
February 16, 2019 | Author: sairamas07 | Category: Inventory, Valuation (Finance), Business, Technology, Computing
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SAP SD General Errors.

GENERAL ERRORS  1.  While Creating the Customer if we get the Error: 1.  defined for Customer”   A)

SPRO Sales & Distribution aster Data Define !ommon distribution !"annels #$OR% 


SPRO Sales & Distribution aster Data Define !ommon di(isions #$OR 

“Sales Area is not

Sele Select ct your your Sales Sales Orga Organi niza zatio tion n & Dist Distrib ribut utio ion n Chan Channe nell and and assi assign gn the the Reference Dist. channel for customer and material masters.  Also Go to* SPRO Sales & Distribution Sales Sales Do!uments Sales Do!ument +eader Assi,n Sales Area to Sales Do! -/es (a) Combine Sales Or,ani0ations* 1 

Select your Sales Organization & assign the same in Ref Sales Organization. (b) Combine Distribution C"annels* 1 

(c) Combine Di(isions* 1 

Select your Diision & assign the same in Ref Diision Doc.

Restri!ted 2se.

Pa,e %


SAP SD General Errors.

2. While Creating the !aterial if we get the Error “Com/an Code Does Not E7ists” or “Not 8ull aintained”  SPRO  Lo,isti!s General  aterial aster  'asi! Settin,s aintain Com/an Code for aterial ana,ement. #OS9  Select "our Com#any code and maintain the alues as shown in the Screenshot. $!ention the Current Year & Period%. Chec the field A'/.

'. While Creating the Sales Order if we get the Error  “Order -/e is not defined for Sales Area”  SPRO  Sales & Distribution Sales Sales do!uments Sales do!uments "eader   Assi,n sales area to sales do!ument t/es  Assi,n sales order t/es /ermitted for sales areas #O$A: 

4. While Creating the Sales Order if we get the Error (No Pri!in, Pro!edure !ould be Determined”  SPRO  Sales & Distribution 'asi! 8un!tions Pri!in, Pri!in, !ontrol Define and Assi,n Pri!in, Pro!edures Define Pri!in, Pro!edure Determination #O$;;   Assi,nin, t"e Pri!in, Pro!edure R$AA6% 
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