Solicit Letter Councilors (Team Building)

February 1, 2019 | Author: Miguel Hernandez | Category: Business
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nyeam bwuildengchi...


Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers Santa Rosa Campus EXECUTIVE BOARD !"#$%!"#&'

Sharon C( Sala)ar  President

 Au"ust (1 '+-

+O3ORAB/E RO5 *( 6O37A/ES #ity #ouncilor  Cit, of Santa Rosa

*iguelito *( +ernande) VP for Internal Affairs

$ear #ouncilor Roy !. 2on&ales3 Re,dalin R( Barroso VP for External Affairs

2reetin"s4 -o%Ri))a *( Secretary

/oraine D( /agutom  Asst. Secretary Secretary

Pamela S( Sa,ao Treasurer 

The Philippine Institute of Industrial En"ineers 5 Polytechnic Polytechnic University of  the Philippines Santa Rosa #a0pus 6 PIIE-PUPSRC 7 8ill be havin" its annual annual 9Tea0 9Tea0 uildin" uildin":: this Septe0b Septe0ber er +*;'1 +*;'1 '+'+- 8ith the the0e3 the0e3 9noc>in" to your "rateful hearts to support us for this upco0in" activity. This can help youn" professionals to stren"then the leadership 8ithin oneself.

-ean *arianne C( *aala  Asst. Treasurer  Treasurer 

In line 8ith this1 8e are as>in" so0e support fro0 you to 0a>e this activity possible. Any a0ount you can "ive 8ill be hi"hly appreciated and 8ill be a "reat help for us.

0innie Ann 1( *isti.a  Auditor 

2im Bernedette *( -ose Public Relations Officer 

Than> you in advanced for your >indest help. 2od bless4

Respectfully yours1

2enneth E( Bis.o.ho 3orman *( *anangha,a -r( usiness !ana"er 

 444444444444  4444444444444444444 44444444444  4444  #ontact $etails

!i"uelito !. %ernande& '(()(*+,'*!i"uelito.hernande&'+/"0ail.co0

*iguelito *( +ernande) Vice – President for Internal Affairs, PIIE - PUPSRC 

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers Santa Rosa Campus EXECUTIVE BOARD !"#$%!"#&'

Sharon C( Sala)ar  President

 Au"ust (1 '+-

+O3ORAB/E I3A C/ARI7A B( CARTA6E3A #ity #ouncilor  Cit, of Santa Rosa

*iguelito *( +ernande) VP for Internal Affairs

$ear #ouncilor Ina #lari&a . #arta"ena3 Re,dalin R( Barroso VP for External Affairs

2reetin"s4 -o%Ri))a *( Secretary

/oraine D( /agutom  Asst. Secretary

Pamela S( Sa,ao Treasurer 

The Philippine Institute of Industrial En"ineers 5 Polytechnic University of  the Philippines Santa Rosa #a0pus 6 PIIE-PUPSRC 7 8ill be havin" its annual 9Tea0 uildin": this Septe0ber +*;'1 '+- 8ith the the0e3 9noc>in" to your "rateful hearts to support us for this upco0in" activity. This can help youn" professionals to stren"then the leadership 8ithin oneself.

-ean *arianne C( *aala  Asst. Treasurer 

In line 8ith this1 8e are as>in" so0e support fro0 you to 0a>e this activity possible. Any a0ount you can "ive 8ill be hi"hly appreciated and 8ill be a "reat help for us.

0innie Ann 1( *isti.a  Auditor 

2im Bernedette *( -ose Public Relations Officer 

Than> you in advanced for your >indest help. 2od bless4

Respectfully yours1

2enneth E( Bis.o.ho 3orman *( *anangha,a -r( usiness !ana"er 

 44444444444444444444444  #ontact $etails

!i"uelito !. %ernande& '(()(*+,'*!i"uelito.hernande&'+/"0ail.co0

*iguelito *( +ernande) Vice – President for Internal Affairs, PIIE - PUPSRC 

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers Santa Rosa Campus EXECUTIVE BOARD !"#$%!"#&'

Sharon C( Sala)ar  President

 Au"ust (1 '+-

+O3ORAB/E DR( SO3IA A/6ABRE #ity #ouncilor  Cit, of Santa Rosa

*iguelito *( +ernande) VP for Internal Affairs

$ear $r. Sonia Al"abre3 Re,dalin R( Barroso VP for External Affairs

2reetin"s4 -o%Ri))a *( Secretary

/oraine D( /agutom  Asst. Secretary

Pamela S( Sa,ao Treasurer 

The Philippine Institute of Industrial En"ineers 5 Polytechnic University of  the Philippines Santa Rosa #a0pus 6 PIIE-PUPSRC 7 8ill be havin" its annual 9Tea0 uildin": this Septe0ber +*;'1 '+- 8ith the the0e3 9noc>in" to your "rateful hearts to support us for this upco0in" activity. This can help youn" professionals to stren"then the leadership 8ithin oneself.

-ean *arianne C( *aala  Asst. Treasurer 

In line 8ith this1 8e are as>in" so0e support fro0 you to 0a>e this activity possible. Any a0ount you can "ive 8ill be hi"hly appreciated and 8ill be a "reat help for us.

0innie Ann 1( *isti.a  Auditor 

2im Bernedette *( -ose Public Relations Officer 

Than> you in advanced for your >indest help. 2od bless4

Respectfully yours1

2enneth E( Bis.o.ho 3orman *( *anangha,a -r( usiness !ana"er 

 44444444444444444444444  #ontact $etails

!i"uelito !. %ernande& '(()(*+,'*!i"uelito.hernande&'+/"0ail.co0

*iguelito *( +ernande) Vice – President for Internal Affairs, PIIE - PUPSRC 

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers Santa Rosa Campus EXECUTIVE BOARD !"#$%!"#&'

Sharon C( Sala)ar  President

 Au"ust (1 '+-

+O3ORAB/E RODRI6O B( *A/APITA3 #ity #ouncilor  Cit, of Santa Rosa

*iguelito *( +ernande) VP for Internal Affairs

$ear #ouncilor Rodri"o . !alapitan3 Re,dalin R( Barroso VP for External Affairs

2reetin"s4 -o%Ri))a *( Secretary

/oraine D( /agutom  Asst. Secretary

Pamela S( Sa,ao Treasurer 

The Philippine Institute of Industrial En"ineers 5 Polytechnic University of  the Philippines Santa Rosa #a0pus 6 PIIE-PUPSRC 7 8ill be havin" its annual 9Tea0 uildin": this Septe0ber +*;'1 '+- 8ith the the0e3 9noc>in" to your "rateful hearts to support us for this upco0in" activity. This can help youn" professionals to stren"then the leadership 8ithin oneself.

-ean *arianne C( *aala  Asst. Treasurer 

In line 8ith this1 8e are as>in" so0e support fro0 you to 0a>e this activity possible. Any a0ount you can "ive 8ill be hi"hly appreciated and 8ill be a "reat help for us.

0innie Ann 1( *isti.a  Auditor 

2im Bernedette *( -ose Public Relations Officer 

Than> you in advanced for your >indest help. 2od bless4

Respectfully yours1

2enneth E( Bis.o.ho 3orman *( *anangha,a -r( usiness !ana"er 

 44444444444444444444444  #ontact $etails

!i"uelito !. %ernande& '(()(*+,'*!i"uelito.hernande&'+/"0ail.co0

*iguelito *( +ernande) Vice – President for Internal Affairs, PIIE - PUPSRC 

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