EYE MCQs 1. Most widely used mydriatic in clinics is Phenylephrine Atropine Scopolamine Homatropine
Cyclopentolate 2. Intraocular pressure in acute conesti!e laucoma 1"#21 mm h 22#2$ mm h %"#%& mm h
90-100 mm hg %. 'est in!estiation (or (orein )ody locali*ation is ' scan A scan M+I
CT scan , ray $. Condition that de!elops in eyelid o( a dia)etic patient is Stye
'asal cell carcinoma Ptosis S-amous cell carcinoma &. +eardin )asal cell carcinoma o( eyelid rows slowly )ut is pain(ul in nature In/ltrati!e in nature Is related to dia)etes mellitus
Is radiosensitive Is related to hih rate o( recurrence a(ter e0cision
. Most common cause o( cataract is Smoin Heredity Systemic disease such as dia)etes
Ageing 3o0ins 3o0ins 4. Most common cause o( (ailure o( surical repair (or tractional retnal detachment is 5eo!ascular (ormation
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