SotDL GM Cheat Sheets

February 5, 2017 | Author: tcherban | Category: N/A
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Cast a Utility Spell Charge: Move up to Speed and make one melee Attack, Knock Down, or Shove. All Attacks/Challenges you make have a 1 bane penalty until the end of the round.


Melee: d20 + Str modifier Ranged/Finesse: d20 + Agi modifier Spell: d20 + varies (often Int/Will modifier)

Concentrate: Damage or Insanity gain forces a Will Challenge to maintain it. Defend: All attacks against you suffer 1 bane and all Challenge rolls to resist attacks are made with 1 boon.

vs. Target Number (TN) – usually Defense

Disarm: Str or Agi Attack vs. higher of target’s Str or Agi. Apply 2 banes to attempt if unarmed.

CHALLENGE ROLLS Not directly opposed though boons/banes may apply.

Disarm a Trap: Int Challenge. Failure may set it off.

d20 + varied modifier vs. TN 10

Distract: Short Range. Int Attack vs. target’s Int. Target makes next Attack/Challenge roll that round with 2 banes.


d6 per Boon/use highest as adjustment d6 per Bane/use highest as adjustment Boons/Banes cancel out one-for-one.

End an Effect Escape: Str or Agi Attack vs. target’s Str if Grabbed. Gets free and moves up to half Speed without triggering Free Attack. Extinguish a Fire: If self or another creature within reach is on fire and suitable means of dousing the flames are available. Feint: Short Range. Agi Attack vs. target’s Per. 2 boons on the next Attack you make vs. target’s Def or Agi before the round ends OR your movement does not trigger Free Attacks from the target for 1 round.

Attack/Cast an Attack Spell Attack an Object: Attacking a worn/carried object is done with 2 banes.

Find: Per Challenge to find a hidden object including traps. Per Attack vs. Agi of hidden creature to spot hidden creature. Can Guess the Location and try to strike a totally concealed opponent with a 3 bane penalty.

Attack with Two Weapons: 1) Attack one target with main hand weapon and 2 bane penalty. If it hits, both weapons hit, but off-hand weapon just adds its normal unmodified damage die to total. 2) Attack two targets, making the main hand attack against one target and the off-hand attack against the other, both with 3 banes. If you attack with a shield it loses its defensive benefit for the rest of the round.

Grab: Str or Agi Attack vs. target’s Agi. If already Grabbed target, this is automatically successful. Help: Int Challenge to provide a 1 boon bonus to a target within 5 yards, on the next Attack/Challenge roll they make that round. 1

Hide: Agi Challenge. Requires Heavily Obscured or Three-Quarter Cover or better. Also provides 1 boon to Attacks vs. the Def or Agi or targets that cannot see you.

Amount ≥ Half Health: Injured

Knock Down: Str Attack vs. target’s Agi with 1 bane/boon per Size difference. Knocks target Prone.

Amount = Health: Incapacitated (Dead if suffers all damage from single source. Dead if takes more damage after being Incapacitated)

Prepare: Describe a Trigger Action. Make that Action with 1 boon when it is triggered.

Incapacitated characters follow Disabled/Dying procedure. NPCs are killed or unconscious for 1d3 hours.

Pull: Str Attack vs. target’s Str. Only on Grabbed target of your Size or smaller. Move up to half Speed taking them with you.


Reload: Ready next piece of ammunition. Optional Rule: This is done 5 times. Thereafter, when an attack using the weapon has a result of 0 or less, ammunition has run out.

Str Challenge. 1 bane per day without food, 1 bane per day without water, 1 bane per day without sleep. Failure becomes Fatigued. If already Fatigued, takes d6 damage that can only be recovered by days of missing food/water/sleep.

Retreat: Move away at up to half Speed. Does not trigger a Free Attack.


Rush: Move up to twice Speed.

Str Challenge at end of each hour. Failure becomes Fatigued. If already Fatigued, suffers d6 Health penalty.

Shove: Str Attack vs. target’s Str with 1 bane/boon per Size difference. Moves them away 1 yard +1 yard per Str modifier.


Stabilize: Int Challenge with 1 bane if the target is Dying. Success heals 1 damage.

Does d6 damage at the end of each round. SUFFOCATION

Use an Incantation: Anyone can read one. If reader’s Power is greater than spell’s Rank, is automatically successful. If reader’s Power is equal or less than the spell’s Rank, must make Int Challenge with 1 bane per level of difference. Failure means it fails and the incantation is ruined. Use an Item: Drink/administer a potion, retrieve an object, light a torch, etc.

Hold breath for minutes equal to Str score. If uses an Action, must make Str Challenge roll or reduce the minutes by 1. Make Str Challenge when out of time. Failure means 2d6 Health penalty. Repeat roll at end of each round with a cumulative 1 bane penalty per round and per extra action, enduring a further d6 Health loss with failure.



Once per round, you can make a free melee attack vs. any creature moving out of reach (unless they are using the Retreat Action or Escape Action from a grab).

Rest for at least 8 hours once per 24 hours. Rest heals Healing Rate damage. If rests a full 24 hours, regains double Healing Rate. If Rest period is interrupted for more than 1 minute, it is wasted. 2

Befriend: Will Attack vs. target’s Will. Gain +1 boon to further social rolls vs. same target in some cases.

Jump Across: 2 + Agi modifier/yards with 2 yard or more run-up. Agi Challenge to jump higher. Can be done as part of Movement.

Deceive: Int Attack vs. target’s Int.

Jump Up: Agi modifier x 0.5 ft./x1 ft. if run-up of 2 yards or more. Agi Challenge to jump higher. Can be done as part of Movement.

Intimidate: Will or Str Attack vs. target’s Will.

Ride: Mounting/Dismounting uses Movement. Rider or Mount can use an Action OR both can with a 2 bane penalty (once per round only).

Persuade: Will Attack vs. target’s Will. Taunt: Int Attack vs. target’s Will.

Mount Falls Prone: Agi Challenge or d6 + mount’s Size damage and

Immobilized beneath it. Action and Str or Agi Challenge to get free with 1 bane per Size difference larger. Sneak: Agi Challenge. Fail: Can be heard, 0 or Less: Make a lot of noise Heavy Armor: -2 to Speed

Stand Up: Costs an Action OR Movement

Walk: Maximum of 8 hours before Forced March.

Swim: In treacherous waters, Str Challenge with 1 bane for Medium Armor/2 banes for Heavy Armor. Fail: No progress, 0 or Less: Sink!

Forced March: Str Challenge/hour. Fail: d6 damage and Fatigued Cautious: Perception +1 boon Jog*: Perception +1 bane/Forced March +1 bane Run**: Perception +2 banes/Forced March +2 banes *Each hour is 2 hours walking

Resisted with a Will Challenge. Each dark magic spell you know provides 1 boon to the roll.

**Each hour is 4 hours walking

Balance: Agi Challenge, Fail: Stop moving, 0 or Less: Land prone or fall

When Insanity points equal Will, you Go Mad.

Climb: Str Challenge, Fail: Stop moving, 0 or Less: Fall

When you Go Mad, reduce Insanity by d6 + Will modifier.

Crawl: Move at half Cautious Speed.

Also reduce Insanity by d6 + Will modifier by gaining Quirks chosen by GM.

Drop Prone: Doesn’t cost Movement.

When you gain Insanity, you become Frightened for rounds equal to the new Insanity total.

Fly: May require Str Challenge in treacherous weather.

If already Frightened, become Stunned for the duration. 3

Gained from heinous acts, e.g. cold-blooded murder, torturing innocents, etc.

As Totally Obscured. Heavily Obscured if in clouds of dust/smoke.

When gained roll d20:

Invisible attacks vs. those unable to see it provide 1 boon.

< new Corruption score: roll on Mark of Darkness table. If repeated result, gain 2d6 Insanity instead. DARK MAGIC Gain 1 Corruption each time you discover a dark magic tradition. Each time you learn a dark magic spell, roll a d6: if the result is less than the number of Dark magic spells you know, you gain 1 Corruption.

Can carry number of items equal to Str score easily. Beyond that up to twice Strength is encumbered (Slowed, plus 1 bane to all Str and Agi rolls). Shadow of the Demon Lord is © 2016, Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. These unofficial cheat sheets created by Jargogle Bamboozle.

Wearers suffer 1 bane on all Str and Agi rolls and -2 Speed if they do not meet the armor’s requirements.

Defense: 5 (usually) Health: Size x 10. Half for Fragile materials, double or more for stone/metals. Destroyed/rendered useless at 0 Health. Breaking an Object: Strength Challenge with 1 bane per Size larger than you.


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