Software Requirement Specification - University of Colombo School of Computing

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Software Requirement Specification Document

Software Requirement Specification Document UPAKARA –WEB BASED BLOOD DONATION SYSTEM

N.P.Sameera Sandaruwan Manorathna SCS 1007 - Software Engineering Index Number - 10000488 2010/cs/048

1st year – Assignment 1


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Software Requirement Specification Document

Table of contents Table of Contents


1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scoop 1.3 Definitions, acronyms & Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Document Overview

8 8 8 8 9 9

2. General characteristics 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Product perspective 2.3 Product functions 2.4 User characteristics 2.5 General constraints 2.6 Assumptions & dependencies

10 10 10 10 12 12

3. Specific requirements 3.1 Functional requirements 3.2 External interface requirements

13 13

3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Performance requirements Design constraints Attributes Other Requirements

Appendix a: Use case diagram Appendix b: Class diagrams Appendix c: User interface diagrams



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Software Requirement Specification Document

1. 1.1


Purpose Upakara – the web based blood donation system is mainly uses for helping the patient

who need blood. So this SRS document consists of a simple explanation about the system and its features. The document mainly focuses on providing sufficient design information to the blood bank authorities. And also it will satisfy the functional, design, performance requirements of the system in briefly.


Scope The main intend of this SRS is to provide a simple description to the blood bank

authorities & system users, about the behavior of the system. And the entire package is consisting of below parts. System software – The system will contains a database in order to store all details about the donors as well as doctors. Software documentation – A complete document about the software will be given to the blood bank administration in order to future maintenance of the system. Operation Manual – A user manual is provided to the system administrator with some simple explanations about the system and its features. User Manual – When the donor submits his/her details through internet a simple guidance is also given to the donor.


Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations Upakara

- The name of the web based blood donation system


- Web based blood donation system


- Consist of all information related to donors & doctors

HC Certificate – Health Condition Certificate Login – The process which is related to logging into the system Password – A set of characters which can be used to correctly identify the exact person who is log into the system 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document Id number – Identity card number Replied donor – The donor who will reply to the system to indicate that he/she will attend to the donation. MB – Mega byte (Unit of memory storage in computer) SRD – System requirement definition SRS – System requirement specification – the official website of Sri Lankan blood bank


References Appendix A: Use case diagram Appendix B: Class diagrams Appendix C: User Interface Diagrams


Document Overview The document has 3 major sections. 1. Introduction – Overview of the whole SRS document 2. General characteristics – A description about the features of the system. Introduction Product perspective Product functions User characteristics General constraints Assumptions & dependencies 3.

Specific requirements – A description of specific requirements of the system. 

Functional requirements

External interface requirements Performance requirements Design constraints

Non-functional requirements Attributes 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document

2. 2.1

General characteristics

introduction Through this section a description is given about the characteristics about the entire system.


Product perspective WBBDS is mainly towards persons who are willing to donate blood to the

patients. Through this system it will be easier to find a donor for exact blood type and easy to build the connection between donor & the blood bank authorities. The main intend of building this software is to formal the procedure of blood donation & motivate donors in order to donation blood. The system also consists of some local system hardware devices as well. A printer & SMS indicator are the main devices among the other devices.

The entire software product includes the all relevant features to create a better connection between the blood donor & blood bank authorities.


Product functions Class of use cases

Use cases


Use cases related to system

Login of admin

Log admin into the system

authorization of system

Change password of

Change login password of the admin of


the admin

the system

Register the donor by

Store personal, contact, medical details of

Use cases related to



registration of a donor

Register the donor by

Store personal, contact, medical details of

system admin


Use cases related to system

Login of donor

Log donor into the system

authorization of the donor

Change password of

Change login password of the donor of the

the donor



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Software Requirement Specification Document change personal, Use cases related to change

contact details by the

Change personal & contact details of

the registration details of

donor himself



change personal, contact details by

Change personal & contact details of

system admin


Use cases related to

Withdraw reg. details

Delete all details of a exact donors by

withdraw names from the

by the donor


donor list

Withdraw reg. details

Delete all details of a exact donors by the

by the admin

system admin

Use cases related to inform

Send blood donation

Inform the requirement of the blood group

blood donation details

details to the relevant

to donors who has same blood group

donors Use cases related to replace

Replace donors’ HC

Override the health condition report

the older HC certificates



Use cases related to inform

Send blood testing

Inform disease details to relevant donors

blood testing to the donor


Inform donor details who has diseases, to relevant doctors

Use case related to access

Search relevant

Search & display relevant details from the

the database

details from the


database Print the list of newly Use cases related to print

registered donors,

Print the list of newly registered donors,


donation details &

donation details, list of removed names of

list of removed names as statements --Table -1--


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Software Requirement Specification Document 2.4

User characteristics In here the system admin & the donor are the system users. According to my assumptions the donor who will register to the system from the website can understand easy questions which are in English language & he/she has the ability to realize small instructions & fill the application without any errors & a small knowledge of computers to upload the health condition certificate to the system. User is very generous to attend to the donation with such a small announcement. (e-mails & SMS messages)


General constraints The program will be written in PHP language. The system will mainly running on the official website of the blood bank ( The both kind of donors who has the internet connection & who hasn’t the internet connection can contribute to the donation through the WBBD system. The donor who uses internet connection will be guided through small & clear descriptions. Every donor may get a user name & a password in order to log into the system. After the registration of a donor the program will authenticate the accuracy of the donor’s mobile number through counting the number of characters in the entered mobile number System uses the donor registration number & the identity card number to identify each donor separately. Inside the system the administrator has more advance functions than the donor. The hospital doctor is not a user of the system. But the doctor connects to the system in a different manner. The doctor mainly has the connection with the system admin. In donor registration, submission of HC certificates & providing donation details to the system the doctor will connect directly with the system administrator.


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Software Requirement Specification Document


Assumptions & dependencies Every donor has a mobile phone. The system doesn’t keep the details of the gathering stock of blood. The system database will be accessible in real time. The donor doesn’t submit any fake reports to the system. Donors who want to contribute to a donation will definitely reply to the request of system. The installation of the system to the website server hasn’t considered as a process inside the system. That process will do by the authorities who are controlling the website. Therefore in here the installation process is considered as a process which is in outside of the scope. A doctor or a patient can request for a exact blood group. But the request comes through blood bank authorities to the system admin. Therefore doctor, patient are not direct users of the system.

3. 3.1

Specific requirements

functional requirements Use case diagrams are used to describe functional requirements of the system. The

diagrams are drawn below.  If there is a network failure while a user is working in the system, all login details regarding on user name & password of the user will be removed from the system.

User case related to system authorization Use case 1: Login of admin. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Main scenario: 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document 1. Log into the official blood bank website. 2. Admin initiates the command to starts the application “Upakara - WBBDS” 3. System is shown the all features of the system. 4. Click the “Login of administrator” command button. 5. The system asking for the user name & the password. 6. Admin provides the username & the password. 7. System does authentication. 8. Main application relevant to admin is displayed. Alternative scenario: 7(a). Authorization fails. 7(a) 1. A message is given to the admin that the provided password is wrong. 7(a) 2. Allow the admin to re-enter the password. 3 chances will be given.

Use case 2: Change the login password of admin. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. Admin selects the command to change the password. 2. The system is asked to type the current password, new password & again the new password to confirm it. 3. Admin provides the current password, new password & confirm new password. 4. System does authentication. 5. New password is stored in the system. Alternative scenario: 4(a). Authorization fails. 4(a) 1. A message is shown to the admin that the provided current password is wrong. 4(a) 2. Allow the admin to re-enter the current password. 3 chances will be given. 4(b). New password doesn’t match with the confirm new password. 4(b) 1. A message is shown to the admin that the provided new password doesn’t match with the current new password. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document 4(b) 2. Allow the admin to re-enter the new password & confirm new password. User case related to registration of a donor Use case 3: Register the donor by himself. Primary actor: Donor. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Main scenario: 1. Log into the official blood bank website. 2. Admin initiates the command to starts the application “Upakara - WBBDS” 3. System is shown the all features of the system. 4. Donor initiates the register of a donor command. 5. A small questionnaire is given to the donor, which is related to personal & contact details. 6.

The donor answers the questionnaire & goes to the next page.

7. The system does authentication. 8. The system asks the donor to submit the health condition report & the evidence report of blood group. 9. The donor submits those reports to the system & finishes the registration. 10. The system does authentication. 11. The registration details are sending to blood bank authorities through an e-mail. 12. Authorities approve details & reports. Send the approval to the system admin. 13. Store registration details in the system database. Alert the donor by sending e-mails & SMS messages to the donor about the registration. Send the user name & the password to the donor in order to log into the system. Alternative scenario: 7(a). Donor doesn’t provide the answers to some main questions completely. 7(a) 1. A message is shown to the donor that he/she hasn’t answered properly. 7(a) 2. Highlight those questions. Allow 3 chances the donor to re-answer those remaining questions. 7(b). Donor has entered an invalid mobile phone number. 7(b) 1. An error message is shown to the donor that the mobile number contains invalid number of characters. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document 10(a). Donor doesn’t submit the required reports. 10(a) 1. A message is shown to the donor that he/she hasn’t submitted the required reports. 10(a) 2. Allow 3 chances to the donor to submit the required reports again. 12(a). Authorities don’t approve the registration details of the donor. 12(a) 1. Details will not store in the database. 12(a) 2. Send a message to that person about the rejection of the application. Ask him to register again.

Use case 4: Register the donor by system admin. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Administrator logged in. Main scenario: 1. Admin select the donor registration command. 2. A small questionnaire is given to the admin which is related to personal & contact details of the donor. 3. Type all details of a donor which is approved by the hospital authorities & goes to next page. 4. System does authentication. 5. The system asks the admin to submit the health condition report & the evidence report of blood group. 6. Admin submits the relevant reports which are approved by the hospital authorities & finishes the registration. 7. System does authentication. 8. Store registration details in the system database. Alert the donor by sending e-mails & SMS messages to the donor about the registration. Send the user name & the password to the donor in order to log into the system. Alternative scenario: 4(a). Admin doesn’t provide the answers to some main questions completely. 4(a) 1. A message is shown to the admin that he hasn’t answered properly to questions. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document 4(a) 2. Highlight those questions. Allow admin to re-answer those questions. 4(b). Admin has entered an invalid mobile phone number. 4(b) 1. An error message is shown to the admin that the mobile number contains invalid number of characters. 7(a). Admin doesn’t submit the required reports. 7(a) 1. A message is shown to the admin that he hasn’t submitted the required reports. 7(a) 2. Allow admin to submit the required reports again.

Use case 5: Login of the donor. Primary actor: Donor. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Main scenario: 1. Log into the official blood bank website. 2. Admin initiates the command to starts the application “Upakara - WBBDS” 3. System is shown the all features of the system. 4. Selects the “Login of a donor” command. 5. The system asking for the user name & the password. 6. Donor provides the username & the password. 7. System does authentication. 8. Relevant application relevant to a donor is displayed. Alternative scenario: 7(a). Authorization fails. 7(a) 1. A message is given to the user that the provided password is wrong. 7(a) 2. Allow the admin to re-enter the password. 3 chances will be given.

Use case 6: Change the login password of the donor. Primary actor: Donor. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Donor logged in. Main scenario: 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document 1. Donor selects the command to change the password. 2. The system is asked to type the current password, new password & again the new password to confirm it. 3. Donor provides the current password, new password & confirm new password. 4. System does authentication. 5. New password is stored in the system. Alternative scenario: 4(a). Authorization fails. 4(a) 1. A message is given to the donor that the provided current password is wrong. 4(a) 2. Allow the donor to re-enter the current password. 5 chances will be given. 4(b). New password doesn’t match with the confirm new password. 4(b) 1. Allow the donor to re-enter the new password & confirm new password.

Use cases related to change the registration details of donors. Use case 7: Change personal, contact details by the donor himself. Primary actor: Donor. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Donor logged in. Main scenario: 1. Donor initiates the command to edit profile details. 2. The system provides the filled application of the exact donor. 3. Donor changes personal & contact details & finishes. 4. System does authentication. 5. New details will replace the past details & store in the system. Alternative scenario: 4(a). Donor doesn’t provide the answers to some main questions completely. 4(a) 1. A message is shown to the donor that he hasn’t answered properly to questions. 4(a) 2. Highlight those questions. Allow the donor to re-answer those questions. 4(b). Donor has entered an invalid mobile phone number. 4(b) 1. An error message is shown to the donor that the mobile number contains invalid number of characters. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document

Use case 8: Change personal, contact details by system admin. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. System administrator initiates the command to edit profile details of donors. 2. System asks admin to enter the donor’s registration number & the identity card number. 3. Admin provides the registration number & the identity card number of the donor. 4. System does authentication. 5. The system provides the filled application of the exact donor. 6. Admin changes personal & contact details & finishes. 7. System does authentication. 8. New details will replace the past details & store in the system. Alternative scenario: 4(a). Authorization fails. 4(a) 1. A message is given to the admin that the registration number doesn’t match with the id number. 4(a) 2. Allow the admin to re-enter the registration number & the identity number. 3 chances will be given. 7(a). Admin doesn’t provide the answers to some main questions completely. 7(a) 1. A message is shown to the admin that he hasn’t answered properly to questions. 7(a) 2. Highlight those questions. Allow the admin to re-answer those questions. 7(b). Admin has entered an invalid mobile phone number. 7(b) 1. An error message is shown to the admin that the mobile number contains invalid number of characters.

User case related to withdraw names from the donor list. Use case 9: Withdraw reg. details by the donor. Primary actor: Donor. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Donor logged in. Main scenario: 1.

Donor selects the command to withdraw details from the system.

2. System is shown a message to the donor in order to confirm the decision. 3. Donor confirms the decision. 4. Donor will logged out from the system. 5. Donor will get a thank you note from the system to their mobile phones.

Use case 10: Withdraw reg. details by the admin. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. Admin initiates the command to edit donor details. 2. System is shown the sub commands of the edit donor list command. 3. Admin selects the command to remove donor from the system. 4. System asks the registration number & the identity card number of the donor. 5. Admin submits the registration number & the identity card number of the donor. 6. System does authentication. 7. System is shown all details of the donor & system asks to confirm the decision. 8. Admin confirms the decision. 9. All details of that donor are removed from the database. 10. Donor will get a thank you note from the system to their mobile phones. Alternative scenario: 6(a). Authorization fails. 6(a) 1. A message is given to the admin that the registration number doesn’t match with the id number. 6(a) 2. Allow the admin to re-enter the registration number & the identity number. 3 chances will be given.


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Software Requirement Specification Document User case related to inform blood donation details. Use case 11: Send blood donation details to the relevant donors. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. Blood bank authorities request for a blood group. 2. Admin selects the command to search donors for exact blood type. 3. System asks to insert the blood group. 4. Admin inserts the needed blood group details. 5. System searches the latest donation details of relevant blood donors. Select donors for the donation. 6. System is shown the details of donors’ who can donate blood to that blood group. 7. System alerts all donors who can donate blood to that needed blood group, about the requirement & a complete detail about the donation according to the blood bank authorities. 8. Donors who are willing to attend to the donation will reply to the system. Alternative scenario: 5(a). The donor has contributed to a donation within last 5 months. 5(a) 1. Ignore the names of that kind of donors from the chosen list. 5(b). There are no donors in the system who can donate blood to that blood group. 5(a) 1. System is shown a message that no matching donors for the donation.

Use cases related to replace the older HC certificates. Use case 12: Replace donors HC certificates. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. Consider the submission date of the health condition report of those replied donors. 2. The submission date of the HC certificate of those replies donors is older than 5 month. 3. System is shown the names of that kind of donors to the admin. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document 4. The system admin send the donors’ names to the blood bank authorities. 5. Blood bank authorities will get new HC certificates from required donors at the donation day & send those details to the system admin. 6. Admin initiates the command to edit donors’ profile details. 7. The system is shown the sub directories of that command. 8. Admin initiates the command to replace HC certificates of donors. 9. System is shown the list of relevant replied donors for that latest donation. 10. Admin submits the reports with respect to the each relevant donor’s registration number & select finish command. 11. System is shown the names of donors with latest submissions of medical reports & asks for the confirmation. 12. Admin confirms the report details. 13. New reports will replace the past reports & store in the database.

Use cases related to inform blood testing to the donor. Use case 13: Send blood testing details. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. Blood bank authorities send blood testing details of donors, to the system admin who is found to be having diseases. 2.

Admin store those details with respect to each donor.

3. The admin alerts the relevant donors about disease & sends them the blood testing details through e-mails & SMS messages. 4. Relevant doctors’ details are also provided by the system administrator to the donor through SMS messages. 5. The names of that kind of donors will remove from the donors list.

Use case related to search access the database. Use case 14: Search relevant details from the database. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. Admin initiates the command to search details from the database. 2. System asks the admin to initiate the database id of relevant sections that he wants to access. 3. Admin provides the relevant database ID for the section. 4. System displays the relevant details from the database. Alternative scenario: 4(a). There are no details for the initialized section. 4(a) 1. System is shown a message indicating that there are no any details in that section.

Use cases related to print statements. Use case 15: Print the list of newly registered donors, donation details & list of removed names as statements. Primary actor: System administrator. Pre Condition: Internet connection should be available. Admin logged in. Main scenario: 1. Admin select the command to print statements. 2. The system is shown a window with relevant commands. 3. The admin selects the details that he wants to print. List of newly registered donors Blood donation details of donors Removed names of donors 4. The system asks for the duration 5. The admin provides the duration & finishes. 6. The system prints relevant statements. Alternative scenario: 5(a). There are no any statements for that exact duration. 2010cs048

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Software Requirement Specification Document 5(a) 1. System is shown a message indicating that there are no any statements for that exact duration.


external interface requirements The system is basically running on the official website of the govt. blood bank. Mainly

there are 2 actors in the system. The system provides some advance features to the system admin than the donor. If the system admin logs in, the system interface provides some main command buttons to the admin. Change login password. Edit donor profile details. Search Donors for a exact blood group & send messages Print statements. Update the database Send blood testing Details. Search details from the database. If the donor logs in, the system will provide another different interface with different commands. Change login password Edit personal, contact details. Details related to contributions to donation. Future blood donation details. Withdraw name from the system.


performance requirements Should run on 500 GHz, 64MB machine. Should have a proper internet connection. The response time for occurs a change will be no more than 4 seconds. The response time for access the database will be no more than 5 seconds.


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Software Requirement Specification Document 3.4

design constraints Data should not become corrupted in case of network failure, system crash or power failure. Security – The system is consisting of the features to keep the privacy of every donor. Any donor cannot see any detail of any other donor.


Attributes The system will posses some quality attributes to the users. Robustness The entire system includes every function which is always help to the system to work correctly & strongly in all conditions.

Reliability The system has the ability to work all the time without failures apart from network failure. The donor can have the faith on the system. The authorities will keep the privacy of all donors in a proper manner. When doctors found any disease in the testing stage after providing relevant details to the donor the system keeps the secretively of the donor. Portability As mentioned earlier the system is working on the official website of the blood bank. Therefore if a donor uses different operating system (Linux, Windows) or different web browser, after logging into the system, the system will show the all features in it. Modularity The system mainly consists of many parts. SMS indicating part is the largest part of all. In that section the system interact with the indicating device. Ultimately however the system manages to combine all parts of the system & work as a large system.

Interoperability In here the system Upakara will run on the blood bank website. Therefore the system includes the ability to work with the other applications which are also run on the same website. 2010cs048

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OTHER requirements Security – This system doesn’t have a tight security system. Because people who log into the system are volunteers who like to donate blood for innocent patients. But the system consists of some security features. o Any donor cannot see any detail of any other donor. o If a donor doesn’t manage to provide his user name & the password in 3 times the user automatically will log out from the website.


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Software Requirement Specification Document

Appendix a: Use case diagram

System Authorization

Donor Registration

Change Reg. Details of Donors

Withdraw Donors from the List

Inform Blood Donation Details System Administrator

Blood Donor Replace HC Certificates

Inform Blood Testing Details

Acess the Database

Print Statements

- Figure -1


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Software Requirement Specification Document

Appendix b: class diagram

User -User_Name -Password -Database_ID +Login() +Change_Password() +Donor_ Registration() +Chage_Reg_Details() +Withdraw_Donor() *

-Report_Name -Report_Duration +Print_Report() +Display_Report()






-Reg_Number -Blood_Group -ID_Number -Mobile_Phone_Number -E-mail_Address -Database_ID +Future_Donation_Details() +Donation_Contribution_Details() +Edit_Profile()



-Database_ID +Print_Reports() +Search_Donors() +Replace_HC_Certificates() +Inform_Blood_Testing_Details() +Search_Database_Details()


Test_Detail Donation

-Database_ID +Acess_Database() +Store_Details() +Remove_Details()



-Donor_Reg_Number -Donor_ID_Number -Database_ID +Send_BloodTesting_Details()

-Blood_Group -Donation_Date -Donation_Venue -Donation_Starting_Time -Database_ID +Future_Donation_Details() +Search_Blood_Donors() +Send_Donation_Request()


Alert -Alert_Type +Clarify_Alert() +Display_Alert_Details() * *


SMS_Alert -Mobile_Phone_Number -Database_ID +Send_SMS_&_Save() +Read_SMS_&_Save()

- Figure -2 2010cs048

Email_Alert -Email_Address -Database_ID +Send_Email_&_Save() +Read_Email_&_Save()


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Software Requirement Specification Document Appendix c: user interface diagrams

Some major sections in the system interface is given below. Upakara – The Web Based Blood Donation System File








Admin has Logged in

Edit Donor Profile Details Sub Features

Main Features Change Password Edit Donor Profile Details

Register a new Donor

Search Donors & send messages Edit Donor Details Print Statements Remove a Donor

Update the Database

Search Details of a Donor

Send Blood Testing Setails Search from the Database

Replace HC Cretificates

Log Out

- Figure 3- The user interface for the administrator of the system

Upakara – The Web Based Blood Donation System File








A Donor has Logged in

Change Password

N.P.S.S.Manorathna User Name – 2010cs048 Reg Date – 2011.05.29

Current Password

T.P No – 071 2112684 New Password

Main Features

Confirm New Password

Change Password Edit Personal, Contact Details OK

Donation Contribution Details Future Blood Donation Details

- Figure 4- The user interface for a donor of the system 2010cs048

of the system

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Software Requirement Specification Document Upakara – The Web Based Blood Donation System File








Registration of a Donor Registration of a Donor Name in full Date of Birth




National Identity Number Blood Group










E-mail Address Mobile Phone Number

Next Page

- Figure 5 - User interface related to Registration of a new donor - page1

of the system

Upakara – The Web Based Blood Donation System File








Registration of a Donor Registration of a Donor Submit the health condition cretificate Brows.. A acceptance of a authorized doctor is needed

Submit the evidence report of blood group Brows..

Finish Submission

- Figure 6- The user interface related to Registration of a new donor – page 2 of the system 2010cs048

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