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Progress Test
Unit 3
Test A
Progress Test 3A Name: ___________________________________________
Grammar 1
Complete each sentence with a different relative pronoun ( which where Then add commas if the clause is non#defining" 1 My job ________ involves a lot of travelling is quite well paid.
who and whose!"
Andrew ________ is !anadian supervises t"e football team.
T"e s#"ool ________ $ studied is 1%% years old t"is year.
'on ________ wife is !"inese spea(s si) different languages very well.
T"is job is suitable for a person ________ ambition is to be#ome an astronaut.
T"e t"ing ________ $ find most stressful about my job is doing paperwor(.
T"e wor( ________ we do in our lessons is always fun.
Mark __/7
Com%ine the two sentences to ma&e one comple' sentence" nclude the information in the second sentence as a non#defining relative clause" 1
$ travelled to -ew#astle. $ was born t"ere in 1+. _________________________________________________________________________
/elly and 0teve got married on 0unday. T"ey moved to -orwi#". _________________________________________________________________________
ur neig"bours are #alled Paul and 'oanna. T"eir daug"ter is in my #lass. _________________________________________________________________________
Ally is in #"arge of t"e sales offi#e. 0"e finds it #"allenging. _________________________________________________________________________
$ wor( as a telesales operator in a #all #entre. $t is a boring job. _________________________________________________________________________
Twelve people wor( in t"is team. T"ey are all reliable. _________________________________________________________________________
2urford is a small town in ngland. My grandmot"er lives t"ere. _________________________________________________________________________
Mark __/7
1 Photocopia%le 4 )ford 5niversity Press
$ntermediate Progress Tests 5nit 3
Progress Test 3
Unit 3
Test A
Add )u estion ta gs to th e statements" 1 T"ey don6t t"in( tea#"ing is easy7 _______________ 8
9ou aren6t applying for t"e manager6s job7 _______________ 8
9ou weren6t doing your "omewor( w"en s"e #ame "ome7 _______________ 8
9ou won:t leave your job7 _______________ 8
Peter6s been on "oliday all wee(7 _______________ 8
9our manager wanted to give you a better job7 _______________ 8 0"e:s very (ind;
Mark __/6
e __________ manual wor( and we li(e it ? it6s quite rewarding.
$t is my job to __________ t"e p"one w"en #ustomers #all wit" questions.
$:m t"e manager of a large team so $ "ave to __________ .lots of people.
Mark __/8
-ead the definitions and co mplete the na mes of the .o %s" 1
A person w"o wor(s in an offi#e and often writes letters and emails. s__________
A person w"o "elps you to loo( good and feel good. b__________ t__________
A person w"o loo(s after #ustomers on a plane and gives t"em food and drin(. f__________ a__________
A woman w"o serves food and drin( in a restaurant or #af. w__________
A person w"o repairs ve"i#les su#" as #ars and buses. m__________
Mark __/5
Photocopia%le 4 )ford 5niversity Press
$ntermediate Progress Tests 5nit 3
Progress Test /
Unit 3
Test A
Choose the correct answers" 1 2elinda is _____ . 0"e always wor(s "ard and #ompletes jobs on time. a #ons#ientious
% fle)ible
$ always believe w"at Mi#"ael tells me be#ause "e6s e)tremely _____ . a energeti#
% selfBmotivated
% #oBoperative
% fit
% selfBmotivated
c trustwort"y
Do you refuse to let anyone stop you doing w"at you want to do8 Are you _____ 8 a #oBoperative
c polite
'erry #an usually t"in( of new ways of doing t"ings. Ce is very _____ . a #reative
c #reative
=ran loves wor(ing in a team. 0"e6s really _____ . a #oBoperative
c trustwort"y
-eil is a good leader and "e (nows w"at "e is good at. Ce is really _____ . a #onfident
c polite
% determined
c fle)ible
Mar( always gets so mu#" done in a day. Ce6s really _____ . a #reative
% "ardBwor(ing
c t"oug"tful
Mark __/7
5se of nglis" 0
Complete the te't with an appropriate word in e ach gap" Later this year, sixteen-year-old Kayla Heard will become the youngest graduate from Washington State University. Kayla, 1 could tal! when she was one, graduated from high school when she was ten. However, now she studies at home, she accesses her social sciences course through WSU "nline. Hard-wor!ing Kayla, 3 #arents felt it wouldn$t be good to send her to a university while she was &
still very young, grateful theKayla o##ortunity to study * at home. %& want to continue my education online is because of the convenience,' says. %(nd, my view, the classes online are slightly more challenging than the ones at university. Later on, & #lan to get a )aster$s degree when &$m wor!ing, so & can get some classroom ex#erience at that time, + necessary.' Kayla$s mother )arlyn, , !new Kayla was different at an early age, says, %When she was a baby, she res#ected #a#er. She didn$t tear it u#, @ is *uite unusual. She loo!ed at the #ictures or writing on it, as if she wanted to !now what it said. the other hand, when my son was a baby, he #ut the #a#er in his mouth+' Kayla has already #assed the law school entry test, so she is going to s#end the summer a##lying to different law schools. Kayla, 1% enoys travelling and learning about foreign cultures, says shes interested in doing an online course in international law. She also says she wants to wor! abroad, #ossibly in (sia. Mark ___/10
3 Photocopia%le 4 )ford 5niversity Press
$ntermediate Progress Tests 5nit 3
Progress Test
Unit 3
Test A
2isten to five people tal&ing a%out their wor&" atch the spea&ers with the statements" There is one statement +ou do not need"
0pea(er 1 _____ 0pea(er _____ 0pea(er 3 _____ 0pea(er & _____ 0pea(er * _____ A
$ wor( alone most of t"e time.
My personality "elps me to deal wit" t"e pressures of t"e job.
! $ am responsible for supervising ot"ers. D $ do most of my wor( online.
$ "ave a wellBpaid job.
$ get on well wit" t"e people $ wor( wit".
Mark __/5
& Photocopia%le 4 )ford 5niversity Press
$ntermediate Progress Tests 5nit 3
Progress Test
Unit 3
Test A
Feading 4
-ead the te't" Are the statements true or f alse5 A degree in what?
How many #eo#le in the world have a university degree in enigmatology Well, not many. (s a matter of fact, the number of enigmatology graduates in the whole world is ust one/ a man whose ob it is to design #u00les for news#a#ers and maga0ines. (merican Will Short0 is an author and crossword editor. He has wor!ed on over a hundred boo!s, and he owns the worlds largest collection of #u00le boo!s and maga0ines. 1he oldest title in his collection was #ublished in 2343+ (nd because his wor! is also his hobby, he has always been interested in learning as much as #ossible about the subect. "bviously, because he is the only enigmatologist in the world, there were no university #rofessors who could teach him an established course of studies. He did not go to lectures and classes li!e his fellow students. Short0 designed his own research #rogramme, which the university acce#ted, and he com#leted his course and received his bachelors degree from &ndiana University in 2564. So the *uestion remains, what exactly is enigmatology &t is the study of #u00les/ their ty#es, their history, and their #o#ularity. &ts a mixture of history, maths, logic and cultural studies. 1here were some #eo#le who criticised the university for offering a course in such a strange subect, and they were also oftoo, Short0, that he ta!en advantage of &ndiana flexibility. 7uthis Short0 hascritical his fans suchclaiming as the former UShad #resident 7ill 8linton. He sentUniversitys Short0 a #ersonal note on 39th birthday because he loves the New York Times crossword, which Short0 edits. Short0 has also been a guest on several television shows, including an e#isode of the famous cartoon The Simpsons, and the comedy series How I Met Your Mother, where he #layed himself.
0"ort6s o##upation is to write pules for university graduates.
0"ort did original resear#" and graduated from an Ameri#an university.
0ome people didn6t t"in( enigmatology was an appropriate university #ourse.
2ill !linton sent 0"ort a note on "is birt"day be#ause t"ey6re friends.
___ ___ ___ ___
Mark __/5
* Photocopia%le 4 )ford 5niversity Press
$ntermediate Progress Tests 5nit 3
Progress Test
Unit 3
Test A
>riting 16 -ead the following .o% advertisement" 7rite a formal letter (1$681,6 words! appl+ing for the .o%" nclude the following information: •
0ay w"at job you are applying for and w"y you are interested in it.
Des#ribe t"e s(ills7 qualities or e)perien#e you "ave t"at ma(e you suitable for t"e job.
As( for furt"er information about wor(ing "ours7 salary and any ot"er details you want to (now. 0ay w"at you are sending toget"er wit" t"e letter.
Are you reliable and hard-working? Would you like to work in an environment where you feel like you’re on holiday? Would you like to find a part-time summer job that’s challenging but fun and rewarding?
We are loo!ing for students aged 2:;2< to wor! as su#ervisors during =uly and (ugust at our international summer cam#. >our duties will include/ •
su#ervising children aged 29;24
organising games and activities
#roviding cam# guests with assistance and information.
?lexible wor!ing hours. @ood rates of #ay. Axcellent facilities. (##ly now in writing Bwith 8CD to/ HE )anager 8am# )iramar F4 7each Eoad White#ort-on-Sea WG2 9I
Mark __/10 Total: ___/70
+ Photocopia%le 4 )ford 5niversity Press
$ntermediate Progress Tests 5nit 3
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