SolidWorks Essentials (2013)

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Descripción: Manual SW 2013...








SolidWorks Essentials




VEGRA INFO SRL Bucuresll Romama, Tel 021.311 88 29 www 3dcadvegra corn


Introduction /\bout This Course .............. . ......................... 2 Pr~requi sites .......................................... 2 Cour"e Design Philosoph) ............................... 2 Usmg this Book ....................................... 2 /\bout the Training Files ................................. 3 Conventions Used in this Book ........................... 3 Windm\ s 7 ...................................... ... ..... 3 Use or Color ............................................. 4 Clraphics and Graphics Cards ............................. 4 Color Schemes ........................................ 4 Lesson 1: SolidWorks Basics and the User Interface What is the SolidWorks Son ware? ... .. ....................... 6 Design Intent. ............................................ X Fxamples of Design Intent .............. . ................ 9 ll. . . . . .............. . ......... . . ll '> mg Model rdgc~ in a .prc-.s Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,.., .., Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .... 222 Phase I: I 1\.lurc., . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Pha.,e 2· I oatb . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-1 Phase 3: Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Ph.:ts..: 4: Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22' Phase 5. Results . .. . .......... . ............ . ....... 225 Phase 6. Opllmii'C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 ....................... . :!:!X Updating the Model Rc.,ults. Reports and eDnl\\ 111gs . . ................... . . 229 0


















SolidWorks 2013

I \l.'rc1-.e :?5 I IJngc .. , • . . . . • ............................ :!~~ I I \erL'I'-1.' 26· \\'hcd .•....••.....•.......•........•.... 232 .•. . ....•...•......•.•............. 234 I \l.'fCISC 27. (JlliUI.' I '\l.'reiSC 28. I ool Pu... t ••••••••••.•••••..••••••.•••...•. . • 237 [ \l.'l'el'-1.' 29· llll(be •.... . .•................. . ....•..... 2JS I \crcl"l.' 30. ~" ccp-. •......•.................. . ......... 239 . .....•......•...................... 239 Cottcr Pin . . Paper Clip . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. . .•. 239 . .......................... 240 f\111crcd ~\\el.'p . • . ..... . 241 l \1.'rc1-.~· 3 1· \unulatiun- '-..pcrt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Changmg l tllch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2n I tlktXpert 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 r\CI'CISC 40: trrOrl>J . . . . ...••.......................•.. 297 l \Crct!:>c -lf· Adding Dralt .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . • . .. . .. .. . 29g I .\Crcisc 42: Uo.,tng the I illctXpcrt I.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 L\crcto.,c 4 ~- U'-mg the I tlktXpcn 2...... .... ..• ... ....•.•.. 301 Lesson 9 : Editing : Design Changes Part l·diung... . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 \tagc~ 111 the Pmce-..... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Dcstgn Change''> . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 30-1 Rcl(Utrcd Ch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11X lklinmg the Configuration ....... . .... . ................ 340 Changmg ConfigurntiOih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Renaming and Copy mg Configumuon-. .... . •. . .. . .. . ..... 341 Managing Contigurauon Data . . . . . . . . . • . ............. 342 Other Method ... to(_ reatc ContiguratiOJh . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . • . 14 5 r-. h>dlf~ Configurations . . •••. . . . •. 14'\ D.:s1gn I ubi.:-. . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . • • . • . 346 Dum:n ... Iun Nam.:-,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . . 3-16 l !-.lOg Ulobal Vunabl.:-. .md l.lJUations ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I D l·qutltnn of thc lirst Component . . . .. ... .. .• .. .... . • . .... 411 I -.:atun:Manag-.:r Dc'>tgn I r-.:c anu ')ymhob . . . . . • . • . . . . , ... . 4 I 2 D-.:grccc., or I recdnm . . . . . . ......... . .. . .• . ..... 412 c 1!. 4 days.

Course Design Philosophy

I hi~ cour"~ •~ dt:'>lgncd around a process- or ta-.k-has~d approuch to trammg. \ pmcl'~-.-ha'>ec.ltmmmg cnur...c cmphasl/es the prnecsscs ;u·e des1gned to represent t}plcal design and nwdding situation-. '' hllc ht:mg moc.le-,t enough lo he completed dunng das., tune You shuu ld note that many student-. \\ork at dlfli:rent paces. I hcrctorc. we ha\c included more lab e'erc1.,e., than you can rca-.onahl) c\pect w complete durmg the course. Thts ~n-.ure' that C\ en the fi.tstc-.t -;tudent "i ll nnt run out of;.e.,


SolidWorks 201 3


A Note About Dimensions

'I h~: tira'' ing~ anti d1mcn-.io11'. gl\t:n 111 the lab t:\crc1se~ arc nut 1nt~:ndcd tu rdkct any p:u1u:ular dratling standard. In !~tel. -.nmctimcs dlmcn,lt)lls arc gi\~:n inn l~ll>hionthat \\OUid llC\·t:r be cons1dcrcd acceptable 111 1ndustf}. 1 he r..:a ...on fi)r this is thl' labs ar.: dcs1gncd ltl ~:ncuurugc you tu apply the mformauon co\ ~:red 111 class and to cmplo) and rem force ccnam techniques 111 nwdclmg. \-.a result. the dra\\ mg~ and duncns1on-. in lhl' t:\crci-..cs arc done m a \\a) that complements tlm ohjcclln:.

About the Training Files

1\ complete set of thl! \arious lilcs usl!d throughout this cour-.l' can he

dm,nloaticd l'rom the ~olidWorb \\Cbsitc. www.solidworks .com. lltd, on the hnl.. Ior Support. thl!n Training. then Training Files . then SolidWorks Training Files. ~eh.:ct the hnl.. li1r the dcsircti Jilc set. l'hcre may he more than one' crs1on ot\:ach file sl!t a\ arc supphed tn s1gned . .,df-c.\tractmg c\ccutahlc pacl..age!-.

1 he files are organ11cd h~ kssnnnumhcr. I he Case Study fuldl'r '' 11l11n each les>.Oil contains th~: tiles your mstrul·tnr uses\\ hlle prcscntmg the les-.ons. The Exercises folder conto.uns cs the fi.llllm ing typographic cum emion!'.: C01n ention

Bold Sans Se rif


Typewriter J


Snlid~ork~ commands and option~ appcnr 111 thi~ sty le For e.\ample. Features > Extruded Cut .. llll'tmllons to cummlllllcatc: concep t ~. idcnu fy ll:aturcs. and othcn\ 1sc con\ c:y important mli.mnatiun F- ur C:\ampk. \\C m1ght shm\ the result ol a fillctmg npcraunn \\llh the lillct~ 111 a dllkrcnt colore' en though. by tkll1ult. the Solid Works solh' arc \\ ould not ll1spla) the re,ults m that

Graphics and Graphics Cards


., he SohdWurks soil ware sc:ts a ne\\ standard" 1th bcsHn-class graph1cs. I he combinat ion of a h1ghl) rcllcctl\c mWih u-.ed '"hen creating a 1\:ature rhe) mdudc the dlmcn'>mns as-.oc1ntcd "ith the sk~:tch g~:nmetry. a~ "ell ,,, tho..,e assocwtcd '' ith the feature itself A .,impk c\ample nlthi.., \\Ould he ,t l~aturc like a cylmJncal boss. I" he tllamcter of thl· h1hs 1.., controlled h) the dwmcter of thl.' sketched circle. I he hc1ght of the boss 1., controlled h) the depth to "h1ch that ell-de "as l!\truded "hen the feature" as made

Rdallons: J'he-.c mdudc -.uch m formation as paralk!J..,m. tangency. and conccntncuy lllstonc:tlly, tlw, type ormlimnatinn ha-. been eonHnun1cateJ on dnl\\ mgs '1;1 feature control ... ymbols. B) C sud1 as through hole:_.. or equal radi1 arc capturcd and mamtu1m:d. •

Design Intent

l hc linalnahcitcd tCnll i'> dcslgn n\\ n ~ection. ns ti1llm\ s

Ill tent.

Thi ... ~LihJCLl is \\llrth) or its

In order ll> w ..e a paramctnc muddcr liJ...e ~ohd\\wJ...s dlic1cntl). you must co1ls1dcr the design mtent bcli1re mndchng. Iks1gn mh:nt 1s )'Ollr plan as to ho\\ the mod cl "hnuld hch;l\ c \\hen 11 1s changed. l'he '' U) m "h1ch the model 1s created gm ems 11\l\\ 1t "dl he chang~:d . Se\ era I l'allors contnhutc to ho\\ you capture d1.:'i1gn mtcnt·

Design Intent

Automatic (sketch) Relations

Based on hn\\ gc(llllell') 1s sketched, these rclatwns can pnn 1dc l:Ommun geometric relationship~ between objcch su~:h t llll\\ a sketch 1!-. dimem.umcd. l he choice or rea tun:~ JIH.l the modd mg methodolog)' arc also 1111portant. for e\.amplc, consider the cas-.: nf a simple steppcd shall as sho\\ n at the nght. There arc .,e,cral ways n pan l1!-..e thts could he built and each "ay crcntes a part that 1s geometrical l)' 1dentical.

The "Layer Cake" Approach

rhc layer cake approach build-. the pan nne piece at a tinw. addmg each layer. ur li.!atun:. onto the prc\ 1ous unc. hkc thi-..

Changmg the thickness or one l,t) er ha-. a npph.: clll.:ct, chang ing thl.' f1lhlt l!ll1 of all th-.: othl.'r layer-. that \\ l're creall.'d aficr 11.


Lesson 1

SolidWo rks 201 3

SolidWorlts Basics ond the User Interface

The " Potter's Wheel" Approach

rh~ pott~.:r's \\h~cl approach huilth the ptlrl u~ a ~mgle. re\ oh ell feature. 1\ 'mgle -.!-.etch repr.:sentmg. thl' cross ..,c.:tion indut.lcs all the informauon anti t.lm1cnsions neccs~ar) to mak.: thl' part as one f~aturc. While this approach may se~m 't:r) dlku.:nt, ha\ mg all th~.: t.les1gn mlormat1on cont:tinl't.l "ithin a singk I~:Hun.: lim1ts lle\1h1ht)- and can make ch:mges ·''' k"anl.

The Manufacturi ng Approach

rhe manulilctllnng appwach ltl moddmg 111 1 1111.:~ the "ay the part \Hluld h~· manutllcturetl. I or flltV ll!odofy

LJ91"• and (MNta1; .-AIItpn

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t-ot Wdda-1 ( tf311'tot fN'd

Keyboard Shortcuts

Some menu it..:ms md1catc a k..:yhounl shurtcut lik..: tlus: Solid\\ orb conform~ to standard \\ indtm.., coil\ cnt1ons for ~uch shnrtcuts a~ Ctri+O li)r File, Open: Ctri+S for File, Save: Ctri+Z fc.11 Edit, Undo and -.o on. In ;~ddllmn.) ou cun cuslc.llllltc \oliu\\urb b~ cr~·•Hmg your U\\ n short cub.

Quick Tips

Quic k Tips are part of thc on-line help syst..:m. Th~:y ask"\\ hat" ould

you like to do'.'" and pro\ 1de l) plcKif!Od•

Q F,.... ~ l"''

~ ...,..



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li! SJ.dll

& Rob tl C)llo and al!l-Cmhhcs re4turcd lor lab c\erctses u~mg the dcstgn library. \dd the cla~s liJc.., to the dcst gn llbrnry usmg thi~ proccourc.



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Open thc Task Pane ,1110 the Design Library.

• •

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Cl id, Add File Location 4 you to cttstollll/e the C.,olidWnrb so1iware to rellcct !>Uch things as your company\ dralling st:mc.Jards il" \\ell a-. your inc.Ji, ic.Jual prcli.:rences and "urJ.. cm 1ronment


l -;e the -.carch har in the upper nght of the.: Options dialog bo\ In find opt1ons and c.Jocum..:nt prop..:rt1..:s. ·lypc the lahcl of the ch..:ck h{l\. radio button. nr other option to locOJie the page" h..:rc the option sy~t..:m



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A•u ~·hll•

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~ d for easy acc.:s-. \\hen opl..'nlllg ne\\ docum.:nts. You can create document templates fi1r pan-.. as'>cmhltcs. and dr;m mgs. f or more detailed 1nstruL11uns on htm wncat.: document templates. rclcr to /Jocumenl li..•mp/ar£'s tlfl page 496 111 the 1\rpcntlt\.

Object Mun) tunes the propcnic-. ofun ind1\ 1ouul obJCd c:.~n hl' chang..:u or cdncu I or c\ampl.:. you can change the uci~IUit ot~play ol a d1mcns1on to supprc"" one or both c\tcnslon Iincs. or you can chunge the color of a feature.


Lesson 1 SolidWorks 8as1cs and tho User Interface


SolldWorks 2013

Lesson 2 Introduction to Sketching

Upon successful complctton of this lesson, you will he ahlt: •

l'r..:at..: a 111.!\\ part.

lnscn a

Add sketch gcoml'try.


Undcr... t,md the state or the !>ketch.

I \!rude the ::.ketch 1111{1 a soltd.





rdat10n-. bet\\ ccn ptcccs or gcoml'try


Lesson 2

SolidWorks 2013

In troduction to Sk etching

20 Sketching


l lw.. lesM111

2[) -.!,.etching. the


or mode ling in

~nlu.lWork~ .

.- -.-

• •






1· \tru ... JoJb

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I he tllustratmn hclo\\ -.IHm s ho\\ a gi' en -.ketch SC\eral Ollfen:nt !}pes of li:ature~




l(wm the hast" ol



In th ts les~on. on I) 1.!\trudcd li:utun.:!> "t ll he co\ ered. l"hc m hers" tll he cm en.:d 111 detail in ln!l:r lessons nr course-..

Stages in the Process

I 'er)' sketch has '-1.!\ era I charactcn-.ucs that cnntnhutc to th -.hape, '1/C and onentatwn

New part

Ne\\ pnrh can hl' cn.:at~:d 111 mch. mt ll nnetcr nr ~>t h~:r unih. Parts arc to create .tnd hold the -.ohd modl'l



Sketch geometry

"'k.:tdw-. ar~: colkctwn ... oi2D geometry that arc to ~:rc;tte solttl 1\:atur.:-.. I} pes or 2[) gcomclr} sudl a-.. Iincs. Circles .md up the .


that make

Sketch relations

( •l.!omctnc rdattonsh tps ~uch a-. hor11ontal and 'crttcal arc .tpphcd to the -,!-.etch geometry. ll1c rdauon-.. restnet the mm em~:m 11r the cnuuc-..


Lesson 2

SolidWorks 2013

Introduction to Sketching

State of the sketch

I a.:h '"etch ha~ a 'i[,\lu~ that dctcnnincs "hcthcr 11 1s n.:ad:. to he uscJ or not. I he \late can he lully-. under- or m er defined. •

Sketch tools

roofs can he tn modi f) the sketch gcomctl) that has hccn crcah.:d. rillS of!cn 111\ oh c~ trrmm1ng ur C\tcndrng. t..'lllltlcs.

Extruding the sketch I \trudmg uses the 2[) sketch to create u 1D soltd feature.


rhc process in this le~snn inclut.ll''- -.!-..etching and C\ti'U>.IOilS. To hcgin '' ith. a ne\\ pan file 1s created.

Introducing : New Part

1 he New tool create>. a llC\\ ~nl1dWml-..s document from a selection nf

Where to Find lt

• •

part. assemb ly or dnl\\ rng templates. rhere arc ..,c, craltrammg tcmphlll's 111 addition to the default one~.

• 1

Menu Bar: New Menu File, New K~:) hoard 'ihortcut · Ctri+N

New part.

and cite" the Part _MM tcmplat~: from the Training Templates tah on the New SolidWorks Document dtalng hn'l.. and Cltck New

clic" OK.

. . _.. - - ·-·!ol •.J'Ir-""


• GJ G



lh~: p file:.. you \lwuld not update the reli:renccs In tlm ne'' fih: . 2

Menu Bar: Save loJ · Menu. File, Save Ke}hoard ~hortcut : Ctri+S

Filing a part. Click Save Id anti file the partlmtler the numc Plate. !"he c\ll'nstOn. · .sldprt, i-. added automatically. Click Save .



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SolldWorks 2013

lesson 2 Introduction to Sketching

What are We Going to Sketch?


Ihe first lea tun: or a pan W ill be crcutcu 111 thts ~cctillll. !"hat lllltWI feature 1::. just the first or man) tcature~ nccucu to complete the pan. ~~

the Line ' · Menu. Tools, Sketch Entities, Line

mhl1l 1ndicatc:-. that you arc caplllring a perpend1cuhtr relatwn. Note that the lm~.: cur~nr 1s nnt sho\\ n !'or clarity. 8


Perpendicular. ·\ nothcr p~.: r pcndlcular line 1" created lh11n the l;tst endpo1nt. \gain. a perrendieular relatHlll 1s autonwllcall} ~:aptun:d .


Lesson 2

SolidWo rks 201 3

lntrod ucUon to Sketching



Cn.:atc a horunntallinc lhun the i.


Solid. 1-.etch .,hape mu:-.l be.: allm,.:d 111 chang.: 111 thL''l' "a) s:


SolidWorks 201 3

Lesson 2 Introd uction to Sketchmg

What Controls Design Intent?

Dcs1gn lnll!lll in a sl-.ctch 1s captured and cunLnlllcd by a comhmat1on ol' t\\ o Lhmgs •

Sketch relations

Create gcnmctnc rclaunnsh1p.., such as parulld . col lmcar. perpendicular. or coincident het\\ ecn ... !..etch ckmcnls. •

Dimensions DimcnsiOih ns arc n:qu1rcu l hc rcqlllrcd dcs1gn mtent 1s listed heilm : llon;omal 11 one of the lines and C\ammc hm\ the} ullcd the design mtcnt of the skcH:h.

Automatic Sketch Relations

Automatic relations arl' added a:. gcomctl) I'> sketched. We""'' thi-. as \\C sketched the outline 111 the pre\ 1nus steps. ~ketch feedback tell-. you ''hen automatiC rclatllln-. arc hcmg created .

Added Sketch Relations


Introducing : Display Relations

Display Relations shm\s and optionally enables ~ou to remo'c geomctm: reht11onsh1ps hct\\een sketch elcmcnh.

Where to Find lt

• • •

I or those relations Lhill cannot he added autnmatlci.llly. toob C"\1\t to rdat1on-.. on selected gl' \llllCtl") .

( llll1111 Display/Delete Relations Menu: Tools, Relations , Display/Delete Properties Propcrt) ~l anager : Add Relations



-=----- - - - - -=---:::::=~-= 15 Display the relations associated with a line. C. ltck the uppcrnwst angled hnc .--• and thc PropcrtyManagcr open-.. Jl1e Existing Relations bo\ m • the Prnpo.:rt::-Manager .tlso l1:-.ts the gcometru.: relation-. that .m.: • a ... soclah.:d \\ llh the sl'k·ctcd Ime. •



~ .

lhc rdat10ns arc VIsible because View, Sketch Relations i!> turnl'd on. I rIll., turned oil doublc-clu.:kmg the georlll.:lr~ \\Ill shO\\ the relations and open the Pmpert}Mani.l).!er.

16 Remove the relation. RcmoH' the uppenno-.t relat1on h:r clicking the n.:l. 1s madc a\·all

• •

Add Relation .J. 1\ knw Tools, Re lations, Add Properties Prop~o:rtyl\lanagcr · Add Relation s

Selecting Multiple Objects


""'you learned in a prl.!\ toll., lc.,S\lll. }oll ..elect object~ " nh thl· ldi mou'>~o: hull1111. \\hat .tbout \\hl'll )llll nectl to select more than 1H1e nbJcct at a ltm~:· ' \Vhcn 'iclcctmg mulltplc ob.Jl'Ct..,. \olttl \\ork~ lollm" stand..trd Mtcrosoll \\ 111Utl\h con,cntlons: hold dm\11 the Ctrl ke~ \\ htlc scl~:ctm g the obJCCh


Lesson 2

SolidWorks 2013

Introduction to Sketching

18 Add a relation. llold dm'n Ctrl und click the t\\o lmc:-.. fhe ., -... Pmpcrt}Managcr :.h
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