SOM Group1 Mid Atlantic Bus Line DEA

April 24, 2018 | Author: kannanb666 | Category: N/A
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Short Description



 The document contains LP model model for Mid Atlantic Atlantic Bus Service with sensitivity reports Submitted by: Group No  A!shay PGP"#"$ PGP"#"$ %annan PGP"#"$$ &rishi!esh PGP"#"'((

)ariables )alues

* *' +,++'--

unction 5onstraints Bus 6epot  Bus 6epot ' Bus 6epot $ Bus 6epot ( Bus 6epot 8 Bus 6epot 9 Bus 6epot . Bus 6epot # nputs Non Ne;ative Non Ne;ative Non Ne;ative Non Ne;ative

) )' + +,+'+'-#.+ +,+++$-


.+ + $+ + '+ + (+ + 8+ + 8+ + #+ + $+ + +  + + +

$++ 9++ .++ 9++ (++ 8++ 8++ '++ + +  + +


7(+ 78+ 78+ 78+ 7(+ 78+ 7(+ 7$+ (+ + +  +


78++ 2 78++ 2 7(++ 2 78++ 2 (++ 2 78++ 2 79++ 2 7(++ 2 8++ 2 +2 +2 +2 

)alue 7+,+-+-+7+,#9## 7+,-+'8-. 7+,9### 7,/7+9 7+,88-(# 7$,$/7+9 7+,$.+$  +,++'-+ +,+'+$ +,+++$-

?&S @2 @2 @2 @2 @2

@2 2 2 2 2 2

+ + + + + + + +  + + + +

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report Worksheet: [Book3]Sheet1 Report re!te": #4$0%$#01& #:0':#1 (M

)ariable 5ells

ell B' 5' 6' /'

!/e )alues * )alues *' )alues ) )alues )'

)in!l !l*e +,++'-#.+$ + +,+'+'-#.+ +,+++$#-9+(

Re"*ce" ost + + + +

+,-ective oecient .++ $++ + +


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)in!l !l*e  +,++'-#.+$ + +,+'+'-#.+ +,+++$#-9+( 7+,+-+-+-+-+7+,#9##$. 7+,-+'8-.(+'9 7+,9##### + 7+,88-(#+87',''+(8/7+9 7+,$.+'-#.+

Sh!"o2 onstr!int (rice R.. Si"e +,-+-+-+-+-  + + 7(8,(8(8(8(8 + + + + + + + + + + + + + +,+-+-+-+-++ + + +,#####' + + +

llo2!,le llo2!,le 5ncre!se 6ecre!se ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ ''#,8.(' ''#,8.('#8. #8. (8,(8(8(8(8,+++++/4+$+ . ++,# '9+ #.,8

llo2!,le llo2!,le 5ncre!se 6ecre!se ,+++++/4+$+  +,++'-#.+$,+++++/4+$+ +,++9$($$'. + +,+'+'-#.+,+++++/4+$+ +,+++$#-9+(,+++++/4+$+ ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,+-+-+-+ +,+-+-+-+-+-+,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,#9##$ +,#9##$. . ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,-+'8-.( +,-+'8-.(+'9 +'9 ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,9### +,9##### ##  +,$.8 ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,88-(#+ +,88-(#+88+, +,  , ,  ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,$.+'-# +,$.+'-#.+ .+

)ariables * * *' ) )alues +,+++$ +,++$-

unction 5onstraints Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot nputs Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati


.++ $++ '++ (++ 8++ 8++ #++ $++ +  + + +

$++ 9++ .++ 9++ (++ 8++ 8++ '++ + +  + +

)' +,+'


7(+ 78+ 78+ 78+ 7(+ 78+ 7(+ 7$+ 8+ + +  +



78++ 2 78++ 2 7(++ 2 78++ 2 (++ 2 78++ 2 79++ 2 7(++ 2 8++ 2 +2 +2 +2 

)alue 7+,'-$+( @2 7+,'9+#. @2 ',''/7+9 @2 7+,$+($ @2 7+,.#'9 @2 7+,'$-$ @2 ,/7+9 @2 7+,'#'9+- @2 2 +,+++$ 2 +,++$- 2 +,+' 2 + 2

?&S + + + + + + + +  + + + +

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report Worksheet: [7ro*p18Mi" tl!ntic B*s 9ine86E.xlsx]6epot # Report re!te": #&$0%$#01& 1:11:3 M

)ariable 5ells

ell B' 5' 6' /'

!/e )alues * )alues *' )alues ) )alues )'

)in!l !l*e +,+++$+($(# +,++$-$+($ +,+' +

Re"*ce" ost + + + +

+,-ective oecient $++ 9++ + +


ell !/e G8 CNAM/D G9 CNAM/D G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D G- Non Ne;ative )alue G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D GCNAM/D G+ CNAM/D G CNAM/D G' CNAM/D G$ CNAM/D G( CNAM/D

)in!l !l*e  +,+++$+($(# +,++$-$+($ +,+' + 7+,'-$+($(.# 7+,'9+#9-898 + 7+,$+($(.#$ 7+,.#'9+#9-9 7+,'$-$+($(# + 7+,'#'9+#9-8.

Sh!"o2 onstr!int (rice R.. Si"e +,#.$-$+($8  + + + + + + 7$',9+#9-898' + + + + + +,..$-$+($ + + + + + + + +,-898'.$+ + +

llo2!,le llo2!,le 5ncre!se 6ecre!se .#,-(.$9# .#,-(.$9#(' (' '#,8.(' '#,8.('#8. #8. (8+ '8 ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ $,'9+#9-8 $,'9+#9-898' 98' $',9+#9-898',+++++/4+$+

llo2!,le llo2!,le 5ncre!se 6ecre!se ,+++++/4+$+  +,+++$+($(#,+++++/4+$+ +,++$-$+($,+++++/4+$+ +,+',+++++/4+$+ +,+++-.8-+( + ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,'-$+($ +,'-$+($(.# (.# ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,'9+#9+,'9+#9-898 898 +,' +,# ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,$+($( +,$+($(.#$ .#$ ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,.#'9+# +,.#'9+#9-9 9-9 ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,'$-$+( +,'$-$+($(# $(# +,$+$.+$. +,$+$.+$.+$. +$. +,+#8.(' +,+#8.('#8. #8. ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,'#'9+#9 +,'#'9+#9-8. -8.

)ariables * * )alues

*' ) )' + +,++('- +,+.(9 +,+++$.

unction 5onstraints Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot nputs Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati


.++ $++ '++ (++ 8++ 8++ #++ $++ +  + + +

$++ 9++ .++ 9++ (++ 8++ 8++ '++ + +  + +


7(+ 78+ 78+ 78+ 7(+ 78+ 7(+ 7$+ 8+ + +  +

78++ 2 78++ 2 7(++ 2 78++ 2 (++ 2 78++ 2 79++ 2 7(++ 2 (++ 2 +2 +2 +2 

)alue 7+,('#8. @2 7+,.(9+$ @2 + @2 7+,.(9+$ @2 + @2 7+,$.(9 @2 7+,.(9+$ @2 7+,$98+.- @2 2 + 2 +,++('- 2 +,+.(9 2 +,+++$. 2

?&S + + + + + + + +  + + + +

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report Worksheet: [7ro*p18Mi" tl!ntic B*s 9ine86E.xlsx]6epot 3 Report re!te": #&$0%$#01& 1:1#:3% M

)ariable 5ells

ell B' 5' 6' /'

!/e )alues * )alues *' )alues ) )alues )'

)in!l !l*e + +,++('#8.( +,+.(9+$.8 +,+++$.(9+$

Re"*ce" +,-ective llo2!,le ost oecient 5ncre!se + '++ + + .++ ,+++++/4+$+ + + + + + '9+


ell !/e G8 CNAM/D G9 CNAM/D G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D G- Non Ne;ative )alue G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D GCNAM/D G+ CNAM/D G CNAM/D G' CNAM/D G$ CNAM/D G( CNAM/D

)in!l !l*e  + +,++('#8.( +,+.(9+$.8 +,+++$.(9+$ 7+,('#8.('#9 7+,.(9+$.(9 + 7+,.(9+$.(9 + 7+,$.(9+$.8 7+,.(9+$.(9 7+,$98+.-$98

Sh!"o2 onstr!int llo2!,le (rice R.. Si"e 5ncre!se   ,+++++/4+$+ + + +,+++'9$''8 + + +,++('#8.( + + +,+.(9+$.8 + + +, +,+++$.(9+$ + + ,+++++/4+$+ + + ,+++++/4+$+  + +,#9((+9.# + + ,+++++/4+$+ + + ,8.('#8.( + + ,+++++/4+$+ + + ,+++++/4+$+ + + ,+++++/4+$+

llo2!,le 6ecre!se ,+++++/4+$+ + 8.,8 +

llo2!,le 6ecre!se  + ,+++++/4+$+ ,+++++/4+$+ ,+++++/4+$+ +,('#8.('#9 +,.(9+$.(9  +,.(9+$.(9 +,''#8.('#9 +,$.(9+$.8 +,.(9+$.(9 +,$98+.-$98

)ariables )alues

* *' ) )' +,+++'' +,++$( +,+#+'( +,+++-#

unction 5onstraints Bus 6epot  Bus 6epot ' Bus 6epot $ Bus 6epot ( Bus 6epot 8 Bus 6epot 9 Bus 6epot . Bus 6epot # nputs Non Ne;ative Non Ne;ative Non Ne;ative Non Ne;ative


.++ $++ '++ (++ 8++ 8++ #++ $++ +  + + +

$++ 9++ .++ 9++ (++ 8++ 8++ '++ + +  + +

(++3*49 +,###9.8

7(+ 78+ 78+ 78+ 7(+ 78+ 7(+ 7$+ 8+ + +  +

78++ 2 78++ 2 7(++ 2 78++ 2 ( ++ 2 78++ 2 79++ 2 7(++ 2 8 ++ 2 +2 +2 +2 

)alue 7+,'9-$-# @2 7+,$'8$ @2 ,#+/7+9 @2 7+,$'8 @2 (,9/7+. @2 7+,''(+-9 @2 8,88/7+. @2 7+,'##-$ @2 2 +,+++'' 2 +,++$( 2 +,+#+'( 2 +,+++-# 2

?&S + + + + + + + +  + + + +

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report Worksheet: [7ro*p18Mi" tl!ntic B*s 9ine86E.xlsx]6epot 4 Report re!te": #&$0%$#01& 1:13:1 M

)ariable 5ells

ell B' 5' 6' /'

!/e )alues * )alues *' )alues ) )alues )'

)in!l !l*e +,+++''+(#' +,++$$-.8+,+#+'(+-9( +,+++-.8-+(

Re"*ce" ost + + + +

+,-ective oecient (++ 9++ + +


ell !/e G8 CNAM/D G9 CNAM/D G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D G- Non Ne;ative )alue G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D GCNAM/D G+ CNAM/D G CNAM/D G' CNAM/D G$ CNAM/D G( CNAM/D

)in!l !l*e

Sh!"o2 onstr!int (rice R.. Si"e  +,###9.(9-##  +,+++''+(#' + + +,++$$-.8+ + +,+#+'(+-9( + + +,+++-.8-+( + + 7+,'9-$-.8-+( + + 7+,$'8$+'+8 + + , ,#+('/7+9 +,9+.''#-8. + 7+,$'8$+' + + (, (,9$$$9/7+. +,++-9$#88(' + 7+,''(+-9$#88 + + 8, 8,888/7+. +,$('9#9.(. + 7+,'##-'.. + +

llo2!,le llo2!,le 5ncre!se 6ecre!se 8'8 ',+8'9$ ',+8'9$8.8.$$,$$$$$$ $$,$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $(+,8(+8( $(+,8(+8(+8( +8( +,#9-898' +,#9-898'.( .( 8',8-'8-' 8',8-'8-'8-$ 8-$ 8'8,-'8-' 8'8,-'8-'8-$ 8-$ #,9-898' #,9-898'.$.$-

llo2!,le llo2!,le 5ncre!se 6ecre!se ,+++++/4+$+  +,+++''+(#',+++++/4+$+ +,++$$-.8-,+++++/4+$+ +,+#+'(+-9(,+++++/4+$+ +,+++-.8-+(,+++++/4+$+ ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,'9-$-.8 +,'9-$-.8-+( -+( ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,$'8$+ +,$'8$+'+8 '+8 +,#$$$$$ +,#$$$$$$$$ $$$ +,.8$8$ +,.8$8$8( 8( ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,$'8$ +,$'8$+' +' ,9'9+#9,9'9+#9-898 898 +,.#'9+# +,.#'9+#9-9 9-9 ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,''(+-9$ +,''(+-9$#88 #88 +,$+$.+$. +,$+$.+$.+$. +$. +,9-'$+. +,9-'$+.9-' 9-' ,+++++/4 ,+++++/4+$+ +$+ +,'##-'. +,'##-'.. .

)ariables * * *' ) )' )alues +,+++'98 +,++9.8 +,+''8$ +,+++'(.

unction 5onstraints Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot Bus 6epot nputs Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati Non Ne;ati


.++ $++ '++ (++ 8++ 8++ #++ $++ +  + + +

$++ 9++ .++ 9++ (++ 8++ 8++ '++ + +  + +


7(+ 78+ 78+ 78+ 7(+ 78+ 7(+ 7$+ (+ + +  +


78++ 2 78++ 2 7(++ 2 78++ 2 (++ 2 78++ 2 79++ 2 7(++ 2 (++ 2 +2 +2 +2 

)alue 7+,$$9.(. @2 7+,9899$ @2 7,./7+9 @2 7+,$-8. @2 ,9./7+9 @2 7+,'#+' @2 7',#/7+. @2 7+,$9+'( @2 2 +,+++'98 2 +,++9.8 2 +,+''8$ 2 +,+++'(. 2

?&S + + + + + + + +  + + + +

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report Worksheet: [7ro*p18Mi" tl!ntic B*s 9ine86E.xlsx]6epot & Report re!te": #&$0%$#01& 1:13:43 M

)ariable 5ells

ell B' 5' 6' /'

!/e )alues * )alues *' )alues ) )alues )'

)in!l !l*e +,+++'98+9+' +,++9.(9-## +,+''8$+'+8 +,+++'(9-##

Re"*ce" ost + + + +

+,-ective oecient 8++ (++ + +


ell !/e G8 CNAM/D G9 CNAM/D G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D G- Non Ne;ative )alue G. CNAM/D G# CNAM/D GCNAM/D G+ CNAM/D G CNAM/D G' CNAM/D G$ CNAM/D G( CNAM/D

)in!l !l*e  +,+++'98+9+' +,++9.(9-## +,+''8$+'+8 +,+++'(9-## 7+ 7 +,$$9.(9-## 7+,9899'98+9 7,998$$/7+9 7+,$-899'98 , ,998$$8/7+9 7+,'#+'+(#7',..889/7+. 7+,$9+'(+-9$-

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