Solid State Electronic Devices 7th Edition Streetman Solutions Manual
August 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Chapter 2 Solutions Prob. 2.1
(a&b) Sketch a vacuum tube device. Graph photocurrent I versus retarding voltage V for several light intensities.
light intensity
Note that Vo remains same for all intensities. (c) Find retarding potential.
λ=2440 =0.244μm
Vo = h ν - Φ =
1.24eV μm λ(μm)
=4.09eV -=
1.24eV μm - 4. 4.09 09eV eV = 5. 5.08 08eV eV - 4.09eV 1eV 0.244μm
Prob. 2.2
Show third Bohr postulate equates to integer number n umber of DeBroglie waves fitting within circumference of a Bohr circular orbit.
4 o n2 rn = mq2
q2 mv2 an andd = and p = mvr 4πo r 2 r
2 2 2 2 π r 2 2 2 2 2 rn = 4 o n2 = n 2 4 o2 n = n 2 r n 2 = n2 2 mq mrB q mrn mv m v rn m2v2rn 2 = n2 2 mvrn = n p = n is tthe he third third Bohr ohr ppos ostul tulate ate
© 2015 Pearson Education, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Prob. 2.3
(a) Find generic equation for Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen series .
mq4 hc ΔE = = λ 32π2o 2 n12 hc
mq4 ((nn 22 - n12 ) o 2n12 n 2 2 2 π2
mq4 32π2o2 n22 mq4 ((nn 22 - n12 )
8o 2 n12n 22 h2 hc 8εo2h3c n12n22 = = mq4 (n 22 - n12 ) mq4 n22 - n12 8(8.85 10-12 mF )2 (6.63 1034 Js)3 2.998 108 ms n12n 22 = 2 2 9.11 1100-31kg (1.60 1100-19C)4 n 2 - n1 n12 n22 n12n22 8 = 9.1110 m = 9.11Å 2 2 n22 - n12 n 2 - n1 n1 =1 for Ly Lyman, man, 2 for B Balmer, almer, and 3 fo forr Paschen (b) Plot wavelength versus n for Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen series. n 2 3 4 5
n^2 4 9 16 25
LYMAN SERIES n^2-1 n^2/(n^2-1) 3 1.33 8 1.13 15 1.07 24 1.04
LYMAN LIMIT n 3 4 5 6 7
n^2 9 16 25 36 49
BALMER SERIES n^2-4 4n^2/(n^2-4) 5 7.20 12 5.33 21 4.76 32 4.50 45 4.36
911*n^2/(n^2-1) 1215 1025 972 949
911Ǻ 911*4*n^2/(n^2-4) 6559 4859 4338 4100 3968
n 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n^2 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
PASCHEN SERIES n^2-9 9*n^2/(n^2-9) 911*9*n^2/(n^2-9) 7 20.57 18741 16 14.06 12811 27 12.00 10932 40 11.03 10044 55 10.47 9541 72 10.13 9224 91 9.89 9010
© 2015 Pearson Education, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Prob. 2.4
(a) Find Δ p x for for Δx=1Ǻ. Δpx Δx =
h 6.6310-34J s = = 5.03 10-25 kgsm Δpx = -10 4 Δx 4π 10 m
(b ) Find Δt for Δ E=1eV.
ΔE Δt = h
Δt =
-15 h = 4.14 10 eV s = 3.30 10-16s 4 ΔE 4π 1eV
Prob. 2.5
Find wavelength of 100eV and 12keV electrons. Comment on electron microscopes compared to visible light microscopes.
E= λ=
1 2
2 E m
mv2 v =
2 E m
6.63 10-34J s -31
2 9.1110 kg
- 12
- 12
1 2
E = E 4.911100 J m
For 100eV, -1
J 2 λ = E 2 4.911 10 0-19J 2 m = (100eV 1.602 10-19 eV ) 4.911 10 0-19J 2 m = 1. 1.2310-10m = 1.23Å 1
For 12keV, -1
J 2 λ = E 2 4.911 10 0-19J 2 m = (1.2 104eeV V 1.602 10-19 eV ) 4.911 10 0-19J 2 m = 1.12 10-11m = 0.112Å 1
The resolution on a visible microscope is dependent on the wavelength of the light which is around 5000Ǻ; so, the much smaller electron wavelengths provide much better resolution. Prob. 2.6
why? Assume 1-D in each Which of the following could NOT possibly be wave functions and why? case. (Here i= imaginary number, C is a normalization constant)
A) Ψ (x) (x) = C for for all x. B) Ψ (x) = C for values of x between 2 and 8 cm, and Ψ (x) = 3.5 C ffor or values of x between 5 and 10 cm. Ψ (x) (x) is zero everywhere everywhere else. C) Ψ (x) = i C for x= 5 cm, and linearly goes down to zero at x= 2 and x = 10 cm from this peak value, and is zero for all other x. If any of these are valid wavefunctions, calculate C for those case(s). What potential energy for x
≤ 2 and x ≥ 10 is consistent with this?
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A) For a wavefunction (x (x)) ,
we know
(x)(x)dx = 1 *
(x)(x)dx = c *
B) For
0 c=0 (x) cannot be a wave function c 0
dx Ρ=
5 x 8 , (x) has two values, C and 3.5C. For c 0 , (x) is not a function
and for c = 0 :
Ρ = * (x) (x)dx = 0 (
cannot be a wave function.
iC 3 x-2 2 x 5 C) (x)= iC x-10 5 x 10 5
c2 c2 2 2 Ρ = (x)(x)dx = x-2 dx + x-10 dx - 2 9 5 25 *
5 10 c2 c2 (x-2)3 + (x-10)3 2 5 3×9 3×25 125 8c2 2 27 =c + = 3 27 3×25
8c2 Ρ=1 =1 c=0.612 (x) can be a wav wavee function 3 Since (x) = 0 for x 2 and x 10 , the potential energy should be infinite in these two
© 2015 Pearson Education, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Prob. 2.7 A particle is described in 1D by b y a wavefunction: -2x +4x Ψ = Be for x ≥0 and Ce for x6 zero or non?
The energy barrier at x=0 is infinite; so, there is zero probability of finding an electron at x
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