Solar Roadways

June 3, 2016 | Author: nathandurfee | Category: Types, School Work
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An essay on Solar Roadways and there attrributes....


Austin Davis

Solar Roadways Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics

June 23, 2015

In the U.S., fossil fuels are a necessity. The world cannot go on without them. We use them for gas, electricity and several other things. With alternative power sources, we can reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. One such alternative energy that seems quite viable is Solar Roadways. These roadways take in enough light that if all roadways are made into this, three times the energy that the U.S. consumes can be made. Thus reducing our need for fossil fuels and reducing carbon emissions. This makes electricity cheaper and electric cars more economical, which then reduces the demand for gasoline and oil. Solar Roadways is an inspiring piece of technology that could become a reality and practical in the near future. What makes Solar Roadways interesting is that it may solve many problems that have been piling up from the past and some current issues. Such as, energy consumption, climate change and road hazards, which can be improved by this future technology. One of the most fascinating features that Solar Roadways have is temperature control. Each panel is able to heat itself just above freezing, greatly reducing accidents caused by snow and freezing rain. Also the government would not have to use millions of tax dollars clearing and salting roads, which will also mean your car will be less likely to rust! Another feature is that these roadways are programmable to do pretty much anything that we want, like making parking lot spaces and changing them or removing and warn people of obstructions on the roads like fallen trees or those irritatingly danger prone deer. There have been plenty of obstacles while designing Solar Roadways, many of which needed lots of testing to overcome. Most people would ask, “How could solar panels hold up cars or fully loaded semi-truck?” Well, there is a double-layered laminated glass protecting them,

Austin Davis

Solar Roadways Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics

June 23, 2015

which can withstand the weight of 250,000 pounds, four times the weight of a semi-truck. Another question might be, “What about traction?” While experimenting with various texture patterns, Solar Roadways are more chip-resistant than concrete and they have engineered all the slipperiness out of it. Unfortunately, the developing team came up with one so “grippy” that it tore the rubber boot off the pendulum device that civil engineers use to test for road friction. That means a car moving at 80 miles per hour over Solar Roadways panels can slam on the brakes without skidding. Currently this project has thousands on backers from crowd funding websites and even a $750,000 grant from the U.S. government to continue research and build prototypes. It is no surprise to anyone that the United States’ energy consumption and dependence on fossil fuels is frequently a hot topic in politics, making a demand for alternatives to be popular. Solar Roadways are now a possibility, being able to turn the sunlight into energy instead of heating up pavement. It has been calculated that, even in bad locations such as northern Idaho, these Solar Roadways could produce three times the energy we currently use in the United Sates, meaning electric cars could be far more practical to use. A person could theoretically plug it to charge into the road and they are good to go. Recently, after record temperatures this summer, tens of thousands of people have voiced concerns for congress to take action on climate change that has been low on the priorities list, until now. Using the surplus energy from Solar Roadways, we can significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced by not relying on non-renewable resources. In this way, we can reduce our carbon footprint and will help reduce the progression global warming, not to mention how clean the air will feel and smell.

Austin Davis

Solar Roadways Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics

June 23, 2015

Solar Roadways is a technology entering the later phases of development, constantly improving efficiency and fine-tuning the details. Though the name implies that these are just for roadways, however, these Solar Road Panels can be installed on roads, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, bike paths, playgrounds... literally any surface under the sun.

Austin Davis

Solar Roadways Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics

June 23, 2015

Work Cited Bercovici, Jeff. "The Centuries-Old Technology Behind Solar Roadways, Indiegogo's Most Popular Campaign Ever." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 3 June 2014. Web. 24 June. 2015.

Brusaw, Scott. "Solar Roadways." Indiegogo. 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 23 June. 2015.

Green Tech. "Solar Roadways Light the Way for the Future of Infrastructure." Energy Digital. Energy Digital, 8 Apr. 2014. Web. 24 June. 2015.

"The Numbers." Solar Roadways -. Complex Cortex Designs. Web. 24 June. 2015.

"Phase II Prototype." Solar Roadways -. Complex Cortex Designs, 31 Mar. 2014. Web. 24 June. 2015.

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