Ans: d 2. Water content of soil can a) never be greater than 100 % b) tae values only from 0 % to 100 % c) be less than 0 % d) be greater than 100 % Ans:d !. Which of the following ty"es of soil is trans"orted by gravitational forces# a) loess b) talus c) drift
d) dune sand
Ans: b $. A fully saturated soil is said to be a) one "hase system b) two "hase system with soil and air c) two "hase system with soil and water
d) three "hase system
Ans: c . &alid range for '( the degree of saturation of soil in "ercentage is a) '0 c) 0*'*100
b) '*0 d) 0 * ' * 100
Ans:d +. A soil has a bul density of 22 ,-m! and water content 10 %. he dry density of soil is a) 1/. ,-m! c) c) 22.0 ,-m!
b) 20.0 ,-m! d) 2!.2 ,-m!
Ans:b /. f the voids of a soil mass are full of air only( the soil is termed as a) air entrained soil c) dry soil Ans:c
b) "artially saturated soil d) dehydrated soil
. &alid range for n( the "ercentage voids( is a) 0*n*100
b) 0*n*100
c) n0
d) n*0
Ans: a 10. 'elect the correct statement. a) 3nit weight of dry soil is greater than unit weight of wet soil. b) 4or dry soils( dry unit weight is less than total unit weight. c) 3nit weight of soil increases due to submergence in water. d) 3nit weight of soil decreases due to submergence in water. Ans:d 11. &oids ratio of a soil mass can a) never be greater than unity
b) be 5ero
c) tae any value greater than 5ero d) tae values between 0 and 1 only Ans:c 12. f the volume of voids is e6ual to the volume of solids in a soil mass( then the val ues of "orosity and voids ratio res"ectively are a) 1.0 and 0.0
b) 0.0 and 1.0
c) 0. and 1.0
d) 1.0 and 0.
Ans:c 1!. When the degree of saturation is 5ero( the soil mass under consideration re"rese nts a) one "hase system b) two "hase system with soil and air c) two "hase system with soil and water d) three "hase system Ans:b 1$. 'elect the correct range of density inde7(8 a) l80 c) 0 * l8 * 1
b) 80 d) 0 * 8 * 1
Ans:d 1. f the degree of saturation of a "artially saturated soil is 0%( then air content of the soil is a) $0%
b) 0%
c) /0%
d) 100%
Ans:a 1. f the water content of a fully saturated soil mass is 100%( then the voids ratio o f the sam"le is a) less than s"eci9c gravity of soil b) e6ual to s"eci9c gravity of soil c) greater than s"eci9c gravity of soil d) inde"endent of s"eci9c gravity of soil Ans:b 1+. he ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass is called a) air content
b) "orosity
c) "ercentage air voids
d) voids ratio
Ans:b 1/. Relative density of a com"acted dense sand is a""ro7imately e6ual to a) 0.$ c) 0.
b) 0. d) 1.20
Ans:c 1. f the sand insitu is in its densest state( then the relative density of sand is a) 5ero
b) 1
c) between 0 and 1
d) greater than 1
Ans:b 20. Which of the following methods is most accurate for the determination of the wa ter content of soil # a) oven drying method b) sand bath method c) calcium carbide method d) "ycnometer method Ans:a 21. 4or "ro"er 9eld control( which of the following methods is best suited for 6uic d etermination of water content of a soil mass # a) oven drying method c) alcohol method
b) sand bath method d) calcium carbide method Ans:d
22. A "ycnometer is used to determine a) water content and voids ratio b) s"eci9c gravity and dry density c) water content and s"eci9c gravity d) voids ratio and dry density Ans:c
2!. 'toes law is valid only if the si5e of "article is a) less than 0.0002 mm c) between 0.2 mm and 0.0002 mm
b) greater than 0.2 mm d) all of the above
Ans:c 2$. n hydrometer analysis for a soil mass a) both meniscus correction and dis"ersing agent correction are additive b) both meniscus correction and dis"ersing agent correction are subtractive c) meniscus correction is additive and dis"ersing agent correction is subtractive d) meniscus correction is subtractive and dis"ersing agent correction is additive Ans:c 2. he hydrometer method of sedimentation analysis di;ers from the "i"ette analy sis mainly in a) the "rinci"le of test b) the method of taing observations c) the method of "re"aration of soil sus"ension d) all of the above Ans:b 2. Which of the following is a measure of "article si5e range # a) e;ective si5e c) coe
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