Solution Assembly 8086

January 13, 2017 | Author: elil_12 | Category: N/A
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SOLUTION OF THE PROGRAMS USING 8086 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE (USING EMU 8086 SIMULATOR) 1. Write an assembly language programming in 8086 to print the message. include ORG 100h PRINT 'My Name is Sachidananda!' INT 16h

;Message is printed to the Output Screen ;Interrupt to the Operating System


; return to operating system. ; directive to stop the compiler

2. Write an assembly language programming in 8086 to print the message of multiple lines. include ORG 100h PRINT 'My Name is Sachidananda!' INT 16h

;Message is printed to the Output Screen ;Interrupt to the Operating System

GOTOXY 0, 1 PRINT 'From Berhampur' INT 16h GOTOXY 0, 2 PRINT 'Ganjam' INT 16h RET END

; return to operating system. ; directive to stop the compiler

3. Write an assembly program to print information by using and function. include ORG 100h PRINT 'My Name is Sachidananda!' INT 16h

;Message is printed to the Output Screen ;Interrupt to the Operating System

GOTOXY 0, 1 PRINT 'From Berhampur' INT 16h GOTOXY 0, 2 PRINT 'Ganjam' INT 16h RET END

; return to operating system. ; directive to stop the compiler

4. Write an assembly program using 8086mu to print some sequence of texts. ;name "Sachidananda" org 100h jmp start nam: db "Name: Sachidananda", 0dh,0ah,24h

; start is the lebel and jmp is the jump instruction ; Define byte with space allocation in hexadecimal

// 1//

ad: db "Berhampur",0dh,0ah,24h ph: db "9861329499",0dh,0ah,24h start: mov dx, nam mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,0

; Halt the program till press any key

mov dx,ad mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,0 mov dx,ph mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,0 int 16h ret

; Return to the Operating System

5. Write an assembly language program to display a character with its background color.

6. Write a program in 8086 Microprocessor of 8-bit register to find the sum of two integers. ORG 100h include ''

; Pre directive to control the program ; Include emu8086 header file for functions / procedures

LEA SI, msg1 CALL PRINT_STRING CALL scan_num mov ax, cx

; Load data to source index ; calling of print_string procedure to print message ; calling of scan_num procedure for input value

putc 10

; Put character to print in next line

LEA SI, msg2 CALL PRINT_STRING CALL scan_num mov bx, cx putc 10 JMP calc back: JMP stop calc: ADD ax, bx Print "The sum is: " CALL print_num putc 10 putc 13

// 2//

JMP back stop: RET msg1 DB 'Enter the first number: ',0 msg2 DB 'Enter the second number: ',0 DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_STRING DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS END 6. Write a program 8086 Mp to enter two numbers and find the difference.

ORG 100h include '' LEA SI,msg1 CALL PRINT_STRING CALL scan_num mov ax,cx putc 10

; Load effective address to Source Index ; Pre defined function/module

; Put charecter at line 1

LEA SI,msg2 CALL PRINT_STRING CALL scan_num mov bx,cx putc 10 JMP calc back: JMP stop calc: SUB ax, bx Print "The sum is: " CALL print_num putc 10 putc 13 JMP back stop: RET msg1 DB 'Enter the first number: ',0 msg2 DB 'Enter the second number: ',0

// 3//


7. Write a program 8086 Mp to find the sum of the two numbers, print in binary format

8. Write a program in 8086 Mp to find the product or multiplication of the two numbers. include '' data segment input1 db "ENTER NO. 1 : $" input2 db 13,10,"ENTER NO. 2 : $" oper db 13,10,"PRODUCT : $" line db 10,13 ends

; This is a segment used for data declarations ; line number to display text in the next line

; Data Segment ends

code segment start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax lea dx,input1 mov ah,09h int 21h call scan_num push cx lea dx,input2 mov ah,09h int 21h call scan_num push cx pop ax pop bx jb multi multi: push ax lea dx,oper mov ah,09h int 21h pop ax

// 4//

mul bx call print_num jmp z z:

mov ax, 4c00h int 21h ends DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS END STAT 9. Write a program in 8086 Mp assembly language to find the division of the two numbers. include '' DATA SEGMENT input1 db "ENTER NO. 1 : $" input2 db 13,10,"ENTER NO. 2 : $" oper db 13,10,"DIVISION = : $" line db 10,13 ENDS CODE SEGMENT start: mov ax,@data Mov ds,ax lea dx,input1 mov ah,09h int 21h call scan_num push cx lea dx,input2 mov ah,09h int 21h call scan_num push cx pop ax pop bx push ax lea dx,oper mov ah,09h int 21h jb division division: mov dl,0 xchg bx,ax

// 5//

div bx call print_num jmp z z: mov ax, 4c00h int 21h ends DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS END START 10. Write a program in 8086 MP to find the smallest number among two-inputted number. include '' org 100h

; set location counter to 100h

jmp CodeStart DataStart: promptMsg db "Enter first number: ", 0 minMsg db "Largest number = ", 0 promptMsgtwo db "Enter second number : ", 0 newline db 13, 10, 0 num1 dw ? num2 dw ? numSmall dw ? CodeStart: mov si, offset promptMsg call print_string call scan_num mov num1, cx mov si, offset newline call print_string mov si, offset promptMsgtwo call print_string call scan_num mov num2, cx mov si, offset newline call print_string mov si, offset minMsg call print_string mov bx, num2

// 6//

;compare values CMP bx, num1 JB large mov ax, num2 JMP printnum large: mov ax, num1

; it is here because num1 is smaller than num2

printnum: call print_num EndLabel: ret DEFINE_PRINT_STRING DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS 11. Write a program in 8086 MP to find the largest no. among two inputted no include '' org 100h

; set location counter to 100h

jmp CodeStart DataStart: promptMsg db "Enter first number: ", 0 minMsg db "Largest number = ", 0 promptMsgtwo db "Enter second number : ", 0 newline db 13, 10, 0 num1 dw ? num2 dw ? numSmall dw ? CodeStart: mov si, offset promptMsg call print_string call scan_num mov num1, cx mov si, offset newline call print_string mov si, offset promptMsgtwo call print_string call scan_num mov num2, cx mov si, offset newline call print_string mov si, offset minMsg

// 7//

call print_string

mov bx, num2 ;compare values CMP bx, num1 JB large mov ax, num2 JMP printnum large: mov ax, num1 ;it is here because num1 is smaller than num2 printnum: call print_num EndLabel: ret DEFINE_PRINT_STRING DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS

12. Write a program in 8086 Mp having 16-bits to enter any two numbers and perform arithmetic Operations (+, -, *, /) include '' data segment input1 db "ENTER NO. 1 : $" input2 db 13,10,"ENTER NO. 2 : $" oper db 13,10,"ENTER NO (1 to add,2 to sub, 3 to mul and 4 to div) : $" total db 13,10,"ANSWERS IS : $" nega db "-$" line db 13,10 ends code segment start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax lea dx,input1 mov ah,09h int 21h call scan_num push cx lea dx,input2 mov ah,09h

// 8//

int 21h call scan_num push cx lea dx,oper mov ah,09h int 21h call scan_num lea dx,total mov ah,09h int 21h pop ax pop bx cmp cl,1 je a jne s1 s1:cmp cl,2 je b jne m1 m1:cmp cl,3 je c jne d1 d1:cmp cl,4 je d jne z a: add ax,bx call print_num jmp z b: cmp ax,bx ja sa jb sb sa: sub ax,bx push ax lea dx,nega mov ah,09h int 21h pop ax jmp sc

// 9//

sb: sub bx,ax mov ax,bx sc:call print_num jmp z c: mul bx call print_num jmp z d: mov dl,0 xchg bx,ax div bx call print_num z:

mov ax, 4c00h int 21h ends DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS end start

13. Write a program to enter any character in uppercase and convert it into lowercase using 8086 MP having 16 bits. include '' .data msg1 db "Input character in lowercase: ","$" msg2 db 13,10,"The character in uppercase: ","$" charac label byte maxcharaclen db 2 curcharaclen db ? characfield db 2 dup(?) .code main proc mov ax, @data mov ds, ax lea dx, msg1 mov ah, 09h int 21h mov ah, 0Ah lea dx, charac int 21h mov bx, 0

// 10//

mov bl, curcharaclen mov characfield[bx], "$" and characfield,11011111B lea dx, msg2 mov ah, 09h int 21h lea dx,characfield mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah, 4ch int 21h main endp end main 14. Write a program in 8086 Mp to enter any character in lower case and convert it into uppercase .data msg1 db "Input character in lowercase: ","$" msg2 db 13,10,"The character in uppercase: ","$" charac label byte maxcharaclen db 2 curcharaclen db ? characfield db 2 dup(?) .code main proc mov ax, @data mov ds, ax lea dx, msg1 mov ah, 09h int 21h mov ah, 0Ah lea dx, charac int 21h mov bx, 0 mov bl, curcharaclen mov characfield[bx], "$" and characfield,11011111B lea dx, msg2 mov ah, 09h int 21h

// 11//

lea dx,characfield mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah, 4ch int 21h main endp end main 15. Write a program in assembly 8086mu language to print your name five times. include '' ORG 100h MOV CX, 5 mov ax, 3 label1: mov bx, 2 xchg bx,ax div ax add ax,bx call print_num LOOP label1 RET DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS 16. Write a program in 8086 Mp to print no. 1 to 10 in ascending order.

17. Write a program in 8086 Mp to print no. 1 to 10 in descending order

18. Write a program in 8086 Mp assembly language to print the alphabets from a to z in uppercase and lower case code segment assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack mov ah,02h mov cx,26 mov dl,41h lop: int 21h add dl,1h loop lop mov dl,0ah mov ah,02h int 21h

// 12//

mov dl,0dh mov ah,02h int 21h mov ah,02h mov cx,26 mov dl,61h lop1: int 21h add dl,1h loop lop1 mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends END 19. Write a program to design the following in 8086 Mp 1 22 333 4444 55555 20. Write a program to design the following pattern in 8086 Mp 55555 4444 333 22 1 21. Write a program o design the following pattern in 8086 Mp ***** **** *** ** * 22. Write a program to design the following pattern in 8086 Mp * ** *** **** ***** 23. Write a program to design the following pattern in 8086 Mp 1 12 123 1234 12345 24. Write a program to design the following pattern in 8086 Mp 12345 1234 123

// 13//

12 1 25. Write a program to design the following pattern in 8086 Mp 54321 5432 543 54 5 26. Write a program to design the following pattern in 8086 Mp 5 54 543 5432 54321 27. Write a program in 8086 Mp to enter any character and check the input are equal or not (Comparing of two characters.) include '' data segment xx db ? yy db ? data ends code segment assume cs:code, ds:data mainp: mov ax, data mov ds,ax mov cx, 03h nextp: mov ah, 01h int 21h mov xx, al mov ah, 01h int 21h mov yy, al mov bh, xx mov bl, yy cmp bh, bl jne not_equal equal: mov ah,02h ;mov dl, 'y' printn " " printn "Characters are equal" int 21h jmp continue not_equal:

// 14//

mov ah, 02h ;mov dl, 'n' printn " " printn "Characters are not equal" int 21h continue: loop nextp mov ah, 4ch int 21h code ends end mainp 28. Write a program to enter any number and print the star pattern using in 8086 Mp having 16bit registers

29. Write a program to print the alphabets in diagonal order in 8086 Mp main proc mov ah, 02 mov dl, 61h start: sub dl,20h int 21h push dx mov dl, 0AH int 21h pop dx add dl, 20h inc dl cmp dl, 79H jne start int 20h main endp end 30. Write a program to press any key and count the no. of hits / Key strokes using in 8086 Mp org 100h ; print welcome message: mov dx, offset msg mov ah, 9 int 21h ;xor bx, bx ; zero bx register. wait: mov ah, 0 int 16h

; wait for any key....

// 15//

cmp al, 27 je stop

; if key is 'esc' then exit.

mov ah, 0eh int 10h

; print it.

inc bx

; increase bx on every key press.

jmp wait ; print result message: stop: mov dx, offset msg2 mov ah, 9 int 21h mov ax, bx call print_ax ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 int 16h ret

; exit to operating system.

msg db "Key Press Counting Program. press 'Esc' to stop...", 0Dh,0Ah, "$" msg2 db 10,13, "recorded keypresses: $" print_ax proc cmp ax, 0 jne print_ax_r push ax mov al, '0' mov ah, 0eh int 10h pop ax ret print_ax_r: pusha mov dx, 0 cmp ax, 0 je pn_done mov bx, 10 div bx call print_ax_r mov ax, dx add al, 30h mov ah, 0eh int 10h jmp pn_done pn_done: popa ret endp

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31. Write a program to enter any number and print its factorial using 8086 Mp. include "" org 100h jmp start result dw ? start: ; get first number: mov dx, offset msg1 mov ah, 9 int 21h jmp n1 msg1 db 10,13, 'enter the number: $' n1: call

scan_num ; factorial of 0 = 1:

mov ax, 1 cmp cx, 0 je print_result ; move the number to bx: ; cx will be a counter: mov mov mov

bx, cx ax, 1 bx, 1

calc_it: mul bx cmp dx, 0 jne overflow inc bx loop calc_it mov result, ax print_result: ; print result in ax: mov dx, offset msg2 mov ah, 9 int 21h jmp n2 msg2 db 10,13, 'factorial: $' n2: mov ax, result call print_num_uns jmp exit overflow: mov dx, offset msg3 mov ah, 9 int 21h jmp n3

// 17//

msg3 db 10,13, 'the result is too big!', 10,13, 'use values from 0 to 8.$' n3: jmp start exit: ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 int 16h ret DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS 32. Write a program to enter any string and check whether the string is Palindrome or not using 8086 Mp name "pali" org 100h jmp start m1: s db 'mbvghfhf' s_size = $ - m1 db 10,13,'$' start: ; first let's print it: mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset s int 21h lea di, s mov si, di add si, s_size dec si

; point to last char!

mov cx, s_size cmp cx, 1 je is_palindrome

; single char is always palindrome!

shr cx, 1

; divide by 2!

next_char: mov al, [di] mov bl, [si] cmp al, bl jne not_palindrome inc di dec si loop next_char is_palindrome: ; the string is "palindrome!" mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset msg1

// 18//

int 21h jmp stop not_palindrome: ; the string is "not palindrome!" mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset msg2 int 21h stop: ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 int 16h ret msg1 db " this is palindrome!$" msg2 db " this is not a palindrome!$" 33. Write a program to enter temperature in centigrade and convert into Fahrenheit using 8086 Mp include '' data segment input1 db "Enter temperature in (C) : $" msg db 13,10,"Ferhanheit equivalent = : $" line db 10,13 ends code segment start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax lea dx,input1 mov ah,09h int 21h call scan_num push cx lea dx,msg mov ah,09h int 21h je temp temp:

mov cl, input1 mov al, 9 mul cl ;mov cl, 5 call print_num

// 19//


mov ax, 4c00h int 21h ends DEFINE_SCAN_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS end start

For more suggestion and comments to Mr. Sachidananda Patnaik Call @ 91 9861329499 Mail :- [email protected]

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