Soundarya Lahari Yantras Part 3

May 3, 2017 | Author: madanmohandeshpande | Category: N/A
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Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No. 21

SLOKA NO.21:"Thatillekhaathanvee Thapanashashivaishvaanaramayeem Nishannaam Shannaamapyupari Kamalaanaam Thava Kalaam! Mahaapadmaatavyaam Mrudithamalamaayena Manasaa Mahaanthah Pashyantho Dadhathi Paramaahlaadalahareem!" Literal Meaning: "The noble spiritual aspirants, whose minds are free from impurities like lust and greed and from the hold of 'Maya" consisting of ignorance, egotism and the like, are filled with thrills of spiritual bliss by experiencing Thy lightning-like Kala (shakthi in union with Shiva known as sadhakyaa) in the core of the thousand-petalled lotus, which transcends the six lotuses beginning with the mulaadhaara inclusive of Thy manifestations as fire, sun and moon in them." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold/silver/copper plate. Sit facing West. Chant this sloka 1001 (1000) times daily for 11 (45) days. Archana: Chanting of Lalitha Ashtotharam offering vermillion. Offerings: Cooked rice, fruits, honey and sugar. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Subduing enemies, freedom from unpopularity, gaining physical and military strength. Literal Results: Peace of mind, tranqulity and detachment from emotions. For people who meditate, elevation and sublime bliss. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.22

SLOKA NO.22:"Bhavani Thvam Daase Mayi Vithara Drushti Sakarunaam Ithi Sthothum Vaanchan Kathayathi Bhavaani Thvamithiyaha! Thadaiva Thvam Thasmai Dishasi Nijasaayujyapadaveem Mukundabrahmendrasphutamakutaneeraajithapadaa-m!" Literal Meaning: "When one, desirous of praying to Thee using terms like-' Oh,Bhavani, bestow Thy gracious glance on me, Thy servant', even before he utters "Bhavani Thvam", Thou bestow on him the status of oneness with Thy feet at which divinities like Vishnu, Brahma and Indra are performing the lustration ceremony with the brilliance of their diadems( as they bow down their heads in prostration)." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate.. Sitting in a temple or by a river or water tank, facing East, chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times for 44 (45) days. Archana: Chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers or vermillion. Offerings: Cooked rice mixed with curd, cooked rice mixed with turmeric powder, scrapings of coconut kernel mixed with sugar and a little ghee, boiled milk, fruits and honey.

BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Fulfillment of all earthly desires and pleasures, freedom from wants and freedom from dependence on others. Literal Results: In an aggressive relationship, befriending the opponent. Patronage from high sources, establishing independence. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.23

SLOKA NO.23:"Thvayaa Hruthvaa Vaamam Vapuraparithrupthena Manasaa Shareeraardham Shambhoraparamapi Shanke Hruthamabhooth! Yadethathvadroopam Sakalamarunaabham Thrinayanam Kuchaabhyaamaanamram Kutilashashichoodaalamakutam!" Literal Meaning: "I have feeling that, unsatisfied even after having appropriated the left half of Shambhu as Ardhanaareeswaraa,( a form of half-man and half-woman), Thou hast also invaded His right half; for Thy form that shines in my heart is totally crimson in complexion and slightly bent by the weight of the two breasts, besides having three eyes and the crescent moon in the diadem." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on a gold plate. Chant this sloka 1000( 3000,1001) times daily for 45(30) days, sitting inside the house, preferably in a place fit for worship, facing North. Archana: Chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red lotus petals. Offerings: Sweet milk-gruel, black gram cakes, cooked rice, fruits and betels with slices of areca nuts. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Attainment of vast wealth, relief from burden of debts, getting a number of cows, freedom from dangers. Literal Results: Enhancement of 'yin'(feminine), any ailment on the left side of the body getting cured, activation of agna chakra, appeasement of sun and moon related problems in the horoscope. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.24

SLOKA NO.24:"Jagathsoothe Dhaathaa Hariravathi Rudraha Kshapayathe Thiraskurvannethathsavamapi Vapureeshasthirayathi! Sadaapoorvaha Sarvam Thadidamanugruhnaathi Cha Shivaha Thavaagnaamaalambya Kshanachalithayobhoorlathikayoho!" Literal Meaning: "Brahma brings forth the Universe, Hari(Vishnu) sustains and protects it, Rudra destroys it, and Esha (Maheshwara) absorbs all these Deities (including the Universe in involution) into Himself and

disappears into Sadashiva (the Ultimate Category). Then (when it is time for a new cycle of creation to begin) Adaashiva, on receiving the mandate from Thee by a movement of Thy creeper-like brows, blesses (i.e. manifests and restores) them into activity (as before in the previous cycle)." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 32 (30,20) days. Archana: Chanting of Rudra Thrishathi offering washed rice grains mixed with sesame and chanting of Durga Ashtotharam offering 'bilva' leaves. Offerings: Cooked rice mixed with pepper powder and ghee, black gram cakes, powder of sesame mixed with sugar and coconut scrapings. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Immunity from evil spirits, demons and curses of deceased ancestors and incurable diseases. Literal Results: Activation of aagnaa chakra. Prayer to Lord Shiva. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.25

SLOKA NO.25:"Thrayaanaam Devaanaam Thrigunajanithaanaam Thava Shive Bhavethpoojaa Poojaa Thava Charanayoryaa Virachithaa! Thatthahi Thvathpaadodvahanamanipeetasya Nikate Stthitha Hyethe Shashvanmukulithakaroththamsamakutaa!" Literal Meaning: "The worship done at Thy feet, O Consort of Shiva, is also the worship of all the three Deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, who have their origin in Thy three gunas (rajasa, sattva, thamasa). They require no special worship, because they are ever waiting with their joined palms held above their crowned heads in salutation to Thee by the side of the diamond foot-stool that bear Thy feet." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 44 (45) days. Archana: Chanting of Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion. Offerings: Cooked rice, honey mixed with milk, sugar and fruits. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Increase in income, commanding power, honour and influence. Literal Results: Commanding power, the practioner's word carried out as law, tremendous influence in all fields. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.26

SLOKA NO.26:"Virnchih Panchathvam Vrajathi Hariraapnothi Virathim Vinaasham Keenaasho Bhajathi Dhanado Yaathi Nidhanam! Vithandree Maahendree Vithathirapi Sammeelithadrishaa Mahaasamhaaresmin Viharathi Sathi Thvathpathirasau!"

Literal Meaning: "Virinchi (Brahma) is reduced into elements: Hari (Vishnu) retires into passivity:Keenaasha (Yama, the God of death) Himself dies;Kubera, the god of wealth meets with his end; and Indra with all His followers closes His eyes in destruction. When such is the state of all beings at the time of the total dissolution (Mahasamhaara) of the Universe, O Sathi, chaste Consort of Shiva, Thy husband Sadashiva is alone sporting." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold or lead sheet. Sit facing North. Chant this sloka 1000 times on 6 new-moon days, or on 6 days from new-moon day. Archana: Chanting of Lalitha Thrishati offering vermillion. Offerings: Cooked rice with green-gram pulse and jaggery, coconut and plantain fruits. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Destruction of enemies and all round success. Literal Results: Practitioner will witness destruction of enemies as described in the sloka, all trouble shooters will be silenced. He alone will taste success against fierce odds. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.27

SLOKA NO.27:"Japo Jalpaha Shilpam Sakalamapi Mudraavirachanaa Gathih Praadakshinyakramanamashanaadyaahuthividhihi! Pranaamassamveshassukhamakhilamaathmaarpanad-rushaa Saparyaaparyaayasthava Bhavathu Yanme Vilasitham!" Literal Meaning: "May everything that I do with the sense of self-dedication be items in Thy service- my prattle, the utterance of Thy mantra, the movements of my hand, the gestures and poses of Thy worship; my walking, Thy circumambulation; my eating, fire-sacrifice to Thee;the stretching of the body in sleep and rest, prostration to Thee, and all my enjoyments, offerings made to Thee." Mode of worship: Yantra to be on gold or copper plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 1000 (1008) times daily, for 45 (44) days. Archana: Chant Lalithathrishati offering champaka flowers or washed rice grains mixed with vermillion. Offerings: Sweet-gruel, cooked rice and milk. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Attainment of knowledge of self (aathmagnaana) and mastery over spells. Literal Results: Beneficial for instrumentalists, dancers and yoga practitioners. Enhances mind and body fitness. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.28

SLOKA NO.28:"Sudhaamapyaasvaadya Prathibhayajaraamruthyuharini Vipadyanthe Vishve Vidhishathamakhaadyaa Divishadaha! Karaalam Yathkshvelam Kabalithavathaha Kaalakalanaa Na Shambhosthanmoolam Thava Janani Thaatankamahima!"

Literal Meaning: "Even after consuming nectar, which confers immunity from frightful grey hairs (old age) and death, Deities like Brahma and Indra perish finally at the time of cosmic dissolution. If the longevity of Thy Consort Shiva, despite His having swallowed the terrific poison, is not limited by time, it is because of the greatness of Thy ear-ornaments." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate or plate made of alloy of five metals. Sit facing South-East. Chant this sloka 1000 (1008) times daily for 44 (45) days. Archana: Chant Durga Ashtotharam offering red flowers. Offerings: Cooked food, sesame powder mixed with jaggery, black-gram cakes, milk-gruel, betels and slices of areca nut. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Immunity from accidents, unnatural and untimely death and attainment of all desires. Literal Results: Youthful look, averts accidents and untimely death. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.29

SLOKA NO.29:"Kireetam Vairincham Parihara Puraha Kaitabhabhidaha Kathorey Koteerey Skhalasi Jahi Jambhaarimakutam! Pranamreshvetheshu Prasabhamupayaathasya Bhavanam Bhavasyaabhyutthaaney Thava Parijanokthirvijayathe!" Literal Meaning: "At the unannounced arrival of Shiva at Thy abode, Thou springest up in such hurry to receive Him, that Thy attendants, in their concern for Thy safety, caution Thee, crying out, 'take care of the crown of Brahma, avoid tumbling over the heavy diadem of Vishnu, beware of the crest of Indra!'" Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1001 (1000) times daily for 48(42) days. Archana: Chant Durga Ashtotharam offering vermillion. Offerings: Cooked rice mixed with curd and pieces of ginger; black gram cakes; rice cooked with jaggery and ghee; honey and milk. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Taming of wild animals, bringing bad characters to righteous path, quick and easy delivery in the case of pregnant women. Literal Results: A surprise and unexpected visit from somebody close to the heart. Controlling people who are wicked, quarrelsome and hostile. Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.30

SLOKA NO.30:"Swadehodbhoothaamirghrunibhiranimaadyaabhirab-hitho Nishevye Nithye Thvamahamithi Sadaa Bhaavayathi Yaha! Kimaascharyam Thasya Thrinayanasammruddhim Thrunayathaha Mahaasamvarthaagnirvirachayathi Neeraajanavidhim!"

Literal Meaning: "O Mother Eternal! By ever meditating with a feeling of identification with Thee, who are surrounded by divine powers like 'animaa' which are only rays emanating from Thy feet, a devotee attains glories far above even those of Shiva. No wonder that the flames of the Cosmic Dissolution prove only to be the adoration by (the rite of) waving lights." Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1001 (2500,1000) times daily for 96 (45,88)days. Archana: Chant Rudra Thrishati and Lalitha Thrishati offering white flowers or bilva leaves. Offerings: Honey, scrapes of coconut kernel mixed with ghee and sugar; boiled milk; fruits and cooked rice mixed with curd; spices and fruits. BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Attainment of physical power, control of senses, power of transmigration into other bodies (Yantra is to be borne on the head during the recital). Literal Results: Bodily ailments getting cured.

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