SolMan ContentServer Monitoring

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SAP Content  Server 6.40/6.50 Monitoring   with SAP Solution Manager 7.1   Setup Guide

CUSTOMER Document Version 1.0.1-2017-01-09


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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .................................................................... .................................... .. 6 SETUP PROCEDURE OVERVIEW ................................................. ................................................................................. ............................................................... .................................. ... 7 1. INSTALL INST ALL DIAGNOSTICS D IAGNOSTICS AGENT .................................................................. ................................................................................................... ............................................... .............. 7 2. REGISTER SAP CONTENT SERVER 6.40/6.50 IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER .............................................. 8 2.1 Select System type .................................................... ...................................................................................... ................................................................... ........................................... .......... 8 2.2 Define System .......................................... ........................................................................... ................................................................... ............................................................. ........................... 8 2.3 Define Extended SID.......................................................... SID........................................................................................... ................................................................... .................................... .. 9 2.4 Confirmation................................ Confirmation.................................................................. .................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................... ..... 9 2.5 Specify additional system properties............................................................... ................................................................................................. ....................................... ..... 9 2.6 Add SAP CONTENT CONTENT SERVER SERVER 6.40/6.50 6.40/6.50 as Product Instances Instances ....... ........................................ ............................................................1 ...........................10 0 2.7 Assign Database Database to the technical system. system. .................................................................... ..............................................................................................1 ..........................12 2

3. RUN MANAGED SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CONFI GURATION ....................................... ........................................................................ .....................................................13 ....................13 3.1 Select Product Product ................................................................ ................................................................................................. ................................................................... ......................................13 ....13 3.2 Check Prerequisites................................. Prerequisites................................................................... ................................................................... ............................................................1 ...........................13 3 3.3 Assign Diagnostics Diagnostics Agent ............................................... ................................................................................. ................................................................... ......................................13 .....13 3.4 Enter System Parameters Parameters ............................................... ................................................................................ ................................................................... ......................................13 ....13 3.5 Enter Landscape Landscape Parameters Parameters ..................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ............................................14 ...........14 3.6 Configure Automatically Automatically................................................................. .................................................................................................. .......................................................14 ......................14 3.7 Complete Complete setup............................. setup.............................................................. ................................................................... ................................................................... .....................................14 ....14

4. RUN MANAGED SYSTEM SETUP FOR MICROSOFT IIS COMPONENTS (WINDOWS ONLY) .......................15 5. RUN TECHNICAL MONITORING SETUP FOR SAP CONTENT SERVER SYSTEM (WINDOWS ONLY) ............17 6. RUN TECHNICAL MONITORING SETUP FOR MICROSOFT IIS SYSTEMS (WINDOWS ONLY) ......................19 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................................21 .................21







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Introduction   SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP10 supports SAP Content Server 6.40 with System Monitoring. This document describes how to setup and configure System Monitoring in the SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP10 for SAP Content Server 6.40 and 6.50.

This guide is part of a global installation and configuration documentation. You may find more information in the SAP Service Marketplace ·

Root Cause Analysis Installation and Upgrade Upg rade Guide with SOLMAN_SETUP à Installation and Configuration ·

Solution Manager Installation Guides àSAP Components à SAP Solution Manager > Release 7.1 ·

SAP Solution Manager 7.1 on Up-to-date version of this document is attached to the SAP note 1895715 1895715..




Setup procedure overview  From the point of view of the System Monitoring, SAP Content Server 6.40 or 6.50 is a database based system with additional server components. The database (MaxDB) is the core component of a SAP Content C ontent Server installation. In addition SAP Content Server uses the server components: Microsoft ISS components on Windows and Apache HTTP Server on UNIX. With the SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP10 you can monitor the system’s database and the server components on Windows (like MS ISS). I SS). No monitoring is available for Apache HTTP server yet. The approach is to monitor the SAP SA P Content Server as a technical scenario comprising three systems: ·

SAP Content Server system (of the Unspecific U nspecific Standalone System type) as the representation of the server components.


the system database


MS IIS system on Windows

Perform following steps listed to set up System Monitori Monitoring ng for SAP CONTENT C ONTENT SERVER system (on Windows)

Step 1

Install Ins tall Diagn Diagnosti ostics cs Agen Agentt

Step 2

Registe Reg isterr SAP CONTEN CONTENT T SER SERVER VER in SAP Soluti Solution on Manag Manager er

Step 3

Run Managed Managed S System ystem Setup fo forr SAP CONT CONTENT ENT system system

Step 4

Run Managed System Setup for Microsoft IIS components

Step 5

Run Technica echnicall Monit Monitoring oring S Setup etup for SAP CO CONTENT NTENT system system

Step 6

Run Technical Monitoring Setup for Microsoft IIS systems

1. Install Diagnostics  Agent   Agent   Please refer to SAP note 1365123  Installation of Diagnostics Agents.




Diagnostics Agent 7.3 installs install s automatically SAP Host Agent. Please Pl ease make sure, however, that SAP Host Agent corresponds to the version in the SAP note 1448655. 1448655. In addition, please refer to SAP Note 1031096 1031096 “Installing Package SAPHOSTAGENT” for details.










2. Register SAP CONTENT 6.40/6.50 in Manager SAP Solution Manager Landscape information is the basis forSERVER all processes in SAP Solution 7.1. SAP Solution Manager stores the landscape information in the Landscape Management Data Database base (LMDB). Usually systems automatically report their landscape landscape data to the SAP Solution Landscape Directory (SLD). Solution Manager uses one or multiple SAP Software S oftware Landscape Directory (SLD) systems to query for the landscape information. For that purpose SAP Solution Manager Ma nager 7.1 provides content synchronization mechanism between SLD and LMDB. However, SAP Content Server does not provide automatic automatic registration to SLD. The system has to b be e registered manually in the SAP Solution Manager. With the Technical System Editor UI in SAP Solution Manager 7.1 you can manually create, change, and delete technical systems in the LMDB. Perform following activities to register the SAP Content Server system in SAP Solution Manager: 1. In the SAP Solution Manager Configuration (transaction SOLMAN_SETUP), choose Managed  Systemss Configurati System Configuration on à Technical Systems à System Operations àCreate System. 2. Select Select a syste system m type type from from the the input input help. help. 3. Define system system dat data a like system system name and the the host th there ere the the system system is installed installed 4. Assign Assign a u uniqu nique e syst system em identif identifier ier.. 5. Cr Crea eate te th the e sy syst stem em 6. Specify Specify required required system system proper properties ties like like the installation installation path. path. 7. Add SAP SAP CONTENT CONTENT SERVE SERVER R 6.40 resp. resp. 6.50 6.50 as as tthe he product product instanc instance. e. 8. Assign SAP SAP CONTENT CONTENT SERVER SERVER 6.40/6.50 6.40/6.50 p product roduct and and mark it as diagnost diagnostics ics relevant relevant..  

2.1 Select  System type  Select “Unspecific Standalone Application System” as the system type.

2.2 Define System   Specify the main system properties in the “Define System” S ystem” step.





Assi Assign gn a syste system m name name – a uniqu unique e identif identifier ier o off the new syst system em in tthe he LMDB LMDB..


Sele Select ct the the ““Oth Others ers”” as as the the techn technolo ology gy type type for the sys system. tem.


Spe Specify cify th the e host host name name of the SAP Conte Content nt Serv Server er ssyst ystem. em.

2.3 Define Extended SID  Specify an appropriate extended system ID and choose next. An extended system ID is a system-type specific identifier of eight characters that is unique iin n the SAP Solution Manager. An extended system ID value val ue is automatically proposed so you can accept iit. t.

2.4 Confirmation  Choose Save to create new SAP Content Server system

2.5 Specify additional system properties  In the System Overview add the installation patch of the SAP Content Server system.




Note: the “Installation Path” in above screen shot is i s required and will be used as an in-built variable to allocate the system log file fil e (CS_Trace.txt) in system monitoring phase.

2.6  Add SAP CONTENT SERVER 6.40/6.50 as Product  Instances  Add all SAP CONTENT SERVER 6.40/6.50 as the Product Pr oduct Instance to the system. -

Sele Select ct the node node “Sof “Softwa tware” re” in the navigat navigation ion tree. tree.


Cho Choos ose e “Produ “Product ct IInst nstanc ances es (D (Deta etails) ils)”” in the the right tab panel. panel.





Clic Click ko on n tth he “Ad “Add” d” button tton..


Input “SAP CONTENT CONTENT SERVER SERVER 6.40/6.50” 6.40/6.50” in the input box and and click on on “Search” “Search” button. button.





Make ssure ure to to check check the check check-box -box “Installe “Installed” d” and “Diagnostics “Diagnostics-Releva -Relevant” nt” and and then then click on “Close” “Close” button.

 More Info Inform rma atio tion n For more information, see Landscape Data Management Overview and Overview and Maintenance of Product in the System Landscape  Landscape  in the SAP Community Network.

2.7  Assign  Assign Database to the technical system.  Explore the node “System Database” in the navigation navig ation tree. Assign a system database to the technical system. The SAP CONTENT SERVER system’s database is MaxDB and its i ts information will be automatically 12



delivered to Solution Manager by Diagnostics Agent’s Ag ent’s outside discovery . For components for which no automatic registration on SLD can be established, SAP Solution Manager provides the outside discovery approach. With the outside discovery the Diagnostics Agent automatically collects and stores the information related the monitored system in the Solution Manager. The data is reported to the LMDB and is not available in the SLD. The registration exists only in the Solution Manager system. Outside discovery is currently available for DBMS, operating systems and Microsoft ISS/.NET ISS/ .NET components.

Click on the “Assign System Database” button and select sel ect the correct database system from the list. li st.

3. Run Managed System Configuration  In the SAP Solution Manager Configuration (transaction SOLMAN_SETUP), choose Managed Systems Unspecific system you Configuration à Technical Systems, select the SAP Content Server system (the Unspecific create before) and choose Configure System.

3.1 Select  Product   The SAP CONTENT SERVER 6.40/6.50 product was already assigned in the Technical System Editor. Continue with the step 3  Assign Diagnostic Agent .

3.2 Check  Prerequisites  There are no prerequisites. Continue with the next step. 3.3  Assign  Assign Diagnostics  Agent   Agent   Connect the Diagnostics Agent to the Solution Sol ution Manager and assign it to the SAP CONTENT system. 3.4 Enter System Parameters  Enter the database parameter parameter under the step “Enter System Parameters” – “DB Parameters”. And then click on the button “Setup DBA Cockpit connection”. The “DBA Cockpit Connection Status” will green light when connected to the managed database successfully. Then choose Save to save the changes and continue with the next step.




3.5 Enter Landscape Parameters  There are no landscape parameters need to be entered. Continue with wi th the next step. 3.6 Configure  Automatically  Automatically  Execute the steps steps “Extractors Setup”. Continue with the last setup step “Complete”. 3.7 Complete setup  Complete the setup, choose “Finish” to update the setup status and quit the setup procedure.




4. Run Managed System Setup for Microsoft  IIS components (Windows  only)  SAP Solution Manager 7.1 supports Microsoft IIS with System Monitoring. The Microsoft IIS compone components nts which are part of the SAP Content Server installation will be automatically registered in the SAP Solution Manager by Diagnostics Agent per outside discovery . For components for which no automatic registration regi stration on SLD can be established, establi shed, SAP Solution Manager provides the outside discovery approach. With the outside discovery the Diagnostics Agent automatically collects coll ects and stores the information related the monitored system in the Solution Manager. Outside discovery is currently available for DBMS, operating systems and Microsoft ISS/.NET components. The Diagnostics Agent will discover Microsoft IIS II S components installed on the SAP Content Server host and report them to SAP Solution Manager. -



In the SAP Solution Manager Configuration (transaction SOLMAN_SETUP), choose Related Links à Administrationà Landscape Browser . Look u up p for Microso Microsoft ft ISS system system IDs. IDs. Search Search for for the SAP Content Content Server Server host host and and find the assigned assigned Microsoft IIS systems in the tree below the host hos t name

In the SAP Solution Manager Configuration (transaction SOLMAN_SETUP), choose Managed  and choose choose Configure System for each Systemss Configurati System Configuration on à Technical Systems, select and Microsoft IIS system component of the SAP Content Server installation. Per Perfor form m the Manage Managed d System System Con Configur figuratio ation n for Microso Microsoft ft IIS syste systems ms




 More Info Inform rma atio tion n For more information on Outside Discovery Di scovery in SAP Solution Manager, see enance+of+Product+in+the+System+Landscape stem+Landscape SAP note 1626853.  1626853.  Refer to SAP note 1743474 1743474   for more information on how to perform Managed System Setup for Microsoft IIS.





5. Run Technical Monitoring Setup for SAP Content  Server system  (Windows only)  For SAP Content Server systems installed on Windows, SAP Solution Manager additionally provides the exception monitoring. In the SAP Solution Manager Configuration (transaction SOLMAN_SETUP), choose Technical Monitoring > s tep Setup Monitoring. Define Scope. Select the SAP Content Server system and continue with the next step ·

Apply and Activate monitoring template for SAP Content Server technical system.

a. View the metric template settings.




Click on the link “Configure Managed Object” and view vi ew the metric settings in the pop-up window. Generally, the settings are set by default and no needs to change them.


Apply and activate the MaxDB template for SAP CONTENT SERVER database.




Click on the link “Configure Managed Object” and view vi ew the metric settings in the pop-up window. Generally, the settings are set by default and no needs to change them.

6. Run Technical Monitoring Setup for Microsoft  IIS systems (Windows  only)  In the SAP Solution Manager Configuration (transaction SOLMAN_SETUP), choose Technical Monitoring > Microsof t IIS system component of the SAP SA P Define Scope. Select and perform monitoring setup for each Microsoft CONTENT installation. ·

Select the Microsoft IIS system in i n step “Define Scope”.





Go to “Setup Monitoring” step.  

Assign the MSPT NET.FRAMEWORK monitoring template of the corresponding version to each Microsoft IIS instance and apply and activate templates.




 Additional Information 

SAP note 1448655

Installation of Diagnostics agent 7.3

SAP note 1365123

Installation of Diagnostics agent

SAP note 1031096

Installing Package SAPHOSTAGENT

SAP note 790639

SAPOSCOL and ABAP server: Monitoring processes

SAP note 1626853

Outside Discovery in SAP Solution Manager

SAP note 1743474

Monitoring Setup of of Microsoft IIS compone components nts (the example for Sharepoint Sharepoint Online appication)


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