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Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics



Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics



EOF-CNEH . Secrétáriat Tsc.hnique ( Savote Technolac-73373 Le BCUfget du léK. ¡

Volume e, 31tl 1 S-5b Entré le



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Published by the Press Syndicate of the University bf Cambridge TIte Piu Building, Trumpington Streel, Cambridge CB2 1RP 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 10 Starnford Road, Oaldeigh, Melboume 3166, Australia CO Cambridge University Press 1990 FlI'St published 1990 Reprinted 1992, 1994 Printed in the United States of America Ubrary 01 Congress Cazalogui1lg in Publication Data is available A catalog recordlor this book is availablefrom the British Library

. ISBN 0-521-33249-4 hardback ISBN 0-521-33782-8 paperback



To H, J, and A




Preface Acknowledgements List of symbols 1 Introduction: models and soil mechanics 1.1 Use of models in engineering 1.2 Soil: volumetrie variables 1.3 Effeetive stresses: pore pressures 1.4 , Soil testing: stress and strain variables· 1.4.1 Triaxial apparatus 1.4.2 Other testing apparátus 1.5 Plane strain 1.6 Pore pressurc: parameters 1.7 ConcIusion Exercises 2 Elasticity 2.1 Isotropie elasticity 2.2 Soil elastieity 2.3 Anisotropie elastieity 2.4 The role of elastieity in soil meehanies Exercises 3 Plasticity and yielding 3.1 Introduetion 3.2 Yielding of metal tubes in combined tension and torsion 3.3 Yielding of cIays 3.4 Yielding of sands 3.5 Yielding of metals and soils Exer~ises


Elastic-plastic model for soil 4.1 Intrbduetion 4.2 Elastie volumetrie strains

page xi xv XVI

1 1 5 12 16 16 28 31 33 35 35 37 37 40 46 52 53 55 55 57 65 76 81 82 84 84 85





4.3 Plastic volumetric strains and plastic hardening 4.4 Plastic shear strains Frictional block Plastic potentials Normality or associated jlow 4.5 General plastic stress:strain relation,?hip 4.6 Summary: ingredients of elastic-plastic model Exercises A particular elastic-plastic model: Cam cIay 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Cam clay 5.3 Cam clay predictions: conventional drained triaxial compression 5.4 Cam clay predictions: conventional undrained triaxial compression 5.5 Conclusion Exercises Critical states 6.1 Introduction: critical state line 6.2 Two-dimensional representations of p':q:v information 6.3 Critical states ror clays 6.4 Critical stat~ line and qualitative soil response 6.5 Critical states ror sands and other granular materials 6.6 Conclusion Exercises Strength oC soils 7.1 Introduction: M9hr-Coulomb failure 7.2 Critical state line and undrained shear strength 7.3 Critical state line and pore pressures at failure 7.4 Peak strengths 7.4.1 Peak strengths for day 7.4.2 Interpretatíon of peak strength data 7.4.3 Peak strengths for sand 7.5 Status of stability and collapse calculations 7.6 Total and effective stress analyses 7.7 Critical státe strength and residual strength 7.8 Conclusion Exercises Stress-dilatancy 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Plastic potentials, flow rules, and stress-dilatancy diagrams 8.3 Stress-dilatancy in plane strain 8.4 Work equations: 'originar Cam clay 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3







89 98 99 102 103 106 107 109 112 112 113 118 126 136 137 139 139 144

149 158 162 173 173 175 175 179 186 188 196 205 207 213 215 219 224 224 226 226 226 229 236



8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8

Rowe's stress-dilatancy reIation Experimental findings Strength and dilatancy Conclusion Exercises 9 Index properties 9.1 Introduction 9.2 F all-cone test as index test 9.3 Properties of insensitive soils 9.4 Background to correlations 9.4.1 Liquid limit 904.2 Plastic limit 904.3 Plasticity and compressibility; liquidity and strength 90404 Liquidity and critical states 904.5 Liquidity and normal compression 9.5 Sensitive soils 9.6 Strength and overburden pressure 9.7 Conclusion Exercises patbs and soil tests Stress 10 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Display of stress paths 10.3 Axially symmetric stress paths 10.3.1 _One-dimensional compression 01 soil 10.3.2 One-dimensional unloading of soil 10.3.3 Fluctuation of water table 10J.4 Elements on centreline beneath circular load 10.4 Plane strain stress paths 1004.1 One-dimensional compression and unloading 1004.2 Elements beneath long embankment 1004.3 Elements adjacent to long excavatíon 100404 Element in long slope General stress paths 10.5 10.6 Undrained strength of soiI in various tests 10.6.1 M odes of undrained deformatíon 10.6.2 Undrained strengths: Cam clay model 10.7 Conclusion Exercises 11 Applicarions oC elasric-plastic models 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Circular load on soft cIay foundation /1.2.1 Y ielding and generatíon of pore pressure 11.2.2 Yielding and immediate settlement

239 244 250 251 252 256 256 257 262 277 277 280 282 285 290 296 ,301 308 308 310 310 312 314 314 320 327 328 330 330 331 333 335 336 337 337 342 351 351 354 354 355 355 365












various aspects of soil behaviour. including the existence of critical states. can be studied. This seems to pro vide a more logical progression by providing a reason for looking for critical states, which are otherwise produced rather out of the blue. The aim here is to link the behaviout and modelling of soils to the prior knowledge that the reader may have ofthe behaviour and modelling of other engineering materials. represented . by ideas of elasticity and plasticity. As a result the development of the numerical model comes first. However, those who wish to approach the subject by the route that was used in the courses can follow the sequence outlined in the previous paragraph. In one way this book does not attempt to be a textbook on soil mechanics as traditionalIy taught, but in another way it does provide a new approach to the teaching of soil mechanics. The topies which are most obviously leCt out are seepage and consolidation. It can be argued on the one hand that there is nothing new to add to the large number of textbooks which treat these topics. On the other hand, seepage is merely an application to geotechnical problems oC ,the solution oC Laplace's equation; and similarly, consolídation is conventionally taught as the timedependent one-dimensional deformatíon of soils resulting from transient flow of water and dissipation oC excess pore pressures. This is merely an application ofthe solution of the one--dimensional diffusion equation. Both seepage and consolidation are, thus, topies that might be more appropriately placed in a course on engineering mathematics. OC course, there are many transient geotechnical situations involving the flow of water which cannot be described as one-dimensional. Proper analysis oC these problems requires a coupling of the equations describing the flow of the water with the equations describing the behaviour ofthe soil, wruch require a properly formulated constitutive model for soil, and that is very much the subject of this book. Several of the applications _of elastic-plastic models of soil behaviour described in Chapter 11 involve just such coupled consolidation analyses. There is a blurring in the literature of the terms consolidatíon and compression. Whereas time-dependent deformatíon of soils (consolidation) is hardly mentíoned here, the change in volume of soils resulting from changes in effective stress (compression) (which might be observed in the , consolidometer or oedometer) is a central and vitally important theme running throughout the book. Here the term consolidation is reserved Cor the transient phenomenon, and °the equilibrium relationship between volume and effective stress whích is often called a 'normal consolidatíon line' is here called a 'normal compression'line to underline this distinction. Sorne ofthe material for this book has been drawn from courses entitled



Critical State Soil Mechanics, and the phrase forms ·part of the title of this book. What is critical state soil mechanics? The phrase was used by Andrew Schofield and Peter'Wroth as the titIe oftheir 1968book (Schofield and Wroth, 1968), from which this book has drawn much inspiration. Their purpose in that book 'is to focus attention on the critical state concept a~d demonstrate what [they] beIieve to be its importance in a proper understanding of the mechanical behaviour of soils'. To me. critical statesoil mechanics is about the importance of considering volume changes as well as changes in efTective stresses when trying to understand soil behaviour. Critical state soil mechanics is then concemed with describing various aspects of soil behaviour of which a clearer picture is obtained when difTerences in v~lume as weIl as difTerences in efTective stresses are considered. Critical state soil mechanics is also concemed with building numerical models of soil behaviour in which a rational description of the link between volume change and efTective stress history is a fundamental ingredient. This is not to be taken to imply that critical state soil mechanics is about . nothing more than one particular soil model, Cam clay. In this book, this model is introduced in Chapter 5 as a particular example of a general class oí" elastic-plastic models which happen to show critical states (the idea of critical sta tes is discussed in detail in Chapter 6) and then used to illustrate various features of the observed experimental behaviour of r~al soils. Sorne· workers have decided that critical state soil mechanics is concemed only with one particular model of soil behaviour, and because that particular model does not reproduce aH the features of their experimental observations, they conclude that neither that particular model nor, by extension, critical state soil mechanics has anything to ofTer, and hence they reject both. Sorne veer tó the opposite extreme and suppose that everything said in the name of critical state soil mechanics represents a unique and complete description of Truth so that any experimental observations that appear to be at variance with this Truth must be in error. Rere a more tolerant, ecumenical line is taken. Critical state soil mechanics is not to be regarded as a campaign for a particular soil model but rather as providing a deeply running theme that volume changes in soils are at least as important as changes in efTective stresses in trying to build a general pictúre of soil behaviour. This could probably be taken as the definition of critical state soil mechanics adopted for this book. General and particular models of soil behaviour are described in Chapters 4 and 5, butit is certainly implicit throughout this book that Truth Hes in experimental observations: models can at best be an aid to




. \


understanding and never a substitute for observaiion. It is hoped that the study of soil behaviour through the pattems predicted' by a simple model may help to show that in many ways soil is not a particularly incomprehensible material, provided that the real possibility of major volumetric changes is accepted. The discovery that sorne observations do not fit the predictions of this simple model may lead one to reject it but should not lead to the rejection of the whole underlying framework. It is necessary to defend the choice of symbols used in this text to represent specific volume, and the increments of volumetric strain and shear strain in the conditions of the triaxial test. Those who read the first draft will note that there has been a major change since that was prepared. Regular readers of books on critical state soil mechanics will be aware that the sets of symbols used in the books by Schofield and Wroth (1968), Atkinson and Bransby (1978), and Bolton (1979) are aH different. So there is no consistent tradition to foHow except one of variety. AH the earlier books use v (rather than V) for specific volume, so I have reverted to this. The use of be on its own for triaxial shear strain does not convey any information about its nature. Ido not like ÓE: for the volumetric strain increment beca use 1 think the subscript V should be reserved for vertical strains. Once one starts trying to think of suitable subscripts to use, the only logical approach seems to be that proposed by CaHadine (1963) according to which ~ep and ~eq are the increments of volumetric strain and triaxial shear strain and 'the subscripts suggest the association of the stress and incremental strain vectors inpairs'. The concordance between these symbols and those used in the earlier books is shown in the tableo y

Reference Schofield and Wroth (1968) Atkinson and Branspy (1978) Bolton (1979) Present text

Volumetric strain Triaxial shear strain

v/v (6 = óey ~ey


- ~v)


1 should like to thank Jim Graham, Poul Lade, Serge Leroueil, and Neil Taylor for their very detailed comments on the first draft of this book. Steve Brown, Andrzej Drescher, Hon-Yim Ko, Steinar Nordal, Bob SchifTman, Andrew Schofield, Stein Sture, and Peter Wroth have also fed me suggestions for amendment and improvement. 1 have endeavoured to take note of all these comments, particularly if c1arification of my text was required. 1 have given courses based around the content of this book in Boulder, Cambridge, Trondheim, Luleá, Catania, Glasgow, and Otaniemi over the past few years, and 1 have tried to incorporate improvements that were suggested by those who have been on the receiving end of these courses. This work was originally developed in th~ environment of the Cambridge Soil Mechanics Group and Cambridge University Engineering Department, and 1 am grateful to many colleagues for their discussions. Many of the exercises at the ends of chapters have. been adapted from Cambridge. University Engineering Department exarnple sheets and examination papers. . The manuscript of the original draft of th~ book was typed by Reveria Wells and Margaret Ward. 1 am grateful to Les Brown, Pe ter Clarkson, Gloria Featherstone, and Ruth Thomas for their assistance in preparing sorne ofthe figures, most ofwhich were drawn by Dennis Halls and HeIen Todd. Diana Phillips and CIare Willsdpn provided vaIuable last-minute assistance on picture research, and Hilary McOwat answered sorne bibliographical queries. f



l. k


List of symbols



This li5t con!ains definitions of symbols and also an indication of the section in the book where they are first used. An symbols are defined in the texto Although there is obviously sorne duplication, it is hoped that this will not cause 'any confusion.. a a a a a

A A A b

b b B

e e e' eL ep e~e


area of ram in triaxial cell pore pressure parameter exponent in variation of Ko with overconsolidation radius of loaded area dimension of rectangular loaded area cross-sectional area of triaxial sample activity slope of line in wL:l p plot pore pressure parameter width of element in infinite slope dimension of rectangular loaded area intercept on line in wL:lp plot critical shear stress for yield criterion one-dimensional compliance cohesion in Mohr-Coulomb failure undrained strength of remoulded soil at liquid limit undrained strength of remoulded soil at plastic limit H vorslev cohesion parameter for triaxial conditions undrained shear strength

(1.4.1) (1.6) (10.3.2) (11.21) (11.22) (1.4.1) (9.4.3) (9.4.4) (1.6) (7.6) (11.22) (9.4.4) (3.2) (12.2) (7.1) (9.2) (9.4.2) (7.4.1) (7.2)


Symbols Cur Cy


cYC clZ C C'e: Cl


d d d d D D

e eg E E E' E* Eh Et Ey

f F g g g G G' G* Gs

Gt Gyb h h he:

remoulded undrained strength coefficient of consolidation Hvorslev cohesion parameter for shear box coefficient of secondary consolidation cIay content compression index permeability variation coefficient swelling index -depth of lake diameter penetration of fall-cone depth to water table cross-anisotropic elastic parameter = 3K*G*_j2 diameter of split-cylinder test specimen void ratio granular void ratio Young's- modulus energy dissipated per unít volume Young's modulus in terms of effective stresses cross-anisotropic elastic modulus Young's modulus for horizontal direction tangent stiffness Young's modúlus for vertical direction yield locus axial force in triaxial apparatus plastic potenti al Hvorslev strength parameter in p':q plane acceleration due to gravity shear modulus shear modulus for soiI (in terms of effective stresses) shear modulus for cross-anisotropic soil specific. gravity of soil particles tangent shear stiffness cross-anisotropic shear modulus excess head of water sample height in simple shear apparatus Hvorslev strength parameter in p':q plane (compression)


(9.5) (11.2.3) (7.4.1) (12.2) (9.4.3) (4.2) (11.3.2) (4.2) (1.3) (2.1) (9.2) (10.3.3) (2.3) (9.4.2) (1.2) (1.2) (2.1) (8.4) (2.2) (23) (2.3) (12.3) (2.3) (4.5) (1.4.1) (4.5) (7.4.1) (9.2) (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) (1.2) (12.3) (2.3) (1.3) (8.3) (7.4.1)




he H



Hvorslev strength parameter in pí:q plane (extension) slope height in Casagrande liquid limit device relative density of sand -liquidity index plasticity index

K* Ko

settlement influence factor cross-anisotropic elastic parameter permeability . dummy variable constant describing variation of sensitivity with liquidity spring stiffness horizontal permeability horizontal permeability from horizontal flow test horizontal permeability from in situ test horizontal p~rmeability from radial flow test vertical permeability cone factór bulk modulus constant in Rowe's stress-dilatancy relatio~ bulk modulus for soil (in terms of effective stress es) bulk modulus for cross-anisotropic soil earth pressure coefficient at rest


value of Ko for normally compressed soil

J k k k



k kh khh khi khr k-y k« K K K'

1 m m

mv M M* n

length of sample load factor in combined tension and torsion of tubes mass of fall-cone coefficient o~ volume compressipility shape factor for Cam clay ellipsejslope of critical state line value of M in triaxial extension porosity

(7.4.1) (9.4.1) (7.4.2) (9.3) (7.2) (9.3) (11.2.2) (2.3) (1.2) (4.4.1) (9.5) (12.4) (11.3.2) (11.3.3) (11.3.3) (11.3.3) (11.3.2) (9.2) (2.1) (8.5) (2.2) (2.3) (9.4.5) (10.3.1) (7.4.1) (10.3.1) (1.4.1) (3.2) . (9.2) (11.2.3) (5.2) (7.1) (1.2)

Symbols n np

N, N p

P: p~


P P P Po q

qm qp Q Q Q.1:,Qy r r

R s s Sr St t t t tI

u uo v


overconsolidation ratio (O':max/civ) isotropic overconsolidation ratio (P'max/p') location of isotropic normal compression line in v: In p' plane model scale mean stress equivalent consolidation pressure . mean effective stress on a normal compression line reference size of yield locus normal load in simple shear apparatus/ shear box axial load on wire or tube . diametral load in split cylinder test preload value of axial load deviator stress, generalised deviator stress cyclic deviator stress amplitude reference deviator stress for size of shear yield loci shear load in simple shear apparatus/shear box torque on tube shear loads onsliding block radius of tube ratio of pressures on normal compression and critical state lines ratio of undrained strengths at pI as tic and liquid limÍts mean stress in plane strain length of stress path in p':q plane degree of saturation sensitivity maximum shear stress in plane strain wall thickness of tube time reference time pore pressure back pressure specific volume

(7.2) (7.2) (5.2) (11.3.3) (1.4.1) (6.2) (9.4.5) (4.2) (1.4.2) (8.3) (2.1) (3.2) (9.4.2) (3.2) (1.4.1) (10.6.2) (12.3) (12.4) (1.4.2) (8.3¡ (3.2) (4.4.1) (3.2) (7.2) (9.4.5) (9.4.3) (1.5) (3.3) (1.2) (9.5) (1.5) (3.2) (12.2) (i2.2) (1.3) (1.4.1) (1.2)






intercept on normal compression line in v:log1o O'~ plane reference specific volumes on unloading-reloading line granular specific volume maximum specific volume of a sand minimum specific volume of a sand specific volume as prepared intercept on unloading-reloading line in v:log 1o O'~ plane reference value of specific volume intercept on unloading-reloading line intercept on normal compression line reference specific volume on onedimensional normal compression line reference value of specific volume volume of sample water content liquid limit


plastic limit


vc' Vd v. Vmax Vmin

Vo Vs

v, v" VA

v'A .

v1 \


W W Wd WT Wy


x,y x,y,z


(4.2) (10.3.2) (1.2) (7.4.2) (7.4.2) (6.5) (4.2) (9.3) (4.2) (4.2) (10.3.1) (11.3.3) (1.4.1 ) (1.2) (7.6) (9.2) (7.6) (9.3) (1.4.1) (7.6) (1.4.1) (8.3) (1.4.1) (6.5) (7.4) (8.3)

work input per unit volume weight of element in infiníte slope distortional wo..rk input per unit volume total work input to shear box sample volumetric work input per unít volume shearing and normal displacement in shear box or simple shear apparatus movement along and perpendicular to failure plane coordinates


sliding movements for frictional block sliding loads

cx cx cx p ' cx q , CXr , CX:

cross-anisotropic elastic parameter angle of fall-cone coefficients of elastic total stresschange


(7.4) (1.3) (1.4.1) (4.4.1) (12.4) (2.3) (9.2) (11.2.1)


f3 f3 f3 y y y' "lw "l y =, Y:;c, Y;cy


{) {) ~

I1w I1w lOO

e ea eh ep Sq

er e~




, ,

S%%, Syy,


sl,e 2,s3

tT tTx tTXnc ()




slope angle dilatancy parameter = tan - 1 {)e:/ fJe~ slope of failure line in t:s' plane shear strain total unit weight of soil buoyant uIJit weight of soil unit weight of water shear strains location of critical state line in compression plane small increment axial displacement large increment water content shift in faIl-cone tests water content shift for 100-fold change in stréngth normal strain axial strain horizontal strain volumetric strain triaxial shear strain radial strain volumetric strain in plane strain maximum shear strain in plane strain vertical strain normal strains principal strains dummy parameter to describe size ofplastic potential pressure applied at ground surface stress. ratio = q/p' value of tT for one-dimensional conditions value OftTK for one-dimensional normal compression coordinate, twist of tu be dilatancy angle for triaxial conditions inclination ofaxis of eIliptical yield loci in s':t plane slope of unloading-reloading line in v:ln p' plane

xxi (7.6)

(8.2) (1004.1)

(1.1) (1.3) (1.3) (1.3) (104.1)

(6.1) (1.2) (1204)

(4.2) (9.2) (9.2) (1.1) (1.4.1) (11.3.3) (1.2) (1.4.1) (1.4.1) (1.5) (1.5) (11.3.3) (104.1) (104.1)

(4.5) (11.2.1) . (3.3) (904.5) (9.4.5)

(10.3.1) (3.2) (8.3) (11.3.3) (4.2)








A* p. p. p. p. p. v




p (J


u. Ue


CT~e Ur Ur

U, Uy

u: u: U:


U:c U J!:%' U yy, U == .U=


Uo U l ' U2' U3

unloading index slope of normal compression line in v:lnp' plane í. for remoulded c1ay í. for undisturbed c1ay (í. - K)/). (i. - K*)/).

friction coefficient exponent ín expression linking strength with overconsolidation frictional constant Bjerrum's correction factor for vane strength shape factor for elliptical yield loci in s':t plane Poisson's ratio Poisson's ratio for soil in terms of effective stresses Poisson's ratios for cross-anisotropic soil settlernent normal stress normal stress on failure plane axial stress compressive stress in split cylinder test horizontal effective stress horizontal preconsolidation pressure cell pressure, radial stress radial stress tensile stress in split cylinder test vertical stress vertical normal effective stress in shear box vertical effective stress vertical preconsolidation pressure equivalent one-dimensional consolidation pressure normal stresses axial stress circumferential stress preload value ofaxial stress principal stresses major, intermediate, and minor principal effective stresses

(9.3) (4.2) (9.5) (9.5) (5.4) (9.3) (4.4.1) (7.2) (8.3) (9.6) (11.3.3) (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) (11.2.2) (1.1) (7.1) (1.4.1) (9.4.2) (9.4.5) (11.2.1) (1.4.1) (3.2) (9.4.2) (1.3) (7.4.1) (9.4.5) (3.3) .

(7.4.1) (1.4.1) (3.2) (3.2) (3.2) (1.4.1) (7.1)


, , 'h '7:' '::z, ':9' '9:

O) without applying any deviator stress (q = O) so that the initial total mean stress is equal to the cell pressure at the end of this initial isotropic compression.

1.4 Soil :esting: stress and strain


If sorne provision is made for pulling (instead of pushing) the top cap. which requires a positiveconnection between the loading ram and the top cap, then ii 1S possible for both the ram force F and the deviator stress q [as defined by (1.20)J to be negative. Triaxial tests in which q < O are caBed triaxial ex!ension tests,· and a conventional triaxial extension test is one in which the deviator stress is decreased while the cell pressure is held constant. The relationship (1.46) between changes in p and changes in q still holds, and me path of a conventional triaxial extension test falls at gradient 3 from :he initial stress condition (Ae in Fig. 1.15). Nothing, apan from convenience in performing the tests, necessitates a restriction of tr:axial testing to conventional compression and extension tests; and particuiarly with the advent of more subtly computer controlled triaxial testing apparatus, no one stress path 1S in principIe any more difficult to apply than any other. The term convencional may soon be regarded as ha-\ing purely historical significance. Among other specific stress paths that :n.ight be considered purely for the purposes of familiaris:ation with plottir:g in this particular p:q stress plane are paths for which the total axial str:ss is held constant and paths for which the total meall stress is held constant. To keep the tc:al axial stress constant while changing the ceIl pressure requires, [rom (l.lS), that the ram force (or deviator stress) and cell pressure must be changed simultaneously. For 8ua = O, 8ur = - 8q. Then, from the differential form of (1.43), uS:p

~ 2 be~ = - 2 8q 3

(1.47) .


and the total-stress path foIlowed in such a compression test (or extension test if 8q < O) has a slope -~ (AD and AE in Fig. 1.15). Fig. 1.15 :-otal stress paths for triaxial compression and extension tests.



o f------"7iI---~p


\ .


1 1ntroduction: models and soil mechanics

To keep the total mean stress constant requires that any change in deviator stress is accompanied by a change in cell pressure such that, from (1.43),




2 bar

or, from (1.45), -bq bu = - r





Of course, a compression (or extension) test with constant total mean stress will rise (or fall) vertically in the p:q stress plane (AF and AG in Fig. 1.15). Such tests may be especially important if separation of volumetric and distortional aspects of soil response is desired. So far, the discussion has been restrictedto total stress paths. If drainage can occur freely' from the soil sample to atmospheric pressure, then the pore pressure will be zero, and total and efTective stresses will be identical. In such drained tests, the efTective stress paths will be the same as the total stress paths shown, for example, in Fig. 1.15. It w~s mentioned in Section 1.2 that the pores of a soil might not be saturated with a single pore fluid: the presence of a small proportion of air in pore water is quite typical. The measurement of volume changes of triaxial samples requires the measurement of the volume of pore fluid flowing into or out of the sample. If part of this pore fluid is emerging as gas (air), then part of the volume change of the sample will not be observed as a change in the level of liquid in a burette. It is often desirable to ensure that the pore fluid is indeed saturated by subjecting the whole pore fluid system to a pressure, called a back pressure, which is held constant at a value Uo during the test in order to ensure that the gaseous phase remains in solution. Drainage can occur freely, but against this back pressure. In such tests, the total

Fig. 1.16 Triaxial compression with constant back pressure stress path; ESP, effective stress path).



(TSP, total


1.4 Soil resting: stress and strain

and etTective stress paths will be separated by a constant dlstance Uo paraIlel to the mean stress axis (Fig. 1.16). The next important featureOof soil behaviour is that unlike metals, which only change in volume _when the mean stress p' is changed, soils usuaIly change in volume when they are sheared. This phenomenon of dilatancy, which win be discussed in detail in Chapter 8 and will be a recurrent theme in other chapters, can simplisticallybe visualised with the aid of Fig. 1.17, which shows two layers of discs, one on top of the other. If a shear stress is applied to the upper layer, then each disc in this layer has Fig. 1.17 Layers of circular discs dilating as they are sheared.

Fig. 1.18 Total and elTeetive stress paths for undrained triaxial test (a) 00 soil that wishes to eontraet as it is sheared. (b) on soil that wishes to expand as it is sheared, and (e) on soil that wishes to expand as it is sheared performed with baek pressure uo•







A p




q B'



A p





. \

1 1ntroduction: models and soil mechanics

to rise (increasing the volume occupied by this proto-gra_nular material) for the 'sample' to undergo any shear deformation. In general, soils may either compress or expand as they are sheared; but dilatancy is the primary .reason for the significant difTerence between drained and undrained testing. In drained tests, drainage can occur freely from the sample, and the volume occupied by the soil structure can change freely as it deforms. In undrained tests, drainage is prevented; the pore fluid is not permitted to flow into or out of the sample, and the soil itself is not able to do what it wants to do. Positive or negative pore pressures are generated in order that the soil may nevertheless be able to cope. If the soil wishes to contract as it is sheared,· a positive pore pressure will develop beca use the pore fluid is prevented from flowing out of the sample. In an undrained compressión test on such a soil, conducted at constant mean stress, the effective stress path willlie to the left of the total stress path (u > O implies p' < p; AB' in Fig. 1.I8a). If the soil wishes to expand as it is sheared, it will need to suck in pore fluid. However, because pore fluid is prevented from flowing into the sample, a negative pore pressure will develop. In an undrained compression test on such a soil, performed with constant mean stress, the efTective stress path lies to the right of the total stress path (u < O implies p' > p; AB' in Fig. 1. 18b).. An undrained test is usually assumed to be a constant volume test (the term isochoric is sometimes used), but it is more strictly a constant mass test (isomassic) because c10sure of the drainage tap merely prevents any material from leaving the sample. It will be a truly constant volume test only if aH the constituents of the soil sample are incompressible. For most soils this is a reasonable assumption provided the pore fluid is a saturated liquido Air is certainly compressible, and if the pore fluid is a mixture of water and air not in solution, then it too will be significantly compressible. Hence, it may be important 1.0 perform undrained tests on soils which might develop negative pore pressures with an extra back pressure, to prevent the absolute pressure in the pore water from becoming so low that cavitation occurs and air comes out of solution. The limiting negative pressure that can be sustained without cavitation is of the order of the atmospheric pressure, in other words about -100 kilopascals.(kPa): For an undrained test on a dilating soil performed with a back pressure, the relative positions of total stress path AB and efTective stress path A'B' are shown in Fig. l.18c; though the pore press-ure f~lls during the test, it never becomes negative, and cavitation is never in prospecto Data. from conventional triaxial compression tests performed with constant cell pressure (bar = O) are usually presented in terms of the quantities that are most readily determined: plots of the variation with


1.4 Soil testing: stress and strain

(nominal) axial strain ea of deviator stress q and (nominalf volumetric strain ep (for drained tests) or pore pressure u (for undrained tests) (Fig. 1.19). These are unlimited plots in the sense that the axial strain can· in principIe increase indefinitely. It seems unlikely, however, that the stresses can increase indefinitely - for someone familiar with the mechanical behaviour of metals, a limit to the shear stress (or deviator stress) that can be supported might be anticipated - and it is cIear that the volumeofthe sample cannot either decrease below the P?int-at which the voids have disappeared (specific volume v = 1, void ratio e = O) or increase aboye the point at which the particIes are no longer in contact with each other. (Of course, during the process of deposition and formation of a soil. the parric1es may initialIy not be in contact as they settIe through water towards the bottom of a Iake or sea; but once a soiI has fórmed, it can be assumed tor engineering purposes that no particle wilI again lose contact with a11 its neighbours.) Stresses and specific volumes are thus limited quantities. In this book, although familiar stress:strain curves will be presented, much of the discussion wiU be conducted with the aid of limited plots involving stresses (in particular, "effective stresses, given the importance of these in determining soil response) and specific volumes. The particular piots to be used are the effective stress plane p':q, which \

Fig. 1.19 Standard plots of results of conventional triaxial compression tests: (a) drained tests and (b) undrained tests.









1 1ncroduction: models and· soil mechanics

has already been used in Figs. 1.15, 1.16, and 1.18 to illustrate the capabiIities of the triaxial apparatus, and also a pIot of specific volume and mean eñective stress p': D, which will be called the compression planeo The paths of the typical drained and undrained conventionaI triaxial compression tests, for which data were shown in Fig. 1.19a, b, are replotted in the p':q eñective stress plane and the p':v compression plane in Fig. 1.20. AB is the drained test for which the effective stress path is foreed to ha ve slope bq/bp' = 3, and AC is the undrained test for which the volume remains constant, ór; = o. The way in which plots of test data in the stress plane and the cornpression plane can lead to clearer insights into patterns of soil behaviour will become evident in Chapter 6. 1.4.2



Other testing apparatus

Sorne of the practical field stress paths that one might attempt to emulate in the triaxial apparatus are described in Section 10.3. One will be mentioned here beca use it has led to the development of its own testing device, the oedometer. Many soils are deposited under seas or lakes, over areas' of large lateral extent. Syrnmetry dictates that the depositional Fig. 1.20 Results of conventional drained and undrained triaxial compression tests replotted in (a) elTective stress plane and (b) compression plane. q


p' (a)



e B

p' (h)

Fig. 1.21 Purely vertical movement or soil partic1es during one-dimensional deposition.

11 r 11

1.4 Soil testing: stress and strain


history of such soils m ust ha ve been entirely one-dimensional (Fig. 1.21); there is no possibility for a soil element to have moved or aeformed to . one side or another. If a large surface load, such as an embankment or large spread foundation, is then placed on such a soil deposit, conditions beneath the centre of the loaded area will be similarly one-dimensional. One-dimensional deformation is a special case ofaxisymmetric deformations, which can be applied in a triaxial apparatus by suitable control of the cell pressute as the deviator stress is changed in such a way that the radial strain of the sample is always zero (&r = O), which implies from (1.40) that :lN:STRUMENTS . .. -: lff. ....;.. .. . .-:..

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E*(2 - 2v* - 4av* + a 2 ) G*·= - - - - - - - - 6(1 + v*)(1 - 2v*)


E*(I- v* + av* - a 2 ) J=-------3(1 + v*)(1 - 2v*)


It may be confirrned that for a = 1, these expressions for K* and G* reduce to (2.3) and (2.4) and that J = O. The
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