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SOLARIS is state-of-the-art facility that forms an integral part of the renowned Fusionopolis clusters based on the des...


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Project by: Soilbuild Group Holdings Ltd

Building Address: Solaris Fusionopolis 2B, One North

Architect: TR Hamzah Yeang

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Figure 20: Psychometric Chart o f Malays ia (same as Singapore)

From the chart above, we can conclude that to achieve thermal comfort, the temperature and humidity of the place or area should reach within the yellow box value showed above. The values inside the box stat that with the range of temperature from 23 degree Celsius to 27 degree Celsius and the humidity value from 4 to 13 is the thermal comfort zone. With the present data, a green building should have the ability to maintain as a thermal comfort zone.

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Throughout this case study, two (2) passive design features are pointed out from the Solaris, Singapore. Two passive designs are:


Skylight / Actuated Smoke Vent Louvers

The primary function of skylight is to bring warm and light into the interior space. Besides bringing in light and warm, it also brings in the sense of spaciousness and looks more attractive. The light bring in by skylight are up to 5 times of a wall window with the same size. If a skylight is equipped with a moveable sash, it can be the roof window with ventilation function. Skylight come in varies style in sizes and shapes with different types of glazing such as plastic, glass or insulated glass. As an opening of the roof, the skylight framing structure must be strong enough and able to transfer the skylight roof load properly to the building structure to prevent failure. Water run off slop design must be applied to prevent water leakage and water gathering at the surface of the skylight. The choice of materials for the glazing also plays an important aspect. For example, a low quality plastic glazing can easily break when something hits on it and sometimes the low quality glazing can distort by the heat of sun. Skylight also can be an important architectural element with different types of skylight to create differe nt types of effect. For example, box like arrangement of skylight project like turret and tiny glass dome can act as a modern touch.

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In Solaris, the skylight besides allowing the natural light to enter, it also serves as another purpose besides the stacking effect. It is also consider as a fail-safe system. When fire is detected (via the building's intelligent management system), the skylight louvers will automatically open and became an exit for the smoke or harmful gas. For safety reason, the louvers will automatically open even without  power supply. With this system, smoke control system is being eliminates which leads to saving cost and power. For extra purposes, it is also a weather shield such as rain by rain detection sensors and direct sunray.

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