Solution of 16 &17
March 5, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Mgeptor 580 4, 7, 2, 51, 58, 52, 1:, 11, 1=, 1> Mgeptor 540 5, >, ?, 8, 4
]ter, Bcm., e prifbcoct micsufor prinumts hbrf, bs noaetbcd wgotgor wgot gor ir cit ti micvort micvort bts ekk-oqubt ekk-oqubty y mepbtek mepbtek strumturo strumturo ti ico tget bs >: pormoct noat. Murroctky tgoro ero ?,::: sgeros iutstecnbcd ecn tgo prbmo por sgero bs $8?. OAB^ bs oxpomton ti rofebc et $=4,?:: por yoer hirovor. ^go bctorost reto ic cow noat bs 7 pormoct, ecn tgoro ero ci texos. 5. Fs. Ariwc, e sgerogiknor ih tgo hbrf, iwcs 5:: sgeros ih stiml. stim l. Tget bs gor mesg hkiw ucnor tgo murroct mepbtek strumturo, essufbcd tgo hbrf ges e nbvbnocn peyiut reto ih 5:: pormoct 9 Ci tex, si CB 6 =4,?::, OZ] 6 =4,?::/?,::: sgeros 6 4.?: Mesg hkiw ih Ariwc wgi gikns 5:: sgeros 6 5:: x 4.?: 6 4?: 1. Tget wbkk Fs. Ariwc‒s mesg hkiw ao ucnor tgo pripison mepbtek strumturo ih tgo hbrf9 Essufo tget sgo loops ekk 5:: ih gor sgeros.
_c _cno norr tg tgoo pripison pripison mepbtek mepbtek strumturo. ^go ferlot vekuo ih tgo hbrf bs0 bs0 X 6 8?(?,:::) 6 =1?,::: ecn ecn cow noat efiuct 6 N 6 :.>:(=1?,:::) 6 5=:,::: ^gorohiro, tgo cufaor ih sgeros ropurmgeson wbkk ao0 ]geros ropurmgeson 65=:,:::/8? 6 1,::: CB ehtor bctorost peyfoct 6 =4,?:: ” .:7(5=:,:::) 6 14,5:: ^gorohiro OZ] 6 14,5:: / =,::: sgeros 6 2.:= ]bcmo ekk oercbcds ero pebn es nbvbnocns, tgo sgerogiknor wbkk romobvo0 ]gerogiknor mesg hkiw62.:=(5:: sgeros) 6 2:=.==
=. ]uppiso ]ter nios micvort, aut Fs. Ariwc prohors tgo murroct ekk-oqubty mepbtek strumturo. ]giw giw sgo miukn uckovor gor sgeros ih stiml ti romroeto tgo irbdbcek mepbtek strumturo. ^i ropkbmeto tgo pripison mepbtek strumturo, tgo sgerogiknor sgiukn sokk >: pormoc sgiukn pormoctt ih tgobr sgeros, sgeros, ir >: sgeros, ecn kocn tgo primoons et 7 pormoct. pormoct . ^go sgerogiknor wbkk gevo ec bctorost bcmifo 6 bcmifo 6 >:(8?)(.:7) >:(8?)(.:7) 6 6 1:7.:: 1:7.:: ^goo sg ^g sger erog ogik ikno norr wb wbkk kk rom romob obvo vo nb nbvb vbno nocn cn pe peyf yfoc octs ts ic tg tgoo rofebcbcd 8: sgeros, si tgo nbvbnocns romobvon wbkk w bkk ao0 Nbvbnocns romobvon 6 2.:=(8: sgeros) 6 ?>1.:: ^go titek mesg hkiw hir tg tgoo sgerog ogi iknor ucnor tgos osoo essufptbics wbkk ao0 ^itek mesg hkiw 6 1:7 1:7 + + ?>1 6 4?:
>. _sbcd yiur ecswor ti pert (=), oxpkebc wgy ]ter‒s mgibmo ih mepbtek strumturo bs brrokovect. brrokovect. ^go mepbtek strumturo bs brrokovect aomeuso sgerogiknors mec mroeto tgobr iwc kovoredo ir uckovor tgo stiml ti mroeto tgo peyihh tgoy nosbro, rodernkoss ih tgo mepbtek strumturo tgo hbrf emtuekky mgiisos.
2. EAM Mi. ecn WRP Mi. ero bnoctbmek hbrfs bc ekk rospomts oxmopt hirr tg hi tgob obrr mepb mepbte tekk st stru rumt mtur uro. o. EAM EAM bs ekk ekk oq oqub ubty ty hb hbce cecm cmon on wbtg wbtg
$7::,::: bc stiml. WRP usos aitg stiml ecn porpotuek noat< bts stiml bs wirtg $>::,::: ecn tgo bctorost reto ic bts noat bs 5: pormoct. Aitg hbrfs oxpomt OAB^ ti ao $2?,:::. Bdciro texos. texos. 5. Qbmgern iwcs =:,::: wirtg ih WRP‒s stiml. Tget reto ih roturc bs go oxpomtbcd9 ^g ^goo re reto to ih ro rotu turc rc oercon oercon wbkk wbkk ao tgo nbvbnocn ybokn. ybokn. ^go mifpecy ges noat, si bt fust felo ec bctorost peyfoct. ^go cot bcmifo hir tgo mifpecy bs0 CB 6 2?,::: ” .5:(>::,:::)
CB 6 ??,:::
^g ^goo bc bcvo vost stir ir wb wbkk kk ro romo mobv bvoo nb nbvb vbno nocn cnss bc pr prip ipir irtb tbic ic ti tg tgoo porm po rmoc octe tedo do ih tg tgoo mi mifp fpec ecy‗ y‗ss sg sger eros os tg tgoy oy iw iwc c . ^go titek nbvbnocns romobvon ay Qbmgern wbkk ao0 Nbvbnocns romobvon 6 ??,:::(=:,:::/>::,:::) 6 >,51? ]i tgo roturc roturc tgo sgerogikn sgerogiknor or oxpomts bs0 bs0 Q 6 >,51?/=:,::: >,51?/=:,::: 6 .5=4? ir 5=.4?%
1. ]giw giw Qbmgern miukn docoreto oxemtky tgo sefo mesg hki kiw ws ecn ecn reto eto ih rotur turc ay bcvo bcvost stbbcd bc EAM ecn usbc usbcd d gifofeno kovoredo. ^i do doc cor oret etoo ox oxem emtk tky y tg tgoo sef efoo me mesg sg hk hkiw iwss bc tg tgoo it itg gor mif mi fpe pec cy, tg tgoo sge gero rogi gikkno norr coo oon ns ti fet etmg mg tg tgoo me mepb pbte tekk strumturo ih EAM. ^go sgerogiknor sgiukn sokk ekk sgeros bc WRP. WR P. ^g ^gbs bs wb wbkk kk co cott =: =:,: ,::: ::.. ^g ^goo sg sgero erogi gikn knor or sg sgiu iukn kn tg tgoc oc airriw =:,:::. ^gbs wbkk mroeto ec bctorost peyfoct ih0 Bctorost peyfoct 6 .5:(=:,:::) .5:(=:,:::) 6 6 =,::: =,::: ^go bcvostir sgiukn tgoc uso tgo primoons ih tgo stiml seko ecn tgo kiec ti auy sgeros bc EAM. ^go bcvostir wbkk romobvo nbvbnocns bc pripirtbic ti tgo pormoctedo ih tgo mifpecy‗s sgero tgoy iwc. ^go titek nbvbnocns romob obv von ay tgo sgerogiknor wbkk ao0 Nbvbnocns romobvon 6 2?,:::(8:,:::/7::,:::) 6 4,51? ^go ti ^go tite tekk me mesg sg hkiw hir tg tgoo sg sger erog ogik ikno norr 6 4,=: 4,=:: : ” =,::: =,::: 6 >,51? ^go sgerogiknors roturc bc tgbs meso wbkk ao0 Q 6 >,51?/=:,:::6 .5=4? ir 5=.4?%
=. Tget bs tgo mist ih oqubty hir EAM9 Tget bs bt hir WRP9 oqubty mifpecy, si0 EAM bs ec ekk oqubty mifpecy, QO 6 QE 6 2?,:::/7::,::: 6 .5577 ir 55.77%
^i hbcn hbcn tgo mis mistt ih oqub oqubty ty hir hir WRP, WRP, wo coo coon n ti uso F&F Zripisbtbic BB, si0 QO 6 QE + (QE ” QN)(N/O)(5 ” ^ M) QO 6 .5577 + (.5577 ” .5:)(5)(5) 6 .5=4? ir 5=.4?%
>. Tget bs tgo TEMM hir EAM9 Hir WRP9 Tget prbcmbpko gevo yiu bkkustreton9 ^i hbcn tgo TEMM hir oemg mifpecy, wo coon ti uso tgo TEMM oquetbic0 TEMM 6 (O/X)QO + (N/X)QN(5 ” ^ M) ]i, hir EAM, tgo TEMM bs0 TEMM 6 (5)(.5577) + (:)(.5:) TEMM 6 .5577 ir 55.77% Ecn hir WRP, tgo TEMM bs0 TEMM TE MM 6 (5 (5/1 /1)( )(.5 .5=4 =4?) ?) + (5 (5/1 /1)( )(.5 .5:) :) TEMM TE MM 6 .5 .557 577 7 ir 55.77% Tgoc tgoro Tgoc tgoro ero ci mirpireto texos, texos, tgo mist ih mepbtek hir tgo hbrf bs ucehhomton ay tgo mepbtek strumturo< tgbs bs F&F Zripisbtbic B wbtgiut texos.
Tostic Bcnustrbos ges e noat”oqubty retbi ih 5.?. Bts TEMM 51 reto pormoct, bts mist ih noat bs 2 pormoct. ^go mirpiretobstex bs =? ecn pormoct.
5. Tget bs Tostic‒s mist ih oqubty mepbtek9 15.1=% 1. Tget bs Tostic‒s uckovoron mist ih oqubty mepbtek9 5?.52% =. Tget wiukn tgo mist ih oqubty ao bh tgo noat”oqubty retbi woro 19 Tget bh bt woro 5.:9 Tget bh bt woro zori9 1=.1>% 52.15% 5?.52%
58. Kovoron, Bcm., ecn _ckovoron, Bcm., ero bnoctbmek bc ovory wey oxmopt oxmo pt tgobr tgobr mepbtek mepbtek strumturo strumturos. s. Oemg mifpecy mifpecy oxpomts oxpomts ti oerc $8? fbkkbi fbkkbic c aohiro aohiro bctor bctorost ost por yoer yoer bc porpot porpotubt ubty, y, wbtg wbtg oemg oemg mifpecy nbstrbautbcd ekk bts oercbcds es nbvbnocns. Kovoron‒s porpotuek noat ges e ferlot vekuo ih $57? fbkkbic ecn mists 7
pormoct por yoer. Kovoron ges =.> fbkkbic sgeros iutstecnbcd, murroctky wirtg $5:: por sgero. _ckovoron ges ci noat ecn 4 fbkk fb kkbi bic c sger sgeros os iuts iutste tecn cnbc bcd, d, murr murroc octk tky y wirt wirtg g $7: $7: por por sger sgero. o. Cobtgor hbrf peys texos. Bs Kovoron‒s Kovoron‒s stiml e aottor auy tgec _ckovoron‒s stiml9 Ci tex, si Xu 6 4,:::,:::(7:) 6 ?8:,:::,::: 6 XK OK 6 =,>::,:::(5::) 6 =>:,:::,::: ^go ferlot vekuo ih Kovoron‗s noat bs 57? fbkkbic. ^go vekuo ih e kovoron hbrf oqueks tgo ferlot vekuo ih bts noat pkus tgo ferlot vekuo ih bts oqubty. ^gorohiro, tgo murroct ferlot vekuo ih Kovoron bs0 XK 6 A + ] 6 57?,:::,::: 57?,:::,::: + =>:,:::,::: 6 ?1?,:::,::: ^go fe ^go ferl rlot ot ve veku kuoo ih Ko Kovo voron ron‗s ‗s oq oqub ubty ty co coon onss ti ao =4 =4? ? fbkkbic, =? fbkkbic gbdgor tgec bts murroct ferlot vekuo ih =>: fbkkbic, hir FF Zripisbtbic B ti gikn.
]bcmo Kovoron‗s ferlot vekuo bs koss tgec _ckovoron‗s ferlot ecn n ec bc bcvo vost stir ir veku ve kuo, o, Kovoron bs roketbvoky ucnorprbmon ec sgiukn auy sgeros ih tgo Kovoron hbrf‗s stiml .
^go Fexwokk Mifpecy bs hbcecmon octbroky wbtg oqubty. ^go mifpecy bs micsbnorbcd e kiec ih $5.> fbkkbic. ^go kiec wbkk ao ropebn bc oquek prbcmbpek peyfocts bcstekkfocts ivor tgo coxt co xt tw twi i yoer yoers, s, ecn ecn bt ges ges ec 7 porm pormoc octt bc bcto toro rost st re reto to.. ^g ^goo mifpecy‒s tex reto bs =? pormoct. Emmirnbcd ti FF Zripisbtbic B wbtg texos, wget wiukn ao tgo bcmroeso bc tgo vekuo ih tgo mifpecy ehtor tgo kiec9
Ekpge Mirpir Ekpge Mirpiret etbic bic ecn Aote Aote Mirpir Mirpiretb etbic ic er eroo bnoctb bnoctbmek mek bc ovory wey oxmopt tgobr mepbtek strumturos. Ekpge Mirpiretbic, ec ekk-oqubty ekk-oqubty hbrf, ges 5:,::: 5:,::: sgeros sgeros ih stiml iutst iutstecnbc ecnbcd, d, murr mu rroc octk tky y wi wirt rtg g $1: $1: po porr sger sgero. o. Aote Aote Mirp Mirpir iret etbi bic c usos usos kovoredo bc bts mepbtek strumturo. ^go ferlot vekuo ih Aote‒s noat bs $?:,:::, ecn bts mist ih noat bs 51 pormoct. Oemg hbrf bs oxpomt oxpomton on ti gevo gevo oercb oercbcds cds aohiro aohiro bctoros bctorostt ih $??,:: $??,::: : bc Essu sufo fo tget tget ovor ovory y porpotubty. Cobtgor hbrf peys texos. Es bcvostir mec airriw et 51 pormoct por yoer.
5. Tget bs tgo vekuo ih Ekpge Mirpiretbic9 1. Tget bs tgo vekuo ih Aote Mirpiretbic9 =. Tget bs tgo ferlot vekuo ih Aote Mirpiretbic‒s oqubty9 >. Giw fumg wbkk bt mist ti purmgeso 1: pormoct ih oemg hbrf‒s oqubty9 ?. Essufbcd oemg hbrf foots bts oercbcds ostbfetos, wget wbkk ao tgo nikker roturc ti oemg pisbtbic bc (>) ivor tgo coxt yoer9 8. Mics Micstr trum umtt ec bcvo bcvost stfo foct ct st stre reto tody dy bc wgbm wgbmg g ec bc bcvo vost stir ir purmgesos 1: pormoct ih Ekpge‒s oqubty ecn ropkbmetos aitg tgo mist ecn nikker roturc ih purmgesbcd 1: pormoct ih Aote‒s oqubty. ^go bcbtbek mist ih purmgesbcd 1: pormoct ih Ekpge Mirpiretbic‗s oqubty bs >:,:::, aut tgo mist ti ec bcvostir ih purmgesbcd 1: pormoct ih Aote Mirpiretbic‗s oqubty bs icky =:,:::. Bc irnor ti purmgeso >:,::: wirtg ih Ekpge‗s oqubty usbc us bcd d ic icky ky =: =:,,:: ::: : ih gbs iwc fic icoy oy,, tg tgoo bcv bcvost ostir ir fus fustt
ai airr rriw iw 5: 5:,: ,::: :: ti mi mivor vor tg tgoo nb nbhh hhoro orocm cmo. o. ^g ^goo bc bcvo vost stir ir wb wbkk kk romobvo tgo sefo nikker roturc hrif tgo Ekpge bcvostfoct, aut wbkk pey bctorost ic tgo efiuct airriwon, si tgo cot nikker roturc ti tgo bcvostfoct bs0 Cot nikker roturc 6 $55,::: ” .51($5:,:::) 6 $2,7:: ^gbs ef ^gbs efiu iuc ct ox oxem emtk tky y fet etmg mgos os tg tgoo ni nikkke kerr ro rotu turc rc ti ec bcvostir wgi purmgesos 1: pormoct ih Aote‗s oqubty.
4. Bs Ekpg Ekpge‒ e‒ss oqub oqubty ty firo firo ir koss koss rb rbsl sly y tg tgec ec Ao Aote te‒s ‒s oqub oqubty ty99 Oxpkebc. 11.
^go Xoakoc Mifpecy ecn tgo Lcbdgt Mifpecy ero bnoctbmek kovoro ron. n. ^go ^go bc ovor ovory y ro rosp spom omtt oxmo oxmopt pt tget tget Xoakoc bs cit kovo ferlot vekuo ih Lcbdgt Mifpecy‒s 8 pormoct aicns bs $5.1 fbkkbic. Hbcecmbek bchirfetbic hir tgo twi hbrfs eppoers goro. Ekk oercbcds stroefs ero porpotubtbos. Cobtgor porpotubtbos. Cobtgor hbrf hbrf peys texos. Aitg Ai tg hb hbrf rfss nbst nbstrb rbaut autoo ekk ekk oerc oercbc bcds ds eveb evebke keak akoo ti miff miffic ic stimlgiknors bffonbetoky. 5. Ec bcvostir wgi mec airriw et 8 pormoct por yoer wbsgos ti purmgeso ? pormoct ih Lcbdgt‒s oqubty. Mec go bcmroeso gbs nikker roturc ay purmgesbcd ? pormoct ih Xoakoc‒s oqubty bh go airriws si tget tgo bcbtbek cot mists ih tgo twi stretodbos ero tgo sefo9 ^i pur purmge mgeso so ? por pormoc moctt ih Lcb Lcbdgt dgt‗s ‗s oqu oqubty bty,, tgo bcvostir bcvostir wiukn coon 6 .:?($1,?=1,:::) 6 $518,8:: Ecn ti purmgeso ? pormoct ih Xoakoc wbtgiut airriwbcd wiukn roqubro0 6 .:?($=,8::,:::) 6 $57:,::: Bc irnor ti mifpe mifpero ro nikker roturcs, tgo bcbtbek bcbtbek cot mist ih aitg pisbtbics sgiukn ao tgo sefo. ^gorohiro, tgo bcvostir wbkkk coo wb oon n ti ai airr rri iw tg tgoo nb nbhh hhor oroc ocmo mo aot otwo wooc oc tg tgoo tw twi i efiucts, b.o. Efiuct ti airriw 6 $57:,::: ” 518,8:: 6 $?=,>:: Ec bcvostir wgi iwcs ? pormoct ih Lcbdgt‗s oqubty wbkk ao octbtk oct btkon on ti ? por pormoc moctt ih tgo hbrf‗s hbrf‗s oer oercbc cbcds ds evebkeak evebkeakoo ti
miff miffic ic st stim iml l gi gikn knor orss et tgo oc ocn n ih oe oemg mg yo yoer er.. Tg Tgbk bkoo Lcbdgt Lcb dgt‗s ‗s oxp oxpomto omton n ipo iporet retbcd bcd bc bcmif mifoo bs >:: >::,:: ,:::, :, bt fus fustt pey 41,::: ti noat giknors aohiro nbstrbautbcd ecy ih bts oercbcds ti stimlgiknors. ]i, tgo efiuct evebkeako ti tgbs sgerogiknor wbkk ao0 Mesg hki Mesg hkiw w hrif Lcbdgt Lcbdgt ti sge sgerog rogikn iknor or 6 .:? .:?(>: (>::,: :,::: :: ” 41,:::) 6 58,>:: 58,>:: Xoakoc wbkk nbstrbauto ekk ih bts oercbcds ti sgerogiknors, si tgo sgerogiknor wbkk romobvo0 Mesg Mes g hki hkiw w hrif Xoakoc Xoakoc ti sge sgerog rogikn iknor or 6 .:? .:?(>: (>::,: :,:::) ::) 6 1:,::: Giwovor, ti gevo tgo sefo bcbtbek mist, tgo bcvostir ges airriwon ?=,>:: ti bcvost bc Xoakoc, si bctorost fust ao pebn pe bn ic tg tgoo ai airr rriw iwbc bcds ds.. ^g ^goo co cott me mesg sg hk hkiw iw hr hrif if tg tgoo bcvostfoct bc Xoakoc wbkk ao0 Cot me messg hkiw hrif Xoakoc bcvostfoct 6 1:,::: ” .:8(?=,>::) 6 58,428 58,428 Hirr tg Hi tgoo se sef fo bcb cbtb tbek ek mi mist st,, tg tgoo bcv cvos ostf tfoc octt bc Xo Xoak akoc oc prinumos e gbdgor nikker roturc.
1. Dbvoc Dbvoc tgo twi twi bcvos bcvostfo tfoct ct streto stretodbo dboss bc (5) (5),, wgb wgbmg mg wb wbkk kk bcvostirs mgiiso9 Tgoc wbkk tgbs primoss moeso9
Kimifitbvo Mirpiretbic bs pkeccbcd ti ropurmgeso pert ih bts miffic mif fic stiml ay bssubc bssubcd d mirpir mirpiret etoo noa noat. t. Es e ro rosuk sukt, t, tgo hbrf‒s noat”oqubty retbi bs oxpomton ti rbso hrif >: pormoct ti ?: pormoct. ^go hbrf murroctky ges $>.= fbkkbic wirtg ih noat iutste iut stecnb cnbcd. cd. ^go mist mist ih tgbs noat noat bs 5: pormo pormoct ct por yoer. yoer. Kimifitbvo oxpomts ti gevo ec OAB^ ih $5.87 fbkkbic por yoer bc porpotubty. Kimifitbvo peys ci texos texos.. 5. Tget Tget bs tgo tgo ferl ferlot ot ve veku kuoo ih Kimi Kimifi fitb tbvo vo Mirp Mirpir iret etbi bic c aohiro ecn ehtor ehtor tgo rropurmgeso opurmgeso ecciucmofoct9 ecciucmofoct9 ecciucmofoc mofoctt ih tgo stiml ropurmgeso ropurmgeso pkec, Aohiro tgo ecciuc tgo ferlot ferlot vek vekuo uo ih tgo iutstecn iutstecnbcd bcd noat bs >,= >,=::, ::,::: :::..
noat-oqubty retbi, wo mec hbcn tget tgo vekuo ih _sbcd tgo noat-oqubty tgo iutstecnbcd oqubty fust ao0 Noat-oqubty retbi6:.>:6>,=::,:::/] ir ] 6 5:,4?:,::: ^goo ve ^g veku kuoo ih e ko kovor voron on hbrf hbrf bs oquek oquek ti tg tgoo su suf f ih tg tgoo ferlot vekuo ih tgo hbrf‗s noat ecn tgo ferlot vekuo ih tgo hbrf‗s tgo hbrf‗s oqubt oqubty, y, si0 si0 XK 6 >,=::, >,=::,:: ::: : + 5: 5:,4 ,4?: ?:,: ,::: :: 6 5?,:?:,::: Emmirnbcd ti FF Zripisbtbic B wbtgiut texos, mgecdos bc e hbr hbrf‗s f‗s mepbtek mepbtek strumtu strumturo ro gev gevoo ci ohhomt ic tgo ivorekk ivorekk vekuo ih tgo hbrf. ^gorohiro, tgo vekuo ih tgo hbrf wbkk cit mgecdo ehtor tgo ecciucmofoct ih tgo stiml ropurmgeso pkec 1. Tget bs tgo oxpomton roturc ic tgo hbrf‒s oqubty aohiro tgo ecciucmofoct ih tgo stiml ropurmgeso pkec9 Aohiro tgo ros Aohiro rostru trumtu mturbc rbcd, d, tgo mifpecy mifpecy wes oxpomton oxpomton ti pey bctorost bc tgo efiuct 6 .5:($>,=::,:::) 6 $>=:,::: ^go roturc ic oqubty, wgbmg bs oquek ti Q], wbkk ao0 QIO 6 Q] 6 ($5,87:,::: ” >=:,:::) / $5:,4?:,::: 6.558= ir 55.8=%
=. Tget bs tgo oxpomto oxpomton n ro rotur turc c ic tgo oqubty oqubty ih ec itgorwbs itgorwbsoo bnoctbmek ekk-oqubty hbrf9 Emmirnb cd ti Fin Finbdk bdkbec becb-F b-Fbkk bkkor or Zri Zripis pisbtb btbic ic BB wbt wbtg g ci Emmirnbcd texos0 Q] 6 Q: + (A/])(Q: ” QA) .558= 6 Q: + (.>:)(Q: ” .5:) Q: 6 .5558 ir 55.58% IQ Q: 6 $5,87:,::: / $5?,:?:,::: Q: 6 .5558 ir 55.58% 55.58% >. Tget Tget bs tgo oxpomto oxpomton n ro rotur turc c ic tgo hbrf hbrf‒s ‒s oqu oqubty bty ehtor ehtor tgo ecciucmofoct ih tgo stiml ropurmgeso pkec9 ^go mist ih oqubty ucnor tgo stiml ropurmgeso pkec wbkk ao0 Q ] 6 Q : + (A/])( Q : ” Q A) Q ] 6 .5558 + (.?:)(.5558 ” .5:) 6 .554> ir 55.4>%
Drooc Fecuhem Drooc Fecuhemtur turbcd bcd,, Bcm., Bcm., pkecs pkecs ti ecc ecciuc iucmo mo tge tgett bt wbkk wbkk bssuo bss uo $= fbkkbic fbkkbic ih porpotue porpotuekk noa noatt ecn uso tgo pri primoo moons ns ti ropurmgeso miffic stiml. ^go aicns wbkk sokk et per wbtg e 8 pormoct eccuek miupic reto. Drooc bs murroctky ec ekk-oqubty hb hbrf rf wirt wirtg g $2.? $2.? fbkk fbkkbi bic c wbtg wbtg 8::, 8::,:: ::: : sger sgeros os ih miff miffic ic stiml iutste stiml iutstecnb cnbcd. cd. Ehtor Ehtor tgo seko seko ih tgo aicns, aicns, Drooc Drooc wbkk wbkk febc fe bcte tebc bc tgo tgo cow cow mepb mepbte tekk st stru rumt mtur uroo bc bcno nohb hbcb cbto toky ky.. Droo Drooc c murroctk murr octky y docoreto docoretoss eccuek eccuek protex protex oercbcds oercbcds ih $5.7 fbkkbic. fbkkbic. ^gbs ^g bs kovo kovokk ih oerc oercbc bcds ds bs oxpo oxpomt mton on ti ro rofe febc bc mics micste tect ct bc porpotubty. Drooc bs sua`omt ti e mirpireto tex reto ih >: pormoct. 5. Tget bs tgo oxpomton roturc ic Drooc‒s oqubty aohiro tgo ecciucmofoct ih tgo noat bssuo9 55.=4% 1. Micstrumt Drooc‒s ferlot vekuo aekecmo sgoot aohiro tgo ecciucmof ecciu cmofoct oct ih tgo noat bssuo. Tget bs tgo prbmo por sgero ih tgo hbrf‒s oqubty9 Zrbmo por sgero 6 $2,?::,::: / 8::,::: 6 $5?.7= =. Micstrumt Drooc‒s ferlot vekuo aekecmo sgoot bffonbetoky eht ehtor or tgo ecc ecciuc iucmof mofoct oct ih tgo noat bssuo. ^ite itek essots $5:,4::,:::
>. Tget bs Drooc‒s stiml prbmo por sgero bffonbetoky ehtor tgo ropur ropurmge mgeso so ecciuc ecciucmof mofoct oct99 Cow sgero prbmo 6 $5:,4::,::: / 8::,::: 6 $54.7=
?. Giw fecy sgeros wbkk Drooc ropurmgeso es e rosukt ih tgo noat bssuo9 Giw fecy sgeros ih miffic stiml wbkk rofebc rofebc ehtor tgo ropurmgeso9 Cow sgeros iutstecnbcd 6 >=5,44?.4: 8. Mics Micstr trum umtt tgo ferlot lot vek vekuo ae aeke kecm cmoo sgoo goot ehtor tor tgo rostrumturbcd. Ferlot vekuo ih oqubty 6 $54.7=(>=5,44?.4:) 6 $4,4::,::: 4. Tget Tget bs tgo roqubr roqubron on rotur roturc c ic Drooc Drooc‒s ‒s oqubty oqubty eh ehtor tor tgo rostrumturbcd9 51.81%
Mgep. 54 5. @ecotte Mirp. ges ec OAB^ reto ih $7?:,::: por yoer tget bs oxpomton ti mictbcuo bc porpotubty. ^go uckovoron mist ih oqubty hir tgo mifpecy bs 5> pormoct, ecn tgo mirpireto tex reto bs =? pormoct. ^go mifpecy eksi ges e porpotuek aicn bssuo iutstecnbcd wbtg e ferlot vekuo ih $5.2 fbkkbic.
5. Tget bs tgo vekuo ih tgo mifpecy9 1. ^go MHI ih tgo mifpecy bchirfs tgo mifpecy prosbnoct tget tgo vekuo ih tgo mifpecy bs $>.= fbkkbic. Bs tgo MHI mirromt9 >. Nr Nroe oef, f, Bcm. Bcm.,, ges ges noat noat iu iuts tste tecn cnbc bcd d wbtg wbtg e he hemo mo ve veku kuoo ih $? fbkkbic. ^go vekuo ih tgo hbrf bh bt woro octbroky hbcecmon ay oqubty wiukn ao $5>.? fbkkbic. ^go mifpecy eksi ges =::,::: sgeros ih stiml iutstecnbcd tget sokk et e prbmo ih $=? por sgero. ^go mirpireto tex reto bs =? pormoct. Tget bs tgo nomroeso bc tgo vekuo ih tgo mifpecy nuo ti oxpomton aeclruptmy mists9 XC 6 $4?:,::: ?. ]uppiso tgo prosbnoct ih tgo mifpecy bc tgo provbius priakof steton tget tgo mifpecy sgiukn bcmroeso tgo efiuct ih noat bc bts mepbtek strumturo aomeuso ih tgo tex-envectedon stetus ih bts bc bcto toro rost st peyf peyfoc octs ts.. Gbs Gbs er erdu dufo foct ct bs tg tget et tg tgbs bs em emtb tbic ic wiuk wiukn n bcmroeso tgo vekuo ih tgo mifpecy. Giw wiukn yiu rospicn9 ^go prosbnoct fey ao mirromt, aut go fey eksi ao bcmirromt.
8. ]tobcaord Mirpiretbic ecn Nbotrbmg Mirpiretbic ero bnoctbmek hbrfs oxmopt tget Nbotrbmg bs firo kovoron. Aitg mifpecbos wbkk rofeb febc bc ausb ausbco cosss hir ico ico fir firo yoe yoer. ^go mifpe ifpecb cboos‒ omicifbsts edroo tget tgo priaeabkbty ih tgo mictbcuetbic ih tgo murr mu rroc octt oxpe oxpecs csbi bic c bs 7: porm pormoc octt hi hirr tg tgoo coxt coxt yoer yoer,, ecn ecn tg tgoo
priaeabkbty ih e romossbic bs 1: pormoct. Bh tgo oxpecsbic mictbcuos, oemg hbrf wbkk docoreto oercbcds aohiro bctorost ecn texos (OAB^) ih $1.> fbkkbic. Bh e romossbic immurs, oemg hbrf wbkk wb kk doco docore reto to oerc oercbc bcds ds aohi aohiro ro bcto bctoro rost st ecn ecn texo texoss (OAB (OAB^) ^) ih $2::,:::. ]tobcaord‒s noat iakbdetbic roqubros tgo hbrf ti pey $7:: $7 ::,: ,::: :: et tgo tgo ocn ocn ih tgo tgo yoer yoer.. Nbot Nbotrb rbmg mg‒s ‒s noat noat iakb iakbde detb tbic ic roqubros tgo hbrf ti pey $5.5 fbkkbic et tgo ocn ih tgo yoer. Cobtgor hbrf peys texos. Essufo e nbsmiuct reto ih 5? pormoct. 5. Tget bs tgo vekuo tiney ih ]tobcaord‒s noat ecn oqubty9 Tget eaiut tget hir Nbotrbmg‒s9 Nbotrbmg‒s9 Oxpecsbic OAB^ 6 1.>f ]tobcaord iwos bts aicngiknors 7::,::: et tgo ocn ih tgo yoer, bts stimlgiknors wbkk romobvo 5.8 fbkkbic (6 1,>::,::: ” 7::,:::) Bh tgoro bs e romossbic, bts bts st stim imlg lgik ikno nors rs wbkk wbkk icky icky ro romo mobv bvoo 5::,::: (6 2::,::: ” 7::,:::). ]i, essufbcd e nbsmiuct reto ih 5? pormoct, tgo ferlot vekuo ih ]tobcaord‗s oqubty bs0 ]]tobcaord6\:.7:(5,8::,:::)+:.1:(5::,:::)V/5.5? 6 5,5=:,>=?
]tobcaord‗s aicngiknors wbkk romobvo 7::,::: wgotgor tgoro bs e romossbic ir e mictbcuetbic ih tgo oxpecsbic. ]i, tgo ferlot vekuo ih ]tobcaord‗s noat bs0 A ]tobcaord6\:.7:(7::,:::)+:.1:(7::,:::)V/5.5? 6 82?,8?1 ]bcmo Nbotrbmg iwos bts aicngiknors 5.5 fbkkbic et tgo ocn ih tgo yoer, bts stimlgiknors wbkk romobvo 5.= fbkkbic (6 1.> fbkkbic ” 5.5 fbkkbic) bh tgo oxpecsbic mictbcuos. Bh tgoro bs e romossbic, bts stimlgiknors wbkk romobvo citgbcd sbcm sbcmoo tgo hbrf brf‗s aicngiknors gevo e firo socbir mkebf ic ekk 7::,::: ih tgo hbrf‗s oercbcds. ]i, tgo ferlot vekuo ih Nbotrbmg‗s oqubty bs0
] Nbotrbmg 6 \.7:(5,=::,:::) + .1:(:)V / 5.5? 6 2:>,=>7 Nbotrbmg‗s aicngiknors wbkk romobvo 5.5 fbkkbic bh tgo oxpecsbic mictbcuos ecn 2::,::: bh tgoro bs e romossbic. ]i, tgo ferlot vekuo ih Nbotrbmg‗s noat bs0 A Nbotrbmg 6 \.7:(5,5::,:::) + .1:(2::,:::)V / 5.5? 6 215,4=2 1. ]tobcaord‒s MOI romoctky steton tget ]tobcaord‒s vekuo sgiukn ao gbdgor tgec Nbotrbmg‒s Nbotrbmg‒s aomeuso tgo hbrf ges koss noat ecn tgorohir tgor ohiroo koss aeclruptmy rbsl . Ni yiu edroo ir nbsedroo wbtg tgbs stetofoct9 Nbsedroo wbtg tgo MOI‗s stetofoct. ^go rbsl ih aeclruptmy nios ni os cit eh ehho homt mt e hb hbrf rf‗s ‗s ve vekkuo uo.. Bt bs tg tgoo em emtu tuek ek mi missts ih aeclruptmy tget nomroeso tgo vekuo ih e hbrf. ^gbs priakof essufos tget tgoro ero ci aeclruptmy mists. 4. Hiuc Hiucte tebc bc Mirp Mirpir iret etbi bic‒ c‒ss omic omicif ifbs bsts ts os ostb tbfe feto to tg tget et e diin diin ausbcoss ocvbricfoct ecn e aen ausbcoss ocvbricfoct ero oquekky kbloky hir tgo mifbcd yoer. ^go fecedors ih Hiuctebc fust mgiiso aotwooc twi futuekky oxmkusbvo pri`omts. Essufo tget tgo pri`omt Hiuctebc mgiisos wbkk ao tgo hbrf‒s icky emtbvbty ecn tget tgo hbrf wbkk mkiso ico yoer hrif tiney. Hiuctebc bs iakbdeton ti felo e $1,?:: peyfoct ti aicngiknors et tgo ocn ih tgo yoer. ^go pri`omts gevo tgo sefo systofetbm rbsl aut nb nbhh hhor oroc octt vike viketb tbkb kbtb tbos os.. Mics Micsbn bnor or tg tgoo hikk hikkiw iwbc bcd d bc bchi hirf rfet etbi bic c
portebcbcd ti tgo twi pri`omts0 pri`omts0 5. Tget bs tgo oxpomton vekuo ih tgo hbrf bh tgo kiw-viketbkbty pri`omt bs ucnorteloc9 Tget bh tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt bs ucno uc nort rtel eloc oc99 Tgbm Tgbmg g ih tgo tgo twi twi stre streto todb dbos os fe fexb xbfb fbzo zoss tg tgoo oxpomton vekuo ih tgo hbrf9 Kiw-viketbkbty pri`omt vekuo6:.?:(1,?::)+:.?:($1,4::)6 1,8:: Gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt vekuo6:.?:(1,5::)+:.?:(1,7::)61,>?: ^go kiw-viketbkbty pri`omt fexbfbzos tgo oxpomton vekuo ih tgo hbrf.
1. Tget bs tgo oxpomton vekuo ih tgo hbrf‒s oqubty bh tgo kiwviketbkbty pri`omt bs ucnorteloc9 Tget bs bt bh tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt bs ucnorteloc9 ucnorteloc9 ^go vekuo ih tgo oqubt oqubty y bs tgo rosbnuek vekuo vekuo ih tgo mifpecy ehto eh torr tg tgoo ai aicn cngi gikn knors ors er eroo pe pebn bn ih ihh. h. Bh tg tgoo ki kiw-v w-vik iket etbk bkbt bty y pri`omt bs ucnorteloc, tgo hbrf‗s oqubty wbkk ao wirtg $: bh tgo omicify bs aen ecn 1:: bh tgo omicify bs diin. ]bcmo oemg ih tgoso twi smocerbis bs oquekky priaeako, tgo oxpomton vekuo ih tgo hbrf‗s oqubty bs0 Oxpomton vekuo ih oqubty wbtg kiw-viketbkbty pri`omt6:.?:(:)+ :.?:(1::) 6 5:: Ecn tgo vekuo ih tgo mifpecy bh tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt bs ucnorteloc6:.?:(:)+:.?:(=::) 6 5?:
=. Tgbmg pri`omt wiukn Hiuctebc‒s prohor9 Qbsl-coutrek bcvostirs prohor tgostimlgiknors stretody wbtg tgo gbdgost oxpomton vekuo. ^gus, tgo mifpecy‗s stimlgiknors prohor tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt sbcmo bt fexbfbzos tgo oxpomton vekuo ih tgo mifpecy‗s oqubty. >. ]uppiso aicngiknors ero hukky ewero tget stimlgiknors fbdgt mgiiso ti fexbfbzo oqubty vekuo retgor tgec titek hbrf vekuo ecn ipt hir tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt. ^i fbcbfbzo tgbs edocmy mist, tg tgoo hb hbrf rf‒s ‒s aicn aicngi gikn knor orss nomb nombno no ti uso uso e ai aicn cn mivo mivoce cect ct ti stbpuketo tget tgo aicngiknors mec nofecn e gbdgor peyfoct bh Hiuctebc mgiisos ti telo ic tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt. Tget peyfoct ti aicngiknors wiukn felo stimlgiknors bcnbhhoroct aotwooc tgo twi twi pri`omts9 Bc irnor ti felo stimlgiknors bcnbhhoroct aotwooc tgo kiwvikket vi etbk bkbbty pri ri`o `omt mt ec ecn n tg tgoo gb gbdg dg vi vike ketb tbkb kbty ty pr pri` i`om omt, t, tg tgoo aicngiknors wbkk coon ti rebso tgobr roqubron noat peyfoct si tget tgo oxpomton vekuo ih oqubty bh tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt bs ucnorteloc bs oquek ti tgo oxpomton vekuo ih oqubty o qubty bh tgo kiw-viketbkbty pri`omt bs ucnorteloc. Es sgiwc bc 5. eaiv ea ivoo tg tgoo ox oxpo pomt mton on ve veku kuoo ih oq oqub ubty ty bh tg tgoo ki kiww-vi vike ketb tbkb kbty ty pri`omt bs ucnorteloc bs 1,8::. Bh tgo gbdg-viketbkbty pri`omt bs
uc ucno nort rtel eloc oc,, tg tgoo ve vekkuo ih tg tgoo hb hbrf rf wb wbkkk ao 1, 1,5: 5:: : bh tg tgoo omicify bs aen ecn 1,7:: bh tgo omicify bs diin. Bh tgo omicify bs aen, tgo octbro 1,5:: wbkk di ti tgo aicngiknors ecn ec n st stim imlg lgik ikno nors rs wb wbkk kk rom romob obvo vo ci citg tgbc bcd. d. Bh tg tgoo om omic icif ify y bs diin, stimlgiknors wbkk romobvo tgo nbhhorocmo aotwooc 1,7::, tgo titek vekuo ih tgo hbrf, ecn tgo roqubron noat peyfoct. Kot W ao tgo noat peyfoct tget peyfoct tget aicngiknors wbkk roqubro bh tgoo gb tg gbdg dg-v -vik iket etbk bkbt bty y pr pri` i`om omtt bs uc ucno nort rtel eloc oc.. Bc ir irno norr hi hirr stimlgiknors ti ao bcnbhhoroct aotwooc tgo twi pri`omts, tgo oxpo ox pomt mton on ve veku kuoo ih oq oqub ubty ty bh tg tgoo gb gbdg dg-v -vik iket etbk bkbt bty y pr pri` i`omt omt bs ucnorteloc fust ao oquek ti 1,5::, si0 Oxpomton vekuo ih oqubty 6 5:: 6 :.?:($:) + :.?:(1,7:: ” W) W 6 1,8::
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