School of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering Statement of Purpose Form
Please write a one-page essay describing your you r academic and career goals. Address the following in your essay:
In which specific area do you wish to study? Why should you be admitted into the program? I have been planning a career in Electrical Power Engineering for several years. Highly movated movated to contribute my eorts towards addressing the issue of frequent power cuts in Ghana I pursued !"c. Electrical#Electronic Engineering with great focus on Power "ystems Power Electronics and Electrical $achines. I also developed an aptude for the %eld through several internships I undertoo& in the course of my undergraduate undergraduate studies. I had praccal e'posure in thermal power generaon and carried out various maintenance acvies on various electrical machines. I was very parcular about coming up with innovaons on the various electrical systems I came across during these internships. !eing in the top () of the graduang class of (*+( I was selected to serve as , ,eaching#-esearch eaching#-esearch ssistant in the /epartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. /uring the past year I have been assisng the Head of /epartment in research tutoring and delivering the core power courses such as ,rans ,ransformers formers synchronous and /0 $achines Power Electronics and Electric /rives when he is not available. available. I have also been responsible for organi1ing various electrical laboratory sessions for students ensuring that all laboratory e'periments were successfully accomplished. In this capacity capacity I parcipated in the "mart Grid seminar series which equipped me with Power system in Ghana elaborang on the challenges in its various sectors and the plans ahead for improvement. improvemen t. s a member of the IEEE Power "ociety Ghana "econ I also too& part in the Power "eminar series where various praccal topics in the Power "ector were presented by accomplished Power Professionals. Professionals. I will li&e to e'plore the %eld of Power Electronics at the graduate level. I plan to focus on the areas of power electronic control of power systems and electrical machines. ,he power grid in Ghana needs to be upgraded to a smart grid as emphasi1ed in the "mart Grid seminar series. I reali1ed how important important my wor& in the area of power electronic control of power systems could help in the integraon of renewable energy sources onto the smart grid and facilitate intelligent control in the smart grid. $y ulmate academic goal is to earn e arn a Ph/ but enrolling %rst in a master2s program will enable me to e'plore my various interests and ma&e a more informed decision about which speci%c discipline I will want to study in depth. $y career goals are concentrated in ge3ng a posion in an electrical engineering faculty at a university or other instuon where I can connually engage in research as well as teaching. I will li&e to contribute my research towards the development of the smart grid in Ghana. $y wor& e'perience as a ,eaching ,eaching ssistant has equipped me with good communicaon s&ills ability to wor& for long hours ability to wor& well under minimal supervision good analycal s&ills and above all made me a soluon oriented individual who is willing to go the e'tra mile to obtain good results. In addion I have also gained a good bac&ground in the %eld of power engineering through my undergraduate studies as well as my wor& e'perience as a ,eachin ,eaching g ssistant.
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