Solve All Your Problems with Dua E Isme Illahi.pdf

May 1, 2017 | Author: Firoz Ahmed | Category: N/A
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In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. Calling upon Allah (SWT) for His help and mercy using His B...


Solve All Your Problems With Dua E Isme Illahi Introduction In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. Calling upon Allah (SWT) for His help and mercy using His Blessed names and attributes have been mentioned in many verses of the Noble Quran and even in the hadith of our Prophet SAW. Allah (SWT) states in the Holy Quran: “And to Allah belongs the Beautiful Names, so call upon Him by these Names.” (AlAraf, 7:180), furthermore, our Prophet SAW himself used to call Allah by ALL His Names: “O Allah, I invoke You with all of Your beautiful Names.”[Ibn Maja and Imam Malik in his Muwatta]. This wird /dua/ wazifa contains many blessed and powerful names of Allah SWT and can be used for fulfill any legitimate purpose and if recited continuously, the reciter will see and experience numerous spiritual and physical blessings and benefits from Allah in this world and hereafter, Insha’Allah.

Dua E Isme Illahi Bismillaahi Allahumma Inni Asaloka (Or ‘A-Oo-Zobika) Bi Taw-He-Dika Ya Ahadu Wa Bi Jalaalika Ya Jaleelu Wa Bi Izzatika Ya Azeezu Wa Bi Qudratika Ya Qadiru Wa Bi Hamdika Ya Hameedu Wa Bi Azmatika Ya Azeemu Wa Bi Hikmatika Ya Hakeemu Wa Bi Haq-Qheka Ya Haqqu Wa Bi QudSika Ya Quddoosu Wa Bi Noorika Ya Nooru Wa Bi Rahmatika Ya Raheemu Wa Bi Afwika Ya Afuwwu Wa Bi Fadhlika Ya Rahmaanu Wa Bi Mannika Ya Mannaanu Wa Allaahumma Innee Asaloka(Or ‘A-Oo-Zobika) Bi Asmaaikal Husna Wa Sifatikal Azeemi! Ya Allahu; Ya Badi ‘Us Samaa Waa Ti Wal Arz; Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum; Ya Zal Jalali Wal Ikram ; Un-Zur-E-Layya, Un-ZurE-Layya,Un-Zur-E-Layya Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahemeen;Ameen. Ya Rabbil ‘A-Lameen NOTE: If one is using this Dua to treat Black Magic or Jinns or against Enemies, recite it by reading “A-Oo-Zobika” instead of “Asaloka” at two places mentioned above.

Meaning of Dua In the Name of Allah, O Allah, I ask you (or I seek refuge with You) through Your Oneness, O The Only One and through Your Sublime Majesty, O The Sublime One and through Your Honor, O Noble One and through Your Power, O Most Powerful One and through Your Praises, O Most Praiseworthy One and through Your Greatness, O The Great One and through Your

Wisdom, O The Most Wise One and through Your Truth, O The Most Truthful One and through Your Holiness, O the Holy One and through Your Light, O The Light and through Your Mercy, O Most Merciful One and through Your Forgiveness, O The Most Forgiving One and through Your Grace, O The Most Gracious One and through Your Bestowal, O The Benefactor And O Allah, I ask of you (or I seek refuge with You) , by Your Beautiful Names and Your Magnificent/Great Attributes! O Allah, O Originator of the heavens and the earth, O The Ever living, O The Selfsubsisting, O Lord of Majesty, Bounty and Honor, Look towards us ! Look towards us! Look towards us! Through Your Mercy, O The Most Merciful of the Merciful. Ameen. O Rabb of the Worlds.

Condition for Acceptance of Dua For every amal / dua to be effective one must ensure that the amal is done by a Pious Muslim or the person doing the amal should ensure that: 1. His eating, drinking and living is not on unlawful /haram income. 2. One should stop all harm practices or sins like gambling, drinking, music, having dogs, pictures and musical instruments in house...etc. and turn to Allah in complete repentance. 3. Before this amal is started, spend the day or night in reciting – Istagfaar and Darood in abundance. 4. For difficult cases, the preferred time to do this amal is during Thajjud after offering atleast 2 units of salatul Thajjud, this is the time during which Allah’s mercy and blessings are the highest.

Procedure of Doing the Amal The Above Wird / Dua can be directly read any number of times and if any dua is made after it Insha’Allah it will be accepted. The Wird can also be done in the following way: 1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x 2. Any Istiqfar -7x – easy one – ‘Astaghfirullaahi wa ‘atoobu e-lay-h 3. Zikar – LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH MUHAMMA DUR RASOOL-UL-LAAH Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam – 7x 4. Any Darood -7x – easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad 5. Make an intention for the purpose for which you would be doing this dua/ wird/ amal as mentioned in step 8 below. 6. Recite “Dua E Isme Illahi” – 33x, 41x or more for difficult cases.

7. Recite any particular name or names of Allah (ISME ELAAHI) that servers your purpose the best continuously and repeatedly till you get tired / exhausted. Please read the below section “Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose” for reference. 8. Note: The name could be recited ‘individually’ like ‘YA SHAAFI YA SHAAFI YA SHAAFI… ’or ‘YA Allahu’ can be added to the specific name before recitation like, ‘YA Allahu YA SHAAFI YA Allahu YA SHAAFI…’ or even two or more specific purpose names can be recited together like ‘YA RASHÎDU YA-KHABIRU YA RASHÎDU YA-KHABIRU …’ continuously. 9. Make a general dua 3x to 7x [Example: “YA ALLAHU YA MUMEETU please destroy and neutralize all the sihir, its items and its effects on me/MR XXX and protect me/MR XXX from all evil.” or “YA ALLAHU YA SHAFI please cure me/MR XXX completely from this sickness and grant me/MR XXX good health.”] 10.Any Darood -7x – easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad 11.AMEEN. YA RABBIL ‘A-LAMEEN 12.For spiritual or medical sickness, you can take a deep breath and blow 3x times on your hands and chest and rub them all over your body and/or blow 3x each into a few water bottles and/or olive oil or blackseed oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily, the patient can also add some additional water to one glass of recited water and mix vinegar, juice of about 1 to 3 limes and about 7 to 11 crushed leaves of neem or bairee or beetal and bath with this mixture if needed. The recited water could be sprayed inside and around the house (except the bathroom) if necessary. 13.Repeat this Amal daily with full faith and belief on Allah till your purpose or need is fulfilled. 14.The patient should recite the “Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose” as much as possible any time during the day or night

Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose (During the amal i.e in step (7) mentioned above, these names should be recited continuously and as much as possible, till one gets exhausted, the patient should also recite these names according to their limits during the day and night.) The reason why we have recommended that one should recite the specific names of Allah [suiting their need] continuously till one gets exhausted, is in-fact based on the following verse of the Quran in which Allah says: “Allah burdens not any soul beyond its capacity.”[Surah BAQARAH 2:286]. However, we have noticed amazing results Masha Allah, even when normal Muslims have recited the names of Allah only for a couple of times it’s because the acceptance

of any dua or amal is only and only dependent on the will of Allah who is the Most Merciful of the Merciful.

General Sickness, Deadly Diseases, Fevers, Burns or Evil Eye: YA SHAAFI YA KAFI YA BAQI (O The Curer or Healer O Self-sufficient One O The Everlasting) or YA SALAAMU YA MUEEDU(O The Giver of Peace, O Restorer of Life) or YA Mubadi’al-Mueed(O One Who Begins the Creation and the Restorer of Life) or ALLAHU GHANIYYUN WA KAA-MILUN (ALLAH, The Independent, The Perfect) or YA SALAAMU YA BARRU (O Giver of Peace, O The Source of All-Goodness) or Ya Shaafi-al Amraaz (O Bestower of cures for illness ). Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily (do the “blowing” part after step 9 above).

Mental disorders (epilepsy, fits, headaches, migraines) and Pains: Begin with reciting YA ALIYUL AZEEM (O the Most High, the Supreme in glory) continuously and towards the end, recite YA SALAAMU continuously.

Removing Sterility and for barren women to have children: YA BAARIUL MUSAWWERU (O The Giver of Life, The Fashioner). Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily. (Do the “blowing” part after step 9 above)

Ear Problems: YA SALAAMU YA SAMEEO (O The Giver of Peace, O The All Hearing)

Cuts, Wounds, fractures (Broken Bones), Slip Disc or Nerve Problems: YA JAAMEO YA SALAAMU (O The Assembler, O The Giver of Peace) or YA SALAAMU YA MUEEDU

Revive Coma patients, paralyzed limbs or numbness of limbs, hair loss, and leprosy: YA Mubadi’al-Mueed (O One Who Begins the Creation and the restorer of Life) or YA MUEEDU YA MUH-YE (O The Restorer, O The Giver of Life). Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily (do the “blowing” part after step 9 above).

Break Kidney or Bile Stones: YA FAALIQO YA SALAAMU (O The Splitter, O the Giver of Peace)

Beautiful Skin, Face and clean heart: YA JAMEELU (O The Beautiful One)

Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Skin Disorders, Menstrual Disorders or anybody disorders: ALLAHU GHANIYYUN WA KAA-MI-LUN (ALLAH, The Independent, The Perfect)

Stop excessive bleeding and Neutralize Poison’s: YA MAA-NI-O YA SALAAMU (O The Preventer/Protector, O The Giver of Peace)

Abundant Knowledge and Wisdom: YA ALEEMU YA HAKÎMU (O The All-Knowing, O The ALL WISE) or YA KHABIRU (O The AllKnowing)

Honor and Respect: YA MU’IZZU (O The Bestower of honor) or YA ZAL JALÂLI WAL IKRÂM (O The Possessor of Majesty and Honor)

Spiritual Guidance from Allah (Istakhara): YA RASHÎDU (O The Guide) or YA ALEEMU YA KHABIRU (O The All Knowing, O The Aware) or YA BADEEUL AJAA-EBi YA KAASHIFUL GHARAAEBI(O Originator of Wondrous Things O Unveiler of Extraordinary Things). Perform this amal after offering 2 units salaatul hajaat and avoiding any talks, repeat these names till one goes to sleep.

Destroying Evil Magic, JINN or Enemies: YA ALLAHU YA MUMEETU (O ALLAH O The Destroyer/Giver OF Death) or YA AZIZ UL JABBAR (O The Mighty Overpowering Lord) or Ya Zal-Izzati was Sultan (Oh Possessor of might and force!) or YA ALLAHU YA KAFI YA ALLAHU YA BAQI (O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The Everlasting). Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily. The victims should also bath with the recited water and also spray it over the entire house daily. (Do the “blowing” part after step 9 above)

Protection against all evils, accidents, calamities and for protection against thefts and robbery: YA HAFEEZU (O The Protector / Preserver) or YA MUHAYMINU (O The Protector) or YA WALIYYU (O The Protecting Friend) or YA RAQEEBU (O The Watchful)

Peace and happiness or to overcome depression or stress or loneliness: YA SALAAMU (O The Giver of Peace) or YA LATEEFU (O The Most Affectionate) or Ya Zal-Manni wal Ihsan (Oh Possessor of graciousness and benevolence!)


Ya Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Musabbi bal Asbaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat (O The Opener of Doors, O The Causer of Causes, O The Fulfiller of needs)

To Seek Allah’s help and assistance in difficult task: YA WALIYYU (O The Protecting Friend) or Ya Musabbi bal Asbaab Ya Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat (O The Causer of Causes, O The Opener of Doors, O The Fulfiller of needs)

To fulfill any need: YA BADEEUL AJAAIBE BIL KHAIRI YA BADEEO (O ORIGINATOR OF ALL STRANGE THINGS WITH GOODNESS OH ORIGINATOR OF ALL THINGS) or YA ALLAHU YA KAFI YA ALLAHU YA BAQI (O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The Everlasting) or Ya Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat or Ya Mufatti hal Abwaab Ya Musabbi bal Asbaab Ya Qadiyal Haajat (O The Opener of Doors, O The Causer of Causes, O The Fulfiller of needs)

Defeating the Enemies, Victory against enemies and tyrants: YA QAHAARU (O The Subduer) or YA JABBAARU (O The Compeller) or YA QAWIYYU (O The Most Strong) or YA AZIZ UL JABBAR (O The Mighty Overpowering Lord) or YA ALLAHU YA KAFI YA ALLAHU YA BAQI (O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The Everlasting ) or Ya Zal-izzati was-Sultan (Oh Possessor of might and force!)

Wealth, Richness, Job’s or Employment: YA WAHHABU YA RAZZAKU (O The Bestower, The Provider) or YA GHANI-OOL MOGHNI(O The Enricher, O The Self-Sufficient) or YA LATEEFU (O The Most Affectionate) or Ya Khair arRaaziqeen (O The Best of Providers!) or GHAFURUR RAHEEM (O The Fogiver The Merciful) or Ya Raziqal Bashar (O Provider for mankind) or Ya Raziqal Anaam (O Provider for creatures.)

Purification of your Soul or for obedient children: YA QUDDOOSU (O The Most Holy) or YA QUDDOOSU YA NOORU

Forgiveness: YA GHAFURU (O The Fogiver) or YA GHAFURUR RAHEEM (O The Fogiver The Merciful)

Allah’s Mercy and Blessings: YA RAHMAANU YA RAHEEMU or YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN or Ya Munazzilal Barakaat (O Causer of blessings!)

Creating love between two people: YA WADUDU (O The Loving One) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulub (O The Transformer of hearts) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulubi wal Absaar (O The Transformer of hearts and eyes). Should be blown into some water or sweet or food and given to the person to eat or drink or if not possible to “blow” only make intention it should be sufficient. (Do the “blowing” part after step 9 above)

Overcome bad habits like alcoholism, adultery, drugs...etc.: YA BARRU (The Source of All-Goodness) or YA BADEEUL AJAAIBE BIL KHAIRI YA BADEEO (O The ORIGINATOR OF ALL STRANGE THINGS WITH GOODNESS OH ORIGINATOR OF ALL THINGS) or YA MATEENU (O The Firm One) or YA QUDDOSU (The Most Holy) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulubi wal Absaar (O The Transformer of hearts and eyes) or Ya Waliyal Hasanat (Oh He who sponsors good things!) or YA QUDDOSU YA NOORU (O The Most Holy, O the Light). Should be blown into some water or sweet or food and given to the person to eat or drink or if not possible to “blow” only make intention it should be sufficient. (Do the “blowing” part after step 9 above)

Find lost items or to call back missing or a lost people: YA HAQQU (O The Truth) or YA JAA-ME-O (O The Assembler) or Ya Jami’a ‘sh-shataat (Oh He who gathers all scattered things!)

Resolving disputes or fights among family members or friends: YA JAA-ME-O (The Assembler) or YA WADUDU (O The Loving One) or Ya Muqalli bal Qulubi wal Absaar (O The Transformer of hearts and eyes). Should be blown into some water or sweet or food and given to the person to eat or drink or if not possible to “blow” only make intention it should be sufficient. (Do the “blowing” part after step 9 above)

Remove fear/phobia of anything from weak hearted people, for people who’s have weak limbs and to gain strength, sexually weak people, to drive out laziness: YA QAWEEYU (O The Strongest One) or YA QUWATIL MATEEN (O The Possessor of Power, the Firm) or YA ALLAHU YA KAFI YA ALLAHU YA BAQI (O Allah O Self-sufficient One O Allah O The Everlasting) or YA AZIZ UL JABBAR (O The Mighty Overpowering Lord) or Ya QAWEEYU Ya Aziz (O Strongest One! O Mighty One!). Blow into water and/or olive oil and the victim should drink the water and massage the oil on his body daily. (Do the “blowing” part after step 9 above)

Win Court Case or Judgment: YA MALIKUL KAREEM (O The Generous King of the complete Dominion) or YA Malik Ul Mulk (O The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed) or YA FATTAAHU (The Opener)

NUR / Spiritual light or saintly face and body, cure weak eyesight: YA NOORU (O The Light) or YA BASEERU YA NOORU (O The All Seeing, O The Light)

Spiritual success: Ya Raafi-ad Darajaat (O Elevator of spiritual stations!) or YA GHAFURUR RAHEEM (O The Fogiver The Merciful)

Extinguish fire: Recite “Allah hu Akbar” continuously and also while throwing “Water” or “Sand” over the fire.

List of Isme Illahi (Names of Allah) for Reference Abu Huraira narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.) said, Allah has ninety-nine Names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise. And Allah is Witr (one) and He loves ‘Witr’ (i.e., odd numbers).” (Bukhari, Vol. 8, Hadith No. 419) Abu Huraira narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.) said, “Allah has ninety-nine Names, onehundred less one; and he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise.” (To count something means to know it by heart.) (Bukhari 9/489 also see 3/894)



‫الرحمن‬ ‫الرحيم‬ ‫الملك‬ ‫القدوس‬ ‫السالم‬ ‫المؤمن‬ ‫المهيمن‬ ‫العزيز‬ ‫الجبار‬ ‫المتكبر‬ ‫الخالق‬ ‫البارئ‬ ‫المصور‬ ‫الغفار‬ ‫القهار‬ ‫الوهاب‬ ‫الرزاق‬ ‫الفتاح‬ ‫العليم‬ ‫القابض‬ ‫الباسط‬ ‫الخَافِض‬


The Exceedingly Compassionate, The Exceedingly Beneficent, The Exceedin Ar-Raḥmān humanity and all creatures) Ar-Raḥīm The Exceedingly Merciful Al-Malik The King, The Sovereign Al-Quddūs The Holy, The Divine, The Pure, The Purifier As-Salām The Peace, The Source of Peace and Safety Al-Muʾmin The granter of security AlMuhaymin The Controller Al-ʿAzīz The Almighty, The Invulnerable, The Honorable Al-Jabbār The Irresistible, The Compeller AlMutakabbir The Majestic, The Supreme Al-Khāliq The Creator Al-Bāriʾ The Evolver, The Maker AlMuṣawwir The Fashioner, The Shaper, The Designer Al-Ghaffār The Repeatedly Forgiving Al-Qahhār The Subduer Al-Wahhāb The Bestower Ar-Razzāq The Provider Al-Fattāḥ The Opener, The Victory Giver Al-ʿAlīm The All-Knowing, Omniscient Al-Qābiḍ The Restrainer, The Straightener Al-Bāsiṭ The Extender / Expander Al-Khāfiḍ The Abaser, The Humiliator, The Downgrader ‫الرافع‬ ‫المعز‬ ‫المذل‬ ‫السميع‬ ‫البصير‬ ‫الحكم‬ ‫العدل‬ ‫اللطيف‬ ‫الخبير‬ ‫الحليم‬ ‫العظيم‬ ‫الغفور‬ ‫الشكور‬ ‫العلي‬ ‫الكبير‬ ‫الحفيظ‬ ‫المقيت‬ ‫الحسيب‬ ‫الجليل‬ ‫الكريم‬ ‫الرقيب‬ ‫المجيب‬ ‫الواسع‬ ‫الحكيم‬ ‫الودود‬ ‫المجيد‬ ‫الباعث‬ ‫الشهيد‬ ‫الحق‬ ‫الوكيل‬ ‫القوي‬ ‫المتين‬ ‫الولي‬ ‫الحميد‬ ‫المحصي‬ ‫المبدئ‬ ‫المعيد‬ ‫المحيي‬ ‫المميت‬ ‫الحي‬

Ar-Rāfiʿ Al-Muʿizz Al-Muzill As-Samīʿ Al-Baṣīr Al-Ḥakam Al-ʿAdl Al-Laṭīf Al-Khabīr Al-Ḥalīm Al-ʿAẓīm Al-Ghafūr Ash-Shakūr Al-ʿAlī Al-Kabīr Al-Ḥafīẓ Al-Muqīt Al-Ḥasīb Al-Jalīl Al-Karīm Ar-Raqīb Al-Mujīb Al-Wāsiʿ Al-Ḥakīm Al-Wadūd Al-Majīd Al-Bāʿith Ash-Shahīd Al-Ḥaqq Al-Wakīl Al-Qawiy Al-Matīn Al-Walī Al-Ḥamīd Al-Muḥsee Al-Mubdiʾ Al-Muʿīd Al-Muḥyī Al-Mumīt Al-Ḥayy

The Exalter, The Upgrader The Giver of Honor The Giver of Dishonor The All-Hearing The All-Seeing The Judge, The Arbitrator The Utterly Just The Gentle, The Subtly Kind The All-Aware The Forbearing, The Indulgent The Magnificent The Much-Forgiving The Grateful The Sublime The Great The Preserver The Nourisher The Bringer of Judgment The Majestic The Bountiful, The Generous The Watchful The Responsive, The Answerer The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Omnipresent, The Boundless The All-Wise The Loving The All-Glorious, The Majestic The Resurrector The Witness The Truth, The Reality The Trustee, The Dependable, The Advocate The Strong The Firm, The Steadfast The Friend, Patron and Helper The All Praiseworthy The Accounter, The Numberer of All The Originator, The Producer, The Initiator The Restorer, The Reinstater Who Brings Back All The Giver of Life The Bringer of Death The Living ‫القيوم‬ ‫الواجد‬ ‫الماجد‬ ‫الواحد‬ ‫الصمد‬ ‫القادر‬ ‫المقتدر‬ ‫المقدم‬ ‫المؤخر‬ ‫األول‬ ‫األخر‬ ‫الظاهر‬ ‫الباطن‬ ‫الوالي‬ ‫المتعالي‬ ‫البر‬ ‫التواب‬ ‫المنتقم‬ ‫العفو‬ ‫الرؤوف‬ ‫مالك الملك‬ ‫ذو الجالل‬ ‫واإلكرام‬ ‫المقسط‬ ‫الجامع‬ ‫الغني‬ ‫المغني‬ ‫المانع‬ ‫الضار‬ ‫النافع‬ ‫النور‬ ‫الهادي‬ ‫البديع‬ ‫الباقي‬

Al-Qayyūm Al-Wājid Al-Mājid Al-Wāḥid Aṣ-Ṣamad Al-Qādir AlMuqtadir AlMuqaddim AlMuʾakhkhir Al-ʾAwwal Al-ʾAkhir Aẓ-Ẓāhir Al-Bāṭin Al-Wālī Al-Mutaʿālī Al-Barr At-Tawwāb AlMuntaqim Al-ʿAfū Ar-Raʾūf Mālik-ulMulk

The Subsisting, The Independent The Perceiver, The Finder, The Unfailing The Illustrious, The Magnificent The Unique, The Single The Eternal, The Absolute, The Self-Sufficient The All-Powerful, He Who is able to do Everything

Dhū-l-Jalāli wa-l-ʾikrām Al-Muqsiṭ Al-Jāmiʿ Al-Ghanī Al-Mughnī Al-Māniʿ Aḍ-Ḍārr An-Nāfiʿ An-Nūr Al-Hādī Al-Badīʿ Al-Bāqī

Lord of Majesty and Generosity

The Determiner, The Dominant The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away The First, The Beginning-less The Last, The Endless The Manifest, The Evident, The Outer The Hidden, The Unmanifest, The Inner The Patron, The Protecting Friend, The Friendly Lord The Supremely Exalted, The Most High The Good, The Beneficent The Ever-Returning, Ever-Relenting The Avenger The Pardoner, The Effacer, The Forgiver The Kind, The Pitying Owner of all Sovereignty

The Equitable, The Requiter The Gatherer, The Unifier The Rich, The Independent The Enricher, The Emancipator The Withholder, The Shielder, The Defender The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor The Propitious, The Benefactor, The Source of Good The Light The Guide, The Way The Incomparable, The Unattainable, The Beautiful The Immutable, The Infinite, The Everlasting ‫الوارث‬ ‫الرشيد‬ ‫الصبور‬

Al-Wārith Ar-Rashīd Aṣ-Ṣabūr

The Heir, The Inheritor of All The Guide to the Right Path The Timeless, The Patient

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