contents:................................................22

Plumbing Works............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ............ 27 B1.

............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ............................................ ............................... 28 Introduction..............


.......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................................... ..................... 28 Purpose............


Applicable St Standards, Specifications and Co Codes.............................................28


Compliance with Standards............ .......................... ............................ ........................... .................................. ..................... 31


.......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................ ........... 31 Product / Asset Warranty.............


Scope............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................................ ........................... 32


Potable Water.............................................................................................32  


.......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ....................... ......... 39 Hot & Cold Water Service............

B 2.3

............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ..........................44 ............44 Soil & Waste Drainage..............


Liquid Petroleum Gas............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .............. 48


.......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .................. .... 51 Laboratory Services.............


........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ................................ .................. 53 Irrigation..............

Fire Protection Works............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................................ ............................... .... 57


Introduction.............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ............................................ ............................... 58


.......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................................... ..................... 58 Purpose............


Applicable St Standards, Specifications and Co Codes.............................................58


Compliance with Standards............ .......................... ............................ ........................... .................................. ..................... 59


.......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................ ........... 60 Product / Asset Warranty.............


........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................................ ........................... 61 Scope.............


General.............. ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .................................. .................... 61


........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .............. 61 Units of measurement.............


.......................... ........................... ........................... ............................61 ..............61 Fire Detection & Alarm Systems............


Fire Fighting Water.....................................................................................68  


Portable Fire Extinguishers..........................................................................72

C3. C3.1

............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ................................ .................. 73 Appendices.............. Appendix A: Abbreviations..........................................................................74

Electrical Installation............ .......................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... .............................................. ................................. 75 Page 8


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC


Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

Introduction.............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ............................................ ............................... 76


Purpose............ .......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................................... ..................... 76


Applicable St Standards, S Sp pecifications an and C Co odes.............................................76


.......................... ............................ ........................... .................................. ..................... 78 Compliance with Standards............


Product / Asset Warranty............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................ ........... 78


........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................................ ........................... 79 Scope.............


........................... ........................... ........................... ......................................79 ........................79 Units and Measurements.............


Definitions............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ .......................................... .............................. 79


General Requirements.................................................................................80


.......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ....................... ......... 81 Cables.............


Earthing & Bonding....................................................................................81


LV Distribution Equipment..........................................................................82


........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ..................................... ....................... 83 Electric Motors.............


Automatic Control for Building Services.......................................................84


Small Power.............. ...........................   ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................................ ........................... 88


........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ................................. .................... 89 Lighting.............


.......................... ............................ ........................... ....................................93 .......................93 Commissioning & Testing............


Appendices.............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ................................ .................. 96


Appendix A: Standard Electrical Inspection & Test reports..............................97


Appendix B B:: Gl Glossary o off De Definitions an and Abbreviations................................105


Appendix C: SP User - Comment Form.......................................................107


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC


Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

I1n .1troPduurcptoisoen The purpose of this document is to specify the minimum requirements for “ Buildin Building’s g’s Utility Services Works”” and is int Works intend ended ed for use by PDO and its nomi nominat nated ed Consul Consultan tants ts and Contr Contract actors ors for the development and operation of Company facilities. This specification is intended to:



Se Sett th the e Com Compa pany ny st stan anda dard rds s fo forr fac facil ilit itie ies s alon along g the the fa faci cili liti ties es lif life e cycl cycle. e.


Di Diss ssem emin inat ate ea and nd reco record rd faci facili liti ties es rela relate ted d inf infor orma mati tion on,, e exp xper erie ienc nce e and and proc proced edur ures es..

User Gu Guidelines This Specification supersedes Version 1.0 of  ‘Specification   ‘Specification for Civil & Building’s Utilities services’ and parts A to E. E. Other than the conversion or formatting, formatting, the foll following owing are the main changes to this this document. -

All All b buil uildin ding gu util tility ity servic services es spe specif cifica icati tions ons are covere covered d iin n one one docume document nt under under var variou ious sc chap hapter ters. s.


Var ario ious us refer referen ence ced d in inte tern rnat atiional onal sta stand ndar ards ds are revi revise sed d to lat lates estt requ requir irem emen ents ts.. App Appli lica cabl ble e Standards, Specifications are revised.

For all HSE requirements, the User shall refer the CP-122 Code of Practice for ‘Health, Safety and Environmental Protection’ Protection’ and other documents referenced therein. The User should should issu issue e this document, document, SP-1285 SP-1285 Speci Specifica fication tion for Buildings Buildings Service Services’ s’ and only the relevant parts of this specification, for a particular contract.

1. 1.3 3

Chan Change gess tto o the the Spec Specif ific icat atio ion n Custodian of this document is the Corporate Functional Discipline Head (CFDH) of Civil Engineering.  Any User of this document, who encounters encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity ambiguity,, is requested to notify the CFDH using the SP user-comment form provided in Appendix-C.


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

Reviews and modifications or changes to the specification will normally be made by the CFDH every four  years or earlier when justified.

1. 1.4 4

Spec Specif ific icat atio ion n Inde Index x This Specification comprises of the following Chapters: Chapter A


General Requirements

Chapter B


Plumbing Installation Works

Chapter C


Fire Protection Installation Works

Chapter D


Electrical Installation Works

The User should issue only the relevant Chapters of this Specification, for a particular contract.

Page 11


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

Chapter A General Requirements Requirements

Page 12


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

A1 Int Intro roduc ductio tion n A1.1 A1 .1 Purp Purpos osee This This Cha Chapte pterr of Specif Specifica icatio tion n supers supersede edes s the SP-12 SP-1285A 85A Versio ersion n 1.0 ‘Specifi ‘Specificatio cation n for Civil Civil & Building’s Utilities Services– General Requirements’.  Requirements’.   Other than the conversion or formatt formatting, ing, the following are the main changes to this document. -

Applicabl Applicable e Standar Standards, ds, S Specif pecificati ications ons an and d Co Codes des ar are e rev revised. ised.

A1.2 Applicable Applicable Standards, Standards, Specificati Specifications ons and Codes This This doc docume ument nt shall shall be read read in con conjun junct ction ion with with the lat latest est rev revisi isions ons of the fol follow lowing ing sta standa ndards rds,, Specifications and Codes. A1 A1.2 .2.1 .1 PD PDO O St Stan anda dard rdss

SP 1176


Specification for Non Destructive Examination (Amend/supplements to ASME BPV Code section V)

GU 628


Guide to Civil & Buildings Standard Drawings Index

SP 1279


Specification for ‘Civil & Building Construction’

SP 1275


Specification an and Cr Criteria fo fo r D De esign of of C Ciivil & Buildings

SP 1173


Specification for ‘Welding of On-Plot Pipe work’

SP 1246


Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil & Gas Production Facilities

SP 1284 1284


Spe peci cifi fica cati tion on for Si Sign gns s & Sign Signbo boar ards ds – Stan Standa dard rd Signs Catalogue

PDO ERD 71-01


Installation of of U Un nderground a an nd IIn nternal T Te elephone Cable Networks

CP 122


Code of Practice for Environmental Protection’

SP 1231


Health, Safety and (Occupational Health)

BS 2971


Class II Arc Welding.

BS EN 287


Qualification test of welders. Fusion welding. Steels.






A1.2.2 A1. 2.2 Int Inter ernat nation ional al Sta Standa ndards rds

Page 13


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

BS 6031


Code of Practice for Earthworks

BS EN 287


Approval Testing of Welders for Fusion Welding


Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code IX Welding & Brazing Qualifications



Structural Welding Welding Code – St Steel eel

IP 15


Institute of Petroleum Model Code of Practice Part 15 – ‘Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations’

BS ISO 8501


Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of   Pain Paints ts & Re Rela late ted d Prod Produc ucts ts - Visu Visual al As Asse sess ssme ment nt of  Surface Cleanliness



International Standards.

IEC 60364


Electrical Installation of Buildings

IEC 60439-4


Low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies



Institute of of E Ellectrical En Engineers ((IIEE) R Re egulations ffo or   Electrical Installations.



Chartered Institution of B Bu uilding S Se ervices E En ngineers (CIBSE) Guide. BS 4871: Part 1





A1.2.3 A1. 2.3 SIE SIEP P / Shel Shelll GSI GSI S Stan tandar dards ds



Heating, Ventilation and A iirr-Conditioning of Plant Buildings



Installat atiion on,, Testing, Ba Balancing & Comm ommissioning o of  f  HVAC systems.



Electrical Engineering Guidelines



Static DC DC U Un ninterruptible Po Power S Su upply ((D DC UP UPS) Units



Area C la lassification ( Am Amendment/supplement t o IP IP 15)

A1.3 Complia Compliance nce with Standar Standards ds  All requirements of this Specification shall apply except where equipment manufacturers’ standards are more stringent then the latter shall apply.  Any deviations from this this part of Specification Specification shall be subject to Company approval and shall be advised advised in writing to the Custodian.

Page 14


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

In all cases, the Company shall determine the adequacy of the design carried out and Works executed by the Contractor in accordance with this Specification.

A1.4 Produc Productt / Asset Warr Warranty anty The entire Works, executed under a particular contract, shall be guaranteed to meet the specified technical specifications and its referred standards & specifications.  Any defects, identified within the maintenance period (as per the contract or a minimum of one year), have to be rectified or replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. The The Con Contra tracto ctorr sha shall ll prepa prepare re a rep repair air procedu procedure re for the defe defects cts..

No repai repairr pro proced cedure ures s shall shall be

performed without the prior approval of the Company.

A1.5 Quality Assurance Assurance and and Control Control Contractors and Suppliers shall demonstrate to the Principal that they implement quality control and  Assurance systems, systems, which conform to the ISO 9000 series.


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

A2 Sc Scop opee A2.1 A2 .1 Gene Genera rall

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

This specification shall define the minimum requirements for Supply and Installation of ‘Building’s Utility Services’ Works. This document shall be read in conjunction with the Company’s General Conditions of Construction Works and the Contract Specifications. Specifications. The Contract specifications specifications contain: -

Scope Scope of Wor Work k inc includi luding ng Technical echnical Design Design Parameter Parameters s Part Partic icul ular ar S Spe peci cifi fica cati tion ons s


Tec echn hnic ical al S Sch ched edul ules es


List List of Draw awiings ngs

A2.2 Units Units of Measu Measure rement ment

Page 16








metre, millimetre


m, mm

Electrical resistance








Frequency Power Pressure

litres per second






0.9807 kgf  

: :

hertz. watt, kilowatt

: :

Hz W, kW


kilopascals (gauge)



Kpa(g)atmospheres bar 


100 kPa. dBA



decibel 'A' scale.






tons of refrigeration


TR = 3.517 kW




degrees Celsius





metres per second





Gram and kilogram


g, kg



V Vo olt




SP-2155 Building Services Specifications


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

A2.3 Painting Painting & Colou Colourr Coding Coding Equipment shall have the manufacturer's standard finish, unless otherwise specified in the Contract, which, on completion of installation, shall be in good condition or brought up to original standard. Ferrous pipe work, brackets, etc, shall be painted with two coats of zinc phosphate primer. Alternatively Alternatively,, where steelwork is completely completely enclosed, a proprietary anti-rust coating may be used. A fini finish sh coat may also be required. Pipe work shall be painted in the appropriate colour code in accordance with BS 1710.

 All insulated pipe work shall also be colour coded in accordance with BS 1710, painted full length, adhesive taped or painted with coloured bands. Directional flow arrows shall be provided on straight pipe runs, changes of direction and passing through floors and walls.

A2.4 Valve Equipment Equipment Labels Valves shall be clearly labelled, and colour coded in accordance with BS 1710. Labels shall be 100 mm x 40 mm, Colour/Black/Colour Colour/Black/Colour,, multi layer laminated plastic both sides, showing the tag number and the service. Labels shall be attached to valve spindles spindles using short lengths of chain.  A valve chart, indicating indicating both duty and position of all valves, shall be provided, in a glazed picture frame and located as approved by the Company. Copies shall be included as part of the As-Built Dr Drawings. awings. Equipment shall be clearly labelled to identify equipment tag number and/or equipment name and service. Labels shall multi layer layer,, White on Black, laminated plastic plastic,, front-engraved and securely fixed to equipment by stainless steel screws or blind rivets.

A2.5 Test Points Points & Instrument Instrumentss Test points shall be provided as required for commissioning, whether shown on the Contract Drawings or  not, generally as given below to allow in-operation temperature and/or pressure readings. A2.5.1 Test P Points oints & Inst Instrument rumentss For Pipe Works

Pressure and temperature test points in pipe work systems shall be provided at all main branches and on flow and return connection to all cooling coils, and on all connections to 3-way valves. Temperature test points for pipe work shall comprise a 100 mm long x 15 mm brass diameter well or  sealable measuring nipple. Thermometers for pipe work shall be bi-metallic type with a 100 mm dial, black case, chrome bezel, 100 mm long stem and 15 mm BSPT connections, calibrated calibrated in oC. Pressure test points for pipe work shall comprise a 10 mm diameter female brass gauge cock and brass plug or sealable measuring nipple. Pressure gauges for pipe work shall be the Bourdon type with a 100 mm diameter, black case, chrome bezel and 10 mm BSPT connection, calibrat calibrated ed in kPa.

Page 17


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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

A2.5.2 Test Points & In Instrum struments ents For Ductwo Ductwork  rk 

Pressure and temperature test points in ductwork systems shall be provided before and after all air  handling units, cooling coils and at fresh air and re-circulation inlets, whether shown on the Contract Drawings or not. Pressure and temperature test points for ductwork shall be 25 mm diameter holes provided with an effective seal. Thermometers for ductwork shall be bimetallic type with a 100 mm dial, black case, chrome bezel, 300 mm long stem and calibrated in oC. Pressure gauges for ductwork shall be diaphragm-actuated type with a 100 mm dial, black case and bezel and 3 mm BSPT connections, connections, calibrated in kPa.

A2.6 Commiss Commissioni ioning ng & Handove Handoverr

This This sec sectio tion n of the docume document nt pro provid vides es guidel guidelin ines es for planni planning, ng, res respon ponsib sibili ility ty,, resour resources ces and

documentation for commissioning commissioning system by system. Technical commissioning requirements requirements for each service are given in the relevant Parts of these Specifications. The commissioning period should comprise the following activities and events. -

Pr Pree-co comm mmis issi sion onin ing. g.


Comm Commis issi sion onin ing g and and S Sta tart rt up up..


Contra Contracto ctorr S Subs ubstan tantia tiall Comp Comple letio tion. n.


Cont Contra ract ctor or Co Comp mple leti tion on..


Hand Handov over er to to Ass Asset et Cus Custo todi dian. an.

 A standard Contract Completion & Handover pro-forma pro-forma is included in Appendix B of tthis his document. A2.6.1 A2. 6.1 Comm Commiss ission ioning ing & Hand Handove overr Proced Procedur uree

 A comprehensive method statement for Pre-commissionin Pre-commissioning g and Commissioning the Works shall be submitted to the Company for approval, well in advance of the planned start. The Method Statement shall include, but not be limited to: -

Iden Identi tifi fica cati tion on of of al alll sy syst stem ems s


Detail Details s of tests tests and dem demons onstr trati ations ons


Samples Samples of documentat documentation ion (check (check lilists, sts, test test sheets, sheets, test test reports reports etc.)


Deta Detail ils s of test test in inst stru rume ment nts s

A2.6.2 A2. 6.2 Comm Commiss ission ioning ing Progra Programme mme

 A Commissioning Programme shall be submitted to the Company for approval at the same time as the Method Statement. The Commissioning Programme should be appropriate to the size and complexity of the project, and should contain a network of activities sufficiently defined to indicate the following milestones for each system.


SP-2155 Building Services Specifications

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC


PrePre-co comm mmis issi sioni oning ng co comp mple leti tion on..


Comm Commis issi sion onin ing g com compl plet etio ion. n.


Subs Substa tant ntia iall Comp Comple leti tion on



Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

The Commissioning Programme should include: -

St Step ep by by st step ep pr proc oced edur ures es..


Pl Plan anni ning ng and and rres esou ourc rces es..


Detail Details s of specia speciali list st requir requireme ements nts..

A2.6 A2.6.3 .3 Tes estt Equip Equipme ment nt

Before pre-commissioning starts, the updated drawings, manuals, certificates and factory test data shall be made available. Materials, instruments and equipment shall be provided as required to carry out the tests adequately, efficiently efficient ly and safely. Test instrument calibration shall be checked before use. A2.6 A2.6.4 .4 Tes estt & De Demo mons nstr trat ation ion

When satisfied that a system, or systems, complies with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall

give the Company adequate notice, in writing, that it is ready for test and demonstration. If full load conditions conditions are not available, a sys system tem may be commissioned on par partt load. The Contractor  shall, however, repeat the tests and demonstrations under full load conditions at such time(s) as it may be possible to do so. The Contractor shall finally demonstrate to the Company that all systems of the installation, already commissioned separately, separately, operate simultaneously in accordance with the Contract Documents.

A2.7 Leakage Testing of Pipe Works Works  All sections of p pipe ipe work shall be tested during installation of the Works. Pipes shall not be insulated, covered-in or otherwise made inaccessible, before testing. Test requirements for each service are given in the relevant Sections of these Specifications. A standar standard d pipe work leakage test record pro-forma is given in Appendix B. Test branches and plugs shall be provided as required, whether shown on the Contract Drawings or not, and shall be sealed off or removed on completion of testing as required by the Company. Company. Tests shall be performed correctly, and re-tested after remedial work so that, on completion of the system, each and every section shall have been satisfactorily satisfactorily tested. On completion, each system shall be re-tested as a whole. Test pressures shall be applied upstream of check valves. Sectional tests shall be carried carried out before painting, insulation or concealment. Instrume Inst ruments nts shall be excluded excluded from tests, unless otherwise otherwise specified. specified.

Diaphragm Diaphragm connections connections on

pressure balance contr pressure control ol valves shall be removed durin during g tests. Rel Relief ief valves shall be blinded off or  gagged but spring settings shall not be adjusted.


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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

Tests shall be recorded and signed by the Contractors senior representative on site, and so far as possible, witnessed by the Company.  A complete set of pipe work leakage test reports shall be included as part of the Operating and Maintenance Manuals. Manuals.

A2.8 Test Report Report & Documentation Documentation Format Documentation should be used in the formats formats given in the Appendices to these Specifi Specifications. cations. When no suitable format is available, documentation shall be subject to Company approval. Copies of all completed Pre-commissioning and Commissioning documents, witnessed and approved by the Company, Company, shall be included in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals.

A2.9 Spares, Spares, As-Built As-Built & Manual Manual A2.9 A2.9.1 .1 Ma Maint inten enan ance ce T Too ools ls

Such special tools as are required for testing or dismantling and assembling items of equipment shall be provided in each equipment room. In addition, 2 no of keys for the operation of each size of lock-shield regulating valve, air cock, automatic air valve or other valve requiring special tools to operate, as well as duplicate keys for any clockwork mechanism, locks, instruments or safety equipment shall be provided.


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A2 A2.9 .9.2 .2 Spar Sparee Pa Part rtss



Init Initia iall Spar Spares es

Spar Spares es re requ quir ired ed operation.


Com Commi miss ssio ioni ning ng

an and d

Fir First st

Yea Year  r 

Subsequent Spares

Spares required after First Y Year ear operation.

Insur nsuran ance ce Spa parres

Hig igh h co cost st item ems s hel eld d in stor store e as insur nsuran anc ce agai agains nstt brea breakdo kdown wn,, not not in incl clud udin ing g sp spar are e pa part rts s used used in norm normal al maintenance programmes.

Procurement Initial Subsequent Spares



Within 6 weeks of each material approval, the Contractor  shall provide manufacturer’s lists of the recommended parts to be held. The li list st shou should ld be compl complete eted d on Com Compan pany y Spare Spa re Par Parts ts List List and Int Interc erchan hangea geabil bility ity Rec Record ord for forms ms (SPIR) (SP IR).. Th The e com compan pany y sha shall ll select select from thes these e lists and procure and store the necessary items. Shall be be id identified iin n th the Pa Particular Sp Specification Spares for  Spares for  each project. The Contractor shall supply tthese hese items prior  prior  to Substantial Completion.

A2.9 A2.9.3 .3 As Bu Built ilt Dr Draw awing ingss

As Built Drawings  Drawings  shall be prepared, coordinated and submitted to the Company for approval prior to the issue of the Substantial Completion Completion Certif Certificate. icate. As Built Drawings Drawings shall have the words  ‘AS-BUILT DRAWING’ clearly DRAWING’  clearly indicated adjacent to the title block. As Built Drawings  Drawings shall include but not be limited to: -

Extern External al layout layout drawi drawings ngs at 1 1:50 :500 0 or 1:1 1:100 00 scales scales..


Gener General al arran arrangem gement ent d draw rawing ings s to a sc scale ale of of 1:50. 1:50.


Detailed Detailed llayouts ayouts o off all plant plant and equipment equipment a areas, reas, m motor otor ro rooms, oms, switch switch rooms, rooms, et etc, c, at a scal scale e of 

1:20. -

Control Control and protect protection ion drawi drawings, ngs, diagrams diagrams and schemat schematics. ics.


Sche Schedu dule les s of eq equi uipm pment ent..


Mounte Mounted d Block Block Pl Plans ans showi showing ng fi fire re zone zones. s.

In add addit ition ion,, the Contra Contracto ctorr shall shall provid provide e 3 sets sets of manuf manufact acture urers rs det detail ail drawin drawings gs of all motor motors, s, switchgear,, internal wiring, etc, as appropriate. switchgear The The abo above ve drawi drawings ngs and schedu schedules les shall shall be spe specia ciall lly y prepar prepared ed for record record pur purpos poses es and sha shall ll be submitte subm itted d to the Compan Company y as 3 sets of dyeline dyeline prints, to be bound into the Operation & Maintenance Maintenance  and one set of electronic copy, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. Manuals, and Manuals,

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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13

A2.9.4 A2. 9.4 Ope Operat rating ing & Main Mainten tenanc ancee Man Manual ualss

Operation & Maintenance Manuals shall Manuals shall be prepared, coordinated and submitted to the Company for  approval prior to the issue of the Substantial Completion Certificate. Operation & Maintenance Manuals shall Manuals shall include, but not be limited to: -

An index.


A full full d desc escrip riptio tion n of the ser servic vices. es.


Illustrat Illustrations ions desc describi ribing ng operati operational onal rout routeing eing toget together her with lin line e diagrams diagrams showing the loc location ation and function of controls and valves.


Mainte Maintenan nance ce ro routi utines nes and and de detai tails ls of spar spare e parts parts


Original, Original, no nott photoco photocopy py,, manufac manufacturer turers s details of all equipment equipment with with maintenance maintenance and operatin operating g instructions.


Emergency Emergency me measures asures and telepho telephone ne number numbers s of Vend Vendors, ors, Install Installers, ers, Manufactu Manufacturer rer,, etc.


Safety Safety Procedure Procedures s necessa necessary ry for the proper proper operation operation an and d mainte maintenance nance of the iinstal nstallati lation on and equipment.


As B Bui uilt lt Drawi awing ngs. s.


Commissi Commissioning oning and Testin esting g Re Records cords and Repor Reports. ts.

Operation & Maintenance Manuals  Manuals   shall comprise 3 nos. securely bound copies of each, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents.


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A3 Ap Appe pend ndic ices es A3.1 Appendix Appendix A: Standard Standard Test Test Reports Contents: Contents: Ref No




Pipe work Leakage Test

STD -2-1702-A02


Exceptions List



Handover Re Report

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul-13


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1. 1.1. 1.1 1

A.1 A.1

Tes estt Re Report port for Pi Pipe pe Wor ork k Le Leak akag agee ((ST STDD-22-17 1702 02-A -A01 01))




Service Service Medium

Working Pressure


Test Medium

Test Pressure




TEST Section


Notes: Pipe work leakage tests shall be conducted in accordance with SP-1285 Specification for Civil & Building’s Utility Services.


for Contractor:

for PDO:



Ref Ind:

O Rev

Jan ’04

Original Issue




Page 24


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Exceptions List (STD-2-1702-A02)

Contract: Item No




Raised Date








Jan ’04

Original Issue




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Handover Report (STD-2-1702-A03)

Contract No:




Ref Ind


TA Signature Date


Ref Ind


TA Signature Date


Ref Ind


TA Signature Date


Ref Ind


TA Signature Date


Ref Ind TA Signature Date


Ref Ind



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Signature Date


Han Hando dover ver Repo Report rt (S (STD TD-2-2-170 1702-A 2-A03) 03) cont contd. d.


Ref Ind


TA Signature Date




Ref Ind

Ref Ind

Ref Ind











Jan ’04

Original issue






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SP-2155 Building Services Specifications






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Chapter B Plumbing Works


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B1.1 B1 .1 Purp Purpos osee The purpose of this document is to specify the minimum requirements for “ Civil & Buildings Utility Services – Plumbing Works” Works ” and is intended for use by PDO and its nominat nominated ed Consulta Consultants nts and Con Contract tractors ors for the developm development ent and operation operation of  Company facilities. facilities. This Chapter of Specificati Specification on supersedes supersedes the SP-1285C Version 1.0 ‘Specification for Civil & Building’s Utilities Services– Plumbing Installation

in buildings’.  buildings’.  This specification is intended to: -

Set th the e Com Company pany s stan tandard dards s for fa faciliti cilities es along along the facilitie facilities s life cy cycle. cle.

- Di Diss ssem emin inat ate e an and d reco record rd faci facili liti ties es re rela late ted d in info form rmat atio ion, n, ex expe peri rien ence ce an and d procedures. The Building and Utility Services specification consists of 5 Chapters. This part shall be read in conjunction with other chapters of this specification.

B1.2 Applicabl Applicablee Standards, Standards, Specificat Specifications ions and Codes  A general list of applicab applicable le standards is given in Chapter A – General General Requirements. Requirements. In addition, this document shall be read in conjunction with the latest revisions of the following Standards, Specifications and Codes. B1 B1.2 .2.1 .1 PD PDO O Sta Stand ndar ards ds Dra Drawi wing ngss

The following standard drawings are available in –GU 628 Guide to Civil & Buildings Standard Drawings - Index. STD-2-1030


Drainage Manhole Details.



Septic Tanks - Dimensions and details



Soakaway - Dimensions and details



Typical Irrigation Details



Typical Potable Water Details.



Typical Fire Water Details.



Typical Domestic Gas Installation Details



Hydrocarbon Disposal Pit.

B1 B1.2 .2.2 .2 In Inte tern rnat atio iona nall St Stand andar ards ds

BS 341-3


BS 1710

Transportable Gas Container Valves. Valves outlet connections :

Specification for Identification of Pipelines & Services.


BS 1212-4


Float Op Operated Va Valves. Sp Specification fo for co compact tty ype Float Operated Valves

BS 2456


Specification ffo or F Flloats (P (Plastics) ffo or fflloat op operated Valves for Cold Water Services.

BS 2879


Specification for draining taps (screw-down pattern)

BS 3212


BS 3506


Specification ffo or F Fllexible Ru Rubber Tu Tubing an and Ru Rubber   Hose Hos e and Rubber Rubber Hose Hose assemb assemblie lies s for use in LPG Vapour phase and LPG/air installation. Specification fo for U Un nplastcized Po Polyvinyl Ch Chloride (P (PVCU) Pipes for Industrial uses.

BS 5045-8







se seaml amless ess alumin aluminium ium alloy alloy ga gas s contai containe ners rs of water  water  ca capac pacity ity 0.5l up to 15 15L L an and d up to 30 300b 0bar ar charg charged ed o pressure at 15 C for special portable application. Specification ffo or pe p erformance re r equirements fo f or jjo oints and compassion fittings for use with polyethylene pipes

BS 5114


BS 5163


Specification for predominantly key operated Cast Iron Gate Valves for Waterworks purposes.

BS 5482


Code of Practice for Domestic Gas Burning Appliances.

BS EN 30-1 & 2


Domestic cooking appliances burning gas. Safety & Rational use

BS EN 200


BS EN 203


Specification for low-resistance single taps and combina com bination tion tap asse assembli mblies es (nomina (nominall size ½ and ¾ suitable for operation at PN 10 max. and minimum flow pressure of 0.01 Mpa (0.1 bar) Gas Heated Catering Equipment.

BS EN 274


Waste fittings for sanitary appliances.

BS EN 449


Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances.

BS 6956 & BS EN 751


Speci ecific ficati ation fo forr Joi oint nt Mat ate eria rials and com compound in st nd rd contact with 1 , 2  and 3  family gases and hot water.

BS EN 752


Specification for Drain and sewer systems outside buildings

BS EN 1044


Specification for Filler metals and Brazing

BS EN 1057; BS


Sp Spec ecif ific icat atio ion n fo forr Copp Copper er & Copp Copper er Allo Alloy y Tub Tubes es..

EN 12449; BS EN 12451 BS EN 1092


Specification for Flanges an and Joints. Circular flanges for   pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated. designated.

BS EN 1254-3


BS EN 1329


BS EN 1452


Capillary & C Co ompression Tu Tube Fi Fittings of of Co Copper an and Copper alloy. Specification for compression fittings for  Polyethylene pipes with outside diameters to BS 5556. Specifications fo for Pl Plastics pi piping sy systems ffo or so soil an and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building buil ding stru structur cture. e. Unplastic Unplasticized ized poly(vin poly(vinyl yl chloride chloride)) (PVC-U). pipes and fittings. Plastics pi piping systems ffo or water supply. Un Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes and fittings


BS EN 1455


BS EN 1567


BS EN 1976 & BS EN 1978


BS EN 1982


BS EN 10 1021 216 6


Specification fo f or P la lastics pi p iping s ys ystems ffo or so s oil a an nd waste (low and high temperature) within the building structure.. Acrylonitrilestructure Acrylonitrile-butadien butadiene-styrene e-styrene (ABS). pipes and fittings. Specification for Building valves. Water pressure reduc reducin ing g val valve ves s an and d combin combinati ation on water water re reduc ducin ing g valves. Requirements and tests. Specification for Copper and copper alloys. Cast unwrought copper products. Copper and copper alloys. Copper cathodes. Specification ffo or Co Copper al alloy in ingots an and Co Copper al alloy and high conductivity Copper casting. Spec Specif ific icat atio ion n fo forr Seam Seamle less ss st stee eell tu tube bes s fo forr pr pres essu sure re purposes.

BS EN 10 1 0217


Welded s stteel ttu ubes fo for pr pressure pu purposes. No Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties.

BS EN 10255


Specification for Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for   welding and threading.

BS EN 10226


Specification for Pipe threads where pressure tight  joints are made on tthe he threads (metric (metric dimensions) dimensions)

BS EN 10 10253-1


Specification ffo or B Bu utt We Welding Pi Pipe Fi Fittings ffo or pr pressure purposes. Carbon Steel.

BS EN 10312


BS EN 12056-2


Specification fo for We Welded st stainless st steel ttu ubes ffo or tth he co conve nveya yance nce of aq aque ueous ous liquid liquids s in inclu cludin ding g water water for  human consumption.. Gravity drainage systems inside buildings. Sanitary pipe work, layout and calculation

BS EN 12201


Specification for Plastic piping systems for water   supply. Polyethylene (PE). Pipes, fittings and valves.

BS EN 12288


Specification f o orr I nd ndustrial v al alves. C op opper al a lloy g at ate valves

BS EN 12334


Industrial valves. Cast iron check valves

BS EN 13121


Specification fo for GR GRP tanks an and ve vessels ffo or us use ab above ground. Raw materials.

BS EN 1313 13133; 3; BS EN 13134


Br Braz azin ing. g. Met Metho hods ds for for speci specify fyin ing g braz brazin ing g proc proced edur ure e and and operator approval testing.

BS EN 13598


Specifications for ancillary fittings including shallow inspection chambers. Plastics piping systems for nonpres pressu sure re un unde derg rgro roun und d dr drai aina nage ge and and sewe sewera rage ge.. U nplast lastic iciz ize ed (PP)pol oly( y(vi vin nyl chl hlor ori(PE). ide de)) (PVCVC-U), polypropylene and polyethylene Industrial va valves. Di Diaphragm va valves ma made of of me metallic materials

BS EN 13397


BS EN 14056


Laboratory ffu urniture. Re Recommendations ffo or d de esign an and installation

BS EN 29453


Specification for soft solders

BS EN 60335


Specification for safety of household and similar   electrical appliances. General requirements

BS EN ISO 17292


Specification for Metal ball valves fo forr the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries.


B1.3 Complianc Compliancee with with Standard Standardss  Any deviations deviations from this part of Specifications Specifications shall be be subject to Comp Company any approval approval and shall be advised in writing to the Custodian. In all cases the Company Company determin determine e the adequacy adequacy of the design design carried out and works executed by the Contractor in accordance with this Specifications.

B1.4 Product Product / Asset Asset Warra Warranty nty

The entire works, executed under a particular contract, shall be guaranteed to meet the specified technical specifications and its referre referred d standards & specifications. specifications.  Any defects, identified within the maintenance maintenance period (as per the contract or a minimum of  one year), have to be repaired by the Contractor at his own cost. The Contractor shall shall prepare a repair proced procedure ure for the defects. All repair procedures procedures shall not be performed without the prior approval of the Company.




B2.1 B2. 1 Potabl Potablee Wate Waterr B2 B2.1 .1.1 .1 Pi Pipe pe work work & Fit Fitti ting ngss

Buried pipe work, up to and including size 50 mm, shall be PE to BS EN 12201-2, with fittings to BS EN 12201-3. Buried pipe work, over size 50 mm, shall be UPVC to BS EN 1452-2, with joints and fittings to BS EN 1452-3 1452-3 suitable for 1 15 5 bar working pr pressure. essure. Joints on pipe runs runs over 50 m shall be push-fit.

Pipe work above grade within buildings, shall be light gauge copper to BS EN 1057, BS EN 12449 and BS EN 12451 with copper capillary fittings to BS EN 1254-3. Flanges shall comply with PN 16. Pipe work above grade, liable to mechanical damage shall be suitably protected with steel supports. Copper and galvanised pipe work shall not be installed in the same system. B2.1.2

Valves B2.11.1

Isolating Va Valves

Isolating valves, size 65 mm and over, shall be to BS 5163, cast iron gate valves with solid soli d wedge, wedge, inside inside screw screw, non non-ris -rising ing stem and flange flanges s to PN 16, as Hattersl Hattersley ey Newm Ne wman an Hend Hender er Ltd, Ltd, Fig Fig No M599 M599 PN 16 16,, or eq equa uall an and d ap appr prov oved ed by th the e CompanyIsolating valves, size 50 mm and under, shall be to BS 5154, bronze gate valves with solid Ltd, wedge, non-rising stem and andapproved screwed by BSPT ends, as Hattersley Newman Hender Fig No 33X, or equal the Company. B2.11.2

Non-Return Valves

Non-return valves, size 65 mm and over, shall be to BS EN 12334, cast iron swing check valves with flanged bonnet, cast iron disc, bronze disc face and flanges to PN 16, as Hattersley Newman Hender Ltd, Fig No M651 PN6, or equal and approved by the Company. Non-return valves, size 50 mm and under, shall be to BS 5154, bronze swing check valves val ves,, with with scr screwe ewed d bonn bonnet, et, metal metal to metal metal seat seat an and d screwe screwed d BSPT BSPT en ends, ds, as Hattersley Newman Hender Ltd, Fig No 47, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.11.3

Float Operated Valves

Float valves, size 25 mm and over, shall be bronze equilibrium ball valves, with copper ball float, as approved by the Company. Float valves, size 20 mm and under, shall be diaphragm type, to BS 1212, brass body, with plastic floats to BS 2456. B2.11.4


Strainers, size 65 mm and over, shall be Y pattern with cast iron body, 1.5 mm stainless steel screen and flanges to PN 16, similar to those manufactured by Spirax Sarco Ltd, or equal and approved by the Company. Strainers, size 50 mm to 32 mm, shall be Y pattern with gunmetal body, 1 mm brass screen and screwed BSPT ends, similar to those manufactured by Spirax Sarco Ltd, or equal and approved by the Company.


Strainers, size 25 mm and under, shall be Y pattern with pressed brass body, 1 mm brass screen and screwed BSPT ends, similar to those manufactured by Spirax Sarco Ltd, Fig No 12, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.11.5

Air Cocks

 Air cocks on air air bottles for lo low w pressure s systems ystems shall be 6 mm, with loose loose key. key. B2.11.6

Drain Cocks

Drain cocks, size 25 mm and over, shall be bronze gland cocks, complete with malleable iron levers and hose unions, as Hattersley Newman Hender Ltd., Fig No 81HU, or equal and approved by the Company. Drain cocks, size 20 mm and under, shall be to BS 2879, Type A, bronze draining

taps, screw down pattern, with key as Hattersley Newman Hender  Ltd, Fig N 371, or equal andlockshield, approved by theloose Company. B2.11.7

Water Meters

Meters, size 40 mm and over, shall be as Kent H3000, or equal and approved by the Company. Meters, size 25 mm and under, shall be as Kent Type V110, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.11.8

Valve Pits

Valve pits shall be constructed to standard drawing STD-2-1401. B2 B2.1 .1.3 .3 Inst Instal alla lati tion on B2 B2.1 .1.3 .3.1 .1 Trenc renche hess & Pits Pits

 All works for the Tren Trenches ches & Pits shall be carried out in accordance accordance with SP-1279 Specification for Civil & Building Building Construction – ‘Earth ‘Earth Works’ chapter chapter.. Methods of  excava exc avatin ting g and and sup suppor portin ting g the sides sides of tre trench nches es an and d pit pits s shall shall comply comply wit with h the requirements of BS 6031. Buried water pipe work shall be laid on a minimum 150 mm thick compacted bedding, shall have a minimum cover of 700 mm and a maximum depth below grade of1000 mm (standard drawing STD-2-1404 refers). Bedding and backfill shall comprise of sand, no sharps and excluding stones retained in a 25 mm sieve, or other material equal and approved by the Company. B2.1.3 B2. 1.3.2 .2 Pip Pipee H Hang anger erss & Supp Support ortss

Pipe work shall be supported so that no movement or distortion occurs except where required to take up normal calculated expansion and contraction. Pipe supports should be constructed and installed as per details listed in standard drawing draw ings s . Clips, Clips, bracket brackets, s, suppor supports, ts, etc, in contact contact with pipe walls shall be of the same material as the pipe. Alternativel Alternatively y an approved, non-meta non-metallic, llic, packing material may be inserted between clip and pipe. Straight pipe work shall be supported at centres not more than those given in Table 1. Supplementary supports shall be provided at changes of direction, valves or similar  pipeline fittings, as required. required. As a rule, the maximum centres centres may be doubled for  vertical pipe work supports.


Pipe work shall be supported as follows, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. (1) Horizont Horizontal al main ru runs ns of pipe wo work rk shal shalll be supported supported either either on roller rollers s and chairs or by proprietary proprietary mild steel hangers, clips and channel. The channel shall be built-in, built-in, or bolted bolted,, to the suppor supporting ting structure. structure. Branches shall shall be simila sim ilarly rly supp support orted ed,, or by Munse Munsen n ring ring clips clips bu built ilt-in -in,, or bolted bolted,, to th the e supporting structure. (2) Vertical risers risers shall be supported supported from flo floor or slabs by anchors anchors and and guides. guides. (3) (3) Smal Smalll ru run n ou outs ts an and d surf surfac acee-mo moun unte ted d pi pipe pe work work sh shal alll be supp suppor orte ted d by standard school board pattern or double-saddle clips.

(4) (4) Fe Ferr rrou ous s br brac acke kets ts,, or pa part rts s ther thereo eof, f, shal shalll be pain painte ted d wi with th tw two o coat coats s of  Company approved rust inhibitor before fixing. Table 1: Horizontal Pipe work Support Centres Nominal Size (mm)

Maximum Support Centres (m) Steel








































B2 B2.1 .1.3 .3.3 .3 Pi Pipe pe Sl Slee eeve vess

Pipes passing through through walls or floors shall shall be sleeved. Sleeves shall be of the same same material, suitably packed and not less than 3 mm more than the finished surface.  Annular spaces between pipes and sleeves shall be caulked with flexible material approved by the Company. In wet areas, sleeves through floors shall extend 30 mm above finished floor level. Exposed pipe work work wall sleeves shall be conceale concealed d by escutcheon plat plates. es. Pipe work passi passing ng thr throu ough gh tre trenc nch h cov covers ers shall shall ha have ve propri proprieta etary ry fla flange nged d sleev sleeves es for formi ming ng watertight seals. seals. Pipe work passing passing through water-retaini water-retaining ng structures shall shall have puddle flanges to the approval of the Company. B2.1.3 B2. 1.3.4 .4 Ope Open-e n-ende nded d Pipe Pipe work  work 

Open-ended pipes or sleeves left overnight, or for any similar time, shall be protected Open-ended against ingress of dirt by temporary plugs or caps.


B2.1.3 B2. 1.3.5 .5 Dra Draina inage ge & Venting enting

Pipe work shall be run to drain drain and to vent. Mains and rise risers rs shall have drains drains cocks located so that any section can can be drained with the isola isolating ting valves closed. All high points shall be vented either through equipment vents or via pipe-mounted open or  automatic air vents. Vent discharges shall be piped to a suitable noticeable location. B2 B2.1 .1.3 .3.6 .6 Th Thru rust st Bl Bloc ocks ks

Thrust Thr ust bl block ocks s and and anch anchors ors shall shall be provi provide ded d fo forr bu burie ried d pipes pipes at all ch chan anges ges of  direction, branches, branches, take offs, etc. B2 B2.1 .1.3 .3.7 .7 Ma Mark rker erss

Pipeline routes should have markers at every 50 m and at each change of direction,

as detailed in standard drawing STD-2-1401. B2.1.3 B2. 1.3.8 .8 Prote Protecti ction on of C Copp opper er P Pipe ipe w work  ork 

Copper pipe work buried in floors or walls shall be wrapped with one layer of 'Denso' anti-corrosive anti-corro sive tape and outer-wrapped with one layer of 'Denso' PVC-backed tape, or  equal and approved by the Company. B2 B2.1 .1.3 .3.9 .9 Join Jointi ting ng Mat Mater eria ials ls

Up to size 40mm, screwed joints joints shall be made with PTFE tape. For size 50 mm and above screwed joints shall be made with hemp and jointing compound. Flanged joints shall be made with full-faced corrugated metal joint rings of copper  alloy in accordance with BS 5292, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.1.3.10 B2.1.3 .10 Flange Flangess & Unions Unions

Fl Flan ange ges s or un unio ions ns shal shalll be fitt fitted ed at no nott mo more re th than an 20 m in inte terv rval als, s, an and d at al alll connections to valves and equipment, to facilitate installation and maintenance. Generally, joints on pipe size 65 mm and above should be flanged.

B2.1.3.1 B2.1.3 .11 1 Expans Expansion ion

Pipe work shall be installed in such a manner that expansion and contraction is takenup without excessive stress on pipe work or the building structure. Expansion loops, where required, shall be fabricated from pipe of the same material as the main pipe with welded elbows, or from a length of pipe with pulled or fire-set bends. B2.1.3.12 B2.1.3 .12 Steri Sterilisati lisation on

Connections to system existing has potable mains shall not be made the by whole domestic water beenwater sterilised and shall require priorbefore approval the Company. Systems shall be completely flushed out before sterilisation, then be filled with clean water and sterilising chemical. The system shall be left charged for a minimum of 3 hours, but preferably overnight. Dosing proportions proportions shall be as given belo below. w. Powder sho should uld be mixed with water to give a creamy consistency before being added to the system. Chlorine


50 ppm by volume.

Bleaching powder 


1 kg per 6.7 m3 water.


 All taps shall then be opened progressively away from the fill point, and closed when dosed water is discharged. Finally the system shall be emptied, using every outlet, be thoroughly thoroughly flushed, and be checked for chlorine content before being put into service. B2.1.3.13 B2.1. 3.13 Conne Connection ction to Exist Existing ing Mains

The Company will not make connections to existing potable water mains before the newly installed water system has been thoroughly sterilised and shall require prior  approval.

B2.1.3.14 B2.1. 3.14 Commi Commission ssioning ing & Testing esting

The general requirements for commissioning, testing and handover, handover, together with standard test reports, are given in Chapter A of this Specification. B2.1.3.15 B2.1. 3.15 Leak Leakage age Testing Testing

Potable water pipe work shall be hydraulically tested to a pressure of 7 bar (g), or 2 x working pressure, whichever is the greater and held for 1 hour without loss. Tr Trench enches es shall shall be backfille backfilled, d, with pipe work joints left exposed, exposed, before before leakage leakage testing. After successful testing, joints shall be covered in a similar manner to the pipe. B2.1.4 B2.1 .4

General General R Requir equirements ements for UPVC Pipe Works C2.1.4.1 C2.1. 4.1 Stora Storage, ge, T Transp ransport ort & Handling Handling of UPVC Pipes

UPVC tubes and fittings shall be transported and handled so as not to cause damage. Pipe work shall be inspected on arrival at site. Sound pipe work shall be stored in a correct manner to prevent damag damage, e, out of direct sunlight and in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. Defective pipe work shall be segregated, conspicuously marked and removed from site. B2.1.5 B2.1 .5

General General R Requir equirements ements for Steel Pipe Works Works B2.1.5 B2. 1.5.1 .1 Weld elding ing o off Steel Steel Pipe Work Workss

The scope of this section covers Class II welding as defined by the following intended pipe work operating conditions: Water:

Up to and including 17 bar and up to and including 200o 200 oC Between 17 and 24 bar and up to and including 95 oC


Up to and including 17 bar and above minus 20 oC

Welding of pipe work with intended operating conditions greater than those defined above shall be in accordanc accordance e with SP-1 SP-1173 173 Specification for ‘Welding of On-Plot Pipe Work’. Welding shall comply with the following standards except where modified by this specification: BS 2640:

Class II oxy-acetylene welding.

BS 2971:

Class II arc welding.


Pipe of nominal outside diameter greater than 50 mm, or wall thickness greater than 5 mm, shall be arc welded. The weldin welding g proc process esses, es, filler filler me metal tals, s, and and joint joint de detai tails ls sh shall all be shown shown on the fabrication drawings. B2.1.5 B2. 1.5.2 .2 Weld elder er Qualif Qualifica ication tion

Welding shall only be performed by a qualified welders approved by the Company. Welders shall be considered as qualified after satisfactorily completing a qualification test involving destructive testing of a pipe weld in accordance with one or more of the following codes or standards.  ASME IX Boiler Boiler & Pressure Pressure Vessel Vessel Code IX W Welding elding & Brazing Brazing Qualifications Qualifications  AWS D1.1 D1.1 Structura Structurall Welding Welding Code - Stee Steell

BS EN 287 Approval Testing of Welders for Fusion Welding Welders Welde rs shall shall onl only y we weld ld wit within hin the limits limits of pr proce ocess ss re restr strict iction ions s and and materi material al dimensions allowed by the code or standard to which they have qualified. Records of each welder's Records welder's qualific qualificatio ation n and per perform formance ance shall be maintain maintained ed and made available available for Company review and approval. approval. Where records records are not available, welders shall perform the necessary qualification testing to cover all welding proposed for the Works. Welding procedure approval and /or test witnessing by the Company shall not be required. Retesting of a welder shall be required if either of the following applies: Six months or more have elapsed since the welder last used the process for which he was qualified. The Company has any specific reason to doubt the welder's ability to make sound welds. B2.1.5 B2. 1.5.3 .3 Produc Productio tion n Welding elding

Filler metals shall shall conform to a BS, AWS, AWS, or ISO classification. classification. Batch certificates for  all filler materials shall be made available available for Company rev review. iew. Filler materials materials shall be stored in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. The weld joint shall be prepared by machining, grinding or thermal cutting. Thermally cut edges shall be ground to remove a minimum of 0.5 mm of material prior to welding. Prior to welding, the joint shall be free of dirt, mill scale, rust, paint, moisture, or other  material deleterious to weld quality. The maximum maximum root root gap in a butt weld weld shall be 4 mm. The maximum maximum gap gap for fillet welded weld ed compo componen nents ts shall not exce exceed ed 1.5 mm. All fillet welds shall be contin continuous uous unless intermittent welding is specified on the fabrication drawing.  Adequate weather protection protection shall be provided for field welding where necessary necessary.. If, in the opinion of the Company, protection is insufficient or weather conditions too severe to maintain weld quality, welding works shall cease until such time as the Company allows them to restart. Each weld bead shall be cleaned of flux, slag, or spatter prior to the deposition of  subsequ subs equent ent beads beads using hand or powe powerr tools. Welds Welds in stainless stainless steel shall be cleaned clea ned only with dedi dedicate cated d austenit austenitic ic stai stainless nless steel tools tools without without carbon carbon steel steel contamination. Welding of wet items items shall not be permitted. permitted. If moisture, includ including ing condensation, condensation, is present on the components, preheating shall be applied to drive off the moisture.


Compone Comp onents nts hav having ing thicknes thicknesses ses between 25 mm and 40 mm inclusive inclusive shall shall be preheated to 50oC. Immediately Immediat ely upon completion completion and coo cooling ling to ambient ambient temperature temperature of each weld, carbon steel pipe work shall be hand or power tool cleaned to standard St 2 of BS ISO 8501-1 and painted with one coat of primer in accordance with PCS 12 of SP1246 Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil & Gas Production Facilities. B2.1 B2.1.5 .5.4 .4 Insp Inspec ecti tion on

 All welds shall be visually inspect inspected ed during d deposition eposition a and nd after completion completion at ambient ambient temperature. Fillet weld leg lengths shall not be less than the values shown on the fabrication drawings draw ings and shall shall not differ differ from each oth other er by more than 1 mm. The minimum minimum

throat thickness shall not be less than 70% of the actual leg length. Incomplete filling of butt joints shall not be permitted. Reinforcement/penetr Reinforcement/penetration ation shall not exceed 3 mm. Root concavity shall be acceptable provided that there is complete root fusion and the weld thickness matches or exceeds that of the parent material. The weld surface shall be free from cracks, porosity porosity,, shrinkage cavities, trapped slag, arc strikes, and chipping chipping marks. External undercut undercut is permissible provided provided that the depth depth does not not exceed exceed 10% of parent parent meta metall thickn thickness ess or 0.8 mm which whicheve everr is smaller smal ler.. Blendin Blending g out by grin grinding ding shall be permitted permitted provid provided ed that the minimum minimum sp speci ecifie fied d wall thick thickne ness ss is ma maint intain ained ed.. Fo Forr wall wall thickn thickness ess of 3 mm or less, less, undercutting shall not be permitted. Misalignment shall not exceed 5mm or one third of the parent material thickness whichever is the smaller. B2.1.5 B2. 1.5.5 .5 Non D Dest estruc ructiv tivee Tes Testing ting

The Company Company may specify NDT for certain works. works. The Contractor Contractor shall confirm with the Compa Company ny the amou amount nt and and tec techn hniqu ique e for NDT, NDT, which which shall shall be perfor performe med d in acco accord rdan ance ce wi with th SP-1 SP-117 176 6 Sp Spec ecif ific icat atio ion n fo forr Non Non Dest Destru ructi ctive ve Ex Exam amin inat atio ion n (Amend/supplements to ASME BPV Code section V). The following acceptance criteria shall apply. Cracks


None permitted

Lack of fusion


None permitted

Incomplete penetration


Maxim ximum in indi div vid idu ual len lengt gth h 3.2 3.2 mm. mm. The tota totall length shall not exceed 15 mm in any 150 mm length of weld.

Internal porosity


An in individual p po ore sh shall n no ot e ex xceed 3. 3.2 mm mm in in iitts greates gre atestt dimensi dimension. on. The total total area of projected projected porosity shall not exceed 20 mm 2 in any 150 mm length of weld. weld. For wall1 thickness thick 3 mm or or  less, pores shall not exceed mm ness in anyofdirection.

Slag Slag incl inclus usio ions ns elongated indications

or  :

Maxim ximum in indi div vid idu ual len lengt gth h 3.2 3.2 mm. mm. The tota totall length shall not exceed 15 mm in any 150 mm length of weld. The width width of a slag inclusion inclusion shall shall not exceed the lesser of 2.4 mm or one third of the wall thickness. For wall thickness thickness of 3 mm or less, less, slag slag or el elo ong ngat ated ed in indi dica cati tion ons s sh shal alll Not Not be permitted.



Hot & Cold Water Service ice

B2.2 B2.2.1 .1 Pi Pipe pe work work & Fit Fitti tings ngs

Pipe work shall be medium gauge copper to BS EN 1057, BS EN 12449; BS EN 12451, with copper capillary fittings to BS EN 1254-3. Flanges shall be in accordance accordance with PN 16. Pipe Pip e work work liable liable to mecha mechanic nical al dam damage age,, sh shall all be suitab suitably ly pr prote otecte cted d wit with h steel steel supports. . Copper and galvanised pipe work shall not be installed within the same system. B2.2.2


B2 B2.2 .2.2 .2.1 .1 Sh Shutut-of offf Val Valve vess

Shut-off valves, size 50 mm and under, shall be of the 360 o rotations, Ballofix Unikum type, or equal and approved by the Company. Valves, size 65 mm and above, shall be BS 5163, cast iron gate valves, having inside screw, non-rising stem, bronze trim with flange connections, as Hattersley Newman Hender Ltd, Fig No 599, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.2.2 B2. 2.2.2 .2 Iso Isolat lating ing Valv alves es

Isolating valves for connection to equipment and sanitary ware shall be Ballofix type with 90o rotations, ball plugs, fitted with PTFE seals and viton rings at both necks of  the ball, or equal and approved by the Company. Company. Operating handles shall be purpose made, removable pattern. Valves on copper pipe shall incorporate incorporate compression pipe conn connections. ections. Valves on exposed work should have have a chromium p plated lated finish. Wall mounted angle valves shall havepipe backplates. B2 B2.2 .2.2 .2.3 .3 Drai Drain nV Val alve vess

Drain valves shall be bronze, lockshield, Y pattern, with serrated hose outlet, as Hattersley Newman Hender Ltd, Fig No 371, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.2.2.4 B2.2.2 .4 Water Closet Closet Ho Hose se S Spray pray Assem Assemblies blies

Hoses shall be provided for all AWCs, and for EWCs in public toilets, fitted on the right hand side of the pan. Flexible hose anal spray and valve assemblies shall be Grohe Standard ablution faucet comprising 1/2" Eggemann wall tap, No. 2837, and Pattono anal spray pistol with pressure rubber hose, No. 2870, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.2.2 B2. 2.2.5 .5 Flu Flush sh C Cont ontro roll V Valv alves es

Urinals, and other automatically flushed devices, shall be provided with flush control valves to limit the waste of water. Control should be by provision of push button flush pipe valves, or may be by cistern cold feed control valves, as Cistermiser STD 6073A, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.2. 2.2.3 3

Equ quip ipme ment nt B2.21. B2. 21.1 1

Int Intern ernal al Co Cold ld Wate Waterr St Stora orage ge T Tank ankss

Internal storage tanks shall be sectional GRP to BS 4994, or equal and approved by the Company Company.. Tanks shall be cove covered red with inlet, outlet, outlet, and overflow overflow and drain connections. Overflow and drain drain connections shall be fitted with insect scree screens. ns.


B2 B2.2 .21. 1.2 2

Ho Hott Wate aterr C Cyl ylin inde ders rs

Large industrial water heaters shall be non-instantaneous non-instantaneous high pressure type suitable for use connected directly to the mains on un-vented systems and comply with the safety requirements of BS EN 60335-1 and BS EN 1491. Cylinders Cylin ders shall shall be con construc structed ted using using glas glass s lined, lined, phospho phosphorou rous s deoxidis deoxidised, ed, nonnonarsenical, arsenica l, copper to BS EN 1976 1976 and BS EN 1978. Neckpiec Neckpieces es shall be flanged, flanged, reinforc rein forced ed and welded welded to the plates. plates. Stool Stool pieces for pipe connecti connections ons shall be reinforced and welded to the plates. Neck and stool pieces shall be of sufficient length to be proud of the insulation. Cylinders shall be pre-insulated at works, using 50 mm mineral wool semi-rigid slab, and finished with Stucco aluminium casing, or equal and approved by the Company.

Cylinders Cylin ders shall shall beallcom complet plete e with imme immersio rsion n heaters, heat ers, imme rsion n thermost thermostat at and control equipment, pre-assembled and pre-wired by theimmersio Manufacturer. Component parts shall include: -

Direct Direct readin reading g th therm ermomet ometer er ((100 100 mm d diame iameter ter dial). dial).


Alt Altitu itude de gau gauge ge ((10 100 0 mm d dia iame meter ter dial dial). ).


Press Pressur ure/t e/temp empera eratur ture e relie relieff va valve lve..


An Anti ti-v -vac acuu uum m valv valve. e.


Cold Cold ex expa pans nsio ion nv val alve ve..


Dr Drai ain n coc cock k wit with h hos hose eu uni nion on..

Cylinders shall be shall be tested by the Manufacturer to 7 bar (g) or 2 x working pressure whichever is the greater. Test certific certificates ates shall be provided to the Company. Company. B2.21. B2. 21.3 3

Dom Domest estic ic Hot Wate aterr Heater Heaterss

Small domestic water heaters shall be non-instanta non-instantaneous neous high-pressure high-pressure type suitable for use connected directly to the mains on un-vented systems and comply with the safety requirements of BS EN 60335-1 and BS EN 1491. Water heaters shall be constructed using glass lined phosphorous deoxidised, nonarsenical, copper copper to BS EN 1976 and BS EN 1978, pre-insulated at works, with sheet steel outer casing, and stove enamel finish, or equal and approved by the Company. Water heaters shall be complete with immersion heaters, immersion thermostat and control equipment, pre-assembled and pre-wired by the Manufacturer. Component parts shall include: -

Direct Direct readi reading ng therm thermom omete eterr.


Press Pressur ure/t e/temp empera eratur ture e relie relieff va valve lve..


An Anti ti-v -vac acuu uum m valv valve. e.


Dr Drai ain n coc cock k wit with h hos hose eu uni nion on..

Water heaters shall be tested by the Manufacturer to 7 bar (g) or 2 x working pressure whichever is the greater. Test certificates certific ates shall be provided to the Company. Company. B2 B2.2 .21. 1.4 4

So Sola larr Pa Pane nell W Wat ater er Hea Heate ters rs

Solar panel Solar panel wate waterr heaters heaters shall be suitable suitable for re-circu re-circulate lated d domestic domestic hot water  water  service connected directly to the mains on un-vented systems and comply with the safety requirements of BS EN 60335-1 and BS EN 1491. Heaters shall be supplied as a package for site assembly, complete with collector  plates, insulated storage tank, collector pipes, support brackets, electric immersion heater and safety devices.


 Angle iron bearers below structural roofing purlins shall be provided provided for fixing and support, if required. Roof penetrations shall be made weather-tight. Component parts shall include: -

Pre-i Pre-ins nsula ulated ted water water sto stora rage ge tank. tank.


Twi win n sola solarr co coll llec ecto torr pa pane nels ls..


Electric Electric h heati eating ng el eleme ement nt (no (normal rmally ly 2.4 k kW) W) with with built built in thermo thermostat. stat.


Cold Cold feed feed isol isolat atin ing gv val alve ve..


Cold Cold feed feed pr pres essu surree-li limi miti ting ng valv valve e wi with th in inte tegr gral al no nonn-re retu turn rn va valv lve e an and d strainer.


Cold Cold ffee eed d col cold d exp expans ansio ion nv valv alve. e.


Hot water water ser servic vice e auto automa matic tic air vent. vent.


Hot water water serv service ice p press ressure/ ure/temp temperat erature ure relief relief valve. valve.

Solar panel water heaters shall be shall be tested by the Manufacturer to 7 bar (g) or  2 x working pressure whichever is the greater. greater. Test certificates shall be provided to the Company. B2 B2.2 .21. 1.5 5

Ci Cirrcu cula lati tion on Pu Pump mpss

Pumps shall be in-line, with vertically mounted motor, and independently supported. Precautions Precaution s shall be taken in support, and on pipe work connections, to minimise the transmission of vibration. The impeller, casing and back cover shall be manufactured from high grade gunmetal to BS EN 1982.The motor shaft shall extend into the pump and be shielded by the impeller hub from the liquid being being pumped. A mech mechanical anical seal shall be used, of the bellows type with a carbon rotating face, running against a stationary ceramic seal. Motor bearings shall be specifically selected for vertically mounted motors. B2 B2.2 .21. 1.6 6

Drin Drinki king ng Wate Waterr Co Cool oler erss

Water coolers shall be pressure type, packaged units, complete with refrigeration compressor, controls, etc. Minimum storage capacity shall be 4 litres and the unit shall be capable of chilling 40 litres/hour from 30oC to 10oC. The drinking water outlet shall be sprung-close/hand push-open, faucet bubbler type. Refrigeration equipment and controls shall be pre-wired to a single termination for  connection to a local isolator. isolator. Chlorofluorocarbon Chlorofluorocarbon (cfc) refrig refrigerants, erants, eg R11, R11, R12 and R502 R5 02,, shal shalll no nott be us used ed.. Refr Refrig iger eran ants ts to be us used ed sh shal alll comp comply ly wi with th Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer. The drip pan shall include a trapped drain for connection to the building drainage system or appropriate soak way as directed by the Company. B 2.2 2.2.4 .4 In Inst stal allat latio ion n B Pipe w work ork Install Installation ation Generally Generally

The general requirements for pipe work installation are ‘potable water’ section. B Connec Connections tions to Eq Equipmen uipmentt & Sanitary Ware Ware

Connectio Connec tions ns to sanita sanitary ry war ware e and and equ equipm ipmen entt sh shall all inclu include de a union union,, or simila similarr, downstream of the isolating valve located for easy maintenance access. Flexible pipe connections shall not be used.


B Hot W Water ater S Servic ervicee Dead-Legs Dead-Legs

Hot water services dead-legs shall not exceed the length given in Table B1. B1. Table B1- Hot Water Service Dead-Legs Pipe Size (mm)

Maximum Length (m)







B 2.2. 2.2.5 5 The Therma rmall IInsu nsulat lation ion

Hot and cold water service pipe work: -

in roof spaces shall be insulated.


co conc ncea eale led d in du duct cts s shall be insulated.


exposed outsi sid de shall be insulated.


in wall wall a and nd fl floo oorr cha chase ses s shall be protected.

Pipe work   shall be insulated by rigid pre-formed glass fibre sections, with thermal conducti cond uctivity vity not greate greaterr than 0.04 W/moC, minimum density 60 kg/m3, minimum thickness 12 mm, or equal and approved by the Company. Within buildings, buildings, insulation shall be finished with canvas, not more than 0.8 mm thick, secured during manufacture, with overlaps pasted down to give complete cover. The finish shall be non-combustible to BS 476, Class 1 spread of flame. Outside buildings, buildings, insulation shall be finished with waterproof, woven glass fibre, reinforced reinforce d plastic, which is not adversely affected affected by UV light nor biodegrada biodegradable. ble. The material shall be wrapped over the insulation and sealed with an appropriate solvent. B 2.2.6 2.2.6 Com Commis missio sionin ning g & Test Testing ing

The general requirements for commissioning, testing and handover, handover, together with standard Test Reports, are given in Chapter A of this Specification. B 2.2.6. 1 Lea Leakag kagee Test Testss

Domestic hot and cold water service pipe work, except open-ended vents and drain pipes, shall be hydraulically tested to a pressure of 7 bar (g), or 2 x working pressure, whichever is the greater, and held for 1 hour without loss. B 2.2. 6.2 Steril Sterilisa isatio tion n

Connections to existing potable water mains shall not be made before the whole domestic water system has been sterilised and shall require prior approval by the Company. Systems shall be completely flushed out before sterilisation, then be filled with clean water and sterilising chemical. The system shall be left charged for a minimum of 3 hours, but preferably overnight. Dosing proportions proportions shall be as given bel below. ow. Powder should should be mixed with water to give a creamy consistency before being added to the system.




50 ppm by volume.

Bleaching powder 


1 kg per 6.7 m3 water.

 All taps shall then be opened progressively away from the fill point, and closed when dosed water is discharged. Finally the system shall be emptied, using every outlet, be thoroughly flushed, and be checked for chlorine content before being put into service.

B 2.3 Soil & Waste Waste Drainage Drainage

B 2.3.1 2.3.1 Abo Above ve Gr Groun ound d in Bu Buildi ildings ngs

The installation of above ground sanitary pipe work shall comply with BS EN 12056-2 B 2.31 2.31.1 .1 Pi Pipe pe w wor ork k & Fi Fitt ttin ings gs

Soil, waste and ventilating pipe work and fittings, size 75 mm an over, shall be UPVC to BS 4514. Waste and ventilating pipe work and fittings, size 50 mm and under, shall be PP to BS EN 1329.Be 1329.Bends, nds, offsets offsets,, bra branch nch connecti connections, ons, etc, shall shall be injection injection moulded, moulded, as specified for pipes pipes above, with socket socket and spigot connections. connections. Clean-outs Clean-outs shall be provided on connection connection to undergroun underground d drainage. drainage. Fitting shall be properly properly sized; loose sockets shall not not be used. Reducers, with sock socket et and spigot conn connections ections of the same quality as the pipe, shall be provided at changes in pipe size. B 2.31. 2.31.2 2 Join Jointi ting ng & Ex Expa pans nsio ion n

Seal ring expansion joints shall be provided at each floor level and, as required, on horizontal runs, to allow for thermal movement. Joints on all PVC pipe work shall be with a D-section, synthetic rubber sealing ring and square section, moulded-in, groove in the socket combined to give a positive seal, or by solvent weld. A minimum minimum gap of 6 mm shall be left at ring seal joints for  expansion. B 2.3 2.31 1.3 Fixi Fixing ngss

Holder bats shall be used on sizes 82 mm/110 mm, and shall fit properly between the beads on the outside of sockets and, when secured, shall prevent movement. Pipe work set vertically shall be supported at all fittings and socket joints with a PVC pipe clip fixed to the wall with insert plugs and brass screws. Pipe work hung from ceilings shall be supported by purpose made, wrought iron, flat bar slings, hung on adjustable length supporting rods, suspended from angle cleats, bolted to the structure at centres not greater than those given in Table B2, B2, and at all changes in direction.

Table B2 - F Fixing ixing Centres for Soil & Waste Pipe work 

Pipe Di Diameter



35 mm

1.2 m

0.5 m


1.2 m

0.5 m


55 mm

1.2 m

0.9 m

110 mm

1.8 m

0.9 m

B 2.3 2.31.4 1.4 Term erminat ination ion Stac Stacks ks

Soil and waste pipes shall be connected, at the foot, to the main drainage system by a seal ring joint.  At the head, soil and waste pipes shall pass through the roof, to ventilate to atmosphere, and shall be provided with a vent cowl and a weathering slate/apron.  Alternatively  Alternativel y, subject to Company approva approval, l, automatic air relief valves may be

installed, except for the ventilation of first manholes. B 2.3 2.31. 1.5 5 Sa Sanit nitar ary y War Waree

Sanitary ware shall be fixed in position with fixings provided by the manufacturer for  the purp purpose ose,, and and to the manu manufac factur turer er's 's instru instructi ctions ons.. Fixing Fixing screws screws,, where wherever  ver  necessary,, shall be brass countersunk. Wash han necessary hand d basins shall be cut into the wall tiling, fixed true and level, and sealed to the tiles. t iles. B 2.31 2.31.6 .6 Traps raps

Traps in waste pipes shall be PP with a 75 mm deep seal. Traps seal. Traps Traps to sanitary fittings shall have union inlets, or union 'O' ring seal outlets, to BS EN 274. Traps shall be sized as shown in Table B3 B3.. Table B3 - Sanitary Ware Traps Sanitary Ware



Basins with Pedestal


2 PieceTubular  

Basins with brackets





2 Piece Tubular  



Bottle or Tubular  


40 mm


B 2.31 2.31.7 .7 Ov Over erfl flow owss

Sanitary ware overflow pipes shall discharge externally. B 2.31 2.31.8 .8 Tes esti ting ng

The general requirements for pipe work leakage testing, together with a standard Leakage Test Report, are given in Chapter A of this Specification. The installation shall be tested in sections during construction, with a final test on completion. During both tests, the installation shall be inspected for obstructions. Sectional test internal pressures shall be: Either  not  not less than 2 m water head held without loss for 15 minutes or not less than 0.2 bar (g) air pressure held without loss for 15 minutes. Final air test internal pressure shall be 38 mm water gauge, held in a U-tube, without loss for 3 minutes, with every trap filled with water.


B 2.3 2.3.2 .2 Be Belo low wG Gro roun und d

The installation of below ground drainage pipe work shall comply with BS EN 752. B2 B2.3 .31. 1.1 1

Pi Pipe pe w wor ork k & Fi Fitt ttin ings gs

Pipe work and fittings for gravity drainage shall be UPVC to BS EN 13598-1 with rubber ring, push fit joints or solvent welds. Gravity pipe work minimum sizes shall be: -

160 160 m mm m bet betwe ween en manh manhol oles es..


110 mm co conne nnecti ctions ons to manh manhole oles. s.

Pumping mains shall be UPVC to BS 3506, Class E, with joints and fittings to BS EN 1452, suitable for 15 bar (g) working pressure. B2.3 B2.31. 1.2 2

Trenc nche hess

 All works for the Tren Trenches ches & Pits shall be carried out in accordance accordance with SP-1279 Specification for Civil & Building Building Construction – ‘Earth ‘Earth Works’ chapter chapter.. Methods of  excava exc avatin ting g and and sup suppor portin ting g the sides sides of tre trench nches es an and d pit pits s shall shall comply comply wit with h the requirements of BS 6031. Buried pipe work shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5955 and BS EN 752. 752. Details are show shown n on STD-2-14 STD-2-1404.Pipewor 04.Pipework k shall be laid, with a minimum 300 mm cover, on a granular bedding of pea gravel, no sharps, passing through a 25 mm sieve but but retained on a 5 mm sieve. The bedding bedding shall be 100 mm minimum depth, thoroughly compacted and true to fall over the whole trench width. Bedding and backfill shall comprise of sand, no sharps and excluding stones retained in a 25 mm sieve, or other material equal and approved by the Company. Prior to testing, bedding should be clear of joints so that support is only on the pipe. After  testing, the bedding should be reinstated. Uniformly applied, hand tamped, 100 mm layers of pea gravel fill, no sharps, shall then be applied applied to give 100 mm minimum minimum pipe cover cover. Backfill Backfill shall be of lightly compacted, loose material, no sharps, and excluding stones retained in a 25 mm sieve, applied in 300 mm layers. B2 B2.3 .31. 1.3 3

Conc Concre rete te in Conne Connect ctio ion n

Reinforced and un-reinforced concrete in cradles and arches to drains, and mass concrete for bedding haunching and surrounding drains, shall be of not less strength than 20 N/mm2, using 20 mm maximum size aggregates. Manhole roof and base slabs, and all manhole reinforced concrete, shall be of not less les s stren strength gth tha than n 35 N/m N/mm2 m2,, usi using ng 20 mm ma maxim ximum um size size ag aggr greg egate ate unles unless s otherwise directed by the Company. B2 B2.3 .31. 1.4 4

Ro Road ad Cros Crossi sing ngss

Pipe work, with less than 1200 mm cover, shall be protected by a 100 mm thick concrete raft, located approximately 200 mm above the pipe. B2 B2.3 .31. 1.5 5

Pi Pipe pe w wor ork k Un Unde derr Bui Build lding ingss

The placing of drains under buildings shall be avoided wherever possible. Where unavoidable, unavoidable, pipes shall be laid in straight lines at one gradient. gradient. Access shall be provided to all parts of the drain and flexible joints used at entry and exit from the building. Such sections of pipe work shall be re-tested after backfill and prior to permanent concealment.


B2 B2.3 .31. 1.6 6

St Stru ruct ctur ural al Pen Penet etra rati tions ons

Pipe work passing through retaining walls, footings, ground beams, etc, shall be sleeved, with sleeves of the same material, and polystyrene, or similar, packing.  A flexible joint shall be provided on the exit side of the building and should be protected during concrete pouring. B2.31.7


Manholes shall be constructed as STD-2-1030, Typical Manhole Details. Connectio Connec tions ns to ma main in cha chann nnels els sh shall all be lev level el invert invert.. Dr Drain ains s joinin joining g exter external nal to manholes shall be by 135o branches and bends only.

The maximum distance between manholes should be 45 m. B2.31. B2. 31.8 8

Con Connec nectio tion n to Existi Existing ng Sew Sewers ers

Connections to existing sewage systems shall require prior Company approval. B2 B2.3 .31. 1.9 9

Se Sewa wage ge Pum Pumpi ping ng Sta Stati tion onss

Sewage pumping stations should comprise a pumping chamber, with separate valve chamber, constructed of structural concrete. The valve chamber should drain into the pumping chamber. chamber. The pumping chamber should be vented. Pumps should be duty and and stand standby by,, su subme bmersi rsible ble,, non-c non-chok hoke e able able an and d suitab suitable le for raw sewage sewage.. The The impeller(s) impeller( s) shall be of non-clog design, having heavily back swept leading edges with a specif specific ic angl angle e distr distribu ibutio tion n enabl enablin ing g the capab capabili ility ty of handl handling ing so solid lids, s, fib fibro rous us materials, heavy sludge and other matter found in waste water. Impellers shall be locked to the shaft. The clearance between the pump housing/insert ring and the impel impeller ler shall be adjus adjusta table ble as Flygt Flygt N pu pump mps s or eq equa uall an and d appr approve oved d by the Company. Pumps should be provided provided with auto-coupling, guide rails and lifting chains. A pump pump lifti lifting ng davit may be req require uired. d. The pumps pumps should be automatical automatically ly controlled controlled by mercury float switches.  A weatherproof weatherproof control panel, IP55, should be mounted adjacent to the pumps. A local starter, with lockable isolator, shall be provided. Controls should include, but not be limited to: -

Stop/Start Stop/Start  - push buttons.


Hand/Off/Auto - change select switch.


Run/Trip - lamps.


Hours urs ru run me meter ters.






Visu Visual al high high-l -lev evel el alar alarm. m.


Potential Potential ffree ree c conta ontacts cts of a relay relay for remo remote te indicati indication on of an an alarm. alarm.



Moto Motorr ov over erlo load ad pro prote tect ctio ion. n.

Float switch operating levels shall be: -

Stop Stop d duty uty and/o and/orr stand standby by pump pump..


Star tart duty pump.


Start Start stan standby dby p pum ump p and and hig high-l h-leve evell ala alarm rm..



The general requirements for pipe work leakage testing, together with a standard Leakage Test Report, are given Chapter A of this Specification.

Prior to testing, bedding should be clear of joints so that support is only on the pipe.  After testing, the the bedding bedding should be reinstated reinstated..  All lengths of drain and sewer, sewer, and all inspection chambers and manholes, shall be inspected for straightness, obstructions and ground water infiltration. Pipe work shall be tested to internal pressures of: -

Not less less tha than n 1.2 m hea head d of wate waterr above above the inver invertt of the pipe pipe at the higher  higher  end of the line.


Not more more tha than n 2.4 m h head ead of of water above above the invert invert of of the pipe pipe at the the lower  lower  end of the line.

Pipe work shall be filled with water and left for 2 hours settlement, topping-up as necessary. The quantity of water required to maintain the test head for 30 minutes shall then be noted and shall not exceed 0.06 litre per hour per 100 linear metres of  pipe run per mm diameter of pipe. i.e., :


3.3 litres per 100 m of 110 mm pipe.

- 4.8 litres per per 100 m of 160 mm pip pipe. e.


Liquid Petroleum Gas

B2 B2.4 .4.1 .1 LP LPG GG Gen ener eral ally ly

The supply and installation of gas equipment, regulators, regulators, pipes, valves and associated fittings shall be carried out strictly in accordance with BS 5482-1. Gas burning appliances conform to the requirements of BS EN 203 and BS EN 30. B2.4 B2.4.2 .2 Cate Cateri ring ng Inst Instal alla lati tion onss B2 B2.4 .4.2 .2.1 .1 Pi Pipe pe w wor ork k & Fit Fitti ting ngss

Fixed Fix ed pipe pipe up to size 150 150 mm shall be sea seaml mless ess mild steel to BS EN 1025 10255, 5, heavyweight. Pipe over size 150 mm shall be to BS EN 10216. Pipe work should be : -

laid laid in serv servic ice e duc ducts ts


pr prote otecte cted d ffrom rom wat water er by paint painting ing


fixed to th the e si side de wall wall of of duc ducts, ts, a abov bove e du duct ct invert invert levels. levels.

Maximum available separation shall be provided between gas and other services. Joints shall be butt or socket arc welded with fittings to BS EN 10253-1. Flanges shall be forged or cast steel, welding neck, socket weld or slip on, to BS EN 1092-3 PN 25. Screwed joints for regulators and equipment shall have threads to BS EN 10226 with  jointing compounds to BS EN 751 and applied as BS 5482. Pipe work buried under  floors, or otherwise built in (if unavoidable), shall be suitably protected using one layer 


Denso anti-corrosion anti-corrosion tape, outer wrapped with one layer of Denso PVC backed tape, or equal and approved approved by the Company. Company. Buried or built in joints shall not be used, except exc ept by sp speci ecific fic appr approva ovall of the Compa Company ny,, in circum circumsta stance nces s wher where e a joint joint is unavoidable, and shall be welded. Joints shall not be used where gas pipes cross the routes of other services B2.4 B2.4.2 .2.2 .2 Val alve vess

Ball valves shall be to BS EN ISO 17292. Valves shall be teflon-sea teflon-seated, ted, rotary ball valves of the following types, or equal and approved by the Company: -

Smith 411T.


Woreces Worecester ter seri series es 4 44, 4, c carb arbon on s steel teel,, PTF PTFE E seats. seats.


Trufl ruflo o sand sandwi wich ch b bal alll va valv lves es.. Trufl ruflo o bar bar st stoc ocks ks bal balll va valv lves es..

B2.4 B2.4.2 .2.3 .3 Re Regu gula lato tors rs

High or low-pressure regulators regulators shall be Calor / Fisher, or equal and approved approved by the Company. Primary regulators shall be provided at the discharge from the manifold to the main supply supp ly line, and may be installed installed in paralle parallel. l. Bottle Bottle pressure pressure shall be reduced reduced to approximately 350 mb main supply line pressure, with all appliances operating at maximum demand. Secondar Secon dary y regul regulato ators rs shall shall be provi provide ded, d, aft after er the isola isolatin ting g valve, valve, to each each high high pressure and and low pressure system. Pressure shall be reduced reduced from approximately approximately 345 mb to the required appliance operating pressure at maximum demand and shall be adjustable. Secondary regulators are normally supplied with the appliance. B2 B2.4 .4.2 .2.4 .4 Ga Gass Cyli Cylind nder erss

LPG LPG cyl cylind inders ers sha shallll be fab fabric ricat ated ed and and cer certif tifie ied d in accor accordan dance ce wit with h BS 50 5045 45-8 -8.. Cylinders shall be used in an upright position, secured to a frame support by chains. On-line cylinders shall be separated from building interiors by a one-hour fire resistant wall or a 5 m clearance firebreak. B2.4.2 B2. 4.2.5 .5 Con Connec nectio tion n to Gas Gas Cyli Cylinde nders rs

Gas cylinders shall be connected to manifolds using stainless steel braided, cylinder  pigtails to BS 3212Type 2, 3/8" NB, threaded connections, to BS EN 10226-1, left hand thread. B2.4.2 B2. 4.2.6 .6 Eme Emerge rgency ncy Fire Fire Sh Shut ut Off Valv Valvee

 An emerge emergency ncy,, dead weight, shut-off fire valve shall be provided in the main supply line, immediately after the manually operated rotary ball valve, upstream of the main high-pressure regulator in the bottle store. Release of this valve shall shall be initiated at the kitc kitchen hen main exit. The system may be cable or electrically electrically operated. operated. Electrical actua actuators tors in the bottle store shall shall be suitable for Zone I hazard, as Myson Landon Kingsway Ltd Type SQR 24 V, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.4.2 B2. 4.2.7 .7 Con Connec nectio tion n to Applianc Appliances es

Final connections to low-pressure equipment shall be stainless steel braided pigtails to BS 3212, Type 2. Final connections to high-pressure equipment equipment shall be 3/8" NB stainless steel pigtails, or 3/8" NB annealed copper copper pigtails if connections are located located in a hot zone. Copper  tubing shall be to BS EN 1057, BS EN 12449 and BS EN 12451.


B2.4.2 B2. 4.2.8 .8 Gas Cyl Cylinde inderr Storage Storage

Gas cylinders shall be stored and used in an upright position, and housed in a purpose built bottle store, well ventilated and shaded, and be secured to a frame support by chains. Spare and empty bottles shall be separated. Stored cylinders shall be separated from building interiors by a one-hour fire resistant wall or a 20 m clearance firebreak. The construction requirement for storage of spare and empty cylinders is normally satisfied by the provision of a cage of tubular frame, chain link fencing and roof  sheeting with an internal internal separation. separation. Location of such cylinde cylinders rs shall be separa separated ted from from fla flamm mmab able le ma mater terial ials s by one-h one-hour our fire fire res resist istant ant wall wall or a 20 m cleara clearance nce firebreak.

B2.4.2 B2. 4.2.9 .9 Com Commis missio sionin ning g & Test Testing ing

The general requirements for commissioning, testing and handover, together with standard Test Reports, are given in Chapter A of this Specification. 1. Leakage Tests Before the gas bottles, cooking equipment and regulator regulators, s, are connected to the main supply line, the pipe work shall be pressure tested in accordance with BS 5482. The test pressure shall be 1.5 x maximum delivered Butane bottle pressure held for 4 hours without loss. The testing medium shall be compressed air. Welded joints shall be soap tested, those found to be defective shall be cut out and a new section of line installed. Re-grinding, Re-grinding, back gouging to the existing de defective fective joints and re-welding shall not be permitted. 2. Commissioning Regulators shall be adjusted to the manufacturers' recommended initial settings, as detailed on pressure/flow graphs. The complete system shall be tested, for a minimum of 2 hours, to ensure that all items item s of equipm equipment ent oper operate ate at maxi maximum mum capac capacity ity.. During During the test, the complete complete installation shall be visually inspected. B2.4 B2.4.2 .2 Dome Domesti sticc Inst Instal alla lati tion onss

Domestic installations shall be strictly in accordance with standard drawing STD-21403.

B2.5 B2. 5 Labora Laborator tory y Servic Services es B2.5.1 B2. 5.1 Lab Labora orator tory y Se Servi rvices ces Gener Generally ally

Laboratory service installation shall follow the recommendations of BS EN 14056. Main distribution pipe work for special gases and water services to laboratories shall be exposed exposed to walls, walls, or ceiling ceiling moun mounted. ted. Pipe work for flamm flammable able gases gases shall be accessible over the full length. Branches Branch es for sp speci ecial al gases gases and and wat water er servic services es to fume fume cu cupb pboar oards, ds, ho hood ods s an and d benches, shall be provided with stop valves within easy reach. Branches may be mounted mou nted in service service ducts, along along the wall, or in the centre centre of island island benches. benches. The ducts may follow electrical service routes, provided they are segregated in separate compartments. Exposed fittings on benches fume cupboards, etc, should be chrome plated, or plastic coated finish.


B2.5.2 .5.2 Ma Mate terria ials ls B2.5.2 B2. 5.2.1 .1 Hot & Col Cold d Wate Waterr Se Servi rvice cess

Hot and cold water supply pipe work and fittings shall be installed as detailed in respective sections sections of this document. Wate Waterr fittings to laboratory benches benches shall be to BS EN 200. Distilled, or demineralised, water pipe work shall be PE to BS EN 12201, Class C, with quick-release fittings to BS 5114. B2 B2.5 .5.2 .2.2 .2 Dome Domesti sticc Draina Drainage ge

Materials for domestic drainage, connected to the main sewage system, shall be as

detailed in general waste drainage section of this document. B2.5.2 B2. 5.2.3 .3 Lab Labora orator tory y Dra Draina inage ge

Laboratory Labora tory equipment drainage pipe work shall discharge to a Hydrocarbon Disposal Pit. Pipe work and fittings shall be HDPE, hot gun welded, to BS EN 12201 or equal and approved by the Company. B2.5.2 B2. 5.2.4 .4 Air and Speci Special al Gases Gases Pip Pipee wor work  k 

Material selection for special gases, compressed air and vacuum pipe work and fittings shall be as per DEP B2.5.2 B2. 5.2.5 .5 Hyd Hydroc rocarb arbon on Disp Disposa osall Pit

 A disposal pit, constructed of reinforce reinforced d concrete, shall be provided to collect ch chemi emical cal and hyd hydroc rocarb arbon on waste waste fr from om the Labo Laborat rator ory y Draina Drainage ge system system.. Th The e standard detail is shown on STD-2-4025. B2.5.3 .5.3 Equ quip ipme ment nt

Equip Equipme ment nt desig design n sel select ection ion and and Mat Mater erial ial of co const nstru ructi ction on sh shall all be as per per DEP DEP B2.5 B2.5.4 .4 Inst Instal alla lati tion on B2 B2.5 .5.4 .4.1 .1 Ho Hott & C Col old d Wate Waterr

Water supply lines shall be provided with a non-return valve with air vent (valve) or a no break installation to prevent contamination of drinking water. The water supply piping to the emergency showers and the eye wash units shall be branched off upstream of the main stop valve of the water supply piping for laboratory and sanitary purposes, and shall be provided with a separate stop valve. Emergency showers and eye wash units shall be installed at locations indicated by the Principal. Showers shall not be installed above the door opening but next to the door to keep the exit route free. Each shower shall be capable of delivering water at a minimum rate of 1.5 l/s. The eye wash units shall be connected to a water supply having the minimum water pressure specified by the Manufacturer. Eye wash units can conveniently be combined with the water tap at the end of a bench. B2 B2.5 .5.4 .4.2 .2 Drai Draina nage ge Pi Pipe pe work  work 

Domestic and Laboratory drainage shall be installed as detailed respective sections detailed of this Specification Specification.. B2.5.4 B2. 5.4.3 .3 Air and Speci Special al Gases Gases Pip Pipee wor work  k 

Installation of pipe work for special gases, compressed air and vacuum pipe work and fittings shall be as per DEP


B2.5.5 B2. 5.5 Spe Specia ciall Gase Gasess Commi Commissi ssioni oning ng & T Test esting ing B2.5.5.1 B2.5.5 .1 Commis Commissioni sioning ng & Testing esting Genera Generally lly

The general requirements for commissioning, testing and handover, together with standard Test Reports, are given in Chapter A of this Specification. The gas installations shall be demons demonstrated trated for satisfactory operation and reliability of  the systems shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Company. B2.5 B2.5.5 .5.2 .2 Pur Purgi ging ng

Pipe Pip e work work shall shall be pur purged ged pr prior ior to conn connect ection ion to manif manifold olds s or eq equip uipme ment nt by compressed air air at 4 bar(g). Blockages or de debris bris shall be ejecte ejected d from the open end of pipe runs. B2.5.5 B2. 5.5.3 .3 Test esting ing of Pipe Pipe w work  ork 

The general general require requiremen ments ts for pip pipe e work leakag leakage e testing, testing, together together with a stand stand Leakage Test Report, are given in Chapter A of this Specification. Prior to manifold or bench outlet connection, with valves open and ends plugged off, pipe work shall be pressure pressure tested by compressed air. air. Test pressure shall be 10.5 bar (g), except for HP nitrogen, nitrogen, which shall be 120 bar (g), held for 4 hours, cylinders disconnected, disconnecte d, without loss.  At the end of the test, each valve shall be closed, closed, in turn, starting at the furthes furthestt valve from the manifold, manifold, and pressure releas released ed on the downstream downstream side. Test pressure shall hold, for 15 minutes without loss, for each valve. B2 B2.5 .5.5 .5.4 .4 Ma Manif nifol old d Tes esti ting ng

Manifolds and pigtails shall be tested at 1.5 x maximum cylinder pressure for onehour without loss. B2 B2.5 .5.5 .5.5 .5 Fi Fina nall T Tes estin ting g

On completion of the previously specified tests, the total system shall be tested, including inclu ding manifo manifolds, lds, bench outlets outlets,, pipe work, etc, using using compress compressed ed air at the working pressure of the gas concerned, for 24 hours without loss. All valves, from the manif ma nifold old to the bench bench outle outlets, ts, sha shallll be open opened ed,, an and d pressu pressure re-r -redu educin cing g valves valves checked for correct operation.

B2.6 B2 .6 Ir Irri riga gati tion on B2.6 B2.6.1 .1 Irri Irriga gati tion on Ge Gene nera rall lly y

Where irrigation water is treated effluent, rather than potable water, the underground pipe work shall be pigmented green. Typical irrigation details are shown on STD-2-1400. B2.6 B2.6.2 .2 Pi Pipe pe work work & Fit Fitti tings ngs B2 B2.6 .6.2 .2.1 .1 Ring Ring m mai ains ns & S Sub ub mai mains ns

Irrigation mains mains shall be UPVC to BS EN 1452 fit fit for 15 bar pressure. pressure. Fittings shall be to BS EN 1452-3, with rubber ring joints or solvent welded.


B2.6.2 B2. 6.2.2 .2 Lat Latera erall Distri Distributi bution on Pip Pipee work  work 

Lateral pipe work shall be extruded, virgin low density PE, suitable for 3 bar (g) working pressure, free of splits and kinks, and resistant to stress cracking and rotting. Lateral pipe fittings shall be sturdy and durable, with minimum flow-resistance, and shall have:


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n ty type pe c cou oupl plin ings gs..


Sub mains mains compr compressio ession n fitti fittings ngs co conne nnection ctions, s, or insert insert barbs, barbs, used used in conjunction with a retaining clamp, or collar, on the outside of the tubing.


Fittings Fittings at attach tached ed to the s sub ub mai main n by solvent solvent cement cement for UPVC, UPVC, and and thread thread or rubber grommet for PE.


Ends folded folded ov over er and and held held in place place by a slide slide collar collar.

B2 B2.6 .6.2 .2.3 .3 St Stee eell P Pipe ipe work  work 

Steel pipe work, where used, shall be seamless galvanised mild steel, to BS EN 10255., with screwed joints. Pipe work, buried or chased, shall be wrapped with one layer of 'Denso' anti-corrosive tape and outer wrapped with one layer of 'Denso' PVC backed tape, or equal and approved by the Company. B2.6.3

Valves B2 B2.6 .6.3 .3.1 .1 Ga Gate te Val alve vess

Gate valves, size 50 mm and over, shall be double flanged cast iron, or ductile iron, wedge gate valves with resilient rubber seal, drop-tight, with internal non-rising stem for manual operation by hand wheel, BS 5163. Valves shall be coated internally and externally, at Manufacturer's works, with an approved, epoxy based, material to a minimum thickness of 150 microns. Flanges shall be in accordance with PN 16. B2 B2.6 .6.3 .3.2 .2 St Stop op Val alve vess

Stop valves, size 50 mm and under, shall be cast iron, diaphragm valves, to BS EN 13357, with epoxy coating and rubber diaphragm. B2.6.3 B2. 6.3.3 .3 Press Pressure ure Re Reduc ducing ing Valv Valves es

Pressure reducing valves on sub mains shall be size 65 mm or under, constructed from durable, corrosion resistant materials, suitable for use with UPVC pipe work. Valves shall suitable for for 10 bar (g) pre pressure, ssure, and a flow range range of 0.5-2.5 1/s. The outlet pressure shall be adjustable in the range 1.5-3.0 bar (g). The pressur pressure e reg regulati ulation on mechani mechanism sm shal shalll be resistan resistantt to cloggin clogging, g, unaffect unaffected ed by orientation and suitable for underground service. B2 B2.6 .6.3 .3.4 .4 So Sole leno noid id V Val alve vess

Solenoid valves shall be as supplied by Rain Bird, or equal and approved by the Company, and shall include: -

Flow Flow rang range e of 0.50.5-15 15 l/s l/s


Press Pressur ure e rang range e of 0.7 - 10.0 10.0 bar (g) (g)


Slow Slow clos closin ing g capa capabi bili lity ty



Se Self lf-f -flu lush shin ing gn nyl ylon on scre screen en


Lo Low w powe powerr re req quire uireme ment nt


Grit filter  


Flow Flow contr ontrol ol stem tem


Manu Manual al op open en/c /clo lose se con contr trol ol


240 V/1 ph/50 ph/50 Hz in input put supp supply ly,, 24 V op opera erations tions

B2 B2.6 .6.4 .4 Co Cont ntrrol P Pan anel elss

Control panels for external irrigation control systems shall include, but not be limited to:

B2.6. 2.6.5 5


Weath Weather erpro proof, of, lockab lockable le cab cabine inet. t. Master On/Auto/Off     switch.  switch.


Elec Electr tric ical al surg surge e pr prot otec ecti tion on..


Po Powe werr fai failu lure re ba back cku up.


24 hour clock.


Inte Intern rnal al p pum ump p star startt re rela lay y.


Mast Master er valv valve ec cir ircu cuit it..


Keybo Keyboar ard d en entry try iirri rrigat gatio ion n pro progr gramm amme. e.


Inde Indepe pend nden entt zon zone e tim timin ing. g.


Zone advance.


Manu Manual al ov overr erride ide for for si sing ngle le zo zone ne oper operati ation on..


240 V/1 ph/50 ph/50 Hz in input put supp supply ly,, 24 V op opera eration tion..

Emi mitt tter erss

Emitters shall be pressure compensating and self-flushing, capable of maintaining a flow within +10% of the rated flow in the pressure range of 1.0-3.5 bar (g). The emitter body shall be constructed of durable, heat-resistant, plastic with UV inhibito inhi bitorr, suitabl suitable e for dire direct ct burial. burial. Emitt Emitter er outlets outlets shall have an internal internal barb, appropriate appropr iate for 5.6 mm OD distribution tubing. tubing. The emitter inlet shall be a sturdy sturdy,, external barb. Flow regulating regulating diaphragm diaphragms s shall be highly resilient silicon elastomer elastomer. Flow orifices shall be able to pass size 30 mesh soil particles and bloslime produced by soil borne organisms. Single outlet emitters shall be sealed for life. B2.6.6

Filt lteers

 A stainless steel core filter shall be provided provided in the main line from irrigation pump set, or main connection, to protect the circuit. B2 B2.6 .6.7 .7 Inst Instal alla lati tion on B2 B2.6 .6.7 .7.1 .1 Pi Pipe pe L Lay ayin ing g

Pipe work shall be laid in straight lines, to even falls, unless shown otherwise in the Contract Documents. Typical details are shown on STD-2-1400.


B2.6 B2.6.7 .7.2 .2 Em Emit itte ters rs

Emitters shall be installed installed directly on laterals. Single outlet emitters emitters may be installed in upright or side on. Multiple outle outlett emitters shall be installed side on to prevent tube kinking. Emitters installation on laterals shall use appropriate, proprietary tools, provided by the Manufacturer for the purpose. B2.6.7 B2. 6.7.3 .3 Emi Emitter tter Distri Distributi bution on Pip Pipee work  work 

Emitter Emit ter distribu distribution tion pipe work shall be inserted securely securely into the internal internal barb of  emitter outlets. Distribut Distribution ion tubing shall be laid to prevent kinking.

B2.6. B2.6.8 8

Com Commis missio sionin ning g & Test esting ing

The general requirements for commissioning, testing and handover, handover, together with standard Test Reports, are given in Chapter A of this Specification. B1.4.1 B1. 4.1.1 .1 Lea Leakag kagee Test esting ing

Ring mains shall be hydraulically tested to a pressure of 7 bar (g) held for 3 hours without loss. Sub mains and laterals shall be hydraulically tested to a pressure of 3 bar (g) for 3 hours without loss. Emitters shall be operating operating during test. Individual leaks on later laterals als of more than 5 ml in 30 sec shall be repaired, to the approval of the Company. B1 B1.4 .4.1 .1.2 .2 Comm Commis issi sion onin ing g

Valves, alves, pressur pressure e reg regulat ulators, ors, and other other control control equipme equipment, nt, shall be adjuste adjusted d and tested for normal operation after pipeline testing. Coverage tests shall be performed on emitters to check both adequacy and uniformity at normal operating operating pressures. pressures. Discharge fro from m each type and size of emitter shall shall be within 10% of the stated flow rate.


Chapter C Fire Protection Works




C1.1 C1 .1 Purp Purpos osee The purpose of this document is to specify the minimum requirements for “ Civil & Buildings Utility Services – Fire Protection Works ” and is intended for use by PDO and its nominated nominated Consultants and Contractors for the development and operation of  Company facilities. facilities. This Chapter of Specificati Specification on supersedes supersedes the SP-1285C Version 1.0 ‘Specification for Civil & Building’s Utilities Services– Fire Detection and

Alarm system in buildings’.  buildings’.  This specification is intended to: -

Set th the e Com Company pany s stan tandard dards s for fa faciliti cilities es along along the facilitie facilities s life cy cycle. cle.

- Di Diss ssem emin inat ate e an and d reco record rd faci facili liti ties es re rela late ted d in info form rmat atio ion, n, ex expe peri rien ence ce an and d procedures. The Building and Utility Services specification consists of 5 Chapters. This part shall be read in conjunction with other chapters of this specification.

C1.2 Applicable Standards, Specifications and Codes  A general general list of applicable standards is given in Chapter A – ‘General Requirements’. Requirements’. In addition, this Specification shall be read in conjunction with the latest revisions of  the following Standards, Specifications and. C1 C1.2 .2.1 .1 PDO PDO St Stan anda dard rdss

SP 1275


Specification an and Cr Criteria fo for De Design of of Ci Civil & Buildings

SP 1075


Specification for Fire Management (FERM)



SP 1284


Specification for ‘Signs & Signboards’

GU 628


Guide to to C Ciivil & Bu Buildings St Standard Dr Drawings Index



Typical Firewater Details

CP 122


Code of Practice for Environmental Protection





C1.2.2 C1. 2.2 Intern Internati ationa onall Standar Standards ds

BS 143/1256


Threaded pi p ipe f itittings iin n ma m alleable ca c ast iron an a nd copper alloy

BS 336


Fire Hose Couplings and ancillary equipment

BS 750


Underground Fire Hydrants and surface box frames and covers.


BS 5257


Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps (16 bar).

BS 5306


Fire Extinguishing Installations & Equipment on premises

BS 5839


Fire Detection & Alarm Systems for Buildings.



Portable fire extinguishers. Characteristics, performance requirements and test methods.

BS EN 54


Fire detection and fire alarm systems.

BS EN 671


Fixed fire fighting systems. Hose systems. Hose reels with semi-rigid hose.

BS EN 1452



BS EN 10216


Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes.

BS EN 10217


Welded st steel tu tubes ffo or pr pressure pu purposes. No Non-alloy stee steell tube tubes s with with sp spec ecif ifie ied d room room te temp mper era atu ture re properties.

BS EN 10253


Butt-welding pipe fittings.

BS EN 10255


Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for welding and threading.

BS EN 13121






GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground. Design and workmanship

BS EN 13923


Filament-wound FRP pressure vessels. Materials, design, manufacturing and testing

BS EN 14339


Underground fire hydrants

BS ISO 3046


Reciprocating internal combustion engines.

NFPA Vol 4


Building Construction & Facilities.

C1.2.3 C1. 2.3 SIEP SIEP / Sh Shell ell GSI Standar Standards ds



'Requirements ffo or Fi Fire P Prrotection iin n On Onshore Oil and Gas Processing Processing and Petrochemic Petrochemical al Installations'.



Static DC uninterruptible power supply (DC UPS) units

C1.3 Complianc Compliancee with with Standar Standards ds  Any deviations deviations from this part of Specifications Specifications shall be be subject to Comp Company any approval approval and shall be advised in writing to the Custodian. In all cases the Company Company determin determine e the adequacy adequacy of the design design carried out and works executed by the Contractor in accordance with this Specifications.


C1.4 Product Product / Asset Asset Warra Warranty nty The entire works, executed under a particular contract, shall be guaranteed to meet the specified technical specifications and its referred standar standards ds & specifications.  Any defects, identified within the maintena maintenance nce period (as per the contract or a minimum of  one year), have to be repaired by the Contractor at his own cost. The Contractor Contractor shall prepare a repair procedure procedure for the defects. All repair procedures procedures shall

not be performed without the prior approval of the Company.




C2.1 C2 .1 Gene Genera rall This Specification covers the minimum requirements for the supply and installation of  Fire Protection Works for Company facilities and should be read in conjunction with Chapter-A ‘General requirements’.

C2.2 Units Units of measure measurement ment Units of measu Units measure reme ment nt are listed listed in Ch Chapt apter er-A -A ‘Ge ‘Gene neral ral re requi quire reme ments nts’’ of this this Specification.

C2.3 Fire Fire Detection Detection & Alarm Alarm System Systemss C2.3.1 C2.3. 1 Fire Detection Detection & Alarm Systems Systems General Generally ly

Early warning detection and alarm systems shall follow the codes of practice given in BS EN 54 and NFPA Vol 4. These codes give recommendatio recommendations ns for the planning, installation and servicing of fire systems in buildings. The scope includes: -

Cir Circuit uit desi esign. gn.




Alar Alarm m and and tr trig igge gerr dev devic ices es..


Sit Siting ing of of con contro troll and ind indica icator tor e equi quipme pment. nt.


Paging System


Power s su upply.


Wi Wiri rin ng sy sys stem tems.


Testing esting,, insp inspect ectin ing g and com commi missio ssionin ning. g.

C2 C2.3 .3.2 .2 Oper Operati ation onal al Crite Criteri ria a

Power supplies for fire detection and alarm systems shall include a standby battery and automatic charger, charger, and shall be designed so as not to become inoperative in the event of failure of the standby battery or the AC supply. supply. A closed circuit principle shall be used, and all wiring shall be continuously monitored such that any of the following conditions cause a Fault Fault indication  indication at the main indicator panel: -

Short Short circuit circuit fault, fault, in indicat dicating ing the effecte effected d zo zone. ne.


Open Open ci circui rcuitt fa fault, ult, indi indicati cating ng the the effecte effected d zo zone. ne.


Earth fault.

- Po Powe werr supp supply ly faul fault. t. The control circuitry shall be so arranged such that none of the above conditions cause caus e the fire alarms alarms to sound. sound. Moni Monitori toring ng of the system shall shall be intrinsic intrinsic in the control cont rol circui circuitt design. design. It shall be automati automatic c in operation operation and shall shall not require require the manual operation of switches or other apparatus. The local annunciator panel along with RIN Panel shall be located at the building main entrance and shall be visible from outside the building. Large buildings shall be suitably zoned in accordance with BS EN 54-1. The panel shall indicate zone fault and alarm, which shall be activated by tthe he manual call points and automatic detection systems.  Activation of one one zone ala alarm rm shall op operate erate aud audible ible alarms alarms in all zones.


 Activation of one zone alarm shall also shutdown air-conditioning air-conditioning systems in all zones, except for systems that do not cause the spread of smoke outside the area of  the fire. Fault and fire alarm shall be relayed to a central mimic panel, which shall be located at the Fire Station or to such other location as may be designated by the Company. The annunciator panel shall include a battery back-up power supply to provide at least 24 hrs of system operation plus 15 min of full alarm. C2 C2.3 .3.3 .3 Po Powe werr Sup Suppl ply y

The The main main su suppl pply y feed feeding ing the fire fire sys system tem control control pa pane nell shall shall be connec connecte ted d to a dedicated circuit way on a distribution board which is part of the main switch panel.

No other services shall be connected to this circuit way and, where MCBs are used, the one one ser servin ving g the fire fire prote protecti ction on system system shall shall be pa paint inted ed re red d an and d labell labelled ed (white/red/white) Fire Alarm - Do not switch off. The main supply cable feeding the control panel should follow the least hazardous route available.  A standby power supply unit, in accordan accordance ce with DEP,, shall be provided incorporating incorporating a batter battery y and constant potential autom automatic atic charger. charger. The unit may be separate or be incorporated in the control and indicator panel cabinet and shall be capable of providing adequate power to the system, while at the same time maintaining the battery at full capacity. The battery shall be of sufficient capacity to provide energy for the standing load of all monitoring monitorin g systems for a period of 24 hrs normal operation, no fault/no alarm, and an additionall 15 min at full alarm. The battery charg additiona charger er shall be capable of restoring restoring the battery to full capacity within 8 hrs from a fully discharged condition. Fault monitoring and alarm indication shall be provided for : -

Mains Mains power power fai failure lure,, by red red ligh lightt visib visible le withou withoutt opening opening the the panel. panel.


Battery Battery power power fai failure lure,, which which m may ay be inside inside the the panel panel..


Charger Charger outp output ut fai failure lure,, which which may be inside inside the panel panel..

The The com comple plete te power power su suppl pply y unit unit sha shallll be contai containe ned d in a ventil ventilate ated d sh shee eett steel steel enclosure, designed to ensure adequate heat dissipation. All steel shall be treated so as to be acid and corr corrosio osion n resistant. resistant. The enclosur enclosure e shall be gloss paint finish finish in grey, or similar colour, to the approval of the Company. The power supply unit shall comprise: -

Cons Consta tant nt pote potent ntia iall cha charg rger er..


Pre-cha Pre-charge rged d batt battery ery of Lit Lithium hium (first (first ch choice) oice) or or nickel nickel cadmium cadmium or sealed sealed lead lead acid cells containedwithin the power unit or alternatively in a separate box.


Output fuses.


Instrume Instruments nts to display display charg charger er voltag voltage e and current current outp output. ut.


Mains On indication, by green light visible without opening the panel.


A gene general ral alarm alarm c conta ontact ct for m mains ains power power failure failure indica indication tion..

C2.3 C2.3.4 .4 An Annu nunc ncia iator tor Pa Pane nell

The control/indicator panel shall be of modular design complying with BS EN 54-2. The main audible and visual alarm shall operate upon receipt of each alarm.  A muting/reset muting/reset switch shall be provided to cancel the audible alarm but not the visual alarm. This switch shall not inhibit any subsequ subsequent ent alarms, which shall reactiva reactivate te the audible alarm. A supervisory buzzer shall sound throughout the duration of any alarm condition after the main alarm has been muted.


Each fire alarm zone, as indicated on the drawings, shall be individually monitored such that a fault condition will not prevent the function function of any other zone. Yellow and red indicating lamps shall provide visual indication of zone fault and alarm. Potential-free contacts of a relay shall be provided for automatic shutdown of airconditioning and ventilation plant in the event of a fire alarm, except for systems that do not cause the spread spread of smoke outside outside the area of the fire. A suitable suitable relay relay or  motor contactor also shall be provided adjacent to appropriate fans, starters, etc. Potential-fre Potential -free e contacts contacts of a rela relay y shall shall also be provided provided for remote remote indicati indication on of  system sys tem Fire Fire   or Fault Fault   alarm. If these sig signal nals s are to be relaye relayed d by the telephon telephone e system sys tem,, the then n the Con Contra tracto ctorr shall shall ins instal talll an RMA, RMA, suppli supplied ed fr freeee-iss issue ue by the Compa Com pany ny,, adjace adjacent nt to the panel. panel. The The wir wiring ing from the pa panel nel to the teleph telephon one e

distribution point, point, via the RMA, shall be part of the facility fire protection scope unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents.  All cables shall be terminated to t o a junction box located adjacent to the panel. Main cables should not be glanded direct to the panel.  A zone isolation switch shall be provided for maintena maintenance nce purposes, and to prevent the main audible and visual alarms from being activated, but shall not inhibit the individual zone fault and alarm indicator.  A system test isolation key switch shall also be provided to prevent the transmission of alarm signals to a remote location or shutdown of air-conditioning or ventilation plant, but shall not inhibit the operation of the alarm system.  A separate visual alarm shall be illuminated during the period that a zone or system has been isolated.  All zone and system isolation switches shall be mounted on the panel under a separate cover, or other means, to prevent unauthorised isolation, to the approval of  the Company, and shall be labelled.  A master alarm pushbu pushbutton tton shall be provided on the panel to manually activate all audible alarms for emergency or test purposes.  A master master Lamp Test pushbutton Test pushbutton shall be provided to illuminate all visual indicators. C2.3. 2.3.5 5 RIN P Pa ane nell

Remote Interface Node (RIN) panel shall comply to specifications as listed in SAP material no: 1000830688. The RIN telemetry panel shall be of modular design. This telemetry panel shall be installed in conjunction with fire alarm control/indicator panel to transmit the signals to the local fire station or a assigned control room through a dedicated IP address network cable system. The RIN panel shall be mounted along with the fire alarm control/indicator panel in the part of the building, which is easily accessible in case of emergenc emergency y. Preferable location for these panels is the entrance foyer of any building. Two or more fire alarm panels may be connected to one RIN panel either by hard-wired cables or RF signals to BS EN 54-25. The custodian of the fire alarm system in the area will assign and arrange for a dedicated IP address. C2.3.6 C2. 3.6 Manual Manual Fir Firee Alar Alarm m Call Call Points Points

Call points shall comply with BS 5839: Part 2, and may be either of the hammer/break glass (complete with hammer) or the push/break glass types. However, only one type shall be used in any single facility. facility. All call points shall be clearly labelled labelled Fire Alarm, Alarm, in both Arabic and English, with a pictorial design to show operation.  After emergency emergency operation, reset of call points to normal status shall be possible only by authorised authorised personne personnel. l. The units shall be house housed d in shatterp shatterproof roof,, corrosio corrosionnresistant, red engineering plastic housings with key-operated test reset locks. Call points shall generally be located on main exits, along the corridors at intervals not exceeding 100 m, on all emergency escape routes, staircase landings and at exits to


the open air. air. Spacing shall be such such that no person nee needs ds to travel more than 30 m from any position within the building to initiate an alarm. C2 C2.3 .3.7 .7 Audi Audibl blee Ala Alarm rmss

Fire alarm bells shall be provided and be clearly audible at any part of the building at any time.  A minimum minimum of 2 bells bells shall be provided provided for e each ach zone.  Alarm bells shall shall be of the unde under-dome r-dome typ type, e, with 225 mm diameter diameter red go gongs, ngs, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. Table C1 Fire Alarm Bell Characteristics Characteristics



Operating Voltage

24V DC.

Sound Output

85 dBA at 3 m minimum.

Externally mounted bells shall be weatherproof to IP55. In residential areas the audible alarm shall be in the form of a horn or bell. C2.3.8 C2. 3.8 Automa Automatic tic Smo Smoke ke Detec Detector torss C2.3.8.1 C2.3. 8.1 Autom Automatic atic Smoke Detectors Detectors Generally Generally

Point smoke detectors shall comply with BS EN 54-7 and may be of the optical and/or  ionization type. Both detectors are suitable forlled industrial commercial with preference optical opti cal detector detectors s being bein g insta installed whe where reand high immunit immunity y buildings, to electric electrical al interfer inte rference encefor  is required. Where more than one detector is required, equal numbers of both types shall be used, evenly spread.  Activation of a single smoke detector sh shall all initiate alarms alarms and executive executive actions. actions. C2.3 C2.3.8 .8.2 .2 Lo Loca cati tion on & Spa Spaci cing ng

Ceiling mounted mounted detectors detectors shall be located not less less than 100 mm from wal walls. ls. With beam construction less than 300 mm deep and 2.4 m centres, detectors may be located on the bottom of of beams. For smooth ceilin ceilings, gs, a spacing of 9 m may be used as a guide. Sidewall mounted detectors should be located between 100 mm and 300 mm below the ceiling. In all cases, the Manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed. C2.3.8 C2. 3.8.3 .3 Opt Optica icall Smoke Smoke Det Detect ectors ors

Optical detectors shall operate on the principle of light scatter, 'Tyndall effect', and should respond respond primari primarily ly to the visible products of com combustion. bustion. The detector light light source sour ce should be a high quality quality infra red LED. Detec Detectors tors shall shall latch in alarm until reset at the panel. A short short pulse of the external LED should visibly indicat indicate e correct operation of the detector at regular intervals. Table C2 - Optical Smoke Detector Characteristics CHARACTERISTIC


Operating v vo oltage (w (wide b ba and)

17-28V DC DC


Current at 24V DC







Operating temperature

-20 to +50oC

Maximum humidity

95% RH

C2.3.8 C2. 3.8.4 .4 Ion Ionisa isatio tion n Smoke Smoke Detect Detectors ors

Ionization detectors detectors shall be of a dual chamber type with solid state circuitry, circuitry, primarily

designed to respond to invisible products of combustion produced by most fires in the incipient stage. The radioactive source should be Americiam 241 and be limited to no more than 9 microcuries. Table C3 - Ionisation Smoke Detector Characteristics CHARACTERISTIC


Operating v vo oltag tage (w (wide b ba and)

17-28V DC DC

Current at 24V DC

Quiescen t






Operating temperature

-20 to +50oC

Maximum humidity

95% RH

C2.3.9 C2. 3.9 Automa Automatic tic Heat Heat Detect Detectors ors C2.3.9 C2. 3.9.1 .1 Aut Automa omatic tic Heat Heat Detector Detectorss Gener Generall ally y

Heat detectors should be provided when smoke detectors cannot be used due to the normal presence of smoke. Detectors shall comply with the BS EN 54-5 and should, where possible possible,, be based on solid-state technology and utilise thermistors as the temperature sensors. C2 C2.3 .3.9 .9.2 .2 Lo Loca cati tion on & Spa Spaci cing ng

Detectors mounted on flat ceilings should be located not less than 100 mm from walls. With beam construction construction less than 300 mm dee deep p and 2.4 m centres, detecto detectors rs may be located on the bottom of beams. Sidewall mounted detectors should be located between 100 mm and 300 mm below the ceiling.  As a guide, each each detector detector may be us used ed to protec protectt 50 m2 of floor floor area. In all cases, the Manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed. C2.3.9 C2. 3.9.3 .3 Hea Heat-Se t-Sensi nsitiv tivee Elemen Elements ts

Two types of heat-sensitive elements may be used: Fixed temperature, which operate when a pre-selected temperature is reached. Rate of rise, which operate when the air temperature rises abnormally quickly. The nominal nominal operatin operating g temp temperat erature ure setting setting of detector detectors s should should not exceed exceed the expected maximum ambient temperature by more than 25 oC.


Table C4- Heat Detector Characteristics CHARACTERISTIC


Operatin ting V Vol olta tage ge (wide wide band)

17-28V 28V DC

Current at 24 VDC

Quiesce nt


100 uA



60 mA

C2.3.9 C2. 3.9.4 .4 Det Detect ector or Mountin Mounting g

For each project, all detectors shall be of one Manufacturer and shall have a plug in mounting bases, so that all detector types are interchangeable. The detectors shall be locked to the bases to prevent unauthorised removal, and are to be manufactured with LED response indicators, which will illuminate when the detector is in an Alarm or Fault Fault condition.  condition. Detectors located in areas not readily visible shall be provided with remote indicator  lamps, the location of which shall be agreed with the Company. Duct mounted detectors shall be suitable for the purpose, to the approval of the Company.. Duct probes Company probes shall compri comprise se a pair of probes, probes, situated situated within the duct, duct, and a sampling chamber chamber, situated outside the duct. The sampling chamber chamber shall house the detector, either ionization or optical depending on the risk to be detected and be fitted with an access plate for maintenance purposes. C2.3.10 C2.3. 10 Fire Fire/Smoke /Smoke Door R Releas eleasee Units

Where magnetic door release units areorused conjunction theinclude automatic fire alarm system, the units may be wall floorinmounted, andwith shall a hand release button to enable doors to be closed manually. Table C5 -Door Release Characteristics CHARACTERISTIC


Operating voltage

24V DC

Current at 24V DC

60 uA

Holding power

11.3 kg

C2.3.1 C2. 3.11 1 Cables Cables

Fire alarm and detection cables shall be segregated from other electrical services, including those of similar voltage and frequency. Cables shall be protected by armour, conduit or trunking as follows. -

Burie Buried d cables cables sha shallll ha have ve ste steel el wi wire re armou armourr.


Cables Cables en encase cased d with within in bu buildin ilding g fab fabric ric m may ay be in PVC PVC conduit conduit..


Cables Cables sur surface face mount mounted ed sha shallll be protec protected ted by steel steel condui conduitt or steel steel trunking trunking..

Cable selection shall be as follows. -

Cable Cables, s, size 16 mm2 an and d abov above, e, shall shall be XL XLPE PE insulat insulated ed,, PVC PVC shea sheathe thed, d, 600/1000V grade.


Cabl Cables es,, size size 10 mm mm2 2 to 2.5 mm2, mm2, may may ha have ve PVC insul insulat atio ion, n, 600/1 600/100 000V 0V grade, to BS 6346.



Size 2.5 2.5 mm mm2 2 sha shallll be the the mini minimum mum c cable able size for for low volta voltages ges (240V) (240V)..


Size 1.13 1.13 m mm2 m2 sh shall all be the mi minimu nimum m cab cable le size size for extra extra low low voltages voltages (to (to 30 V).

Where FP200 cables are used, the recommendations recommendations of FP200 USERS GUIDE  shall   shall be followed. Mineral insulated cable should not normally be required for fire detection and alarm systems. C2.3.12 C2.3. 12 Ident Identificat ification ion

 All items, such as control units, alarms, detectors, etc, shall be identified on layout drawings by a unique reference, which shall be related to the zones.

 All interconn interconnecting ecting wiring shall be similarly identified by a unique reference reference which shall be related to both zones and items connected.  All items shall be labelled with reference references s using white Letterset 'Helvetica medium 24pt' capitals, coated with hard varnish, or equal and approved by the Company.  All conductor cores shall be identified at each end by means of colour coded Z type ferrules, with black lettering. C2.3.13 C2.3. 13 Commi Commission ssioning ing & Testing Testing

The general requirements for commissioning, testing and handover, together with standard Test Reports, are Chapter A of this Specification. C2.3.1 C2. 3.14 4 Tests ests

Tests shall include: 1. A visual inspe inspection ction of the whole of the installation, covering equip equipment ment and section in subways, walkways, crawlways, and false ceilings, where accessible. 2. The opera operation tion of all accessories and items of equipm equipment ent and a check for proper  function, including such items as may have been supplied by others but wired under  this Contract. These tests shall be made under normal normal operating con conditions, ditions, and the results noted. 3. Insulation tests of all circuits between pha phases, ses, phase to neutral, phas phase e to earth and neutral to earth. 4. Functional test of all smoke detectors using an approved smoke generating testing device. 5. Functional test of all heat detectors by an approved heat source testing device. 6. Simulated tests for fir fire e or fault alarm at one or m more ore detector detector,, or manual contact, contact, as may be instructed by the Company. 7. For correct pol polarity arity of the alarm devices, devices, bells, sirens, klaxons, etc etc., ., and all other  items where correctness of polarity is required. C2.3.14.1 Test Procedures

Tests shall be :-

Cond Conduc ucte ted d by the the Co Cont ntra ract ctor or in the the pr pres ese enc nce e of th the e Comp Compan any y at th the e completion of the installation, or in any other sequence the Company may advise.


Reco Record rded ed by the the Co Cont ntra ract ctor or on the form of Tes estt Cert Certif ific icat ate, e, and shall shall be forwarded to the Company within 14 days of the Tests being made.

 A certificate certificate shall be issued and signed by th the e Contractor at each stage. stage.


C2.4 Fire Fire Fighting Fighting Water C2.4.1 Scope

Brackish water should normally be considered too corrosive for use as fire fighting water inside buildings. buildings. If brackish water is used, then reference reference should should be made to DEP, 'Requirements for Fire Protection in Onshore Oil and Gas Processing and Petrochemical Installations'. This Section addresses installations using fresh water. C2.4 C2.4.2 .2 Pi Pipe pe W Wor ork k & Fit Fitti ting ngss

Buried pipe work shall be UPVC to BS EN 1452, with joints and fittings to BS EN 1452-3, suitable for 15 bar(g) working 1452-3, working pressure pressure.. Joints on pipe runs over over 50 m shall be push fit. Pipe work above ground, within buildings, size 150 mm and under, shall be seamless, black mild steel to BS EN 10255, heavyweight, with screwed, malleable iron, fittings to BS EN 10242. Pipe work, size 150 mm or over, shall be seamless, black mild steel to BS EN 10216, heavyweight, with welded joints and fittings to BS EN 10253.  Alternatively, galvanised piping in sizes DN 15 up to DN 50 shall be constructed from  Alternatively pre-galvanised screwed pipe and fittings according to piping class 18011. Piping DN 80 and and lar large gerr sh shall all be made made from from pre-f pre-fab abric ricate ated d pi pipe pe spools spools and and then then ho hott di dip p galvanised as specified in piping class 18011. These spools shall be flanged and shall be restricted to shapes that permit hot dip galvanising after fabrication. The maximum size of these spools is limited by the available galvanising bath and by the means of  transport. Reference to piping class shall be made to DEP Field welds may be applied only on galvanised systems that will be full of liquid in service. C2.4. 2.4.3 3 Val alve vess

Isolating Valves

See Section B

Non-Return Valves

See Section B


See Section B

Drain Cocks

See Section B

C2.4. 2.4.4 4 Equ quip ipme ment nt C2.4 C2.4.4 .4.1 .1 Ho Hose se re reel elss

Hose reel pipe work work installations shall shall be to BS 5306. Pipe work to each hose hose reel shall be not less than 25 mm NB, and shall include a stop valve and a union connection. Offices areas should have automatic, swinging, recess type, hose reels to BS EN 671-1, complete with 25 m, 19 mm NB, non-kinking, reinforced rubber, hosepipe and  jet/spray/off,  jet/spray/of f, high-imp high-impact act plastic, no nozzle. zzle. Industrial areas should have automatic, swing-open, wall type, hose reels to BS EN 671-1, complete with 30 m, 25 mm NB, non-kinking, reinforced rubber, hosepipe and  jet/spray/off,  jet/spray/of f, high-imp high-impact act plastic, no nozzles. zzles. C2 C2.4 .4.4 .4.2 .2 Hy Hydr dran ants ts

Below ground fire hydrants shall be streamlined, screw down pattern, cast iron with gunmetal trim, 65 mm round thread, male outlet and captive cap flanged inlet, to BS 750, Type Type 2. Installation shall be in a precast concr concrete ete pit of internal dimensio dimensions ns 500 mm x 250 mm section and below hydrant depth. Pits shall be covered with a cast iron surface box marked FH FH.. A hydrant key shall be provided for each outlet.


 Above ground fire hydrants shall be stand post type, installed with two female instantaneous, size 65 mm, individually valved outlets, to BS 336, with dust cap and pin lugs. Stand post hydrants shall be protected by barriers and rails. Fire hydrants should be capable of delivering 8.3 l/s at 6 bar(g) from a 19 mm nozzle. Typical hydrant details are shown on STD-2-1402. C2.4.4 C2. 4.4.3 .3 Suc Suctio tion n Hose Hose Cou Coupli plings ngs

Suctio Suc tion n hose hose cou coupli pling ngs, s, for use wit with h below below-g -gro roun und d fir firewa ewater ter stora storage ge such such as swimming pools, shall be size 4" female British Standard Round Thread to BS 336, constructed of gun-metal, complete with pin lugs for tightening.

C2.4.4 C2. 4.4.4 .4 Fir Firewa ewater ter Stora Storage ge T Tank ankss

Firewater storage tanks shall store water for both hydrant and hose reel supply, and should sho uld be of hot presse pressed d GR GRP P panel panel sect sectio ions ns to BS EN 13121-3 13121-3  or equal and approved by the Company. Tanks shall be complete with bolt-down top cover, access hatch, access ladders, filtered vent/overflow pipe of 150 mm diameter, 75 mm diameter drain point and two, 150 mm diameter, flanged outlet points to the side at low level. C2 C2.4 .4.4 .4.5 .5 Fi Fire re Pump Pump-Se -Sets ts

Pump Sets Package fire pump-sets shall be sized to supply 41.5 l/s, with a minimum 4 bar(g) pressure at the furthest hydrant, and shall include: -

Duty Duty elec lectr tric ic pump


St Stan andb dby y die diese sell pum pump. p.


Pres Press sure ure v ves esse sel. l.


Inle Inlett and and out outle lett ma mani nifo fold lds. s.


Pump Pump suc suctio tion n and d deli eliver very y isola isolatin ting g val valves ves..


Pump Pump d deli eliver very y non non-r -retu eturn rn valves valves..


Motor Motor co contr ntrol ol pane panell and and contro controls. ls.

The pump-set shall be suitable for outdoor use, with occasional ambient temperatures in excess of 50oC, mounted on a mild steel, channel section, bed frame, with antivibration vibratio n isolator isolators, s, on a concret concrete e plinth. The entir entire e unit shall be sprayed sprayed with red enamel paint. Pumps shall be direct-c Pumps direct-coup oupled, led, end-sucti end-suction, on, centr centrifug ifugal al pumps to BS 5257. Both pump impeller impeller and casing shall be of close-grained close-grained cast iron. The shafts shall be of  stainless steel and and bearings bearings of the ball type type.. Shaft seals shall shall be bronze bronze with cast iron glands. An airlock and drain plug shall be integral to the pump. Diesel Engines Diesel engines shall be air or water cooled, rated for continuous duty to BS ISO 3046, including wet-sump lubrication, fan shroud, lubricating oil filter, daily service fuel oil tank,, one engine mounted tank mounted lubricati lubricating ng oil pressure pressure gauge, gauge, exhaust exhaust silencer silencer,, 2 m battery batte ry leads, leads, star starter ter batt batterie eries, s, fuel filte filterr, air cleaner cleaner,, charging charging dynamos, dynamos, starter starter,, resiliently mounted starting panel, flexible coupling or belt drive, and all necessary control solenoids, to make the engine suitable for fully automatic operation. Fuel tanks shall have a capacity equivalent to 24 hours running. Pump-Set Controls Packaged fire pump-sets shall be supplied with a motor control panel which shall be weatherproof to IP55.


Each pump shall have 2-position switches which shall be denoted as Auto Auto or  or Manual On.. When either pump is running, an external flashing red light, supplied with the On panel shall be energised.  Auto-starting shall be initiated when the pressure in the firewater ring main drops  Auto-starting below bel ow a minimum minimum,, normal normally ly 2-3 bar(g). bar(g). A pressur pressure e switch shall initiate initiate a timer  timer  (adjusta (adj ustable ble from 0-10 sec). If the pressur pressure e drop drop is maintai maintained ned for the designat designated ed period, then the duty duty electric pump shall start automatically automatically.. If the pressure returns returns to normal before before the pump starts, starts, then the timer sha shallll automatically reset reset to zero. An independent, and parallel, control loop shall be incorporated for the diesel pump, where a timer shall be set for a longer period (0-20 sec). Should the duty pump fail to run, the standby pump shall start and run automatically.

The motor control panel shall include equipment to start and control both pumps, and shalll include shal include such instru instrumen ments ts as Power On  On  an and d overlo overload ad Trip Trip   lights, hours-run hours-run meters, ammeters ammeters and a 7-day time switch, which shall be wired to automatically automatically start and run both pumps for periodic 30 minute test runs. The The equip equipme ment nt sha shallll inc includ lude e a batte battery ry charg charger er an and d a tra transf nsform ormer er/re /recti ctifie fierr se set, t, providing 12 V DC output for the diesel set operation. Both control and electrical components shall have independent system and control loops for each pump.  A water flow switch shall be provided in the fire main pipe work, so that, in the event of loss of water, the pumps shall cease to operate. C2 C2.4 .4.5 .5 Inst Instal alla lati tion on C2.4.5 C2. 4.5.1 .1 Pip Pipee work Ins Instal tallat lation ion Genera Generally lly

The general requirements for pipe work installation are given in Chapter A– ‘General  Requirements’ of this Specification Specification.. C2.4 C2.4.5 .5.2 .2 Trenc renche hess

The general requirements for excavation and trench support are given in Chapter A– ‘General Requirements’ of this Specification Specification.. Buried pipe work shall have a minimum cover of 800 mm and be provided with 150 mm compacted, compacted, approved, be bedding. dding. Bedding an and d backfill shall consist of sand, sand, no sharps, excluding stones retained in a 25 mm sieve, or equal and approved by the Company. C2.4.6 C2. 4.6 Commis Commissio sionin ning g & Test esting ing

The general requirements for commissioning, testing and handover, handover, together with stand sta ndar ard d Test Repor Reports, ts, are are giv given en in Chap Chapter ter A– ‘Ge ‘Genera nerall Requirem Requirements’ ents’ of this this Specification. C2.4.6 C2. 4.6.1 .1 Pip Pipee work Le Leaka akage ge Test Testing ing

Pipe work, except open-ended vents and drain pipes, shall be tested at 9 bar(g), or  1.5 x working pressure, whichever is the greater, for a period of 1 hour without loss.  All pipe work work shall be flus flushed hed after te testing. sting. C2.4 C2.4.6 .6.2 .2 Comm Commis issi sion onin ing g

 A copy copy of the Manufactu Manufacturer's rer's certifie certified d pump char characteristic acteristic curves shall shall be provided provided for  comparison with field acceptance test. Minimum, rated and peak loads of fire pumps shall be determined by controlling the quantity of water discharged through approved test devices.


Engine-driven units shall not show signs of overload or stress. Governors shall be set to properly regulate minimum engine speed at rated pump speed at maximum pump brake horsepower. Fire pump units shall be started, and brought up to rated speed, without interruption, underr conditions unde conditions of a disc discharg harge e equal to peak load. Fire pum pump p controller controllers s shall perform not less than 10 automatic, and 10 manual, operations during the acceptance test. Fire pump pump driver drivers s shall be opera operated ted for a minimum per period iod 5 minutes minutes at full speed during each of the above operations. Tests of engine drive controllers shall be divided between both sets of batteries. On installations with an alternate source of power and an automatic transfer switch, loss of primary source shall be simulated, and transfer shall occur while the pump is

operating at peak peak load. Transfer Transfer from normal to emer emergency gency source, and rere-transfer  transfer  from emergency to normal source, shall not cause opening of over current protection devices in either line. At least half of both manual and automa automatic tic operations shall be performed with the fire pump connected to the alternate source.  Alarm condition, condition, both local and remote, remote, shall be simulated to de demonstrate monstrate satisfactory satisfactory operation.. Fire pumps shall be in operation operation operation for a minimum minimum of 1 hour during during all of the foregoing tests.

C2.5 Portable Portable Fire Fire Extingu Extinguisher isherss C2.5.1 C2.5. 1 Manuf Manufactur acture, e, Testing esting & Certificat Certification ion

Fire extinguishers shall be manufactured, tested and certified to conform with BS 7863 or equal (eg CEN-EN 3.1 up to and including 3.5, NFPA 10, 10, DIN 14406) and be certified by the Royal Oman Police. In addition, fire extinguisher bodies, filling nozzles and caps shall be made from material having rigidity, rigidity, durability durability and resistance to electro-ch electro-chemical emical corrosive effects of the extingui extinguishing shing medi media. a. Non-metallic materials shall not be used for these  parts. C2.5.2 C2. 5.2 Selec Selectio tion n & Ins Instal tallat lation ion

Fire extinguishe extinguishers rs shall shall be sele selected cted,, inst installe alled d and maintained maintained in accorda accordance nce with BS5306, : Part 3 or equal and approved by the Company.




 Appendix  Append ix A:

Abbreviations Abbreviations


C3.1 Appendix Appendix A: A: Abbreviat Abbreviations ions Abbreviations General definitions and abbreviations are given in 1285 –A ‘Specification for Civil & Building’ Build ing’s s Utility Services Services – ‘Genera ‘Generall Require Requiremen ments’ ts’ of this Specific Specification ation.. The following additional abbreviations have been used in this document. LED


Light Emitting Diode.



National Fire Protection Association



Remote Module Assembly.




Remote Module Assembly.

Chapter D Electrical Installation





Purpose The purpose of this document is to specify the minimum requirements for “ Civil & Buildings Utility Services – Electrical Installation Works ” and is intended for use by PDO and its nominated Consultants and Contractors for the development and operation of of Company facilities. This Chapter o off Specification supersedes supersedes the SP-

1285E Versio ersion n 1.0 ‘Speci ‘Specific ficat ation ion fo forr Civil Civil & Bui Buildi lding ng’s ’s Ut Utili ilitie ties s Ser Servic vices es– – Electrical Installation in buildings’.  buildings’.  This specification is intended to: -

Set th the e Compan Company y standard standards s for faciliti facilities es alo along ng the the facilitie facilities s life cycle. cycle.

- Di Diss ssem emin inat ate e an and d re reco cord rd faci facili liti ties es re rela late ted d in info form rmat atio ion, n, ex expe peri rien ence ce an and d procedures. The Building and Utility Services specification consists of five Chapters. This part shall be read in conjunction with other chapters of this specification.

D1.2 D1. 2

Applic Applicabl ablee Standar Standards, ds, Spec Specifi ificat cation ionss and Codes Codes This Specification shall be read in conjunction with the latest revisions of the following f ollowing Standards, Specifications and Codes.

D1.2 D1.2.1 .1 PD PDO O St Stan anda dard rdss

SP 1279


SP 1275

Specification for Civil & Building Construction :

Specification and Criteria for Design of Civi vill & Buildings

SP 1099


Specification ffo or E Ellectrical IIn nstallation P Prractice

SP 1103


Electrical Engineering Guide lines Supplements to DEP Gen

SP 1104


Electrical Safety Rules

SP 1105


Electrical Standard Drawing

SP 1109


Specification for Earthing & Bonding

SP 1284



Specifications for Signs and Sign boards

SP 1108


Electrical safety operating procedures

SP 1100


Specification for Testing Equipment

SP 1119


Specification of of el electrical ma machines-Cage induction type

SP 1121


Specification f or or L ow ow V Vo oltage Switchgear & Control gear –  Amendments  Amendmen ts / Supplements Supplements to DEP

& Commissioning of Electrical


SP 1171


Specification for Quality A ss ssurance of Design, Construction and Engineering Works.

D1.2.2 D1. 2.2 Intern Internati ationa onall Standar Standards ds

BS 67


Ceiling Roses

BS 88 / IEC 60269


Cartridge Fuses.

BS 1362 / IEC 60269


General Purpose Purposes.

BS 1363


13A Fused Pl Plugs & sw switched & un un sw switched socket outlets





BS 4177


Cooker Control Units.

BS 4662


Boxes for the Enclosure of Electrical Accessories.

BS 5266


Emergency Lighting.

BS 54 5467 67 / IEC IEC 605 0502 02


Elec El ectr tric ical al Cabl Cables es ha havi vin ng Th Ther ermo mo se sett ttin ing g IIns nsul ulat atio ion n

BS 5499


Fire Safety Signs Notices & Graphic Symbols.

BS 5649


Lighting Columns.

BS 6004 / IEC IEC 6022 0227


PVC Insu nsulate ted d Non Armoured Cab able les s.

BS 6007 / IEC 60245


Rubber Cables.

BS 6346


PVC Armoured Electrical Cables.

BS 6500 / IEC 60227 / IEC 60245


Insu Insula late ted d Flex Flexib ible le Co Cord rds s / Cabl Cables es..

BS 7671 / IEC 60364


Requirements of Electr triical Wiring Regulations.

BS EN 60 6023 238 8 / IE IEC C 60238


Sp Spec ecif ific icat atio ion n for for Edis Edison on scr screw ew lam lamp p hold holder ers s

BS EN 60400


Lamp h ho olders fo for Tu Tubular Fl Fluorescent La Lamps & Starter Holders.

BS 60439 / IEC 60439


Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear   assemblies. Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies

BS EN 60 6059 598 8 / IE IEC C 60598



BS EN 60669


Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations.

BS EN 60947 BS EN61184

: :

LV Switchgear & Control gear. Bayonet Lamp Holders

BS EN 61558


Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products.

IEC 60529


Degree of protection by enclosures.



Model Code of Safe Practice – Electrical Part 1.







D1.2.3 D1. 2.3 SIEP SIEP / Sh Shell ell GSI Standar Standards ds

DEP DE P 33.6 33.64. 4.10 10.1 .10 0 - Ge Gen n


Elec El ectr tric ical al Engi Engine neer erin ing g Guid Guidel elin ines es


D1.3 D1 .3



LV Switchgear & Control gear Assemblies (Amendments / supplements to IEC 439-1)



Field Commissioning & Maintenance of Electrical Installation and Equipment

Comp Compli lian ance ce wi with th Stan Standa dard rdss  Any deviations from this part of Specifications shall be subject to Company approval approval and shall be advised in writing to the Custodian.

In all cases the Company determine the adequacy of the design carried out and works executed by the Contractor in accordance with this Specifications.

D1.4 Product Product / Asset Asset Warra Warranty nty The entire Electrical Works, executed under a particular contract, shall be guaranteed to meet meet the the spec specif ifie ied d tech techni nica call spec specif ific icat atio ions ns an and d it its s re refe ferr rred ed st stan anda dard rds s & specifications.  Any defects, identified within the maintenance maintenance period (as per the contract or a minimum of one year), have to be repaired by the Contractor at his own cost.

The Contractor shall prepare a repair procedure for the defects. defects. All repair procedures shall not be performed without the prior approval of the Company.



Scope This Specification covers the minimum requirements for the supply and installation of  Low Voltage Electrical Works for Company civil and building facilities, and should be read in conjunction Chapter A–‘General requirements’. Unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, the scope of this Specification shall apply from the outgoings of the main LV switchgear, excluding terminations.

D2.1 D2 .1

Unit Unitss and and Mea Measu surremen ements ts Units of measurement are listed in Chapter A of this Specification..



D2.2. 2.2.1 1 Ge Gene nera rall

General definitions Chapter A–‘General requirements’. D2 D2.2 .2.2 .2 Abbr Abbrev evia iati tion onss

General Gen eral abbrev abbreviatio iations ns are given given in Chap Chapter ter A of this specifica specification tion.. The followin following g additional abbreviations have been used in this document. AC


Alternating Current.



Distribution B Bo oard.



Direct Current.



Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker.



Finished Floor Level.



High Rupturing Capacity.



Institution of Electrical Engineers.



Low Voltage.



Miniature Circuit Breaker.



Moulded Ca Case C Ciircuit B Brreaker.



Material & Equipment Supply Code.



Protective Earth.



Residual Current Device.




Revolutions per Minute.



Red, Yellow, Bl Blue Electrical P Ph hases.



Safety Extra Low Voltage.



Single Line Diagram.



Steel Wire Armoured.



Seperate neutral and PE conductor.



3 Pole & Neutral.



Cross Li Linked P Po olyethylene.

D2.3 General General Require Requirements ments The General Requirements as given in the following documents shall apply. -

SP-10 SP-1099: 99: E Elec lectri trical cal IInst nstall allati ation on Pr Pract actice ice


SP-1 SP-110 109: 9: Ear Earth thin ing g & Bo Bond ndin ing g

D2.3.1 D2. 3.1 Rated Rated Volt Voltage age and and Fr Frequ equenc ency y

Electrical equipment shall comply with the following rated voltages and frequencies. -

415 V / 3 ph&N / 5 50 0 Hz Hz


240 V / 1 ph&N / 5 50 0 Hz Hz

D2.3.2 D2. 3.2 Materi Materials als & Workman orkmanshi ship p

 All items of electrical equipment and electrical materials shall be as approved by the Company for the purpose. Fully trained tradesmen holding valid certificates of competence shall carry out work. Such tradesmen shall be subject to approval by the Company. D2.3 D2.3.3 .3 Shoc Shock k No Noti tice cess

On terminal lids, covers and doors of bus-bar chambers, link boxes and all equipment which is connected to more than one phase of a medium voltage supply, labels inscribed DANGER 415 VOLTS in Arabic and English shall be provided and fixed externally, using red Letraset Helvetica medium, 24pt minimum, capitals on white background, coated with hard varnish, The following sign shall be fixed in all electrical rooms, in a conspicuous place. MESC 96.64 68 032.9

Emergency Resuscitation Treatment


Electric Shock

D2.3.4 D2. 3.4 Standar Standard dE Elec lectri trical cal Signs Signs

 A list of of standards e electrical lectrical signs signs,, together w with ith SAP ref references, erences, is given given in SP-1284. SP-1284.


D2.4 D2 .4 Cabl Cables es D2.4 D2.4.1 .1 Cabl Cablee Se Sele lect ctio ion n

Cables shall be protected by armour, conduit or trunking as follows. Buried cab Buried cables les above 16 mm2 shall have steel wire armour .up to and including 10 mm2 may have steel wire braid. Cables encased  within  within building fabric may be in PVC conduit. Cables surface mounted  shall  shall be protected by steel conduit or steel trunking.

Cable selection shall be as follows, or equal and approved by the Company. Main, sub main and circuit cables shall cables shall have copper conductors. Cables, size 16 mm2 and above, above, shall be XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, 600/100 600/1000 0 V grade, and manufactured in accordance with BS 5467/IEC60 502. Cables, size 10 mm2  to 2.5 mm2, may have PVC insulation, shall be 600/1000 V grade, and shall be manufactured in accordance with BS 6346. Cables in conduit or trunking for sub-circuit wiring   wiring   shall be single core PVC insulated non-sheathed cables, 450/750 V grade, manufactured in accordance with BS 6004/IEC 6004/IEC 227 227.. He Heat at resist resistan antt cab cables les shal shalll ha have ve of butyl or sil silico icone ne rubb rubber  er  insulati insu lation, on, manuf manufactu actured red in acco accordan rdance ce with BS 6007/IEC60 6007/IEC60 245. The minimum minimum conductor size shall be 2.5 mm2. Flexible cables Flexible cables and cord cords s for general general purp purpose oses s   shall shall be PVC insulate insulated d and sheathed with stranded copper conductors, 450/750 V grade, and manufactured in accordance accordanc e with BS 6500/IEC 60225/6024 60225/60245. 5. The minimum cross section shall be 2.5 mm2. Flexible cables and cords for connection to light fittings ,  between ceiling rose and lamp holder for pendant type and for enclosed luminaires, shall be heat resistant silicone rubber insulated with stranded copper conductors complying with BS 6004/ 6007/ 6500. The minimum cross section shall be 1.5 mm2. D2.4 D2.4.2 .2 Cabl Cablee Inst Instal alla latio tion n

Cable Cabl e installa installation tion,, below below and abo above ve grou ground nd includin including g trunking trunking and conduit, conduit, shall shall comply with the requirements of SP-1099

D2.5 D2 .5 Earthi Earthing ng & Bondin Bonding g D2.5.1 D2. 5.1 Earthi Earthing ng & Bondin Bonding g Gener Generall ally y

Earthing and bonding installations shall comply with the requirements of SP-1099 and SP-1109 together with the Standard Drawings in SP-1105 LV earthing installations shall be in TN-S configuration, i.e., with separate earth and neutral conductors. D2.5 D2.5.2 .2 Ea Eart rth h Conti Continui nuity ty

Protective Protectiv e con conduct ductors ors shall shall be stra strande nded d copp copper er PVC sheathed sheathed cables, coloure coloured d yellow and green. Main earth rings shall be size 70 mm 2  Branch earth connections shall be size 25 mm2 and may be copper tape or copper  braid. Sub circuit earth continuity conductors shall be of equal size to the circuit phase conductor.


The metal grids of switch assemblies shall be earthed by means of a 2.5 mm 2 stranded single core PVC earth wire connected to the earth terminal in the accessory box. D2 D2.5 .5.3 .3 Eq Equi uipo pote tent ntia iall Bo Bondi nding ng

Exposed conductive parts and extraneous conductive conductive parts shall be connected to the protective conductor by a separate branch, except in the case of socket outlets, lighting switches and lighting points connected to a sub circuit. Bonding conductors shall be stranded copper PVC sheathed cables; coloured yellow and green, minimum size 4 mm2.

D2.6 D2 .6

LV Dist Distri ribu buti tion on Equi Equipm pmen entt

D2.6.1 D2.6. 1 LV Distr Distribution ibution Equipment Equipment Generally Generally

Installation of equipment shall comply with the requirements of SP-1099 Equipment shall be located so that adequate and safe access and working space is provided for commissioning, commissioning, testing, testing, operation an and d maintenance. maintenance. The depth of the working space in front of electrical panels shall be equal to the width of the panel door  and in any case not less than 1 m. D2 D2.6 .6.2 .2 In Inco comi ming ng Cab Cable le E Entr ntry y

Underground cable entry to buildings shall be protected by a 110 mm diameter UPVC sleeve of radius such that the cable will not suffer damage, enclosed in a 150 mm minimum thickness 20/20 concrete surround, with a minimum up stand of 75 mm above FFL. Incom Inc oming ing cable cable entri entries es sh shall all be sea sealed led usi using ng an ap appr prove oved d cold cold plasti plastic c sealin sealing g compound D2 D2.6 .6.3 .3 Means Means of Isol Isolat atio ion n

Incoming main isolation shall be by an air break switch or MCCB, complying with BS EN 60947, arranged to disconnect the live conductors only with an isolating link inserted in the neutral conductor. The link shall be contained in or mounted on the moving member of the switch. Operation shall be manual, quick make / quick break, and it shall not be possible for  the switch to be left in partial engagement. D2.6.4 D2. 6.4 Distri Distributi bution on Swi Switch tch Boards Boards

Single and 3-phase DBs with ratings not exceedin exceeding g 200 A per phase for the incoming circuit and 100 A for individual outgoing circuits shall be factory built assemblies complying with BS EN 60439/IEC60 439. Boards shall have hinged covers and be tropic tropicali alised sed and and sui suitab table le for use use in am ambie bient nt temper temperat ature ures s in excess excess of 50 oC. Insulatin Insu lating g barrier barriers s shall shall be provide provided d to prev prevent ent accident accidental al contact contact and between between phases. Wall mounted boards shall be located at a height of not more than 1.8 m from floor to the top, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. Boards shall have an incoming isolator or MCB. All outgoing circuits shall have MCBs or fuses. Residual current earth leakage circuit breakers shall be incorporated to provide discriminatory discriminatory protection as follows. Board RCD feeding Sub-Circuit board 


Sub-Circuit RCDs feeding socket outlet circuits

100 mA   30 mA

MCBs shall comply with BS EN 60947, shall be assembled on busbar units arranged for a clip-i clip-in n and and screw screw fixing fixing,, and and sh shall all includ include e therm thermal al an and d magn magneti etic c tri trips ps and ambient temperature combination. It shall not possible to re-energise faulty circuits until faults have been cleared.


Neutral and earth terminal bars shall be provided, of adequate capacity to enable neutral neu tral and earth earth sub-circu sub-circuit it cond conducto uctors rs to be terminated terminated in the same order order as connected to MCBs. New installations shall include 25% minimum spare ways for future use. Spare ways shall be covered with blank plates supplied by the DB manufacturer. The standard Single Line Diagram for a TP&N sub distribution board is shown on STD-4-0120. D2.6 D2.6.5 .5 Cons Consum umer er Unit Unitss

Consumer units for single-phase connection connection of loads up to 100A shall be factory built

assemblies complying with BS EN 60439/IEC60 439. Unit’s Uni t’s incom inccircuits oming ing shall feeders feeders shall sha ll be isolat isolated ed by an MCB or doub double le pole pole switch switch.. All outgoing have MCBs. Residual current Residual current earth earth leakage leakage circuit circuit bre breaker akers s shall shall be incorpo incorporate rated d to provide provide discriminatory protection as follows: either  100 mA RCD on incoming feeder or 

30 mA RCDs on all outgoing circuits

in any case 30 case 30 mA RCDs on all socket outlet circuits D2.6.6 D2. 6.6 Circui Circuitt C Chart hartss & Labe Labels ls

Distribut Distr ibution ion Boar Boards ds and Consumer Consumer Units shall be identifie identified d by Tag number number and function on the outside cover. Circuit charts shall be attached to the inside cover. cover. The charts shall comprise a typed list giving the designation of each circuit and the size of the breaker, and shall be protected by a sheet of 2 mm thick perspex. Circuit charts shall include: Circuit identification number. Current rating of breaker. Service, eg lighting, sockets, power, spare, etc. Labels shall be attached to the barriers of breakers indicating the circuit identification number. Spare ways shall be left blank.


Ele lecctric tric Mot Moto ors

D2.7.1 D2. 7.1 Electr Electrica icall mo motor tor genera generally lly

Installation of electric motors shall comply with the requirements of SP-1099 D2.7.2 D2. 7.2 Operat Operationa ionall re requi quire remen ments ts

Motors Motor s sh shall all be cap capab able le of co conti ntinu nuou ous s op oper erati ation on for at least least 4 ye years ars wit witho hout ut maintenance that requires the motor to stop running. Lubrication, if required, shall be possible with the motors in operation. Electric motors shall be suitable for not less than 3000 starts per year. For building building serv services, ices, pump motors motors should should have 4-pole 4-pole windings windings (1450 rpm) in preference to 2-pole (2900 rpm) windings as a precaution against noise. D2.7 D2.7.3 .3 Lo Load ad rreq equir uirem emen ents ts

Electric motors shall be suitable for both the load characteristics and the operational duty of the driven equipment.


Motors shall be suitabl Motors suitable e for direct on line starti starting ng and restarti restarting ng at any voltage voltage between 80% and 110% of rated voltage at the motor terminals. The degree of protection for the motor terminal boxes and bearing houses shall be not less than IPW55. D2.7.4 D2. 7.4 Levell Levelling ing and ali alignm gnment ent

Electric motors on foundations shall be levelled within a tolerance of 0.05 mm/m, or  as recommended by the manufacturer manufacturer,, whichever is the more stringent, measured by a calibrated engineers spirit level.  Allowance shall be made between the rough surface of the foundation foundation and the

underside of the motor base plate for grouting. Final for trains with flexible couplings shall not exceed the values given below,misalignment or those recommended by the manufacturer, whichever is the more stringent. Radial Radi al (Paral (Parallel) lel) Misa Misalign lignmen mentt

0.10 mm to total tal iindic ndicator ator reading reading

 Axial (Angular) (Angular) Misalign Misalignment ment

0.05 mm (based on 150 mm diameter diameter coupling) coupling)

Distortion of the base plate or the alignment shall be prevented during installation.

D2.8 D2. 8

Automa Automatic tic Contr Control ol for for Build Building ing Ser Servic vices es

D2.8.1 D2. 8.1 Automa Automatic tic Cont Contro rols ls Gener Generall ally y

The detail detail desi design, gn, installati installation, on, comm commissio issionin ning g and testing testing of Building Building Services Services automatic automati c cont control rol systems shal shalll inclu include de input input from a Speciali Specialist st Controls Controls System System Manufacturer approved by the Company. The Specialist Controls System Manufacturer's input shall include, but not be limited to: Provision of control panel arrangem arrangement ent drawings and control system wiring diagrams, diagrams, for approval by the Company, prior to manufacture. Provision of details of equipment for approval by the Company prior to supply. Fully integrate the Automatic Controls System equipment to ensure correct operation and interlocking between devices and equipment. Supply and supervision of the installation of all control panels and associated devices, includ inc ludin ing g the provi provisio sion n of boug bought ht in items items fro from m other other speci speciali alist st and and pa packa ckage ged d engineering systems. Testing and commissioning the completed engineering systems. Instruction to the Company maintenance staff appropriate to individual Manufacturer's recommendations. Provision of full operation, faultfinding and maintenance data together with a list of  recommended spares. Confir Con firmat matio ion n of the abi abilit lity y to enter enter into into a co conti ntinu nuing ing servic service e and and mainte maintenan nance ce agreement with the Company. D2.8.2 D2. 8.2 Contr Control ol Pane Panels ls for Buil Building ding Servi Services ces D2 D2.8 .8.2 .2.1 .1 Cons Constr truc ucti tion on

Control panels shall comprise self-contained cupboard units with all contactors, fuses, control equipment equipment and protection protection device devices s mounted withi within. n. Panels shall have have one door-interlocked master isolator, with padlock. Floor standing panels, and wall mounted panels larger than 1 m square, shall be of  folded construction construction using best quality quality mild steel plate not less than 2 mm thick. For  smaller smal ler wall mounted mounted panels panels lighter lighter gauge mater material ial may be used. used. Floor Floor standing standing


panels shall be fitted with lifting eyes. After fabricati panels fabrication, on, panel sections sections shall be degreas deg reased ed and chromate chromate etch etched, ed, followed followed by two coats coats of primer primer,, before before stove stove enamelling to the approved colours. Door constructions shall shal l be folded in the form of a rigid tray tray.. The design shall include dust protective joints at edges. edges. Hinges shall be p provided rovided so that that the doors may may be removed rem oved,, if requir required. ed. Door Doors s allowin allowing g acce access ss to live electrical electrical equipme equipment nt shall be interlocked with the main main isolator isolator.. Other doors sha shallll have locking door handles, handles, with one common key for all locks locks on any given panel. A master master key should fit all locks on all panels that form part of the Works Unless otherwise specified, panels shall be designed to the following dimensional

limits: Height


Length of single section

2200 mm maximum. :

2400 mm maximum.

Longer panels shall be divided for transportation, with sections normally limited to 2400 mm in length. The panel metalwork shall be finished to fully tropicaliszed standard, culminating in a two-tone, stoved, acrylic texture, finish. D2.8.2 D2. 8.2.2 .2 Iso Isolat lating ing Swi Switch tches es

Panels shall be provided with main unfused isolating switches capable of opening and closing on-load. Sufficient auxiliary contacts shall be provided to enable all live connections entering the panel to be isolated.  A neutral link, equal to the rating of the main conductor conductor,, shall be located adjacent to the incoming cable connections.  An efficient earth terminal shall be similarly located, connected to a copper earth bar, which shall run the full length of the panel. D2.8. 2.8.2. 2.3 3 Fus usin ing g

Each electrical load shall be protected by fuses or MCBs. Fuses shall comply with BS 88, class AC4, and be mounted in insulating fuse carriers. For discrimination, a ratio of 1:5:1 shall be used for all fuses connected in series. Control circuit fuses and circuit fuses shall be of HRC cartridge type, mounted in insulating fuse carriers. -

Spare are fuse use ca carrtr trid idg ges of ea each ch size size sh shal alll be suit ita ably mou mounte ted d in eac ach h control panel, the number of spare cartridges based on 25% of the total, with a minimum of 3 for each size.


Fu Fuse ses s fo forr moto motors rs sha shall ll b be e se sele lect cted ed tak takin ing g prop proper er acc acco oun untt of cabl cable e and and motor startin g and characteristics. The highest rating rating fuse shall not be starting mounted in arunning carrier. characteristics.


Iden Identi tifi fica cati tion on o off fus fuse e sizes sizes shal shalll be by a per perma man nen entt fuse fuse table table loca locate ted d adjacent to the fuse base.

D2.8.2 D2. 8.2.4 .4 Bus Busbar barss and and Wirin Wiring g

Busbars, where installed, shall be rated to withstand, at any position, the full fault level related to the largest protective fuse that could be used with the main panel isolators. Wiring within panels shall be installed in colour coded high-grade PVC insulated cable, rated to the manufacturer's manufacturer's recommendations. Power wiring colour codes shall comply with the requirements requirements of SP-1099. SEL SELV V AC control wiring wiring shall be colour 


coded black and SELV DC control wiring shall be colour coded grey, or equal and approved by the Company. Cable should be run in plastic trunking and shall not occupy more than 60% of the trunki trunking ng spac space. e. Cable Cables s tha thatt mu must st be run in looms looms shall be re retai taine ned d by cleats cleats designed to prevent damage damage to the cable insulation. insulation. Cleats shall be screw fixed to the metalwork. Adhesive type clips shall not be used. Multicore cable should be used. Control circuit wiring shall be a minimum of size 32 / 0.20 mm.Conductor cores shall be identified at each end by colour-coded 'Z' type ferrules ferr ules,, with blac black k lette lettering ring,, cros cross-re s-refere ferenced nced in detail detail with the schemati schematic c wiring wiring diagrams.

D2 D2.8 .8.2 .2.5 .5 Ea Eart rth h Conn Connec ecti tions ons

Earthing and bonding Earthing bonding shall shall com comply ply with the require requirement ments s of Section Section E 2.5 of this document.  All sections of control panels panels shall be earthed by pr proper oper condu conductors, ctors, terminating terminating at an earth terminal. Where screened and insulated cables enter panels, separate insulated terminals shall be provided for the connections of the screening, which shall be earthed. D2.8.2 D2. 8.2.6 .6 Cab Cable le Terminat ermination ionss

Individu Indi vidual al termina terminals ls shall shall be provided provided for conn connectio ections ns entering entering or leaving leaving panels. panels. Terminals shall be sized for the type of incoming cable, and located in positions to give adequate access for site wiring. Cables passing through panels shall be mechanically mechanically protected by bushes or glands. Removable gland plates shall be provided for all cables and capillaries entering the panel. Terminals shall be perman permanently ently numbered as indicated on schematic wiring diagram, and be KLIPPON, or equal and approved by the Company. Control circuit wiring connections shall be made via crimp connectors, with extended insulation intended for double crimping. D2 D2.8 .8.2 .2.7 .7 Pi Pilo lott Li Ligh ghts ts

Pilo Pilott li ligh ghts ts shal shalll be as by Trani rani-L -Lam amp p Lt Ltd, d, Typ ype e TM TMH/ H/24 2401 01/1 /1,, wi with th in inte tegr gral al transformers transforme rs and under run bulbs, or equal and approved approved by the Company Company.. Neon lamps should not be used. Pilot lamps shall be colour coded as follows. Green :



Trip or Fault


Amber: Supply Av Available ailable D2.8.2 D2. 8.2.8 .8 Equ Equipme ipment nt Identi Identific ficati ation on

 All instruments and components components shall be identified by labels mounted on the front of  the control panel. panel. Where a gro group up of pilot lights and control control switches are associated with one item of plant, a common label may be used. For all fuses, relays, starters and control equipment, adequate labelling shall be provided within panels on the trunking lids, using white Letterset 'Helvetica medium 24pt' capitals, coated coated with hard varnish varnish.. The labels shall correspond correspond in detail detail with item numbers on the panel wiring diagrams.  An internal layout drawing shall also be mounted on the inside of the panel door, door, giving item numbers for additional identification of equipment.


Wiring labels shall be provided, on each door or cover, giving notice of any live medium voltage circuit existing when the doors are open or when the cover plates are removed.. Labels shall be eng removed engraved raved on Traffolyte Traffolyte,, or similar, engraving engraving laminate. laminate. Unless otherwise specified, lettering shall be black on a white background. Labels on the outside of panels shall be fixed by 3 mm chrome screws. D2.8 D2.8.2 .2.9 .9 Mo Moto torr Contr Control olss

Contactors shall be rated for intermittent duty and shall be supplied complete complete with novolt release, HRC fuses, thermal overload protection and single phase protection together with all necessary auxiliary contacts required for correct control operation.

For motors of 30 kW and above, earth fault protection shall be provided. Thermal overloads shall be suitable for hand reset and provided with changeover  contacts for trip indication. D2.8.2.10 D2.8. 2.10 Contr Control ol Relays

Control relays shall be of the plug-in type complete with screw terminal bases and dust protecting cover. For standardisation standardisation purposes, all relays within the control panel shall be of the 3-pole changeover type. Solder type valve bases shall not be used. D2.8.2.1 D2.8. 2.11 1 Time Sw Switche itchess

Time switches, where required, shall have an automatically wound spring reserve lasting at least 18 hours and be suitable for one ON ON and  and one OFF OFF operation  operation per day, with a day-omitting device. D2.8.2.12 D2.8. 2.12 Draw Drawings ings & Wiring Diagrams

Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval to the Company before manufacture. Detailed Deta iled schematic schematic wiri wiring ng diag diagram rams s givi giving ng cable cable sizes, sizes, cable cable number numbers, s, ter termina minall numbers, etc, and a detailed general arrangement of all equipment giving interior and external layout, shall be provided. Details of engraved labels shall be provided for approval, prior to manufacture. Following satisfactory panel testing, all issued wiring diagrams shall be corrected for  changes made during manufacture, or for component alterations. D2.8.2.13 D2.8. 2.13 Testin esting g

 All control panels shall be fully tested in the form of a complete functional functional test, which may be witnessed by the Company. D2.8.3 D2. 8.3 Buildi Building ng Servic Services es Co Contr ntrol ol Syste System m D2.8.3 D2. 8.3.1 .1 Con Contr trol ol System System G Gene eneral rally ly

Equipment shall be selected to operate in occasional ambient air temperatures in excess of 50 oC and to suit other requirements of the Works location.  All motor kW ratings, ratings, etc, shall shall be confirm confirmed ed prior to panel manufacture. manufacture. The panels shall be supp supplied lied comple complete te with all necessar necessary y cable cable lugs, lugs, bus bars, trunking, interlocking relays, load shed, 'Start-up', etc.  An On/ Off  rotary   rotary switch shall be fitted on the front of the panel for each item of  electrical equipment, which operates independently. In cases where plant operation is not independent, eg an extract fan, which runs with a supply fan, an On/ Off switch shall be, fitted for the master item and a Hand/ Off/


Auto  switch fitte Auto  fitted d for e each ach d depen ependent dent iitem. tem. In the Auto Auto   position, the dependent items of plant shall start automatically when the master item is switched on on,, and shall operate automatically automatically under under the dictates of any controllin controlling g device. The operation operation of  the switch to the Hand Hand position  position shall override any controlling devices except those, which are necessary for the safe operation operation of the plant. Similarly the operation operation of the masterr switch to the Off  position maste   position shall cause all plant to stop, in sequence where necessary. Where Wher e Duty/Standby Duty/Standby   pumps pumps are supp supplied lied,, an additi additional onal Pump No.1/ Off/ Pump No.2 selector No.2  selector switch shall be provided which shall include an automatic duty sharing circuit and automatic automatic start of the standby u unit nit in event of duty unit failu failure. re. A Lead/ Lag selector Lag  selector switch shall be provided for water chillers and shall provide each chiller 

with a lead position on the selector switch. Each control panel shall be fitted with additional relays and contacts to provide:  Automatic shutdown shutdown of plant plant in the even eventt of fire alarm alarm.. Remote indicat Remote indicatio ion n of Fault Fault   alarm alarm withi within n the the pa panel nel.. (a commo common n signa signall for each individual control panel). In ca cases ses whe where re co contr ntrol ol equip equipme ment nt for remo remote te motor motorise ised d valves valves,, damper dampers, s, etc, etc, operates at 24 V AC, the panel shall contain a double-wound transformer, rated for  the total capacity of all controller controllers. s.  All switch labels and lamp labels on the front faces of the control panel shall be face engraved with the correct designation in English, or English and Arabic, as required in the Contract Documents. D2.8.3 D2. 8.3.2 .2 Pac Packag kaged ed Local Local Equipme Equipment nt Panels Panels

Local equipment panels, supplied as part of the equipment package, are described elsewher elsew here e in thes these e Specific Specificatio ations ns as shown shown below below.. Such panels panels should be of the 'Cupboard Type' specification and shall have an individual feed from the appropriate switchboard. Sewage Pumping Stations:


Chapter B, Section 2.3.29

Fire Pump Sets:

Chapter C, Section

Fire Alarm Annunciator Panels:

Chapter C, Section 2.3.4.

Small Power

D2 D2.9 .9.1 .1 Smal Smalll Power Power Ge Gener neral ally ly

The requirements that follow apply to a rated supply of 240 V/1 ph/50Hz. D2.9 D2.9.2 .2 Sock Socket et Ou Outl tlet etss D2.8.3 D2. 8.3.1 .1 Con Conven venien ience ce Outlets Outlets

Convenience outlets shall be 13 A rated fused plugs and switched shuttered socket outlets, 2-pole and earth, to BS 1363 with correctly rated cartridge fuse links to BS 1362. Socket outlets shall be mounted in malleable cast iron or galvanised steel boxes, with cover plates to suit, and in multi-assemblies where grouped, complying with BS 4662. Surface mounted boxes shall be especially designed for the purpose. Socket outlets shall be mounted 450 mm above floor level or 250 mm above working surfaces such as bench tops, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. Unless sp Unless speci ecifie fied d oth otherw erwise ise in the the Co Contr ntract act Docum Documen ents, ts, th the e follow followin ing g sh shall all be provided: 1 no. high impact plug for each surface mounted socket outlet.


1 no. white plug for each flush mounted socket outlet. D2.8.3 D2. 8.3.2 .2 Bat Bathr hroom oomss & Kit Kitche chen n

No socket outlet, other than shaver supply units complying with BS EN 61558, shall be installed in a room containing a bathtub or shower basin. Shaver socket outlets to BS 4573 shall not be used in bathrooms. Where a shower cubicle is located in a room other than a bathroom or shower room, no socket outlet shall be installed within 2.5 m of the cubicle. No socket outlet shall be installed within 2 m of a tap, basin or sink.

D2.9.3 D2. 9.3 Connec Connectio tion n to Applia Appliance ncess

Small power supply to fixed appliances shall include an identifiable means of isolation located within 2 m of the appliance. Typical connections are given below below.. Small exhaust fans

2 A fused switched spur with indicator lamp and flex outlet complying with BS 5733.

 Airconditioning  Aircondition ing units 20 A double pole switch with indicator lamp and flex outlet complying with BS EN 60669. Water Heaters

30 A double double pole switch with indicator indicator lamp, labelled labelled water  heater , and remote flex outlet plate complying with BS EN 60669.

Electric Cookers

45 A doubl double e pole pole switch switch contro controll un unit it wit with h indica indicator tor lamp, lamp, labelled cooker , and remote flex comply with BS 4177.

D2.9 D2.9.4 .4 Su Sub b ci circ rcuit uit Wiri Wiring ng

Socket outlet final sub-circuits shall be formed by looping the 3 conductors (phase, neutral and earth) in a ring, commencing and returning on the same way in the DB. Except in kitchen areas, the ring may serve a maximum of 10 socket outlets. Kitchen areas shall have separate ring circuits, each with a maximum of 6 socket outlets. The minimum final sub-circuit cable sizes shall be 4.0 mm 2 single core PVC supply circuits + 4.0 mm2 earth. Larger cables cables shall be used wh where ere necessary necessary to meet volt drop requirements. Conduit and wiring installation shall be such that future wiring modifications or repairs may be carried out without disturbance to the building fabric.

D2.1 D2 .10 0 Ligh Lighti ting ng D2.10.1 D2.10 .1 Lighti Lighting ng Generall Generally y

The requirements that follow apply to a rated supply of 240 V/1 ph/50Hz to nonhazardous areas. D2.10.2 D2.10 .2 Indoor Lighting Lighting D2.10.2.1 D2.10 .2.1 Acce Accessor ssory y Boxe Boxess

 Accessories (switches, ceiling roses etc) shall be mounted on galvanised galvanised steel boxes to BS 4662. Surface mounted boxes shall be e especially specially designed for the purpose. D2.10.2.2 D2.10 .2.2 Switc Switches hes

Local Local switche switches s for ligh lightin ting g poi points nts shall comp comply ly wit with h BS EN 60 6066 669 9 an and d ha have ve a minimum current current rating of 5 A. Switches for the control control of discharge lighting shall shall have a current rating of not less than twice the steady state continuous current of the circuit. Switches for industrial use shall be metal clad and watertight to IP65.


Switches in rooms containing a bathtub or shower basin, or within 2 m of a tap, basin or sink, shall be insulating cord operated ceiling mounted switches to BS EN 60669. Wall mount mounted ed lighti lighting ng swi switch tches es shall shall be loc locat ated ed 14 1400 00 mm above above FFL, FFL, un unles less s specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. Switches shall be mounted in boxes fitted with adjustable grids to allow for variations in the thickness of plastered walls. In cases where several switches on one phase are located in one position, ganged boxes shall be used. used. Different phases phases shall not be ganged ganged in the same same box unless each phase is segregated in a separate compartment, and covered by a separate internal inte rnal warn warning ing plate. plate. The arran arrangem gement ent of switc switches hes in ganged ganged boxes boxes should should be

similar in plan to the lumin similar luminaire aires s controlled. controlled. Switc Switches hes not so arrang arranged ed should be labelled. D2.10.2.3 D2.10 .2.3 Ceili Ceiling ng Roses Roses

Ceiling Ceilin g roses roses sh shall all com comply ply wit with h BS 67, 67, suita suitable ble for si singl ngle e or multi multiple ple pend pendan antt luminaires with nominal circuit voltage not exceeding 250 V and current rating not exceeding 5 A. Ceiling roses shall be securely fixed to the building structure or accessory boxes so as not to strain wiring. Flexible cables or cords from ceiling roses shall comply with Section of this Chapter. D2.10.2.4 D2.10 .2.4 Lamp H Holder olderss

Bayonet cap lamp holders for holders  for general purposes shall be all insulated type to BS EN61184. Edison type screw lamp holder holders holders shall  shall comply with 60238/IEC 60238. The centre contact of the lamp shall be connected to BS the EN phase conductor. Tubular fluorescent lamp holders  holders   and starter holders shall comply with BS EN 60400. Holders shall be selected selected so as to be reliable an and d safe to user and surrounds. surrounds. Metal holders hold ers shall be effec effectivel tively y ear earthed thed.. In damp areas, areas, holders holders shall be skirted or  shrouded type. D2.10.2.5 D2.10 .2.5 Lumina Luminaires ires

Luminaires shall comply with BS EN 60598/IEC60 598 and be supplied and installed complete with lamps. Surface moun Surface mounted ted luminaire luminaire   cablin cabling g or co cond nduit uit system systems s shall shall ter termi mina nate te in an accessory box to which the luminaire luminaire shall be fitted. fitted. Luminaires Luminaires mounted on ceilings ceilings of combustible material, eg portacabins, shall have a 50 mm minimum clearance from the ceiling. Pendant decorative luminaires l uminaires shall  shall be suspended by manufacturer’s penda pendant nt sets and shall include a suspension wire integral with the flexible cable. Suspended luminaires  Suspended luminaires  shal shalll be supporte supported d by rigid rigid conduit conduit from ball-and-s ball-and-socke ockett dome covers fitted with flexible copper connectors between the ball and the socket. Luminaires shall be suspended 450 mm below the ceiling subject to the minimum mounting height of 2400 mm, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. Installed luminaires shall not be used for temporary lighting without prior approval by the Company. D2.10.2.6 D2.10 .2.6 Sub Circ Circuit uit Wiring Wiring

The load on lighting circuits shall not exceed 1.5 kW on a final sub-circuit.


Lighting circuits circuits shall be wired on a loop-in system system.. In cases where loop-in loop-in ceiling roses are not specified, the live conductor shall be looped at the live switch terminal. Conduit and wiring shall be installed such that future wiring modifications or repairs may be carried out without disturbing the building fabric. Cables shall be as described in Section of this Chapter. Minimum lighting (5/l0 A) final sub-circuits cable sizes shall be 2.5 mm 2 single core PVC supply circuits + 2.5 mm 2  earth, except that the phase connections between switch and luminaire may be 1.5 mm2. Larger cables cables shall be be used where where necessary necessary to ensure volt drop requirements are met.

Flexible cords for connection to luminaires shall be 3-core with the 3rd core used for  earth continuity and fixed to the accessory box and the luminaire. Circuit wiring in conduit shall terminate in luminaire accessory boxes by means of  suitable insulated connecting blocks. Luminaires in suspended ceilings shall ceilings  shall use the following methods of wiring from accessory box to luminaire.  An internal threaded dome cover with a cable gland for flexible cord shall be fixed to the box and a flexible cord run from the dome cover to the luminaire.  A 3- terminal ceiling rose with socket and plug attachment shall be fitted to the box and a flexible cord run to the luminaire. Surface mounted tungsten luminaire  luminaire  final connections shall be by heat resistant cables. PVC cables shall not be ru run n through, nor b be e terminated within, within, the body of a tungsten fitting. D2.10.3 D2.10 .3 Emerg Emergency ency Lighti Lighting ng D2.10.3.1 D2.10 .3.1 Oper Operationa ationall Criteria Criteria

Emergency lighting systems cover escape route lighting, exit sign indication and vital lighting. Design, installation and implementation shall conform to BS 5266. Emergen Emerg ency cy lighti lighting ng shall shall be provi provide ded, d, wit within hin 5 sec of norm normal al lig lighti hting ng failur failure, e, automatically through the operation of static switches in each fitting. Provision shall be made for two live supplies of:  An un switched switched supply supply,, to keep the battery battery on ch charge, arge, and to sense mains mains failure.  A supply via a light switch, so that the power may be switched off at times when the building is unoccupied. unoccupied. In th the e Off  mode,   mode, the battery shall be still under charge, and the emergency lighting shall still operate in the event of mains failure. D2.10.3.2 D2.10 .3.2 Esca Escape pe Route Lighting

The The em emer erge gency ncy lighti lighting ng fittin fittings gs shall shall be non-m non-main aintai taine ned, d, self-c self-con ontai taine ned, d, slave slave luminaires, operated by a DC battery, capable of 3 hours running time.  Alternatively, conversion kits may be used to enable fluorescent  Alternatively fluorescent luminair luminaires es to operate as an emergency lighting facility. Escape luminar Escape luminaries ies shall shall gene generall rally y be a par partt of emerge emergency ncy luminair luminaire e installa installation tion.. Escape luminaries shall be provided in all buildings to light the way for personnel leaving the building along defined escape routes to defined muster points, which shall also be illuminated. Each luminaire shall be capable of a light output of 90 lumens and shall feature: Sealed maintenance-free battery.  Automatic charger charger for tthe he battery, battery, with maximum 14 hour recharge time. time. Mains Charging illuminated Charging illuminated indicator.


D2.10.3.3 D2.10 .3.3 Exit Signs

Exit Sign light fittings shall be maintained, self-contained, slave units, operated by a DC battery capable of 3 hour running running time. Each fitting should be cap capable able of a light output of 200 lumens, and shall feature: Sealed, maintenance free, battery.  Automatic battery battery charger charger, with a maximum 14-hour 14-hour recharge recharge time. Mains Charging illuminated Charging illuminated indicator. Green letters in English and Arabic stating Exit stating  Exit on a white background with pictogram

to BS 5499, or equal and approved by the Company. D2.10.3.4 D2.10 .3.4 Vit Vital al Lighti Lighting ng

In cases where vital lighting is required for operational purposes, battery back up conversion kits should be used on a proportion of the standard light fittings.  Appropriate vital illumination levels for differe  Appropriate different nt facilities are given in SP-1103 SP-1103 and DEP. Appendix 4. D2.10.3.5 Hand torches and hand lamp

Hand torches shall be provided at all locations where operating personnel may be present at all times e.g. Control rooms, fire station, watchman’s offices ETC. The equipment equipme nt shall consists of fixed charging units with sockets and plug-in hand torches suitable for Zone-1 use and provided with rechargeable batteries in accordance with MESC 69. Battery powered hand lamps shall be installed inside the sub stations and switch houses near all entrances. For plant substations they shall be suitable for Zone-1 use and provided with wall mounted bracketbracket-type type battery charger and under voltage relay for emergency lighting duty. Reference is made to equipment specified under MESC 69. D2.10.4 D2.10 .4 Stre Street et Lighti Lighting ng D2.10.4.1 D2.10 .4.1 Colum Columns ns

Lighting columns shall comply with BS EN 40. The outside of galvanised galvanised steel or and any metal atta attachments, chments, shall be pa painted inted after  erection. Joints between concrete column sections shall be painted with material to match the column colour in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. D2.10.4.2 D2.10 .4.2 Base Comp Compartme artment nt

 A control gear compartm compartment ent shall be provided in columns to contain the specified cutouts and the cable sealing chambers complete with armour clamps. Access to the compartment shall be by weatherproof door with locking device.  A baseboard, manufactured from non-hyg non-hygroscopic roscopic material, shall be fitted inside the compartment for the control gear. Control switches shall be weatherproof rotary type with all wiring inside the column.


D2.10.4.3 D2.10 .4.3 Exca Excavation vation

Excavation Excavatio n dep depths ths shal shalll comply comply with the manufac manufacture turer's r's recomme recommenda ndations tions with a mi minim nimum um depth depth of 900 900 mm mm.. In norm normal al wel well-c l-con onsol solid idate ated d so soil, il, the width width of th the e excavation should only be sufficient to accommodate the base plate or flagstone. The wi widt dth h of flag flagst ston one e plac placed ed un unde derr the the ba base se of conc concre rete te co colu lumn mns s sh shou ould ld be approximately twice the width of the column base. D2.10.4.4 D2.10 .4.4 Ere Erection ction

Prior to erection the excavation shall be cleared and bare or corroded patches of steel

column colum n roots roots cleaned cleaned and and tre treate ated d wit with h bit bitumi umino nous us pa paint int.. Base Base plates plates,, where where provi provide ded, d, sh shall all be fitted fitted secu securel rely y and and bo bond nded ed to the column column.. Base Base stone stones s or  flagstones shall shall be placed in positi position on where req required. uired. Columns shall shall be correctly aligned alig ned vertically vertically with door openings openings facing facing away away fro from m oncoming oncoming traffic unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. Excavations shall be backfilled with concrete tamped at 150 mm intervals to 450 mm below grade. grade. A mini minimum mum of 2 No. Size 50 mm dia. PVC sleev sleeves es shall be cast in for  cables to the column. Columns shall be erected before cabling and the surrounding ground shall not be disturbed for at least 7 days. D2.10.4.5 D2.10 .4.5 Concr Concrete ete

Foundation concrete shall be made with Ordinary Portland cement. Aggregate shall not be larger than 20 mm. mm. The mix propor proportion tion shall conform to Gra Grade de C35 concrete. The maximum free water cement ratio by weight shall not exceed 0.45. The sides of  concrete surface in contact with soil shall be protected with two coats of Fosroc’s Nitocote PE 135 or equivalent. D2.10.4.6 D2.10 .4.6 Cabli Cabling ng

Cables shall loop-in and out and shall be directly buried, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, Wiring between the cut out, lantern and control switch shall be 2.5 mm2 heat resistant silico silicone ne rubb rubber er ins insula ulated ted wit with h stran stranded ded copper copper condu conducto ctors rs co compl mplyin ying g wit with h BS 6004/6007/6500, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, D2.10.4.7 D2.10 .4.7 Earth Earthing ing & Bondi Bonding ng

Metal lighting columns and bollards, etc, shall be bonded to main earth bars by a 70 mm2 (minimum) earth ring, with 25 mm2 branch conductors, in accordance with Section 2.5 of this t his document.

D2.11 D2.1 1 Commissio Commissioning ning & Testing esting D2.11.1 D2.1 1.1 Commissioning & Testing Generally

The general general req require uiremen ments ts for comm commissio issioning ning,, testing testing and handove handoverr are given given in SP1285-A Specification for Civil & Buildings Utility Services ‘General Requirements’. The Sections in SP-1285-A includes: -

Co Comm mmis issi sion onin ing g Met Metho hod d State Stateme ment nt


Co Comm mmis issi sion onin ing g Pr Prog ogra ramm mme e


Test E Eq quipment


Sy Syst stem em Demo Demons nstr trat atio ion n




Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Too ools ls



Spare Parts


As B Bu uilt Dr Drawings


Op Opera eratio tion n & Mai Mainte ntenan nance ce Ma Manu nuals als


Exceptions L Liist


Handover R Re eport

Standard Electrical Inspection and Test Reports are given in the Appendix A to this document. D2.11.2 D2.1 1.2 Test Instruments Instruments

Test instruments shall include, but not be limited to: -

Ohm Ohmmete meterr ha having ving continui continuity ty and and ins insulat ulation ion resist resistance ance scales. scales.


Phase Phase-e -eart arth h loo loop p im imped pedan ance ce tes tester ter..


Earth Earth lea leakag kage e ci circu rcuit it bre breake akerr te teste sterr.


Clamp meter.



D2.11.3 D2.1 1.3 Inspection Inspection & T Tests ests D2.11.3.1 Inspection & T Testing esting Procedures Procedures

Every installation shall, before being energised, energised, be inspected and tested to verify that requirements have been met. The methods of test shall be such as to ensure that no danger or damage can occur  even if the circuit is defective. The tests shall be carried out in the following sequence. D2.11.3.2 D2.1 1.3.2 Vis Visual ual Inspe Inspection ction

 A detailed inspection inspection shall precede testing and should be carried out with the section of the Works under inspection disconnected from the supply. The detai detailed led ins inspe pecti ction on sh shall all con confir firm m that that the Works Works ha have ve been been instal installed led in accordance with the design and include, but not be limited to, verification that: Equipment complies with the specified standards, has been properly selected and erected and is not visibly damaged or defective so as to impair safety, and that adequate access has been provided. Conductors have been routed in safe zones or are mechanically protected, and that connections have been correctly made and identified. Protection against direct and indirect contact has been provided.  Appropriate isolating and switching devices have been provided and that protective  Appropriate and monitoring devices have been appropriately chosen and set. Identification labelling has been properly provided for circuits, switches, fuses and terminals, and that operating diagrams and instructions, together with danger and warning notices, are in place. The main earth grid resistance is less than 4 . D2.11.3.3 Continuity of Protective Conductors

Every Ever y pro protecti tective ve cond conductor uctor shall be tested tested from the distribut distribution ion switchgea switchgearr earth earth terminal to the remote end of the protective conductor to verify electrical soundness and proper connection.


The resistance measured shall not exceed 0.5

 when

subject to a 500 V test supply.

D2.11.3.4 D2.11. 3.4 Continuity of Ring circuit circuit conductors conductors

The continuity of all conductors shall be tested, including the protective conductor of  every ring circuit. The resistance measured shall not exceed 0.5 D2.11.3.5 D2.1 1.3.5 Insul Insulation ation Resistanc Resistancee

 when

subject to a 500 V test supply.

Insulation resistances resistances shall be measure measured d between phases, phase to neutral, phase to earth and neutral to earth for all circuits. Insulation shall have a resistance of not less than 0.5 M  between poles or to earth when subject to a 500 V test supply. D2.11.3.6 D2.1 1.3.6 Polar Polarity ity

It shall be verified that: Single pole Single pole swi switch tches, es, fus fuses es and and circui circuitt br brea eaker kers s ar are e conne connecte cted d to the ph phase ase conductor only. The outer contacts of lamp holders are connected to the neutral, not the phase, conductor. Wiring has been properly connected to socket outlets. D2.11.3.7 D2.1 1.3.7 Earth faul faultt Loop Impedance Impedance

Circuit phase to earth loop impedances shall be measured.  A test to ensure a safe measure of earth bonding shall be carried out before any phase-earth loop impedance test is undertaken. Maximum Maxim um val value ues s of circui circuitt earth earth fault fault loo loop p imped impedanc ances es shall shall be as given given in BS 7671/IEC60 364 for different disconnecting protective devices. D2.11.3.8 D2.11. 3.8 Operation of Residual Current Current Devices

The The effe effecti ctiven veness ess of RCDs RCDs shall shall be tested tested by simula simulatin ting g an ap appr propr opriat iate e fault fault condition, independently of any test facility incorporated in the device.



Appendices  Appendix A: Standard Standard Electrical Ins Inspection pection & Test Reports  Appendix B: B: Glossary of Definitions Definitions and Abbrevia Abbreviations tions  Appendix C: SP SP User – Comment Comment form


D3.1 Appendix A: Standard Electrical Electrical Inspectio Inspection n & Test Test reports reports Ref No





LV Cable (600/1000 V Class)


Lighting & Small Power Distribution Board


Lighting Circuit


Small Power Circuit


LV Motor


Earthing & Bonding


D3.1.1 D.1

1285-D01 In Inspection


Contractor :

System :

PARTICULARS Type of Installation

Ne w

Type of Earthing


Rated Supply at Origin


Alteration TN-S


Addition TT




Main Overcurrent Protective Device



Main Switch or Circuit Breaker



Maximum Demand per phase





EQUIPMENT complies with the specified standards properly selected and erected. not visibly damaged or d defective. efective. adequate access. adequate access.


CONDUCTORS in safe zones or mechanically protected. connections correctly made colour identified.


PROTECTION against direct contact. against indirect contact.


ISOLATION isolating devices appropriate switching devices appropriate protective devices appropriate and set monitoring devices appropriate CHARTS, LABELS & NOTICES


circuits charts switch, fuse and terminal labels equipment tags operating diagrams and instructions danger and warning notices TEST RESULTS STD-1285-E2

















Mar 95



for Contractor : Position:

for PDO: Ref Ind:

Original Issue

Petroleum Development Oman


Approved DRW



















D3.1. 3.1.2 2 D.2 D.2 Contract :

12 1285 85-D -D02 02 LV Cabl Cablee (6 (600 00/1 /100 000 0 V Cl Clas ass) s) Contractor :

System :

CABLE Location


Cable No.




Route length

Layout Drg No.




Core crimped terminations.

2. 3.

Core ferrules. Core lay-in termination chamber.


Cable gland shrouds.


Cable markers.


Cable fixings (cleats, straps etc).


Cable rack levels.


Cable markers on bulkhead transits.


Cable protective measures (kick guards etc).


500 V Test Pressure

PE continuity to switchgear s witchgear earth bar.

Max. 0.5

Earth loop impedance from switchgear end.

Max. 1.0

Insulation resistance.

Min 0.5 M

between RY phases


Y phase to neutral


between RB phases


R phase to earth


between BY phases


B phase to earth


R phase to neutral


Y phase to earth


B phase to neutral


Neutral to earth



for Contractor :

for PDO :

Date :

Position :

Ref Ind :


Mar 95 Date

Original Issue Description

Petroleum Development Oman Approved





















D3.1 D3.1.3 .3 D. D.3 3

1285 1285-D -D03 03 Ligh Lighti ting ng & Smal Smalll P Pow ower er Dist Distri ribu buti tion on Boar Board d

Contract :

Contractor :

System :


Feeder from

Tag No.

Feeder Cable No.


Main MCB Rating



Main ELCB/RCD Rating


No. of Poles


No. of Ways

Layout Drg. No.






Mechanical da damage a an nd c clleanliness.


Name p plla te te details ils and warning notice ice s s..


DB isolator operation.


Feeder cable termination.


Equipment earthing termination.


Neutral conductor termination.


Main ELCB/RCD operation.


Sub-circuit id identification la labels.


Sub Circuit fuse/MCB ratings.


Circuit chart.


Fire extinguishers.


500 V Test Pressure. Min. 0.5 M

Sub-circuit insulation resistance to earth, all poles connected together, fuses/breakers in, switches on. Sub-circuit insulation resistances between

R to B


poles, all conductors of a pole connected

R to Y



Y to B


R to neutral Y to neutral

M M

B to neutral


Load Balance









for Contractor :

for PDO :

Date :

Position :

Ref Ind :


Mar 95

Original Issue




Petroleum Development Oman Approved
















D3.1.4 D.4

1285-D04 Lighting Circuit

Contract :

Contractor :

System :




DB Tag No.



DB Test Sheet No.

Fuse/MCB Rating








Circuit No.

Layout Drg. No.



1. 2.

Cable terminations at switches. Cable able termi ermina nati tion ons s at circ circui uitt junc juncti tio on boxe boxes. s.


Cable gland and shrouds at lumin ina aire ires.


Luminaires and fixings.


Lumin ina air ire e co conne c cttion s and la lamp se se c cu urity.




Luminaire operation.


500 V Test Pressure.

PE continuity to DB earth terminal.

Max. 0.5 

Phase to earth loop impedance from DB end.

Max. 1.0 



for Contractor :

for PDO :

Date :

Position :

Ref Ind :


Mar 95

Original Issue




Petroleum Development Oman Approved
















D3.1.5 D.5

1285-D05 S Sm mall P Po ower Ci Circuit

Contract :

Contractor :

System :




DB Tag No.



DB Test Sheet No.

Fuse/MCB Rating








Circuit No.

Layout Drg. No.

INSPECTION 1. Cable tte erminations a att sockets.



Cable able te term rmin inat atio ions ns at circ circui uitt junc juncttion ion boxe boxes. s.




Ring c ciircuit RC RCD operation.


500 V Test Pressurer  

PE continuity to DB earth terminal.

Max. 0.5

Phase continuity of ring circuit.

Max. 0.5

Neutral continuity of ring circuit.

Max. 0.5

Phase to earth loop impedance from DB end.

Max. 1.0



for Contractor :

for PDO :

Date :

Position :

Ref Ind :


Mar 95

Original Issue




Petroleum Development Oman Approved




















D3.1.6 D.6

1285-D06 LV Motor

Contract : Contractor : MOTOR Make Type Tag No. INSPECTION 1. Mechanical damage. 2. Bear in ing lubrica icatio ion n, grade and level. 3. Coupling, rotor end-play. 4. Stator winding connections.

System : Output Full Load Amps Serial No.

kW A Initial

5. 6. 7.

Term ermin inal al box box ffla lan nge surf surfac aces es and and ffix ixin ing gb bo olts. lts. Motor earthing terminals. Winding te temperature de detector.

PRELIMINARY TEST RECORD Winding insulation resistance between phases

500 V Test Pressure. M

Winding insulation resistance, phase to earth

Min 10 M


Heater insulation resistance to earth


Temp. detector insulation resistance to earth.

Min 10 M


Direction of rotation correct


LOAD RUN  Ambient Temp. Temp. Running Current Bearing Temp. (DE) Bearing Temp.(NDE) Winding/Frame Temp. TEST RECORD Line Volts Speed Running Amps Starting Amps STARTER Make Type Fuse Rating NOTES

min 0 oC A oC oC oC DESIGN V/ph/Hz rpm A A




TEST L1 V rpm R A Run-up Time










A s ec



Overload Range Overload Set Timer Set




for Contractor :

for PDO :

Date :

Position :

Ref Ind :


Mar 95

Original Issue




Petroleum Development Oman Approved






















D3.1.7 D.7

1285-D07 Earthing & Bonding

Contract :

Contractor :

System :


No. Electrodes




Electrode construction.


Bolted and clamped connections.


Protective measures.

Electrode Type Initial




Tag and dated.


500 V Test Pressure.

Electrode earthing resistance.









Electrode grid earth resistance.

Max 4 

PE continuity to switchgear earth terminal.

Max. 0.5

 


Du ty

kW mm2

Tag No.

Cable Core Size




Layout Drg. No.




Earth cable lugs.


Earth boss stud.


Earth boss welding.


Contacts c cllean a an nd g grreased.

5. 6.

Washers dished shake proof type. Earth ca cable pro te tectio ction n ((k kick plate s etc).

EQUIPMENT TEST RECORD PE continuity to switchgear earth terminal. NOTES

500 V Test Pressure. Max. 0.5


for Contractor :

for PDO :

Date :

Position :

Ref Ind :


Mar 95

Original Issue




Petroleum Development Oman Approved











NO 1285









D3.2 Appendix B: Glossary of of Definitions and Abbreviatio Abbreviations ns D3.2.1 D3. 2.1 Genera Generall Definitio Definitions ns & Termi Terminolo nology gy

For the purposes of this document, the following definitions shall apply. Shall


The word 'shall' indicates a requirement



The word 'should' indicates a recommendation

the Company


Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.,

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