Some Forgotten Techniques of Rishis

February 3, 2017 | Author: Horacio Tackanoo | Category: N/A
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Some Forgotten Techniques of Rishis

The so-called Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati (BCP) named by Saptarshi Astyrology team, based on Chandra Kala Nadi / Deva Keralam was used by Nanubhai Bhatt (who called it Padma Chakra method) and later by Mr Bhavasar. Timing of periods of various houses in BCP is exactly same as Sudarshana Chakra Dashaa (SCD) of BPHS. I have provided for five levels from annual return to 5th level of ~25 minutes period in Kundalee software, which generates all shodash varga charts for these five levels of SCD. Thus, shodashavarga charts at the moments of solar returns to annual /monthly /vidashaa/sookshma/praana levels provide ancient varshaphala technique which some ignorants now think to be of foreign origin, although Suryasiddhanta clearly speaks of varsha and maasa pravesha charts &c (cf, varshesha, maasesha). This ancient varshaphala technique does not need Tajik Neelkanthi methods, and standard BPHS principles can be successfully applied to get good results, provided Suryasiddhantic Ganita is used as was done by sages. The same five level table of timings can be used by 3-tier Sudarshana chakra method of BPHS, which works well and is in complete harmony with so-called Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati (BCP) or Nanubhai System based on ancient Nadi texts. Saptarshi Astrology team has wrongly declared that Sage Parashara's SCD is different from BCP, the timing method is exactly same in both. The difference lies in the fact that extant version of BPHS does not contain the Nadi Astrology portion by Sage Parashara, whose proofs are available in the first ever publication of BPHS from Khemraj Press of Mumbai aboout a century ago. That edition contains 155 yogas, some of which are repetitions, which is a form of 150 portions of rasi used in Nadi texts, resulting from all permutations and combinations of sixteen divisional charts. But details in Parashari Hora are lost, as a verse in Khemraj edition says there were 8000 verses in first part of Parashari Hora (now called BPHS), now only ~3000 are left in the first part. Number of verses in second part are not mentioned. Thus, there was no difference of opinion among rishis. Saptarshi Astrology issues unfounded statements like "when Vimshottari system was not discovered...". In BPHS, the chapter on Ashtakavarga is placed near that on Sudarshana Chakra. Why ? Because Sudarshana Chakra method is useless without AV. If AV is not used with SC, we will get exact replicas of SC dashaas after 12 years, which is nonsensical. Therefore, the role of transits must not be neglected. At present, the timing table upto five levels have been presented in Kundalee software, which is to be used in three domains : (1)solar returns, (2)SC dashaas, and (3) so-called Bhrigu Chakra or Chandrakalaa or Devakeralam technique. It is very difficult to generate solar retrurn charts manually, hence these charts are produced by the software, while remaining two techniques can be used by the astrologer with the same timing table with good results (I have tested all these three methods and they work well, the third method needs knowledge of texts like B hrigu Samhita, Chandrakala Nadi, etc; Deva Keralam has been published by

Sagar Publications in New Delhi). I have also provided option for modern physical astronomy, but I left using that over a decade ago because SSS gives far better results. There are persons who have dogmatic issues agains SSS, they can forget it and use Drik (physical astronomy). I am planning to incorporate Nadi Astrology phalita results into Kundalee software, a part of which is what is mentioned above. But things are very complex and vast, and will take time. Ancient Padma Chakra has nothing to do with individual horoscopy (cf. Padma Chakra of Nanubhai Ji), ancient Padma Chakra is the chart of international horoscope, hence I call it Prithvi Chakra to avoid confusion. Narapatijayacharya describes it, published by Chowkhamba. Kundalee softyware includes these chakras in the form of 16 divisional charts on international map (Prithvi or Padma Chakra) or on India's map (Desha Chakra). If you know the foundation time of provinces, towns, villages, buildings, etc, you can make Pradesha Chakra, Nagara Chakra, Graama CjHakra, Griha Chakra and Kshetra Chakra , the last for your farmland to predict its agricultural produce. Now people do not keep records of horoscopes of their villages or towns, but a scholar from Bhuj (Dr Bhudia) in Gujarat has sent the horoscope of Bhuj town preserved in a mediaeval manuscript.

Padm Chakra Method Ancient Padm Chakra has nothing to do with individual horoscopy, it is the chart of international horoscope, hence I call it Prithvi Chakra to avoid confusion. Kundalee software includes these Chakra in the form of 16 divisional charts on international map (Prithvi or Padm Chakra) or on India's map (Desh Chakra). If you know the foundation time of provinces, towns, villages, buildings, etc, you can make Pradesh Chakra, Nagar Chakra, Graam Chakra, Griha Chakra and Kshetra Chakra etc, and the last for your farmland to predict its agricultural produce. Now people do not keep records of horoscopes of their villages or towns, but a scholar from Bhuj in Gujarat has sent the horoscope of Bhuj town preserved on a mediaeval manuscript. In Ahamadaabaad, Gujaraat, one person called Nanubhai Bhatt has developed one fantastic technique, called Padm Chakra Paddhati. It is combination of progression with Dwaadashaansh which is more accurate then KP or Naadee Astrology. Where if you combine Gocher it gives amazing results of predication. Today Nanubhai is not present but Mr Pramod Bhavasaar is using this systems and he said he never uses any other system of prediction than this in his life. I am using this systems and found that this is more pin point predictive systems than any other system. Also Varsh Phal, Month Phal etc can also be very accurately predicted. All otherwise this good systems may lost after no one is using it.

Naanubhai Bhatt used an ancient title for a different and modern technique. Padm Chakra is same as the so-called Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati named by Saptarshi Astrology team, based on Chandra Kaal Naadee / Dev Keralam. There are 84 ancient astrological Chakra described in Yaamal Tantra texts whose archaicness is said to belong to Vaidik period. One of those astrological Chakra is Padm Chakra. I call it Prithvi Chakra to remove ambiguity and misunderstanding. "Saptarshi Astrology" magazine once described a monk in Vaaraanasee who said that any Shodash Varg can be exclusively used for all topics, but the technique was not explained. I have activated that ancient technique in Kundalee software, but it demands exact rectification of birth time. The software is ready, but help files and case studies are still in the pipeline, without which hardly anyone will be able to use this ancient and most accurate tool of Vaidik astrology. This tool is 100% based on BPHS and is different from that used by Nanubhai Bhatt, but the technique of Nanubhai Bhatt in an expanded form will also be available in Kundalee software. Vinay Jha

PC Bhavsar is one of the two masters alive (in 2012) who teach prediction by Padm Chakra method. He says that most predictions are made by Lagn Chart or Birth Chart and Raashi Chart, but when a prediction is made for any House combined with Dwaadashaansh chart, is called Padm Chakra method. Use of the term "Padm Chakra" in Horaa Shaastra (individual horoscopy) is a recent invention by Mr Bhavsar who attributes it to some unknown yogi giving its knowledge to Mr Bhavsar's Guru Nanubhai Ji. Before Mr Bhavsar, "Padm Chakra" is not mentioned in any classic in connection to horoscopy, although a different type of Padm Chakra is mentioned in some classics in reference to Medinee Jyotish. Mr Nanubhai or Mr Bhavsar should have used a different term for a different concept, because Padm Chakra was used for a Medinee tool for thousands of years but this fact was not known to Mr Bhavsar. Aachaarya Medh Vijaya has written a book "Varsh Prabodh" on this subject. In this book the prediction has been made for the Samvatsar from Chaitra Maas to Phaalgun Maas, the base of which is the holy town Ujjain from 8 Dishaa described, then a system from star and name of the town or state or city, his first word getting star of city like the star of the city Sholaapur is P-Bhaadrapad then Dishaa of Sholaapur from Ujjayinee. There are Dhuranks of Dishaa then calculating from the star of Saturn we can get Mahaadashaa, [356 days] Chandra Maas Antar-dashaa, Pratyantar Dashaa, Sookshm Dashaa, then Praan Dashaa, you can predict the whole year of the city or state or town by this Dashaa. Someone can try this for his city by calculating city, if Saturn changes star in the year the calculation also given from 11th Oct 2012 Saturn will change star. I will give all Dashaa of four

multi cities of India like Mumbai after one can observe it in this book all Dashaa of planets are described with results so there is a Padm Chakra. (2) Padm Chakra is an ancient tool of Medinee Jyotish described in Narapati Jayaachaarya based on ancient Yaamal Tantra. Modern astrologers should use different names for new concepts. (3) It is a Muhoort-based approach in which Taaraa Balam helps for the good or bad to open. In Gochar we need two factors - 1. Place, 2. Purpose, otherwise general studies is only for informative purpose.

Timing of periods of various houses is exactly same as Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa (SCD) of BPHS. I have provided for five levels from annual return to 5th level of ~25 minutes period in Kundalee software, which generates all shodash varga charts for these five levels of SCD. Thus, Shodash Varg charts at the moments of solar returns to annual / monthly / Vidashaa / Sookshm / Praan levels provide ancient Varsh Phal technique which some ignorant now think to be of foreign origin, although Soorya Siddhaant clearly speaks of Varsh and Maas Pravesh charts (Varshesh, Maasesh). This ancient Varsh Phal technique does not need Taajak Neelkanthee methods and standard BPHS principles can be successfully applied to get good results, provided Soorya Saiddhantic Ganit is used as was done by sages. The same five level table of timings can be used by 3-tier Sudarshan Chakra method of BPHS, which works well and is in complete harmony with so-called Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati (BCP) or Nanubhai System based on ancient Naadee texts. Saptarshi Astrology team has wrongly declared that Sage Paraashar's SCD is different from BCP, the timing method is exactly same in both. The difference lies in the fact that extant version of BPHS does not contain the Naadee Astrology portion by Sage Paraashar, whose proofs are available in the first ever publication of BPHS from Khemraj Press of Mumbai about a century ago. That edition contains 155 Yog, some of which are repetitions, which is a form of 150 portions of Raashi used in Naadee texts, resulting from all permutations and combinations of 16 Divisional Charts. But details in Paraasharee Horaa are lost, as a verse in Khemraj edition says there were 8,000 verses in the first part of Paraasharee Horaa (now called BPHS), now only 3000 verses are left. Number of verses in second part are not mentioned. Thus, there was no

difference of opinion among Rishi. Saptarshi Astrology issues statements like "when Vinshottaree system was not discovered.... In BPHS, the chapter on Ashtak Varg is placed near that on Sudarshan Chakra. Why? Because Sudarshan Chakra method is useless without Ashtak Varg. If Ashtak Varg is not used with Sudarshan Chakra, we will get exact replicas of Sudarshan Chakra Dashaa after 12 years, which is nonsense. Therefore, the role of transits must not be neglected.

Bhrigu Samhita, Bhrigu Saral Paddhati and Bhrigu Chakra paddhati (BSP & BCP).

I know many people amongst you must be familiar with the word “Bhrigu Samhita”, ever heard about “Bhrigu Saral Paddhati or Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati known by acronyms as BSP’s and BCP’s” ? What is Brighu Saral Paddhati and Bhrigu Chakra paddhati BSP and BCP ?

BSP and BCP’s were popularized by Saptarishis astrology magazine. it is a complete system in itself like any other system, laal kitab, kp, jaimini astrology, parashari astrology, ramal shastra, brighu samhita etc.

There are 2 types of BSP’s : 

Age based

Combination based.

For example moon Vibrates his radical position at the age of 18. Mars vibrates 10th house from his radical position at the age of 27/28. It means that these planets would cause some change in your life or be responsible for important even related to some house they vibrate in your horoscope on these years. 2nd type is for example Jupiter and Saturn are placed in the sign together anywhere in the horoscope they will spoil atleast one signification of aries sign irrespective of the house Aries is placed in your horoscope. There is still a lot of research needed in this system and the rules modified according to research, Using BSP’s need intuition as well. Some people use it with divisional charts while some use them with kakshas. Here is a video on the use of BSP’s by Shri Shankar hegde ji, who is a very famous astrologer of international fame from karnataka and my mentor in astrology who has

also taught and shared a lot of things with me and always encouraged me to do astrology.

I had talked about Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati. Apparently, the method has classical roots and I expect Sreenadh-ji to provide us with some more clues about this technique. It is felt that I should discuss my observations & my understanding about the technique with someone from Astrology background. The system is dependent on degree-cal difference of Lagna and different planets. So, in a way, it is less dependent on Ayanamsha. However, when lagna or planets are at the border of signs / navamsha, where slight change of Ayanamsha, signs / navamsha can change, the usual problem again crops up. Anyway, I am giving below the concepts that I do use - along with areas which needs some thought. Basics : a) b) c) d)

e) f) g)

Lagna & planets progresses at 30 degree / 360 days. Some uses 30 degree / 365.242 days as well. When the progresses lagna / planets reach a sensitive point, an event can be triggered. The nature of event will also be dependent on other factors like transits etc. The sensitive points are generally - The degree of (i) Sign lord (ii) Aspecting planets (iii) Planets that are in navamshaka of that sign (Say, Jupiter getting n Cancer navamshaka will influence the behavior of Sign Cancer ). If one sign is aspected, the other sign of the same lord will get same sensitive point. The usual astrological concepts are fully applicable. It appears that in presence of Ketu, the calculations do not match exactly. It appears that as the age progresses, the lagna movement does not exactly match any method. Some correction factor needs to be applied ……..something like precessional movement.

Possible pitfalls : When someone is dealing with so many numbers, there is a tendency to match the results somehow. Also chances are high that there will be sheer co-incidences, providing some apparent pattern in small scale checks. The method, if correct, can be a very good Post-mortem aid in stand-alone mode. However, for projecting in to future, it may not be useful in present form. Let me try out the method with some examples. I have tried both 360 days and 365.242 days. And also, where applicable, forward and backward movement for odd and even signs. Please note that the calculation is very much dependent on Lagna degree. Possible causes of inexactitude of Lagna is (a) Different Ayanamsha  Mostly does not matter except when the planets or lagna is at the Sandhi of two signs. (b) TOB  The error will be persistent in each cases and hence can be guessed. However, if there are two or more planets are almost at the same degree, confusions may be there about how to relate and whom to relate

Example One : DOB : Aug 17, 1962, 19:00 hrs, Delhi (AIA Quiz-2 data).




D-9 st

Navamsa Sphuta

Lagna Sun

1st 7th

Aqua Leo

2d20’15”” Od49’47”

1 -Libra 1st- Aries

20.04 7.46

Moon Mars Mercury

1st 5th 7th

Aqua Gemini Leo

24d52’39” 3d29’ 18d24’46”

8th-Taurus 2nd-Scorpio 6th-Virgo

16.10 1.35 14.29

(Jupiter) Venus Saturn

1st 8th 12th

Aqua Virgo Capricorn

16d11’22” 16d8’42 13d30’39”

5th-Aqua 5th-Taurus 5th-Taurus

25.48 25.00 1.60

Rahu Ketu

6th 12th

Cancer Capricorn

15d35’48” 15d35’48”

5th-Scorpio 5th-Taurus

20.37 20.37


There are 4 important events mentioned. Let us cross-check the events along with progressed lagna . Let us try to cross-check them, one by one & find whether any pattern exist or not. As the Lagna is in odd sign, BCP and Sasank Saradeeya (SS) will give same result.

Marriage on 04 Nov 1984

a) SS/ BCP – 360 days : Age 22.54166 years. Progressed lagna is at Sagittarius 18d 35’, which is quite close to degree of Mercury. How Mercury is connected to Sagittarius is not apparent here. However, same can be explained with a different navamsha approach. b) SS/ BCP-365.242 days : Age 22.2161943565 years. Progressed lagna is at Sagittarius 8d49’. However no correlation is found. B)

Birth of 1st Son : 03 Nov 1985 a) SS/ BCP – 360 days : Age 23.552778 yrs. The progressed lagna is in Capricorn, at 18d55 which is again close to degree of Mercury. As the Me is 5L and aspects Aquarius and hence this is justifiable. b) SS/BCP – 365.242 days : 23.213557 yrs. The progressed lagna is at Capricorn at 8d44’. No correlation could be found.

C) Birth of second son on 09 Oct 1995 a) SS/ BCP – 360 days : Age 33.62777 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Scorpio at 21d10’. No correlation observed. Although Rahu is getting Scorpio navamshaka with Navamsha sphuta of 20d… but should this be allowed ? No. b) SS/BCP – 365.242 days : Age 33.14511. Progressed lagan is at 6 Sc 41. No correlation found. D) Surgery on 27 Aug 2004 : a) SS/ BCP – 360 days : Age 42.64166 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Leo – 21d 35’. No correlation observed. b) SS/BCP – 365.242 days : Age 42.02738 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Leo, 3d09 min. May be correlated with degree of Mars.

Conclusion : No real trend so far.

Example Two : Lagna Sun





1st 2nd

Sagi Cp

8d40’15”” 24d59’

7th -Ge 99th - Leo

Moon Mars Mercury

1st 3rd 1st

Sagi Aqua Sagi

0d04’37” 23d09’ 29d17’46”

5th-Aries 5th-Aries 1st- Sagi

(Jupiter) Venus Saturn

12th 3rd 11th

Scorpio Aqua Libra

13d5’26” 17d52’11” 10d48’

12th - Sco 4th-Pi 2nd -Cp

Rahu Ketu

7th 1st

Gemini sagi

9d53’08” 9d53’08”

08 Feb, 1983, 04:16 Hrs, Delhi (AIA Quiz-3, posted by Neelam-ji) Events : a) Marriage to take place on 29 November, 2009 b) Death of brother on 19 July 2002


1 - sagi 7th-Gemini

Marriage day on 29.11.2009 : a) SS/ BCP – 360 days : Age 27.19722 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Pisces at 14d34 min. However, if we consider the TOB is slightly off and the Lgana is at approx 8d, then the progressed lagna is at Pisces 13d54..which is very close to degree of Jupiter. Also the navamsha falls at Scorpio where Jup is posited. But connection of Jup with marriage is not apparent from chart / navamsha. b) SS/BCP – 365.242 days : 26.80495 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Pisces 2d09 min… No correlation observed

Example Three : 20 June, 1975, approx 06:55 hrs, Dibrugarh (Lady)

Hous e










Navams a Sphuta









19° 8’46"












21°44’47 “















Gemini Scorpio Taurus

25°42’49" 7°15’35" 7°15’35"

Taurus Virgo Pisces

21.49 5.4 5.4

Saturn Rahu Ketu

12 5th 11th

Lagna is at approx 8-9 degree of Cancer. Assuming 8.5d Events : A) B) C) D) E)

Death of Father Marriage 1st Son 2nd Son Surgery

: 03 December, 1989 : 05 June 1997 : 25th Jan, 1999 : 08 September, 2004 : 13th November 2008.

A) Death of Father happened on 3rd December, 1989. a) BCP -360 days : Age 14.66666 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Virgo, 28d29’ –this is very close to degree of Mars, which is aspecting Virgo. Mars, 10L is also Maraka to 9L Jupiter. So, it does match

b) BCP-356.242 days : Progressed lagna is at Virgo at 22d8’… might be correlated with degree of Mercury if lagna was at slightly less than 8d. c) SS-360 days : Progressed lagna is Aries at 18d30’ . No correlation d) SS-365.242 days : progressed lagna is at Aries at 24d51’ . No correlation Additional : If we look at the chart, The sensitive points in Virgo is 26.5 degree (aspect of Jup), 28.5 degree (aspect of Mars), 21.6 degree ( degree of sign lord). As Virgo is 3rd house, 7th to 9th house, it can show death of father. Mars is lord of a Maraka for 9L B)

Marriage took place on 05th June 1997. a) BCP -360 days : Age 22.28055 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Taurus – 16d54’ does not match. b) BCP-356.242 days : Age 21.95867 years. Progressed lagna is at Taurus 7d14’ degree of Ketu at Taurus. Match ? c) SS-360 days : Progressed lagna is at Virgo 0d5’. No correlation d) SS-365.242 days : progressed lagna is at Virgo 9d45 . No correlation


Birth of 1st Son on 25 Jan 1999 a) BCP -360 days : Age 23.94444 yrs. The progressed lagna is in Cancer 6d49’. No match b) BCP-356.242 days: Age 22.599601 yrs. The progressed lagna is in Taurus .. 26d29’. This is close to Jup’s degree (Match ?). However, Jup’s relation with Taurus or its lord Venus is not apparent. c) SS-360 days : Age 23.94444. Progressed lagna is in Cancer at 10d10’. No correlation d) SS-365.242 days : Age 22.599601. Progressed lagna is in Leo, 20d30. Close to degree of Mercury…but connection of Mercury and Leo is not apparent.


Birth of 2nd son on 08 Sept 2004. a)

BCP -360 days : Age 29.647222 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Sagittarius 27d54…close to Mars’ degree. (Mars is 5L) b) BCP-356.242 days: Age 29.21903 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Sagittarius 15d4’. No correlation. c) SS-360 days : Age 29.647222 yrs Progressed lagna is at Capricorn at 19d5’. Close to Moon’s & Venus’ degree. (Moon and Venus are in parivartana.) However, no clear correlation d) SS-365.242 days : Age 29.21903 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Aquarius at 1d55’. No correlation.


Minor surgery on 12th November, 2008.


BCP -360 days : Age 33.86111 yrs. The progressed lagna is at Taurus 4d 19’. No correlation. Except, may be related to Sun (4d35’) which sits at Scorpio navamsha and may be, arguably, aspects Taurus. b) BCP-356.242 days: Age 33.39699 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Aries, 20d24’. Tenuous correlation with Mercury or Venus (degree-wise). However, no relation exists in chart or navamsha. c) SS-360 days : Age 33.86111 yrs . Progressed lagna is at Virgo 12d40’. No correlation. d) SS-365.242 days : Age 33.39699 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Virgo 26d35’. Again Tenuous correlation with degree of Jupiter.

Example Four : DOB : 08 November, 1970, 08:40 hrs, Dibrugarh (elder brother of lady of Example-three)

Hous e








































(Saturn) Rahu Ketu

5th 3rd 9th

Ar Aqua Leo

25d56’ 6d14’ 6d14’

Sco Sco Ta

Navams a Sphuta

Events : a) Death of father = 3rd December, 1989 b) Marriage = 26th April, 1998 c) Birth of daughter = 10th March, 1999 A) Death of Father happened on 3rd December, 1989. a) BCP / SS-360 days : Age 19.34722 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Cancer 13d59’. This does not match. However, if the lagna degree is slightly less..approx 2d20’…this does match. Also, Cancer being 8th house, (12th to 9th lord), will justify the event. ( I have used 2d20’ for further calculation) b) BCP/SS-356.242 days : Age 19.06844 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Cancer 5d38. Does not match.


Marriage on 26th April, 1998 a) BCP / SS-360 days : Age 27.86388 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Pisces, 28d14. Close to Mercury’s degree. Mercury is 7th Lord. So can show marriage. But Mercury and Pisces are not connected. b) BCP/SS-356.242 days : Age 27.46270 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Pisces, 16d12’. Does not match

C) Birth of Daughter on 10th March, 1999 a) BCP / SS-360 days : Age 28.74222 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Aries 24d35’..close to Saturn’s degree and location. So, this is a match b) BCP/SS-356.242 days : Age 28.33402 yrs. Progressed lagna is at Aries 12d41’. No correlation. CONCLUSION 1) Apparently, few things do match and few do not. 2) The doubt is…..whether the matching is random (as happens while playing with Calculator, crunching random numbers) or is there a pattern underlying. 3) There appears to be some gap between degree of Lagna and happenings. The gap increases as the age increases…roughly 1 degree in 70 years. (this is based on some charts which I had tried earlier, but not included in this. Anyway, please tell me whether I should pursue this direction of thought or not. RegardsP L Chakraborty

Random Thoughts The following is a random thought…… may be there is something in the thought that I would pursue in future. Just sharing with all of you. There has been discussions about various navamsha. Few prominent authors have expressed that Normal navamsha (classical or Parashari, Cyclic, Harmonic or whatever we call them) does not give good results while applying with Jaimini analysis. So people have come with possible navamsha construction techniques. Eminent astrologers like Rath-ji and Shanmukh-ji have come up with a navamsha what they call Nadi-amsa or jaimini Navamsa. Sri PVR-ji has come with a slight variation of that. Somehow, these methods do not appear logical to me. (How audacious !!!) In these charts, I have mentioned that sometimes rasi & navamsha do not show any apparent connection with the happening. Hence I tried few of these Navamsha techniques too. But later on, I tried to see the Logic of these methods. And now I am trying a new method…….

Construction Logic Basic Logic : The strength of rashi is most for following amsha Chara : 1st amsha (start) Sthira : the 9th Amsa (end) Dual : the 5th Amsha (middle). It was felt that this property should get reflected in navamsha too. That is, 1st part of any Chara Rashi should get that particular navamsha. 0-3d20 of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn should get Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn respectively . In any Navamsha construction method, this is followed.

The 9th Amsha of Sthira Rashi should get the same navamsha. That is 26d40’-30d0’ minute of Taurus, leo, Scorpio and Aqua should get Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aqua respectively. Similarly, 13d20’-16d40’ part (5th amsha) of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (all dual rashiI know I should write Dwiswabhava….but dual is a good short-cut) should get the Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces navamsha. However, in any of these navamsha methods, same is never attained. The way out, logically, is very simple. Follow the starting points for navamsha counting espoused by Krishna Mishra and counting shall be done in forward direction for Chara Rashi and in reverse direction for other rashi-s (Sthira & Dual rashi). That way, we will get 9 navamshaka from each rasi (one of the shortcomings of navamsha methods of Shanmukh-ji/ Rath-ji).

Mapping Logic All navamsha starts from Chara Rashi Direction of count : In forward direction for Chara Rashi. In reverse direction for Sthira & Dual rashi Starting Point : Ar, Leo & Sag  From Aries Ta, Vi & Cp  From Cp Ge, Li & Aqua  From Li Cn, Sc & Pi  From Cn The outcome would be as follows : (Arrow –Start of Counting and direction) Ar










Ar Ta Ge Cn Leo Virgo Lib Sc Sag Cp Aqua Pi

Hope somebody does some experimentation with this one too before discarding.



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