Soul Eater RPG - Core V1.1

May 6, 2019 | Author: Mike Kovacs | Category: Gaming, Tabletop Games, Gaming And Lottery, Leisure
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Short Description

Based of the anime...


RPG V1.1

Table of Contents Introduction . Rolling Dice Character Creation  Attributes and Edges Races . .  Animal . Golem . uman . "ere#ol$ . &ombie . Classes . . (eister . "arrior . "ea*on . "itch . +raits . . (adness . . Rules . . ,estiar- . .  Acno#ledgements  Acno#ledgements

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Introduction /"elcome to Death "ea*on (eister Academ-. (ore commonl- no#n as the D"(A. It stands as a de$ence against the $orces o$ eil #hich #ould *lunge the #orld into chaos and drag humanit- into the er- de*ths o$ $ear and madness. +he demons no#n as ishin and their and their insatiable hunger $or  destruction. +o ensure the ishin neer regain their hold on this #orld this academ- #as $ounded b- the Grim Rea*er Death himsel$.  4arrator  /5o basicall- #e are an organiation that e7ists to *rotect and *resere *eace. I guess its not e7actl- a t-*ical school. 9h #ell that isnt im*ortant $or  no#. :ets roll u* our sleees and get to #or.  :ord Death This is Soul Eater  5c-thes $l-ing brooms nin;as ishin souls... 5oul Eater is a
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