Solid State Insurrection How The Science of Substance Made American Physics Matter

October 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Published by the University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pa., 15260

Copyht © 2018, Unvsty o Pttsbh Pss All hts svd Manactd n th Untd Stats o Amca Pntd on acd- pap 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Catalon-n-Pblcaton data s avalabl om th Lbay o Conss ISBN 13: 978-0-8229-4538-3 ISBN 10: 0-8229-4538-X Cov at: Dav Bald/Natonal MaLab Cov dsn: Jol Jo l W. W. Cons


Fo my moth, who taht m to thnk bo askn why



Acknowldmnts  ix   Lst o Abbvatons  xiii INTRODUCTION 

What Is Sold Stat Physcs and Why Dos It Matt?   1.  2.  3. 

Th P Scnc Idal and Its Malcontnts  How Physcs Bcam “What Physcsts Do”  Balkanzn Physcs  54  

4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 


18 32


Th Pblcaton B Sold Stat Physcs PhPoblm yscs at th Natonal Mant Laboatoy  Sold Stat and Matals Scnc  119 Rsponss to th Rdctonst Woldvw Woldvw  135 Bcomn Condnsd Matt Physcs  152 Moblzn aanst Mascnc  170


  Nots  213   Bbloaphy    Indx  267 






Th cozst o co shops and pbs somtms ddcat a w sqa t o wall to th books that patons hav pnnd at th tabls, and a wt mht qt wth a tp o th hat to a mütlch tat that hlpd ovcom paalyzn bots o wt’s block. I wsh I cold conz on clan, wll-lhtd plac, bt ths pojct ntsctd wth a ppattc phas o my l; t took shap n Mnnapols and Sant Pal, Mnnsota; Phladlpha, Pnnsylvana; Watvll, Man; East Lansn, Mchan; and Lds, Knlwoth, and Cambd, Enland—and whl I was to-n and o-n amon thm. Wth that n mnd, I thank nstad th (daly dpatd) Fdal Fdal Avaton Admnstaton ban onc, on ththat socd o lctonc tako, towad and landn. Mo than sptdvcs snt mydn mnd tax, mandn som o ths book’s cntal amnts, whch ond th alst om n antc scawl on a scknss bas. Thos momnts bo t only bcas I was tavln btwn nstttons poplatd wth th bst sot o popl. Th Poam o Hstoy o Scnc, Tchnoloy, and Mdcn at th Unvsty o Mnnsota mad vn concvn o ths pojct possbl. Mchl Janssn and Sally Goy Kohlstdt std t dtly om ts jjn bnnn to somthn appoachn matty, wth halthy asssts om Alan Lov, Bob Sdl, Kn Wats, and Bll Wmsatt. Th Physcs Intst Gop and th wokn paps smna o th Mnnsota Cnt o Phlosophy o Scnc pt sval o ths chapts thoh th pacs and I bntd om convsatons wth Wll Basman, Vcto Boantza, Nathan Cow, Los Los Hndckson, Ma Hos, Adan Fsh, Amy Fsh, Xan Gn, Camon Lazao-Pck, Babaa Los, Chals Mdwnt, Am Slaht, Jacob St-Wllams, and many oths. I hav spnt two nvalabl yas n sdnc at th Consotm o Hstoy o Scnc, Tchnoloy, and Mdcn (onc whn t was stll th Phladlpha Aa Cnt o Hstoy o Scnc). I commnd t to vyon I mt. Babak Asha s a scholaly oc mltpl; on top o bn on o th clast-thnkn ctcs I hav ncontd, h has blt a commnty dal




o nchn pojcts lk ths on. My llow Phlly llows Saah Basham, Rosanna Dnt, Lawnc Kssl, Kt MacMllan, Alca Plons, and Mchll Smly consstntly challnd m to thnk n nw ways, and ths book s th btt o t. Whl n Phladlpha, I had th pvl to hant th halls o th Chmcal Hta Fondaton (CHF), hom to som o th shapst ads n th East. I am atl o nvalabl dback om th CHF wtn op, wh Can Bkowtz, Bn Goss, Ro Eadly-Po, Eadly-Po,  Jams Volkl, Volkl, and nmos oth patcpants pomptd m to hon vaos chapts. My collas at a t Colby Coll—Jm Flmn, Pal Josphson, and Lnny Rch—and Mchan Stat Unvsty—Rch Bllon, Jams Bman, Masa Bandt, Man Halpn, Rbcca Kaplan, Dan Mnchk, Rchad Paks, Isaac Rcod, and Cathn Wstall—povdd m wth ston, sppotv commnts as ths book was takn shap. Cathn n patcla has bn my champon snc th vy aly stas o ths pojct. Sh showd m how th hstoy o sold stat physcs cold nd an adnc. Most cntly, th Dpatmnt o Hstoy andnvonmnt Phlosophy onScnc thths Unvsty Cambd has od an dal whch toats pojct o thoh ts nal stas. I hav also bn th bncay o tl commnts om and convsatons wth Joan Bomb, Bob Cas, Clayton Clayton Gahat, G Good, Lllan Hoddson, Cathn Jackson, Jmah Jams, Chstan Joas, Lo Kadano, Bll Lsl, Kathy Olsko, Pt Psc, G Radck, Mchal Rodan, Ann Robnson, Rchad Staly, Jams Smn, Andy Wawck, Bn Wlson, and Andy Zanwll. My os a n spt o thm. Rsach o ths book was mad possbl p ossbl by th nosty o th Unvsty o Mnnsota Gadat School; th Fnds o th Cnt o Hstoy o Physcs, Amcan Insttt o Physcs; th Amcan Phlosophcal Socty; th Chmcal Hta Fondaton; th Consotm o Hstoy o Scnc, Tchnoloy chnoloy,, and Mdcn; th Mnnsota Cnt o  o th Phlosophy o Scnc; and th Unvsty o Chcao Spcal Collctons Rsach Cnt. Ths oanzatons ndd th sach that pmttd m to contbt th to th town dbt th hstocal posson ows to th ablos achvsts and lbaans who hav assmd th nnvabl task o bnn th montans o pap th Cold Wa natd to hl. Abby Coll and th Unvsty o Pttsbh Pss hav bn a dlht to wok wth thohot. I am soly n hock to Abby o h patnc, pcptvnss, and nalnly ood advc, and to th pss’s vws and




copydto o th cal adn o th manscpt and thohtl ctcsms that mch potd th nal vson. Fnally, my dpst thanks to Maat Chaloy, who maks t all wothwhl. Thos hts that had m scbbln antcally onto a scknss bas, o n th vanshn mans o n-ht maazn ads o “Amca’s Bst Doctos,” w mostly bcas th aly phass o o cas kpt s spaatd by many mls, and, at tms, contnnts. Wth patnc and a nd acty, acty, sh ad la potons o th wtn that sltd. Ths book s h alt.








Amcan Chmcal Socty Atomc Eny Commsson Amcan Insttt o Mchancal Enns Amcan Insttt o Physcs Amcan Insttt o Physcs. Oc o th Dcto Dcto,, Rcods o Elm Htchsson, 1948–1966. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Amcan Insttt o Physcs. Oc o th Dcto Dcto,, Rcods o H. Wllam Koch, 1932–1988. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Amcan Insttt o Physcs. Govnn Boad Mtn Mnts, 1931–1990. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Amcan Insttt o Physcs. Oc o th Sctay Rcods, 1931–2000. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Amcan Physcal Socty Amcan Physcal Nls Socty Mtn Mnts and Mmbshp Lsts, 1902–2003. Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Amcan Physcal Socty Socty.. Rcods. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy Amcan Socty o Mtals Ath von Hppl Paps. MIT Achvs and Spcal Collctons, Cambd, MA






Unvsty o Chcao, Oc o th Psdnt, Badl Admnstaton Rcods. Unvsty o Chcao Spcal Collctons Rsach Cnt, Chcao Basc Eny Scncs (Untd Stats Dpatmnt o Eny) Boh-Kams-Slat thoy

COSMAT Commtt on th Svy o Matals Scnc and Ennn CRS Amcan Physcal Socty Socty,, Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs. Cospondnc o Roman Smolchowsk, 1943–1947. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD CSSP Cyl Stanly Smth Paps. MIT Achvs and Spcal Collctons, Cambd, MA DFD Dvson o Fld Dynamcs (Amcan Physcal Socty) DFT Dnsty nctonal thoy DOD Dpatmnt o Dns DOE DSSP EPWP


Dpatmnt o Eny Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs (Amcan Physcal Socty) En P. Wn Pap Paps. s. Pnc Pncton ton Unvs Unvsty ty Achvs, Pncton, NJ Fancs Btt Paps, 1925–1967. MIT Achvs and Spcal Collctons, Cambd, MA Flx Bloch Paps. Stano Stanodd Unvsty Achvs, Stanod Stanod,, CA Fdck Stz Paps. Unvsty o Illnos Achvs, Ubana Gaylod P. Hanwll Pap Paps. s. Unvs Unvsty ty o Pnnsylvana Achvs, Phladlpha Unvsty o Chcao, Oc o th Psdnt, Htchns Admnstaton Rcods. Unvsty o Chcao Spcal Collctons Rsach Rsa ch Cnt, Chcao Havy Books Paps. Havad Unvsty Achvs, Cambd, MA Intdscplnay laboatoy (Advancd Rsach Pojct Ancy) Insttt o Rado Enns


Insttt o th Stdy o Mtals (Unvsty o Chcao)







Journal o Chemical Physics


John C. Slat Paps. Amcan Phlosophcal Socty, Socty, Phladlpha Jams Fanck Insttt (Unvsty o Chcao) John H. Van Van Vlck Paps. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs,




Coll Pak, MD Knnth Banbd Paps. Havad Unvsty Achvs, Cambd, MA Kal K. Daow Paps. Nls Boh Lbay and Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Unvsty o Chcao, Oc o th Psdnt, Lv Admnstaton Rcods. Unvsty o Chcao Spcal Collctons Rsach Cnt, Chcao Laboatoy o Inslaton Rsach (Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy) Lo Kadano Paps. Unvsty o Chcao Spcal Collctons Rsach Rsa ch Cnt, Chcao Matals Advsoy Boad (Natonal Rsach Concl) Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy Natonal Acclato Laboatoy Natonal Acadmy o Scncs Natonal Mant Laboatoy Fancs Btt Natonal Mant Laboatoy Laboatoy.. Rcods. MIT Achvs and Spcal Collctons, Cambd, MA MA Natonal Rsach Concl Natonal Scnc Fondaton Amcan Insttt o Physcs, Physcs Today Dvson Rcods, 1948–1971. Nls Boh Lbay and an d Achvs, Coll Pak, MD Robt G. Pa Paps. Chmcal Hta Fondaton, Phladlpha Rsach Laboatoy o Elctoncs (Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy)





Rado Rsach Laboatoy (Havad Unvsty) Rado Rsach Laboatoy Laboatoy.. Rcods. Havad Unvsty Achvs, Cambd, MA Statc Dns Intatv Stanod Lna Acclato Spcondctn Sp Colld Wllam Shockly Paps. Stanod Unvsty Achvs, Stanod, CA






Sold stat physcs sonds knd o nny.  


Th Spcondctn Sp Colld (SSC), th last scntc nstmnt v poposd, was also on o th most contovsal. Th nomos patcl acclato’s bam pp wold hav nccld hndds o sqa mls o Ells Conty, Txas. It was dsnd to podc vdnc o th last w lmnts o th standad modl o patcl physcs, and many hopd t mht nat nxpctd dscovs that wold lad byond. Advocats blld th SSC as th local apothoss o physcal sach. Opponnts asd th ybows at th aclty’s astonomcal pc ta, whch stood at $11.8 bllon by th tm Conss yankd ts ndn n 1993. Skptcs also objctd to th dctonst htoc sd to jsty th pojct—whch sstd that knowld o th vy small was th only knowld that cold b tly ndamntal—and w xaspatd whn SSC boosts ascbd tchnolocal dvlopmnts and mdcal advancs to hh ny physcs that thy thoht t hoht mo jstly cdtd to oth aas o scnc. To th chan o th SSC’s sppots, many sch skptcs w llow physcsts. Th most pomnnt amon thm was Phlp W. Andson, a Nobl Pz–wnnn thost. Andson had sn to pomnnc n th nw ld known as sold stat physcs at h jond th Bll Tlphon Laboatos n 1949, th nk on hs Havad Unvsty PhD stll damp. In a Hos o Rpsntatvs commtt han n Jly 1991, Andson, by thn at




Pncton Unvsty, tstd: “Patcl physcs s a naow, nbd ld, and t s asy o th patcl physcsts to cat an xtnal appaanc o nanmty o oals.”1 Ths was not a sma aanst th ntllctal vablty o th SSC—Andson concdd that th scnc t wold nabl wold b nmpachably sond. Rath, t was a acton aanst th tndncy o som patcl physcsts to qat th sbdscplnay pots wth thos o physcs wt la. It was a challn to th poston hh ny physcs had njoyd as th most pstos banch o Amcan scnc o mch o th Cold Wa Wa.. Th opposton Andson and hs lk-mndd collas montd aanst th SSC thohot th lat 1980s and aly 1990s, whch playd ot n conssonal commtts, scntc pblcatons, and popla mda, lad ba dp dvsons that had mand laly l aly hddn to nonphyscsts p to that pont. Physcsts smply dd not opnly oppos ndn o a pojct champond by collas n a nhbon spcalty, spcally an ndtakn so hh pol as th Sp Colld. That alty had psvd th llson that physcsts w nanmos n th oals o dcads. Andson and hs alls, a lls, xposn ts wthn th and physcs commnty , shattd that llson. Thybyntodcd polcymaks th commnty, Amcan pblc to sold stat and condnsd matt physcs.2 Ths lds, althoh thy had psntd a halthy plalty o physcsts snc at last th aly 1960s, had nvthlss mand compaatvly obsc. So, tho, had th ntsts. Incasd vsblty o sold stat and condnsd condn sd matt physcs n polcy ccls hhtnd awanss o th dstnct pspctv on th dntty and ppos o physcs, whch dd sbstantally om th on poltcally savvy ncla and hh ny physcsts had bn slln sl ln n th halls o pow, pow, wth consdabl sccss, snc th nd o th Scond Wold Wa. Th stando btwn th SSC’s advocats a dvocats and ts ctcs was jst th most cnt and most pblc ncont n a lon, ntcat, and otn tobld latonshp btwn thos physcsts who nvstatd complx physcal systms and thos who pobd th mntst consttnts o matt and ny. Andson’s tstmony ct to th hat o th contovsy bhnd th SSC: th hh ny n y physcs commnty, commnty, whch wldd ts ntllctal pst to sway patons and polcymaks alk, was wont to assm that ts paochal ntsts psntd th common msson o all o physcs. Bt physcs n th scond hal o th twntth cnty was a om monolthc, and, om Andson’s pspctv, cold not b adqatly svd wth monolthc laboatos. Ths book tlls th stoy o how sold stat physcsts, by dvlopn an




dntty and a st o ntllctal pots that std th possonal oals, dnd th bondas and msson o Amcan physcs dn th Cold Wa a.. Th sach poam to whch th SSC SS C blond was ootd n a p scnc dal datn to th lat 1800s, whch had motvatd th ondn o th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) n 1899. Bt, almost om ts ncpton, th APS was bst by dmands that t do mo to psnt thos physcsts who pld th tad n ndsty. Sold stat physcs w om a tnson at th hat o Amcan physcs btwn th p scnc dal and th nds o ndstal and appld physcsts who constttd an ncasn popoton o ts mmbshp as th twntth cnty wo on. Onc stablshd wthn th APS n th lat 1940s, sold stat w apdly nto th last sbld o Amcan physcs, dvlopn a st o ntsts, otlooks, and oals that at tms alnd wth and at oth tms clashd wth th dals domnant n oth aas o physcs. Thos ntsts, otlooks, and oals hlpd dn th scop o Amcan physcs and shap th dntty o Amcan physcsts thoh th Cold Wa. WHAT IS SOLID STATE PHYSICS?

Ths dcptvly smpl qston has som dcptvly d cptvly smpl answs: sold stat physcs s th stdy o th physcal popts o sold matt; t s a sbld o physcs, th most poplos n th Untd Stats o mch o th lat twntth cnty; t s th banch o condnsd matt physcs that stds solds wth la cystal lattc stcts. Thos answs a t wthn th spctv domans, bt thy loss ov a bvy o bdvld dtals. Rsach nto th popts o solds has a lon hstoy, bt t was not ntl th md-twntth cnty that physcal sach on solds bcam th ocs o a nw dscpln. Ys, Ys, th physcsts who ondd on dd sold stat physcs and blt t nto th last smnt o th Amcan physcs p hyscs commnty w pmaly concnd wth ndstandn th bhavo o la solds, bt that casts only th palst llmnaton on thos actos that mak th ld wothy o hstocal attnton. Sold stat physcs s notabl o what t s not as mch as o what t s. Whn t omd n th 1940s, sold stat physcs dd dply ootd dolocal psmptons—most cntally th p scnc dal—that th Amcan physcs commnty hld da. As a slt, t hlpd dn th scop o physcs tsl n a way that wold shap ts ol n Cold Wa Wa Amca. Sold matt—d thoh t s—was ll-adaptd o bldn th bondas o a dscpln whn sold stat physcs md.3 Th physcal concpts, thotcal mthods, and xpmntal tchnqs sd to nvstat




sold matt w otn jst as adly tnd to not-so-sold matt—spcondctvty, obsvd n som solds at low tmpats, s closly latd to spdty, spdty, anoth low-tmpat phnomnon. phnomn on. A smantcally stct dnton o sold stat physcs wold ncld th om, bt not th latt (a nttlsom nconsstncy that wold contbt to th s o “condnsd matt physcs” as a pd tm t m n th 1970s and 1980s). FthFthmo, th vast xpans o qstons physcsts cold ask abot solds, and th qally dvs an o tchnqs thy cold s to nvstat thos qstons, mad o a ds ld that lackd a st o cntal motvatn qstons o tchnqs to povd concptal cohson. As th dtos o Out o the Crystal Maze: Chapters rom the History o Solid-State Physics notd n 1992: “Th ld s h and vad and lacks th nyn ats blovd o hstoans—nth a snl hypothss o st o basc qatons, sch as qantm mchancs and latvty thoy stablshd o th lds, no a snl spctacla and ndamntal dscovy, as anm sson dd o ncla tchnoloy o th stct o DNA o molcla boloy boloy..”4 Th amnt that th pma sold stat o matt s bt tslt dd a dsct physcal phnomnon cas som ac plasblty, not appa that way om th standpont o physcal thoy n th 1940s. Althoh soldty was an asly dntabl tat o som matal aats, th popts o solds cold not b lably chaactzd by a consstnt thotcal appoach. Whas Maxwllan lctodynamcs svd as a snl amwok wth whch lctomantc phnomna cold b addssd, and physcsts cold ach o th laws o thmodynamcs anytm thy wantd to dscss hat, solds w a mdm n whch lctomantsm, hat, and most oth physcal phnomna mht psst. It wold b plasbl to sst that qantm mchancs povds a bass om whch t s possbl to ndstand, ndstan d, o vn dv, most  not all th popts o solds. Howv Howv,, sch an ntps was nasbl n th md-1940s. Invstatn solds nstad qd mployn a nmb o thotcal appoachs, both qantm and classcal. Solds nvtd a smlaly colol aay a ay o xpmntal tchnqs. tc hnqs. Physcsts xplod th popts at th xtms o low tmpat and hh pss. Thy zappd thm wth ntons, lctons, and vaos qncs o lctomantc adaton. Thy chmcally dopd thm and blastd thm wth ltasonc wavs. Thy pokd and poddd thm wth oth solds. Sold stat physcs was a b tnt, both thotcally and xpmntally, and so th mpts o ts omaton cannot ca nnot b ond by sachn o a consstnt consstn t st o tchnqs o pactcs.




Bcas t cold not clam an on n any on sach tadton o m o pactc, sold stat was, by th tadtonal standads o dscpln omaton, an nsal catoy. Bo th Scond Wold Wa, physcs was ndstood to b dvdd nto phnomnolocal catos lk thmodynamcs, acostcs, optcs, mchancs, lctomantsm, and qantm mchancs.5  At th Scond Wold Wa, a ld appad that clamd as ts doman thmodynamcs, acostcs, optcs, mchancs, lctomantsm, and qantm mchancs in solids (and somtms n oth phass o matt too). Isdo Isaac Rab’s xclamaton pon lann o th dscovy o th mon—“Who odd that ?”—s ?”—s phaps a mo tl statn pont o ann pchas on th slppy hstoy o sold stat physcs. 6 Whos ntsts dd a ld wth sch an nothodox consttton sv? What chans n th physcs commnty allowd t to om? How dd that omaton com abot? Gvn th ld’s apd owth nto th most poplos smnt o post–Scond Wold Wa Amcan physcs, what consqncs popaatd as a slt o ts htodoxy and th chans that pmttd t? In shot, why dd th ld thos com qstons to xst at vals all and how nnc physcs a whol? Addssn that dd soldt stat physcs was as mch mo than a povncal sbld, sbsday to th pmay naatvs o Amcan physcs. It was ntal to notatn th dntty o physcs and ssntal o mantann ts pst n Cold Wa Wa Amca. Tlln ths stoy qs tadn n som wll-won catos, o whch hstoans tnd to b htlly ht lly sspcos. Catos lk lk p scnc, o basc and appld sach, a poblmatc. A at dal o wok has shown that so-calld p scnc was adltatd wth woldly ntsts, and that th atcal and not altoth cohnt dstncton btwn basc and appld sach als to hold n pactc. Bt hstoans also conz th pow ths catos possssd as latv dals that dd th way scntsts oanzd th possonal possona l lvs. Mao Mao Danls and John K hav shown how “basc” and “appld” sach nctond as poltcal tools o Cold Wa scntsts, pmttn thm som contol ov th cclaton o knowld n a contxt ovnd by mltay sccy ms.7  I appoach ths catos om a smla pspctv and show how p scnc, basc and appld sach, ndamntal sach, and oth val-ladn dsnatons w tools o dscplnay as wll as natonal poltcs, and tho val th dals and convctons that av mann to physcsts’ actv ots to systmatz th possonal lvs.





Takn sold stat and condnsd matt physcs as a cntal objct o hstocal nqy qs appoachn old qstons om a nw pspctv. 8  A at dal o hstocal wok addsss th qston o why th Spcondctn Sp Colld ald, o xampl, bt t mht b mo appopat to ask why t v had a chanc to sccd n th st plac.9 Th US ovnmnt had spnt ov a bllon dollas on a scntc pojct bo, bt th Manhattan Pojct was pncpally an nnn ndavo, snlmnddly ocsd on a mltay objctv dn a tm o wa. 10 How dd t vn bcom concvabl that a snl aclty ddcatd to ncovn abstact knowld mht consm smla socs n pactm? It wold b tmptn to answ ths qston by pontn to th consdabl pst and nnc physcs and om  om th Manhattan Pojct. Hh ny physcs, p hyscs, whch md om ncla physcs, had and th lattd to ps abstact sach. Ncla physcs, at all, was xcdnly abstact, vn nto th t had 11 sltd n th most asom wapon th wold had v1930s, sn byand 1945. Ths amla stoy cts aspcts o th xaltd hhts physcs attand n Cold Wa Amcan socty, bt t nlcts what most physcsts w actally don. Fo all ts vsblty, hh ny physcs, whch cast tsl as th ntllctal h to ncla physcs, constttd only aond 10 pcnt o th Amcan physcs commnty at th tm o th SSC’s cancllaton. Most physcsts w not pobn atomc vsca at cathdalsq acclato aclts; thy w nvstatn th popts o th typ o matt that sonds s and ndn nw thns to do wth t. Hstoans q a ll accontn o thos actvts bo clamn a pspctv capabl o xplann th plac p lac o physcs n Cold Wa Wa Amcan socty soc ty.. It s asy to s s  how th hstocal tajctoy o lds lk sold stat physcs dpndd on ts latonshp wth ncla and hh ny physcs. Lss obvos s th act that ths dpndnc was cpocal, and that sold stat—a dvs, mssy ld wth a complcatd and shtn st o concptal dpndncs—n som spcts btt psnts physcs as a whol than do ts mo vd sblns. At th Scond Wold Wa, sold stat physcs, plasma physcs, polym physcs, and oth spcalts dvotd to complx matt w apdly. Physcsts wokn n ths lds qckly cam to domnat th Amcan physcs commnty, at last nmcally. Nvthlss, th small popoton




o physcsts who stdd th lmntay componnts o matt and th most dstant clstal objcts captalzd most lly on th postwa pomnnc o physcs. Thy w th most conzabl to th pblc, wldd th atst nnc n ovnmnt, commandd th blk o th consdabl ntllctal pst physcs njoyd n th postwa a, and ntd ntllctal dals that nocd thos advantas. Th contaan spt appant n Andson’s tstmony aanst th SSC md ov dcads as a spons to ths atttd, bcomn cntal to th dntty o Amcan sold stat physcs. p hyscs. In addton to xposn lon-standn dsamnts abot th msson and ppos o physcs, th dms o th SSC symbolzd th nd o th a n whch physcs nd as th ndsptd sovn o Amcan scnc. As th SSC altd, th Hman Gnom Pojct athd momntm on pomss that t wold voltonz boloy and mdcn, and spassd physcs n both pblc appobaton and polcy nnc. 12 Th xaltd poston physcs had hld dn th Cold Wa s nonthlss a makabl hstocal phnomnon. Evn towad th nd o th Scond Wold Wa, Amcan physcsts wod that th ld wasl lttlw known byond a small op o possonals. Th xcptons to ths conc s lk Albt Enstn, whos am was bond p n th lnday nathomablty o hs thos.13 At th wa, lads n th physcs commnty and natonal clbty and bcam amla acs n Washnton, DC, as thy assmd powl advsoy ols, shapd natonal polcy, and shphdd n an a o nos ovnmnt ndn o scnc.14 Th qston o how physcsts st attand ths poston s somwhat dnt om th th qston o how thy thn mantand t o hal a cnty. An appal to th Manhattan Pojct, and oth watm contbtons, dos povd a powl answ to th st o ths qstons. Th $2 bllon th Untd Stats ovnmnt nvstd n th Manhattan Pojct wnt n pat towad dvlopn a physcal nastct that povdd th tmplat o th natonal laboatoy systm.15 Th psycholocal mmdacy o ncla wapons hlpd s sch as J. Robt Oppnhm and Fman Dyson poston thmslvs as pblc ntllctals.16 Th ncy o th ncla ams ac catd oppotnts o physcsts to bcom dply nad wth wapons polcy, polcy, whch n tn av thm clot on a wd aay o pblc polp olcy sss.17 Th sccss o watm ncla sach, whch qckly tnd absts knowld abot th sbmcoscopc wold nto a wapon that vocably cond opoltcs, os a lon way towad xplann th xaltd poston o physcs n aly Cold Wa Wa Amcan poltcs and socty socty..




Ths xplanaton s lss than scnt, howv, to accont o th contnd pomnnc o physcs thoh th aly 1990s, whch ncldd th owth o hh ny physcs, a ld that clamd lttl conomc, tchnolocal, o mltay lvanc bt nonthlss commandd bllons o taxpay dollas to bld and opat sach aclts o npcdntd scal. “Mascnc,”” as Lllan Hoddson, Cathn Wstall, “Mascnc, Wstall, and Adnn Ad nn Kolb hav chstnd t, bcam th standad mod o sach o th most vs18 bl physcs sach at th Scond Wold Wa.  Fom th vanta pont od by a qat cnty’s dstanc om th SSC’s dms, howv, mascnc sms s ms lk a Cold Wa Wa v dam. Fo Fo how lon s t asonabl a sonabl to assm that th mmoy o th Manhattan Pojct scd to convnc polcymaks that hh ny physcsts shold contn to njoy a blank chck om th Atomc Eny Commsson (AEC), and lat, th Dpatmnt o Eny, spcally whn thy otnly dnd that th wok cam wth pactcal oshoots? Th makabl hstoy o ncla physcs n th 1930s and 1940s no dobt thAda apdWol owthxplans o hhnny physcs soon Wa at scth Scondcontbtd Wold Wa.toAs h hstoy o Cold nc and tchnoloy: “Hh-ny physcs thvd wthn th nstttonal clt o th Cold Wa bcas th AEC—th ancy that bankolld t— blvd n th nhnt lvanc o ncla scnc to th natonal ntst. What ncla physcs wantd, ncla physcsts ot.”19  Ths xplanaton capts th psycholoy o th 1950s and aly 1960s, bt t bcoms lss adqat lat n th Cold Wa. Althoh thy clamd th sam ancsty, ncla physcsts and hh ny physcsts had omd dstnct commnts by th lat 1960s. Th om was dply nttwnd wth th ntsts o th natonal scty stat, whas th latt was ncompomsn n ts commtmnt to psn knowld wth no vdnt applcatons. 20 Th mo hh ny physcs stablshd ts bona ds as a ld nslld by pactcal concns th lss t shold hav bn abl to tad on th poms o lvanc to natonal dns, vn thoh t psntd an nvstmnt n natonal pst. What xplans th contnd—and ndd ostntatos— sccss hh ny physcs njoyd wth dal patons that ndd only wth th SSC’s dms n 1993? Mssn om pvos acconts s th contbton o sold stat and latd sach to th ma and dntty o physcs. As Andson obsvd whn h lamntd th nanmos ont hh ny physcsts psntd, thos vwn physcs om th otsd w otn not qppd to dstn-




sh btwn th vaos sblds and sach commnts o whch t was composd. To many polcymaks, physcs was physcs. It natd acan knowld abot th natal wold and  t  t podcd antastc adts. Thos two nctons w connctd n som way; tho, th ld was dsvn o sppot. Polcymaks Polcymaks nally accptd th jdmnt o th most stmd psntatvs o th ld as to how that sppot s ppot shold b allocatd. Saah Bd’s Scientists at War  conts   conts th collctons o Nw Mxco snato Clnton Andson, who admttd whn scntc vdnc basd on hs nstnctal tst o th ndvdal xpt dlvn t, ath than on an attmpt to ndstand th scntc contnt o th vdnc. 21 Habts sch as ths nsd that th poltcally bst-placd physcsts p hyscsts njoyd consdabl sway ov th ma o th ld, whch shapd dal ndn pots. Hh ny physcsts’ sccss mantann hh lvls o dal sppot, howv howv,, dpndd on povncs o physcs wth lss poltcal p oltcal clot contnn to chn ot sach wth na-tm tchnolocal and conomc lvanc. Th mltay mad apd and xpdnt s o smcondcto-basd lctonc andmbacd mpovdth matals. Th bonn consm componnts clt aly tchnolocal podcts oAmcan physcal sach sch as tansstos, ntatd ccts, and mpovd bakwa and sto qpmnt. Amcan ndsty ond ss o lass, spcondctn mants, ncla mantc sonanc tchnqs, and bspok alloys. Ths onatd n sold stat physcs and alld lds, bt as lon as hh ny physcsts sccdd n psntn th wok as achtypcal and polcymaks mand ncos abot th ld’s  ld’s ntnal dvsty dvsty,, th bnts o sch advancs accd to ts mo pstos banch. Hh ny physcs, n shot, mantand ts sccss n pat bcas th accomplshmnts o sold stat physcs contnally nwd n th mnds o dal patons th assocaton btwn  physcs as a whol and th tchncal, conomc, and mltay bnts o a w o ts ndavos. A thooh appcaton o th owth o sold stat physcs thoh th Cold Wa Wa s tho a pqst o ndstandn physcs as a whol n on o th most aspcos as n ts hstoy. THE SCOPE OF THE BOOK

In 1899, th ya th Amcan Physcal Socty was stablshd, ts ondn psdnt Hny Rowland wot: “Wh, thn, s that pson who noantly sns at th stdy o matt as a matal and oss stdy? Wh, aan, s that man wth ts so God-lk and mnd so lvatd that h can attack and solv ts poblm?”22 H d to lat nntnth-cnty st-




ls to ndstand th stct and bhavo o atoms and molcls. Th sntmnts h dscbd nonthlss nonth lss colod physcal nvstatons o solds and oth complx matt matt  thohot th twntth cnty. cnty. Sold stat physcs otn dw sns om thos who ancd that th own stds attand a at d o lanc and lookd down th noss at “Schmtzphysk,” “Schmtzphysk,” o “sqald stat physcs.” Ths pjoatvs, th st o wat-cool bant ath than pblshd nvctv, a attbtd to May Gll-Mann and Wolan Pal, spctvly. spctvly. In addton to svn patcl physcsts n th ots to xalt th own stds, thy povdd a allyn pont o sold stat physcsts, who ond motvaton n opposn sch condscnson.23  Fa om bn th my and nlant ntps hh ny physcsts ddd, thy nsstd, sold stat physcs posd naly concptal and pactcal poblms that nspd notwothy laps o thotcal manaton and xpmntal vtosty vtosty.. Th at ony o th dson dctd at sold stat physcs s that th thns that ondd oth physcsts’ snsblts—ts ocs on complx, al-wold connctons to ndsty—w vybysam that hlpdsystms, nw thtswaant o bl-sks sach so th vald thosthns hln th nslts. Ths book os a hstoy o th Amcan sold stat physcs commnty wth th oal o llmnatn how attnton to t and smla lds can val dpndncs o ths typ and thby nch, and phaps vn om, o ndstandn o twntth-cnty physcs. It psnts a stoy abot th oanzatonal stcts o Amcan physcs and th das that shapd t, ollown th possonal possona l socts, jonals, laboatos, and poltcal ntvntons, as wll as th dscoss and dsamnts that nncd what oms thy took. Ths stcts both ctd and nocd what t mant to b a physcst n th as n whch thy w blt, and thy chand n spons to shtn das o possonal dntty and dscplnay ppos. Chann thm was otn a way to nact a vson o th ld, o wh t shold o, what t shold b, and whom t shold sv. Thoh ach o th chans tacd h, sold stat took anoth stp towad shapn Amcan physcs n ts own ma.24 Appcatn how sold stat physcs chand th collctv dntty o Amcan physcs qs ndstandn what cam bo. That s th oal o th st two chapts, whch dscb th domnant dals o Amcan physcs that w stablshd n th st  st hal o th twntth cnty. cnty. Chapt 1 chats th s o th “p scnc” dal, whch Hny Rowland mxd nto th mota o th Amcan Physcal Socty. Rowland saw th socty




as a  o nttd, costy-dvn scntc nqy that wold nslat physcsts om qstons o tchnolocal applcablty o conomc lvanc. Th cntalty o ths dal o th pow boks o th Amcan physcs commnty nsd that ndstal physcs, as t w thohot th 1920s and 1930s, was latd to th pphy. Th ncasn lvanc o ndsty to th physcs commnty, commnty, howv howv,, ld ndstal physcs to sk s k possonal satsacton. A slw o nw socts and pblcaton otlts lld nds that th APS and th  Physical Review Revie w, ts ashp jonal, dnd to addss. Indstal physcsts w not contnt to s th na xclson om th ky nstttons o Amcan physcs n slnc, howv. Chapt 2 ollows th machnatons thy ndtook as a s md-cnty appoachd, whl th physcs commnty at la st abot consoldatn th socs and nnc t had won wth ts watm labos. Impovn th poston o ndstal physcsts qd catn a nw ndstandn o what physcs was and how t shold b oanzd. Whas tadtonalsts vwd physcs, and ts bondas sbdvsons, as ondd n thvwd stct o th natal wold, advocats oand ndstal psntaton nstad dscplnay bondas as aas o convnton that cold b stctd at wll to mt contmpoay nds. Th s o ths latt atttd pavd th way o th mnc o sold stat physcs, a catoy that mad lttl sns accodn to th tadtonal way o lookn at physcs n tms o dsct classs o phnomna p hnomna and th pactcs sd to nvstat and xplan thm. Th p scnc dal mand a potnt oc n Amcan physcs thoh th mand o th twntth cnty, and sold stat physcs md om th ndstal nscton aanst t. Chapts 3 and 4 chat th dscpln as t stablshd ts st nstttons and w nto th last consttncy o Amcan physcs. In chapt 3, I ntodc th “op o sx,” an allanc o physcsts dtmnd to cat nstttonal spac o ndstal and appld sachs wthn th APS. Ld by Gnal Elctc’s Roman Smolchowsk, th op o sx oanzd to om what wold vntally bcom th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs (DSSP), th st nstttonal xpsson o th ld. Thy wold not sccd wthot stn p consdabl contovsy, howv. Th psh to ond a nw APS dvson that wold b ndl to ndstal sachs ld som to woy that sch ots wold compoms th socty’s ppos, and tho th nty o Amcan physcs. Thos tnsons psstd n spt o attmpts to solv thm wthn th DSSP, DSSP, and th psh and pll btwn a ds o nty and a




nd o mo spcalzd possonal psntaton wold dn th ld’s aly yas. Th physcs dscpln’s apd owth thoh th 1950s psntd pssn challns, and ths a th sbjct o chapt 4. Sold stat physcs otstppd vn th apd naton o th anks o all physcsts. Th la pool o appld and ndstal physcsts who w ndsvd by th APS ockd to th nw sold stat dvson and hlpd stablsh th ld’s ltmacy. Th jonal nastct, whch stld to accommodat xpanson acoss physcs as a whol, lt th atst pss om sold stat’s apd owth. Dscssn th pblcaton poblm od a mans to notat lnn dsqt abot th dntty o sold stat physcs. Som avod stablshn nw pblcatons and bldn ston allancs wth chmsty and nnn, whas oths oht had to kp th ld nsconcd n physcs. Th latt vw wold wn ot and sold stat’s commtmnt to scn ts plac wthn Amcan physcs nsd that th dscpln as a whol wold com to mbac consttncs that challnd th ston p scnc thatand dnd ts aly dcads mltay,doloy conomc, ndstal nds o th and Coldna Wa. mo lly wth th Th solton o ths ss and th bnnns o a stabl possonal dntty o sold stat physcs cam jst n tm o condtons that wold tst t. Chapts 5 and 6 both xplo th nnc on sold stat physcs o th md-1960s ndn cnch. Th US ovnmnt, spcally th mltay, had ndd all mann o scntc sach n th mmdat post–Scond Wold Wa yas wth a nosty that bodd on th haphazad. In th md-1960s, ndn o scnc ban to thtn. Condtons that had avod  avod ndscmnat owth av way to an a o d-n-tooth-and-claw comptton that sowd bttnss btwn dscplns comptn o th sam dwndln nds. Th tnsons btwn thos who soht to xplo sold stat’s tchncal potntal and thos who wantd to poston t as a soc o ndamntal physcal knowld had not solvd, vn as th ld’s  ld’s nstttonal staton had stablzd. Ths two chapts consd how ths tnson ld dnt sach ops to nd dnt nchs n th shtn ndn coloy. Chapt 5 xamns th possblty psntd by ollown th lad o hh ny physcs and psn p sn la aclts o basc sach, sch as th Natonal Mant Laboatoy at th Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy. A somwhat dnt oppotnty, dscssd n chapt 6, cam n th om o matals scnc, whch mand a nos ont o dal ndn and povdd an otlt o sold stat’s appld ambtons.




Chapt 7 ntodcs a shap acton aanst th tchnolocal lacy o sold stat physcs: th phlosophcal dns o mnc dvlopd by Phlp W. Andson. Andson, spondn to th sbodnat possonal poston sold stat physcsts occpd n th physcs commnty, pnnd “Mo Is Dnt,” a 1972 Science atcl challnn th dctonst pct o th physcal wold that had bcom ospl wthn patcl physcs. Th dctonst poston mantand that th most ndamntal knowld, and tho th most mpotant, was to b ond amon th smallst consttnts o matt and ny. ny. Andson’s amnt that ndamntal  ndamntal knowld cold b had at all lvls o physcal complxty bcam a allyn cy o th sold stat commnty. Th battl o ntllctal conton wold lad som to dstanc thmslvs om sold stat’s ndstal oots, hhtnn ntnal tnson btwn th qmnts o ndn sold stat sach and a qst o ntllctal stm. Acknowldn th ntllctal val o th concpts that w ncssay to appcat th bhavo o complx matt,, sold stat physcsts ad, wold ncsstat wadn th t th  ld wth both at stm and nancal sppot that was not lnkd to tchnolocal dlvabls. Ths staty ld som to abandon th nam sold stat physcs n avo o a nw dsnaton, condnsd matt physcs. Qantm mchancal tatmnts o complx matt had dvlopd consdably by th 1970s. Thy cold by thn b mo sccsslly appld to ds—sch as lqd lq d hlm— amophos solds, and oth systms that dd not sbmt to smplcaton so adly as la solds than thy cold n th 1950s, whn sold stat physcs omd. Th own mpotanc o ths sach aas mad th ld’s nomnal stcton to solds ncasnly ncomotabl, povdn all th mo ason to avo a nam chan. Chapt 8 tacs th tanston to condnsd matt physcs. Th nw nam amd to dlnat a ld that cold clam th accomplshmnts o sold stat and cold mak a mo sos cas that t blond wthn th ntllctal co o physcs. Pblc dbats ov th mts o th Spcondctn Sp Colld, th ocs o chapt 9, pomptd both sold stat and patcl physcsts to dnd th ntllctal and possonal dals n a hh-staks contxt. Patcl physcsts ld havly on th dctonst htoc that had svd thm so wll dn th Cold Wa. Conscos, thoh, that th contxt had chand, many many o thm also mbllshd ths jstcaton wth somtms mmodst clams abot th spn-o bnts o la-scal acclato sach. Sold stat physcsts alld n opposton to what thy consdd an x-




tavaanc. Thy mad an assv cas that basc sach ndn cold b btt spnt n th own backyad. Opposton to th SSC std on th clams that sold stat was jst as ndamntal as a s patcl physcs, that ndn xploatoy sold stat sach wth no stns attachd wold podc mo socally and tchnolocally valabl slts as a matt o cos, and that th concntaton o dal physcs ndn n la aclts damad oth aas o sach. Ths vw complmntd th vson o physcs that had bn ncbatd n Amcan sold stat and condnsd matt physcs, and that amd to synthsz th physcs commnty’s lon-standn p scnc dal wth a commtmnt to ts tchnolocal and conomc lvanc. Th SSC’s dms, bcas t makd th lmts o th b scnc poam that had domnatd physcs spndn o dcads, psntd a pblc vctoy o an altnatv to th had-ln p scnc otlook that had bn mantand n pat by th tchncal contbtons cont btons o sold stat physcs thohot th Cold Wa. Th onal Star Wars tloy tlls th stoy o a ata band o msts, many o whom a an adpt at manplatn oc pvadnod vyday matt, who ally to mont nscton aanst ath stablshd and hlp dstoy a ant, patally blt bam machn. Th hstoy o Amcan sold stat physcs, as choncld n ths chapts, ollowd mch th sam plot. Th ld was cobbld toth om a dvs assotmnt o sach tadtons, th only common lmnt o whch was a ocs on th ocs ovnn th matt that sonds s—and how to manplat t. Its omaton psntd a jcton o th tadtonal pow stct o th Amcan physcs commnty, whch xaltd p scnc and hld applcatons n low stm. And t cam to pblc pomnnc whn many o ts nntal pacttons moblzd to hlp bn down th SSC. (Th Sp Colld, admttdly, was not dsnd o th xpss ppos o dstoyn plants, bt som on th ns hav sstd that smla machns mht hav jst that ct.)25 Many sold stat physcsts adoptd a bl mndst, manalzd as thy w by th low stats accodd appld physcs and th mo powl collas’ dson o th ntllctal ots. Th possonal machnatons w calbatd to challn ths stats qo. It s n ths sns that th stablshmnt and owth o sold stat physcs constttd a om o bllon. Mch lk poltcal psns, th sold stat nscton spondd to spcc vancs. It ctd th ntsts o ndstal physcsts, who ald aanst th pdomnant dals o Amcan physcs and ts tadtonal




mods o possonal oanzaton. Sbsqnt ots sold stat physcsts montd to aan th nstttons o Amcan physcs soht dom o dscplnay assocaton, o mo qtabl dstbton o socs. It wold b a oss xaaton to say that sold stat physcsts thw o th hmony o th p physcs dal, bt ths nd not wakn th mtapho. Insctons, at all, do not always lad to ovthow. Thy can also nvolv a nw ntaton, on that bns nto nt o th cnt ops whos ntsts n tsts w pvosly on th pphs. Th conclson o ths book cts on how w can ndstand th hstoy o Amcan sold stat physcs n jst that way. way.




W om an astocacy astocacy,, not o walth, not o o  pd, bt o ntllct nt llct and o dals, holdn hm n th hhst spct who adds th most to o knowld o who stvs at t as th hhst ood. —HENRY ROWLAND, 1899

Whn Alxs d Tocqvll vstd th Amcan contnnt n th 1830s, h was stck that “hadly anyon n th Untd Stats dvots hmsl to th ssntally abstact and thotcal poton o hman knowld.” 1  Dmocacy, combnd wth th nomnal altaansm o Amcan clt, h contndd, ncntvzd na-tm pactcal an ov th amlss sms that Eop’s astocatc tadtons and hdtay walth aodd. Abstact knowld was a lxy o th tadtonal lt, and so lanshd n a socty that dsdand ltst tadtons. Whn th Amcan physcs commnty coalscd at th tn o th twntth cnty, cnty, t wold do so n xplct opposton to ths tndncy, tndncy, catn a vson o “p” scnc dsnd to kp th pamatsm o Amcan clt at bay and to ncoa a scntc clt that cold stand alonsd th stablshd physcs tadtons o Eop. Physcs n nntnth-cnty Eop was th povnc o a socal and ntllctal lt. In Btan, t was domnatd by vtans o th notoosly dmandn Cambd mathmatcal tpos, opn n pactc only to wllhld mmbs o th Anlcan stablshmnt.2  In th Gmanc stats, physcs had scd a stabl plac n sconday sconda y dcaton by th md-1800s, bt ts ntnatonally conzd sachs w dawn om th pp chlons o socty and ts nstttons, sch as th Physkalsch-Tchnsch




Rchsanstalt, w by and o th ln classs. 3  Bt nth o ths ast tadtons clamd to b “p” n th way th tm was ndstood by Amcan physcsts at th tn o th cnty. As abstact as th mathmatcs that powd Btsh thmodynamcs and lctomantsm was, t was napolotcally lnkd to Btsh ndsty, n patcla th tlaph cabls and stam nns that sstand ts lobal mp. And ollown ncaton n 1871, ndstal poss bcam a smlaly potnt concn o Gman 4 physcsts.  Whn Amcan physcsts nvsond th ld as a p ntllctal ndavo nd avo,, abov abov and apat om th pactcal pactca l dmands o socty, socty, thy ndstood thmslvs to b mlatn th Eopan contpats. To th xtnt that thy th y adoptd Eop’s snsblts, howv howv,, thy dd so wth th vo o th convtd. Thy catd a nw dal, all th mo stanch bcas t took th pactcal bnt o Amcan clt as ts ol. Th p scnc dal mand a chshd lmnt o Amcan physcsts’ dntty thohot th st hal o th twntth cnty, bt ths dos not man that all o vn most o th physcs pactcd n th Untd Stats 5

was mot om tchnolocal conomc concns.   Th Amcan Physcal Socty Socty, , ondd n 1899,and w qckly byond ts thty-sx chat mmbs, and an appcabl poton o ts owth n th st w dcads o th twntth cnty was n th ndstal scto. Many Amcan physcsts ndvdally saw no ason to shy away om ndsty, bt th nstttons o Amcan physcs wokd to manalz ndstal physcs and mantan p scnc as a latv dal. Ths backond s ccal to appcat th s o sold stat physcs, whch psntd an ndstal ncson nto th p scnc ctadl that had bn ctd, and o th most pat sccsslly dndd, thoh th st hal o th twntth cnty cnty.. I sold stat physcs md as an nstttonal salv o a conct con ct o dals wthn Amcan physcs, thn addssn th dals that ssd th aly nstttons nsttt ons o Amcan physcs s ncssay to ndstand th condtons that mad t possbl. 6 HENRY ROWLAND AND THE PURE SCIENCE IDEAL

At th nd o th nntnth cnty cnty,, Hny Asts Rowland, on o th w Amcans to njoy an ntnatonal ntnatona l ptaton n physcs, obsvd mch th sam stat o aas as Tocqvll. Th pactcally mndd Thomas Edson was th pblc ac o Amcan scnc, and Rowland lamntd that “mch o th ntllct o th conty s stll wastd n pst o so-calld pactcal scnc whch mnsts to o physcal nds bt lttl thoht and mony




s vn to th and poton o th sbjct whch appals to o ntllct alon.” Rowland and thty-v oths ondd th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) to mnst to th ntllct.7 Rowland had spnt 1875–76 stdyn n Eop, dn whch tm hs vws on th pop condct o scnc cystallzd. 8 H wokd n Hman von Hlmholtz’s Bln laboatoy, wh h w to adm th Gman sach nvsty and th contnntal tadton o thotcally ontd scnc psd by a cltal and ntllctal lt. Ths xpncs svd hm wll n th appontmnt h assmd on hs tn to th Untd Stats, at th nwly omd Johns Hopkns Unvsty, whch was ondd wth a sach mandat. In Rowland’s ys, nvsts nvsts w only on lmnt o a ston scntc commnty commnty,, whch also qd obst possonal nstttons to act as a blwak aanst th conomc ntcmnts to tchncal wok that ssd Amcan clt. H ndstood “p scnc”—by whch h mant nttd pst o tth abot th natal wold,  om th dmands o mmdat sl applcaton and th all o pcnay wad— not as a o pqst scntc bt also as aw moal “Ltonly s hold hads hh ho h wth a ptth, conscnc conscnc  whl skmpatv. th tth, t th,”” h mplod hs llow physcsts at th scond mtn o th APS.9 Th catos o “p” and “appld” scnc as Rowland ndstood thm w at onc claly dlnatd and nxtcably lnkd. Rowland mht hav scond th Edsonan pst o pot, bt not so mch that h soht to dny th plac o scntc knowld as a wllspn o novl know-how. Rath, h nsstd that th pst o knowld cold only ncton poply and yld thos bnts whn t was nslatd om th dvsonay nnc o mcantlsm.10 And h thoht that ston possonal nstttons cold povd sch potctons. Rowland dd n 1901, bt hs ltsm was wovn nto th abc o th Amcan Physcal Socty, whch ban as a dstnctly voy tow nsttton.11 In 1902, th socty’s thd ya, only 4 o ts 144 mmbs potd  job ttls o alatons that ctd ndstal mploymnt.12  Indstal mmbshp w adally n th ollown dcads. As o Jly 1920, appoxmatly 60 pcnt o ts mmbshp was alatd wth acadmc nstttons, compad wth abot 24 pcnt n ndsty and 9 pcnt n ovnmnt jobs.13 Dspt sch owth n th ndstal scto, th ocs o th socty all clamd nvsty alatons n 1920, as dd th vast majoty o th svntn-mmb concl, whch ncldd jst two mploys o ovnmnt laboatos and on psntatv psn tatv om ndsty. ndsty.14




Gowth n th socty’s ndstal mmbshp, and th contastn contnty o ts acadmc ladshp, ndcat th xtnt to whch th APS was an sland, and soht to man on. Hstoans hav consstntly and oclly challnd th shap dstncton btwn p and appld scnc that Rowland soht to mantan (and th post–Scond Wold Wa dstncton btwn basc and appld sach that was ts h). As Davd F. Nobl obsvd n 1977, and many oths hav nocd snc, th lat nntnth and aly twntth cnts wtnssd a clos conncton btwn scnc and tchnoloy. Th sltn mphass on scnc-basd, potontd ndstal podcton ld Pal Lc to db t th Tnsld A. A bass n physcs and chmsty bcam a mak o possonal dntty o th mn nnn dscplns and ndstal dvlopmnt bcam mly lnkd wth scntc sach, spcally dn and n th wak o th Fst Wold Wa.15 No dd ths scnc–ndsty allanc m n opposton to an xstn, ntnchd p scnc dal. Gam Gooday obsvs that th vsons o pHxly scnc n champond bynw. Rowland n thasUntd Stats and by Thomas Hny Btan w As mch Rowland ndstood hs vson to b ootd n th at ntllctal tadtons o Eop, th da that taxpays and phlanthopsts had an oblaton to bankoll ntllctal psts nmood om th pactcal qstons o th a was novl.16 A slctv adn o hstoy o th physcal scncs ld Hxly to concld that “pactcal advantas . . . nv hav bn, and nv wll b, scntly attactv to mn nspd by th nbon ns o th ntpt o Nat, to v thm coa to ndo th tols and mak th saccs whch that calln qs om ts votas.”17  Thmodynamc and lctomantc thoy, th hly sccssl and ntllctally vd physcal accomplshmnts o Hxly’s own a, n act owd both a matal and ntllctal dbt to th xpandn tchnolocal nastct o th ndstal volton. 18 Th APS, whch thmbd ts nos at ndstal captalsm, pocdd wth th m convcton that nnc dd and shold ow om abstact knowld to pactcal s, bt not th oth way aond. That poston dd not t as to mantan as th twntth cnty wo on. Th Fst Wold Wa n patcla patc la stnthnd th conncton btwn abstact sach and tchncal mplmntaton that Rowland and hs cohot had hopd to sst. Th dmands o th Fst Wold Wa ld many to lamnt th atcalty o th p/appld dvson. John J. Caty sd hs psdntal addss to th Amcan Insttt o Elctcal Enns n 1916 to obsv:




Asn ot o ths ataton coms a own appcaton o th mpotanc o ndstal scntc sach, not only as an ad to mltay dns bt as an ssntal pat o vy ndsty n tm o pac. . . . I consd that t s th hh dty o o nsttt and o vy mmb composn t, and that a smla dty sts pon all oth nnn and scntc bods n Amca, to mpss pon th manacts o th Untd Stats th wondl possblts o conoms n th pocsss and mpovmnts n th podcts whch a opnd p by th dscovs n scnc. 19

Th Unvsty o Chcao botanst John Ml Colt contndd, “Th pblc has bn to conz th act that p and appld scnc a not mtally xclsv lds o actvty, bt complmntay, and tho pblc sppot o p scnc has bn own, and as a consqnc th pactcal achvmnts o p scnc n conncton wth th wa, t bds a to nt pon ts own pblc stmaton and sppot.”20  To thos otsd o physcs, and to som wthn, th latonshp btwn scnc and ndsty appad cpocal was ath than hachcal. That pcpton bolstd by a nn stnthnn o th conncton btwn physcs and an d ndsty. ndsty. Indstal sach laboatos laboato s blossomd dn th st dcads o th twntth cnty. Th Gnal Elctc Rsach Laboatoy, Laboatoy, ondd n 1900, od a poo o concpt that nspd oth ndstal concns to nvst n sach. Th AT&T Bll Tlphon Laboatos, stablshd n 1925, ostd a sach clt that ncoad ts scntsts to man opn to th nxpctd n th hops o mantann ts advanta n lctonc commncatons tchnoloy. Bll bcam th st ndstal laboatoy to podc a Nobl Pz wnn n physcs whn Clnton Davsson won n 1937 o a 1927 xpmnt that dmonstatd lcton dacton, conmn a thotcal pdcton o Los d Bol. 21 Th wav bhavo o lctons llstats th blnd o p and appld sach ostd at Bll. It was at onc a ndamntal physcal dscovy and somthn a tlphon company, whch was n th bsnss o tansmttn lctons, wold vy mch lk to know. Th poms o th possblty, at last, to condct costy-dvn sach, alon wth th hh salas th pvat scto cold o, ld many physcsts nto ndsty—and th pomnnc that Bll n patcla achvd, n pat on accont o Davsson’s pz, postond t to bcom th most nntal sold stat physcs hb at th Scond Wold Wa. Thoh th 1920s and 1930s, ndstal laboatos not only mployd an appcabl popoton o Amcan phys-




csts bt also natd an appcabl popoton o th paps pblshd n Amcan physcs jonals.22  Th cltal dncs btwn ndsty and acadma nvthlss mand shap. Indstal sach, vn whn dctd towad scntc nsht, qd ts own styl, on that ndstood nsht and applcatons to b o a pc, and that dd not ank thm wthn a stct val hachy.23 Althoh Amcan ndsty was bcomn mch namod o physcsts, Amcan physcs—o at last ts ashp socty—had lttl acton o ndsty. Th pvaln atttd thoh md-cnty s ctd n a pc o dol that mad th onds at MIT’s Radaton Laboatoy n 1944, clbatn Isdo Isaac Rab’s Nobl N obl Pz by pasn hs sl-aboatv dsdan o th compaatv chs avalabl to physcsts who wnt copoat: Now all yo bht yon llows wth yo ys pon th stas, Yo adat assstants who sbsst on pant bas I ndsty shold woo yo wth two hndd bcks a wk  Rs th job and say, wthot yo ton n yo chk, It an’t th mony   It’s th pncpl o th thn It an’t th mony   Th’s thns that mony can’t by It an’t th mony   That maks th ncls o ond It’s th phlosophcal thcal pncpl, w kp tlln oslvs, o th thn. 24

Th son convyd th sns o moal spoty that cam wth sstn th hh salas ndsty was abl to o, alon wth th consnss that th most ntstn ntllctal wok mand th povnc o nvsty sach. Wthn a contxt that avod clos contacts btwn scnc and commc, th p scnc dal that th APS stanchly mantand pomptd nstttonal owth lswh n Amcan physcs. Th nw socts omd btwn 1916 and 1929 psntn naow spcalts, ach wth a pomnnt ocs on nstmntaton and/o applcatons. Th Optcal Socty o Amca w ot o Eastman-Kodak’s sach laboatos and was ntndd to sv th nds o a own op o ndstal sachs stdyn ntactons btwn lht and matt.25 Th Acostcal Socty o Amca, whos st mtn was hostd at th Bll Tlphon Laboato-




s n 1929, also had ndstal oots and was dctd towad nnn ntsts.26  That sam ya saw th omaton o th Socty o Rholoy, ddcatd to th nwly namd scnc that stdd th domaton o matt. Its onds mbacd th ld’s potntal applcatons, notn n th annoncmnt o th nw socty: “Haclts was pobably coct n sayn that ‘vythn ows’ and th majo poblms o at ndsts daln wth ntoclllos pant, vansh, atcal txtls, mtals, bb, tc., hav 27 to do wth lastc domaton and ow.” Non o ths ops wold hav ond a wam wlcom n th APS. Wallac Watall, ondn mmb o th Acostcal Socty, calld that “ anybody had com alon thn wth th da o sttn p dvsons o th Physcal Socty and havn th Acostcal Socty bcom on o thos dvsons, why, that woldn’t hav on ov at all.”28 Th Physcal Socty’s conscos dcson to spn applcatons catd a nd o nw possonal otlts that svd th own commnty o appld and ndstal physcsts. ACCOMMODATING ACCOMMODA TING APPLIED PHYSICS

Mmbs o applcaton-ontd possonal oanzatons who w tand n physcs contnd to thnk o thmslvs as physcsts, vn  th APS was not th possonal hom. I t hopd to man a cohsv commnty, Amcan physcs wold nd a la coal. On May 3, 1931, psntatvs om th th nwly omd socts and th APS assmbld at th Cosmos Clb n Washnton, DC. Th occason was th st mtn o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs (AIP).29 Th nw oanzaton was pncpally a pblshn opaton coodnatn th collctv pnt otpt o ths oanzatons—and, som months lat, o th Amcan Assocaton o Physcs Tachs, tsl nwly stablshd. Th AIP, an oanzaton o oanzatons, mst hav smd nwldy to many n a commnty that ntl cntly cn tly had bn so small. It was a conton, howv, o “th act that th was thn no snl socty that dw toth all thos whos pmay scntc ntst was n th ld o Physcs,” as th commtt chad wth plannn th AIP’s post–Scond Wold Wold Wa Wa actvts wold call n 1945.30 Th AIP was a concsson to th act that Amcan physcs was bcomn la and mo ds. Abaham Pas, n hs ctons on th  Physical  Review—th ndsptd jonal o cod o Amcan physcs o th btt pat o th past cnty—calld that n th 1930s ddcatd physcsts cold stll ad “th n monst monst,,” as t was known, cov cov to cov and mantan a panoamc vw o th ld.31 Evn n 1931, howv, that lvl o ddcaton




Articles in Physical Review , 1920–196 1920 –1960 0 1400



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Figure 1.1. Nmb o atcls pblshd n Physical Review btwn 1920 and 1960.

was a and xcsn t byond th capablts o all bt th most dod ads. Pas’s collctons mst also b consdd wthn th boad contxt o Amcan physcs pblshn. Bo 1929, th  Physical Review and th  Journal o the Optical Opti cal Society o America  w th only ddcatd otlts o scholaly wok n physcs n th Untd Stats. That chand wth th appaanc o sval nw jonals n th lat 1920s and aly 1930s.  Reviews o Modern Physics soht to mak contmpoay sach mo dstbl by smmazn lvly aas n shot vw atcls.32  Review o Scientic In struments lanchd n 1930, by whch tm th pblcaton xpanson was alady jan to som. In th dtoal that ban th naal ss, Floyd K. Rchtmy acknowldd: “Th nmb o scntc and tchncal podcals to whch any wok n th p o appld scnc mst  has ncasd so apdly n cnt yas as to as n som mnds th qston o th dsablty o takn stps to dscoa th statn o nw jonals.”33  Th backond to hs maks ncldd pblcatons sch as Journal o the  Acoustical Society o America and Journal o Rheology, both ondd n 1929. No was  Review o Scientic Instruments th last Amcan physcs jonal to appa aond 1930— Physics, th  Journal o Chemical Physics, and th   American Physics Teacher  Teacher  wold  wold ollow btwn 1931 and 1933. Th nmb o atcls th  Physical Review  pblshd achd a local




maxmm n 1931, whn th nw jonals stmmd what had bn a stady s thoh th 1920s ( 1.1). It wold not ach th sam lvl aan ntl at th Scond Wold Wa. 34  Th panoamc vw o physcs on wold achv by dlntly tamn th n monst  twc monthly thby chand n th 1930s. Th landscap shtd as whol aas o physcs matd to nw otlts and th Physical Review ocsd mo ntntly on kpn abast o nw and xctn dvlopmnts n ncla physcs and qantm mchancs. Consdn th xpnc o an achtypcal  Physical Review–adn APS mmb ov th pod om 1925 to t o 1935 xposs a cla sht. A typcal ss o th jonal n th md-1920s ncldd som thotcal wok, ncldn paps on qantm qa ntm phnomna, bt t also pblshd a at many atcls that wold hav ond a hom n mo spcalzd jonals jst a w yas lat. By th md-1930s, th thoy qotnt was hh and th jonal was domnatd by ncla and qantm paps. Th owth o nw otlts n ntvnn yas dd not thatn th Physical Review’s stats as th commnty’s jonal o cod, ddlon manathat ts pol was mo shaply dnd than t had bn. Itbt wastno nal ntst jonal, at last not so a as th own  own consttncy o ndstal and appld appl d physcsts was concnd. Anyon opatn on th assmpton that th APS psntd Amcan physcsts and that th  Physical Review pblshd what was mpotant to know abot cnt physcs wold hav pcvd a shapnn o Hny Rowland’s p scnc msson, ath than a dlton, vn as th mpotanc o appld physcs w wthn th st o th commnty. Th jonal’s ptaton also chand cha nd makdly ov ths span. John Van Van Vlck lat calld: “The Physical Review was only so-so, spcally n thoy,, and n 1922 I was atly plasd oy pla sd that my docto’s thss was accptd o pblcaton by th Philosophical Magazine n Enland. . . . By 1930 o so, th latv standns o The Physical Review and Philosophical Magazine w ntchand.”35 John Tonc Tat bcam dto n 1926, th sam ya ll-bloodd qantm mchancs md n Eop. Van Vlck and oths cdtd ths tnaond to Tat’s a mbac o ncla and qantm physcs, both o whch advancd apdly n th 1920s and 1930s. Van Vlck coathod a boaphcal mmo o th Natonal Acadmy o Scncs wth Tat’s doctoal stdnt, mass spctoscopst Ald N, n whch thy pasd Tat o shown “a jdmnt and common sns n not dlayn by mch n notwothy paps daln wth vaos applcatons o qantm mchancs; ths was mpotant, o Amca was somwhat at a




dsadvanta compad to th cnts o Eop, wh th [qantm] volton had mnatd.”36 Psn a mo naowly thotcal ocs and tackln th xctn chans ntatd n Eop asd th  Physical Review Re view  to a jonal o ntnatonal standn, bt at th xpns o ts lvanc to a boad swath o ts domstc adshp. Tat was ws to th act that  Physical Review had naowd ts scop on hs watch. Wth ths n mnd, h lanchd a nw jonal,  Physics, n 1931. It was dsnd to sv th own cad o appld physcsts, whos pblcatons ntl that pont had bn “scattd thoh a nmb o nnn, chmcal and ndstal jonals. jon als.”” Physics, whch wold b namd th  Journal o Applied Appli ed Physics wthn a w yas, hopd to attact contbtons om appld sachs who lt alnatd by th naown ocs o Physia m th dntty as physcsts. Tat Tat commntd on th t h cal Review and to am pblcaton’s msson: Th Physical Review  has hthto bn th only otlt povdd by th Amcan Physcal Socty o th pblcaton o onal sach. As yo may hav notd th Review  has mo than dobld n volm dn th past sx yas and has bcom mo and mo th xponnt o th ply ntospctv sd o physcs. Ths s bt th natal slt o th ndamntal and adcal chans n th local amwok o th scnc whch hav attactd th attnton o an v ncasn op o actv physcsts. Bt ascnatn as a th dvlopmnts n atomc physcs and th qantm mchancs, thy do not by any mans psnt th whol o th scnc, no a thy mo ntstn o valabl than th onal wok o th at nmb o possonal physcsts who a applyn physcal mthods and pncpls to th poblms o oth scncs and th ndsts. 37  Physics was both an ovt to appld physcsts and an act o dmacaton

that placd thm otsd ts cnt. Appld sach wold not b lt to ds nto chmcal and nnn jonals and th ndstal ay ltat, bt nth wold t b antd a bth on th t h ashp vssl o th Amcan Physcal Socty. THE MAP OF PHYSICS, 1939

In 1939, Bnad H. (Bn) Pot dw a “Map o Physcs” ( 1.2). Pot was a adat stdnt n physcs at Bown Unvsty. Th ollown ya h wold b nlstd nto th Manhattan Pojct, on whch h wokd at Pncton Unvsty and Oak Rd ntl h qt th days at th bomb-




Figure 1.2. Bn Pot’s Map o Physcs, 1939. Th capton ads: “Bn a Map o Physcs, contann a b hstocal otln o th sbjct as wll b o ntst to physcsts, stdnts, and laymn at la. Also vn a dscpton o th land o physcs as sn by th dan sols who vnt th. And mo patclaly th locaton o vllas (namd at pon physcsts) as ond by th many vs. Also th dat o ondn o ach vlla. vll a. As wll as th dat o ts xtncton. And nally a collcton o vaos and sndy symbols qntly mt wth on th tp. tp.”” Rpodcd wth pmsson o Mak Mlncov, ltay xcto o Bn Pot, Pot, mmlncov@ma Fom Bn Pot Collcton, Colby Coll, Spcal Collctons, Mll Lbay, Watvll, Man

n o Hoshma, tamatzd and dsllsond wth physcs. H wold nstad ollow hs passon o at, whch h sd as an otlt o hs llon stl wth th sponsblty h lt h shad o th dvlopmnt o ncla wapons. Bt n 1939 h mand namod o physcs. Hs map clbatd th ponn nstnct o th “dan sols” who vnt nto th onts o physcal knowld. It also ncodd an da abot what physcs was that was cntal to th Amcan p scnc dal. Pot’s map s both an atact and a ltal llstaton o th habts o mnd that latd appld and ndstal sach to th ns o th Amcan physcs commnty. It psnts th vaos povncs o physcs —mchancs, sond, lctcty, mantsm, lht, hat, and astonomy—as oaphcal ons lnkd to on anoth by ny, dpctd as a v d




Figure 1.2a. Fom Bn Pot’s Map o Physcs, 1939.

Figure 1.2b. Fom Bn Pot’s Map o Physcs, 1939.

by mchancal and lctomantc tbtas (and a svo o adoactvty), dn nto an ocan labld “Rsach: Th Ft o Physcs” ( 1.2b). Physcs, Physcs, ths psntd, s concptally nd and hstocally hst ocally contnos, dnd by phnomna that xstd n th wold ( 1.2a). PhysPhyscsts, who v v th nams to th vllas dottn th landscap, landscap , a th ons who xpos thos phnomna and ddc th ls ovnn thm. Tchnoloy s a on land n ths ndton. Physcs s ot th n th wold; physcsts a thos dan sols calld to dscov t on th downstam  jony towad th onts o sach. Concvn o physcs n ths way ncoad th oanzatonal assmptons that pcldd ndstal physcs om ann pchas n th Amcan Physcal Socty. Socty. Ths otlook was th ll-qppd to accommodat a ld lk sold stat physcs. It s dclt to man how Pot mht hav psntd sold stat had h pdatd th map a dcad lat. Sold stat physcsts hald om almost all th dstnct oaphcal ons psntd on th map. Th




dclty o locatn th wok wthn ths vsal schma llstats th act that sold stat physcsts dd not xplo a dsct on o physcs n th tadtonal sns. Sold stat physcs was not a sl-contand sl-contan d assmbly o topcs and mthods that cold b convnntly psntd as a v, sland, contnnt, o oth natal otcoppn o th dscplnay landscap. Pot channld an thos o classcaton that was chaactstc o th pvos cnty’s scnc. Nntnth-cnty natal phlosophs otn ndstood taxonomy as an ssntal pc o th msson, opatn om th convcton that pop classcaton cold val th od nhnt n nat. Th sam thos xtndd to classyn th scncs thmslvs. 38  Wllam Whwll wot n 1840: “A sond classcaton mst b th slt, not o any assmd pncpls mpatvly mpld to th sbjct, bt o an xamnaton o th objcts to b classd;—o an analyss o thm nto th pncpls n whch thy a and d. Th Classcaton o Scncs mst slt om th consdaton o th nat and contnts. contnts.””39 Th assmpton that th scncs thmslvs, lk th objcts o th stdy, stdy, possssd ntnsc ats thatnto allowd thm to cnty b dstnshd natally andamon nambosly contnd th twntth and shapd atttds Amcan physcsts. That assmpton ncoad sstanc to catos lk ndstal physcs, and ndd sold stat physcs, whch dd not slot natly nto a pcvd natal od od.. Rspct o that pcvd od dd th nstttons o Amcan physcs n th st hal o th twntth cnty, vn whl ndstal physcsts bcam an appcabl popoton o th commnty. By 1933, th nstttonal landscap had attand a local qlbm. Th AIP admnstd th ht Amcan physcs jonals that mand at th  Journal o Rheology  casd pblcaton n 1932. Th anks o th APS, whch mand th pncpl socty o Amcan physcs, swlld n spons to th sson natd by ncla and qantm physcs, nos ondaton sppot that allowd physcsts wth ds om lt nvsts to spplmnt th stds n Eop, and th nx o émés n  n th clods athn ath n ov Cntal Eop. Mch o ths owth nocd th socty’s commtmnt to p scnc.40 Th ncas o th commnty’s sz, and th ol o ndstal and appld physcs wthn t, nonthlss psntd a contnn challn to th tadtonal dals o th dscpln. It was lss th potncy o th p scnc dal tsl than t was ts ntnchmnt n ky nstttons that mad t dclt to dslod. Th pow boks o Amcan physcs, who




ndstood ts oal to b th xtacton o aw knowld om nat, attmptd to kp th ld p wth th battlmnts o nstttonal stct. Thos battlmnts wold hold ntl th psss o th Scond Wold Wa pcptatd th oanzaton. oa nzaton. Sold stat physcs, whn t md  md n th lat 1940s, constttd th st sccssl nscton aanst p scnc ndamntalsm n th APS. Th stablshmnt o a dscpln that catd to th nds o ndstal physcsts and was oanzd n a way that pad lttl hd to natal catos psntd th most sbstantv chans to th ondatonal dntty and dolocal commtmnts o th Amcan physcs commnty snc ts ondn. Th ollown two chapts xplo how ths challn to tadtonal commnty dals noldd.




Whn Solomon sad that “a ood nam s ath to b chosn than at chs,” h knw what h was talkn abot. —OLIVER E. BUCKLEY, 1944

“Physcs” was th nam Olv E. Bckly, psdnt o Bll Laboatos, had n mnd whn h opnd hs addss to th Natonal Rsach Concl’s Connc o Physcsts wth th abov ln. Bckly wod that ths tm vokd nothn conct to th ava Amcan. Th ncla bombs dtonatd ov two Japans cts wold n physcsts nto th oont o Amcan pblc conscosnss n Ast 1945, bt th Manhattan Pojct mand shodd n sccy whn Bckly spok n May 1944. Wllpblczd contbtons to th wa ot wold lkly hav hav mad ada amla to a sbstantal smnt o th Amcan pblc, bt t was aly lnkd to physcs n th popla pss.1 Albt W. Hll, th oton psdnt o th Amcan Physcal Socty, had makd al that ya, “It s a a occnc that a cnss tak has v had o a physcst, and th task o xplann s sch that on s otn tmptd to st as a chmst.” 2 Facd wth ths dct, Bckly nsstd that possonal dntty was th most pmal challn Amcan physcsts acd and ncoad th connc attnds to consd how t shapd actvts om ndadat tachn to ovnmnt advsn. H askd hs collas to conont dclt qstons abot who thy w and what thy dd. What was physcs? Who cold clam to b a physcst? Who ot to dcd? Danl J. Kvls’s otn-qotd spons to ths qstons s “physcs s




what physcsts do.”3 Thoh t mht sm tatolocal, ths sloan maks th sos pont that hstoans, pac Whwll, shold avod th mpls to sk som ssntal, contxt-ndpndnt co o th lds thy stdy. Dscplns a hstocally contnnt socal ntts that mht b assmbld n dnt ways at dnt tms by dnt popl actn on dnt motvs. Th contnncy o hman-blt catos s ospl to today’s hstoans, who a lkly to accpt ths pont nnchnly. nnchnly. Th sam, thoh, cannot b sad o th popl who constctd thos catos n th st plac. Many md-twntth-cnty physcsts, notably thos who contolld th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS), wold hav bstld at th sston that th ld consstd n anythn oth than a st o pxstn mpcal lats, whch thy took as th task to dscov and omalz. Undstandn “physcs” to  to somthn xstn n th wold, thy mht hav sstd a dnt sloan: sloa n: physcs s what physcsts ps. To To ths tadtonalsts, who w also th cst dnds o th p scnc dal, “physcs” mand a xd st o natal phnomna, whos stct dtmnd who wasntst a physcst was not. Thy sstd that whos pncpal was and not who th dscovy and laboaton o anyon nal physcal pncpls blond blon d mo poply n nnn, chmsty, chmsty, mtally, o anoth ld. As th commnty o Amcan physcsts w, howv, poplatn ndstal laboatos and skn concssons to th dmands d mands o tchncal and appld wok, a la poton o th commnty ban to nsst that physcsts, not nat, hld athoty ov th scop and oanzaton o physcs. Stanod Unvsty’s Wllam W. Hansn, plyn n 1943 to hs colla Davd L. Wbst’s Wbst’s sston that physcs was dnd by th pst o natal physcal laws, wot: “I woldn’t want to attmpt a pcs dnton, bt t wold sm that yo cton sts th shts tbly hh. How many physcsts do yo know who hav dscovd a law o nat? Yo hav, I know, and so has Compton and phaps on o two oths I don’t know o thnk o. Bt ally, ally, t sms to m, ths pvl s vn only to a vy w o s. Nvthlss th wok o th st s o val.”4 Th st tndd to a. Pspctvs mo sympathtc to th Kvls dctm ban to xt th nnc n th md-1940s. Som otsd th tadtonal co o acadmc physcs, and vn som wthn, cam to ndstand th dscpln as a s a commnty wth th lattd to dn and dn tsl as t povd convnnt. Th ccmstancs o th md-1940s psntd oppotnts that mad valatn th tadtonal dnton o th physcst convnnt ndd.




Bckly’s 1944 lct addssd th anxts that cam to th o as ths comptn andas o dnn physcs w boht nto tnson by th cntal cts o owth and dvscaton. Advocats o both pspctvs dvlopd a nmb o stats o answn th t h qstons Bckly posd, and ths comptd o tacton as Amcan physcsts assayd th possblts that th post–Scond Wold Wa nvonmnt wold o thm. By th tm th Amcan physcs commnty ond ts ootn n th postwa a, th ndstandn that physcs was “what physcsts do”—and so cold chan  physcsts statd to do dnt sots o thns—had motvatd chans n th dscpln’s nstttonal stct, wth wd-ann consqncs o how t wold dvlop thoh th Cold Wa a.. Wth th oon n mnd, I popos my own, qally lb altnatv to th Kvls dctm: physcs s what physcsts dcd t s. Amcan physcsts n th 1940s dd not mly alz that physcs cold b ndstood as th sm o th actvts, o a lvant sbst o thm; thy szd pon th ancy to oanz th dscpln so as to poactvly dlnat th typs o actvts that th t wthn t. That scacly ndd to bt slht. xcsd n th a whn commnty wasancy small and dvsons wthn As th poplaton boomd and th nstttonal chaact chaa ct o physcsts’ mploymnt chand ntn th md-cnty, howv, that ancy bcam ctcal.5 Physcs bcam what physcsts dd dn th Cold Wa by mans o conctd ots on th pat o a small op o ndvdals wokn wthn th nstttonal constants o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs (AIP) and th APS. Th vson was opposd by a op o nntal tadtonalsts who mantand that smply ann a d n physcs dd not mak on a physcst—o at last was not scnt o on to man a physcst—and actvly soht to kp som o th thns that physcsts dd om wokn th way nto th dnton o th ld. PHYSICS AS NATION: THE UNITED STATES OF PHYSICS

In th aly 1940s, “th physcsts’ wa” ad. It had and that nam vn bo th tansomatv nnc o ncla wapons sach bcam cla.6 Physcsts conzd that th Scond Wold Wa wold bn thm nw lvanc to Amcan socty; n 1943 and 1944, as th wa’s nd cam nto ocs, a scambl to shap postwa physcs ban. Opnon pcs dscssn xstn challns and t dvlopmnt o physcs pppd physcs jonals. Th latonshp btwn ndsty and acadma and sncant attnton. Th aanmnt achd n th 1930s, whch allowd




th APS to ddcat tsl to p sach whl th at o socts svn s vn appld ntsts was hld n loos condaton by th AIP, was nsatsactoy to many. Watm natonalstc htoc was n th a. Physcsts bathd t n, xhaln t aan n th dscssons o th dscpln’s t. Thos who avod a mo cmncal appoach to dnn physcs, p hyscs, whch th AIP mbodd, alld aond th noton o a “Untd Stats o Physcs,” composd o many povncs, ach wth ts own local chaact, hld toth by a poltcal commtmnt to th nty o th dscpln. In th ac o a own poplaton o ndstal sachs, th qston o what poston ndstal physcs wold occpy n ths non loomd la. Th staks o dbat ov ndsty’s plac n postwa physcs w, n th md-1940s at last, mo dolocal than pactcal. Only at th wa wold th wd physcs commnty an a cla ndstandn o how th abndanc o dal dollas wold shap th sach. Fthmo, physcsts wathd th avas o th at dpsson btt than most, and ths ndn was not so pomnnt a concn as t wold bcom jst 7

acad w yas lat.  Dscssons th nal yas not o th Scond Wold Wa, ot almost xclsvly xclsv ly bynthos physcsts sqstd condctn sct sach o th Manhattan Pojct, tnd nstad on th qston o dnty. Fo adhnts to Rowland’s tadtonal p scnc dal, physcs mantand ts dscplnay dnty thoh ts stats as a calln, ath than a posson. Bt th own mass o appld and ndstal sachs o whom physcs was a posson st—thos who saw physcs as an ntllctally wadn path to a comotabl mddl-class xstnc, and who wold dv what Davd Kas has calld “th postwa sbbanzaton o Amcan physcs”—saw th possonal dnty mpnd by calls that th ntsts b kpt at a mov om th al bsnss o physcs. 8 Althoh thy dd n th pd soltons, both ths ops shad th concn that ndsty and acadma had dtd too a apat. Th ss appad n many scds on th t o physcs. 9 In 1943, Thomas H. Osood Osood o Mchan Stat Coll o Aclt and Appld Appl d Scnc (as Mchan Stat Unvsty was thn known) pt th poblm ths: “Both n th past and now, tchncal physcsts hav known too lttl abot th wok, both n sach and tachn, n whch th acadmc collas a nad; and an vn mo lamntabl noanc o th pactcal poblms o th a whch a bn solvd by physcsts n ndsty has bn dsplayd by thos who tan stdnts n th dmnts o physcs n o dcatonal nstttons.” 10 Osood vocd statons that many ndstal sachs




lt as thy td to mantan th dntty as physcsts wthn a ld that consdd appld wok ntllctally sbodnat. Many smla xpssons o staton appad n th  Review o Scientic Instruments colmn “Contbtd Ponts o Vw,” n whch physcsts cold sond o abot possonal sss—a ncton that  Physics Today wold assm n 1948. In th Fbay 1945 ss, Mos Mskat o Gl Rsach Laboatoy av a dtald accont o th possonal challns that ndstal physcsts acd and dscbd th ways n whch xstn nstttonal stcts ald to sv thm. Th ndstal physcst “mst wok ntmatly wth th chmst, th lctoncs nn, th acostcal nn, th colo xpt, th hydalcs nn, o whov has vn hm th poblm and wll mak s o ts solton whn achvd, achvd,”” Mskat wot. Indstal physcsts nally wokd on poblms o somon ls’s dsn and o compans that w nlkly to pay xpnss o connc tavl. Wokn n ths contxt, Mskat sstd, alnatd ndstal sachs om th acadmc collas who domnatd th APS, mmbshp n whch bcam, o thpd ndstal “a”tadtonal om hs yothl possonal o hs physcst, school days,” days, svn no‘hanov’ sl possonal ncton.11 Mskat d th APS to bcom mo sponsv to ts ndstal mmbs, spcally by sppotn th omaton omat on o spcal ntst n tst dvsons. Ths sston was an altnatv to a poposal popla amon many appld physcsts that wold hav sn th AIP plac th APS as th ocal oanzaton o Amcan physcsts. Th pncpl advocat o ths solton was Gaylod P. P. Hanwll, th had o th t h physcs dpatmnt dpat mnt at th Unvsty o Pnnsylvana, wh h wold lat sv as psdnt. As dto o  Review o Scientic Instruments, Hanwll njoyd a ont-ow sat to th wanln ov th t o physcs that playd ot n th jonal, and h sd hs dtoal plpt to nd t n th dctons h ond most podctv. In an dtoal pblshd n Ast 1943, Hanwll st down th challns as h saw thm and atclatd hs avod solton. Th poblms acn physcs ncldd th la nmb stdnts, both ndadat and adat, whos tann had bn dald by wa wok and who wold m om th watm assnmnts wthot adqat ondatonal tann.12 “Th wll b mo physcsts at th wa, bt th at majoty o thm wll hav th tchncal o catsman’s atttd towad th scnc ath than th possonal o acadmc pont o vw,” Hanwll pdctd. Ths posd a challn, spcally alonsd th ncasd socal and poltcal




cacht physcs was bnnn to njoy. Hanwll’s pncpl concn was that th tchncal accomplshmnts o physcs, whch w latvly asy to commncat to nonspcalst adncs, wold com to domnat pblc awanss o th ld and ndmn sppot o abstact sach. Ths concn, alon wth wos abot stablshn ctv tann poams and ndn stabl socs o sach sppot, ld Hanwll to concld that possonal oanzaton shold b at th oont o13physcsts’ dscssons abot how to condct th aas at dmoblzn. A w months lat, Hanwll od hs amatv spons to ths tobln qstons. H calld o “a mo pct non” n hs dtoal opnn th Fbay 1944 ss o Review o Scientic Scientic Instruments, and poposd “a nw Amcan Physcal Socty to plac th xstn assocatd Socts and to ncld all mmbs tho o th ppos o boadly and lbally advancn th scnc and tchnoloy o physcs p hyscs n all ts banchs.” Echon oths who lamntd nstttonal ts btwn bt wn th sach o nal pncpls and th applcatons, Hanwll nsstd: “W mst s to t also that no schsm btwn acadmc and th In som spctsdvlops th om tndsth to b th spcalst andndstal th lattphyscst. th nal pactton o clncan, bt wthot th ncaton o both th ots n a common socty, nth can b lly ctv .”14 Hanwll ttd that both acadmc and ndstal physcs mht s  th cold not daw on th oth to achv ts oals, a that h ond sv noh to popos a damatc ovhal o th possonal stct o physcs. Hanwll champond a dalst vw o Amcan physcs. H advocatd a cntal oanzaton mo nclsv than th APS bt ston than th AIP, whch h consdd too loos a condacy to ctvly sv all physcsts. H wot avoably o a potntal ndstal dvson wthn th poposd nw socty, socty, obsvn that a smla ntty n th Amcan Chmcal Socty had own apdly, svn as a nsy o a nmb o spn-o dvsons. Ths vson o physcs wold v wd lattd o nw ops to om and dn novl aas o ntst, whl holdn thm toth nd th as o a ston cntal oanzaton. Hanwll stck a nv; th nvtaton closn hs dtoal to commnt th on how Amcan physcs mht pomot nty and many pls, som b, oths xpansv, ov th nxt sval months. Wallac Watall and Elm Htchsson spondd avoably to th call o nty, sn th own dtoal soapbox n  Journal o Applied Physics, and n so don mad Hanwll’s mplct dalsm xplct.15 Th May 1944 d-




Figure 2.1. Map o th “Untd Stats o Physcs.” Physcs.” Th ntalsms xpand as ollows: ASME Socty o Mchancal & VE Socty o Hatn(Amcan and Vntlaton Vntlaton Enns); AIEEEnns); (AmcanASH Insttt o (Amcan Elctcal Enns); IRE (Insttt o Rado Enns). Rpodcd om Wallac Watall Watall and Elm Htchsson, “Oanzaton o Physcs n Amca,” Journal o Applied Physics 15, no. 5 (1944), 407–9, wth th pmsson o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs

toal volvd aond a daam thy ttld th “Untd Stats o Physcs” ( 2.1). “Obvosly a ston cntal oanzaton n physcs s ndd,” thy concldd on th bass o th appant app ant amntaton n th daam. “A “A snl socty wth many sbjct matt dvsons o a ‘non’ o many ‘stats’ mht accomplsh th dsd nty n physcs povdd th pop balanc btwn ‘dal’ pow and ‘stats’ ‘stat s’ hts’ s mantand.” mantand.” Mtns and pblcatons, thy ad, cold b th povnc o th “stats,” whas sss o boad ntst to physcsts and th “‘colonzaton’ o vn ttoy”— psntd by th dashd mpty spac on th ht o th daam—cold b lt to th cntal oanzaton.16 Not all thos covd by ths ncaton w nthsastc abot th nclson. Ald N. Goldsmth, lontm RCA sach nn, wot to th dto on bhal o th Insttt o Rado Enns (IRE), whch h had coondd n 1912, and whch s psntd n Watall and Htchsson’s map as daln wth th applcatons o lctoncs.17 Goldsmth compland that Watall Watall and Htchsson had nappopatly n appopatly chaactzd th “latd “lat d socts” as naow, a-n povncs o Amcan physcs: “It s not n-




sal o a socty o nsttt to dn o dlmt ts own actvts and to dtmn, n ts own bst jdmnt, th ld o ts actvts. Howv, t s phaps nq to nd on land socty attosly dnn th scop o oth scntc oanzatons.” In danc o th naow chaactzaton o th IRE’s ol n th “Untd Stats o Physcs,” Physcs,” Goldsmth obsvd: “O ncssty,, poblms o mchancal constcton, ncssty const cton, optcal thoy and dsn . . . and acostcal t hoy . . . hav thoy hav bn xhastvly tatd n th Proceedings o 18 the I. R. E.” Goldsmth’s  xposd waknsss n th dalst appoach that ltmatly doomd th da o a ston, nyn mblla socty to plac th AIP. A plan that cdd ovall contol o ndamntal sach to th Amcan Physcal Socty an aol o oth socts’ ntsts. Oanzatons lk th IRE amd not jst to sppot appld sach, bt to ost a v and tak btwn ndamntal and appld sach that was a wthn th conns o th APS. Th ncaton schm also dw th ot bondas o physcs too shaply o som and ald to accont o th ols playd by small socts that xpandd oth lds. In th shot, stonamndalsm o Hanwll, Watall, and nto Htchsson ldd alth bnts taton had povdd thos spcalts that w pooly svd by th APS and ndstmatd th xtnt to whch sbjaton nd an mblla socty wold b nwlcom amon ths consttncs. Goldsmth’s nty nto th convsaton s notabl o anoth ason: as an lctcal nn, h psntd an xplct a o th hlmsmn o th nchoat ld o sold stat physcs. Elctcal nnn and physcs, onc o a pc, had dtd apat aly n th twntth cnty.19 Som physcsts wod that th stdy o solds wold ollow th sam path, losn th potntal to bnt om hhtnd postwa pst and solatn tsl om poblms o ply thotcal ntst. Gnal Elctc’s Roman Smolchowsk, n hs 1943 mansto ntatn th ot to ond th APS Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs, antcpatd th ncasd dmand o physcs tann at th wa,, spcally n nw sblds concnd wth complx matt, and nsstd, wa “W wold lk thm to man banchs o  physics ath than to bcom nw . . . typs o ‘nnn.’” 20 Smla commntay on th loomn nstttonal chans n Amcan physcs dottd th ltts scton o th  Journal o Applied Physics and  Review o Scientic Instruments ov th months ollown th pblcaton o Watall and Htchsson’s dtoal. Appld physcsts, o th most pat, avod a dalst appoach n whch a la mblla socty wth loos




mmbshp cta wold con nty on physcs wthot oanzn that nty aond a cntal sp o p sach. Th physcsts om th Cas School o Appld Scnc (whch wold m wth Wstn Rsv Unvsty n 1967) wot to o o  a “haty scond” to Hanwll’s poposal, and codd ln “condnt that ths ops [socts sch as th Optcal Socty, Acostcal Socty, and Assocaton o Physcs Tachs] wold bnt mmnsly by vn p a lttl o th atonomy n od to ny th po21 sson o physcs n Amca.” Amca.”  In th sam sa m ltts colmn, Thomas Osood addd hs sppot and chod a popla dssatsacton amon appld physcsts wth th stats stat s qo, wtn: “To “To say that th actvts a ctvts o ths socty do not now mt th nds o th majoty o Amcan physcsts s to cast no sl pon th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, bt ath to mphasz that physcs has so boadnd ts scop snc th nd o th last cnty that tha t th acadmc and thotcal sbjcts whch a th spcal concn o ths socty may ltmatly mak no mmdat appal to many actv physcsts.”22 Appld sachs pd th pospct o patcpatn n a nd ld o physcs to possblty o ncasn atonomy by omn th socts andthjonals. Ths pnc th ld th staton wth thown APS, whch by ths tm was nd th sway o, and tho catd most stonly to, thosts—and th xpmntalsts who tstd thotcal clams—most o whom hld acadmc appontmnts. Th tnos consnss wthn th appld physcs commnty was that  political nty shold b mantand and that t shold b blt on a boad, nclsv vw o physcs—althoh dsamnts mand on th ss o dal athoty vss stats’ hts. Fom th dalst pspctv, th Amcan Insttt o Physcs, ath than th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, sat at th appopat scal o a ashp a shp socty. socty. Appld physcsts saw th APS as a havn o p sachs—a labl that psntatvs o th APS dd lttl to dsavow. Thy advocatd xpandn th pows o th AIP, whch ncldd ops sch as th Optcal Socty and th Acostcal Socty and whch pomotd mo ly th mxn o thoy and xpmnt, basc and appld sach, so that acadmc ntsts wold not domnat th cntal ovnn ov nn body o Amcan physcs.23 Unty, n ths contxt, mant psvn and pomotn mchansms that ncoad nos applcaton o th ttl “physcst” so as to ncas dalo both wthn and acoss physcal spcalts. Th dalst appoach to postwa physcs p hyscs psntd th owth o th convcton that physcs dd nd to b ndstood, at last n pat, as “what




physcsts do,” th consqnc bn that thos physcsts don thns not tadtonally conzd by th APS dsvd psntaton nvthlss. Th othodoxy wthn th Amcan Physcal Socty was somwhat dnt. APS ocals, concl mmbs, and llows w nnthsd by th da that th socty b nsatd n avo o th AIP, o a nw ntty mad n ts ma, as th pncpal oanzaton o Amcan physcs. Dspt th dssatsacton o appld physcsts, th APS stll wldd th pow ncssay to dntvly nnc how th ld wold b stctd. Th modlaty o th APS’s dvsonal schm, whch had bn nstttd nsttt d n 1931 and allowd oanzd ntst ops to om a dvson o th socty aond a wlldnd topc o physcs, av t an advanta n notatons abot th oanzaton o Amcan physcs. Fdck Stz’s addss at th APS A PS mtn o  Janay 1945 ttld “Whth Amcan Amca n Physcs?” atclatd a poston that xpssd th stanc o thos advocatn o th Amcan Physcal Socty. Socty.24 Stz, lk many o hs contmpoas, saw physcs as natally splt nto two pats: “In th st plac t contans a body o knowld whch has ntnsc as a om o clt. c. .lt. Ths componnt s commonly ‘ndamntal’val o ‘p’ physcs. . In th scond plac, physcs svs calld as a soc o ndamntal knowld o a majoty maj oty o th mpotant mpotan t lds o nnn. nn n.”” Unlk a consdabl nmb o hs collas, Stz xhbtd lttl concn abot th own t btwn th two banchs, as xmpld by th acadmc/ndstal splt, mphaszn that “th tms ‘ndamntal physcs’ and ‘appld physcs’ a n no sns synonymos wth ‘acadmc physcs’ and ndstal physcs.’” physcs.’” In kpn wth th tadtonal t adtonal vw that mphaszd contnty wth Hny Rowland’s vson o p scnc, h dndd th ol o th APS as an nstttonal oan o basc sach. “Th pncpal am o th Socty Socty,,” Stz clamd, had bn “to pblsh p blsh a jonal and aan mtns n whch ndamntal physcs was mphaszd.” I th socty xpandd ts scop to ncld an mphass on appld sach, h contnd, thn no oth oanzaton wold man to potct th ntsts o xploatoy sach.25 On ths onds, Stz ad that dvsons shold pocd wthn th APS n sch a way, (a) that thy dd not ncoa compatmntalzaton, and (b) that thy dd not lad to too mch mphass bn placd on appld physcs. On pont (b), Stz opnd: “Th dan om ths soc s patclaly at at psnt bcas th vast majoty o physcsts s concnd wth poblms o appld physcs. Ths nclds many mn who w hthto concnd only wth p physcs. A la nmb o ths mn ds




qt natally to contn cont n ths typ o wok at th wa and an d may, may, as a slt, l that th socty to whch thy blon shold b adjstd to st th nw ntsts.” Althoh h conzd th sam tnd towad appld wok as thos who avod stctn physcs aond th AIP, Stz pd to tan th pvld plac o basc sach. H sstd that, ath than xpandn th APS o lvatn th AIP AIP,, appld physcsts cold nd a pop ossonal otlt n xstn AIP mmb socts and nnn socts, o stat a nw assocaton o appld physcs to addss th nds. 26 Stz ad that ndamntal sach was th dvn oc bhnd all o physcs. Physcs dd not nd to b nstttonally nd, accodn to ths stanc, bcas appld wok ncssaly ld on advancs n ondatonal basc sach: “Th at mpotanc o ndamntal physcs as a spn o th wll o tchnoloy asss s that th dvlopmnt o ths ld has socal val vn  w adopt th most had-hadd atttd towads socty. socty.” Basc sachs, n oth wods, nd not b wod abot th saty o th socal mpotanc, bcas t wold b aantd by th dpndnc o appld sach on basc Appld o physcsts and bascphyscs p hyscsts physcsts had “no basc qal on thsach. ss o whth not ndamntal shold b psd, vn thoh thy may l that tha t th objctvs l apat.” apat.”27 Physcs, o Stz, was concptally nd—h dd not pcv oanzatonal dscomt as a that to nty—and th st  st objctv o th Amcan Physcal Socty shold b to sv and advocat o th physcsts who nvstatd basc concpts. Powl alls sch as th wll-connctd APS sctay Kal K. Daow and Go W. Stwat, who was psdnt o th APS n 1942, jond n Stz’s dns o th APS. Unlk Stz, ths s concdd wth Hanwll and company n pcvn th ncasn t btwn th acadmc and ndstal commnts as a that to th nty o Amcan physcs. Th pncpal concn, howv, was wth concptal pty ath than poltcal nty. nty. Thy soht to pvnt ndstal ntsts om dltn th APS’s avowd commtmnt to p scnc, and oanzd to pvnt th omaton o an APS dvson dvotd to ndstal o appld physcs. Th APS concl, mplld by sch concns, sccdd n blockn sval poposals o an ndstal dvson. Indstal physcsts w bcomn possvly mo channd by th act that th socty was not ad to th nds. Th concl ldd ltts to ths ct thoh th aly 1940s. On ndstal sach, W. W. Loz o th Natonal Cabon Company, pd that th poams o APS mtns w not pblshd aly noh o m-




ploys o ndstal laboatos nad n dadln-dvn pactcal wok to qst lav and sstd that th socty nat notcs al. On ths cont, th concl dtmnd, wthot notn th ony, that chann xstn pocds wold b “mpactcal.”28 Anoth, A. V. Rtch, compland that APS pblcatons dd not lst spcc job ttls whn pntn nams o ndstal sachs, and ths convyd no ndcaton o th ndvdal’s ank wth an oanzaton.29 By 1943, th concl was awa noh o th own ds amon physcsts mployd n pvat ntps ntp s to patcpat n th aas o th socty to addss, howv tpdly, “th topc loosly dscbd as ‘ncoamnt ‘ncoa mnt o ndstal physcsts. p hyscsts.’” ’”30 Encoan ndstal physcsts, howv, dd not xtnd to antn thm a dvson o th own. In th Sptmb 1943 ss o Journal o Applied Physics, Daow dlvd a shot acoss th bow to poponnts o an ndstal dvson, potn th APS concl’s ntnton to t o vto any ots to shap th Physcal Socty n a way that wold th solat acadma and ndsty: Ltts hav bn cvd convyn th da o a “Dvson o Indstal Physcs.” Th Concl s dsnclnd to avo ths da, whch ncdntally appas to b pcldd by th lana o Atcl IX. On o th thns most atly to b dsd s a ncaton o th physcsts calld “acadmc” and th physcsts calld “ndstal.” It s mpotant to avt th dan o a lack o loss o ntst by th op n th poblms and th ntpss o th oth. Now Now,, th stablshmnt o a “Dvson “Dvso n o Indstal Ind stal Physcs” wold wok n xactly th oppost dcton. That way ls th pl o omn two contastn ops, whos ams and ambtons oht to b alk bt wold nallbly dvat mo and mo as th yas o on.

Daow dd not nlatally oppos APS dvsons and had backd th APS concl’s appoval o th Dvson o Elcton and Ion Optcs. H ncoad poposals o addtonal dvsons, bt catond that thy “b lmtd n scop to a patcla ld o lds o physcs. physcs.””31 Daow’s stanc amontd to an ocal dns o th vals on whch th socty had bn ondd. Th APS concl, thoh Daow’s voc, stood by th assmpton that physcs,  t w to b sbdvdd at all, shold only b cavd alon cla concptal lns. Atcl IX, to whch Daow d, had bn addd to th APS consttton n 1931 n tandm wth th omaton o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs. It pmttd APS dvsons to om aond “spcd sbjct o sbjcts n physcs.”32  Daow, by sstn that ths lana




pcldd a dvson ddcatd to ndstal physcs, phld th assmpton that a “sbjct” wthn physcs had concptal conc ptal oots. Bods, as stablshd by dvsons, wold ct natal catos o knowld ath than pvaln possonal o nstttonal catos. Ths atttd, ntntonally o not, avod an acadmc appoach to physcs.33 Acadmc physcsts w mo nclnd to dvot thmslvs to snl, claly dnd sach aas pdcatd on th ntsts and th socs avalabl at th nstttons, and to bld th possonal dntts wthn thos sach aas. Fo thm, concptally dnd APS dvsons mad ood sns; sch dvsons wold lkly ncld th blk o oth physcsts wth whom w hom thy wold want to ntact. Som natonal ocs w at play n th APS concl’s sstanc to an ndstal dvson. Th mmbs o th APS concl n 1943 ncldd, ncl dd, n addton to Daow, psdnt Albt W. Hll, vc-psdnt Ath J. Dmpst,, tas Go Pam, alon wth lctd mmbs Josph C. Boyc, st Wllam F. G. Swann, Fdnand Bckwdd, Alphs W. Smth, and Hny DWol Smyth. Bckwdd bothnn wthw 1903ov bthdays, had bn bon n thOnly twntth cntyand andBoyc, sx o th ty. Th collctv scntc wok was laly n th aly twntth-cnty Amcan tadton o acadmc-styl, nstmnt-ocsd sach. Havn matd amd th pwa othodoxy othodoxy,, thy wold hav bn natally sspcos s spcos o any poposd catoy that dvatd om socty tadton and so od a stct ntptaton o th qmnt that nw dvsons b sbjct-basd. 34 An aanmnt that pmttd only naowly concvd topcal dvsons was challnn o ndstal physcsts. Rath than ocsn n dpth on a patcla sach aa, an ndstal sach physcst wold otn sht ocs to mt th nds o ndvdal pojcts. Physcsts whos wok n acostcs was contnnt on a pojct wth a xd tmln, at whch thy mht tn to thmodynamcs o mchancs, had lttl ncntv to jon th Acostcal Socty o Amca. Th sam loc wold apply to dvsons. Topcal dvsons, vn  thy makd ot aas o pmaly appld ntst, wold not hav bn a ston daw o ndstal ndst al physcsts who w otn xpctd to adapt th sklls to a wd an o topcs as xncs dmandd. Daow lamntd th own t btwn acadma and ndsty ndst y,, bt hs poposd solton, whch admttd only sbjct-basd dvsons, naowly ndstood, bolstd th tadtonal acadmc vw n whch physcs was nd, and omd ts dntty, dntty, on th bass o th chaact o th knowld t psd. Hs concn that ndstal physcsts w bcomn solatd




amontd to th sspcon that thy mht dt too a om th manstam o basc sach and stop don wok that qald as physcs. Insstn that dvsons mantan topcal oc wold oc ndstal physcsts to dn thmslvs concptally n od to am th dntty as physcsts. BELLING THE CAT AT AT THE CONFERENCE OF PHYSICISTS

Th abl o th bll and th cat tlls o a op o mc plottn to contol a maadn cat. Th mc dbat stats back and oth bo sttln on a poposal that calls o hann a bll aond th cat’s nck, so that thy mht ha t appoachn. Bt whn t coms to dcdn who wll tak p th task o attachn th bll to th cat’s colla, volnts a scac and xcss abndant. Kal K. Daow, sctay o th Amcan Physcal Socty, nvokd ths abl to dscb th stat o Amcan physcs n th aly 1940s. Th commnty was n boad amnt that chan was aoot and that Amcan physcsts shold do somthn to mana that chan and ppa o post–Scond Wold Wold Wa Wa condtons, bt w w wlln to compoms thspctm own ntsts o th ood o th collctv. Th ll o pspctvs dscbd abov was on dsplay at th Natonal Rsach Concl (NRC) Connc o Physcsts, a “‘town mtn’ o physcs,” physcs,” n th wods o Amcan Insttt o Physcs dcto Hny A. Baton.35 Th da o holdn sch a mtn onatd wthn th AIP Boad o Govnos, motvatd motvatd by an ptck n ots to om nw APS dvsons. Th AIP boad took p th matt o a op pttonn th APS o a dvson dvotd to appld spctoscopy dn ts Mach 1944 mtn, consdn whth th APS was th appopat vn o sch an oanzaton and dscssn what th AIP’s ol shold b n mdatn sch ots n th t. Th dscsson movd om th patclas o th poposal to th nal wsdom o sppotn ntst ops wthn th AIP mmb socts, whch ld to th vn mo abstact qston o how dlbat oanzaton o th physcs commnty cold b dctd to th advanta o th ld. Baton sstd that th Natonal Rsach Concl mht hav nds avalabl to sppot a mtn dscssn sch qstons. 36 Th hastly assmbld connc convnd at th Amcan Phlosophcal Socty n Phladlpha two months lat, May 19–21, 1944, “o th ppos o dscssn th psnt and postwa poblms acn physcs.”37  Th poblms snld ot o attnton ncldd dcaton om hh school thoh th adat lvl, th val and nds o ndstal physcsts, possonal standads and th possblty o nstttn dscpln-wd accd-




taton mchansms, how to mana th latonshp btwn physcs and ovnmnt dn pactm, and pomoton o th val o physcs to th Amcan pblc. Th connc was a pmdtatd ot to plot th possonal contos o postwa p ostwa physcs, motvatd motvatd by an optmstc slant on th ablty physcsts had to contol th own dstny n th postwa wold. Th patcpants claly appcatd, bo th Scond Wold Wa had ndd, that th cntal mpotanc o physcs n th wa ot psntd an oppotnty to ncas th ld’s pactm pol as wll. Snc physcsts w conspn to stct th natonal pol, natonalst mtaphos aan md as th natal way to xpss th oals. Rchad M. Stton, sctay o th connc and a Havod Coll physcst wdly spctd o hs tachn, dployd th naton mtapho n hs ntodctoy maks: As n an adjacnt bldn h n Indpndnc Sqa, ws mn mt to am th Consttton o ths Untd Stats, so w a n a sns mt to am th Consttton o Physcs, phaps I shold say “Th Untd Stats o Physcs,” on sch lns that t natons may acknowld that w dd o wok wll. O ppos s to tak som o th plmnay stps wth th xpctaton that what w dscss h wll, by th dmocatc wokns o o vaos oanzatons, tak oot n th sol o o socts and contbt to th stnth o o whol oansm. . . . Th s no qston h o acadmc physcsts vs. ndstal physcsts, o o xpmntalsts vs. thotcal physcsts, and th has bn a conscos ot mad to hav all sds o physcs psntd.38

In snln ot thos spcc dchotoms, Stton nocd th mpotanc, whch, dspt th connc’s altaan msson, was on dsplay thohot. Stton was nonthlss coct to not th boad psntaton at th athn. Govnmnt physcsts w n attndanc, jonn acadmc physcsts om pvat and pblc sach nvsts as wll as small colls. Rpsntatvs om sch wll-stablshd ndstal sach nstttons as AT&T’s Bll Laboatos patcpatd alonsd physcsts om small ndstal ntpss that w jst bnnn to ddcat sbstantal socs to sach. Famntaton was a own act o l, bt th NRC mtn can b ndstood as a nn attmpt to bd th aps that dvdd Amcan physcsts. Its dvsty aods a coss-scton coss-sct on o vws sondn th t  t o physcs, spcally ndstal physcs, n th 1940s. Th qston dvn th mtn was an xstntal on: what dos t




man to b a physcst? Olv E. Bckly o Bll Tlphon Laboatos atclatd common concns that physcs wold b dbasd  t stayd too a om ts dnn dals, whch h ndstood n th convntonal mann o th tm as th ontaton towad th omlaton o nal pncpls. Bckly dntd th qston o how “physcst” shold b dnd as ky to postwa possonal dvlopmnt and sppotd dvlopn accdtaton mchansms o both nstttons and ndvdals. H champond ndsty as a vabl ca path o physcsts, bt also catond that althoh th owth o physcs n ndsty “s n o th physcsts and shold lad to bnts o thm,” t cold only do so “ t dos not at th sam tm so ovpoplaz th posson as to lad to ts dadaton.”39 Potctn pst ankd alonsd vampn dcaton as a postwa oal o th majoty o physcsts, both acadmc and ndstal. Bckly contnd: “Many who a not physcsts wll s noshmnt n oshmnt o thmslvs n adoptn th ttl. Sch a slt wold obvosly b notnat, o t s only by stctn th s o th nam physcst to thos who nnobl t that 40

ths bnts can actvly b maddmacatn ndn.”ts Potctn physcs asthos a pstos appllaton mant sponsblts om o oth scntsts and tchncans, most notably chmsts and nns. Dmacaton was spcally mpotant n ndsty, wh physcsts w sally not coalld wthn dpatmntal stcts that spctd dscplnay ntty and ndd to dn how th sponsblts and th stats dd om th collaboatos wthn la sach ops. Scondn Bckly’s advocacy o accdtaton, Conll’s Roswll C. Gbbs jdd t “a mstak n makn appontmnts to dsnat a physcst as an nn o as a chmst vn thoh t may b th asy way to sc appoval o a nw appontmnt by an Exctv Boad o Oc o to lct avoabl consdaton om a Dat Boad o  o an ‘ssntal man’ n th wa  ot.”” Bn accdtd as ot. a s a physcst, and poply d to t o as sch sc h wold, n Gbbs’s vw podc “th ct pon th ndvdal n mantann hs moal, n vn hm a pop ln o pst, n dvlopn a sns o blonn to a op wth ntsts and ponts o vw n common wth [hs] own, n pomotn loyalty to th posson h has chosn, and n ncoan hm to assocat hmsl wth stabl scntc oanzatons om whch h wll dv stmlaton and oth bnts and to th dvlopmnt o whch h can dct hs own ots and an d sppot.” sppot.”41 Gbbs’s anxty was latd to Bckly’s, bt t was dstnct n on mannl spct: Bckly amd to kp ntlops ot o physcs; Gbbs stov




to kp cdntald physcsts n. Whas Bckly xpssd concn that thos who w not physcsts wold sp th nam, Gbbs soht to pmpt th tmptaton som ndvdals mht l to adopt anoth nam o th sak o xpdnc. Bckly wod that th stats and pst o physcs wold b dltd  th nam w not contolld; Gbbs pdctd that pstos accomplshmnts mht bolst th stats o comptn lds  physcsts w not poply nsconcd n a obst dscplnay stct. Th concns w not mtally xclsv, and both w lvant whn consdn th owth o ndstal physcs. Th paalll mpls to polc th bonday o physcs om wthn and wthot also cts a la ambvalnc abot ndsty, whch appad n md-1940s dscssons abot th t o physcs as both a potntal aa o sl owth and as a that to physcsts’ tadtonal vals. Havad’s Edwn Kmbl, on o th pons o Amcan qantm thoy, dscbd both th oppotnts and th dans ndsty psntd by sttn ot th challns adat dcaton acd. H obsvd what was by thn wdly wll accptd act: “Gat mphass on th th wa ndstal applcatons o aphyscs b ncssay and dsabl at s ndd. Indsty wll nd mo physcsts, and physcsts wll nd ndstal jobs.” Tnn to th challn o ppan adat stdnts o ndstal posts whl mann t to tadtonal dals o physcs, Kmbl contnd: “W “W shall nd to v mo lctoncs, chmsty, mtally, and shop wok. At th sam tm I, o on, shold b vy soy to s anythn lk th convson o adat tann nto a lod nnn cos.”42 Kmbl vocd a boad ambvalnc wth spct to th pop plac o ndstal physcs. It was a owth aa n th 1940s, on abndant mploymnt o physcs PhDs, and ts tchnolocal ocs hlpd cmnt th socal lvanc o physcs. Yt ndstal wok otn dd lttl to bolst th tadtonal dals o physcs. Kmbl’s pjoatv nc to nnn xpssd th ln many acadmc physcsts shad that knowld how mand lss nobl than knowld why. Kmbl’s stanc llstats an mbalanc n th latonshp btwn acadma and ndsty. ndsty. Althoh th ndstal scto s cto cold boast ast  ast owth and a la poplaton, all physcsts, sav th a atoddact, w tand n an acadmc contxt. Th path to potctn ndstal ntsts tho ct thoh acadmc ttoy ttoy.. Bldn ndstal concns nto n to th t o Amcan physcs mant convncn adat advss that stdnts shold b xposd to ndstal poblms, sklls, and job oppotnts. R. Bowln




Bans o th Amcan Cyanamd Company notd that th plac pla c o th physcst n ndsty cold only b alzd mo lly thoh attnton to “th typ o tann that o t physcsts a vn.” Bans osaw “oldn oppotnts ahad o  o ndstal physcsts,” physcsts,” bt catond that “to tak ta k advanta o ths oppotnts . . . and to mak th bst s o hs knowld o physcs t wll b mpatv that h b abl to spak and ndstand th lana o hs llow scntsts.”43 To ths nd, h sppotd boad tann o physcs stdnts n th dmnts o nal lds sch as boloy, boloy, chmsty, and oloy, and also xpos to spcc tchnolocal owth aas lk bb and ptolm. Bans’s maks std p consdabl contovsy. Sval dscssants, ncldn Mvn Klly o Bll Laboatos and oth ndstalsts, ad that ston tann n ondatonal sklls and concpts otwhd boad xpos to oth lds, vn amon appld physcsts. Th acton aanst Bans’s advocacy o what Kmbl mht hav calld “lod nnn” ndcats that althoh ndstal physcsts w kn to s th ntsts ctd n adat tann,ndstal thy wphyscsts, hstant too domost, so at dd th sk o httozn thmslvs. Potctn not man tackn doctoal stdnts nto basc o appld sbpoams; ath t mant, as Ralph A. Sawy sstd, xpandn th scop o ncssay ondatonal tann n physcs to ncld lds sch as omtcal optcs and hydodynamcs.44 Ectvly manan th mpndn owth o ndstal physcs was not  jst a matt adat tann, bt also qd oanzatonal ncoamnt. G. P. Hanwll, havn th dvlopd hs vws on how postwa physcs shold b oanzd, obsvd n hs addss that “th nds that shold b sppld by and o physcsts hav smply otown th xstn oanzatonal amwok.” In act, accodn to Hanwll: “Th can scacly b sad to b at psnt any oanzaton o physcsts. Th Amcan Physcal Socty s not scnt[ly] boadly basd and psntatv; t s poply an xclsv ath than an nclsv socty.” Hanwll patd what had bcom a manta, statn that “physcs s a nd dscpln daln wth matt and ny n all th oms and ntactons,” contnn: “Bt ths cops o concn s so boad that th ntnal stct o th socty mst b bacd wth th bams and coss-ts o spcal ntsts.” Hanwll advocatd a “hozontal and vtcal dvsonal stct, stct,”” n whch physcsts cold b psntd both by nstttonal contxt and topcal ntst, whch h lt wold allow socty to btt oanz mtns and




dstbt pblcatons sch that thy wold ach th atst nmb o ntstd ads. Smla dscontnt wth th naow oals o th APS was wdspad and Hanwll’s da o an nclsv mblla oanzaton was on pomnnt solton nd consdaton.45 Th noton that physcs shold b mand nd a nw, boad amwok was not nvsally blovd, howv. Althoh Hanwll’s talk won sppot om ndstal physcsts who lt  lt that an xpansvly concvd socty wold btt t th nds, t also mt pontd ctcsm. Havy Fltch, thn o Bll Labs, opnd th dscsson wth th complant, “D. Hanwll’s thss wold sm to ndcat that w hav don won n omn th Chmcal Socty, th Astonomcal Socty, th Physcal Socty, and oths, as w hav own om th onal Phlosophcal Socty nto ths banchs.”46 Fltch wold lat sv s v as psdnt o th APS, bt h spok at th NRC wth hs t mly plantd n th Acostcal Socty, and sstd om ths standpont that amntaton was a natal and navodabl by-podct o owth. Mvn Klly Klly, o Bll, antass and that, also t was mosstd pamatcthat to Hanwll wok wthwas thndln APS as ttopan xstd ath than attmptn to cat a nw, stably complt, la-scal dc. Kal Daow, th APS sctay, scondd ths vw, sstn that th schm o dvsons that APS was jst bnnn to mplmnt b vn a chanc to wok bo th physcs commnty consdd sbjctn tsl to swpn chans.47  Toth, ths vocs avod allown th oanc pocsss o nsttton bldn to wok bo consdn nlatal, topdown acton. Follown th an o a an o poposals avon la stctal chans, whch w ssd wth th sam optmsm abot th capacty o physcsts to shap th at that motvatd th conss, th mtn ndd on a consvatv not. Kal Daow, commntn on th dbos lklhood that many o th poposd actons cold b mplmntd n an odly ashon, makd: “I am mndd o th old stoy o th mc who dcdd to bll th cat. It sms that n ths cas th Amcan Insttt o Physcs has bn nvtd to bll th cat.”48 Daow’s qtst conclson abot stctn was phaps somwhat dsnnos, n that t convnntly alnd wth hs convcton that th APS was adqatly qppd to handl th psss o postwa dmoaphc chans and that ts mo lmtd ndstandn o physcs shold b potctd. Bt dspt th al o th lks o Daow to com aond to th vw that th oanzatons o Amcan physcs qd




sbstantal stctn, th NRC connc natd momntm o thos skn to mplmnt sch oms, and th ollown w yas wold ndd vst sncant chan pon both th AIP and th APS. REORGANIZING PHYSICS

Follown on th hls o th NRC connc, th AIP omd a Polcy Commtt on th Roanzaton o Physcs to dstll th an o opnons hashd ot at th mtn nto a st o commndatons. Th commtt, chad by John Tat, ncldd many who w sympathtc to th dalst vw, ncldn Hanwll, Gbbs, and Bckly.49 Th pms om whch th commtt ban was that chans n th nat and composton o Amcan physcs snc th omaton o th AIP ncsstatd valatn ts co sponsblts. Th omost chan thy dntd was th act that “ntst n th scnc o physcs s now mch mo wdspad than omly omly.. It s no lon so mch concntatd n acadmc ccls and xtnds nto a host o ndsts and nto th bod ond o oth scncs. Th nmb o acadmc, anddobld ndstal dnty thmslvs physcs hasnstttonal, appoxmatly n woks th past who dcad, and th post-wawth a pomss a mch at xpanson.”50 Th commtt acknowldd that t dw th bondas o physcs boadly noh that t wold lkly mbac many popl othws classd as chmsts, nns, and mtallsts, bt nvthlss nsstd that conzn th ntst sch sachs mantand n physcs was ncssay o th halth o th commnty. Th poposal o oanzaton bcam th tmplat o a nw AIP consttton, adoptd n Fbay 1946. It ctd th dalst sympaths o th commtt and ll n ln wth an ndstandn that physcs ndd to b oanzd to ct what physcsts dd. Th AIP wold contn ts pbp blshn sponsblts, and wold add a nw catoy o ndvdal mmbshp, whch wold b xtndd atomatcally to ndvdal mmbs o AIP mmb socts, bt whch cold also b acqd by jonn th AIP dctly as an assocat mmb. Th AIP doppd ths mmbshp catoy shotly that, bt ts nclson n th ntal vson o th nw consttton spaks to th volvd ol th oanzaton nvsond o tsl. Also olld nto th AIP’s nw msson was th pblcaton o a t nal ntst jonal, whch wold povd a vn o any physcst to pblsh wok that was ntstn and accssbl to a wd aay o collas, and whch wold n som mas contact th topcal spcalzaton o physcs. That Today n 1948. poposal wold lad to th stablshmnt o Physics Today




Th nw AIP consttton povdd th appaats ncssay to pmt somthn akn to Hanwll’s vson to com to pass. Th AIP, howv, nv w nto a socty to whch physcsts lt any allanc. Th APS, whch had th most to los  th AIP sccdd n xpandn ts msson, nally mad concssons to th ops o ndstal and appld sachs who had bn atatn o at psntaton. By md-1945, two dvsons had manad to navat thoh th APS concl and cv ocal conton, th Dvson o Elcton and Ion Optcs and th Dvson o Hh Polym Physcs. Bt as mo poposals achd th concl, qstn psntaton o ndstal physcs, physcs and avaton, chmcal physcs, spctoscopy, and oth spcalts, th concl balkd. Th vy nam “dvson” mbodd vythn s lk Daow ad n th spct o spcalzaton. At ts May 5 mtn, th APS concl placd pla cd a moatom on th omaton o nw dvsons, pndn th solton o otstandn oanzaton ots, ncldn thos at th AIP. AIP. Th vast chans n th stats and ppos o physcs that makd th aly post–Scond Waand pod a otnBt castthas nstttonal boht abot by dstnctv Cold Wa Wold psss ncntvs. machnatons that lad th ondwok o thos chans w nd way bo th Scond Wold Wa cam to a clos. Th most mpotant pqsts that ld to th conaton o Amcan physcs w notatd thoh th aly 1940s and had mposd thmslvs on th nastct o Amcan physcs bo th most salnt ats o th Cold Wa contxt—th dal ndn nvonmnt, vlnt antcommnsm, and th clod o ncla a, n patcla—cam nto ocs.51 Ths chans cold only com abot bcas som physcsts cam to thnk o th ld as th sm o what w hat physcsts dd. As Wllam A. Wldhack, a Natonal Ba o Standads physcst, wot to sppot th da o a nal, AIP-lk oanzaton to plac th APS: “Th polcs o th nw AIP shold b amd on th alzaton that ts ams can b achvd ach vd only by wdspad and actv mmbshp sppot, and that ths sppot can b tand only by an oanzaton whch s as mch concnd wth svc to  scientists as wth svc to  science.”52 Th locs o possonal pow dd not sht lly to th AIP AIP,, as som hopd, bt th nw pvalnc o ths way o thnkn dd sp nstttonal chan. Lat n 1946, th APS concl aan tnd ts attnton to th qston o dvsons, ths tm wth knowld o th AIP’s plans. On Sptmb 19, th concl appovd an ocal polcy adn dvsons, composd o v ponts:




1. Th Socty shall contn th polcy o stablshn and sppotn Dvsons as povdd o n th consttton. 2. All mmbs o Dvsons Dvsons shall b Mmbs o Fllows o th Socty. Socty. 3. In th Dvson now nolln Assocat Mmbs, ths shall b pmttd to contn n th psnt stats ntl th oanzaton o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs maks povson o ndvdal mmbs. 4. Any mmb o th Socty may noll noll n a Dvson on paymnt to th Socty o an ntaton  o two dollas. 5. Dvsonal xpnss consdd nomal by by th Concl shall b mt by th Socty, and no dvsonal ds may b collctd o assssd by a Dvson nlss athozd by th Concl.53

Th polcy, spcally ponts (2) and (3), was dsnd to pvnt dvsons om bldn otsd th bonds o th APS and thby to noc th socty’s contol ov th scop and chaact o th dscpln. Dvsons allowd wth o ntsts that w nott,tadtonally psntd APS toops bld spac thmslvs wthn as lon as thy sbmttdby to th th athoty o th la socty. By allown an xpandd poam o dvson omaton, albt dnly, dnly, th APS shod p what athoty t tand to shap th dnton o physcs, ostalln somwhat Hanwll’s dalst vson. That s not to say that ots to xpand th scop o physcs ald. Th nd o th moatom on dvson omaton opnd th doo to a nw dvson that wold apdly bcom th socty’s last and most nntal, whl mbodyn many o th pncpls Hanwll dndd: th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs.




Whn w st on th lawn o th Ba o Standads, w do not want to l “q’n san mp abv nos sllons.” —JOHN H. VAN VLECK, 1944

Lk th tanssto o th mcowav ovn, sold stat physcs was tsl an ndstal nnovaton. Physcal nvstaton o th popts o sold matt cold boast a lon tadton by th 1940s, bt sold stat physcs only bcam a dstnct possonal ntty n th Untd Stats pon th ondn o th Amcan Physcal Socty’s Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs (DSSP) n 1947. Th DSSP md om th nstttonal machnatons xplod n th pvos chapt, n whch ndstal physcsts stld o a at ol n th commnty whl tadtonalsts dndd a mo stctv and concptally p vson o physcs. Th DSSP sltd om an ot spahadd spa hadd by ndstal physcsts, whch amd to notat btwn ths comptn comptn  vws o how th post–Scond Wold Wold Wa Wa physcs commnty shold b nd.  nd. Th qaltatv and qanttatv owth o Amcan physcs dsptd tadtonal mods o nstttonal ovnanc and notons o possonal dntty. Topcal dvsons o th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) md as th pd salv o dstablzn xpanson. Dvsons av small ntst ops an nstttonal otlt whl also kpn thm nd th as o th APS, whch dnd and nocd possonal noms mo stctly than a loos allanc cold. Th DSSP, as wll as spondn to an ptck n ntst n th physcs o solds, can b ndstood as an attmpt to nact an nclsv, otwad-lookn dntty o physcs, contastn tadtonal notons o what




a physcst was, wthn th nstttonal constants and oppotnts o th md-1940s. Spnc Wat dscbs th pocss thoh whch sold stat physcs omd, notn: “Whn w spak o th mnc o sold-stat physcs . . . w do not man th caton o somthn de novo. W man a and aanmnt o an nt aay o spcalts, sp calts, old and nw, nw, nto a novl constllaton.” Wat dnts th dosyncass that chaactzd th dvlopmnt o sold stat physcs, a ld that bok th ls o dscpln omaton ollowd by ts sbln sblds, sch as ncla physcs. Rath than own om a sd, Wat obsvs, spcalts somtms “aan thmslvs nto lds at a snl tm whn condtons ach som ctcal pont.” 1 Th lsson Wat daws om th omaton o sold stat physcs s that “a w thohtl popl w abl to sway th balanc n avo o a commnty that was ntllctally and socally opn, yt ntnally cohnt—a sold-stat physcs commnty.”2 Examnn th physcs commnty n th 1930s, h nds “no cla tndncy to ny aond th nal sbjct o solds,” that, vn so, “th a nyn oc. .physcs . . Thscold oc was th bt own ntllctal ntywas o ndd th sbjct. Sold-stat bcom an ntllctal commnty only at ts contv pats had dawn toth n th mnds o som physcsts.” physcsts.” H ssts that a “‘nd “‘ nd thoy’ had bn catd thoh th comn o qantm qa ntm mchancs,” mchancs,” and dnts th “ntllctal nty od by th concpt conc pt o a sold,” as a oc wokn n avo o sold stat’s cohson.3 Ths chapt vsts th stoy o sold stat physcs’ ondn wth th oal o sstn that th nty th sold stat synthss sppotd, sp potd, althoh powl and ctv at manan th sn  sn td o spcalzaton, was somwhat lss than concptally cohnt. Th qantm mchancal appoach to cystalln solds that had md by th 1940s was ndd nd and cohnt, bt t was not th whol o sold stat physcs. Th dstnctv nstttonal aanmnt that podcd th la sold stat commnty commnty,, ncldn at th otst a nmb o sach tadtons bsd th on ocsd on th qantm mchancs o la solds, ctd onon dbats abot th dntty o Amcan physcs. In that sns, sold stat was a poltcal allanc ath than a concptally nd commnty. It was ntnally htonos and qckly bcam actos. Althoh th possblts opnd p by th applcaton o qantm tchnqs to solds w a ctcal antcdnt o th s o sold stat physcs, anoth qally mpotant pcso was an dolocal sht that mad t possbl o Amcan physcsts to concv




o a sbld dnd by possonal and nstttonal objctvs. Sold stat physcs, althoh ts onds stov o nty, was not dnd by th sam typ o nty blovd o oth aas o physcs. Som o th sach poams that mad p sold stat physcs w ndd concptally cohnt, bt ocsn on th nty wthn ths aas, whch otn w pat o tadtons datn to bo th qantm volton, nlcts th ol o poltcal nty n povdn what lttl cohson th ld as whol possssd. Analyzn sold stat as a actos constllaton, bond nto a loos allanc n th svc o common possonal oals, clas th asons o ts omaton, th chaactstcs o ts volton thoh th Cold Wa dcads, and ltmatly, as dscssd n lat chapts, ts ol n th vntal omaton o nw catos, sch as condnsd matt physcs and matals scnc. Th stoy o th DSSP’s ons, tho, tlls not  jst how on o th most mpotant povncs o Cold Wa physcs stablshd tsl, bt how a nw sns o dntty o Amcan physcsts, on that mbacd applcatons, ntdscplnay xchan, and ndstal lvanc, bcam possbl. MAKING DIVISIONS

Th ondn o th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs was a cctos aa, lastn almost o tblnt yas staddln th nd o th Scond Wold Wa a.. Th da o an a n APS dvson that wold cat to an nclsv coss scton o ndstal and acadmc sachs ntstd n som aspct o anoth o th physcs o solds ban to mnat n Novmb 1943 n Evanston, Illnos. Nothwstn Unvsty hostd an APS mtn that ncldd a symposm on th physcs o bb. On ppos o th symposm was to dscss a ptton that had bn cclatd al n th ya, ann thty-on snats, n sppot o a dvson psntn th physcs o hh-polymc matals. Th ndstal lna o ths dvson s cla om ts onally posd ttl: Dvson o Txtl Physcs. Th mo hhbow nc to hh polyms was adoptd to molly th APS concl and ts pjdc o sbjct-basd sbjct- basd dvsons. On th pow o th Evanston ptton and th vbal sppot xpssd at th mtn, th APS concl athozd th Dvson o Hh-Polym Physcs, th socty’s scond.4 Roman Smolchowsk ( 3.1), a Gnal Elctc (GE) sach physcst, was n attndanc. Smolchowsk had com to th Untd Stats om Poland, n Gman occpaton, a w yas al. In Wasaw h had ld th dpatmnt o th physcs o mtals, and th bb symposm




Figure 3.1. Roman Smolchowsk n th Gnal Elctc El ctc Rsach Laboatoy, Laboatoy, ca. 1944. Cdt: AIP Emlo Sè Vsal Achvs, cotsy o Roman Smolchowsk

mboldnd hm to lanch a smla ot on bhal o hs pd class o matals. Bo th ya was ot, Smolchowsk had ctd v oth physcsts wth an ntst n mtals sach to advocat o an APS dvson o mtals physcs. Ths “op o sx,” so namd by Kal K. Daow, was ston on ndstal sachs. It ncldd Smolchowsk’s GE colla Sal Dshman, alon wth Sdny Sl (Wstnhos) (Wstnhos) and Wllam Shockly (Bll Labs). It ncldd on psntatv ach om th acadmc and ndstal sctos. Fdck Stz o th Can Insttt o Tchnoloy, who psntd th acadmy, had pvos ndstal xpnc, havn wokd at Gnal Elctc om 1937 to 1939. Thomas A. Rad o Fankod Asnal, psntn th pblc scto, had bn a Wstnhos Rsach Fllow om 1939 to 1941. Th op o sx snd th nams to a ltt




Smolchowsk wot nttld “Th Psnt Wa Is a Physcst’s Wa,” whch askd “mtal physcsts” to wh n on two qstons: “ First , do yo thnk that som sot o a coopaton amon mtal-physcsts s ncssay and advsabl o not; and  second , what om ths coopaton shold tak: a small commtt, a scton o Th Physcal Socty, Socty, o somthn ls mayb?”5 Th op o sx dstbtd th ltt to ty-th o th collas natonwd who had a sach ntst n mtals, whch, n Smolchowsk’s  jdmnt, pomsd apd  apd postwa owth “not only om th pont o vw o ndamntal scnc, bt also om th pont o vw o pactcal poblms n ndsty.”6 H chos “mtals” both bcas ndstal n dstal sachs wokd pmaly wth mtallc sbstancs and bcas t mpld a wllnnss to collaboat wth mtallsts, mtall sts, mch as h dd n hs day-to-day wok at Gnal Elctc.7 Collaboaton otsd o physcs was cntal to Smolchowsk’s vson and h sstd oth nams on th onds that “coopaton om ply mtallcal qats may b mo actv  w a ‘all ot o mtals.’”8 Mtalmxd physcs povd mo actos than opposton polym physcs and th ltt lctd sponss. Th most pontd cam om John H. Van Vlck, by thn nsconcd nsconc d at Havad Unvsty and hadn th thoy op o th Rado Rsach Laboatoy, whch psd watm sach nto ada contmass. Van Vlck, n hs ply, wot, “I mst conss that I am a ath volnt opponnt o what I lk to call ‘Balkanzaton’ o th Amcan Physcal Socty, b t th oaphcal o by sbjct matt.” Van Vlck pasd “th spt o a Qak mtn” that chaactzd chaact zd pwa mtns, at whch “on can o to ha th paps, n cas on s ntstd, n tstd, o st on th lawn and talk to on’s nds, n cas on s not,” and wh “anybody who wants to can v a tn-mnt pap on any sbjct havn vn th motst conncton wth physcs.”9 An ssay Daow wot o  Physics Today n 1951 also ncs th tadton o n to th otdoos dn APS mtns. By way o vn physcsts advc on how to dlv a pap, Daow sstd that amla dy monoton o most APS talks was n pat sponsbl o chasn attnds to th lawn, notn “th poplaty o th sayn that whn a mtn o th Amcan Physcal Socty s on on, th mmbs a n th codos o on th lawn nstad o lstnn to th spaks” ( 3.2). Physcsts Physcsts cold lan somthn somthn  om sta actos: “Popl wth tckts to Soth Pacc a not standn aond n Foty-oth stt whn th ctan c tan s p.”10




Figure 3.2. Kal Daow (lt) chats wth Hny Baton, Amcan Insttt o Physcs dcto om 1931 to 1957, otdoos dn an Amcan Physcal Socty mtn n Washnton, Washnton, DC, 1960. Cdt: Emlo Sè S è Vsal Achvs, Amcan Insttt o Physcs, Physics Today Today Collcton

Van Vlck th ctczd plans o a nw dvson on th onds that t wold pollt APS mtns wth nonphyscsts: “Th da that vaos ops whos man ntst nt st s not physcs mst b coddld, n od to mak thm mmbs o th Amcan Physcal Socty, has nv appald to m, as jst m nmbs s not vythn. Th Amcan Chmcal Socty s, to my mnd, a pm xampl o ths pont. It sms to m that th contnal tndncy to scton th Physcal Socty and stablsh a lot o sboanzatons wll tnd to pt t on what I may tm a talstc and/o nw-dal-bacatc bass. bass.””11 Van Vlck avod an nomal nvonmnt, nncmbd by sbstcts. H wod th that dvsons,  thy mantand th own mmbshp, wold habo ntlops who had spcal ntst n th sbjct s bjct th dvson psntd—mtals, o nstanc—bt had no nclnaton to consd qstons that w chaactstc o physcs as h ndstood t, as th sach o nalzabl laws. Opposton o ths chaact was consstnt wth th vw o th APS as a p sach oan-




zaton. Van Vlck, thoh hs ondatonal wok on th qantm thoy o mantsm, had contbtd mch to th physcs o mtals bt was ntstd n thm only nsoa as thy povdd tst systms o ondatonal pncpls.12 By “ops whos man ntst s not physcs,” physcs,” Van Van Vlck mant not  jst chmsts, mtallsts, and nns, bt appld sachs whos ntst n applcatons cast dobt on th commtmnt to p physcs. Van Vlck’s opposton to a dvson psntd a mnoty o th mtals physcsts polld, bt that mnoty xtd otszd nnc. Amon th onds o th Amcan thotcal physcs commnty, Van Vlck hld an xaltd plac. H was on o th w Amcans to patcpat actvly n th qantm volton o th 1920s, and ths nspd vnaton scnt to lnd hs opnons consdabl wht.13 H was a ood nd o APS sctay Kal Daow, who was sponsbl o ovsn th omaton o nw dvsons.14 No dcsv vdnc shows Van Vlck xtn dct nnc on th dvson-omaton pocss thoh Daow, bt th qnt cospondnc av Van Van Vlck patd oppotnts to tat ta t hs dstast o  o th cavn p o th APS nto ntstpoposal. ops, and hs xpsson sch opposton pdatd Smolchowsk’s Upon cvn a osvy adn th Dvson o Elcton and Ion Optcs, o xampl, Van Vlck wot to Daow: In ply to yo qstona [ sic ], ], I do not wsh to b nolld n th lcton mcoscop dvson o th Physcal Socty. Appantly w a now to hav vtcal as wll as hozontal Balkanzaton o th Amcan Physcal Socty. I nclos hwth a copy o th Consttton that I an acoss n my ls. Appantly t s th onal om wttn by o ws oaths at Indpndnc Hall, bo any nw dal amndmnts. It sms to cay no povsons o th typ o Balkanzaton, o ntn nto th al stat bsnss. A yo s that all ths tms a lal? 15

Atcl IX, whch addd a povson o topcal dvsons n 1931, wold not hav appad n an onal vson o th APS consttton. Gvn Van Vlck’s standn, hs psstnc, and th clos latonshp, th way Daow dalt wth poposd dvsons lkly owd somthn to Van Vlck’s objctons. Smolchowsk took pans commnsat wth Van Vlck’s stat to assa hs concns. H amd to skt both o Van Vlck’s objctons whl stll acknowldn th valdty and dmonstatn dnc: “Evybody, I thnk, wll a that ‘Balkanzaton’ o th Amcan Physcal Socty wold




b vy ndsabl,” h wot n spons to Van Vlck’s skptcsm abot th op o sx’s poposal: “What som o s consd wothwhl s ( I may s yo poltcal analoy) an attmpt to pvnt ‘an nvason and patton by powl nhbos’ (.. chmsts and mtallsts) at th sam tm avodn th dans o spcalzaton. I do hop that  sch a op s catd t wll not nt wth th dmocatc spt o th mtns o th Socty whch all o s njoy so mch.”16 Van Vlck, nappasd, xtndd th poltcal analoy, dscbn Smolchowsk’s stanc as “a lttl lk th da o Gmany bo 1914 that  t dd not xpand, t wold b obbld p by Rssa and Fanc. As a as I can s, th Physcal Socty s a on concn, and ts mmbshp lst s not shnkn.” Hs hstancy abot opnn th doo o th APS too wdly std on a concn “that o mtns wll hav too many hans-on whos man ntst s not that o p physcs o scnc. Whn w st on th lawn o th Ba o Standads, w do not want to l ‘q’n ‘q ’n san mp abv nos sllons.’” sllons.’”17 Van Vlck mphaszd what Smolchowsk had mssd n hs st ply: hs was notth thatscop chmsts mtallsts nltat bt concn that xpandn o thand APS byond ts wold tadtonal ocsth onAPS, p physcs wold ob t o ts ntllctal ntty and an d socal ntmacy n tmacy.. Van Van Vlck, a physcst bo h was a scntst o a thost o a mtals sach, cast hs lot wth thos who lt smla allanc to physcs as a cohsv ntllctal ntps. Smolchowsk, snd to Van Vlck’s opposton, pld only that h dd not antcpat that th typ o oanzaton h had n mnd, dctd mostly towad oanzn spcal symposa at APS mtns, wold ndmn th Qak spt o thos mtns.18 Van Vlck and oth opponnts o dvsons mad mo sccssl ntats to Fdck Stz, St z, who was mo avoably dsposd to vw th APS as a havn o p sachs. In aly May 1944, whl th op o sx was n th pocss o oanzn a ptton to th APS concl o a mtals dvson, Stz wot to Daow sstn that th qston o nw dvson b postpond ntl at th wa. H xpland hs sston by ncn convsatons h had condctd wth opponnts o th dvson: “Ths a mn whos opnons I spct vy mch, and I was mpssd wth th act that thy l  l as  dvsonalzaton wll b a catastoph. cata stoph.””19 Daow was pzzld by Stz’s ot to ndmn n dmn th op o sx’s ptton, plyn, “I am not s whth ths s a dnt wthdawal o th qst q st by yo op o a Dvson o Mtal Physcs, bt snc th Concl has no omal ptton o sch a dvson bo t, t has not yt takn acton abot sch a dvson no




s t lkly to.”20 Daow xpssd hs convcton that th sbdvsons o th APS w nvtabl, and that th pocss was ssntal as th socty w and qd addtonal stcts to handl pactcal matts sch as oanzn mtns and symposa. Stz, an astt poltcan wth a n v n th wnd, appad lvd that Daow had dawn hm back om th skptcal bnk, plyn: Yo hav pt th nt staton n a lht that maks m l mch cla abot th objctvs at hand. As yo ndobtdly athd om my pvos ltt, I hav bn sbjct to consdabl bombadmnt om many hands concnn th pat I had playd n conncton wth th poposal to stat a dvson o “Mtal Physcs.” I now alz that dvsonalzaton s not an vl n tsl, and that th sccss o al o th Amcan Physcal Socty n th t dpnds ntly pon th way n whch th mmbs xcs th hts that thy hav nd th xstn oanzaton.21

Th poposal o a nw dvson wold pocd, dspt th opposton. FROM METALS PHYSICS TO SOLID STATE PHYSICS

Daow conzd th owth o dvsons as nvtabl, bt n dnc to Van Vlck and oth tadtonalsts hld ast to th ntptaton o th APS consttton that qd dvsons to om aond sbjct aas—th soc o hs sstanc to poposals o a dvson o ndstal physcs. H soht to bd th dolocal dvd by commndn that th op o sx ps a sold stat physcs dvson, ath than a mtals physcs dvson, whch mtatd Van Van Vlck’s objctons somwhat whl stll vn Smolchowsk’s ntc op th nstttonal spac thy cavd.22 Stz was swayd by Daow’s sston that th poposal o a mtals dvson b boadnd to ncompass solds nally. nally. H od a ma clpa  to Smolchowsk o wavn n hs convcton whl bn “bombadd vy havly wth vws aanst dvsonalzaton” bo askn: “Do yo hav a dp-satd objcton to sn th nam ‘Dvson on th Physcs o Solds?’ Ths wold ndobtdly opn th doos to a mch wd op, sch as thos ntstd n pmnts and camcs, and wold mak th aspcts o dvsonalzaton a lttl lss m.” m.”23 Th dscsson ov whth to oanz aond mtals o solds ct to th co o th dsamnts ov th poposd dvson’s msson. Léon Bllon, an xpt on th qantm thoy o cystals who had d Fanc o th Untd Stats at th bnnn o th Scond Wold Wa Wa,, xpssd th




hat o th opposton to mtals mta ls as a sbjct catoy n hs ply to th op o sx’s ltt: “Th dstncton btwn mtals and oth solds has no scntc bass and s only a matt o nnn—Th physcst cannot daw a bod btwn th two cass, and most o o cnt knowld o mtals was th slt o xpmnts and thos wokd ot on th non mtallc cystals. So lt s spak o Physics o solids n nal. n al.””24 Fom th pspctv pspct v o basc physcs, th sold stat was th spo catoy bcas t dd a btt— mpct—job o psvn ps vn topcal cohnc wthn th dvson. In contast, th choc o mtals as an oanzn o anzn pncpl btayd too stakly th ndstal ons o th onal poposal. Smolchowsk, spondn to Sdny Sl’s sston that th nt sold stat b consdd, potd han “th opnon that most ndstal sach s don n th doman o mtals,” althoh h admttd that h cold not b s hmsl.25 It took consdabl psason bo Smolchowsk wold accpt solds ov mtals as th ocs  ocs o th nw n w dvson. Dspt hs dnc to Van Van Vlck’s concns and th pans h took to mphasz that th dvson was motvatd thcollaboaton bst ntst o physcs and and p hyscs physcs alon, onwhch o hs h dvn motvatonsbywas wth chmsts mtallsts, took to b ssntal to th halth o physcs. H nvsond an oanzaton that wold kp th stdy o mtals td closly to physcs, bt also saw t as a tool to oanz jont symposa wth socts sch as th Amcan Socty o Mtals (ASM) and th Amcan Insttt o Mchancal Enns (AIME). Smolchowsk dd hav ood ason to mphasz th collaboatv potntal wth ths socts. Mtally bo th Scond Wold Wold Wa Wa had aspatons to mpov ts standn amon th scncs. Whn th Unvsty o Pnnsylvana Pnnsyl vana was wokn to xpand ts sach pol n th lat 1930s, o nstanc, mtally was on aa t dntd as on a sbstantal tn on nvstmnt. Gaylod P. Hanwll, cntly appontd cha o th physcs dpatmnt, attmptd to poach mtallst Ghad D om Can Tch, notn that “a nmb o almn and ntstd nds o th Unvsty hav poposd that th ntst n Mtally b xpandd,” and mphaszn “a complt nanmty o opnon amon s that th adat and sach aspct o th dvlopmnt shold b concvd conc vd o as a p scntc poam n th Physcs and Chmsty o solds ath than ndavon to t t too closly to classcal mpcal  mpcal mtally mtall y..”26 Fth, mtally poams and ndsts ocsd aond sach nto th popts o mtals w hn physcsts. In th Natonal Rsach Concl’s 1946 svy o US ndstal laboatos, only on, Bll Tl-




phon Laboatos, lstd “sold stat” as a sach aa.27 In th sam volm, ncs to mtals, alloys, stl, mtally, and smla tms appa on almost vy pa and n th nts o th at majoty o laboatos that lst physcsts amon th sach sta. st a. Smolchowsk’s Smolchowsk’s sns that mtals w cntal to th wok o ndstal physcsts was not msplacd. Bt smla data ndcat that h nd n d not hav bn so concnd abot th xact nam o th ld. Only a handl o laboatos n th 1950 dton o th sam pot lst sold stat physcs amon th sach aas o sold stat physcsts amon th sta, bt by 1956 th tm was n common cclaton and n 1960 t was bqtos.28 Smolchowsk vntally lntd. H wot Stz at th nd o May 1944: “I qt a that om th pont o vw o th A.P.S. as a whol ‘solds’ a to b pd, bt I thnk that om th pont o vw o coopaton wth oth socts, ‘Mtals’ a mo appopat. Ths coopaton and ths bdn o th ap btwn mtal physcsts and mtallsts s to my mnd on o o man objctvs.”29 Stz pld on Jn 14: Radn th ttl o th dvson, I honstly do not blv that w shold woy abot what th mtallsts wold consd a ood ttl. Fom th xpnc I had n Pnnsylvana wth oanzn coopatv mtns, I blv I can stat honstly that th coopaton wth th mtallsts wll hav to onat on o sd. I th a jont mtns wth th ASM o th [AIME], t wll b bcas somon lk yo o I has bn assv noh to appoach thm. Th xact nam o th dvson wll not play a ol n ths notaton. As a slt, I stll hadly avo th s o th wod “sold” nstad o th wod “mtal.” In addton, I thnk w shold mmb that th psons ntstd n pmnts, lass, and th lk, who wll b ntstd n th dvson, a vy la n nmb, and a no lss oanzd than th mtallsts. I blv t wold b a mstak  w xpssd ntst n on o ths ops, to th xclson o th oth. 30

Stz had bn an assstant posso o physcs at th Unvsty o Pnnsylvana n th lat 1930s dn Hanwll’s ots to xpand th nsttton’s pol n mtally. mtally. Th wok Stz was psn on solds had bn a ctcal lmnt o Hanwll’s sals ptch to potntal hs, so Stz wold hav had ampl oppotnty to dvlop a consdd poston on th latonshp btwn physcs and mtally. Stz’s nnc pavd th way o Smolchowsk to nally abandon hs commtmnt to mtals. Whn Smolchowsk mt wth Daow two days lat on Jn 16, th slt was an amnt to




cclat a ptton o th omaton o a psntatonal oan o physcs o th sold stat and to aan a symposm to dscss th stat o th ld and plan t oanzatonal ots.31 Th sht om mtals to th sold stat dd not dampn Smolchowsk’s nthsasm o nsn that th owth o nw lds o nqy, spcally thos wth ndstal lvanc, mand lnkd to th APS. Th nam chan qlld som opposton om thos who nsstd on topcal dvsons o non at all, bt th poposd DSSP, DSSP, as dmonstatd by sbsqnt sbs qnt vnts, mand an ot to ntat ndstal sachs wth th acadmc commnty by skn a clos assocaton btwn sl-dntd p and appld sachs. FOUNDING THE DIVISION OF SOLID ST STA ATE PHYSICS

Th qston o what sot o oanzaton shold b stablshd had mand n th backond p to ths pont. It bcam cntal to th dscsson at Smolchowsk and Daow ad to mov ahad wth th poposal o a sold stat dvson. opstandn o sx’s onal lttwold had askd whth a lldd dvson o Th a small commtt b mo avoabl. In Jn 1944, th APS concl appontd th op o sx as a commtt to oanz a symposm at whch th qston wold b pt to a op o ntstd physcsts.32 To ths nd, th op o sx pblshd th slts o th svy n th  Journal o Applied Physics wth a on-pa statmnt nttld “Physcs o th Sold Stat.” Ths pblshd statmnt av a sot ptch than “Th Psnt Wa Is a Physcst’s Wa,” bt advancd ssntally th sam amnt and asd ssntally th sam qstons. 33 Rath than advocatn o nw oanzatons, th statmnt planly psntd th an o optons avalabl and advtsd th symposm, to b hld at th Janay 1945 mtn o th APS n Nw Yok, at whch thy wold b hashd ot. Alonsd th possblty o a nw dvson, th atcl otlnd th opton o omn a standn commtt wthn th APS, whch, althoh t wold q modcaton o th APS consttton to allow o sch ntts, wold not mantan mmbshp olls and wold ths mak lss o an mpact on th dntty and allanc o ndvdal physcsts. Th statmnt conzd amon th commnty o solds sachs “a ds to avod, as mch as pactcal, too omal an oanzaton,” and notd that avodn dvsonalzaton wold skt “th dans o ovspcalzaton and [stss] th nty o ntst and o ppos o all physcsts.” 34 Sch danty htoc soht to dan th lks o Van Vlck, whl conzn th act




that sold stat was sch a la catoy and that nstttonally yn t wold op toth physcsts who othws had lttl n common. Th op o sx spnt th all a ll and wnt o 1944 oanzn a symposm o th Janay APS mtn. Thy took pans to balanc nstttonal alatons o th patcpants, th statd postons on dvsons, as wll as thotcal, xpmntal, and appld sach. Van Van Vlck, o xampl, ad to spak on th thoy o omantsm on th condton that hs 35 patcpaton wold not b psntd as an ndosmnt o Balkanzaton.  Th  Journal o Applied Physics, n whch th statmnt annoncn th symposm was pblshd, was both a pd otlt o ndstal sachs and on o th w pblcatons wh a ood balanc o ndstal and acadmc contbtons was n vdnc.36 Th vn o pblcaton and makp o th symposm ndcatd that ths nw ld wold am to bd th dvd btwn acadmc and ndstal commnts whl also ncldn an appld consttncy that had pvosly had lttl say n APS aas. Fom an oanzatonal standpont, th symposm sltd n a shottm Fatn vocs both and aanst a dvson, th symposm,stalmat. lk th ccla ltt bo t, o podcd an ovall pnc o a commtt ath than a dvson. Smolchowsk wot to Van Vlck ollown th symposm: “My own lns a qt optmstc now: I hop w wll b abl to hav a ‘sold’ commtt actn accodn to o onal plans, avodn at th sam tm th dans o ‘pss ops’ and oth dawbacks whch yo hav mntond.”37  Ths sntmnt xpssd th boad consnss that th nds o th nchoat sold stat commnty cold b mt by th appontn o lctn a commtt to oanz mtns and symposa. Th commtt wold hav hav no pmannt mmbshp and a nd collct no ds. Van Vlck sd th attnton th symposm natd to consoldat opposton to dvsons. H poposd a pophylactc mas aanst th dvson-makn—a standn Commtt on Poams wthn th APS that wold hav psntaton om a an o sbjct aas and hold th sponsblty o oanzn mtns so as to bnt ach. A ptton, addssd to Daow and snd by Van Van Vlck and a nmb o hs lk-mndd collas, ad: “It s pabl to hav a commtt o th Socty on th whol sbjct o symposa ath than a spaat commtt o ach spcal ld, o two asons: In th st plac, th dan o catn to pss ops wold b avodd, and n th scond plac, th wold b nshd a btt saad that th nmb o symposa wold b nth xcssvly




la no too small.”38  Smolchowsk and th op o sx ndavod to wok wth Van Vlck on ths poposal. Upon cvn a copy o Van Vlck’s ltt, Smolchowsk pld: “I s no ason why ach op o physcsts psntn a dnt boad ld shold not lct on o two mn to yo Gnal Symposm Commtt whch wold sv as otlnd ot lnd n yo ltt ltt .. Howv, I do thnk ths mn shold b lctd, not appontd.”39 Smolchowsk was concnd that yon physcsts lt alnatd om  om th socty’s systms o ovnanc and wold bnt om an oanzatonal stct that ncoad thm to patcpat mo lly n socty bsnss. In th absnc o a commtt o a dvson ddcatd to solds, Smolchowsk nsstd on lctons to dtmn th consttton o any nal commtt n od to ns that th systm was not olachcal. Van Van Vlck, n kpn wth hs pnc o nomalty, ond sch dmocatc machny dstastl. H consdd contstd lctons a soc o ll wll and ncontstd lctons pontlss omalts.40 Althoh Smolchowsk and Van Vlck had com clos to an on acty sqnc pactcal mass, th copd dsamnt howconcpth sosholdoopat psstd. Van Vlck a smallabot socty, tally nd and ocsd ocs d closly on p sach, whch wold oancally podc th ndvdals wlln and abl to condct th commtt wok ncssay to aan mtns. Smolchowsk, on th oth hand, saw a nd to ntodc nstttonal appaats n th socty n od to achv hs ams. Stz pontd ot anoth consqnc o Van Vlck’s plan, wtn to Smolchowsk, “I blv that a la nmb o ndvdals whos pmay ntst s n appld physcs wll stll b dsntld.” 41 Stz osaw stp postwa owth n ndstal mploymnt o physcsts and sstd that,  stps cold not b mad to addss th nds n ds wthn th Physcal Socty, Socty, a spaat socty o  o appld physcs b stablshd. Nonthlss, h ad to sppot Smolchowsk’s poposal, whch wold combn basc and appld wok wthn th sold stat dvson.42 Stz’s convcton that appld physcsts wold b dssatsd by a nal poam commtt s ndcatv o th wdspad acknowldmnt that ndstal and appld physcsts nally avod mo, ath than lss stct wthn th APS. Ths dscssons w ltmatly acadmc. Eots to oanz a commtt, th topcal o nal, w thwatd by a constttonal tchncalty; povsons o standn commtts dd not xst n th APS consttton. Snc th ppos o APS dvsons, as alady n pactc by th Dvson o Hh-Polym Physcs and th Dvson o Elcton and Ion Optcs, closly




mod th poposd nctons o th sold stat commtt and o th nal poam commtt, Daow and th APS concl dmd that an amndmnt to th consttton n od to allow standn commtts was n jstd. Th op o sx shlvd shlvd th ots ntl th nd o th wa, wa, whn physcsts w lss ncmbd by wa wok and tavl stctons and th poltcal manvn qd to mashal noh sppot o th sold stat dvson wold b smpl smpl.. Th ot was sctd lat n 1946, at th APS concl ltd ts moatom on nw dvsons. Amd th contovsy sondn th wsdom o dvsons, th APS concl had appontd a commtt, hadd by Edwad Uhl Condon, to stdy th ss and cat a mo pmannt polcy.43 At th sam tm, “Athozaton was . . . obtand to tll th ‘Gop o Sx,’ who want to oanz a Dvson o th Sold Stat, to o ahad wth th plan.”44 Ths by no mans psntd an nd to th dbat ov th ol o dvsons. At th nxt mtn, Condon’s commtt cond wth th concl, wth th slt “that both th Commtt and th concl ond thmslvs conontd wthtn.” conclabl vwponts, and th matt has to o ov to th Janay mtn. m ”45 Sbstantal poss wold hav to wat ntl May o th ollown ya, whn th concl aan, n Daow’s sadonc paaphas, “tnd to ts avo avot pastm o dscssn th qston q ston o Dvsons.” Dvsons.”46 Dlats om th Dvson o Elcton and Ion Optcs and th Dvson o Hh-Polym Physcs compland abot th concl’s havy-handd appoach to catn polcs ctaln th actvts. Dvsonal psntatvs had bn xcldd om th commtt that datd th socty’s polcy adn dvsons, and as a slt thy ond th bylaws, and th actvts pmttd by thm, abptly constand. Th socty clampd down on th pactc o dvsons antn assocat mmbshps to ndvdals who w not APS mmbs and pohbtd dvsons om collctn th own ds. Daow potd that “th Dvsons lt thmslvs compltly at sa own to th athoty possssd by th Concl to mak sch chans wthot consltaton wth Dvsonal ocs.”47 Th acton pomptd th concl to allow psntatvs om th dvsons to tak pat n any t dscssons ptnnt to dvsonal actvts, bt sd to ostall mplmntn th polcy t had adoptd. Daow potd th solton: “Th Psdnt shall appont a commtt o v mmbs o th Concl to stdy th latons btwn th Dvsons and th Concl necessary to implement the policy adopted in September 1946 . (Th [mphaszd] phas s an ssntal pat o ths moton: ss-




tons that t b dltd w mad, bt dd not vntat n any amndmnt o th moton).”48 Th concl, n oth wods, asstd cntal athoty ov th dvsons. Th 1946 polcy was dsnd to ns that dvsonal actvts wold b ovnd by th APS, ath than pomotn naow ntst ops. Th concl was patclaly dtmnd to stct dvsonal mmbshp to APS mmbs. It ld: “Th Dvson o Hh-Polym Physcs may kp ts psnt Assocats ndntly, bt nth t no any oth Dvson may lct Assocats hncowad, hnc owad,”” and th qd that “th By-Laws o th two ld Dvsons shall b xamnd and boht nto conomty” wth th ls th concl had st ot.49 Th concl’s actv polcn o any actvts that mht thatn th socal and concptal cohson o th socty o sp athoty ov mmbshp o s ald to dt dt  th DSSP’s boosts. Th day at ttn th o-ahad om th socty, Smolchowsk—who had movd om GE to th Can Insttt o Tchnoloy n th all o 1946—wot to th concl: “In vw o th cnt avoabl dcson o th Commtt on Dvsons (nd th chamanshp o D. Fltch) and to thconsd tn oaan mo ts nomal condtons ‘opa o sx’ qsts th Concl ptton and to th appov Dvson o Sold Stat n accod wth th commndatons o th Commtt on Dvsons.”50 Jst ov a month lat, at th Novmb 30 concl mtn, th omaton o a “Dvson o Sold-Stat Physcs” was athozd.51 Its stats was ocally conzd at th Jn 1947 APS mtn n Montal.52 An annoncmnt to th APS mmbshp dnd th DSSP’s scop “to comps all thoy and xpmntal sach ptann to th physcs o th sold stat, sch as mtals, nslatos, phosphos, all cystalln sbstancs, tc.”53 Mtals had bn sbstantally downadd n th dvson’s msson, bt althoh th xpanson o scop mad o an ntty wth slhtly lss zzy concptal bondas, t also catd oppotnts o t to ncompass all styls o sach, old and nw, p and appld. Adoptn th sold stat as a dmacatn ln dd not daw shap concptal dstnctons as mch as t avodd thm ntly. By compomsn btwn th socty’s dmand o topcal contnty and th ds to psnt ndstal and appld physcsts qally, qally, th DSSP bcam a b tnt. Th DSSP, and th loos commnty o physcsts t psntd, can b sn as a dscplnay dscplna y xpmnt. Th poposal o a mtals dvson xposd sval own ts wthn th physcs commnty. As ndsty was bcomn a consdabl oc n Amcan physcs, th t btwn acadma and ndsty w nto a matt o dp concn. Two ncompatbl concp-




tons o nty md n th ac o qstons abot how physcsts shold poston thmslvs ollown th wa. Th st ollowd dctly om th tadtonal vw that physcs shold b a ld ddcatd to p scnc. Unty n ths sns, o a ld dnd by th objct o ts stdy, dvd ts mann om th basc concpts that w spposd to cospond to natal catos. Unty n th scond sns was poltcal. It mbodd th da that a commnty cold com toth o a common ppos om a-n povncs as lon as t was dd by a ston cntal oanzaton. Ths typ o nty, n contast to concptal c oncptal nty, nty, qd contnal nstttonal mantnanc. mantnanc . Amcan sold stat physcs, n th pocss o navatn ths ts, oanzd physcsts not on th bass o shad tchnqs o concptal tools, bt by possonal ntnt. It was a catoy mposd on a op o physcsts who had a shad ntst, bt ths ntst was not n an ncapslatd alm o physcal nqy; t was n bdn an nstttonal ap and catn oanzatonal psntaton o ops that w othws manalzd. Th qston o how nty shold b ndstood lay at th co o ths dvlopmnt. THE POLITICAL UNITY OF SOLID STATE STATE PHYSICS

Both thos poposn th DSSP and thos opposn t, thos pshn o at nnc o appld physcs and thos skn to potct th pmacy o p sach, pldd allanc to th nty o physcs. Thy dsad abot what t mant o physcs to b nd. Sold stat physcs mbodd a poltcal vw o nty. nty. Unlk th vw o physcs as a s nd by ts co concpts, whch w om th sam nntnth-cnty snsblts that avod classcaton schms basd on natal phnomna, th poltcal vw o nty allowd physcsts a at dal o lattd to dn both th ot bondas o th sbjct and ts ntnal stct. Th nstttonal possblty o a ld as la and nothodox as sold stat physcs qd som physcsts to stat bhavn as thoh physcs ally was jst what physcsts do. Sold stat physcs, as th st ld oanzd on sch a bass, was a classcaton nlk any oth bo t. Its sccss, n th lon n, wold ltmz classyn physcs on th bass o tansnt possonal nds. Th nsally boad chaact o sold stat physcs was vdnt as aly as th Janay 1945 symposm wh th poposal o a dvson (o a commtt) was st sbmttd to commnal sctny. Th slat was ston wth thotcally sophstcatd talks. Goy H. Wann o th Unvsty o Iowa otlnd nw applcatons o statstcal sta tstcal mthods to coopatv phnom-




na.54 Van Vlck av a vw o thotcal appoachs to omantsm, bnnn wth phnomnolocal tatmnts o th aly twntth cnty and contnn thoh dscptons o comptn qantm mchancal appoachs.  Ths appoachs w basd on xchan ntactons, whch, althoh pat o th standad dscos amon qantm thosts snc th lat 1920s, w stll scntly obsc wthn th nal Amcan physcs commnty that Van Vlck ndd to caton hs adnc that “[xchan] 55 ocs cannot b dscbd n smpl nttv lana.” lana.” Th symposm also dmonstatd a commtmnt to th applcatons o sold stat physcs, and ncldd contbtons om Rchad Rcha d M. Bozoth and Howll J. Wllams o Bll Labs, who dscbd th wok as “ndstandn o th bhavo o mantc matals n appaats dvlopd as a pat o th wa ot.”56 Wattown Asnal’s Clanc Zn amd hs tatmnt o th act stss o stl sn nabashdly appld htoc, bnnn by notn that th “snws o waa, namly ns, pojctls, and amo, a mad o stl,”57 and Otto Bck o th Shll Dvlopmnt Company ad that th ncasn mpotanc catalytc pocsss n 58 chmcal tchnoloy mtd th attnton to th o topc om physcsts. Th boad coss scton o wok on dsplay was psntatv o th smlaly boad an o appoachs and qstons th DSSP ltmatly nd. Van Vlck’s concn wth how th xchan ntacton mht povd a mo obst casal accont o omantsm had lttl to do concptally wth Zn’s ntst n th phnomnoloy o stl. Th act that thy both addssd som popty o sold matt was a spcal commonalty at bst. Van Vlck’s dscsson o omantsm otlnd how th ascnt o qantm mchancs pmttd a nw casal ndstandn o th phnomnon. Sch a psntaton assmd hs da o th natal na tal odn o physcs: th nvstaton o nal laws allowd applcaton to, and xplcaton o, spcc systms. Van Vlck, psntn cttn d thotcal wok, was wlcomd nto th sold stat non, wh h ond hmsl amon th lks o Zn and Bck, wth th ovtly appld thst, and Pcy Bdman, who, nd th aspcs o sold stat, contnd hs lon-standn sach poam on th physcs o matals nd hh psss, whch amd at qaltatv dscpton o th blk popts o matals and avodd dlvn nto qanttatv nalzaton.59 Gopn ths dspaat ntpss ntp ss wthn th sam povnc o physcs aantd that th nw ld wold not spct xstn, concptally dnd bas btwn basc and an d appld physcs. Sold stat dnd bods




aond a nw aa o physcs basd on convnnc. Th sold stat was an xpdnt catoy because t was boad noh to ncompass sch a wd an o topcs. Its badth assd that t wold not dscmnat aanst ndstal o appld physcsts, who cold otn not stat th ocs aa naowly, allown th DSSP to span acadmc and ndstal ttos that w othws solatd om ach oth. Th ston appld componnt and xpansv scop o sold stat physcs that cam wth ts nstttonalzd om a th vdnt n ts pdaoy. Th st txtbook to dscb physcal appoachs to sold matt comphnsvly, Fdck Stz’s  Modern Theory o Solids, appad n 1940. It ocsd on th tanston om classcal to qantm appoachs, wth patcla mphass on th appoxmaton mthods that mad la cystalln solds sscptbl to qantm mchancal dscpton.60 Chals Kttl’s  Introduction to Solid State Physics bcam th standad txt at ts scond dton n 1955.61 Th scond dton xpandd th txtbook by abot two hndd pas ov th onal 1953 pntn. Mch o th addtonal matal dalt wth pactcalts that wold b lvant tostyl, nns ndstal physcsts. Com Compad pad wth Stz’s Stz’ s omalsm-havy Kttl’sand appoach to to thoy was stahtowad, n most cass latn ll qantm mchancal tatmnts to th appndxs. Kttl’s txtbook also ddcatd mo spac to applcatons, addssn n dtal, o xampl, th popts o alloys and th bhavo o tansstos, llstatn concpts wth dscptons o xpmntal tchnqs and appals to asly obsvabl laboatoy phnomna. Havn bcom th standad stan dad txt, Introduction to Solid State Physics psntd a ld wth a ston appld ap pld ncton. As John J. Hopld makd n hs collctons o hs tann n sold stat at Conll n th 1950s: “Th waknss o th book was that t lt yo (as a thost) wth no da o wh to stat to dvlop a dp ndstandn o any o th topcs covd.”62 It was th txtbook Mldd Dsslhas adoptd whn hd to tach a thoy o solds cos at MIT that wold b mo accssbl to nns than th hhly abstact styl that domnatd John Slat’s physcs dpatmnt. H thoy o solds cos addssd th shotcomns Hopld dntd by spplmntn Kttl’s book wth 302 pas o handwttn, photocopd nots povdn a mthodcal psntaton o cystal stct and lattc dynamcs ladn nto a dtald psntaton o th lctonc stats o solds, whch th cos dwlld on bcas “o most o th pactcal applcatons o solds to o tchnolocal dvlopmnt, t s pobably th lctonc popts that a o th atst ntst.”63




Stz and Kttl wot o dnt adncs. Stz assmd a ston backond o hs ads, tatn adat stdnts and pactcn physcsts. Kttl’s txt was dsnd to b accssbl to ndadats. Th dncs nonthlss an dp. By th 1950s, sold stat had not only bn stablshd as a mch boad ntps than Stz’s tatmnt wold sst, bt ts st majo cop, n th om o th tanssto nvntd at Bll Laboatos, had com om ndstal qats.64 To b maktabl n th 1950s, a txt on sold stat physcs had to tak nto accont th an o th ld’s applcatons, not jst ts concptal stct, and man accssbl to chmsts and nns. As Kttl notd n hs pac: “Sold stat physcs s a vy wd ld.”65 Dscontnt wth th nam “sold stat physcs, physcs,”” whch psstd lon at th nam was valdatd by th APS and mblazond on txtbook covs, was a symptom o a dp dssatsacton wth a catoy possssd o lttl nhnt cohson. Th ld nvthlss manad to han toth,  loosly, on th stnth o common possonal objctvs. Th poltcal nty manstd by thsbstantal omaton ways o a sold commnty n th Untd n th om stat convntonal concptal nty.. Stats nty Fst, tdd was nstttonally mposd. Sold stat physcs cold b sad to b nd bcas t was aantd cohson thoh nstttonal psntaton. Bcas sold stat was so dvs, t qd an oanzatonal nastct  ts vaos sctos w to avod bn annxd by oth aas o physcs, oth scncs, o banchs o nnn. As MIT lctcal nn Ath von Hppl obsvd n 1942: “Th nc btwn th two lds [physcs and lctcal nnn] s alln nto dspa. Th lctcal nn has to lan and to apply atomc physcs n od to ndstand and mpov hs nw tools, and th physcst s bnnn to talk abot ‘hh Q’s’ and ‘chaactstc mpdancs’—and sms to lk t.”66 Th physcsts who cold spak th lana o lctcal nnn—o mchancal nnn, chmsty, o mtally—tndd to b thos who wold b classd as sold stat physcsts. Th wak concptal bondas that kpt ths lds apat mant that,  physcsts ntstd n ctan typs o sold stat poblms w to b kpt wthn physcs, thy wold nd nstttonal sppot and ncoamnt. Scond, sold stat was a mallabl non. Its om was not spposd to b objctvly xd by any acts abot th physcal wold. Sch xblty cad statc potntal. It allowd sold stat physcs to dn tsl n sch a way that t mht ow, ow, adapt, and compt o ndn and pst. It cold chan ts scop wthot ndann ts standn. A sold stat physcst




cold xplo a nw aa o ndstal ntst, o nstanc, wthot tansssn th topcal bonday o th ld. Sch xblty povd ctcal as ndsty bcam a mo pomnnt lmnt o Amcan physcs n th post– Scond Wold Wa a. Thd, poltcal ncaton allowd sold stat to mbac th appld consqncs o scntc sach. Concptal nty assmd that nnn applcatons o scntc knowld lay pmanntly otsd any nd ld o physcs. Sold stat took a mo xbl appoach. By so actvly skn to povd appld and ndstal physcsts psntaton, t lnkd th tadtonal basc sach am o th physcs commnty wth a own ndstal scto n whch tchnolocal nds dmandd to b lld mo oclly than xplanatoy lacna. Ths dncs nsd that sold stat mand a vabl sbld, bt also bandd t an otsd. Th ld’s path ov th sbsqnt dcads cts both th xblty t njoyd and th dclts t conontd as a slt. Th dbat ov nty was, at co, a dbat ov what shap physcs wold tak own n th postwa commnty. It playdand ot appld as a t physcsts wa wthn was th APS. Th consttncy o ndstal ot o stp wth th socty’s tadtonal ocs on basc sach. Indstal owth was otstppn acadmc owth, and a ston ndstal psnc n th APS thatnd to alt th socty’s chaact by sstn a boadnn o ts msson nto aas som thoht shold not qaly as physcs. Appld physcsts w no lss mphatc abot th dntty, howv, pontn to th tann and to th cntalty o physcal pncpls to th wok, dnyn that manplatn and applyn ths pncpls mad thm lss wothy o nclson n th ld than thos who st ot to dscov thm. Thy pomotd nstttonal mchansms that wold allow thm to opat wthn th APS whl stll mantann a mas o atonomy. Bldn on G. P. Hanwll’s b tnt dal, n whch th tm “physcst” wold b nosly bstowd, advocats o ndstal and appld physcsts soht to om Amcan physcs by pomotn a boad topcal scop and asn topcal and nstttonal val dstnctons amon ts mmbshp.  John Van Vlck champond th tadtonalst pont o vw n spons to ths challn, stanchly mantann that sachs wth stctly appld ntsts ll otsd o th APS msson and that ncldn thm wold dlt th atmosph o  xchan that chaactzd chaact zd pwa Amcan physcs. Hs da o nty was a ply concptal on: physcs was nd by a st o st pncpls that constttd th tats o physcal nvstaton. Th




sach o and manplaton o thos pncpls hld physcs toth laly ndntatd. Van Vlck cospondnly opposd attmpts to bld bds ov whch sachs who w not ntstd n thos qstons mht swam. Th DSSP, takn as ts cntal msson th poblm o bdn th ap btwn ndsty and acadma, md amd th tnson btwn ths opposn vws o physcs. To a lmtd xtnt, t sccdd n concln thm. Kal Daow and th APS concl pcvd a dan n allown ndstal physcsts to los th ablty to dnty wth th physcs commnty, bt also nsstd that ndstal physcsts’ pmay allanc wthn th APS b to a topc aa and not to ndstal n dstal applcatons p s. Bcas sold stat physcs md wthn th Physcal Socty’s dvsonal stct, t cold not b ontd ovtly towad ndstal ntsts and nstad boadnd ts scop to th pont wh t svd n a ashon smla to th b tnt physcs commnty Hanwll nvsond, bt on a mo lmtd scal. Th and compoms that sltd n th DSSP amd to lll th APS msson, not by closn thos don appld wok, as Van hav lkd,o btthbydvson bnntoappld physcsts nto contact wthVlck thwold basc contpats wthn th conns o th socty. In od to mak ths compoms wok, th DSSP soht poltcal nty. nty. So as to mantan a wd-ann ld, svn both acadmc and ndstal physcsts wokn on both basc and appld app ld poblms, th ams o Amcan sold stat physcs dstancd thmslvs om th dal o concptal nty that had chaactzd chaact zd th msson o th pwa APS. Sold stat physcs, to th xtnt t was a dstnct nt, was dstnct not by vt o a wllamd sach poam o a common xpmntal appoach, bt by vt o a commnty consnss, mposd and mantand by nstttonal dc.




The Physical Review contns to ow and to hav nancal poblms.

W hav had statmnts to th ct that pobably no snl ndvdal s ntstd n mo than on-tnth o th contnts o th Review . —ALAN T. WATERMAN, WATERMAN, 1955 19 55

Sold stat physcs, nwly dmacatd, w qckly nd th cha o ts nascnt Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) dvson. Fom Fom th op o sx and a nd th small condaton o ty-odd mtals physcsts who had dd ts omaton, th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs (DSSP) w to almost v tms that sz by th tm th mmbshp was sbmttd to ts st nocal cnss n 1948.1 By 1961 th dvson nolld aond ht hndd physcsts, who constttd appoxmatly 5 pcnt o th Amcan Physcal Socty’s total mmbshp, at a tm whn w jond jon d dvsons.2 Th dvson’s ablty to swll ts anks makd ts vablty shotly at ts omaton, bt mmbshp was only on dmnson o th dvson’s owth. It also dvlopd an ncasn mas o atonomy atonomy,, asn qstons abot ts latonshp wth th APS. And ts mmbs contbtd to th ood o paps that stand th capacts o xstn jonals. Ths actos combnd to oc a ckonn n th 1950s abot th msson o sold stat physcs. Dd t asp to maxmz ts collaboatv potntal wth nhbon lds, o to pov that t blond amon th panthon o p physcs? In 1950, APS sctay Kal Daow, at th APS concl’s bhst, sstd to th chamn o th th dvsons thn stablshd that thy consoldat th contbtd paps and symposa at th Mach mtn o th Physcal Socty, a pactc that wnt adally nto ct ov th ollown




w yas.3 Van Vlck mand concnd o th nty o physcs, pshn nsccsslly o th Mach mtn to b dscontnd dscontn d and dvsonal mtns movd to Jn n od to stm th ow o possonal consss that h lt xacbatd topcal, tmpoal, and oaphcal ts. Althoh Van Vlck’s opnon cad consdabl wht, h was nabl to mst wdspad sppot o hs poston; lackn a cla consnss, th concl lctd to lav matts as thy stood. 4 Dvsonal hmony ov th Mach mtn w. By th bnnn o th 1960s, th DSSP had ndtakn so mch pon ts own athoty that Fdck Stz, who was thn svn on th APS concl, was movd to chasts Elas Bstn, sctay-tas o th DSSP: “[Th] Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs has bn ttn ot o hand, and s sn loophols to tak ndpndnt acton that sm mpop to m and pobably wll to th Commtt.”5 Stz was not alon n hs assssmnt that th DSSP was ovachn. Kal Daow sbmttd a ltt to th APS concl complann, “Th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs vs at tms th mpsson o actn as 6

thoh thpow Machstct mtn w ts owntopvat to locat as a s tdvson choos chooss.” ”  Th APS moblzd bn aa th obstpos hl. Th scap dvlopd bcas th DSSP had, wthot appoval om th APS concl, mad aanmnts o ts mmbshp to attnd th 1961 Mach mtn n Monty, Calona. At th concl, noant o th DSSP’s plans, accptd an nvtaton om Balo, Nw Yok, thy w ocd to backpdal on pomss mad to Balo hotls and connc cnts. Thos chad wth ssn th d-acd ma clpas w ndstandably md. Stz wand Bstn that th pactc o plannn mtns, spcally n conjncton wth oth socts, wthot th blssn o th APS wold “cas ndlss conson and ndmn th pst o th APS,” and contnd: “Shold th b a sbstantal ln at psnt amon a op o sold stat woks that th APS s too connn, th op has th choc o statn ts own oanzaton otsd th Socty. It cannot, howv, hav complt atonomy and stll njoy th pst and pvls o th APS.”7  Bstn had, n th past, xpssd th vw that t wold b “mo dsabl o th Dvson to hav an APS mtn to tsl, xcpt o occasonal plannd jont mtns wth oth Dvsons o APS,” bt showd no ndcaton o wantn to splt om th t h Physcal Socty ntly n tly..8 Th Monty psod ndcats two acts o sold stat physcs’ dvlopmnt thoh th 1950s. Fst, t was apd and obst. Th dvson’s




xpanson n sz and nnc allowd t to mdat ntactons btwn sold stat physcsts and assocatd ops n th Amcan Chmcal Socty and th Intnatonal Unon o P and Appld Physcs whn a dcad al t was scacly mo than a modstly concvd mchansm o aann symposa wthn APS mtns. Scond, howv, t was somwhat ot o stp wth th la oanzaton and somtms chad at th stcts o a cntalzd socty. Th tnsons btwn th DSSP and th APS, whch w spakd by th DSSP’s ncasn atonomy, alzd som o Van Vlck’s as abot Balkanzaton. Dspt Stz’s sston that th DSSP om a spaat socty  t cold not opat wthn th conns o th APS, sch a possblty dos not appa to hav cvd sos consdaton. Nonthlss, th cton natd by th dvson’s ndpndnt nctonn dmonstats th compatmntalzn nnc dvsons had ov a sbld that was only loosly oanzd jst tn yas al. As sold stat stablshd tsl wthn Amcan scnc, ths two acts pdomnatd n dtmnn ts oals. Sold stat was vabl, bt t was also pchd th bondas o th physcs commnty commnty. . As Stz’s mphasspcaosly on pst on ndcats, th DSSP and mo om ts assocaton wth th APS at ths sta o ts dvlopmnt than th socty at la and om th dvson’s actvts, spcally whn thos actvts pocdd wthot th knowld o appoval o th concl. As t manad ts owth and notatd ts plac wthn Amcan physcs, sold stat physcs hond ts dntty as a physcal sbspcalty and notatd ts plac wthn th physcs commnty. Ths chapt xplos how owth, both wthn sold stat physcs and n th la commnty, challnd th dln dscpln, and dmonstats that th stats th ld’s aly lads adoptd to mt thos challns cmntd sold stat wthn physcs, whl psvn th clos connctons wth nhbon dscplns ts aly lads had takn pans to cltvat. Th most pssn way n whch bonday concns manstd thmslvs nvolvd what bcam known amon physcsts as “th pblcaton poblm.” As th poplaton o th Amcan physcs commnty n nal —and th sold stat commnty n patcla—swlld, th stablshd pblcaton otlts stand nd th pss o ncasd sbmssons and balloonn pblcaton costs. APS and Amcan Insttt o Physcs (AIP)  jonals, th  Physical Review  spcally, dvlopd daman pblcaton dlays, thatnn poty n ast-movn lds and pomptn physcsts to clamo o a solton. Ths stans pssd th mn dscpln o




sold stat physcs to valat ts dntty by conontn anw th qston o what adnc t soht to ach. Som sold stat physcsts saw ths as an oppotnty to scap th conns o th  Physical Review  and bld a clos assocaton wth chmcal and mtallcal pblcatons otlts. Oths pcvd th oppotnty to stat a nw jonal ddcatd to sold stat physcs, asstn th ld’s ndpndnc.9 Stll oths oht o a solton wthn th stablshd od, whch wold mantan sold stat’s nwly won plac alonsd th oth sbdscplns o physcs wth whch t had, ntl thn, shad spac n nal physcs jonals, jon als, ncldn th hhly add  Physical Review. Th thd opton, whch amd sold stat’s dntty as a ld o physcs, vntally cad th day, bt not bo a t-chck momnt o th nw ld. Wstln wth qstons abot what sold stat was postond to accomplsh, and wth whom t shold b commncatn, hlpd to dn a cla sns o th ld’s msson and ovcom a poton o th anom that chaactzd ts aly adolscnc. By povdn sold stat wth a cla sns o plac th ld btwn o physcs,sold th pblcaton poblm alsophyscs, annd th st panswthn o anmosty stat and hh ny whch wold bcom a cntal thm o th sbsqnt dcads. As th tctoncs o th Amcan physcs commnty shtd n th postwa yas, th sltant tmos spd sold stat physcsts to tak a cla stand on wh th dscpln wold b statd and wth whom t wold cast ts lot. That dcson had lon-ann consqncs o th tms on whch sold stat ntactd wth nhbon lds, both nsd and otsd physcs. BACKGROUND TO THE PUBLICATION PROBLEM: THE JOURNAL EXPLOSION

Whn th  Physical Review Revi ew bcam a jonal o ntnatonal not nd th dtoshp o John Tonc Tat n th 1930s, ts pblcaton ats shot p. It pblshd 172 atcls n 1925, th ya bo Tat Tat took th t h hlm. In 1931, t achvd a p–Scond Wold Wa pak o 380. Nw jonals lanchd aond ths tm sphond away som atcls om th  Physical Review, tmpn ts owth, bt o th st o th dcad ts pblcaton at hld stady at aond 300–350 paps p ya (s  1.1).10 Th wa pcptatd a pblcaton lll. Th sl-mposd mbao on pblcaton o ncla sach, th dvson o physcsts to th wa ot, and th bakdown o ntnatonal scntc commncaton conspd to dcmat th jonal’s otpt, whch ll as low as 78 atcls n 1945. Bt




t bondd wth a vnanc, clan ts pwa hh-wat mak n 1948 and mo than dobln t by 1953. In 1956,  Physical Review  pblshd 1,212 atcls, mo than th tms 1931’s volm, dspt th act that comptn jonals wtnssd smla ncass. Th ncas n pblcaton ctd an ncas n th nmb o physcsts. Th at o PhD podcton, whch had ncasd thoh th 1930s, only acclatd ollown th wa. It also ctd an ncas n th abndanc o sach ndn. Not only w physcsts mo abndant, thy w also sh than thy th y v had bn.11 Th poplaton o cdntald physcsts was balloonn, and thy had ady accss to th socs qd to tanslat th labos nto paps. Th Physical Review was nppad o th dl that th connc o ths actos casd. As th jonal and th commnty t psntd w n sz, both dvsd n chaact, a chan dvn by th wav o spcalzaton Van Vlck was don hs lvl bst to stm. Spcalzaton was accompand by dmoaphc shts, whch bcam an avd pont o dscsson n  Physics Today Today, a monthly ondd n 1948. Th maazn, concvd a om o atcls omaazn nal ntst om all banchs o physcs, was tslasa spons to a dvsyn dscpln. It had st bn poposd at th Natonal Rsach Concl’s 1944 Connc o Physcsts n Phladlpha, whch had stablshd th nd o ston commncaton mchansms lnkn physcsts and mpowd th AIP to ps t.  Physics Today appad, accodn to AIP dcto Hny Baton, as an “Insttt jonal jo nal stabl o cclaton to all physcsts . . . a adabl pot and dscsson o what concns physcs and physcsts—today.”12 Advocacy o th maazn thoh ts aly yas cntd on ts capacty to addss th challn cha lln o a amntn commnty: “I am s yo a as knly ntstd as th st o s,” Gaylod P. Hanwll wot to Fdck Stz n 1950, “n makn a o o  Physics Today  n od that th Insttt may tak on som nty and a nd chaact thoh havn a jonal achn all ts mmbs. mmbs.””13 A nal chaact was Physics Today Today’s most dstnctv attbt. It psmd that som sss w o ntst to all   physcsts, and povdd a om n whch to dscss thm. In a not opnn th naal n aal ss, dto Davd A. Katch wot, “As “As lds o sach bcom mo and mo spcalzd, th knowld shad by sach woks n th tchncal jonals s bcomn a sct ndstood only wthn th spcalzd ld,” and dscbd th nw jonal as a pophylactc aanst nslaty:




 Physics Today Today s o th physcst, to nom hm n comotabl, vyday

lana, o what os on and why and who os wh. Bt t s also o th chmst, th bolost, th nn, to tll thm o th scnc towads whch thy a dvn by so many o th nvstatons; t s o th stdnt, th tach, th lawy, th docto docto , and all who a cos abot abo t physcs; t s o admnstatv ocals who dal wth sach; t s o dtos and wts whos posson pts thm mdway btwn what s don and how t shold b potd; t s o yo, whatv ason boht yo to ths pa.14

Katch’s qxotc hops o th maazn’s ach tlls s mo abot th poblms that pcptatd ts ondn than ts mmdat mpact. It was no lon possbl, n th days o apdly own sach otpt n mo and mo sbspcalts, o a physcst to stay cnt on th whol an o sss that mht hold potntal ntst. As sold stat had shown th ya bo, th hoay ndamntalsts o th old APS no lon had a monopoly on what cold o cold not b calld physcs. Kpn th chaotc an o nw n som knd o atonal od qdtoots opn common lnssblds o commncaton.  Physics Today  spondd whattoChals Wn has calld “th spt o th ots. ots.””15 Physcsts, as thy bcam nsconcd n th spcalts to a d thy had not bn bo, qd an otlt that amd th shad dntty and potctd th mtal clam to postwa pblc appoval.  Physics Today dbtd wth a cov atn J. Robt Oppnhm’s conc pokp hat stn on th 184-nch cycloton at Lawnc Bkly Laboatoy ( 4.1), amn th stats o ncla physcs as th cov stoy o th lat 1940s. Nvthlss, aly sss o Physics Today Today w scplosly attntv to badth. Th abbvatd ht-ss n compsn th maazn’s st calnda ya ncldd ats on cyclotons, ntnos, and lqd hlm, bt also xplod connctons btwn physcs and canc, lctcal phnomna n th atmosph, th on o th ath, and ocanoaphy.16 Pomotn nty mant adoptn a catholc dtoal phlosophy that wlcomd pspctvs om what pvosly wold hav bn consdd n povncs o physcs.  Physics Today Today actvly cotd any scntsts, adlss o nstttonal alaton o possonal stats, who sl-dntd as physcsts o thoht that physcs sach mht b sl o th own wok. Th maazn’s scond ya boht ndcatons that ths ots had




Figure 4.1. Cov o th st ss o Physics Today Today. Rpodcd om Physics Today Today 1, no. 1 (1948), wth pmsson o th Amcan A mcan Insttt o Physcs. Cov photo © Unvsty o Calona, Lawnc Bkly Natonal Laboatoy

bn sccssl at pomotn otach,  not at nstlln nty.  Physics Today wold not bcom a mothpc o th mn ncla/patcl physcs consttncy that was n th pocss o stablshn tsl as th standad ba o Amcan physcs n th ys o th pblc and a nd dal nds. In th




 Janay 1949 ss, Go Gamow pblshd hs phlosophcal sspcons that physcs was convn on an ltmat st o thos and concpts. “I and whn all th laws ovnn physcal phnomna a nally dscovd, and all th mpcal constants occn n ths laws a nally xpssd thoh th o ndpndnt basc constants,” h spclatd, “w wll b abl to say that physcal scnc has achd an nd, that no xctmnt s lt n th xploatons, and that all that mans to a physcst s th tdos wok on mno dtals o th sl-dcatonal stdy and adoaton o th mancnc o th compltd systm.”17 Althoh Gamow took ca to not that h was makn no bold pdctons, h dd cod hs nstnct that sch a thoy o th mco-scal was wthn asp. Gamow’s sston that a sl-consstnt thoy o lmntay patcls wold nd th st o physcs nntstn povokd som ndnant ltts to th dto. Rpsntatv o ths complants, two lon xampls o whch w accodd npcdntd colmn nchs n th Mach ss, was Rchad C. Raymond’s. Th Pnnsylvana Stat Coll (lat Unvsty) thmodynamcst ddd Gamow’s “nbdld o spclaton,” took18hm to task o aln to appcat th complxty th physcaland wold.   By 1949, th dtoal cotn o dvs dmoaphcs was shown slts, and a vocal poton o  Physics Today’s adshp ond th and spclatons o ncla and patcl physcsts oté.19 Nvthlss, contay to th jonal’s ams o nyn th commnty, som ond ts scplos attnton to badth alnatn. Go R. Hason, thn dan o th School o Scnc at MIT, catond Hanwll whn th latt assmd contol o an ad a d hoc commtt to vw th stct and ctvnss o  Physics Today: “Th s a spcs o ncla physcst who has no s whatv o Physics Today Today, and who dos not hstat to mak hs vws known. Lstnn to sch popl I wold hav thoht that w shold v p th Jonal lon snc, bt always whn I hav com to ths conclson I hav ond n oth walks o l a st o oppost vws to contbalanc thm.”20 Alon smla lns, Saml Godsmt, posd to tak ov th dtoshp o th  Physical Review , commntd n spons to Hanwll’s nvtaton to sv on th maazn’s Govnn Boad: “It s obvos that Physcs Today s mant o th boad op o non-acadmc collas wth whom I hav too lttl contact to know th nds,” 21 and John Van Vlck pld that “som lss ptntos pblcaton, sch as an appndx to th Physical Review, wold b adqat o my own personal  nds.  n ds.””22 Th nyn msson o  Physics Today an abptly nto th alts o




ts amntaton. Thos who pcvd thmslvs as occpyn th had co o Amcan physcs, ncla physcsts n patcla, had lttl s o a pblcaton that was makn actv ovts to thos nad n a-ann applcatons o physcs. Mch lk lk sold stat physcs, Physics Today Today assmd th dsablty o poltcal nty and ncontd pshback om th bloc o physcsts who tand a m commtmnt to concptal nty. nty. Th maazn, dspt bn spnd by som, ond an nthsastc adnc amon a wd an o physcsts. Gvn ts commtmnt to badth and ots to nstll nty nty,, howv howv haltnly haltn ly,, t s nspsn that many aly  Physics Today Today atcls conontd dmoaphc sss. Not last amon thm was th qston o ndstal physcs and ts plac. Th scond ss contand an apoloy o ndstal sach, whch acknowldd that ndsty was pshn th bondas o physcs. “How can on mas th comot o a oo?” askd Howad A. Robnson: “In yas on by ths wold not hav bn a pop qston to ask a physcst, bt n th past dcad . . . physcsts . . . hav dscovd, somwhat to th amazmnt, that ths bod-ln poblms n whch s pat o th masn can somtms b solvd. Thsanthndvdal boadnn o physcs to ncldsystm physolocal manstatons s now wll stablshd.” 23 Robnson atclatd th nw othodoxy amon th ndstal st that tha t physcs cold no lon b contand wthn a tadtonal acadmc dnton o p scnc, o th nwly popla catoy o basc sach. Boadnn nto ndstal aas was attbtabl n pat to th lacy o wa sach. Evn thoh APS mmbshp was xpandn at cod ats dn and at th wa, PhD podcton had stalld. Vannva Bsh lamntd n th vy st ss o  Physics Today Today that “w oolshly casd to tan [physcsts] dn th wa.”24  Th lack o tadtonally tand PhD physcsts catd a poblm o acadmc poams lookn to xpand th anks o plac tn aclty. Fdck Stz, thn at th Can Insttt o Tchnoloy, pt th poblm to Wllam Shockly o Bll Labs aly n 1945: Gadat dcaton was stoppd cold n th wnt o 1940–41. Moov, many o th mn who wold hav ntd adat school thn wll pobably nv do so. I th psnt staton lasts anoth two yas, th wll b a mssn naton covn a an btwn svn and tn yas. In a cnt svy th Amcan Insttt o Physcs has dcdd that no lss than 2000 Ph.D. physcsts, who wold hav bn catd had th dcatonal staton




contnd as o 1939, wll nv cv complt adat tann. Ths a  jst th mn yo wold look owad to hn. h n. It sms to m th a th th  chocs: (a) Hn Ph.D.’s who wll b thty o ov whn thy jon yo sta. (b) Hn mn who hav not had omal adat tann bt who hav cvd an appntcshp lk at th Radaton Laboatoy. (c) Watn ntl a nw op coms alon n 1950 o lat. 25

Stz was so on ach o ths optons. H habod a pjdc that physcsts ov thty had lost too many o th most catv ca tv yas, add thos wthot doctoats as sky nvstmnts, and dsmssd th thd opton as “th wost o th th pospcts.” H concldd pssmstcally that “ood physcsts wll b dclt to obtan n th mmdat post-wa pod and that yo wll hav to b wlln to mak som concssons.” 26 Th physcs commnty’s owth, althoh obst, pocdd alon nontadtonal nonta dtonal lns, challnd th pactcs. pwa possonal stats qo, and pst lon-standn tann and hn Wh acadmc nstttons and qas-acadmc sach labs lk Bll saw concssons, oth aas o ndsty saw oppotnty. A wd an o ndstal ntsts povd mo than wlln to h physcsts who had ct th tth on wa wok, howv nothodox th tann. Th Radaton Laboatoy (Rad Lab) at MIT and Havad’s Rado Rsach Laboatoy (RRL) had bn patclaly oos povn onds o yon sold stat physcsts who wold othws hav bn occpd by th adat dcaton. An RRL admnstatv pot boastd that “th qmnts qmn ts o RRL w a mo stnnt than thos t hos o vn a pactm ndstal n dstal m.” m.”27 Th sccss that both th MIT Rad R ad Lab and th RRL njoyd bnn nw tchnolos nto th ld condtond th xpctatons o lab-to-maktplac tnaond n postwa ndsty and xposd aas o sach that w p o ndstal xplotaton.28 A svy condctd by th AIP n 1954 showd th popoton o physcsts mployd n ndsty ann on th popoton mployd n acadma, wth 42.0 pcnt stll wthn th acadmy and 35.8 pcnt n ndstal postons.29  Indsts wth dct ntsts n physcal sach, sch as commncatons, atomc pow, nstmnt and lctcal componnt dvlopmnt, and avaton, mployd th ppondanc o ndstal physcsts; howv,, physcsts also ond homs n lss obvos vns, lk th txtl, howv




ptolm, plastcs, and photoaphy ndsts, whch had pvosly bn domnatd by chmsts. Not only had th sz o th Physcal Socty and th pblcaton load o th Physical Review balloond by th md-1950s, th physcs commnty had assmd a dstnctly dnt complxon. Th owth o Amcan physcs, n poplaton, pblcaton volm, ndn, and scop was npcdntd, to th pont o catn cost, backlo, and lvanc poblms o ts co pblcatons. Fthmo, topcal spcalzaton and nstttonal ontaton wthn th commnty natd cton that thatnd th dscpln’s nty. Whn xstn jonals bcam satatd, acn th pospct o a own backlo and daman pblcaton p blcaton dlays, ths psss pomptd physcsts to consd how a spons to th pblcaton poblm mht also b sd to addss th nstablty thy saw n th possonal sph. Th spons om sold stat physcsts, dscssd blow, blow, xposs som o th alt lns catd by physcs’ xpanson nto nw possonal and topcal aas that cold not b asly accommodatd by tadtonal pactcs. BACKGROUND TO THE PUBLICATION PROBLEM: THE TRAJECTORY OF FREDERICK SEITZ

Th task o mappn ot possbl sponss to th pblcaton poblm was takn p by Fdck Stz. A natv San Fancscan, Stz and a physcs and mathmatcs dcaton at Stanod Stan od Unvsty, Unvsty, ncldn a smst’s ntmzzo at th Calona Insttt o Tchnoloy, bo locatn to Pncton o adat school, wh h jond n th st wav o Amcans tand spccally n th physcs o solds. Stz wold o on to bcom, thoh th cntal poston h wold occpy n th advsoy appaats o Amcan scnc, a oc shapn sold stat’s nstttonal volton. Th ntllctal ov n whch th mndst h boht to ths poston volvd s tho woth xplon n som dtal. Whl at Pncton, Stz wold om ky possonal connctons and tak on an ntllctal appoach that nomd hs lat scntc wok and nstttonal manvn. H ncontd both Roman Smolchowsk, who vstd Pncton n th md-1930s bo matn om Poland n 1939, and Wllam Shockly, who was John Slat’s adat stdnt at MIT. Shockly was also a Calonan and th two shad a coss-conty oad tp n Shockly’s DSoto convtbl to bn th 1932–33 acadmc ya. 30  Shockly,, Stz, and Smolchowsk wold o on to om hal o th op o Shockly




sx, whch ondd th Amcan Physcal Socty’s Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs, as dscssd n chapt 2. Stz’s tann was jst as mpotant as th psonal connctons connct ons h mad. Thoh th md-1930s, th cnts had md o aspn physcsts ntstd n solds. John Slat was ld om Havad to MIT n 1930, wh ncomn psdnt Kal T. Compton av hm  n to xpand th physcs dpatmnt n accodanc wth hs vson. John Van Vlck, at stnts at Mnnsota and Wsconsn, tnd to Havad, wh both h and Slat had and th doctoats, n 1934.31 Fnally, En Wn scd a pmannt poston at Pncton n 1938 n pat at th n o Van Van Vlck, bt had, wth th xcpton o a vstn stnt at Wsconsn n 1937–38, hld down on tmpoay appontmnt o anoth at Pncton snc 1931. 32  It was n ths latt capacty that Wn ovsaw Stz’s doctoal wok, whch Stz lat mmbd as “on o th most makabl xpncs o my l.”33 Wn, a Hnaan émé, was an xcpton wthn ths op. Slat and Van Vlck both bn tand lann mchancs om had Edwn Kmbl, who, natthHavad, 1920s, od thth st qantm ntnsv tann n qantm thoy avalabl n th Untd Stats. Th xpnc at th vanad o qantm physcs n th Untd Stats ld Slat and Van Vlck to s thmslvs as cayn th toch o Amcan physcs.34 Van Vlck, n 1971, wold bdl at an ohand sston that Slat was an h to th Btsh tadton. Th Blan physcst Léon Rosnld, n a hstocal ovvw o atomc thoy, mphaszd th omatv nat o Slat’s postdoctoal vst to th Cavndsh laboatoy, laboatoy, n to hm as “a physcst dcatd n th Btsh and Amcan tadton. tadton.””35 Van Vlck snt Slat a copy o th atcl, alon wth an xpssv not: “I am sally somthn o an Anlophl bt th nc to yo tann . . . ath mad my blood bol. I’ll ant yo that Slat s an Enlsh nam bt what th atho says maks abot as mch sns as t wold b to say that I am Dtch-tand bcas my nam s Van Vlck.”36 Slat was qally a to dstnsh Amcan and Eopan physcal tadtons, pnnn a  Physics Today Today dtoal n 1968 n whch h attackd th convntonal wsdom that Amcan physcs n th 1930s was dad lctantly nto modnty by th nx o Eopan émés.37 Th hstancy hstan cy Van Van Vlck and Slat xhbtd to slly th wok wth what thy saw as bas psts can b btt ndstood wthn th contxt o th pd thy both took n psntn Amcan physcs, and Amcan




thoy n patcla. Van Vlck’s sstanc ssta nc to dvsons was on manstaton o ths phnomnon. Wn, n contast, contd hmsl amon “th Matans,” th op o Hnaan scntsts that also ncldd Thodo von Kámán, John von Nmann, Lo Szlad, and Edwad Tll, who w chasd om Cntal Eop by Htl’s s.38 Wn avd n th Untd Stats wth a backond n chmcal nnn, whch h had stdd at th Tchnsch Hochschl n Bln, ann a doctoat n 1925. H calld that hs chmcal dcaton, whch was mo thoy-ontd n Bln than smla tann n th Untd Stats wold hav bn, “cam n handy many tms n my l n physcs.”39 Indd, Wn’s ca was chaactzd by makabl topcal badth, whch otn nvolvd tatons wth chmcal phnomna. Moov, Wn cam om a Eopan tadton that was not shy whn t cam to talkn abot th alty o physcal mcostcts, vn  only povsonally. H was mmdatly takn, o nstanc, wth th dscovy o th nton, and wastd no tm mployn ths nw tool to btt ndstand 40

ncla Slatmasss. os a complln contast on ths sco. H was amosly mbttd by hs xpnc as a postdoc at Nls Boh’s Insttt o Thotcal Physcs, snappn at Thomas Khn n an ntvw that h “nv had any spct o thos popl [Boh and Hndk Kams],” at hs xpnc n Copnhan. Althoh Slat lat cantd, clamn that hs dncs wth Boh w scntc ath than psonal, ths nadd mak ndcats th lnn psycholocal nnc Copnhan had ov Slat, Slat, natv thoh t mht hav bn. Whl Slat was n Copnhan, Boh and Kams szd on hs da that lht–matt ntactons cold b dscbd n tms o a st o “vtal oscllatos” that dtmnd th pobablts o allowd qantm tanstons as a way to scap th qantzaton o lht that most oths had accptd on th bass o Ath Holly Compton’s xplanaton o hs ponymos ct. Th slt was th shot-lvd Boh–Kams– Slat (BKS) thoy, thoy, whch dnd lht qanta at th xpns o jctn th stct consvaton o ny, whch t tatd as a statstcal phnomnon. By hs own accont, Slat lt as thoh h had bn hjackd n svc o an anda that was not hs own.41 H cam back to th Untd Stats havn bn convncd that “Boh was ndamntally o a mystcal tn o mnd and I’m ndamntally o a matt-o-act tn o mnd.” 42 Th commtmnt to a calclaton-basd styl Slat boht to sold stat can b tacd n pat to hs xpnc aboad. H was plsd by th




spclatv appoach h saw n Boh, havn bn convncd by th BKS xpnc that psn sach on th bass o dply hld mtaphyscal pjdc was tlss. Althoh Slat’s op at MIT, lk Wn’s at Pncton, bld ov nto chmsty, t dd so o dnt asons: Wn was wlln to mploy appoxmaton stats land om chmsty and mantand a chmst’s wllnnss to povsonally commt to xpdnt ontolocal assmptons. Slat, on th oth hand, alzd that th was lttl nstmntal dnc btwn cankn ot wav nctons o molcls and cankn ot wav nctons o solds. Slat’s appoach to sold stat and molcla thoy thoy,, whch, wth th advnt o lctonc compts, wold nvolv thown mo and mo comptn pow at ab nto calclatons, bo lttl smblanc to Wn’s, whch sd th phnomnolocal ats o solds, ath than qantm mchancal st pncpls, as a concptal statn pont. Wn’s appoach had a cla nnc n th yon Stz, whos thss, “On th Consttton o Mtallc Sodm,” Sodm,” wold man hs most nntal ntllctal to physcs. Pblshd jontly wtho Wn, t stablshd whatcontbton bcam known as th Wn–Stz mthod dscbn th popts o mtals. Ths appoach notatd btwn th two most pvalnt altnatvs at th tm. Th st, champond by Flx Bloch and Léon Bllon amon oths, was th  lcton modl, whch amd to dscb condcton and nod chmcal popts, whch w th podcts o valnc, by modln th ntactons btwn  condcton lctons and lattc vbatons n cystalln mtals. Th scond, backd laly by Slat, amd to dscb a wd an o chmcal and mchancal popts by calclatn th nnc o valnc ocs on mtals.43 Th om mthod od a ady tool wth whch to conont lctcal condcton, bt th smplcatons t ntodcd mad t ll-std o mch ls—o nstanc, nstan c, t only wokd o dal mtals—and ld many physcsts to vw t as nsatsactoy as a slt. On th oth hand, Slat’s appoach qd laboos calclatons, and, n an a bo comptn pow mad thm tactabl, cold b altd o bn too cmbsom to b pactcally sl. 44 Stz and Wn soht ot a mddl ond btwn ths two mthods. Wn, dawn om hs tann as a chmcal nn, was snstv to th noton that a thoy o mtals shold dscb mo than lctcal condcton. Th two st ot a mthod o appoxmaton that stck a balanc btwn solvablty and vsmltd, whch wold allow th  lcton modl to b appld to al, not jst dal mtals. Th s o catv appox-




maton mthods to smltanosly smply calclatons and capt stctal ats o complx systms wold bcom a snat o sold stat physcsts’ appoach.45 Th nnc o th 1933 pap n whch Wn and Stz pblshd th mthod, whch apdly ld to xtnsons and a nd applcatons by Slat, Van Vlck, Nvll Mott, and oths, ld Stz’s aly ca. Thoh th mand o th 1930s, h xplod postons n both ndsty and acadma, spndn two yas at th Unvsty o Rochst bo nshn ot th dcad at Gnal Gn al Elctc. Moov, Moov, th concptal appoach mbodd n Stz’s thss was mod n hs appoach as an nsttton bld. Stz patdly soht to combn th dvs appoachs ndmc to sold stat nto a cohsv whol. Ths otn qd saccn stct concptal o mthodolocal contnty whl ntn dvs appoachs nd a snl nstttonal bann bann.. In 1940, Stz lasd hs txtbook  Modern Theory o Solids. It was th st comphnsv txtbook dvotd to th topc, and t wold cmnt hs nnc ov thacqd ld oom dcads. It nocd th appoach to sold stat thoy Stz had Wn, whch mphaszd catv appoxmaton and attnton to popts that w tadtonally consdd chmcal alonsd thos mo commonly ond n physcs tann. Scond, and phaps mo mpotant, t makd th bnnn o hs adal tanston om pactton to admnstato. Thoh th 1940s and th aly 1950s, ntl shotly at hs aval at th Unvsty o Illnos, Stz mand an actv sach physcst. In th 1950s, h dvotd ncasn mass o hs tm to assotd advsoy commtts and ovnn boads, many o whch wold mak ccal dcsons abot sold stat and ts dcton.  Modern Theory T heory o Solids Solid s bns by stkn th topcally cmncal not Stz had nhtd om Wn. Stz xpssd hs hop that th book wold sv th nds o th typs o ad: “Fst, o cos, stdnts o physcs and chmsty who ds to lan som dtals o a patcla banch o physcs that has nal s; scond, sc ond, xpmntal physcsts and chmsts, and nns and mtallsts wth mathmatcal lanns who a ntstd n kpn an y on a ld o physcs that s o possbl val to thm; and thd, thotcal physcsts o vaos stas o dvlopmnt who a ntstd n th psnt stats o that phas o sold bods that dals wth lctonc stct. stct.””46 Ths statmnt xpsss an aly vson o th pmssv scop o what wold bcom sold stat physcs: a ld,  ld, mly mly wthn physcs, that was nonthlss boadly convsant wth a vaty o nhbo-




n dscplns. Th nnc o ths vson s dscnbl n Stz’s actons n th ac o th nstttonal psss that shook sold stat n th 1950s. By th tm th pblcaton poblm ban to wh on physcsts’ mnds, Stz had bcom on o th most astt nstttonal anmals n th sold stat sta t commnty. H dvlopd a aclty o navatn th labynth o advsoy commtts, socty concls, and jonal boads that av hm a low-anl vw o th own ld. In 1949, Whl Looms ld hm to th Unvsty o Illnos at Ubana-Champan, bnnn a pocss that wold podc on o th most nntal cnts o sold stat physcs n th conty, scond, phaps, only to Bll Labs. Fom th cnt o th conty, n an mn cnt o sold stat sach, Stz ban to palay hs ntaton wth dscplnay ovnanc mchansms nto nnc ov th ld’s dcton. Whn physcs jonals ban to sta nd psss o own backlos, sn costs, and ncasn spcalzaton, h was tho n a poston to dct th spons o sold stat physcsts. COPING WITH THE PUBLICA PUBLICATION TION PROBLEM

Sns o tobl wth th  Physical Review  appad n th lat 1940s. Up ntl 1948, th jonal tnd a pot thoh sbscpton s and pa chas. At th Janay 1948 concl mtn, howv, howv, th dto John Tat Tat and socty tas Go Pam mad t cla that “th pod n whch th Physcal Rvw tnd a nt pot to th Socty om sbscptons o non-mmbs has com to ts nd. nd.”” Faln Faln to bak vn was not an a n mmdat hadshp, howv, as lon as oth AIP jonals w stll potabl and th socty njoyd a “handsom spls,” whch wold sstan ts ashp pblcaton o som tm.47 Th pblcaton poblm was on th ada, bt wold nat mo hat than lht thoh th nxt w yas. Tat’s dath n 1950 and th tans o dtoal opatons to Bookhavn Natonal Laboatoy podcd lostcal sss aplnty to kp all concnd occpd as th jonal w thck and slppd th nto th d. By 1953, th nancal staton had bcom pssn. Pam’s Pam’s pot on th socty’s nancal staton wand wan d that “th Socty may hav don a lttl btt than ‘bak vn’ dn 1952, vn wthot takn nto accont th $20,000 donatd by th Natonal Scnc Fondaton to assst n mtn th dct o The Physical Review; and that h xpcts that n 1953 th man o ncom ov xpndts may attan $30,000.”48 By th md-1950s, ncasn pblcaton costs and dlays spd acton.




Both th Amcan Physcal Socty and th Amcan Insttt o Physcs pt nstttonal machny nto moton to addss t. At th Apl 1955 APS concl mtn, Saml Godsmt, Tat’s sccsso as th Physical Review’s manan dto, povdd “a lnthy pot on th staton nsn om th ntmnabl xpanson o The Physical Review.” In accodanc wth th “omnos” nancal pospcts sch xpanson boht abot, th concl appovd stp hks n both pa chas and sbscpton ats. A moton to splt th jonal, poposd to a opnon ath than to sp acton, was datd, and th concl also ld navoably on a poposal that th APS tak ov th  Journal o Chemical Physics om th AIP. Nonthlss, th pospct o majo stctn loomd. Godsmt codd hs ston lns “that th Amcan Insttt o Physcs shold nla ts jonals.” jonals.”49 Th AIP had smla nclnatons. Insttt dcto Hny A. Baton commntd n Mach o 1955: “Pss o pblcaton o sach slts n ctan lds has aan com to th pont o sv stan,” and althoh h dd not pomot any spcc soltons, h assd hs ads that “th Insttt stands to hlp stdy sch poblms and contnally nvstats poposd waysady o dcn pblshn costs.”50 Baton costs.” and th AIP Govnn Boad, at th Mach mtn, appontd a jont AIP-APS commtt to nat commndatons o asn th pblcaton bdn. Dmoaphc chans complcatd th commtt’s msson, patclaly th ncasn mpotanc o ndstal physcs. Stz mad th obsvaton, common by that pont, that “ndstal oanzatons whch w nntstd n physcsts po to 1940 a now aly attmptn to h Ph.D.’s.” 51  Sold stat n patcla thvd on th owth o physcs n ndsty, ndsty, and th spaat ntsts and possonal challns that dov ndstal physcsts contbtd to th possonal nstablty sold stat xpncd amd th pblcaton cnch. Alan T. Watman, dcto o th Natonal Scnc Fondaton, snld ot th Physical Review as on st wh w h dvscaton wthn physcs cold b dntd. Rplyn to Kal Daow’s qst o nds to sppot th AIP’s pblcaton stdy stdy,, Watman Watman potd pot d han “statmnts to th ct that pobably no snl ndvdal s ntstd n mo than on-tnth o th contnts o th  Review.” H th sstd that  ths ally was th cas: “It may vntally b dsabl o vn ncssay to stct pblcaton n th jonals o wd cclaton to paps o mo nal ntst. Qstons sch as ths cold b stdd objctvly. Phaps th cnt vot wth th Physcal Socty on th dsablty o splttn th  Review has alady shd




som lht on th qston.”52 Th ld o physcs was bcomn compatmntalzd and th owth o topcal nclavs pt pss on a jonal jon al stct that was concvd o a small commnty wth w ntnal dvsons. Ths consdatons motvatd th scond ccla ltt—th st bn “Th Psnt Wa Is a Physcst’s Wa” Wa” dstbtd by th op o sx—that wold ba havly on th at o sold stat physcs. In Mach 1955, on bhal o th AIP-APS jont commtt, Stz cclatd a qstonna to slctd sold stat and chmcal physcsts askn  thy wold wlcom an xods o sold stat pblcaton om th  Physical Review to th  Journal o Chemical Physics  ( JCP   JCP ), ), whch th commtt tntatvly poposd namn th  Journal o Solid State and Chemical Physics.53 Th  JCP  was   was pblshd by th AIP, AIP, bt, as th Dvson o Chmcal Physcs was bn omd  omd n 1949, a w mmbs o th APS ban advocatn o th socty to tak t ov. 54  Th da had bn bandd abot o sval yas, bt ald to podc any sbstantal chans. Havn bn a la lmnt o concl mtn dscssons, howv, th noton o acqn th  JCP , not jst o chmcal physcs, oth sold stat as wll, a local opton topncpally ps. o chmAt thbt tm, athoshp o thwas  was composd  was  JCP  sts.55 Th ld known as chmcal physcs—as dstnshd om physcal chmsty—was concvd and opatd as an ntdscplnay ld, bt t was poplatd pdomnantly by thos tand n chmsty, vn thoh thy otn pblshd n physcs jonals, and th chmcal physcs adat poams acoss th Untd Stats tndd to b hosd n chmsty dpatmnts.56  Colocatn chmcal and sold stat physcs pblcatons n  JCP   wold tho ncsstat a mch clos latonshp btwn th sold stat and chmsty commnts than th nams alon wold sst. Wth that consdaton n mnd, Stz advancd th sston catosly: It s th wt’s opnon that ths tansomaton wold nvtably mak th  jonal lss valabl valab l to th chmsts ch msts who do not no t patcpat actvly n th th  APS o AIP and hnc wold act to th dsadvanta o ths mpotant smnt o th scntc wold. Fo ths ason th chan wold pobably not b jstd nlss a at majoty o th sold stat physcsts wold b wlln to s th tansomd jonal as th pncpal otlt o pblcaton, lavn th Physical Review n th man to th ncla physcsts and dvs mnots whch wold not l at hom n th vsd jonal. 57

Th nclosd svy askd thos ntstd to ndcat, (a) th ld (sold stat, chmcal physcs, o oth), (b) whth thy avod, dd not avo, o




w anostc abot th poposal, and (c) th wllnnss to pblsh n th vsd jonal. Rsponss w mxd, althoh tltd dstnctly aanst th poposal. 58  Havad’s Havy Books pld: “Whl I can s som vt n a clos laton btwn Chmcal Physcs and Sold Stat Physcs, shotn maas o ths sot a sally not vy sccssl,”59 and concldd that snc th ntsts o sold stat physcs clavd mo closly to th topcs covd by th  Physical Review Revie w, a ocd xods n th dcton o chmsty wold b nadvsabl. Wllam Shockly, on th oth hand, avod th poposal, commntn: “Sold stat physcs paps a now too ds a componnt o th  Phys. Rev.”60 Vocs avon and opposn th poposal shad a concn o bonday sss, bt dd on how to navat thm. Go E. Pak, had o th physcs dpatmnt at Washnton Unvsty n St. Los, nlctd to dnty hmsl th as a sold stat o as a chmcal physcst. Instad h pontd to mantc sonanc as hs pmay sach ntst, sstn that t bdd th dvd. thphyscs poposal, Pakhav mantand “stct o matt physcsInandavon chmcal do not a adly that dscnd bonday btwn thm.”61 Walt Kohn, thn o th Can Insttt, hld th oppost vw vw.. In hs ys, “Sold stat physcs has clos ts to oth banchs o physcs than to chmsty and wold b damad  ths ts w waknd.”62 Th dnc btwn Pak’s vw and Kohn’s ll alon topcal lns and th dsamnt s mblmatc o a cla splt wthn th pool o actons to th poposal Stz was abl to assmbl. Pak, an xpmntalst who hlpd dvlop aly ncla mantc sonanc tchnqs, saw applcatons o thos tchnqs tchnq s ow smoothly om solds to molcls, wth lttl pactcal o concptal dnc. Ncla mantc sonanc omd what Cys Mody calls an “nstmntal commnty,” a commnty oanzd aond spcc nstmntal pactcs and commttd to th nstmntal ss, whv thos ss ld.63 Kohn, on th oth hand, was a thost who had mad hs ca p to that pont n smcondcto physcs. Hs sach wstld wth th ondatonal sss qantm mchancs acd whn appld to complx systms, and h was tho lss nclnd to thnk that h had mch to an om a clos assocaton wth w th chmsty. chmsty.64 Smlaly, Bookhavn Natonal Laboatoy’s Hllad B. Hntnton, a thost ocsn on mtallc lattc stcts and dynamcs wod abot too clos an assocaton wth chmsty, spondn: “I don’t blv that




sold stat physcs and chmcal physcs wll b compatbl bdllows n sch a clos non.”65 Conys Hn, ond o Bll Laboatos’ thotcal physcs dvson, was concnd that “ths mov wold tnd to wdn th ls btwn sold stat physcs and ndamntal physcs, on th on hand, and chmsty, on th oth.”66  Colmba’s Shly L. Qmby sppotd th poposd m. H atclatd hs nstnct that thos “nad n xpmntal sach . . . wll avo th poposd jonal and patonz 67 t.”  Sval oth sl-dntd chmcal physcsts also xpssd a wllnnss to pblsh alonsd sold stat physcsts, as lon as th latt dd not dsplac chmcally ontd wok. Ths wd an o sponss cts th paochal pa ochal ntsts o th spondnts. Spnc Wat has ad that th dvs concptal scop o sold stat physcs mad t sscptbl to th omaton o small ntnal socal stcts, ach o whch dvlopd ts own st o vals and ntsts. 68  Qstons abot how sold stat, as a ld, shold ovn ts pblcaton pactcs dd not smply nat opposn camps, on n avo o a clos allanc wth on dvd opposd. Rath, sbops llnhbon on on sddscplns o th othand o ths on th bassndvdal o hhly local consdatons. I a sach poam happnd to njoy a clos and mtally constctv latonshp wth chmsty, thn ts mmbs wold b avoably dsposd to pblshn alonsd chmsts. Thos psntn oth ops saw lttl to an om sch cossov and w bmsd and alamd at th sston that thy shold concv o thmslvs as nad n an ntdscplnay ndtakn. Th sponss to Stz’s ccla xpos som o th dvlopmnts that, vn nto th md-1950s whn th ld was wll stablshd, stand th sttchn o a patchwok sold stat commnty as sach-basd sbops omd and dvlopd cla pspctvs on th ntsts. Th most vhmnt opposton to th poposal cam om sold stat thosts, spcally thos n th nntal smcondcto op, who w bsy adaptn th mthods o qantm mchancs to complx systms and saw lttl pot n dstancn th wok om th co pblcaton otlt o th physcs commnty.. Th cas n avo nty  avo o th poposal was cad ca d mostly by thos xpmntalsts who dntd lvanc o th wok to both chmcal and sold stat poblms. Chmsts and chmcal physcsts also lnt th sppot, both bcas o th xpmntal connctons and bcas tchnqs dvlopd n th contxt o sold stat thoy w lvant o thotcal chmsty chmsty..69 Th badth o th sold stat ntps mant that th connctons sachs




dw to latd lds dpndd stonly on th typ o wok n whch thy w nad. Th thoy/xpmnt dvson s on dmnson o ths ct, bt topcal ocs was also a acto. Vws abot how to stct sold stat pblcatons tho ctd convctons abot how th dscpln shold b oanzd. Ths pattn o sponss ass th qston o why th commtt podcd a poposal that was so vdntly ot o stp wth th dss o thos who sl-dntd as sold stat physcsts and lt stonly noh to spond to th svy. Why dd th commtt, at vwn th acts on th ond, cat a poposal that was so wdly pannd? Th answ can b ond by xamnn th mnc o on consoldatd bloc wthn sold stat that was vocal, bt not ncssaly ncssa ly psntatv o th whol. As ndcatd abov, physcsts as a whol, and sold stat sachs n patcla, w ncasnly topcally dvs and ndstal. Sold stat physcsts n ndsty w collaboatn laly wth chmsts and nns. At th sam tm, howv, sval cohsv sach poams w dvlopn wthn a ld that had hthtowth bn wthot tochd a cla cnt. sold ops. stat om an allanc chmsty a nvTh wthpoposal mmbsthat o ths Thos ntstd n th lctcal and mantc popts o matt showd patcla sstanc. Notably, ths was th sam aa wh John Van Vlck had mad hs most mpotant contbtons. con tbtons. It had also podcd som o th most tchnolocally lvant dscovs, sch as th tanssto. As th aa that had th most qckly and sccsslly adoptd qantm mthods, t was also th aa whos pacttons w bst abl to clam that thy occpd ntllctal onts o physcs. Ths op, as a slt, was postond to xt consdabl nnc on th possonalzaton pocss. p ocss. Its psntatvs, lk Kohn, w mo nclnd to s sold stat as a tadtonal physcal sbld than as an ntdscplnay synthss and tho opposd too clos a maa btwn sold stat and chmsty, mtally, o nnn. A dcson abot how,  at all, to stct th pblshn pattns o sold stat physcsts wold tho b a tst o th stats and nnc ov th dcton o th ld.  Jst as Stz was ttn a sns o how th jonal nastct n th Untd Stats wold shap th t h t o sold stat physcs, h was blndsdd by Havy Books, th Havad physcst and stdnt o John Van Van Vlck who had al xpssd skptcsm abot th wsdom o a clos allanc btwn sold stat and chmsty ch msty.. Stz and th AIP had bn dlbatly tstn th wats bo actn on th pblcaton poblm, and so w takn




aback pon lann that Books had, wthot consltn th movs and shaks at th AIP o th APS, coondd th  International Journal o the  Physics and Chemistry o Solids n patnshp wth Pamon Pss. As th ttl ndcatd, ths nw jonal was an ntnatonal ot, pblshn atcls n Rssan, Fnch, Gman, o Enlsh, and skn to mt th pcvd nd wthn th lobal commnty “to ncoa at ntchan btwn physcsts and chmsts ntstd n solds.”70 Th owod to th st ss, pblshd n Sptmb 1956, ban: “Th mnc o soldstat physcs as a conzd spcalty o physcs has takn plac ov a pod o many yas. A mo cnt dvlopmnt, stmlatd patly by th owth o ndstal ntst n th ld, has bn th own alzaton o th common ntsts o physcsts and chmsts n th poblms o solds.” 71 Th jonal mt a cla dmand wthn th sold stat commnty. Bt that commnty was alady hhly htonos, and t was not yt cla to ts lads that ths patcla consttncy consttn cy shold ovn th dcton o pblcaton wthn th ld. Th jonal’s sddn appaanc tho pmptd th th AIP’s ots to mana th pblcaton poblm domstcally. Stz, whl svy o th commnty was n poss, had ntatd dscssons wth th Acadmc Pss abot th possblty o ondn a nw jonal, wth an adnc to b dtmnd by whatv nds th AIP-APS commtt dntd, th scop o whch wold b tnd so as to sphon an appopat pblcaton load om th  Physical Review. Books, by actn otsd o th powl nstttonal mchansms th AIP and APS w ctn, lmtd th ablty to scal scal  th spons to th pblcaton poblm by slctn a consdd topc and volm o th nw jonal. Books lnt sppot to an ntdscplnay jonal and had thby dcdd to avo a clos assocaton wth both ndsty and chmsty, jst as Stz was ttn a sns that ths was pcsly what th most vocal consttncy wthn sold stat dd not want. Books was cowd whn h land that h had pst th AIP appl cat. H avodd xtndn th ss vn so a as hs sctay, and sl-typd a lon, svly svly apolotc ltt to Stz dscbn how h had sccmbd to a had sll om Gnal Elctc’s J. Hbt Hollomon and Kvn Maxwll, th dcto o Pamon Pss’s ntnatonal nt natonal dvson. “As “As I thnk thn k back ov th hstoy o ths matt,” Books wot, “I alzd that my bhavo has bn somwhat nxplcabl and not to my cdt, and ndd n tospct I l qt nhappy abot my actons.” H th xpssd concn “wth th act that n ths matt I hav bhavd wth a d o sponsblty




whch s a matt o at t to m, and I l that I hav not dalt aly o honstly wth yo th n yo capacty as chaman o th nsttt, o as psntn Acadmc Pss, o as a nd.” Nonthlss, Books mantand: “Th job tsl [as dto o th nw jonal] s a woth whl on n my opnon, and I do not man to mply by my psnt ts that I hav any hstaton n bn assocatd wth t oth than th qston o whth wh th I can do a ood job.”72 Stz pld pontdly to Books’s contt mssv, otlnn how th appaanc o th nw ntnatonal pblcaton otlt dsptd th AIP’s ablty to mont a masd spons to dstnctly natonal challns: challn s: “Untl th chaact o th nw jonal s claly stablshd, t wll hav th ct o p-mptn th poston o any oth jonal that mht b contmplatd. Abot hal th ntst o any nw jonal wold b n th ld yos wll cov.. Anoth ndvdal mht hstat to accpt th dtoshp at ths tm. cov I nd t vy had to dcd whth ths s ood o bad o Amcan physcs as a whol.”73 Books nwttnly tammld Stz’s bst-lad plans, bt hs  jonal to wdspad dmand. Its mpact not to pvntwas th an AIPhonst om spons spondn to th pblcaton poblm, btwas to nd a smmay dcson on how th poblm wold b addssd. It was a spons, althoh phaps not th pcs spons that wold hav md om a mo dlbatv pocss. Fo btt o wos, th AIP and th APS cold now n ow ocs th spctv sponss to th pblcaton poblm mo naowly. Th nw ntnatonal  jonal wold not ba noh o th natonal pblcaton otpt to adqatly addss th lt, whch consmd th APS n th md-1950s to th xtnt that commtts on ts vaos aspcts polatd. polat d. Ths ncldd, as o 1956, th “Standn Commtt to consd sch pblcaton-poblms p blcaton-poblms as Manan Edto dos not accpt as lyn[] n hs povnc,” povnc,” th “Commtt to consd a poposal o Natonal Scnc Fondaton adn pblcatons n physcs,” physcs,” and “Commtt to stdy all aspcts o th poblm o pblcatons o Amcan physcs.” By 1957, th om two had, n th ancl phasn o Kal Daow, achd “what som nntnth-cnty statsman calld a condton o nnocos dstd.”74 Th actos ld to dcd ncy o th pblcaton poblm. Th mnc o nw otlts—Books’s  jonal, alon wth a smattn o oth pvatly ndd physcs jonals— jon als— was on. Scond, as ncass n pa chas and sbscpton s kckd n and ocals cackd down on loophols—sch as lbaans jonn th APS to t ts jonals at mmb ats ath than lbay ats—pblcaton




opatons nchd back towad solvncy. Fnally, th  Physical Review Revie w and a pss valv n th om o Physical Review Letters, whch lanchd n th mddl o 1958 wth ndn om th Natonal Scnc Fondaton. Th ast-pblshn jonal o shot pcs, pvosly accommodatd as ltts to th dto n th Physical Review, satsd th dmand o a qck-topnt otlt that cold potct poty clams o mpotant nw sach and lvd th Physical Review o a sbstantal volm o contbtons. In pat d to th l  Physical Review Letters povdd, th  Physical Review had naly clad ot ts backlo by 1960. A lvd Saml Godsmt potd to th Janay concl mtn that hs lon-sn jonal was “wll on th way to catchn p.”75 Th shotnn o th  Physical Review’s tnaond tm took consdabl oomph ot o th psss avon a topcal alnmnt o th socty’s pblcaton stct. Fo th tm bn, all topcs o physcs wold man alnd wth th ld’s ashp jonal. Th pshot was that, dspt a at dal o hand-wnn and th xstnc o sval smnly vabl plans that wold hav vn sold stat physcsts nw pblcaton homs, blkjonals. o th Amcan sold stat commnty contnd pblshn n ththco A combnaton o small, spcalst jonals spnn p on th own ntatv, a tn to solvncy o th Physical Review, and ston opposton om a small bt vocal bloc o sold stat physcsts nsd that sold stat wold man mly stablshd as a sbld o physcs and avod any oanzatonal commtmnt to th latonshps t otn blt nomally wth latd lds. COMMITTING TO PHYSICS

Th challns o a cowdd pblcaton landscap dd not vapoat onc sold stat’s hlmsmn solvd to st saly nsd th bondas o th physcs commnty, commnty, bt th dscplnay dscpln ay dntty css dd sbsd, s bsd, o a tm. Sold stat wold ctvly t a ddcatd jonal n 1970, whn th Physical Review splt nto o spaat sctons, wth Physical Review B ddcatd to sold stat.76 By that tm, sold stat’s poston wthn physcs was mo stabl than t had bn n th md-1950s and th sbdvson o th jonal, whch had bcom a smpl ncssty basd on th volm o atcls Physical  Review was pblshn, dd not as qstons abot th ld’s lmntal dntty. Sold stat physcs n th 1950s was analoos to a dsoanzd systm bnnn to sl-oanz. Th cmncal spt wth whch t was ondd n th 1940s lt t nsally sscptbl to th omaton o ntst ops,




patclaly thos that natally w aond sach poams, and whch shad w ston ntllctal connctons wth oth sch ops that also omd nd th aspcs o sold stat. Ths ntst ops dvlopd dn vsons o th t o th ld. As nw possonal challns md dn th 1950s, ths ops w vn  vn th oppotnty to nd n d sold stat physcs n a dcton that btt std th oals. Th objcton o on o ths ops to a clos assocaton wth chmsty contbtd to sold stat’s avodn stps that wold hav ndd ts pblshn opatons away om th st o physcs. It hlpd that th op  op was wll oanzd—mo so than th ld as a whol—and vocal. Th sccss was d n pat to th stct o th sold stat commnty. commnty. Th lack o a commonly shad concptal poam mant that sold stat was opn nto small, wakly ntactn commnts blt aond spcc sach poams. Th thst o th whol sold stat condaton cold b shtd sbstantally  only on o ths ops, o a small sbst o thm, chos to spak p. In ths cas, th cad o sold stat physcsts who had blt amstd coopatv ntwok spons cntd to onan thactv lctomantc solds an mphatc qston o popts dscplnayopolcy. Evn thoh ths op dd not ncssaly psnt sold stat physcsts as a whol, thy mad noh o an mpsson on thos sponsbl o makn th dcsons that thy w abl to d th ld n th dcton that bst std th own ntsts. Th cas was add by th tmly appaanc o sval small jonals that lvd som o th pss on APS and AIP pblshn opatons and dcd th mpts mpt s o swpn chans n pblshn pattns. Two actos a patclaly notabl abot ths psod. Th st s that t sltd om a dlcat ss o contnncs. Stz and hs pblcatons commtt w n a poston to xcs consdabl sway ov how commnty dynamcs wthn sold stat volvd. Th sach ndcatd a ld that, by and la, wold wlcom ocal conton o th clos assocaton btwn sold stat physcs and chmsty that thy saw on th ond, patclaly n ndstal laboatos. At Havy Books nwttnly thw a wnch n th woks, th pow was ctald sbstantally sbstanta lly.. A vocal mnoty avon nacton thby and addtonal wht. Th scond s th patcla chaact o that vocal mnoty. Th cohsv op o sachs—and thosts n patcla—mn aond stds o th lctomantc popts o solds ban to smbl a tadtonal sbld on a small scal mch mo than sold stat tsl dd, vn




at low solton. Ths op was commttd to mantann th ntps as a pat o physcs and sstd any ots that wold ntodc ambty abot wh sold stat stood. Ths op was, n act, th ncls o what wold bcom “condnsd matt physcs,” th stablshmnt o whch s xplod n chapt 8. Thy w way o th convntonal bass on whch sold stat was ondd and saw th actosnss that sltd as an obstacl n th qst to an wd conton o th ntllctal contbtons to physcs. In ths sns, sold stat physcsts’ spons to th pblcaton poblm povd to b both dyn and dstablzn. On th on hand, t solvd som lnn ambty abot th bondas o th tan on whch sold stat wold ptch ts ovszd tnt. On th oth, t st th sta o a challn to sold stat’s convntonal dnton. By xtn th nnc to kp sold stat wthn th stablshd physcs jonals, th ascndant bloc o condnsd matt thosts stablshd th ondwok o oanzn th actvts aond a wll-dnd amly o concptal appoachs. Th pblcaton hav bn a latvly mnowas challn whn sn npoblm, th laalthoh contxttomht Amcan physcs n th 1950s, a pld to t and mo complt oanzatons o th sach tadtons that mad p sold stat physcs.




It s ppostos . . . that th conty’s only natonal aclty o hh mantc ld sach s hamstn whl mllons a bn spnt on dndant aclts n oth scntc dscplns. —BENJAMIN LAX, 1967

Th Natonal Mant Laboatoy (NML), stablshd n 1960, was sold stat’s answ to th la-scal patcl acclatos that bcam th dntv sach nstmnts o hh ny physcs. Th NML, dsnd to podc vy hh mantc ld stnths n od to stdy th mantc popts o matt, was th banchld o Fancs Btt. A backond n both mtally and th qantm thoy o mantsm pdsposd Btt to a vson o sold stat physcs as a ld ddcatd to th sach o ndamntal knowld. That vson wold d NML, vn at Btt’s poo p oo halth pvntd hm om dctn th aclty h had dsnd, bt th lab wold also ac consdabl pss, both om wthn and wthot, to mak ts poammn mo dctly answabl to shot-tm tchncal nds. Th NML was bon nto th a o b physcs. Follown th Scond Wold Wa, physcsts om th whol swp o sbjct spcalts and nstttonal sttns had acclmatd to lavsh ovnmnt spndn. Th Natonal Scnc Fondaton (NSF), whch dspnsd ts st ants n 1950, psntd a stabl commtmnt to t o dal sppot o  o sach. Th Atomc Eny Commsson (AEC) nsd a ady soc o sppot o ncla physcs. And mltay oanzatons lk th Dpatmnt o Dns (DOD) and th Oc o Naval Rsach had ovown cos, a va bt powl convcton n th mts o opnn thm to scntc sach, and w




dlns o how thy w pmttd to dspns ndn. Th npcdntd mncnc o ths oanzatons pmttd scntsts to man sach on a nw scal, and to ad t as nomal. Th NML was th st la aclty aclt y to sppot a sncant ocs  ocs on sold stat sach, bt oths ollowd. Lat n th 1960s, th AEC ondd ncla acto aclts at th Natonal Natona l Laboatos optmzd to podc hh nton x. Th Hh Flx Bam Racto at Bookhavn Natonal Laboatoy and th Hh Flx Isotop Racto at Oak Rd Natonal Laboatoy, whch, lk th NML, w mlts aclts, sppotd nton n ton dacton sach that bcam ctcal o th stdy o matals.1 Bookhavn ndtook th Natonal Synchoton Lht Soc n th 1970s, whch took what had pvosly bn a nsanc o hh-ny acclato dsns, synchoton adaton, and hanssd t to nabl pcs X-ay and ltavolt scattn xpmnts n a wd vaty o lds, bt patclaly n th stdy o matals.2  Th NML antcpatd th styl o b scnc condctd n both hh-x sach actos and synchoton socs, whch mphaszd svc otsd ss andt th xblty to adapt to th nds o vaos sachtopoams, makn an aly xampl o tnds clmnatn n what Robt P. P. Cas and Cathn Wstall call c all th “nw “n w b scnc” scnc ” o th lat twntth cnty.3 Bt nlk hh-x actos o synchoton socs, whch w qckly ocd to compt wth smla aclts o ss, th NML mand nq o som tm as a la aclty ddcatd to hh mantc lds. Mantsm was amon th last ntst ops wthn sold stat physcs, and t ntactd obstly wth nhbon lds. Th Amcan Insttt o Elctcal Enns oanzd a ss o wll-attndd conncs on mantsm and mantc matals, bnnn n 1955, whch th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) cosponsod and whch many sold stat physcsts attndd. 4  Th momntm bhnd mantsm sach nsd obst dmand o th NML’s NML ’s svcs and, n th ys o ts admnstatos, a dmnstatos, st t apat om  om th patcl acclatos that w polatn aond th sam tm. Asd om ts plac n th wll-known stoy o Cold Wa b scnc, th NML also ats n th latd, bt lss wll ndstood stoy o how thtnn scnc bdts shapd th sach landscap n th 1960s. 5 A ocs on dal spndn o socal poams as pat o Lyndon Johnson’s Gat Socty lslaton, th wa n Vtnam, and th owth o a mo ntcat bacacy wthn th ndn oanzatons conspd to mak ndn scac and to q at accontablty om ant cpnts.




Many aclts and sach poams that had own optmstcally on th noshmnt o latvly nttd ovnmnt sppot had to adapt, qt abptly, to lan tms. Fdal blt-thtnn actd som aas o physcs mo than oths. Patcl physcs saw ths n th 1960s wth th bbon cttn o th Altnatn Gadnt Synchoton at Bookhavn Natonal Laboatoy, Laboatoy, whch wold man th wold’s most powl acclato ntl 1968. By thn, hh ny physcs aclts had bcom mpotant o sstann th conty’s ntnatonal scntc pst. Th t o hh ny physcs was assd by th nnchn commtmnt o th AEC, alon wth spplmntay sppot om NASA, th DOD, and th NSF, and t md om th dcad wth conssonal commtmnt to nd th Natonal Acclato Laboatoy (NAL), whch wold bcom btt known as Fmlab.6 Rlyn to a at xtnt on dsctonay ndn om th DOD, sold stat physcs acd stp cts. Sold stat physcsts ond t patclaly dclt to nd sppot o xploatoy o thotcal sach, and at a tm whn many n th sawtothat wok as ctcal o mantann th ntllctal standn wthld spct oth sblds o physcs. Examnn how a la aclty ddcatd pncpally to sold stat sach spondd to ths psss pmts a compason btwn sold stat–styl b physcs, and b physcs as sn thoh patcl acclatos. Both pocdd om th convcton that th nw ndamntal knowld abot th physcal wold mad possbl by qantm mchancs cold b accssd by th la machns mad possbl by xpandd dal ndn. Fancs Btt, alon wth Bnjamn Lax, th NML’s st dcto, ndstood th aclty as th sold stat analo o th Altnatn Gadnt Synchoton at Bookhavn Natonal Laboatoy Laboat oy,, th Stanod Lna Acclato Accl ato,, and smla hh-ny aclts, and n som spcts t was smla. It was dvn by th thos o sach at th xtms—th xtms o hh ny patcls n on cas, and hh ntnsty mantc lds n th oths. Both typs o aclty ostnsbly xstd to satsy o lmntay costy abot th physcal wold. Bt ntnal tnsons ov th NML NML’s ’s msson ndcat that tha t th pll o applcatons was nv a om sold stat wok, and that ts sachs and admnstatos w calld to balanc thos mssons n ways hh ny aclts w not. Th nancal stls o th md- to lat la t 1960s a patclaly valn o how b sold stat physcs dd om b patcl physcs, and o how th p scnc dal, whch lvd on dspt th challns




to ts domnanc n th 1940s and 1950s, had to b hybdzd wth appld lvanc n th contxt o sold stat sach. FRANCIS BITTER AND A VISION FOR PHYSICAL METALLURGY

In 1939, Fancs Btt was a yon assocat posso n MIT’s Dpatmnt o Mnn and Mtally. Hs backond, thoh, was chaactstc o an Amcan physcst o ths a—nlk many o hs dpatmntal collas wth backonds n nnn o chmsty. Hs commtmnt to physcs was scd by a pdoctoal stnt n Bln n th vntl yas o 1925 and 1926. Btt calld han Max Planck spak on thmodynamcs, attndn th colloqm at whch Ewn Schödn ntodcd wav mchancs, and tachn hmsl lctcty and mantsm om Max Abaham’s txtbook, The Classical Theory o Electricity and Magnetism.7 Btt and hs PhD n physcs om Colmba Unvsty n 1928. Btwn lavn Colmba and jonn MIT MIT,, h spnt tm at assotd and aspcos nstttons. H condctd postdoctoal sach wth Robt Mllkan at Caltch, wokd as a sach physcst o Wstnhos, vstd th Cavndsh Laboatoy on a Gnhm Fllowshp. Dnand ths appontmnts, hs ntsts volvd om hs thss wok on th mantc sscptblts o ass to th nat o omantsm.8 Avn at MIT sh o hs Gnhm, Btt was nthsastc, and hs otlook on mtally bllsh. H atclatd a vson o mtally n an npblshd docmnt nttld “Abstact o th Psnt Stat and Possbl Dvlopmnts n Physcal Mtally.” Th docmnt atclatd hs hops that mtally cold tanscnd ts hstocal ocs on classyn th spcc popts o mtals and alloys and sk ndamntal contbtons. Th vson atclatd n hs “Abstact” wold also shap hs sbsqnt ots to cat th Natonal Mant Laboatoy’s msson. Btt dscbd hs staty o moldn mtally nto ndamntal scnc as ollows: Dn my b assocaton wth th sbjct o mtally I hav obtand th mpsson that n ths ld mo than any I hav com nto contact wth, th s now an oppotnty o apd and ndamntal dvlopmnt thoh an applcaton o th concpts and tchnqs o physcs and chmsty. Th achvmnt o sch poss mst com as a slt o th coopatv ot o a op o mn whos ch ntst t s to dscov and classy th popts o mtals and alloys n all th nalty wth th am o omlatn physcal




laws, ath than to ollow th bhavo o ctan spcal alloy systms n dtal wth th am o dvlopn and ndstandn commcal pocsss.

Btt dstnshd btwn th nnn and th scntc componnts o mtallcal sach and ond that thoh nscnt dvlopmnt o th latt, th om lackd “pop hlp and stmlaton o a ndamntal 9

nat.”  H dscbd how mtally mht poston tsl to mak what h dmd ndamntal contbtons, whch nvolvd bldn a obst concptal ondaton ootd n physcs and chmsty, pls a staty o collaboatn acoss dscplnay bondas to boow tchnqs and nshts om lds wth stablshd ndamntal sach poams. Ths and vson o mtally mht jst as wll hav bn a oadmap o th as-ytnnamd sold stat physcs. It calld o ndstandn nal ats o mtals thoh thotcal physcs, a ocs on mchancal popts, sach on cystal stct, and ncasd ndstandn o phas p has tanstons, all o whch wold all nd th aspcs o sold stat sta t onc th ld cohd atBtt’s th Scond Wold Wa.o ndamntalty was an nclsv on. Physcs ndstandn had t, chmsty had t, and mtally cold attan t by adoptn th nobl habts o ths dscplns. Btt’s optmsm o th t o mtally qd a two-sta pocss o ostn basc nshts and thn bldn a clos latonshp wth, whl stll mantann a spaaton om, pactcal applcatons. “Th physcst dvlops th ndamntal laws whch th nn appls. In chmsty w hav a smla staton,” h wot, bo psntn hs htocal call to ams, askn: “Who, n mtally, s don a smla job?”10 Btt mphaszd that constctv dalo btwn abstact scnc and ts applcatons cold nat advancs n both, and that stablshn la dscos btwn thm was ncssay to mak th ld o mtally a ndamntal scnc. Btt’s dsqston on mtally otlnd otln d two dmnsons o ndamntal sach. Th st was th omlaton o nal pncpls; th scond, a pactcal consdaton, was slnss n a wd vaty o nw sach. Th man aw Btt pcvd n contmpoay mtallcal wok was nscnt mphass on codyn lats n th bhavo o mtals. Th ld lackd th nalzn npt o thoy. Th hallmaks o ndamntal dscplns, Btt mantand, w thotcal pncpls that appld—and that actally w appld—byond naowly dnd systms. A scnc concnd wth th popts pop ts o mtals and alloys, a lloys, tho, cold bcom n-




damntal by catn a thotcal schm sl o dscbn th popts o mtals and alloys as a class o matals. Oanzn xstn knowld nto a nalzd schm, thoh, was not th ltmat oal o ndamntal sach; ndamntal scnc also had to pov sl n aas wh knowld was lss s-ootd. Btt mphaszd cndty as a mak o ndamntalty. Ths tm mpls th actal, not jst th potntal, naton o ntllctal pony: th nal pncpls that satsy Btt’s st cton can b dmd ndamntal onc thy pov th woth n a alm o whch thy w not spccally dsnd. Fom ths pspctv, achvn ndamntalty dmands mo than modln sach on dscplns that alady xhbt t; t qs bldn th psonal and nstttonal latonshps thoh whch sach ots can xcs nnc. Scnc bcoms ndamntal, n ths sns, whn thos latonshps hav povokd povokd nw sach and an d svd as a ondaton o nw conclsons. Btt pcvd ths qalty n physcs and chmsty. Both scncs amd to nqy omlat pncpls, mo mpotant, ch ntactons btwn andnal applcatons dovbt, poss n ths scncs and mad thm boadly applcabl to lds lk mtally and an d nnn. nnn . Fo Fo Btt, th poblm was not jst that mtallsts wantd o a obst thoy o mtals; thy w not vn n dalo wth popl who w wokn to dvlop on. In th absnc o sch an ntacton, Btt thoht, mtally wold b lmtd to catalon and qantyn th popts o a own alloy zoo. Ths typ o sach, bcas t dd not ps p s nal laws o ask a sk novl qstons, cold nv b ndamntal. Hs mdy was to ncoa mtallsts to ovcom th nslaty o th ld and collaboat wth physcsts and chmsts to bld th bds that wold ost nw thnkn. Btt’s commndatons calld o MIT mtallsts to chan th way thy oanzd th dpatmnt and t wthn nsttt nastct, sstn, o xampl, that “on o two physcsts n th mtally dpatmnt . . . cay ot th wok n clos contact wth th st o th sta, sta,”” and pomotn “clos contact wth [John C.] Slat’s wok n Physcs and wth th wok o [Chals W.] W.] MacGo n Mchancal Ennn. Ennn.””11 FOUNDING THE NATIONAL MAGNET LABORATORY

Btt’s vw o ndamntal knowld was pvotal to th ondn and owth o th Natonal Mant Laboatoy two dcads lat. Btt coodnatd plannn o th NML, whch opnd n 1960. Its aly hstoy cts




Fancs Btt’s 1939 vson. Th poposal that convncd th A Foc Oc o Scntc Rsach to nd th lab amd ts msson compatbly wth Btt’s noton o ndamntalty, ts oal bn “to mak contnos lds p to 250,000 ass avalabl o ndamntal  ndamntal sach n sold stat and low tmpat physcs and latd lds, and to sv as a cnt o advancn th at o ld naton. naton.””12 Btt had tansd to th physcs dpatmnt n 1945 and stat  physcs, ath than mtally mtall y,, 13 h blt th NML wth sold stat n mnd. Th NML wold sppot ondatonal sach n od to nch th ld and mak t mo podctv. A qot om Btt’s laboatoy ddcaton spch, composd lon bo bdt concns casd NML sta  to mphasz ts pactcal oshoots, ndcats th plac h saw t occpyn wthn th scntc commnty: “Th sold-stat sach poam s bn tansd om th M.I.T M.I.T.. mant laboatoy to th nw n w aclty [th NML]. Th am o ths poam s to ncas knowld o th basc lctcal, lct cal, mantc, optcal, acostcal, and thmal popts o solds. Ths ndamntal nomaton, psd odvlopmnt ts own sak,ohas and wllmpovd contnsold-stat to povdlcth bass o th contnn nw and tonc dvcs.”14 Concn wth stablshn an nvonmnt n whch nda ndamntal sach cold osh was at th oont o Btt’s thnkn. Wth th NML, h nstttonalzd hs convctons abot ndamntal sach, hopn that ts stct wold ncoa sach that cold, by ocsn lntlssly on th sach o nal pncpls, sv as th bass o somthn mo.15 Admnstatv sponsblty was shad amon th dpatmnts that sd th NML. Byond on a vn o sach sn hh mantc lds, th aclty povdd an ntdpatmntal om o MIT scntsts and nns and attactd att actd vstn sachs om oth nstttons, aan n accodanc wth Btt’s vw that ndamntal wok shold b otwad lookn. Th NML was also an dcatonal spac. Btt had admonshd th mtallcal commnty n 1939 that ndamntal advancs qd that stdnts b tand to ask ndamntal qstons. In th aly 1960s, th NML pomotd tsl as jst sch an oppotnty o MIT adat stdnts. A 1963 boch mphaszd ths aspct o th lab’s msson, totn th “oppotnty to ps xtmly ndamntal spclatons” that adat stdnts njoyd, ctn on doctoal stdnt’s wok on mantc ld dpndnc o th vlocty o ltasonc wavs n mtals. 16  By 1965, th lab’s scond ll ya o opaton, ts thtn acadmc sta sppotd




twnty-o stdnts, who wokd alonsd nn sachs om Lncoln Laboatoy—a mltay sach lab, whch MIT admnstd—and ty-sx vstn scntsts.17 Th NML povdd th spac, socs, commnty, and pdaocal oppotnts ncssay o a sold stat sach aclty mbodyn Btt’s vson. Bt Btt, who was nan th nd o hs ca and acn halth poblms, dd not tak an actv ol n th lab’s admnstaton. Bnjamn Lax bcam ts st dcto. Lax was Hnaan-bon, bt had mmatd to th Untd Stats n hs yoth and and hs bachlo’s d at Coop Unon n 1941. H was datd whl psn doctoal wok at Bown and avd at MIT n 1944 as a Radaton Laboatoy sach. H stayd on at th wa, compltd hs PhD n 1949, and jond th Lncoln Laboatoy shotly that, sn to had o th Sold Stat Dvson n 1958. Th slcton o Lax as NML dcto psntd th ds to coodnat sold stat sach acoss dpatmnts. John Slat, who wldd sncant nnc as an Insttt Posso and had o th physcs dpatmnt’s sold op, wot MIT psdnt Jls Statton asstat plansand omolcla th NML thoy w bwn: “I ltothat  w szd th oppotnty psntd by th Mant Laboatoy Laboa toy,,  t os thoh, and colatd t wth . . . wok on solds n th dpatmnts o Physcs, Chmsty, Elctcal Ennn, and som o that n Mtally, w shold hav th possblty o bldn p a sold-stat laboatoy o at val not only to M.I.T. and th dcatonal poam, bt to th svcs and th conty as a whol.” Slat advocatd opn psntatvs om ths dpatmnts “toth wth Lax and as mch o th Lncoln sold-stat op as cold possbly b ncldd, n a at coopatv oanzaton,  possbl hosd toth on o clos to th camps, and ncldn . . . stdnts, possos, and sach scntsts o th Lncoln typ. typ.””18 Sppot om s o Slat’s pomnnc nsd that th nw lab, byond absobn th xstn mant poam Btt had stablshd, wold sk at ntaton o sold stat wok acoss MIT’s camps. Wth nstttonal sppot o ntdpatmntal collaboaton scd, Lax cad Btt’s thos owad. A 1963 pomotonal docmnt o th lab asstd: “Whl th pmay mphass at th Natonal Mant Laboatoy s on th acqston o basc knowld concnn th stct stct  o solds, t s a hstocal act that wok o ths nat has ld to a achn tchnolocal advancs.”19 Lax tod th sam ln n pvat cospondnc. “I blv t s mpotant o s to povd n th ld o basc sold stat and appld phys-




cs, cnts o xcllnc that wll contbt to dcaton and to scnc n a most ctv way,” h wot to Roman Smolchowsk n 1965. 20 Th amnt that nvstmnt n basc sach, wthot ots to shap ts dcton om wthot, was th bst way to ost sl slts was a standad thm n scntc htoc by th 1960s, and aly on t was a sl jstcaton o th lab. Th NML was podctv. By Dcmb 1965, ts thty-ht sta mmbs had pblshd sxty-on paps that calnda ya, wth twnty-nn mo n pss, accptd, o sbmttd, and had collctvly dlvd svntynn mtn o colloqm talks. Ths nmbs mo than dobld 1963 totals, a otstppn th 18.75 pcnt sta ncas n th sam ntval. 21  O th sxty-on atcls, atcl s, book chapts, and monoaphs pblshd n 1965, mo than hal, thty-svn, w pblshd n Amcan Insttt o Physcs  jonals. O ths, ths , nntn appad a ppad n th  Physical Review  o  Physical Review Letters, th ashp pblcatons ddcatd to basc physcal sach.22  Ths atcls contbtd to majo contmpoay sold stat sach tajctos, o nstanc byAlthoh xamnn th band o solds popts o spcondctos. cd, thsstct data ndcat that aand la popoton o th lab’s otpt was ddcatd to th typ o ondatonal wok Btt champond. Th aclty was a ston daw o yon talnt wthn th sold stat commnty.. Lax ond hmsl wth an mbaassmnt o chs n th md-1960s mnty and compland to th Natonal Rsach Concl’s Sold Stat Scncs Panl that dspt havn “ntvwd a at acton o st-at yon scntsts than w hav thohot my nt ca . . . wth vy w xcptons, w lctantly tnd ths away.” 23 Lax hmsl won th Olv E. Bckly Pz n 1960, whch, althoh lss than a dcad old at that pont, was amon th most pstos p stos accolads a sold stat physcst cold an. H wold b lctd to th Natonal Acadmy o Scncs n 1969 laly on th stnth o hs wok at th NML. It was not o want o slts that th A Foc’s nthsasm o th aclty ban to wan n th md-1960s. MID-1960S FUNDING PRESSURES

In 1965 th NML admnstaton askd th Natonal Scnc Fondaton to assm nancal sponsblty o vstn scntst sppot and a sha o both mant mantnanc and sach costs om th A Foc. Fndn o th laboatoy had stalld at ts ntal amp-p. Wdspad natonal shotas n basc scnc ndn, concdn wth th scalaton scalat on o th Vt-




nam Wa Wa,, bcam a pod wth whch to nd th lab towad a mo xplctly appld stanc. Lax notd wth som alam th A Foc’s ncasd ntst n th applcabl ts o mant sach n 1967: “Ths s a complt chan om th past whn NML was dscoad om ncldn n ts chat an appld poam.”24 Lloyd A. Wood, dcto o th physcal scncs dvson wthn th A Foc’s Oc o Scntc Rsach, sbstantatd ths obsvaton, wtn to Lax a month lat: “It s as yo know bcomn mo and mo an ss n Washnton to ‘copl’ dally sppotd basc sach to ‘pactcal’ ntpss, and a la pojct sch as th Mant Laboatoy has a at oppotnty o don ths.”25 An y on appld bnts was not ncompatbl wth th NML’s statd msson, whch had, snc Btt’s aly vson, mphaszd th mpotanc o basc nsht o tchnolocal advanc. “Copln” o basc sach ndn wth xplctly pactcal consdatons, howv howv,, challnd both Btt’s concpton o ndamntal sach as convsant wth, bt ndpndnt om, ts applcatons and Lax’s vson o th lab. Lax sstd any ontaton o th NML’s ndamntal waswas happy to accommodat an ovtly appld poam as lonmphass. as th AH Foc wlln to spply th addtonal ndn, bt mantand: “Fnancally w a n no poston to bn sch wok on o own.”26 Lax also pshd to kp appld pojcts and th ndn nslatd om th opatons and basc sach bdts. H tstd bo Conss on th t h tanston om A Foc to NSF ndn, o nstanc, that th NML “has always copld ts basc sach slts wth th msson-ontd ancs havn th atst ntst n a patcla ln o dvlopmnt and wll contn to do so,” whl qalyn that commtmnt by sayn, “Whn th s a dvlopmnt o spcal ntst to an ancy w wll solct sppot and patcpaton by that ancy, whth t b th A Foc o oth DOD dpatmnt, NASA, NIH, o th nvonmntal ancs.”27 Explctly appld pojcts w n, n Lax’s ys, as lon as thy dd not dvt attnton o ndn om th ndamntal wok h consdd th lab’s ason d’êt. As notatons wth th NSF contnd thoh th md-1960s, th laboatoy acd tht bdts and an nctan t. Th NML advsoy commtt was ntally atatd. In Fbay 1966, th commtt stck a dant ton n th ac o stctv st ctv bdts, mantann “th ston opnon that a modat and odly xpanson o ndn s dsabl,” and th notn: “It s dscoan and nhalthy o a Laboatoy, at a voos ntal pod o bldn p om zo to a vabl stat, to b abptly lvld




o by bdtay constants, whn la aas o ntstn and appopat sach man.”28 Jst ov a ya lat, th commtt was mo snd to th dclt nvonmnt. An Apl 1967 pot od lss sstanc to bdtay stass, and sndly notd: “smla bdt zs act all sold stat physcs sach,  not most scntc sach actvts n ths conty at th psnt tm.” tm.”29 Oth pojcts that lackd th ltt o hh ny physcs o th statc mmdacy o ncla wapons dd ndd ac smla challns. In 1969, th bdt qst om th Los Alamos Mson Physcs Faclty, Faclty, a pojct nd dvlopmnt that th AEC classd as a mdm-ny physcs pojct, was slashd by ov two-thds, om $15.3 mllon to $5 mllon. Th hact pomptd Los Rosn, th pojct’s dcto, to pot to Conss th dstss th pojct sta lt “not only bcas t dos not hav th bst ct on moal, to ctat so dastcally dn th constcton o a vy complx pojct, bt also bcas t dos not pmt s to complt th pojct n an odly, cnt, and conomcal way.” 30 was not contnt to accpt th lab’s thyLax, whowv, symptomatc o la tnds. H vntd hs stls statonjst to bcas a llow sold stat physcst, Havad’s Ncolaas Blombn: “It s t that th s a bdt sqz all thohot th conty, conty, patclaly on sold stat. stat . HowHowv, as t tns ot, nds hav bn ond o oth aas o physcs whch a alady btt ndd ovall natonally than th sold stat actvts at th nvsts. Ths, n spt o th act that sold stat consttts by a th last smnt o th physcal socty.”31 Lax was smlaly candd n a May 1967 ltt to Natonal Scnc Fondaton dcto Lland Hawoth: “W alz th cts o th Vtnam Wa and th ds o Conss to spad dal sppot o sach mo wdly wdly.. It s ppostos, howv, howv, that th conty’s only natonal aclty o hh mantc ld sach s hamstn whl mllons a bn spnt on dndant aclts n oth scntc dscplns.”32 By “dndant aclts,” Lax almost ctanly had n mnd th Natonal Acclato Laboatoy, plans o whch th Atomc Eny Commsson had appovd jst months al. Lax, th dcto o a la, on-oa-knd sold stat sach aclty was kd that acclato accl ato laboatos w polatn whl hs own was bn ocd to ctal ts poams. Hh ny physcs was by no mans mmn to th bdtay clmat o th lat 1960s. Majo AEC acclato aclts w ocd to dc th opatn tm n 1969 bcas o ndn shotas, and th AEC vn consdd closn som low-ny aclts. Bt cts to hh ny sach




w sbstantally lss stp than cts to oth aas o scnc, laly d to ts sc plac n th AEC bdt.33 Rdctons n opatn tm and concns abot closn small and low-ny aclts dd not ostall nvstmnt at th oont o acclato dvlopmnt n th way Lax lt t was lmtn hs oont  oont mant aclty  aclty.. In what Lax consdd a sos concsson, th NML’s wok dd sht n a mo appld dcton towad th nd o th 1960s. In 1968, th htn pblcatons by NML sta n th  Journal o Applied Physics qald th combnd total o thos pblshd n  Physical Review and  Physical Review  Letters.34 An Apl 1969 Advsoy Commtt pot notd th addton o a poam dsnd to xplo mdcal applcatons o mantc lds. 35  In th aly 1970s, th lab ntatd mo aspatonal appld pojcts, sch as th manplan, whch ndavod to tanslat th NML’s know-how nto a mant-powd aload systm. Th manplan was a patclaly so pont o Lax, who lt t ptomzd th concssons th NML had mad to Vtnam-a dmands o appld payots om sold stat aclts psn bascKolm, sach. moththan on occason, NML tst Hny who On hadd pojct, clashd wth Laxsach ov thscnlab’s msson ( 5.1). In a mmo to Lax nttld “Mantsm Applcatons Pojcts,” Kolm dscbd hmsl as “th only ston-mndd SOB who has svvd n yo ntoa,” and vocd hs staton wth Lax’s dsappoval o Kolm’s appld ntsts: “O mantsm applcatons poams a not a concsson to xpdncy, an act o posttton n th blak yas o 69 to 71. Thy a a lon-nlctd lon-nlct d oblaton o th scntc commnty. commnty. Thy a vn nw lvanc to o adat dcaton, vtalzn o possonal stat, and mpovn th svval chancs o th laboatoy, o MIT, and o th nt scntc stablshmnt.” Kolm objctd to Lax’s contnton that th at o appld pojcts th lab had acqd sphond nds om ts mssonctcal sach. In a stak ndcaton o th dpth o th dsamnt ov th NML’s msson and dcton, Kolm sstd: “I yo nd t mpossbl to ntat a sncant applcatons poam nto th ‘co’ wok o th laboatoy n sch a way that yo and oths do not snt ts xstnc, thn sos consdaton shold b v[n] to svn t admnstatvly a dmnstatvly . . . by catn a nw laboatoy.”36 No sch schsm was othcomn, bt th tnsons btwn Lax and Kolm val th xtnt to whch chans n dal scnc polcy challnd th NML’s NML ’s msson, wth hlp om wthn. Lax, who admnstd n accodanc




Figure 5.1. Hny Kolm, Pyot Kaptsa, and Bnjamn Lax, 1970s. Lax (ht) and Kolm (lt) convs wth th vstn Sovt low-tmpat physcst Kaptsa, wth whom Fancs Btt had wokd at th Cavndsh dn hs tm n Cambd. Cdt: MIT Achvs and Spcal Collctons, NMLR, box 2, old 12. Rpodcd wth pmsson

wth Btt’s vson o ndamntal sach, was shakn by th nd to tak on appld pojcts o th own sak. Kolm, psntn a yon naton, was lss dolocally opposd to addn appld objctvs to th laboatoy’s msson. Unlk la hh ny physcs aclts, whch w dvn by th nanmty o ppos qd to constct a la aclty dctd at a snl thotcal poam, th NML acd psss on ts basc sach msson on two onts. Th sold stat commnty mand man d actonalzd, and thos who pd th ld to b sponsv to tchnolocal possblts and nds oht to hav th own vson ctd n ts la aclts. CONTRASTING THE NATIONAL MAGNET LABORATORY AND THE NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY

By 1971 th NML—namd th Fancs Btt Natonal Mant Laboatoy n Novmb 1967, ollown Btt’s dath—had ond mo stabl,  not mo nos, nancal sppot om th NSF NSF.. Its stls thoh th lat




1960s and aly 1970s a tlln: Fancs Btt’s vw o ndamntalty, althoh alzabl n a majo sach laboatoy, dd not a as wll n th la ndn nvonmnt. Th A Foc, ts nthsasm o aclts dvotd to nonappld wok dwndln, ban tansn sponsblty to a cvlan ancy, lmtn th lab’s xpanson, wll bo th 1970 and 1973 Mansld Amndmnts, whch qd Dpatmnt o Dns–ndd sach to connct claly wth shot-tm objctvs, complld sch a tans37  on a la scal. As th NML stld, hh-ny patcl acclatos thvd, vn  som small patcl physcs aclts acd th pospct p ospct o cts and clos. Unlk sold stat physcsts, who cold not jsty a la aclty wthot nvokn potntal pactcal otcoms, patcl physcsts apd la-scal xpndts basd on th poms o ndamntal knowld. Wolan Panosky cold clam bo Conss n 1964 that “no scntst can pont a n at ths tm to th spcc way n whch th stdy o hh-ny physcs can and wll act o mmdat nvonmnt, o halth and saty, saty, 38 aas” wthot jopadzn ndn o th o podctvty, o any hman Stanod Lna Acclato.  Smlaly, th t NAL dcto Robt R. Wlson amosly told th conssonal Jont Commtt on Atomc Eny n 1969 that th poposd acclato “has nothn to do dctly wth dndn o conty xcpt to mak t woth dndn,” and nsstd that th sach o ndamntal physcal knowld povdd th sam cltally nnobln qalts as at and ltat.39 Ths spons o Wlson’s, to a qston om John O. Pasto, a Dmocatc snato om Rhod Island, s otn qotd to ndcat ndca t th commtmnt o hh ny physcs to ndamntal knowld and th dsdan o mltasm chaactstc o th ld’s clt, and to llstat a pncpld stand aanst th ncoachmnt o dns ntst nto basc physcs—sstn that hh ny physcs was nd c assalt by both mltay and bdt hawks. Bt Pasto, a ston sppot o th NAL, askd abot dns only as an atthoht to a la dscsson abot th htoc o jstyn hndds o mllons o dollas’ woth o xpndts on aspatonal physcs poams whl th conty cont y wstld wth povty, povty, homlssnss, and hn hn .. “I want to t ths Conssmn o my back,” back,” h makd lat n th han, n to som sstanc to th pojct om  om wthn th appopatons commtt, on whch h sat.40 Wlson’s amos qot ollowd an xchan btwn Pasto and Pal W. McDanl, dcto o th AEC’s sach dvson, n whch Pasto pssd McDanl to clay th mts o th NAL:




Snato PASTORE. Fo th ppos o th cod, a yo ppad to say, o s ths a a qston, what yo xpct to nd thoh th 200 Bv [acclato]? D. McDANIEL. A btt ndstandn o th sbncla nvs, s my D. nal answ. My spcc answ s w do not know what w wll nd, bt w know th s a walth o nomaton th whch nds to b dvlopd. Snato PASTORE. PASTORE. And wth all ths oth pots o hn hn,, nddn, ndclothn, and ndhosn, how do yo jsty $250 mllon at ths tm o bldn somthn wth whch w don’t know what w a on to nd? D. McDANIEL. I wold smply say as an ndvdal that s a small amont n compason to th total capacty o ths conty to d th hny and to cloth th nakd. Snato PASTORE. I don’t lk that answ, at all. Ths a th amnts w t whn w o bo th Appopatons Commtt, and t s sally my sponsblty to cay th ball on ths. I wold lk to hav som dntv answs h as to pots, bcas that s on to b thown ht nto my ac. H w a. W hav ths Snatos on all ov th Dstct o Colmba. It has bn on th ont pas. Thy a on all ov th conty shown how many ma ny popl a stavn, st avn, how many popl a hny, hny, how many popl lv n at-ddn hoss. H w a, askn o $250 mllon to bld a machn that s an xpmntal machn, n ndamntal hh ny physcs, and w cannot b told xactly what w a tyn to nd ot thoh that machn. 41

It was at ths jnct that Wlson jmpd n, ctn both th cltal mpotanc o th sach o ndamntal physcal pncpls and a nd th socal bnts that had com om ncla pow as asons to nd oont sach n hh ny physcs. Wlson movd th commtt, whch was avoably dsposd to t o hs cas. Chst E. Holld, Dmocatc psntatv om Calona and cha o th commtt, shd, “As I lstnd to yo loqnt appal o ths, my mnd wnt back bo th days o Enco Fm Fm to a tm whn St. Pal stood bo Kn Appa, and Kn Appa sad to St. Pal that h wantd hm




to xplan hs bl n th Chstan pncpls. St. Pal was so loqnt that whn h ot thoh, Kn Appa sad, ‘Almost ‘Almost tho psadst psa dst m to b a Chstan.’ I am sayn that, lavn ot th “almost.” I am sayn, ‘Tho hast psadst m to sppot ths to th bst o my ablty. ablty.’” Pasto, aan takn th pamatc ln, qppd, “I was not woyn abot Appa. I was a lttl wod abot th taxpays tax pays a-pn,” bt amd hs commtmnt to th pojct.42 Wlson’s lon-tm jstcaton o th pojct mod th htoc Fancs Btt and Bnjamn Lax had sd on bhal o th NML. H assd th commtt o hs “m xpctaton that tchnolocal dvlopmnts wll com. Dctly, bt at a vy lon tm; om th slts o th sach wll com nw tchnoloy.”43 Bt whas hh ny physcsts n th lat 1960s cold t away wth achn o th dstant poms o applcabl applca bl otcoms, and povdn only va acconts o th xpctd ntllctal otpts om hstocally la laboatos, oth aas o scnc w pssd to atclat mo dct and mmdat lvanc and,  thy wantd to jsty had to ht tothat kp mo poxmat applcatons at am’snonappld lnth. Fo Fowok, sold stat physcs, mant ncasd pss t o thtn to ts conncton wth tchnolocal dvlopmnt, vn n s ns aclts constctd on th b scnc modl. By th lat 1960s, scnc o all stps was bn askd to b mo sponsv to socal dmands. Th act that Fmlab, dspt ts sl-conssd motnss om both mltay and socal concns, cold stll thv n ths nvonmnt ndcats th pvld plac hh ny physcs p hyscs had manad to sc. Hh ny physcsts, ambvalnt ov ov mltay and conomc jstcatons o th sach n th ac o 1960s potst movmnts, wdly mbacd th hh-mndd htoc o ndamntalty ndamnta lty that Wlson’s conssonal tstmony ptomzd. Thy w sccssl n castn patcl physcs as “a and cltal ntps, lant and poond, that dsvd th sppot o soct soctyy.”44 That avn to ndn, spcally la-scal ovnmnt ndn, was not avalabl to sold stat physcsts, who by th 1960s w alady too closly assocatd wth tchnoloy n th manatons o dal nds. Th p scnc vson aond whch Btt had blt th NML ald to ll th lab’s cos. Fv-ya plans and annal pots to th A Foc stssn th NML’s ndamntal contbtons cold not plcat th htocal sccss o Wlson’s loqnc on bhal o th NAL. Facd wth ths al, th NML’s sold stat physcsts lt slhtd by th compaatvly mo s-




v ndn shotalls thy sd and sntd th mn pcpton n th patcl physcs commnty that ndamntal knowld cold only b dvd om th ltmat consttnts o matt and ny. Ths statons xtndd byond th walls o th NML. At th dawn o th 1970s, sold stat physcs was a mat dscpln, condnt n ts ablty to nat ndamntal scntc knowld, bt t was n th mdst o an dntty css xacbatd by navoabl compasons to ts mo ladd sblns.




Dpatmntal allancs and pow dvs do not asly o n solton and cystallz ot a nw nvsty pattn o ntdpatmntal coopaton. —ARTHUR R. VON HIPPEL, 1969

In 1970, Albt M. Closton, th dcto o th Physcal Rsach Laboatoy at Bll Labs, bcam cha o th Amcan Physcal Socty’s nwly omd Commtt on Poblms o Physcs and Socty. Socty. Th ptton that ld l d to ths commtt achd th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) concl n 1969, motvatd motvatd by a sns that th t h apd owth and spcalzaton o Amcan physcs had naowd th ocs o many physcsts and mad t mo dclt o th APS and ts mmbs to consd th many and wd-ann connctons btwn physcal sach and socal poblms and pocsss.1  On o ts st tasks was a pot on th conomc concns o physcsts, whch Closton athod. “Fv yas ao t wold hav smd ncdbl that n 1970 Amcan physcsts wold b sosly concnd abot th conomc wll-bn o th posson,” Closton ban hs ssay, ntodcn a cla-yd dscsson o how th ndn shts dscbd n th pvos chapt tanslatd nto conct challns o Amcan physcsts. Nw PhDs stld to land job os. Many ond thmslvs n tmpoay postons, wthot th poms o tanstonn nto pmannt lns. Indsty, pvosly a to nlst physcsts n dvlopmnt ots, had sod on th poms o basc sach to nhanc th bottom ln and was tnn ncasnly to nns.




Ths ccmstancs vvd th old dntty concns o th 1940s, o sold stat physcsts n patcla. To addss th conomc poblms boht on by ndn shotalls, shot alls, Closton mantand, “th physcs commnty nds to dn n a nal way what a th nq chaactstcs o a physcst.” Unlk th 1940s, howv, whn dntty concns w makd by ambvalnc and hstancy abot how closly tchnolocal applcatons shold b lnkd to th co msson o physcs, Closton wod n 1970 that th lnk was not cla noh to ns th conomc wll-bn o th dscpln.2 Closton had ason o concn. By th lat 1960s, th lst that th Manhattan Pojct had vn to basc physcal sach had add and dal nds w mch mo hadhadd abot how thy dstbtd th lass. Th ollback o ovnmnt and spcally mltay nds ctd own skptcsm abot th tn on nvstmnt om ndn basc scntc sach. Pojct Hndsht, a Dpatmnt o Dns (DOD) vw panl bn n 1963, assayd th cacy o DOD-sponsod sach poams. Th st ntm pot,that lasd n 1966, oshadowd nal pot’s conclsons, obsvn th “contbton om cnt th ndctd scnc to th systms w hav stdd appas to hav bn small,” and ncoad “altnatv pactcs n th manamnt o scntc sach” on th bass o th conclson that “th lnth o tm to tlzaton o scntc ndns s dcasd whn th scntst s wokn n aas latd to th poblms o hs sponso.”3 Th st Mansld Amndmnt o 1970 was consonant wth th conclsons o Pojct Hndsht, qn DOD-ndd sach to hav dct dns applcatons. What cold physcsts o n ths nvonmnt and how cold thy o t? On answ cam n th om o th nw, ntdscplnay ld o matals scnc.4 In som ctcal spcts, sold stat physcs can b ndstood as a hstocal antcdnt a ntcdnt to matals mat als scnc. Fst, sold stat physcs, alon wth nnn, nn n, chmsty, chmsty, and mtally, mtally, was on o th ndnts o th dscplnay stw that bcam matals mat als scnc. Scond, lk lk th sold stat o matt, “matals” s a catoy too ds to o mch n th way o concptal consstncy consstn cy.. And lk sold stat physcs, matals scnc cam nto bn n spons to a contnnt st o actos that had lttl to do wth th concptal dvlopmnt o th sach poams composn t. In th cas o sold stat physcs, thos actos had to do wth th possonal challns o a own physcs commnty. commnty. In th cas o matals scnc, thy had ha d to do wth th statc, conomc, and mltay alts o th Cold Wa. Th




owth o matals scnc s tho lvant to ndstand th nnc o sold stat physcs on th st o Cold Wa scnc, both bcas th ndstandn o matal systms sold stat physcs od was dmd mpotant o mtn th dvlopmnt objctvs towad whch matal scnc was ontd, and bcas matals scnc ollowd n sold stat’s ootstps by catn a nw ld on th bass o local, contnnt, and nonconcptal objctvs. Ths chapt ollows th stablshmnt and owth o matals scnc, and sold stat’s plac wthn t, n od to ndstand th volton o vns and adncs o sold stat physcsts’ tchncal aspatons. Bcomn a dscpln wthn physcs qd chann som lon- and daly hld assmptons abot th dntty o physcs, bt t also qd byn nto thos assmptons to a lmtd xtnt. As a sbld o physcs, tho, sold stat was not th appopat vn o a snl-mndd poam o tchncal dvlopmnt—th DOD had dtmnd as mch wth ts lss than sann assssmnt o th pactcal payos o basc physcal sach. Ths ccmstancs th mnc o a nw n whchwth soldoth stat physcs w mhtavoabl ps o tchncal dvlopmnt n om collaboaton dscplns. Matals scnc povdd jst sch a vn. In th 1950s, many dal nds bcam convncd that nth mpcally dvn nnn ots, no pncpl-basd physcal nvstatons w adqat to addss th tchncal challns o Cold Wa dvlopmnt. Th htoc that ths two componnts ndd to b lnkd dvlopd ov th cos o th 1950s wthn th bonn dal advsoy systm. It was wthn commtts o th Natonal Acadmy o Scnc, th Oc o Naval Rsach, and oths, that th amnt was dvlopd o pttn sold stat physcs nto convsaton wth “matals sach,” whch, thoh th lat 1950s, was laly an nnn n nn spcalty spcalty.. That amnt wold b opatonalzd most oclly oc lly by th Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy (ARPA), a mltay sach and dvlopmnt oanzaton that dd th most to dn matals scnc by ondn a ss o ntdscplnay laboatos on Amcan campss, whch ctd th collaboaton btwn ths banchs o scnc and nnn by physcally colocatn othws scattd nvsty sach ops. By 1975, whn th Commtt on th Svy o Matals Scnc and Ennn (COSMAT) pblshd ts spawln pot on th stats and dcton o matals scnc,  Materials and Man’s Needs, th ats o sold stat phys-




cs and matals scnc w nttwnd, wth th consqnc that matals scnc had bcom a thoohly ntdscplnay xcs, and that sold stat physcs had ond a th way to alz Smolchowsk’s vson o t as an otwad-lookn, collaboatv ld attnd to ts tchnolocal potntal. MATERIALS MA TERIALS RESEARCH BEFORE MATERIALS SCIENCE

“Matals” bcam a xaton o th US dal  dal advsoy systm n th 1950s. As dstnshd om th mo nc tm “matt,” “matals” s to th st o tchnolocal dvlopmnt, wth popts that answ som poxmat nd. Thos nds w many n th aly Cold Wa. A and watcat, commncatons appaats, ny and wapons systms, and consm tchnolos all acd matal constants, and so sach nto nw and mpovd matals psntd statc oppotnts. It was not mmdatly vdnt to thos psn ths statc oals, howv, how physcs mht b lvant to ths nds. In 1951, Natonal Rsach Concl (NRC) omd asach Matalsmht Advsoy Boadth (MAB) to valat how advancs n matals addss statc bottlncks, patclaly n mltay dvlopmnt. MAB w om th old Mnals and Mtals Advsoy Boad. Th nam chan ctd “conton o th ntlatons o th mtals and nonmtals, patclaly n stctal applcatons.” Bt dspt th boadnd scop o th nw commtt, MAB’s aly 1950s taton had lttl contact wth physcsts. A 1954 pot dscbd th chan by notn: “Th Boad has bn constttd to ncld matals nns, chmsts, and mtallsts . . . to povd advsoy svcs to th Oc o th Assstant Sctay o Dns o Rsach and Dvlopmnt and to th Admnstato o th Gnal Svcs Admnstaton.”5 Oth aly ss o “matals sach” a smlaly nnn-cntc. Mltay sach oanzatons ollowd th NRC’s lad, cmntn matals sach as a pomnnt tat o Cold Wa sach and dvlopmnt. Th stcton to nnn ban to t o od towad th nd o th dcad as MAB hond ts msson, nstalld physcsts n nntal ols, and mbacd th lvanc o basc sach n a lmtd ashon. A 1957–58 NRC pot notd that “ncasd attnton to matals boht abot by th nds o wapons systm dvlopmnt has sltd n a consdabl xpanson xpan son o actvty o th Matals Advsoy Boad.”6 Th xpanson ncd h dd not jst ndcat nw n w psonnl, bt also vocs om nw dscplnay camps.




Th nclson o physcsts, most o whom hald om th nwly vbant ld o sold stat physcs, concdd wth a makd sht n th mphass o matals sach. MAB’s xpandd topcal badth s vdnt n ts 1960 pot, “Fndamntal Aspcts o Matals Rsach.” Th commtt ncldd Conll physcst Jams Kmhansl as dpty cha. Th psnc o a physcst amon th mtallsts, mtall sts, chmsts, and ndsty mavns who pvosly composd th commtt ndcats MAB’s mn pnc o clos connctons btwn basc sach and ts applcatons, a poston that was ovt and nt by 1960. Th commtt ctczd th Dpatmnt o Dns’s xstn ots to moblz basc sach to statc nds, makn that “n-hos basc sach capablty s ossly nadqat.” Th commtt d th sach ams o th amy, navy, and a oc to sponso “ston cntalzd laboatos n whch basc sach, compsn th nt spctm o potntally ptnnt scnc ncldn th matals scncs, can b pomotd.”7 Ths commndatons, dsnd nhanc to possbn knowld to ba on th dns nds to o th naton“th n thablty shotst bl tm,” cam to dn th msson o matals scnc as t was mand wthn th dal advsoy nastct.8 Th concpt o basc sach was appopatd n svc o tchnolocal dns nds, whch w not bn addssd wth alacty scnt to appas th Dpatmnt o Dns and ts amy o advss. Rspondn to pss to moblz basc sach socs n od to acclat blackboad-to-battlld tnaond, th NRC boadnd ts concpton o matals scnc stll th. In 1960, a commtt to consd th “Scop and Condct o Matals Rsach” was omd “to vw th total matals sach nds o th conty wth laton both to natonal dns and th pblc wla mo nally; to appas th adqacy o psnt sach poams to mt thos nds; to consd th socs o psonnl, aclts, and admnstaton that a avalabl; and to mak commndatons o th cocton o dcncs that th Commtt may dnty.”9 Alonsd th la complmnt o nns, chmsts, and ndstalsts, ths commtt ncldd sold stat physcst Fdck Stz and mtallst Cyl Stanly Smth, th dcto o th Unvsty o Chcao’s Insttt o th Stdy o Mtals, a pomnnt cnt o sold stat sach. Th pot’s commndatons ctd a clos ntaton btwn scnc and nnn. It advocatd cntalzd cntalz d ndn, coodnaton, and ovsht o




matals sach as wll as “stnthnn th nvsts n th dal ol o tann scntsts and nns and a nd also don basc sach.” sach.”10 By 1960, scntsts advsn th dal ovnmnt laly advocatd mchansms to ncas dalo btwn thos stdyn th popts o matals and thos mplmntn that knowld n statcally lvant ways. Th advsoy mphass on matals, n patcla wth spct sp ct to tann and basc sach, xtd ts nnc wthn Amcan nvsts. Th st majo txtbook o matals scntsts and nns appad n 1959: Lawnc Van Vlack’s  Elements o Materials Science  amd to synthsz tadtonal nnn appoachs wth basc scnc. Van Vlack nomd hs ads: “Th sbjct matt taht n Ennn Matals coss s chann chan n apdly a pdly.. Fomly Fomly,, ths sbjct sbj ct was taht t aht on an mpc  mpcal al bass. bas s. Now, Now, althoh th scnc o matals s a om complt, t can b appoachd om a mo scntc vwpont, bcas o th dvlopmnt o pncpls whch lat th popts and bhavo o many matals to th stcts and nvonmnts. nvonmnts.”” Nonthlss, th volm mand ocsd towad th o nns: “Thsstdnts ntodctoy . . . s dsnd o shman andnds sophomo nnn wth atxt backond n nal physcs and chmsty; t dos not s th oos appoach whch s common n sold stat physcs books.”11 T to Van Vlack’s dscpton, th txtbook s lht on omalsm, optn to dlv contnt thoh pos, pcts, and daams, appaln to vsally and mchancally ontd nnn stdnts. As both th tajctoy o MAB and Van Vlack’s txtbook ndcat, s o th tm “matals scnc” to dnty a sach aa, onally stctd to nnn, ban to xpand by th lat 1950s. MAB cam to advocat o th dsablty o ncasd contbtons om basc scnc to addss statc tchncal oals, ctn th dal ovnmnt’s mphass on th challns o matal constants n th mltay and spac poams that wold b ampld at th Sovt Unon lanchd Sptnk 1 n 1957. Bt matals sach was stll mly nsconcd n an nnn tadton thoh th nd o th 1950s, a stat o aas that wold chan n th aly to md-1960s, whn matals scnc md as a s ns ntdscplnay xpmnt. THE ADVANCED ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY AND THE INTERDISCIPLINARY LABORATORIES LABORATORIES

Th Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy, ondd n 1958, hastnd th tanston towad an ntdscplnay dnton o matals scnc. 12 On




o ARPA ARPA’s st la-scal ndn ntatvs sppotd a ss o nvstyhostd ntdscplnay laboatos (IDLs) ddcatd to th stdy o matals. Th IDLs pomptd nvsts to collaps dpatmntal dvsons wthn th contxt o matals scnc, scnc , catn sts wh stdnts cold b accltatd to thnk boadly abot poblms latd to matals and th lmtn ct on tchnolocal dvlopmnt. Wthn ths IDLs, th tchncal, scntc, and admnstatv chaact o matals scnc ban to tak shap. ARPA’s call o poposals ctd th 1950s-a advsoy mphass on matals as a bottlnck o statc dvlopmnt. “Th Govnmnt,” t nsstd, “has a vtal stak n th stablshmnt o th bst possbl matals sach and dvlopmnt poam. Ths s t bcas matals a a  a lmtn acto n th pomanc o th advancd systms and dvcs ssntal to th opatons and an d mssons o Govnmnt ancs and dpatmnts. dp atmnts.”” Th nxt paaaph ndcatd ARPA ARPA’s ntnt to xpand pon th matals scnc concpt: “In od to stnthn basc sach n matals scncs . . . th Govnmnt dcdd to sppot th stablshmnt o aTh nmb o ntdscplnay matals sach laboatos n nvsts. objctv o ths Intdscplnay Laboatoy Poam s to xpand th natonal poam o basc sach and tann n th matals scncs.”13 Gvn ARPA ARPA’s mphass on attackn tchnolocal lmtatons by tann stdnts, t s notabl that th ancy chos to pomot th dvlopmnt o a nw ntdscplnay ld, ath than to sppot ots n xstn dscplns, sch as sold stat physcs, whch alady mantand a smla balanc btwn basc and appld ams. Matals scnc w om th sam typ o synthss btwn sach on mtals and nonmtals as sold stat, bt sold stat, whch stanchly mantand ts physcs bona ds, was not svn dns nds as ARPA saw thm. Matals scnc, as t coalscd wthn ARPA’s IDLs dd, howv, mmc th staty sold stat had pond o oanzn a nw dscpln to addss contnnt contmpoay nds. Ths nds w possonal n th cas o sold stat and tchnolocal n th cas o matals scnc, bt thy smlaly saccd clos cohson to oth nds. Twlv nvsts won IDL contacts btwn 1960 and 1962. Th st th w hostd at Conll Unvsty, th Unvsty o Pnnsylvana, and Nothwstn Unvsty, Unvsty, wth th mand appan appa n n qck sccsson at th Unvsty o Chcao, Bown Unvsty, Havad Unvsty, th Unvsty o Mayland, th Massachstts Massachstt s Insttt o Tchnoloy Tchnoloy,, th Un-




vsty o Noth Caolna, Pd Unvsty, Stanod Unvsty, and th Unvsty o Illnos–Ubana.14 ARPA nds pomptd ths nstttons to consoldat th matals sach ots,  ots, whch w otn scattd acoss sval dpatmnts and dstant camps locatons, n cntalzd “Matals Scnc Cnts,” natn aly xampls o th “cnt modl” dscbd by Cys Mody and Hynsb Cho.15 Th Massachstts Insttt I nsttt o Tchnoloy povds an apt cas stdy. John C. Slat spahadd MIT’s IDL applcaton. Slat, lk John Van Vlck, and hs PhD at Havad nd Edwn Kmbl n th aly 1920s and psntd th st naton o domstcally tand qantm thosts.16 By th 1950s, h was an Insttt Posso o Physcs—th st at MIT to b antd ths honoay ttl. H dvotd th blk o hs tm to a sach poam n sold stat and molcla thoy, whch sd th latst dtal compts to attmpt calclatons o th popts o solds and molcls om st pncpls. Slat mantand a ston commtmnt to a sach poam ootd n th physcs dpatmnt. Fo o th v aclty mmbs alatd wth th sold stat and molcla thoyP.op w physcsts—Slat, physcsts—Slat László Tsza, Go F. Kost, and Mchal Bantt—and on, Walt R.,Thoson, was a chmst. Slat’s ab nto appoach sd th most cnt dtal comptn tchnoloy to calclat wav nctons o solds and molcls wth as w smplcatons as possbl. Known as “Slat physcs” aond th nsttt camps, ths appoach povd too abstact o th tachn nds o MIT’s nnn dpatmnt, whch boht Mldd Dsslhas om Lncoln Laboatoy to dvlop a cos n sold stat thoy o nns n 1967. 17 Slat was nvthlss n tn wth th collaboatv, ntdpatmntal ots that chaactzd MIT’s sach clt n th 1950s. In hs cospondnc wth ARPA admnstato John F. Kncad, Slat dntd “Aonatcs and Astonatcs, Chmcal Ennn, Chmsty, Cvl Ennn, Elctcal Ennn, Mchancal Ennn, Mtally, Mtally, Naval Achtct, and Physcs” as th dpatmnts n whch matals sach was condctd.18 Slat, conscos o th mphass on ntdscplnay collaboaton wthn advsoy ccls, took pans to mphasz ths aspct o MIT’s xstn sach poams. MIT’s ntal poposal to ARPA was ttld “Th Intdscplnay Nat o M.I.T. Rsach,” and asstd that “[o]n o th ndamntal ats o o poposal lats to th way n whch w xpct th vaos dscplns to coopat n th sach.”19 Th poposal land on th cod MIT had stablshd pomotn connctons btwn dpatmnts, mphaszn n




patcla th Laboatoy o Inslaton Rsach (LIR), ondd n 1940, and th Rsach Laboatoy o Elctoncs (RLE), ondd at th Scond Wold Wa to psv aclts, qpmnt, and poams assocatd wth watm ada sach.20 Slat was qally attnd to ARPA’s ntst n adat tann, assn Kncad: “W l that stablshmnt o ntdscplnay laboatos wold b th bst way to ncoa xpanson n adat tann tan n and sach.”21 Th nat cospondnc btwn Slat’s htoc and ARPA dals mht b ad as cyncal kowto kowtown wn to a nd’s dmands  not o th smla ntatvs that had bn nd n d way at th nsttt po to ARPA’s ARPA’s call o  o poposals. In Octob o 1958, Slat cclatd a mmo potn “a ood dal o dscsson o th dsablty o som mchansm o ttn clos lason btwn psons n vaos dpatmnts o th Insttt ntstd n sold-stat and molcla scnc, scnc,”” and ndcatn boad sppot om “mm“ mmbs o th chmsty, lctcal nnn, mchancal nnn, mtally, and physcs dpatmnts.”22 Th commtmnt to coss-dpatmnt collaboaton at MIT ts s vdnt as a back as th aly 1940s, whn th nsttt ban moblzn socs o wa wok. Ath von Hppl, th oc bhnd th Laboatoy o InslaI nslaton Rsach commntd n 1942: Th s no al bonday btwn physcs and lctcal nnn. O ld s a banch o appld physcs manly concnd stll wth th applcatons o Maxwll’s thoy. Whl th physcst stood “clan” o sch sl tasks and stov o nsht, th lctcal nn blt a nw conomy and talkd n a nw tchncal lana appopat o hs tools. Ths th lnk btwn th two was wan thn, ntl vnts ocd both sds nto clos co-opaton. Th physcst ban to toss nto th doman o th lctcal nn nw nstmnts, sch as thmonc tbs and photoclls, cts, thmstos, and oscnt lamps, whch cold not b ndstood on th old classcal bass. And th lctcal nn pld n knd wth mac ys, complx mpdanc bds, hh-qncy natos, hh-volta machns, and mants o cyclotons, whch voltonzd th xpmntal tchnq o th physcst.

In consqnc, accodn to von Hppl, “Th nc btwn th two lds [physcs and lctcal nnn] s alln nto dspa.” 23 Th LIR was von Hppl’s pm xampl o MIT’s convcton that dpatmntal dvds cold mpd poss.




Follown n that tadton, MIT scntsts had bn tchn o a mo consoldatd matals poam p oam snc th p-ARP p-ARPA A 1950s, whn a poposal o an xpandd poam o matals sach was compld at th bhst o th Atomc Eny Commsson n 1956.24 Th poposal codd a total o 88,020 sqa t dstbtd ov nn dpatmnts, svn 87 acadmc sta and 419 sppot psonnl. It calld o consoldatn ths ots n a 100,000-sqa-oot Matals Rsach Laboatoy, Laboatoy, whch wold pomot 25 a “mo ndamntal appoach” to matal lmtatons on dvlopmnt.  By th tm o th ARPA poposal, th stmat o th sz ndd to accommodat camps-wd matals scnc ots had mo than tpld to 350,000 sqa t, ndcatn both th owth o matals sach at MIT and th xpanson o ts scop n th ntvnn yas.26 At MIT and lswh, ARPA povdd th nastct to mak consoldaton asbl on a la scal. Slat wot to Kncad wth a ank assssmnt o MIT’s physcal constants: “At psnt all o o wok n matals sach s vy cowdd, and w cold hadly xpand at all n nmb o stdnts n som patsall o th th wok ld wthot povdn bldn spac. To accommodat n th ld, on thaddtonal scal on whch w shold lk to opat, wold q a bldn o appoxmatly 350,000 sqa t oss oo spac. Ths wold cost somthn lk $14,000,000 to bld.”27  Whn APRA ndd an IDL at MIT n 1961, t ncldd a 200,000-sqa-oot bldn.28 Althoh ths ll shot o ll consoldaton, t povdd th nsttt wth a ccbl la noh to cook p a stabl ntdscplnay ld. Th physcal spacs ARPA povdd w dscplnay laboatos as wll as matals sach laboatos.29 Thy hostd a natonwd xpmnt n ntdscplnay collaboaton, ot o whch th ld o matals scnc slowly md. A mmoandm snt om ARPA ARPA to ts IDLs n 1962 dscbd th tms o th xpmnt: “As yo know, w hav ndtakn th sponsblty o ntatn a poam n th natonal ntst wth nvsts o ‘basc sach and adat dcaton’ n a somwhat loosly dnd aa calld call d matal scncs. scnc s. Yo Yo hav to a at xtnt dnd what s mant—at last n yo nvsty—by matal scncs by lstn n yo poposals to s th nams o ndvdals yo blv to b th co o th poam at yo nsttton. Th collctv sach ntsts o ths ndvdals dns n mo dtal matal scncs. sc ncs.””30 Fo ARPA, dnn matals scnc was an mpcal qston, wth th cavat that th oals o th ld w stablshd n advanc. “Matals scncs” d to th collaboa-




tons that povd podctv accodn to th standads dtmnd by th IDL poam’s objctvs. Th nclson o sold stat physcs n ths dscplnay xpmnt ndwot ARPA’s asston that t was concnd wth basc sach. By mantann ts dntty wthn physcs, sold stat tand a clam, howv contntos t wold bcom, to bn a ndamntal scntc dscpln. That clam mad t sl to t o matals scnc, whch td n pat to st down a smooth sttch o pavmnt tavsn th ados path pa th btwn thotcal nsht and pactcal masty. ARPA’s lon-tm sccss pomlatn ths pct s vdnt n a 1987 svy txt, whch psntd sold stat physcs as “at th co o naly na ly all lds, whl Matals Scnc mbacs th wd applcaton o th basc stds.”31 Th on o matals scnc wthn ARPA’s IDLs psntd th la-scal adopton o sold stat’s htodox appoach to dnn possonal catos. ARPA statd wth a st o conct objctvs: to consoldat sach on matals om a an o dscplnay standponts and to tan wthn nw synthss. It no thnad pomotd th omaton o a ldstdnts to addss thosths objctvs, shown o whth o not th ld that md obyd tadtonal bondas. In don so, t catd a spac n whch a poton o th sold stat commnty cold mak a hom and cmnt th cas ca s o ts tlty  tlty.. At th sam tm, t xacbatd th ndlyn tnsons btwn thos who champond sold stat’s tchncal lvanc and thos who soht to poston t as a ndamntal ld o physcs. On on hand, th allanc wth matals scnc psntd th potntal o sold stat physcs to sc labl, dal sppot by nocn ts lvanc to th poblms o th a. On th oth hand, t psntd th dan o stayn om physcs, and ths losn a clam to th ntllctal msson that, dspt th poss sold stat had mad n makn physcs as a whol mo sponsv to ts socal ml, contnd to st at th hat o th Amcan physcsts’ dntty. MATERIALS AND MAN’S NEEDS

An otn-patd wttcsm o nctan povnanc nssts that “anythn wth scnc n ts nam sn’t.”32 Matals scnc s n som spcts a conmn nstanc. Th tatmnt o th sbjct n Materials and Man’s Needs, a Natonal Acadmy o Scnc (NAS) panl pot, llstats how. Also known as th COSMAT (o Commtt on th Svy o Matals Scnc and Ennn) pot, t opnd wth a covn ltt om Mlvn Calvn,




cha o th NAS Commtt on Scnc and Pblc Polcy, Polcy, to NAS psdnt Phlp Handl. Calvn pontd ot that, nlk NAS pots on oth dscplns, whch mphaszd th potntal o scntc advanc n thos lds, th COSMAT COSMAT pot wold ocs on needs, and how to mt thm. Matals, as a catoy, w dnd by th slnss, so any ld ontd aond thm wold hav an ssntal nnn componnt.33 Bt vn  matals scnc cold not b poply ndstood as a scnc, t bcam adally mo scntstc thoh th 1960s and aly a ly 1970s. As Cyl Stanly Smth makd n 1968, “Evn n th ld wh h was onc spm bcas h alon cold mak o bld, th nn s cntly losn stats to th scntst.” scntst.”34 Th owth o “matals scnc,” n contast to “matals sach,” dd snal a mannl chan, namly th own pvalnc o sold stat physcsts and chmsts—who mantand mantan d th dntty as sch, vn whl contbtn to matals scnc—n what had pvosly bn an aa domnatd by mtallsts, tchncans, and nns. Evn n th md-1970s, howv, at th st o ARPA’s IDLs had bn opn a dcad, th dct pactcal payoTh o bnn th pot basc scncs o ntoov matals scncs was lss than cla. COSMAT acknowldd: “Dspt th many mpssv achvmnts o matals sach th s th awanss that only th sac o scntc capablty has bn scatchd. Th majoty o advancs hav hstocally bn mad va th mpcal appoach. Most nw matals o popts a avd at o dscovd by ct-and-ty mthods—nw chmcal o alloy compostons a ppad and chaactzd and th vaos popts a dtmnd. Th a sally ndlyn atonals o phnomnolocal modls to ths mpcal appoach bt t s a ndd o a nw matal o popty to b pdctd om basc pncpls. pncpl s.”” Howv Howv,, th pot contnd: “Th pncpal xcpton to ths staton s n th aa o snl cystal matals, patclaly thos sd n sold stat lctoncs. On th oth hand, tchnqs and concpts o physcal scnc a otn ssntal o chaactzn and podcn th popts o vn  vn mpcally-nvntd matals. Wth Wth lctonc matals, d to th combnd talnts o chmsts, mtallsts, physcsts and lctcal nns a d o ndstandn has bn achvd, at last o th smpl cystals, so that matal compostons havn th dsd physcal popts can otn ot n b pscbd bohand. bohan d.””35 By th md1970s, n oth wods, th mts o adoptn a pncpl-st appoach to matals dvlopmnt w stll laly notonal.  Materials and Man’s Needs, n act, xpsss consdabl staton




abot th dclty o tanslatn thotcal sold stat wok nto pactcal payos, patdly ctn th nd o mo sach to bd th ap btwn a boad scntc ndstandn o matal stct and bhavo on on hand and th tools to pdct sabl matal popts wthn asonabl tolancs on th oth. Asd om a w cass n whch th popts o smpl cystals cold b pdctd n advanc, thotcal ndstandn was stll too cd o sold stat to o mch o a pactcal ad to th complx and tatv pocss o matals dvlopmnt. Ths s not to say that th tchncal lvanc o sold stat physcs was ovsold, smply that th ot om thotcal ndstandn to pactcal applcaton was somwhat mo mandn than ARPA had spposd whn t nvsond ts IDLs as hh-otpt actos o statc matals. Sccsss n sch dct applcaton o thoy to pactc w w. Ths w naow aas o sccss, howv, w noh to jsty th systmatc appoach o ncoan ntdscplnay collaboaton aond th nxs o matals that ARPA had spahadd n th aly 1960s. Th COSMAT panl commndd that nvsts ncas ntdscplnay both sach and dcaton, and that th dal ovnmnt actvts contn n sppot o th matals sach cnts that mht host sch actvts. Evalatn th COSMAT panl’s stanc and commndatons vals that th matals scnc allanc had as mch to do wth nstttonal convnnc as t dd wth mpovn sach nto pactcal nds. It had bn damd p by ARPA ARPA n od to povd answs to tchncal qstons, q stons, and t ctanly dd so. Bt t s not cla to what xtnt ts answs w systmatcally btt than thos that t hat nns mht hav achvd wokn n compaatv solaton,  thy w vn accss to a smla d o ndn. Matals scnc dd, howv howv,, o mtally bncal possonal possona l wads o both ts old and nw consttnt dscplns. Matals nns w abl to assocat thmslvs wth th stats that scntc sach had attand and nd o ctcsms o th mpcal, phnomnolocal mthods as nadqat o th task at hand. Scntsts o th pat, and sold stat physcs n patcla, ond a stady stam o nancal and an d nstttonal sppot at tm whn ndn o basc sach was bcomn had to sc. FRIENDS OF CONVENIENCE

By th 1960s, havn lastd thoh th nstttonal own pans o th APS and a shakp o th pblshn landscap, sold stat was scly nsconcd n th Amcan physcs commnty. In 1949, I. I. Rab had




sstd that dvsons o th APS w only ncssay o “‘pphal’ lds.”36 By th nd o th 1960s, both ncla physcs and patcl physcs had dvsons o th own. Th aly postwa od, n whch a collcton o nw ntst ops obtd a co o physcs that cad on th dals o th aly twntth cnty, and at som mov, was dssolvn. Laly on th sccss o sold stat physcs and latd ntpss, th nnc o th APS had boadnd to th pont that th lds that cad on tadtonal p scnc dals w on a pa wth th nw, mo tchncally advntos sblds, n nstttonal  not absolt tms. Th allanc btwn physcs and matals scnc wold vntally lad, n 1990, to th APS stablshn a Dvson o Matals Physcs, pomotn to dvsonal stats a topcal op that had omd n 1986. At that pont, 70 pcnt o th topcal op’s 2,869 mmbs w also mmbs o th Dvson o Condnsd Matt Physcs (th nam o th Dvson o Condnsd Matt Physcs om 1978 on; s chapt 8), bt th mphass o th two ops had bcom scntly dnt that th APS xctv com37

mtt dtmnd that acatoy nw dvson was jstd.  Th acknowldmnt o th xplctly appld o “matals” as a ll-dd topc o physcs cts a sotnn o atttds towad appld physcs that ban wthn th APS n th aly 1970s. Th APS concl, spondn to th challnn ndn staton n 1970, ssd a statmnt that cast physcsts as dply concnd wth th consqncs o th wok: “Th poblms w ac as a naton call o mo knowld, not lss; and btt tchnoloy. Btt tchnoloy mst b basd on mo xtnsv ndstandn o scntc acts act s and possblts.” 38 Th socty dd dm n 1972 whn od chat mmbshp n th Fdaton o Matals Socts, jdn that oanzaton’s ntsts to b alnd mo closly wth nnn than wth scnc, bt t athozd th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs (DSSP) to patcpat n th daton as an obsv.39 In 1974, th APS appovd an IBM-sponsod pz o nw matals.40 In 1975, a nw standn commtt on th applcatons o physcs convnd o th st tm, spondn to a ston sns that conton and spct o appld physcs, both om oth physcsts and om th wd socty, ndd to b mpovd. 41 Th ndl appoach to tchnoloy, and actv cnsn o th snobbsh atttd towad appld physcs that th APS acknowlds was dply ootd n th clt o Amcan physcs, was n la mas a spons to nancal psss. Th notonal lon-tm lvanc l vanc o basc sach, whch had scd to jsty lbal mltay spndn on scnc n th two dcads




o so at th Scond Wold Wa, povd nscnt to jsty contnd annal ncass n sach bdts. Fo most physcsts, and spcally o sold stat physcsts, ths mant valatn th noton o lvanc and xplon nw avns o makn that lvanc known. Matals scnc md n oppotn concdnc wth ths dvlopmnts. Skptcsm abot th payo om ndn basc sach ncoad th polaton o th ntdscplnay appoach to scnc ndn that ARPA had pond— basc sach typcally bo t on th scal o dcads, phaps that tmln cold b oshotnd by ocn clos contact btwn basc and appld lds. That atttd, combnd wth sold stat’s nstttonal scty wthn physcs, allowd sold stat physcsts to patcpat n th matals scnc xpmnt n mass wthot jopadzn th dntty as physcsts n a way that wold hav bn dclt n th 1950s. Th COSMAT pot stmatd that 2,211 PhD-holdn sold stat physcsts w nvolvd n matals scnc. Th sam pot stmatd thos sold stat physcsts as constttn 13.6 pcnt o all PhD scntsts patcpatn n matals mat scnc. Jst ov twc thatonmb mmbs o th DSSP that samals ya. Th total mmbshp th APSw n 1973 was 27,291.42  Matals scnc, n oth wods, constttd a sbstantal popoton o what sold stat physcsts dd by th aly 1970s. Sppot om ARPA, th NSF, and oth dal ancs that tatd matals allowd sold stat physcsts to ncas th bas o nancal sppot at th ntal xbanc o ndn scnc at th Scond Wold Wold Wa Wa ban to wan.43  Ths alnmnt nsd an abndanc o sppot o th ld n tobld nancal tms and hlpd pll physcs as a whol, by sh oc o nmbs, n mo lvant dctons. Th allanc lkws plld matals sach towad th scncs. Matals sach n th aly 1950s was a laly mpcal nnn dscpln. Bt  th advsoy appaats was so on stand-alon basc sach, t was qally skptcal o stand-alon nnn. Intdscplnay collaboaton was n vo. Basc scnc njoyd a nq pstmc cacht, vn n th ac o concns that t dd not podc slts ast noh and aanst th backond o Vtnam-a concns that tha t physcs, spcally, spcally, was moally nmood. Th dal advsoy systm now saw physcs (and sold stat n patcla) as an ssntal componnt o tchncal dvlopmnt, albt on that was not lvn p to ts potntal. Wlcomn sold stat physcs tho hlpd tansom matals sach nto matals scnc and thby lvat ts standn. Th allanc btwn sold stat physcs and matals




scnc, that s, omd amd th htoc o tchnolocal lvanc, bt was dvn lss by th dmonstatd otcoms o collaboatons btwn dscplns than t was by th possonal advanta ach cold an om th oths. A ston physcs psnc n matals scnc scnc  was possbl bcas sold stat physcs had sccdd n stablshn tsl mly wthn physcs, and had boadnd th dntty o Amcan physcs n don so. Th dcson to man closly td to th co concns o physcs pad o o both sold stat and physcs as a whol as th ond shtd nd th t and th contxt dmandd at sponsvnss to mmdat tchncal nds. Nvthlss, p scnc mand a powl latv dal, vn o sold stat physcs, and th tchncal tn t n o th lat 1960s and aly 1970s wold spak a backlash. Th nxt two chapts consd how sold stat physcsts oht to hold on to th dntty as ndamntal sachs n an nvonmnt dtmnd to ndstand th val n stctly tchncal tms.




In nal, o physcal wold, th wold that acts s as hman bns, s a low-ny wold, not a hh-ny wold. —ALVIN —AL VIN WEINBERG, WEIN BERG, 1964

Dn th 1960s, th p scnc dal took on a patclaly vlnt om wthn th hh ny physcs commnty. Rdctonsm md as th domnant phlosophy amon thos skn to ndstand th phnomna obsvd n clod chambs, bbbl chambs, and oth nw nstmnts that ndd th nvsbl mcowold vsbl. It hld that all thotcal knowld abot th wold std on, and was n som sns contand wthn, th ls ovnn th lmntal componnts o matt and ny; vythn ls, locally spakn, bold down to thos basc laws and concpts. Establshn a dctonst sach poam dntatd hh ny physcs om ncla and atomc physcs, wth whch t shad a concptal ancsty.. In th 1960s, acclato physcsts ban ancsty b an to spak sp ak o two onts: ont s: an ny ont and an ntnsty ont. Explon th om qd bldn la machns wth hh bam ns, whch acltatd pobn th smallst consttnts o matt. Th latt calld o acclatos that cammd mo patcls nto small spacs, natn mo collsons and mo complx ntactons, avon xpmnts that xplod patcl dynamcs. In th aly 1960s, ths twn onts w sn as complmntay. Stanod xpmntalst Wolan Panosky, spakn bo Conss n sppot o ndn o th Stanod Lna Acclato (SLAC), a low-




ny, hh-ntnsty acclato, cold stat that “th dnt typs o acclatos a not n comptton wth on anoth.” 1 That wold man t only as lon as lbal dal ndn was avalabl to mt th dmands o both poams. By 1968, whn M. Stanly Lvnston, convnto convnto o th cycloton, ttld hs lmntay patcl physcs txtbook  P  Particle article Physics: The High-Energy  Frontier , that was no lon th cas. “Th hh-ny ont has bcom

th nancal-sppot ont,” Lvnston wot, dndn xpndts on la-scal acclatos on th bass o “val to o socty o ths nw knowld abot nat” that dscovs at th hh-ny ont wold psmably yld.2 Th patcl physcs commnty, by th lat 1960s, had bt th chps on hh ns as a s th bst chanc to ns onon dal sppot and th ntnatonal pmnnc o Amcan patcl physcs.3 Th dctonst woldvw jstd psn th ny ont at th xpns o th ntnsty ont. It soht to bstow xclsv jsdcton ov ndamntal physcs to patcl physcsts, n th pst o lmntay patcls and th ocs ovnn thm, whchscals thy w wlln shaItwth cosmolosts, who xplod th vy last o spac andtotm. was also motvatd n pat by th acton o som ncla physcsts aanst th mltazaton o th wok, and psntd th commtmnt to th noblty o physcs and jcton o th nobl pposs to whch thy lt t had bn pt.4 Alonsd ts ntllctal and socal motvatons, th dctonst phlosophy llld a tmly nstttonal ncton n th 1960s. As dal ndn o basc sach thtnd and sold stat physcs w, patcl physcsts acd th pospct o dvdn a small pot o dal nds wth comptn lds at a tm whn thy had commttd to psn th ont o hh collson ns, whch dmandd v-la and v moxpnsv acclatos. Rdctonsm clamd both th mantl o basc scnc and th pot o dal nds ddcatd to t. Not all sold stat physcsts w contnt to b typcast as sks at somthn oth than ndamntal nsht. Rsponss to sn dctonsm amon hh ny physcsts shows how, at stablshn tchncally ontd wok as a ltmat povnc o Amcan physcs, sold stat physcsts thn soht to clam o th ld a pc o th ntllctal lacy o physcs as wll. Boadly spakn, dctonsm lctd two typs o sponss. Th st dnd th vy pms that physcal knowld cold b dmd “ndamntal” stctly on th bass o ts ntnsc ntllctal mts, wthot st consdn ts latonshp to oth alms o knowld. Th scond




accptd th pms that knowld cold b ntnscally ndamntal bt dnd th th pms that ndamntal knowld cold only b had at xtm scals. Th st o ths vws was champond by Alvn Wnb, Wnb, th dcto o Oak Rd Natonal Laboatoy. Althoh not a sold stat physcst hmsl, Wnb, as th dcto o a la, boadly nvstd natonal laboatoy, was snstv to th possblty that dctonsm, shold t bcom a dalt assmpton o th t h physcs commnty, commnty, cold advsly act sach on msoscal phnomna and h lt sponsbl o spakn on ts bhal. Th scond vw s most stonly assocatd wth Phlp W. Andson, th Bll Laboatos sold stat thost whos 1972 Science atcl “Mo Is Dnt” advancd a phlosophcal poston that wold com to b known as mntsm. Wnb’s and Andson’s vws val two htocal stats, asd om th dctonsm o hh ny physcs, that Amcan physcsts sd to navat th ndn bottlnck o th 1960s and 1970s. Wnb’s vw chod ots sold stat physcsts had pond to nvnt th co dntty oAndson’s physcs n anstad way that mad t mo sponsv to mmdat dmands. psntd an attmpt to bnd sold statsocal mo thtly to th tadtonal ntllctal ntllcta l co o th t h physcs commnty. commnty. CRITERIA FOR SCIENTIFIC CHOICE

Alvn Wnb Wnb and an d hs BA, MA, and PhD at th Unvsty o Chcao n th 1930s—a hady dcad o th school. H ntd n 1931, th ya Chcao’s yon, ston-wlld psdnt Robt Maynad Htchns nstttd adcal oms to ndadat dcaton.  dcaton. Wnb Wnb was amon th cohot to naat Chcao’s boad-basd, two-ya two-ya lbal ats co known as th “Nw Plan,” whch consstd o a common cclm o yalon coss n Enlsh composton, hmants, and physcal, bolocal, and socal scncs, cappd by comphnsv xams at th nd o two yas. 5 H wold cdt hs comphnsv ndadat dcaton wth condtonn hm to ndstand scnc n tms o how t nttwnd wth hman aas. 6 Wnb’s snstvty to th symboss btwn scnc and socty motvatd hs ssay “Cta o Scntc Choc.” Pblshd n  Minerva n 1963 and pntd n  Physics Today n Mach o th ollown ya, th atcl ad povocatvly that hh ny physcs, as a ld o knowld compaatvly movd both om oth aas o scnc and om qotdan hman concns, was lss than dsvn o th poty t was cvn n th dal scnc bdt.7 Whn h pblshd p blshd “Cta o Scntc S cntc Choc,” Choc,”




Wnb was th dcto o Oak Rd Natonal Laboatoy, a post h had assmd n 1955. H had sn thoh th anks at Oak Rd at alhtn th ollown hs svcs to th Manhattan Pojct at Chcao’s Mtallcal Laboatoy. That so pomnnt a  wold qston th mts o sppotn xpnsv acclato sach ankld n th patcl physcs commnty and ocd mo cal and pontd atclatons o ts dctonst phlosophy. “Cta o Scntc Choc” wand o toh chocs ahad as ndn o scntc sc ntc sach platad. pla tad. As th dcto o Oak Rd, Wnb Wnb wold b chad wth dcdn whch pojcts to ps and whch to sdln whn ndn thtnd. Antcpatn ths challn, h poposd cta o dtmnn whch sach cold clam poty n ndn battls, atclatn what wold bcom known as th Wnb Wnb cton: “Th wod ‘ndamntal’ n basc scnc, whch s otn sd as a synonym o ‘mpotant,’’ can b patly paaphasd nto ‘lvanc to nhbon ‘mpotant, n hbon aas o scnc.’’ I wold tho shapn th cton o scntc mt by poposscnc. that eld has the most scientic merit which whi ch n that, oth thns bn qal, contributes most heavily to and illuminates most brightly its neighboring scientic disciplines.”8 Concptal cndty was only on lmnt o Wnb’s ndamntalty calcls. Hs vw ncldd not only concptal contnt bt also tchnolocal tlnss and socal lvanc as componnts o ndamntalty. Tstd aanst ths cta, Wnb atd patcl physcs as poo, wtn, “I know o w dscovs n lta-hh-ny physcs whch ba stonly on th st o scnc. scnc.””9 Wnb pshd ths anda voosly at th 1964 mtn o th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) n Washnton, DC. “Scnc whch commands at pblc sppot mst b jstd on onds that onat outside th patcla banch o scnc dmandn th sppot; t mst at hh n socal, tchnolocal, o scntc mt, pably n all th,” h ad, and challnd patcl physcsts “to stat th cas claly, to say xactly why t s that lmntay-patcl physcs s as mpotant as all o lmntaypatcl physcsts blv t s. To say that t s ‘ndamntal’ n tsl dos not answ th qston, bcas on thn has to dcd what on mans by ‘ndamntal.’ I td to ntpt th da ‘ndamntal’ n basc scnc to man havn th atst knd o ban on th st o scnc, and vn on oth hman knowld.”10 Sch a stanc holds cla tlty o th dcto o a la, boadly nvstd laboatoy sch as Oak Rd. Wnb vald sach poams that wold pomot sl connctons wth oth nt-




pss wthn th laboatoy o sho p th laboatoy’s socal and poltcal sppot. Wnb dd not challn th ntnsc ntllctal mt o hh ny physcs sach—whch vn amon ts shapst ctcs n th physcs commnty was nv qstond—bt pontd ot that “ on jsts a banch o scnc as a mans o xpandn man’s cltal hozon, thn on ts nto th qston o oth comptn ways o xpandn man’s cltal hozon, lk o xampl, an xpanson o th ats and o ltat and msc.”11 Th amnt hh ny physcsts advancd that th knowld hh ny physcs sks s nqly ndamntal and so shold b psd o ts ntnsc cltal mts asd th t h qston o why t was dsvn o nds  nds ot o popoton wth xpndts o oth actvts o ntnsc cltal val bt lttl dct pactcal lvanc. An appoach that ocsd on th ntconnctdnss o knowld st Wnb n dct opposton to th mn othodoxy wthn patcl physcs. Vcto Wsskop, an MIT patcl thost, took ss, and th two Today atcl nttld “Two Today ad dsamnt Opnth Ltts,” pblshdnna coathod Jn 1964. Physics Th xchan dd lttl to o a common ndstandn, bt t dd cod a cla xposton o ach pspctv. Wsskop ad that “th nclon s th bass o all matt and tho o all scnc,” whas Wnb Wnb totd that h was nonthlss, “jstd n chaactzn hh-ny physcs as ‘ath mot.’”12 Wsskop mphaszd th possblty n pncpl o dcn hh-lvl laws to low, bt Wnb ocsd on th mpactcalty o don physcs om th bottom p. Wsskop clamd that thos o low lvls w pvld bcas hh-lvl thos cold b dcd to thm; Wnb allowd any ld that mt hs cndty cton to clam ndamntal stats. It dd not matt o Wnb, whn choosn whch sach to nd, whth o not hh-lvl phnomna cold, n pncpl, b xpland n tms o low-lvl phnomna at th act bcas, conta Wsskop, Wsskop, h tstd th d o ndamntalty sach xhbtd by ts latonshp to oth aas o knowld ath than by ts ppotd p potd latonshp to physcal alty. alty. Ths dncs accont o why Wsskop Wsskop and Wnb Wnb talkd ta lkd past ach a ch oth: thy dsad at th co abot how ndamntalty was dvd. Th xchan wth Wnb pomptd Wsskop to dvlop hs thnkn th, and h aan spondd to “Cta o Scntc Choc” n hs own  Physics Today mssv n 1967. H dntd two camps n th physcs commnty; “ntnsvsts,” h clamd, soht st pncpls abov all ls,




Figure 7.1. Vcto Wsskop Wsskop’s ’s daam o ntnsv and xtnsv sach aas. RRpodcd om Vcto Wsskop, “Ncla Stct and Modn Rsach,” Physics Today 20, no. 5 (1967), 23–26, wth th pmsson o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs

whas “xtnsvsts” td ot applcatons o thos pncpls, th to tchnoloy o to oth scntc lds ( (  7.1).13 Th ntnsvst poston, as Wsskop Wsskop dscbd t, aptly chaactzd th dctonst woldvw that patcl physcsts adoptd n th 1960s. 14 H ctd Wnb as a paadm xtnsvst, and hs dscpton o xtnsv sach captd on aspct o th typ o ndamntalty  ndamntalty Wnb Wnb champond—th ntsctons nts ctons btwn bods o knowld—wth th cavat that Wsskop Wsskop xcldd th sach o sch connctons om th ndamntal alm. Th comptn vws o ndamntal scnc and scntc choc that Wnb and Wsskop advancd a bst ndstood as podcts o a shtn possonal landscap n th 1960s. Th chocs Wnb had n mnd whn h advancd hs ponymos cton w chocs catd by a thtnn ndn clmat, n whch had dcsons had to b mad abot whch pojcts to potz. p otz. Wsskop, Wsskop, n tn, was pshd to atclat an a n assmpton that was wdspad n th hh ny physcs commnty, bt whch was aly systmatcally dndd, bcas h ncontd pshback n th om o an altnatv vw o how to navat th nw ndn landscap. Smla concns wold motvat th bst-known spons to hh-ny dctonsm, ssd by Phlp Andson.


Figure 7.2. Phlp W. Andson, ca. 1962. Cdt: AIP Emlo Sè Vsal Achvs. Rpodcd wth pmsson





Phlp W. W. Andson ( 7.2), a sold stat thost, was ptbd pt bd both by th nancal dclts basc sold stat physcs acd and by what h pcvd as th ld’s njstly low ntllctal stats. Andson had compltd hs PhD at Havad Unvsty n 1949. H mmdatly jond th sold stat op at Bll Laboatos wh h mbbd th spt o th15Bll systm, n whch h cold ps hs ntsts almost nncmbd.  As a stdnt o John Van Vlck, who had oht aanst th ncson o tchncal ntsts nto sold stat physcs, Andson was lkly pdsposd to s th ld n tms o ts potntal to mak ndamntal concptal contbtons. Th nvonmnt at Bll at th tm s nvthlss lvant to appcatn hs standpont. Bll was stll bzzn om  om th nvnton o th tanssto two t wo yas al, al, whch pomsd to voltonz th tlcommncatons ndsty. Ths and oth hh-pol sccsss attactd a slw sl w o talntd yon physcsts, and Andson ond amon a nqly la Stan and accomplshd assmbla o sold stathmsl thosts and xpmntalsts. Machlp, a postdoc who ovlappd wth Andson, wot to Wllam Shockly, th codcto o th Bll sold stat dvson, to cont hs mpssons and calld, “I thnk vybody on my hall was don xactly what h wantd to do,” and xpssd aw at th concntaton o xpts, xpts , obsvn that althoh “t’s not as ‘mütlch’ as a coll camps . . . [] yo’v ot an obsc tchncal t chncal poblm, chancs a that somwh n th two-ml ntwok o codos sts the xpt on ths patcla spcalty.” 16 That concntaton o xpts, combnd wth th tmndos sccss o th tanssto, av Bll otszd nnc ov th dvlopmnt o sold stat physcs thoh th postwa yas.17 Fom 1945 to 1970—whn th  Physical Review splt nto o sctons—Bll Labs physcsts w athos o coathos o 1,824 paps n th  Physical Review and  Physical Review Letters. Ths mad t a and away th ladn ndstal laboatoy by ths mtc. Ov th sam span, Gnal Elctc sachs placd 622 paps n ths two jonals, Wstnhos 458, and IBM 367. Bt ths otpt also placd Bll amon th most polc o any contbtos to th conty’s most pstos jonals, otpacn th la and wll-ndd physcs dpatmnts and sach nsttts o th Unvsty o Chcao (1,504), th Unvsty o Illnos (1,475), Colmba Unvsty (1,149), Stanod Unvsty (1,010), Havad Unvsty (992), Conll Unvsty (976), th Unvsty o Pnn-




sylvana (948), and Pncton Unvsty (942). Bll’s otpt spassd ach o th Natonal Laboatos and amon nvsts was bstd only by th Unvsty o Calona, Bkly (2,649) and th Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy (1,864), both o whch t wold hav xcdd  not o contbtons om Bkly’s Lawnc Radaton Laboatoy (1,741) and MIT’s Lncoln Laboatos (316).18 Th tanslaton o Bll sachs’ labos nto paps as wll as patnts cts a wokn nvonmnt mo akn to a la nvsty dpatmnt than to most oth ndstal laboatos o th a. Bll hostd, o nstanc, a nvsty-styl smna ss that attactd th ladn sold stat physcsts o th day and pomotd a clt o ntllctal xchan. In Andson’s assssmnt: “Indsty n nal was stll th b oom o ht dsks n Wstnhos and vybody tyn to  ot how th tanssto woks, and nobody don hs own sach. O t was GE wh th w a w popl don th own sach, bt thy wn’t ally th hh qalty o Bll Labs. . . . IBM was to bcom an mtato. Vaos thns w to bcom 19 mtatos. Bta Bll was nq. Wth th th 1950s atttdand at 1960s, last at bntn ths pont that yo had lot oLabs dom.”  Thoh om Bll’s vbant ntllctal clmat and consdabl nvstatv dom, Andson Andson condctd th sach that wold an hm th Nobl Pz h shad wth Van Vlck and th Btsh physcst Nvll Mott n 1977, “o th ndamntal thotcal nvstatons o th lctonc stct o mantc and a nd dsodd systms. systms.””20 By th lat 1960s, howv, vn dnzns o th Bll oass cold dtct twns o th concn aboad n th sold stat commnty. In th spn o 1967, Andson dlvd a lct at th Unvsty o Calona, San Do, that omd th sd o hs 1972 Science atcl, “Mo Is Dnt.” Th talk w, as Andson lat calld, om th smmn dscontnt h pcvd wthn th sold stat commnty commnty..21 In Andson’s vw, sold stat was accodd somwhat lss than ts d. Ncla and patcl physcsts w mo hhly soht-at n nntal ovnmnt advsoy ols, many pomnnt nvsts hd sold stat aclty only as an atthoht, and sold stat physcsts had tobl bakn nto pstos nstttons sch as th Natonal Natona l Acadmy o Scncs Scnc s (NAS). Th NAS NAS mmb olls valdat Andson’s concn. Btwn Chals Kttl n 1957 and both Andson and Chals Slcht n 1967, th acadmy admttd sx sold stat physcsts compad wth twnty-svn ncla and patcl physcsts.22 Andson’s nty nto th dspt ov th nat o ndamntal ndamn tal physcal




knowld dd not, as mht sm natal o a sold stat physcst, mo Wnb’s amnt that ndamntal sach s that whch xhbts boad lvanc. Instad, h jctd th naow chaactzaton o ntnsv sach that Wsskop (who had svd on Andson’s doctoal xamnn commtt) had advancd. Andson, howv, accptd a ky psmpton that Wnb Wnb had jctd: h ad a d wth Wsskop Wsskop and oth poponnts o dctonsm that ndamntalty was nnat to som typs o scntc knowld. H dsad wth thm only abot th alms n whch t cold b ond. Dspt dncs wth hs ostnsbl alls, h dd attmpt to ond th pmay conclson—that dctonst physcs shold not b ndd to th dtmnt o oth lds—on a sond phlosophcal bass. In don so h ocsd th dbat aond a snl dsamnt abot th nat o scntc knowld. “Mo Is Dnt” bns: “Th dctonst hypothss may stll b a topc o contovsy amon phlosophs, bt amon th at majoty o actv scntsts I thnk t s accptd wthot qston.” 23 Som bolosts, chmsts, o vn oth sold stat mht hav sstd thspsycholosts, chaactzaton, bt th statmnt ddphyscsts ct pvaln tnds n th physcs commnty. In 1970, patcl physcs sach cvd appoxmatly o ovnmnt dollas o vy on spnt on basc sold stat sach.24 Ths was dspt th act that th Amcan Physcal Socty’s Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs mand th last dvson and was ov twc as la as th Dvson o Patcls and Flds. 25  Th dctonst woldvw—vn  t was not, as Andson clamd, navly accptd wthn th scntc commnty boadly—had sccdd n shapn th way th dal ovnmnt ov nmnt ndd  ndd physcs. Andson opposd th asonn, whch h attbtd to patcl physcsts, “that  vythn obys th sam ndamntal laws, thn th only scntsts who a stdyn anythn ally ndamntal a thos who a wokn on thos laws.”26 Ths vw, accodn to Andson, statd om th hypothss that laws and concpts opatn on any vn lvl o complxty cold b dcd to laws and a nd concpts at a t a low lvl o complxty complxty.. It thby concldd that only sach addssn th ltmat consttnts o matt and ny cold b tly ndamntal. Th dctonst amnt blt nto patcl physcsts’ phlosophy o scntc knowld th jstcaton o psn sach on possvly small scals, sn acclatos o possvly hh ny and at cost. By an that th ondatonal chaact o small physcal scals cond pvl pon knowl-




d o th laws ovnn thos scals, dctonsm sppotd th vw that scnc ndn shold ct th t h hachy that patcl physcsts saw n th physcal wold. In hs ots  ots to ndmn nd mn ths poston, Andson avodd th Wnb Wnb cton and ts mphass on concptal, tchnolocal, and socal applcablty. H accptd th standad dctonst pms that laws ovnn hh-lvl phnomna cold b dcd to laws ovnn ovnn low-lvl phnomna, bt jctd th nvs, clamn that th patcl physcsts’ vw o ndamntalty std on a constctonst hypothss, whch assmd that hh-lvl laws cold b xtapolatd om low-lvl laws. Wth ths mov, Andson attackd th naow dnton o ntnsv sach that ndwot th dctonst scntc hachy, psvn th ablty o sold stat physcsts to clam ndamntal nsht, contndn: “Th man allacy o ths knd o thnkn s that th dctonst hypothss dos not by any mans mply a ‘constctonst’ on: Th ablty to dc vythn to smpl ndamntal laws dos not mply th ablty to stat om thos laws and 27

constct nvs.” nvs. ”  Andson’s mnc-basd o ndamntalty antdthth concpts and laws o sold stat physcsvw ndpndnc by vt o th act that thy cold not alstcally b dvd om low-lvl concpts and laws alon. H llstatd hs pont wth wt h th xampl o an ammona molcl, amn to dmonstat constcton’s al vn at th lvl o smpl molcla systms. Navly, ammona shold hav a dpol momnt, vn ts asymmtc, pyamdal stct. A nton atom oms pola covalnt bonds wth th hydon atoms, lavn th nton wth a nt natv and th hydon wth a nt postv cha. Th sltn ttahdon, thoh, dos not mpcally bhav lk a dpol. In ts statonay stat, th molcl s n a spposton o th lt-hand and ht-hand ontatons; whn obsvd thoh tm t ndos a pocss o nvson, n whch th nton atom tnnls thoh th plan p lan dnd by th hydon atoms and ms on th oth sd, sval bllon tms p scond, cancln ot any dpol ct. A boad swath o physcsts wold hav bn amla wth ammona’s popts; t povdd th matal mata l bass o th onal o nal mas, whch Chals Towns and hs sach op had annoncd, to consdabl acclam, n 1955.28  Nton nvson tsl had bn a amla chmcal pocss o sval dcads. It cvd nwd ntst n th md-1950s whn ncla mantc sonanc spctoscopy allowd t to b masd wth accacy spo to that povdd by old ado-qncy tchnqs.29 Andson




lvad a amla xampl to llstat th mplasblty o applyn ondatonal symmty laws to la systms wthot nc to hh-lvl stct: “I wold challn yo to stat om th ndamntal laws o qantm mchancs and pdct th ammona nvson and ts asly obsvabl popts wthot on thoh th sta o sn th nsymmtcal pyamdal stct, vn thoh no ‘stat’ v has that stct.” 30 Constcton, n oth wods, s mpactcabl: “Th latonshp btwn th systm and ts pats s ntllctally a on-way stt. Synthss s xpctd to b all bt mpossbl; analyss on th oth hand, may not only b possbl bt tl n all knds o ways,” ways,” a slt h hopd wold ndct “th aoanc o th patcl physcst” and allow that “ach lvl can q a whol nw concptal stct. stct.””31 Andson dd not daw ot ths statmnt’s mplcatons, bt t s tmptn to s th tact sston that a whol nw concptal stct wold q a whol nw ndn stct. Th dstncton btwn mpossbl n pactc and mpossbl n pncpl lns nd th sac o Andson’s analyss. H jctd th stctv vw o ntnsv and yt hdd sayn that th synthss o low-lvl laws tosach, nd hh-lvl laws s whn “all but    mpossbl”  mpossbl” and calln t an “ntllctal,” ath than a physcal o natal on-way stt. H clamd that th laws o sold stat physcs cold nv  practically b xtapolatd om qantm mchancs wthot nc  nc to mpcally stablshd, hh-lvl phnomna; h oht shy o th ston clam that hh-lvl laws cold nv in principle b dvd om blow. Andson dos not xplan th dlcat danc h xcts by lnkn th ndpndnc o hh-lvl concpts to pactcal ath than physcal consdatons. I popos o asons ths poston s notabl. Th st two ct Andson’s mo nal ocs on th pactc o scnc. Th thd and oth daw on oth lmnts o hs contxt and hlp xplan how “Mo Is Dnt” t wthn t. I do not jct th possblty that Andson qt stahtowadly consdd th amnt that nw lvls w ndpndnt n pactc to b th btt-jstd poston. Rath than povdn an xhastv accont o why Andson hld th vw h dd, th actos dscssd h dmonstat how chly ntconnctd Andson’s poston was wth hs possonal contxt. Andson has hmsl acknowldd, n tospct, that hs pspctvs w shapd by condtons n th scntc commnty that w navoabl to sold stat physcsts: “Socolosts o scnc post that th s a psonal o motonal sbtxt bhnd mch scntc wok, and that ts ntty s tho ncssaly compomsd. I a wth th




st bt jct th scond. I thnk ‘Mo Is Dnt’ mbods ths tths. Th atcl was nqstonably th slt o a bldp o sntmnt and dscontnt on my pat and amon th condnsd matt physcsts I nomally spok wth.”32 Consdn how th n stct o Andson’s amnt wokd wthn th contxt that motvatd t tho blds pon hs own ndstandn o ts ons. Th st ason Andson’s ocs on pactcal-lvl ndpndnc s notabl s that t cts hs mo nal ocs on scntc pactc. H, h s consstnt wth Wnb. Pmssv vws o ndamntalty w nomly hadhadd abot th pocss o scntc sach. Th n-pncpl dvablty o hh-lvl phnomna was acadmc  t povdd no pactcal dctvs o don scnc. Andson psd hs amnt n 2001: “A pvs ad cold postlat a scntly bllant ns—a spEnstn—who mht s at last th otlns o th phnomna at th nw scal; bt th act s that nth Enstn no Fynman sccdd n solvn spcondctvty.”33  Spcondctvty was a notoosly ntactabl thotcal pzzl. Faln to dv a thoy o t was almost t o passa o th most accomplshd thotcal physcsts bo Johna Badn, Lon Coop,, and Robt Sch sccdd n 1957. Flx Coop Flx Bloch advancd th ton-n-chk thom that all thos o spcondctvty can b dspovd, a nmnt o Wolan Wolan Pal’s mo cttn vson o th thom: thos o spcondctvty a won. Th co nsht that ld to th sccssl thoy, Coop’s alzaton that lctons pad o at vy low tmpats, omn “Coop pas” that tavld wthot sstanc thoh spcondctn matals, qd thnkn abot th systm n tms o th latons amon ts componnts, ath than by bldn p om st pncpls. Smlaly, Andson’s ammona xampl dw ts oc om th act that anyon attmptn to dscb an ammona molcl’s bhavo o th st tm wold, by any asonabl ndstandn o pactc, b qd to mploy hh-lvl concpts n addton to st pncpls. Scond, that ncssty sppld a ont o nw sold stat poblms. In a 1999 ntvw wth Alx Kojvnkov, Andson calld bn motvatd to dvlop hs phlosophcal vws n pat by a lct Ban Pppad, a Cambd sold stat thost, had vn at a spcondctvty connc hostd by IBM n 1960.34 Pppad lamntd a lack o complln and accssbl ndamntal poblms n sold stat, sstn that soltons to th most pomnnt—sch as spcondctvty—had dpvd th ld o appaln ntllctal challns o yon talnt. Pppad od p th loomy po-




nostcaton that “tn yas s on to s th nd o o [sold stat physcsts’] ams as p physcsts, thoh not as tchnolosts,” and advocatd “a swn o mphass now away om p sach to applcatons,” whch shold ncsstat xposn pomsn stdnts to “th mthods o sach n ndstal laboatos.”35  Andson, who spnt th 1967–68 acadmc ya as Pppad’s colla dn d n a vstn possoshp at Cambd, dscbd hm as “a possonal pssmst.” 36 Th scond axs o Andson’s amnt om pactc s vdnt n hs acton aanst Pppad’s loomnss abot acadmc sold stat sach. “Mo Is Dnt” maks th cas o th wdspad avalablty o acadmy-ndly, ntllctally ntstn basc sach poblms n sold stat physcs. Th pactcal ncssty o mployn hh-lvl concpts to dscb sold stat systms povdd, o Andson, a naly nxhastbl spply o nw and ntstn ndamntal qstons. Th al o constcton nsd that solvn lon-standn poblms dd not mpovsh th ld as mch as Pppad spposd; spsn physcs cold always b xpctd whn consdn th nxt lvl o complxty. Thsconsdatons, ntptaton mshs Andson’s cla pnc o pactcal bcaswll th wth qston o n-pncpl ndpndnc had lttl ban on whth an adqat spply o ntstn sach poblms wold b avalabl to slak th ntllctal thst o t adat stdnts. Thd, th naow ocs on pactc was xpdnt. A ston clam abot th nat o objctv physcal alty was not ssntal to allow sold stat sach a clam to ndamntal knowld vn an amnt that dnd th pactcal possblty o synthss. Bcas clams to ndamntal knowld and nancal sppot w colatd dn ths pod, at last o patcl physcsts, Andson can b ad as makn th wakst clam ncssay to advanc hs poston wthot nvtn attack om thos who objctd to th wholsal ndpndnc o hh lvls om low lvls. As lon as th cas cold b mad o acquiring knowledge o hh lvls, qstons o physical   hachy w mly spposton.37 Foth and nally, th contos o Andson’s phlosophcal poston and th consqncs t had o ndamntalty dbats can b ndstood n tms o chann pst poltcs n th lat 1960s and aly 1970s. Physcs njoyd consdabl pst ollown th Scond Wold Wa, bt as th ndn plata Wnb pdctd avd, pst, lk nancal sppot, bcam a lmtd soc, lavn physcsts to cav t p amon th sbdscplns. Spaatn dcton and constcton svd th lnk btwn




physcal hachy and ntllctal hachy. Andson soht to dny patcl physcsts an xclsv clam to ndamntal knowld, known, as Wnb dd, that “ndamntal” otn mant th sam thn as “mpotant.”” Th wak poston also avodd th qston o whth a pmssv tant. vw ndmnd th pst o physcs mo nally. Sold stat mht hav bn stln n ths pod, bt physcs was stll mly stablshd as th standad ba o Amcan scnc. A ston vw mplyn th qvalnc o all scntc knowld wold hav bn stan vn th ccmstancs.38 Althoh Andson vs no ndcaton that ths was a conscos motvaton, hs amnt dos hav th convnnt consqnc o ndmnn th xclsv clam that patcl physcsts lad on ndamntal knowld wthot smlaly ndmnn th mo nal nttlmnt physcsts lt to a lvls o socal appobaton and dal ndn. Andson sbsqntly xpandd hs vw to ncompass concpts n th socal and bolocal as wll as th physcal scncs, bt calld that hs ntal snstvty s nstvty to th lvl-dpndnc o concpts aos bcas t was “th pncpl by whch my own ld aos om th ndlyn laws abot and ntactons; andotscnc was only as I boadnd my pspctv that Ipatcls a lzd alzd how nal mnc s.”39 It s tho appopat to ndstand Andson’s 1972 stanc as pmaly abot physcs, p hyscs, vn thoh h lat nd t nto a vw abot scnc n nal. It s also woth notn that by th tm Andson’s mntsm had lly matd, boloy had nsatd physcs as th doyn o th Amcan scncs. Examnn ths contxtal psss bns Andson’s dpat om th Wnb cton nto ocs. Th dncs cospond to a sht n condtons wthn th scntc commnty. Th ndn pnch n th lat 1960s and aly 1970s was asymmtcal. asymmtca l. Patcl physcs, th ashp ntps o dctonsm, njoyd contnd sccss n th om o nw, xpnsv aclts. Andson conzd th own pst and ndn aps btwn sold stat and patcl physcs. Amd ths condtons, whch bcam mo act as la ovnmnt ants bcam mo dclt to obtan, Andson dvlopd a vw o ndamntalty that dpatd shaply om cndty amnts, althoh t avd at smla conclsons. Gvn th ndstnshd, mpcnos poston Andson pcvd sold stat physcs to occpy n th lat 1960s and aly  aly 1970s, th wll-won wll-won clam that sach ndd only to povd a bass o th sach to b ndamntal wold not hav mt th challn that patcl physcs posd. Instad, Andson soht th soc o ndamntalty n th nat o physcal knowld,




adoptn th staty that had svd patcl physcsts so wll. “Mo Is Dnt” maks th bst hstocal sns whn placd aanst th ol o patcl physcs and ts ston dctonsm and st wthn a contxt wh physcs stll domnatd Amcan scnc. Th noton that ndamntalty masd badth o tlnss mpld no hachy and dd not play avots amon th scncs. Andson, by accptn th nnat vw o ndamntalty mo typcal o th dctonst accont, ac cont, dnd patcl physcs an xclsv clam to th pvl physcal knowld njoyd, as a matt o cos, ov chmcal, bolocal, o socal scntc knowld. THE POWER OF PROFESSIONAL PRESTIGE

Both th s o dctonsm n th hh ny physcs commnty and sponss om oth physcsts sst that chann nancal alts and cospondn hachcal shts wthn th scntc commnty n th 1960s xtd pss on physcsts to dvlop th psmptons that othws tactly ovnd th pactc nto mo lly alzd phlosophcal postons. Wnb’s o scntc chocwold psmd, that th post–Scond Woldcta Wa ndn Wa honymoon wan coctly, and that som lns o ntllctally pomsn sach wold hav to b potzd ov oths. And to whatv xtnt Andson’s vws on ndamntalty mht hav bn basd n hs sach, h was movd to n and atclat thm by possonal challns. Thos challns, om th lat 1960s on, w qntly pasd n tms o possonal pst.  Andson’s woy that sold stat physcs was ovwhlmnly assocatd wth tchncal applcatons was bon ot by mda dpctons o th ld n th yas at “Mo Is Dnt” appad. Th New York Times cova o th Nobl Pz h shad wth John Van Vlck and Nvll Mott n 1977 annoncd that “th th wnns, all thotcans n sold-stat physcs, w ctd o wok ndlyn th dvlopmnt o compt mmos, oc copyn machns and many oth dvcs o modn lctoncs.”40 In 1973, th ld to th atcl potn Lo Esak, Iva Glav, and Ban Josphson’s pz o ndamntal wok n spcondctos and smcondctos ad, “Th th wnns o ths ya’s Nobl Pz n Physcs mad dscovs adn phnomna namla to th layman, yt vtal to hs tlvson st o th compts that act many aspcts o hs l.”41 Patcl physcs awads cvd somwhat dnt cova n ths a. Th yas lat, th Times scnc pot Malcolm W. Bown, at dscbn a chmsty pz lvant to th phamactcal ndsty, shtd




to th physcs pz, awadd to Stvn Wnb, Shldon Glashow, and Abds Salam, wtn: “Whl sch pactcal applcatons hav no pat n th wok o th physcs pz cpnts, many scntsts ad th wok as ndamntal to ndstandn n dstandn nat.”42 Th psstnt potayal o sold stat wok as sbsvnt to tchncal ams mand a so pont o Andson and hs ps. Dvlopn a obst phlosophcal cas o th ld’s ntllctal vablty was on pat o th spons. Bt t wold not b scnt. Addssn th tnson btwn th tchncal dmnsons o sold stat physcs and ts aspatons to ntllctal pst wold q a mo thooh mann o ts dntty. dntty.




Addn a chapt so namd to th convntonally labld op o mchancs, hat, acostcs, and so oth s, o cos, a lttl lk tyn to dvd popl po pl nto womn, mn, ls, boys, and zth plays. —DWIGHT GRAY, 1963

Th scond dton o th American Institute o Physics Handbook, a comphnsv nc volm, appad n 1963. Th vsd dton ncldd a nw scton dvotd to sold stat physcs.1 Its dto, Dwht Gay, annoncn th handbook’s las n  Physics Today Today, dlvd th qp n th paph abov and contd hs codto’s doll sston “that phaps th book shold contan only th majo sctons—Sold-Stat Physcs, Lqd-Stat Physcs, and Gasos-Stat Physcs.” Th dtos solvd, howv, that “th advantas o consoldatn sold stat matal nto on chapt otwhd th dsadvantas o a somwhat ntdy classcaton systm.”2 Thoh th 1960s, sold stat physcsts showd smla pamatsm adn th ld’s ntdnss. Phaps sold stat was a poblmatc catoy, bt t was xpdnt; t catd lbow oom o appld physcsts to ps tchncal sach wthot thatnn th dntty as physcsts. Bt bnnn n th lat 1960s, that xpdncy ban to wa thn. Indstal and appld physcs w by that tm wll-stablshd mmbs o th Amcan physcs commnty. Th possonal concns d jo amon sold stat physcsts cntd nstad on ntllctal standn—th typ o concns to whch Phlp Andson was spondn whn h wot “Mo Is Dnt” n 1972. Eots to om sold stat physcs so as to mpha-




sz ts ntllctal vbancy lnt mpts to a nw nam, “condnsd matt physcs,” whch adally and poplaty n th lat 1960s and thoh th 1970s. Althoh condnsd matt physcs wold ncompass many o th topc aas that constttd sold stat physcs, ts ams w sbstantvly dnt. Robt Pocto nots n hs stdy o common sxs that “th nams vn to patcla scnc lds and sblds a shapd, to a ctan xtnt, by dolocal baa ba a pckd p n th cos o sa.” sa.”3 Fa om bn nnocos, th nam chan ctd th dolocal baa o “sold stat physcs.” physcs.” It was th clmnaton o lon-standn tnsons wthn th sold stat commnty btwn th po-ndsty anda that motvatd Roman Smolchowsk and a ds o a concptally cohnt dnton o th dscpln’s ppos and scop, whch mphaszd ts contbtons to ndamntal physcal ndstandn. Th sht towad condnsd matt and away om sold stat lana coms nto clast ocs thoh th lns o th dal advsoy appaats. In th md-1940s, whn sold stat physcs md, th actos th physcs commnty xamnd whn dnn ts catos wdd basd pdomnantly on ntnal possonal concns. Bcas physcsts not com to ad cntalzd dal sppot as th nom ntl post–Scond Wold Wa pattns had stablzd, sold stat physcs, as ncbatd n th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) n th lat lat  1940s and aly 1950s, took shap n spons to th ntnal possonal concns o th physcs commnty ath than spondn dctly to dal ndn ncntvs. By th 1970s, th nomos ncas n ovnmnt ndn had chand how nw dscplnay catos w constctd. As th cas o th Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy (ARPA) and matals scnc shows, top-down dal ncntvs w potnt ocs dtmnn dtmnn  how physcsts aand th actvts, act vts, and how thy talkd abot thm. Th tm “condnsd matt physcs” onatd n th physcs commnty, bt ts stats as a dscplnay catoy was xd by ts nshnmnt as a ndn catoy bo ths chan was ctd n th APS, whch, by ths tm, had an xtnsv and ntnchd dvsonal stct that was mo dclt to chan than t had bn n th 1940s. Th Natonal Acadmy o Scncs (NAS) pots, pblshd n 1966, 1972, and 1986, chat th s o condnsd matt physcs. Examnn ths aanst both th dolocal backond st ot n th pcdn chapts cha pts and th nstttonal and concptal volton o th ld that occd btwn th md-1960s and th md-1980s llstats how condnsd matt physcs md as an altnatv to sold stat and xposs th qaltatv dncs




btwn th two catos. Hstoans and physcsts alk commonly tat “sold stat physcs” and “condnsd matt matt  physcs” as ctv qvalnts, dstnshd only bcas thy w pd n dnt as. Andson, a mmb o th st naton o Amcan physcsts tand n sold stat thoy and an aly adopt o th “condnsd matt” labl, assms contnty whn n  n to “sold stat sta t (now ‘condnsd matt’) matt’ ) physcs.” physcs.”4 Smlaly, Hl Kah wts: “Fom a socolocal and hstocal pont o vw, sold stat physcs p hyscs dd not xst [n th 1930s]. It was only at Wold Wold Wa Wa II that th nw scnc o th sold bods, lat to b calld condnsd-matt physcs, took o.”5 Ths clams a not wthot mt. Th sht om sold stat to condnsd matt physcs was makd by sbstantal contnty o physcal poblms and pactcs; pactc s; howv, howv, topcal and mthodolocal contnty do not tanslat npoblmatcally nto dscplnay contnty. Ths stahtowad qvalnc btwn sold stat and condnsd matt s somtms complcatd by appaln to condnsd matt’s boad topcal scop. Walt Kohn’s hstocal tatmnt o sold stat physcs s6 sts that and t “was nlad to ncld th stdy th physcal popts o lqds vn th nam ‘condnsd mattophyscs.’”  Volk Hn ponts to polym sach as th catalyst o namn th Cavndsh Laboatoy’s sold stat thoy op “Thoy o Condnsd Matt.”7 Spnc Wat taks ths patal obsvatons th by sstn that condnsd matt solvd dclts ntnsc to sold stat: “Th nwly popla nam ncldd lqds and, lk ‘matals scnc’ n a dnt mann, ctd a psstnt nctanty as to whth ‘sold-stat physcs’ was th bst way to op sblds.”8 Wat’s nsht ponts towad a ch stoy abot th nam chan, whch was mo than th a smpl bandn o th ctcaton o a lon-standn o. Condnsd matt dd spond to nan skptcsm abot sold stat, bt th paalll owth o matals scnc ndcats that addssn ths concns was nth smpl no stahtowad. Condnsd matt physcs psntd a snc o a om o th p scnc dal wthn th sold stat commnty c ommnty.. Bt t was not Rowland’s p scnc dal. Condnsd matt physcsts, as dnzns dnzn s o th lat Cold Wa Wa,, champond physcal knowld as bn smltanosly ndamntal and lvant to tchncal dvlopmnt. It was an adacos ambton. Hh ny physcs had sstand ts ntllctal stats laly by dsdann tchncal connctons. Bton Rcht’s spons to a qston abot hs wok’s possbl applcaton at bn awadd th Nobl Pz, wth Saml Tn,




o th dscovy o th J/ Ψ mson—“Th sncanc s that w hav land somthn mo abot th stct o th nvs. In tms o pactcal applcaton ht now, t’s ot non”—was a typcal atttd.9  Th clos lnk btwn sold stat wok and wokaday tchnolos was so tht that t otn obscd concptal accomplshmnts. Condnsd matt physcs took on th challn o asstn th ntllctal contbtons o physcal wok on complx matt whl also ambln that ts poxmty to qstons o tchncal ntst wold psv ts most stabl ndn stams. THE ORIGINS OF CONDENSED MATTER MATTER

Condnsd matt, lk sold stat, was a tchncal tm bo bcomn a dscplnay catoy. Whn physcal qstons dd not dpnd on a spcc stat o matt, as lon as t was dns noh, physcsts talkd abot “condnsd matt” as a mdm thoh whch, o xampl, a mon mht tavl and xhbt notwothy bhavo.10 Ealy ss o ths typ w scattd, and almost xclsvly by patcl physcsts. As a dsnato o a dscnbl ld o nqy, th tm 11 appad st n Eop and only slowly pcolatd to th Untd Stats.  Th Gman jonal Zeitschrit ür Physik oanzd n 1962, ttln ts Scton B “Condnsd Matt Matt..” Th Physical  Review ollowd st, to a lmtd xtnt, a ya lat lat,, annoncn n Octob 1963 that n th ollown ya: “Th st twlv sss o ach volm wll b dvdd nto two sctons (A and B) o sx sss ach, appan altnatly. Scton A wll b pmaly dvotd to th physcs o atoms, molcls, and condnsd matt, and Scton B wll b pmaly dvotd to th physcs o ncl and lmntay patcls.”12 Bt sch aly topcal ss ll shot o bcomn dscplnay dsnatos n th Untd Stats. In th  Physical Review, aly ss o “condnsd matt” to ndcat a ld o stdy nvaably ncd  Zeitschrit  atcls   atcls o conncs dvotd to condnsd matt hld n Eop, wh th tm hld mo cncy cncy..13 A mo sncant dvlopmnt was th lanch o th jonal  Physik der kondensierten Materie, ondd n Wst Gmany n 1962, pblshd by Spn-Vla and dtd by th Swss physcst Go Bsch.14 Th jonal was pblshd smltanosly as  Physique de la matière condensée  and  Physics o Condensed Matter , and accptd atcls n Gman, Fnch, o Enlsh. Th bolplat dscpton addd n th scond ss dscbd ts scop as “latn manly to thmal, lctcal, mantc and optcal popts o solds and lqds n th boadst sns.” It xpland th dcson to




cast ts nt byond solds: “Inclson o wok n th physcs o both sold and th lqd phas s ntndd to ncas clos contact btwn both aas and spcally to th sach n th aa o lqds.”15  soht a boad mt than sold stat phys Physics o Condensed Matter  soht cs, whch n Eop tndd to man stctd to solds wth la lattc stcts. Th Gman tm  estkörperphysik  was lttl known bo th md-1950s, whn th16st w possoshps n th physcs o solds w awadd n Gmany.  Th alst vdnt pblshd s s n th ttl o a pocdns volm o a connc hld n Dsdn, May 9–11, 1952. 17  It achd a mo nal adnc n  Die Naturwissenschaten n 1954 as th ttl o a vw atcl that synthszd mostly Amcan and Gman socs.18 Its atho, Hnz Pck, alldd to th tm’s cnt c nt povnanc: “In th catalo o majo lds o modn physcal sach, on mts ncasnly otn wth th concpt sold stat physcs. physcs.””19 H also mad obsvatons smla to thos o hs Amcan contpats abot th catoy’s concptal consstncy, makn: “On s nclnd to tak sch a wod to dsnat a claly dnd, nd ld.”20On clos hop tns ot was at st to b ntly nconmd. nconmd.”  Th waynspcton, ot o ths ths dlmma, o Pck, to stct th topcal an o th ld. H concldd that  estkörperphysik was concptally consstnt by vt o volvn aond th lattc stct o cystalln solds, non noncystalln solds, spdty, th mantc sscptblty o ass, and oth topcs wth lttl o nothn to do wth lattc stct that ll wthn th Amcan Amca n sold stat synthss. By xcldn thm, Pck was abl to swp tobln nconsstncs asd, vn  t mant dnn th ld mo naowly. Fanc was slow than Gmany n adoptn ts own analo o sold stat, bt, as n th Gman cas, th catoy’s amophos nat allowd t to bnd to local pots. P Tss has attbtd th nlastcty o Fnch nstttons at th wa to th psstnc o havy-handd “dal ms” that dd Fnch sach thoh th lat 1950s. It took a nw naton o sachs, tand at th wa, to dslod ths ntnchd systm.. Whn “physq systm “physq  d sold” sol d” (o, (o, occasonally occasona lly,, physique de l’état solide) appad n Fanc n th lat 1950s and aly 1960s, so dd th qally potnt chimie du solide, whch hanssd a lon Fnch tadton t adton n chmsty. chmsty.21  Tss’s assssmnt s bon ot by pattns o sa n Fnch jonals. Th st vdnt s  s o “physq d sold” n Le Journal du Physique et la  Radium was by Jacq Fdl n 1955, who, n an atcl on omantsm, d to atomc and molcla obtals as “th two ndamntal appox-




matons o sold stat physcs and chmsty.” 22 Th tm wold not c n th conty’s ashp physcs jonal ntl 1959 and 1960, whn t ban to appa n th nams na ms o Fnch nstttons, sch as th Service de Physique du  Solide et de Résonance Magnétique n Saclay and th  Laboratoire de Magnétisme et de Physique du Solide n Bllv. That Fdl wold b an aly adopt o sold stat nomnclat s nspsn consdn h took hs PhD at th Unvsty o Bstol n 1952, 23 stdyn nd Nvll Mott.  By 1952 Mott, who dntd hs wok as sold stat physcs, was th dcto o a lvl lvlyy sach op on physcs o solds at Bstol’s H. H. Wlls Physcal Laboatoy. 24 Btsh physcsts w mo apt than Fnch o Gman physcsts to pblsh n Amcan jonals o attnd conncs n th Untd Stats and th absnc o a lana ba pmttd compaatvly asy accptanc o th tm n Btan. 25 Lawnc Ba lctd at th Royal Insttton on “Th Physcs o th Sold Stat” n Mach 1949.26 Althoh Btsh nstttons, lk th Fnch contpats, w stpd n tadton and loath to adopt nw nams, th stablshmnt o th  Internationall Journal o  Internationa o the Physics Physics and Chemistry Chemistry o Solids by Oxod-basd

Pamon Pss n 1956 av th monk a stonhold on th Btsh Isls. Pamon Sold stat physcs, p hyscs, as a catoy, catoy, had a wak hold on th Eopan contnnt than t dd n th Anlo-Amcan wold, n la pat bcas ts US ncanaton owd so mch to th pcla ats o th latonshp btwn Amcan nvsts and Amcan ndsty. ndsty. As a slt, th tmnoloy t mnoloy o condnsd matt physcs, takn p apdly n Eop, was slow to catch on n th Untd Stats, vn as sach mphass shtd n smla dctons on both contnnts. Th  Physical Review’s  patal sson n Octob 1963, wth on scton “dvotd to th physcs o atoms, at oms, molcls, molcls, and condnsd matt,”27 was th only cla occnc o “condnsd matt physcs” n APS jonals thohot th 1960s; dscssons o oanzaton n th APS Exctv Commtt nomly call scton A th sold stat scton.28 Condnsd matt physcs lana, n oth wods, was was a and manal mana l n th 1960s, an assssmnt bon ot by a contmpoay contmpoa y ovvw o th ld om th Natonal Rsach Concl (NRC) o th Natonal Acadmy o Scncs. THE PAKE REPORT

In 1962, Fdck Stz was lctd psdnt o th Natonal Acadmy o Scncs. On o hs st majo ntatvs was to commsson a ss o pots on th cnt stats o th scntc lds n th acadmy’s pvw, to b ndtakn by th NRC. Th commtt svyn physcs ncldd




stablshd sold stat physcsts Chals Towns, Havy Books, and Roman Smolchowsk, alon wth Davd Pns, who had cntly and hs stps xplon th mplcatons o th Badn–Coop–Sch thoy o spcondctvty. spcondctvty. Th Pak pot (namd o ts chaman, Go Pak) was pblshd n 1966 and dntd “Sold-Stat (and Condnsd-Matt) Physcs” as on o th pmay dvsons whos poss t addssd. 29 Th sold stat and condnsd matt sbcommtt nstd a ootnot nto a dat o th pot n Apl 1964 xplann th namn dcson, pontn ot that aond 90 pcnt o th ld consstd o wok on solds, ths sn “sold stat” as a nal tm was ood noh o ovnmnt wok.30 “Condnsd matt” n th Pak pot was both ltally and atvly panthtcal. Dspt th passn acknowldmnt that t mht b a mo appopat tm, th compls ncd condnsd matt only whn th phnomnon nd dscsson dvatd too ncomotably om th alm o solds. Thy dscbd aly sach n th ld, o xampl, by slppn samlssly om talkn abot solds to nvokn condnsd matt whn dscssn “Untl th bnnn cnty . Btwn . . th scnc o soldsspdty: mand almost ntly mpcal o andths dscptv. 1912 and th aly 1930s, most o th salnt popts o condnsd matt, wth th stkn xcpton o spdty, w ndstood at last qaltatvly.” Sch slts nsd, th pot contnd, slppn back nto th lana o solds, that “[t]h sta was st o th bnnn o sold-stat physcs n ts psnt sns. sns.””31 “Condnsd matt” papd ov spots n th Pak pot wh th stctv nat o “sold stat” bcam too obvos o comot. As o th md-1960s, th tm dd not psa swpn chans to th stct and dntty o sold stat physcs. Thoh th pot nsstd that sold stat “s a ndamntal banch o physcs” and sstd that t poss n sold stat “cold wll tn ot to b o at sncanc to o knowld o th wold than th poss n lmntay-patcl physcs,” t savd th atst mphass o sold stat’s tchncal contbtons.32 Th scton nttld “Intllctal Challn” ban: “In sold-stat physcs th s at psnt no claly vsbl nd o adcally nw concpts” and mad th cas o concptal mpotanc by pontn to nchoat sach aas, sch as noncystalln solds, as th potntal bt npovn soc o “nw concpts and pncpals.”33 Th pot ctd th pssmsm at la n th 1960s adn sold stat’s potntal to mak ondatonal ntllctal contbtons. Ban Pppad’s commndaton that sold stat phys-




csts tn away om costy-dvn sach and stat tann stdnts o cas n ndsty ndsty,, whch had so ankld  ankld Phlp Andson, An dson, was symptomatc o th sns at th tm that sold stat had pshd p shd abot as a as t cold nto th concptal ont.34 Flds sch as plasma physcs, whch had scd ts plac wth an APS dvson o ts own n 1959, bntd as physcsts ntstd n complx matt lookd byond sold stat o n ntllctal pasts.35 In a smla,  lss datst spt, th Pak pot, althoh tpd abot sold stat’s basc sach potntal, avd abot ts “ndspnsabl [ol] n nmos tchnolocal dvlopmnts,” boastn that “th whol [o] commncatons tchnoloy s bn ndamntally actd by ths [sold stat] dvlopmnts.”36 Th athos, shtn om th catos ton whn dscssn sold stat’s ntllctal n tllctal mpotanc, mphaszd th “ndspnsabl, “n dspnsabl,”” “vtal,”” and “ssntal” contbtons sold stat sach mad to tchnolo“vtal, cal systms that w “totally dpndnt” on sold stat dvcs and knowhow.37 Sold stat was stll bldn ts ntllctal potolo, bt ts tchnolocal tack cod was ston. As lon as th sach ld jstd tsl wold pmaly on tchnolocal onds, ts most pomnnt poams b ocsd aond solds; nan concns abot sold stat’s appopatnss as a catoy cold b swpt nd th , as thy had bn n th 1962 AIP Handbook. THE BROMLEY REPORT

In th aly 1970s—as dsmay ov th wdnn pst ap btwn sold stat and patcl physcs pakd—“condnsd matt” ban to plac “sold stat” as th pd tm n advsoy ccls. Th NRC pot pblshd n 1972 ncldd a chapt on “Physcs o Condnsd Matt.”38  It schwd th lana o sold stat whn ncn th contmpoay ld, thoh t tand sold stat tmnoloy o hstocal obsvatons. In all, th two tms appa wth abot qal qncy. Th 1972 commtt contand many o th sam mmbs as th 1966 op—notably Books, Towns, and Smolchowsk—bt som nw cts wot th chapt on condnsd matt physcs. Amon thm was Mol Cohn, a Unvsty o Chcao physcst who was on o two Amcans who had svd on th dtoal boad o Physik der kondensierten Materie snc ts ondn and who had bn dscbn hs sach spcalty as “physcs o condnsd matt” no lat than 1964.39 Th sht n lana was accompand by nwly potnt concns ov




ndn pattns. Th condnsd matt chapt chapt  xpland: “O objctv s to show that basc sach n physcs o condnsd matt, pomd solly to ndstand n th dpst possbl way th complx bhavo o solds and lqds, has bn th soc o two dcads o npcdntd achvmnt n ctcal nw tchnolos. W s no way n whch ths achvmnts cold hav bn plannd n th past and no way n whch th poss can b poammd xcpt by contnd sppot o basc sach.” 40 Poammn—th plannn and ndn n dn o sach poams basd on pconcvd tchnolocal oals—was an v-psnt bba o sold stat and condnsd matt physcsts concnd o th ntllctal pst. Th omlaton o sach poams wth spcc pactcal otcoms n mnd, th mods opand n matals scnc, thatnd to ndmn th ntllctal atonomy and motvatd th condnsd matt panl to stat th ld’s ntllctal val mch mo vocosly than th contpats had n 1966. Th 1972 panl was accodnly ccmspct abot sold stat’s tchnolocal contbtons. Thy asstd that cal sold stat sach “th had bn sponsbl o stady nnovaton, bt w to mphasz chnss and complxty o ths vnts [nvntons o sold stat tchnolos], as wll as th vad motvatons o th scntsts and nns nvolvd.” 41 By mphaszn th complxty and capcosnss o th ots om basc sach to tchnolocal applcatons, th panl soht to potct p otct dal ndn o basc sold stat sach by ndmnn th dal ovnmnt’s tndncy to lnk basc sach xpndt to claly atclatd otcoms: “Th Untd Stats wold not spnd ts sach and dvlopmnt dollas naly so wll  t nsstd th that basc sach b stonly motvatd by and dctd to pactcal oals o that all basc sach sa ch b solatd om pactcal consdatons.”42 Th sht towad condnsd matt concdd wth sn concn abot an nvonmnt that mad sach sppot to pactcal otcoms—th “copln” that had so chand Bnjamn Lax. Th sam ocs to whch th 1972 NRC pot actd pomptd Phlp Andson to dnd th ntllctal mt o complx-systms physcs n “Mo Is Dnt” that sam ya. “Mo Is Dnt” ntodcd anoth wnkl to th nam qston, n to “many-body physcs.” Th tm calls to mnd th qantm many-body poblm, th notoos ntactablty o calclatn a wav ncton o qantm systms contann th o mo ntactn bods. Th mpossblty o ddcn th popts o many-body systms om st pncpls mant, o Andson, that th con-




cpts mployd to ndstand complx systms w jst as ntllctally valabl as thos sd to ndstand lmntay patcls.43 Althoh t contnd to dscb sach conontn th qantm many-body poblm, “many-body physcs” nv thatnd to spplant “sold stat physcs” as a dsnato o th la commnty, n pat, no dobt, bcas o ts naow ocs on thoy. Andson’s sa o th tm, howv, mos th way condnsd 44 matt ban to b sd n th sam a, somtms by Andson hmsl.  Both tms ocsd attnton on mthodolocal commonalts and ths t mo convnntly nto th naatv aond ntllctal pst and sach ndn that condnsd matt physcsts pd. That “condnsd matt” was a possonally motvatd catoy n th 1970s s vdnt whn xamnn ts pblshd sa. Btwn 1970 and 1979, only 32 atcls n APS jonals contand “condnsd matt” n th ttls o abstacts. In compason, 121 ncldd “sold stat,” 1,019 contand “solds,” and “hh ny” appad 1,399 tms. 45 Th mov towad condnsd matt lana n th NRC, thn, was not a cton o pvaln sach ocapacos sl-dntcaton “Sold stat” “condnsd matt”pactcs w both mbllapattns. catos that dd lttland to shap day-to-day sach. Thy had at mann as possonal opns and ndn dsnatons. Th tmnolocal sht ctd a chan o possonal doloy boht abot as sold stat physcsts conontd challns to th ntllctal pst and ndn o xploatoy sach. Th watshd momnt o condnsd matt cam wth a poposal at th  Janay 1978 concl mtn to nam th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs (DSSP) th “Dvson o Condnsd Matt Physcs.” Th sston scandalzd psntatvs om th Dvson o Fld Dynamcs (DFD), who pcvd an nvason o th t: “[Fanços] Fnkl xpssd concn ov th ovlap btwn th sbjct matt covd by a Dvson o Condnsd Matt Physcs and by th Dvson o Fld Dynamcs, and notd that appoval o sch a chan wold oc th Dvson o Fld Dynamcs to chan ts nam. [Tony] Maxwothy notd that th Dvson o Fld Dynamcs Exctv Commtt xpssd ston ln aanst th nam chan.”46 Th matt was postpond ntl Apl, vn th two dvsons som tm to hash ot th dncs. Th moton sccdd at th Apl mtn, bt t mand contovsal, passn by a vot o tn n avo to svn opposd at a tm whn nanmty was th nom o concl vots.47 Th DSSP had bn dntd wth solds o so lon that th nw nam stppd on th tos o oth dvsons. Th Dvson o Fld Dynamcs dd




not nd to chan ts nam, bt ts mmbs’ sstanc shows that th sht om sold stat to condnsd matt ncldd sncant ontaton o sold stat’s possonal oals at a tm whn sach on ds was ann ond. As sach on lqd hlm, o xampl—on o th mo colol aths n th sold stat cap, wth ts xotc popts lk spdty— bcam a mo actv aa o sach, th lana o solds bcam cospondnly mo nconvnnt and th obsvaton om th Pak pot that solds accontd o pwad o 90 pcnt o th actvty n th ld no lon appld.48 Th DFD ndstandably saw th DSSP’s ots to bn ds nd ts as as mpalstc. Th condnsd matt patsans wthn th DSSP, o th pat, psd a nw concptal ocs that nconvnncd th xstn nstttonal stct that had own n th days whn sold stat mantand a mo thoohly ndstal ptaton. Th DFD had bn ondd n 1948, shotly at th DSSP. DSSP. Th namn n th t h lat 1970s snald a nwond commtmnt to advocatn o condnsd matt as a basc sach ntps and, n so don, thatnd th oanzatons that had lld that pst. vod n th yas whn sold stat physcs was a mo thoohly ndstal Sold stat physcs had always had a ston ndstal patna. In th Natonal Rsach Concl’s 1946 svy o US ndstal laboatos, jst bo th DSSP’s ondn, only Bll Laboatos contd “sold stat physcs” amon ts sach spcalts.49 By th t h 1960 dton o th sam svy, svy, th tm was not lmtd to th lks o Bll, whch mantand a la basc sach sta. Th Amcan Machn and Fondy Company n Stamod, Connctct, Hhs Acat Company’s Nwpot Bach lab, and Contol Data Copoaton n Mnnapols w amon th dozns o laboatos that contd sold stat amon th spcalts, ncldn many that lstd no physcsts amon th sachs.50 Sold stat’s appld bnt was wll ndstood by ts pacttons, vn thos who pd to nd t away om ndsty. Rsach o th Pak pot concldd that n 1963 60 pcnt o ndn o sold stat was spnt n ndsty.51 Th sccss s ccss o ARP ARPA A’s ntdscplnay laboatos (IDLs) n th nvsts, thoh wdly clbatd, natd concns abot th latonshp btwn sold stat and physcs as a whol. Havy Books wod n a 1964 ltt to Walt Kohn that th owth o IDLs and appld physcs dpatmnts had xacbatd an xstn tndncy o sold stat to solat tsl. H was most concnd o sold stat thosts, who, whn colocatd wth matals sachs, lost connctons to oth thotcal physcsts,




hampn th ablty to patcpat n th vbal xchans that h dntd as bn ctcal to thoy th oy..52 By th aly 1970s, condnsd matt physcs had bn to sm lk an altnatv that cold addss ths concns. THE BRINKMAN REPORT

Th yas btwn th 1972 Bomly pot and th nxt majo svy, n 1986, wtnssd systmc chans n th sold stat and condnsd matt commnty. In th md-1970s, th US Jstc Dpatmnt ld an anttst st aanst AT&T, whch ld to a 1982 consnt dc nd whch th company lnqshd contol o ts local tlphon ntwoks.53 Th bakp o th Bll Systm was compltd n 1984. Th tmol wthn th company n advanc o th bakp spad to Bll Labs, whos scntsts ban an xods, scattn what had bn a powl, cntalzd cad o smcondcto physcsts acoss many nvsty dpatmnts and oth sach s ach labs.54 Th ndstal ocs at Bll Labs had kpt on o th conty’s most nntal sold stat physcs ops ocsd ocs d on solds. Its sachs njoyd th sam typs domswhos acadmc njoyd, bt wth Bll aas was pdsposd to hophyscsts bascsachs ntsts alnd closly o potntal applcaton to tlcommncatons—nw sach aas o ntst to condnsd matt physcsts, sch as qantm ds, hld lttl ntst o Bll. Th xods om what had bn th most powl cnt o sold stat stat  physcs tho asd th tanston to a boad concpton o th ld. A natonwd sht away om sold stat and towad condnsd matt that clmnatd wth th bakp o th Bll op was also nactd thoh chans n a nmb o majo nstttons and poams. Th Aspn Cnt o Physcs, a pomnnt smm tat o thotcal physcsts bn n 1962, ntatd condnsd matt physcs nto ts poam p oam n th lat 1970s, nd th nnc o Phlp Andson. 55 In 1979, th Unvsty o Calona, Santa Babaa ondd ts Insttt o Thotcal Physcs wth Walt Kohn as th ondn dcto dcto.. Kohn was a pon o dnsty nctonal thoy (DFT), whch modls th lcton stct o molcls and matals sn nctons o lcton dnsty dnsty..56 Th sach poam Kohn dvlopd sn DFT mphaszd ts wdst possbl applcaton to all phass o condnsd matt—on mas o ts sccss n ths ad s that th  Physical  Review atcl ntodcn th thoy s on o th most hhly ctd physcs paps to dat.57 Th Santa F Insttt, ondd n 1984 and amn ts ntllctal msson nd th danc o condnsd matt physcst Davd Pns, took th scnc o complxty as ts msson. 58




Ths chans cam abot n la pat bcas o thotcal dvlopmnts. Th qantm mchancal tchnqs o th 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s wokd wll o la solds bt w statd sta td by oth condnsd matt systms. DFT, wth ts makabl nalty, was a habn o th thotcal advancs n th 1970s. Th Btsh/Isal physcst Cyl Domb mmbd th aly 1970s as th momnt whn th stdy o ctcal phnomna—sch as phas tanstons—and thotcal 59 spctablty thoh th applcaton o nomalzaton op thoy.   It soldd ts possonal spctablty thoh conncs sch as th Battll Colloqm, whch mt n Gnva and Gstaad, Swtzland, n Sptmb 1970 to xplo th lvanc o ctcal phnomna to th scnc o matals. 60 Th Battll Colloqm ncldd Lo Kadano, thn at Bown Unvsty, who n 1978 was hd by th Unvsty o Chcao to jon ts Jams Fanck Insttt (JFI). Th JFI os a psntatv xampl o th nstttonal tanstons occn wthn sold stat and condnsd matt physcs n th lat 1970s and aly 1980s. It had bn ondd at th Scond Wold Wa as th Insttttoocay th on Stdy o Mtals (ISM), th -n sach nsttts concvd th concptal wok oon thoManhattan Manhatta Pojct sach th nvsty had hostd, albt wth an mphass on basc, nonmltay sach. Its aly msson, “to ps stds n th ndamntal popts o matt as latd to mtals,” ctd th stat o sold stat physcs, ncpnt thoh t was, n th lat la t 1940s, and smbld somthn Roman Smolchowsk, who ntally soht an APS dvson o mtals physcsts that wold ncoa coss-dscplnay collaboaton, mht hav nvsad.61  Onally dctd by th mtallst Cyl Stanly Smth, th ISM took ts c om th stdy o th popts o anm and pltonm that th watm Mtallcal Laboatoy had condctd, mns th mltay mphass, and psd th ntdscplnay stdy o mtals. By th tm Smth snd as dcto n 1957, that ntal msson had tanslatd nto a ohly qal balanc btwn sold stat physcs and physcal chmsty. Th ISM’s sach dvson mployd nn physcsts, ht physcal chmsts, and two mtallsts, whos most lvly sach aas ncldd cystalloaphy, mantsm, lastc and nlastc popts o mtals, and low-tmpat sach, ncldn spcondctvty.62 It was, n oth wods, mly wthn th manstam o 1950s sold stat sach. Its mphass on mtals mpld a sach poam on cystalln solds, and th ntdscplnay consttton o th nsttton nsd that th physcs condctd th pocdd n clos collaboaton wth chmsty and mtally mtally..




Th ISM chand ts nam n 1967 to commmoat mts posso o chmsty, and 1925 physcs Nobl laat, Jams Fanck, who had dd n 1964. Bt anoth ppos ctd an nkln that th nsttt’s hstocal ocs on mtals wold soon pov lmtn. An ntnal mmo xpland: “On o th pposs o th chan n nam s to avod a possbl nhbtn acto n pomotn a nw dcton n th sach to b cad on n ths aclty. At th psnt tm ths sach s nally lmtd to th aas o chmcal physcs and sold stat physcs. It s blvd to b dsabl to xpand th actvts n ths aas by dvlopn sach poams n th aa o chmcal boloy. Th nam o th Insttt o Mtals may tnd to b an nhbtn acto n pomotn ths dvlopmnt.”63 On o th motvs o consdn a nw mphass on chmcal boloy was th 1964 dssolton o th ISM’s sbln nsttt, th Insttt o Radoboloy and Bophyscs, whch pomptd ISM sachs to thnk abot movn nto ttoy t had onc occpd.64 Bt th pomsd xpanson nto chmcal boloy was not othcomn. Th JFI’sbdtay st w yas nd tsthat nwhad monk wdssolton makd byoth stnnt nvonmnt ld to th thsam bophyscs nsttt. Sval tmnts waknd ts standn n sold stat physcs and shtd ts mphass towad chmsty. chmsty. Whn th physcal chmst Ol Klppa took ov as dcto, h placd an mphass on covn th nsttt’s lost capacty n physcs, “to achv a somwhat clos nmcal balanc btwn th physcal and chmsty componnts o o aclty.”65  Th sns that th nsttt wold nd to xpand ts topcal scop nonthlss povd pscnt. By th lat 1970s, whn th nsttt soht to xpand ts aclty, t took advanta o ts nw nam’s xblty to mphasz cnt thotcal dvlopmnts n condnsd matt physcs. Th addton o Kadano n 1978 and Albt Lbchab n 1982 shtd th mphass o th JFI away om physcal mtally and towad th stdy o ctcal phnomna and nonlna dynamcs, lds n whch t sbsqntly stablshd tsl as a majo natonal cnt. Th JFI’s tajctoy llstats th wd natonal contxt wthn whch condnsd matt lana won avo amon thos who soht to dstanc th ld om ndsty and connct wth th p scnc tadton that mand a ston dolocal oc n Amcan physcs. Th 1986 NRC pot on condnsd matt physcs—dbbd th Bnkman pot at commtt chaman Wllam F. Bnkman o Sanda San da Natonal Laboatos— Laboato s— addssd th poblm o ntllctal pst by hhlhtn “th act that




condnsd matt physcs s th physcs o systms wth an nomos nmb o ds d s o dom.” dom.” As a consqnc, th pot mantand, chon th sbstanc o Andson’s 1972 amnts, “[a] hh d o catvty s qd to nd concptally concptally,, mathmatcally, mathmatcally, and xpmntally tactabl ways o xtactn th ssntal ats o sch systms, wh xact tatmnt s an mpossbl task.” Th Bnkman pot wnt to at lnths to dnty condnsd matt physcs as a ndamntal and ntllctally valabl ld o scnc, and thby to dstnsh t om matals scnc. “Condnsd-matt physcs s ntllctally stmlatn,” th pot mphaszd, “bcas o th dscovs o ndamntal nw phnomna and stats o matt, th dvlopmnt o nw concpts, and th opnn p  p o nw sbs blds that hav occd contnosly thohot ts sxty-ya hstoy. hstoy.”66 Th choc o a sxty-ya tmln o th ld s tlln o th athos’ anda, spcally snc th Pak pot commtt thoht Max von La’s dscovy o X-ay dacton n 1912 a mo appopat landmak.67 Haknn back to 1926, th ya n whch qantm mchancs dsplacd th old qantm thoy , placd condnsd mly n th ta dton tadton o achtcts th qantm thoythoy, o solds, whch mdmatt n th lat 1920s as som o th o qantm mchancs xplod th nw thoy’s tlty o dscbn lctons n mtals and th mpotanc o sch applcatons o ndstandn th ondatons o th nw thoy.68 Pcsly datn condnsd matt to th advnt o qantm mchancs mad t cla that condnsd matt physcs was dnd, at co, by ts ntllctal contbtons to physcs and that t was ntd aond th mthods qd to dscb th complx ntactons o atoms and molcls n clos poxmty. Sold stat physcsts bo th 1980s pd al tochstons, mostly n th lat nntnth and aly twntth cnts. Slat, o nstanc, lanchd an ovvw o th ld n 1952, wtn: “Th physcs o th sold stat s nothn nw. In 1900 t was as wll alzd as now that mchancs, hat, lctcty, mantsm, optcs, all hav th soldstat aspcts.”69  Follown sch a staty o condnsd matt physcs wold hav mad t mo dclt to dstnsh t om matals scnc. Makn that spaaton vdnt mphaszd that condnsd matt physcsts wold not cay wat o tchnolocal ntsts. Th pot ban by dclan, “W a not  svyn   svyn matals scnc no th consdabl mpact o condnsd-matt physcs on tchnoloy.”70 By th md-1980s, th dstnctons btwn condnsd matt—th “ndamntal” dscpln—and matals scnc—ts appld cosn—w soldyn, whl th al po-




ssonal allanc that had sstand s stand sold stat physcs thoh th pcdn dcads loosnd. Thoh dstancn thmslvs om ndstal assocatons, condnsd matt physcsts notably dd not sk a clan bak wth sold stat physcs, choosn nstad to mphasz th concptal and mthodolocal contnts btwn th lds, a mov mad as by th wdspad mpsson that sold stat had bn pooly namd. Sold stat’s tchnolocal accomplshmnts—sch as th tanssto, spcondctn mants, and mantc sonanc man—mand ntal to condnsd matt’s htocal asnal. Dspt ts potstatons that t was not svyn th tchnolocal dmnson o condnsd matt physcs, th Bnkman pot totd condnsd matt as “th ld o physcs that has th atst mpact on o daly lvs thoh th tchnolocal dvlopmnts to whch t vs s.” It was not, howv, wthn th job dscpton o condnsd matt physcsts to ps thos dvlopmnts. It mht b “a ld whos halth s ssntal o mantann th vtal ow o nw tchnoloy, tchnoloy,” bt alzn thos tchnol71

os wasmpld to b lt to oth Th dvson o dscplns. labo kpt condnsd matt physcsts on d movd om actal tchnolocal applcatons, whch ll to matals scntsts and nns. Ths pspctv pspposd somthn akn to th lna modl o nnovaton, namly th phlosophy, npopla wth matals scntsts, that nttd and nscptd basc sach was th pmay wllspn o tchnolocal advanc.72 Rstm Roy, coond o th Matals Rsach Socty, Socty, calld th noton that t hat basc scnc bts nnovaton, whch n tn bts pospty, “ppostos, ctanly n la wth pptal moton.”73 Fo condnsd matt physcsts, thoh, t pomsd to alz th hops o cavn ot a at popoton o th dal bdt o ndamntal sach, spcally whn combnd wth mnds that condnsd matt physcs was bhnd som o th most pomnnt tchncal accomplshmnts o th pcdn dcads. Condnsd matt physcsts, vn n dtald svys sch as th 1986 NRC pot, lmtd thmslvs to shown that basc scntc knowld was boadly lvant to xstn aas o tchnolocal mpotanc. Thy dd not spll ot how ndn o basc sach wold tanslat nto tchnolocal advancs on th ond—and so n ths sns thy w not atclatn a stct vson o th lna modl.74 Most lkly thy hld no dp commtmnt to any patcla vson o how scntc knowld was connctd to tchnolocal dvlopmnt. Th al commtmnt was to th ovall val




o basc sach; htoc stablshn som conncton to tchnoloy was a tool std to that oal, and  th conncton was va, all th btt. Th owth o matals scnc nto th dvlopmnt am o th old sold stat constllaton allowd condnsd matt physcsts th lattd to backt th qston o how th aw knowld mnd by physcsts wold b nd nto sabl tchnoloy as sombody ls’s poblm. Dawn too clos an assocaton btwn basc sach and appld appl d oals tmptd xplct lnks btwn basc sach ndn and appld tats, ta ts, th vy vy spct condnsd matt physcsts hopd to avod. Thy tho walkd a n ln, pssn had o ntllctal pst whl stll hopn to mantan a plasbl clam to tchnolocal lvanc. Th dmandn poblms psntd by th physcal complxty o solds w by no mans nq to that phas o matt. Th mthods and concpts dvlopd to nvstat and ndstand solds tanstond dly nto th boad catoy o condnsd matt wth th s o nw sach aas. As thy dd, th possonal objctvs to whch thy w tnd chand makdly makdly. . Solds w onally chosn a dscplnay catoy bcas o th shad lvanc to ndstal andasacadmc physcsts. In th 1940s, that choc svd th pcvd nd to bn ndstal sachs nto th possonal old and to stablsh btt lns o commncaton byond th acadmy. By th 1970s, condnsd matt svd th oppost mpls. Sold stat’s ndstal past was a lablty n th ys o thos who dndd th mt o ts ntllctal contnt, vn  ts tchnolocal accomplshmnts w a htocal ncssty. Th catoy o condnsd matt physcs, by tnn to shad pactcs as a way o dnn th ld, add physcsts ntstd n th basc poblms posd by complx matal systms n th ots to mphasz th ntllctally challnn lmnts o th ntps, bt wthot also aboatn th clam to tchnolocal tlty t lty.. Thoh th postwa dcads, sold stat physcs cold tat wok on nonsolds as lvant, bt manal. By th md-1980s, qantm ds, ctcal phnomna, nonlna dynamcs, complxty stds, and smla sach aas that cold not b asly lmpd n wth solds w th most ntllctally xctn aas, at a tm whn mphaszn concptal contbtons bcam on o th ld’s most pssn oals. Whn ths aas blossomd n th aly 1970s, thy pt th l to th pssmstc otlook o sold stat sta t physcs that Ban Pppad had atclatd n 1961. 75 Bt th nw pomnnc also stand th concptal consstncy o sold stat physcs, alady a pont o concn, byond cdlty. cdlty. Ramn mch o what had bn b n calld sold




stat physcs as condnsd matt physcs boht ths pactcs to th cnt and mphaszd th ld’s clam on th ntllctal stats o Amcan physcs, whl also skn to tan th ptaton o tchnolocal cndty that sold stat physcs njoyd.




Bcas t s so dvs and dspsd, small scnc has lackd th snl voc wth whch b scnc has bn abl to spak, ths pmttn a nmb o myths to psst: sch as th myth o tckl-down tchnoloy; th myth o th snl ntllctal ont; and th myth o th non-zosm an. Ths mply that sppotn b scnc s a ood conomc nvstmnt that can b don wthot htn small scnc. —PAUL A. FLEURY FLEU RY,, 1991

In 1982, th Amcan Physcal Socty’s Dvson o Patcls and Flds hld th st o what wold bcom la mtns n Snowmass, Coloado, to plan th ld’s t. Th loty lvaton and ad atmosph o th Rocky Montans std th ambtons. Attnds conontd th qston o wh, whn, and how to bld th nxt-naton patcl acclato. Th massv machn thy nvsond wold hav bn th last physcal laboatoy v constctd, and th most xpnsv. Th dctonst dal that had dvn hh ny physcs snc th 1960s dd ts concpton and msson. Almost a cnty at Hny Rowland atclatd hs p scnc vson, th hh ny physcs commnty was posd to psh t to ts local xtms wth a taxpay-ndd ot to pob basc qstons abot th stct o th nvs, wth scant concsson to tchnolocal o conomc consdatons. Th acclato mand at Snowmass wold q so mch chap, at, and spasly poplatd spac that t wold by ncssty b a “machnn-th-dst,” as Lon Ldman—who wold wn th Nobl Pz n 1988 o hs ntno sach—pt t.1  Follown Ldman’s lad, Snowmass patcpants ban calln ths mand machn “th Dston.” 2  Nws otlts szd on th ashy nam o what wold vntally bcom th llstad Spcondctn Sp Colld, o SSC. Time, The Economist , New




Scientist , and oths potd bathlssly at Snowmass 1982 on how th

Dston, a mltbllon-dolla patcl physcs dam machn, wold shap o ndstandn o th nvs.3 Th mammoth acclato, wth a bam pp 54.1 mls n ccmnc, wold vntally b std n Waxahach, Txas, soth o Dallas-Fot Woth. Fom th standpont o 1980s patcl physcs, an acclato spassn th ns avalabl at Fmlab’s Tvaton was ncssay to povd xpmntal ondn o th nal pcs o th standad modl o patcl physcs and to xplo ts lmts. Th tat ny o th SSC was 20 TV, blow whch patcl physcsts w ctan th Hs boson, on o th last pcs o th standad modl that awatd xpmntal dscovy, wold b ond. Stvn Wnb Wnb jstd jst d th 20 TV TV tat to Conss wth an a n analoy to Chstoph Colmbs: “It s a lttl bt lk Colmbs saln wst om Span. Colmbs pomsd that h wold t to th Inds  h cold sal a noh Wst. Wll, that was won, bt what h shold hav sad, whch wold hav bn coct, s that  h sald a  a noh Wst, Wst, h wold 4

t to thtat Indsaantd nlss somthn qally ntstn otmachn n th way.”  Th 20 TV ndn th Hs, nlss th st ond physcs that bok th standad modl and ocd a adcal mann o th ld. Hh ny physcsts hopd o th Hs, and ond th possblty that th jony jo ny to 20 TV wold b ntptd nt ptd by ndscovd contnnts vn mo tantalzn. Bt wh Wnb saw Colmbs, oths saw Bk and Wlls, th Astalan xplos who sccdd n cossn th contnnt om soth to noth, bt ond lttl noshmnt n th mpty dst btwn th coasts and dd tyn to complt th tn jony. 5 Som concptons o th standad modl sstd that, althoh th jony to t o 20 TV TV wold sly val th Hs, lttl ls o ntst was lkly to appa alon th way, and that th Dston cold tho b xpctd to map ot a vast, mpty concptal dst. Stmbln pon an nadond Hs as an oass amd a wastland cam to b known as th “nhtma scnao” o patcl physcs, and t appas to b playn ot now at th La Hadon Colld, wh a Hs boson consstnt wth th standad modl was ncovd n 2012.6 Unctanty abot th potntal o a 20 TV acclato to do mo than nd th Hs (and phaps th top qak, whch wold b dtctd n 1995 at th Tvaton) opnd th doo to oth objctons, most notably om condnsd matt physcsts who compland that th Dston pomsd a ndn dst o physcsts psn ndamntal sach n




anythn oth than lmntay patcl physcs. Th objctons o physcsts who wod abot a b-scnc monopoly on dal spndn o basc sach contbtd to Conss yankn th SSC’s ndn, vn at constcton on th Waxahach st was wll nd way, n 1993. Unlk th al ntncn nt ncn sqabbls that had shapd sha pd post–Scond Wold Wold Wa Wa pst hachs and ndn dynamcs, whch tndd to man laly wthn th physcs commnty, commnty, ths dbats playd p layd ot n pblc, wh amnts abot th SSC contstd mch mo than th mts o a snl aclty. Th SSC dbats, as sn thoh th conssonal cod, popla books, and op-d colmns, constttd a ndm on th t o Amcan physcs. Th ndm was hh staks. Th sccss o a mltbllon-dolla acclato, concvd at npcdntd scal, wold hav amd th stats o hh ny physcs as th maq Amcan scnc n th ac o ov a dcad o challns chall ns to ts pvl. Th Atomc Eny Commsson (AEC), whos closd-doo dcson-makn pocss avod th whms o nntal ndvdals, was dssolvd n 1974. As Mchal Rodan, Lllan Hoddson, Adnn Kolb docmnt n Tunnel , th dntv hstoy o thand SSC, th Dpatmnt o Eny, whchVisions took th AEC’s plac and appovd nds thoh th la conssonal appopatons pocsss, ban a slow oson o th nnc hh ny physcsts p hyscsts hld ov th dal ndn o scnc.7 Th 1970s also saw th bth o combnant DNA tchnqs and th 1980s lanchd wth th passa o th Bayh–Dol Act, whch pmttd nvsts and oth oanzatons to l o patnts on ntllctal popty dvn om dally ndd sach. In conjncton, ths dvlopmnts ncoad th commcalzaton o acadmc molcla boloy and st th ondwok o bomdcn to xpand both ts pblc pol and ts ndn potolo. Boloy ban to claw ts way p th nstttonal hachs o Amcan nvsts wth th pchas od by th poms o patnt vns.8 Th SSC’s al amd ths tnds, whas ts sccss mht hav ostalld thm. Th actos that ld to th SSC’s dms ncldd lack o ntnatonal collaboatos, ntnal msmanamnt, cost ovns that placd th nal stmatd pc ta at ov $11 bllon, and th nd o th Cold Wa, wth th ncntv t had povdd to otcompt th Sovt Unon n all thns. Ths cas stdy dos not o a ll accontn o ths actos, bt nstad xamns th SSC om th pspctv o sold stat and condnsd matt physcs.9 What dd th SSC man o condnsd matt physcs and what dd condnsd matt physcs man o th SSC? Condnsd matt phys-




csts tndd to oppos th pojct, p ojct, and thy dd so wth at ntnsty ntnsty,, qncy, and volm thoh th lat 1980s and aly 1990s. Conssonal bdt hawks, whos nmbs ncasd at th 1992 lctons, consdd th SSC poat and an d ond val n sch tstmony. tstmony. Hh ny physcsts bstld. Thy lt blndsdd by th collas’ attacks on a pojct thy vwd as ncssay to advanc ndamntal knowld, and to ns dal sppot o basc sach o any knd. Vocal, pblc opposton to so hh-pol a pojct om wthn physcs was la. Dssnt, n th nspokn ls o th physcs commnty, stayd n th amly  amly.. Moblzn that dssnt n od to nnc thos holdn th dal ps stns wold b pcvd as a btayal. Sold stat physcsts, lk Bnjamn Lax, mht hav habod svatons abot th mts o Fmlab whn t was takn shap n th lat 1960s, bt thy w catos abot vocn thm n pblc. Evn at th pak o hs statons abot tpd dal sppot o th Natonal Mant Laboatoy, Lax avodd vntn thm n th dcton o any patcla pojct, at last n wtn. Alvn althoh cta o scntc choc wlvl navoabl to hhWnb, ny physcs, alsohskpt hs ctqs on th nal and dd not sk to ndmn any spcc ndn qst. So whn Snato John O. Pasto askd Robt Wlson n a conssonal han abot appopatons o th Natonal Acclato Laboatoy Laboatoy,, “Wold “Wold yo say as a as yo know,, th whol scntc commnty s bhnd ths, wthot a dssnt?” Wlknow son cold co ld ply, ply, “Thy do not dssnt ds snt to m, s.” s.”10 Th SSC wold not njoy th sam dnc. Rsstanc om condnsd matt physcsts and matals scntsts who consdd th SSC SS C an xtavaant toy o th amsmnt o a small slc o physcsts was pvalnt and pblc. That opposton snald th boln ov o tnsons that had stand th Amcan physcs commnty o hal a cnty. Dspt th nnc o th Cold Wa Wa scty stat, th apd xpanson o sold stat and condnsd matt physcs, and th ncasn psnc o physcsts n ndsty, th p scnc dal lvd on n hh ny physcs, wh t combnd wth a ston dctonst phlosophy. By th tm o th SSC hans, howv, condnsd matt physcs had synthszd a cla altnatv: an mbac o basc condnsd matt sach as a mo pobabl ondaton o t tchnolocal bnts than oth sach as well as a ood n tsl. Ths comptn dal povd btt adaptd to th contxt o th aly a ly 1990s. At th dms o th SSC dlvd a blow to th dctonst spn on th p scnc dal that had sstand hh ny physcs o dcads, th con-




dnsd matt physcsts’ vw o physcs mand as th vson that physcsts wold hav to adopt to contn dal sppot o th ld. Th ollown s oanzd aond th th myths Pal A. Fly, a physcst thn at Bll Laboatos, dntd n hs conssonal tstmony opposn th SSC: th myth o tckl-down tchnoloy, th myth o th snl ntllctal ont, and th myth o th non-zo-sm an. 11 Ths capt th thold objcton that sold stat physcsts posd to th SSC and to th htoc n ts avo: st, that hh ny physcsts w clamn spn-o tchnolos o th SSC that shold mo htly b cdtd to condnsd matt physcs; scond, that hh ny physcs was not th only ot to ndamntal knowld; and thd, that a snl, mltbllondolla laboatoy svn a small mnoty o physcsts was not th bst way to ns t advancs o th tchnoloy o ndamntal knowld. Ths objctons dvd om th altnatv vson o physcs and ts plac n Amcan socty that sold stat physcsts had dvlopd by th tm o th SSC dbats. Analyzn ths objctons as thy w dployd n th motonally chad battlthat ovdnd th SSC’s at bns ntoatocs dolocal dsamnt Amcan physcs th th ndcntal o th twntth cnty and dmonstats how sold stat physcs, n ts st hal cnty as a pat o Amcan physcs, shtd th ld’s cnt. THE MYTH OF TRICKLE-DOWN TECHNOLOGY

Spn-o clams w pat o th standad atonal o th SSC. Althoh hh ny physcsts had lon nvokd ncdntal tchnolocal dvlopmnts as a n bnt o th sach, thos jstcatons w mly sbodnat. Hh ny physcsts, whn thy sstd that spn-os shold b actod nto th val o ndamntal scnc, tadtonally took pans to mphasz that thy cold not pdct o aant spcc spn-o tchnolos.12 “To xtapolat om th condt topcs o cnt ndamntal scntc nvstaton to a tchnolocal spn-o s to ndl n andos spclaton. Rsponsbl collas shk th task almost as a tadton,” Lon Ldman wot n a 1984 Scientic American atcl psntn hs amnts o sppotn ndamntal sach to a popla adnc.13  Bt spn-o clams wold assm a nw and otszd mpotanc dn th psh to t th SSC blt. By th lat 1980s, th Cold Wa a,, nan ts nd, no lon waantd waant d th hthto potnt assmpton that all physcs was potntally dns-lvant, and ctanly bn psd p sd by th Sovt Unon. Economc compttvnss




had takn th plac o natonal dns as th standad by whch dal xpndts on scnc wold b masd. 14  Economc and tchnolocal spn-o clams w nto a nw ol as an answ to ths challn. chall n. Th xactxactn dmands o acclato dsn and constcton, SSC boosts ad, wold advanc xstn tchnolos, ncov novl applcatons, and nat nw job-makn ndsts. Spcc pomss—whch som o Ldman’s collas w wlln to mak dspt hs nsstnc on th tlssnss—ncldd btt mant and spcondctn tchnolos sch as thos that powd MRI (mantc sonanc man) machns, advancs n comptn, and vn mpovd mpovd tnnln tchnqs tchnq s that cold b appld to th constcton o sbway systms. Sch bnts cold, th amnt wnt, b xpctd to ost th p-ont cost o th pojct n th lon tm. Bt spn-os, hh ny physcsts catond, w otn nantcpatd; nosn bnts shold acto nto th qaton as wll. Th st slcton comptton that an om aly 1987 to lat 1988 dd a consdabl amont to mak spn-o clams mo pomnnt. Mchan psntatv Robt (Bob) Ca pt th pont sccnctly n a Mach 1988 Hos Mlton Appopatons Commtt h an. han. “That’s not th way th Govnos a lookn at t,” h spondd to Sctay o Eny John Hanton’s nsstnc that th SSC was a basc sach pojct st and omost, “thy’ lookn at th jobs and th conomc dvlopmnt and th spnos.”15 Coaxn sppot o stn poposals om stat ovnmnts qd atclatn cla and conct bnts to th on, and ths amnts pcolatd nto th ovall atonal o bldn th SSC. Thoh ths pocss, spn-os w askd to cay a jstcatoy ol thy cold not sstan, opnn a ln o attack o condnsd matt physcsts who bdld at th sston that th own ld’s tchncal contbtons cont btons w m allot om th acclato xploson. Lslatos’ actons to spn-o clams val som o th ptalls. In a Mach 5, 1986, sbcommtt han on th Dpatmnt o Eny (DOE) bdt, th chaman, Floda Dmocat Don Fqa, askd Alvn Tvlpc, dcto o th DOE’s Oc o Eny Rsach: “Th appas to b som conson btwn th Dpatmnt’s Hh Eny Physcs Poam and th Statc Dns Intatv. W W had a wtnss ystday that sad hh ny physcs was mostly SDI. Can yo knd o clay th latonshp btwn thos two poams?” Th asston that th DOE’s hh ny physcs poam was bond p n th Statc Dns Intatv (SDI)—btt known by th sacastc ptht “Sta Was,” th mssl dns poam that by th




nd o th 1980s wold bcom a paadm boondol—won-ootd Tvlpc, who pld: “I hav no da what th oth wtnss may hav had n mnd. It’s dclt to man pttn p ttn Fmlab Fmlab nto obt, bt phaps phap s w cold v a ty. Somtms som o th ndvdals th sm to b n obt, bt yo can ha mo abot that om Lon [Ldman].” [Ldman].”16 Th statmnt to whch Fqa d had com c om om Chals J. Mankn, th stat olost o Oklahoma, who on Mach 4 mstaknly conatd th potons o th DOE bdt ddcatd to hh ny physcs and SDI n hs pla o mo dal ndn o ossl l sach. 17 Bt Tvlpc hmsl mht hav contbtd to Fqa’s assocatn SDI wth th SSC. In hs own tstmony ladn p to Fqa’s qston, h had sad: “Th cnt collcton o actvts that a n th Statc Dns Intatv to som xtnt ow th xstnc to th basc sach that has bn don n hhny physcs, ncla physcs, and th son poam, and basc ny scncs n oth pats o th Dpatmnt. So th s a lot o contmpoay tchnoloy tans.”18 Fqa’s msndstandn llstats two mpotant ptalls spn-o Fst, lslatos otn aldtstmony, to dstnsh btwn dnto typs o clams. xpts whn valatn xpt whch mad t dclt o hh ny physcsts to plac spn-os n th contxt thy dsd. Mankn, a olost, cold not b xpctd to o xpts on hh ny physcs spndn, bt thoh th nd o lon commtt hans, hs tstmony was admxd wth thos o oth wtnsss and th pcs nat o hs xpts lost lvanc. Scond, th mo cntal spn-os bcam, th mo som lslatos ban to ndstand th pncpl ppos pp os o th SSC to b th naton o nw applcatons, waknn th ntllctal  jstcaton o th pojct. Many hh ny physcsts w tho ambvalnt abot spn-o  clams, and bcam mo so n th lat 1980s and aly 1990s as th poltcal hat atchtd p and t bcam dclt to sstan th da that an ncasnly xpnsv SSC was a btt bt than dct nvstmnt n th tchnolocal anas t wold ppotdly advanc. Thy conzd spn-os as sl  psntd as a bons Conss cold xpct o   t sppotd th pblc ood o ndamntal sach, bt th mo cntal th noton o spn-os bcam to th ovall jstcaton o th SSC, th lss th pojct smd woth th pc ta. Conss wold hav to b convncd to pay o th oods; thy w nlkly to shll ot o th lanapp. Spn-o clams nonthlss povd had to contan. Lslatos otn pshd o spcc bnts to th hom stats o to th naton. Pontn to




a tack cod o tchnolocal t chnolocal and mdcal advancs lnkd, howv howv wakly, wakly, to hh ny physcs, whttd lslatos’ apptt o pok. Many SSC advocats, ncldn SSC dcto Roy Schwtts, pcvd that hh-mndd hh- mndd dclaatons o th nnobln nat o ndamntal knowld wold not sc to convnc lslatos that th pojct was wothwhl. “Elmntay patcl physcs dos not xst n solaton,” Schwtts asstd n hs wttn statmnt o a 1989 Snat sbcommtt mtn on th DOE bdt: “Stmlaton, nomaton, and tchnqs ow both ways: om oth actvts towad patcl physcs, and om patcl physcs towad oth actvts.”19 H mphaszd ntllctal ovlap wth ncla physcs, cosmoloy, and condnsd matt physcs, and stssd that th dmands o acclato nnn had tchnolocal amcatons o comptn, spcondctn mants, and smcondcto dvcs. Th cttn-d tchncal nds o acclatos, Schwtts mantand, “povd tl ntchan wth oth sachs, manacts, and dvlops o tchnoloy n lds sch as mdcal may.”20 Cosmolost Go Smoot, n a a1992 han, contd an ancdot abot shantstyn a plan wth opSnat o cataact patnts tavln o las sy only avalabl n th Untd Stats, whch h sd to llstat th clam: “It jst shows yo do not know what dvlopmnt s on to tn ot to b somthn sl. . . . Yo ally hav to ndstand th bascs o all scnc. sc nc. That s wh physcs, and patclaly hh ny physcs coms toth bcas physcs s what w call th qn o scncs. It s th basc ndlyn stct o all o scncs, th ondaton vythn sts on. Yo hav to ndstand physcs to ndstand what s on on.”21 Sch tatmnt was avalabl, h mpld, and avalabl n th Untd Stats, at last n pat bcas o obst sppot o basc sach n th om o hh ny physcs. Bt tyn th spposd natv pow o hh ny physcs to ts stats as th scnc o th ndamntal scal povd contntos, vn amon SSC advocats. Smoot, o xampl, tstd mmdatly at Ldman, who dssocatd th dctonst jstcaton om spn-o clams: “[Tchnolocal bnts] wold b a cazy ason to bld th SSC. W do not bld t o th spn-os. W bld t bcas w a hmans who thnk and a nsatably cos, and hav an nqnchabl dtmnaton to know,” calln Robt Wlson’s apoloy o th Natonal Acclato Laboatoy twnty-v yas al.22 Ldman’s amnt contasts th wllnnss o hs yon collas to adopt spn-o amnts whn convnnt. Th




splt mht wll hav bn natonal. Schwtts and Smoot w both bon n th md-1940s and and th doctoats n th aly 1970s. In contast, Ldman, bon n 1922, alon wth anoth advocat o th nmbllshd dctonst jstcaton, Stvn Wnb, bon n 1933, w amon th naton who had ovsn th atclaton o th phlosophy n th 1960s. Fo thm, stoopn to amnts on th bass o tchnolocal otpt waknd th jstcaton o psn ndamntal physcs o ts own sak. Th hh staks o th SSC dbats nncd ths two ops dntly. On on hand, t pomotd an ntnscaton o th dctonsm that had ndwttn patcl physcs’ psh to hh ns thoh th 1960s and 1970s. At th sam tm, sspcons that sch a jstcaton wold not wok on ts own pomptd yon physcsts to advanc spn-o clams, whch Ldman, Wnb, and oth mmbs o th old ad ond dstactn and at tms contpodctv. Th psstnc o spn-o clams, spcally thos latd to spcondctos, smcondctos, smcondctos, ncla mantc sonanc, and oth lmnts o th sold stat doman, stokd th o opposton amon w condnsd matt physcsts. Th vy spn-os thats hh ny physcsts clamn o acclato dvlopmnt, thy nsstd, w w actally th slt o sach n sold stat physcs, whch nvthlss acd lmtd socs o basc sach that w lkly to bcom lan n th shadow o th SSC. Ths vaty o sstanc mad an mpsson on lslatos, who spondd by pshn back on spn-o clams and askn hh ny physcsts to atclat spcc tatd otcoms, whch whch was anathma to th oals o th pojct. Som o th most damnn tstmony t stmony cam om Ncolaas Blombn, a Havad-basd condnsd matt physcst and 1991 psdnt o th Amcan Physcal Socty. Socty. Blombn had won a sha o th 1981 Nobl Pz n Physcs o hs wok on las spctoscopy and had also contbtd cont btd to th aly wok on ncla mantc sonanc that ld to MRI tchnqs.23 Th MRI was pobably th most-ctd spn-o addcd n avo o hh ny physcs sach dn th SSC hans. It connctd th othws mot phnomnon o spcondctvty, whch was, at all, pat o th pojct’s nam, to a wll-known mdcal tchnoloy o obvos hmantaan bnt. Bt Blombn assd th Snat: “As on o th pons n th ld o mantc sonanc, I can ass yo that ths [MRI and spcondctn mants] a spnos o small-scal scnc, and not o th SSC.”24 H also wokd bhnd th scns to ty to tamp down sch clams. In a shap ltt to Fmlab’s Rchad A. Caan J., Blombn chastsd SSC sppot-




s o tlln Conss that MRI was a spn-o o hh ny physcs. Sch a clam, h wot, was both “nwaantd and ill-advised . It compltly nos th ssntal contbtons by a vy la nmb o physcsts who hav boht MRI to ton. MRI wold b alv and wll today  Fmlab Fmlab had nv xstd.”25 Th ltt ond ts way nto th conssonal cod  jxtaposd wth a ocos mssv by Mchan Dmocat Howad Wolp Wolp and Nw Yok Rpblcan Shwood Bohlt, both mmbs o th Hos Sbcommtt on Invstatons and Ovsht, castatn th Dpatmnt o Eny o msladn Conss abot th SSC’s cost and tmln. 26 Blombn was not th only APS psdnt to thow th clot o hs oc bhnd hs objctons to th SSC. In Mach 1991, Conll’s Jams Kmhansl pblshd a pc n  Physics Today Today basd on hs oton psdntal addss at th 1990 APS mtn n Washnton, n whch h mad vld ncs—lbl to hs adnc as ncs to th SSC—to th dan o hypbol and al to assn appopat cdt whn vanlzn o on’s ld.27  Th spch tsl cam only two months bo Kmhansl wot to jonalst Malcolm Bown, had pblshd an dtoalt n th New York Times  asn dobtswho “as hmsl to whth th nw knowld [th SSC] nats wll b commnsat wth th nomos n omos cost.” cost.”28 Kmhansl’s ltt chad that “xtavaant psntaton to th pblc o th potntal ts om th SSC was cttos and thcally sponsbl and that accat acknowldmnt was not vn to sachs n many oth sblds o physcs whch w th t soc o contbtons om physcs to mdcn, tchnoloy, conomcs and dcaton bt mptd to patcl physcs.”29 Matals Rsach Socty coond Rstm Roy, o hs pat, nvokd nvokd Alvn Wnb’s Wnb’s cta ct a o scntc scn tc choc n 1993 to nsst: “Nothn th spclatv scnc th SSC can dscov can v hav any mpact on chmsty, boloy, nnn scnc, matals, aclt.”30 As th SSC’s bdt balloond n th last yas o th 1980s and nto th aly 1990s, skptcsm abot spn-o clams w n popla oms as wll. Hstoan o scnc Alx Assms wot n an op-d o th Wall Street  Journal , “In act, th SSC ss old tchnoloy: th nam ‘spcondctn’ n SSC s to hlm-coold spcondctn mants that hav bn sd o mo than 30 yas, not to th nw hh-tmpat spcondctos that hav cntly bn dscovd by condnsd matt physcsts.” physcsts.”31 A wdly syndcatd colmn by  Los Angeles Times contbto and tchnoloy consltant Mchal Scha skwd spn-os n Ast 1992, wtn that th osy vson o onal and natonal conomc vtalzaton that otn ac-




Figure 9.1. Th Spcomplant Sppovd, 1993. John Tv Tv catoon dpctn th dsconnct btwn hh ny physcsts’ p hyscsts’ xpctatons and dal pots. Cdt: Copyht 1993 by John Tv, Albuquerque Journal . Rpntd by pmsson

compand panycs o th SSC “has not a ntno o tth to sppot t.”” Pok, t. Pok, not tchnolocal poss, was th al spn-o n Scha’s ys.32  Spn-o clams bcam mo and mo assocatd wth th “qak-bal poltcs” that th New Republic  Republic  had  had ddd dn th st-slcton st-sl cton pocss, and that contbtd to th schadnd that accompand th pojct’s cancllaton ( 9.1).33 Th collaps o th spn-o naatv bcam a convnnt cdl wth whch skptcal lslatos cold hamm th pojct. Rpsntatv Vna Smth, a Nbaska Rpblcan, askd Jams F. Dck, actn dcto o th Oc o Eny Rsach, n Mach 1988: “I not that yo bdt  jstcaton, D D.. Dck Dck,, says ‘Th SSC wll hav dscovs, nnovatons and spnos that wll poondly toch vy Amcan.’ Amcan.’ I com om th scond most acltal dstct n th Naton. Cold yo tll m jst how th SSC wll poondly toch vy am n Wstn Nbaska?” 34 Bohlt, th most colol o th SSC’s conssonal opponnts, opponn ts, was mo mo pontd n May 1993: “Non o thm [spn-o clams o th SSC] a a slt o what s on on wth th SSC pojct, not on snl on, and th SSC s not on




to d th hny popl o Somala, and t s not on to nd th nocd n Yoslava. It s jst atn p mo o o socs.”35 Th ons condnsd matt physcsts xpssd abot spn-o clams that tspassd on th t both alvanzd th opposton to th pojct and connctd ctvly wth lslatos. Both a vdnt n Pal Fly’s dntcaton o spn-o clams as “th myth o tckl-down tchnoloy.” Th tm cad a spcc dolocal sonanc n th aly 1990s. It nvtd compasons btwn th ndn stct o hh ny physcs and “tckl-down conomcs,” a pjoatv commonly hld at th spply-sd scal polcs o th Ronald Raan and Go H. W. W. Bsh admnstatons. Th analoy mpld that th ntsts o hh ny physcsts w jst as mot om th nds o tchnoloy tchnoloy,, conomy, conomy, and oth aas o scnc as th ntsts o la copoatons and th walthy manats who an thm w om th nds o th mddl-ncom Amcans to whom poltcans lably pandd. Pantn Pantn th SSC as mot was ntal nt al to th cas aanst t, and t xtndd also nto condnsd matt physcsts’ objctons to th knowld clams that hh ny physcsts mad on bhal o th machn. THE MYTH OF THE SINGLE INTELLECTUAL FRONTIER

Althoh dvdd abot th mts and cacy o spn-o clams, hh ny physcsts—and cosmolosts, who w th clos alls thohot th hans—w nomly o th opnon that th SSC was valabl bcas t cold o ndamntal knowld wh oth aclts, and oth banchs o physcs, cold not. Thy mantand th bl, smmazd by Slvan S. Schwb, that “lmntay patcl physcs has a pvld poston, n that th ontoloy o ts doman and th od manstd by that doman  to th bldn blocks o th hh lvls.”36 Most pactcn physcsts who tstd on th pojct’s bhal conzd th lmtatons o spn-o clams, and th consqnt nd to psh as had as possbl on th ntllctal ncssty o th SSC. Rdctonsm, alady th nyn phlosophcal thst o hh ny physcs, wold b hammd to an vn shap pont n th o o Conss, pomptn condnsd matt physcsts to dploy th mntst phlosophy n spons. Hh ny physcsts psntd th ston dctonsm that was qd to cat a sns o ncy aond th SSC to Conss wappd wth a sns o th antqty o th dctonst ntps and td wth a bow o vnt htoc abot th mpotanc o dscovn th nvs’s




most dply hddn scts. Lon Ldman commonly mployd th staty o castn th SSC as th clmnaton o a naatv bnnn n Ancnt Gc: “Th oad om Mlts [ sic ] to th SSC s what phlosophs call a dctonst oad. . . . Untl w can complt th ncaton pocss and mak th pct mathmatcally whol, th qston o how th wold woks wll not n ot b answd. answd.””37 Psntn th SSC as th apothoss o a twomllnnm-old qst addd to th sns that t contbtd to som constttonal hman ds o mann. Bton Rcht pomsd that, shold th SSC sccd, “Yo’d “Yo’d know vythn th was to know abot o physcal wold, and yo wold know mch btt what man’s plac s n that physcal wold. And that s sptal, ntllctal, what-hav-yo, that knd o knowld and satsacton. satsacton.””38 Bt n th lat 1980s and aly 1990s, th pstly mn hh ny physcsts had adoptd sccsslly o mch o th Cold Wa was losn ts potncy. Hmo wt Dav Bay, n hs syndcatd colmn n Novmb 1987, skwd th SSC’s cost ovns alonsd th mot nat o th physcs wold ps and“ant th hh-mndd o t. Ht sstd that th ndondjstcatons actack ophyscsts nvsbl av patcls” was concvd only at “a 400-oot-lon ncla-powd ndsa saxophon” was dmd “too pactcal.” “Ndlss to say,” Bay wot, “th Spcondctn Sp Colld concpt was concvd by sach scntsts, who a dvn, as always, by a bnn ds to psh back th onts ont s o obtann dal  dal nds.” nds.”39 In danc o sch backlash, thos hh ny physcsts who oht shy o spn-o clams pshd to mak th ntllctal cas o th SSC as ston as possbl, whch mant mbacn a ston om o dctonsm. Stvn Wnb povdd th most consstnt and mpassond dns o th ston dctonst poston. Th 1979 Nobl Pz had conzd hs wok nyn lctomantsm and th wak ncla oc, and h was a vsbl pblc advocat o dctonst scnc, wtn a popla book that xpssd optmsm o th clmnaton o physcs wth a nd physcal thoy.40 Thohot th hans, hs boad vw o scnc and spcc  jstcatons o bldn th SSC wokd n lockstp. Th cas h od Ast 1993 aptly smmazs hs poston and s notabl o th dct contast psntd by Phlp W. Andson, who tstd mmdatly at hm. “W a at th ont,” Wnb tstd, “w hav pshd th chan o qstons why as a as w can, and as a as w can tll w cannot mak any poss wthot th sp colld.” H contnd: “Wll, who cas? Yo




know, th a a lot o popl, a lot o Amcans, a lot o mmbs o Conss who ally s scnc only n tms o ts applcatons. And that s a spctabl vw. vw. Not vyon s tnd on by th sam thns. Not vyon lks classcal msc. Not vyon has ths hn to know why th wold s th way t s, and w hav to lv wth that. I nd t sad, mysl, bt that s th way popl a.”41 By dntyn thos who cad only abot applcatons as th SSC’s man opponnts, Wnb dsadd th objcton Andson and oths montd that patcl physcs was not, n act, th only ot to ndamntal physcal nsht. Wnb’s tstmony thohot th SSC hans assmd that “wthot ths machn w smply cannot contn th pocss o ncovn nat’s ndamntal  ndamntal laws.” laws.”42 Hs clam was that th Untd Stats shold nd th SSC not only bcas t povdd ndamntal knowld bt also bcas t was th only ot to ndamntal knowld; vythn ls was dvatv. By th aly 1990s, th stat o th at a t n dctonsm was sbstantally mo vlnt than t had bn n th 1960s and 1970s. 43 Vcto W sskop consdd scnc most dctd towad ndamntal pncpls,patcl bt hphyscs saw t asthoccpyn on lly xtm o a smooth scal ath than as a catocally nq ntps. Th psycholocal ctvnss o opn ndamntal scnc wth po-SSC vws and appld scnc wth ant-SSC vws bcam vdnt mmdatly at Wnb’s Ast 1993 tstmony whn th commtt chaman, Snato J. Bnntt Johnston J J.,., a Losana Dmocat, ntodcd th nxt wtnss: “a dstnshd Nobl laat. Posso Phlp P. P. Andson om th Dpatmnt o Physcs, I thnk that s Appld Physcs, at Pncton Unvsty.” Dpatn om hs ppad tstmony, Andson od two coctons o th cod: “Snato Johnston and ths commtt, and th Dmocatc Natonal Commtt a th only two popl who v m th mddl ntal ‘P’ whn my actal mddl ntal s ‘W.’ And I cv a lot o mal om th Dmocatc Natonal Commtt to Phl P. Andson. And I am not an appld physcst. I lk to call mysl a ndamntal physcst as wll. I jst am ndamntal n somwhat dnt ways.” 44 Andson ndavod to ndmn Wnb’s had and ast dstncton btwn dctonst ndamntal physcs and appld physcs, jst as h had soht to ndmn Wsskop Wsskop’s ’s dstncton btwn ntnsv nt nsv and xtnsv sach two dcads al. Johnston’s ntal o povdd hm an oppotn opp otn s nto that amnt. Andson pasd hs objctons to th SSC n tms o how patcl phys-




cs t nto hs own boad vw o scnc. Bo th Hos o Rpsntatvs Task Foc on Dns, Fon Polcy and Spac n 1991 h dlvd th sam mssa h wold v th Snat: Th standad tstmony yo wll cv on bhal o th SSC wll tll yo that n som sns lmntay patcl physcs, hh-ny physcs s th bllwth o th scncs, th on whch s ot th ladn th pack, th on whch n som sns s nvstatn th “dpst” lays o alty n th wold aond s and th “most ndamntal” laws o physcs. . . . Th s at last on oth knd o ont n th physcal scncs wh a lot o acton—and I wold a mo acton—s takn plac: th ont o lookn at b and mo complx aats o matt whch otn bhav n nw ways and accodn to nw laws. Ths nw laws don’t contadct th laws th lmntay patcl popl dscov; thy a smply ndpndnt o thm, and I wold a thy a n no way any lss o any [mo] ndamntal.45

Gvn th xpns o patcl physcs, Andson’s tstmony contnd, what dos n popoton to th nds t cvs? How many scntsts dos tt contbt mploy? Dos th knowld t podcs th motvat pactcal applcatons o stmlat sach n oth aas o scnc? Th answs to ths qstons shold, n hs vw, dtmn how scnc s ndd. Th mplcaton was cla:  ndamntal knowld cold b had o a acton o th pc o th SSC, why spnd bllons? As condnsd matt physcst Thodo Gball pt t, “Yo a xplon jst as mch o an nknown, bt what yo nd ot s mo lvant.”46 Whas n th 1970s, Andson had dstancd hmsl om  om th Wnb Wnb cton o a o assocatn sold stat physcs too closly wth tchnoloy, th psss o th SSC dbats casd hm and hs alls to amnt th plalstc vw o ndamntal sach wth amnts o th poxmty o th wok to applcatons. Wnb and Andson An dson ach had andas that tanscndd th SSC and amd th tstmons. Conss tho had comptn vws o scntc sach and ts oals as mch as thy had amnts o o aanst th SSC. That mo was at stak than a snl sach aclty a clty s vdnt om th xtnt to whch th SSC dbat splld ov nto th popla pss. Both Wnb and Ldman pblshd popla books sposn a dctonst vw o scnc.47 W  Wnb nb took hs cas to th pas o th  New York York Times  n Mach 1993 as th SSC’s pospcts w d. In an op-d nttld “Th Answ to (Almost) Evythn,” h appald to a popla adnc wth an xampl abot th wath, wtn: “Elmntay patcl physcs s mo




ndamntal than, say, mtooloy, not bcas t wll hlp s pdct th wath,, bt bcas th a no ndpndnt pncpls o mtooloy that wath do not st on th popts o lmntay patcls.” 48 Th op-d and condnsd matt physcsts, som o whom shot back. Nothwstn Nothwstn Unvsty’s Plak Dtta totd to td n a ltt to th dto: “Th pblc latons tmph o patcl physcs s that t has cast tsl as th sol h o atomc physcs and qantm mchancs, and ths tably ‘ndamntal.’ Howv . . . w’v known o som tm that lmntay patcls a mad o qaks, bt that hasn’t mad (and sn’t lkly to mak) any dnc to any oth aa o hman actvty. actvty. It jst sn’t ndamntal n damntal to anythn.”49 Dtta’s hasal o Alvn Wnb’s cton o scntc choc n th ac  ac o Stvn Wnb’s hh-poo dctonsm ctd th mood amon condnsd matt sachs. Thy vwd hh ny physcsts as dmandn xtaodnay socs whl malnn th ntllctal mt o th own ndavos and makn nalstc spn-o clams o a ld wth lttl masabl mpotanc to oth aas o scnc and w pospcts o makn socally o tchnolocally slhlpd contbtons. Thoh dctonst htoc had sc Fmlab’s ndn n th 1960s, t was mch lss ctv wth th 1990s Conss, n pat bcas th objctons o condnsd matt physcsts povdd poltcal cov. cov. Th amnts w chod n th statmnts o th SSC’s lslatv opponnts. Shwood Bohlt, chaman o th Hos Commtt on Scnc, Spac, and Tchnoloy, opnd a May 1993 han by hasn amnts sold stat physcsts had psntd: “My st concn s th basc qston o pots. SSC sppots lk to sst that to oppos th SSC s to oppos scnc. Nothn cold b th om th tth. Scnc s not som ndvsbl doman bt s mad p o spaat,  latd, dscplns.” dscplns.”50 Sm  Smlaly laly,, n th Snat, Dmocat Dal Bmps o Akansas bsqly dsmssd th amnt that patcl physcs and basc scnc w on and th sam: “Th assmpton that anybody who opposs ths pojct s opposd to basc scnc s a dstacton and a dvson.” dvson.”51 Th comptn vw that condnsd matt physcsts od hlpd lslatos oppos a majo scntc bdt tm wthot appan to b ant-scnc. Th ntncn snpn ov th SSC ntd a dalo wthn physcs abot th nty, o dsnty, o th ld. In  Physics Today Today, th wdly dstbtd nws maazn pblshd by th Amcan Insttt o Physcs, dscssons o th nty o physcs paallld th dbat that playd ot n conssonal tstmony and popla wtns.52 In a ltt ltt  pblshd n Mach 1991,




Lawnc Canb, a td Unvsty o Vna physcst who stdd th physcs o wood as t appld to domstc ny nds, wot that patcl physcsts showd lttl ntst n wok not dctly latd to th own. H chad that “th qst o nty has bcom a spcalty that naows so ntnsly th ntllctal ocs o ts dvots that thy a nwlln to b ntstd n anythn ls n physcs,” and askd, htocally: “Is that what w want to ncoa whn w spak o ‘th nty o physcs’? O dos sch ‘nty’ condmn on to a snobbsh solaton om th manstam o scntc and hman concns?” Canb advocatd accptn dvsty as an qally potnt dal.53 Hs ctcsms o th hh ny physcs anda show that th sam tnsons that aos ov hh-staks pojcts lk th SSC w mch dp, shapn dscssons o th dscpln’s dcton thohot th physcs commnty. Th sam ss o  Physics Today  atd two atcls om condnsd matt physcsts an o th mpotanc o hh-lvl phnomna, shon p th ondatons o pblc amnts aanst th SSC, and avon ncasd sppot owot small In th st, o Chcao thost Lo Kadano on pojcts. sl-oanzaton n Unvsty physcal systms, dscbn how plms dvlop n hatd ds and ndn “many dnt laws and many dnt lvls o dscpton.”54 Kadano’s ocs on complx phnomna complmntd th pspctv h had psntd as a la contbto to  Physics Today Today’s “Rnc Fam” op-d pa snc th md-1980s. In 1986 h pasd th ablty to dscn btwn pactcal and mpactcal dmands o ndstandn and contolln complx systms as a ky componnt o scntc jdmnt.55 In 1988 h boht hs noton o ood scntc jdmnt to ba on contmpoay tnds n ovnmnt scnc ndn: “Th t val o scnc s n th dvlopmnt o batl and powl das. Ovnvstmnt n b scnc dtacts om what s ally wothwhl. I do not thnk that th naton’s o th ovnmnt’s bdt o sach o o R&D s too small. It s, howv howv,, ncasnly msdctd towad andos pojcts. W W physcsts hav a sponsblty to ndstand ndstan d what s tly valabl n scnc and s ths ndstandn to hlp th naton n aton dvlop and xpss ts pots.”56 Clos lnks btwn ntllctal mt and boad lvanc, o th typ Andson xpssd bo Conss and Kadano atclatd n  Physics Today Today, bcam ctcal to th condnsd matt commnty’s otlook on th oanzaton o scnc n Amca n th 1980s and 1990s. Unty, o condnsd matt physcsts, dd not man dcton, bt




ath th lvanc o knowld at all lvls to th whol o physcs. Andson wot n  Physics Today Today n Jly 1991: “Wth th mataton o physcs, a nw and dnt st o paadms ban to dvlop that pontd th oth way [om dctonsm], towad dvlopn complxty ot o smplcty.” 57  Dvsty and complxty, o sold stat sachs wokn n th shadow o patcl physcs, w ctcal pqsts o nty. Thy ndcatd that physcal knowld was ntdpndnt ath than hachcal, whch 58 cmntd th clam to ndamntal knowld.   Thohot th SSC dbats, ths shad bl av condnsd matt sachs a snlnss o ppos that th actonalzd ld had ond wantn o mch o ts hstoy. By th 1990s, sold stat physcsts w xpssn a consstnt vw o ndamntal knowld, at last o a natonal adnc. It was smla to what Fancs Btt and Alvn Wnb dscbd dcads al. Sold stat physcsts champond a pmssv appoach that pomotd sach acoss dscplnay bondas and ncoad dvs applcatons. Wthot dctonst hmony and ts nnc on ovnmnt ndn,th thoh, th poston champond by th condnsd mattscnc commnty wold nv hav dvlopd to th xtnt t dd. Vlnt dctonsm, and th sccss o ts poponnts, ocd sold stat physcsts to dvlop th vws on why knowld o complx systms was not lss ndamntal than knowld o smpl systms, and on how mony and pst p st shold b dstbtd accodnly. Andson’s “Mo Is Dnt” spondd to bwn dscontnt n th sold stat commnty whl physcs was at th hht o ts pst. Lkws, th snc o th Wnb cton amon condnsd matt physcsts, Andson ncldd, dn th SSC dbats was dvn by anst ov condtons that mht allow th SSC to domnat th ndn landscap as physcs as a whol watchd ts cltal pst wan. THE MYTH OF THE NON-ZERO-SUM GAIN

Evn  thy acknowldd that spn-os w ovsold and that th SSC was not th only ot to ndamntal nsht, SSC sppots cold all back on a thd, pamatc jstcaton: that klln th SSC wold not  p nds o oth knds o basc sach. Fthmo, hh ny physcsts and th alls ad, sch a la dal xpndt was a sn td. It cmntd a dal commtmnt to basc sach, and was ths lkly to psnt a at abndanc o nds o all typs o scnc n th lon n, not lss ndn. As a slt, th physcs commnty was obld to nt bhnd




th opton that was on th tabl. Ths s what Fly calld “th myth o th non-zo-sm an. an.”” Wth spct to th bllons o dollas’ woth o appopatons to nd th SSC, th amnt that n thm p wold not acc to th bnt o oth aas o scnc was n som sns coct. Conssman Jo Baton o Txas mad ths cas n 1993 n a bd to sav what wold hav bn a boon o hs stat: “I wold pophsz that  w zo ot th SSC . . . that mony s not on to walk on th wat wat  to oth appld physcs o any oth basc scnc, t s on to, n th bst cas, not b spnt at all—n oth wods, o to dct dcton—o t s on to o to oth pojcts that a nonscntc latd. latd.””59 Unlk ndn o th Natonal Scnc Fondaton o th Natonal Insttts o Halth, th SSC’s appopaton was a spaat bdt tm. Its cancllaton wold not man that thos nds wold b dstbtd to oth dsvn scntc pojcts n th absnc o a spaat appopaton. Howv,, th cas aanst ths amnt Howv a mnt was abot mo than th ndn amakd th SSC; t had toclt. do wthTh thqston, cts thatobcondnsd scnc pojcts mad on thonatonal sach matt physcsts, was not whth th sam $11.8 bllon qd o th SSC mht b cavd p amon oth lds, t was whth mascnc pojcts lk th SSC podcd an ovall daman ct on small scnc. And that qston thy answd n th mphatc amatv. Th concn mand that th SSC’s lon-tm pkp costs wold mak t ndn appals mo dclt o oth pojcts. Both th scal o b physcs pojcts and th htoc sd to jsty thm, condnsd matt physcsts chad, dd dama to oth aas o physcs by naown th dnton o basc sach and optmzn physcs tann o patcla aas. Hh ny physcsts had mad th ntllctal am  am zo sm by nsstn on a monopoly ov ndamntal sach. And th skw n th ndn nvonmnt bld ov nto pdaoy: tachs and advss cold b xpctd to dvot mo attnton to mo ndabl aas, and tm n th classoom dvotd to som topcs was tm not xplon oths. Th st hal o ths objcton contndd that th thos bhnd th SSC pptatd th stat o aas n whch condnsd matt sach was vwd only n tms o applcatons, and aan Phlp Andson A ndson was th pncpal mssn. Andson, n hs opposton to th SSC, dpatd somwhat om th cas h had mad n “Mo Is Dnt” two dcads al. In th




aly 1970s, th qston o ndn mand n th backond. Hs SSC tstmony pposd hs amnts abot th chaact o scntc knowld to ndwt a pct o how scnc ndn shold b oanzd. Andson dd not oppos th SSC p s, bt objctd to th consoldaton o nancal sppot o nonappld sach n b-bdt patcl physcs nstallatons whl sold stat, connd to small labs, psd naow naow,, pactcal objctvs and ond scant sca nt oppotnty o  o ntllctal costy costy.. Th naow ocs was a consqnc, h blvd, o th conaton o ndamntalty n damntalty wth dcton. H dscbd ndamntal sach n sold stat as “caht btwn th Scylla o th lamoos b scnc pojcts lk th SSC, th nom, and th spac staton, and th Chaybds o th poammd sach, wh yo hav dlvabls, wh yo a askd to do vy spcc pcs o sach amd at som vy shot-tm shot -tm oal.” oal.”60 Andson attmptd a pcaos tavs o ths htocal Stat o Mssna. H advocatd ndn ndamntal sach o ts own sak and sstd tyn ndn to pconcvd, na-tm tchnolocal otcoms. H opposd thphyscs, SSC bcas, condnsd matt condnsd was jst as matt ndamntal as hh ny and (b)(a) ndn xploatoy sach wth no stns attachd wold, as a matt o cos, podc mo socally lvant and tchnolocally valabl slts. Condnsd matt physcs cold boast stln tchnolocal bona ds, bt advocatn advocatn ndn poty ov th SSC stctly on that bass wold ndct Andson’s msson to dmonstat sold stat’s ntllctal mt. Evn  a tchnolocal jstcaton wold hav alln mo mscally on many lslatos’ as, condnsd matt’s ht o ntllctal pst was too ston a componnt o ts dntty o Andson to sll t shot. It was a vson that cold nv t o th ond n a wold n whch b physcs and ndamntal  ndamntal physcs w synonymos. Th xtmophla o hh ny physcs and cosmoloy ( 9.2) had lt condnsd matt physcsts, and oths who wokd on msoscal phnomna, htn ov th ds o th dal basc sach bdt o tyn to mak do wth ndn that was naowly tatd and td to pconcvd otcoms. Th qston o tann dd not cv qt as mch attnton as th qston o ntllctal pots. It was nvthlss, o Andson at last,  jst as ctcal o assssn th nnc o th SSC on th dcton o physphyscs. In hs wttn tstmony sbmttd to th Hos Sbcommtt on Eny Rsach and Dvlopmnt o th Commtt on Eny and Natal




Figure 9.2. Extmophla n physcs, 1988. Ths catoon by S. Has appad alonsd an atcl ctcal o th atttds t llstats. Lo Kadano, “Cathdals and Oth Edcs,” Physics Today Today 41, no. 2 (1988), 9–11. Rpntd by pmsson o ScncCatoonsPl

Rsocs n 1987, h od som obsvatons on how th pomnnc o hh ny physcs, n tms o both ndn and pst, shapd th way physcs was taht. Patcl physcs, Andson obsvd, “domnats many o th most pstos nstttons bcas th spa chan om la contacts n patcl




physcs o astophyscs can b sd to sppot jno tachn postons, th lamo o whch attacts vy abl yon popl n spt o th nscty o th tn.” In addton, bcas sklls and lann condnsd matt, chmcal, plasma, and oth complx systms physcs tanslatd mo asly nto ndstal sttns, xtm-scal physcs ndd p ovpsntd n th acadmy. And dpatmnts that mht hav lkd to b p th psntaton n lds lk condnsd matt w hampd by th scacty o dal ndn to sppot sach n thos aas. As a slt, Andson potd han “aan and aan om stdnts that thy jst nv had anythn om th tachs abot any oth banchs o physcs ntl thy achd adat school,  thn.”61 Th dal mphass on b scnc, n oth wods, was ampld by dbacks that hhtnd th bas to condctn ndamntal sach nto th popts o complx matt. What mht othws hav bn a paochal concn abot th latv stats o sbdscplns wthn th poams that podcd th conty’s physcsts was pojctd nto natonal-scal dscos as a qston o scntc stan. Was th contytopodcn nohnatonal physcsts, and noh o th ht knds o physcsts, addss statc pots? Condnsd matt physcsts w not abov waponzn natvsm to mak th pont. Kmhansl mantand: “W a not sppotn som vy capabl popl. W a not tann a scnt nmb o Amcans and w hav bcom dpndnt on a stady nx o on scntsts. W hav allowd th ndn o mpssv aclts to tak th sppot om poams at th ndvdal lvl.”62 Andson commntd that “t s bnnn to b a sps to ha an Amcan accnt n th physcs dpatmnts o ths conty bcas w a havn to ll n mo and mo wth mmants and vstos n o jno postons.” postons.”63 Condnsd matt physcsts mht not hav bn so concnd abot th ld swnn back towad ndsty. Indsty was, at all, ntal to th ld’s ons and had mdwd som o ts most ndamntal contbtons. Bt th ndstal laboatos o th 1980s and 1990s w not th ndstal laboatos o th 1950s and 1960s. Whas th latt had boht nto ashtd, npoammd, lon-an sach as a bass o tchnolotchn olocal dvlopmnt, th s o th nnovaton conomy std th “sach” ot o “sach and dvlopmnt” and ocsd n-hos ots on shottm adtn.64 I th Blls, GEs, and Wstnhoss o th wold w not wlln to sppot basc condnsd matt sach thn t wold hav to occ n th nvsts and th natonal laboatos, whch lt condnsd




matt physcsts mo sscptbl to th whms o dal ndn than thy w accstomd to and mo actly awa o th dct thy acd wth spct to hh ny physcs. In on sns, th myth o th non-zo-sm an was no myth at all: cancln th SSC dd not, n act,  p bllons o basc condnsd matt physcs. Th blk o dal ndn o basc condnsd matt sach cam om two socs, th Natonal Scnc Fondaton and th DOE’s Basc Eny Scncs (BES) bdt. Th total NSF sach bdt w slowly and stadly thoh th 1990s, jst manally ahad o naton, and showd no sn o spondn to th SSC’s cancllaton.65 Evy BES bdt qst, and vy conssonal appopaton, o th mand o th 1990s wold b less than th 1993 appopaton. Only n 2000 wold BES ndn aan ach 1993 lvls n actal dollas.66 Bt condnsd matt physcsts w lss concnd wth th athmtc o dal appopaton than thy w wth th thos dvn t. Th qston o what happnd to th nds om SSC appopatons was sconday 67 to o th domnanc o b ndn. scnc—and monopoly soht on th bcts qstons—n dn dal  Thth dcton andtmsson o physcs had bn laly lt to th dscton o b physcsts. In 1989, as Andson hhlhtd th s o msson-ontd sach and dcd th dama t was don to condnsd matt physcs, Bton Rcht cold commnt: “Th Dpatmnt Dpa tmnt o Eny En y,, om whch hh-ny physcs ts almost all o t[s] mony, and om whch ncla physcs ts almost o ts mony, has bn ath ood abot not tyn to ocs sach too thtly o dct t too cntally.”68 That was th sot o contol ov th ld condnsd matt physcsts lt thy had lost whl opatn n th shadow o b scnc, and thy hopd stoppn th SSC wold b a st stp towad scapn om that shadow.


Condnsd matt physcsts and hh ny physcsts w n on sns nad n an ntllctal popty dspt thohot th SSC dbats. Thy w not span ov patnt hts, bt thy w nad n th typ o wd dscos abot ntllctal popty that Chstn MacLod and Goy Radck dnty whn thy  to  productivity claims, whch thy dn as “clams o bods o scntc knowld as havn nhntly sl oshoots,” n whch “th ownshp asstd s that o a thotcalmpcal dscpln ov a doman o tchncal pactc. pa ctc.””69 Th SSC dbats




o a cla xampl o how ths mo xpansv vw o ntllctal popty s sl. Th physcsts nvolvd w nv n a poston to patnt pat nt th tchnolos thy wantd to clam as podcts o th th  lds, bt thy nonthlss soht to stablsh som mas o ownshp ov thm and to tanslat that ownshp nto matal sppot o th sach. Th dncs n how thy st abot that task a valn o th dstnct vws o th ppos and dntty o physcs thy boht to th SSC dbats. Th poltcal nvonmnt sondn th SSC ncoad podctvty clams. Unlk al hh ny physcs aclts, th SSC dmandd a ston amnt that t wold contbt dctly to natonal conomc compttvnss. SSC sppots advancd podctvty clams thoh spn-o htoc, amn to attbt tchncal accomplshmnts n aas as dvs as mdcn, comptn, constcton, and manactn manact n to hh ny n y physcs on th jont bass o ts ndamntal nat nat  and th dmands o acclato constcton. Whas n th 1960s and 1970s, hh ny physcsts had bn assvly dsmssv o connctons btwn th wok and tchnolocal dvlopmnt, post–Cold Wa ccmstancs ccmstanc s av podctvty clams nw tlty. Condnsd matt physcsts had a lon hstoy o makn podctvty clams—thy ssd th Natonal Rsach Concl pots that tacd th ld’s dvlopmnt—bt that dd not dcas th ncy n th aly 1990s. It was a pod o act malas o th ld, vn as t mand wll poplatd and ch wth xctn nw sach topcs. Th collaps o Bll was mblmatc o a la daton o ndstal sach, waknn th mploymnt makt. Fom Bll Labs physcst John M. Rowll attbtd th dcas n ndstal ntst n sach to a dcas n dmand o th knowld that condnsd matt physcsts podcd. Whas ndstal concns thoh md-cnty had thvd on obst sach opatons, lat-cnty copoatons sccdd thoh commcalzn xstn knowld—vy IBM had ts MCI. Th atttd pvaln n ndsty was that “sach s ssntal, bt yo’d b smat to lt somon ls do t.” 70  Condnsd matt physcsts tho had ason to woy whth th podctvty clams w potnt noh, and comptn clams that hh ny physcsts advancd on what thy pcvd as som o th podst tchnolocal accomplshmnts addd nslt to njy njy.. Th opposton tho tatd th sam tchnolocal otcoms that hh ny physcsts clamd. I t was possbl to show that oth aas w qally o mo podctv than hh ny physcs, th SSC wold




bn to sm lk a poo nvstmnt. Ths amnt alon wold hav povdd a powl cas aanst th SSC n th poltcal clmat o th lat 1980s and aly 1990s, and o anyon ntnt on smply snkn th pojct, t wold hav bn asy to stop th. Bt condnsd matt physcsts w not bnt on dstcton. Th pmay objctv was to pomot a ndl clmat o th own sach. Fo Fo hh ny  ny physcsts, podctvty clams w a way o makn a ld that lslatos w nclnd to nd mot sm mo lvant. Bt condnsd matt physcsts acd th somwhat dnt challn o nocn th xstn,  poblmatc clams to tchncal lvanc wthot bndn thmslvs too thtly to tchnoloy and ndcttn th clam to sppot o xploatoy sach. Ths qd shown that th ntllctal standn was on a pa wth hh ny n y physcs, whch thy amd to do by sbvtn dctonsm. Th jstcatons that condnsd matt physcsts had dvlopd o th ld thoh th md-1980s, whch sstd that basc sach cold b xpctd to yld tl slts and pontd to th tack cod o sold stat physcs don jst that,mascnc w nadqat to addss th nq challno challn  that lat twntth-cnty posd. Thy av no danc dstnshn th potntally applcabl om th tnally absts. Rowall ad th that condnsd matt physcsts had to “ac th possblty that th chans n ndstal sach labs ov th past 20 yas consttt an xpsson o dssatsacton wth o contbtons ov that tm. tm.””71 Makn th cas aanst th SSC and n avo o at sppot o basc condnsd matt sach qd movn byond both th nct mntsm Andson had pddld n “Mo Is Dnt” and th nal amnts o th cndty o basc sach that makd th aly htoc o condnsd matt physcs. Fndn both o ths jstcatons nadqat o th pposs at hand, condnsd matt physcsts sstd mo pontdly that som aas o ndamntal nqy w, n act, nhntly clos to sl applcatons than oths. Th poston was a acton both to th al o mntsm to mak a cas o th ld’s conomc lvanc, and th al o smpl basc sach htoc th to xplan why condnsd matt physcs was a btt nvstmnt than hh ny physcs o to advanc ts aspatons to ntllctal pst. Amnts o th mpotanc o basc sach hstocally std on th pms that t s mpossbl to know n advanc whch basc sach wold tn ot to b sl  sl and whch wold not. In th lat 1980s and aly 1990s, condnsd matt physcsts jctd that pms xplctly. Th ssnc o




th sltn poston can b smmazd by som o th shap ctcsms Andson lvld at th SSC. H lt hs staton show n asstn, “Scnc can  b ndamntal wthot bn lvant.”72  At anoth pont h wold contnd: “Th basc scnc o today—xcpt o patcl physcs and mch o spac scnc—s sc nc—s th tchnoloy o tomoow tomoow..”73 Basc sach, that s, dos not always d th wllspn o tchnoloy t chnoloy.. Its tlnss dpnds on ts poxmty to th domans o knowld that most otn mak thmslvs sl o tchncal applcatons. A poston o ths sot was ncssay to dstnsh a ld namla o most lslatos om on that was mch mo vsbl. Rnn th podctvty clams n th contxt o th SSC dbats pomptd condnsd matt physcsts to bld a mo xplct and postv conncton btwn th sns o th wok’s ntllctal mpotanc and th convctons abot ts tchnolocal tlnss. A ocs on what mht appa to b mndan sbstancs and sbjcts had not hstocally bn an asst o sold stat physcs. Whas hh ny physcs and cosmoloy bntd om ont  ont htoc, sold stat physcsts 74 t mo dclt to clam wokd at th scal o th vyday, vyday , makn cla m that thy w pshn nto nxplod ttoy.  An o th nhntly at poxmty o basc condnsd matt physcs to pactcal otcoms hlpd sht ths dynamcs n condnsd matt physcsts’ avo. Th objctons to th SSC std, n ln wth th th dmnsons xplod abov, on nsstn that hh ny physcs was mot, ndstnctv, and xtotonat. Andson tstd, “I thnk o Japans compttos hav shown, and I sncly blv, (and, n my own ca, hav shown by xampl) that th ac s mch mo otn won by ‘don what coms natally na tally,,’ and lookn aond at mndan sbjcts lk lass o condctn oxds. Dolla o dolla, w n condnsd matt physcs hav spn o a lot mo bllons than thy hav, and w can honstly poms to t o contn to do so.”75 Th physcs o th mndan, n oth wods,  lt to ts own dvcs, was both ntllctally nt llctally valabl and pdsposd to lad n sl dctons, and thos bnts cold b had at a acton o th astonomcal cost o th SSC. Ths ln o amnt was a synthss o a hal cnty o thnkn abot sold stat and condnsd matt physcs that boht toth th vaos and somtms dvnt stands o th ld. Ealy amnts on bhal o sold stat physcs had potzd bnn ndstal sachs n om th cold. In th 1970s and 1980s, ndstal sach bcam mch btt ntatd nto th nastct na stct o Amcan physcs and, by th tm o th SSC dbats, condnsd matt physcsts shtd to advancn th ld’s plac




wthn th ntllctal hachy o Amcan scnc. Th cas psntd n opposton to th SSC was a way to lnk ths stands and psnt an ma o condnsd matt physcs as a ld that cold both l th Amcan conomy and advanc th ntllctal ambtons o Amcan physcs. By takn th npcdntd stp o pblcly and vocosly opposn th collas’ ashp pojct, thos n condnsd matt physcs w adtonn th own vw o th ld as th domnant mod o ntacton btwn physcs and Amcan socty. Th SSC’s dms, n th ac o aantan cost ovns and manamnt dclts, mht sm to dpnd lttl on sch opposton, whch mht hav don lttl mo than povd a small mas o poltcal cov o skptcal lslatos. Bt t dd psnt th sccss that sold stat and condnsd matt physcsts had attand ov a hal cnty o catn a possonal dntty that spok to th ondn msson o th Amcan Physcal Socty whl smltanosly mbacn tchnolocal lvanc. EPILOGUE: SOLID ST STA ATE AND THE NEW BIG SCIENCE

In 1967, th mnnt las physcst Ath Schawlow wot to Flx Bloch, “It may b that th thoy o sold and lqd stats s now so complcatd that on has to allow tm o a man to ach a boad pspctv.” 76 H d to th tann qd bo pomsn thosts o th day cold b xpctd to mak ondbakn contbtons, bt th sam obsvaton mht b appld to th hstoy o sold stat and condnsd matt physcs. Gown hstocal pspctv otn pompts a sach o contnts acoss what w pvosly ndstood as adcal shts. Hstoans hav vstd th damatc chans that occd n th scntc volton to show how th spposdly nw way o lookn at th wold that appad n th Enlhtnmnt dw lbally om mdval thoht and pactc. Thy hav xamnd th qantm and latvty voltons to mphasz th dbt to nntnth-cnty physcs. Thy hav soht ot th oots o b scnc— otn consdd th podct o an abpt conaton o th pactc o scnc dn th Scond Wold Wa—n th 1920s and 1930s, and somtms al a l..77 Thy wll no dobt look n anst o th bds o stablty that spannd th tblnt nd to th Cold Wa. Whn thy do, condnsd matt physcs s ctan to b amon thm. Th dath o th SSC psnts a damatc and powl p owl dscontnty. dscontnty. “It symbolzd th nd o an a o physcs n th Untd Stats,” accodn to Danl Kvls’s assssmnt, pblshd two yas at th Hos o Rp-




sntatvs yankd th pojct’s ndn.78 Th SSC’s dms makd th nd o th US ovnmnt’s pvosly onclad commtmnt to la-scal physcs blt on th dctonst poam. It mo boadly snald th momnt whn physcs was nsatd, ns atd, n avo o boloy, boloy, as th maq Amcan scnc. Kvls sstd that th SSC’s dms n 1993 clmnatd a pocss bn n th 1970s that odd th sky-hh athoty and nq pvl physcs had njoyd n Amcan socty and poltcs dn th aly Cold Wa, and mad t jst as sponsv to th pvaln poltcal wnds as any oth ntst op. How dos th stoy o sold stat physcs am that pct? Fst, as th stls o sold stat physcs show, th btt pat o Amcan physcs had bn btd on th poltcal wnds that snk th SSC o mch lon, so th physcs commnty, ndstood mo boadly, alady contand sbstantal xpts navatn thm. Scond, mxn sold stat back nto th stoy mans that w do not nd to ndstand th SSC n smpl dclnsonst tms. Th opposton to th SSC om wthn physcs hhlhts how th SSC’s absnc chand th sach landscap n wayssthat catd nw possblts o Amcan physcs. Ths standpont allows ocs on a lon-tm tanston thoh th 1980s and 1990s, whch shtd majo US aclts away om hh-ny acclatos and towad mlts aclts hostd both at nvsts, sch as Conll, and at natonal laboatos, sch as th Natonal Synchoton Lht Soc at Bookhavn, th Advancd Photon Soc at Aonn, and th Hh Flx Isotop Racto at Oak Rd. 79 Ths aclts o th “nw b scnc,” as Robt P. Cas and Cathn Wstall call t, a adaptabl to mltpl sach poams, ndly to otsd s ops, ncldn thos om ndsty, and, nlk oont hh ny aclts, a ocd to compt o thos ss wth smla nstallatons aond th wold.80 Thy w dsnd wth lds lk sold stat physcs and matals scnc n mnd, and soon ond a consttncs n stctal boloy and bomdcn, phamactcal sach, and vn at hstoy and achaoloy. Th machns o th nw b scnc hav mch n common wth th Natonal Mant Laboatoy, whch smlaly was ootd n sold stat physcs and was tho dsnd wthot nc to a naow thotcal poam, makn t lvant to an assotmnt o xtnal s ops. Sn aanst ths backdop, th al o th SSC appas mch lss dscontnos. Sold stat had bn plln Amcan physcs th towad tchnolocal slnss, ndstal collaboaton, and xtadscplnay l-




vanc o dcads. It was a natal nxt stp to bn th landmak, dally ndd physcal sach aclts alon wth t. Th qstons that as whn w ty to ndstand th complx sach coloy that ms wthn a synchoton adaton aclty n th aly twnty-st cnty hav mch n common wth th qstons w hav to conont whn tyn to ndstand th complx constllaton o sach poblms, thotcal appoachs, xpmntal tchnqs, and nstttonal contxts that was sold stat physcs n th md-twntth cnty. cnty. Amcan physcs lvd wth a sct o dcads: almost snc ts omaton, t had bn otnly nathl to ts sposd dals. Bt t was that vy nathlnss that allowd t to hold on to thos dals o so lon. Th stady dmbat o tchncal labo cad ot by sold stat physcsts kpt th pblc and polcymaks comotabl that, whatv th htoc ssn om th psts o th ld, t wold ltmatly podc somthn sl. Th nw b scnc psnts, n som sns, an abandonmnt o Hny Rowland’s p scnc dal. Bt t s also a conton o physcs as a hhly htonos ld, and on solctos o th socty that sppots t.



A plalstc socty aly has consnsal oals xcpt n acton to som xtnal that (.., wa, tad comptton, wann natonal nnc) o som ntnal dan (.., dpsson, nscton, nvonmntal dadaton). Lackn sch challns, ach man tnds to o hs own way. —COSMAT —COS MAT,, 1975 197 5

Hny Rowland, who dd Amcan physcs nto th twntth cnty, wold not hav conzd t at th dawn o th twnty-st. It had own wll ov a thosandold, had sbdvdd n ways h wold hav ond atonal and bza, and had bcom nancally dpndnt on ndstal lass n a way h wold hav ond poondly woyn. 1 Hs nnc nvthlss mand. Th tnson btwn Rowland’s p scnc dal and th pamatsm o th Amcan contxt nv lly solvd, and t povd podctv. podctv. Sold stat physcs was ton btwn bt wn ts ds to phold th p scnc dal and ts ablty to lva ts tchnolocal lvanc thoh th scond hal o th twntth cnty. Stvn o pty mad sold stat lvant to th concptal co o physcs; contnd tchnolocal lvanc nabld th most abstact potons o physcs to thv wthn an nvonmnt that mht othws hav bn hostl to thm. Th back and oth btwn th p scnc dal and th all o tchncal and conomc wads pomptd physcs to boadn ts scop n md-cnty, motvatd nw appoachs to ndamntal knowld, and ltmatly mad th dntty o Amcan physcs. Sold stat physcs was sch an nly allanc that ndstandn t as a whol qs xamnn ts nstttonal manstatons. That standpont




vals a stoy o how t adally omd th nstttons o Amcan physcs to b mo condcv to ts nds. Th Amcan Physcal Socty (APS) dvlopd mo mchansms to accommodat ndstal and appld physcs. Th  Physical Review splt and dvotd on scton to sold stat physcs. La nstallatons lk th Natonal Mant Laboatoy ddcatd mch o th sach to sold stat qstons. Ths nstttonal dvlopmnts w shapd by th ambvalnc o Amcan physcs towad ts p scnc msson n th ac o ts manst tchnolocal lvanc. Thy av th most tchnolocally, conomcally, and mltaly lvant poton o physcs th spac to sccd, and n don so shod p th lvanc o physcs o Amcan socty. socty. Th sold stat nscton, whch moblzd aanst th nstttons and dals that cad on Rowland’s lacy, pocdd on th onts. It was a volt aanst th manalzaton o appld physcs, aanst th tadtonal ndstandn o dscplns, and aanst th xcsss o mascnc. Fo mch o th lat twntth cnty, sold stat and condnsd matt physcsts consdd thmslvs a psctd psct d plalty, plalty , htn th nstttons that dd an d contolld and Amcan physcs, whchtoobn th most pat took ncla and hh ny physcs as th dalt, mo n ln wth th ntsts. Lk most nsncs, th sold stat nscton was wackd by ntnal dsamnt and dvson, bt t also sccdd n shtn th cnt o Amcan physcs, whch, by th lat 1990s and aly 2000s, was mo accptn o appld sach, mo xbl n dnn ts sblds, and lss bholdn to vy la aclts. By way o conclson, I wll vw ths onts on whch th sold stat nscton advancd, ach o whch shows how vwn Amcan physcs om th standpont o sold stat and condnsd matt physcs can pomot a mo complt ndstandn o th hstoy o Amcan physcs as a whol. APPLIED PHYSICS COMES IN FROM THE COLD

In 2014, th Amcan Physcal Socty addd a twlth jonal to th  Physical Review amly. Physical Review Applied  appad  appad wth a mandat to pblsh th “hhst qalty paps at th ntscton o physcs and nnn, wth th oal o bdn th atcal dvd btwn ths lds.”2  As smla chans to th pblshn and possonal landscap noldd om th 1930s thoh 1950s, physcsts consdd a nmb o dvds to b atcal—btwn mtals and solds, solds and oth oms o matt matt , nds-




ty and acadma, vn, at tms, physcs and chmsty. chmsty. Bt th ln btwn physcs and nnn sally mand bht.3 Th oad that mad t possbl o a banch o th Physical Review, th nn sanctm o p scnc n md-cnty,, to dcla physcs and nnn md-cnty nn n o a pc was cctos, bt t ban wth th st stns o th sold stat nscton. Th thad o physcs pblshn that ns thoh ths book llstats th bbs and ows o th stats o appld and ndstal physcs n th Untd Stats, and th mann n whch sold stat physcs nncd thm.  Jonals polatd to sv sv appld physcsts physcsts n th st w dcads o o th twntth cnty. Ths ll nto th catos. Som w lanchd by possonal socts wth a ston appld ocs, sch as th  Journal o the Optical Society o America, th  Journal o the Acoustical Society o America, and th  Journal o Rheology , whch soht to cat nw commnts and oms o appld physcs that th APS was not povdn. Oths ond th stat as pat o ots to stm th nx o sbmssons to th  Physical  Review. Tchnoloy Tchnoloy and nstmnt-ocsd nst mnt-ocsd sach constttd constt td th blk o o Applied Physics Physics and Review th ow tatd o dvson nto th o Scientic Instruments . Follown Follown th Journal omaton o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs (AIP) n th 1930s, jonals sch as th  Journal o Chemical Physics  and th  American Journal o Physics catd otlts o spcalts that w othws ndsvd. Th cmlatv ct was to naow th Physical Review’s ocs, n tandm wth th qantm volton, whch ncoad an ncas n thotcal paps, amn ts stats as a p scnc jonal and snaln th contnn manal stats o appld physcs, n spt o ts owth. Th 1940s boht wdspad hand-wnn abot th soy stat o th acadma-ndsty latonshp. Sold stat physcs stablshd tsl as a dvson o th APS, and as a conzd sbdscpln o physcs, n spons to thos anxts. It was not obvos that th loos constllaton o actvts that bcam sold stat physcs wold b lly o vn mostly classd as physcs. Bt th act that thy w had consqncs o th pblshn habts o sold stat physcsts. Paps n th Physical Review w th con o th alm. Th apd and sbstantal ncas n th poplaton o sold stat physcsts thoh th lat 1940s and aly 1950s contbtd contbt d sncantly to a nw wav o pss on th APS’s ashp jonal, whch ban to s om backlos and bdt dcts. Ths consdatons blossomd nto th pblcaton poblm o th md-




1950s, wth th  Physical Review opatn at a loss and nabl to poms apd pblcaton. Sold stat physcsts sosly consdd odann th  Journal o Chemical Physics th pncpal pblcaton otlt o th ld, o catn a nw jonal o cod o sold stat physcs d novo. Sch poposals w abandond n avo o a solton to bld sold stat nto a manstam physcs sbld, whch aspd to b o scnt ntst to oth physcsts to mt nclson n ts nal-ntst jonal. Sold stat physcs n th 1950s, actos and compatmntalzd by sach topc, nspd som to woy that t mht dt away om th co dntty o physcs to xplo collaboatv oppotnts wth nhbon lds. Th dcson to play th am on th tms st by th APS and th  Physical Review mant that th at o Amcan physcs and th at o sold stat physcs, appld baa and all, bcam lnkd. Sold stat physcs, n shot, was th pncpl vcto that ntodcd appld sach nto th manstam o Amcan physcs. Sold stat wold sccd n ts bd to nstall tsl as a manln phys Physical Review wold amnt n 1970, wth on o th cs osbld. sctonsTh ddcatd to sold stat physcs and latd lds. Th 1970s and 1980s saw th s o condnsd matt physcs, an volton om sold stat physcs that soht a mo consstnt dscplnay dntty and mo tadtonal mphass on p scnc vals. Nvthlss, poxmty poxmty to tchnolocal applcatons mand a pont o pd o what was now by a th last smnt o Amcan physcs. By th tm th Spcondctn Sp Colld (SSC) was cancld n 1993, a sncant poton o th physcs commnty had land lan d to wa th th  appld lvanc comotably comotably.. Th condnsd matt otlook on physcs was not so mch th cla vcto o th SSC dbats as t was th poston that was lt standn. Th hh-powd dctonsm that had nsd p scnc htoc manatn om th patcl physcs commnty sd a sos blow wth th dath o th SSC. Evn bo th pojct’s cancllaton, th lks o Stvn Wnb Wnb and Lon Ldman w movd to dstanc thmslvs om th ampant spn-o clams that dltd th ntllctal and cltal amnts n avo o hh-pc hh ny physcs. SSC spn-o clams, howv, w pal chos o mch ston amnts o tchnolocal lvanc that sold stat and condnsd matt physcsts had bn makn o som tm. Movn nto th twntth cnty, ths assmd a mch la ol n Amcan physcs. Th dclaaton n  Physical Review Applied   that th bas spaatn physcs om nnn w atcal and woth dmolshn




s on lacy o th momntm sold stat physcs adally mpatd to th Amcan physcs commnty, commnty, ndn t away om a p scnc dal and towad accptanc o tchnolocal lvanc. THE CHANGING SHAPE OF PHYSICAL DISCIPLINES

Physcs s what physcsts dcd t s. Amcan physcsts thmslvs, howv, ald to tap nto that ancy o mch o th aly twntth cnty. Th dawnn alzaton n th 1940s that dscplnay bondas cold b ymandd to st mmdat possonal nds av physcsts a powl and xbl tool to oanz a apdly own poplaton and to mana th dvnt and somtms comptn ntsts o th ops that md wthn t. Sold stat physcs was th most mmdat and an d th most sccssl slt o ths alzaton. Oanzn aond somthn oth than a spposdly natal catoy mad t oté n th 1940s and 1950s, bt ts sccss psad th dlbat ots to statcally nn and somtms ndmn dscplnay stct lat n th twntth cnty. Foman hastodntd Foman n th lat, concdn twntth cnty cnt an acltal o tanston omPal dscplnaty antdscplnaty, antdscplnaty wthy a la la sht om modnsm to postmodnsm. Th noton o dscplns as dstnct and omalzd bods o possonal knowld and pactc, p actc, Foman Foman as, s o spsnly cnt hstocal vnta, a podct o a md-cnty modnst mphass on possonal dscpln (n th sns o land sl-contol) and xpts. Th 1960s and 1970s, thoh, saw th bnnns o an antdscplnay acton, whch dspaad dscplns as Pocstan mpdmnts to both pstmc and socal poss.4 Th s o sold stat physcs concds wth th a  a n whch Foman locats ths tanston, and psnts a tlln llstaton o how physcsts w notatn th concpt o dscplnaty both n ts hyday and thoh ts dcln. It s an amsn ony that on o sold stat’s ky contbtons to th oanzaton o Amcan scnc—ts sl-conscosly convntonal ot bonday—was th vy chaactstc that mad t dosyncatc whn t omd. It s also ttn that th ld ddcatd to stdyn complx physcal systms was tsl sch a complx dscplnay assmbly. Sold stat pond a nw mod o dscplnay oanzaton, on that an cont to th pvaln md-cnty md-cnt y wsdom. Contmpoay sstanc asd, t wold soon nsp mtatos. Matals scnc, a podct o aly 1960s ots to combn basc scntc sach n th physcal scncs wth nnn ots tatd at statc matals, was lkws a dscpln dscpln  by convnton,




assmbld n la pat to captalz on th statd pncs o powl nds. A smla pattn wold nold lat n th cnty wth th advnt o nanoscnc and nanotchnoloy, whch w not om a st o poblms o pactcs, bt om an oppotnstc acton to dal dvlopmnt pots and accompanyn ndn oppotnts.5 Sold stat, as an antcdnt to ths and oth dvlopmnts, tho povds a powl bass om whch to ndstand dscplns and th nnc ov scntc dscos dn th twntth cnty, whn th apdly own poplaton o scntsts avod nw mods o oanzaton. Fthmo, th sold stat xampl clas th mpotanc o dscplnay dntty o mdatn scntc athoty, ovnn pst dspts, and dn soc allocaton. Th lack o a clan sach- o concpts-basd answ to th qston “what s t that sold stat physcsts dd?” ocss attnton on th sns o possonal soldaty that nd th ld o dcads. Thoh th scond hal ha l o th twntth t wntth cnty, cnty, physcs as a whol cam to a constllaton o loosly ntsts lk sold stat physcssmbl mch mo than t smbld th latd concptally cohnt dscpln that physcsts lk John Van Van Vlck had soht so ht to psv n th ac o 1940s dvsonalzaton. Naatvs dvn by th polaton o qantm mchancs and ots to hastn thotcal ncaton otn obsc ths vdnt stat o aas. Bt th volton o th possonal nastct o Amcan physcs—a stoy to whch sold stat was cntal—was a posson away om th aly twntth-cnty Rowlandan vson o a commnty nd by ll-thoatd advocacy o p sach. Th APS spotd dvsons bnnn n th aly 1940s, ntatn a pocss o spcalzaton and compatmntalzaton that contnd o th st o th cnty.6  Physics Physics Today  lanchd n 1948, boastn o ts altaan dtoal polcy. polcy. Fom th 1960s on, own own nmbs o physcsts patcpatd patcpa td n nw ntdscplnay lds sch as matals scnc. All ths actos ndcat that physcs stadly bcam a b tnt wth thnn walls thoh th scond hal o th twntth cnty. Undstandn how and why sold stat omd tho os a cas stdy, on a small scal, o how Amcan physcs volvd. Th nat o physcs chand as mmbshp n th dscplnay commnty bcam lss a matt o wokn on a small st o commnally sanctond poblms and mo abot tann and sl-dntcaton. As wth th condnsd matt movmnt wth spct to sold stat, th was som pshback aanst ths




dvlopmnt wthn physcs. Th psh o and ncaton and th ston dctonst mpls that dov hh ny physcs om th 1960s thoh th 1990s, howv, appas n a dnt lht  consdd as a contpont to a dvsyn ld than t dos whn psntd as th cntal naatv o Amcan physcs. Sold stat can ncoa a mo complt hstocal ndstandn o Amcan physcs n th lat twntth cnty by tsl bn a mcocosm o how th la commnty was stctd. MEGASCIENCE UNDERMINED

I th ntsts o appld scnc povdd th mpts o th sold stat nscton, and th mann o physcal dscplns was ts consqnc, thn ssntmnt boht abot by th xcsss o b scnc was ts l. Pst looms last to thos who l thy lack th a sha. Sold stat physcsts spnt mch o th Cold Wa watchn th oppost nmbs n ncla and patcl physcs ap th socal, poltcal, and pcnay bnts o physcs’ nwond cltal vsblty. Mch o that vsblty cam n th om o hstocally nstallatons. As patcl physcsts pobd small and small lmntsla o th atom, th machns thy sd to do t w, and th sold stat commnty’s stats conscosnss hhtnd n dct popoton. Many a sold stat physcst spotd a chp on th shold shold,, and that pnacos stak avod th ld’s possonal stoy om th 1960s on. 7 Th nstallatons o b scnc w monmntal. Thy w, o cos, physcally la. Bt an nomos patcl acclato cold also ncton, n th wods Danl Klppn, “as a monmnt to o Natonal aspatons.” 8  Klppn, an atomc physcst, sppotd th SSC, althoh h chod sold stat physcsts’ admontons that t shold not b sppotd at th xpns o oth aas o scnc. By dntyn th monmntal ncton th SSC and oth la acclatos svd, Klppn nvthlss atclatd on o th pncpl statons sold stat and condnsd matt physcsts had wth b scnc. Monmnts, n th popla manaton, clbat patcla pats o an vnt o ntps at th xpns o oths. Undstandn hh ny patcl acclatos as monmnts to natonal scntc accomplshmnt mpld a patcla slant on what typs o scntc accomplshmnts w mpotant to th naton. Sold stat physcs lackd a monmnt on whch t cold pn ts aspatons. A ld dspsd amon laboatos acoss acadmc, ndstal, and ovnmntal nstttons, sppotn an abndanc o sach poams, sold stat dd not lnd tsl to physcs by monolthc machn. Many n th




ld spondd by blln aanst monmntalsm tsl, sstn that la, s ns aclts w a poo nvstmnt and daman to th halth o th st o scnc—th atttd that amd th scntc cas aanst th SSC. It wold b a sttch to call th dath o th SSC a vctoy o small scnc. It dd not yld ncasd ntst n ndn xploatoy sach on th lab-bnch scal o dc dmands o wll-atclatd tchncal o commcal otcoms that cam wth mch small-scnc ndn. It dd, howv,, snal th closn o an a n Amcan scnc n whch th dchowv tonst vw o physcs champond by th hh ny commnty wold xt otszd nnc on natonal-scal scnc polcy. polcy. Opposton to th ndn stct mpld by b scnc was ntmatly lnkd to opposton to th dctonst phlosophy. Althoh hh ny physcsts otn psntd dctonsm as th pncpl that had poplld physcs o mllnna, datn to ancnt Gk atomsm, th avo o dctonsm that dd hh ny sach n th latt hal o th twntth cnty s mo poply ndstood as a nw ntllctal amwok, dvlopd om andTh o th sach poam thatbyld to thAndson standadand modl o patcl physcs. mntsm dvlopd Phlp oth condnsd matt physcsts, whch mantand th concptal ndpndnc o concpts con cpts at hh scals o complxty, complxty, was lkws dawn om th phnomna o condnsd matt physcs. Bt n addton to codyn concptal dncs btwn th hh- and low-ny domans, phlosophcal dsamnts abot dcton and mnc had wd-ann consqncs o th sl-ma o physcs and ts oanzaton. Thy contstd whth th had co o ndamntal physcs shold man an xclsv clb o wdn nto a b tnt. Rdctonsm was a na ncssty to ndwt th clams that la xpnsv aclts w ncssay to psh owad th bondas o ndamntal knowld. I, howv, ndamntal nsht cold b and at any scal o oanzaton, thn th natonal commtmnt to scnc as clt cold asonably b spad mo wdly. Fo ths ason, phlosophcal amnts abot th pstmc chaactstcs o ndamntal knowld omd an ntal componnt o condnsd matt physcsts’ cas aanst th SSC. Condnsd matt physcsts not only oht aanst mascnc bcas t sqstd socs o basc sach n a w la l a aclts bt also bcas thy smatd at th ntllctal avac o th dctonst mov to monopolz ndamntal knowld. Amcan physcs wold not com




to mbac appld lvanc as pat o ts dntty wthot thos aas that boastd ths lvanc st dmonstatn that thy cold contbt to th ntllctal co o physcs. Th stls o sold stat physcsts to cav ot spac o th sach and pblcz th accomplshmnts whl labon n th shadow o b physcs also has lssons o how to tll th hstoy o twntth-cnty scnc. Th monmnts t ctd stand ot n o vsta o th past, bt th most mposn ats o th skyln a otn only dmly psntatv o th sondn tan wh most popl spnd most o th tm. Sold stat physcsts, scattd thohot th oothlls o montanos b scnc nstallatons, accontd o a mch la popoton o scntc otpt n th lat twntth cnty. Th sntmnt o b scnc was not smply a matt o tnn p th noss at hh-hann t, bt o advocacy o a systm o sppot and accontablty that btt ctd th dmoaphcs o Amcan physcs. MAKING AMERICAN PHYSICS MATTER

Th stoy o th sold stat nscton nvts vstn standad naatvs o Amcan physcs n th twntth cnty, many o whch hav bn shapd by th Inward Bound  naatv,  naatv, atclatd n Abaham Pas’s book o that ttl. Pas psnts th twntth cnty as a s a voya nto th atom, whch ncovd th dpst and most ndamntal scts o nat amon th most basc consttton o matt and voltonzd o ndstandn o th nvs.9 Raly s th ocs on patcl physcs as th bass o th st o th dscpln so stctv and xplct as n  Inward Bound  Bou nd , yt patcl physcs has stood n o physcs n nal n many o th most nntal hstooaphcal movmnts o cnt yas. Hstoans o physcs thnk abot th latonshp btwn thoy and xpmnt and th nat o physcal knowld thoh th lns o bbbl chambs, wak ntal cnts, and qaks, appoach pdaoy thoh Fynman daams, and ndstand laboatoy clt thoh th stos o th Stanod Lna Acclato, Lawnc Bkly Laboatoy, and Fmlab.10 Th cmlatv slt s that th dctonst naatv that patcl physcs thmslvs avod has bcom th backbon o th hstooaphy o twntth-cnty physcs. Bt om anoth pspctv, th advancs n ncla and sbncla physcs at abot 1930 mht sm povncal and ncmntal. By 1930, wth th dscovy o th nton, physcsts had a cla da o th lmnts




o ncla stct. st ct. Ncla physcs, wthot a dobt, povd povd ts mpotanc n damatc ashon dn th Scond Wold Wa. Bt both th Manhattan Pojct and sbsqnt bomb and acto wok w pncpally nnn ntpss. So a as th basc physcs o ncla matt s concnd, th st o th cnty sccdd only n shn ot th pct that was laly n plac by 1930 and pshn t back on lvl to dvlop a sns o sbnclonc stct—an achvmnt to b s, bt a paochal on, vn that th phnomna n qston can only b catd and obsvd n hhly spcalzd laboatos. Fom ths pspctv, th al acton o twntth-cnty physcs noldd lswh. Anyon walkn alon a black-sand bach n Hawa, o Nw Zaland, o Hon Kon can obsv, wthot nstmntaton, th popty o omantsm n th mantt dposts that v ths bachs th dstnctv colo. Yt that phnomnon and many oth asly a sly obsvd popts o matt mand mystos bo th advnt o thotcal and xpmntal tchnqs dvlopd wthn sold stat sta t physcs. Fom Fom ths pspctv, th most ont oont. th twntth was not th o hhny ont, btactv th complxty It wascnty th dmystcaton th popts o complx matt and th applcatons o thos popts, whch mad o tchnolocal wold, om hom comptn, sto qpmnt, and cookwa to commncaton, tanspotaton, mdcn, and waa. Ths s a tndntos amn, bt t svs a ppos: t xposs th hstooaphcal contnncy o th dspopotonat ocs on ncla physcs, hh ny physcs, and cosmoloy, alonsd th hstocal contnncy o th domnanc thos lds assmd ov pblc dscos abot physcs n th scond hal o th twntth cnty. Two contactal scnaos hlp to pob that contnncy th, ach o whch os hstc tlty by thown nto l th ol sold stat physcs playd, dspt lackn th pblc acclam o ts sbln sblds, n scn th pomnnc o Amcan physcs.11 Fst, vn th hh d o nstttonal volatlty n th aly post– Scond Wold Wa a, t s asy to man a contactal scnao n whch sold stat physcsts mat away om physcs and nto chmsty, mtally, and nnn, mch as lctcal nnn had som dcads al. It was a contnncy abot whch th ld’s onds actvly wod, and th Amcan Physcal Socty concl was dmonstably sqamsh abot clan th typ o nstttonal spac that wold v th socty a mo ndstal avo. Wthot sold stat, whch accontd o a




la popoton o th postwa poplaton boom, physcs wold hav stayd small and own mo slowly.12 Th pblshn css o th 1950s wold hav bn manad by dctn sold stat wok nto th jonals o oth lds. Most mpotant, th tchncal accomplshmnts o sold stat physcs wold hav accd to th bnt o thos oth lds. In that scnao, t s dclt to man how Amcan physcs wold hav mantand th poltcal wll ncssay to contn th mascnc pojcts that bcam ts most conzabl and bst-pblczd accomplshmnts. Physcs wold no dobt hav njoyd a pod o vsblty and nnc on th coattals o ncla wapons, bt th hal-l o that nnc wold lkly hav bn mch shot. Physcs was ondd, podly, on th ns o Amcan vals, and n dct opposton to som o thm. Sold stat was nstmntal n challnn that t hat paochalsm and makn Amcan physcs mo sponsv to th nds o socty n whch t was mbddd. In contast, many patcl physcsts, dply dsllsond wth wapons sach, shapnd th noton o scntc pty to an vn n pont. Sch an wold bn dclt to sstan wthot a banch olvanc physcs thatatttd ddcatd tslhav to xplon th aas that w o mmdat n th Cold Wa and sppotd th pcpton that physcs was contnally, not mly occasonally, sl. W can man a scond scon d contactal scnao sc nao n whch th Manhattan Pojct nv acqd th scal o socs t ndd to constct a wokn bomb bo th nd o th wa n th Pacc. Phaps Lo Szlad ald to nd Albt Enstn, who nv cosnd hs atl ltt to Fankln Roosvlt dmandn a US spons to th Gman ncla poam. Phaps Goy Bt mand, nhapply, th Coodnato o Rapd Rpt and was not abl to nstll th amos spt that tha t makd J. Robt Oppnhm’s dctoshp o th t h Los Alamos laboatoy laboatoy.. Sppos, o whatv ason, th Scond Wold Wa nds wthot a damatc, pblc dmonstaton o th pow o th ncls. It s had to man that ncla wapons sach wold not hav contnd, bt t wold hav don so n sct, nd th danc o a vy dnt postwa od. Ncla physcsts wold not hav bn catapltd to clbty n qt th sam way and hh ny physcs wold ths not hav bntd om th pblc pomnnc that th psycholocal pow o ncla wapons boht to mcophyscs. In ths scond scnao, sold stat physcsts wold hav bn wll postond to bcom mch mo poltcally nntal n th aly Cold Wa, n patcla on th stnth o ada sach, whch, n th absnc o th




bomb, wold lkly hav domnatd naatvs abot physcsts’ contbtons to th wa ot. Ncla physcsts, shackld both by sccy ms and dobts abot th sccss and cost ctvnss o th poposal o a sp wapon, wold hav acd at dclty ann poltcal and cltal tacton. It wold b asonabl to xpct a mch mo apd mbac o appld lvanc om Amcan physcsts—not an nscton bt a cop, mch lk th on that catapltd molcla boloy to th oont o boloy aond th sam tm. Hstoans wold look back on Rowland’s dals as qxotc, mavl that physcsts w abl to sstan thm vn nto md-cnty, and nd th oots o th dms n th ntwa stctn o th jonal and socty nastct. Th ppos o a contactal shold always b to v s a sh pspctv on th actal. Ths scnaos, whch pob nttons abot what actos shapd postwa physcs, show s that th hstoy o twntth-cnty Amcan physcs dos not t toth wthot th stoy o sold stat physcs contbtn answs to som o th most complln qstons q stons abot t. How and dddd physcs antosch mantan t odd so lon?why What t man b apomnnc physcst nsothqckly Untdand Stats and how that dntty chan ov tm? How do physcsts notat what t mans o knowld to b ndamntal? Ths a qstons that t to th co o why th hstoy o physcs matts, and th answs to thm look qt dnt, as I hav ad h, whn takn th xpncs o sold stat physcsts nto accont. Th contactal xcs abov also maks cla that th pcs ta jctoy that th twntth cnty dd tak tak conspd to mask th sncanc o sold stat physcs wthn t. Hh ny physcs, n spt o ts scon o th typs o shot-tm tchnolocal nds that th scty stat otn dmandd, was wll adaptd to th cltal momnt o th Cold Wa. Th  Jams Bond lms povd an analoy that maks ths compatblty cla. cla. Th Bond ss s amon th lonst nnn n cnma, and ts ttla chaact on o th most conzabl ctonal s n Wstn popla clt. Bt whn Danl Ca took ov as th anchs’s ladn man, th amla chaact took an namla tn. No lon dd th dbona spy’s copos consmpton o vodka matns mly mak hs am t as h battld otszd spvllans and th Rb Goldb–sq plans o wold domnaton. Instad, Bond was psntd as a ayn alcoholc, bckln nd th motonal toll o hs job as hs dmons thatnd to ndmn hs ht aanst nms catd by hs own conty’s malasanc. Unlk th Cold




Wa Bond mad amos by San Conny—th podct o a wold pantd n black and wht—Ca’s dpcton bts a wold that stls st ls to com to tms wth statlss nms, ndscmnat lctonc svllanc, and th moalty o don stks. St aanst th Manchasm o th Cold Wa, Conny’s Bond mad sns. Ca, n tn, plays a mssy Bond o a mssy wold. Bt th dyads o captalsm and commnsm, East and Wst, ood and vl, that playd so stonly on Cold Wa psycholoy vnc th maskn, not th absnc, o ndlyn complxts.13 In physcs, as n th opoltcs o th Cold Wa, th mssnss was th all alon, bt w hav bn at tms dolocally ndsposd to notc t. Th pct o physcs as dvdd btwn dctonst, ndamntal sach on on hand han d and dvatv, appld physcs on th oth was powl to physcsts—spcally dn th Cold Wa, whn t t th spt o th tms—and t has mpntd th hstoy o physcs as wll. Tlln th stoy o Cold Wa Wa physcs qs q s pln back ths sdctv vn and conontn th mssnss o Schmutzphysik. It was not a consnss dolocal vson, th dmands o adolocal Cold Wadvsty contxt, that mad physcs schcompatbl a sccsslwth scnc; t was th that allowd t to adapt to th many nchs that a complx contxt od.



INTRODUCTION. What Is Solid State Physics and Why Does It Matter?

 Epigraph: Goy H. Wann, qotd n an nttld docmnt, 1943, CRS, old 3. 1.  Establishing Priorities in Science Funding: Hearing Beore the Task For Force ce on De ense, Foreign Foreign Policy and Space o the t he Committee on the Budget, House o Representatives, 

102nd Con. 67 (Jly ( Jly 11 and 18, 1991) (statmnt o Phlp W. W. Andson, Ph.D., Josph Hny Posso, Pncton Unvsty). Th tms “patcl physcs” and “hh ny physcs” w w sd ntchanably aond ths tm, and a sd that way n ths book. 2. Th latonshp btwn ths two nams, whch s not npoblmatc, s dscssd n chapt 8. 3. Stds o dscpln omaton hav ocsd pncpally on how commnts coalsc aond sach poblms and tchnqs, o on how pacttons bcom “dscplnd” thoh pdaocal poams and possonalzaton pocds, both omal and nomal. Rpsntatv xampls ncld: Jackson, “Chmsty as th Dnn Scnc,” whch shows how th owth o ston laboatos catd th condtons n whch consnss pactcs cold m, adn th stablshmnt o chmsty as a dscpln n nntnth-cnty Gmany; Lon, “Wllam McEloy, McEloy,” whch xamns how th st o nw poblms posd by molcla ntcs contbtd to th mnc o bochmsty; and Lno and Lécy L écy,, “Instmnt Maks,” Maks,” whch mphaszs how th dstnctv st o pactcs that spn p aond nstmnts and nstmnt makn hlp assmbl dscplnay commnts. Oths hav challnd th nvsalty o ths appoach, spcally n th alm o mo cnt scnc, whn commnts bcam la, mo complx, and mo poltcally p oltcally nad. S, o xampl, Good, “Assmbly “Assmbly o Gophyscs.” I ollow Good n ndstandn dscplns as xbl tools that can b sd to solv possonal and nstttonal poblms as wll as concptal ons. 4. Hoddson t al., Out o the Crystal Maze, v. 5. Ths, o nstanc, w th pmay catos dntd by th Wa Polcy Commtt o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs n th aly 1940s. Klopst, “Wok “Wok o th Wa Polcy Commtt.” 6. Althoh otn patd, th ons o ths appantly vbal mak a ncla. It had ntd patcl physcs lo by 1966 at th latst, whn May Gll-Mann patd t at th 13th Intnatonal Connc on Hh-Eny Physcs. Gll-Mann, “Cnt Topcs n Patcl Physcs.” 7. Danls and K, “Byond th Rach.” I thank John K o shan a ppnt o ths pap wth m. 8. In a smla mann, w s th hstoy o scnc dntly  w stat om th pspctv o appld scnc. Johnson, “What I W Wot?”; Mody, “Towad a Hstoy o Scnc.”




9. Th most comphnsv accont o th SSC’s s and all  all s Rodan, Hoddson, and Kolb, Tunnel Visions. 10. S Kas, “Atomc Sct,” o an accont o how th Manhattan Pojct dvlopd ts popla ptaton as a tmph o thotcal physcs, ath than o mtally, mtally, chmsty, and nnn. 11. On th postwa pst o physcsts, s Kvls,  Physicists,  and Bown, Dsdn, and Hoddson, “Pons to Qaks.” Robt W. Sdl has statd th ons o th own pst o Amcan physcs slhtly bo th wa n th sccss o th Lawnc Bkly Laboatoy. Sdl, “Ons o th Lawnc Bkly Laboatoy.” On th ncasd nnc o physcs on polcymakn, s, n addton to Kvls,  Physicists, Klnman,  Politics on the Endless Frontier  Frontier . 12. S Kvls, “B Scnc.” 13. Mssn, “Why Enstn Bcam Famos.” 14. Dp, Science in the Federal Government , s th on o a boad hstooaphcal consnss. Stds bldn on Dp’s wok hav xplod th dtals o th mchansms that nactd th dal ovnmnt’s nwly obst commtmnt to ndn scntc sach. S: Enland, E nland, Patr  Patron on or Pure Science; Thboda, “Scnc n th Fdal Govnmnt”; Klnman,  Politics on the Endless Frontier ; Edton, “Tm, Mony, and Hstoy.” 15. Wstwck,  National Labs; Cas,  Making Physics; Sdl, “Natonal Laboatos” and “Hom o B Scnc.” Scnc.” 16. Hcht, Hch t, “Atomc “Atomc Ho.” 17. Dol, “Scntsts as Polcymaks”; Wat, Scientists in Po Power  wer ; Fnkbn, Jasons. 18. Hoddson, Kolb, and Wstall, Fermilab. 19. Wol, Competing with the Soviets, 43. 20. Stvns, “Fndamntal Physcs.” 21. Bd, B d, Scientists at War , 270. 22. Rowland, “Hhst Am,” 828. 23. Joas, “Campos q ntam.” 24. I laly avod nan wth th many ntstn sss n th concptal hstoy o sold stat and condnsd matt physcs, whch do not psnt a cohsv stoy o th ld and hav bn consdd pcmal by oths. Fo an ovvw o ths woks, s th scton “Concptal Dvlopmnt o Rsach Poams,” n Matn, “Rsoc Ltt,” 91–93. 25. Th a that patcl acclatos mht cat mnscl black hols that wold ow and nl th plant was th soc o potsts dctd at both th La Hadon Colld n Gnva and th Rlatvstc Havy Ion Colld on Lon Island. Fo an dyn hstoy o ths as, as , and a dscsson o th lal sss sondn njnctons ld on th bass o o  thm, s Johnson, “Black Hol Cas.” Cas.” CHAPTER 1. THE PURE SCIENCE IDEAL AND ITS MALCONTENTS

 Epigraph: Rowland, “Hhst Am,” 825. 1. Tocqv Tocqvll, ll, Democracy in America, 2:48. 2. S Wawck awck,, Masters o Theory.

3. On physcs n Pssan sconday dcaton, s Olsko, “Physcs Instcton” and  Physics as a Calling . On th Physkalsch-Tchnsch Rchsanstalt, s Cahan, Institute  or an Empire. 4. Fo an ovvw o both th connctons btwn scnc and ndsty n nn-




tnth-cnty Eop, and th ltat dscssn t, s Hnt,  Pursuing Po Power wer and  Light . 5. Th conncton btwn scnc (ncldn physcs) and tchnoloy n aly twntth-cnty Amca has bn wll docmntd, notably n Nobl,  American by  Design. 6. Ths analyss blds mplctly on th walth o ltat that chats th tansomaton o th Amcan physcs commnty n th 1920s and th nnc o scntc maton n th 1930s. Rpsntatv o th n a: Wn n,, “Nw St o th Smna”; Cobn, “Scntc Establshmnt”; Holton, “Fomaton”; Hoch, “Rcpton”; Stw, “Ncla Physcsts”; Rd, “Alam and Oppotnty”; Schwb, “Empcst Tmp”; and Assms, “Amcanzaton o Molcla Physcs.” 7. Rowland, “Hhst Am,” Am,” 826. A thooh accont o Rowland’s possonal ta jctoy and ntllctal dvlopmnt can b ond n Swtnam, Command o Light . On Edson as a ol  ol o Rowland, s Honshll, “Edson and th P Scnc Idal.” 8. S Kohlstdt, Sokal, and Lwnstn, L wnstn, Establishment o Science. 9. Rowland “Hhst Am,” 833. 10. S Lc, “Ons o P and Appld Scnc.” 11. Fo a dscsson o bst-scnc ltsm and ts ol n aly twntth-cnty Amcan physcs, s Kvls, Physicists. 12. Amcan Physcal Socty, “Mmbs. Jn 15, 1902,” APSM. Sx oth mmbs lstd only an addss, placn an pp bond on ndstal mmbshp at 6.9 pcnt. Th mand o mmbs potd acadmc o ovnmnt alatons, and ovwhlmnly th om. Fo Fo a dscsson o th s o Amcan ndstal sach n ths a, s Rch, Making o American Industrial Research. 13. “Lst o Mmbs o th Amcan Physcal Socty toth wth Lsts o Ocs o 1920 and Past Ocs, a Goaphcal Indx, and th Consttton and By-Laws,”  Jly 1920, APSM. Th blk o th mann mmbs w mployd n sconday dcaton, nonovnmntal, nonpot laboatos, sch as th Can Insttton o Washnton, o dd not ndcat th mploymnt. 14. “Lst o APS Mmbs,” Jly 1920, APSM. Maj. Go O. Sq o th Wa Dpatmnt and Go K. Bss o th Ba o Standads w lctd mmbs o th concl, as, t appas was Fank Jwtt o th Wstn Elctc Company. Th lst o concl mmbs nams “J. B. Jwtt,” as an lctd mmb, bt Fank, lat to bcom psdnt o Bll Laboatos, s th only Jwtt n th APS mmb ols o 1920. 15. Lc, Lc, “Ons o P and Appld Scnc”; Nobl, American by Design. 16. Gooday, “‘Va and Atcal.’” 17. Hxly, “Scnc and Pactcal L,” 167. 18. Hnt, Maxwellians; Cadwll, From Watt Watt to Clausius. 19. Caty, “Rlaton o P Scnc,” 512. 20. Colt, “Rol o Scnc,” 22. 21. Rch, Making o American Industrial Research. 22. Wat, “Physcs Bsnss.” 23. S Ws, “Ionsts n Indsty.” 24. A. Robt, “It An’t th Mony,” Dcmb 2, 1944, KBP, box 10, old Rabb [ sic ], ], Isdo Isaac. 25. Hyd, “Why 1916?” 26. “Ancdotal Hstoy.” 27. “Edtoal.”




28. Watall, ntvw by Lndsay. 29. Govnn Boad o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs, Mnts o Mtn hld May 3, 1931, AIPM, accssd Fbay 7, 2017, https://www.ap.o/hstoy-poams /nls-boh-lbay/collctons/ovnn-boad/may-3–1931. 30. “Plmnay Rpot o th Polcy Commtt on th Roanzaton o Physcs,” Addndm to th Mnts o th Jont Mtn o th Exctv Commtt and Polcy Commtt, Mach 8, 1945, AIPS. 31. Pas, “‘Physcal Rvw.’” 32. Fo a dscsson o th owth and ncton o vw ltat n th physcs commnty, s Lall, “Nw Scntc Jonal.” 33. Rchtmy, “Edtoal,” 1. 34. I s atcls, ath than pas, as a mas o sz wth th opatn assmpton that anyon adn th jonal wold appoach ach atcl statcally, statcally, and so that adn tm wold b colatd mo closly to nmb o atcls than to nmb o pas. 35. Qotd n Dncan and Janssn, “On th V,” 566. 36. Van Vlck and N, “John Tonc Tat,” 471. 37. Tat and Van Vlck, “Edto’s Colmn,” 69. 38. S Amboso, “Hstocty o Pc’s Classcaton”; Cssza, “Salty.” 39. Whwll, Philosophy o the Inductive Sciences, 278. 40. S Schwb, “Empcst “Emp cst Tmp. mp.”” CHAPTER 2. How Physics Became “What Physicists Do”

 Epigraph: Bckly, “What’s n a Nam?” 301.

1. A sach o atcls that ncld both “ada” n th ttls and “physcs,” “physcst,” o “physcsts” n th txt btwn Janay 1940 and May 1944, whn Bckly spok, tns only two atcls om th  New York York Times hstocal achv. On s a b not potn Albt Hoyt Taylo’s Taylo’s Mdal o Mt ctaton; th oth s a andloqnt at nttld “Rada—O Macl Ally,” whch s to Jams Clk Maxwll as a physcst whn sttn down th hstocal backond on whch th “nvnts and nns” sponsbl o ada ld. “Two Gt Mdals o Mt,” New York York Times, Mach 22, 1944; Davs, “Rada.” Fo an ovvw o ada’s nnc on th Scond Wold Wa, s Bown, Radar History. 2. Hll, “Otlook o th Physcst,” 66. 3. Kvls, “Cold Wa,” 263. Th qot sponds to Pal Foman’s amnt that th nx o mltay spndn nto physcs dn th Cold Wa ontd physcs away om basc sach. Kvls accss Foman o bn ssntalst abot physcs and takn th acadmc, p-scnc-ontd smnt o th dscpln as, n som sns, th “t” physcs. Foman, “Bhnd Qantm Elctoncs.” 4. Wllam W. Hansn, ltt to Danl L. Wbst, Fbay 4, 1943, FBPS, ss 1, box 5, old 20. 5. Kas, “Booms, Bsts,” Bsts,” dscsss th systmc chans boht abot by th apd post–Scond Wold Wa poplaton boom n physcs. 6. Davd Kas addsss th povnanc and sncanc o ths tm n “Fom Blackboad to Bombs.” 7. On th dmoaphcs o physcs n th 1930s, s Wat, Wat, “Physcs Bsnss.” Bsnss.” 8. Kas, “Postwa Sbbanzaton.” 9. Wthn dscssons that xplod th t o th Amcan physcs commnty, psntatvs o all camps tndd to map th acadma/ndsty dvd onto th dstnc-




ton btwn basc and appld sach. Ths mappn assmd, as Mos Mskat, a sach physcst at Gl Rsach Laboatoy, obsvd, that ndstal physcsts “a not mployd to do physcs sach per se, bt to dvlop applcatons o physcal pncpls and tchnqs. Th spcc poblms a nally not sl-catd.” As a consqnc, th Unvsty o Chcao’s Robt Mllkn notcd, “Th acadmc scntsts and th ndstal o appld scntsts ach tnd to ock by thmslvs, bcas th acadmc scntsts somtms lack ntst n th poblms o ndsty, and th ndstal popl nd th paps psntd by th acadmc scntsts too thotcal o too hhbow.” Mskat, “Ltt to th Edto,” 38; Mllkn, “Rmaks on a Possbl Dvson,” 42. Mllkn was not opposd to a spctoscopy dvson, bt soht ways to ncoa t to sv as a cnt o ntaton ath than a soc o onal dntty. dntty. 10. Osood, “Physcs n 1943,” 106. Th school was namd Mchan Stat Unvsty o Aclt and Appld Scnc n 1955 and doppd th ppostonal phas n 1964. 11. Mskat, “Ltt to th Edto,” 38. 12. Hanwll, “Rsach n Physcs.” Th atcl was basd on a talk Hanwll dlvd at th Symposm on th Rol o Physcs n th Postwa Pod, cohostd by th APS and th Amcan Assocaton o Physcs Tachs at Stat Coll, Pnnsylvana,  Jn 18, 1943. 13. Hanwll, “Rsach n Physcs,” 232–33, 235–36. 14. Hanwll, “Mo Pct Unon,” 20. 15. At ths tm, Watall was consltn o th US Navy whl bn pad thoh Colmba Unvsty. Htchsson, a Unvsty o Pttsbh posso and dto o th  Journal o Applied Physics, wold lat sv as psdnt o th AIP. 16. Watall and Htchsson, “Oanzaton o Physcs,” 408–9. 17. Th IRE was on o two socts—th Amcan Insttt o Elctcal Enns bn th oth—that combnd to om th Insttt o Elctcal and Elctoncs Enns n 1963. 18. Goldsmth, “Commnts,” 649. 19. S Rosnb, “Amcan Physcs.” 20. Sal Dshman t al., “Th Psnt Wa Is a Physcst’s Wa,” CRS, old 3. Fo th dscsson, s chapt 3. 21. Olsn, Cttndn, and Smth, “Ltt to th Edto,” 108. 22. Osood, “Ltt to th Edto,” 108. 23. Whn th AIP’s Govnn Boad hld ts st mtn at th Cosmos Clb n Washnton, DC, n May 1931, on atclaton o ts msson was “to ach a wd adnc o mn wokn n physcs and to v thm asly adabl nws o all knds latn to physcs.” It conscosly amd to avod th lmtatons o th APS and spond to th nds o physcsts whv thy mht b wokn, and whv th ntsts mht tak thm. Sch a msson ncsstatd a mch boad concpton o “physcst” than th mo consvatv vocs n th APS wold hav consdd. Govnn Boad o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs, Mnts o Mtn hld May 3, 1931, AIPM, accssd Jn 19, 2018, http://www.ap.o/hstoy-poams/nls-boh-lbay/collctons /ovnn-boad/may-3-1931. 24. Ths addss s pntd n Stz, “Whth Amcan Physcs?” Th Janay 1945 mtn o th APS hostd, ho std, and Stz’s talk was a pat o, th st symposm on th sold stat dscssd n th nxt scton. Daow, Daow, “Symposm on th Sold Stat.” Stat.” 25. Stz, “Whth Amcan Physcs?” 40–41.




26. Stz, “Whth Amcan Physcs?” 41–42. 27. Stz, “Whth Amcan Physcs?” 40. 28. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Pttsbh, Jn 21, 1940, APSM. 29. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Baltmo, May 1, 1942, APSM. It s not cla whth Rtch was a mmb o th APS at th tm h snt ths ltt, snc h had snd hs mmbshp n 1940. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Phladlpha, Dcmb 26, 1940, APSM. 30. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Colmba Unvsty, Jn 5, 1943, APSM. 31. Daow Da ow,, “Cnt “Cn t Tnds,” Tnds,” 437–38. 437–38 . 32. Qotd n Daow, “Cnt Tnds,” 437. 33. Daow, oncally, was mployd by Bll Labs. H jond Wstn Elctc n 1917 and contnd on wth th advnt o th Bll Systm n 1925. Howv, h had mad a habt o accptn vstn possoshps. Daow spnt a ya at Stanod n th lat 1920s, compltd stnts at th Unvsty o Chcao and Colmba Unvsty n th aly 1930s, and at th tm o ths dscssons abot ndsty and acadma n th aly 1940s had bn tachn at Smth Coll, wh h spnt th spn smsts o 1941 and 1942. 34. As a th xampl o th oc o ths polcy, a dvson poposd n 1943 “to b dvotd to th pomoton o physcal pncpls as appld app ld to txtls, plastcs and bb,” d to n aly concl mtn mnts as th “Dvson o Txtl Physcs,” was complld to pocd as th “Dvson o Hh-Polym Physcs.” Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Chcao, Novmb 27, 1942, and Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Colmba Unvsty, Unvsty, Jn 5, 1943, APSM. 35. Baton, “Insttt Dons,” 4. 36. Govnn Boad o th Amcan Insttt o Physcs, Mnts o Mtn Hld Mach 10, 1944, AIPM, accssd Jn 19, 2018, http://www.ap.o/hstoy -poams/nls-boh-lbay/collctons/ovnn-boad/mach-10-1944. 37. “Rpot o th Natonal Rsach Concl,” 283. 38. Stton, “Intodctoy Rmaks,” 285. 39. Bckly, “What’s n a Nam?” 303. 40. Bckly, “What’s n a Nam?” 303. 41. Gbbs, “What Shold B th Mthod, Mthod,”” 305. 42. Kmbl, “What Chans n Gadat Tann?” 291. 43. Bans, “How Can th Plac?” 296. 44. Bans, “How Can th Plac?” 300–301. Sawy was mmb o th Unvsty o Mchan’s physcs aclty, bt at th tm o ths mtn, havn jond th US Naval Rsv, was dctn th xpmntal laboatos o th Naval Povn Gond. 45. Hanwll, “Rol o Oanzaton,” 310–11. 46. Qotd n Hanwll, “Rol o Oanzaton, Oanzaton,”” 312. 47. Hanwll, “Rol o Oanzaton,” 313. 48. Daow, “Conclson,” 327. 49. Th oths w Kal T. Compton, Hom L. Dod, L A. DBd, and Pal E. Klopst. 50. “Plmnay Rpot o th Polcy Commtt on th Roanzaton o Physcs,” Addndm to th Mnts o th Jont Mtn o th Exctv Commtt and Polcy Commtt, Mach 8, 1945, AIPS.




51. Foman, “Bhnd Qantm Elctoncs”; Wan, American Science; Wat, Rise o  Nuclear Fear . 52. Wldhack, “Ltt to th Edto,” 271. 53. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Nw Yok, Sptmb 19, 1946, APSM. CHAPTER 3: Balkanizing Physics

 Epigraph: Ths xcpt om “La Masllas” tanslats: “that an mp blood

wats o ows.” Th Ba o Standads n Washnton, DC, tadtonally hostd th annal Amcan Physcal Socty mtns. Th nomal chaact ncoad attnds to convs ly on th lawn otsd. John H. Van Vlck, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Fbay 26, 1944, Amcan Physcal Socty, Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs, CRS, old 1. 1. Wat, “Sold Commnty,” 618. Wat dnts th omaton o physcs n th md-nntnth cnty as anoth sch ctcal jnct. 2. Wat, “Bth o th Sold-Stat Physcs Commnty,” 45. 3. Wat, Wat, “Sold “S old Commn Commnty ty,,” 627, 628, 628 , 640. 4. Lyons, “Concnn th Dvson o Hh-Polym Physcs.” Physcs.” Th Dvson o Elcton and Ion Optcs, omd by a op o lcton mcoscopsts, had bn appovd al n 1943. 5. Sal Dshman t al., “Th Psnt Wa Is a Physcst’s Wa,” CRS, old 3. Ealy dscsson amon th op o sx and th cospondnts d to a “scton” ath than a “dvson” o th socty. Kal K. Daow, th APS sctay, coctd ths o onc th ptton cam to hs attnton, notn: “Th wod . . . s  Division and not Section—o Sctons a th oaphcally-dnd ops o mmbs sch s ch as th Nw Enland Scton.” Kal Daow, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Mach 22, 1944, CRS, old 1. Th as wth whch most physcsts ntchand th two tms dmonstats that a lack o amlaty  amlaty wth th ntnal stct st ct o th APS, n patcla wth dvsons and th oals, mand wdspad n th md-1940s. 6. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to Stanly R. Mach, Jly Jly 10, 1947, CRS, old 4. 7. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to Sdny Sl, Dcmb 17, 1943, CRS, old 1. 8. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to Conys Hn, Fbay 15, 1944, CRS, old 1. 9. John Van Vlck, ltt to Sal Dshman, Janay 29, 1944, CRS, old 1. Althoh Smolchowsk was th pmay achtct o th ot, th ltt nstctd cpnts to ply to whomv amon th op o sx thy pd. Dshman, th st alphabtcally, tho cvd th ppondanc o th pls, whch h dtlly passd on to Smolchowsk. 10. Daow, “How to Addss th APS,” 4. 11. Van Vlck, ltt to Dshman, Janay 29, 1944. Van Vlck, a commttd Rpblcan, n psonal cospondnc o ths pod otn xpssd skptcsm o Fankln Roosvlt’s polcs. Hs nc to th Nw Dal may b ad as doatoy doatoy.. 12. S, most notably, Van Vlck  , Theory o Electric and Magnetic Mag netic Susceptibilities. 13. Fo a dtald valaton o th contbtons to th qantm volton that ondd Van Vlck’s standn stand n amon hs h s ps, ps , s Dncan and Janssn, Janss n, “On th V.” V.” 14. Th two w clos noh that Daow lt comotabl wtn Van Vlck n Latn n od to coodnat th nomnaton o mtal nd En Wn o llowshp n th Amcan Phlosophcal Socty: “Amo Gmanom, m cm coca cola,




t dbltas mmoa snt adcs mltom malom. Sct ct dxst, Wn non st socs nost n Soctat Phlosphca Amcana” [Lov o th Gmans, m and Coca-Cola, and waknss o mmoy a th oots o many vls. As yo hav coctly sad, Wn s not o assocat n th Amcan Phlosophcal Phlos ophcal Socty]. Kal Daow, Daow, ltt to John Van Vlck, May 15, 1945, KKDP, box 19. (Tanslaton not: Daow ss th ntv “Gmanom,” “Gmanom,” whch ltally tanslats as “possssd by th Gmans.” Gvn th contxt—jst a wk at VE Day—t appas that h wold hav bn btt svd by th datv “Gmans,” o “o th Gmans. Gmans.”) ”) Van Van Vlck also had occason to stay wth Daow whl th latt was a vstn posso at Smth Coll n 1941. At Van Van Vlck dpatd, msplacn a pa o sspnds n th pocss, th two xchand a ss o ltts spclatn on whth o not sspnds cold b had n th Smth colos and whth o not ths ctd satoal tnds n womn’s colls. John Van Van Vlck, ltt to Kal Daow, Mach 6, 1941; Kal Daow, ltt to Van Vlck, Mach 13, 1941; and John Van Vlck, ltt to Daow, Mach 25, 1941, JHVVP, 1853–1981, box 9. 15. John Van Vlck, ltt to Kal Daow, Sptmb 19, 1943, KKDP, box 19, old 1943 TUV. Th nc to th al-stat bsnss s to th Physcal Socty’s pchas o a bldn to hos ts opatons n Nw Yok Cty. Cty. 16. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to John Van Vlck, Fbay 3, 1944, CRS, old 1. 17. Van Vlck, ltt to Smolchowsk, Fbay 26, 1944. 18. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to John Van Van Vlck, Fbay 21, 1944, CRS, old 1. 19. Fdck Stz, ltt to Kal Daow, May 6, 1944, CRS, old 1. Ths opponnts o dvsonalzaton ncldd, at th last, Van Vlck and En Wn, th latt o whom was amosly ppattc n hs sach ntsts and wold tho nd lttl to commnd a topcally dvdd APS. 20. Kal Daow, ltt to Fdck Stz, May 16, 1944, CRS, old 1. 21. Fdck Stz, ltt to Kal Daow, May 25, 1944, CRS, old 1. Th appant mallablty o Stz’s convctons and hs adptnss at navatn th comptn ntsts nvolvd cas addtonal sncanc n lht o hs sbsqnt wok on bhal o copoat ntsts n th ac o th scntc consnsss on th dans o tobacco and anthoponc clmat chan. S Osks and Conway, Merchants o Doubt . 22. Daow, ltt to Stz, May 16, 1944. 23. Fdck Stz, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, May 25, 1944, CRS, old 1. 24. Léon Bllon, ltt to Sal Dshman, Janay 25, 1944, CRS, old 1. Bllon sktd th smla ss that wold lat do sold stat physcs, namly that th bod btwn solds and oth stats o matt cold b smlaly zzy. zzy. 25. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to Sdny Sl, Dcmb 17, 17, 1943, CRS, old 1. 26. Gaylod P. Hanwll, ltt to Ghad D, Sptmb 20, 1939, GPHP, box 6, old 2. Fancs Btt, a physcst hd by MIT’s Dpatmnt o o  Mnn and Mtally n th md-1930s who took stps to bnd th ld to a physcst’s noton o o, o, povds anoth xampl o th poston and aspatons o mtally n th lat 1930s. By th aly 1960s, th stdy o mtals had lost ts lst n th ac  ac o “a own tnd thohot th wold towads th nd tatmnt o th scnc o mtallc and non-mtallc matals.” “Fndn a Fom,” 361. 27. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Industrial Research Laboratories, 7th d. (1946), 34. Th nclson o “sold stat physcs” was nw n th 1946 pot, havn bn absnt om 6th dton o 1938. 28. Labs lstn sold stat physcs n 1950 ncld, n addton to Bll: th Fankln Insttt o th Stat o Pnnsylvana; th Mlwak Gas Spcalty Company; Phlps




Laboatos, Inc. o Hdson, NY; NY; Wstnhos Wstnhos Elctc Copoaton (“sold stat lctoncs”), and Cal A. Zap’s Laboatoy, o Baltmo, MD. Natonal Rsach Concl,  Industrial Research Laboratories, 9th d. (1950). Inomaton o 1956 and 1960 n Natonal Rsach Concl,  Industrial Research Laboratories, 10th d. (1956) and 11th d. (1960). 29. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to Fdck Stz, May 30, 1944, CRS, old 1. 30. Fdck Stz, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Jn 14, 1944, CRS, old 1. 31. Kal Daow Daow,, “Mmoandm o a Convsaton wth R. Smolchowsk—Jn 16, 1944,” CRS, old 1. Daow ndcatd n th mmo that h had wth hm a copy o Stz’s Jn 14 ltt to Smolchowsk, solvn th qston o whth o not Smolchowsk had an oppotnty to ad t bo talkn th matt ov wth Daow. Daow. 32. Kal Daow, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Jn 28, 1944, CRS, old 1. 33. Dshman t al., “Physcs o th Sold Stat.” 34. Dshman t al. , , “Physcs o th th  Sold Stat,” 791. 35. John Van Vlck, ltt to Fdck Stz, Sptmb 9, 1944, CRS, old 1. 36. In 1944, Journal o Applied Physics pblshd an appoxmatly qal nmb o atcls om physcsts n ndsty and acadma. Ths two ops toth accontd o abot 40 pcnt o contbtons ach, wth th mand comn om th ovnmnt scto—mostly concntatd n an ss ddcatd to naval sach—alon wth two atcls om Sovt sachs. In contast, dn th sam ya th  Physical Review, by thn consdd th ashp jonal o Amcan physcs, p hyscs, pblshd hty-nn atcls, sx o whch, lss than 7 pcnt, cam om ndstal physcsts. Unvstyalatd physcsts accontd o svnty-nn o th hty-nn Physical Review atcls, o abot 89 pcnt. 37. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to John Van Vlck, Fbay 13, 1945, CRS, old 2. 38. John Van Vlck t al., ltt to Kal Daow, Janay 29, 1945, CRS, old 2. 39. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to John Van Vlck, Mach 15, 1945, CRS, old 2. 40. John Van Vlck, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Mach 21, 1945, CRS, old 2. 41. Fdck Stz, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Mach 30, 1945, CRS, old 2. 42. Stz, ltt to Smolchowsk, Mach 30, 1945. 43. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to Thomas Rad, Sal Dshman, Sdny Sl, Wllam Shockly, and Fdck Stz, Dcmb 13, 1946, CRS, old 4. Th commtt also ncldd Kal Daow, Go Pam, and John T. Tat. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Nw Yok, Sptmb 19, 1946, APSM. 44. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Mnnapols, Novmb 30, 1946, APSM. 45. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, Novmb 30, 1946. 46. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Washnton, May 2, 1947, APSM. 47. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, May 2, 1947. 48. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, May 2, 1947. 49. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Montal, Jn 20, 1947, APSM. Th Dvson o Hh-Polym Physcs had bn wth th polcy o accptn assocat mmbs who w not mmbs o th APS and who pad ds dctly to th dvson. 50. Roman Smolchowsk, ltt to th Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Sptmb 20, 1946, CRS, old 4.




51. Kal K. Daow, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Dcmb 4, 1946, CRS, old 4. 52. Kal K. Daow, “Fomaton o a Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs n th Amcan Physcal Socty,” ltt to APS mmbshp, May 1947, CRS, old 4. 53. Daow, “Fomaton o a Dvson.” 54. Wann, “Statstcal Poblm.” 55. Van Vlck, “Svy o th Thoy,” 30. On th hstoy o th xchan concpt, s Cason, “Pcla Noton.” 56. Bozoth and Wllams, “Ect o Small Stsss.” 57. Zn, “Fact Stss o Stl.” 58. Bck, “Catalyss.” 59. Bdman, “Ects o Hh Hydostatc Pss.” 60. Stz,  Modern Theory o Solids. Stz acknowldd contbtons om hs physcst w, Elzabth Mashall Stz, that today wold lkly xtnd as a as to mt coathoshp. 61. Kttl, Introduction to Solid State Physics. 62. Hopld, “Whatv Happnd?” 3. 63. Dsslhas, Mldd. 3.42J Thoy o Solds, Cos Nots o Randall R andall M. Rchadson, Fall 1972. Rchadson—who I thank o shan ths nots wth m—jons oths wth whom I hav spokn n calln ths cos as a modl o claty, and on o th hhlhts o th MIT physcs cclm. 64. Dtald acconts o th tanssto’s nvnton and nmnt can b ond n Hoddson, “Dscovy o th Pont-Contact Tanssto,” and Rodan, Hoddson, and Hn, “Invnton o th Tanssto.” 65. Kttl, Introduction to Solid State Physics, v. 66. Ath von Hppl, “Nw Flds o Elctcal Ennn,” AvHP, box 1, old 44. CHAPTER 4. The Publication Problem

 Epigraph: Alan T. Watman, ltt to Kal K. Daow, Jly 5, 1955, Concl o th

Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Chcao, Novmb 25 and 26, 1955, APSM. 1. Th total mmbshp was btwn 230 and a nd 240 n Apl o 1948, accodn to an nomal assay condctd at th tm. Elas Bstn, ltt to Kal Daow, Octob 19, 1956, APSR, sbop sbop 2, box 14, old 11. Th APS as a whol potd a mmbshp o 7,649 n 1948. 2. Exact DSSP mmbshp o 1961 s navalabl, bt th dvson had 670 mmbs n 1958 and 951 by 1963. Th 5 pcnt stmat s basd on 1958 nmbs, th closst dat o whch both DSSP and APS mmbshp data a avalabl: that ya, th DSSP nolld 670 o th Physcal Socty’s 13,844 mmbs. DSSP mmbshp nmbs om: Sstna F. Gco, ltt to Gal Dody, Mach 22, 1963, APSR, sbop 2, box 17, old 10; Kal Daow, ltt to John C. Slat, Fbay 13, 1958, JCSP, old Daow, Kal #3. Amcan Physcal Socty mmbshp s om: Amcan Physcal Socty, “Hstocal Mmbshp Conts, 1899–2016,” accssd Fbay 20, 2017, http://www.aps.o/mmbshp/statstcs/ndx.cm. 3. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn at Oak Rd, Mach 18, 1950, APSM. Th th dvsons w th DSSP, th Dvson o Hh Polym Physcs, and th Dvson o Elcton Physcs, whch had chand ts nam om




“Elcton and Ion Optcs” n 1948. To ths day, th APS holds two majo annal mtns. Th Mach mtn s domnatd by sold stat–styl sach, and th Apl mtn by hh ny, ncla, and astophyscs. 4. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn at Washnton, Apl 29, 1953, APSM. Van Van Vlck, at ths pont, was th past psdnt o th APS. Ioncally, vn hs nsvd advocacy o basc sach, h had bn mad Dan o Ennn and Appld Physcs at Havad n 1951. In 1960 h wold bcom cha o th DSSP xctv commtt. 5. Fdck Stz, ltt to Elas Bstn, Janay 6, 1961, JHVVP, box 35, old Amcan Physcal Socty. 6. Kal Daow, Daow, ltt to th Mmbs o th Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty,  Janay 18, 1960, APSM. 7. Stz, ltt to Bstn, Janay 6, 1961. 8. Elas Bstn, ltt to DSSP Mmbshp, ndatd 1956, JCSP, old Bstn, E. 9. A smla staty was psd, wth mo sccss, n Eop wh  Physica Status Solidi   was st pblshd n 1961. Fo a smmay o ths jonal’s ol n th stablshmnt o Eopan sold stat physcs, and spcally as a mchansm o scntc xchan btwn East and Wst dn th Cold Wa, s Homann, “Fty Yas o  Physica Status Solidi .” 10. Data collctd om th onln  Physical Review achv at http://pola.aps.o/. Th cont nclds only ll atcls, omttn ltts, mno contbtons, ata, and dtoal nots. 11. S Kas, “Cold Wa Rqstons,” on th boom n physcs PhD podcton. S Foman, “Bhnd Qantm Elctoncs,” Elctoncs,” on postwa ndn pattns. 12. Baton, “Insttt Dons,” 4. 13. Gaylod P. Hanwll, ltt to Fdck Stz, Sptmb 29, 1950, PTDR, box 3, old S. 14. Katch, “Edtoal,” 3. 15. Wn, “ Physics Today Today.” 16. Th atcls ncd a, spctvly: Sl and Snnott, “El Cto Cycloton”; Gamow, “Ralty o Ntnos”; Tsza, “Hlm”; Solomon, “Physcs and Canc”; Jnson, “Ptals”; Pa, “On o th Eath”; Isln, “Down to th Sa.” Sa.” 17. Gamow, “Any Physcs Tomoow?” 18. 18. Raymond, “Ltt to th Edto,” 5. 19. Hh-mndd spclaton was bcomn common n ctan smnts o th physcs commnty by th mddl o th cnty. Fo an accont that placs thm n th contxt o a lon tadton o sch and thozn, s Kah, Higher Speculations. 20. Go R. Hason, ltt to Gaylod P. Hanwll, Janay 20, 1950, GPHP, box 2, old 22. 21. Sam Godsmt, ltt to Gaylod P. Hanwll, Jn 29, 1950, GPHP, box 2, old 22. 22. John H. Van Vlck, ltt to Gaylod P. Hanwll, Jn 27, 1950, GPHP, box 2, old 22. 23. Robnson, “Challn o Indstal Physcs,” 5. 24. Bsh, “Tnds n Amcan Scnc,” 7. 25. Fdck Stz, ltt to Wllam Shockly, Fbay 28, 1945, WSP, box 1, Shockly Cospondnc, Jly 25, 1939–Mach 30, 1948, Volm I.




26. Stz, ltt to Shockly, Fbay 28, 1945. 27. “On o Rada R ada Contmass (Roh Dat), Da t),”” RRLR, box 4, old Admnstatv Rpot Accmlaton. 28. S Foman, “‘Swods nto Plohshas.’” 29. Hny A. Baton, “Amcan Insttt o Physcs, Dcto’s Rpot o 1954,” Mach 12, 1955, FSP, box 1, old AIP Cospondnc #1. Ths nmbs ndcat not only that mo popl tand as physcsts w takn jobs n ndsty, bt also that th dnton o “physcst” had boadnd to ncld scntsts who mht hav bn othws classd n th 1930s o aly 1940s. 30. Stz, On the Frontier , 67. Ths ancdot s also contd n Shkn,  Broken Genius, 30–31. 31. Fo a dtald contn o Van Vlck’s physcal and concptal pnatons, s Fllows, “J. H. Van Vlck.” 32. Wn, Recollections, 171–79. 33. Stz, On the Frontier , 58–59. Stz was Wn’s st Amcan adat stdnt. Hs scond and thd w John Badn and Conys Hn. Badn wold o on to wn two Nobl Pzs o hs sold stat wok and Hn wold ond th nntal thotcal sold stat physcs dvson o Bll Labs. 34. S: Assms, “Amcanzaton o Molcla Physcs, Physcs,”” sp. 22; Dncan and Janssn, “On th V”; Schwb, “Yon John Clak Slat”; and Gavol and Smõs, “Th Amcans, th Gmans, and th Bnnns. Bnnns.”” 35. Rosnld, “Mn and Idas,” 77. 36. John Van Vlck, ltt to John Slat, Novmb 17, 1971, JHVVP, box 28, old 615. 37. Slat, “Qantm Physcs n Amca.” 38. Th dstnctv sond o th Hnaan accnt, combnd wth th ptnatal ablty ths mn showd n scnc and mathmatcs, ld to th ncknam. Hatta,  Martians o Science. 39. Tanscpt o talk nttld “My L as a Physcst,” EPWP, box 13, old 3. 40. Wn, “On th Mass Dct o Hlm.” 41. Slat, ntvw by Khn and Van Vlck. Nvthlss, Slat dd pblsh a ollow-p to th BKS pap whn h tnd to th Untd Stats: Slat, “Qantm Thoy o Optcal Phnomna.” Dncan and Janssn sst that, dspt hs constnaton wth hs collaboatos n Copnhan, Slat contnd to dnd BKS wll at Boh had snd hmsl to th alty o lht qanta. Dncan and Janssn, “On th V.” Slat’s sbsqnt wok on sold stat and molcla physcs, howv, whch consstd mostly o condctn ab nto calclatons wth possvly mo powl dtal compts, s consstnt wth hs sl-potd dsdan o ondatonal spclaton, whch was vdntly nocd by hs xpnc aboad. Fo an ovvw o th Compton ct, s Stw, Compton Eect . 42. Slat, ntvw by Khn and Van Vlck. 43. Wn and Stz, “On th Consttton o Mtallc Sodm. Sodm.”” 44. Mo dtald dscsson o th dvlopmnt o th lcton thoy o mtals can b ond n: Hoddson and Baym, “Dvlopmnt o th . . . Thoy o Mtals”; Eckt, “Popaanda n Scnc”; and Joas and Katz, “Analoy, Extnson, and Novlty.” 45. Th Wn–Stz mthod bns wth th lattc stct o a mtal and dns a cll by bsctn th lns btwn any vn lattc pont and ts nast nhbo. Th




ponts nsd th polyhdon dnd n ths way a clos to that lattc pont than any oth and a st o ths polyhdons packs to ll th nt lattc. Fo solds wth hhly symmtcal lattc stcts, ach o ths clls may b appoxmatd by a sph, allown Schödn’s qaton o  o a sold to b solvd latvly smply. smply. Sch clls, ndd n cpocal spac, psst nd th amla monk “Bllon zons,” as a nod to hs ondatonal wok, Bllon, Bll on, Die Quantenstatistik . S also Hoch, “Dvlopmnt o th Band Thoy, Thoy,” whch also contans a mo dtald xposton o th tchncal ats o th Wn–Stz mthod. 46. Stz, Modern Theory o Solids . 47. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Nw Yok, Janay 29, 1948, APSM. 48. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Washnton, Apl 29, 1953, APSM. 49. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Washnton, Apl 27, 1955, APSM. A dscsson o th conomcs o physcs pblshn n ths a, wth an mphass on pa chas, can b ond n Schdn, “Payn o Knowld.” 50. Baton, “Dcto’s Rpot o 1954.” 51. Fdck Stz, ltt to Hny A. Baton, Novmb 3, 1954, FSP, box 1, old AIP Cospondnc #1. 52. Alan T. Watman, ltt to Kal K. Daow, Jly 5, 1955, APSM. 53. Th dstbton lst o th ltt s not avalabl, bt th commtt poposd contactn “ladn sold stat physcsts and chmcal physcsts,” namn as psntatv o ths op: “[LRoy] Akp, [John] Badn, [Havy] Books, [Conys] Hn, [Chals] Kttl, [Andw W.] Lawson, [Hmboldt] Lvnz, [Godon] McKay, [Fdck] Stz, [Wllam] Shockly, [ John C.] Slat Slat,, Smth, C. S. [Cyl Stanly], [Ath H.] Snll, [John] Van Vlck, [En] Wn.” “Rcommndatons o th AIP-APS Commtt on Jont Pblcaton Poblms wth Rad to th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs,” FSP,, box 1, old AIP Cospondnc #1. FSP 54. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Chcao, Novmb 25 and 26, 1949, 1949 , APSM. 55. Th  Journal o Chemical Physics was pdomnantly a chmcal jonal dspt ts mmbshp n th AIP amly o pblcatons. O th paps t pblshd, 65 pcnt onatd n chmsty dpatmnts. “Rcommndatons o th AIP-APS Commtt on  Jont Pblcaton Poblms wth Rad to th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs, P hyscs,”” FSP, FSP, box 1, old AIP Cospondnc #1. 56. An llstaton: n 1967 Robt Pa, thn basd at Johns Hopkns, who was dply nvolvd nvolv d wth pomotn chmcal physcs n both th Amcan Physcal P hyscal Socty and th Amcan Chmcal Socty (ACS), obsvd: “Inspcton o th pas o th Journal o Chemical Physics shows that som chmcal physcsts a possonal chmsts, som a possonal physcsts. (Fo xampl, thty-two o th paps n th Apl 1, 1967, ss o Journal o Chemical Physics a by athos claly dntabl as chmsts, nn by athos claly dntabl as physcsts and twnty-nn by athos not claly dntabl as on o th oth.) Th sbjct s tly ntdscplnay, althoh mo chmsts o nto t than do physcsts. physcsts.”” Oal Rpot to th Physcal Scncs Gop on May 19, 1967, RGPP, box 131, old Chmcal Physcs poam. By 1967, appoxmatly 40 pcnt o th mmbs o th ACS’s Dvson o Physcal Chmsty w also mmbs o th




APS. Hbt S. Gtowsky, ltt to ACS mmbshp, Octob 11, 1967, AIPK, old 64:24. 57. Fdck Stz, ltt to slct sold stat and chmcal physcsts, Jn 1, 1955, FSP, box 1, old AIP—Cospondnc #1. 58. Th twnty-two sponss psvd n th Stz paps bak down as ollows: o th sold stat physcsts spondn, thtn opposd th poposal, two avod t, and th potd no ston opnon. All th chmcal physcsts spondn w n avo. On addtonal avoabl vot cam om a sl-dntd “oth.” Th nal tally o ths pots: sx n avo  avo,, thtn opposd, th wth no ston opnon. 59. Havy Books, ltt to Fdck Stz, Jn 23, 1955, FSP, box 2, old AIP— Roanzaton o Jonals. 60. Wllam Shockly, compltd svy: “Opnon o th Rcommndatons Concnn th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs,” cvd Jn 16, 1955, FSP, box 2, old AIP—Roanzaton o Jonals. 61. Go E. Pak, compltd svy: “Opnon o th Rcommndatons Concnn th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs,” FSP, FSP, box 2, old AIP—Roanzaton o Jonals. Pak’s sstanc to th tm “sold stat” s notabl. Pak’s sach and dcaton w psntatv o sl-dntd sold stat physcsts at th tm; h had takn a PhD at Havad wth Edwad Mlls Pcll and pblshd xtnsvly on ncla mantc sonanc and paamantsm. Hs avodanc o th tm, and hs s o an ncommon altnatv, “stct “stct o matt physcs,” ct dscomot wth “sold stat” amon potons o th commnty. 62. Walt Walt Kohn, compltd svy: s vy: “Opnon o th Rcommndatons Concnn th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs,” FSP FSP,, box 2, old AIP—Roanzaton o Jonals. 63. Mody, Instrumental Community. 64. It s tho a lovly ony that Kohn wold wn th 1998 Nobl Pz n Chmsty,, whch h shad wth John Popl. Kohn was ctd o hs ol n dvlopn dnsty sty nctonal thoy (DFT), whch had boad lvanc o both sold stat and chmcal poblms. On Kohn and DFT, s Zanwll, “Edcaton o Walt Kohn” and “Hat and Thomas.” Thomas.” On th mpotanc o nstmntal pactc o aly ncla mantc sonanc sachs, s Lno and Lécy, “Instmnt Maks.” 65. Hllad B. Hntnton, compltd svy: “Opnon o th Rcommndatons Concnn th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs,” FSP, box 2, old AIP—Roanzaton o Jonals. 66. Conys Hn, compltd svy: “Opnon o th Rcommndatons Concnn th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs,” FSP, box 2, old AIP—Roanzaton o  Jonals. 67. Shly L. Qmby, compltd svy: “Opnon o th Rcommndatons Concnn th Jonal o Chmcal Physcs,” FSP, box 2, old AIP—Roanzaton o  Jonals. 68. Wat, Wat, “Sold “ Sold Commn Commnty ty,,” 652. 69. S Gavol and Smõs, Neither Physics nor Chemistry. 70. Havy Books, “Mmoandm Concnn th Scop and Ams o th Intnatonal Jonal o th Physcs and Chmsty o Solds,” Fbay 1956, FSP, box 11, old Havy Books. 71. Books, Book s, “Fowod,” “Fowod,” 1. 72. Havy Books, ltt to Fdck Stz, Novmb 15, 1955, FSP, box 11, old Havy Books.




73. Fdck Stz, ltt to Havy Books, Novmb 19, 1955, FSP, box 11, old Havy Books. 74. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Pat o Plmnay Anda o Janay 29, 1957, APSM. Th statsman n qston was Psdnt Gov Clvland. Sa, “Pnmba o Dstd.” 75. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Nw Yok, Janay 26, 1960, APSM. 76. Scton A was dvotd to atomc, molcla, and optcal physcs, C to ncla physcs, and D to patcl and astophyscs. CHAPTER 5. Big Solid State Physics at the National Magnet Laboratory

 Epigraph: Bnjamn Lax, ltt to Lland Hawoth, May May 10, 1967, NMLR.

1. Rsh, “US “U S Nton Nt on Faclty Facl ty..” 2. Cas, “Natonal Synchoton Lht Soc.” 3. Cas and Wstall, “Nw B Scnc.” 4. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Chcao, Novmb 25 and 26, 1955, APSM. Ths Ths conncs contn thoh to th psnt. 5. Fo an ovvw o how b scnc has bn sd as a hstooaphcal catoy, s Capshw and Rad, “B Scnc.” Scnc.” Th lmtatons o th b scnc s cnc amwok a xplod n Wstall, “Rthnkn B Scnc.” 6. As o 1969, th AEC accontd o pwad o 90 pcnt o ndn o US hh ny physcs, wth contbtons to th tn o 6 pcnt om th NSF and abot 1 pcnt om both th DOD and NASA.  AEC Authorizing Legislation, Fiscal Year Year 1970: Hearings Beore the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 91st Con. 86 (Apl 17 and 18, 1969). 7. Btt, Magnets, 55. Snc Abaham’s txtbook was not avalabl n Enlsh Enls h tanslaton at th tm, Btt most lkly s to th 1923 Gman dton: Abaham and Föppl, Theorie der Elektrizität . Th Enlsh tanslaton appad n 1937 as Abaham, Classical Theory. 8. Btt njoyd xcllnt placmnt and btt tmn. Caltch was a ladn st o cosmc ay sach n th lat 1920s whl Btt was a postdoc th. Hs stnt at Wstnhos ovlappd wth on o th lab’s most podctv pods o manton sach, whch d dctly nto ada wok dn th Scond Wold Wa. Btt also avd at th Cavndsh mmdatly at Chadwck’s dscovy o th nton and th accompanyn boom n atomc ato mc thoy. thoy. S: X and Bown, “Ealy Hstoy o Cosmc Ray  Neutron on and the Bomb. FomaRsach”; Stphan, “Expts at Play”; and Bown,  Neutr ntsm sach n th 1930s was patclaly lvly, and pontd to qstons o ondatonal mpotanc o th sbsqnt dvlopmnt o sold stat physcs. S Kth and Qédc, “Mantsm.” 9. Fancs Btt, “Abstact o th Psnt Stat and Possbl Dvlopmnts n Physcal Mtally,” ca. 1939, FBP, box 5, old MIT Mant Lab. 10. Btt, “Abstact o th Psnt Stat.” 11. Btt, “Abstact o th Psnt Stat.” Th appllaton “ndamntal” was commonly mployd pmssvly aond ths tm. Btt was n accodanc wth th accptd sa by sstn that scncs oth than physcs cold b ndamntal. Fdck Stz, wtn jst a w yas lat, dntd “ndamntal” wth “p” sach, dnn t as that “whch has ntnsc val as a om o clt.” H th mod lmnts o Btt’s dnton by sstn that “physcs svs as a soc o ndamn-




tal knowld o a majoty o th most mpotant lds o nnn. nnn.”” Stz, “Whth Amcan Physcs?” 40. Vannva Vannva Bsh askd htocally n th naal ss o Physics Today, “Who wold hav xpctd, lookn owad om, say, 1939, to nd th Untd Stats Navy voosly thn a poam n ndamntal scnc, ncldn ncloncs, ntcs, and mathmatcs?” Bsh, “Tnds n Amcan Scnc,” 6. Clak, “P Scnc,” dmonstats that “ndamntal sach” took on a an o manns n th st hal o th twntth cnty that dd not oby th basc/appld dstncton. Fo th dscsson, s Matn, “Fndamntal Dsptatons.” Dsptatons.” 12. “Poposal o a Hh Fld Mant Laboatoy,” Sptmb 8, 1958, NMLR, box 1, old 55. 13. Btt took a lav o absnc om MIT to wok on dassn naval shps dn th Scond Wold Wold Wa Wa.. Dn ths tm, hs mtallcal mantsm laboatoy was dsmantld and ts socs dstbtd to wa wok. On hs tn to MIT at th nd o th wa, both h and th admnstaton thoht t mo appopat to assmbl th mantsm poam nd th aspcs o th physcs dpatmnt. 14. Fancs Btt, “Ddcaton o th Natonal Mant Laboatoy,” Apl 30, 1963, FBP, box 5, old NML Ddcaton Nots. 15. Th xtnt to whch t was possbl n pactc o an nstallaton sch as th NML to b tly dvotd to basc sach whl opatn on mltay ndn s a matt o som dbat. S: Foman, “Bhnd Qantm Elctoncs”; Lsl, Cold War ; Bomb, “Dvc Physcs”; and Wlson, “Consltants.” “Consltants.” Foman Foman and Lsl a that mltay ntst dvtd—o at last nclnd—Cold Wa sold stat sach away om ndamntal wok. In contast, Bomb and Wlson a that appld mltay sach coxstd, and ndd ntactd constctvly constctvly,, wth ndamntal thotcal wok. I do not tak a poston on ths dbat h. Thoh I am sympathtc to th cas Bomb and Wlson advanc, t s noh h that a ds to ps basc sach manstd tsl n th laboatoy’s oals and opatons. 16. Natonal Mant Laboatoy pomotonal boch, 1963, FBP, box 5, old NML Ddcaton Nots. 17. “Vstn Scntsts and Stdnts,” 1965, NMLR, box 2, old 17. 18. John C. Slat, ltt to Jls A. Statton, Ast 8, 1958, FBP box 3, old Hh Fld Mant Faclty, No. 1 o 3. 19. “Th Natonal Mant Laboatoy and th Tchnoloy o th Ft,” Fbay 20, 1963, NMLR, box 3. 20. Bnjamn Bnjam n Lax to Roman Smolchowsk, Smolchows k, Mach 10, 1965, NMLR, box 3, old 25. 21. “NML Pblcatons Rcod,” Dcmb 31, 1965, NMLR, box 2, 17. Fom 1963 to 1965, sta ncasd om thty-two to thty-ht. 22. Th mand w spad ov th Journal o Applied Physics (8), Review o Scientic Instruments (4), Applied Physics Letters (2), and on ach n th  Journal o Chemical Physics, Journal o Mathematical Physics, Physics o Fluids, and Physics Today. 23. Bnjamn Lax, ltt to Roman Smolchowsk, Mach 10, 1965, JCSP, old Natonal Acadmy o Scnc-Natonal Rsach Concl, Sold Stat Scncs Panl. 24. Bnjamn Lax, ltt to Go H. Vnyad, Mach 17, 1967, NMLR, box 2, old 18. 25. Lloyd A. Wood, ltt to Bnjamn Lax, Apl 19, 1967, NMLR, box 2, old 18. 26. Lax, ltt to Vnyad, Mach 17, 1967. 27. Lax, ltt to th Sbcommtt on Scnc, Rsach and Dvlopmnt o th




Commtt on Scnc and a nd Astonatcs, Mach 5, 1971, NMLR, box box 2, old 4. Lax dd s “copln” lana h, bt was cal to wt that th slts o basc sach cold b copld wth appld qstons, ath than wth th plannn, xcton, o ndn o th sach. 28. “Rpot o th Advsoy Commtt o th Natonal Mant Laboatoy,” Fbay 1966, NMLR, box 2, old 17. 29. “Rpot o th Advsoy Commtt o th Natonal Mant Laboatoy,” Apl 1967, NMLR, box 2, old 18. 30. AEC Authorizing Legislation, 89. 31. Bnjamn Lax, ltt to Ncolaas Blombn, May 10, 1967, NMLR, box 2, old 18. In 1967 th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs had 1,193 mmbs, compad to 762 n th Dvson o Ncla Physcs, th nxt-last dvson. Th Dvson o Patcls and Flds hld ts naal mtn n Janay 1968 wth a chat mmbshp o 551. W. V. Smth to Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs Mmbs, Janay 6, 1967, JCSP, old Amcan Phlosophcal Socty, #5; “Pocdns o th Amcan Physcal Socty Mtn #425, #425,”” 1967, APSM; M. Davs to Chamn and Sctay-Tass Sctay-Tass o APS Dvsons, Fbay 15, 1968, APSR, sbop 2, box 17, old 10. 32. Lax, ltt to Hawoth, May 10, 1967. 33. AEC Authorizing Legislation, 106–7. 34. “Pblcatons o th Fancs Btt Natonal Laboatoy n 1968,” NMLR, box 2, old 20. In 1965, by contast, th nmb o pblcatons n th latt two jonals mo than dobld thos n th om. 35. “Mtn o th Advsoy Commtt,” Apl 1969, NMLR, box 2, old 20. 36. Hny Kolm, ltt to Bnjamn Lax, Jn 2, 1973, NMLR, box 2, old 32. Th bad blood btwn th two psstd, to th xtnt that Kolm was movd to pant a dply nattn potat o Lax on hs atoboaphcal wbst. “MIT Mant Lab (1961–1982), (1961–1982),”” accssd May 24, 2015, http://hnykolm.wt-mantc http://hnykolm.wt-mantc -lab-1961–82.html. Th pa s now down, bt can b vwd at https://wb.achv.o /wb/20161103214555/http://hnykolm.wbly /wb/20161103214555/http://hnykolm.w t-mantc-lab-1961–82.html. .com/mt-mantc-lab-1961–82.html. 37. S Kvls, Physicists, sp. 420–21, and Asn, “Lna Modl.” 38. Stanord Accelerator Power Supply: Hearing Beore the Joint Committee on Atomic  Energy, 88th Con. 23 (Janay 29, 1964) (statmnt o D. W. K. H. Panosky, Dcto, Stanod Lna Acclato Cnt). 39. AEC Authorizing Legislation, 113. 40. AEC Authorizing Legislation, 118. 41. AEC Authorizing Legislation, 111–12. 42. AEC Authorizing Legislation, 116. 43. AEC Authorizing Legislation, 115. 44. Stvns, “Fndamntal Physcs,” 175. CHAPTER 6. Solid State and Materials Science

 Epigraph:  Ath von Hppl, txt o a lct vn at Bown Unvsty, Jly 20,

1969, AvHP, box 5. 1. “Ptton to th Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty to Rqst th Fomaton o a Nw Dvson on th Poblms o Physcs and Socty Socty,,” Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Nw Yok, Fbay 5, 1969, APSM. Th commtt was onally poposd as a dvson, bt th concl dmd that ts




scop was too boad and that a dvson wold lmt patcpaton. It nstad commndd a commtt and appovd a mas that wold allow APS mmbshp mmbsh p ds to pay o commtt mmbs’ tavl to lvant mtns. Th commtt was a pcso to th Fom on Physcs and Socty, th hstoy o whch s addssd n mo dtal n Bd, Scientists at War . 2. Albt M. Closton, “Th Amcan Physcal Socty and th Economc Concns o Amcan Physcsts, Physcsts,”” Mach 10, 1970, n Amcan Physcal Socty Concl, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Washnton, DC, Apl 26, 1970, APSM. 3. Shwn and Isnson, First Interim Report , 13. 4. Fo Fo dtald tatmnts, s Bnsad-Vncnt, “Constcton o a Dscpln” and “Concpt o Matals. Matals.”” 5. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Report, 1953–54, 60. 6. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Report, 1957–58, 46. 7. Matals Advsoy Boad, “Standn Rvw o Dpatmnt o Dns Matals Rsach and Dvlopmnt Poam, Poam,”” FSP, FSP, box 1, old A A  Rsach and Dvlopmnt Command, 1952–61 #1. 8. Matals Advsoy Boad, “Standn Rvw.” 9. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, More Eective Organization, ontmatt. Organization, v. 10. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, More Eective Organization 11. Van Vlack, Elements o Materials Science, v. 12. Th ancy was snsodally othht abot ts mphass on mltay sach; ts nam vacllatd btwn ARPA and DARPA (Dns Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy). To avod conson, I  to t as ARPA thohot. It was ondd as ARPA n 1958, chand ts nam to DARPA DARPA n 1972, doppd th “D” n 1993, 19 93, and stod t n 1996. 13. “Intdscplnay Laboatos o Basc Rsach n Matals Scncs,” JCSP, old MIT. Dpt. o Physcs #39. 14. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Advancing Materials Research, 36. 15. Mody and Cho, “Fom Matals Scnc to Nanotchnoloy.” 16. S Schwb, “Empcst Tmp,” on th Amcan styl o thoy that w laly om th school Kmbl stablshd. 17. Dsslhas, ntvw by Matn, and 3.42J Thoy o Solds, Cos Nots o Randall M. Rchadson, Fall 1972. 18. John C. Slat, ltt to John Kncad, May 6, 1959, JCSP, old Kncad, John F. #1. 19. “Th Intdscplnay Nat o M.I.T. Rsach,” JCSP, old Poposal o a Matals Cnt at M.I.T., 1960. 20. Ath von Hppl, who stablshd th Laboatoy o Inslaton Rsach, calld choosn an absts nam as “a camoa tck . . . to avod stppn on snstv tos by ncoachn on th ntnchd ntsts o physcsts, chmsts, and mtallsts n th matals ld.” Ath von Hppl, ntvw by Z. Malk, Sptmb 1969, AvHP, box 1, old 16. 21. Slat, ltt to Kncad, May 6, 1959. 22. John C. Slat, nttld mmoandm, JCSP, old M.I.T. Dpt. o Physcs #10. 23. Ath von Hppl, “Nw Flds o Elctcal Ennn,” AvHP, box 1, old 44. Ths was a pc von Hppl ppad o th Apl 1942 dton o The Tech Engineering News, a podcal pblshd by MIT ndadats.




24. “Poposal o an Expandd Poam o Matals Rsach at th Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy, Jly 12, 1956,” JCSP, old MIT Matals Rsach #1. Th AEC mad a smla psh wthn th natonal laboatos, as dscssd n Wstwck, Wstwck, National Labs, 257–58. 25. “Matals Rsach Poam (ca. 1956),” JCSP, old MIT. Matals Rsach #1. 26. Slat, ltt to Kncad, May 6, 1959. 27. John C. Slat, ltt to John Kncad, Apl 30, 1959, JCSP, old Kncad, John F. #1. 28. John C. Slat, “On th MIT Matals Cnt,” ca. 1960, JCSP, old Slat, J. C. On th MIT Matals Cnt. 29. Knowls and Lsl, “‘Indstal Vsalls,’” a that th campss at ndstal laboatos sch as Bll, Gnal Motos, and IBM mmckd what th achtct Eo Saann spposd to b th nvsty modl o oanzn sach, namly a lna modl, n whch basc sach pcdd ndstal applcatons. Th htoc aond MIT’s IDL vals smla oals by sstn that placn basc sach n physcs and chmsty alonsd matals matal s nnn lds wold hlp to advanc ARPA’s ARPA’s tchncal ams. 30. ARPA, “Admnstatv Mmo #1,” Jly 20, 1962, JCSP, old MIT. Dpt. o Physcs #138. 31. Wa, Solid State Science, x. 32. Th alst s I hav ond s om 1979, whn th compt scntst Gald Wnb attbtd th qp to mathmatcan Fank Haay. Wnb,  Introduction to General Systems Thinking , 25. 33. Mlvn Calvn, ltt to Phlp Handl, Dcmb 1975, n COSMAT,  Materials and Man’s Needs: Summary Report , v. v. 34. Smth, “Matt vss Matals.” 35. COSMAT, Materials and Man’s Needs, 2:307. 36. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Chcao, Novmb 25 and 26, 1949, 1949 , APSM. 37. Amcan Physcal Socty Exctv Commtt, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Flat Rock, NC, Jn 18–20, 1990, APSM. 38. “Statmnt o th Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty,” Apl 28, 1970, n Amcan Physcal Socty Concl, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Washnton, DC, Apl 26, 1970, APSM. 39. Th chat socts ncldd th Amcan Camc Socty, th Amcan Chmcal Socty, th Amcan Insttt o Chmcal Enns, th Amcan Socty o Mtals, th Amcan Socty o Non-Dstctv Tstn, th Insttt o Elctcal and Elctonc Enns, th Socty o Manactn Enns, th Socty o Plastcs Enns, th Amcan Socty o Mchancal Enns, and th Mtallcal Socty o AIME. Th APS wold vntally jon th daton  daton n 1995. 40. Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Chcao, Fbay 3, 1974, APSM. 41. “APS “APS Ad Hoc Commtt on Appld Physcs, Physcs,”” n Concl o th Amcan Physcal Socty, Mnts o th Mtn Hld at Nw Yok, Octob 25, 1974, APSM. 42. COSMAT, Materials and Man’s Needs: Summary Report , 140. 43. Gonwn and Pts, “Emnc and Chan.”




CHAPTER 7. Responses to the Reductionist Worldview

 Epigraph: Yan t al., “Hh-Eny Physcs,” 52–53. 1. Stanord Accelerator Power Supply: Hearing Beore the Joint Committee on Atomic  Energy, 88th Con. 23 (Janay 29, 1964) (statmnt o D. W. K. H Panosky, Dcto,

Stanod Lna Acclato Cnt). 2. Lvnston, P  Particle article Physics, 6–7. Fo Fo dtald hstocal backond, s Hlbon and Sdl, Lawrence and His Laboratory. 3. Thoh th 1960s and 1970s, th Untd Stats and th Sovt Unon, n a mcocosm o th ams ac and th spac ac, comptd to bld hh-ny acclatos, povdn an addtonal ncntv o th US patcl physcs commnty to ps th ny ont ov th ntnsty ont ont.. S also Sdl, “Acclatn “Acclatn Scnc.” Scnc.” 4. S Stvns, “Fndamntal Physcs.” 5. Boy, University o Chicago, sp. ch. 4. 6. Wnb, First Nuclear Era, 3. 7. Wnb, “Cta o Scntc Choc,” Minerva; Wnb, “Cta o Scntc Choc,” Physics Today, 45. Today, 45. 8. Wnb, “Cta o Scntc Choc,” Physics Today 9. Wnb, “Cta o Scntc Choc,” Physics Today Today, 47. 10. Yan t al., “Hh-Eny Physcs,” 52, 57. 11. Yan t al., “Hh-Eny Physcs,” 55. 12. Wsskop and Wnb, “Two Opn Ltts,” 47. Th qak modl was poposd by May Gll-Mann and Go Zw n 1964 bt dd not an xpmntal tacton ntl 1967, so Wsskop’s dntcaton o nclons as th bass o all matt s, n contnt and htoc, qvalnt to lat clams o th sam stats o th standad modl and ts mand sccssos. 13. Wsskop, “Ncla Stct,” 24. 14. Th assmpton that nal pncpls a wokd ot n on alm bo bn appld n anoth s also pomnnt wthn th hstoy o physcs. It has contbtd to th mpsson that sold stat physcs was a ld dvotd to m applcatons o mo ndamntal wok. Ths assmpton s challnd n Jams and Joas, “Sbsqnt and Sbsday?” Jams and Joas a that so-calld applcatons o aly qantm mchancs mad many ssntal contbtons to th ondatons o th thoy. thoy. 15. Hoddson, “Roots o Sold-Stat Rsach,” dscbs th pocss by whch a basc sach thos took oot at Bll Labs and choncls how th stablshmnt o sold stat sach n ths contxt ld to th lassz-a appoach dstnctv to th majo Amcan ndstal laboatos o th tm. 16. Stan Machlp, ltt to Wllam Shockly, May 30, 1955, WSP, box 2, old Cospondnc 1954 and 1955. 17. On th ol o th tanssto and ntatd cct n shapn th Amcan sach landscap, s Mody, Long Arm o Moore’s Law. 18. Nmbs obtand by sachn o ach nsttton’s ll nam, n qots, wthn th “Alaton” ld n th APS jonals databas at https://jonals.aps.o/sach, accssd Dcmb 21, 2017. 19. Andson, ntvw by Kojvnkov. 20. “Th Nobl Pz n Physcs 1977,” Noblpz.o, accssd Janay 7, 2011, http://www.noblpz.o/nobl_pzs/physcs/laats/1977/.




21. Andson, “Mo Is Dnt—On Mo Tm.” 22. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, “Mmbs,” accssd Janay 4, 2018, http:// www.nasonln.o/mmb-dctoy/?=http://nas.nasonln.o/st/D /1742171349?p=sch&vw=basc. Data takn om both cnt and dcasd mmb olls. Th Natonal Acadmy o Scncs databas dos not ndcat dcasd mmbs’ sctons. Thy w contd only only  thy cold b dntd as a s nambos xampls o sold stat, ncla, o patcl physcsts. 23. Andson, “Mo Is Dnt,” 393. Perspective spective, 129, 453. Tabls I.6 and 24. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs,  Physics in Per IV.1 o ths pot show $211.7 mllon n total xpndt o patcl physcs vss $56 mllon o basc condnsd matt sach. 25. Unttld docmnt, APSR, sbop 2, box 17, old 10. Data takn om nmbs collctd ollown a 1968 mmbshp dv. 26. Andson, “Mo Is Dnt,” 393. 27. Andson, “Mo Is Dnt,” 393. 28. Godon, Z, and Towns, “Mas.” 29. S Robts, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 74–76. 30. Andson, “Mo Is Dnt,” 394. 31. Andson, “Mo Is Dnt,” 396. Ths amnt has paallls amla to phlosophs o boloy; t s a common antdctonst amnt that bolocal pocsss do not mak sns n tms o ns alon, and that nc to th oansmal lvl, at last, s qd to xplan phnomna sch as dntal tnss. Ths poston s asttly smmazd by th hmost Dolas Adams, who obsvs: “I yo ty to tak a cat apat to s how t woks, th st thn yo hav on yo hands s a nonwokn cat.” cat.” Adams, Salmon o Doubt , 135–36. 32. Andson, “On Mo Tm,” 1. 33. Andson, “On Mo Tm,” 4. S also Schmalan, “Fald Thos o Spcondctvty.” 34. Andson, ntvw by Kojvnkov. 35. Pppad, “Cat and th Cam,” 40–41. 36. Andson, ntvw by Kojvnkov. 37. Cat, “Physcsts’ Dbats on Uncaton,” maks a smla obsvaton whn assssn Andson’s poston n tms o th nty o physcs. Andson, accodn accodn to Cat, saw physcs as mthodolocally (ath than ontolocally) nd. I physcs cold b nd by mthodoloy, ath than by th dcton to a snl st o laws and concpts, thn ndamntal physcal knowld nd not b stctd to th lowst lvl o complxty. 38. Cat’s analyss o Andson’s poston n tms o mthodolocal nty s sl whn consdn th latonshp btwn physcs and oth scncs. By avodn ston clams abot th ltmat nat o alty, Andson shtd th ocs to mthodoloy as a bass by whch physcs cold b at onc ntnally nd and dlnatd om oth scncs. Cat, “Physcsts’ Dbats on o n Uncaton,” 99. 39. Andson, More and Dierent , 135. York Times, Octob 12, 40. “2 Fom U.S. Amon 4 Nobl Scnc Wnns,”  New York 1977. 41. Sllvan, “Physcs Pz,” 1. 42. Bown, “Nobl Pzs A Awadd,” 1.




CHAPTER 8. Becoming Condensed Matter Physics

 Epigraph: Gay, “Nw AIP Handbook,” 41. 1. Gay and Bllns, Bll ns, American Institute o Physics Handbook.

2. Gay, “Nw AIP Handbook,” 41. 3. Pocto, “‘-Loos,’ ‘-Ismos,’ and ‘-Ikos,’” 292. 4. Andson, More and Dierent , 90. 5. Kah, Quantum Generations, 366. Kah has mo cntly mad hs own obsvatons abot th mpotanc o o  nams n “Namn th B Ban.” 6. Kohn, “Essay on Condnsd Matt Physcs.” 7. Volk Hn, “Hstoy,” Thoy o Condnsd Matt, Unvsty o Cambd, accssd Dcmb 19, 2017, 201 7, http://www.tcm.phyk/abot/hstoy/.k/abot/hstoy/. 8. Wat, Wat, “Sold “ Sold Commn Commnty ty,,” 651. 9. Qotd n Chicago Tribune, “Yanks Swp Scnc Fld.” Fo th dscsson, s Matn, “Pst Asymmty.” 10. As n Fll, L, and Pal, “Mantc Qnchn.” 11. P Tss Tss nots that n 1971, whn Amcan physcsts w jst bnnn to s “condnsd matt” to dscb th own actvts, P-Glls d Gnns had alady namd hs cha at th Collè d Fanc th “Physcs o Condnsd Matt” cha. Tss Tss, , “Sold-Stat “Sold-Sta t Chmst Ch msty y,,” 251. 12. “Impotant Annoncmnt.” Ths was not a ll-scal sson o th jonal, j onal, snc t dd not yt allow spaat sbscptons to ach scton, bt ath a topcal opn wthn what was stll a snl jonal. A ll-scal splt wold com sval yas lat n 1970. 13. Fo xampl, Gyon t al., “Tnnln nto Dty Spcondctos”; Coon and Fsk, “Josphson ac”; and McFaddn, Tah-Khl, and Taat, “Spac-TmDpndnt Colaton,” 854. 14. In 1975, ths jonal was absobd nto  Zeitschrit ür Physik whn th latt splt nto two sctons, th scond o whch was dvotd to condnsd matt and nal physcs. 15. Physik der Kondensierten Materie 1, no. 2 (1963), ontmatt. 16. Homann, “Fty Yas o Physica Status Solidi .” A nal tm spannn physcal, chmcal, bolocal sach, “stköposchn” (sold stat sach), had bn n cclaton snc th lat 1940s as th nam o an nsttt wthn th Acadmy o Scncs n East Bln. Ath, “Das Insttt ü Fstköpphysk,” 27. Festkörperphysik ik. Amon th patc17. Höhl, Lyons, and Nksch, Arbeitstagung Festkörperphys pants was Kal Wolan Bö, who wold ond th jonal  Physica Status Solidi   n th aly 1960s shotly bo mmatn to th Untd Stats to assm a post at th Unvsty o Dlawa. 18. Pck, “Fstköpphysk. “Fstköpphysk.”” Ths s also th ya n whch th tm st appad n  Annalen der Physik.

19. “B d Azähln d oßn Abtsbt d nn physkalschn Foschn tt man mm hä a dn B Fstköpphysk.” Pck, “Fstköpphysk,” 346. 20. “Man st nt, n solchs Wot als Übscht ü n kla mssns, nhtlchs Abtsbt z nhmn. B nam Zshn ndt sch ds Honn znächst ab anz nd a ncht bstätt.” Pck, “Fstköpphysk,” 346. 21. Tss Tss, , “Sold-Stat “Sold-Sta t Chms Chmsty ty..”




22. “ls dx appoxmatons ondamntals d la physq d sold t d la chm.” Fdl, “S L’on d Fomanétsm,” 829. 23. Fdl, ntvw by Abat and Bnsad-Vncnt. Intnatonal contacts a common amon aly adopts o th tm. Rssan-bon Fnch physcst Lw Kowask, who stablshd ston ts wth Btsh physcsts dn th wa, podcd podcd a UNESCO pot n 1955 that dntd “physq d l’état sold” as an aa lvant to a pospctv ncla sach aclty. Kowask, “Ls Pls d Rchchs.” 24. Mott, “Mchansm o Wok-Hadnn,” 413. Fo a dtald tatmnt o th dvlopmnt o Mott’s sach school, s Kth and Hoch, “Fomaton o a Rsach School.” 25. Btwn 1945 and 1965, paps wth at last on atho ban a UK alaton (“Untd Kndom,” “Gat Btan,” “Enland,” “Scotland,” “Wals,” o “Nothn Iland”) appad 989 tms n Amcan Physcal Socty jonals, vss 121 slts om Gmany and 258 om Fanc. Data om th APS jonal databas at jonals.aps.o. 26. “Fothcomn Evnts,” 420. 27. “Impotant Annoncmnt,” 1. 28. It s plasbl that th tm was n th a at Bookhavn Natonal Laboatoy, wh manan dtos Saml Godsmt and Smon Pastnack w basd. Bookhavn’s acclato poam povdd th oppotnty o thm to b xposd both to th tchncal tm and, thoh commncaton and collaboaton wth ntnatonal labs, most notably CERN (Eopan Oanzaton o Ncla Rsach), to th nwly common Eopan sa. Bookhavn’s collaboatv ots a otlnd n Cas,  Making  Physics. 29. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs,  Physics: Survey and Outlook,  67. Th BCS thoy o spcondctvty was a majo tmph o sold stat physcs and dw a at many talntd thotcans nto th ld. It was pblshd n 1957: Badn, Coop, Coop, and Sch, “Thoy o Spcondctvty.” 30. “NAS-NRC Physcs Svy Commtt, Sold Stat Physcs and Condnsd Matt,” dat, Apl 1964, HBP, ss HUGFP 128.13, box 1, old NAS Svy Commtt Mach–Apl 1964. Th ootnot was ct om th Pak pot bt wold sac n a spplmnt that nshd mo dtald pots on th sblds o physcs. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics: Survey and Outlook , 143. 31. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics: Survey and Outlook , 67. 32. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics: Survey and Outlook , 68. 33. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics: Survey and Outlook , 67–69. 34. Pppad, “Cat and th Cam,” 40–41. 35. S Wsl, “Plasma Achplao.” 36. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics: Survey and Outlook , 69. 37. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics: Survey and Outlook . 38. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics in Perspective Perspective. 39. Physik der kondensierten Materie 1, no. 1 (1963), ontmatt; “Athos,” 361. 40. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics in Perspective Perspective, 460. Perspective, 458. 41. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics in Perspective Perspective, 459. 42. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics in Perspective 43. Andson, “Mo Is Dnt” 393. 44. Common lo holds that Andson and Volk Volk Hn cond “condnsd matt” n 1967 whl Andson hld a sasonal possoshp at th Unvsty o Cambd and thy chand th nam o th sold stat thoy op at th Cavndsh Laboatoy




to “thoy o condnsd matt.” Eal occncs o th tm, n patcla n th Spn jonal ttl, bl ths smpl on stoy sto y, bt th adopton o th tm by a ma jo UK sach nt no dobt asd ts pol n th Anlophon wold. 45. Amcan Physcal Socty Jonals, accssd Ast 13, 2014, http://jonals .aps.o/sach. Th ato s stak n AIP jonals, wth 33 nstancs o “condnsd matt” and 4,695 o “sold stat.” Th dnc h s ampld by sval actos, ncldn th appld ocs o AIP jonals dn an a that wtnssd an xploson n topcs sch as sold stat mass and lass and th act that th AIP sach alothm nclds th ttls o ctn atcls, whch nats a hh at o als postvs. Amcan Insttt o Physcs Jonals, accssd Ast 13, 2014, http://sctaton.ap.o/sach. 46. Mnts o th Amcan Physcal Socty Concl Mtn, San Fancsco, Calona, Janay 22, 1978, APSM. 47. Mnts o th Amcan Physcal Socty Concl Mtn, Washnton, DC, Apl 23, 1978, APSM. 48. Hopld, “Whatv Happnd?” ponts to th sccss o th BCS thoy o spcondctvty as th thotcal dvlopmnt that ncoad physcsts to s sold stat poblms as nal physcal poblms. 49. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Industrial Research Laboratories, 7th d. (1946). 50. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Industrial Research Laboratories, 11th d. (1960). 51. Walt Kohn, ltt to Go Pak, Novmb 13, 1964, HPB, ss HUGFP 128.13, box 1, old NAS Svy Commtt May–Dcmb 1964. 52. Havy Books, ltt to Walt Kohn, Mach 30, 1964, HBP, ss HUGFP 128.13, box 1, old NAS Svy Commtt Mach–Apl 1964. 53. Bown, “AT&T and th Consnt Dc.” 54. S Mody, Long Arm o Moore’s Law. 55. Tn, “Aspn Physcs Tns 50.” 56. Elcton dnsty s tsl psntd by a ncton, hnc th nam dnsty nctonal thoy, thoy, a nctonal bn a ncton o a ncton. Fo Fo mo on Kohn and th dvlopmnt and dssmnaton o DFT, s Zanwll “Edcaton o Walt Kohn” and “Hal Cnty.” 57. Kohn and Sham, “Sl-Consstnt Eqatons. Eqatons.”” Fo Fo th dscsson o ths pont, s Zanwll, “Hal Cnty.” As o Janay 1, 2018, jonals.ap.o cods 26,273 ctatons to th pap. Gool Schola, whch cawls a wd aay o socs, cods 46,560. 58. A sthand accont o th ons o Santa F Insttt s avalabl n Cowan,  Manhattan Project , chs. 36–38. 59. Domb, “Ctcal Phnomna.” 60. “Battll Colloqm, Ctcal Phnomna: Fnal Poam, Extndd Abstacts, and Anda Dscsson,” LKP, box 1, old Battll Colloqm on Ctcal Phnomna, Poam and Abstacts, 1970. 61. Unvsty o Chcao pss las, Ast 9, 1945, HAR, box box 116, old 4. 62. Andw W. Lawson, “Th Insttt o th Stdy o Mtals at On Dcad,” Dcmb 26, 1957, CSSP, box 2, old 31. 63. Edwad H. Lv, mmo to Commtt on th Bdt, Apl 10, 1967, BAR, box 146, old 2. 64. Sloan, “Molclazn Chcao.” 65. Ol Klppa, ltt to Albt V. Cw, May 23, 1974, LAR, box 173, old 6.




66. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics through the 1990s, 3. 67. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs,  Physics: Survey Sur vey and Outlook, 67;  Physics in Per Per- spective, 142. 68. S Hoddson and Baym, “Dvlopmnt o . . . th Thoy o Mtals”; Eckt, “Popaanda n Scnc”; Jams and Joas, “Sbsqnt and Sbsday?” 69. Slat, “Sold Stat,” 10. 70. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics through the 1990s. 71. Natonal Acadmy o Scncs, Physics through the 1990s, v, 23. 72. Fo an ovvw o th lna modl, s Asn, “Lna Modl,” and Godn, “Lna Modl.” 73. Roy, “Fndn B Scnc,” 9. 74. S Edton, “Lna Modl,” whch ssts that th canoncal omlaton o th lna modl, n whch basc sach povds th pmay p may and most mmdat bass o tchncal dvlopmnt, was aly,  v, dndd. 75. Pppad, “Cat and th Cam.” CHAPTER 9. Mobilizing against Megascience

 Epigraph:  Department Department o Energy’s Superconducting Super Collider Project: P roject: Hearing  Beore the Subcommittee on Energy Research Research and Development o the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate , 102nd Con. 36 (Apl 16, 1991) (statmnt

o D. Pal A. Fly, Dcto, Physcal Rsach Laboatoy, AT&T Bll Laboatos, May Hll, NJ). 1. Ldman, “Fmlab and th Ft,” 125. 2. Pondom, “Fxd Tat,” 104. S also Rodan, Hoddson, and Kolb,   Tunnel Visions, 13–15. 3. Goldn, “Mo Mn-Bans”; “Had Chocs”; Hman, “Amcans Want Acclato.” 4. Superconducting Super Collider: Hearings Beore the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House o Representatives, 100th Con. 245 (Apl 7, 8, and 9, 1987) (statmnt o D. Stvn Wnb, Thoy Gop, Physcs Dpatmnt, Th Unvsty o Txas at Astn). 5. Fo Fo dscssons o th xpdton o Robt O’Haa Bk and Wllam John Wlls om th pspctv o th hstoy o scnc, s Joyc and McCann, Burke and Wills. 6. Hossnld, “LHC ‘Nhtma Scnao.’” 7. Rodan, Hoddson, and Kolb, Tunnel Visions, sp. ch. 1. 8. Hhs, “Makn Dollas.” 9. Fo Fo thooh acconts o th actos sponsbl o th SSC’s dms, s: Rtson, “Dms o th Txas Spcolld,” a snap acton that alts lack o tst n acadmc xpts on th pat o dal patons and ndstal manas; Kvls, Physicists, x–xl, whch dscsss th chans woht by th nd o th Cold Wa and th s o an nsympathtc shman conssonal dlaton; Rodan, “Tal o Two Clts,” whch xamns dysncton wthn th SSC’s manamnt stct; and Hoddson and Kolb, “Spcondctn Sp Colld’s Font Otpost,” whch xposs th aly dsconnct btwn th vson o th physcsts dsnn th SSC and th nclnatons o thos commandn th dal ps stns. 10.  AEC Authorizing Legislation, Fiscal Year 1970: Hearings Beore the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 91st Con. 116 (Apl 17 and 18, 1969).




11. Fly dd ndd say “non-zo-sm  gain,” ath than “am,” th mo common dom, to ndcat th amnt that on ld cold njoy otszd ndn ans wthot mpovshn oth aas. 12. On al ss o spn-o clams, s Hoddson, Kolb, and Wstall,  Fermilab, 54–55. 13. Ldman, “Val o Fndamntal Scnc,” 42. 14. Fo Fo a dtald dscsson o th poltcal shts aond th nd o th Cold Wa Wa and how thy nncd th SSC, s Kvls, Physicists. 15.  Energy and Water Development Appropriations or 1989: Hearings Beore the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development o the Committee on Appropriations, House o Representatives, 100th Con. 72 (Mach 10, 1988). 16.  Fiscal Year Year 1987 Department o Energy Energ y Authorization: Hearings Beore the t he Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production o the Committee on Science and Technology, Technology, House o Representatives, 99th Con. 65 (Mach 5, 1986). On scnc, poltcs, and SDI, s Bd, Scientists at War , ch. 9, and Slayton, “Dscsv Chocs.” 17. Fiscal Year Year 1987 Department o Energy Authorization , 228. 18. Fiscal Year Year 1987 Department o Energy Authorization , 4. 19.  Proposed Fiscal Year 1990 Budget Request (DOE’s Ofce o Energy Research): Hearing Beore the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development o the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, 101st Con. 100 (Fbay 24,

1989) (wttn statmnt o D. Roy F. Schwtts, Dcto, SSC Laboatoy). Year 1990 Budget Request , 102. 20. Proposed Fiscal Year 21. Importance and Status o the Superconducting Super Collider: Joint Hearing Be ore the Committee on Energy and Natur Natural al Resources and the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Water Development o the Committee on Appropriations, United States S tates Senate , 102nd

Con. 27 (Jn 30, 1992) (statmnt o Go F. Smoot III, Scntst, Lawnc Bkly Laboatoy, Bkly, CA). 22. Importance and Status o the SSC , 25–26. 23. Blombn, Encounters in Magnetic Resonance; Bomb, Laser in America. 24. Department o Energy’s Energ y’s Superconducting Super Su per Collider Project , 43 (statmnt o D.. Ncolaas Blombn, Psdnt, Amcan Physcal Socty). D 25. Ncolaas Blombn, ltt to Rchad A. Caan J., May May 21, 1991, n Importance and Status o the SSC , 12. 26. Howad Wolp and Shwood Bohlt, ltt to Jams D. Watkns, n Importance and Status o the SSC , 5–11. 27. Kmhansl, Kmh ansl, “Unty “U nty,,” 38. 28. Bown, “B Scnc.” 29. Importance and Status o the SSC , 13. 30. Superconducting Super Collider: Joint Hearing Beore the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development o the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate , 103d Con. (Ast 4, 1993) (wt-

tn tstmony o Rstm Roy), 10. 31. Assms, “To Most Physcsts.” 32. Scha, “Glmpss o Tth.” 33. Bazll, “Qak Bal Poltcs.” 34. Energy and Water Development Appropriations Appropriations or 1989, 288. 35. The Superconducting Super Collider Project: Hearing Beore the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House o Representatives, 103d Con. 101 (May 26, 1993).




36. Schwb, “Physcs, Commnty, and th Css,” 40. 37. Importance and Status S tatus o the SSC , 24 (statmnt o Lon M. Ldman, Dcto Emts, Fm Natonal Acclato Laboatoy, Batava, IL). Th mssplln o “Mlts,” th Gk cty that was hom to Thals and s wdly consdd to hav bn th cadl o Gk scnc s cnc and phlosophy, phlosophy, s attbtabl to a tanscpton o ath than to Ldman hmsl. 38.  Fiscal Year 1988 Department o Energy Authorization: Hearing Beore the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development o the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House o Representatives, 100th Con. 143 (Mach 3 and 4, 1987).

39. Bay, “Sachn o Patcls o Loc.” 40. Wnb Wnb,, Dreams. 41. Superconducting Super Collider: Joint Hearing , 51 (statmnt (stat mnt o D. Stvn WnWnb, Thoy Gop, Dpatmnt o Physcs, Unvsty o Txas at Astn). 42. Superconducting Super Collider: Joint Hearing , 58 (statmnt (stat mnt o D. Stvn Wnb, Thoy Gop, Dpatmnt o o  Physcs, Unvsty o Txas at Astn). 43. Th xtmty o th dctonsm sposd n th contxt o th SSC dbats has bn mphaszd by Babaa L. Whttn, who as that “Ldman and [Shldon] Glashow, mly ntnchd n th dctonst paadm and totally nabl to ha what th oths a sayn, smbl staw mn constctd by mnst ctcs to dsplay aoant andocntc scnc at ts most lan. lan.”” Whttn, “What Physcs Is Fndamntal, Fndamntal,”” 10. 44. Superconducting Super Collider: Joint Hearing , 57 (statmnt o D. Phlp W. Andson, Dpatmnt o Physcs, Pncton Unvsty, Pncton, NJ). 45. Establishing Priorities Priorit ies in Science Funding: Hearing Beore the Task Force on De ense, Foreign Foreign Policy and Space o the Committee on the Budget, House o Representatives, 102nd Con. 64 (Jly ( Jly 11 and 18, 1991) (statmnt o Phlp W. W. Andson, Ph.D., Josph Hny Posso, Pncton Unvsty). Th wod “mo,” whch was omttd n th tanscpt, can b asonably nd. 46. The SSC Project , 109. 47. Wnb, Dreams; Ldman and Ts, God Particle. 48. Wnb, “Answ.” 49. Dtta, “Spcolld Is Scnc.” 50. Establishing Priorities in Science Funding , 2. 51. Superconducting Super Collider: Joint Hearing , 13. 52. Fo th dscssons o th SSC dbat n tms o ncaton, s Cat, “Physcsts’ Dbats.” 53. Canb, “Paadoxcal ‘Unts,’” 102. 54. Kadano, “Complx Stcts,” 10. 55. Kadano, “Cathdals and Oth Edcs,” 9. 56. Kadano, “Th B, th Bad,” 11. 57. Andson, “Is Complxty Physcs?” 9. 58. As Cat has ad, th dctonst nty patcl physcsts soht was contpodctv o th oal o mthodolocal nty. Cat, “Physcsts’ Dbats.” 59. The SSC Project , 109. Year 1990 Budget Request , 134. 60. Proposed Fiscal Year 61. Superconducting Super Collider: Hearings, 906 (wttn statmnt o D. Phlp W. Andson, Josph Hny Posso o Physcs, Pncton Unvsty, Pncton, NJ). 62. Superconducting Super Collider: Hearings, 334 (wttn statmnt o D. Jams A. Kmhansl, Hoac Wht Posso o Physcs, Conll Unvsty, Unvsty, Ithaca, NY).




63. Superconducting Super Collider: Hearings, 906 (wttn statmnt o D. Phlp W. Andson). And son). 64. Vama, “Chann Rsach Clts.” 65. Natonal Scnc Fondaton, “NSF Fndn Hstoy by Accont and FY, Constant Dollas,” accssd Apl 5, 2017, https://dllwb.ba.ns.ov/NSFFndnby AccontConstantDollas.pd. 66. US Dpatmnt o Eny, “BES Bdt,” accssd Apl 5, 2017, https://scnc .ny.ov/bs/abot/bs-bdt/. 67. Wsl, Wsl, “Popts and Phnomna, Phnomna,”” s an dyn dy n accont o th concpton o “basc sach” that dvlopd n plasma physcs, whch acd many o th sam challns as sold stat physcs, ncldn th cally cltvatd pcpton that th b qstons o physcs w th nq povnc o hh ny physcs and cosmoloy cosmoloy.. 68.  Proposed Fiscal Year 1990 Budget Request , 158 (AAAS Panl Fndn and th Acadmc Physcal Scncs, Janay 17, 1989). 69. MacLod and Radck, “Ownshp n th Tchnoscncs.” 70. Rowall, “Condnsd Matt Physcs.” 71. Rowall, “Condnsd Matt Physcs,” 45. 72. Superconducting Super Collider: Hearings, 904 (wttn statmnt o Phlp W. Andson, Josph Hny Posso o Physcs, Pncton Unvsty, Pncton, NJ). 73.  Proposed Fiscal Year 1990 Budget Request , 137 (wttn statmnt o Phlp W. Andson, Josph Hny Posso o Physcs, Pncton Unvsty, Pncton, NJ). 74. Hoddson and Kolb, “Spcondctn Sp Colld’s Font Otpost.” Otpost.” S also Matn, “Pst Asymmty.” 75.  Proposed Fiscal Year 1990 Budget Request , 138 (wttn statmnt o Phlp W. Andson). And son). 76. Ath L. Schawlow, ltt to Flx Bloch, Octob 18, 1967, FBPS, box 8, old 15. 77. Fo Fo amnt o contnty acoss ach o ths shts, s: Shapn, Scientic Revolution; Taltavll, “Tansmttn Knowld”; and Ny, Beore Big Science. 78. Kvls, Physicists, x. 79. Don, Velvet Revolution; Cas, “Natonal Synchoton Lht Soc”; Rsh, “US Nton Faclty”; Wstall, “Instttonal Psstnc.” Fo a pspctv on th Eopan contxt, s Hnz, Hallonstn, and Hnck, “Fom Pphy to Cnt” and “Tnn “T nn th Shp.” S hp.” 80. Cas and Wstall, “Nw B Scnc.” CONCLUSIONS

 Epigraph: COSMAT, Materials and Man’s Needs, 4:10.

1. Th mmbshp o th Amcan Physcal Socty n 2000 was 41,570. It spassd 36,000, on thosand tms ts chat mmbshp, n 1985. 2. Shnbot, “Edtoal.”  Physical Review Applied   ollowd qckly on th hls o  Physical Review X , th APS contbton to onln, opn-accss pblshn, whch boasts boad cova o “p, appld, and ntdscplnay physcs” mnscnt o th aly yas o th onal  Physical Review . Data on th  Physical Review  amly o jonals can b ond at https://jonals.aps.o/abot. 3. Attntv ads wll not that ths s appantly contadctd by Ath von Hppl’s statmnt, potd n chapt 6, to th ct that th bonday btwn physcs and




lctcal nnn was cmbln. Th sntmnt von Hppl xpssd, althoh ndcatv o a local pattn o ncoan ntdscplnay xchan at MIT, MIT, was a om bn sanctd by so mhty a chch as th  Physical Review n th 1940s. 4. Foman, “On th Hstocal Foms” and “Pmacy o Scnc.” 5. Esl, “‘Ennobln Unty’”; McCay, “Wll Small B Batl?”; Mody,  Instrumental Community. 6. Th last dvson to b omd n th twntth cnty, cnty, psntn th physcs o patcl bams, was stablshd n 1989. 7. Chstan Joas obsvs that common ancdots abot aoant qantm o patcl physcsts makn snd maks ddn “sqald stat physcs” (May Gll-Mann) o “Schmtzphysk” (Wolan Pal) a tackd xtnsvly by sold stat physcsts thmslvs, ndcatn that an oppostonal atttd was pat o th ld’s dntty. Joas, “Campos q ntam.” 8. Superconducting Super Collider: Hearings Beore the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House o Representatives, 100th Con. 244 (Apl 7, 8, and 9, 1987) (wttn statmnt o D D.. Danl Klppn, Lst Wol Wol Posso o Physcs and Assocat Dcto o th Rsach Laboatoy o Elctoncs, Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy, Cambd, MA). 9. Pas, Inward Bound . 10. On th thoy-xpmnt latonshp n hh ny physcs, s Pckn, Con structing Quarks, and Galson, How Experiments End , and Image and Logic . On Fynman daams, s Kas,  Drawing Theories Apart . Fo acconts o la acclato laboatos, s Tawk,  Beamtimes and Lietimes, Hlbon and Sdl,  Lawrence and His  Laboratory, and Hoddson, Kolb, and Wstall, Fermilab. 11. Th has bn a cnt ptck n ntst n contactal hstoy o scnc, skn to vv th tchnq as a xbl bt nlctd tool o thown lht on othws obsc ats o th hstocal pocss. Fo an ovvw, ovvw, s Radck, “Psdntal Addss.” 12. On th chaact and consqncs o th Cold Wa poplaton boom, s Kas, American Physics. A smmay and chapt otln a avalabl at http://wb.mt.d /dkas/www/CWB.html. 13. On how ths pct o th wold nncd scnc and tchnoloy n th Cold Wa, s Edwads, Closed World .



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ab nto mthods, 89, 126, 224n41 Abaham, Max, 105, 227n7 accdtaton o physcsts, 45–47 Acostcal Socty o Amca, 23–25, 40, 50, 201 acostcs, 7, 36, 39, 106, 152 Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy, 121, 124–31, 133, 153, 162, 230n12, 231n29

217n23; pblshn opatons o, 78, 80, 84, 91–93, 96–98, 100, 110, 185, 201, 236n45; svy condctd by, 85; Wa Polcy Commtt o, 213n5 Amcan Phlosophcal Socty, 45, 50, 220n14 Amcan Physcal Socty, concl o, 41–44, 52–53, 56, 61, 65, 68–69, 76– 78, 91–93, 99, 119, 132, 161, 208;

advsoy systm, 26, 133, 153,dal, 159 86, 90–91, 121– A Foc Oc o Scntc Rsach. See Untd Stats A Foc Amcan Assocaton o Physcs Tachs, 40, 217n12 Amcan Chmcal Socty, 50, 59, 78, 225n56, 231n39 Amcan clt: and b scnc, 188, 196–97, 200, 210; plac o physcs wthn, 8–11, 174; p scnc dal as a ol to, 18–20, lvanc o physcs to, 34 Amcan Insttt o Elctcal Enns, 21–22, 107, 217n17 Amcan Insttt o Mchancal Enns, 63–64, 231n39 Amcan Insttt o Physcs, as an altnatv to th Amcan Physcal Socty, 34–37, 39–43; and th Connc o Physcsts, 45, 50–53;

dsposton towad appld200–202; sach, 39–45, 49–54, 65, 74–75, dvsons o, 50, 56–62, 65–69, 73, 76–78, 81, 87, 112, 131–33, 144, 153, 159, 164, 170, 204, 219n5, 220n19, 221n49; domnant plac n Amcan physcs, 33–37, 217n23; as a ol o Amcan pamatsm, 21–24, 31; ondn o, 5, 11–14, 19–20, 196; ntsocty latonshps o, 231n39;  jonals o, 26–27, 26–27, 30, 97–98, 100, 157, 225n56, 235n25, 240nn1–2; mtns o, 20, 38, 41–42, 52, 56, 58–59, 61–62, 64–69, 76–78, 92–93, 99, 103, 138, 161, 170, 179, 217n12, 223n3; mmbshp o, 29, 84, 86, 215nn12–14, 218n29, 222nn1–2, 230n1; psdnts o, 11, 32, 42, 44, 50, 68, 178–79; and th al stat bsnss, 60, 220n15  American Physics Physics Teacher  Teacher , 25

ondn o, 24; mmb socts o, o ,

Amcan Socty o Mtals, 63–64




amophos solds, 15, 62, 64, 156, 195 Andson, Phlp W.: opposton to SSC, 3–4, 10, 182–84, 186–92, 194–95; opposton to dctonsm, 15, 137; 140–52, 206, 233nn37–38; aly adopt o condnsd matt physcs,

Aspn Cnt o Physcs, 163 astophyscs, 191, 223n3, 227n76 Atomc Eny Commsson, 10, 102–4, 112–13, 115, 172, 227n6, 231n24 atomc physcs, 27, 73, 87, 135, 185, 227n76

154, 235n44; and ntllctal mt o sold stat physcs, 159, 160–61, 166; ol n th Aspn Cnt o Physcs 163; compason to Dolas Adams 233n31 applcatons. See appld physcs appld physcs: and dscplnay dalsm, 39–44; aly twntth cnty owth o, 24–28, 30, 33, 35; as xtnsv sach 140; and dal

Badn, John, 147, 158, 224n33, 225n53, 235n29 Bans, R. Bowln, 49 Bay, Dav, 182 Baton, Hny, 45, 59, 80, 92 basc sach: accssblty to sold stat sachs, 148, 159–60, 162–64; dal sppot o, 16, 120–25, 128–33, 136, 142, 144, 172–73,

ndn 175–76, 183–89, 194–95;pots, as th t o sold stat sach, 148; manalzaton o, 5, 13–16, 30, 36, 41, 52, 60, 84, 120, 200–202, 205, 207–8; n matals scnc, 122–23, 125, 127, 129–33; n th mda, 150–52, 154; at th Natonal Mant Laboatoy, 104–107, 109, 111–15, 117; and physcs dcaton, 48–49; as a poblmatc catoy, 7, 20–22, 41, 217n9, 228n11; psntaton n th APS, 65–67, 69–75; ots om basc sach to, 160, 162–68, 229n27, 231n29, 232n14; socts and jonals ddcatd to, 35, 39, 240n2; n son, 23 appld sach. See appld physcs appoxmaton tchnqs, 72, 89, 90, 156–57, 225n45 Aonn Natonal Laboatoy, 197 ARPA. See Advancd Rsach Pojcts

175–78, 187–89, 191–92, 194–95, 185, 233n24; ndstal sppot o, 191–92; nstttonal psntaton o, 40–42, 45, 63, 67, 71, 74–75; at la aclts, 14, 206; and mtally, 106; at th Natonal Mant Laboatoy, 108–11, 113–15; and pdaoy, 49, 128; poplaty o, 84; as a poblmatc catoy, 7, 21, 217n9, 228n11, 240n67; potablty o, 119; latonshp to tchncal otcoms, 167–68, 194–95, 203, 216n3, 228n15, 229n27, 231n29, 232n15, 237n74; and scntc mt, 138 Bll Tlphon Laboatos: achtct o, 231n29; bakp o, 163, 193; mploys o, 119, 174, 215n14, 218n33, 224n33; stablshmnt o, 22; lack o gemü  gemütlichkeit  tlichkeit , 142; mtn hld at, 23; Phlp Andson at, 3, 137, 142–43; psntd at th Con-


nc o Physcsts, 32, 46–47, 49–50;




sold stat sach and, 63, 71, 73, 91, 95, 162, 220n28, 232n15; Wllam Shockly at, 57, 84–85 b scnc: xcsss o, 205–7; and dal spndn, 172, 186–89, 191–92; as a hstooaphcal catoy 227n5;

Bckly, Olv E., Bckly, E. , 32, 34, 47–48, 51 Bstn, Elas, 77

lmts o, 16; o sold stat physcs, 102–4, 117 boloy: antdcton n, 233n31; ascnt to pomnnc, 9, 149, 172, 197; contastd wth physcs, 6; molcla, 210; lvanc o physcs o, 49, 165, 179 Btt, Fancs, 102, 105–11, 114–15, 117, 187, 220n26, 227–28nn8–13 BKS thoy. See Boh–Kams–Slat

235n44 Can Insttt o Tchnolo Tchnoloyy, 57, 63, 69, 84, 94 Cavndsh Laboato L aboatoyy, 87, 105, 154, 227n8, 235n44 camcs. See amophos solds chmcal nnn, 71, 88, 89, 126, 130 chmcal physcs, 52, 93–95, 165, 191, 225n56, 226n58

thoy Bloch, Flx, 89, 147, 196 Blombn, Ncolaas, 112, 178–79 Bohlt, Shwood, 178–80, 185 Boh–Kams–Slat thoy, 88–89, 224n41 Boh, Nls. See Boh-Kams-Slat thoy Bond, Jams, 210–11 Bck, Otto, 71 Bt, Goy, 209 Bllon, Lèon, 62, 89, 220n24, 225n45 Bnkman Rpot, Th, 163–67 Bstol, Unvsty o, 157 Bomly Rpot, Th, 159–63 Bookhavn Natonal Laboatoy, 91, 94, 103–4, 197, 235n28 Books, Havy, 94, 96–98, 100, 158–59, 162, 225n53 Bown Unvsty Unvs ty,, 27, 109, 125, 164 Bown, Malcolm, 150, 179

chmsty, and mnc: 144–45, 179; En Wn and, 88–89; n Fanc, 156–57; as a ndamntal  ndamntal scnc, 105–7; ndstal lvanc o, 191; n ndsty, 36; at th Insttt o th Stdy o Mtals, 164–65; and matals scnc, 122–24, 126–27, 130; Nobl Pz o, 150; physcsts’ collaboaton wth, 63, 73, 79, 81, 86, 93–97, 100, 109, 120, 201, 208; n physcs pdaoy, 90; possonal dntty,, 21, 32, 33, 47–49, dntty 47–49 , 51–52, 60–61, 213n3, 214n10, 225n53, 225nn55–56, 226n58, 226n64, 230n20, 231n29; pblcatons, 14, 25, 27, 92–95 Chcao, Unvsty o: aclty o, 22, 159, 123, 164, 186, 217n9, 218n33; as IDL st, 125; nnc on Alvn Wnb, 137–38; pblcatons om, 142

bbbl chambs, 135, 207

Closton, Albt M., 119–20

Calona, Santa Babaa, Unvsty o, 163 Cambd, Unvsty o, 18, 147–48,




Cohn, Moll, 159 Cold Wa: b scnc and, 103; dmands o th, 14–16, 52, 120–22, 172–74, 209, 216n3; nd o, 172, 174, 196, 237n9; Manchasm o, 211; pst o physcs n, 4–5, 7–11, 56, 197, 205,

cystal stct physcs: as a componnt o sold stat physcs, 5, 69, 156; qantm mchancal appoachs to, 55, 62–63, 72, 89; mtally and, 106, 164; tchncal lvanc o, 130–31, 156

210 Colmba Unvsty Unvsty,, 95, 105, 142, 217n15, 218n32 Colmbs, Chstoph, 171 Commtt on th Svy o Matals Scnc and Ennn, 121, 129–33 complxty, 15, 163, 168, 187, 208 Compton ct. See Compton, Ath Holly Compton, Ath Holly, 33, 88, 224n41

DARPA. See Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy Daow, Kal Klch: on absntsm at APS mtns, 58; and th abl o th bll and th cat, 45; ndshp wth  John Van Van Vlck, 60, 220n14; 220n14; ovsht o APS dvsons, 42–44, 50, 52, 57, 60–62, 64–66, 68, 75–77, 219n5, 221n31; spons to th pblcaton

Compton, 87, 218n49 compts,Kal, 89, 126, 150, 175, 177, 193, 208 condnsd matt physcs. See sold stat physcs Connc o Physcsts, Natonal Rsach Concl. See Natonal Rsach Concl Conss. See Untd Stats Conss consm clt, 11, 122 Coop, Lon, 147, 158, 235n29 Conll Unvsty Unvsty,, 47, 72, 123, 125, 142, 14 2, 179 COSMAT. See Commtt on th Svy o Matals Scnc and Ennn cosmoloy cosmolo y,, 136, 177, 181, 189, 18 9, 195, 208, 240n67 Cosmos Clb, 24, 217n23 contactals, 208–10 Canb, Lawnc, 186 Cas, Robt Rob t P., P., 103, 197

poblm, 92, 98; vstn possoshps, 218n33 Davsson, Clnton, 22 Dns Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy. See Advancd Rsach Pojcts Ancy dnsty nctonal thoy, 163, 226n64, 236n56 Dpatmnt o Dns, 102, 104, 111, 115, 120–21, 123, 127 Dpatmnt o Eny, 10, 172, 175–77, 179, 192 D, Ghad, 63 Dscplns: and accdtaton accdtaton,, 45; bondas o, 5, 13, 33–35, 47–49, 53, 106; comptton amon, 14, 148, 185–87, 191–92; xpmntal, 69, 128–31; omaton o, 7, 31, 55, 78–80, 125, 153–55, 166–68, 213n3; ntacton amon, 17, 91, 95–96, 107, 126, 138, 164, 187, 198;




and possonal dntty, 12, 21, 99–100, 118, 120–21, 200–205, 207, 216n3; psntaton o, 30; nty o, 86 Dvson o Condnsd Matt Physcs, Amcan Physcal Socty, 132, 161

soc o ntnatonal compttvcompttvnss, 174–75, 193–94 Edson, Thomas, 19–20 Enstn, Albt, 9, 147, 209 lctcal nnn: at MIT 108–9, 126–27; ons n physcs, 39, 208;

Dvson o Elcton and Ion Optcs, Amcan Physcal Socty, 43, 52, 60, 67–68, 219n4, 223n3 Dvson o Fld Dynamcs, Amcan Physcal Socty, 161–62 Dvson o Hh Polym Physcs, Amcan Physcal Socty, 52, 56, 67–69, 218n34, 221n49 Dvson o Matals Physcs, Amcan Physcal Socty, 132

ovlap wth physcs, 36, 73, 130, 240n3; plac n physcs pdaoy, 48 lctomantsm, 6–7, 19, 21, 29, 100, 182 lctoncs. See lctcal nnn mnc: dployd dployd n opposton to th SSC, 181, 194; Phlp Andson’s sppot o, 15, 137, 145, 149; oots n condnsd matt phnomna, 206

Dvson o Patcls Physcal Socty,and 144,Flds, 170 Amcan Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs, Amcan Amcan Physcal Socty: ondn o, 13, 39, 53–54, 56, 69, 87; owth o, 75–78; ntaton o acadmc and ndstal sachs wthn, 65, 70–72, 75; mmbshp o, 133, 222n2, 229n31; nam chan, 161–62; patcpaton n Fdaton o Matals Socts, 132;  John Van Van Vlck as cha o, 223n4 Dsslhas, Mldd, 72, 126, 222n63 Dshman, Sal, 57, 219n9 Dtta, Plak, 185

émé physcsts, 30, 86–87 nnn, acclato: acclato: 177; at Bll Laboatos, 24; chmcal, 88; Manhattan Pojct and, 8, 208, 214n10; matals scnc and, 120–24, 126–27, 129–20, 132–33, 231n29; physcs as lod 48–49; possonal dntty o, 21–22; pblcatons, 27; ada and, 216n1; latonshp to physcs, 14, 33, 39, 41–42, 63, 73–74, 96, 106–107, 179, 201–3, 228n11; tann, 105. See also lctcal nnn Enland. See Gat Btan

Eastman-Kodak, 23 conomc lvanc o physcs: dsdan o, 10, 13; hh ny physcsts’ ambvalnc abot, 117, 181; latonshp to p scnc dal, 16, 19–20, 196; ol n sstann pst o physcs, 11, 14, 179, 200;

dal advsoy systm. See advsoy systm, dal dal ndn. See ndn, dal Fmlab. See Natonal Acclato Laboatoy omantsm, 68, 71, 105, 156, 208, 227n8  estkörperphysik  estkörperph ysik, 156, 234n16




Fst Wold Wa, 21 Fltch, Havy, 50, 69 Fly, Pal A., 174, 181, 188, 237n11 ds, 15, 162–63, 186 Foman, Pal, 203, 216n3, 228n15 Fanc, 61–62, 156–57, 234n11, 235n25

Gamow, Go, 83 Gll-Mann, May M ay,, 12, 213n6, 232n12, 232n 12, 241n7 Gnal Elctc: ondn o sach laboatoy, 22; Fdck Stz at, 90, 97; pblcatons o, 142–43; Ro-

Fancs Btt Natonal Mant Laboatoy. See Natonal Mant Laboatoy Fanck, Jams, 165 Fdl, Jacq, 156–57 ndamntal physcs: ndn o, 171, 173–74, 177–78; nstttonal oanzaton to potct, 39, 41–42; matals sach as, 128–29; nat o, 16, 136–40, 142–50, 174, 210, 228n15; dctonsm and, 15, 181, 183–85,

man Smolchowsk at, 13, 39, 56–57, 69 Gmany,, 18–20, 61, 155–57, Gmany 155– 57, 209, 213n3, 213n3 , 235n25 Gbbs, Roswll C., 47–48, 51 lass. See amophos solds Goldsmth, Ald N., 38–39 Godsmt, Saml, 83, 92, 99, 235n28 Gay, Dwht, 152 Gat Btan, 18–19, 21, 87, 157,

187–89, 211;114–18, latonshp to applcatons, 111, 193–95; as a pblc ood, 176–77, 227–28n11; sold stat physcs as, 14, 95, 102, 104–8, 153–54, 158, 164, 166–67, 199, 232n14 ndn, dal: o basc sach, 187; o b scnc, 16, 104, 173, 176, 182, 191–92, 237n9; copld to pactcal oals, 111–13, 117, 120–21, 160, 167, 174–75; o hh ny physcs, 10– 11, 82, 144, 172; ncntvs catd by, 153; nnc on postwa physcs, 35, 52, 149; o matals scnc 14, 129, 131, 133; thoh th Natonal Scnc Fondaton, 102; pots, 11, 116, 137, 189, 204; o socal poams, 103; thtnn o, 14, 103–4, 136, 138 Fqa, Don, 175–76

235n23, 235n25 op o sx, 13, 57–62, 65–69, 76, 86– 87, 93, 219n5 Gnhm Fondaton, 105 Hansn, Wllam Wll am Wbst, Wbst, 33 Hanwll, Gaylod Pobasco: ol n stablshn stabls hn Physcs P hyscs Today Today,, 80, 83; sppot o dscplnay dalsm 36–40, 42, 49–53, 74–75, 217n12; as Unvsty o Pnnsylvana psdnt, 63–64 Havad Unvsty: Edwn Kmbl at, 48; Go Pak at, 226n61; Havy Books at, 94, 96; ntdscplnay laboatoy hostd at, 125; John Slat at, 126; John Van Vlck at, 58, 87, 223n4; Ncolaas Blombn at, 112, 178; Phlp Andson at, 3, 142; Rado Rsach Laboatoy o, 85 Hn, Conys, 95, 224n33, 225n53




Hs boson, 171 hh ny physcs: APS dvson o, 132; as b scnc, 14–16, 102, 104, 114–18, 197, 205–7; comptton btwn sold stat physcs and, 79, 114–18, 135–40, 143–150; dson

possonal psntaton o, 5, 13–14, 16–17, 24, 31, 36–37, 42–52, 54, 195, 199–201, 208; poposd APS dvson o, 62; latonshp wth acadma, 23, 34–37, 41–44, 47, 72, 75, 84–86, 157, 168, 201, 217n41,

o sold stat physcs wthn, 12, 241n7; ndn o, 11, 227n6; hstooaphcal ocs on, 208–10; potntal soc o wold-atn black hols, 214n25; pst o, 4, 159, 200; podctvty clams o 3, 192–96, 202; pblcatons, 161; and th SSC, 170–90, 192–95, 197; vsblty o, 8, 10–11, 82, 112. See also dctonsm Hoddson, Lllan, 10, 172

218n33; ol sstann pst o physcs, 12; oots o sold stat physcs n, 15, 56, 58, 62–67, 69, 72, 74, 96–97, 153, 162, 168, 198; tchnolos dvlopd n, 11, 54, 73, 142–43 Insttt o th Stdy o Mtals, Unvsty o Chcao, 123, 164–65 Insttt o Thotcal Physcs, Copnhan, 88, 224n41 Insttt o Rado R ado Enns, 38–39,

Hos o Rpsntatvs, 3, 175, 179, 184–85, 189, 196 Hll, Albt W., 32, 44 Htchns, Robt Maynad, 137 Htchsson, Elm, 37–39, 217n15 Hxly, Thomas Hny, 21

217n17popty, 172, 192–93 ntllctal ntdscplnaty: ntdscpln aty: n chmcal physcs, 93, 225n56; n matals scnc, 120–22, 124–26, 128, 131, 133, 204; n mtally, 164; pspctvs o amon sold stat physcsts, 95–97; 95–97; as a val, 56, 240nn2–3 Intdscplnay Intdscpln ay Laboatos, 121, 125– 26, 128–31, 162, 231n29 ntatd ccts, 11, 163

IBM, 132, 14–43, 147, 193, 231n29 Illnos, Unvsty o, 90–91, 126, 142 ndsty: basc sach n, 119, 143; Btsh, 19, 214–15n4; condnsd matt physcs dstancs tsl om, 165, 167–68; Gman, 19, 214–15n4; owth o physcs n, 19–22, 30, 35, 69, 92, 152, 173, 215n12, 224n29; laboatos, 22, 100, 163, 193–94, 197, 205, 231n29, 232n15; manalzaton o, 19, 21, 24, 28–29; phamactcal, 150; and physcs pdaoy, 48–49, 148, 159, 191; and physcs pblshn, 26–27, 142, 221n36;

 International Journal o the Physics and Chemistry o Solids, 97–98

Intnatonal Unon o P and Appld Physcs, 78  Jams Fanck Insttt, Insttt, 164–65  Johns Hopkns Unvsty Unvsty,, 20, 225n56  Journal o Applied Applied Physics: dtoal dcton o, 201, 221n36; dtoals and ltts n, 37–39, 43, 65–66;




 Journal o Applied Applied Physics (cont.): dtos

o, 37, 217n15; pblcatons o th Natonal Mant Laboatoy n 113, 228n22; namd om Physics, 27  Journal o Chemical Chemical Physics, 25, 92, 201–2, 225n25  Journal o Rheology, 25, 30, 201  Journal o the Acoustical Acoustical Society o AmerAmerica, 25, 201  Journal o the Optical Society Society o America, 

25, 201  jonals. See pblshn Kadano, Lo, 164–65, 186 Katch, Davd A., 80–81 Klly,, Mvn, 49–50 Klly Kmbl, Edwn,J.,48–49, 126, 230n16 Kvls, Danl 32–34,87, 196–97, 216n3 Kncad, John F., 126–28 Kttl, Chals, 72–73, 143, 225n53 Klppa, Ol, 165 Klppn, Danl, 205 Kohn, Walt, 94, 96, 154, 162–63, 226n64 Kolm, Hny, 113–14, 229n36 Kams, Hnk, 88 Kmhansl, Jams, 123, 179, 191 Laboatoy o Inslaton Rsach, 127, 230n20 La Hadon Colld, 171, 214n25 lass, 11, 177–78, 196, 236n45 Lawnc Bkly Laboatoy, 81, 143, 207, 214n11 Lax, Bnjamn, 104, 109–14, 117, 160, 173, 229n36 Ldman, Lon, 170, 174, 176–78, 182, 184, 202

lvls o physcal oanzaton, 15, 139, 144–49, 181, 186–87, 208, 233n31 Lncoln Laboatoy, 109, 126, 143 lna modl o nnovaton, 167, 231n29, 237n74 lqd hlm, 15, 81, 162, 179 lqds, 152, 154–56, 160, 196 Lvnston, M. Stanly, 136 Los Alamos, 112, 209 low tmpats, 6, 108, 147, 164 mantc sonanc man, 167, 175, 178–79 mantsm, 28, 60, 102, 105, 113, 164, 166 mants, 11, 127, 167, 177, 178–79 Manhattan Pojct: Alvn Wnb’s mploymnt wth, 138; assocatons btwn basc sach and, 120, 214n10; Bn Pot’s mploymnt wth, 27; as nnn ndavo, 8–10, 208–9; nstttonal lacy o, 164; sccy aond, 32, 35 Mansld Amndmnts, 115, 120 many-body physcs, 160–61 Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy: aclty o, 72–73, 83, 86–87, 89, 105, 139, 228n13, 240n3; laboatos o, 14, 23, 85, 107–118, 125–26, 143; sold stat thoy cos, 72; stdnts o, 86, 222n63 Matals Advsoy Boad, 122–24. See also Natonal Rsach Concl  Materials and Man’s Needs Needs. See Commtt on th Svy o Matals Scnc and Ennn Matals Rsach Cnts. See Intdscplnay Laboatos




Matals Rsach Socty, 167–79 matals sach. See matals scnc matals scnc: APS dvson o, 132; ARPA sppot o, 124–29; as a dscplnay catoy, 56, 120–24, 129–24, 153–54, 166, 197, 203; ndn o,

Natonal Ba o Standads, 52, 61, 215n14 natonal dns, 10, 22, 120, 123, 125, 174–75 Natonal Insttts o Halth, 111, 188 Natonal Mant Laboatoy: as b sc-

14; pactcal objctvs o, 132, 160, 168; not scnc, 129; tann n, 124 mchancs, 7, 28, 44, 166 mascnc, 188, 194, 200, 206, 209 Mtallcal Laboatoy, Unvsty o Chcao, 164 mtally: collaboaton wth, 58, 63–64, 90, 164–65; Fancs Btt’s vson o, 102–9, 220n26, 228n13; matals scnc and, 120, 122–23, 126, 130;

nc, 14, 102–104, 112, 115, 197, 200; ondn o, 107–10; ndn o, 104, 108, 110–15, 117–18, 173; sach condctd at, 108–111, 113–14 Natonal Rsach Concl: Connc o Physcsts, 32, 45–51, 80; Sold Stat Scncs Panl, 110; svy o ndstal laboatos, 63; svys o sold stat and condnsd matt physcs,

latonshp to physcs, 51, tachn 60–61, 73, 96, 208, 214n10, 230n20; o, 48 Mchan Stat Unvsty, 35, 217n10 Mody, Cys C. M., 94, 126 “Mo Is Dnt,” 15, 143–150, 152, 160, 187, 188, 194 Mott, Nvll, 90, 143, 150, 157 mons, 7, 155 Mskat, Mos, 36, 217n9

157, 159, 160–62, 165, 167, 193. See also Matals Advsoy Boad; Natonal Acadmy o Scncs Natonal Scnc Fondaton: stablshmnt, 102; sppot o APS jonals, 91–92, 98–99; sppot o condnsd matt physcs, 192; sppot o hh ny physcs, 104, 188, 227n6; sppot o matals scnc, 133; sppot o Natonal Mant Laboatoy, 110–12, 114 natonal scty. See natonal dns Natonal Synchoton Lht Soc, 103, 197 nw b scnc, 103, 196–98  New York York Times, 150, 179, 184, 216n1 Nobl Pz: Bton Rcht, 154; Clnton Davsson, 22; Isdo Isaac Rab, R ab, 23; Jams Fanck, 165; John Badn, 224n33; John Van Vlck, 150; Lon Ldman, 170; Nvll Mott,

Natonal Acadmy o Scncs: boaphcal mmos o, 26; mmbshp n, 110, 143, 232–33n22; polcy advc o, 121; pots, 129–30, 153, 157. See also Natonal Rsach Concl Natonal Acclato Laboatoy: contbtons o, 178–79; ndn o, 104, 112, 185; hstos o, 207; jstcatons o 115, 117; mmbs o n obt, 176; opposton to, 112, 173; Tvaton, 171

150; Ncolaas Blombn, 178;




Nobl Pz (cont.): Phlp Andson, 143, 150, 183; Stvn Wnb, 182; Walt Kohn, 226n64 Nobl, Davd F., 21, 215n5 noncystaln solds. See amophos solds

pdaoy, 32, 35, 72, 109, 126, pdaoy, 126 , 199, 207 Pam, Go, 44, 91, 221n43 Pnnsylvana, Unvsty o, 36, 63–64, 125 Pamon Pss, 97  Philosophical Magazine Magazine, 26

Nothwstn Unvsty, 56, 125, 185 ncla ams ac, 9, 232n3 ncla mantc sonanc, 11, 94, 145, 178, 226n61, 226n64 ncla physcs: APS dvson, 132, 229n31; as a dscpln, 55; ndn o, 102, 192; ovlap wth hh ny physcs, 10–11, 135–36, 177; poltcal nnc o, 4, 8–10, 143, 176, 205; and poplaton owth, 30;

physcal chmsty. See chmcal physcs, 93, 164, 225n56  Physical Review: ablty to ad cov-tocov, 24–27; dtoshp, 83, 92; as ashp jonal, 24; owth o, 79–80, 86, 201–2; naown o ocs, 13, 26–27; potablty o, 91–92; pblcaton dlays, 78, 97, 99; pblcatons n, 110, 113, 221n36; sold stat physcsts consd abandonn, 79,

pst 207–10; pblcatons,o,26,81–84, 79, 93,200, 227n76; sach n 88; and ndsa saxophon, 182 ncla wapons, 32, 34, 52, 112

93–94; 240n2 sbdvson o, 142, 155, 200,  Physical Review Applied  Applied , 200, 202, 240n2  Physics. S Journal o Applied Applied Physics  Physics Today Today: atcls n, 58, 87, 137, 139, 152, 179, 228n11; as a dscsson om, 36, 80–84; ondn  ondn o, 51, 204; dscssons o nty n, 185–87  Physik der kondensierten kondensierten Materie, 155, 159  physique du solide solide, 155–57, 235n23 Pck, Hnz, 156 Pns, Davd, 158, 163 Pppad, Ban, 147–48, 158, 168 plasma physcs, 8, 159, 191, 240n67 Pot, Bnad H., 27–30 pst: o th APS, 77–78; dscssd at th Connc o Physcsts, 47–48; lt o n postwa physcs, 39, 148–49, 172; o hh ny physcs, 4; nt-

Oak Rd Natonal Laboatoy, 27, 103, 137–38, 197 Oc o Naval Rsach, 102, 121 Oppnhm, J. Robt, 9, 81, 209 Optcal Socty o Amca, 23, 25, 40, 201 optcs, 7, 39, 49, 108, 155, 166, 227n76 Osood, Thomas H., 35, 40 Pas, Abaham, 24–25, 207 Pak Rpot, Th, 157–59, 162, 166, 235n30 Pak, Go E., 94, 158 Panosky, Wolan, 115, 135 patcl physcs. See hh ny physcs Pasto, John O., 115–17, 173 Pal, Wolan, 12, 147, 241n7

natonal, 104; mantnanc o, 7–10;




sold stat physcs compts o, 73, 150–51, 159–61, 165, 168, 187, 189–90, 194, 204–5 Pncton Unvsty, 4, 27, 86–87, 89, 143 podctvty podct vty clams, 192–96

as a hstooaphcal catoy, 6, 196;  John Slat’s contbtons contbtons to, 87–89; 87–89;  John Van Van Vlck’s contbtons contbtons to, 60, 71; as a phnomnolocal catoy, 7; n th Physical Review, 26–27, 201; o solds, 72, 102, 104, 146; as a soc

possonal dntty: and appld sach, 27, 36, 45, 54–56, 74, 207; as concvd n dnt banchs o physcs, 4–5, 81; o nnn, 21; mpact o APS dvsons on, 65; o physcs as a whol, 7, 10, 12, 19, 31–32, 44, 54–56, 121, 134, 137, 193, 199, 210; o sold stat physcs, 9, 14, 78–79, 99, 118, 120, 129, 133, 151–52, 158, 196, 202, 204, 241n7

o concptal nty, 55–56, 204 qantm thoy t hoy,, 48, 62, 126

Pojct Hndsht, 120Insttt o Physpblshn: Amcan cs opatons, 24–27, 30, 50–51; Amcan Physcal Socty opatons, 25–27, 41, 43; and condnsd matt physcs, 155–57; pa chas, 225n49; popla, 184–85; poblms, 14, 76–101, 131, 209; otlts o, 13, 24–27, 200–202, 221n36, 223n9, 225n55 p scnc: Amcan Physcal Socty as a havn o, 12, 20, 59–61, 67; as a catoy, 7, 227–28n11; as an dal, 5, 12–14, 16–17, 18–31, 33, 35, 76, 104, 117, 132, 134, 135, 154, 165, 170, 173, 198–204; and physcs pdaoy, 63; latonshp to appld physcs, 5, 40–42, 84, 148; nty and, 69–70

Rad, Thomas A., 57 ctq o, dctonsm: dctonsm : mnst 239n43; mpotanc to hh ny physcs, 135–36, 140, 170, 173, 181– 85, 197, 202, 205, 211; latonshp to spn-o clams, 177–78; sold stat physcsts’ objctons to, 15, 136–37, 144–45, 148–50, 185–89, 206–7, 233n31; sd to jsty th SSC, 3 Rsach Laboatoy o Elctoncs, 127  Review o Scientic Instruments, 25, 36–37, 201, 228n22  Reviews o Modern Physics Physics, 25 Rcht, Bton, 154, 182, 192 Rchtmy, Floyd K., 25 Robnson, Howad A., 84 Rowland, Hny Asts: as an advocat o p scnc, 12, 19–21, 26, 35, 41, 154, 170, 198–200, 204, 210, 215n7; on th stdy o matt, 11 Roy, Rstm, 167, 179

qantm mchancs: o complx matt, 15, 94–96, 160, 163–64, 166, 168, 232n14; o lmntay patcls, 185;

Rab, Isdo Isaac, 7, 23, 131 Radaton Rada ton Laboato Laboatoy y,, MIT, MIT, 23, 85, 109. 10 9. See also Massachstts Insttt o Tchnoloy Rado Rsach Laboatoy, Havad Unvsty, 85. See also Havad Unvsty




Santa F Insttt, 163, 236n58 Sawy, Ralph A., 49, 218n44 Schmutzphysik, 12, 211, 241n7 Sch, J. Robt, 147, 158, 235n29 Schwtts, Roy Roy,, 177–78 scnc polcy, 4, 9–11, 113, 130, 130 , 184,

ladn sold stat physcst, 225n53; pspctv on th hstoy o sold stat physcs, 166 Slcht, Chals, 143 small scnc, 178, 188–89, 206 Smth, Cyl Stanly, 123, 130, 164

198, 206 Scond Wold Wa, 9, 31, 35, 56, 62, 196, 208–9 Stz, Fdck: Fdck: as copoat shll, 220n21; cospondnc wth Gaylod Hanwll, 80; dcaton, 224n33; mmb o APS concl, 77–78; mmb o th op o sx, 57, 61–62, 64, 67; mmb o Matals Advsoy Boad, 123; psdncy

Smolchowsk, Roman: aval n Untd Stats, 56; cospondnc wth Bn jamn Lax, 110; cospondnc cospondnc wth wth Fdck Stz, 86; ots to stablsh th Dvson o Sold Stat Physcs, 13, 39, 56–58, 60–67, 69, 219n9, 221n31; mmb o Pak Rpot commtt, 158–59; vson o Amcan physcs, 39, 58, 63–65, 122, 153, 164 Smoot, Go, 177–78

o Natonal o Scncs, 157; and thAcadmy pblcaton poblm, 85–91, 92–98, 100; txtbook athoshp, 72–73, 222n60; vws on APS dvsons, 41–42; vws on postwa psonnl shota, 84–85 smcondctos, 11, 94–95, 150, 163, 177–78 Shockly, Wllam, Wllam, 57, 5 7, 84, 86, 94, 94 , 142, 225n53 Sl, Sdny Sdn y, 57, 63, 221n43 221 n43 SLAC. See Stanod Lna Acclato Slat, John Clak: abstact appoach to physcs, 72; advso o Wllam Shockly, 86; applcatons o th Wn– Stz mthod, 90; calclatonal appoach to physcs, 89; conct wth Nls Boh, 88, 244n41; aly ca, 87; nvolvmnt wth MIT’s ntdscplnay laboatoy, 126–128; nvolvmnt nvolv mnt wth th Natonal Mant

Socty o Rholoy, sold stat lctoncs,24130, 150 sold stat physcs: dnton o, 5–7; dvsty o, 6, 8, 11, 16, 73, 90, 95–96, 187; owth o, 7, 11, 14, 16, 76–79, 92–93, 229n31; stablshmnt o, 56–70; and dntty o Amcan physcs, 4–12, 19, 31, 54–56, 99, 121, 134, 137, 193, 199, 202; as a nam, 15, 62–65, 73, 152–54; as opposd to condnsd matt physcs, 154–69; latonshp to ncla and hh ny physcs, 8–10, 55, 81–84, 93, 132, 136, 143, 176–77, 192, 200, 205–10; sls dctd at, 12, 211, 241n7; as an nsal catoy, 7, 13, 29–31, 70, 152–53. See also  applcatons Sovt Unon, 124, 172, 174, 221n36, 232n3 spn-os, 15, 174–82, 185, 187, 193, 202

Laboatoy 107, 109; namd as a

“sqald stat physcs,” 12, 241n7




Stanod Lna Acclato, 104, 115, 135, 207 Stanod Unvsty Unvsty,, 33, 86, 126, 142, 218n33 Star Wars, 16 sto qpmnt, 11, 208

Untd Stats Conss: and NAL ndn, 104; physcsts’ tstmony bo, 111–12, 115, 135, 171–74, 176, 179, 181, 184–86; and SSC ndn, 3, 171–192 Untd Stats Dpatmnt o Dns. See

Statc Dns Intatv Intatv, , 175–76 Spcondctn Sp Colld, 3–5, 8–10, 15–16, 170–98, 202, 205–6, 239n43 spcondctvty: spcondc tvty: ndstal ss, 11; as consttnt ld o sold stat physcs, 110, 164, 167, 235n29, 236n48; ncoctnss o thos o, 147; Nobl Pz o, 150, 158; and mants, 175, 177–79

Dpatmnt o Dns Untd Stats Dpatmnt o Eny. See Dpatmnt o Eny Untd Stats Navy Navy.. See Oc o Naval Rsach nty: dvsons as a that to, 13, 42, 65, 86; as jstcaton o th SSC, 185– 87; poltcal, 35, 37–38, 40, 56, 70, 73–75; ntllctal, 55–56, 70; Physics Today as catalyst or, 80–82, 84; and

spd spdty ty,, 6, 156, 158, 162 Stton, Rchad M., 46 synchoton adaton, 103–4, 198 Szlad, Lo, 88, 209

dctonsm, 233n37–38, 239n58 Unvsty o Bstol. See Bstol, Unvsty o  Unvsty o Calona, Santa Babaa. See Calona, Santa Babaa, Unvsty o  Unvsty o Cambd. See Cambd, Unvsty o  Unvsty o Chcao. See Chcao, Unvsty o  Unvsty o Illnos. See Illnos, Unvsty o  Unvsty o Pnnsylvana. See Pnnsylvana, Unvsty o 

Tat, John Tonc, 26–27, 51, 79, 91–92 tachn. See pdaoy tchnolocal applcatons. See applcatons txtbooks, 72–73, 90, 124, 136, 227n7 txtls, 24, 85, 218n34 thmodynamcs, 6–7, 19, 21, 44, 105 Tocqvll, Alxs d, 18–19 Towns, Chals, Chal s, 145, 158–59 158–5 9 tann. See pdaoy tanssto, 11, 54, 72–73, 142–43, 167, 222n64, 232n17 Tvlpc, Alvn, A lvn, 175–76 175–7 6 Untd Stats A Foc, 108, 110–11, 115, 117, 123

Van Vlack, Vla ck, Lawnc, 124 Van Vlck, John Hasbook: dcaton, 87, 126; xtnson o Wn-Stz mthod, 90; mpssons o Physical  Review, 26; mpssons o Physics Today, 83; as ladn sold stat physcst, 225n53; Nobl Pz, 142–43,




Van Vlck, John Hasbook: Nobl Pz (cont.), 150; opposton to APS dvsons, 58–63, 65–67, 74–75, 77–78, 80, 88, 204, 219–20nn11–19, 223n4; wok on xchan ntacton 71; wok on mantsm, 96

Wstall, Cathn, 10, 103, 197 Wstnhos Elctc Copoaton, 57, 105, 142–43, 191, 221n28, 227n8 Whwll, Wllam, 30, 33 Wn–Stz mthod, 89, 225n45 Wn, En, 87–90, 219–20n14,

Vtnam Wa, 103, 110–13, 133

220n19, 224n33 Wlson, Robt, 115–17, 173, 177 Wold Wa I. See Fst Wold Wa Wold Wa II. See Scond Wold Wa

Wat atall, all, Wallac, Wallac, 24, 2 4, 37–39, 217n15 2 17n15 Wat, Spnc, 55, 95, 154 Wnb, Alvn, A lvn, 137–140, 137–140 , 144–45, 147–150 Wnb cton, 138–40, 145, 149, 184–85, 187 Wnb, Stvn, St vn, 151, 171, 173, 173 , 178–79, 182–85, 187, 202 Wsskop sskop, , Vcto, 139–40, 144, 14 4, 183, 232n12

X-ay dacton, 103, 166  Zeitschrit ür Physik Physik, 155, 234n14

Zn, Clanc, 71

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