Song Compilation For Masses
October 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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"Christ, Be Our Light" by Bernadette Farrell, Frank Brownstead 1. Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you. Make us your own, your holy people, light for the world to see. Refrain Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your hurh gathered today. . Longing for peae, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, "any despair. #our word alone has pow$r to sa%e us. Make us your li%ing %oie. &. Longing for food, "any are hungry. Longing for water, "any still thirst. Make us your bread, broken for others, shared until all are fed. '. Longing for shelter, "any are ho"eless. Longing for war"th, "any are old. Make us your building, sheltering others, walls "ade of li%ing stone. (. Many the gifts, "any the people, "any the hearts that yearn to belong. Let us be ser%ants to one another, "aking your kingdo" o"e.
)*+ SMM-S
(Will you come and follow me) /ill you o"e and follow "e, 0f 0 but all your na"e /ill you go where you don$t know 2nd ne%er ne%er be the sa"e /ill you let "y lo%e be shown, will you let "y na"e be known, will you let "y life be grown in you and you in "e /ill you lea%e your self behind if 0 but all your na"e /ill you are for ruel and kind and ne%er be the sa"e /ill you risk the hostile stare should your life attrat or sare, will you let "e answer prayer in you and you in "e /ill you lo%e the 3you$ you hide if 0 but all your na"e /ill you 4uell the fear inside and ne%er be the sa"e /ill you use the faith you$%e found to reshape the world around through "y sight and touh and sound in you and you in "e Lord, your su""ons ehoes true when you but all "y na"e. Let "e turn and follow you and ne%er be the sa"e. 0n your o"pany 0$ll go where your lo%e and footsteps show. )hus 0$ll "o%e and li%e and grow in you and you in "e. John Bell (1949- ) and Graham Maule (1958- ) http!""www#youtu$e#com"watch%&'a*+,e8mo.inde/'5.lit'02Bt3,h67
1. Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you. Make us your own, your holy people, Light for the world to see. Chorus: Christ,through be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your Church Gathered today. today. . Longing for peace, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, any despair. " "our our word alone has power power to sa#e us Make us your li#ing #oice. Chorus $. Longing for food, any are hungry. Longing for water, any still thirst. Make us your bread, broken for others, Shared until all are fed. Chorus %. Longing for shelter people are hoeless. Longing for warth, any are cold. Make us your building, sheltering others, &alls &a lls ade of li#ing stone. Chorus '. Many the gifts, any the people, Many the hearts that yearn to belong. Let us be ser#ants to one another, Making your kingdo coe. Chorus – Bernadette Farrell"6wath%7r(/oe(0kg'8list7R9LBt:;-)7?
(efrain ), yourade Lord and Master, now becoe your to ser#ant. ) who the oon and stars will kneel wash you feet.
*his is y coandent: to lo#e lo#e as ) ha#e lo#ed you. +neel to wash each others feet as ) ha#e done for you. erse 1 -ll the world will know you are y disciples y the lo#e that you o/er, the kindness you show. show. " "ou ou ha#e heard the #oice #oice of God in the words words that ) ha#e spoken. spoken. Refrain
" "ou ou beheld hea#en0s glory and and ha#e seen the face of God God.. erse ) ust lea#e you now only for a oent. ) ust go to the ather to ake you a hoe. 2n the day of y return, ) will coe to take you with e * *o o the place ) ha#e proised proised where your your 3oy will ha#e no end. Refrain erse $ ) a like a #ine you are like the branches. )f you cling to y teaching you surely will li#e. )f you ake your hoe in e, ) will coe to dwell within you. " "ou ou can count on y ercy when when you ask for what you need. Refrain erse % ) ha#e called you friends, now no n o longer ser#ants. &hat ) told you in secret, the world longs to know. *here can be no greater greater lo#e than to gi#e your your life for others. -s the ather ather has lo#ed e, so ) lo#e you as y own. Refrain erse ' " "ou ou will weep for for now while the world re3oices. ut the tears of your sorrow will soon turn to 3oy. -s a other cries in childbirth and her pain is turned to gladness, " "ou ou will know great great re3oicing on on the day of y return. return. Refrain erse 4 ) will gi#e you peace5 this will be y blessing. *hough the world churns around around you, ) lea#e you y pea peace. ce. ) ha#e told you all these things that y peace ay dwell within you. Let your faith be unshaken and your hope h ope e#er strong. Refrain aniel chutte :1#
TAKE AND EAT EAT Mihael @onas Refrain5 )ake and eatA take and eat5 this is "y body gi%en up for you. )ake and drinkA take and drink5 this is "y blood gi%en up for you.
1. 0 a" the /ord that spoke and light was "adeA 0 a" the seed that died to be rebornA 0 a" the bread that o"es fro" hea%en abo%eA 0 a" the %ine that fills your up with oy. . 0 a" the way that leads the e>ile ho"eA 0 a" the truth that sets the apti%e freeA 0 a" the life that raises up the deadA 0 a" your peae, true peae "y gift to you. &. 0 a" the La"b that takes away your sinA 0 a" the gate that guards you night and dayA #ou are "y flokA you know the shepherd$s %oieA #ou are "y ownA your ranso" is "y blood.
SHEPHERD ME Marty Haugen
Chorus: Em
Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, D/B C D Em m G/E beyond my !ears, !rom death "nto #"!e$
%$ Em m G/E God "s my shepherd, so noth"ng & sha## want, Em m G/E & rest "n the meadows o! !a"th!u#ness and #o'e, C m Bm D Em & wa#( by the )u"et waters o! pea*e$
+$ Em
Gent#y you ra"se me and hea# my weary sou#, Em m G/E
you #ead me by pathways o! r"ghteousness and truth, C m Bm D Em m G/E my sp"r"t sha## s"ng the mus"* o! your ame$
-$ Em
.hough & shou#d wander the 'a##ey o! death, Em m G/E
& !ear no e'"#, !or you are at my s"de, C m Bm D
C Bm m D Em m & w"## dwe## "n the house o! my God !ore'ermore$
your rod and your sta!!, my *om!ort and my hope$ Br"dge: D G
C D C D ou ha'e set me a ban)uet o! #o'e
G C m "n the !a*e o! hatred, 01 B *rown"ng me w"th #o'e beyond my pow2r to ho#d$ 3Chorus4 5$ Em m G/E Sure#y your ("ndness and mer*y !o##ow me C D a## the days o! my #"!e6
C6()S* 7 28( L)G6* ernadette arell Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you.
Make us your own, your holy people, light for the world to see. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. Longing for peace, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, any despair. " "our our word alone has pow9r pow9r to sa#e us. Make us your li#ing #oice. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. Longing for food, any are hungry. Longing for water, any still thirst. Make us your bread, broken broke n for others, shared until all are fed. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. Longing for shelter, any are hoeless. Longing for warth, any are cold. Make us your building, sheltering others, walls ade of li#ing stone. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. Many the gifts, any the people, any the hearts that yearn to belong. Let us be ser#ants to one another, aking your kingdo coe. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness.
Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today.;#b) https:www .youtube.cowatch;#b)$c $c
) 6-7 L27? "28 Michael @oncas Refrain: I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have called you and you are mine; I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have called you and you are mine. Seek the face of the Lord and long for him: he will bring you his light and his peace. (Refrain) Seek the face of the Lord and long for him: he will bring you his joy and his hope. (Refrain) Seek the face of the Lord and long for him: he will bring you his care and his love. (Refrain)
WITH ONE VOICE Fr. Ricky Manalo CSP https://.yo!t!"$/atch%&'N()!$P*$Mas
+. Tak# th# Wor, an, -o o!t to #&ry lan,:
shin# th# li-ht o Christ or all to s##0 May th# lis o thos# # to!ch sin- prais# to )o, a"o. 1#t !s sin-2 #ll sin-: Refrain:
With on# &oic# #ll pass th# Wor, alon-3 ith on# &oic#2 "rin- 4!stic# to th# orl,. 5n, ith all th# an-#ls #ll spr#a, th# -oo,n#ss o )o,. With all po#r an, -lory th# Wor, Wor, o )o, shall r#i-n. 6. Tak# th# Wor, to o!r n#i-h"orhoo,s an, str##ts: shin# th# li-ht o Christ or all to s##0 May # all s#t o!t to li in p#ac# an, har$ony. Th#y ill s## an, sin-: 7. Tak# th# Wor, to th# p#opl# in ,#spair: shin# th# li-ht o Christ or all to s##0 May o!r actions an, o!r ,##,s
"rin- co$ort to th#ir n##,s. 5n, th#yll kno an, sin-: 8. Tak# th# Wor, to th# nations #&ryh#r#: shin# th# li-ht o Christ or all to s##0 May th# itn#ss o o!r lis transor$ th# orl, an#. 5n, #ll shin#2 #ll shin#:
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