Solar Roadways Abstract

November 15, 2016 | Author: saikrishna | Category: N/A
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new technology in solar...


Project Name : DESIGN OF FPGA BASED SINGLE PHASE INVERTER . Project Guide : Mr G.Sasi Kumar Project Members : Ch.Likita (12071A0210) I.Harika (12071A0220) N.Sai krishna (12071A0238) Y.Swapna (13075A0208)

ABSTRACT: In this ever-changing world, things get updated.

to write the code for generating SPWM which

It is time for us to get modified into a source of

further generates gate pulses. Inverter is used to

generating AC output from the inverter efficiently

convert dc power to ac power at desired output

using FPGA based single phase inverter. Field

voltage and frequency. Circuitry of inverter is

Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are

constructed using IGBT's.

semiconductor devices that are based around a matrix of configurable logic blocks (CLBs) connected via programmable interconnects. FPGAs can be reprogrammed to desired application or functionality requirements after manufacturing.

Gate pulses are used to produce AC output. For generating gate pulses there are different techniques, here we are using FPGA chip. FPGA advantages because of it's high speed nature, good voltage regulation against large load variations.

In this design FPGA is used to generate the gate

Moreover, it increases signal accuracy and

pulses. The design of the switching pulses can be

efficiency involving low cost.

altered without any change in hardware. This is the main advantage of FPGA technology approach. In FPGA chip VHDL programming language is used


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